2--  Framework.Language.Scanner - Package body                       --
3--                                                                  --
4--  This software  is (c) The European Organisation  for the Safety --
5--  of Air  Navigation (EUROCONTROL) and Adalog  2004-2005. The Ada --
6--  Controller  is  free software;  you can redistribute  it and/or --
7--  modify  it under  terms of  the GNU  General Public  License as --
8--  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or --
9--  (at your  option) any later version.  This  unit is distributed --
10--  in the hope  that it will be useful,  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; --
11--  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS --
12--  FOR A  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU  General Public License --
13--  for more details.   You should have received a  copy of the GNU --
14--  General Public License distributed  with this program; see file --
15--  COPYING.   If not, write  to the  Free Software  Foundation, 59 --
16--  Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.           --
17--                                                                  --
18--  As  a special  exception, if  other files  instantiate generics --
19--  from the units  of this program, or if you  link this unit with --
20--  other files  to produce  an executable, this  unit does  not by --
21--  itself cause the resulting executable  to be covered by the GNU --
22--  General  Public  License.   This  exception  does  not  however --
23--  invalidate any  other reasons why the executable  file might be --
24--  covered by the GNU Public License.                              --
25--                                                                  --
26--  This  software is  distributed  in  the hope  that  it will  be --
27--  useful,  but WITHOUT  ANY  WARRANTY; without  even the  implied --
28--  warranty  of  MERCHANTABILITY   or  FITNESS  FOR  A  PARTICULAR --
29--  PURPOSE.                                                        --
32with   -- Standard Ada units
33  Ada.Characters.Handling,
34  Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed,
35  Ada.Wide_Text_IO;
37with -- Application specific units
38  Utilities;
39package body Framework.Language.Scanner is
40   use Ada.Wide_Text_IO;
42   ------------------------------------------------------------------
43   -- Internal utilities                                           --
44   ------------------------------------------------------------------
46   -- Invariants:
47   -- The_Token is the current token
48   -- Cur_Char is the next character to process, undefined if
49   --   At_Eol is true meaning that the current character is the
50   --   end of line.
51   -- To get a more natural behaviour in interactive mode, Next_Token
52   -- just marks the token as delayed, actual scanning of token will take
53   -- place at the first call to Current_Token.
55   The_Token     : Token;
56   Token_Delayed : Boolean := True;
57   String_Token  : Boolean;
59   Origin_Is_String : Boolean := False;
60   Cur_Char         : Wide_Character;
61   At_Eol           : Boolean;
62   Source_String    : Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_String;
63   Source_Last      : Natural;
65   Current_File   : Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_String;
66   Current_Line   : Asis.Text.Line_Number;
67   Current_Column : Asis.Text.Character_Position;
68   Current_Prompt : Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_String;
69   Prompt_Active  : Boolean := False;
71   ---------------
72   -- Next_Char --
73   ---------------
75   --  Buffer size is arbitrary, make it big enough for (almost) all
76   --  input lines to fit in. Note that the size of input lines is NOT
77   --  limited by the buffer size, it is just a matter of optimization
78   Buffer   : Wide_String (1..200);
79   Buf_Inx  : Natural := 1;
80   Buf_Last : Natural := 0;
82   procedure Next_Char is
83      use Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed;
84      use type Asis.ASIS_Integer;   -- Gela-ASIS compatibility
85   begin
86      if Buf_Inx = Buf_Last and Buf_Last = Buffer'Last then
87         -- Buffer was too short, read next part
88         -- (may read an empty string, but it's OK)
89         if Origin_Is_String then
90            Buf_Last := Integer'Min (Buffer'Length, Length (Source_String) - Source_Last);
91            Buffer (1 .. Buf_Last) := Slice (Source_String, Source_Last + 1, Source_Last + Buf_Last);
92            Source_Last := Source_Last + Buf_Last;
93         else
94            Get_Line (Current_Input, Buffer, Buf_Last);
95         end if;
96         Buf_Inx        := 1;
97         Current_Column := Current_Column + 1;
99      elsif At_Eol then
100         if Origin_Is_String then
101            -- if From_String, End of Line => End Of File
102            raise End_Error;
103         end if;
105         if Current_Prompt /= Null_Unbounded_Wide_String then
106            if Prompt_Active then
107               -- Here, we have fresh new user input
108               -- => Cancel any previous error flag
109               Rule_Error_Occurred := False;
110               Put (Current_Error, To_Wide_String (Current_Prompt) & ": ");
111            else
112               Put (Current_Error, Length (Current_Prompt) * '.' & ": ");
113            end if;
114         end if;
116         Get_Line (Current_Input, Buffer, Buf_Last);
117         Buf_Inx        := 1;
118         Current_Line   := Current_Line + 1;
119         Current_Column := 1;
121      else
122         Buf_Inx        := Buf_Inx + 1;
123         Current_Column := Current_Column + 1;
124      end if;
126      if Buf_Inx > Buf_Last then
127         -- Includes case of empty line
128         At_Eol := True;
129         return;
130      end if;
132      At_Eol        := False;
133      Prompt_Active := False;
134      Cur_Char      := Buffer (Buf_Inx);
135   end Next_Char;
137   ---------------------
138   -- Look_Ahead_Char --
139   ---------------------
141   function Look_Ahead_Char return Wide_Character is
142   begin
143      if Buf_Inx = Buf_Last and Buf_Last = Buffer'Last then
144         -- Buffer was too short, read next part
145          -- (may read an empty string, but it's OK)
146          -- Keep current char in buffer to maintain invariant
147         Buffer (1) := Cur_Char;
148         if Origin_Is_String then
149            Buf_Last := Integer'Min (Buffer'Length, Length (Source_String) - Source_Last) - 1;
150            Buffer (2 .. Buf_Last) := Slice (Source_String, Source_Last + 1, Source_Last + Buf_Last);
151            Source_Last := Source_Last + Buf_Last;
152         else
153            Get_Line (Current_Input, Buffer (2 .. Buffer'Last), Buf_Last);
154         end if;
155         Buf_Inx := 1;
156      end if;
158      if Buf_Inx = Buffer'Last then
159         -- End of line, pretend there is an extra space
160         return ' ';
161      end if;
162      return Buffer (Buf_Inx + 1);
163   end Look_Ahead_Char;
166   -----------------------
167   -- Actual_Next_Token --
168   -----------------------
170   -- The following declaration ensures that we get an error if we add a Character_Token
171   -- and forget to modify the following elements.
172   Char_Tokens : constant Wide_String (Token_Kind'Pos (Character_Token_Kind'First) ..
173                                       Token_Kind'Pos (Character_Token_Kind'Last))
174     := "{}()<>|':;,.=";
175   Char_Token_Values : constant array (Char_Tokens'Range) of Token
176     := ((Kind => Left_Bracket,      Position => Null_Location),
177         (Kind => Right_Bracket,     Position => Null_Location),
178         (Kind => Left_Parenthesis,  Position => Null_Location),
179         (Kind => Right_Parenthesis, Position => Null_Location),
180         (Kind => Left_Angle,        Position => Null_Location),
181         (Kind => Right_Angle,       Position => Null_Location),
182         (Kind => Vertical_Bar,      Position => Null_Location),
183         (Kind => Tick,              Position => Null_Location),
184         (Kind => Colon,             Position => Null_Location),
185         (Kind => Semi_Colon,        Position => Null_Location),
186         (Kind => Comma,             Position => Null_Location),
187         (Kind => Period,            Position => Null_Location),
188         (Kind => Equal,             Position => Null_Location));
190   procedure Actual_Next_Token (Force_String : Boolean := False) is
191      use Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed;
192      use Thick_Queries, Utilities;
194      First_Line   : Asis.Text.Line_Number;
195      First_Column : Asis.Text.Character_Position;
197      procedure Get_Name (Extended : Boolean) is
198         use Ada.Characters.Handling;
199      begin
200         The_Token := (Kind        => Name,
201                       Position    => (Current_File, First_Line, First_Column),
202                       Name_Length => 1,
203                       Name_Text   => (1 => Cur_Char, others => ' '),
204                       Key         => Not_A_Key);
205         Next_Char;
207         loop   --## rule line off simplifiable_statements ## exit OK, since we have several ones
208            exit when At_Eol;
210            if Extended then
211               exit when Cur_Char = ';';
212            else
213               exit when Cur_Char <= ' ';
214               exit when not Is_Letter (To_Character (Cur_Char))
215                 and not Is_Digit (To_Character (Cur_Char))
216                 and Cur_Char /= '_';
217            end if;
219            if The_Token.Name_Length = The_Token.Name_Text'Last then
220               Syntax_Error ("Identifier too long", The_Token.Position);
221            end if;
222            The_Token.Name_Length := The_Token.Name_Length + 1;
223            The_Token.Name_Text (The_Token.Name_Length) := Cur_Char;
224            Next_Char;
225         end loop;
226      end Get_Name;
228      procedure Get_String  is
229         Quote_Char : constant Wide_Character := Cur_Char;
230      begin
231         The_Token := (Kind          => String_Value,
232                       Position      => (Current_File, First_Line, First_Column),
233                       String_Length => 0,
234                       String_Text   => (others => ' '));
235         Next_Char;
236         loop
237            if At_Eol then
238               Syntax_Error ("Unterminated quoted string", The_Token.Position);
239            end if;
240            if Cur_Char = Quote_Char then
241               Next_Char;
242               exit when At_Eol or Cur_Char /= Quote_Char;
243            end if;
245            if The_Token.String_Length = The_Token.String_Text'Last then
246               Syntax_Error ("String too long", The_Token.Position);
247            end if;
248            The_Token.String_Length := The_Token.String_Length + 1;
249            The_Token.String_Text (The_Token.String_Length) := Cur_Char;
250            Next_Char;
251         end loop;
252      end Get_String;
254      function Get_Integer return Biggest_Int is
255         -- Precondition: Cur_Char in '0'..'9' or '-'
256         Result   : Biggest_Int;
257         Negative : Boolean     := False;
258         Num_Base : Biggest_Int := 10;
260         function Get_Numeral (Base : in Biggest_Int; Stop_On_E : Boolean) return Biggest_Int is
261            -- Precondition: Cur_Char in '0'..'9', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F'
262            Num        : Biggest_Int := 0;
263            Digit      : Biggest_Int;
264            Prev_Is_US : Boolean := False;
265         begin
266            while not At_Eol loop
267               if Stop_On_E and then (Cur_Char = 'e' or Cur_Char = 'E') then
268                  exit;
269               end if;
270               case Cur_Char is
271                  when '0' .. '9' =>
272                     Digit      := Wide_Character'Pos (Cur_Char) - Wide_Character'Pos ('0');
273                     Prev_Is_US := False;
274                  when 'a' .. 'f' =>
275                     Digit      := Wide_Character'Pos (Cur_Char) - Wide_Character'Pos ('a') + 10;
276                     Prev_Is_US := False;
277                  when 'A' .. 'F' =>
278                     Digit      := Wide_Character'Pos (Cur_Char) - Wide_Character'Pos ('A') + 10;
279                     Prev_Is_US := False;
280                  when '_' =>
281                     if Prev_Is_US then
282                        Syntax_Error ("Consecutive underscores not allowed in numbers",
283                                      (Current_File, Current_Line, Current_Column));
284                     end if;
285                     Prev_Is_US := True;
286                  when others =>
287                     exit;
288               end case;
289               Next_Char;
291               if Digit >= Base then
292                  Syntax_Error ("Invalid character in number",
293                                (Current_File, Current_Line, Current_Column));
294               end if;
295               if not Prev_Is_US then
296                  Num := Num * Base + Digit;
297               end if;
298            end loop;
299            if Prev_Is_US then
300               Syntax_Error ("Trailing underscores not allowed in numbers",
301                             (Current_File, Current_Line, Current_Column));
302            end if;
303            return Num;
304         end Get_Numeral;
305      begin   -- Get_Integer
306         if Cur_Char = '-' then
307            Negative := True;
308            Next_Char;
309            if Cur_Char not in '0' .. '9' then
310               Syntax_Error ("Invalid character in number",
311                             (Current_File, Current_Line, Current_Column));
312            end if;
313         end if;
315         Result := Get_Numeral (Base => 10, Stop_On_E => True);
317         if Cur_Char = '#' then
318            Next_Char;
319            Num_Base := Result;
320            if Num_Base not in 2..16 then
321               Syntax_Error ("Invalid value for base",
322                             (Current_File, Current_Line, Current_Column));
323            end if;
324            Result   := Get_Numeral (Num_Base, Stop_On_E => False);
325            if Cur_Char /= '#' then
326               Syntax_Error ("Missing closing '#' in based number",
327                             (Current_File, Current_Line, Current_Column));
328            end if;
329            Next_Char;
330         end if;
332         if Cur_Char = 'e' or Cur_Char = 'E' then
333            Next_Char;
334            if Cur_Char not in '0' .. '9' then
335               Syntax_Error ("Exponent must be followed by (unsigned) number",
336                             (Current_File, Current_Line, Current_Column));
337            end if;
338            Result := Result * Num_Base ** Integer (Get_Numeral(Base => 10, Stop_On_E => True));
339         end if;
341         if Negative then
342            Result := -Result;
343         end if;
344         return Result;
345      end Get_Integer;
347   begin   -- Actual_Next_Token
348      Token_Delayed := False;
350      if The_Token.Kind = Eof then
351         -- Eof found => stay there
352         return;
353      end if;
355      loop
356         if At_Eol then
357            -- Skip empty lines
358            Next_Char;
359         elsif Cur_Char = '#' or else (Cur_Char = '-' and then Look_Ahead_Char = '-') then
360            -- Skip comment
361            while not At_Eol loop
362               Next_Char;
363            end loop;
364         elsif Cur_Char > ' ' then
365            exit;
366         else
367            Next_Char;
368         end if;
369      end loop;
371      -- Here we have read a non-blank character
372      First_Line   := Current_Line;
373      First_Column := Current_Column;
375      if Force_String then
376         Get_Name (Extended => True);
378      else
379         case Cur_Char is
380            when '{' | '}' | '(' | ')' | '<' | '>' | '|' | ''' | ':' | ';' | ',' | '.' | '=' =>
381               The_Token := Char_Token_Values (Index (Char_Tokens, Cur_Char & ""));
382               The_Token.Position := (Current_File, First_Line, First_Column);
383               Next_Char;
385            when '0' .. '9' | '-' =>
386               declare
387                  Integer_Part    : Biggest_Int;
388                  Fractional_Part : Float;
389                  Exponent_Part   : Integer := 0;
390                  Exponent_Sign   : Integer := +1;
391               begin
392                  begin
393                     Integer_Part := Get_Integer;
394                  exception
395                     when Constraint_Error =>
396                        The_Token := (Kind     => Bad_Integer,
397                                      Position => (Current_File, First_Line, First_Column));
398                        return;
399                  end;
401                  if Cur_Char = '.' then
402                     Next_Char;
403                     if Cur_Char not in '0' .. '9' then
404                        Syntax_Error ("Illegal real value", (Current_File, Current_Line, Current_Column));
405                     end if;
407                     begin
408                        Fractional_Part := Float (Get_Integer);
409                     exception
410                        when Constraint_Error =>
411                           The_Token := (Kind     => Bad_Float,
412                                         Position => (Current_File, First_Line, First_Column));
413                           return;
414                     end;
416                     while Fractional_Part >= 1.0 loop
417                        Fractional_Part := Fractional_Part / 10.0;
418                     end loop;
419                     if Integer_Part < 0 then
420                        Fractional_Part := -Fractional_Part;
421                     end if;
423                     if Cur_Char = 'e' or Cur_Char = 'E' then
424                        Next_Char;
425                        case Cur_Char is
426                           when '+' =>
427                              Next_Char;
428                           when '-' =>
429                              Exponent_Sign := -1;
430                              Next_Char;
431                           when others =>
432                              null;
433                        end case;
435                        if Cur_Char not in '0' .. '9' then
436                           Syntax_Error ("Illegal exponent of real value",
437                                         (Current_File, Current_Line, Current_Column));
438                        end if;
440                        Exponent_Part := Integer (Get_Integer);
441                     end if;
443                     The_Token := (Kind     => Float_Value,
444                                   Position => (Current_File, First_Line, First_Column),
445                                   Fvalue   => (Float (Integer_Part) + Fractional_Part)
446                                               * 10.0 ** (Exponent_Sign * Exponent_Part));
447                  else
448                     The_Token := (Kind     => Integer_Value,
449                                   Position => (Current_File, First_Line, First_Column),
450                                   Value    => Integer_Part);
451                  end if;
452               end;
454            when '~' | '"' =>
455               Get_String;
457            when 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '_' => -- We allow '_' because of "_anonymous_"
458               Get_Name (Extended => False);
460               -- Check for keywords
461               declare
462                  To_Check : constant Wide_String
463                    := "KEY_" & To_Upper (The_Token.Name_Text (1..The_Token.Name_Length));
464               begin
465                  for Key in Key_Kind range Key_Kind'First .. Key_Kind'Pred (Not_A_Key) loop
466                     if To_Check = Key_Kind'Wide_Image (Key) then
467                        The_Token.Key := Key;
468                        exit;
469                     end if;
470                  end loop;
471               end;
473            when others =>
474               declare
475                  Bad_Char : constant Wide_Character := Cur_Char;
476               begin
477                  Next_Char;
478                  Syntax_Error ("Unexpected character: " & Bad_Char,
479                                (Current_File, Current_Line, Current_Column));
480               end;
481         end case;
482      end if;
483   exception
484      when End_Error =>
485         The_Token := (Kind => Eof,
486                       Position => (Current_File, Current_Line, Current_Column));
487      when others =>
488         The_Token := (Kind     => Bad_Token,
489                       Position => (Current_File, First_Line, First_Column));
490         raise;
491   end Actual_Next_Token;
493   ------------------------------------------------------------------
494   -- Exported subprograms                                         --
495   ------------------------------------------------------------------
497   -------------------
498   -- Current_Token --
499   -------------------
501   function Current_Token return Token is
502   begin
503      if Token_Delayed then
504         Actual_Next_Token (String_Token);
505      end if;
506      return The_Token;
507   end Current_Token;
509   ----------------
510   -- Next_Token --
511   ----------------
513   procedure Next_Token (Force_String : Boolean := False; No_Delay : Boolean := False) is
514   begin
515      if No_Delay then
516         Actual_Next_Token (Force_String);
517      else
518         Token_Delayed := True;
519         String_Token  := Force_String;
520      end if;
521   end Next_Token;
523   ----------------
524   -- Set_Prompt --
525   ----------------
527   procedure Set_Prompt (Prompt : Wide_String) is
528   begin
529      Current_Prompt := To_Unbounded_Wide_String (Prompt);
530      Prompt_Active  := True;
531   end Set_Prompt;
533   ---------------------
534   -- Activate_Prompt --
535   ---------------------
537   procedure Activate_Prompt is
538   begin
539      Prompt_Active := True;
540   end Activate_Prompt;
542   ----------------
543   -- Start_Scan --
544   ----------------
546   procedure Start_Scan (From_String : Boolean; Source : Wide_String) is
547      use type Asis.ASIS_Integer;   -- Gela-ASIS compatibility
548   begin
549      Origin_Is_String := From_String;
550      Current_Line     := 1;
551      Current_Column   := 0;
553      if Origin_Is_String then
554         Source_String := To_Unbounded_Wide_String (Source);
555         Current_File  := Null_Unbounded_Wide_String;
557         Buf_Last := Integer'Min (Buffer'Length, Length (Source_String));
558         Buffer (1 .. Buf_Last) := Slice (Source_String, 1, Buf_Last);
559         Source_Last := Buf_Last;
561      else
562         Current_File := To_Unbounded_Wide_String (Source);
563         if Current_Prompt /= Null_Unbounded_Wide_String then
564            Put (Current_Error, To_Wide_String (Current_Prompt) & ": ");
565         end if;
567         -- Get a non-empty line:
568         loop
569            Get_Line (Current_Input, Buffer, Buf_Last);
570            exit when Buf_Last >= 1;
571            Current_Line := Current_Line + 1;
572         end loop;
573      end if;
575      Buf_Inx       := 1;
576      Cur_Char      := Buffer (Buf_Inx);
577      At_Eol        := Buf_Inx > Buf_Last;   -- True for empty input string
578      Prompt_Active := False;
579      The_Token     := (Kind => Semi_Colon, Position => The_Token.Position); -- Make sure it is not Eof
581   exception
582      when End_Error =>
583         The_Token := (Kind     => Eof,
584                       Position => (Current_File, Current_Line, Current_Column));
585  end Start_Scan;
587   -----------
588   -- Image --
589   -----------
591   function Image (T : Token; Quote_String : Boolean := False) return Wide_String is
592      use Thick_Queries;
593      function Double_Quotes (S : Wide_String) return Wide_String is
594      begin
595         for I in S'Range loop
596            if S (I) = '"' then
597               return S (S'First .. I) & '"' & Double_Quotes (S (I + 1 .. S'Last));
598            end if;
599         end loop;
600         return S;
601      end Double_Quotes;
603   begin  -- Image
604      case T.Kind is
605         when Name =>
606            return T.Name_Text (1 .. T.Name_Length);
607         when Integer_Value =>
608            return  Biggest_Int_Img (T.Value);
609         when Float_Value =>
610            declare
611               Result : constant Wide_String := Float'Wide_Image (T.Fvalue);
612            begin
613               if T.Fvalue < 0.0 then
614                  return Result;
615               else
616                  return Result (2 .. Result'Length);
617               end if;
618            end;
619         when String_Value =>
620            if Quote_String then
621               return '"' & Double_Quotes (T.String_Text (1 .. T.String_Length)) & '"';
622            else
623               return T.String_Text (1 .. T.String_Length);
624            end if;
625         when Bad_Integer | Bad_Float | Bad_Token =>
626            return "#####";
627         when Character_Token_Kind =>
628            return (1 => Char_Tokens (Character_Token_Kind'Pos (T.Kind)));
629         when Eof =>
630            Utilities.Failure ("Token image for Eof");
631      end case;
632   end Image;
634   ----------------
635   -- Save_State --
636   ----------------
638   procedure Save_State (State : out Scanner_State) is
639   begin
640      State := (The_Token,
641                Token_Delayed,
642                Origin_Is_String,
643                Cur_Char,
644                At_Eol,
645                Source_String,
646                Source_Last,
648                Buffer,
649                Buf_Inx,
650                Buf_Last,
652                Current_File,
653                Current_Line,
654                Current_Column,
655                Current_Prompt,
656                Prompt_Active);
657   end Save_State;
659   -------------------
660   -- Restore_State --
661   -------------------
663   procedure Restore_State (State : in  Scanner_State) is
664   begin
665      The_Token        := State.The_Token;
666      Token_Delayed    := State.Token_Delayed;
667      Origin_Is_String := State.Origin_Is_String;
668      Cur_Char         := State.Cur_Char;
669      At_Eol           := State.At_Eol;
670      Source_String    := State.Source_String;
671      Source_Last      := State.Source_Last;
673      Buffer           := State.Buffer;
674      Buf_Inx          := State.Buf_Inx;
675      Buf_Last         := State.Buf_Last;
677      Current_File     := State.Current_File;
678      Current_Line     := State.Current_Line;
679      Current_Column   := State.Current_Column;
680      Current_Prompt   := State.Current_Prompt;
681      Prompt_Active    := State.Prompt_Active;
682   end Restore_State;
684   ---------------
685   -- Is_String --
686   ---------------
688   function Is_String (T : Token; Expected : Wide_String) return Boolean is
689      use Utilities;
690   begin
691      if T.Kind /= Name then
692         return False;
693      end if;
695      return To_Upper (T.Name_Text (1 .. T.Name_Length)) = Expected;
696   end Is_String;
698   -------------------
699   -- Reference_Dir --
700   -------------------
702   function Reference_Dir return Wide_String is
703      F_Name : constant Wide_String := To_Wide_String (Current_File);
704      Last : Natural := F_Name'Last;
705   begin
706      while Last >= 1 and then (F_Name (Last) /= '/' and F_Name (Last) /= '\') loop
707         Last := Last - 1;
708      end loop;
709      return F_Name (1..Last);
710   end Reference_Dir;
712end Framework.Language.Scanner;