2--  Framework.Language.Shared_Keys - Package body                   --
3--                                                                  --
4--  This software  is (c) The European Organisation  for the Safety --
5--  of Air  Navigation (EUROCONTROL) and Adalog  2004-2005. The Ada --
6--  Controller  is  free software;  you can redistribute  it and/or --
7--  modify  it under  terms of  the GNU  General Public  License as --
8--  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or --
9--  (at your  option) any later version.  This  unit is distributed --
10--  in the hope  that it will be useful,  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; --
11--  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS --
12--  FOR A  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU  General Public License --
13--  for more details.   You should have received a  copy of the GNU --
14--  General Public License distributed  with this program; see file --
15--  COPYING.   If not, write  to the  Free Software  Foundation, 59 --
16--  Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.           --
17--                                                                  --
18--  As  a special  exception, if  other files  instantiate generics --
19--  from the units  of this program, or if you  link this unit with --
20--  other files  to produce  an executable, this  unit does  not by --
21--  itself cause the resulting executable  to be covered by the GNU --
22--  General  Public  License.   This  exception  does  not  however --
23--  invalidate any  other reasons why the executable  file might be --
24--  covered by the GNU Public License.                              --
25--                                                                  --
26--  This  software is  distributed  in  the hope  that  it will  be --
27--  useful,  but WITHOUT  ANY  WARRANTY; without  even the  implied --
28--  warranty  of  MERCHANTABILITY   or  FITNESS  FOR  A  PARTICULAR --
29--  PURPOSE.                                                        --
32-- ASIS
34  Asis.Declarations,
35  Asis.Elements,
36  Asis.Expressions;
38-- Adacontrol
40  Scope_Manager,
41  Framework.Language.Scanner;
43package body Framework.Language.Shared_Keys is
45   type Min_Max is (Not_A_Bound, Min, Max);
46   package Min_Max_Utilities is new Modifier_Utilities (Min_Max);
49   -------------------
50   -- Is_Applicable --
51   -------------------
53   function Is_Applicable (Expected_Places : Places_Set) return Boolean is
54      use Scope_Manager, Scope_Places_Utilities, Thick_Queries;
55      use Asis, Asis.Elements;
56      Scope_Kind : constant Declaration_Kinds := Declaration_Kind (Current_Scope);
58      Locations  : constant Modifier_Set := (S_All        => False,
59                                             S_Block      => Statement_Kind (Current_Scope) = A_Block_Statement,
60                                             S_Library    => Current_Depth = 0,
61                                             S_Local      => not Is_Current_Scope_Global,
62                                             S_Own        => Scope_Kind = A_Package_Body_Declaration,
63                                             S_Private    => In_Private_Part,
64                                             S_Public     => (Scope_Kind = A_Package_Declaration
65                                                              or Scope_Kind = A_Generic_Package_Declaration)
66                                                             and not In_Private_Part,
67                                             S_In_Generic => Is_Generic_Unit (Current_Scope)
68                                                             or else Is_Part_Of_Generic (Current_Scope),
69                                             S_Task_Body  => Scope_Kind = A_Task_Body_Declaration);
70   begin
71      if Expected_Places.Specified (S_All) then
72         return True;
73      end if;
75      return (Expected_Places.Specified and Locations) = Expected_Places.Presence;
76   end Is_Applicable;
78   -----------
79   -- Image --
80   -----------
82   function Image (Set     : Places_Set;
83                   Default : Places_Set := No_Places) return Wide_String
84   is
85      use Scope_Places_Utilities;
87      function Image (From : Scope_Places) return Wide_String is
88         use  Utilities;
89      begin
90         if not Set.Specified (From) then
91            if From = Scope_Places'Last then
92               return "";
93            else
94               return Image (From => Scope_Places'Succ (From));
95            end if;
96         end if;
98         if From = Scope_Places'Last then
99            if Set.Presence (From) then
100               return Image (From, Lower_Case) & ' ';
101            else
102               return "not " & Image (From, Lower_Case) & ' ';
103            end if;
104         else
105            if Set.Presence (From) then
106               return Image (From, Lower_Case) & ' ' & Image (From => Scope_Places'Succ (From));
107            else
108               return "not " & Image (From, Lower_Case) & ' ' & Image (From => Scope_Places'Succ (From));
109            end if;
110         end if;
111      end Image;
112   begin    -- Image
113      if Set.Specified = (Set.Specified'Range => False) or else Set = Default then
114         return "";
115      end if;
117      return Image (From => Scope_Places'First);
118   end Image;
120   --------------------------
121   -- Help_On_Scope_Places --
122   --------------------------
124   procedure Help_On_Scope_Places (Header : Wide_String  := "";
125                                   Expected : Scope_Places_Utilities.Modifier_Set  := Scope_Places_Utilities.Full_Set)
126   is
127   begin
128      Scope_Places_Utilities.Help_On_Modifiers (Header => Header & " [not]", Expected => Expected);
129   end Help_On_Scope_Places;
132   ------------------------------
133   -- Get_Places_Set_Modifiers --
134   ------------------------------
136   function Get_Places_Set_Modifiers (Allow_All : Boolean := True) return  Places_Set is
137      use Scope_Places_Utilities, Framework.Language.Scanner;
138      Result   : Places_Set := No_Places;
139      Loc      : Scope_Places;
140      Found    : Boolean;
141      Presence : Boolean;
142   begin
143      loop
144         Presence := not Get_Modifier ("NOT");
145         Get_Modifier (Loc, Found, Expected => (S_All => Allow_All, others => True));
146         exit when not Found;
147         if Loc = S_All and not Presence then
148            Syntax_Error ("""all"" cannot be specified with ""not""", Current_Token.Position);
149         end if;
150         Result.Specified (Loc) := True;
151         Result.Presence  (Loc) := Presence;
152      end loop;
154      if Result = No_Places then
155         return Everywhere;
156      elsif Result.Specified (S_All) and Result.Specified /= Empty_Set then
157         Syntax_Error ("""all"" cannot be specified with other locations", Current_Token.Position);
158      else
159         return Result;
160      end if;
161   end Get_Places_Set_Modifiers;
163   ---------------------------
164   -- Get_Bounds_Parameters --
165   ---------------------------
167   function Get_Bounds_Parameters (Rule_Id      : Wide_String;
168                                   Bound_Min    : Thick_Queries.Biggest_Int := 0;
169                                   Bound_Max    : Thick_Queries.Biggest_Int := Thick_Queries.Biggest_Natural'Last;
170                                   Allow_Single : Boolean                   := False)
171                                   return Bounds_Values
172   is
173      use Thick_Queries, Min_Max_Utilities;
175      Min_Given : Boolean := False;
176      Max_Given : Boolean := False;
177      Result    : Bounds_Values := (Bound_Min, Bound_Max);
178   begin
179      if Allow_Single and then Is_Integer_Parameter then
180         Result.Min := Get_Integer_Parameter (Min => Bound_Min, Max => Bound_Max);
181         Result.Max := Result.Min;                --## rule line off Assignments
182         return Result;
183      end if;
185      while Parameter_Exists loop
186         case Min_Max'(Get_Modifier (Required => False)) is
187            when Not_A_Bound =>
188               exit;
189            when Min =>
190               if Min_Given then
191                  Parameter_Error (Rule_Id, "Min value given more than once");
192               end if;
193               Result.Min := Get_Integer_Parameter (Min => Bound_Min, Max => Bound_Max);
194               Min_Given  := True;
195            when Max =>
196               if Max_Given then
197                  Parameter_Error (Rule_Id, "Max value given more than once");
198               end if;
199               Result.Max := Get_Integer_Parameter (Min => Bound_Min, Max => Bound_Max);
200               Max_Given  := True;
201         end case;
202      end loop;
204      if Result.Min > Result.Max then
205         Parameter_Error (Rule_Id, "Min value must be less than Max");
206      end if;
208      return Result;
209   end Get_Bounds_Parameters;
211   -----------
212   -- Is_In --
213   -----------
215   function Is_In (Val : Thick_Queries.Biggest_Int; Bounds : Bounds_Values) return Boolean is
216   begin
217      return Val in Bounds.Min .. Bounds.Max;
218   end Is_In;
220   -----------------
221   -- Bound_Image --
222   -----------------
224   function Bound_Image (Bounds : Language.Shared_Keys.Bounds_Values) return Wide_String is
225      use Thick_Queries;
226   begin
227      if Bounds.Min = Bounds.Max then
228         return "not " & Biggest_Int_Img (Bounds.Min);
229      elsif Bounds.Min = Biggest_Int'First then
230         return "more than " & Biggest_Int_Img (Bounds.Max);
231      elsif Bounds.Max = Biggest_Int'Last then
232         return "less than " & Biggest_Int_Img (Bounds.Min);
233      else
234         return "not in " & Biggest_Int_Img (Bounds.Min) & " .. " & Biggest_Int_Img (Bounds.Max);
235      end if;
236   end Bound_Image;
238   --------------------
239   -- Help_On_Bounds --
240   --------------------
242   procedure Help_On_Bounds (Header : Wide_String  := "") is
243   begin
244      Min_Max_Utilities.Help_On_Modifiers (Header => Header, Expected => (Not_A_Bound => False, others => True));
245   end Help_On_Bounds;
247   -----------
248   -- Image --
249   -----------
251   function Image (Item : Thick_Queries.Type_Categories) return Wide_String is
252      use Thick_Queries;
253   begin
254      case Item is
255         when Not_A_Type =>
256            return "";
257         when An_Enumeration_Type =>
258            return "()";
259         when A_Signed_Integer_Type =>
260            return "RANGE";
261         when A_Modular_Type =>
262            return "MOD";
263         when A_Fixed_Point_Type =>
264            return "DELTA";
265         when A_Floating_Point_Type =>
266            return "DIGITS";
267         when An_Array_Type =>
268            return "ARRAY";
269         when A_Record_Type =>
270            return "RECORD";
271         when A_Tagged_Type =>
272            return "TAGGED";
273         when An_Extended_Tagged_Type =>
274            return "EXTENSION";
275         when An_Access_Type =>
276            return "ACCESS";
277         when A_Derived_Type =>
278            return "NEW";
279         when A_Private_Type =>
280            return "PRIVATE";
281         when A_Task_Type =>
282            return "TASK";
283         when A_Protected_Type =>
284            return "PROTECTED";
285      end case;
286   end Image;
288   -----------
289   -- Value --
290   -----------
292   function Value (Spec : Entity_Specification) return Categories is
293   begin
294      if Spec.Kind /= Regular_Id then
295         return Cat_Any;
296      end if;
297      return Value (To_Wide_String (Spec.Specification));
298   end Value;
301   -----------
302   -- Value --
303   -----------
305   function Value (Spec : Wide_String) return Categories is
306   begin
307      if Spec = "()" then
308         return Cat_Enum;
309      else
310         return Categories'Wide_Value ("CAT_" & Spec);
311      end if;
312   exception
313      when Constraint_Error =>
314         return Cat_Any;
315   end Value;
317   -------------
318   -- Matches --
319   -------------
321   Match_Table : constant array (Thick_Queries.Type_Categories) of Categories
322     := (Thick_Queries.Not_A_Type                   => Cat_Any,
323         -- For Matches: Since Cat_Any is eliminated first, will return false
324         Thick_Queries.An_Enumeration_Type          => Cat_Enum,
325         Thick_Queries.A_Signed_Integer_Type        => Cat_Range,
326         Thick_Queries.A_Modular_Type               => Cat_Mod,
327         Thick_Queries.A_Fixed_Point_Type           => Cat_Delta,
328         Thick_Queries.A_Floating_Point_Type        => Cat_Digits,
329         Thick_Queries.An_Array_Type                => Cat_Array,
330         Thick_Queries.A_Record_Type                => Cat_Record,
331         Thick_Queries.A_Tagged_Type                => Cat_Tagged,
332         Thick_Queries.An_Extended_Tagged_Type      => Cat_Extension,
333         Thick_Queries.An_Access_Type               => Cat_Access,
334         Thick_Queries.A_Derived_Type               => Cat_New,
335         Thick_Queries.A_Private_Type               => Cat_Private,
336         Thick_Queries.A_Task_Type                  => Cat_Task,
337         Thick_Queries.A_Protected_Type             => Cat_Protected);
339   function Matches (Elem               : in Asis.Element;
340                     Cat                : in Categories;
341                     Follow_Derived     : in Boolean := False;
342                     Privacy            : in Thick_Queries.Privacy_Policy := Thick_Queries.Stop_At_Private;
343                     Separate_Extension : in Boolean := False)
344                     return Boolean
345   is
346      use Thick_Queries;
347   begin
348      if Cat = Cat_Any then
349         return True;
350      end if;
351      return Match_Table (Type_Category (Elem, Follow_Derived, Privacy, Separate_Extension)) = Cat;
352   end Matches;
355   -----------------------
356   -- Matching_Category --
357   -----------------------
359   function Matching_Category (Elem               : in Asis.Element;
360                               From_Cats          : in Categories_Utilities.Unconstrained_Modifier_Set;
361                               Follow_Derived     : in Boolean := False;
362                               Privacy            : in Thick_Queries.Privacy_Policy := Thick_Queries.Stop_At_Private;
363                               Separate_Extension : in Boolean := False)
364                               return Categories
365   is
366      use Thick_Queries;
367      Cat : constant Categories := Match_Table (Type_Category (Elem, Follow_Derived, Privacy, Separate_Extension));
368   begin
369      if From_Cats (Cat) then
370         return Cat;
371      else
372         return Cat_Any;
373      end if;
374   end Matching_Category;
377   ---------------------------
378   -- Get_Aspects_Parameter --
379   ---------------------------
381   function Get_Aspects_Parameter (Rule_Id  : Wide_String;
382                                   Expected : Aspects_Set := (others => Present))
383                                   return Aspects_Set
384   is
385      use Aspects_Utilities, Utilities;
387      Result : Aspects_Set := (others => Unspecified);
388      Temp   : Aspect_Presence;
389      A      : Aspects;
390   begin
391      while Parameter_Exists loop
392         if Get_Modifier ("NOT") then
393            Temp := Absent;
394         else
395            Temp := Present;
396         end if;
398         A := Get_Flag_Parameter (Allow_Any => False);
399         if Expected (A) /= Present then
400            Parameter_Error (Rule_Id, "aspect not allowed for this rule");
401         end if;
402         if Result (A) /= Unspecified then
403            Parameter_Error (Rule_Id, "aspect already specified: " & Image (A, Title_Case));
404         end if;
406         Result (A) := Temp;
407      end loop;
408      return Result;
409   end Get_Aspects_Parameter;
412   -------------------------------
413   -- Corresponding_Aspects_Set --
414   -------------------------------
416   function Corresponding_Aspects_Set (Elem : Asis.Element) return Aspects_Set is
417      use Asis, Asis.Declarations, Asis.Elements, Asis.Expressions;
418      use Thick_Queries, Utilities;
420      Decl         : Asis.Declaration;
421      Result       : Aspects_Set := (others => Absent);
422   begin
423      case Element_Kind (Elem) is
424         when A_Declaration =>
425            Decl := Elem;
426         when A_Defining_Name | A_Definition =>
427            Decl := Enclosing_Element (Elem);
428         when An_Expression =>
429            Decl := Corresponding_Name_Declaration (Simple_Name (Elem));
430         when others =>
431            Failure ("Corresponding_Aspects_Set: incorrect elem", Elem);
432      end case;
434      declare
435         Repr_Clauses : constant Asis.Representation_Clause_List := Corresponding_Representation_Clauses (Decl);
436      begin
437         for R in Repr_Clauses'Range loop
438            case Representation_Clause_Kind (Repr_Clauses (R)) is
439               when An_Enumeration_Representation_Clause | A_Record_Representation_Clause =>
440                  Result (Representation) := Present;
441               when others =>
442                  null;
443            end case;
444         end loop;
445      end;
446      if Declaration_Kind (Decl) = An_Ordinary_Type_Declaration
447      -- Pragma pack does not apply to objects
448        and then Corresponding_Pragma_Set (Names (Decl) (1)) (A_Pack_Pragma)
449      then
450         Result (Pack) := Present;
451      end if;
453      if not Is_Nil (Attribute_Clause_Expression (A_Size_Attribute, Decl)) then
454         Result (Size) := Present;
455      end if;
457      if not Is_Nil (Attribute_Clause_Expression (A_Component_Size_Attribute, Decl)) then
458         Result (Component_Size) := Present;
459      end if;
461      return Result;
462   end Corresponding_Aspects_Set;
463end Framework.Language.Shared_Keys;