2--  Rules.Directly_Accessed_Globals - Package body                  --
3--                                                                  --
4--  This  software  is  (c)  CSEE  and Adalog  2004-2006.  The  Ada --
5--  Controller  is  free software;  you can redistribute  it and/or --
6--  modify  it under  terms of  the GNU  General Public  License as --
7--  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or --
8--  (at your  option) any later version.  This  unit is distributed --
9--  in the hope  that it will be useful,  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; --
10--  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS --
11--  FOR A  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU  General Public License --
12--  for more details.   You should have received a  copy of the GNU --
13--  General Public License distributed  with this program; see file --
14--  COPYING.   If not, write  to the  Free Software  Foundation, 59 --
15--  Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.           --
16--                                                                  --
17--  As  a special  exception, if  other files  instantiate generics --
18--  from the units  of this program, or if you  link this unit with --
19--  other files  to produce  an executable, this  unit does  not by --
20--  itself cause the resulting executable  to be covered by the GNU --
21--  General  Public  License.   This  exception  does  not  however --
22--  invalidate any  other reasons why the executable  file might be --
23--  covered by the GNU Public License.                              --
24--                                                                  --
25--  This  software is  distributed  in  the hope  that  it will  be --
26--  useful,  but WITHOUT  ANY  WARRANTY; without  even the  implied --
27--  warranty  of  MERCHANTABILITY   or  FITNESS  FOR  A  PARTICULAR --
28--  PURPOSE.                                                        --
31-- Ada
33  Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded;
35-- Asis
37  Asis.Declarations,
38  Asis.Elements,
39  Asis.Expressions;
41-- Adalog
43  Binary_Map,
44  Thick_Queries,
45  Utilities;
47-- AdaControl
49  Framework.Language;
50pragma Elaborate (Framework.Language);
52package body Rules.Directly_Accessed_Globals is
53   use Framework, Framework.Control_Manager;
55   type Filters is (F_Plain, F_Accept, F_Protected);
56   package Filter_Flags_Utilities is new Framework.Language.Flag_Utilities (Filters, "F_");
57   use Filter_Flags_Utilities;
59   Rule_Used    : Boolean := False;
60   Save_Used    : Boolean;
61   Rule_Context : Basic_Rule_Context;
62   Flags        : array (Filters) of Boolean := (others => False);
64   type Variable_Info is
65      record
66         Owner_Pack : Asis.Element;
67         Var_Loc    : Location;
68         Read_Proc  : Asis.Defining_Name;
69         Write_Proc : Asis.Defining_Name;
70      end record;
72   package Variables_Map is new Binary_Map
73     (Key_Type   => Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_String,
74      Value_Type => Variable_Info,
75      "<"        => Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded."<",
76      ">"        => Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.">");
78   Global_Variables : Variables_Map.Map;
80   ----------
81   -- Help --
82   ----------
84   procedure Help is
85      use Utilities;
86   begin
87      User_Message ("Rule: " & Rule_Id);
88      User_Message ("Control global package variables accessed by other than dedicated subprograms");
89      User_Message;
90      Help_On_Flags (Header => "Parameter(s):", Footer => "(optional)");
91   end Help;
93   -----------------
94   -- Add_Control --
95   -----------------
97   procedure Add_Control (Ctl_Label : in Wide_String; Ctl_Kind : in Control_Kinds) is
98      use Framework.Language, Utilities;
99      F : Filters;
100   begin
101      if Rule_Used then
102         Parameter_Error (Rule_Id, "this rule can be specified only once");
103      end if;
105      if Parameter_Exists then
106         while Parameter_Exists loop
107            F := Get_Flag_Parameter (Allow_Any => False);
108            if Flags (F) then
109               Parameter_Error (Rule_Id, Image (F, Lower_Case) & " already given");
110            end if;
111            Flags (F) := True;
112         end loop;
113      else
114         Flags := (others => True);
115      end if;
117      Rule_Context := Basic.New_Context (Ctl_Kind, Ctl_Label);
118      Rule_Used    := True;
119   end Add_Control;
121   -------------
122   -- Command --
123   -------------
125   procedure Command (Action : Framework.Rules_Manager.Rule_Action) is
126      use Framework.Rules_Manager;
127   begin
128      case Action is
129         when Clear =>
130            Rule_Used := False;
131            Flags     := (others => False);
132         when Suspend =>
133            Save_Used := Rule_Used;
134            Rule_Used := False;
135         when Resume =>
136            Rule_Used := Save_Used;
137      end case;
138   end Command;
140   ----------------------------------
141   -- Process_Variable_Declaration --
142   ----------------------------------
144   procedure Process_Variable_Declaration (Decl : in Asis.Declaration) is
145      use Asis, Asis.Declarations, Asis.Elements;
146      use Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded, Thick_Queries, Utilities, Variables_Map;
147   begin
148      if not Rule_Used then
149         return;
150      end if;
151      Rules_Manager.Enter (Rule_Id);
153      if Declaration_Kind (Enclosing_Element (Decl)) /= A_Package_Body_Declaration then
154         return;
155      end if;
157      -- Note that since we are in a package /body/, the declaration is always processed
158      -- before any use.
159      declare
160         Name_List : constant Asis.Name_List := Names (Decl);
161      begin
162         for I in Name_List'Range loop
163            Add (Global_Variables,
164                 To_Unbounded_Wide_String (To_Upper (Full_Name_Image (Name_List (I)))),
165                 Variable_Info'(Owner_Pack             => Enclosing_Element (Decl),
166                                Var_Loc                => Get_Location (Name_List (I)),
167                                Read_Proc | Write_Proc => Nil_Element));
168         end loop;
169      end;
170   end Process_Variable_Declaration;
172   ------------------------
173   -- Process_Identifier --
174   ------------------------
176   procedure Process_Identifier (Name : in Asis.Expression) is
177      use Asis, Asis.Declarations, Asis.Elements, Asis.Expressions;
178      use Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded, Framework.Reports, Thick_Queries,Utilities, Variables_Map;
179      Good_Name : Asis.Expression;
180      Name_Decl : Asis.Declaration;
181   begin
182      if not Rule_Used then
183         return;
184      end if;
185      Rules_Manager.Enter (Rule_Id);
187      if Expression_Kind (Name) /= An_Identifier then
188         -- An_Operator_Symbol f.e., cannot be a variable
189         return;
190      end if;
192      Good_Name := Ultimate_Name (Name, No_Component => True);
193      if Is_Nil (Good_Name) then
194         -- Dynamic renaming...
195         Uncheckable (Rule_Id,
196                      False_Negative,
197                      Get_Location (Name),
198                      "Name is dynamic renaming");
199         return;
200      end if;
202      if Expression_Kind (Good_Name) = An_Attribute_Reference then
203         -- can happen when Name is a renaming of an attribute
204         -- certainly not a variable
205         return;
206      end if;
208      Name_Decl := Corresponding_Name_Declaration (Good_Name);
209      if Is_Nil (Name_Decl) then
210         -- Some predefined stuff...
211         return;
212      end if;
214      case Declaration_Kind (Name_Decl) is
215         when A_Variable_Declaration
216           | A_Single_Task_Declaration
217           | A_Single_Protected_Declaration
218           =>
219            null;
220         when others =>
221            -- Not a variable
222            return;
223      end case;
225      -- Here we have an acceptable variable
227      declare
228         Var_Name : constant Unbounded_Wide_String := To_Unbounded_Wide_String (To_Upper (Full_Name_Image (Good_Name)));
229         Var_Info : Variable_Info                  := Fetch (Global_Variables, Var_Name);
231         Usage     : constant Expression_Usage_Kinds := Expression_Usage_Kind (Name);
233         Unit_Name : constant Asis.Defining_Name     := Enclosing_Program_Unit (Name, Including_Accept => True);
234         Unit_Decl : constant Asis.Declaration       := Enclosing_Element (Unit_Name);
235         Unit_Kind : constant Declaration_Kinds      := Declaration_Kind (Unit_Decl) ;
237         Encl_Unit_Decl : Asis.Element;
238      begin
239         if Usage = Untouched then
240            -- Since we used Ultimate_Name, we won't be fooled by renamings.
241            -- => we can allow them at any place
242            return;
243         end if;
245         case Unit_Kind is
246            when A_Procedure_Body_Declaration
247              | A_Function_Body_Declaration
248              | An_Entry_Declaration       -- Case of accept
249              | An_Entry_Body_Declaration  -- Case of protected entry
250              =>
251               null;
252            when others =>
253               Report (Rule_Id,
254                       Rule_Context,
255                       Get_Location (Name),
256                       "use of variable """ & Name_Image (Good_Name) & """ not from callable entity");
257               return;
258         end case;
260         Encl_Unit_Decl := Enclosing_Element (Unit_Decl);
261         if Element_Kind (Encl_Unit_Decl) = A_Definition then
262            -- A_Task_Definition
263            Encl_Unit_Decl := Enclosing_Element (Encl_Unit_Decl);
264         end if;
265         case Declaration_Kind (Encl_Unit_Decl) is
266            when A_Single_Task_Declaration =>
267               if not Flags (F_Accept) then
268                  Report (Rule_Id,
269                          Rule_Context,
270                          Get_Location (Name),
271                          "use of variable """ & Name_Image (Good_Name) & """ from accept");
272               elsif not Is_Equal (Corresponding_Body (Enclosing_Element (Encl_Unit_Decl)), Var_Info.Owner_Pack) then
273                  Report (Rule_Id,
274                          Rule_Context,
275                          Get_Location (Name),
276                          "use of variable """ & Name_Image (Good_Name) & """ from nested task object");
277               end if;
279            when A_Task_Type_Declaration =>
280               if Flags (F_Accept) then
281                  Report (Rule_Id,
282                          Rule_Context,
283                          Get_Location (Name),
284                          "use of variable """ & Name_Image (Good_Name) & """ from accept of a task type");
285               else
286                  Report (Rule_Id,
287                          Rule_Context,
288                          Get_Location (Name),
289                          "use of variable """ & Name_Image (Good_Name) & """ from accept");
290               end if;
292            when A_Protected_Body_Declaration =>
293               if not Flags (F_Protected) then
294                  Report (Rule_Id,
295                          Rule_Context,
296                          Get_Location (Name),
297                          "use of variable """ & Name_Image (Good_Name)
298                            & """ from subprogram of a protected type or object");
299               elsif Declaration_Kind (Corresponding_Declaration (Encl_Unit_Decl))
300                 /= A_Single_Protected_Declaration
301               then
302                  Report (Rule_Id,
303                          Rule_Context,
304                          Get_Location (Name),
305                          "use of variable """
306                          & Name_Image (Good_Name)
307                          & """ from subprogram of a protected type");
308               elsif not Is_Equal (Enclosing_Element (Encl_Unit_Decl), Var_Info.Owner_Pack) then
309                  Report (Rule_Id,
310                          Rule_Context,
311                          Get_Location (Name),
312                          "use of variable """
313                          & Name_Image (Good_Name)
314                          & """ from nested protected object");
315               end if;
317            when others =>  -- Plain
318               if not Flags (F_Plain) then
319                  Report (Rule_Id,
320                          Rule_Context,
321                          Get_Location (Name),
322                          "use of variable """
323                          & Name_Image (Good_Name)
324                          & """ from a non-protected subprogram");
325               elsif Declaration_Kind (Corresponding_Declaration (Unit_Decl)) in A_Generic_Declaration then
326                  Report (Rule_Id,
327                          Rule_Context,
328                          Get_Location (Name),
329                          "use of variable """ & Name_Image (Good_Name) & """ from generic subprogram");
330               elsif not Is_Equal (Encl_Unit_Decl, Var_Info.Owner_Pack) then
331                  Report (Rule_Id,
332                          Rule_Context,
333                          Get_Location (Name),
334                          "use of variable """ & Name_Image (Good_Name) & """ from nested subprogram");
335               end if;
336         end case;
338         case Usage is
339            when Untouched =>
340               Failure ("Untouched did not return");
342            when Read =>
343               if Is_Nil (Var_Info.Read_Proc) then
344                  Var_Info.Read_Proc := Unit_Name;
345                  Add (Global_Variables, Var_Name, Var_Info);
346               elsif not Is_Equal (Var_Info.Read_Proc, Unit_Name) then
347                  Report (Rule_Id,
348                          Rule_Context,
349                          Get_Location (Name),
350                          "variable """ & Name_Image (Good_Name)
351                            & """ is already read from " & Defining_Name_Image (Var_Info.Read_Proc)
352                            & " at " & Image (Get_Location (Enclosing_Element (Var_Info.Read_Proc))));
353               end if;
355            when Write =>
356               if Is_Nil (Var_Info.Write_Proc) then
357                  Var_Info.Write_Proc := Unit_Name;
358                  Add (Global_Variables, Var_Name, Var_Info);
359               elsif not Is_Equal (Var_Info.Write_Proc, Unit_Name) then
360                  Report (Rule_Id,
361                          Rule_Context,
362                          Get_Location (Name),
363                          "variable """ & Name_Image (Good_Name)
364                            & """ is already written from " & Defining_Name_Image (Var_Info.Write_Proc)
365                            & " at " & Image (Get_Location (Enclosing_Element (Var_Info.Write_Proc))));
366               end if;
368            when Read_Write
369               | Unknown     -- Consider Unknown as Read-Write, therefore creating false positives
370               =>            -- That's better than false negatives!
371               if Usage = Unknown then
372                  Uncheckable (Rule_Id,
373                               False_Positive,
374                               Get_Location (Name),
375                               "variable """ & Name_Image (Good_Name)
376                               & """ used as parameter of dispatching call, treated as in-out");
377               end if;
379               if Is_Nil (Var_Info.Read_Proc) then
380                  Var_Info.Read_Proc := Unit_Name;
381                  Add (Global_Variables, Var_Name, Var_Info);
382               elsif not Is_Equal (Var_Info.Read_Proc, Unit_Name) then
383                  Report (Rule_Id,
384                          Rule_Context,
385                          Get_Location (Name),
386                          "variable """ & Name_Image (Good_Name)
387                            & """ is already read from " & Defining_Name_Image (Var_Info.Read_Proc)
388                            & " at " & Image (Get_Location (Enclosing_Element (Var_Info.Read_Proc))));
389               end if;
391               if Is_Nil (Var_Info.Write_Proc) then
392                  Var_Info.Write_Proc := Unit_Name;
393                  Add (Global_Variables, Var_Name, Var_Info);
394               elsif not Is_Equal (Var_Info.Write_Proc, Unit_Name) then
395                  Report (Rule_Id,
396                          Rule_Context,
397                          Get_Location (Name),
398                          "variable """ & Name_Image (Good_Name)
399                            & """ is already written from " & Defining_Name_Image (Var_Info.Write_Proc)
400                            & " at " & Image (Get_Location (Enclosing_Element (Var_Info.Write_Proc))));
401               end if;
402         end case;
403      end;
405   exception
406      when Not_Present =>
407         -- From Fetch: this is not a package variable
408         return;
409   end Process_Identifier;
411   -------------------------------
412   -- Post_Process_Package_Body --
413   -------------------------------
415   procedure Post_Process_Package_Body (Element : in Asis.Element) is
416      use Variables_Map, Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded;
418      procedure Check_One (Key : Unbounded_Wide_String; Var_Info : in out Variable_Info) is
419         use Asis.Elements;
420         use Framework.Reports, Utilities;
421      begin
422         if not Is_Equal (Var_Info.Owner_Pack, Element) then
423            -- Possible with nested packages
424            return;
425         end if;
427         if Is_Nil (Var_Info.Read_Proc) then
428            Report (Rule_Id,
429                    Rule_Context,
430                    Var_Info.Var_Loc,
431                    "variable """ &  To_Title (To_Wide_String (Key)) & """ is not read from any subprogram");
432         end if;
434         if Is_Nil (Var_Info.Write_Proc) then
435            Report (Rule_Id,
436                    Rule_Context,
437                    Var_Info.Var_Loc,
438                    "variable """ &  To_Title (To_Wide_String (Key)) & """ is not written from any subprogram");
439         end if;
441         -- Read_Proc/Write_Proc are the defining names of the procs
442         -- The Enclosing_Element is the declaration, whose Enclosing_Element is the package body
443         -- or protected body declaration.
444         -- Since we already checked that the procs that are not protected are declared immediately
445         -- within the same package as the variable, the bodies can be different only if the procs
446         -- come from different protected objects or tasks.
447         if (not Is_Nil (Var_Info.Read_Proc) and not Is_Nil (Var_Info.Write_Proc))
448           and then not Is_Equal (Enclosing_Element (Enclosing_Element (Var_Info.Read_Proc)),
449                                  Enclosing_Element (Enclosing_Element (Var_Info.Write_Proc)))
450         then
451            Report (Rule_Id,
452                    Rule_Context,
453                    Var_Info.Var_Loc,
454                    "variable """ &  To_Title (To_Wide_String (Key))
455                      & """ is read and written from different protected objects or tasks");
456         end if;
458         raise Delete_Current;
459      end Check_One;
461      procedure Check_All is new Variables_Map.Iterate (Check_One);
463   begin  -- Post_Process_Package_Body
464      Check_All (Global_Variables);
465   end Post_Process_Package_Body;
467begin  -- Rules.Directly_Accessed_Globals
468   Framework.Rules_Manager.Register (Rule_Id,
469                                     Rules_Manager.Semantic,
470                                     Help_CB        => Help'Access,
471                                     Add_Control_CB => Add_Control'Access,
472                                     Command_CB     => Command'Access);
473end Rules.Directly_Accessed_Globals;