2--  Rules.Unsafe_Elaboration - Package body                         --
3--                                                                  --
4--  This software  is (c) Adalog/Alstom  2004-2013.                 --
5--  The Ada Controller is  free software; you can  redistribute  it --
6--  and/or modify it under  terms of the GNU General Public License --
7--  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, --
8--  or (at your option) any later version. This unit is distributed --
9--  in the hope  that it will be useful,  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; --
10--  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS --
11--  FOR A  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU  General Public License --
12--  for more details.   You should have received a  copy of the GNU --
13--  General Public License distributed  with this program; see file --
14--  COPYING.   If not, write  to the  Free Software  Foundation, 59 --
15--  Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.           --
16--                                                                  --
17--  As  a special  exception, if  other files  instantiate generics --
18--  from the units  of this program, or if you  link this unit with --
19--  other files  to produce  an executable, this  unit does  not by --
20--  itself cause the resulting executable  to be covered by the GNU --
21--  General  Public  License.   This  exception  does  not  however --
22--  invalidate any  other reasons why the executable  file might be --
23--  covered by the GNU Public License.                              --
24--                                                                  --
25--  This  software is  distributed  in  the hope  that  it will  be --
26--  useful,  but WITHOUT  ANY  WARRANTY; without  even the  implied --
27--  warranty  of  MERCHANTABILITY   or  FITNESS  FOR  A  PARTICULAR --
28--  PURPOSE.                                                        --
31-- ASIS
33  Asis.Compilation_Units,
34  Asis.Declarations,
35  Asis.Elements,
36  Asis.Expressions,
37  Asis.Iterator;
39-- Adalog
41  Thick_Queries,
42  Utilities;
44-- Adactl
46  Framework.Language,
47  Framework.Rules_Manager,
48  Framework.Symbol_Table;
50package body Rules.Unsafe_Elaboration is
51   use Asis.Iterator;
52   use Framework, Framework.Control_Manager;
54   -- Algorithm:
55   --
56   -- This rule controls only library unit (generic) packages.
57   --
58   -- The unit is traversed, excluding any inner subprogram.
59   -- For every call or instantiation encountered:
60   --    - if the called/instantiated element is outside the current unit, check that
61   --      appropriate pragmas are provided for its enclosing unit
62   --    - if the called subprogram is inside the current unit, traverse its body
63   --    - if the called entry is inside the current unit, there is nothing to do
64   --      (local tasks are traversed anyway)
65   --    - if the instantiated generic is a package (forget SP), traverse the instantiated
66   --      template.
67   --
68   -- The declaration of the current unit is passed to the traversal to allow the comparison of units.
69   -- Note that the /specifications/ must be compared to avoid wrong messages, if elaboration calls a local
70   -- subprogram, that is also exported by the package.
71   --
72   -- Single tasks are traversed normally, since they are started during elaboration.
73   -- Task type specifications need to be traversed too, since they can contain expressions evaluated
74   -- at elaboration time. Strictly speaking, it is necessary to traverse task type bodies only
75   -- if an object of the type is created; however, this would include composite objects with
76   -- a task subcomponent, possibly created by an allocator... Not worth the burden, therefore we
77   -- traverse task bodies too. No big deal, since it can create only false positives in some unlikely
78   -- cases.
79   --
80   -- Entry calls are treated like SP calls, since for dependencies, what counts is the place where
81   -- the task type is declared, which is obviously the same unit as where the entry is declared.
82   --
83   -- Since all the interesting properties are static, there  is no point in traversing (or checking)
84   -- the same element twice. A symbol table (containing nothing) keeps track of elements that have
85   -- been already analyzed.
86   --
87   -- Note that it is /not/ necessary to check for banned units in case of recursive traversal,
88   -- since we traverse only units inside the current unit.
90   Rule_Used : Boolean := False;
91   Save_Used : Boolean;
92   Usage     : Basic_Rule_Context;
94   package Analyzed is new Framework.Symbol_Table.Data_Access (Null_State);
96   ----------
97   -- Help --
98   ----------
100   procedure Help is
101      use Utilities;
102   begin
103      User_Message ("Rule: " & Rule_Id);
104      User_Message ("Controls elaboration code of (generic) packages that may cause elaboration issues");
105      User_Message;
106      User_Message ("Parameter(s): none");
107   end Help;
109   -----------------
110   -- Add_Control --
111   -----------------
113   procedure Add_Control (Ctl_Label : in Wide_String;
114                          Ctl_Kind  : in Control_Kinds)
115   is
116      use Framework.Language;
117   begin
118      if Parameter_Exists then
119         Parameter_Error (Rule_Id, "No parameter allowed");
120      end if;
122      if Rule_Used then
123         Parameter_Error (Rule_Id, "Rule can be specified only once");
124      end if;
126      Usage     := Basic.New_Context (Ctl_Kind, Ctl_Label);
127      Rule_Used := True;
128   end Add_Control;
130   -------------
131   -- Command --
132   -------------
134   procedure Command (Action : Framework.Rules_Manager.Rule_Action) is
135      use Framework.Rules_Manager;
136   begin
137      case Action is
138         when Clear =>
139            Rule_Used := False;
140         when Suspend =>
141            Save_Used := Rule_Used;
142            Rule_Used := False;
143         when Resume =>
144            Rule_Used := Save_Used;
145      end case;
146   end Command;
149   ----------------
150   -- Check_Unit --
151   ----------------
153   procedure Check_Unit (Unit     : in Asis.Compilation_Unit;
154                         For_Unit : in Asis.Compilation_Unit;
155                         Name     : in Asis.Name)
156   is
157   -- Unit is an external unit used by elaboration calls or instantiations from For_Unit.
158   -- Name is the name of the called or instantiated program unit
159   -- Check appropriate pragmas.
160      use Asis, Asis.Compilation_Units, Asis.Declarations, Asis.Elements, Asis.Expressions;
161      use Framework.Reports, Thick_Queries;
163      Has_Pragma : constant Pragma_Set := Corresponding_Pragma_Set (Names (Unit_Declaration (Unit)) (1));
165      function Applicable_Context_Clauses return Context_Clause_List is
166      -- For a spec: returns its context clauses
167      -- For a body: returns the context clauses of the spec + the ones of the body
168      begin
169         if Unit_Kind (For_Unit) in A_Library_Unit_Body then
170            return Context_Clause_Elements (Corresponding_Declaration (For_Unit), Include_Pragmas => True)
171                 & Context_Clause_Elements (For_Unit,                             Include_Pragmas => True);
172         else
173            return Context_Clause_Elements (For_Unit, Include_Pragmas => True);
174         end if;
175      end Applicable_Context_Clauses;
177   begin   -- Check_Unit
178      if Unit_Origin (Unit) /= An_Application_Unit then --## rule line off Use_Ultimate_Origin ## we work on Unit here
179         return;
180      end if;
182      if   Has_Pragma (A_Preelaborate_Pragma)
183        or Has_Pragma (A_Pure_Pragma)
184        or Has_Pragma (A_Shared_Passive_Pragma)
185        or Has_Pragma (A_Remote_Types_Pragma)
186        or Has_Pragma (A_Remote_Call_Interface_Pragma)
187      then
188         -- no elaboration control needed
189         return;
190      end if;
192      declare
193         Context_Clauses : constant Context_Clause_List := Applicable_Context_Clauses;
194      begin
195         for C in Context_Clauses'Range loop
196            if (        Pragma_Kind (Context_Clauses (C)) = An_Elaborate_Pragma
197                or else Pragma_Kind (Context_Clauses (C)) = An_Elaborate_All_Pragma)
198              and then
199                Is_Equal (Enclosing_Compilation_Unit
200                          (Corresponding_Name_Declaration
201                           (Simple_Name
202                            (Actual_Parameter
203                             (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Context_Clauses (C)) (1))))),
204                          Unit)
205            then
206               return;
207            end if;
208         end loop;
209      end;
211      if Is_Part_Of_Instance (Name) then
212         Report (Rule_Id,
213                 Usage,
214                 Get_Location (Unit_Declaration (For_Unit)),
215                 Defining_Name_Image (Names (Unit_Declaration (Unit)) (1))
216                 & " used in elaboration code through instantiation at "
217                 & Image (Get_Location (Ultimate_Enclosing_Instantiation (Name)))
218                 & ", needs pragma Elaborate or Elaborate_All");
219      else
220         Report (Rule_Id,
221                 Usage,
222                 Get_Location (Unit_Declaration (For_Unit)),
223                 Defining_Name_Image (Names (Unit_Declaration (Unit)) (1))
224                 & " used in elaboration code at " & Image (Get_Location (Name))
225                 & ", needs pragma Elaborate or Elaborate_All");
226      end if;
227   end Check_Unit;
230   --------------
231   -- Traverse --
232   --------------
234   type Traverse_Info is
235      record
236         Force_Body : Boolean;
237         Unit       : Asis.Compilation_Unit;
238      end record;
240   procedure Pre_Operation (Element : in     Asis.Element;
241                            Control : in out Asis.Traverse_Control;
242                            State   : in out Traverse_Info);
244   procedure Post_Operation (Element : in     Asis.Element;
245                             Control : in out Asis.Traverse_Control;
246                             State   : in out Traverse_Info) is null;
248   procedure Traverse is new Asis.Iterator.Traverse_Element (Traverse_Info,
249                                                             Pre_Operation,
250                                                             Post_Operation);
253   -------------------
254   -- Pre_Operation --
255   -------------------
257   procedure Pre_Operation (Element : in     Asis.Element;
258                            Control : in out Asis.Traverse_Control;
259                            State   : in out Traverse_Info)
260   is
261      use Asis, Asis.Declarations, Asis.Elements, Asis.Expressions;
262      use Thick_Queries;
264      procedure Check_Name (Name : Asis.Name; Must_Traverse : out Boolean) is
265      -- Checks that there is an elaboration pragma for the unit that contains Name
266      -- Must_Traverse is true if further analysis of some body is necessary.
267      -- Since what is to be traversed depends on the caller, it is better to have
268      -- an "out" boolean than to traverse from inside this procedure
269         use Asis.Compilation_Units;
271         Name_Unit : Asis.Compilation_Unit;
272      begin
273         Must_Traverse := False;
274         if Is_Nil (Name)                                          -- Pointer to subprogram...
275           or else Expression_Kind (Name) = An_Attribute_Reference -- Attribute function
276           or else Is_Nil (Corresponding_Name_Definition (Name))   -- Some predefined stuff
277           or else Analyzed.Is_Present (Name)                      -- Already seen
278         then
279            return;
280         end if;
281         Analyzed.Store (Name, (null record));
283         Name_Unit := Enclosing_Compilation_Unit (Corresponding_Name_Declaration (Name));
285         if Is_Equal (Corresponding_Declaration (Name_Unit), Corresponding_Declaration (State.Unit)) then
286            -- Internal call/instantiation
287            if not Is_Part_Of_Instance (Corresponding_Name_Declaration (Name)) then
288               -- Except those that are inside an expanded generic unit
289               -- (dependences are checked on the instantiation) (Ticket #38)
290               Must_Traverse := True;
291            end if;
292         else
293            Check_Unit (Name_Unit, State.Unit, Name);
294         end if;
295      end Check_Name;
297      procedure Check_Subprogram (Call : Asis.Element) is
298      -- This procedure because procedure calls and function calls are treated the same
299      -- (/not/ entry calls!)
300         use Framework.Reports, Utilities;
302         Must_Traverse : Boolean;
303         Ignored       : Asis.Traverse_Control := Continue;
304         Call_Descr    : Call_Descriptor;
305         Called_Body   : Asis.Declaration;
306      begin
307         Check_Name (Called_Simple_Name (Call), Must_Traverse);
308         if not Must_Traverse then
309            return;
310         end if;
312         Call_Descr := Corresponding_Call_Description (Call);
313         case Call_Descr.Kind is
314            when A_Regular_Call =>
315               -- Let's go to a real body (or expression)
316               Called_Body := Call_Descr.Declaration;
317               loop
318                  case Declaration_Kind (Called_Body) is
319                     when A_Procedure_Declaration
320                        | A_Function_Declaration
321                        | A_Generic_Procedure_Declaration
322                        | A_Generic_Function_Declaration
323                        | A_Procedure_Instantiation
324                        | A_Function_Instantiation
325                        =>
326                        Called_Body := Corresponding_Body (Called_Body);
327                     when An_Expression_Function_Declaration =>   -- Ada 2012
328                        -- Like Analyze_Body, on the result expression
329                        Traverse (Result_Expression (Called_Body), Ignored, State);
330                        exit;
331                     when A_Null_Procedure_Declaration =>
332                        exit;
333                     when A_Procedure_Body_Declaration
334                        | A_Function_Body_Declaration
335                        =>
336                        -- A real body (at last!)
337                        State.Force_Body := True;
338                        Traverse (Called_Body, Ignored, State);
339                        exit;
340                     when A_Procedure_Body_Stub
341                        | A_Function_Body_Stub
342                        =>
343                        Called_Body := Corresponding_Subunit (Called_Body);
344                     when A_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration
345                        | A_Function_Renaming_Declaration
346                        =>
347                        Called_Body := Simple_Name (Renamed_Entity (Called_Body));
348                        if Expression_Kind (Called_Body) = An_Identifier then
349                           Called_Body := Corresponding_Name_Declaration (Called_Body);
350                        else
351                           -- some weird construct, necessarily involving pointers to subprograms, renaming of entries..
352                           Called_Body := Nil_Element;
353                        end if;
354                     when A_Formal_Function_Declaration
355                        | A_Formal_Procedure_Declaration
356                        =>
357                        Called_Body := Nil_Element;
358                     when Not_A_Declaration =>
359                        -- this should happen only when the body is given by a pragma import
360                        Assert (Element_Kind (Called_Body) = A_Pragma,
361                                "Unsafe_Elaboration: not a declaration or pragma");
362                        Called_Body := Nil_Element;
363                     when others =>
364                        Failure ("Unsafe_Elaboration: not a callable entity declaration", Called_Body);
365                  end case;
366                  exit when Is_Nil (Called_Body);
367               end loop;
369            when A_Predefined_Entity_Call
370               | An_Attribute_Call
371               | An_Enumeration_Literal
372               =>
373               null;
374            when A_Dereference_Call | A_Dispatching_Call =>
375               Uncheckable (Rule_Id,
376                            False_Negative,
377                            Get_Location (Call),
378                            "Dispatching or dynamic call in elaboration code, can't check elaboration");
379         end case;
380      end Check_Subprogram;
382      Must_Traverse : Boolean;
383      Ignored       : Asis.Traverse_Control := Continue;
384   begin   -- Pre_Operation
385      case Element_Kind (Element) is
386         when A_Declaration =>
387            case Declaration_Kind (Element) is
388               -- Ignore:
389               -- All program units except tasks, since tasks can be started during elaboration
390               -- (generic) formal parameters
391               when A_Procedure_Declaration
392                  | A_Generic_Procedure_Declaration
394                  | A_Function_Declaration
395                  | An_Expression_Function_Declaration
396                  | A_Generic_Function_Declaration
398                  | A_Parameter_Specification
399                  | A_Formal_Declaration
400                  =>
401                  Control := Abandon_Children;
402               when A_Protected_Body_Declaration =>
403                  -- Nothing happens here at elaboration time (but specifications need to be
404                  -- traversed, since there can be expressions in entry families or components)
405                  Control := Abandon_Children;
406               when  A_Procedure_Body_Declaration
407                  | A_Function_Body_Declaration
408                  =>
409                  if State.Force_Body then
410                     State.Force_Body := False;
411                  else
412                     Control := Abandon_Children;
413                  end if;
414               when A_Package_Instantiation =>
415                  Check_Name (Simple_Name (Generic_Unit_Name (Element)), Must_Traverse);
416                  if Must_Traverse then
417                     Traverse (Corresponding_Declaration (Element), Ignored, State);
418                     if not Is_Nil (Corresponding_Body (Element)) then
419                        Traverse (Corresponding_Body (Element), Ignored, State);
420                     end if;
421                  end if;
422               when A_Procedure_Instantiation
423                  | A_Function_Instantiation
424                  =>
425                  Check_Name (Simple_Name (Generic_Unit_Name (Element)), Must_Traverse);
426                  -- Nothing to traverse for instantiations of generic SP.
427               when others =>
428                  null;
429            end case;
431         when An_Expression =>
432            case Expression_Kind (Element) is
433               when A_Function_Call =>
434                  Check_Subprogram (Element);
435               when others =>
436                  null;
437            end case;
439         when A_Statement =>
440            case Statement_Kind (Element) is
441               when A_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
442                  Check_Subprogram (Element);
443               when An_Entry_Call_Statement =>
444                  -- Check the task [type] name,
445                  Check_Name (Called_Simple_Name (Element), Must_Traverse);
446                  -- But there is nothing  to traverse for entries
447               when others =>
448                  null;
449            end case;
451         when others =>
452            null;
453      end case;
454   end Pre_Operation;
457   ------------------
458   -- Process_Unit --
459   ------------------
461   procedure Process_Unit (Unit : in Asis.Compilation_Unit) is
462      use Asis, Asis.Compilation_Units, Asis.Elements;
464      Control : Traverse_Control := Continue;
465      State   : Traverse_Info    := (False, Unit);
466   begin
467      if not Rule_Used then
468         return;
469      end if;
470      Rules_Manager.Enter (Rule_Id);
472      case Unit_Kind (Unit) is
473         when A_Package
474            | A_Generic_Package
475            | A_Package_Body
476            =>
477            Traverse (Unit_Declaration (Unit), Control, State);
478         when others =>
479            null;
480      end case;
481   end Process_Unit;
483begin  -- Rules.Unsafe_Elaboration
484   Framework.Rules_Manager.Register (Rule_Id,
485                                     Rules_Manager.Semantic,
486                                     Help_CB        => Help'Access,
487                                     Add_Control_CB => Add_Control'Access,
488                                     Command_CB     => Command'Access);
489end Rules.Unsafe_Elaboration;