1-- |
2-- Module      : Crypto.Hash
3-- License     : BSD-style
4-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
5-- Stability   : experimental
6-- Portability : unknown
8-- Generalized cryptographic hash interface, that you can use with cryptographic hash
9-- algorithm that belong to the HashAlgorithm type class.
11-- > import Crypto.Hash
12-- >
13-- > sha1 :: ByteString -> Digest SHA1
14-- > sha1 = hash
15-- >
16-- > hexSha3_512 :: ByteString -> String
17-- > hexSha3_512 bs = show (hash bs :: Digest SHA3_512)
19{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
20{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns        #-}
21module Crypto.Hash
22    (
23    -- * Types
24      Context
25    , Digest
26    -- * Functions
27    , digestFromByteString
28    -- * Hash methods parametrized by algorithm
29    , hashInitWith
30    , hashWith
31    -- * Hash methods
32    , hashInit
33    , hashUpdates
34    , hashUpdate
35    , hashFinalize
36    , hashBlockSize
37    , hashDigestSize
38    , hash
39    , hashlazy
40    -- * Hash algorithms
41    , module Crypto.Hash.Algorithms
42    ) where
44import           Basement.Types.OffsetSize (CountOf (..))
45import           Basement.Block (Block, unsafeFreeze)
46import           Basement.Block.Mutable (copyFromPtr, new)
47import           Crypto.Internal.Compat (unsafeDoIO)
48import           Crypto.Hash.Types
49import           Crypto.Hash.Algorithms
50import           Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
51import           Crypto.Internal.ByteArray (ByteArrayAccess)
52import qualified Crypto.Internal.ByteArray as B
53import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
54import           Data.Word (Word8)
56-- | Hash a strict bytestring into a digest.
57hash :: (ByteArrayAccess ba, HashAlgorithm a) => ba -> Digest a
58hash bs = hashFinalize $ hashUpdate hashInit bs
60-- | Hash a lazy bytestring into a digest.
61hashlazy :: HashAlgorithm a => L.ByteString -> Digest a
62hashlazy lbs = hashFinalize $ hashUpdates hashInit (L.toChunks lbs)
64-- | Initialize a new context for this hash algorithm
65hashInit :: forall a . HashAlgorithm a => Context a
66hashInit = Context $ B.allocAndFreeze (hashInternalContextSize (undefined :: a)) $ \(ptr :: Ptr (Context a)) ->
67    hashInternalInit ptr
69-- | run hashUpdates on one single bytestring and return the updated context.
70hashUpdate :: (ByteArrayAccess ba, HashAlgorithm a) => Context a -> ba -> Context a
71hashUpdate ctx b
72    | B.null b  = ctx
73    | otherwise = hashUpdates ctx [b]
75-- | Update the context with a list of strict bytestring,
76-- and return a new context with the updates.
77hashUpdates :: forall a ba . (HashAlgorithm a, ByteArrayAccess ba)
78            => Context a
79            -> [ba]
80            -> Context a
81hashUpdates c l
82    | null ls   = c
83    | otherwise = Context $ B.copyAndFreeze c $ \(ctx :: Ptr (Context a)) ->
84        mapM_ (\b -> B.withByteArray b $ \d -> hashInternalUpdate ctx d (fromIntegral $ B.length b)) ls
85  where
86    ls = filter (not . B.null) l
88-- | Finalize a context and return a digest.
89hashFinalize :: forall a . HashAlgorithm a
90             => Context a
91             -> Digest a
92hashFinalize !c =
93    Digest $ B.allocAndFreeze (hashDigestSize (undefined :: a)) $ \(dig :: Ptr (Digest a)) -> do
94        ((!_) :: B.Bytes) <- B.copy c $ \(ctx :: Ptr (Context a)) -> hashInternalFinalize ctx dig
95        return ()
97-- | Initialize a new context for a specified hash algorithm
98hashInitWith :: HashAlgorithm alg => alg -> Context alg
99hashInitWith _ = hashInit
101-- | Run the 'hash' function but takes an explicit hash algorithm parameter
102hashWith :: (ByteArrayAccess ba, HashAlgorithm alg) => alg -> ba -> Digest alg
103hashWith _ = hash
105-- | Try to transform a bytearray into a Digest of specific algorithm.
107-- If the digest is not the right size for the algorithm specified, then
108-- Nothing is returned.
109digestFromByteString :: forall a ba . (HashAlgorithm a, ByteArrayAccess ba) => ba -> Maybe (Digest a)
110digestFromByteString = from undefined
111  where
112        from :: a -> ba -> Maybe (Digest a)
113        from alg bs
114            | B.length bs == (hashDigestSize alg) = Just $ Digest $ unsafeDoIO $ copyBytes bs
115            | otherwise                           = Nothing
117        copyBytes :: ba -> IO (Block Word8)
118        copyBytes ba = do
119            muArray <- new count
120            B.withByteArray ba $ \ptr -> copyFromPtr ptr muArray 0 count
121            unsafeFreeze muArray
122          where
123            count = CountOf (B.length ba)