1{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
4-- |
5-- Module      :  Text.Regex.Posix.Wrap
6-- Copyright   :  (c) Chris Kuklewicz 2006,2007,2008 derived from (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
7-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
9-- Maintainer  :  hvr@gnu.org
10-- Stability   :  experimental
11-- Portability :  non-portable (regex-base needs MPTC+FD)
13-- WrapPosix.hsc exports a wrapped version of the ffi imports.  To
14-- increase type safety, the flags are newtype'd.  The other important
15-- export is a 'Regex' type that is specific to the Posix library
16-- backend.  The flags are documented in "Text.Regex.Posix".  The
17-- 'defaultCompOpt' is @(compExtended .|. compNewline)@.
19-- The 'Regex', 'CompOption', and 'ExecOption' types and their 'RegexOptions'
20-- instance is declared.  The '=~' and '=~~' convenience functions are
21-- defined.
23-- This module will fail or error only if allocation fails or a nullPtr
24-- is passed in.
26-- 2009-January : wrapMatchAll and wrapCount now adjust the execution
27-- option execNotBOL after the first result to take into account '\n'
28-- in the text immediately before the next matches. (version 0.93.3)
30-- 2009-January : wrapMatchAll and wrapCount have been changed to
31-- return all non-overlapping matches, including empty matches even if
32-- they coincide with the end of the previous non-empty match.  The
33-- change is that the first non-empty match no longer terminates the
34-- search.  One can filter the results to obtain the old behavior or
35-- to obtain the behavior of "sed", where "sed" eliminates the empty
36-- matches which coincide with the end of non-empty matches. (version
37-- 0.94.0)
40module Text.Regex.Posix.Wrap(
41  -- ** High-level API
42  Regex,
43  RegOffset,
44  RegOffsetT,
45  (=~),
46  (=~~),
48  -- ** Low-level API
49  WrapError,
50  wrapCompile,
51  wrapTest,
52  wrapMatch,
53  wrapMatchAll,
54  wrapCount,
56  -- ** Miscellaneous
57  unusedRegOffset,
59  -- ** Compilation options
60  CompOption(CompOption),
61  compBlank,
62  compExtended,   -- use extended regex syntax
63  compIgnoreCase, -- ignore case when matching
64  compNoSub,      -- no substring matching needed
65  compNewline,    -- '.' doesn't match newline
67  -- ** Execution options
68  ExecOption(ExecOption),
69  execBlank,
70  execNotBOL,     -- not at begining of line
71  execNotEOL,     -- not at end of line
73  -- ** Return codes
74  ReturnCode(ReturnCode),
75  retBadbr,
76  retBadpat,
77  retBadrpt,
78  retEcollate,
79  retEctype,
80  retEescape,
81  retEsubreg,
82  retEbrack,
83  retEparen,
84  retEbrace,
85  retErange,
86  retEspace
87  ) where
89#include <sys/types.h>
90#include <string.h>
92#ifndef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
93#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 1
96#include <regex.h>
98#include "myfree.h"
100import Prelude hiding (fail)
101import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
103import Control.Monad(liftM)
104import Data.Array(Array,listArray)
105import Data.Bits(Bits(..))
106import Data.Int(Int32,Int64)   -- need whatever RegeOffset or #regoff_t type will be
107import Data.Word(Word32,Word64) -- need whatever RegeOffset or #regoff_t type will be
108import Foreign(Ptr, FunPtr, nullPtr, newForeignPtr,
109               addForeignPtrFinalizer, Storable(peekByteOff), allocaArray,
110               allocaBytes, withForeignPtr,ForeignPtr,plusPtr,peekElemOff)
111import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc(mallocBytes)
112import Foreign.C(CChar)
113#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 703
114import Foreign.C(CSize(CSize),CInt(CInt))
116import Foreign.C(CSize,CInt)
118import Foreign.C.String(peekCAString, CString)
119import Text.Regex.Base.RegexLike(RegexOptions(..),RegexMaker(..),RegexContext(..),MatchArray)
120-- deprecated: import qualified System.IO.Error as IOERROR(try)
121import qualified Control.Exception(try,IOException)
123try :: IO a -> IO (Either Control.Exception.IOException a)
124try = Control.Exception.try
126data CRegex   -- pointer tag for regex_t C type
128-- | RegOffset is "typedef int regoff_t" on Linux and ultimately "typedef
129-- long long __int64_t" on Max OS X.  So rather than saying
130-- 2,147,483,647 is all the length you need, I'll take the larger:
131-- 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 should be enough bytes for anyone, no
132-- need for Integer. The alternative is to compile to different sizes
133-- in a platform dependent manner with "type RegOffset = (#type
134-- regoff_t)", which I do not want to do.
136-- There is also a special value 'unusedRegOffset' :: 'RegOffset' which is
137-- (-1) and as a starting index means that the subgroup capture was
138-- unused.  Otherwise the RegOffset indicates a character boundary that
139-- is before the character at that index offset, with the first
140-- character at index offset 0. So starting at 1 and ending at 2 means
141-- to take only the second character.
142type RegOffset = Int64
143--debugging 64-bit ubuntu
144type RegOffsetT = (#type regoff_t)
146-- | A bitmapped 'CInt' containing options for compilation of regular
147-- expressions.  Option values (and their man 3 regcomp names) are
149--  * 'compBlank' which is a completely zero value for all the flags.
150--    This is also the 'blankCompOpt' value.
152--  * 'compExtended' (REG_EXTENDED) which can be set to use extended instead
153--    of basic regular expressions.
154--    This is set in the 'defaultCompOpt' value.
156--  * 'compNewline' (REG_NEWLINE) turns on newline sensitivity: The dot (.)
157--    and inverted set @[^ ]@ never match newline, and ^ and $ anchors do
158--    match after and before newlines.
159--    This is set in the 'defaultCompOpt' value.
161--  * 'compIgnoreCase' (REG_ICASE) which can be set to match ignoring upper
162--    and lower distinctions.
164--  * 'compNoSub' (REG_NOSUB) which turns off all information from matching
165--    except whether a match exists.
167newtype CompOption = CompOption CInt deriving (Eq,Show,Num,Bits)
169-- | A bitmapped 'CInt' containing options for execution of compiled
170-- regular expressions.  Option values (and their man 3 regexec names) are
172--  * 'execBlank' which is a complete zero value for all the flags.  This is
173--    the blankExecOpt value.
175--  * 'execNotBOL' (REG_NOTBOL) can be set to prevent ^ from matching at the
176--    start of the input.
178--  * 'execNotEOL' (REG_NOTEOL) can be set to prevent $ from matching at the
179--    end of the input (before the terminating NUL).
180newtype ExecOption = ExecOption CInt deriving (Eq,Show,Num,Bits)
182-- | ReturnCode is an enumerated 'CInt', corresponding to the error codes
183-- from @man 3 regex@:
185-- * 'retBadbr' (@REG_BADBR@) invalid repetition count(s) in @{ }@
187-- * 'retBadpat' (@REG_BADPAT@) invalid regular expression
189-- * 'retBadrpt' (@REG_BADRPT@) @?@, @*@, or @+@ operand invalid
191-- * 'retEcollate' (@REG_ECOLLATE@) invalid collating element
193-- * 'retEctype' (@REG_ECTYPE@) invalid character class
195-- * 'retEescape' (@REG_EESCAPE@) @\\@ applied to unescapable character
197-- * 'retEsubreg' (@REG_ESUBREG@) invalid backreference number
199-- * 'retEbrack' (@REG_EBRACK@) brackets @[ ]@ not balanced
201-- * 'retEparen' (@REG_EPAREN@) parentheses @( )@ not balanced
203-- * 'retEbrace' (@REG_EBRACE@) braces @{ }@ not balanced
205-- * 'retErange' (@REG_ERANGE@) invalid character range in @[ ]@
207-- * 'retEspace' (@REG_ESPACE@) ran out of memory
209-- * 'retNoMatch' (@REG_NOMATCH@) The regexec() function failed to match
211newtype ReturnCode = ReturnCode CInt deriving (Eq,Show)
213-- | A compiled regular expression.
214data Regex = Regex (ForeignPtr CRegex) CompOption ExecOption
216-- | A completely zero value for all the flags.
217-- This is also the 'blankCompOpt' value.
218compBlank :: CompOption
219compBlank = CompOption 0
221-- | A completely zero value for all the flags.
222-- This is also the 'blankExecOpt' value.
223execBlank :: ExecOption
224execBlank = ExecOption 0
226unusedRegOffset :: RegOffset
227unusedRegOffset = (-1)
229-- | The return code will be retOk when it is the Haskell wrapper and
230-- not the underlying library generating the error message.
231type WrapError = (ReturnCode,String)
233wrapCompile :: CompOption -- ^ Flags (bitmapped)
234            -> ExecOption -- ^ Flags (bitmapped)
235            -> CString -- ^ The regular expression to compile (ASCII only, no null bytes)
236            -> IO (Either WrapError Regex) -- ^ Returns: the compiled regular expression
238wrapTest :: Regex -> CString
239         -> IO (Either WrapError Bool)
241-- | wrapMatch returns offsets for the begin and end of each capture.
242-- Unused captures have offsets of unusedRegOffset which is (-1)
243wrapMatch :: Regex -> CString
244          -> IO (Either WrapError (Maybe [(RegOffset,RegOffset)]))
246-- | wrapMatchAll returns the offset and length of each capture.
247-- Unused captures have an offset of unusedRegOffset which is (-1) and
248-- length of 0.
249wrapMatchAll :: Regex -> CString
250             -> IO (Either WrapError [MatchArray])
252wrapCount :: Regex -> CString
253          -> IO (Either WrapError Int)
255(=~)  :: (RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption source,RegexContext Regex source1 target)
256      => source1 -> source -> target
257(=~~) :: (RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption source,RegexContext Regex source1 target,MonadFail m)
258      => source1 -> source -> m target
260instance RegexOptions Regex CompOption ExecOption where
261  blankCompOpt = compBlank
262  blankExecOpt = execBlank
263  defaultCompOpt = compExtended .|. compNewline
264  defaultExecOpt = execBlank
265  setExecOpts e' (Regex r c _) = Regex r c e'
266  getExecOpts (Regex _ _ e) = e
268-- (=~) ::(RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption source,RegexContext Regex source1 target) => source1 -> source -> target
269(=~) x r = let make :: RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption a => a -> Regex
270               make = makeRegex
271           in match (make r) x
273-- (=~~) ::(RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption source,RegexContext Regex source1 target,MonadFail m) => source1 -> source -> m target
274(=~~) x r = let make :: RegexMaker Regex CompOption ExecOption a => a -> Regex
275                make = makeRegex
276            in matchM (make r) x
278type CRegMatch = () -- dummy regmatch_t used below to read out so and eo values
280-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
281-- The POSIX regex C interface
283-- string.h
284foreign import ccall unsafe "memset"
285  c_memset :: Ptr CRegex -> CInt -> CSize -> IO (Ptr CRegex)
287-- cbits/myfree.h and cbits/myfree.c
288foreign import ccall unsafe "&hs_regex_regfree"
289  c_myregfree :: FunPtr (Ptr CRegex -> IO ())
291foreign import ccall unsafe "regex.h regcomp"
292  c_regcomp :: Ptr CRegex -> CString -> CompOption -> IO ReturnCode
294{- currently unused
295foreign import ccall unsafe "regex.h &regfree"
296  c_regfree :: FunPtr (Ptr CRegex -> IO ())
299foreign import ccall unsafe "regex.h regexec"
300  c_regexec :: Ptr CRegex -> CString -> CSize
301            -> Ptr CRegMatch -> ExecOption -> IO ReturnCode
303foreign import ccall unsafe "regex.h regerror"
304  c_regerror :: ReturnCode -> Ptr CRegex
305             -> CString -> CSize -> IO CSize
307retOk :: ReturnCode
308retOk = ReturnCode 0
310-- Flags for regexec
311#enum ExecOption,ExecOption, \
312  execNotBOL = REG_NOTBOL, \
313  execNotEOL = REG_NOTEOL
315-- Flags for regcomp
316#enum CompOption,CompOption, \
317  compExtended = REG_EXTENDED, \
318  compIgnoreCase = REG_ICASE, \
319  compNoSub = REG_NOSUB, \
320  compNewline = REG_NEWLINE
322-- Return values from regexec (REG_NOMATCH, REG_ESPACE,...)
323-- Error codes from regcomp (not REG_NOMATCH)
324-- Though calling retNoMatch an error is rather missing the point...
325#enum ReturnCode,ReturnCode, \
326  retNoMatch = REG_NOMATCH, \
327  retBadbr = REG_BADBR, \
328  retBadpat = REG_BADPAT, \
329  retBadrpt = REG_BADRPT, \
330  retEcollate = REG_ECOLLATE, \
331  retEctype = REG_ECTYPE, \
332  retEescape = REG_EESCAPE, \
333  retEsubreg = REG_ESUBREG, \
334  retEbrack = REG_EBRACK, \
335  retEparen = REG_EPAREN, \
336  retEbrace = REG_EBRACE, \
337  retErange = REG_ERANGE, \
338  retEspace = REG_ESPACE
340-- error helpers
342nullTest :: Ptr a -> String -> IO (Either WrapError b) -> IO (Either WrapError b)
343{-# INLINE nullTest #-}
344nullTest ptr msg io = do
345  if nullPtr == ptr
346    then return (Left (retOk,"Ptr parameter was nullPtr in Text.Regex.TRE.Wrap."++msg))
347    else io
349isNewline,isNull :: Ptr CChar -> Int -> IO Bool
350isNewline cstr pos = liftM (newline ==) (peekElemOff cstr pos)
351  where newline = toEnum 10
352isNull cstr pos = liftM (nullChar ==) (peekElemOff cstr pos)
353  where nullChar = toEnum 0
356wrapRC :: ReturnCode -> IO (Either WrapError b)
357{-# INLINE wrapRC #-}
358wrapRC r = return (Left (r,"Error in Text.Regex.Posix.Wrap: "++show r))
360wrapError :: ReturnCode -> Ptr CRegex -> IO (Either WrapError b)
361wrapError errCode regex_ptr = do
362  -- Call once to compute the error message buffer size
363  errBufSize <- c_regerror errCode regex_ptr nullPtr 0
364  -- Allocate a temporary buffer to hold the error message
365  allocaArray (fromIntegral errBufSize) $ \errBuf -> do
366   nullTest errBuf "wrapError errBuf" $ do
367    _ <- c_regerror errCode regex_ptr errBuf errBufSize
368    msg <- peekCAString errBuf :: IO String
369    return (Left (errCode, msg))
372wrapCompile flags e pattern = do
373 nullTest pattern "wrapCompile pattern" $ do
374  e_regex_ptr <- try $ mallocBytes (#const sizeof(regex_t)) -- ioError called if nullPtr
375  case e_regex_ptr of
376    Left ioerror -> return (Left (retOk,"Text.Regex.Posix.Wrap.wrapCompile: IOError from mallocBytes(regex_t) : "++show ioerror))
377    Right raw_regex_ptr -> do
378      zero_regex_ptr <- c_memset raw_regex_ptr 0 (#const sizeof(regex_t)) -- no calloc, so clear the new area to zero
379      regex_fptr <- newForeignPtr c_myregfree zero_regex_ptr -- once pointed-to area is clear it should be safe to add finalizer
380      withForeignPtr regex_fptr $ \regex_ptr -> do  -- withForeignPtr is best hygiene here
381        errCode <- c_regcomp regex_ptr pattern flags
382        if (errCode == retOk)
383          then return . Right $ Regex regex_fptr flags e
384          else wrapError errCode regex_ptr
387wrapTest (Regex regex_fptr _ flags) cstr = do
388 nullTest cstr "wrapTest" $ do
389  withForeignPtr regex_fptr $ \regex_ptr -> do
390    r <- c_regexec regex_ptr cstr 0 nullPtr flags
391    if r == retOk
392      then return (Right True)
393      else if r == retNoMatch
394              then return (Right False)
395              else wrapError r regex_ptr
398wrapMatch regex@(Regex regex_fptr compileOptions flags) cstr = do
399 nullTest cstr "wrapMatch cstr" $ do
400  if (0 /= compNoSub .&. compileOptions)
401    then do
402      r <- wrapTest regex cstr
403      case r of
404        Right True -> return (Right (Just [])) -- Source of much "wtf?" crap
405        Right False -> return (Right Nothing)
406        Left err -> return (Left err)
407    else do
408      withForeignPtr regex_fptr $ \regex_ptr -> do
409        nsub <- (#peek regex_t, re_nsub) regex_ptr :: IO CSize
410        let nsub_int,nsub_bytes :: Int
411            nsub_int = fromIntegral nsub
412            nsub_bytes = ((1 + nsub_int) * (#const sizeof(regmatch_t)))
413        -- add one because index zero covers the whole match
414        allocaBytes nsub_bytes $ \p_match -> do
415         nullTest p_match "wrapMatch allocaBytes" $ do
416          doMatch regex_ptr cstr nsub p_match flags
418-- Very very thin wrapper
419-- Requires, but does not check, that nsub>=0
420-- Cannot return (Right (Just []))
421doMatch :: Ptr CRegex -> CString -> CSize -> Ptr CRegMatch -> ExecOption
422        -> IO (Either WrapError (Maybe [(RegOffset,RegOffset)]))
423{-# INLINE doMatch #-}
424doMatch regex_ptr cstr nsub p_match flags = do
425  r <- c_regexec regex_ptr cstr (1 + nsub) p_match flags
426  if r == retOk
427    then do
428       regions <- mapM getOffsets . take (1+fromIntegral nsub)
429                  . iterate (`plusPtr` (#const sizeof(regmatch_t))) $ p_match
430       return (Right (Just regions)) -- regions will not be []
431    else if r == retNoMatch
432       then return (Right Nothing)
433       else wrapError r regex_ptr
434  where
435    getOffsets :: Ptr CRegMatch -> IO (RegOffset,RegOffset)
436    {-# INLINE getOffsets #-}
437    getOffsets pmatch' = do
438      start <- (#peek regmatch_t, rm_so) pmatch' :: IO (#type regoff_t)
439      end   <- (#peek regmatch_t, rm_eo) pmatch' :: IO (#type regoff_t)
440      return (fromIntegral start,fromIntegral end)
442wrapMatchAll regex@(Regex regex_fptr compileOptions flags) cstr = do
443 nullTest cstr "wrapMatchAll cstr" $ do
444  if (0 /= compNoSub .&. compileOptions)
445    then do
446      r <- wrapTest regex cstr
447      case r of
448        Right True -> return (Right [(toMA 0 [])]) -- Source of much "wtf?" crap
449        Right False -> return (Right [])
450        Left err -> return (Left err)
451    else do
452      withForeignPtr regex_fptr $ \regex_ptr -> do
453        nsub <- (#peek regex_t, re_nsub) regex_ptr :: IO CSize
454        let nsub_int,nsub_bytes :: Int
455            nsub_int = fromIntegral nsub
456            nsub_bytes = ((1 + nsub_int) * (#const sizeof(regmatch_t)))
457        -- add one because index zero covers the whole match
458        allocaBytes nsub_bytes $ \p_match -> do
459         nullTest p_match "wrapMatchAll p_match" $ do
460          let flagsBOL = (complement execNotBOL) .&. flags
461              flagsMIDDLE = execNotBOL .|. flags
462              atBOL pos = doMatch regex_ptr (plusPtr cstr pos) nsub p_match flagsBOL
463              atMIDDLE pos = doMatch regex_ptr (plusPtr cstr pos) nsub p_match flagsMIDDLE
464              loop acc old (s,e) | acc `seq` old `seq` False = undefined
465                                 | s == e = do
466                let pos = old + fromIntegral e -- pos may be 0
467                atEnd <- isNull cstr pos
468                if atEnd then return (Right (acc []))
469                  else loop acc old (s,succ e)
470                                 | otherwise = do
471                let pos = old + fromIntegral e -- pos must be greater than 0 (tricky but true)
472                prev'newline <- isNewline cstr (pred pos) -- safe
473                result <- if prev'newline then atBOL pos else atMIDDLE pos
474                case result of
475                  Right Nothing -> return (Right (acc []))
476                  Right (Just parts@(whole:_)) -> let ma = toMA pos parts
477                                                 in loop (acc.(ma:)) pos whole
478                  Left err -> return (Left err)
479                  Right (Just []) -> return (Right (acc [(toMA pos [])])) -- should never happen
480          result <- doMatch regex_ptr cstr nsub p_match flags
481          case result of
482            Right Nothing -> return (Right [])
483            Right (Just parts@(whole:_)) -> let ma = toMA 0 parts
484                                            in loop (ma:) 0 whole
485            Left err -> return (Left err)
486            Right (Just []) -> return (Right [(toMA 0 [])]) -- should never happen
487  where
488    toMA :: Int -> [(RegOffset,RegOffset)] -> Array Int (Int,Int)
489    toMA pos [] = listArray (0,0) [(pos,0)] -- wtf?
490    toMA pos parts = listArray (0,pred (length parts))
491      . map (\(s,e)-> if s>=0 then (pos+fromIntegral s, fromIntegral (e-s)) else (-1,0))
492      $ parts
495wrapCount regex@(Regex regex_fptr compileOptions flags) cstr = do
496 nullTest cstr "wrapCount cstr" $ do
497  if (0 /= compNoSub .&. compileOptions)
498    then do
499      r <- wrapTest regex cstr
500      case r of
501        Right True -> return (Right 1)
502        Right False -> return (Right 0)
503        Left err -> return (Left err)
504    else do
505      withForeignPtr regex_fptr $ \regex_ptr -> do
506        let nsub_bytes = (#size regmatch_t)
507        allocaBytes nsub_bytes $ \p_match -> do
508         nullTest p_match "wrapCount p_match" $ do
509          let flagsBOL = (complement execNotBOL) .&. flags
510              flagsMIDDLE = execNotBOL .|. flags
511              atBOL pos = doMatch regex_ptr (plusPtr cstr pos) 0 p_match flagsBOL
512              atMIDDLE pos = doMatch regex_ptr (plusPtr cstr pos) 0 p_match flagsMIDDLE
513              loop acc old (s,e) | acc `seq` old `seq` False = undefined
514                                 | s == e = do
515                let pos = old + fromIntegral e -- 0 <= pos
516                atEnd <- isNull cstr pos
517                if atEnd then return (Right acc)
518                  else loop acc old (s,succ e)
519                                 | otherwise = do
520                let pos = old + fromIntegral e -- 0 < pos
521                prev'newline <- isNewline cstr (pred pos) -- safe
522                result <- if prev'newline then atBOL pos else atMIDDLE pos
523                case result of
524                  Right Nothing -> return (Right acc)
525                  Right (Just (whole:_)) -> loop (succ acc) pos whole
526                  Left err -> return (Left err)
527                  Right (Just []) -> return (Right acc) -- should never happen
528          result <- doMatch regex_ptr cstr 0 p_match flags
529          case result of
530            Right Nothing -> return (Right 0)
531            Right (Just (whole:_)) -> loop 1 0 whole
532            Left err -> return (Left err)
533            Right (Just []) -> return (Right 0) -- should never happen
537-- This is the slower 0.66 version of the code (91s instead of 79s on 10^6 bytes)
539wrapMatchAll regex cstr = do
540  let regex' = setExecOpts (execNotBOL .|. (getExecOpts regex)) regex
541      at pos = wrapMatch regex' (plusPtr cstr pos)
542      loop old (s,e) | s == e = return []
543                     | otherwise = do
544        let pos = old + fromIntegral e
545        result <- at pos
546        case unwrap result of
547          Nothing -> return []
548          Just [] -> return ((toMA pos []):[]) -- wtf?
549          Just parts@(whole:_) -> do rest <- loop pos whole
550                                     return ((toMA pos parts) : rest)
551  result <- wrapMatch regex cstr
552  case unwrap result of
553    Nothing -> return []
554    Just [] -> return ((toMA 0 []):[]) -- wtf?
555    Just parts@(whole:_) -> do rest <- loop 0 whole
556                               return ((toMA 0 parts) : rest)
558-- This was also changed to match wrapMatchAll after 0.66
559wrapCount regex cstr = do
560  let regex' = setExecOpts (execNotBOL .|. (getExecOpts regex)) regex
561      at pos = wrapMatch regex' (plusPtr cstr pos)
562      loop acc old (s,e) | acc `seq` old `seq` False = undefined
563                         | s == e = return acc
564                         | otherwise = do
565        let pos = old + fromIntegral e
566        result <- at pos
567        case unwrap result of
568          Nothing -> return acc
569          Just [] -> return (succ acc) -- wtf?
570          Just (whole:_) -> loop (succ acc) pos whole
571  result <- wrapMatch regex cstr
572  case unwrap result of
573    Nothing -> return 0
574    Just [] -> return 1 -- wtf?
575    Just (whole:_) -> loop 1 0 whole