1%% ``Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
5%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11%% limitations under the License.
13%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
14%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
15%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
17%%     $Id: beam_bool.erl,v 1.1 2008/12/17 09:53:41 mikpe Exp $
18%% Purpose: Optimizes booleans in guards.
24-import(lists, [reverse/1,foldl/3,mapfoldl/3,sort/1,member/2]).
25-define(MAXREG, 1024).
28	{next,					%Next label number.
29	 ll					%Live regs at labels.
30	}).
32module({Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs0,Lc}, _Opts) ->
33    %%io:format("~p:\n", [Mod]),
34    {Fs,_} = mapfoldl(fun(Fn, Lbl) -> function(Fn, Lbl) end, 100000000, Fs0),
35    {ok,{Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs,Lc}}.
37function({function,Name,Arity,CLabel,Is0}, Lbl0) ->
38    %%io:format("~p/~p:\n", [Name,Arity]),
39    {Is,#st{next=Lbl}} = bool_opt(Is0, Lbl0),
40    {{function,Name,Arity,CLabel,Is},Lbl}.
43%% Optimize boolean expressions that use guard bifs. Rewrite to
44%% use test instructions if possible.
47bool_opt(Asm, Lbl) ->
48    LiveInfo = index_instructions(Asm),
49    bopt(Asm, [], #st{next=Lbl,ll=LiveInfo}).
52      [{jump,{f,Succ}},
53       {label,Fail},
54       {block,[{set,[Dst],[{atom,false}],move},{'%live',Live}]},
55       {label,Succ}|Is]=Is0], Acc0, St) ->
56    case split_block(Bl0, Dst, Fail) of
57	failed ->
58	    bopt(Is0, [Block|Acc0], St);
59	{Bl,PreBlock} ->
60	    Acc1 = case PreBlock of
61		       [] -> Acc0;
62		       _ -> [{block,PreBlock}|Acc0]
63		   end,
64	    Acc = [{protected,[Dst],Bl,{Fail,Succ,Live}}|Acc1],
65	    bopt(Is, Acc, St)
66    end;
67bopt([{test,is_eq_exact,{f,Fail},[Reg,{atom,true}]}=I|Is], [{block,_}|_]=Acc0, St0) ->
68    case bopt_block(Reg, Fail, Is, Acc0, St0) of
69	failed -> bopt(Is, [I|Acc0], St0);
70	{Acc,St} -> bopt(Is, Acc, St)
71    end;
72bopt([I|Is], Acc, St) ->
73    bopt(Is, [I|Acc], St);
74bopt([], Acc, St) ->
75    {bopt_reverse(Acc, []),St}.
77bopt_reverse([{protected,[Dst],Block,{Fail,Succ,Live}}|Is], Acc0) ->
78    Acc = [{block,Block},{jump,{f,Succ}},
79	   {label,Fail},
80	   {block,[{set,[Dst],[{atom,false}],move},{'%live',Live}]},
81	   {label,Succ}|Acc0],
82    bopt_reverse(Is, Acc);
83bopt_reverse([I|Is], Acc) ->
84    bopt_reverse(Is, [I|Acc]);
85bopt_reverse([], Acc) -> Acc.
87%% bopt_block(Reg, Fail, OldIs, Accumulator, St) -> failed | {NewAcc,St}
88%%  Attempt to optimized a block of guard BIFs followed by a test
89%%  instruction.
90bopt_block(Reg, Fail, OldIs, [{block,Bl0}|Acc0], St0) ->
91    case split_block(Bl0, Reg, Fail) of
92	failed ->
93	    %% Reason for failure: The block either contained no
94	    %% guard BIFs with the failure label Fail, or the final
95	    %% instruction in the block did not assign the Reg register.
97	    %%io:format("split ~p: ~P\n", [Reg,Bl0,20]),
98	    failed;
99	{Bl1,BlPre} ->
100	    %% The block has been splitted. Bl1 is a non-empty list
101	    %% of guard BIF instructions having the failure label Fail.
102	    %% BlPre is a (possibly empty list) of instructions preceeding
103	    %% Bl1.
104	    Acc1 = make_block(BlPre, Acc0),
105	    {Bl,Acc} = extend_block(Bl1, Fail, Acc1),
106	    case catch bopt_block_1(Bl, Fail, St0) of
107		{'EXIT',_Reason} ->
108		    %% Optimization failed for one of the following reasons:
109		    %%
110		    %% 1. Not possible to rewrite because a boolean value is
111		    %%    passed to another guard bif, e.g. 'abs(A > B)'
112		    %%    (in this case, obviously nonsense code). Rare in
113		    %%    practice.
114		    %%
115		    %% 2. Not possible to rewrite because we have not seen
116		    %%    the complete boolan expression (it is spread out
117		    %%    over several blocks with jumps and labels).
118		    %%    The 'or' and 'and' instructions need to that fully
119		    %%    known operands in order to be eliminated.
120		    %%
121		    %% 3. Other bug or limitation.
123		    %%io:format("~P\n", [_Reason,20]),
124		    failed;
125		{NewCode,St} ->
126		    case is_opt_safe(Bl, NewCode, OldIs, St) of
127			false ->
128			    %% The optimization is not safe. (A register
129			    %% used by the instructions following the
130			    %% optimized code is either not assigned a
131			    %% value at all or assigned a different value.)
133			    %%io:format("\nNot safe:\n"),
134			    %%io:format("~p\n", [Bl]),
135			    %%io:format("~p\n", [reverse(NewCode)]),
136			    failed;
137			true -> {NewCode++Acc,St}
138		    end
139	    end
140    end.
142bopt_block_1(Block, Fail, St) ->
143    {Pre0,[{_,Tree}]} = bopt_tree(Block),
144    Pre = update_fail_label(Pre0, Fail, []),
145    bopt_cg(Tree, Fail, make_block(Pre, []), St).
147%% is_opt_safe(OriginalCode, OptCode, FollowingCode, State) -> true|false
148%%  Comparing the original code to the optimized code, determine
149%%  whether the optimized code is guaranteed to work in the same
150%%  way as the original code.
152is_opt_safe(Bl, NewCode, OldIs, St) ->
153    %% Here are the conditions that must be true for the
154    %% optimization to be safe.
155    %%
156    %% 1. Any register that was assigned a value in the original
157    %%    code, but is not in the optimized code, must be guaranteed
158    %%    to be KILLED in the following code. (NotSet below.)
159    %%
160    %% 2. Any register that is assigned a value in the optimized
161    %%    code must be UNUSED in the following code. (NewDst, Set.)
162    %%    (Possible future improvement: Registers that are known
163    %%    to be assigned the SAME value in the original and optimized
164    %%    code don't need to be unused in the following code.)
166    PrevDst = dst_regs(Bl),
167    NewDst = dst_regs(NewCode),
168    NotSet = ordsets:subtract(PrevDst, NewDst),
170    %% Note: The following line is an optimization. We don't need
171    %% to test whether variables in NotSet for being unused, because
172    %% they will all be tested for being killed (a stronger condition
173    %% than being unused).
175    Set = ordsets:subtract(NewDst, NotSet),
177    all_killed(NotSet, OldIs, St) andalso
178	none_used(Set, OldIs, St).
180% update_fail_label([{set,_,_,{bif,_,{f,0}}}=I|Is], Fail, Acc) ->
181%     update_fail_label(Is, Fail, [I|Acc]);
182update_fail_label([{set,Ds,As,{bif,N,{f,_}}}|Is], Fail, Acc) ->
183    update_fail_label(Is, Fail, [{set,Ds,As,{bif,N,{f,Fail}}}|Acc]);
184update_fail_label([], _, Acc) -> Acc.
186make_block([], Acc) -> Acc;
187make_block(Bl, Acc) -> [{block,Bl}|Acc].
189extend_block(BlAcc, Fail, [{protected,_,_,_}=Prot|OldAcc]) ->
190    extend_block([Prot|BlAcc], Fail, OldAcc);
191extend_block(BlAcc0, Fail, [{block,Is0}|OldAcc]=OldAcc0) ->
192    case extend_block_1(reverse(Is0), Fail, BlAcc0) of
193	{[],_} -> {BlAcc0,OldAcc0};
194	{BlAcc,[]} -> extend_block(BlAcc, Fail, OldAcc);
195	{BlAcc,Is} -> {BlAcc,[{block,Is}|OldAcc]}
196    end;
197extend_block(BlAcc, _, OldAcc) -> {BlAcc,OldAcc}.
199extend_block_1([{set,[_],_,{bif,_,{f,Fail}}}=I|Is], Fail, Acc) ->
200    extend_block_1(Is, Fail, [I|Acc]);
201extend_block_1([{set,[_],As,{bif,Bif,_}}=I|Is]=Is0, Fail, Acc) ->
202    case safe_bool_op(Bif, length(As)) of
203	false -> {Acc,reverse(Is0)};
204	true -> extend_block_1(Is, Fail, [I|Acc])
205    end;
206extend_block_1([_|_]=Is, _, Acc) -> {Acc,reverse(Is)};
207extend_block_1([], _, Acc) -> {Acc,[]}.
209split_block(Is0, Dst, Fail) ->
210    case reverse(Is0) of
211	[{'%live',_}|[{set,[Dst],_,_}|_]=Is] ->
212	    split_block_1(Is, Fail);
213	[{set,[Dst],_,_}|_]=Is ->
214	    split_block_1(Is, Fail);
215	_ -> failed
216    end.
218split_block_1(Is, Fail) ->
219    case split_block_2(Is, Fail, []) of
220	{[],_} -> failed;
221	{_,_}=Res -> Res
222    end.
224% split_block_2([{set,[_],_,{bif,_,{f,0}}}=I|Is], Fail, Acc) ->
225%     split_block_2(Is, Fail, [I|Acc]);
226split_block_2([{set,[_],_,{bif,_,{f,Fail}}}=I|Is], Fail, Acc) ->
227    split_block_2(Is, Fail, [I|Acc]);
228split_block_2([{'%live',_}|Is], Fail, Acc) ->
229    split_block_2(Is, Fail, Acc);
230split_block_2(Is, _, Acc) -> {Acc,reverse(Is)}.
232dst_regs(Is) ->
233    dst_regs(Is, []).
235dst_regs([{block,Bl}|Is], Acc) ->
236    dst_regs(Bl, dst_regs(Is, Acc));
237dst_regs([{set,[D],_,{bif,_,{f,_}}}|Is], Acc) ->
238    dst_regs(Is, [D|Acc]);
239dst_regs([_|Is], Acc) ->
240    dst_regs(Is, Acc);
241dst_regs([], Acc) -> ordsets:from_list(Acc).
243all_killed([R|Rs], OldIs, St) ->
244    case is_killed(R, OldIs, St) of
245	false -> false;
246	true -> all_killed(Rs, OldIs, St)
247    end;
248all_killed([], _, _) -> true.
250none_used([R|Rs], OldIs, St) ->
251    case is_not_used(R, OldIs, St) of
252	false -> false;
253	true -> none_used(Rs, OldIs, St)
254    end;
255none_used([], _, _) -> true.
257bopt_tree(Block0) ->
258    Block = ssa_block(Block0),
259    Reg = free_variables(Block),
260    %%io:format("~p\n", [Block]),
261    %%io:format("~p\n", [Reg]),
262    Res = bopt_tree_1(Block, Reg, []),
263    %%io:format("~p\n", [Res]),
264    Res.
266bopt_tree_1([{set,[Dst],As0,{bif,'not',_}}|Is], Forest0, Pre) ->
267    {[Arg],Forest1} = bopt_bool_args(As0, Forest0),
268    Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, {'not',Arg}, Forest1),
269    bopt_tree_1(Is, Forest, Pre);
270bopt_tree_1([{set,[Dst],As0,{bif,'and',_}}|Is], Forest0, Pre) ->
271    {As,Forest1} = bopt_bool_args(As0, Forest0),
272    AndList = make_and_list(As),
273    Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, {'and',AndList}, Forest1),
274    bopt_tree_1(Is, Forest, Pre);
275bopt_tree_1([{set,[Dst],[L0,R0],{bif,'or',_}}|Is], Forest0, Pre) ->
276    L = gb_trees:get(L0, Forest0),
277    R = gb_trees:get(R0, Forest0),
278    Forest1 = gb_trees:delete(L0, gb_trees:delete(R0, Forest0)),
279    OrList = make_or_list([L,R]),
280    Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, {'or',OrList}, Forest1),
281    bopt_tree_1(Is, Forest, Pre);
282bopt_tree_1([{protected,[Dst],_,_}=Prot|Is], Forest0, Pre) ->
283    Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, Prot, Forest0),
284    bopt_tree_1(Is, Forest, Pre);
285bopt_tree_1([{set,[Dst],As,{bif,N,_}}=Bif|Is], Forest0, Pre) ->
286    Ar = length(As),
287    case safe_bool_op(N, Ar) of
288	false ->
289	    bopt_good_args(As, Forest0),
290	    Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, any, Forest0),
291	    bopt_tree_1(Is, Forest, [Bif|Pre]);
292	true ->
293	    bopt_good_args(As, Forest0),
294	    Test = bif_to_test(Dst, N, As),
295	    Forest = gb_trees:enter(Dst, Test, Forest0),
296	    bopt_tree_1(Is, Forest, Pre)
297    end;
298bopt_tree_1([], Forest, Pre) ->
299    {Pre,[R || {_,V}=R <- gb_trees:to_list(Forest), V =/= any]}.
301safe_bool_op(internal_is_record, 3) -> true;
302safe_bool_op(N, Ar) ->
303    erl_internal:new_type_test(N, Ar) orelse erl_internal:comp_op(N, Ar).
305bopt_bool_args(As, Forest) ->
306    mapfoldl(fun bopt_bool_arg/2, Forest, As).
308bopt_bool_arg({T,_}=R, Forest) when T == x; T == y ->
309    {gb_trees:get(R, Forest),gb_trees:delete(R, Forest)};
310bopt_bool_arg(Term, Forest) ->
311    {Term,Forest}.
313bopt_good_args([A|As], Regs) ->
314    bopt_good_arg(A, Regs),
315    bopt_good_args(As, Regs);
316bopt_good_args([], _) -> ok.
318bopt_good_arg({x,_}=X, Regs) ->
319    case gb_trees:get(X, Regs) of
320	any -> ok;
321	_Other ->
322	    %%io:format("not any: ~p: ~p\n", [X,_Other]),
323	    exit(bad_contents)
324    end;
325bopt_good_arg(_, _) -> ok.
327bif_to_test(_, N, As) ->
328    bif_to_test(N, As).
330bif_to_test(internal_is_record, [_,_,_]=As) ->
331    {test,internal_is_record,fail,As};
332bif_to_test('=:=', As) -> {test,is_eq_exact,fail,As};
333bif_to_test('=/=', As) -> {test,is_ne_exact,fail,As};
334bif_to_test('==', As) -> {test,is_eq,fail,As};
335bif_to_test('/=', As) -> {test,is_ne,fail,As};
336bif_to_test('=<', [L,R]) -> {test,is_ge,fail,[R,L]};
337bif_to_test('>=', As) -> {test,is_ge,fail,As};
338bif_to_test('>', [L,R]) -> {test,is_lt,fail,[R,L]};
339bif_to_test('<', As) -> {test,is_lt,fail,As};
340bif_to_test(Name, [_]=As) ->
341    case erl_internal:new_type_test(Name, 1) of
342	false -> exit({bif_to_test,Name,As,failed});
343	true -> {test,Name,fail,As}
344    end.
346make_and_list([{'and',As}|Is]) ->
347    make_and_list(As++Is);
348make_and_list([I|Is]) ->
349    [I|make_and_list(Is)];
350make_and_list([]) -> [].
352make_or_list([{'or',As}|Is]) ->
353    make_or_list(As++Is);
354make_or_list([I|Is]) ->
355    [I|make_or_list(Is)];
356make_or_list([]) -> [].
358%% Code generation for a boolean tree.
360bopt_cg({'not',Arg}, Fail, Acc, St) ->
361    I = bopt_cg_not(Arg),
362    bopt_cg(I, Fail, Acc, St);
363bopt_cg({'and',As}, Fail, Acc, St) ->
364    bopt_cg_and(As, Fail, Acc, St);
365bopt_cg({'or',As}, Fail, Acc, St0) ->
366    {Succ,St} = new_label(St0),
367    bopt_cg_or(As, Succ, Fail, Acc, St);
368bopt_cg({test,is_tuple_element,fail,[Tmp,Tuple,RecordTag]}, Fail, Acc, St) ->
369    {[{test,is_eq_exact,{f,Fail},[Tmp,RecordTag]},
370      {get_tuple_element,Tuple,0,Tmp}|Acc],St};
371bopt_cg({inverted_test,is_tuple_element,fail,[Tmp,Tuple,RecordTag]}, Fail, Acc, St) ->
372    {[{test,is_ne_exact,{f,Fail},[Tmp,RecordTag]},
373      {get_tuple_element,Tuple,0,Tmp}|Acc],St};
374bopt_cg({test,N,fail,As}, Fail, Acc, St) ->
375    Test = {test,N,{f,Fail},As},
376    {[Test|Acc],St};
377bopt_cg({inverted_test,N,fail,As}, Fail, Acc, St0) ->
378    {Lbl,St} = new_label(St0),
379    {[{label,Lbl},{jump,{f,Fail}},{test,N,{f,Lbl},As}|Acc],St};
380bopt_cg({protected,_,Bl0,{_,_,_}}, Fail, Acc, St0) ->
381    {Bl,St} = bopt_block_1(Bl0, Fail, St0),
382    {Bl++Acc,St};
383bopt_cg([_|_]=And, Fail, Acc, St) ->
384    bopt_cg_and(And, Fail, Acc, St).
386bopt_cg_not({'and',As0}) ->
387    As = [bopt_cg_not(A) || A <- As0],
388    {'or',As};
389bopt_cg_not({'or',As0}) ->
390    As = [bopt_cg_not(A) || A <- As0],
391    {'and',As};
392bopt_cg_not({test,Test,Fail,As}) ->
393    {inverted_test,Test,Fail,As}.
395bopt_cg_and([{atom,false}|_], Fail, _, St) ->
396    {[{jump,{f,Fail}}],St};
397bopt_cg_and([{atom,true}|Is], Fail, Acc, St) ->
398    bopt_cg_and(Is, Fail, Acc, St);
399bopt_cg_and([I|Is], Fail, Acc0, St0) ->
400    {Acc,St} = bopt_cg(I, Fail, Acc0, St0),
401    bopt_cg_and(Is, Fail, Acc, St);
402bopt_cg_and([], _, Acc, St) -> {Acc,St}.
404bopt_cg_or([I], Succ, Fail, Acc0, St0) ->
405    {Acc,St} = bopt_cg(I, Fail, Acc0, St0),
406    {[{label,Succ}|Acc],St};
407bopt_cg_or([I|Is], Succ, Fail, Acc0, St0) ->
408    {Lbl,St1} = new_label(St0),
409    {Acc,St} = bopt_cg(I, Lbl, Acc0, St1),
410    bopt_cg_or(Is, Succ, Fail, [{label,Lbl},{jump,{f,Succ}}|Acc], St).
412new_label(#st{next=LabelNum}=St) when is_integer(LabelNum) ->
413    {LabelNum,St#st{next=LabelNum+1}}.
415free_variables(Is) ->
416    E = gb_sets:empty(),
417    free_vars_1(Is, E, E).
419free_vars_1([{set,[Dst],As,{bif,_,_}}|Is], F0, N0) ->
420    F = gb_sets:union(F0, gb_sets:difference(var_list(As), N0)),
421    N = gb_sets:union(N0, var_list([Dst])),
422    free_vars_1(Is, F, N);
423free_vars_1([{protected,_,Pa,_}|Is], F, N) ->
424    free_vars_1(Pa++Is, F, N);
425free_vars_1([], F, _) ->
426    gb_trees:from_orddict([{K,any} || K <- gb_sets:to_list(F)]).
428var_list(Is) ->
429    var_list_1(Is, gb_sets:empty()).
431var_list_1([{x,_}=X|Is], D) ->
432    var_list_1(Is, gb_sets:add(X, D));
433var_list_1([_|Is], D) ->
434    var_list_1(Is, D);
435var_list_1([], D) -> D.
438%%% Convert a block to Static Single Assignment (SSA) form.
442	{live,
443	 sub}).
445ssa_block(Is0) ->
446    Next = ssa_first_free(Is0, 0),
447    {Is,_} = ssa_block_1(Is0, #ssa{live=Next,sub=gb_trees:empty()}, []),
448    Is.
450ssa_block_1([{protected,[_],Pa0,Pb}|Is], Sub0, Acc) ->
451    {Pa,Sub} = ssa_block_1(Pa0, Sub0, []),
452    Dst = ssa_last_target(Pa),
453    ssa_block_1(Is, Sub, [{protected,[Dst],Pa,Pb}|Acc]);
454ssa_block_1([{set,[Dst],As,Bif}|Is], Sub0, Acc0) ->
455    Sub1 = ssa_in_use_list(As, Sub0),
456    Sub = ssa_assign(Dst, Sub1),
457    Acc = [{set,[ssa_sub(Dst, Sub)],ssa_sub_list(As, Sub0),Bif}|Acc0],
458    ssa_block_1(Is, Sub, Acc);
459ssa_block_1([], Sub, Acc) -> {reverse(Acc),Sub}.
461ssa_in_use_list(As, Sub) ->
462    foldl(fun ssa_in_use/2, Sub, As).
464ssa_in_use({x,_}=R, #ssa{sub=Sub0}=Ssa) ->
465    case gb_trees:is_defined(R, Sub0) of
466	true -> Ssa;
467	false ->
468	    Sub = gb_trees:insert(R, R, Sub0),
469	    Ssa#ssa{sub=Sub}
470    end;
471ssa_in_use(_, Ssa) -> Ssa.
473ssa_assign({x,_}=R, #ssa{sub=Sub0}=Ssa0) ->
474    case gb_trees:is_defined(R, Sub0) of
475	false ->
476	    Sub = gb_trees:insert(R, R, Sub0),
477	    Ssa0#ssa{sub=Sub};
478	true ->
479	    {NewReg,Ssa} = ssa_new_reg(Ssa0),
480	    Sub1 = gb_trees:update(R, NewReg, Sub0),
481	    Sub = gb_trees:insert(NewReg, NewReg, Sub1),
482	    Ssa#ssa{sub=Sub}
483    end;
484ssa_assign(_, Ssa) -> Ssa.
486ssa_sub_list(List, Sub) ->
487    [ssa_sub(E, Sub) || E <- List].
489ssa_sub(R0, #ssa{sub=Sub}) ->
490    case gb_trees:lookup(R0, Sub) of
491	none -> R0;
492	{value,R} -> R
493    end.
495ssa_new_reg(#ssa{live=Reg}=Ssa) ->
496    {{x,Reg},Ssa#ssa{live=Reg+1}}.
498ssa_first_free([{protected,Ds,_,_}|Is], Next0) ->
499    Next = ssa_first_free_list(Ds, Next0),
500    ssa_first_free(Is, Next);
501ssa_first_free([{set,[Dst],As,_}|Is], Next0) ->
502    Next = ssa_first_free_list([Dst|As], Next0),
503    ssa_first_free(Is, Next);
504ssa_first_free([], Next) -> Next.
506ssa_first_free_list(Regs, Next) ->
507    foldl(fun({x,R}, N) when R >= N -> R+1;
508	     (_, N) -> N end, Next, Regs).
510ssa_last_target([{set,[Dst],_,_},{'%live',_}]) -> Dst;
511ssa_last_target([{set,[Dst],_,_}]) -> Dst;
512ssa_last_target([_|Is]) -> ssa_last_target(Is).
514%% index_instructions(FunctionIs) -> GbTree([{Label,Is}])
515%%  Index the instruction sequence so that we can quickly
516%%  look up the instruction following a specific label.
518index_instructions(Is) ->
519    ii_1(Is, []).
521ii_1([{label,Lbl}|Is0], Acc) ->
522    Is = lists:dropwhile(fun({label,_}) -> true;
523			    (_) -> false end, Is0),
524    ii_1(Is0, [{Lbl,Is}|Acc]);
525ii_1([_|Is], Acc) ->
526    ii_1(Is, Acc);
527ii_1([], Acc) -> gb_trees:from_orddict(sort(Acc)).
529%% is_killed(Register, [Instruction], State) -> true|false
530%%  Determine whether a register is killed in the instruction sequence.
531%%  The state is used to allow us to determine the kill state
532%%  across branches.
534is_killed(R, Is, St) ->
535    case is_killed_1(R, Is, St) of
536	false ->
537	    %%io:format("nk ~p: ~P\n", [R,Is,15]),
538	    false;
539	true -> true
540    end.
542is_killed_1(R, [{block,Blk}|Is], St) ->
543    case is_killed_1(R, Blk, St) of
544	true -> true;
545	false -> is_killed_1(R, Is, St)
546    end;
547is_killed_1(R, [{test,_,{f,Fail},As}|Is], St) ->
548    case not member(R, As) andalso is_reg_killed_at(R, Fail, St) of
549	false -> false;
550	true -> is_killed_1(R, Is, St)
551    end;
552is_killed_1(R, [{select_val,R,_,_}|_], _) -> false;
553is_killed_1(R, [{select_val,_,Fail,{list,Branches}}|_], St) ->
554    is_killed_at_all(R, [Fail|Branches], St);
555is_killed_1(R, [{jump,{f,F}}|_], St) ->
556    is_reg_killed_at(R, F, St);
557is_killed_1(Reg, Is, _) ->
558    beam_block:is_killed(Reg, Is).
560is_reg_killed_at(R, Lbl, #st{ll=Ll}=St) ->
561    Is = gb_trees:get(Lbl, Ll),
562    is_killed_1(R, Is, St).
564is_killed_at_all(R, [{f,Lbl}|T], St) ->
565    case is_reg_killed_at(R, Lbl, St) of
566	false -> false;
567	true -> is_killed_at_all(R, T, St)
568    end;
569is_killed_at_all(R, [_|T], St) ->
570    is_killed_at_all(R, T, St);
571is_killed_at_all(_, [], _) -> true.
573%% is_not_used(Register, [Instruction], State) -> true|false
574%%  Determine whether a register is never used in the instruction sequence
575%%  (it could still referenced by an allocate instruction, meaning that
576%%  it MUST be initialized).
577%%    The state is used to allow us to determine the usage state
578%%  across branches.
580is_not_used(R, Is, St) ->
581    case is_not_used_1(R, Is, St) of
582	false ->
583	    %%io:format("used ~p: ~P\n", [R,Is,15]),
584	    false;
585	true -> true
586    end.
588is_not_used_1(R, [{block,Blk}|Is], St) ->
589    case is_not_used_1(R, Blk, St) of
590	true -> true;
591	false -> is_not_used_1(R, Is, St)
592    end;
593is_not_used_1(R, [{test,_,{f,Fail},As}|Is], St) ->
594    case not member(R, As) andalso is_reg_not_used_at(R, Fail, St) of
595	false -> false;
596	true -> is_not_used_1(R, Is, St)
597    end;
598is_not_used_1(R, [{select_val,R,_,_}|_], _) -> false;
599is_not_used_1(R, [{select_val,_,Fail,{list,Branches}}|_], St) ->
600    is_used_at_none(R, [Fail|Branches], St);
601is_not_used_1(R, [{jump,{f,F}}|_], St) ->
602    is_reg_not_used_at(R, F, St);
603is_not_used_1(Reg, Is, _) ->
604    beam_block:is_not_used(Reg, Is).
606is_reg_not_used_at(R, Lbl, #st{ll=Ll}=St) ->
607    Is = gb_trees:get(Lbl, Ll),
608    is_not_used_1(R, Is, St).
610is_used_at_none(R, [{f,Lbl}|T], St) ->
611    case is_reg_not_used_at(R, Lbl, St) of
612	false -> false;
613	true -> is_used_at_none(R, T, St)
614    end;
615is_used_at_none(R, [_|T], St) ->
616    is_used_at_none(R, T, St);
617is_used_at_none(_, [], _) -> true.