2%% %CopyrightBegin%
4%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2020. All Rights Reserved.
6%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
10%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16%% limitations under the License.
18%% %CopyrightEnd%
23%%% TEST_SERVER_CTRL INTERFACE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
27%%% TEST_SERVER_SUP INTERFACE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
30%%% TEST SUITE INTERFACE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
38	 timetrap_cancel/1,timetrap_cancel/0]).
42-export([start_node/3, stop_node/1, wait_for_node/1, is_release_available/1]).
43-export([app_test/1, app_test/2, appup_test/1]).
45-export([comment/1, make_priv_dir/0]).
52%%% DEBUGGER INTERFACE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
53-export([valgrind_new_leaks/0, valgrind_format/2,
54	 is_valgrind/0]).
56%%% PRIVATE EXPORTED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
63init_target_info() ->
64    [$.|Emu] = code:objfile_extension(),
65    {_, OTPRel} = init:script_id(),
66    #target_info{os_family=test_server_sup:get_os_family(),
67		 os_type=os:type(),
68		 version=erlang:system_info(version),
69		 system_version=erlang:system_info(system_version),
70		 root_dir=code:root_dir(),
71		 emulator=Emu,
72		 otp_release=OTPRel,
73		 username=test_server_sup:get_username(),
74		 cookie=atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie())}.
76init_valgrind() ->
77    valgrind_new_leaks().
81%% cover_compile(#cover{app=App,incl=Include,excl=Exclude,cross=Cross}) ->
82%%        {ok,#cover{mods=AnalyseModules}} | {error,Reason}
84%% App = atom() , name of application to be compiled
85%% Exclude = [atom()], list of modules to exclude
86%% Include = [atom()], list of modules outside of App that should be included
87%%                 in the cover compilation
88%% Cross = [atoms()], list of modules outside of App shat should be included
89%%                 in the cover compilation, but that shall not be part of
90%%                 the cover analysis for this application.
91%% AnalyseModules = [atom()], list of successfully compiled modules
93%% Cover compile the given application. Return {ok,CoverInfo} if
94%% compilation succeeds, else (if application is not found and there
95%% are no modules to compile) {error,application_not_found}.
97cover_compile(CoverInfo=#cover{app=none,incl=Include,cross=Cross}) ->
98    CrossMods = lists:flatmap(fun({_,M}) -> M end,Cross),
99    CompileMods = Include++CrossMods,
100    case length(CompileMods) of
101	0 ->
102	    io:fwrite("WARNING: No modules to cover compile!\n\n",[]),
103	    {ok, _} = start_cover(),			% start cover server anyway
104	    {ok,CoverInfo#cover{mods=[]}};
105	N ->
106	    io:fwrite("Cover compiling ~w modules - "
107		      "this may take some time... ",[N]),
108	    do_cover_compile(CompileMods),
109	    io:fwrite("done\n\n",[]),
110	    {ok,CoverInfo#cover{mods=Include}}
111    end;
112cover_compile(CoverInfo=#cover{app=App,excl=all,incl=Include,cross=Cross}) ->
113    CrossMods = lists:flatmap(fun({_,M}) -> M end,Cross),
114    CompileMods = Include++CrossMods,
115    case length(CompileMods) of
116	0 ->
117	    io:fwrite("WARNING: No modules to cover compile!\n\n",[]),
118	    {ok, _} = start_cover(),			% start cover server anyway
119	    {ok,CoverInfo#cover{mods=[]}};
120	N ->
121	    io:fwrite("Cover compiling '~w' (~w files) - "
122		      "this may take some time... ",[App,N]),
123	    io:format("\nWARNING: All modules in \'~w\' are excluded\n"
124		      "Only cover compiling modules in include list "
125		      "and the modules\nin the cross cover file:\n"
126		      "~tp\n", [App,CompileMods]),
127	    do_cover_compile(CompileMods),
128	    io:fwrite("done\n\n",[]),
129	    {ok,CoverInfo#cover{mods=Include}}
130    end;
132			       incl=Include,cross=Cross}) ->
133    CrossMods = lists:flatmap(fun({_,M}) -> M end,Cross),
134    case code:lib_dir(App) of
135	{error,bad_name} ->
136	    case Include++CrossMods of
137		[] ->
138		    io:format("\nWARNING: Can't find lib_dir for \'~w\'\n"
139			      "Not cover compiling!\n\n",[App]),
140		    {error,application_not_found};
141		CompileMods ->
142		    io:fwrite("Cover compiling '~w' (~w files) - "
143			      "this may take some time... ",
144			      [App,length(CompileMods)]),
145		    io:format("\nWARNING: Can't find lib_dir for \'~w\'\n"
146			      "Only cover compiling modules in include list: "
147			      "~tp\n", [App,Include]),
148		    do_cover_compile(CompileMods),
149		    io:fwrite("done\n\n",[]),
150		    {ok,CoverInfo#cover{mods=Include}}
151	    end;
152	LibDir ->
153	    EbinDir = filename:join([LibDir,"ebin"]),
154	    WC = filename:join(EbinDir,"*.beam"),
155	    AllMods = module_names(filelib:wildcard(WC)),
156	    AnalyseMods = (AllMods ++ Include) -- Exclude,
157	    CompileMods = AnalyseMods ++ CrossMods,
158	    case length(CompileMods) of
159		0 ->
160		    io:fwrite("WARNING: No modules to cover compile!\n\n",[]),
161		    {ok, _} = start_cover(),		% start cover server anyway
162		    {ok,CoverInfo#cover{mods=[]}};
163		N ->
164		    io:fwrite("Cover compiling '~w' (~w files) - "
165			      "this may take some time... ",[App,N]),
166		    do_cover_compile(CompileMods),
167		    io:fwrite("done\n\n",[]),
168		    {ok,CoverInfo#cover{mods=AnalyseMods}}
169	    end
170    end.
173module_names(Beams) ->
174    [list_to_atom(filename:basename(filename:rootname(Beam))) || Beam <- Beams].
177do_cover_compile(Modules) ->
178    {ok, _} = start_cover(),
179    Sticky = prepare_cover_compile(Modules,[]),
180    R = cover:compile_beam(Modules),
181    _ = [warn_compile(Error) || Error <- R,element(1,Error)=/=ok],
182    _ = [code:stick_mod(M) || M <- Sticky],
183    ok.
185warn_compile({error,{Reason,Module}}) ->
186    io:fwrite("\nWARNING: Could not cover compile ~ts: ~tp\n",
187	      [Module,{error,Reason}]).
189%% Make sure all modules are loaded and unstick if sticky
190prepare_cover_compile([M|Ms],Sticky) ->
191    case {code:is_sticky(M),code:is_loaded(M)} of
192	{true,_} ->
193	    code:unstick_mod(M),
194	    prepare_cover_compile(Ms,[M|Sticky]);
195	{false,false} ->
196	    case code:load_file(M) of
197		{module,_} ->
198		    prepare_cover_compile([M|Ms],Sticky);
199		Error ->
200		    io:fwrite("\nWARNING: Could not load ~w: ~tp\n",[M,Error]),
201		    prepare_cover_compile(Ms,Sticky)
202	    end;
203	{false,_} ->
204	    prepare_cover_compile(Ms,Sticky)
205    end;
206prepare_cover_compile([],Sticky) ->
207    Sticky.
210%% cover_analyse(Dir,#cover{level=Analyse,mods=Modules,stop=Stop) ->
211%%            [{M,{Cov,NotCov,Details}}]
213%% Dir = string()
214%% Analyse = details | overview
215%% Modules = [atom()], the modules to analyse
217%% Cover analysis. If Analyse==details analyse_to_file is used.
219%% If Analyse==overview analyse_to_file is not used, only an overview
220%% containing the number of covered/not covered lines in each module.
222%% Also, cover data will be exported to a file called all.coverdata in
223%% the given directory.
225%% Finally, if Stop==true, then cover will be stopped after the
226%% analysis is completed. Stopping cover causes the original (non
227%% cover compiled) modules to be loaded back in. If a process at this
228%% point is still running old code of any of the cover compiled
229%% modules, meaning that is has not done any fully qualified function
230%% call after the cover compilation, the process will now be
231%% killed. To avoid this scenario, it is possible to set Stop=false,
232%% which means that the modules will stay cover compiled. Note that
233%% this is only recommended if the erlang node is being terminated
234%% after the test is completed.
235cover_analyse(Dir,#cover{level=Analyse,mods=Modules,stop=Stop}) ->
236    io:fwrite(user, "Cover analysing... ", []),
237    {ATFOk,ATFFail} =
238	case Analyse of
239	    details ->
240		case cover:export(filename:join(Dir,"all.coverdata")) of
241		    ok ->
242			{result,Ok1,Fail1} =
243			    cover:analyse_to_file(Modules,[{outdir,Dir},html]),
244			{lists:map(fun(OutFile) ->
245					   M = list_to_atom(
246						 filename:basename(
247						   filename:rootname(OutFile,
248								     ".COVER.html")
249						  )
250						),
251					   {M,{file,OutFile}}
252				   end, Ok1),
253			lists:map(fun({Reason,M}) ->
254					  {M,{error,Reason}}
255				  end, Fail1)};
256		    Error ->
257			{[],lists:map(fun(M) -> {M,Error} end, Modules)}
258		end;
259	    overview ->
260		case cover:export(filename:join(Dir,"all.coverdata")) of
261		    ok ->
262			{[],lists:map(fun(M) -> {M,undefined} end, Modules)};
263		    Error ->
264			{[],lists:map(fun(M) -> {M,Error} end, Modules)}
265		end
266	end,
267    {result,AOk,AFail} = cover:analyse(Modules,module),
268    R0 = merge_analysis_results(AOk,ATFOk++ATFFail,[]) ++
269	[{M,{error,Reason}} || {Reason,M} <- AFail],
270    R = lists:sort(R0),
271    io:fwrite(user, "done\n\n", []),
273    case Stop of
274	true ->
275	    Sticky = unstick_all_sticky(node()),
276	    cover:stop(),
277	    stick_all_sticky(node(),Sticky);
278	false ->
279	    ok
280    end,
281    R.
283merge_analysis_results([{M,{Cov,NotCov}}|T],ATF,Acc) ->
284    case lists:keytake(M,1,ATF) of
285	{value,{_,R},ATF1} ->
286	    merge_analysis_results(T,ATF1,[{M,{Cov,NotCov,R}}|Acc]);
287	false ->
288	    merge_analysis_results(T,ATF,Acc)
289    end;
290merge_analysis_results([],_,Acc) ->
291    Acc.
293do_cover_for_node(Node,CoverFunc) ->
294    do_cover_for_node(Node,CoverFunc,true).
295do_cover_for_node(Node,CoverFunc,StickUnstick) ->
296    %% In case a slave node is starting another slave node! I.e. this
297    %% function is executed on a slave node - then the cover function
298    %% must be executed on the master node. This is for instance the
299    %% case in test_server's own tests.
300    MainCoverNode = cover:get_main_node(),
301    Sticky =
302	if StickUnstick -> unstick_all_sticky(MainCoverNode,Node);
303	   true -> ok
304	end,
305    rpc:call(MainCoverNode,cover,CoverFunc,[Node]),
306    if StickUnstick -> stick_all_sticky(Node,Sticky);
307       true -> ok
308    end.
310unstick_all_sticky(Node) ->
311    unstick_all_sticky(node(),Node).
312unstick_all_sticky(MainCoverNode,Node) ->
313    lists:filter(
314      fun(M) ->
315	      case code:is_sticky(M) of
316		  true ->
317		      rpc:call(Node,code,unstick_mod,[M]),
318		      true;
319		  false ->
320		      false
321	      end
322      end,
323      rpc:call(MainCoverNode,cover,modules,[])).
325stick_all_sticky(Node,Sticky) ->
326    lists:foreach(
327      fun(M) ->
328	      rpc:call(Node,code,stick_mod,[M])
329      end,
330      Sticky).
334%% run_test_case_apply(Mod,Func,Args,Name,RunInit,TimetrapData) ->
335%%               {Time,Value,Loc,Opts,Comment} | {died,Reason,unknown,Comment}
337%% Time = float()   (seconds)
338%% Value = term()
339%% Loc = term()
340%% Comment = string()
341%% Reason = term()
343%% Spawns off a process (case process) that actually runs the test suite.
344%% The case process will have the job process as group leader, which makes
345%% it possible to capture all it's output from io:format/2, etc.
347%% The job process then sits down and waits for news from the case process.
349%% Returns a tuple with the time spent (in seconds) in the test case,
350%% the return value from the test case or an {'EXIT',Reason} if the case
351%% failed, Loc points out where the test case crashed (if it did). Loc
352%% is either the name of the function, or {<Module>,<Line>} of the last
353%% line executed that had a ?line macro. If the test case did execute
354%% erase/0 or similar, it may be empty. Comment is the last comment added
355%% by test_server:comment/1, the reason if test_server:fail has been
356%% called or the comment given by the return value {comment,Comment} from
357%% a test case.
359%% {died,Reason,unknown,Comment} is returned if the test case was killed
360%% by some other process. Reason is the kill reason provided.
362%% TimetrapData = {MultiplyTimetrap,ScaleTimetrap}, which indicates a
363%% possible extension of all timetraps. Timetraps will be multiplied by
364%% MultiplyTimetrap. If it is infinity, no timetraps will be started at all.
365%% ScaleTimetrap indicates if test_server should attemp to automatically
366%% compensate timetraps for runtime delays introduced by e.g. tools like
367%% cover.
369run_test_case_apply({CaseNum,Mod,Func,Args,Name,RunInit,TimetrapData}) ->
370    case is_valgrind() of
371	false ->
372	    ok;
373	true ->
374            valgrind_format("Test case #~w ~w:~w/1", [CaseNum, Mod, Func]),
375	    os:putenv("VALGRIND_LOGFILE_INFIX",atom_to_list(Mod)++"."++
376		      atom_to_list(Func)++"-")
377    end,
378    ProcBef = erlang:system_info(process_count),
379    Result = run_test_case_apply(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit,
380				 TimetrapData),
381    ProcAft = erlang:system_info(process_count),
382    valgrind_new_leaks(),
383    DetFail = get(test_server_detected_fail),
384    {Result,DetFail,ProcBef,ProcAft}.
386-type tc_status() :: 'starting' | 'running' | 'init_per_testcase' |
387		     'end_per_testcase' | {'framework',{atom(),atom(),list}} |
388                     'tc'.
390	{
391	  ref :: reference(),
392	  pid :: pid(),
393	  mf :: {atom(),atom()},
394	  last_known_loc :: term(),
395	  status :: tc_status() | 'undefined',
396	  ret_val :: term(),
397	  comment :: list(char()),
398	  timeout :: non_neg_integer() | 'infinity',
399	  config :: list() | 'undefined',
400	  end_conf_pid :: pid() | 'undefined'
401	}).
403run_test_case_apply(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TimetrapData) ->
404    print_timestamp(minor,"Started at "),
405    print(minor, "", [], internal_raw),
406    TCCallback = get(test_server_testcase_callback),
407    LogOpts = get(test_server_logopts),
408    Ref = make_ref(),
409    Pid =
410	spawn_link(
411          run_test_case_eval_fun(Mod, Func, Args, Name, Ref,
412                                 RunInit, TimetrapData,
413                                 LogOpts, TCCallback)),
414    put(test_server_detected_fail, []),
415    St = #st{ref=Ref,pid=Pid,mf={Mod,Func},last_known_loc=unknown,
416	     status=starting,ret_val=[],comment="",timeout=infinity,
417	     config=hd(Args)},
418    ct_util:mark_process(),
419    run_test_case_msgloop(St).
421%% Ugly bug (pre R5A):
422%% If this process (group leader of the test case) terminates before
423%% all messages have been replied back to the io server, the io server
424%% hangs. Fixed by the 20 milli timeout check here, and by using monitor in
425%% io.erl.
427%% A test case is known to have failed if it returns {'EXIT', _} tuple,
428%% or sends a message {failed, File, Line} to it's group_leader
430run_test_case_msgloop(#st{ref=Ref,pid=Pid,end_conf_pid=EndConfPid0}=St0) ->
431    receive
432	{set_tc_state=Tag,From,{Status,Config0}} ->
433	    Config = case Config0 of
434			 unknown -> St0#st.config;
435			 _ -> Config0
436		     end,
437	    St = St0#st{status=Status,config=Config},
438	    From ! {self(),Tag,ok},
439	    run_test_case_msgloop(St);
440	{abort_current_testcase,_,_}=Abort when St0#st.status =:= starting ->
441	    %% we're in init phase, must must postpone this operation
442	    %% until test case execution is in progress (or FW:init_tc
443	    %% gets killed)
444	    self() ! Abort,
445	    erlang:yield(),
446	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
447	{abort_current_testcase,Reason,From} ->
448	    Line = case is_process_alive(Pid) of
449		       true -> get_loc(Pid);
450		       false -> unknown
451		   end,
452	    Mon = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
453	    exit(Pid,{testcase_aborted,Reason,Line}),
454	    erlang:yield(),
455	    From ! {self(),abort_current_testcase,ok},
456	    St = receive
457		     {'DOWN', Mon, process, Pid, _} ->
458			 St0
459		 after 10000 ->
460			 %% Pid is probably trapping exits, hit it harder...
461			 exit(Pid, kill),
462			 %% here's the only place we know Reason, so we save
463			 %% it as a comment, potentially replacing user data
464			 Error = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Aborted: ~tp",
465							     [Reason])),
466			 Error1 = lists:flatten([string:trim(S,leading,"\s") ||
467						    S <- string:lexemes(Error,
468                                                                        [$\n])]),
469                         ErrorLength = string:length(Error1),
470			 Comment = if ErrorLength > 63 ->
471					   string:slice(Error1,0,60) ++ "...";
472				      true ->
473					   Error1
474				   end,
475			 St0#st{comment=Comment}
476		 end,
477	    run_test_case_msgloop(St);
478	{sync_apply,From,MFA} ->
479	    do_sync_apply(false,From,MFA),
480	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
481	{sync_apply_proxy,Proxy,From,MFA} ->
482	    do_sync_apply(Proxy,From,MFA),
483	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
484	{comment,NewComment0} ->
485	    NewComment1 = test_server_ctrl:to_string(NewComment0),
486	    NewComment = test_server_sup:framework_call(format_comment,
487							[NewComment1],
488							NewComment1),
489	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0#st{comment=NewComment});
490	{read_comment,From} ->
491	    From ! {self(),read_comment,St0#st.comment},
492	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
493	{make_priv_dir,From} ->
494	    Config = case St0#st.config of
495			 undefined -> [];
496			 Config0 -> Config0
497		     end,
498	    Result =
499		case proplists:get_value(priv_dir, Config) of
500		    undefined ->
501			{error,no_priv_dir_in_config};
502		    PrivDir ->
503			case file:make_dir(PrivDir) of
504			    ok ->
505				ok;
506			    {error, eexist} ->
507				ok;
508			    MkDirError ->
509				{error,{MkDirError,PrivDir}}
510			end
511		end,
512	    From ! {self(),make_priv_dir,Result},
513	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
514	{'EXIT',Pid,{Ref,Time,Value,Loc,Opts}} ->
515	    RetVal = {Time/1000000,Value,Loc,Opts},
516	    St = setup_termination(RetVal, St0#st{config=undefined}),
517	    run_test_case_msgloop(St);
518	{'EXIT',Pid,Reason} ->
519	    %% This exit typically happens when an unknown external process
520	    %% has caused a test case process to terminate (e.g. if a linked
521	    %% process has crashed).
522	    St =
523		case Reason of
524		    {What,[Loc0={_M,_F,A,[{file,_}|_]}|_]} when
525			  is_integer(A) ->
526			Loc = rewrite_loc_item(Loc0),
527			handle_tc_exit(What, St0#st{last_known_loc=[Loc]});
528		    {What,[Details,Loc0={_M,_F,A,[{file,_}|_]}|_]} when
529			  is_integer(A) ->
530			Loc = rewrite_loc_item(Loc0),
531			handle_tc_exit({What,Details}, St0#st{last_known_loc=[Loc]});
532		    _ ->
533			handle_tc_exit(Reason, St0)
534		end,
535	    run_test_case_msgloop(St);
536	{EndConfPid0,{call_end_conf,Data,_Result}} ->
537	    #st{mf={Mod,Func},config=CurrConf} = St0,
538	    case CurrConf of
539		_ when is_list(CurrConf) ->
540		    {_Mod,_Func,TCPid,TCExitReason,Loc} = Data,
541		    spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,TCPid,
542				  TCExitReason,Loc,self()),
543		    St = St0#st{config=undefined,end_conf_pid=undefined},
544		    run_test_case_msgloop(St);
545		_ ->
546		    run_test_case_msgloop(St0)
547	    end;
548	{_FwCallPid,fw_notify_done,{T,Value,Loc,Opts,AddToComment}} ->
549	    %% the framework has been notified, we're finished
550	    RetVal = {T,Value,Loc,Opts},
551	    Comment0 = St0#st.comment,
552	    Comment = case AddToComment of
553			  undefined ->
554			      Comment0;
555			  _ ->
556			      if Comment0 =:= "" ->
557				      AddToComment;
558				 true ->
559				      Comment0 ++
560					  test_server_ctrl:xhtml("<br>",
561								 "<br />") ++
562					  AddToComment
563			      end
564		      end,
565	    St = setup_termination(RetVal, St0#st{comment=Comment,
566						  config=undefined}),
567	    run_test_case_msgloop(St);
568 	{'EXIT',_FwCallPid,{fw_notify_done,Func,Error}} ->
569	    %% a framework function failed
570	    CB = os:getenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK"),
571	    Loc = case CB of
572		      FW when FW =:= false; FW =:= "undefined" ->
573			  [{test_server,Func}];
574		      _ ->
575			  [{list_to_atom(CB),Func}]
576		  end,
577	    RetVal = {died,{framework_error,Loc,Error},Loc},
578	    St = setup_termination(RetVal, St0#st{comment="Framework error",
579						 config=undefined}),
580	    run_test_case_msgloop(St);
581	{failed,File,Line} ->
582	    put(test_server_detected_fail,
583		[{File, Line}| get(test_server_detected_fail)]),
584	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
586	{user_timetrap,Pid,_TrapTime,StartTime,E={user_timetrap_error,_},_} ->
587	    case update_user_timetraps(Pid, StartTime) of
588		proceed ->
589		    self() ! {abort_current_testcase,E,Pid},
590		    ok;
591		ignore ->
592		    ok
593	    end,
594	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
595	{user_timetrap,Pid,TrapTime,StartTime,ElapsedTime,Scale} ->
596	    %% a user timetrap is triggered, ignore it if new
597	    %% timetrap has been started since
598	    case update_user_timetraps(Pid, StartTime) of
599		proceed ->
600		    TotalTime = if is_integer(TrapTime) ->
601					TrapTime + ElapsedTime;
602				   true ->
603					TrapTime
604				end,
605		    _ = timetrap(TrapTime, TotalTime, Pid, Scale),
606		    ok;
607		ignore ->
608		    ok
609	    end,
610	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
611	{timetrap_cancel_one,Handle,_From} ->
612	    timetrap_cancel_one(Handle, false),
613	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
614	{timetrap_cancel_all,TCPid,_From} ->
615	    timetrap_cancel_all(TCPid, false),
616	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
617	{get_timetrap_info,From,TCPid} ->
618	    Info = get_timetrap_info(TCPid, false),
619	    From ! {self(),get_timetrap_info,Info},
620	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
621	_Other when not is_tuple(_Other) ->
622	    %% ignore anything not generated by test server
623	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0);
624	_Other when element(1, _Other) /= 'EXIT',
625		    element(1, _Other) /= started,
626		    element(1, _Other) /= finished,
627		    element(1, _Other) /= print ->
628	    %% ignore anything not generated by test server
629	    run_test_case_msgloop(St0)
630    after St0#st.timeout ->
631	    #st{ret_val=RetVal,comment=Comment} = St0,
632	    erlang:append_element(RetVal, Comment)
633    end.
635setup_termination(RetVal, #st{pid=Pid}=St) ->
636    timetrap_cancel_all(Pid, false),
637    St#st{ret_val=RetVal,timeout=20}.
639set_tc_state(State) ->
640    set_tc_state(State,unknown).
641set_tc_state(State, Config) ->
642    tc_supervisor_req(set_tc_state, {State,Config}).
644handle_tc_exit(killed, St) ->
645    %% probably the result of an exit(TestCase,kill) call, which is the
646    %% only way to abort a testcase process that traps exits
647    %% (see abort_current_testcase).
648    #st{config=Config,mf={Mod,Func},pid=Pid} = St,
649    Msg = testcase_aborted_or_killed,
650    spawn_fw_call(Mod, Func, Config, Pid, Msg, unknown, self()),
651    St;
652handle_tc_exit({testcase_aborted,{user_timetrap_error,_}=Msg,_}, St) ->
653    #st{config=Config,mf={Mod,Func},pid=Pid} = St,
654    spawn_fw_call(Mod, Func, Config, Pid, Msg, unknown, self()),
655    St;
656handle_tc_exit(Reason, #st{status={framework,{FwMod,FwFunc,_}=FwMFA},
657			   config=Config,mf={Mod,Func},pid=Pid}=St) ->
658    R = case Reason of
659	    {timetrap_timeout,TVal,_} ->
660		{timetrap,TVal};
661	    {testcase_aborted=E,AbortReason,_} ->
662		{E,AbortReason};
663	    {fw_error,{FwMod,FwFunc,FwError}} ->
664		FwError;
665	    Other ->
666		Other
667	end,
668    Error = {framework_error,R},
669    spawn_fw_call(Mod, Func, Config, Pid, {Error,FwMFA}, unknown, self()),
670    St;
671handle_tc_exit(Reason, #st{status=tc,config=Config0,mf={Mod,Func},pid=Pid}=St)
672  when is_list(Config0) ->
673    {R,Loc1,F} = case Reason of
674		     {timetrap_timeout=E,TVal,Loc0} ->
675			 {{E,TVal},Loc0,E};
676		     {testcase_aborted=E,AbortReason,Loc0} ->
677			 Msg = {E,AbortReason},
678			 {Msg,Loc0,Msg};
679		     Other ->
680			 {{'EXIT',Other},unknown,Other}
681		 end,
682    Timeout = end_conf_timeout(Reason, St),
683    Config = [{tc_status,{failed,F}}|Config0],
684    EndConfPid = call_end_conf(Mod, Func, Pid, R, Loc1, Config, Timeout),
685    St#st{end_conf_pid=EndConfPid};
686handle_tc_exit(Reason, #st{config=Config,mf={Mod,Func0},pid=Pid,
687			   status=Status}=St) ->
688    {R,Loc1} = case Reason of
689		   {timetrap_timeout=E,TVal,Loc0} ->
690		       {{E,TVal},Loc0};
691		   {testcase_aborted=E,AbortReason,Loc0} ->
692		       {{E,AbortReason},Loc0};
693		   Other ->
694		       {{'EXIT',Other},St#st.last_known_loc}
695	       end,
696    Func = case Status of
697	       init_per_testcase=F -> {F,Func0};
698	       end_per_testcase=F -> {F,Func0};
699	       _ -> Func0
700	   end,
701    spawn_fw_call(Mod, Func, Config, Pid, R, Loc1, self()),
702    St.
704end_conf_timeout({timetrap_timeout,Timeout,_}, _) ->
705    Timeout;
706end_conf_timeout(_, #st{config=Config}) when is_list(Config) ->
707    proplists:get_value(default_timeout, Config, ?DEFAULT_TIMETRAP_SECS*1000);
708end_conf_timeout(_, _) ->
711call_end_conf(Mod,Func,TCPid,TCExitReason,Loc,Conf,TVal) ->
712    Starter = self(),
713    Data = {Mod,Func,TCPid,TCExitReason,Loc},
714    case erlang:function_exported(Mod,end_per_testcase,2) of
715	false ->
716	    spawn_link(fun() ->
717			       Starter ! {self(),{call_end_conf,Data,ok}}
718		       end);
719	true ->
720	    do_call_end_conf(Starter,Mod,Func,Data,TCExitReason,Conf,TVal)
721    end.
723do_call_end_conf(Starter,Mod,Func,Data,TCExitReason,Conf,TVal) ->
724    EndConfProc =
725	fun() ->
726		process_flag(trap_exit,true), % to catch timetraps
727		Supervisor = self(),
728		EndConfApply =
729		    fun() ->
730			    _ = timetrap(TVal),
731			    %% We can't handle fails or skips here
732			    %% (neither input nor output). The error can
733			    %% be read from Conf though (tc_status).
734			    EndConf =
735				case do_init_tc_call(Mod,{end_per_testcase,Func},
736						     [Conf],
737						     {TCExitReason,[Conf]}) of
738				    {_,[EPTCInit]} when is_list(EPTCInit) ->
739					EPTCInit;
740				    _ ->
741					Conf
742				end,
743			    try apply(Mod,end_per_testcase,[Func,EndConf]) of
744				_ -> ok
745			    catch
746				_:Error ->
747				    timer:sleep(1),
748				    print_end_conf_result(Mod,Func,Conf,
749							  "crashed",Error)
750			    end,
751			    Supervisor ! {self(),end_conf}
752		    end,
753		Pid = spawn_link(EndConfApply),
754		receive
755		    {Pid,end_conf} ->
756			Starter ! {self(),{call_end_conf,Data,ok}};
757		    {'EXIT',Pid,Reason} ->
758			print_end_conf_result(Mod,Func,Conf,"failed",Reason),
759			Starter ! {self(),{call_end_conf,Data,{error,Reason}}};
760		    {'EXIT',_OtherPid,Reason} ->
761			%% Probably the parent - not much to do about that
762			exit(Reason)
763		end
764	end,
765    spawn_link(EndConfProc).
767print_end_conf_result(Mod,Func,Conf,Cause,Error) ->
768    Str2Print =
769	fun(NoHTML) when NoHTML == stdout; NoHTML == major ->
770		io_lib:format("WARNING! "
771			      "~w:end_per_testcase(~tw, ~tp)"
772			      " ~s!\n\tReason: ~tp\n",
773			      [Mod,Func,Conf,Cause,Error]);
774	   (minor) ->
775		ErrorStr = test_server_ctrl:escape_chars(Error),
776		io_lib:format("WARNING! "
777			      "~w:end_per_testcase(~tw, ~tp)"
778			      " ~s!\n\tReason: ~ts\n",
779			      [Mod,Func,Conf,Cause,ErrorStr])
780	end,
781    group_leader() ! {printout,12,Str2Print},
782    ok.
786	      Why,Loc,SendTo) ->
787    FwCall =
788	fun() ->
789                ct_util:mark_process(),
790		Skip = {skip,{failed,{Mod,init_per_testcase,Why}}},
791		%% if init_per_testcase fails, the test case
792		%% should be skipped
793		try begin do_end_tc_call(Mod,IPTC, {Pid,Skip,[CurrConf]}, Why),
794			  do_init_tc_call(Mod,{end_per_testcase_not_run,Func},
795					  [CurrConf],{ok,[CurrConf]}),
796			  do_end_tc_call(Mod,{end_per_testcase_not_run,Func},
797					 {Pid,Skip,[CurrConf]}, Why) end of
798		    _ -> ok
799		catch
800		    _:FwEndTCErr ->
801			exit({fw_notify_done,end_tc,FwEndTCErr})
802		end,
803		Time = case Why of
804			   {timetrap_timeout,TVal} -> TVal/1000;
805			   _                       -> died
806		       end,
807		group_leader() ! {printout,12,
808				  "ERROR! ~w:init_per_testcase(~tw, ~tp)"
809				  " failed!\n\tReason: ~tp\n",
810				 [Mod,Func,CurrConf,Why]},
811		%% finished, report back
812		SendTo ! {self(),fw_notify_done,{Time,Skip,Loc,[],undefined}}
813	end,
814    spawn_link(FwCall);
817	      Why,_Loc,SendTo) ->
818    FwCall =
819	fun() ->
820                ct_util:mark_process(),
821		{RetVal,Report} =
822		    case proplists:get_value(tc_status, EndConf) of
823			undefined ->
824			    E = {failed,{Mod,end_per_testcase,Why}},
825			    {E,E};
826			E = {failed,Reason} ->
827			    {E,{error,Reason}};
828			Result ->
829			    E = {failed,{Mod,end_per_testcase,Why}},
830			    {Result,E}
831		    end,
832		{Time,Warn} =
833		    case Why of
834			{timetrap_timeout,TVal} ->
835			    group_leader() !
836				{printout,12,
837				 "WARNING! ~w:end_per_testcase(~tw, ~tp)"
838				 " failed!\n\tReason: timetrap timeout"
839				 " after ~w ms!\n", [Mod,Func,EndConf,TVal]},
840			    W = "<font color=\"red\">"
841				"WARNING: end_per_testcase timed out!</font>",
842			    {TVal/1000,W};
843			_ ->
844			    group_leader() !
845				{printout,12,
846				 "WARNING! ~w:end_per_testcase(~tw, ~tp)"
847				 " failed!\n\tReason: ~tp\n",
848				 [Mod,Func,EndConf,Why]},
849			    W = "<font color=\"red\">"
850				"WARNING: end_per_testcase failed!</font>",
851			    {died,W}
852		    end,
853                FailLoc0 = proplists:get_value(tc_fail_loc, EndConf),
854                {RetVal1,FailLoc} =
855                    try do_end_tc_call(Mod,EPTC,{Pid,Report,[EndConf]}, Why) of
856                        Why ->
857                            {RetVal,FailLoc0};
858                        {failed,_} = R ->
859                            {R,[{Mod,Func}]};
860                        R ->
861                            {R,FailLoc0}
862                    catch
863                        _:FwEndTCErr ->
864                            exit({fw_notify_done,end_tc,FwEndTCErr})
865                    end,
866		%% finished, report back (if end_per_testcase fails, a warning
867		%% should be printed as part of the comment)
868		SendTo ! {self(),fw_notify_done,
869			  {Time,RetVal1,FailLoc,[],Warn}}
870	end,
871    spawn_link(FwCall);
874                                 {FwMod,FwFunc,[A1,A2|_]}=FwMFA},_,SendTo) ->
875    FwCall =
876	fun() ->
877                ct_util:mark_process(),
878                Time =
879                    case FwError of
880                        {timetrap,TVal} ->
881                            TVal/1000;
882                        _ ->
883                            died
884                    end,
885                {Ret,Loc,WarnOrError} =
886                    cleanup_after_fw_error(Mod,Func,Conf,Pid,FwError,FwMFA),
887		Comment =
888                    case WarnOrError of
889                        warn ->
890			    group_leader() !
891				{printout,12,
892                                 "WARNING! ~w:~tw(~w,~tw,...) failed!\n"
893                                 "    Reason: ~tp\n",
894                                 [FwMod,FwFunc,A1,A2,FwError]},
895                            lists:flatten(
896                              io_lib:format("<font color=\"red\">"
897                                            "WARNING! ~w:~tw(~w,~tw,...) "
898                                            "failed!</font>",
899                                            [FwMod,FwFunc,A1,A2]));
900                        error ->
901			    group_leader() !
902				{printout,12,
903                                 "Error! ~w:~tw(~w,~tw,...) failed!\n"
904                                 "    Reason: ~tp\n",
905                                 [FwMod,FwFunc,A1,A2,FwError]},
906                            lists:flatten(
907                              io_lib:format("<font color=\"red\">"
908                                            "ERROR! ~w:~tw(~w,~tw,...) "
909                                            "failed!</font>",
910                                            [FwMod,FwFunc,A1,A2]))
911                    end,
912	    %% finished, report back
913	    SendTo ! {self(),fw_notify_done,
914		      {Time,Ret,Loc,[],Comment}}
915	end,
916    spawn_link(FwCall);
918spawn_fw_call(Mod,Func,CurrConf,Pid,Error,Loc,SendTo) ->
919    ct_util:mark_process(),
920    {Func1,EndTCFunc} = case Func of
921			    CF when CF == init_per_suite; CF == end_per_suite;
922				    CF == init_per_group; CF == end_per_group ->
923				{CF,CF};
924			    TC -> {TC,{end_per_testcase,TC}}
925			end,
926    FwCall =
927	fun() ->
928		try fw_error_notify(Mod,Func1,[],
929				    Error,Loc) of
930		    _ -> ok
931		catch
932		    _:FwErrorNotifyErr ->
933			exit({fw_notify_done,error_notification,
934			      FwErrorNotifyErr})
935		end,
936		Conf = [{tc_status,{failed,Error}}|CurrConf],
937                {Time,RetVal,Loc1} =
938                    try do_end_tc_call(Mod,EndTCFunc,{Pid,Error,[Conf]},Error) of
939                        Error ->
940                            {died, Error, Loc};
941                        {failed,Reason} = NewReturn ->
942                            fw_error_notify(Mod,Func1,Conf,Reason),
943                            {died, NewReturn, [{Mod,Func}]};
944                        NewReturn ->
945                            T = case Error of
946                                    {timetrap_timeout,TT} -> TT;
947                                    _ -> 0
948                                end,
949                            {T, NewReturn, Loc}
950                    catch
951                        _:FwEndTCErr ->
952                            exit({fw_notify_done,end_tc,FwEndTCErr})
953                    end,
954		%% finished, report back
955		SendTo ! {self(),fw_notify_done,{Time,RetVal,Loc1,[],undefined}}
956	end,
957    spawn_link(FwCall).
960                       {FwMod,FwFunc=init_tc,
961                        [Mod,{init_per_testcase,Func}=IPTC|_]}) ->
962    %% Failed during pre_init_per_testcase, the test must be skipped
963    Skip = {auto_skip,{failed,{FwMod,FwFunc,FwError}}},
964    try begin do_end_tc_call(Mod,IPTC, {Pid,Skip,[Conf]}, FwError),
965              do_init_tc_call(Mod,{end_per_testcase_not_run,Func},
966                              [Conf],{ok,[Conf]}),
967              do_end_tc_call(Mod,{end_per_testcase_not_run,Func},
968                             {Pid,Skip,[Conf]}, FwError) end of
969        _ -> ok
970    catch
971        _:FwEndTCErr ->
972            exit({fw_notify_done,end_tc,FwEndTCErr})
973    end,
974    {Skip,{FwMod,FwFunc},error};
976                       {FwMod,FwFunc=end_tc,[Mod,{init_per_testcase,Func}|_]}) ->
977    %% Failed during post_init_per_testcase, the test must be skipped
978    Skip = {auto_skip,{failed,{FwMod,FwFunc,FwError}}},
979    try begin do_init_tc_call(Mod,{end_per_testcase_not_run,Func},
980                              [Conf],{ok,[Conf]}),
981              do_end_tc_call(Mod,{end_per_testcase_not_run,Func},
982                             {Pid,Skip,[Conf]}, FwError) end of
983        _ -> ok
984    catch
985        _:FwEndTCErr ->
986            exit({fw_notify_done,end_tc,FwEndTCErr})
987    end,
988    {Skip,{FwMod,FwFunc},error};
990                       {FwMod,FwFunc=init_tc,[Mod,{end_per_testcase,Func}|_]}) ->
991    %% Failed during pre_end_per_testcase. Warn about it.
992    {RetVal,Loc} =
993        case {proplists:get_value(tc_status, Conf),
994              proplists:get_value(tc_fail_loc, Conf, unknown)} of
995            {undefined,_} ->
996                {{failed,{FwMod,FwFunc,FwError}},{FwMod,FwFunc}};
997            {E = {failed,_Reason},unknown} ->
998                {E,[{Mod,Func}]};
999            {Result,FailLoc} ->
1000                {Result,FailLoc}
1001        end,
1002    try begin do_end_tc_call(Mod,{end_per_testcase_not_run,Func},
1003                             {Pid,RetVal,[Conf]}, FwError) end of
1004        _ -> ok
1005    catch
1006        _:FwEndTCErr ->
1007            exit({fw_notify_done,end_tc,FwEndTCErr})
1008    end,
1009    {RetVal,Loc,warn};
1011                       {FwMod,FwFunc=end_tc,[Mod,{end_per_testcase,Func}|_]}) ->
1012    %% Failed during post_end_per_testcase. Warn about it.
1013    {RetVal,Report,Loc} =
1014        case {proplists:get_value(tc_status, Conf),
1015              proplists:get_value(tc_fail_loc, Conf, unknown)} of
1016            {undefined,_} ->
1017                {{failed,{FwMod,FwFunc,FwError}},
1018                 {{FwMod,FwError},FwError},
1019                 {FwMod,FwFunc}};
1020            {E = {failed,_Reason},unknown} ->
1021                {E,{Mod,Func,E},[{Mod,Func}]};
1022            {Result,FailLoc} ->
1023                {Result,{Mod,Func,Result},FailLoc}
1024        end,
1025    try begin do_end_tc_call(Mod,{cleanup,{end_per_testcase_not_run,Func}},
1026                             {Pid,RetVal,[Conf]}, FwError) end of
1027        _ -> ok
1028    catch
1029        _:FwEndTCErr ->
1030            exit({fw_notify_done,end_tc,FwEndTCErr})
1031    end,
1032    test_server_sup:framework_call(report,[framework_error,Report]),
1033    {RetVal,Loc,warn};
1035  when Func =:= init_per_suite; Func =:=init_per_group ->
1036    %% Failed during pre_init_per_suite or pre_init_per_group
1037    RetVal = {failed,{FwMod,FwFunc,FwError}},
1038    try do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func,{Pid,RetVal,[Conf]},FwError) of
1039        _ -> ok
1040    catch
1041        _:FwEndTCErr ->
1042            exit({fw_notify_done,end_tc,FwEndTCErr})
1043    end,
1044    {RetVal,{FwMod,FwFunc},error};
1046  when Func =:= init_per_suite; Func =:=init_per_group ->
1047    %% Failed during post_init_per_suite or post_init_per_group
1048    RetVal = {failed,{FwMod,FwFunc,FwError}},
1049    try do_end_tc_call(Mod,{cleanup,Func},{Pid,RetVal,[Conf]},FwError) of
1050        _ -> ok
1051    catch
1052        _:FwEndTCErr ->
1053            exit({fw_notify_done,end_tc,FwEndTCErr})
1054    end,
1055    ReportFunc =
1056        case Func of
1057            init_per_group ->
1058                case proplists:get_value(tc_group_properties,Conf) of
1059                    undefined ->
1060                        {Func,unknown,[]};
1061                    GProps ->
1062                        Name = proplists:get_value(name,GProps),
1063                        {Func,Name,proplists:delete(name,GProps)}
1064                end;
1065            _ ->
1066                Func
1067        end,
1068    test_server_sup:framework_call(report,[framework_error,
1069                                           {Mod,ReportFunc,RetVal}]),
1070    {RetVal,{FwMod,FwFunc},error};
1072  when Func =:= end_per_suite; Func =:=end_per_group ->
1073    %% Failed during pre_end_per_suite or pre_end_per_group
1074    RetVal = {failed,{FwMod,FwFunc,FwError}},
1075    try do_end_tc_call(Mod,Func,{Pid,RetVal,[Conf]},FwError) of
1076        _ -> ok
1077    catch
1078        _:FwEndTCErr ->
1079            exit({fw_notify_done,end_tc,FwEndTCErr})
1080    end,
1081    {RetVal,{FwMod,FwFunc},error};
1083  when Func =:= end_per_suite; Func =:=end_per_group ->
1084    %% Failed during post_end_per_suite or post_end_per_group
1085    RetVal = {failed,{FwMod,FwFunc,FwError}},
1086    try do_end_tc_call(Mod,{cleanup,Func},{Pid,RetVal,[Conf]},FwError) of
1087        _ -> ok
1088    catch
1089        _:FwEndTCErr ->
1090            exit({fw_notify_done,end_tc,FwEndTCErr})
1091    end,
1092    ReportFunc =
1093        case Func of
1094            end_per_group ->
1095                case proplists:get_value(tc_group_properties,Conf) of
1096                    undefined ->
1097                        {Func,unknown,[]};
1098                    GProps ->
1099                        Name = proplists:get_value(name,GProps),
1100                        {Func,Name,proplists:delete(name,GProps)}
1101                end;
1102            _ ->
1103                Func
1104        end,
1105    test_server_sup:framework_call(report,[framework_error,
1106                                           {Mod,ReportFunc,RetVal}]),
1107    {RetVal,{FwMod,FwFunc},error};
1108cleanup_after_fw_error(_Mod,_Func,_Conf,_Pid,FwError,{FwMod,FwFunc,_}) ->
1109    %% This is unexpected
1110    test_server_sup:framework_call(report,
1111                                   [framework_error,
1112                                    {{FwMod,FwFunc},
1113                                     FwError}]),
1114    {FwError,{FwMod,FwFunc},error}.
1116%% The job proxy process forwards messages between the test case
1117%% process on a shielded node (and its descendants) and the job process.
1119%% The job proxy process have to be started by the test-case process
1120%% on the shielded node!
1121start_job_proxy() ->
1122    group_leader(spawn(fun () -> job_proxy_msgloop() end), self()), ok.
1124%% The io_reply_proxy is not the most satisfying solution but it works...
1125io_reply_proxy(ReplyTo) ->
1126    ct_util:mark_process(),
1127    receive
1128	IoReply when is_tuple(IoReply),
1129		     element(1, IoReply) == io_reply ->
1130	    ReplyTo ! IoReply;
1131	_ ->
1132	    io_reply_proxy(ReplyTo)
1133    end.
1135job_proxy_msgloop() ->
1136    ct_util:mark_process(),
1137    receive
1139	%%
1140	%% Messages that need intervention by proxy...
1141	%%
1143	%% io stuff ...
1144	IoReq when tuple_size(IoReq) >= 2,
1145	           element(1, IoReq) == io_request ->
1147	    ReplyProxy = spawn(fun () -> io_reply_proxy(element(2, IoReq)) end),
1148	    group_leader() ! setelement(2, IoReq, ReplyProxy);
1150	%% test_server stuff...
1151	{sync_apply, From, MFA} ->
1152	    group_leader() ! {sync_apply_proxy, self(), From, MFA};
1153	{sync_result_proxy, To, Result} ->
1154	    To ! {sync_result, Result};
1156	%%
1157	%% Messages that need no intervention by proxy...
1158	%%
1159        Msg ->
1160	    group_leader() ! Msg
1161    end,
1162    job_proxy_msgloop().
1164-spec run_test_case_eval_fun(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
1165                                    fun(() -> no_return()).
1166run_test_case_eval_fun(Mod, Func, Args, Name, Ref, RunInit,
1167                       TimetrapData, LogOpts, TCCallback) ->
1168    fun () ->
1169            run_test_case_eval(Mod, Func, Args, Name, Ref,
1170                               RunInit, TimetrapData,
1171                               LogOpts, TCCallback)
1172    end.
1174%% A test case is known to have failed if it returns {'EXIT', _} tuple,
1175%% or sends a message {failed, File, Line} to it's group_leader
1177run_test_case_eval(Mod, Func, Args0, Name, Ref, RunInit,
1178		   TimetrapData, LogOpts, TCCallback) ->
1179    put(test_server_multiply_timetraps, TimetrapData),
1180    put(test_server_logopts, LogOpts),
1181    Where = [{Mod,Func}],
1182    put(test_server_loc, Where),
1184    FWInitFunc = case RunInit of
1185		     run_init -> {init_per_testcase,Func};
1186		     _        -> Func
1187		 end,
1189    FWInitResult0 = do_init_tc_call(Mod,FWInitFunc,Args0,{ok,Args0}),
1191    set_tc_state(running),
1192    {{Time,Value},Loc,Opts} =
1193	case FWInitResult0 of
1194	    {ok,Args} ->
1195		run_test_case_eval1(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TCCallback);
1196	    Error = {error,_Reason} ->
1197		NewResult = do_end_tc_call(Mod,FWInitFunc, {Error,Args0},
1198					   {auto_skip,{failed,Error}}),
1199		{{0,NewResult},Where,[]};
1200	    {fail,Reason} ->
1201		Conf = [{tc_status,{failed,Reason}} | hd(Args0)],
1202		fw_error_notify(Mod, Func, Conf, Reason),
1203		NewResult = do_end_tc_call(Mod,FWInitFunc,
1204					   {{error,Reason},[Conf]},
1205					   {fail,Reason}),
1206		{{0,NewResult},Where,[]};
1207	    Skip = {SkipType,_Reason} when SkipType == skip;
1208					   SkipType == skipped ->
1209		NewResult = do_end_tc_call(Mod,FWInitFunc,
1210					   {Skip,Args0}, Skip),
1211		{{0,NewResult},Where,[]};
1212	    AutoSkip = {auto_skip,_Reason} ->
1213		%% special case where a conf case "pretends" to be skipped
1214		NewResult =
1215		    do_end_tc_call(Mod,FWInitFunc, {AutoSkip,Args0}, AutoSkip),
1216		{{0,NewResult},Where,[]}
1217	end,
1218    exit({Ref,Time,Value,Loc,Opts}).
1220run_test_case_eval1(Mod, Func, Args, Name, RunInit, TCCallback) ->
1221    case RunInit of
1222	run_init ->
1223	    set_tc_state(init_per_testcase, hd(Args)),
1224	    ensure_timetrap(Args),
1225	    case init_per_testcase(Mod, Func, Args) of
1226		Skip = {SkipType,Reason} when SkipType == skip;
1227					      SkipType == skipped ->
1228		    Line = get_loc(),
1229		    Conf = [{tc_status,{skipped,Reason}}|hd(Args)],
1230		    NewRes = do_end_tc_call(Mod,{init_per_testcase,Func},
1231					    {Skip,[Conf]}, Skip),
1232		    {{0,NewRes},Line,[]};
1233		{skip_and_save,Reason,SaveCfg} ->
1234		    Line = get_loc(),
1235		    Conf = [{tc_status,{skipped,Reason}},
1236			    {save_config,SaveCfg}|hd(Args)],
1237		    NewRes = do_end_tc_call(Mod,{init_per_testcase,Func},
1238					    {{skip,Reason},[Conf]},
1239					    {skip,Reason}),
1240		    {{0,NewRes},Line,[]};
1241		FailTC = {fail,Reason} ->       % user fails the testcase
1242		    EndConf = [{tc_status,{failed,Reason}} | hd(Args)],
1243		    fw_error_notify(Mod, Func, EndConf, Reason),
1244		    NewRes = do_end_tc_call(Mod,{init_per_testcase,Func},
1245					    {{error,Reason},[EndConf]},
1246					    FailTC),
1247		    {{0,NewRes},[{Mod,Func}],[]};
1248		{ok,NewConf} ->
1249		    IPTCEndRes = do_end_tc_call(Mod,{init_per_testcase,Func},
1250						{ok,[NewConf]}, NewConf),
1251		    {{T,Return},Loc,NewConf1} =
1252			if not is_list(IPTCEndRes) ->
1253				%% received skip or fail, not config
1254				{{0,IPTCEndRes},undefined,NewConf};
1255			   true ->
1256				%% call user callback function if defined
1257				NewConfUC =
1258				    user_callback(TCCallback, Mod, Func,
1259						  init, IPTCEndRes),
1260				%% save current state in controller loop
1261				set_tc_state(tc, NewConfUC),
1262				%% execute the test case
1263				{ts_tc(Mod,Func,[NewConfUC]),get_loc(),NewConfUC}
1264			end,
1265		    {EndConf,TSReturn,FWReturn} =
1266			case Return of
1267			    {E,TCError} when E=='EXIT' ; E==failed ->
1268				fw_error_notify(Mod, Func, NewConf1,
1269						TCError, Loc),
1270				{[{tc_status,{failed,TCError}},
1271				  {tc_fail_loc,Loc}|NewConf1],
1272				 Return,{error,TCError}};
1273			    SaveCfg={save_config,_} ->
1274				{[{tc_status,ok},SaveCfg|NewConf1],Return,ok};
1275			    {skip_and_save,Why,SaveCfg} ->
1276				Skip = {skip,Why},
1277				{[{tc_status,{skipped,Why}},
1278				  {save_config,SaveCfg}|NewConf1],
1279				 Skip,Skip};
1280			    {SkipType,Why} when SkipType == skip;
1281						SkipType == skipped ->
1282				{[{tc_status,{skipped,Why}}|NewConf1],Return,
1283				 Return};
1284			    _ ->
1285				{[{tc_status,ok}|NewConf1],Return,ok}
1286			end,
1287		    %% call user callback function if defined
1288		    EndConf1 =
1289			user_callback(TCCallback, Mod, Func, 'end', EndConf),
1291                    %% save updated config in controller loop
1292                    set_tc_state(tc, EndConf1),
1294		    %% We can't handle fails or skips here
1295		    EndConf2 =
1296			case do_init_tc_call(Mod,{end_per_testcase,Func},
1297					     [EndConf1],{ok,[EndConf1]}) of
1298			    {ok,[EPTCInitRes]} when is_list(EPTCInitRes) ->
1299				EPTCInitRes;
1300			    _ ->
1301				EndConf1
1302			end,
1304		    %% update current state in controller loop
1305		    {FWReturn1,TSReturn1,EndConf3} =
1306			case end_per_testcase(Mod, Func, EndConf2) of
1307			    SaveCfg1={save_config,_} ->
1308				{FWReturn,TSReturn,
1309				 [SaveCfg1|lists:keydelete(save_config,1,
1310							   EndConf2)]};
1311			    {fail,ReasonToFail} ->
1312				%% user has failed the testcase
1313				fw_error_notify(Mod, Func, EndConf2,
1314						ReasonToFail),
1315				{{error,ReasonToFail},
1316				 {failed,ReasonToFail},
1317				 EndConf2};
1318			    {failed,{_,end_per_testcase,_}} = Failure when
1319				  FWReturn == ok ->
1320				%% unexpected termination in end_per_testcase
1321				%% report this as the result to the framework
1322				{Failure,TSReturn,EndConf2};
1323			    _ ->
1324				%% test case result should be reported to
1325				%% framework no matter the status of
1326				%% end_per_testcase
1327				{FWReturn,TSReturn,EndConf2}
1328			end,
1329		    %% clear current state in controller loop
1330		    case do_end_tc_call(Mod,{end_per_testcase,Func},
1331					{FWReturn1,[EndConf3]}, TSReturn1) of
1332			{failed,Reason} = NewReturn ->
1333			    fw_error_notify(Mod,Func,EndConf3, Reason),
1334			    {{T,NewReturn},[{Mod,Func}],[]};
1335			NewReturn ->
1336			    {{T,NewReturn},Loc,[]}
1337		    end
1338	    end;
1339	skip_init ->
1340	    set_tc_state(running, hd(Args)),
1341	    %% call user callback function if defined
1342	    Args1 = user_callback(TCCallback, Mod, Func, init, Args),
1343	    ensure_timetrap(Args1),
1344	    %% ts_tc does a catch
1345	    %% if this is a named conf group, the test case (init or end conf)
1346	    %% should be called with the name as the first argument
1347	    Args2 = if Name == undefined -> Args1;
1348		       true -> [Name | Args1]
1349		    end,
1350	    %% execute the conf test case
1351	    {{T,Return},Loc} = {ts_tc(Mod, Func, Args2),get_loc()},
1352	    %% call user callback function if defined
1353	    Return1 = user_callback(TCCallback, Mod, Func, 'end', Return),
1354	    {Return2,Opts} = process_return_val([Return1], Mod, Func,
1355						Args1, [{Mod,Func}], Return1),
1356	    {{T,Return2},Loc,Opts}
1357    end.
1359do_init_tc_call(Mod, Func, Res, Return) ->
1360    test_server_sup:framework_call(init_tc,[Mod,Func,Res],Return).
1362do_end_tc_call(Mod, IPTC={init_per_testcase,Func}, Res, Return) ->
1363     case Return of
1364	 {NOk,_} when NOk == auto_skip; NOk == fail;
1365		      NOk == skip ; NOk == skipped ->
1366	     {_,Args} = Res,
1367	     {NewConfig,IPTCEndRes} =
1368		 case do_end_tc_call1(Mod, IPTC, Res, Return) of
1369		     IPTCEndConfig when is_list(IPTCEndConfig) ->
1370			 {IPTCEndConfig,IPTCEndConfig};
1371                     {failed,RetReason} when Return=:={fail,RetReason} ->
1372                         %% Fail reason not changed by framework or hook
1373                         {Args,Return};
1374                     {SF,_} = IPTCEndResult when SF=:=skip; SF=:=skipped;
1375                                                 SF=:=fail; SF=:=failed ->
1376                         {Args,IPTCEndResult};
1377		     _ ->
1378			 {Args,Return}
1379		 end,
1380	     EPTCInitRes =
1381		 case do_init_tc_call(Mod,{end_per_testcase_not_run,Func},
1382				      NewConfig,IPTCEndRes) of
1383		     {ok,EPTCInitConfig} when is_list(EPTCInitConfig) ->
1384			 {IPTCEndRes,EPTCInitConfig};
1385		     _ ->
1386                         {IPTCEndRes,NewConfig}
1387		 end,
1388	     do_end_tc_call1(Mod, {end_per_testcase_not_run,Func},
1389			     EPTCInitRes, IPTCEndRes);
1390	 _Ok ->
1391	     do_end_tc_call1(Mod, IPTC, Res, Return)
1392     end;
1393do_end_tc_call(Mod, Func, Res, Return) ->
1394    do_end_tc_call1(Mod, Func, Res, Return).
1396do_end_tc_call1(Mod, Func, Res, Return) ->
1397    FwMod = os:getenv("TEST_SERVER_FRAMEWORK"),
1398    Ref = make_ref(),
1399    if FwMod == "ct_framework" ; FwMod == "undefined"; FwMod == false ->
1400	    case test_server_sup:framework_call(
1401		   end_tc, [Mod,Func,Res, Return], ok) of
1402		{fail,FWReason} ->
1403		    {failed,FWReason};
1404		ok ->
1405		    case Return of
1406			{fail,Reason} ->
1407			    {failed,Reason};
1408			Return ->
1409			    Return
1410		    end;
1411		NewReturn ->
1412		    NewReturn
1413	    end;
1414       true ->
1415	    case test_server_sup:framework_call(FwMod, end_tc,
1416						[Mod,Func,Res], Ref) of
1417		{fail,FWReason} ->
1418		    {failed,FWReason};
1419		_Else ->
1420		    Return
1421	    end
1422    end.
1424%% the return value is a list and we have to check if it contains
1425%% the result of an end conf case or if it's a Config list
1426process_return_val([Return], M,F,A, Loc, Final) when is_list(Return) ->
1427    ReturnTags = [skip,skip_and_save,save_config,comment,return_group_result],
1428    %% check if all elements in the list are valid end conf return value tuples
1429    case lists:all(fun(Val) when is_tuple(Val) ->
1430			   lists:any(fun(T) -> T == element(1, Val) end,
1431				     ReturnTags);
1432		      (ok) ->
1433			   true;
1434		      (_) ->
1435			   false
1436		   end, Return) of
1437	true ->		     % must be return value from end conf case
1438	    process_return_val1(Return, M,F,A, Loc, Final, []);
1439	false -> % must be Config value from init conf case
1440	    case do_end_tc_call(M, F, {ok,A}, Return) of
1441		{failed, FWReason} = Failed ->
1442		    fw_error_notify(M,F,A, FWReason),
1443		    {Failed, []};
1444		NewReturn ->
1445		    {NewReturn, []}
1446	    end
1447    end;
1448%% the return value is not a list, so it's the return value from an
1449%% end conf case or it's a dummy value that can be ignored
1450process_return_val(Return, M,F,A, Loc, Final) ->
1451    process_return_val1(Return, M,F,A, Loc, Final, []).
1453process_return_val1([Failed={E,TCError}|_], M,F,A=[Args], Loc, _, SaveOpts)
1454  when E=='EXIT';
1455       E==failed ->
1456    fw_error_notify(M,F,A, TCError, Loc),
1457    case do_end_tc_call(M,F, {{error,TCError},
1458			      [[{tc_status,{failed,TCError}}|Args]]},
1459			Failed) of
1460	{failed,FWReason} ->
1461	    {{failed,FWReason},SaveOpts};
1462	NewReturn ->
1463	    {NewReturn,SaveOpts}
1464    end;
1465process_return_val1([SaveCfg={save_config,_}|Opts], M,F,[Args],
1466		    Loc, Final, SaveOpts) ->
1467    process_return_val1(Opts, M,F,[[SaveCfg|Args]], Loc, Final, SaveOpts);
1468process_return_val1([{skip_and_save,Why,SaveCfg}|Opts], M,F,[Args],
1469		    Loc, _, SaveOpts) ->
1470    process_return_val1(Opts, M,F,[[{save_config,SaveCfg}|Args]],
1471			Loc, {skip,Why}, SaveOpts);
1472process_return_val1([GR={return_group_result,_}|Opts], M,F,A,
1473		    Loc, Final, SaveOpts) ->
1474    process_return_val1(Opts, M,F,A, Loc, Final, [GR|SaveOpts]);
1475process_return_val1([RetVal={Tag,_}|Opts], M,F,A,
1476		    Loc, _, SaveOpts) when Tag==skip;
1477					   Tag==comment ->
1478    process_return_val1(Opts, M,F,A, Loc, RetVal, SaveOpts);
1479process_return_val1([_|Opts], M,F,A, Loc, Final, SaveOpts) ->
1480    process_return_val1(Opts, M,F,A, Loc, Final, SaveOpts);
1481process_return_val1([], M,F,A, _Loc, Final, SaveOpts) ->
1482    case do_end_tc_call(M,F, {Final,A}, Final) of
1483	{failed,FWReason} ->
1484	    {{failed,FWReason},SaveOpts};
1485	NewReturn ->
1486	    {NewReturn,lists:reverse(SaveOpts)}
1487    end.
1489user_callback(undefined, _, _, _, Args) ->
1490    Args;
1491user_callback({CBMod,CBFunc}, Mod, Func, InitOrEnd,
1492	      [Args]) when is_list(Args) ->
1493    case catch apply(CBMod, CBFunc, [InitOrEnd,Mod,Func,Args]) of
1494	Args1 when is_list(Args1) ->
1495	    [Args1];
1496	_ ->
1497	    [Args]
1498    end;
1499user_callback({CBMod,CBFunc}, Mod, Func, InitOrEnd, Args) ->
1500    case catch apply(CBMod, CBFunc, [InitOrEnd,Mod,Func,Args]) of
1501	Args1 when is_list(Args1) ->
1502	    Args1;
1503	_ ->
1504	    Args
1505    end.
1507init_per_testcase(Mod, Func, Args) ->
1508    case code:is_loaded(Mod) of
1509	false ->
1510	    _ = code:load_file(Mod),
1511	    ok;
1512	_ -> ok
1513    end,
1514    case erlang:function_exported(Mod, init_per_testcase, 2) of
1515	true ->
1516	    do_init_per_testcase(Mod, [Func|Args]);
1517	false ->
1518	    %% Optional init_per_testcase is not defined -- keep quiet.
1519	    [Config] = Args,
1520	    {ok, Config}
1521    end.
1523do_init_per_testcase(Mod, Args) ->
1524    try	apply(Mod, init_per_testcase, Args) of
1525	{Skip,Reason} when Skip =:= skip; Skip =:= skipped ->
1526	    {skip,Reason};
1527	{skip_and_save,_,_}=Res ->
1528	    Res;
1529	NewConf when is_list(NewConf) ->
1530	    case lists:filter(fun(T) when is_tuple(T) -> false;
1531				 (_) -> true end, NewConf) of
1532		[] ->
1533		    {ok,NewConf};
1534		Bad ->
1535		    group_leader() ! {printout,12,
1536				      "ERROR! init_per_testcase has returned "
1537				      "bad elements in Config: ~tp\n",[Bad]},
1538		    {skip,{failed,{Mod,init_per_testcase,bad_return}}}
1539	    end;
1540	{fail,_Reason}=Res ->
1541	    Res;
1542	_Other ->
1543	    group_leader() ! {printout,12,
1544			      "ERROR! init_per_testcase did not return "
1545			      "a Config list.\n",[]},
1546	    {skip,{failed,{Mod,init_per_testcase,bad_return}}}
1547    catch
1548	throw:{Skip,Reason} when Skip =:= skip; Skip =:= skipped ->
1549	    {skip,Reason};
1550	exit:{Skip,Reason} when Skip =:= skip; Skip =:= skipped ->
1551	    {skip,Reason};
1552	throw:Other:Stk ->
1553	    set_loc(Stk),
1554	    Line = get_loc(),
1555	    print_init_conf_result(Line,"thrown",Other),
1556	    {skip,{failed,{Mod,init_per_testcase,Other}}};
1557	_:Reason0:Stk ->
1558	    Reason = {Reason0,Stk},
1559	    set_loc(Stk),
1560	    Line = get_loc(),
1561	    print_init_conf_result(Line,"crashed",Reason),
1562	    {skip,{failed,{Mod,init_per_testcase,Reason}}}
1563    end.
1565print_init_conf_result(Line,Cause,Reason) ->
1566    FormattedLoc = test_server_sup:format_loc(Line),
1567    Str2Print =
1568	fun(NoHTML) when NoHTML == stdout; NoHTML == major ->
1569		io_lib:format("ERROR! init_per_testcase ~s!\n"
1570				      "\tLocation: ~tp\n\tReason: ~tp\n",
1571				      [Cause,Line,Reason]);
1572	   (minor) ->
1573		ReasonStr = test_server_ctrl:escape_chars(Reason),
1574		io_lib:format("ERROR! init_per_testcase ~s!\n"
1575			      "\tLocation: ~ts\n\tReason: ~ts\n",
1576			      [Cause,FormattedLoc,ReasonStr])
1577	end,
1578    group_leader() ! {printout,12,Str2Print},
1579    ok.
1582end_per_testcase(Mod, Func, Conf) ->
1583    case erlang:function_exported(Mod,end_per_testcase,2) of
1584	true ->
1585	    do_end_per_testcase(Mod,end_per_testcase,Func,Conf);
1586	false ->
1587	    %% Backwards compatibility!
1588	    case erlang:function_exported(Mod,fin_per_testcase,2) of
1589		true ->
1590		    do_end_per_testcase(Mod,fin_per_testcase,Func,Conf);
1591		false ->
1592		    ok
1593	    end
1594    end.
1596do_end_per_testcase(Mod,EndFunc,Func,Conf) ->
1597    set_tc_state(end_per_testcase, Conf),
1598    try Mod:EndFunc(Func, Conf) of
1599	{save_config,_}=SaveCfg ->
1600	    SaveCfg;
1601	{fail,_}=Fail ->
1602	    Fail;
1603	_ ->
1604	    ok
1605    catch
1606	throw:Other:Stk ->
1607	    Comment0 = case read_comment() of
1608			   ""  -> "";
1609			   Cmt -> Cmt ++ test_server_ctrl:xhtml("<br>",
1610								"<br />")
1611		       end,
1612	    set_loc(Stk),
1613	    comment(io_lib:format("~ts<font color=\"red\">"
1614				  "WARNING: ~w thrown!"
1615				  "</font>\n",[Comment0,EndFunc])),
1616	    print_end_tc_warning(EndFunc,Other,"thrown",get_loc()),
1617	    {failed,{Mod,end_per_testcase,Other}};
1618	  Class:Reason:Stk ->
1619	    set_loc(Stk),
1620	    Why = case Class of
1621		      exit -> {'EXIT',Reason};
1622		      error -> {'EXIT',{Reason,Stk}}
1623		  end,
1624	    Comment0 = case read_comment() of
1625			   ""  -> "";
1626			   Cmt -> Cmt ++ test_server_ctrl:xhtml("<br>",
1627								"<br />")
1628		       end,
1629	    comment(io_lib:format("~ts<font color=\"red\">"
1630				  "WARNING: ~w crashed!"
1631				  "</font>\n",[Comment0,EndFunc])),
1632	    print_end_tc_warning(EndFunc,Reason,"crashed",get_loc()),
1633	    {failed,{Mod,end_per_testcase,Why}}
1634    end.
1636print_end_tc_warning(EndFunc,Reason,Cause,Loc) ->
1637    FormattedLoc = test_server_sup:format_loc(Loc),
1638    Str2Print =
1639	fun(NoHTML) when NoHTML == stdout; NoHTML == major ->
1640		io_lib:format("WARNING: ~w ~s!\n"
1641			      "Reason: ~tp\nLine: ~tp\n",
1642			      [EndFunc,Cause,Reason,Loc]);
1643	   (minor) ->
1644		ReasonStr = test_server_ctrl:escape_chars(Reason),
1645		io_lib:format("WARNING: ~w ~s!\n"
1646			      "Reason: ~ts\nLine: ~ts\n",
1647			      [EndFunc,Cause,ReasonStr,FormattedLoc])
1648	end,
1649    group_leader() ! {printout,12,Str2Print},
1650    ok.
1652get_loc() ->
1653    get(test_server_loc).
1655get_loc(Pid) ->
1656    [{current_stacktrace,Stk0},{dictionary,Dict}] =
1657	process_info(Pid, [current_stacktrace,dictionary]),
1658    lists:foreach(fun({Key,Val}) -> put(Key, Val) end, Dict),
1659    Stk = [rewrite_loc_item(Loc) || Loc <- Stk0],
1660    case get(test_server_loc) of
1661	[{Suite,Case}] ->
1662	    %% Location info unknown, check if {Suite,Case,Line}
1663	    %% is available in stacktrace and if so, use stacktrace
1664	    %% instead of current test_server_loc.
1665	    %% If location is the last expression in a test case
1666	    %% function, the info is not available due to tail call
1667	    %% elimination. We need to check if the test case has been
1668	    %% called by ts_tc/3 and, if so, insert the test case info
1669	    %% at that position.
1670	    case [match || {S,C,_L} <- Stk, S == Suite, C == Case] of
1671		[match|_] ->
1672		    put(test_server_loc, Stk);
1673		_ ->
1674		    {PreTC,PostTC} =
1675			lists:splitwith(fun({test_server,ts_tc,_}) ->
1676						false;
1677					   (_) ->
1678						true
1679					end, Stk),
1680		    if PostTC == [] ->
1681			    ok;
1682		       true ->
1683			    put(test_server_loc,
1684				PreTC++[{Suite,Case,last_expr} | PostTC])
1685		    end
1686	    end;
1687	_ ->
1688	    put(test_server_loc, Stk)
1689    end,
1690    get_loc().
1692fw_error_notify(Mod, Func, Args, Error) ->
1693    test_server_sup:framework_call(error_notification,
1694				   [Mod,Func,[Args],
1695				    {Error,unknown}]).
1696fw_error_notify(Mod, Func, Args, Error, Loc) ->
1697    test_server_sup:framework_call(error_notification,
1698				   [Mod,Func,[Args],
1699				    {Error,Loc}]).
1704%% print(Detail,Format,Args,Printer) -> ok
1705%% Detail = integer()
1706%% Format = string()
1707%% Args = [term()]
1709%% Just like io:format, except that depending on the Detail value, the output
1710%% is directed to console, major and/or minor log files.
1712%% print(Detail,Format,Args) ->
1713%%    test_server_ctrl:print(Detail, Format, Args).
1715print(Detail,Format,Args,Printer) ->
1716    test_server_ctrl:print(Detail, Format, Args, Printer).
1719%% print_timsteamp(Detail,Leader) -> ok
1721%% Prints Leader followed by a time stamp (date and time). Depending on
1722%% the Detail value, the output is directed to console, major and/or minor
1723%% log files.
1725print_timestamp(Detail,Leader) ->
1726    test_server_ctrl:print_timestamp(Detail, Leader).
1730%% lookup_config(Key,Config) -> {value,{Key,Value}} | undefined
1731%% Key = term()
1732%% Value = term()
1733%% Config = [{Key,Value},...]
1735%% Looks up a specific key in the config list, and returns the value
1736%% of the associated key, or undefined if the key doesn't exist.
1738lookup_config(Key,Config) ->
1739    case lists:keysearch(Key,1,Config) of
1740	{value,{Key,Val}} ->
1741	    Val;
1742	_ ->
1743	    io:format("Could not find element ~tp in Config.~n",[Key]),
1744	    undefined
1745    end.
1748%% IMPORTANT: get_loc/1 uses the name of this function when analysing
1749%% stack traces. If the name changes, get_loc/1 must be updated!
1751ts_tc(M, F, A) ->
1752    Before = erlang:monotonic_time(),
1753    Result = try
1754		 apply(M, F, A)
1755	     catch
1756		 throw:{skip, Reason} -> {skip, Reason};
1757		 throw:{skipped, Reason} -> {skip, Reason};
1758		 exit:{skip, Reason} -> {skip, Reason};
1759		 exit:{skipped, Reason} -> {skip, Reason};
1760		 Type:Reason:Stk ->
1761		     set_loc(Stk),
1762		     case Type of
1763			 throw ->
1764			     {failed,{thrown,Reason}};
1765			 error ->
1766			     {'EXIT',{Reason,Stk}};
1767			 exit ->
1768			     {'EXIT',Reason}
1769		     end
1770	     end,
1771    After   = erlang:monotonic_time(),
1772    Elapsed = erlang:convert_time_unit(After-Before, native, micro_seconds),
1773    {Elapsed, Result}.
1775set_loc(Stk) ->
1776    Loc = case [rewrite_loc_item(I) || {_,_,_,_}=I <- Stk] of
1777	      [{M,F,0}|Stack] ->
1778		  [{M,F}|Stack];
1779	      Other ->
1780		  Other
1781	  end,
1782    put(test_server_loc, Loc).
1784rewrite_loc_item({M,F,_,Loc}) ->
1785    {M,F,proplists:get_value(line, Loc, 0)}.
1790%%                TEST SUITE SUPPORT FUNCTIONS                      %%
1791%%                                                                  %%
1792%% Note: Some of these functions have been moved to test_server_sup %%
1793%%       in an attempt to keep this modules small (yeah, right!)    %%
1797%% format(Format) -> IoLibReturn
1798%% format(Detail,Format) -> IoLibReturn
1799%% format(Format,Args) -> IoLibReturn
1800%% format(Detail,Format,Args) -> IoLibReturn
1801%% Detail = integer()
1802%% Format = string()
1803%% Args = [term(),...]
1804%% IoLibReturn = term()
1806%% Logs the Format string and Args, similar to io:format/1/2 etc. If
1807%% Detail is not specified, the default detail level (which is 50) is used.
1808%% Which log files the string will be logged in depends on the thresholds
1809%% set with set_levels/3. Typically with default detail level, only the
1810%% minor log file is used.
1811format(Format) ->
1812    format(minor, Format, []).
1814format(major, Format) ->
1815    format(major, Format, []);
1816format(minor, Format) ->
1817    format(minor, Format, []);
1818format(Detail, Format) when is_integer(Detail) ->
1819    format(Detail, Format, []);
1820format(Format, Args) ->
1821    format(minor, Format, Args).
1823format(Detail, Format, Args) ->
1824    Str =
1825	case catch io_lib:format(Format,Args) of
1826	    {'EXIT',_} ->
1827		io_lib:format("illegal format; ~tp with args ~tp.\n",
1828			      [Format,Args]);
1829	    Valid -> Valid
1830	end,
1831    log({Detail, Str}).
1833log(Msg) ->
1834    group_leader() ! {structured_io, self(), Msg},
1835    ok.
1838%% capture_start() -> ok
1839%% capture_stop() -> ok
1841%% Starts/stops capturing all output from io:format, and similar. Capturing
1842%% output doesn't stop output from happening. It just makes it possible
1843%% to retrieve the output using capture_get/0.
1844%% Starting and stopping capture doesn't affect already captured output.
1845%% All output is stored as messages in the message queue until retrieved
1847capture_start() ->
1848    group_leader() ! {capture,self()},
1849    ok.
1851capture_stop() ->
1852    group_leader() ! {capture,false},
1853    ok.
1856%% capture_get() -> Output
1857%% Output = [string(),...]
1859%% Retrieves all the captured output since last call to capture_get/0.
1860%% Note that since output arrive as messages to the process, it takes
1861%% a short while from the call to io:format until all output is available
1862%% by capture_get/0. It is not necessary to call capture_stop/0 before
1863%% retreiving the output.
1864capture_get() ->
1865    test_server_sup:capture_get([]).
1868%% messages_get() -> Messages
1869%% Messages = [term(),...]
1871%% Returns all messages in the message queue.
1872messages_get() ->
1873    test_server_sup:messages_get([]).
1876%% permit_io(GroupLeader, FromPid) -> ok
1878%% Make sure proceeding IO from FromPid won't get rejected
1879permit_io(GroupLeader, FromPid) ->
1880    GroupLeader ! {permit_io,FromPid},
1881    ok.
1884%% sleep(Time) -> ok
1885%% Time = integer() | float() | infinity
1887%% Sleeps the specified number of milliseconds. This sleep also accepts
1888%% floating point numbers (which are truncated) and the atom 'infinity'.
1889sleep(infinity) ->
1890    receive
1891    after infinity ->
1892	    ok
1893    end;
1894sleep(MSecs) ->
1895    receive
1896    after trunc(MSecs) ->
1897	    ok
1898    end,
1899    ok.
1902%% adjusted_sleep(Time) -> ok
1903%% Time = integer() | float() | infinity
1905%% Sleeps the specified number of milliseconds, multiplied by the
1906%% 'multiply_timetraps' value (if set) and possibly also automatically scaled
1907%% up if 'scale_timetraps' is set to true (which is default).
1908%% This function also accepts floating point numbers (which are truncated) and
1909%% the atom 'infinity'.
1910adjusted_sleep(infinity) ->
1911    receive
1912    after infinity ->
1913	    ok
1914    end;
1915adjusted_sleep(MSecs) ->
1916    {Multiplier,ScaleFactor} =
1917	case test_server_ctrl:get_timetrap_parameters() of
1918	    {undefined,undefined} ->
1919		{1,1};
1920	    {undefined,false} ->
1921		{1,1};
1922	    {undefined,true} ->
1923		{1,timetrap_scale_factor()};
1924	    {infinity,_} ->
1925		{infinity,1};
1926	    {Mult,undefined} ->
1927		{Mult,1};
1928	    {Mult,false} ->
1929		{Mult,1};
1930	    {Mult,true} ->
1931		{Mult,timetrap_scale_factor()}
1932	end,
1933    receive
1934    after trunc(MSecs*Multiplier*ScaleFactor) ->
1935	    ok
1936    end,
1937    ok.
1940%% fail(Reason) -> exit({suite_failed,Reason})
1942%% Immediately calls exit. Included because test suites are easier
1943%% to read when using this function, rather than exit directly.
1944fail(Reason) ->
1945    comment(cast_to_list(Reason)),
1946    try
1947	exit({suite_failed,Reason})
1948    catch
1949	Class:R:Stacktrace ->
1950	    case Stacktrace of
1951		[{?MODULE,fail,1,_}|Stk] -> ok;
1952		Stk -> ok
1953	    end,
1954	    erlang:raise(Class, R, Stk)
1955    end.
1957cast_to_list(X) when is_list(X) -> X;
1958cast_to_list(X) when is_atom(X) -> atom_to_list(X);
1959cast_to_list(X) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~tp", [X])).
1964%% fail() -> exit(suite_failed)
1966%% Immediately calls exit. Included because test suites are easier
1967%% to read when using this function, rather than exit directly.
1968fail() ->
1969    try
1970	exit(suite_failed)
1971    catch
1972	Class:R:Stacktrace ->
1973	    case Stacktrace of
1974		[{?MODULE,fail,0,_}|Stk] -> ok;
1975		Stk -> ok
1976	    end,
1977	    erlang:raise(Class, R, Stk)
1978    end.
1981%% break(Comment) -> ok
1983%% Break a test case so part of the test can be done manually.
1984%% Use continue/0 to continue.
1985break(Comment) ->
1986    break(?MODULE, Comment).
1988break(CBM, Comment) ->
1989    break(CBM, '', Comment).
1991break(CBM, TestCase, Comment) ->
1992    timetrap_cancel(),
1993    {TCName,CntArg,PName} =
1994	if TestCase == '' ->
1995		{"", "", test_server_break_process};
1996	   true ->
1997		Str = atom_to_list(TestCase),
1998		{[32 | Str], Str,
1999		 list_to_atom("test_server_break_process_" ++ Str)}
2000	end,
2001    io:format(user,
2002	      "\n\n\n--- SEMIAUTOMATIC TESTING ---"
2003	      "\nThe test case~ts executes on process ~w"
2004	      "\n\n\n~ts"
2005	      "\n\n\n-----------------------------\n\n"
2006	      "Continue with --> ~w:continue(~ts).\n",
2007	      [TCName,self(),Comment,CBM,CntArg]),
2008    case whereis(PName) of
2009	undefined ->
2010	    spawn_break_process(self(), PName);
2011	OldBreakProcess ->
2012	    OldBreakProcess ! cancel,
2013	    spawn_break_process(self(), PName)
2014    end,
2015    receive continue -> ok end.
2017spawn_break_process(Pid, PName) ->
2018    spawn(fun() ->
2019		  register(PName, self()),
2020                  ct_util:mark_process(),
2021		  receive
2022		      continue -> continue(Pid);
2023		      cancel -> ok
2024		  end
2025	  end).
2027continue() ->
2028    case whereis(test_server_break_process) of
2029	undefined    -> ok;
2030	BreakProcess -> BreakProcess ! continue
2031    end.
2033continue(TestCase) when is_atom(TestCase) ->
2034    PName = list_to_atom("test_server_break_process_" ++
2035			 atom_to_list(TestCase)),
2036    case whereis(PName) of
2037	undefined    -> ok;
2038	BreakProcess -> BreakProcess ! continue
2039    end;
2041continue(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
2042    Pid ! continue.
2045%% timetrap_scale_factor() -> Factor
2047%% Returns the amount to scale timetraps with.
2049%% {X, fun() -> check() end} <- multiply scale with X if Fun() is true
2050timetrap_scale_factor() ->
2051    timetrap_scale_factor([
2052	{ 2, fun() -> has_lock_checking() end},
2053	{ 3, fun() -> has_superfluous_schedulers() end},
2054	{ 6, fun() -> is_debug() end},
2055	{10, fun() -> is_cover() end},
2056        {10, fun() -> is_valgrind() end}
2057    ]).
2059timetrap_scale_factor(Scales) ->
2060    %% The fun in {S, Fun} a filter input to the list comprehension
2061    lists:foldl(fun(S,O) -> O*S end, 1, [ S || {S,F} <- Scales, F()]).
2065%% timetrap(Timeout) -> Handle
2066%% Handle = term()
2068%% Creates a time trap, that will kill the calling process if the
2069%% trap is not cancelled with timetrap_cancel/1, within Timeout milliseconds.
2070timetrap(Timeout) ->
2071    MultAndScale =
2072	case get(test_server_multiply_timetraps) of
2073	    undefined -> {fun(T) -> T end, true};
2074	    {undefined,false} -> {fun(T) -> T end, false};
2075	    {undefined,_} -> {fun(T) -> T end, true};
2076	    {infinity,_} -> {fun(_) -> infinity end, false};
2077	    {Int,Scale} -> {fun(infinity) -> infinity;
2078			       (T) -> T*Int end, Scale}
2079	end,
2080    timetrap(Timeout, Timeout, self(), MultAndScale).
2082%% when the function is called from different process than
2083%% the test case, the test_server_multiply_timetraps data
2084%% is unknown and must be passed as argument
2085timetrap(Timeout, TCPid, MultAndScale) ->
2086    timetrap(Timeout, Timeout, TCPid, MultAndScale).
2088timetrap(Timeout0, TimeToReport0, TCPid, MultAndScale = {Multiplier,Scale}) ->
2089    %% the time_ms call will either convert Timeout to ms or spawn a
2090    %% user timetrap which sends the result to the IO server process
2091    Timeout = time_ms(Timeout0, TCPid, MultAndScale),
2092    Timeout1 = Multiplier(Timeout),
2093    TimeToReport = if Timeout0 == TimeToReport0 ->
2094			   Timeout1;
2095		      true ->
2096			   %% only convert to ms, don't start a
2097			   %% user timetrap
2098			   time_ms_check(TimeToReport0)
2099		   end,
2100    cancel_default_timetrap(self() == TCPid),
2101    Handle = case Timeout1 of
2102		 infinity ->
2103		     infinity;
2104		 _ ->
2105		     spawn_link(test_server_sup,timetrap,[Timeout1,TimeToReport,
2106							  Scale,TCPid])
2107	     end,
2109    %% ERROR! This sets dict on IO process instead of testcase process
2110    %% if Timeout is return value from previous user timetrap!!
2112    case get(test_server_timetraps) of
2113	undefined ->
2114	    put(test_server_timetraps,[{Handle,TCPid,{TimeToReport,Scale}}]);
2115	List ->
2116	    List1 = lists:delete({infinity,TCPid,{infinity,false}}, List),
2117	    put(test_server_timetraps,[{Handle,TCPid,
2118					{TimeToReport,Scale}}|List1])
2119    end,
2120    Handle.
2122ensure_timetrap(Config) ->
2123    case get(test_server_timetraps) of
2124	[_|_] ->
2125	    ok;
2126	_ ->
2127	    case get(test_server_default_timetrap) of
2128		undefined -> ok;
2129		Garbage ->
2130		    erase(test_server_default_timetrap),
2131		    format("=== WARNING: garbage in "
2132			   "test_server_default_timetrap: ~tp~n",
2133			   [Garbage])
2134	    end,
2135	    DTmo = case lists:keysearch(default_timeout,1,Config) of
2136		       {value,{default_timeout,Tmo}} -> Tmo;
2137		       _ -> ?DEFAULT_TIMETRAP_SECS
2138		   end,
2139	    format("=== test_server setting default "
2140		   "timetrap of ~p seconds~n",
2141		   [DTmo]),
2142	    put(test_server_default_timetrap, timetrap(seconds(DTmo)))
2143    end.
2145%% executing on IO process, no default timetrap ever set here
2146cancel_default_timetrap(false) ->
2147    ok;
2148cancel_default_timetrap(true) ->
2149    case get(test_server_default_timetrap) of
2150	undefined ->
2151	    ok;
2152	TimeTrap when is_pid(TimeTrap) ->
2153	    timetrap_cancel(TimeTrap),
2154	    erase(test_server_default_timetrap),
2155	    format("=== test_server canceled default timetrap "
2156		   "since another timetrap was set~n"),
2157	    ok;
2158	Garbage ->
2159	    erase(test_server_default_timetrap),
2160	    format("=== WARNING: garbage in "
2161		   "test_server_default_timetrap: ~tp~n",
2162		   [Garbage]),
2163	    error
2164    end.
2166time_ms({hours,N}, _, _) -> hours(N);
2167time_ms({minutes,N}, _, _) -> minutes(N);
2168time_ms({seconds,N}, _, _) -> seconds(N);
2169time_ms({Other,_N}, _, _) ->
2170    format("=== ERROR: Invalid time specification: ~tp. "
2171	   "Should be seconds, minutes, or hours.~n", [Other]),
2172    exit({invalid_time_format,Other});
2173time_ms(Ms, _, _) when is_integer(Ms) -> Ms;
2174time_ms(infinity, _, _) -> infinity;
2175time_ms(Fun, TCPid, MultAndScale) when is_function(Fun) ->
2176    time_ms_apply(Fun, TCPid, MultAndScale);
2177time_ms({M,F,A}=MFA, TCPid, MultAndScale) when is_atom(M),
2178					       is_atom(F),
2179					       is_list(A) ->
2180    time_ms_apply(MFA, TCPid, MultAndScale);
2181time_ms(Other, _, _) -> exit({invalid_time_format,Other}).
2183time_ms_check(MFA = {M,F,A}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(A) ->
2184    MFA;
2185time_ms_check(Fun) when is_function(Fun) ->
2186    Fun;
2187time_ms_check(Other) ->
2188    time_ms(Other, undefined, undefined).
2190time_ms_apply(Func, TCPid, MultAndScale) ->
2191    {_,GL} = process_info(TCPid, group_leader),
2192    WhoAmI = self(),				% either TC or IO server
2193    T0 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
2194    UserTTSup =
2195	spawn(fun() ->
2196		      user_timetrap_supervisor(Func, WhoAmI, TCPid,
2197					       GL, T0, MultAndScale)
2198	      end),
2199    receive
2200	{UserTTSup,infinity} ->
2201	    %% remember the user timetrap so that it can be cancelled
2202	    save_user_timetrap(TCPid, UserTTSup, T0),
2203	    %% we need to make sure the user timetrap function
2204	    %% gets time to execute and return
2205	    timetrap(infinity, TCPid, MultAndScale)
2206    after 5000 ->
2207	    exit(UserTTSup, kill),
2208	    if WhoAmI /= GL ->
2209		    exit({user_timetrap_error,time_ms_apply});
2210	       true ->
2211		    format("=== ERROR: User timetrap execution failed!", []),
2212		    ignore
2213	    end
2214    end.
2216user_timetrap_supervisor(Func, Spawner, TCPid, GL, T0, MultAndScale) ->
2217    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
2218    ct_util:mark_process(),
2219    Spawner ! {self(),infinity},
2220    MonRef = monitor(process, TCPid),
2221    UserTTSup = self(),
2222    group_leader(GL, UserTTSup),
2223    UserTT = spawn_link(fun() -> call_user_timetrap(Func, UserTTSup) end),
2224    receive
2225	{UserTT,Result} ->
2226	    demonitor(MonRef, [flush]),
2227	    T1 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
2228	    Elapsed = erlang:convert_time_unit(T1-T0, native, milli_seconds),
2229	    try time_ms_check(Result) of
2230		TimeVal ->
2231		    %% this is the new timetrap value to set (return value
2232		    %% from a fun or an MFA)
2233		    GL ! {user_timetrap,TCPid,TimeVal,T0,Elapsed,MultAndScale}
2234	    catch _:_ ->
2235		    %% when other than a legal timetrap value is returned
2236		    %% which will be the normal case for user timetraps
2237		    GL ! {user_timetrap,TCPid,0,T0,Elapsed,MultAndScale}
2238	    end;
2239	{'EXIT',UserTT,Error} when Error /= normal ->
2240	    demonitor(MonRef, [flush]),
2241	    GL ! {user_timetrap,TCPid,0,T0,{user_timetrap_error,Error},
2242		  MultAndScale};
2243	{'DOWN',MonRef,_,_,_} ->
2244	    demonitor(MonRef, [flush]),
2245	    exit(UserTT, kill)
2246    end.
2248call_user_timetrap(Func, Sup) when is_function(Func) ->
2249    try Func() of
2250	Result ->
2251	    Sup ! {self(),Result}
2252    catch _:Error:Stk ->
2253	    exit({Error,Stk})
2254    end;
2255call_user_timetrap({M,F,A}, Sup) ->
2256    try apply(M,F,A) of
2257	Result ->
2258	    Sup ! {self(),Result}
2259    catch _:Error:Stk ->
2260	    exit({Error,Stk})
2261    end.
2263save_user_timetrap(TCPid, UserTTSup, StartTime) ->
2264    %% save pid of user timetrap supervisor process so that
2265    %% it may be stopped even before the timetrap func has returned
2266    NewUserTT = {TCPid,{UserTTSup,StartTime}},
2267    case get(test_server_user_timetrap) of
2268	undefined ->
2269	    put(test_server_user_timetrap, [NewUserTT]);
2270	UserTTSups ->
2271	    case proplists:get_value(TCPid, UserTTSups) of
2272		undefined ->
2273		    put(test_server_user_timetrap,
2274			[NewUserTT | UserTTSups]);
2275		PrevTTSup ->
2276		    %% remove prev user timetrap
2277		    remove_user_timetrap(PrevTTSup),
2278		    put(test_server_user_timetrap,
2279			[NewUserTT | proplists:delete(TCPid,
2280						      UserTTSups)])
2281	    end
2282    end.
2284update_user_timetraps(TCPid, StartTime) ->
2285    %% called when a user timetrap is triggered
2286    case get(test_server_user_timetrap) of
2287	undefined ->
2288	    proceed;
2289	UserTTs ->
2290	    case proplists:get_value(TCPid, UserTTs) of
2291		{_UserTTSup,StartTime} ->	% same timetrap
2292		    put(test_server_user_timetrap,
2293			proplists:delete(TCPid, UserTTs)),
2294		    proceed;
2295		{OtherUserTTSup,OtherStartTime} ->
2296		    case OtherStartTime - StartTime of
2297			Diff when Diff >= 0 ->
2298			    ignore;
2299			_ ->
2300			    exit(OtherUserTTSup, kill),
2301			    put(test_server_user_timetrap,
2302				proplists:delete(TCPid, UserTTs)),
2303			    proceed
2304		    end;
2305		undefined ->
2306		    proceed
2307	    end
2308    end.
2310remove_user_timetrap(TTSup) ->
2311    exit(TTSup, kill).
2314%% timetrap_cancel(Handle) -> ok
2315%% Handle = term()
2317%% Cancels a time trap.
2318timetrap_cancel(Handle) ->
2319    timetrap_cancel_one(Handle, true).
2321timetrap_cancel_one(infinity, _SendToServer) ->
2322    ok;
2323timetrap_cancel_one(Handle, SendToServer) ->
2324    case get(test_server_timetraps) of
2325	undefined ->
2326	    ok;
2327	[{Handle,_,_}] ->
2328	    erase(test_server_timetraps);
2329	Timers ->
2330	    case lists:keysearch(Handle, 1, Timers) of
2331		{value,_} ->
2332		    put(test_server_timetraps,
2333			lists:keydelete(Handle, 1, Timers));
2334		false when SendToServer == true ->
2335		    group_leader() ! {timetrap_cancel_one,Handle,self()};
2336		false ->
2337		    ok
2338	    end
2339    end,
2340    test_server_sup:timetrap_cancel(Handle).
2343%% timetrap_cancel() -> ok
2345%% Cancels timetrap for current test case.
2346timetrap_cancel() ->
2347    timetrap_cancel_all(self(), true).
2349timetrap_cancel_all(TCPid, SendToServer) ->
2350    case get(test_server_timetraps) of
2351	undefined ->
2352	    ok;
2353	Timers ->
2354	    [timetrap_cancel_one(Handle, false) ||
2355		{Handle,Pid,_} <- Timers, Pid == TCPid],
2356	    ok
2357    end,
2358    case get(test_server_user_timetrap) of
2359	undefined ->
2360	    ok;
2361	UserTTs ->
2362	    case proplists:get_value(TCPid, UserTTs) of
2363		{UserTTSup,_StartTime} ->
2364		    remove_user_timetrap(UserTTSup),
2365		    put(test_server_user_timetrap,
2366			proplists:delete(TCPid, UserTTs)),
2367			ok;
2368		undefined ->
2369		    ok
2370	    end
2371    end,
2372    if SendToServer == true ->
2373	    group_leader() ! {timetrap_cancel_all,TCPid,self()},
2374	    ok;
2375       true ->
2376	    ok
2377    end,
2378    ok.
2381%% get_timetrap_info() -> {Timeout,Scale} | undefined
2383%% Read timetrap info for current test case
2384get_timetrap_info() ->
2385    get_timetrap_info(self(), true).
2387get_timetrap_info(TCPid, SendToServer) ->
2388    case get(test_server_timetraps) of
2389	undefined ->
2390	    undefined;
2391	Timers ->
2392	    case [Info || {Handle,Pid,Info} <- Timers,
2393			  Pid == TCPid, Handle /= infinity] of
2394		[{TVal,true}|_] ->
2395		    {TVal,{true,test_server:timetrap_scale_factor()}};
2396		[{TVal,false}|_] ->
2397		    {TVal,{false,1}};
2398		[] when SendToServer == true ->
2399		    case tc_supervisor_req({get_timetrap_info,TCPid}) of
2400			{TVal,true} ->
2401			    {TVal,{true,test_server:timetrap_scale_factor()}};
2402			{TVal,false} ->
2403			    {TVal,{false,1}};
2404			Error ->
2405			    Error
2406		    end;
2407		[] ->
2408		    undefined
2409	    end
2410    end.
2413%% hours(N) -> Milliseconds
2414%% minutes(N) -> Milliseconds
2415%% seconds(N) -> Milliseconds
2416%% N = integer() | float()
2417%% Milliseconds = integer()
2419%% Transforms the named units to milliseconds. Fractions in the input
2420%% are accepted. The output is an integer.
2421hours(N)   -> trunc(N * 1000 * 60 * 60).
2422minutes(N) -> trunc(N * 1000 * 60).
2423seconds(N) -> trunc(N * 1000).
2426%% tc_supervisor_req(Tag) -> Result
2427%% tc_supervisor_req(Tag, Msg) -> Result
2430tc_supervisor_req(Tag) ->
2431    Pid = test_server_gl:get_tc_supervisor(group_leader()),
2432    Pid ! {Tag,self()},
2433    receive
2434	{Pid,Tag,Result} ->
2435	    Result
2436    after 5000 ->
2437	    error(no_answer_from_tc_supervisor)
2438    end.
2440tc_supervisor_req(Tag, Msg) ->
2441    Pid = test_server_gl:get_tc_supervisor(group_leader()),
2442    Pid ! {Tag,self(),Msg},
2443    receive
2444	{Pid,Tag,Result} ->
2445	    Result
2446    after 5000 ->
2447	    error(no_answer_from_tc_supervisor)
2448    end.
2451%% timecall(M,F,A) -> {Time,Val}
2452%% Time = float()
2454%% Measures the time spent evaluating MFA. The measurement is done with
2455%% erlang:now/0, and should have pretty good accuracy on most platforms.
2456%% The function is not evaluated in a catch context.
2457timecall(M, F, A) ->
2458    test_server_sup:timecall(M,F,A).
2461%% do_times(N,M,F,A) -> ok
2462%% do_times(N,Fun) ->
2463%% N = integer()
2464%% Fun = fun() -> void()
2466%% Evaluates MFA or Fun N times, and returns ok.
2467do_times(N,M,F,A) when N>0 ->
2468    apply(M,F,A),
2469    do_times(N-1,M,F,A);
2470do_times(0,_,_,_) ->
2471    ok.
2473do_times(N,Fun) when N>0 ->
2474    Fun(),
2475    do_times(N-1,Fun);
2476do_times(0,_) ->
2477    ok.
2480%% m_out_of_n(M,N,Fun) -> ok | exit({m_out_of_n_failed,{R,left_to_do}})
2481%% M = integer()
2482%% N = integer()
2483%% Fun = fun() -> void()
2484%% R = integer()
2486%% Repeats evaluating the given function until it succeeded (didn't crash)
2487%% M times. If, after N times, M successful attempts have not been
2488%% accomplished, the process crashes with reason {m_out_of_n_failed
2489%% {R,left_to_do}}, where R indicates how many cases that remained to be
2490%% successfully completed.
2492%% For example:
2493%% m_out_of_n(1,4,fun() -> tricky_test_case() end)
2494%%                           Tries to run tricky_test_case() up to 4 times,
2495%%                           and is happy if it succeeds once.
2497%% m_out_of_n(7,8,fun() -> clock_sanity_check() end)
2498%%                         Tries running clock_sanity_check() up to 8
2499%%                         times and allows the function to fail once.
2500%%                         This might be useful if clock_sanity_check/0
2501%%                         is known to fail if the clock crosses an hour
2502%%                         boundary during the test (and the up to 8
2503%%                         test runs could never cross 2 boundaries)
2504m_out_of_n(0,_,_) ->
2505    ok;
2506m_out_of_n(M,0,_) ->
2507    exit({m_out_of_n_failed,{M,left_to_do}});
2508m_out_of_n(M,N,Fun) ->
2509    case catch Fun() of
2510	{'EXIT',_} ->
2511	    m_out_of_n(M,N-1,Fun);
2512	_Other ->
2513	    m_out_of_n(M-1,N-1,Fun)
2514    end.
2520%%	M     - atom()
2521%%	F     - atom()
2522%%	A     - [term()]
2523%%	Time  - integer() in milliseconds.
2524%%	Crash - term()
2526%%	Spaws a new process that calls MFA. The call is considered
2527%%      successful if the call crashes with the given reason (Crash),
2528%%      or any other reason if Crash is not specified.
2529%%	** The call must terminate withing the given Time (defaults
2530%%      to infinity), or it is considered a failure (exit with reason
2531%%      'call_crash_timeout' is generated).
2533call_crash(M,F,A) ->
2534    call_crash(infinity,M,F,A).
2535call_crash(Time,M,F,A) ->
2536    call_crash(Time,any,M,F,A).
2537call_crash(Time,Crash,M,F,A) ->
2538    test_server_sup:call_crash(Time,Crash,M,F,A).
2541%% start_node(SlaveName, Type, Options) ->
2542%%                   {ok, Slave} | {error, Reason}
2544%% SlaveName = string(), atom().
2545%% Type = slave | peer
2546%% Options = [{tuple(), term()}]
2548%% OptionList is a tuplelist wich may contain one
2549%% or more of these members:
2551%% Slave and Peer:
2552%% {remote, true}         - Start the node on a remote host. If not specified,
2553%%                          the node will be started on the local host (with
2554%%                          some exceptions, for instance VxWorks,
2555%%                          where all nodes are started on a remote host).
2556%% {args, Arguments}      - Arguments passed directly to the node.
2557%% {cleanup, false}       - Nodes started with this option will not be killed
2558%%                          by the test server after completion of the test case
2559%%                          Therefore it is IMPORTANT that the USER terminates
2560%%                          the node!!
2561%% {erl, ReleaseList}     - Use an Erlang emulator determined by ReleaseList
2562%%                          when starting nodes, instead of the same emulator
2563%%                          as the test server is running. ReleaseList is a list
2564%%                          of specifiers, where a specifier is either
2565%%                          {release, Rel}, {prog, Prog}, or 'this'. Rel is
2566%%                          either the name of a release, e.g., "r7a" or
2567%%                          'latest'. 'this' means using the same emulator as
2568%%                          the test server. Prog is the name of an emulator
2569%%                          executable.  If the list has more than one element,
2570%%                          one of them is picked randomly. (Only
2571%%                          works on Solaris and Linux, and the test
2572%%                          server gives warnings when it notices that
2573%%                          nodes are not of the same version as
2574%%                          itself.)
2576%% Peer only:
2577%% {wait, false}	  - Don't wait for the node to be started.
2578%% {fail_on_error, false} - Returns {error, Reason} rather than failing
2579%%			    the test case. This option can only be used with
2580%%                          peer nodes.
2581%%                          Note that slave nodes always act as if they had
2582%%                          fail_on_error==false.
2585start_node(Name, Type, Options) ->
2586    lists:foreach(
2587      fun(N) ->
2588	      case firstname(N) of
2589		  Name ->
2590		      format("=== WARNING: Trying to start node \'~w\' when node"
2591			     " with same first name exists: ~w", [Name, N]);
2592		  _other -> ok
2593	      end
2594      end,
2595      nodes()),
2597    group_leader() ! {sync_apply,
2598		      self(),
2599		      {test_server_ctrl,start_node,[Name,Type,Options]}},
2600    Result = receive {sync_result,R} -> R end,
2602    case Result of
2603	{ok,Node} ->
2605            %% Cannot run cover on shielded node or on a node started
2606            %% by a shielded node.
2607            Cover = case is_cover(Node) of
2608                        true ->
2609			    proplists:get_value(start_cover,Options,true);
2610                        false ->
2611                            false
2612                    end,
2614	    net_adm:ping(Node),
2615	    case Cover of
2616		true ->
2617		    do_cover_for_node(Node,start);
2618		_ ->
2619		    ok
2620	    end,
2621	    {ok,Node};
2622	{fail,Reason} -> fail(Reason);
2623	Error -> Error
2624    end.
2626firstname(N) ->
2627    list_to_atom(upto($@,atom_to_list(N))).
2629%% This should!!! crash if H is not member in list.
2630upto(H, [H | _T]) -> [];
2631upto(H, [X | T]) -> [X | upto(H,T)].
2635%% wait_for_node(Name) -> ok | {error,timeout}
2637%% If a node is started with the options {wait,false}, this function
2638%% can be used to wait for the node to come up from the
2639%% test server point of view (i.e. wait until it has contacted
2640%% the test server controller after startup)
2641wait_for_node(Slave) ->
2642    group_leader() ! {sync_apply,
2643		      self(),
2644		      {test_server_ctrl,wait_for_node,[Slave]}},
2645    Result = receive {sync_result,R} -> R end,
2646    case Result of
2647	ok ->
2648	    net_adm:ping(Slave),
2649	    case is_cover(Slave) of
2650		true ->
2651		    do_cover_for_node(Slave,start);
2652		_ ->
2653		    ok
2654	    end;
2655	_ ->
2656	    ok
2657    end,
2658    Result.
2662%% stop_node(Name) -> true|false
2664%% Kills a (remote) node.
2665%% Also inform test_server_ctrl so it can clean up!
2666stop_node(Slave) ->
2667    Cover = is_cover(Slave),
2668    if Cover -> do_cover_for_node(Slave,flush,false);
2669       true -> ok
2670    end,
2671    group_leader() ! {sync_apply,self(),{test_server_ctrl,stop_node,[Slave]}},
2672    Result = receive {sync_result,R} -> R end,
2673    case Result of
2674	ok ->
2675	    erlang:monitor_node(Slave, true),
2676	    slave:stop(Slave),
2677	    receive
2678		{nodedown, Slave} ->
2679		    format(minor, "Stopped slave node: ~w", [Slave]),
2680		    format(major, "=node_stop     ~w", [Slave]),
2681		    if Cover -> do_cover_for_node(Slave,stop,false);
2682		       true -> ok
2683		    end,
2684		    true
2685	    after 30000 ->
2686		    format("=== WARNING: Node ~w does not seem to terminate.",
2687			   [Slave]),
2688		    erlang:monitor_node(Slave, false),
2689		    receive {nodedown, Slave} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
2690		    false
2691	    end;
2692	{error, _Reason} ->
2693	    %% Either, the node is already dead or it was started
2694	    %% with the {cleanup,false} option, or it was started
2695	    %% in some other way than test_server:start_node/3
2696	    format("=== WARNING: Attempt to stop a nonexisting slavenode (~w)~n"
2697		   "===          Trying to kill it anyway!!!",
2698		   [Slave]),
2699	    case net_adm:ping(Slave)of
2700		pong ->
2701		    erlang:monitor_node(Slave, true),
2702		    slave:stop(Slave),
2703		    receive
2704			{nodedown, Slave} ->
2705			    format(minor, "Stopped slave node: ~w", [Slave]),
2706			    format(major, "=node_stop     ~w", [Slave]),
2707			    if Cover -> do_cover_for_node(Slave,stop,false);
2708			       true -> ok
2709			    end,
2710			    true
2711		    after 30000 ->
2712			    format("=== WARNING: Node ~w does not seem to terminate.",
2713				   [Slave]),
2714			    erlang:monitor_node(Slave, false),
2715			    receive {nodedown, Slave} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
2716			    false
2717		    end;
2718		pang ->
2719		    if Cover -> do_cover_for_node(Slave,stop,false);
2720		       true -> ok
2721		    end,
2722		    false
2723	    end
2724    end.
2727%% is_release_available(Release) -> true | false
2728%% Release -> string()
2730%% Test if a release (such as "r10b") is available to be
2731%% started using start_node/3.
2733is_release_available(Release) ->
2734    group_leader() ! {sync_apply,
2735		      self(),
2736		      {test_server_ctrl,is_release_available,[Release]}},
2737    receive {sync_result,R} -> R end.
2741%% run_on_shielded_node(Fun, CArgs) -> term()
2742%% Fun -> function()
2743%% CArg -> list()
2746%% Fun is executed in a process on a temporarily created
2747%% hidden node. Communication with the job process goes
2748%% via a job proxy process on the hidden node, i.e. the
2749%% group leader of the test case process is the job proxy
2750%% process. This makes it possible to start nodes from the
2751%% hidden node that are unaware of the test server node.
2752%% Without the job proxy process all processes would have
2753%% a process residing on the test_server node as group_leader.
2755%% Fun    -  Function to execute
2756%% CArg   -  Extra command line arguments to use when starting
2757%%           the shielded node.
2759%% If Fun is successfully executed, the result is returned.
2762run_on_shielded_node(Fun, CArgs) when is_function(Fun), is_list(CArgs) ->
2763    Nr = erlang:unique_integer([positive]),
2764    Name = "shielded_node-" ++ integer_to_list(Nr),
2765    Node = case start_node(Name, slave, [{args, "-hidden " ++ CArgs}]) of
2766	       {ok, N} -> N;
2767	       Err -> fail({failed_to_start_shielded_node, Err})
2768	   end,
2769    Master = self(),
2770    Ref = make_ref(),
2771    Slave = spawn(Node, start_job_proxy_fun(Master, Fun)),
2772    MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Slave),
2773    Slave ! Ref,
2774    receive
2775	{'DOWN', MRef, _, _, Info} ->
2776	    stop_node(Node),
2777	    fail(Info);
2778	{Ref, Res} ->
2779	    stop_node(Node),
2780	    receive
2781		{'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} ->
2782		    Res
2783	    end
2784    end.
2786-spec start_job_proxy_fun(_, _) -> fun(() -> no_return()).
2787start_job_proxy_fun(Master, Fun) ->
2788    fun () ->
2789            ct_util:mark_process(),
2790            _ = start_job_proxy(),
2791            receive
2792                Ref ->
2793                    Master ! {Ref, Fun()},
2794                    ok
2795            end,
2796            receive after infinity -> infinity end
2797    end.
2799%% Return true if Name or node() is a shielded node
2800is_shielded(Name) ->
2801    case {cast_to_list(Name),atom_to_list(node())} of
2802	{"shielded_node"++_,_} -> true;
2803	{_,"shielded_node"++_} -> true;
2804	_ -> false
2805    end.
2807same_version(Name) ->
2808    ThisVersion = erlang:system_info(version),
2809    OtherVersion = rpc:call(Name, erlang, system_info, [version]),
2810    ThisVersion =:= OtherVersion.
2812is_cover(Name) ->
2813    case is_cover() of
2814	true ->
2815	    not is_shielded(Name) andalso same_version(Name);
2816	false ->
2817	    false
2818    end.
2821%% temp_name(Stem) -> string()
2822%% Stem = string()
2824%% Create a unique file name, based on (starting with) Stem.
2825%% A filename of the form <Stem><Number> is generated, and the
2826%% function checks that that file doesn't already exist.
2827temp_name(Stem) ->
2828    Num = erlang:unique_integer([positive]),
2829    RandomName = Stem ++ integer_to_list(Num),
2830    {ok,Files} = file:list_dir(filename:dirname(Stem)),
2831    case lists:member(RandomName,Files) of
2832	true ->
2833	    %% oh, already exists - bad luck. Try again.
2834	    temp_name(Stem); %% recursively try again
2835	false ->
2836	    RandomName
2837    end.
2840%% app_test/1
2842app_test(App) ->
2843    app_test(App, pedantic).
2844app_test(App, Mode) ->
2845    test_server_sup:app_test(App, Mode).
2848%% appup_test/1
2850appup_test(App) ->
2851    test_server_sup:appup_test(App).
2854%% is_native(Mod) -> true | false
2856%% Checks wether the module is natively compiled or not.
2858is_native(Mod) ->
2859    (catch Mod:module_info(native)) =:= true.
2862%% comment(String) -> ok
2864%% The given String will occur in the comment field
2865%% of the table on the test suite result page. If
2866%% called several times, only the last comment is
2867%% printed.
2868%% comment/1 is also overwritten by the return value
2869%% {comment,Comment} or fail/1 (which prints Reason
2870%% as a comment).
2871comment(String) ->
2872    group_leader() ! {comment,String},
2873    ok.
2876%% read_comment() -> string()
2878%% Read the current comment string stored in
2879%% state during test case execution.
2880read_comment() ->
2881    tc_supervisor_req(read_comment).
2884%% make_priv_dir() -> ok
2886%% Order test server to create the private directory
2887%% for the current test case.
2888make_priv_dir() ->
2889    tc_supervisor_req(make_priv_dir).
2892%% os_type() -> OsType
2894%% Returns the OsType of the target node. OsType is
2895%% the same as returned from os:type()
2896os_type() ->
2897    os:type().
2901%% is_cover() -> boolean()
2903%% Returns true if cover is running, else false
2904is_cover() ->
2905    case whereis(cover_server) of
2906	undefined -> false;
2907	_ -> true
2908    end.
2911%% is_debug() -> boolean()
2913%% Returns true if the emulator is debug-compiled, false otherwise.
2914is_debug() ->
2915    case catch erlang:system_info(debug_compiled) of
2916	{'EXIT', _} ->
2917	    case string:find(erlang:system_info(system_version), "debug") of
2918                nomatch -> false;
2919		_ -> true
2920	    end;
2921	Res ->
2922	    Res
2923    end.
2926%% has_lock_checking() -> boolean()
2928%% Returns true if the emulator has lock checking enabled, false otherwise.
2929has_lock_checking() ->
2930    case catch erlang:system_info(lock_checking) of
2931	{'EXIT', _} -> false;
2932	Res -> Res
2933    end.
2936%% has_superfluous_schedulers() -> boolean()
2938%% Returns true if the emulator has more scheduler threads than logical
2939%% processors, false otherwise.
2940has_superfluous_schedulers() ->
2941    case catch {erlang:system_info(schedulers),
2942		erlang:system_info(logical_processors)} of
2943	{S, P} when is_integer(S), is_integer(P), S > P -> true;
2944	_ -> false
2945    end.
2948%% is_commercial_build() -> boolean()
2950%% Returns true if the current emulator is commercially supported.
2951%% (The emulator will not have "[source]" in its start-up message.)
2952%% We might want to do more tests on a commercial platform, for instance
2953%% ensuring that all applications have documentation).
2954is_commercial() ->
2955    case string:find(erlang:system_info(system_version), "source") of
2956        nomatch -> true;
2957	_ -> false
2958    end.
2961%% is_valgrind() -> boolean()
2963%% Returns true if valgrind is running, else false
2964is_valgrind() ->
2965    case catch erlang:system_info({valgrind, running}) of
2966	{'EXIT', _} -> false;
2967	Res -> Res
2968    end.
2971%%                     DEBUGGER INTERFACE                    %%
2976%% valgrind_new_leaks() -> ok
2978%% Checks for new memory leaks if Valgrind is active.
2979valgrind_new_leaks() ->
2980    catch erlang:system_info({valgrind, memory}),
2981    ok.
2984%% valgrind_format(Format, Args) -> ok
2985%% Format = string()
2986%% Args = lists()
2988%% Outputs the formatted string to Valgrind's logfile,if Valgrind is active.
2989valgrind_format(Format, Args) ->
2990    (catch erlang:system_info({valgrind, io_lib:format(Format, Args)})),
2991    ok.
2997%% Apply given function and reply to caller or proxy.
2999do_sync_apply(Proxy, From, {M,F,A}) ->
3000    Result = apply(M, F, A),
3001    if  is_pid(Proxy) ->
3002	    Proxy ! {sync_result_proxy,From,Result},
3003	    ok;
3004	true ->
3005	    From ! {sync_result,Result},
3006	    ok
3007    end.
3009start_cover() ->
3010    case cover:start() of
3011       {error, {already_started, Pid}} ->
3012           {ok, Pid};
3013       Else ->
3014           Else
3015   end.