2			-*- html -*-
4	EUnit overview page
6@title EUnit - a Lightweight Unit Testing Framework for Erlang
8@author Richard Carlsson <carlsson.richard@gmail.com>
9@author Mickaël Rémond <mickael.remond@process-one.net>
10        [http://www.process-one.net/]
11@copyright 2004-2007 Mickaël Rémond, Richard Carlsson
12@version {@version}, {@date} {@time}
14@doc EUnit is a unit testing framework for Erlang. It is very powerful
15and flexible, is easy to use, and has small syntactical overhead.
18<li>{@section Unit testing}</li>
19<li>{@section Terminology}</li>
20<li>{@section Getting started}</li>
21<li>{@section EUnit macros}</li>
22<li>{@section EUnit test representation}</li>
25EUnit builds on ideas from the family of unit testing frameworks for
26Object Oriented languages that originated with JUnit by Beck and Gamma
27(and Beck's previous framework SUnit for Smalltalk). However, EUnit uses
28techniques more adapted to functional and concurrent programming, and is
29typically less verbose than its relatives.
31Although EUnit uses many preprocessor macros, they have been designed to
32be as nonintrusive as possible, and should not cause conflicts with
33existing code. Adding EUnit tests to a module should thus not normally
34require changing existing code. Furthermore, tests that only exercise
35the exported functions of a module can always be placed in a completely
36separate module, avoiding any conflicts entirely.
38== Unit testing ==
40Unit Testing is testing of individual program "units" in relative
41isolation. There is no particular size requirement: a unit can be a
42function, a module, a process, or even a whole application, but the most
43typical testing units are individual functions or modules. In order to
44test a unit, you specify a set of individual tests, set up the smallest
45necessary environment for being able to run those tests (often, you
46don't need to do any setup at all), you run the tests and collect the
47results, and finally you do any necessary cleanup so that the test can
48be run again later. A Unit Testing Framework tries to help you in each
49stage of this process, so that it is easy to write tests, easy to run
50them, and easy to see which tests failed (so you can fix the bugs).
52=== Advantages of unit testing ===
55  <dt>Reduces the risks of changing the program</dt>
56  <dd>Most programs will be modified during their lifetime: bugs will be
57  fixed, features will be added, optimizations may become necessary, or
58  the code will need to be refactored or cleaned up in other ways to
59  make it easier to work with. But every change to a working program is
60  a risk of introducing new bugs - or reintroducing bugs that had
61  previously been fixed. Having a set of unit tests that you can run
62  with very little effort makes it easy to know that the code still
63  works as it should (this use is called <em>regression testing</em>;
64  see {@section Terminology}). This goes a long way to reduce the
65  resistance to changing and refactoring code.</dd>
66  <dt>Helps guide and speed up the development process</dt>
67  <dd>By focusing on getting the code to pass the tests, the programmer
68  can become more productive, not overspecify or get lost in premature
69  optimizations, and create code that is correct from the very beginning
70  (so-called <em>test-driven development</em>; see {@section
71  Terminology}).</dd>
72  <dt>Helps separate interface from implementation</dt>
73  <dd>When writing tests, the programmer may discover dependencies
74  (in order to get the tests to run) that ought not to be there, and
75  which need to be abstracted away to get a cleaner design. This helps
76  eliminate bad dependencies before they spread throughout the
77  code.</dd>
78  <dt>Makes component integration easier</dt>
79  <dd>By testing in a bottom-up fashion, beginning with the smallest
80  program units and creating a confidence in that they work as they
81  should, it becomes easier to test that a higher-level component,
82  consisting of several such units, also behaves according to
83  specification (known as <em>integration testing</em>; see {@section
84  Terminology}).</dd>
85  <dt>Is self-documenting</dt>
86  <dd>The tests can be read as documentation, typically showing both
87  examples of correct and incorrect usage, along with the expected
88  consequences.</dd>
91== Terminology ==
94  <dt>Unit testing</dt>
95  <dd>Testing that a program unit behaves as it is supposed to do (in
96  itself), according to its specifications. Unit tests have an important
97  function as regression tests, when the program later is modified for
98  some reason, since they check that the program still behaves according
99  to specification.</dd>
100  <dt>Regression testing</dt>
101  <dd>Running a set of tests after making changes to a program, to check
102  that the program behaves as it did before the changes (except, of
103  course, for any intentional changes in behaviour). Unit tests are
104  important as regression tests, but regression testing can involve more
105  than just unit testing, and may also test behaviour that might not be
106  part of the normal specification (such as bug-for-bug-compatibility).
107  </dd>
108  <dt>Integration testing</dt>
109  <dd>Testing that a number of individually developed program units
110  (assumed to already have been separately unit tested) work together as
111  expected. Depending on the system being developed, integration testing
112  may be as simple as "just another level of unit testing", but might
113  also involve other kinds of tests (compare <em>system testing</em>).
115  <dt>System testing</dt>
116  <dd>Testing that a complete system behaves according to its
117  specification. Specifically, system testing should not require knowing
118  any details about the implementation. It typically involves testing
119  many different aspects of the system behaviour apart from the basic
120  functionality, such as performance, usability, and reliability.</dd>
121  <dt>Test-driven development</dt>
122  <dd>A program development technique where you continuously write tests
123  <em>before</em> you implement the code that is supposed to pass those
124  tests. This can help you focus on solving the right problems, and not
125  make a more complicated implementation than necessary, by letting the
126  unit tests determine when a program is "done": if it fulfils its
127  specifications, there is no need to keep adding functionality.</dd>
128  <dt>Mock object</dt>
129  <dd>Sometimes, testing some unit `A' (e.g., a function) requires that
130  it collaborates somehow with some other unit `B' (perhaps being passed
131  as an argument, or by reference) - but `B' has not been implemented
132  yet. A "mock object" - an object which, for the purposes of testing
133  `A', looks and behaves like a real `B' - might then be used instead.
134  (This is of course only useful if it would be significantly more work
135  to implement a real `B' than to create a mock object.)</dd>
136  <dt>Test case</dt>
137  <dd>A single, well-defined test, that somehow can be uniquely
138  identified. When executed, the test case either <em>passes</em> or
139  <em>fails</em>; the test report should identify exactly which test
140  cases failed.</dd>
141  <dt>Test suite</dt>
142  <dd>A collection of test cases, generally with a specific, common
143  target for testing, such as a single function, module, or subsystem. A
144  test suite may also be recursively composed by smaller test
145  suites.</dd>
148== Getting started ==
150  <li>{@section Including the EUnit header file}</li>
151  <li>{@section Writing simple test functions}</li>
152  <li>{@section Running EUnit}</li>
153  <li>{@section Writing test generating functions}</li>
154  <li>{@section An example}</li>
155  <li>{@section Disabling testing}</li>
156  <li>{@section Avoiding compile-time dependency on EUnit}</li>
159=== Including the EUnit header file ===
161The simplest way to use EUnit in an Erlang module is to add the
162following line at the beginning of the module (after the `-module'
163declaration, but before any function definitions):
166This will have the following effect:
168  <li>Creates an exported function `test()' (unless testing is turned
169  off, and the module does not already contain a test() function), that
170  can be used to run all the unit tests defined in the module</li>
171  <li>Causes all functions whose names match `..._test()' or `..._test_()'
172  to be automatically exported from the module (unless testing is
173  turned off, or the `EUNIT_NOAUTO' macro is defined)</li>
174  <li>Makes all the preprocessor macros of EUnit available, to help
175  writing tests</li>
178<strong>Note:</strong> For `-include_lib(...)' to work, the Erlang
179module search path <em>must</em> contain a directory whose name ends in
180`eunit/ebin' (pointing to the `ebin' subdirectory of the EUnit
181installation directory). If EUnit is installed as `lib/eunit' under your
182Erlang/OTP system directory, its `ebin' subdirectory will be
183automatically added to the search path when Erlang starts. Otherwise,
184you need to add the directory explicitly, by passing a `-pa' flag to the
185`erl' or `erlc' command. For example, a Makefile could contain the
186following action for compiling `.erl' files:
187```erlc -pa "path/to/eunit/ebin" $(ERL_COMPILE_FLAGS) -o$(EBIN) $<'''
188or if you want Eunit to always be available when you run Erlang
189interactively, you can add a line like the following to your
190`$HOME/.erlang' file:
193=== Writing simple test functions ===
195The EUnit framework makes it extremely easy to write unit tests in
196Erlang. There are a few different ways of writing them, though, so we
197start with the simplest:
199A function with a name ending in `..._test()' is recognized by EUnit as
200a simple test function - it takes no arguments, and its execution either
201succeeds (returning some arbitrary value that EUnit will throw away), or
202fails by throwing an exception of some kind (or by not terminating, in
203which case it will be aborted after a while).
205An example of a simple test function could be the following:
206```reverse_test() -> lists:reverse([1,2,3]).'''
207This just tests that the function `lists:reverse(List)' does not crash
208when `List' is `[1,2,3]'. It is not a great test, but many people write
209simple functions like this one to test the basic functionality of their
210code, and those tests can be used directly by EUnit, without changes,
211as long as their function names match.
213==== Use exceptions to signal failure ====
215To write more interesting tests, we need to make them crash (throw an
216exception) when they don't get the result they expect. A simple way of
217doing this is to use pattern matching with `=', as in the following
219```reverse_nil_test() -> [] = lists:reverse([]).
220   reverse_one_test() -> [1] = lists:reverse([1]).
221   reverse_two_test() -> [2,1] = lists:reverse([1,2]).
223If there was some bug in `lists:reverse/1' that made it return something
224other than `[2,1]' when it got `[1,2]' as input, then the last test
225above would throw a `badmatch' error. The first two (we assume they do
226not get a `badmatch') would simply return `[]' and `[1]', respectively,
227so both succeed. (Note that EUnit is not psychic: if you write a test
228that returns a value, even if it is the wrong value, EUnit will consider
229it a success. You must make sure that the test is written so that it
230causes a crash if the result is not what it should be.)
232==== Using assert macros ====
234If you want to use Boolean operators for your tests, the `assert'
235macro comes in handy (see {@section EUnit macros} for details):
236```length_test() -> ?assert(length([1,2,3]) =:= 3).'''
237The `?assert(Expression)' macro will evaluate `Expression', and if that
238does not evaluate to `true', it will throw an exception; otherwise it
239just returns `ok'. In the above example, the test will thus fail if the
240call to `length' does not return 3.
242=== Running EUnit ===
244If you have added the declaration
245`-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl")' to your module, as described
246above, you only need to compile the module, and run the automatically
247exported function `test()'. For example, if your module was named `m',
248then calling `m:test()' will run EUnit on all the tests defined in the
249module. You do not need to write `-export' declarations for the test
250functions. This is all done by magic.
252You can also use the function {@link eunit:test/1} to run arbitrary
253tests, for example to try out some more advanced test descriptors (see
254{@section EUnit test representation}). For example, running
255``eunit:test(m)'' does the same thing as the auto-generated function
256``m:test()'', while ``eunit:test({inparallel, m})'' runs the same test
257cases but executes them all in parallel.
259==== Putting tests in separate modules ====
261If you want to separate your test code from your normal code (at least
262for testing the exported functions), you can simply write the test
263functions in a module named `m_tests' (note: not `m_test'), if your
264module is named `m'. Then, whenever you ask EUnit to test the module
265`m', it will also look for the module `m_tests' and run those tests as
266well. See `ModuleName' in the section {@section Primitives} for details.
268==== EUnit captures standard output ====
270If your test code writes to the standard output, you may be surprised to
271see that the text does not appear on the console when the tests are
272running. This is because EUnit captures all standard output from test
273functions (this also includes setup and cleanup functions, but not
274generator functions), so that it can be included in the test report if
275errors occur. To bypass EUnit and print text directly to the console
276while testing, you can write to the `user' output stream, as in
277`io:format(user, "~w", [Term])'. The recommended way of doing this is to
278use the EUnit {@section Debugging macros}, which make it much simpler.
280=== Writing test generating functions ===
282A drawback of simple test functions is that you must write a separate
283function (with a separate name) for each test case. A more compact way
284of writing tests (and much more flexible, as we shall see), is to write
285functions that <em>return</em> tests, instead of <em>being</em> tests.
287A function with a name ending in `..._test_()' (note the final
288underscore) is recognized by EUnit as a <em>test generator</em>
289function. Test generators return a <em>representation</em> of a <em>set
290of tests</em> to be executed by EUnit.
292==== Representing a test as data ====
294The most basic representation of a test is a single fun-expression that
295takes no arguments. For example, the following test generator:
296```basic_test_() ->
297       fun () -> ?assert(1 + 1 =:= 2) end.'''
298will have the same effect as the following simple test:
299```simple_test() ->
300       ?assert(1 + 1 =:= 2).'''
301(in fact, EUnit will handle all simple tests just like it handles
302fun-expressions: it will put them in a list, and run them one by one).
304==== Using macros to write tests ====
306To make tests more compact and readable, as well as automatically add
307information about the line number in the source code where a test
308occurred (and reduce the number of characters you have to type), you can
309use the `_test' macro (note the initial underscore character), like
311```basic_test_() ->
312       ?_test(?assert(1 + 1 =:= 2)).'''
313The `_test' macro takes any expression (the "body") as argument, and
314places it within a fun-expression (along with some extra information).
315The body can be any kind of test expression, just like the body of a
316simple test function.
318==== Underscore-prefixed macros create test objects ====
320But this example can be made even shorter! Most test macros, such as the
321family of `assert' macros, have a corresponding form with an initial
322underscore character, which automatically adds a `?_test(...)' wrapper.
323The above example can then simply be written:
324```basic_test_() ->
325       ?_assert(1 + 1 =:= 2).'''
326which has exactly the same meaning (note the `_assert' instead of
327`assert'). You can think of the initial underscore as signalling
328<em>test object</em>.
330=== An example ===
332Sometimes, an example says more than a thousand words. The following
333small Erlang module shows how EUnit can be used in practice.
335   -export([fib/1]).
336   -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").
338   fib(0) -> 1;
339   fib(1) -> 1;
340   fib(N) when N > 1 -> fib(N-1) + fib(N-2).
342   fib_test_() ->
343       [?_assert(fib(0) =:= 1),
344	?_assert(fib(1) =:= 1),
345	?_assert(fib(2) =:= 2),
346	?_assert(fib(3) =:= 3),
347	?_assert(fib(4) =:= 5),
348	?_assert(fib(5) =:= 8),
349	?_assertException(error, function_clause, fib(-1)),
350	?_assert(fib(31) =:= 2178309)
351       ].'''
353(Author's note: When I first wrote this example, I happened to write a
354`*' instead of `+' in the `fib' function. Of course, this showed up
355immediately when I ran the tests.)
357See {@section EUnit test representation} for a full list of all the ways
358you can specify test sets in EUnit.
360=== Disabling testing ===
362Testing can be turned off by defining the `NOTEST' macro when compiling,
363for example as an option to `erlc', as in:
364```erlc -DNOTEST my_module.erl'''
365or by adding a macro definition to the code, <em>before the EUnit header
366file is included</em>:
367```-define(NOTEST, 1).'''
368(the value is not important, but should typically be 1 or `true').
369Note that unless the `EUNIT_NOAUTO' macro is defined, disabling testing
370will also automatically strip all test functions from the code, except
371for any that are explicitly declared as exported.
373For instance, to use EUnit in your application, but with testing turned
374off by default, put the following lines in a header file:
375```-define(NOTEST, true).
376   -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").'''
377and then make sure that every module of your application includes that
378header file. This means that you have a only a single place to modify in
379order to change the default setting for testing. To override the `NOTEST'
380setting without modifying the code, you can define `TEST' in a compiler
381option, like this:
382```erlc -DTEST my_module.erl'''
384See {@section Compilation control macros} for details about these
387=== Avoiding compile-time dependency on EUnit ===
389If you are distributing the source code for your application for other
390people to compile and run, you probably want to ensure that the code
391compiles even if EUnit is not available. Like the example in the
392previous section, you can put the following lines in a common header
395   -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").
396   -endif.'''
397and, of course, also make sure that you place all test code that uses
398EUnit macros within `-ifdef(TEST)' or `-ifdef(EUNIT)' sections.
401== EUnit macros ==
403Although all the functionality of EUnit is available even without the
404use of preprocessor macros, the EUnit header file defines a number of
405such macros in order to make it as easy as possible to write unit tests
406as compactly as possible and without getting too many details in the
409Except where explicitly stated, using EUnit macros will never introduce
410run-time dependencies on the EUnit library code, regardless of whether
411your code is compiled with testing enabled or disabled.
414<li>{@section Basic macros}</li>
415<li>{@section Compilation control macros}</li>
416<li>{@section Utility macros}</li>
417<li>{@section Assert macros}</li>
418<li>{@section Macros for running external commands}</li>
419<li>{@section Debugging macros}</li>
422=== Basic macros ===
426<dd>Turns `Expr' into a "test object", by wrapping it in a
427fun-expression and a source line number. Technically, this is the same
428as `{?LINE, fun () -> (Expr) end}'.
432=== Compilation control macros ===
436<dd>This macro is always defined to `true' whenever EUnit is enabled at
437compile time. This is typically used to place testing code within
438conditional compilation, as in:
440       % test code here
441       ...
442   -endif.'''
443e.g., to ensure that the code can be compiled without including the
444EUnit header file, when testing is disabled. See also the macros `TEST'
445and `NOTEST'.
449<dd>If this macro is defined, the automatic exporting or stripping of
450test functions will be disabled.
454<dd>This macro is always defined (to `true', unless previously defined
455by the user to have another value) whenever EUnit is enabled at compile
456time. This can be used to place testing code within conditional
457compilation; see also the macros `NOTEST' and `EUNIT'.
459For testing code that is strictly dependent on EUnit, it may be
460preferable to use the `EUNIT' macro for this purpose, while for code
461that uses more generic testing conventions, using the `TEST' macro may
462be preferred.
464The `TEST' macro can also be used to override the `NOTEST' macro. If
465`TEST' is defined <em>before</em> the EUnit header file is
466included (even if `NOTEST' is also defined), then the code will be
467compiled with EUnit enabled.
471<dd>This macro is always defined (to `true', unless previously defined
472by the user to have another value) whenever EUnit is <em>disabled</em>
473at compile time. (Compare the `TEST' macro.)
475This macro can also be used for conditional compilation, but is more
476typically used to disable testing: If `NOTEST' is defined
477<em>before</em> the EUnit header file is included, and `TEST'
478is <em>not</em> defined, then the code will be compiled with EUnit
479disabled. See also {@section Disabling testing}.
483<dd>If this macro is defined, the assert macros will have no effect,
484when testing is also disabled. See {@section Assert macros}. When
485testing is enabled, the assert macros are always enabled automatically
486and cannot be disabled.
490<dd>If this macro is defined, it overrides the NOASSERT macro, forcing
491the assert macros to always be enabled regardless of other settings.
495<dd>If this macro is defined, the debugging macros will have no effect.
496See {@section Debugging macros}. `NODEBUG' also implies `NOASSERT',
497unless testing is enabled.
501<dd>If this macro is defined, it overrides the NODEBUG macro, forcing
502the debugging macros to be enabled.
506=== Utility macros ===
508The following macros can make tests more compact and readable:
512<dd>Creates a local binding `Var = Arg' in `Expr'. (This is the same as
513`(fun(Var)->(Expr)end)(Arg)'.) Note that the binding is not exported
514outside of `Expr', and that within `Expr', this binding of `Var' will
515shadow any binding of `Var' in the surrounding scope.
518<dd>Evaluates `TrueCase' if `Cond' evaluates to `true', or otherwise
519evaluates `FalseCase' if `Cond' evaluates to `false'. (This is the same
520as `(case (Cond) of true->(TrueCase); false->(FalseCase) end)'.) Note
521that it is an error if `Cond' does not yield a boolean value.
525=== Assert macros ===
527(Note that these macros also have corresponding forms which start with
528an "`_'" (underscore) character, as in `?_assert(BoolExpr)', that create
529a "test object" instead of performing the test immediately. This is
530equivalent to writing `?_test(assert(BoolExpr))', etc.)
532If the macro `NOASSERT' is defined before the EUnit header file is
533included, these macros have no effect when testing is also disabled; see
534{@section Compilation control macros} for details.
538<dd>Evaluates the expression `BoolExpr', if testing is enabled. Unless
539the result is `true', an informative exception will be generated. If
540there is no exception, the result of the macro expression is the atom
541`ok', and the value of `BoolExpr' is discarded. If testing is disabled,
542the macro will not generate any code except the atom `ok', and
543`BoolExpr' will not be evaluated.
545Typical usage:
546```?assert(f(X, Y) =:= [])'''
548The `assert' macro can be used anywhere in a program, not just in unit
549tests, to check pre/postconditions and invariants. For example:
550```some_recursive_function(X, Y, Z) ->
551       ?assert(X + Y > Z),
552       ...'''
555<dd>Equivalent to `assert(not (BoolExpr))'.
557<dt>`assertMatch(GuardedPattern, Expr)'</dt>
558<dd>Evaluates `Expr' and matches the result against `GuardedPattern', if
559testing is enabled. If the match fails, an informative exception will be
560generated; see the `assert' macro for further details. `GuardedPattern'
561can be anything that you can write on the left hand side of the `->'
562symbol in a case-clause, except that it cannot contain comma-separated
563guard tests.
565The main reason for using `assertMatch' also for simple matches, instead
566of matching with `=', is that it produces more detailed error messages.
569```?assertMatch({found, {fred, _}}, lookup(bloggs, Table))'''
570```?assertMatch([X|_] when X > 0, binary_to_list(B))'''
572<dt>`assertNotMatch(GuardedPattern, Expr)'</dt>
573<dd>The inverse case of assertMatch, for convenience.
575<dt>`assertEqual(Expect, Expr)'</dt>
576<dd>Evaluates the expressions `Expect' and `Expr' and compares the
577results for equality, if testing is enabled. If the values are not
578equal, an informative exception will be generated; see the `assert'
579macro for further details.
581`assertEqual' is more suitable than `assertMatch' when the
582left-hand side is a computed value rather than a simple pattern, and
583gives more details than `?assert(Expect =:= Expr)'.
586```?assertEqual("b" ++ "a", lists:reverse("ab"))'''
587```?assertEqual(foo(X), bar(Y))'''
589<dt>`assertNotEqual(Unexpected, Expr)'</dt>
590<dd>The inverse case of assertEqual, for convenience.
592<dt>`assertException(ClassPattern, TermPattern, Expr)'</dt>
593<dt>`assertError(TermPattern, Expr)'</dt>
594<dt>`assertExit(TermPattern, Expr)'</dt>
595<dt>`assertThrow(TermPattern, Expr)'</dt>
596<dd>Evaluates `Expr', catching any exception and testing that it matches
597the expected `ClassPattern:TermPattern'. If the match fails, or if no
598exception is thrown by `Expr', an informative exception will be
599generated; see the `assert' macro for further details. The
600`assertError', `assertExit', and `assertThrow' macros, are equivalent to
601using `assertException' with a `ClassPattern' of `error', `exit', or
602`throw', respectively.
605```?assertError(badarith, X/0)'''
606```?assertExit(normal, exit(normal))'''
607```?assertException(throw, {not_found,_}, throw({not_found,42}))'''
611=== Macros for running external commands ===
613Keep in mind that external commands are highly dependent on the
614operating system. You can use the standard library function `os:type()'
615in test generator functions, to produce different sets of tests
616depending on the current operating system.
618Note: these macros introduce a run-time dependency on the EUnit library
619code, if compiled with testing enabled.
623<dd>Runs `CommandString' as an external command, if testing is enabled.
624Unless the returned status value is 0, an informative exception will be
625generated. If there is no exception, the result of the macro expression
626is the atom `ok'. If testing is disabled, the macro will not generate
627any code except the atom `ok', and the command will not be executed.
629Typical usage:
630```?assertCmd("mkdir foo")'''
632<dt>`assertCmdStatus(N, CommandString)'</dt>
633<dd>Like the `assertCmd(CommandString)' macro, but generates an
634exception unless the returned status value is `N'.
636<dt>`assertCmdOutput(Text, CommandString)'</dt>
637<dd>Runs `CommandString' as an external command, if testing is enabled.
638Unless the output produced by the command exactly matches the specified
639string `Text', an informative exception will be generated. (Note that
640the output is normalized to use a single LF character as line break on
641all platforms.) If there is no exception, the result of the macro
642expression is the atom `ok'. If testing is disabled, the macro will not
643generate any code except the atom `ok', and the command will not be
647<dd>Runs `CommandString' as an external command. Unless the returned
648status value is 0 (indicating success), an informative exception will be
649generated; otherwise, the result of the macro expression is the output
650produced by the command, as a flat string. The output is normalized to
651use a single LF character as line break on all platforms.
653This macro is useful in the setup and cleanup sections of fixtures,
654e.g., for creating and deleting files or perform similar operating
655system specific tasks, to make sure that the test system is informed of
656any failures.
658A Unix-specific example:
660    fun () -> ?cmd("mktemp") end,
661    fun (FileName) -> ?cmd("rm " ++ FileName) end,
662    ...}'''
666=== Debugging macros ===
668To help with debugging, EUnit defines several useful macros for printing
669messages directly to the console (rather than to the standard output).
670Furthermore, these macros all use the same basic format, which includes
671the file and line number where they occur, making it possible in some
672development environments (e.g., when running Erlang in an Emacs buffer)
673to simply click on the message and jump directly to the corresponding
674line in the code.
676If the macro `NODEBUG' is defined before the EUnit header file is
677included, these macros have no effect; see
678{@section Compilation control macros} for details.
682<dd>Just prints a marker showing the current file and line number. Note
683that this is an argument-less macro. The result is always `ok'.</dd>
685<dd>Outputs the message `Text' (which can be a plain string, an IO-list,
686or just an atom). The result is always `ok'.</dd>
687<dt>`debugFmt(FmtString, Args)'</dt>
688<dd>This formats the text like `io:format(FmtString, Args)' and outputs
689it like `debugMsg'. The result is always `ok'.</dd>
691<dd>Prints both the source code for `Expr' and its current value. E.g.,
692`?debugVal(f(X))' might be displayed as "`f(X) = 42'". (Large terms are
693truncated to the depth given by the macro `EUNIT_DEBUG_VAL_DEPTH', which
694defaults to 15 but can be overridden by the user.) The result is always the
695value of `Expr', so this macro can be wrapped around any expression to
696display its value when the code is compiled with debugging enabled.</dd>
697<dt>`debugVal(Expr, Depth)'</dt>
698<dd>Like `debugVal(Expr)', but prints terms truncated to the given depth.</dd>
700<dd>Prints `Text' and the wall clock time for evaluation of `Expr'. The
701result is always the value of `Expr', so this macro can be wrapped
702around any expression to show its run time when the code is compiled
703with debugging enabled. For example, `List1 = ?debugTime("sorting",
704lists:sort(List))' might show as "`sorting: 0.015 s'".</dd>
709== EUnit test representation ==
711The way EUnit represents tests and test sets as data is flexible,
712powerful, and concise. This section describes the representation in
716<li>{@section Simple test objects}</li>
717<li>{@section Test sets and deep lists}</li>
718<li>{@section Titles}</li>
719<li>{@section Primitives}</li>
720<li>{@section Control}</li>
721<li>{@section Fixtures}</li>
722<li>{@section Lazy generators}</li>
725=== Simple test objects ===
727A <em>simple test object</em> is one of the following:
729  <li>A nullary functional value (i.e., a fun that takes zero
730      arguments). Examples:
731```fun () -> ... end'''
732```fun some_function/0'''
733```fun some_module:some_function/0'''
734  </li>
735  <li>A tuple `{test, ModuleName, FunctionName}', where `ModuleName' and
736      `FunctionName' are atoms, referring to the function
737      `ModuleName:FunctionName/0'</li>
738  <li>(Obsolete) A pair of atoms `{ModuleName, FunctionName}', equivalent to
739      `{test, ModuleName, FunctionName}' if nothing else matches first. This
740      might be removed in a future version.</li>
741  <li>A pair `{LineNumber, SimpleTest}', where `LineNumber' is a
742      nonnegative integer and `SimpleTest' is another simple test
743      object. `LineNumber' should indicate the source line of the test.
744      Pairs like this are usually only created via `?_test(...)' macros;
745      see {@section Basic macros}.</li>
747In brief, a simple test object consists of a single function that takes
748no arguments (possibly annotated with some additional metadata, i.e., a
749line number). Evaluation of the function either <em>succeeds</em>, by
750returning some value (which is ignored), or <em>fails</em>, by throwing
751an exception.
753=== Test sets and deep lists ===
755A test set can be easily created by placing a sequence of test objects
756in a list. If `T_1', ..., `T_N' are individual test objects, then `[T_1,
757..., T_N]' is a test set consisting of those objects (in that order).
759Test sets can be joined in the same way: if `S_1', ..., `S_K' are test
760sets, then `[S_1, ..., S_K]' is also a test set, where the tests of
761`S_i' are ordered before those of `S_(i+1)', for each subset `S_i'.
763Thus, the main representation of test sets is <em>deep lists</em>, and
764a simple test object can be viewed as a test set containing only a
765single test; there is no difference between `T' and `[T]'.
767A module can also be used to represent a test set; see `ModuleName'
768under {@section Primitives} below.
770=== Titles ===
772Any test or test set `T' can be annotated with a title, by wrapping it
773in a pair `{Title, T}', where `Title' is a string. For convenience, any
774test which is normally represented using a tuple can simply be given a
775title string as the first element, i.e., writing `{"The Title", ...}'
776instead of adding an extra tuple wrapper as in `{"The Title", {...}}'.
779=== Primitives ===
781The following are primitives, which do not contain other test sets as
786<dd>A single atom represents a module name, and is equivalent to
787`{module, ModuleName}'. This is often used as in the call
790<dt>`{module, ModuleName::atom()}'
792<dd>This composes a test set from the exported test functions of the
793named module, i.e., those functions with arity zero whose names end
794with `_test' or `_test_'. Basically, the `..._test()' functions become
795simple tests, while the `..._test_()' functions become generators.
797In addition, EUnit will also look for another module whose name is
798`ModuleName' plus the suffix `_tests', and if it exists, all the tests
799from that module will also be added. (If `ModuleName' already contains
800the suffix `_tests', this is not done.) E.g., the specification
801`{module, mymodule}' will run all tests in the modules `mymodule' and
802`mymodule_tests'. Typically, the `_tests' module should only contain
803test cases that use the public interface of the main module (and no
804other code).
806<dt>`{application, AppName::atom(), Info::list()}'
808<dd>This is a normal Erlang/OTP application descriptor, as found in an
809 `.app' file. The resulting test set consists of the modules listed in
810 the `modules' entry in `Info'.
812<dt>`{application, AppName::atom()}'
814<dd>This creates a test set from all the modules belonging to the
815specified application, by consulting the application's `.app' file
816(see `{file, FileName}'), or if no such file exists, by testing all
817object files in the application's <tt>ebin</tt>-directory (see `{dir,
818Path}'); if that does not exist, the `code:lib_dir(AppName)' directory
819is used.
823<dd>A single string represents the path of a file or directory, and is
824equivalent to `{file, Path}', or `{dir, Path}', respectively, depending
825on what `Path' refers to in the file system.
827<dt>`{file, FileName::string()}'
829<dd>If `FileName' has a suffix that indicates an object file (`.beam'),
830EUnit will try to reload the module from the specified file and test it.
831Otherwise, the file is assumed to be a text file containing test
832specifications, which will be read using the standard library function
835Unless the file name is absolute, the file is first searched for
836relative to the current directory, and then using the normal search path
837(`code:get_path()'). This means that the names of typical "app" files
838can be used directly, without a path, e.g., `"mnesia.app"'.
840<dt>`{dir, Path::string()}'
842<dd>This tests all object files in the specified directory, as if they
843had been individually specified using `{file, FileName}'.
845<dt>`{generator, GenFun::(() -> Tests)}'
847<dd>The generator function `GenFun' is called to produce a test
850<dt>`{generator, ModuleName::atom(), FunctionName::atom()}'
852<dd>The function `ModuleName:FunctionName()' is called to produce a test
855<dt>`{with, X::any(), [AbstractTestFun::((any()) -> any())]}'
857<dd>Distributes the value `X' over the unary functions in the list,
858turning them into nullary test functions. An `AbstractTestFun' is like
859an ordinary test fun, but takes one argument instead of zero - it's
860basically missing some information before it can be a proper test. In
861practice, `{with, X, [F_1, ..., F_N]}' is equivalent to `[fun () ->
862F_1(X) end, ..., fun () -> F_N(X) end]'. This is particularly useful if
863your abstract test functions are already implemented as proper
864functions: `{with, FD, [fun filetest_a/1, fun filetest_b/1, fun
865filetest_c/1]}' is equivalent to `[fun () -> filetest_a(FD) end, fun ()
866-> filetest_b(FD) end, fun () -> filetest_c(FD) end]', but much more
867compact. See also {@section Fixtures}, below.
871=== Control ===
873The following representations control how and where tests are executed:
875<dt>`{spawn, Tests}'</dt>
876<dd>Runs the specified tests in a separate subprocess, while the current
877test process waits for it to finish. This is useful for tests that need
878a fresh, isolated process state. (Note that EUnit always starts at least
879one such a subprocess automatically; tests are never executed by the
880caller's own process.)</dd>
881<dt>`{spawn, Node::atom(), Tests}'</dt>
882<dd>Like `{spawn, Tests}', but runs the specified tests on the given
883Erlang node.</dd>
884<dt>`{timeout, Time::number(), Tests}'</dt>
885<dd>Runs the specified tests under the given timeout. Time is in
886seconds; e.g., 60 means one minute and 0.1 means 1/10th of a second. If
887the timeout is exceeded, the unfinished tests will be forced to
888terminate. Note that if a timeout is set around a fixture, it includes
889the time for setup and cleanup, and if the timeout is triggered, the
890entire fixture is abruptly terminated (without running the
891cleanup). The default timeout for an individual test is 5 seconds.</dd>
892<dt>`{inorder, Tests}'</dt>
893<dd>Runs the specified tests in strict order. Also see `{inparallel,
894Tests}'. By default, tests are neither marked as `inorder' or
895`inparallel', but may be executed as the test framework chooses.</dd>
896<dt>`{inparallel, Tests}'</dt>
897<dd>Runs the specified tests in parallel (if possible). Also see
898`{inorder, Tests}'.</dd>
899<dt>`{inparallel, N::integer(), Tests}'</dt>
900<dd>Like `{inparallel, Tests}', but running no more than `N' subtests
904=== Fixtures ===
906A "fixture" is some state that is necessary for a particular set of
907tests to run. EUnit's support for fixtures makes it easy to set up such
908state locally for a test set, and automatically tear it down again when
909the test set is finished, regardless of the outcome (success, failures,
910timeouts, etc.).
912To make the descriptions simpler, we first list some definitions:
913<table border="0" cellspacing="4">
915<td>`Setup'</td><td>`() -> (R::any())'</td>
918<td>`SetupX'</td><td>`(X::any()) -> (R::any())'</td>
921<td>`Cleanup'</td><td>`(R::any()) -> any()'</td>
924<td>`CleanupX'</td><td>`(X::any(), R::any()) -> any()'</td>
927<td>`Instantiator'</td><td>`((R::any()) -> Tests) | {with, [AbstractTestFun::((any()) -> any())]}'</td>
930<td>`Where'</td><td>`local | spawn | {spawn, Node::atom()}'</td>
933(these are explained in more detail further below.)
935The following representations specify fixture handling for test sets:
937<dt>`{setup, Setup, Tests | Instantiator}'</dt>
938<dt>`{setup, Setup, Cleanup, Tests | Instantiator}'</dt>
939<dt>`{setup, Where, Setup, Tests | Instantiator}'</dt>
940<dt>`{setup, Where, Setup, Cleanup, Tests | Instantiator}'</dt>
941<dd>`setup' sets up a single fixture for running all of the specified
942tests, with optional teardown afterwards. The arguments are described in
943detail below.
945<dt>`{node, Node::atom(), Tests | Instantiator}'</dt>
946<dt>`{node, Node::atom(), Args::string(), Tests | Instantiator}'</dt>
947<dd>`node' is like `setup', but with a built-in behaviour: it starts a
948slave node for the duration of the tests. The atom `Node' should have
949the format `nodename@full.machine.name', and `Args' are the optional
950arguments to the new node; see `slave:start_link/3' for details.
952<dt>`{foreach, Where, Setup, Cleanup, [Tests | Instantiator]}'</dt>
953<dt>`{foreach, Setup, Cleanup, [Tests | Instantiator]}'</dt>
954<dt>`{foreach, Where, Setup, [Tests | Instantiator]}'</dt>
955<dt>`{foreach, Setup, [Tests | Instantiator]}'</dt>
956<dd>`foreach' is used to set up a fixture and optionally tear it down
957afterwards, repeated for each single one of the specified test sets.
959<dt>`{foreachx, Where, SetupX, CleanupX,
960      Pairs::[{X::any(), ((X::any(), R::any()) -> Tests)}]}'</dt>
961<dt>`{foreachx, SetupX, CleanupX, Pairs}'</dt>
962<dt>`{foreachx, Where, SetupX, Pairs}'</dt>
963<dt>`{foreachx, SetupX, Pairs}'</dt>
964<dd>`foreachx' is like `foreach', but uses a list of pairs, each
965containing an extra argument `X' and an extended instantiator function.
969A `Setup' function is executed just before any of the specified tests
970are run, and a `Cleanup' function is executed when no more of the
971specified tests will be run, regardless of the reason. A `Setup'
972function takes no argument, and returns some value which will be passed
973as it is to the `Cleanup' function. A `Cleanup' function should do
974whatever necessary and return some arbitrary value, such as the atom
975`ok'. (`SetupX' and `CleanupX' functions are similar, but receive one
976additional argument: some value `X', which depends on the context.) When
977no `Cleanup' function is specified, a dummy function is used which has
978no effect.
980An `Instantiator' function receives the same value as the `Cleanup'
981function, i.e., the value returned by the `Setup' function. It should
982then behave much like a generator (see {@section Primitives}), and
983return a test set whose tests have been <em>instantiated</em> with the
984given value. A special case is the syntax `{with, [AbstractTestFun]}'
985which represents an instantiator function that distributes the value
986over a list of unary functions; see {@section Primitives}: `{with, X,
987[...]}' for more details.
989A `Where' term controls how the specified tests are executed. The
990default is `spawn', which means that the current process handles the
991setup and teardown, while the tests are executed in a subprocess.
992`{spawn, Node}' is like `spawn', but runs the subprocess on the
993specified node. `local' means that the current process will handle both
994setup/teardown and running the tests - the drawback is that if a test
995times out so that the process is killed, the <em>cleanup will not be
996performed</em>; hence, avoid this for persistent fixtures such as file
997operations. In general, `local' should only be used when:
999  <li>the setup/teardown needs to be executed by the process that will
1000  run the tests;</li>
1001  <li>no further teardown needs to be done if the process is killed
1002  (i.e., no state outside the process was affected by the setup)</li>
1005=== Lazy generators ===
1007Sometimes, it can be convenient not to produce the whole set of test
1008descriptions before the testing begins; for example, if you want to
1009generate a huge amount of tests that would take up too much space to
1010keep in memory all at once.
1012It is fairly easy to write a generator which, each time it is called,
1013either produces an empty list if it is done, or otherwise produces a
1014list containing a single test case plus a new generator which will
1015produce the rest of the tests. This demonstrates the basic pattern:
1017```lazy_test_() ->
1018       lazy_gen(10000).
1020   lazy_gen(N) ->
1021       {generator,
1022        fun () ->
1023            if N > 0 ->
1024                   [?_test(...)
1025                    | lazy_gen(N-1)];
1026               true ->
1027                   []
1028            end
1029        end}.'''
1031When EUnit traverses the test representation in order to run the tests,
1032the new generator will not be called to produce the next test until the
1033previous test has been executed.
1035Note that it is easiest to write this kind of recursive generator using
1036a help function, like the `lazy_gen/1' function above. It can also be
1037written using a recursive fun, if you prefer to not clutter your
1038function namespace and are comfortable with writing that kind of code.