2%% %CopyrightBegin%
4%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2020. All Rights Reserved.
6%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
10%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16%% limitations under the License.
18%% %CopyrightEnd%
23%% Tests the statistics/1 bif.
25-export([all/0, suite/0, groups/0,
26         wall_clock_sanity/1,
27	 wall_clock_zero_diff/1, wall_clock_update/1,
28         runtime_sanity/1,
29         runtime_zero_diff/1,
30	 runtime_update/1, runtime_diff/1,
31	 run_queue_one/1,
32	 scheduler_wall_time/1,
33         scheduler_wall_time_all/1,
34         msb_scheduler_wall_time/1,
35	 reductions/1, reductions_big/1, garbage_collection/1, io/1,
36	 badarg/1, run_queues_lengths_active_tasks/1, msacc/1]).
38%% Internal exports.
44suite() ->
45    [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]},
46     {timetrap, {minutes, 4}}].
48all() ->
49    [{group, wall_clock}, {group, runtime}, reductions,
50     reductions_big, {group, run_queue},
51     scheduler_wall_time, scheduler_wall_time_all,
52     msb_scheduler_wall_time,
53     garbage_collection, io, badarg,
54     run_queues_lengths_active_tasks,
55     msacc].
57groups() ->
58    [{wall_clock, [],
59      [wall_clock_sanity, wall_clock_zero_diff, wall_clock_update]},
60     {runtime, [],
61      [runtime_sanity, runtime_zero_diff, runtime_update, runtime_diff]},
62     {run_queue, [], [run_queue_one]}].
64wall_clock_sanity(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
65    erlang:yield(),
66    {WallClock, _} = statistics(wall_clock),
67    MT = erlang:monotonic_time(),
68    Time = erlang:convert_time_unit(MT - erlang:system_info(start_time),
69                                    native, millisecond),
70    io:format("Time=~p WallClock=~p~n",
71              [Time, WallClock]),
72    true = WallClock =< Time,
73    true = Time - 100 =< WallClock,
74    ok.
76%%% Testing statistics(wall_clock).
78%% Tests that the 'Wall clock since last call' element of the result
79%% is zero when statistics(runtime) is called twice in succession.
80wall_clock_zero_diff(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
81    wall_clock_zero_diff1(16).
83wall_clock_zero_diff1(N) when N > 0 ->
84    {Time, _} = statistics(wall_clock),
85    case statistics(wall_clock) of
86        {Time, 0} -> ok;
87        _ -> wall_clock_zero_diff1(N-1)
88    end;
89wall_clock_zero_diff1(0) ->
90    ct:fail("Difference never zero.").
92%% Test that the time differences returned by two calls to
93%% statistics(wall_clock) are compatible, and are within a small number
94%% of ms of the amount of real time we waited for.
95wall_clock_update(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
96    N = 10,
97    Inc = 200,
98    TotalTime = wall_clock_update1(N, Inc, 0),
99    Overhead = TotalTime - N * Inc,
100    IsDebug = test_server:is_debug(),
102    %% Check that the average overhead is reasonable.
103    if
104        Overhead < N * 100 ->
105            ok;
106        IsDebug, Overhead < N * 1000 ->
107            ok;
108        true ->
109            io:format("There was an overhead of ~p ms during ~p rounds.",
110                      [Overhead,N]),
111            ct:fail(too_much_overhead)
112    end.
114wall_clock_update1(N, Inc, Total) when N > 0 ->
115    {Time1, _} = statistics(wall_clock),
116    receive after Inc -> ok end,
117    {Time2, WcDiff} = statistics(wall_clock),
118    WcDiff = Time2 - Time1,
119    io:format("Wall clock diff = ~p (expected at least ~p)\n", [WcDiff,Inc]),
120    true = WcDiff >= Inc,
121    wall_clock_update1(N-1, Inc, Total + WcDiff);
122wall_clock_update1(0, _, Total) ->
123    Total.
126%%% Test statistics(runtime).
128runtime_sanity(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
129    case erlang:system_info(logical_processors_available) of
130        unknown ->
131            {skipped, "Don't know available logical processors"};
132        LP when is_integer(LP) ->
133            erlang:yield(),
134            {RunTime, _} = statistics(runtime),
135            MT = erlang:monotonic_time(),
136            Time = erlang:convert_time_unit(MT - erlang:system_info(start_time),
137                                            native, millisecond),
138            io:format("Time=~p RunTime=~p~n",
139                      [Time, RunTime]),
140            true = RunTime =< Time*LP
141    end.
143%% Tests that the difference between the times returned from two consectuitive
144%% calls to statistics(runtime) is zero.
145runtime_zero_diff(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
146    runtime_zero_diff1(16).
148runtime_zero_diff1(N) when N > 0 ->
149    {T1, _} = statistics(runtime),
150    case statistics(runtime) of
151        {T1, 0} -> ok;
152        _ -> runtime_zero_diff1(N-1)
153    end;
154runtime_zero_diff1(0) ->
155    ct:fail("statistics(runtime) never returned zero difference").
157%% Test that the statistics(runtime) returns a substanstially
158%% updated difference after running a process that takes all CPU
159%% power of the Erlang process for a second.
160runtime_update(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
161    case test_server:is_cover() of
162        false ->
163            process_flag(priority, high),
164            do_runtime_update(10);
165        true ->
166            {skip,"Cover-compiled"}
167    end.
169do_runtime_update(0) ->
170    {comment,"Never close enough"};
171do_runtime_update(N) ->
172    {T1,Diff0} = statistics(runtime),
173    {CPUHog, CPUHogMon} = spawn_opt(fun cpu_heavy/0,[link,monitor]),
174    receive after 1000 -> ok end,
175    {T2,Diff} = statistics(runtime),
176    unlink(CPUHog),
177    exit(CPUHog, kill),
179    true = is_integer(T1+T2+Diff0+Diff),
180    io:format("T1 = ~p, T2 = ~p, Diff = ~p, T2-T1 = ~p", [T1,T2,Diff,T2-T1]),
181    receive {'DOWN',CPUHogMon,process,CPUHog,_} -> ok end,
182    if
183        T2 - T1 =:= Diff, 900 =< Diff, Diff =< 1500 -> ok;
184        true -> do_runtime_update(N-1)
185    end.
187cpu_heavy() ->
188    cpu_heavy().
190%% Test that the difference between two consecutive absolute runtimes is
191%% equal to the last relative runtime. The loop runs a lot of times since
192%% the bug which this test case tests for showed up only rarely.
193runtime_diff(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
194    runtime_diff1(1000).
196runtime_diff1(N) when N > 0 ->
197    {T1_wc_time, _} = statistics(runtime),
198    do_much(),
199    {T2_wc_time, Wc_Diff} = statistics(runtime),
200    Wc_Diff = T2_wc_time - T1_wc_time,
201    runtime_diff1(N-1);
202runtime_diff1(0) ->
203    ok.
205%%% do_much(100000) takes about 760 ms on boromir.
206%%% do_much(1000) takes about 8 ms on boromir.
208do_much() ->
209    do_much(1000).
211do_much(0) ->
212    ok;
213do_much(N) ->
214    _ = 4784728478274827 * 72874284728472,
215    do_much(N-1).
218%% Test that statistics(reductions) is callable, and that
219%% Total_Reductions and Reductions_Since_Last_Call make sense.
220%% This to fail on pre-R3A version of JAM.
221reductions(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
222    {Reductions, _} = statistics(reductions),
224    %% Each loop of reductions/2 takes 4 reductions + that the garbage built
225    %% outside the heap in the BIF calls will bump the reductions.
226    %% 300 * 4 is more than CONTEXT_REDS (1000).  Thus, there will be one or
227    %% more context switches.
229    Mask = (1 bsl erlang:system_info(wordsize)*8) - 1,
230    reductions(300, Reductions, Mask).
232reductions(N, Previous, Mask) when N > 0 ->
233    {Reductions, Diff} = statistics(reductions),
234    build_some_garbage(),
235    if Reductions > 0 -> ok end,
236    if Diff >= 0 -> ok end,
237    io:format("Previous = ~p, Reductions = ~p, Diff = ~p, DiffShouldBe = ~p",
238              [Previous, Reductions, Diff, (Reductions-Previous) band Mask]),
239    if Reductions == ((Previous+Diff) band Mask) -> reductions(N-1, Reductions, Mask) end;
240reductions(0, _, _) ->
241    ok.
243build_some_garbage() ->
244    %% This will build garbage outside the process heap, which will cause
245    %% a garbage collection in the scheduler.
246    processes().
248%% Test that the number of reductions can be returned as a big number.
249reductions_big(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
250    reductions_big_loop(),
251    ok.
253reductions_big_loop() ->
254    erlang:yield(),
255    case statistics(reductions) of
256        {Red, Diff} when Red >= 16#7ffFFFF ->
257            ok = io:format("Reductions = ~w, Diff = ~w", [Red, Diff]);
258        _ ->
259            reductions_big_loop()
260    end.
263%%% Tests of statistics(run_queue).
266%% Tests that statistics(run_queue) returns 1 if we start a
267%% CPU-bound process.
268run_queue_one(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
269    MS = erlang:system_flag(multi_scheduling, block),
270    run_queue_one_test(Config),
271    erlang:system_flag(multi_scheduling, unblock),
272    case MS of
273        blocked ->
274            {comment,
275             "Multi-scheduling blocked during test. This test-case "
276             "was not written to work with multiple schedulers."};
277        _ -> ok
278    end.
281run_queue_one_test(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
282    _Hog = spawn_link(?MODULE, hog, [self()]),
283    receive
284        hog_started -> ok
285    end,
286    receive after 100 -> ok end,		% Give hog a head start.
287    case statistics(run_queue) of
288        N when N >= 1 -> ok;
289        Other -> ct:fail({unexpected,Other})
290    end,
291    ok.
293%% CPU-bound process, going at low priority.  It will always be ready
294%% to run.
296hog(Pid) ->
297    process_flag(priority, low),
298    Pid ! hog_started,
299    Mon = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
300    hog_iter(0, Mon).
302hog_iter(N, Mon) when N > 0 ->
303    receive
304        {'DOWN', Mon, _, _, _} ->  ok
305    after 0 ->
306              hog_iter(N-1, Mon)
307    end;
308hog_iter(0, Mon) ->
309    hog_iter(10000, Mon).
311%%% Tests of statistics(scheduler_wall_time).
313%% Tests that statistics(scheduler_wall_time) works as intended
314scheduler_wall_time(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
315    scheduler_wall_time_test(scheduler_wall_time).
317%% Tests that statistics(scheduler_wall_time_all) works as intended
318scheduler_wall_time_all(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
319    scheduler_wall_time_test(scheduler_wall_time_all).
321scheduler_wall_time_test(Type) ->
322    case string:find(erlang:system_info(system_version),
323                     "dirty-schedulers-TEST") == nomatch of
324        true -> run_scheduler_wall_time_test(Type);
325        false -> {skip, "Cannot be run with dirty-schedulers-TEST build"}
326    end.
328run_scheduler_wall_time_test(Type) ->
329    %% Should return undefined if system_flag is not turned on yet
330    undefined = statistics(Type),
331    %% Turn on statistics
332    false = erlang:system_flag(scheduler_wall_time, true),
333    try
334        Schedulers = erlang:system_info(schedulers_online),
335        DirtyCPUSchedulers = erlang:system_info(dirty_cpu_schedulers_online),
336        DirtyIOSchedulers = erlang:system_info(dirty_io_schedulers),
337        TotLoadSchedulers = case Type of
338                                scheduler_wall_time_all ->
339                                    Schedulers + DirtyCPUSchedulers + DirtyIOSchedulers;
340                                scheduler_wall_time ->
341                                    Schedulers + DirtyCPUSchedulers
342                        end,
344        Env = [io_lib:format("~s~n",[KV]) || KV <- os:getenv()],
346        ct:log("Env:~n~s",[Env]),
348        ct:log("Schedulers:               ~p~n"
349               "SchedulersOnline:         ~p~n"
350               "DirtyCPUSchedulers:       ~p~n"
351               "DirtyCPUSchedulersOnline: ~p~n"
352               "DirtyIOSchedulersOnline:  ~p~n",
353               [erlang:system_info(schedulers),
354                Schedulers,
355                erlang:system_info(dirty_cpu_schedulers),
356                DirtyCPUSchedulers,
357                DirtyIOSchedulers]),
359        %% Let testserver and everyone else finish their work
360        timer:sleep(1500),
361        %% Empty load
362        EmptyLoad = get_load(Type),
363        {false, _} = {lists:any(fun(Load) -> Load > 50 end, EmptyLoad),EmptyLoad},
364        MeMySelfAndI = self(),
365        StartHog = fun() ->
366                           Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, hog, [self()]),
367                           receive hog_started -> MeMySelfAndI ! go end,
368                           Pid
369                   end,
370        StartDirtyHog = fun(Func) ->
371                                F = fun () ->
372                                            erts_debug:Func(alive_waitexiting,
373                                                            MeMySelfAndI)
374                                    end,
375                                Pid = spawn_link(F),
376                                receive {alive, Pid} -> ok end,
377                                Pid
378                        end,
379        P1 = StartHog(),
380        %% Max on one, the other schedulers empty (hopefully)
381        %% Be generous the process can jump between schedulers
382        %% which is ok and we don't want the test to fail for wrong reasons
383        _L1 = [S1Load|EmptyScheds1] = get_load(Type),
384        {true,_}  = {S1Load > 50,S1Load},
385        {false,_} = {lists:any(fun(Load) -> Load > 50 end, EmptyScheds1),EmptyScheds1},
386        {true,_}  = {lists:sum(EmptyScheds1) < 60,EmptyScheds1},
388        %% 50% load
389        HalfHogs = [StartHog() || _ <- lists:seq(1, (Schedulers-1) div 2)],
390        HalfDirtyCPUHogs = [StartDirtyHog(dirty_cpu)
391                            || _ <- lists:seq(1, lists:max([1,DirtyCPUSchedulers div 2]))],
392        HalfDirtyIOHogs = [StartDirtyHog(dirty_io)
393                           || _ <- lists:seq(1, lists:max([1,DirtyIOSchedulers div 2]))],
394        HalfScheds = get_load(Type),
395        ct:log("HalfScheds: ~w",[HalfScheds]),
396        HalfLoad = lists:sum(HalfScheds) div TotLoadSchedulers,
397        if Schedulers =:= 1, HalfLoad > 80 -> ok; %% Ok only one scheduler online and one hog
398           %% We want roughly 50% load
399           HalfLoad > 40, HalfLoad < 60 -> ok;
400           true -> exit({halfload, HalfLoad})
401        end,
403        %% 100% load. Need to take into consideration an odd number of
404        %% schedulers and also special consideration for when there is
405        %% only 1 scheduler
406        LastHogs = [StartHog() || _ <- lists:seq(1, (Schedulers+1) div 2),
407                                  Schedulers =/= 1],
408        LastDirtyCPUHogs = [StartDirtyHog(dirty_cpu)
409                            || _ <- lists:seq(1, (DirtyCPUSchedulers+1) div 2),
410                                   DirtyCPUSchedulers =/= 1],
411        LastDirtyIOHogs = [StartDirtyHog(dirty_io)
412                           || _ <- lists:seq(1, (DirtyIOSchedulers+1) div 2),
413                                   DirtyIOSchedulers =/= 1],
414        FullScheds = get_load(Type),
415        ct:log("FullScheds: ~w",[FullScheds]),
416        {false,_} = {lists:any(fun(Load) -> Load < 80 end, FullScheds),FullScheds},
417        FullLoad = lists:sum(FullScheds) div TotLoadSchedulers,
418        if FullLoad > 90 -> ok;
419           true -> exit({fullload, FullLoad})
420        end,
422	KillHog = fun (HP) ->
423			  HPM = erlang:monitor(process, HP),
424                          unlink(HP),
425			  exit(HP, kill),
426			  receive
427			      {'DOWN', HPM, process, HP, killed} ->
428				  ok
429			  end
430		  end,
431        [KillHog(Pid) || Pid <- [P1|HalfHogs++HalfDirtyCPUHogs++HalfDirtyIOHogs
432                                 ++LastHogs++LastDirtyCPUHogs++LastDirtyIOHogs]],
433        receive after 2000 -> ok end, %% Give dirty schedulers time to complete...
434        AfterLoad = get_load(Type),
435	io:format("AfterLoad=~p~n", [AfterLoad]),
436        {false,_} = {lists:any(fun(Load) -> Load > 25 end, AfterLoad),AfterLoad},
437        true = erlang:system_flag(scheduler_wall_time, false)
438    after
439        erlang:system_flag(scheduler_wall_time, false)
440    end.
442get_load(Type) ->
443    Start = erlang:statistics(Type),
444    timer:sleep(1500),
445    End = erlang:statistics(Type),
447    lists:reverse(
448      lists:sort(load_percentage(online_statistics(Start),online_statistics(End)))).
450%% We are only interested in schedulers that are online to remove all
451%% offline normal and dirty cpu schedulers (dirty io cannot be offline)
452online_statistics(Stats) ->
453    Schedulers = erlang:system_info(schedulers),
454    SchedulersOnline = erlang:system_info(schedulers_online),
455    DirtyCPUSchedulers = erlang:system_info(dirty_cpu_schedulers),
456    DirtyCPUSchedulersOnline = erlang:system_info(dirty_cpu_schedulers_online),
457    DirtyIOSchedulersOnline = erlang:system_info(dirty_io_schedulers),
458    SortedStats = lists:sort(Stats),
459    ct:pal("Stats: ~p~n", [SortedStats]),
460    SchedulersStats =
461        lists:sublist(SortedStats, 1, SchedulersOnline),
462    DirtyCPUSchedulersStats =
463        lists:sublist(SortedStats, Schedulers+1, DirtyCPUSchedulersOnline),
464    DirtyIOSchedulersStats =
465        lists:sublist(SortedStats, Schedulers + DirtyCPUSchedulers+1, DirtyIOSchedulersOnline),
466    SchedulersStats ++ DirtyCPUSchedulersStats ++ DirtyIOSchedulersStats.
468load_percentage([{Id, WN, TN}|Ss], [{Id, WP, TP}|Ps]) ->
469    [100*(WN-WP) div (TN-TP)|load_percentage(Ss, Ps)];
470load_percentage([], []) -> [].
472count(0) ->
473    ok;
474count(N) ->
475    count(N-1).
477msb_swt_hog(true) ->
478    count(1000000),
479    erts_debug:dirty_cpu(wait, 10),
480    erts_debug:dirty_io(wait, 10),
481    msb_swt_hog(true);
482msb_swt_hog(false) ->
483    count(1000000),
484    msb_swt_hog(false).
486msb_scheduler_wall_time(_Config) ->
487    erlang:system_flag(scheduler_wall_time, true),
488    Dirty = erlang:system_info(dirty_cpu_schedulers) /= 0,
489    Hogs = lists:map(fun (_) ->
490                             spawn_opt(fun () ->
491                                               msb_swt_hog(Dirty)
492                                       end, [{priority,low}, link, monitor])
493                     end, lists:seq(1,10)),
494    erlang:system_flag(multi_scheduling, block),
495    try
496        SWT1 = lists:sort(statistics(scheduler_wall_time_all)),
497        %% io:format("SWT1 = ~p~n", [SWT1]),
498        receive after 4000 -> ok end,
499        SWT2 = lists:sort(statistics(scheduler_wall_time_all)),
500        %% io:format("SWT2 = ~p~n", [SWT2]),
501        SWT = lists:zip(SWT1, SWT2),
502        io:format("SU = ~p~n", [lists:map(fun({{I, A0, T0}, {I, A1, T1}}) ->
503                                                  {I, (A1 - A0)/(T1 - T0)} end,
504                                         SWT)]),
505        {A, T} = lists:foldl(fun({{_, A0, T0}, {_, A1, T1}}, {Ai,Ti}) ->
506                                     {Ai + (A1 - A0), Ti + (T1 - T0)}
507                             end,
508                             {0, 0},
509                             SWT),
510        TSU = A/T,
511        WSU = ((TSU * (erlang:system_info(schedulers)
512                       + erlang:system_info(dirty_cpu_schedulers)
513                       + erlang:system_info(dirty_io_schedulers)))
514               / 1),
515        %% Weighted scheduler utilization should be
516        %% very close to 1.0, i.e., we execute the
517        %% same time as one thread executing all
518        %% the time...
519        io:format("WSU = ~p~n", [WSU]),
520        true = 0.9 < WSU andalso WSU < 1.1,
521        ok
522    after
523        erlang:system_flag(multi_scheduling, unblock),
524        erlang:system_flag(scheduler_wall_time, false),
525        lists:foreach(fun ({HP, _HM}) ->
526                              unlink(HP),
527                              exit(HP, kill)
528                      end, Hogs),
529        lists:foreach(fun ({HP, HM}) ->
530                              receive
531                                  {'DOWN', HM, process, HP, _} ->
532                                      ok
533                              end
534                      end, Hogs),
535        ok
536    end.
538%% Tests that statistics(garbage_collection) is callable.
539%% It is not clear how to test anything more.
540garbage_collection(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
541    Bin = list_to_binary(lists:duplicate(19999, 42)),
542    case statistics(garbage_collection) of
543        {Gcs0,R,0} when is_integer(Gcs0), is_integer(R) ->
544            io:format("Reclaimed: ~p", [R]),
545            Gcs = garbage_collection_1(Gcs0, Bin),
546            io:format("Reclaimed: ~p",
547                      [element(2, statistics(garbage_collection))]),
548            {comment,integer_to_list(Gcs-Gcs0)++" GCs"}
549    end.
551garbage_collection_1(Gcs0, Bin) ->
552    case statistics(garbage_collection) of
553        {Gcs,Reclaimed,0} when Gcs >= Gcs0 ->
554            if
555                Reclaimed > 16#7ffffff ->
556                    Gcs;
557                true ->
558                    _ = binary_to_list(Bin),
559                    erlang:garbage_collect(),
560                    garbage_collection_1(Gcs, Bin)
561            end
562    end.
564%% Tests that statistics(io) is callable.
565%% This could be improved to test something more.
566io(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
567    case statistics(io) of
568        {{input,In},{output,Out}} when is_integer(In), is_integer(Out) -> ok
569    end.
571%% Tests that some illegal arguments to statistics fails.
572badarg(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
573    case catch statistics(1) of
574        {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} -> ok
575    end,
576    case catch statistics(bad_atom) of
577        {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} -> ok
578    end.
580tok_loop() ->
581    tok_loop().
583run_queues_lengths_active_tasks(_Config) ->
584    TokLoops = lists:map(fun (_) ->
585                                 spawn_opt(fun () ->
586                                                   tok_loop()
587                                           end,
588                                           [link, {priority, low}])
589                         end,
590                         lists:seq(1,10)),
594    TRQLs0 = statistics(total_run_queue_lengths),
595    TRQLAs0 = statistics(total_run_queue_lengths_all),
596    TATs0 = statistics(total_active_tasks),
597    TATAs0 = statistics(total_active_tasks_all),
598    true = is_integer(TRQLs0),
599    true = is_integer(TATs0),
600    true = TRQLs0 >= 0,
601    true = TRQLAs0 >= 0,
602    true = TATs0 >= 11,
603    true = TATAs0 >= 11,
605    NoScheds = erlang:system_info(schedulers),
606    {DefRqs,
607     AllRqs} = case erlang:system_info(dirty_cpu_schedulers) of
608                   0 -> {NoScheds, NoScheds};
609                   _ -> {NoScheds+1, NoScheds+2}
610               end,
611    RQLs0 = statistics(run_queue_lengths),
612    RQLAs0 = statistics(run_queue_lengths_all),
613    ATs0 = statistics(active_tasks),
614    ATAs0 = statistics(active_tasks_all),
615    DefRqs = length(RQLs0),
616    AllRqs = length(RQLAs0),
617    DefRqs = length(ATs0),
618    AllRqs = length(ATAs0),
619    true = lists:sum(RQLs0) >= 0,
620    true = lists:sum(RQLAs0) >= 0,
621    true = lists:sum(ATs0) >= 11,
622    true = lists:sum(ATAs0) >= 11,
624    SO = erlang:system_flag(schedulers_online, 1),
626    %% Give newly suspended schedulers some time to
627    %% migrate away work from their run queues...
628    receive after 1000 -> ok end,
630    TRQLs1 = statistics(total_run_queue_lengths),
631    TATs1 = statistics(total_active_tasks),
632    true = TRQLs1 >= 10,
633    true = TATs1 >= 11,
634    NoScheds = erlang:system_info(schedulers),
636    RQLs1 = statistics(run_queue_lengths),
637    ATs1 = statistics(active_tasks),
638    DefRqs = length(RQLs1),
639    DefRqs = length(ATs1),
640    TRQLs2 = lists:sum(RQLs1),
641    TATs2 = lists:sum(ATs1),
642    true = TRQLs2 >= 10,
643    true = TATs2 >= 11,
644    [TRQLs2|_] = RQLs1,
645    [TATs2|_] = ATs1,
647    erlang:system_flag(schedulers_online, SO),
649    lists:foreach(fun (P) ->
650                          unlink(P),
651                          exit(P, bang)
652                  end,
653                  TokLoops),
655    ok.
657%% Tests that statistics(microstate_statistics) works.
658msacc(Config) ->
660    %% Test if crypto nif is available
661    Niff = try crypto:strong_rand_bytes(1), ok catch _:_ -> nok end,
662    TmpFile = filename:join(proplists:get_value(priv_dir,Config),"file.tmp"),
664    false = erlang:system_flag(microstate_accounting, true),
666    msacc_test(TmpFile),
668    true = erlang:system_flag(microstate_accounting, false),
670    MsaccStats = erlang:statistics(microstate_accounting),
672    case os:type() of
673        {win32, _} ->
674            %% Some windows have a very poor accuracy on their
675            %% timing primitives, so we just make sure that
676            %% some state besides sleep has been triggered.
677            Sum = lists:sum(
678                    lists:map(fun({sleep, _V}) -> 0;
679                                 ({_, V}) -> V
680                              end, maps:to_list(msacc_sum_states()))
681                   ),
682            if Sum > 0 ->
683                   ok;
684               true ->
685                   ct:fail({no_states_triggered, MsaccStats})
686            end;
687        _ ->
689            %% Make sure that all states were triggered at least once
690            maps:map(fun(nif, 0) ->
691                             case Niff of
692                                 ok ->
693                                     ct:fail({zero_state,nif});
694                                 nok ->
695                                     ok
696                             end;
697                        (aux, 0) ->
698                             %% aux will be zero if we do not have smp support
699                             %% or no async threads
700                             case erlang:system_info(thread_pool_size) > 0 of
701                                 false ->
702                                     ok;
703                                 true ->
704                                     ct:log("msacc: ~p",[MsaccStats]),
705                                     ct:fail({zero_state,aux})
706                             end;
707                        (Key, 0) ->
708                             ct:log("msacc: ~p",[MsaccStats]),
709                             ct:fail({zero_state,Key});
710                        (_,_) -> ok
711                     end, msacc_sum_states())
712    end,
714    erlang:system_flag(microstate_accounting, reset),
716    msacc_test(TmpFile),
718    %% Make sure all counters are zero after stopping and resetting
719    maps:map(fun(_Key, 0) -> ok;
720                (Key,_) ->
721                     ct:log("msacc: ~p",[erlang:statistics(microstate_accounting)]),
722                     ct:fail({non_zero_state,Key})
723             end,msacc_sum_states()).
725%% This test tries to make sure to trigger all of the different available states
726msacc_test(TmpFile) ->
728    %% We write some data
729    [file:write_file(TmpFile,<<0:(1024*1024*8)>>,[raw]) || _ <- lists:seq(1,100)],
731    %% Do some ETS operations
732    Tid = ets:new(table, []),
733    ets:insert(Tid, {1, hello}),
734    ets:delete(Tid),
736    %% Check some IO
737    {ok, L} = gen_tcp:listen(0, [{active, true},{reuseaddr,true}]),
738    {ok, Port} = inet:port(L),
739    _Pid = spawn(fun() ->
740                         {ok, _S} = gen_tcp:accept(L),
741                         (fun F() -> receive _M -> F() end end)()
742                end),
743    {ok, C} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port, []),
744    [begin gen_tcp:send(C,"hello"),timer:sleep(1) end || _ <- lists:seq(1,100)],
746    %% Collect some garbage
747    [erlang:garbage_collect() || _ <- lists:seq(1,100)],
749    %% Send some messages
750    [begin self() ! {hello},receive _ -> ok end end ||  _ <- lists:seq(1,100)],
752    %% Setup some timers
753    Refs = [erlang:send_after(10000,self(),ok) ||  _ <- lists:seq(1,100)],
755    %% Do some nif work
756    catch [crypto:strong_rand_bytes(128) || _ <- lists:seq(1,100)],
758    %% Cancel some timers
759    [erlang:cancel_timer(R) ||  R <- Refs],
761    %% Wait for a while
762    timer:sleep(100).
764msacc_sum_states() ->
765    Stats = erlang:statistics(microstate_accounting),
766    [#{ counters := C }|_] = Stats,
767    InitialCounters = maps:map(fun(_,_) -> 0 end,C),
768    lists:foldl(fun(#{ counters := Counters }, Cnt) ->
769                        maps:fold(fun(Key, Value, Acc) ->
770                                          NewValue = Value+maps:get(Key,Acc),
771                                          maps:update(Key, NewValue, Acc)
772                                  end, Cnt, Counters)
773                end,InitialCounters,Stats).