1%% ``Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
5%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11%% limitations under the License.
13%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
14%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
15%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
16%%     $Id: beam_validator.erl,v 1.1 2008/12/17 09:53:41 mikpe Exp $
22%% Interface for compiler.
25-import(lists, [reverse/1,foldl/3]).
27-define(MAXREG, 1024).
29-define(DEBUG, 1).
32-define(DBG_FORMAT(F, D), (io:format((F), (D)))).
34-define(DBG_FORMAT(F, D), ok).
38%%% API functions.
41files([F|Fs]) ->
42    ?DBG_FORMAT("# Verifying: ~p~n", [F]),
43    case file(F) of
44	ok -> ok;
45	{error,Es} ->
46	    io:format("~p:~n~s~n", [F,format_error(Es)])
47    end,
48    files(Fs);
49files([]) -> ok.
51file(Name) when is_list(Name) ->
52    case case filename:extension(Name) of
53	     ".S" -> s_file(Name);
54	     ".beam" -> beam_file(Name)
55	 end of
56	[] -> ok;
57	Es -> {error,Es}
58    end.
60%% To be called by the compiler.
61module({Mod,Exp,Attr,Fs,Lc}=Code, _Opts)
62  when is_atom(Mod), is_list(Exp), is_list(Attr), is_integer(Lc) ->
63    case validate(Fs) of
64	[] -> {ok,Code};
65	Es0 ->
66	    Es = [{?MODULE,E} || E <- Es0],
67	    {error,[{atom_to_list(Mod),Es}]}
68    end.
70format_error([]) -> [];
71format_error([{{M,F,A},{I,Off,Desc}}|Es]) ->
72    [io_lib:format("  ~p:~p/~p+~p:~n    ~p - ~p~n",
73		   [M,F,A,Off,I,Desc])|format_error(Es)];
74format_error({{_M,F,A},{I,Off,Desc}}) ->
75    io_lib:format(
76      "function ~p/~p+~p:~n"
77      "  Internal consistency check failed - please report this bug.~n"
78      "  Instruction: ~p~n"
79      "  Error:       ~p:~n", [F,A,Off,I,Desc]).
82%%% Local functions follow.
85s_file(Name) ->
86    {ok,Is} = file:consult(Name),
87    Fs = find_functions(Is),
88    validate(Fs).
90find_functions(Fs) ->
91    find_functions_1(Fs, none, [], []).
93find_functions_1([{function,Name,Arity,Entry}|Is], Func, FuncAcc, Acc0) ->
94    Acc = add_func(Func, FuncAcc, Acc0),
95    find_functions_1(Is, {Name,Arity,Entry}, [], Acc);
96find_functions_1([I|Is], Func, FuncAcc, Acc) ->
97    find_functions_1(Is, Func, [I|FuncAcc], Acc);
98find_functions_1([], Func, FuncAcc, Acc) ->
99    reverse(add_func(Func, FuncAcc, Acc)).
101add_func(none, _, Acc) -> Acc;
102add_func({Name,Arity,Entry}, Is, Acc) ->
103    [{function,Name,Arity,Entry,reverse(Is)}|Acc].
105beam_file(Name) ->
106    try beam_disasm:file(Name) of
107	{error,beam_lib,Reason} -> [{beam_lib,Reason}];
108	{beam_file,L} ->
109	    {value,{code,Code0}} = lists:keysearch(code, 1, L),
110	    Code = beam_file_1(Code0, []),
111	    validate(Code)
112    catch _:_ -> [disassembly_failed]
113    end.
115beam_file_1([F0|Fs], Acc) ->
116    F = conv_func(F0),
117    beam_file_1(Fs, [F|Acc]);
118beam_file_1([], Acc) -> reverse(Acc).
120%% Convert from the disassembly format to the internal format
121%% used by the compiler (as passed to the assembler).
123conv_func(Is) ->
124    conv_func_1(labels(Is)).
127		 {label,Entry}=Le|Is]}) ->
128    %% The entry label gets maybe not correct here
129    {function,F,Ar,Entry,
130     [{label,L}||L<-Ls]++[{func_info,{atom,M},{atom,F},Ar},Le|Is]}.
133%%% The validator follows.
135%%% The purpose of the validator is find errors in the generated code
136%%% that may cause the emulator to crash or behave strangely.
137%%% We don't care about type errors in the user's code that will
138%%% cause a proper exception at run-time.
141%%% Things currently not checked. XXX
143%%% - That floating point registers are initialized before used.
144%%% - That fclearerror and fcheckerror are used properly.
145%%% - Heap allocation for floating point numbers.
146%%% - Heap allocation for binaries.
147%%% - That a catchtag or trytag is not overwritten by the wrong
148%%%   type of instruction (such as move/2).
149%%% - Make sure that all catchtags and trytags have been removed
150%%%   from the stack at return/tail call.
151%%% - Verify get_list instructions.
154%% validate([Function]) -> [] | [Error]
155%%  A list of functions with their code. The code is in the same
156%%  format as used in the compiler and in .S files.
157validate([]) -> [];
158validate([{function,Name,Ar,Entry,Code}|Fs]) ->
159    try validate_1(Code, Name, Ar, Entry) of
160	_ -> validate(Fs)
161    catch
162	Error ->
163	    [Error|validate(Fs)];
164	  error:Error ->
165	    [validate_error(Error, Name, Ar)|validate(Fs)]
166    end.
169validate_error(Error, Name, Ar) ->
170    exit(validate_error_1(Error, Name, Ar)).
172validate_error(Error, Name, Ar) ->
173    validate_error_1(Error, Name, Ar).
175validate_error_1(Error, Name, Ar) ->
176    {{'_',Name,Ar},
177     {internal_error,'_',{Error,[]}}}.
179-record(st,				%Emulation state
180	{x=init_regs(0, term),		%x register info.
181	 y=init_regs(0, initialized),	%y register info.
182	 numy=none,			%Number of y registers.
183	 h=0,				%Available heap size.
184	 ct=[]				%List of hot catch/try labels
185	}).
187-record(vst,				%Validator state
188	{current=none,			%Current state
189	 branched=gb_trees:empty()	%States at jumps
190	}).
193print_st(#st{x=Xs,y=Ys,numy=NumY,h=H,ct=Ct}) ->
194    io:format("  #st{x=~p~n"
195	      "      y=~p~n"
196	      "      numy=~p,h=~p,ct=~w~n",
197	      [gb_trees:to_list(Xs),gb_trees:to_list(Ys),NumY,H,Ct]).
200validate_1(Is, Name, Arity, Entry) ->
201    validate_2(labels(Is), Name, Arity, Entry).
204	   Name, Arity, Entry) ->
205    lists:foreach(fun (_L) -> ?DBG_FORMAT("  ~p.~n", [_L]) end, Ls1),
206    ?DBG_FORMAT("  ~p.~n", [_F]),
207    validate_3(labels(Is), Name, Arity, Entry, Mod, Ls1);
208validate_2({Ls1,Is}, Name, Arity, _Entry) ->
209    error({{'_',Name,Arity},{first(Is),length(Ls1),illegal_instruction}}).
211validate_3({Ls2,Is}, Name, Arity, Entry, Mod, Ls1) ->
212    lists:foreach(fun (_L) -> ?DBG_FORMAT("  ~p.~n", [_L]) end, Ls2),
213    Offset = 1 + length(Ls2),
214    case lists:member(Entry, Ls2) of
215	true ->
216	    St = init_state(Arity),
217	    Vst = #vst{current=St,
218		       branched=gb_trees_from_list([{L,St} || L <- Ls1])},
219	    valfun(Is, {Mod,Name,Arity}, Offset, Vst);
220	false ->
221	    error({{Mod,Name,Arity},{first(Is),Offset,no_entry_label}})
222    end.
224first([X|_]) -> X;
225first([]) -> [].
227labels(Is) ->
228    labels_1(Is, []).
230labels_1([{label,L}|Is], R) ->
231    labels_1(Is, [L|R]);
232labels_1(Is, R) ->
233    {lists:reverse(R),Is}.
235init_state(Arity) ->
236    Xs = init_regs(Arity, term),
237    Ys = init_regs(0, initialized),
238    #st{x=Xs,y=Ys,numy=none,h=0,ct=[]}.
240init_regs(0, _) ->
241    gb_trees:empty();
242init_regs(N, Type) ->
243    gb_trees_from_list([{R,Type} || R <- lists:seq(0, N-1)]).
245valfun([], _MFA, _Offset, Vst) -> Vst;
246valfun([I|Is], MFA, Offset, Vst) ->
247    ?DBG_FORMAT("    ~p.\n", [I]),
248    valfun(Is, MFA, Offset+1,
249	   try valfun_1(I, Vst)
250	   catch Error ->
251		   error({MFA,{I,Offset,Error}})
252	   end).
254%% Instructions that are allowed in dead code or when failing,
255%% that is while the state is undecided in some way.
256valfun_1({label,Lbl}, #vst{current=St0,branched=B}=Vst) ->
257    St = merge_states(Lbl, St0, B),
258    Vst#vst{current=St,branched=gb_trees:enter(Lbl, St, B)};
259valfun_1(_I, #vst{current=none}=Vst) ->
260    %% Ignore instructions after erlang:error/1,2, which
261    %% the original R10B compiler thought would return.
262    ?DBG_FORMAT("Ignoring ~p\n", [_I]),
263    Vst;
264valfun_1({badmatch,Src}, Vst) ->
265    assert_term(Src, Vst),
266    kill_state(Vst);
267valfun_1({case_end,Src}, Vst) ->
268    assert_term(Src, Vst),
269    kill_state(Vst);
270valfun_1(if_end, Vst) ->
271    kill_state(Vst);
272valfun_1({try_case_end,Src}, Vst) ->
273    assert_term(Src, Vst),
274    kill_state(Vst);
275%% Instructions that cannot cause exceptions
276valfun_1({move,Src,Dst}, Vst) ->
277    Type = get_term_type(Src, Vst),
278    set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst);
279valfun_1({fmove,Src,{fr,_}}, Vst) ->
280    assert_type(float, Src, Vst);
281valfun_1({fmove,{fr,_},Dst}, Vst) ->
282    set_type_reg({float,[]}, Dst, Vst);
283valfun_1({kill,{y,_}=Reg}, Vst) ->
284    set_type_y(initialized, Reg, Vst);
285valfun_1({test_heap,Heap,Live}, Vst) ->
286    test_heap(Heap, Live, Vst);
287valfun_1({bif,_Op,nofail,Src,Dst}, Vst) ->
288    validate_src(Src, Vst),
289    set_type_reg(term, Dst, Vst);
290%% Put instructions.
291valfun_1({put_list,A,B,Dst}, Vst0) ->
292    assert_term(A, Vst0),
293    assert_term(B, Vst0),
294    Vst = eat_heap(2, Vst0),
295    set_type_reg(cons, Dst, Vst);
296valfun_1({put_tuple,Sz,Dst}, Vst0) when is_integer(Sz) ->
297    Vst = eat_heap(1, Vst0),
298    set_type_reg({tuple,Sz}, Dst, Vst);
299valfun_1({put,Src}, Vst) ->
300    assert_term(Src, Vst),
301    eat_heap(1, Vst);
302valfun_1({put_string,Sz,_,Dst}, Vst0) when is_integer(Sz) ->
303    Vst = eat_heap(2*Sz, Vst0),
304    set_type_reg(cons, Dst, Vst);
305%% Allocate and deallocate, et.al
306valfun_1({allocate,Stk,Live}, Vst) ->
307    allocate(false, Stk, 0, Live, Vst);
308valfun_1({allocate_heap,Stk,Heap,Live}, Vst) ->
309    allocate(false, Stk, Heap, Live, Vst);
310valfun_1({allocate_zero,Stk,Live}, Vst) ->
311    allocate(true, Stk, 0, Live, Vst);
312valfun_1({allocate_heap_zero,Stk,Heap,Live}, Vst) ->
313    allocate(true, Stk, Heap, Live, Vst);
314valfun_1({init,{y,_}=Reg}, Vst) ->
315    set_type_y(initialized, Reg, Vst);
316valfun_1({deallocate,StkSize}, #vst{current=#st{numy=StkSize,ct=[]}}=Vst) ->
317    deallocate(Vst);
318valfun_1({deallocate,_}, #vst{current=#st{numy=NumY,ct=[]}}) ->
319    error({allocated,NumY});
320valfun_1({deallocate,_}, #vst{current=#st{ct=Fails}}) ->
321    error({catch_try_stack,Fails});
322%% Catch & try.
323valfun_1({'catch',Dst,{f,Fail}}, Vst0) when Fail /= none ->
324    Vst = #vst{current=#st{ct=Fails}=St} =
325	set_type_y({catchtag,Fail}, Dst, Vst0),
326    Vst#vst{current=St#st{ct=[Fail|Fails]}};
327valfun_1({'try',Dst,{f,Fail}}, Vst0) ->
328    Vst = #vst{current=#st{ct=Fails}=St} =
329	set_type_y({trytag,Fail}, Dst, Vst0),
330    Vst#vst{current=St#st{ct=[Fail|Fails]}};
331%% Do a postponed state branch if necessary and try next set of instructions
332valfun_1(I, #vst{current=#st{ct=[]}}=Vst) ->
333    valfun_2(I, Vst);
334valfun_1(I, #vst{current=#st{ct=Fails}}=Vst0) ->
335    %% Perform a postponed state branch
336    Vst = #vst{current=St} = lists:foldl(fun branch_state/2, Vst0, Fails),
337    valfun_2(I, Vst#vst{current=St#st{ct=[]}}).
339%% Instructions that can cause exceptions.
340valfun_2({apply,Live}, Vst) ->
341    call(Live+2, Vst);
342valfun_2({apply_last,Live,_}, Vst) ->
343    tail_call(Live+2, Vst);
344valfun_2({call_fun,Live}, Vst) ->
345    call(Live, Vst);
346valfun_2({call,Live,_}, Vst) ->
347    call(Live, Vst);
348valfun_2({call_ext,Live,Func}, Vst) ->
349    call(Func, Live, Vst);
350valfun_2({call_only,Live,_}, Vst) ->
351    tail_call(Live, Vst);
352valfun_2({call_ext_only,Live,_}, Vst) ->
353    tail_call(Live, Vst);
354valfun_2({call_last,Live,_,_}, Vst) ->
355    tail_call(Live, Vst);
356valfun_2({call_ext_last,Live,_,_}, Vst) ->
357    tail_call(Live, Vst);
358valfun_2({make_fun,_,_,Live}, Vst) ->
359    call(Live, Vst);
360valfun_2({make_fun2,_,_,_,Live}, Vst) ->
361    call(Live, Vst);
362%% Floating point.
363valfun_2({fconv,Src,{fr,_}}, Vst) ->
364    assert_term(Src, Vst);
365valfun_2({bif,fadd,_,[{fr,_},{fr,_}],{fr,_}}, Vst) ->
366    Vst;
367valfun_2({bif,fdiv,_,[{fr,_},{fr,_}],{fr,_}}, Vst) ->
368    Vst;
369valfun_2({bif,fmul,_,[{fr,_},{fr,_}],{fr,_}}, Vst) ->
370    Vst;
371valfun_2({bif,fnegate,_,[{fr,_}],{fr,_}}, Vst) ->
372    Vst;
373valfun_2({bif,fsub,_,[{fr,_},{fr,_}],{fr,_}}, Vst) ->
374    Vst;
375valfun_2(fclearerror, Vst) ->
376    Vst;
377valfun_2({fcheckerror,_}, Vst) ->
378    Vst;
379%% Other BIFs
380valfun_2({bif,element,{f,Fail},[Pos,Tuple],Dst}, Vst0) ->
381    TupleType0 = get_term_type(Tuple, Vst0),
382    PosType = get_term_type(Pos, Vst0),
383    Vst1 = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
384    TupleType = upgrade_type({tuple,[get_tuple_size(PosType)]}, TupleType0),
385    Vst = set_type(TupleType, Tuple, Vst1),
386    set_type_reg(term, Dst, Vst);
387valfun_2({bif,Op,{f,Fail},Src,Dst}, Vst0) ->
388    validate_src(Src, Vst0),
389    Vst = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
390    Type = bif_type(Op, Src, Vst),
391    set_type_reg(Type, Dst, Vst);
392valfun_2(return, #vst{current=#st{numy=none}}=Vst) ->
393    kill_state(Vst);
394valfun_2(return, #vst{current=#st{numy=NumY}}) ->
395    error({stack_frame,NumY});
396valfun_2({jump,{f,_}}, #vst{current=none}=Vst) ->
397    %% Must be an unreachable jump which was not optimized away.
398    %% Do nothing.
399    Vst;
400valfun_2({jump,{f,Lbl}}, Vst) ->
401    kill_state(branch_state(Lbl, Vst));
402valfun_2({loop_rec,{f,Fail},Dst}, Vst0) ->
403    Vst = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
404    set_type_reg(term, Dst, Vst);
405valfun_2(remove_message, Vst) ->
406    Vst;
407valfun_2({wait,_}, Vst) ->
408    kill_state(Vst);
409valfun_2({wait_timeout,_,Src}, Vst) ->
410    assert_term(Src, Vst);
411valfun_2({loop_rec_end,_}, Vst) ->
412    kill_state(Vst);
413valfun_2(timeout, #vst{current=St}=Vst) ->
414    Vst#vst{current=St#st{x=init_regs(0, term)}};
415valfun_2(send, Vst) ->
416    call(2, Vst);
417%% Catch & try.
418valfun_2({catch_end,Reg}, Vst0) ->
419    case get_type(Reg, Vst0) of
420	{catchtag,_} ->
421	    Vst = #vst{current=St} = set_type_reg(initialized, Reg, Vst0),
422	    Xs = gb_trees_from_list([{0,term}]),
423	    Vst#vst{current=St#st{x=Xs}};
424	Type ->
425	    error({bad_type,Type})
426    end;
427valfun_2({try_end,Reg}, Vst) ->
428    case get_type(Reg, Vst) of
429	{trytag,_} ->
430	    set_type_reg(initialized, Reg, Vst);
431	Type ->
432	    error({bad_type,Type})
433    end;
434valfun_2({try_case,Reg}, Vst0) ->
435    case get_type(Reg, Vst0) of
436	{trytag,_} ->
437	    Vst = #vst{current=St} = set_type_reg(initialized, Reg, Vst0),
438	    Xs = gb_trees_from_list([{0,{atom,[]}},{1,term},{2,term}]),
439	    Vst#vst{current=St#st{x=Xs}};
440	Type ->
441	    error({bad_type,Type})
442    end;
443valfun_2({set_tuple_element,Src,Tuple,I}, Vst) ->
444    assert_term(Src, Vst),
445    assert_type({tuple_element,I+1}, Tuple, Vst);
446%% Match instructions.
447valfun_2({select_val,Src,{f,Fail},{list,Choices}}, Vst) ->
448    assert_term(Src, Vst),
449    Lbls = [L || {f,L} <- Choices]++[Fail],
450    kill_state(foldl(fun(L, S) -> branch_state(L, S) end, Vst, Lbls));
451valfun_2({select_tuple_arity,Tuple,{f,Fail},{list,Choices}}, Vst) ->
452    assert_type(tuple, Tuple, Vst),
453    kill_state(branch_arities(Choices, Tuple, branch_state(Fail, Vst)));
454valfun_2({get_list,Src,D1,D2}, Vst0) ->
455    assert_term(Src, Vst0),
456    Vst = set_type_reg(term, D1, Vst0),
457    set_type_reg(term, D2, Vst);
458valfun_2({get_tuple_element,Src,I,Dst}, Vst) ->
459    assert_type({tuple_element,I+1}, Src, Vst),
460    set_type_reg(term, Dst, Vst);
461valfun_2({bs_restore,_}, Vst) ->
462    Vst;
463valfun_2({bs_save,_}, Vst) ->
464    Vst;
465valfun_2({bs_start_match,{f,Fail},Src}, Vst) ->
466    assert_term(Src, Vst),
467    branch_state(Fail, Vst);
468valfun_2({test,bs_skip_bits,{f,Fail},[Src,_,_]}, Vst) ->
469    assert_term(Src, Vst),
470    branch_state(Fail, Vst);
471valfun_2({test,_,{f,Fail},[_,_,_,Dst]}, Vst0) ->
472    Vst = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
473    set_type_reg({integer,[]}, Dst, Vst);
474valfun_2({test,bs_test_tail,{f,Fail},_}, Vst) ->
475    branch_state(Fail, Vst);
476%% Other test instructions.
477valfun_2({test,is_float,{f,Lbl},[Float]}, Vst0) ->
478    assert_term(Float, Vst0),
479    Vst = branch_state(Lbl, Vst0),
480    set_type({float,[]}, Float, Vst);
481valfun_2({test,is_tuple,{f,Lbl},[Tuple]}, Vst0) ->
482    assert_term(Tuple, Vst0),
483    Vst = branch_state(Lbl, Vst0),
484    set_type({tuple,[0]}, Tuple, Vst);
485valfun_2({test,test_arity,{f,Lbl},[Tuple,Sz]}, Vst0) when is_integer(Sz) ->
486    assert_type(tuple, Tuple, Vst0),
487    Vst = branch_state(Lbl, Vst0),
488    set_type_reg({tuple,Sz}, Tuple, Vst);
489valfun_2({test,_Op,{f,Lbl},Src}, Vst) ->
490    validate_src(Src, Vst),
491    branch_state(Lbl, Vst);
492valfun_2({bs_add,{f,Fail},[A,B,_],Dst}, Vst0) ->
493    assert_term(A, Vst0),
494    assert_term(B, Vst0),
495    Vst = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
496    set_type_reg({integer,[]}, Dst, Vst);
497valfun_2({bs_bits_to_bytes,{f,Fail},Src,Dst}, Vst0) ->
498    assert_term(Src, Vst0),
499    Vst = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
500    set_type_reg({integer,[]}, Dst, Vst);
501valfun_2({bs_init2,{f,Fail},_,Heap,_,_,Dst}, Vst0) ->
502    Vst1 = heap_alloc(Heap, Vst0),
503    Vst = branch_state(Fail, Vst1),
504    set_type_reg(binary, Dst, Vst);
505valfun_2({bs_put_string,Sz,_}, Vst) when is_integer(Sz) ->
506    Vst;
507valfun_2({bs_put_binary,{f,Fail},_,_,_,Src}, Vst0) ->
508    assert_term(Src, Vst0),
509    branch_state(Fail, Vst0);
510valfun_2({bs_put_float,{f,Fail},_,_,_,Src}, Vst0) ->
511    assert_term(Src, Vst0),
512    branch_state(Fail, Vst0);
513valfun_2({bs_put_integer,{f,Fail},_,_,_,Src}, Vst0) ->
514    assert_term(Src, Vst0),
515    branch_state(Fail, Vst0);
516%% Old bit syntax construction (before R10B).
517valfun_2({bs_init,_,_}, Vst) -> Vst;
518valfun_2({bs_need_buf,_}, Vst) -> Vst;
519valfun_2({bs_final,{f,Fail},Dst}, Vst0) ->
520    Vst = branch_state(Fail, Vst0),
521    set_type_reg(binary, Dst, Vst);
522%% Misc.
523valfun_2({'%live',Live}, Vst) ->
524    verify_live(Live, Vst),
525    Vst;
526valfun_2(_, _) ->
527    error(unknown_instruction).
529kill_state(#vst{current=#st{ct=[]}}=Vst) ->
530    Vst#vst{current=none};
531kill_state(#vst{current=#st{ct=Fails}}=Vst0) ->
532    Vst = lists:foldl(fun branch_state/2, Vst0, Fails),
533    Vst#vst{current=none}.
535%% A "plain" call.
536%%  The stackframe must have a known size and be initialized.
537%%  The instruction will return to the instruction following the call.
538call(Live, #vst{current=St}=Vst) ->
539    verify_live(Live, Vst),
540    verify_y_init(Vst),
541    Xs = gb_trees_from_list([{0,term}]),
542    Vst#vst{current=St#st{x=Xs}}.
544%% A "plain" call.
545%%  The stackframe must have a known size and be initialized.
546%%  The instruction will return to the instruction following the call.
547call(Name, Live, #vst{current=St}=Vst) ->
548    verify_live(Live, Vst),
549    case return_type(Name, Vst) of
550	exception ->
551	    kill_state(Vst);
552	Type ->
553	    verify_y_init(Vst),
554	    Xs = gb_trees_from_list([{0,Type}]),
555	    Vst#vst{current=St#st{x=Xs}}
556    end.
558%% Tail call.
559%%  The stackframe must have a known size and be initialized.
560%%  Does not return to the instruction following the call.
561tail_call(Live, Vst) ->
562    kill_state(call(Live, Vst)).
564allocate(Zero, Stk, Heap, Live, #vst{current=#st{numy=none}=St}=Vst) ->
565    verify_live(Live, Vst),
566    Ys = init_regs(case Zero of
567		       true -> Stk;
568		       false -> 0
569		   end, initialized),
570    Vst#vst{current=St#st{y=Ys,numy=Stk,h=heap_alloc_1(Heap)}};
571allocate(_, _, _, _, #vst{current=#st{numy=Numy}}) ->
572    error({existing_stack_frame,{size,Numy}}).
574deallocate(#vst{current=St}=Vst) ->
575    Vst#vst{current=St#st{y=init_regs(0, initialized),numy=none}}.
577test_heap(Heap, Live, Vst) ->
578    verify_live(Live, Vst),
579    heap_alloc(Heap, Vst).
581heap_alloc(Heap, #vst{current=St}=Vst) ->
582    Vst#vst{current=St#st{h=heap_alloc_1(Heap)}}.
584heap_alloc_1({alloc,Alloc}) ->
585    {value,{_,Heap}} = lists:keysearch(words, 1, Alloc),
586    Heap;
587heap_alloc_1(Heap) when is_integer(Heap) -> Heap.
590set_type(Type, {x,_}=Reg, Vst) -> set_type_reg(Type, Reg, Vst);
591set_type(Type, {y,_}=Reg, Vst) -> set_type_y(Type, Reg, Vst);
592set_type(_, _, #vst{}=Vst) -> Vst.
594set_type_reg(Type, {x,X}, #vst{current=#st{x=Xs}=St}=Vst)
595  when 0 =< X, X < ?MAXREG ->
596    Vst#vst{current=St#st{x=gb_trees:enter(X, Type, Xs)}};
597set_type_reg(Type, Reg, Vst) ->
598    set_type_y(Type, Reg, Vst).
600set_type_y(Type, {y,Y}=Reg, #vst{current=#st{y=Ys,numy=NumY}=St}=Vst)
601  when is_integer(Y), 0 =< Y, Y < ?MAXREG ->
602    case {Y,NumY} of
603	{_,none} ->
604	    error({no_stack_frame,Reg});
605	{_,_} when Y > NumY ->
606	    error({y_reg_out_of_range,Reg,NumY});
607	{_,_} ->
608	    Vst#vst{current=St#st{y=gb_trees:enter(Y, Type, Ys)}}
609    end;
610set_type_y(Type, Reg, #vst{}) -> error({invalid_store,Reg,Type}).
612assert_term(Src, Vst) ->
613    get_term_type(Src, Vst),
614    Vst.
616%% The possible types.
618%% First non-term types:
620%% initialized		Only for Y registers. Means that the Y register
621%%			has been initialized with some valid term so that
622%%			it is safe to pass to the garbage collector.
623%%			NOT safe to use in any other way (will not crash the
624%%			emulator, but clearly points to a bug in the compiler).
626%% {catchtag,Lbl}	A special term used within a catch. Must only be used
627%%			by the catch instructions; NOT safe to use in other
628%%			instructions.
630%% {trytag,Lbl}		A special term used within a try block. Must only be
631%%			used by the catch instructions; NOT safe to use in other
632%%			instructions.
634%% exception		Can only be used as a type returned by return_type/2
635%%			(which gives the type of the value returned by a BIF).
636%%			Thus 'exception' is never stored as type descriptor
637%%			for a register.
639%% Normal terms:
641%% term			Any valid Erlang (but not of the special types above).
643%% bool			The atom 'true' or the atom 'false'.
645%% cons         	Cons cell: [_|_]
647%% nil			Empty list: []
649%% {tuple,[Sz]}		Tuple. An element has been accessed using
650%%              	element/2 or setelement/3 so that it is known that
651%%              	the type is a tuple of size at least Sz.
653%% {tuple,Sz}		Tuple. A test_arity instruction has been seen
654%%           		so that it is known that the size is exactly Sz.
656%% {atom,[]}		Atom.
657%% {atom,Atom}
659%% {integer,[]}		Integer.
660%% {integer,Integer}
662%% {float,[]}		Float.
663%% {float,Float}
665%% number		Integer or Float of unknown value
668assert_type(WantedType, Term, Vst) ->
669    assert_type(WantedType, get_type(Term, Vst)),
670    Vst.
672assert_type(float, {float,_}) -> ok;
673assert_type(tuple, {tuple,_}) -> ok;
674assert_type({tuple_element,I}, {tuple,[Sz]})
675  when 1 =< I, I =< Sz ->
676    ok;
677assert_type({tuple_element,I}, {tuple,Sz})
678  when is_integer(Sz), 1 =< I, I =< Sz ->
679    ok;
680assert_type(Needed, Actual) ->
681    error({bad_type,{needed,Needed},{actual,Actual}}).
683%% upgrade_type/2 is used when linear code finds out more and
684%% more information about a type, so the type gets "narrower"
685%% or perhaps inconsistent. In the case of inconsistency
686%% we mostly widen the type to 'term' to make subsequent
687%% code fail if it assumes anything about the type.
689upgrade_type(Same, Same) -> Same;
690upgrade_type(term, OldT) -> OldT;
691upgrade_type(NewT, term) -> NewT;
692upgrade_type({Type,New}=NewT, {Type,Old}=OldT)
693  when Type == atom; Type == integer; Type == float ->
694    if New =:= Old -> OldT;
695       New =:= [] -> OldT;
696       Old =:= [] -> NewT;
697       true -> term
698    end;
699upgrade_type({Type,_}=NewT, number)
700  when Type == integer; Type == float ->
701    NewT;
702upgrade_type(number, {Type,_}=OldT)
703  when Type == integer; Type == float ->
704    OldT;
705upgrade_type(bool, {atom,A}) ->
706    upgrade_bool(A);
707upgrade_type({atom,A}, bool) ->
708    upgrade_bool(A);
709upgrade_type({tuple,[Sz]}, {tuple,[OldSz]})
710  when is_integer(Sz) ->
711    {tuple,[max(Sz, OldSz)]};
712upgrade_type({tuple,Sz}=T, {tuple,[_]})
713  when is_integer(Sz) ->
714    %% This also takes care of the user error when a tuple element
715    %% is accesed outside the known exact tuple size; there is
716    %% no more type information, just a runtime error which is not
717    %% our problem.
718    T;
719upgrade_type({tuple,[Sz]}, {tuple,_}=T)
720  when is_integer(Sz) ->
721    %% Same as the previous clause but mirrored.
722    T;
723upgrade_type(_A, _B) ->
724    %%io:format("upgrade_type: ~p ~p\n", [_A,_B]),
725    term.
727upgrade_bool([]) -> bool;
728upgrade_bool(true) -> {atom,true};
729upgrade_bool(false) -> {atom,false};
730upgrade_bool(_) -> term.
732get_tuple_size({integer,[]}) -> 0;
733get_tuple_size({integer,Sz}) -> Sz;
734get_tuple_size(_) -> 0.
736validate_src(Ss, Vst) when is_list(Ss) ->
737    foldl(fun(S, _) -> get_type(S, Vst) end, ok, Ss).
739get_term_type(Src, Vst) ->
740    case get_type(Src, Vst) of
741	initialized -> error({not_assigned,Src});
742	exception -> error({exception,Src});
743	{catchtag,_} -> error({catchtag,Src});
744	{trytag,_} -> error({trytag,Src});
745	Type -> Type
746    end.
748get_type(nil=T, _) -> T;
749get_type({atom,A}=T, _) when is_atom(A) -> T;
750get_type({float,F}=T, _) when is_float(F) -> T;
751get_type({integer,I}=T, _) when is_integer(I) -> T;
752get_type({x,X}=Reg, #vst{current=#st{x=Xs}}) when is_integer(X) ->
753    case gb_trees:lookup(X, Xs) of
754	{value,Type} -> Type;
755	none -> error({uninitialized_reg,Reg})
756    end;
757get_type({y,Y}=Reg, #vst{current=#st{y=Ys}}) when is_integer(Y) ->
758    case gb_trees:lookup(Y, Ys) of
759	{value,initialized} -> error({unassigned_reg,Reg});
760	{value,Type} -> Type;
761	none -> error({uninitialized_reg,Reg})
762    end;
763get_type(Src, _) -> error({bad_source,Src}).
765branch_arities([], _, #vst{}=Vst) -> Vst;
766branch_arities([Sz,{f,L}|T], Tuple, #vst{current=St}=Vst0)
767  when is_integer(Sz) ->
768    Vst1 = set_type_reg({tuple,Sz}, Tuple, Vst0),
769    Vst = branch_state(L, Vst1),
770    branch_arities(T, Tuple, Vst#vst{current=St}).
772branch_state(0, #vst{}=Vst) -> Vst;
773branch_state(L, #vst{current=St,branched=B}=Vst) ->
774    Vst#vst{
775      branched=case gb_trees:is_defined(L, B) of
776		   false ->
777		       gb_trees:insert(L, St#st{ct=[]}, B);
778		   true ->
779		       MergedSt = merge_states(L, St, B),
780		       gb_trees:update(L, MergedSt#st{ct=[]}, B)
781	       end}.
783%% merge_states/3 is used when there are more than one way to arrive
784%% at this point, and the type states for the different paths has
785%% to be merged. The type states are downgraded to the least common
786%% subset for the subsequent code.
788merge_states(0, St, _Branched) -> St;
789merge_states(L, St, Branched) ->
790    case gb_trees:lookup(L, Branched) of
791	none -> St;
792	{value,OtherSt} when St == none -> OtherSt;
793	{value,OtherSt} ->
794	    merge_states_1(St, OtherSt)
795    end.
798	       #st{x=Xs1,y=Ys1,numy=NumY1,h=H1}) ->
799    NumY = merge_stk(NumY0, NumY1),
800    Xs = merge_regs(Xs0, Xs1),
801    Ys = merge_regs(Ys0, Ys1),
802    St#st{x=Xs,y=Ys,numy=NumY,h=min(H0, H1)}.
804merge_stk(S, S) -> S;
805merge_stk(_, _) -> undecided.
807merge_regs(Rs0, Rs1) ->
808    Rs = merge_regs_1(gb_trees:to_list(Rs0), gb_trees:to_list(Rs1)),
809    gb_trees_from_list(Rs).
811merge_regs_1([Same|Rs1], [Same|Rs2]) ->
812    [Same|merge_regs_1(Rs1, Rs2)];
813merge_regs_1([{R1,_}|Rs1], [{R2,_}|_]=Rs2) when R1 < R2 ->
814    merge_regs_1(Rs1, Rs2);
815merge_regs_1([{R1,_}|_]=Rs1, [{R2,_}|Rs2]) when R1 > R2 ->
816    merge_regs_1(Rs1, Rs2);
817merge_regs_1([{R,Type1}|Rs1], [{R,Type2}|Rs2]) ->
818    [{R,merge_types(Type1, Type2)}|merge_regs_1(Rs1, Rs2)];
819merge_regs_1([], []) -> [];
820merge_regs_1([], [_|_]) -> [];
821merge_regs_1([_|_], []) -> [].
823merge_types(T, T) -> T;
824merge_types(initialized=I, _) -> I;
825merge_types(_, initialized=I) -> I;
826merge_types({tuple,Same}=T, {tuple,Same}) -> T;
827merge_types({tuple,A}, {tuple,B}) ->
828    {tuple,[min(tuple_sz(A), tuple_sz(B))]};
829merge_types({Type,A}, {Type,B})
830  when Type == atom; Type == integer; Type == float ->
831    if A =:= B -> {Type,A};
832       true -> {Type,[]}
833    end;
834merge_types({Type,_}, number)
835  when Type == integer; Type == float ->
836    number;
837merge_types(number, {Type,_})
838  when Type == integer; Type == float ->
839    number;
840merge_types(bool, {atom,A}) ->
841    merge_bool(A);
842merge_types({atom,A}, bool) ->
843    merge_bool(A);
844merge_types(_, _) -> term.
846tuple_sz([Sz]) -> Sz;
847tuple_sz(Sz) -> Sz.
849merge_bool([]) -> {atom,[]};
850merge_bool(true) -> bool;
851merge_bool(false) -> bool;
852merge_bool(_) -> {atom,[]}.
854verify_y_init(#vst{current=#st{numy=none}}) -> ok;
855verify_y_init(#vst{current=#st{numy=undecided}}) ->
856    error(unknown_size_of_stackframe);
857verify_y_init(#vst{current=#st{y=Ys,numy=NumY}}) ->
858    verify_y_init_1(NumY, Ys).
860verify_y_init_1(0, _) -> ok;
861verify_y_init_1(N, Ys) ->
862    Y = N-1,
863    case gb_trees:is_defined(Y, Ys) of
864	false -> error({{y,Y},not_initialized});
865	true -> verify_y_init_1(Y, Ys)
866    end.
868verify_live(0, #vst{}) -> ok;
869verify_live(N, #vst{current=#st{x=Xs}}) ->
870    verify_live_1(N, Xs).
872verify_live_1(0, _) -> ok;
873verify_live_1(N, Xs) ->
874    X = N-1,
875    case gb_trees:is_defined(X, Xs) of
876	false -> error({{x,X},not_live});
877	true -> verify_live_1(X, Xs)
878    end.
880eat_heap(N, #vst{current=#st{h=Heap0}=St}=Vst) ->
881    case Heap0-N of
882	Neg when Neg < 0 ->
883	    error({heap_overflow,{left,Heap0},{wanted,N}});
884	Heap ->
885	    Vst#vst{current=St#st{h=Heap}}
886    end.
888bif_type('-', Src, Vst) ->
889    arith_type(Src, Vst);
890bif_type('+', Src, Vst) ->
891    arith_type(Src, Vst);
892bif_type('*', Src, Vst) ->
893    arith_type(Src, Vst);
894bif_type(abs, [Num], Vst) ->
895    case get_type(Num, Vst) of
896	{float,_}=T -> T;
897	{integer,_}=T -> T;
898	_ -> number
899    end;
900bif_type(float, _, _) -> {float,[]};
901bif_type('/', _, _) -> {float,[]};
902%% Integer operations.
903bif_type('div', [_,_], _) -> {integer,[]};
904bif_type('rem', [_,_], _) -> {integer,[]};
905bif_type(length, [_], _) -> {integer,[]};
906bif_type(size, [_], _) -> {integer,[]};
907bif_type(trunc, [_], _) -> {integer,[]};
908bif_type(round, [_], _) -> {integer,[]};
909bif_type('band', [_,_], _) -> {integer,[]};
910bif_type('bor', [_,_], _) -> {integer,[]};
911bif_type('bxor', [_,_], _) -> {integer,[]};
912bif_type('bnot', [_], _) -> {integer,[]};
913bif_type('bsl', [_,_], _) -> {integer,[]};
914bif_type('bsr', [_,_], _) -> {integer,[]};
915%% Booleans.
916bif_type('==', [_,_], _) -> bool;
917bif_type('/=', [_,_], _) -> bool;
918bif_type('=<', [_,_], _) -> bool;
919bif_type('<', [_,_], _) -> bool;
920bif_type('>=', [_,_], _) -> bool;
921bif_type('>', [_,_], _) -> bool;
922bif_type('=:=', [_,_], _) -> bool;
923bif_type('=/=', [_,_], _) -> bool;
924bif_type('not', [_], _) -> bool;
925bif_type('and', [_,_], _) -> bool;
926bif_type('or', [_,_], _) -> bool;
927bif_type('xor', [_,_], _) -> bool;
928bif_type(is_atom, [_], _) -> bool;
929bif_type(is_boolean, [_], _) -> bool;
930bif_type(is_binary, [_], _) -> bool;
931bif_type(is_constant, [_], _) -> bool;
932bif_type(is_float, [_], _) -> bool;
933bif_type(is_function, [_], _) -> bool;
934bif_type(is_integer, [_], _) -> bool;
935bif_type(is_list, [_], _) -> bool;
936bif_type(is_number, [_], _) -> bool;
937bif_type(is_pid, [_], _) -> bool;
938bif_type(is_port, [_], _) -> bool;
939bif_type(is_reference, [_], _) -> bool;
940bif_type(is_tuple, [_], _) -> bool;
941%% Misc.
942bif_type(node, [], _) -> {atom,[]};
943bif_type(node, [_], _) -> {atom,[]};
944bif_type(hd, [_], _) -> term;
945bif_type(tl, [_], _) -> term;
946bif_type(get, [_], _) -> term;
947bif_type(raise, [_,_], _) -> exception;
948bif_type(_, _, _) -> term.
950arith_type([A,B], Vst) ->
951    case {get_type(A, Vst),get_type(B, Vst)} of
952	{{float,_},_} -> {float,[]};
953	{_,{float,_}} -> {float,[]};
954	{_,_} -> number
955    end;
956arith_type(_, _) -> number.
958return_type({extfunc,M,F,A}, Vst) ->
959    return_type_1(M, F, A, Vst).
961return_type_1(erlang, setelement, 3, Vst) ->
962    Tuple = {x,1},
963    TupleType =
964	case get_type(Tuple, Vst) of
965	    {tuple,_}=TT -> TT;
966	    _ -> {tuple,[0]}
967	end,
968    case get_type({x,0}, Vst) of
969	{integer,[]} -> TupleType;
970	{integer,I} -> upgrade_type({tuple,[I]}, TupleType);
971	_ -> TupleType
972    end;
973return_type_1(erlang, F, A, _) ->
974    return_type_erl(F, A);
975return_type_1(math, F, A, _) ->
976    return_type_math(F, A);
977return_type_1(_, _, _, _) -> term.
979return_type_erl(exit, 1) -> exception;
980return_type_erl(throw, 1) -> exception;
981return_type_erl(fault, 1) -> exception;
982return_type_erl(fault, 2) -> exception;
983return_type_erl(error, 1) -> exception;
984return_type_erl(error, 2) -> exception;
985return_type_erl(_, _) -> term.
987return_type_math(cos, 1) -> {float,[]};
988return_type_math(cosh, 1) -> {float,[]};
989return_type_math(sin, 1) -> {float,[]};
990return_type_math(sinh, 1) -> {float,[]};
991return_type_math(tan, 1) -> {float,[]};
992return_type_math(tanh, 1) -> {float,[]};
993return_type_math(acos, 1) -> {float,[]};
994return_type_math(acosh, 1) -> {float,[]};
995return_type_math(asin, 1) -> {float,[]};
996return_type_math(asinh, 1) -> {float,[]};
997return_type_math(atan, 1) -> {float,[]};
998return_type_math(atanh, 1) -> {float,[]};
999return_type_math(erf, 1) -> {float,[]};
1000return_type_math(erfc, 1) -> {float,[]};
1001return_type_math(exp, 1) -> {float,[]};
1002return_type_math(log, 1) -> {float,[]};
1003return_type_math(log10, 1) -> {float,[]};
1004return_type_math(sqrt, 1) -> {float,[]};
1005return_type_math(atan2, 2) -> {float,[]};
1006return_type_math(pow, 2) -> {float,[]};
1007return_type_math(pi, 0) -> {float,[]};
1008return_type_math(_, _) -> term.
1010min(A, B) when is_integer(A), is_integer(B), A < B -> A;
1011min(A, B) when is_integer(A), is_integer(B) -> B.
1013max(A, B) when is_integer(A), is_integer(B), A > B -> A;
1014max(A, B) when is_integer(A), is_integer(B) -> B.
1016gb_trees_from_list(L) -> gb_trees:from_orddict(orddict:from_list(L)).
1019error(Error) -> exit(Error).
1021error(Error) -> throw(Error).