1 {
2     Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
4     This unit implements the scanner part and handling of the switches
6     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20  ****************************************************************************
21 }
22 unit scanner;
24 {$i fpcdefs.inc}
26 interface
28     uses
29        cclasses,
30        globtype,globals,constexp,version,tokens,
31        verbose,comphook,
32        finput,
33        widestr;
35     const
36        max_include_nesting=32;
37        max_macro_nesting=16;
38        preprocbufsize=32*1024;
41     type
42        tcommentstyle = (comment_none,comment_tp,comment_oldtp,comment_delphi,comment_c);
44        tscannerfile = class;
46        preproctyp = (pp_ifdef,pp_ifndef,pp_if,pp_ifopt,pp_else,pp_elseif);
48        tpreprocstack = class
49           typ     : preproctyp;
50           accept  : boolean;
51           next    : tpreprocstack;
52           name    : TIDString;
53           line_nb : longint;
54           fileindex : longint;
55           constructor Create(atyp:preproctyp;a:boolean;n:tpreprocstack);
56        end;
58        tdirectiveproc=procedure;
60        tdirectiveitem = class(TFPHashObject)
61        public
62           is_conditional : boolean;
63           proc : tdirectiveproc;
64           constructor Create(AList:TFPHashObjectList;const n:string;p:tdirectiveproc);
65           constructor CreateCond(AList:TFPHashObjectList;const n:string;p:tdirectiveproc);
66        end;
68        // stack for replay buffers
69        treplaystack = class
70          token    : ttoken;
71          idtoken  : ttoken;
72          orgpattern,
73          pattern  : string;
74          cstringpattern: ansistring;
75          patternw : pcompilerwidestring;
76          settings : tsettings;
77          tokenbuf : tdynamicarray;
78          tokenbuf_needs_swapping : boolean;
79          next     : treplaystack;
80          constructor Create(atoken: ttoken;aidtoken:ttoken;
81            const aorgpattern,apattern:string;const acstringpattern:ansistring;
82            apatternw:pcompilerwidestring;asettings:tsettings;
83            atokenbuf:tdynamicarray;change_endian:boolean;anext:treplaystack);
84          destructor destroy;override;
85        end;
arnull87        tcompile_time_predicate = function(var valuedescr: String) : Boolean;
89        tspecialgenerictoken =
90          (ST_LOADSETTINGS,
91           ST_LINE,
92           ST_COLUMN,
93           ST_FILEINDEX,
94           ST_LOADMESSAGES);
96        { tscannerfile }
97        tscannerfile = class
98        private
99          procedure do_gettokenpos(out tokenpos: longint; out filepos: tfileposinfo);
100          procedure cachenexttokenpos;
101          procedure setnexttoken;
102          procedure savetokenpos;
103          procedure restoretokenpos;
104          procedure writetoken(t: ttoken);
readtokennull105          function readtoken : ttoken;
106        public
107           inputfile    : tinputfile;  { current inputfile list }
108           inputfilecount : longint;
110           inputbuffer,                { input buffer }
111           inputpointer : pchar;
112           inputstart   : longint;
114           line_no,                    { line }
115           lastlinepos  : longint;
117           lasttokenpos,
118           nexttokenpos : longint;     { token }
119           lasttoken,
120           nexttoken    : ttoken;
122           oldlasttokenpos     : longint; { temporary saving/restoring tokenpos }
123           oldcurrent_filepos,
124           oldcurrent_tokenpos : tfileposinfo;
127           replaytokenbuf,
128           recordtokenbuf : tdynamicarray;
130           { last settings we stored }
131           last_settings : tsettings;
132           last_message : pmessagestaterecord;
133           { last filepos we stored }
134           last_filepos,
135           { if nexttoken<>NOTOKEN, then nexttokenpos holds its filepos }
136           next_filepos   : tfileposinfo;
138           comment_level,
139           yylexcount     : longint;
140           ignoredirectives : TFPHashList; { ignore directives, used to give warnings only once }
141           preprocstack   : tpreprocstack;
142           replaystack    : treplaystack;
144           preproc_pattern : string;
145           preproc_token   : ttoken;
147           { true, if we are parsing preprocessor expressions }
148           in_preproc_comp_expr : boolean;
149           { true if tokens must be converted to opposite endianess}
150           change_endian_for_replay : boolean;
152           constructor Create(const fn:string; is_macro: boolean = false);
153           destructor Destroy;override;
154         { File buffer things }
openinputfilenull155           function  openinputfile:boolean;
156           procedure closeinputfile;
tempopeninputfilenull157           function  tempopeninputfile:boolean;
158           procedure tempcloseinputfile;
159           procedure saveinputfile;
160           procedure restoreinputfile;
161           procedure firstfile;
162           procedure nextfile;
163           procedure addfile(hp:tinputfile);
164           procedure reload;
165           { replaces current token with the text in p }
166           procedure substitutemacro(const macname:string;p:pchar;len,line,fileindex:longint);
167         { Scanner things }
168           procedure gettokenpos;
169           procedure inc_comment_level;
170           procedure dec_comment_level;
171           procedure illegal_char(c:char);
172           procedure end_of_file;
173           procedure checkpreprocstack;
174           procedure poppreprocstack;
175           procedure ifpreprocstack(atyp:preproctyp;compile_time_predicate:tcompile_time_predicate;messid:longint);
176           procedure elseifpreprocstack(compile_time_predicate:tcompile_time_predicate);
177           procedure elsepreprocstack;
178           procedure popreplaystack;
replay_stack_depthnull179           function replay_stack_depth:longint;
180           procedure handleconditional(p:tdirectiveitem);
181           procedure handledirectives;
182           procedure linebreak;
183           procedure recordtoken;
184           procedure startrecordtokens(buf:tdynamicarray);
185           procedure stoprecordtokens;
is_recording_tokensnull186           function is_recording_tokens:boolean;
187           procedure replaytoken;
188           procedure startreplaytokens(buf:tdynamicarray; change_endian:boolean);
189           { bit length asizeint is target depend }
190           procedure tokenwritesizeint(val : asizeint);
191           procedure tokenwritelongint(val : longint);
192           procedure tokenwritelongword(val : longword);
193           procedure tokenwriteword(val : word);
194           procedure tokenwriteshortint(val : shortint);
195           procedure tokenwriteset(var b;size : longint);
196           procedure tokenwriteenum(var b;size : longint);
tokenreadsizeintnull197           function  tokenreadsizeint : asizeint;
198           procedure tokenwritesettings(var asettings : tsettings; var size : asizeint);
199           { longword/longint are 32 bits on all targets }
200           { word/smallint are 16-bits on all targest }
tokenreadlongwordnull201           function  tokenreadlongword : longword;
tokenreadwordnull202           function  tokenreadword : word;
tokenreadlongintnull203           function  tokenreadlongint : longint;
tokenreadsmallintnull204           function  tokenreadsmallint : smallint;
205           { short int is one a signed byte }
tokenreadshortintnull206           function  tokenreadshortint : shortint;
tokenreadbytenull207           function  tokenreadbyte : byte;
208           { This one takes the set size as an parameter }
209           procedure tokenreadset(var b;size : longint);
tokenreadenumnull210           function  tokenreadenum(size : longint) : longword;
212           procedure tokenreadsettings(var asettings : tsettings; expected_size : asizeint);
213           procedure readchar;
214           procedure readstring;
215           procedure readnumber;
readidnull216           function  readid:string;
readvalnull217           function  readval:longint;
readcommentnull218           function  readcomment:string;
readquotedstringnull219           function  readquotedstring:string;
readstatenull220           function  readstate:char;
readoptionalstatenull221           function  readoptionalstate(fallback:char):char;
readstatedefaultnull222           function  readstatedefault:char;
223           procedure skipspace;
224           procedure skipuntildirective;
225           procedure skipcomment(read_first_char:boolean);
226           procedure skipdelphicomment;
227           procedure skipoldtpcomment(read_first_char:boolean);
228           procedure readtoken(allowrecordtoken:boolean);
readpreprocnull229           function  readpreproc:ttoken;
readpreprocintnull230           function  readpreprocint(var value:int64;const place:string):boolean;
asmgetcharnull231           function  asmgetchar:char;
232        end;
234 {$ifdef PREPROCWRITE}
235        tpreprocfile=class
236          f   : text;
237          buf : pointer;
238          spacefound,
239          eolfound : boolean;
240          constructor create(const fn:string);
241          destructor  destroy; override;
242          procedure Add(const s:string);
243          procedure AddSpace;
244        end;
245 {$endif PREPROCWRITE}
247     var
248         { read strings }
249         c              : char;
250         orgpattern,
251         pattern        : string;
252         cstringpattern : ansistring;
253         patternw       : pcompilerwidestring;
255         { token }
256         token,                        { current token being parsed }
257         idtoken    : ttoken;          { holds the token if the pattern is a known word }
259         current_scanner : tscannerfile;  { current scanner in use }
261         current_commentstyle : tcommentstyle; { needed to use read_comment from directives }
262 {$ifdef PREPROCWRITE}
263         preprocfile     : tpreprocfile;  { used with only preprocessing }
264 {$endif PREPROCWRITE}
266     type
267         tdirectivemode = (directive_all, directive_turbo, directive_mac);
269     procedure AddDirective(const s:string; dm: tdirectivemode; p:tdirectiveproc);
270     procedure AddConditional(const s:string; dm: tdirectivemode; p:tdirectiveproc);
272     procedure InitScanner;
273     procedure DoneScanner;
275     { To be called when the language mode is finally determined }
SetCompileModenull276     Function SetCompileMode(const s:string; changeInit: boolean):boolean;
SetCompileModeSwitchnull277     Function SetCompileModeSwitch(s:string; changeInit: boolean):boolean;
278     procedure SetAppType(NewAppType:tapptype);
280 implementation
282     uses
283       SysUtils,
284       cutils,cfileutl,
285       systems,
286       switches,
287       symbase,symtable,symtype,symsym,symconst,symdef,defutil,
288       { This is needed for tcputype }
289       cpuinfo,
290       fmodule,fppu,
291       { this is needed for $I %CURRENTROUTINE%}
292       procinfo
293 {$if FPC_FULLVERSION<20700}
294       ,ccharset
295 {$endif}
296       ;
298     var
299       { dictionaries with the supported directives }
300       turbo_scannerdirectives : TFPHashObjectList;     { for other modes }
301       mac_scannerdirectives   : TFPHashObjectList;     { for mode mac }
304 {*****************************************************************************
305                               Helper routines
306 *****************************************************************************}
308     const
309       { use any special name that is an invalid file name to avoid problems }
310       preprocstring : array [preproctyp] of string[7]
311         = ('$IFDEF','$IFNDEF','$IF','$IFOPT','$ELSE','$ELSEIF');
is_keywordnull313     function is_keyword(const s:string):boolean;
314       var
315         low,high,mid : longint;
316       begin
317         if not (length(s) in [tokenlenmin..tokenlenmax]) or
318            not (s[1] in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z']) then
319          begin
320            is_keyword:=false;
321            exit;
322          end;
323         low:=ord(tokenidx^[length(s),s[1]].first);
324         high:=ord(tokenidx^[length(s),s[1]].last);
325         while low<high do
326          begin
327            mid:=(high+low+1) shr 1;
328            if pattern<tokeninfo^[ttoken(mid)].str then
329             high:=mid-1
330            else
331             low:=mid;
332          end;
333         is_keyword:=(pattern=tokeninfo^[ttoken(high)].str) and
334                     ((tokeninfo^[ttoken(high)].keyword*current_settings.modeswitches)<>[]);
335       end;
338     Procedure HandleModeSwitches(switch: tmodeswitch; changeInit: boolean);
339       begin
340         { turn ansi/unicodestrings on by default ? (only change when this
341           particular setting is changed, so that a random modeswitch won't
342           change the state of $h+/$h-) }
343         if switch in [m_none,m_default_ansistring,m_default_unicodestring] then
344           begin
345             if ([m_default_ansistring,m_default_unicodestring]*current_settings.modeswitches)<>[] then
346               begin
347                 { can't have both ansistring and unicodestring as default }
348                 if switch=m_default_ansistring then
349                   begin
350                     exclude(current_settings.modeswitches,m_default_unicodestring);
351                     if changeinit then
352                       exclude(init_settings.modeswitches,m_default_unicodestring);
353                   end
354                 else if switch=m_default_unicodestring then
355                   begin
356                     exclude(current_settings.modeswitches,m_default_ansistring);
357                     if changeinit then
358                       exclude(init_settings.modeswitches,m_default_ansistring);
359                   end;
360                 { enable $h+ }
361                 include(current_settings.localswitches,cs_refcountedstrings);
362                 if changeinit then
363                   include(init_settings.localswitches,cs_refcountedstrings);
364                 if m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches then
365                   begin
366                     def_system_macro('FPC_UNICODESTRINGS');
367                     def_system_macro('UNICODE');
368                   end;
369               end
370             else
371               begin
372                 exclude(current_settings.localswitches,cs_refcountedstrings);
373                 if changeinit then
374                   exclude(init_settings.localswitches,cs_refcountedstrings);
375                 undef_system_macro('FPC_UNICODESTRINGS');
376                 undef_system_macro('UNICODE');
377               end;
378           end;
380         { turn inline on by default ? }
381         if switch in [m_none,m_default_inline] then
382           begin
383             if (m_default_inline in current_settings.modeswitches) then
384              begin
385                include(current_settings.localswitches,cs_do_inline);
386                if changeinit then
387                  include(init_settings.localswitches,cs_do_inline);
388              end
389             else
390              begin
391                exclude(current_settings.localswitches,cs_do_inline);
392                if changeinit then
393                  exclude(init_settings.localswitches,cs_do_inline);
394              end;
395           end;
397         { turn on system codepage by default }
398         if switch in [m_none,m_systemcodepage] then
399           begin
400             { both m_systemcodepage and specifying a code page via -FcXXX or
401               "$codepage XXX" change current_settings.sourcecodepage. If
402               we used -FcXXX and then have a sourcefile with "$mode objfpc",
403               this routine will be called to disable m_systemcodepage (to ensure
404               it's off in case it would have been set on the command line, or
405               by a previous mode(switch).
407               In that case, we have to ensure that we don't overwrite
408               current_settings.sourcecodepage, as that would cancel out the
409               -FcXXX. This is why we use two separate module switches
410               (cs_explicit_codepage and cs_system_codepage) for the same setting
411               (current_settings.sourcecodepage)
412             }
413             if m_systemcodepage in current_settings.modeswitches then
414               begin
415                 { m_systemcodepage gets enabled -> disable any -FcXXX and
416                   "codepage XXX" settings (exclude cs_explicit_codepage), and
417                   overwrite the sourcecode page }
418                 current_settings.sourcecodepage:=DefaultSystemCodePage;
419                 if (current_settings.sourcecodepage<>CP_UTF8) and not cpavailable(current_settings.sourcecodepage) then
420                   begin
421                     Message2(scan_w_unavailable_system_codepage,IntToStr(current_settings.sourcecodepage),IntToStr(default_settings.sourcecodepage));
422                     current_settings.sourcecodepage:=default_settings.sourcecodepage;
423                   end;
424                 exclude(current_settings.moduleswitches,cs_explicit_codepage);
425                 include(current_settings.moduleswitches,cs_system_codepage);
426                 if changeinit then
427                   begin
428                     init_settings.sourcecodepage:=current_settings.sourcecodepage;
429                     exclude(init_settings.moduleswitches,cs_explicit_codepage);
430                     include(init_settings.moduleswitches,cs_system_codepage);
431                   end;
432               end
433             else
434               begin
435                 { m_systemcodepage gets disabled -> reset sourcecodepage only if
436                   cs_explicit_codepage is not set (it may be set in the scenario
437                   where -FcXXX was passed on the command line and then "$mode
438                   fpc" is used, because then the caller of this routine will
439                   set the "$mode fpc" modeswitches (which don't include
440                   m_systemcodepage) and call this routine with m_none).
442                   Or it can happen if -FcXXX was passed, and the sourcefile
443                   contains "$modeswitch systemcodepage-" statement.
445                   Since we unset cs_system_codepage if m_systemcodepage gets
446                   activated, we will revert to the default code page if you
447                   set a source file code page, then enable the systemcode page
448                   and finally disable it again. We don't keep a stack of
449                   settings, by design. The only thing we have to ensure is that
450                   disabling m_systemcodepage if it wasn't on in the first place
451                   doesn't overwrite the sourcecodepage }
452                 exclude(current_settings.moduleswitches,cs_system_codepage);
453                 if not(cs_explicit_codepage in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
454                   current_settings.sourcecodepage:=default_settings.sourcecodepage;
455                 if changeinit then
456                   begin
457                     exclude(init_settings.moduleswitches,cs_system_codepage);
458                     if not(cs_explicit_codepage in init_settings.moduleswitches) then
459                       init_settings.sourcecodepage:=default_settings.sourcecodepage;
460                   end;
461               end;
462           end;
463       end;
SetCompileModenull466     Function SetCompileMode(const s:string; changeInit: boolean):boolean;
467       var
468         b : boolean;
469         oldmodeswitches : tmodeswitches;
470       begin
471         oldmodeswitches:=current_settings.modeswitches;
473         b:=true;
474         if s='DEFAULT' then
475           current_settings.modeswitches:=fpcmodeswitches
476         else
477          if s='DELPHI' then
478           current_settings.modeswitches:=delphimodeswitches
479         else
480          if s='DELPHIUNICODE' then
481           current_settings.modeswitches:=delphiunicodemodeswitches
482         else
483          if s='TP' then
484           current_settings.modeswitches:=tpmodeswitches
485         else
486          if s='FPC' then begin
487           current_settings.modeswitches:=fpcmodeswitches;
488           { TODO: enable this for 2.3/2.9 }
489           //  include(current_settings.localswitches, cs_typed_addresses);
490         end else
491          if s='OBJFPC' then begin
492           current_settings.modeswitches:=objfpcmodeswitches;
493           { TODO: enable this for 2.3/2.9 }
494           //  include(current_settings.localswitches, cs_typed_addresses);
495         end
496 {$ifdef gpc_mode}
497         else if s='GPC' then
498           current_settings.modeswitches:=gpcmodeswitches
499 {$endif}
500         else
501          if s='MACPAS' then
502           current_settings.modeswitches:=macmodeswitches
503         else
504          if s='ISO' then
505           current_settings.modeswitches:=isomodeswitches
506         else
507          if s='EXTENDEDPASCAL' then
508           current_settings.modeswitches:=extpasmodeswitches
509         else
510          b:=false;
512 {$ifdef jvm}
513           { enable final fields by default for the JVM targets }
514           include(current_settings.modeswitches,m_final_fields);
515 {$endif jvm}
517         if b and changeInit then
518           init_settings.modeswitches := current_settings.modeswitches;
520         if b then
521          begin
522            { resolve all postponed switch changes }
523            flushpendingswitchesstate;
525            HandleModeSwitches(m_none,changeinit);
527            { turn on bitpacking for mode macpas and iso pascal as well as extended pascal }
528            if ([m_mac,m_iso,m_extpas] * current_settings.modeswitches <> []) then
529              begin
530                include(current_settings.localswitches,cs_bitpacking);
531                if changeinit then
532                  include(init_settings.localswitches,cs_bitpacking);
533              end;
535            { support goto/label by default in delphi/tp7/mac/iso/extpas modes }
536            if ([m_delphi,m_tp7,m_mac,m_iso,m_extpas] * current_settings.modeswitches <> []) then
537              begin
538                include(current_settings.moduleswitches,cs_support_goto);
539                if changeinit then
540                  include(init_settings.moduleswitches,cs_support_goto);
541              end;
543            { support pointer math by default in fpc/objfpc modes }
544            if ([m_fpc,m_objfpc] * current_settings.modeswitches <> []) then
545              begin
546                include(current_settings.localswitches,cs_pointermath);
547                if changeinit then
548                  include(init_settings.localswitches,cs_pointermath);
549              end
550            else
551              begin
552                exclude(current_settings.localswitches,cs_pointermath);
553                if changeinit then
554                  exclude(init_settings.localswitches,cs_pointermath);
555              end;
557            { Default enum and set packing for delphi/tp7 }
558            if (m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches) or
559               (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) then
560              begin
561                current_settings.packenum:=1;
562                current_settings.setalloc:=1;
563              end
564            else if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) then
565              { compatible with Metrowerks Pascal }
566              current_settings.packenum:=2
567            else
568              current_settings.packenum:=4;
569            if changeinit then
570              begin
571                init_settings.packenum:=current_settings.packenum;
572                init_settings.setalloc:=current_settings.setalloc;
573              end;
574 {$if defined(i386) or defined(i8086)}
575            { Default to intel assembler for delphi/tp7 on i386/i8086 }
576            if (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) or
577               (m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches) then
578              begin
579 {$ifdef i8086}
580                current_settings.asmmode:=asmmode_i8086_intel;
581 {$else i8086}
582                current_settings.asmmode:=asmmode_i386_intel;
583 {$endif i8086}
584                if changeinit then
585                  init_settings.asmmode:=current_settings.asmmode;
586              end;
587 {$endif i386 or i8086}
589            { Exception support explicitly turned on (mainly for macpas, to }
590            { compensate for lack of interprocedural goto support)          }
591            if (cs_support_exceptions in current_settings.globalswitches) then
592              include(current_settings.modeswitches,m_except);
594            { Default strict string var checking in TP/Delphi modes }
595            if ([m_delphi,m_tp7] * current_settings.modeswitches <> []) then
596              begin
597                include(current_settings.localswitches,cs_strict_var_strings);
598                if changeinit then
599                  include(init_settings.localswitches,cs_strict_var_strings);
600              end;
602             { Undefine old symbol }
603             if (m_delphi in oldmodeswitches) then
604               undef_system_macro('FPC_DELPHI')
605             else if (m_tp7 in oldmodeswitches) then
606               undef_system_macro('FPC_TP')
607             else if (m_objfpc in oldmodeswitches) then
608               undef_system_macro('FPC_OBJFPC')
609 {$ifdef gpc_mode}
610             else if (m_gpc in oldmodeswitches) then
611               undef_system_macro('FPC_GPC')
612 {$endif}
613             else if (m_mac in oldmodeswitches) then
614               undef_system_macro('FPC_MACPAS')
615             else if (m_iso in oldmodeswitches) then
616               undef_system_macro('FPC_ISO')
617             else if (m_extpas in oldmodeswitches) then
618               undef_system_macro('FPC_EXTENDEDPASCAL');
620             { define new symbol in delphi,objfpc,tp,gpc,macpas mode }
621             if (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) then
622               def_system_macro('FPC_DELPHI')
623             else if (m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches) then
624               def_system_macro('FPC_TP')
625             else if (m_objfpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then
626               def_system_macro('FPC_OBJFPC')
627 {$ifdef gpc_mode}
628             else if (m_gpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then
629               def_system_macro('FPC_GPC')
630 {$endif}
631             else if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) then
632               def_system_macro('FPC_MACPAS')
633             else if (m_iso in current_settings.modeswitches) then
634               def_system_macro('FPC_ISO')
635             else if (m_extpas in current_settings.modeswitches) then
636               def_system_macro('FPC_EXTENDEDPASCAL');
637          end;
639         SetCompileMode:=b;
640       end;
SetCompileModeSwitchnull643     Function SetCompileModeSwitch(s:string; changeInit: boolean):boolean;
644       var
645         i : tmodeswitch;
646         doinclude : boolean;
647       begin
648         s:=upper(s);
650         { on/off? }
651         doinclude:=true;
652         case s[length(s)] of
653           '+':
654             s:=copy(s,1,length(s)-1);
655           '-':
656             begin
657               s:=copy(s,1,length(s)-1);
658               doinclude:=false;
659             end;
660         end;
662         Result:=false;
663         for i:=m_class to high(tmodeswitch) do
664           if s=modeswitchstr[i] then
665             begin
666               { Objective-C is currently only supported for Darwin targets }
667               if doinclude and
668                  (i in [m_objectivec1,m_objectivec2]) and
669                  not(target_info.system in systems_objc_supported) then
670                 begin
671                   Message1(option_unsupported_target_for_feature,'Objective-C');
672                   break;
673                 end;
675               { Blocks supported? }
676               if doinclude and
677                  (i = m_blocks) and
678                  not(target_info.system in systems_blocks_supported) then
679                 begin
680                   Message1(option_unsupported_target_for_feature,'Blocks');
681                   break;
682                 end;
684               if changeInit then
685                 current_settings.modeswitches:=init_settings.modeswitches;
686               Result:=true;
687               if doinclude then
688                 begin
689                   include(current_settings.modeswitches,i);
690                   { Objective-C 2.0 support implies 1.0 support }
691                   if (i=m_objectivec2) then
692                     include(current_settings.modeswitches,m_objectivec1);
693                   if (i in [m_objectivec1,m_objectivec2]) then
694                     include(current_settings.modeswitches,m_class);
695                 end
696               else
697                 begin
698                   exclude(current_settings.modeswitches,i);
699                   { Objective-C 2.0 support implies 1.0 support }
700                   if (i=m_objectivec2) then
701                     exclude(current_settings.modeswitches,m_objectivec1);
702                   if (i in [m_objectivec1,m_objectivec2]) and
703                      ([m_delphi,m_objfpc]*current_settings.modeswitches=[]) then
704                     exclude(current_settings.modeswitches,m_class);
705                 end;
707               { set other switches depending on changed mode switch }
708               HandleModeSwitches(i,changeinit);
710               if changeInit then
711                 init_settings.modeswitches:=current_settings.modeswitches;
713               break;
714             end;
715       end;
717     procedure SetAppType(NewAppType:tapptype);
718       begin
719 {$ifdef i8086}
720         if (target_info.system in [system_i8086_msdos,system_i8086_embedded]) and (apptype<>NewAppType) then
721           begin
722             if NewAppType=app_com then
723               begin
724                 targetinfos[target_info.system]^.exeext:='.com';
725                 target_info.exeext:='.com';
726               end
727             else
728               begin
729                 targetinfos[target_info.system]^.exeext:='.exe';
730                 target_info.exeext:='.exe';
731               end;
732           end;
733 {$endif i8086}
734         if apptype in [app_cui,app_com] then
735           undef_system_macro('CONSOLE');
736         apptype:=NewAppType;
737         if apptype in [app_cui,app_com] then
738           def_system_macro('CONSOLE');
739       end;
740 {*****************************************************************************
741                            Conditional Directives
742 *****************************************************************************}
744     procedure dir_else;
745       begin
746         current_scanner.elsepreprocstack;
747       end;
750     procedure dir_endif;
751       begin
752         current_scanner.poppreprocstack;
753       end;
isdefnull755     function isdef(var valuedescr: String): Boolean;
756       var
757         hs    : string;
758       begin
759         current_scanner.skipspace;
760         hs:=current_scanner.readid;
761         valuedescr:= hs;
762         if hs='' then
763           Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
764         isdef:=defined_macro(hs);
765       end;
767     procedure dir_ifdef;
768       begin
769         current_scanner.ifpreprocstack(pp_ifdef,@isdef,scan_c_ifdef_found);
770       end;
isnotdefnull772     function isnotdef(var valuedescr: String): Boolean;
773       var
774         hs    : string;
775       begin
776         current_scanner.skipspace;
777         hs:=current_scanner.readid;
778         valuedescr:= hs;
779         if hs='' then
780           Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
781         isnotdef:=not defined_macro(hs);
782       end;
784     procedure dir_ifndef;
785       begin
786         current_scanner.ifpreprocstack(pp_ifndef,@isnotdef,scan_c_ifndef_found);
787       end;
opt_checknull789     function opt_check(var valuedescr: String): Boolean;
790       var
791         hs    : string;
792         state : char;
793       begin
794         opt_check:= false;
795         current_scanner.skipspace;
796         hs:=current_scanner.readid;
797         valuedescr:= hs;
798         if (length(hs)>1) then
799           Message1(scan_w_illegal_switch,hs)
800         else
801           begin
802             state:=current_scanner.ReadState;
803             if state in ['-','+'] then
804               opt_check:=CheckSwitch(hs[1],state)
805             else
806               Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
807           end;
808       end;
810     procedure dir_ifopt;
811       begin
812         flushpendingswitchesstate;
813         current_scanner.ifpreprocstack(pp_ifopt,@opt_check,scan_c_ifopt_found);
814       end;
816     procedure dir_libprefix;
817       var
818         s : string;
819       begin
820         current_scanner.skipspace;
821         if c <> '''' then
822           Message2(scan_f_syn_expected, '''', c);
823         s := current_scanner.readquotedstring;
824         stringdispose(outputprefix);
825         outputprefix := stringdup(s);
826         with current_module do
827          setfilename(paramfn, paramallowoutput);
828       end;
830     procedure dir_libsuffix;
831       var
832         s : string;
833       begin
834         current_scanner.skipspace;
835         if c <> '''' then
836           Message2(scan_f_syn_expected, '''', c);
837         s := current_scanner.readquotedstring;
838         stringdispose(outputsuffix);
839         outputsuffix := stringdup(s);
840         with current_module do
841           setfilename(paramfn, paramallowoutput);
842       end;
844     procedure dir_extension;
845       var
846         s : string;
847       begin
848         current_scanner.skipspace;
849         if c <> '''' then
850           Message2(scan_f_syn_expected, '''', c);
851         s := current_scanner.readquotedstring;
852         if OutputFileName='' then
853           OutputFileName:=InputFileName;
854         OutputFileName:=ChangeFileExt(OutputFileName,'.'+s);
855         with current_module do
856           setfilename(paramfn, paramallowoutput);
857       end;
859 {
860 Compile time expression type check
861 ----------------------------------
862 Each subexpression returns its type to the caller, which then can
863 do type check.  Since data types of compile time expressions is
864 not well defined, the type system does a best effort. The drawback is
865 that some errors might not be detected.
867 Instead of returning a particular data type, a set of possible data types
868 are returned. This way ambigouos types can be handled.  For instance a
869 value of 1 can be both a boolean and and integer.
871 Booleans
872 --------
874 The following forms of boolean values are supported:
875 * C coded, that is 0 is false, non-zero is true.
876 * TRUE/FALSE for mac style compile time variables
878 Thus boolean mac compile time variables are always stored as TRUE/FALSE.
879 When a compile time expression is evaluated, they are then translated
880 to C coded booleans (0/1), to simplify for the expression evaluator.
882 Note that this scheme then also of support mac compile time variables which
883 are 0/1 but with a boolean meaning.
885 The TRUE/FALSE format is new from 22 august 2005, but the above scheme
886 means that units which is not recompiled, and thus stores
887 compile time variables as the old format (0/1), continue to work.
889 Short circuit evaluation
890 ------------------------
891 For this to work, the part of a compile time expression which is short
892 circuited, should not be evaluated, while it still should be parsed.
893 Therefor there is a parameter eval, telling whether evaluation is needed.
894 In case not, the value returned can be arbitrary.
895 }
897 type
899   { texprvalue }
901   texprvalue = class
902   private
903     { we can't use built-in defs since they
904       may be not created at the moment }
905     class var
906        sintdef,uintdef,booldef,strdef,setdef,realdef: tdef;
907     class constructor createdefs;
908     class destructor destroydefs;
909   public
910     consttyp: tconsttyp;
911     value: tconstvalue;
912     def: tdef;
913     constructor create_const(c:tconstsym);
914     constructor create_error;
915     constructor create_ord(v: Tconstexprint);
916     constructor create_int(v: int64);
917     constructor create_uint(v: qword);
918     constructor create_bool(b: boolean);
919     constructor create_str(s: string);
920     constructor create_set(ns: tnormalset);
921     constructor create_real(r: bestreal);
try_parse_numbernull922     class function try_parse_number(s:string):texprvalue; static;
try_parse_realnull923     class function try_parse_real(s:string):texprvalue; static;
evaluatenull924     function evaluate(v:texprvalue;op:ttoken):texprvalue;
925     procedure error(expecteddef, place: string);
isBooleannull926     function isBoolean: Boolean;
isIntnull927     function isInt: Boolean;
asBoolnull928     function asBool: Boolean;
asIntnull929     function asInt: Integer;
asInt64null930     function asInt64: Int64;
asStrnull931     function asStr: String;
932     destructor destroy; override;
933   end;
935   class constructor texprvalue.createdefs;
936     begin
937       { do not use corddef etc here: this code is executed before those
938         variables are initialised. Since these types are only used for
939         compile-time evaluation of conditional expressions, it doesn't matter
940         that we use the base types instead of the cpu-specific ones. }
941       sintdef:=torddef.create(s64bit,low(int64),high(int64),false);
942       uintdef:=torddef.create(u64bit,low(qword),high(qword),false);
943       booldef:=torddef.create(pasbool1,0,1,false);
944       strdef:=tstringdef.createansi(0,false);
945       setdef:=tsetdef.create(sintdef,0,255,false);
946       realdef:=tfloatdef.create(s80real,false);
947     end;
949   class destructor texprvalue.destroydefs;
950     begin
951       setdef.free;
952       sintdef.free;
953       uintdef.free;
954       booldef.free;
955       strdef.free;
956       realdef.free;
957     end;
959   constructor texprvalue.create_const(c: tconstsym);
960     begin
961       consttyp:=c.consttyp;
962       def:=c.constdef;
963       case consttyp of
964         conststring,
965         constresourcestring:
966           begin
967             value.len:=c.value.len;
968             getmem(value.valueptr,value.len+1);
969             move(c.value.valueptr^,value.valueptr^,value.len+1);
970           end;
971         constwstring:
972           begin
973             initwidestring(value.valueptr);
974             copywidestring(c.value.valueptr,value.valueptr);
975           end;
976         constreal:
977           begin
978             new(pbestreal(value.valueptr));
979             pbestreal(value.valueptr)^:=pbestreal(c.value.valueptr)^;
980           end;
981         constset:
982           begin
983             new(pnormalset(value.valueptr));
984             pnormalset(value.valueptr)^:=pnormalset(c.value.valueptr)^;
985           end;
986         constguid:
987           begin
988             new(pguid(value.valueptr));
989             pguid(value.valueptr)^:=pguid(c.value.valueptr)^;
990           end;
991         else
992           value:=c.value;
993       end;
994     end;
996   constructor texprvalue.create_error;
997     begin
998       fillchar(value,sizeof(value),#0);
999       consttyp:=constnone;
1000       def:=generrordef;
1001     end;
1003   constructor texprvalue.create_ord(v: Tconstexprint);
1004     begin
1005       fillchar(value,sizeof(value),#0);
1006       consttyp:=constord;
1007       value.valueord:=v;
1008       if v.signed then
1009         def:=sintdef
1010       else
1011         def:=uintdef;
1012     end;
1014   constructor texprvalue.create_int(v: int64);
1015     begin
1016       fillchar(value,sizeof(value),#0);
1017       consttyp:=constord;
1018       value.valueord:=v;
1019       def:=sintdef;
1020     end;
1022   constructor texprvalue.create_uint(v: qword);
1023     begin
1024       fillchar(value,sizeof(value),#0);
1025       consttyp:=constord;
1026       value.valueord:=v;
1027       def:=uintdef;
1028     end;
1030   constructor texprvalue.create_bool(b: boolean);
1031     begin
1032       fillchar(value,sizeof(value),#0);
1033       consttyp:=constord;
1034       value.valueord:=ord(b);
1035       def:=booldef;
1036     end;
1038   constructor texprvalue.create_str(s: string);
1039     var
1040       sp: pansichar;
1041       len: integer;
1042     begin
1043       fillchar(value,sizeof(value),#0);
1044       consttyp:=conststring;
1045       len:=length(s);
1046       getmem(sp,len+1);
1047       move(s[1],sp^,len+1);
1048       value.valueptr:=sp;
1049       value.len:=len;
1050       def:=strdef;
1051     end;
1053   constructor texprvalue.create_set(ns: tnormalset);
1054     begin
1055       fillchar(value,sizeof(value),#0);
1056       consttyp:=constset;
1057       new(pnormalset(value.valueptr));
1058       pnormalset(value.valueptr)^:=ns;
1059       def:=setdef;
1060     end;
1062   constructor texprvalue.create_real(r: bestreal);
1063     begin
1064       fillchar(value,sizeof(value),#0);
1065       consttyp:=constreal;
1066       new(pbestreal(value.valueptr));
1067       pbestreal(value.valueptr)^:=r;
1068       def:=realdef;
1069     end;
texprvalue.try_parse_numbernull1071   class function texprvalue.try_parse_number(s:string):texprvalue;
1072     var
1073       ic: int64;
1074       qc: qword;
1075       code: integer;
1076     begin
1077       { try int64 }
1078       val(s,ic,code);
1079       if code=0 then
1080         result:=texprvalue.create_int(ic)
1081       else
1082         begin
1083           { try qword }
1084           val(s,qc,code);
1085           if code=0 then
1086             result:=texprvalue.create_uint(qc)
1087           else
1088             result:=try_parse_real(s);
1089         end;
1090     end;
texprvalue.try_parse_realnull1092   class function texprvalue.try_parse_real(s:string):texprvalue;
1093     var
1094       d: bestreal;
1095       code: integer;
1096     begin
1097       val(s,d,code);
1098       if code=0 then
1099         result:=texprvalue.create_real(d)
1100       else
1101         result:=nil;
1102     end;
texprvalue.evaluatenull1104   function texprvalue.evaluate(v:texprvalue;op:ttoken):texprvalue;
check_compatbilenull1106     function check_compatbile: boolean;
1107       begin
1108         result:=(
1109                   (is_ordinal(v.def) or is_fpu(v.def)) and
1110                   (is_ordinal(def) or is_fpu(def))
1111                 ) or
1112                 (is_stringlike(v.def) and is_stringlike(def));
1113         if not result then
1114           Message2(type_e_incompatible_types,def.typename,v.def.typename);
1115       end;
1116     var
1117       lv,rv: tconstexprint;
1118       lvd,rvd: bestreal;
1119       lvs,rvs: string;
1120     begin
1121       case op of
1122         _OP_IN:
1123         begin
1124           if not is_set(v.def) then
1125             begin
1126               v.error('Set', 'IN');
1127               result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1128             end
1129           else
1130           if not is_ordinal(def) then
1131             begin
1132               error('Ordinal', 'IN');
1133               result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1134             end
1135           else
1136           if value.valueord.signed then
1137             result:=texprvalue.create_bool(value.valueord.svalue in pnormalset(v.value.valueptr)^)
1138           else
1139             result:=texprvalue.create_bool(value.valueord.uvalue in pnormalset(v.value.valueptr)^);
1140         end;
1141         _OP_NOT:
1142         begin
1143           if isBoolean then
1144             result:=texprvalue.create_bool(not asBool)
1145           else if is_ordinal(def) then
1146             begin
1147               result:=texprvalue.create_ord(value.valueord);
1148               result.def:=def;
1149               calc_not_ordvalue(result.value.valueord,result.def);
1150             end
1151           else
1152             begin
1153               error('Boolean', 'NOT');
1154               result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1155             end;
1156         end;
1157         _OP_OR:
1158         begin
1159           if isBoolean then
1160             if v.isBoolean then
1161               result:=texprvalue.create_bool(asBool or v.asBool)
1162             else
1163               begin
1164                 v.error('Boolean','OR');
1165                 result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1166               end
1167           else if is_ordinal(def) then
1168             if is_ordinal(v.def) then
1169               result:=texprvalue.create_ord(value.valueord or v.value.valueord)
1170             else
1171               begin
1172                 v.error('Ordinal','OR');
1173                 result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1174               end
1175           else
1176             begin
1177               error('Boolean','OR');
1178               result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1179             end;
1180         end;
1181         _OP_XOR:
1182         begin
1183           if isBoolean then
1184             if v.isBoolean then
1185               result:=texprvalue.create_bool(asBool xor v.asBool)
1186             else
1187               begin
1188                 v.error('Boolean','XOR');
1189                 result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1190               end
1191           else if is_ordinal(def) then
1192             if is_ordinal(v.def) then
1193               result:=texprvalue.create_ord(value.valueord xor v.value.valueord)
1194             else
1195               begin
1196                 v.error('Ordinal','XOR');
1197                 result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1198               end
1199           else
1200             begin
1201               error('Boolean','XOR');
1202               result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1203             end;
1204         end;
1205         _OP_AND:
1206         begin
1207           if isBoolean then
1208             if v.isBoolean then
1209               result:=texprvalue.create_bool(asBool and v.asBool)
1210             else
1211               begin
1212                 v.error('Boolean','AND');
1213                 result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1214               end
1215           else if is_ordinal(def) then
1216             if is_ordinal(v.def) then
1217               result:=texprvalue.create_ord(value.valueord and v.value.valueord)
1218             else
1219               begin
1220                 v.error('Ordinal','AND');
1221                 result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1222               end
1223           else
1224             begin
1225               error('Boolean','AND');
1226               result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1227             end;
1228         end;
1230         if check_compatbile then
1231           begin
1232             if (is_ordinal(def) and is_ordinal(v.def)) then
1233               begin
1234                 lv:=value.valueord;
1235                 rv:=v.value.valueord;
1236                 case op of
1237                   _EQ:
1238                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lv=rv);
1239                   _NE:
1240                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lv<>rv);
1241                   _LT:
1242                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lv<rv);
1243                   _GT:
1244                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lv>rv);
1245                   _GTE:
1246                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lv>=rv);
1247                   _LTE:
1248                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lv<=rv);
1249                   _PLUS:
1250                     result:=texprvalue.create_ord(lv+rv);
1251                   _MINUS:
1252                     result:=texprvalue.create_ord(lv-rv);
1253                   _STAR:
1254                     result:=texprvalue.create_ord(lv*rv);
1255                   _SLASH:
1256                     result:=texprvalue.create_real(lv/rv);
1257                   _OP_DIV:
1258                     result:=texprvalue.create_ord(lv div rv);
1259                   _OP_MOD:
1260                     result:=texprvalue.create_ord(lv mod rv);
1261                   _OP_SHL:
1262                     result:=texprvalue.create_ord(lv shl rv);
1263                   _OP_SHR:
1264                     result:=texprvalue.create_ord(lv shr rv);
1265                   else
1266                     begin
1267                       { actually we should never get here but this avoids a warning }
1268                       Message(parser_e_illegal_expression);
1269                       result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1270                     end;
1271                 end;
1272               end
1273             else
1274             if (is_fpu(def) or is_ordinal(def)) and
1275                (is_fpu(v.def) or is_ordinal(v.def)) then
1276               begin
1277                 if is_fpu(def) then
1278                   lvd:=pbestreal(value.valueptr)^
1279                 else
1280                   lvd:=value.valueord;
1281                 if is_fpu(v.def) then
1282                   rvd:=pbestreal(v.value.valueptr)^
1283                 else
1284                   rvd:=v.value.valueord;
1285                 case op of
1286                   _EQ:
1287                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lvd=rvd);
1288                   _NE:
1289                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lvd<>rvd);
1290                   _LT:
1291                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lvd<rvd);
1292                   _GT:
1293                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lvd>rvd);
1294                   _GTE:
1295                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lvd>=rvd);
1296                   _LTE:
1297                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lvd<=rvd);
1298                   _PLUS:
1299                     result:=texprvalue.create_real(lvd+rvd);
1300                   _MINUS:
1301                     result:=texprvalue.create_real(lvd-rvd);
1302                   _STAR:
1303                     result:=texprvalue.create_real(lvd*rvd);
1304                   _SLASH:
1305                     result:=texprvalue.create_real(lvd/rvd);
1306                   else
1307                     begin
1308                       Message(parser_e_illegal_expression);
1309                       result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1310                     end;
1311                 end;
1312               end
1313             else
1314             begin
1315               lvs:=asStr;
1316               rvs:=v.asStr;
1317               case op of
1318                 _EQ:
1319                   result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lvs=rvs);
1320                 _NE:
1321                   result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lvs<>rvs);
1322                 _LT:
1323                   result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lvs<rvs);
1324                 _GT:
1325                   result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lvs>rvs);
1326                 _GTE:
1327                   result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lvs>=rvs);
1328                 _LTE:
1329                   result:=texprvalue.create_bool(lvs<=rvs);
1330                 _PLUS:
1331                   result:=texprvalue.create_str(lvs+rvs);
1332                 else
1333                   begin
1334                     Message(parser_e_illegal_expression);
1335                     result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1336                   end;
1337               end;
1338             end;
1339           end
1340         else
1341           result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1342         else
1343           result:=texprvalue.create_error;
1344       end;
1345     end;
1347   procedure texprvalue.error(expecteddef, place: string);
1348     begin
1349       Message3(scan_e_compile_time_typeerror,
1350                expecteddef,
1351                def.typename,
1352                place
1353               );
1354     end;
texprvalue.isBooleannull1356   function texprvalue.isBoolean: Boolean;
1357     var
1358       i: int64;
1359     begin
1360       result:=is_boolean(def);
1361       if not result and is_integer(def) then
1362         begin
1363           i:=asInt64;
1364           result:=(i=0)or(i=1);
1365         end;
1366     end;
texprvalue.isIntnull1368   function texprvalue.isInt: Boolean;
1369     begin
1370       result:=is_integer(def);
1371     end;
texprvalue.asBoolnull1373   function texprvalue.asBool: Boolean;
1374     begin
1375       result:=value.valueord<>0;
1376     end;
texprvalue.asIntnull1378   function texprvalue.asInt: Integer;
1379     begin
1380       result:=value.valueord.svalue;
1381     end;
texprvalue.asInt64null1383   function texprvalue.asInt64: Int64;
1384     begin
1385       result:=value.valueord.svalue;
1386     end;
texprvalue.asStrnull1388   function texprvalue.asStr: String;
1389     var
1390       b:byte;
1391     begin
1392       case consttyp of
1393         constord:
1394           result:=tostr(value.valueord);
1395         conststring,
1396         constresourcestring:
1397           SetString(result,pchar(value.valueptr),value.len);
1398         constreal:
1399           str(pbestreal(value.valueptr)^,result);
1400         constset:
1401           begin
1402             result:=',';
1403             for b:=0 to 255 do
1404               if b in pconstset(value.valueptr)^ then
1405                 result:=result+tostr(b)+',';
1406           end;
1407         { error values }
1408         constnone:
1409           result:='';
1410         else
1411           internalerror(2013112801);
1412       end;
1413     end;
1415   destructor texprvalue.destroy;
1416     begin
1417       case consttyp of
1418         conststring,
1419         constresourcestring :
1420           freemem(value.valueptr,value.len+1);
1421         constwstring :
1422           donewidestring(pcompilerwidestring(value.valueptr));
1423         constreal :
1424           dispose(pbestreal(value.valueptr));
1425         constset :
1426           dispose(pnormalset(value.valueptr));
1427         constguid :
1428           dispose(pguid(value.valueptr));
1429         constord,
1430         { error values }
1431         constnone:
1432           ;
1433         else
1434           internalerror(2013112802);
1435       end;
1436       inherited destroy;
1437     end;
1439   const
1440     preproc_operators=[_EQ,_NE,_LT,_GT,_LTE,_GTE,_MINUS,_PLUS,_STAR,_SLASH,_OP_DIV,_OP_MOD,_OP_SHL,_OP_SHR,_OP_IN,_OP_AND,_OP_OR,_OP_XOR];
preproc_comp_exprnull1442     function preproc_comp_expr:texprvalue;
1444         function preproc_sub_expr(pred_level:Toperator_precedence;eval:Boolean):texprvalue; forward;
1446         procedure preproc_consume(t:ttoken);
1447         begin
1448           if t<>current_scanner.preproc_token then
1449             Message(scan_e_preproc_syntax_error);
1450           current_scanner.preproc_token:=current_scanner.readpreproc;
1451         end;
try_consume_unitsymnull1453         function try_consume_unitsym(var srsym:tsym;var srsymtable:TSymtable;out tokentoconsume:ttoken):boolean;
1454           var
1455             hmodule: tmodule;
1456             ns:ansistring;
1457             nssym:tsym;
1458           begin
1459             result:=false;
1460             tokentoconsume:=_ID;
1462             if assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ in [unitsym,namespacesym]) then
1463               begin
1464                 if not(srsym.owner.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) then
1465                   internalerror(200501154);
1466                 { only allow unit.symbol access if the name was
1467                   found in the current module
1468                   we can use iscurrentunit because generic specializations does not
1469                   change current_unit variable }
1470                 hmodule:=find_module_from_symtable(srsym.Owner);
1471                 if not Assigned(hmodule) then
1472                   internalerror(201001120);
1473                 if hmodule.unit_index=current_filepos.moduleindex then
1474                   begin
1475                     preproc_consume(_POINT);
1476                     current_scanner.skipspace;
1477                     if srsym.typ=namespacesym then
1478                       begin
1479                         ns:=srsym.name;
1480                         nssym:=srsym;
1481                         while assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ=namespacesym) do
1482                           begin
1483                             { we have a namespace. the next identifier should be either a namespace or a unit }
1484                             searchsym_in_module(hmodule,ns+'.'+current_scanner.preproc_pattern,srsym,srsymtable);
1485                             if assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ in [namespacesym,unitsym]) then
1486                               begin
1487                                 ns:=ns+'.'+current_scanner.preproc_pattern;
1488                                 nssym:=srsym;
1489                                 preproc_consume(_ID);
1490                                 current_scanner.skipspace;
1491                                 preproc_consume(_POINT);
1492                                 current_scanner.skipspace;
1493                               end;
1494                           end;
1495                         { check if there is a hidden unit with this pattern in the namespace }
1496                         if not assigned(srsym) and
1497                            assigned(nssym) and (nssym.typ=namespacesym) and assigned(tnamespacesym(nssym).unitsym) then
1498                           srsym:=tnamespacesym(nssym).unitsym;
1499                         if assigned(srsym) and (srsym.typ<>unitsym) then
1500                           internalerror(201108260);
1501                         if not assigned(srsym) then
1502                           begin
1503                             result:=true;
1504                             srsymtable:=nil;
1505                             exit;
1506                           end;
1507                       end;
1508                     case current_scanner.preproc_token of
1509                       _ID:
1510                         { system.char? (char=widechar comes from the implicit
1511                           uuchar unit -> override) }
1512                         if (current_scanner.preproc_pattern='CHAR') and
1513                            (tmodule(tunitsym(srsym).module).globalsymtable=systemunit) then
1514                           begin
1515                             if m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches then
1516                               searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,'WIDECHAR',srsym,srsymtable)
1517                             else
1518                               searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,'ANSICHAR',srsym,srsymtable)
1519                           end
1520                         else
1521                           searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,current_scanner.preproc_pattern,srsym,srsymtable);
1522                       _STRING:
1523                         begin
1524                           { system.string? }
1525                           if tmodule(tunitsym(srsym).module).globalsymtable=systemunit then
1526                             begin
1527                               if cs_refcountedstrings in current_settings.localswitches then
1528                                 begin
1529                                   if m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches then
1530                                     searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,'UNICODESTRING',srsym,srsymtable)
1531                                   else
1532                                     searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,'ANSISTRING',srsym,srsymtable)
1533                                 end
1534                               else
1535                                 searchsym_in_module(tunitsym(srsym).module,'SHORTSTRING',srsym,srsymtable);
1536                               tokentoconsume:=_STRING;
1537                             end;
1538                         end
1539                       end;
1540                   end
1541                 else
1542                   begin
1543                     srsym:=nil;
1544                     srsymtable:=nil;
1545                   end;
1546                 result:=true;
1547               end;
1548           end;
1550         procedure try_consume_nestedsym(var srsym:tsym;var srsymtable:TSymtable);
1551           var
1552             def:tdef;
1553             tokentoconsume:ttoken;
1554             found:boolean;
1555           begin
1556             found:=try_consume_unitsym(srsym,srsymtable,tokentoconsume);
1557             if found then
1558               begin
1559                 preproc_consume(tokentoconsume);
1560                 current_scanner.skipspace;
1561               end;
1562              while (current_scanner.preproc_token=_POINT) do
1563                begin
1564                  if assigned(srsym)and(srsym.typ=typesym) then
1565                    begin
1566                      def:=ttypesym(srsym).typedef;
1567                      if is_class_or_object(def) or is_record(def) or is_java_class_or_interface(def) then
1568                        begin
1569                          preproc_consume(_POINT);
1570                          current_scanner.skipspace;
1571                          if def.typ=objectdef then
1572                            found:=searchsym_in_class(tobjectdef(def),tobjectdef(def),current_scanner.preproc_pattern,srsym,srsymtable,[ssf_search_helper])
1573                          else
1574                            found:=searchsym_in_record(trecorddef(def),current_scanner.preproc_pattern,srsym,srsymtable);
1575                          if not found then
1576                            begin
1577                              Message1(sym_e_id_not_found,current_scanner.preproc_pattern);
1578                              exit;
1579                            end;
1580                          preproc_consume(_ID);
1581                          current_scanner.skipspace;
1582                        end
1583                      else
1584                        begin
1585                          Message(sym_e_type_must_be_rec_or_object_or_class);
1586                          exit;
1587                        end;
1588                    end
1589                  else
1590                    begin
1591                      Message(type_e_type_id_expected);
1592                      exit;
1593                    end;
1594                end;
1595           end;
preproc_substitutedtokennull1597         function preproc_substitutedtoken(searchstr:string;eval:Boolean):texprvalue;
1598         { Currently this parses identifiers as well as numbers.
1599           The result from this procedure can either be that the token
1600           itself is a value, or that it is a compile time variable/macro,
1601           which then is substituted for another value (for macros
1602           recursivelly substituted).}
1604         var
1605           hs: string;
1606           mac: tmacro;
1607           macrocount,
1608           len: integer;
1609         begin
1610           if not eval then
1611             begin
1612               result:=texprvalue.create_str(searchstr);
1613               exit;
1614             end;
1616           mac:=nil;
1617           { Substitue macros and compiler variables with their content/value.
1618             For real macros also do recursive substitution. }
1619           macrocount:=0;
1620           repeat
1621             mac:=tmacro(search_macro(searchstr));
1623             inc(macrocount);
1624             if macrocount>max_macro_nesting then
1625               begin
1626                 Message(scan_w_macro_too_deep);
1627                 break;
1628               end;
1630             if assigned(mac) and mac.defined then
1631               if assigned(mac.buftext) then
1632                 begin
1633                   if mac.buflen>255 then
1634                     begin
1635                       len:=255;
1636                       Message(scan_w_macro_cut_after_255_chars);
1637                     end
1638                   else
1639                     len:=mac.buflen;
1640                   hs[0]:=char(len);
1641                   move(mac.buftext^,hs[1],len);
1642                   searchstr:=upcase(hs);
1643                   mac.is_used:=true;
1644                 end
1645               else
1646                 begin
1647                   Message1(scan_e_error_macro_lacks_value,searchstr);
1648                   break;
1649                 end
1650             else
1651               break;
1653             if mac.is_compiler_var then
1654               break;
1655           until false;
1657           { At this point, result do contain the value. Do some decoding and
1658             determine the type.}
1659           result:=texprvalue.try_parse_number(searchstr);
1660           if not assigned(result) then
1661             begin
1662               if assigned(mac) and (searchstr='FALSE') then
1663                 result:=texprvalue.create_bool(false)
1664               else if assigned(mac) and (searchstr='TRUE') then
1665                 result:=texprvalue.create_bool(true)
1666               else if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and
1667                       (not assigned(mac) or not mac.defined) and
1668                       (macrocount = 1) then
1669                 begin
1670                   {Errors in mode mac is issued here. For non macpas modes there is
1671                    more liberty, but the error will eventually be caught at a later stage.}
1672                   Message1(scan_e_error_macro_undefined,searchstr);
1673                   result:=texprvalue.create_str(searchstr); { just to have something }
1674                 end
1675               else
1676                 result:=texprvalue.create_str(searchstr);
1677             end;
1678         end;
preproc_factornull1680         function preproc_factor(eval: Boolean):texprvalue;
1681         var
1682            hs,countstr,storedpattern: string;
1683            mac: tmacro;
1684            srsym : tsym;
1685            srsymtable : TSymtable;
1686            hdef : TDef;
1687            l : longint;
1688            hasKlammer: Boolean;
1689            exprvalue:texprvalue;
1690            ns:tnormalset;
1691         begin
1692           result:=nil;
1693           hasKlammer:=false;
1694            if current_scanner.preproc_token=_ID then
1695              begin
1696                 if current_scanner.preproc_pattern='DEFINED' then
1697                   begin
1698                     preproc_consume(_ID);
1699                     current_scanner.skipspace;
1700                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_LKLAMMER then
1701                       begin
1702                         preproc_consume(_LKLAMMER);
1703                         current_scanner.skipspace;
1704                         hasKlammer:= true;
1705                       end
1706                     else if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) then
1707                       hasKlammer:= false
1708                     else
1709                       Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
1711                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_ID then
1712                       begin
1713                         hs := current_scanner.preproc_pattern;
1714                         mac := tmacro(search_macro(hs));
1715                         if assigned(mac) and mac.defined then
1716                           begin
1717                             result:=texprvalue.create_bool(true);
1718                             mac.is_used:=true;
1719                           end
1720                         else
1721                           result:=texprvalue.create_bool(false);
1722                         preproc_consume(_ID);
1723                         current_scanner.skipspace;
1724                       end
1725                     else
1726                       Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
1728                     if hasKlammer then
1729                       if current_scanner.preproc_token =_RKLAMMER then
1730                         preproc_consume(_RKLAMMER)
1731                       else
1732                         Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
1733                   end
1734                 else
1735                 if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and (current_scanner.preproc_pattern='UNDEFINED') then
1736                   begin
1737                     preproc_consume(_ID);
1738                     current_scanner.skipspace;
1739                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_ID then
1740                       begin
1741                         hs := current_scanner.preproc_pattern;
1742                         mac := tmacro(search_macro(hs));
1743                         if assigned(mac) then
1744                           begin
1745                             result:=texprvalue.create_bool(false);
1746                             mac.is_used:=true;
1747                           end
1748                         else
1749                           result:=texprvalue.create_bool(true);
1750                         preproc_consume(_ID);
1751                         current_scanner.skipspace;
1752                       end
1753                     else
1754                       Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
1755                   end
1756                 else
1757                 if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and (current_scanner.preproc_pattern='OPTION') then
1758                   begin
1759                     preproc_consume(_ID);
1760                     current_scanner.skipspace;
1761                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_LKLAMMER then
1762                       begin
1763                         preproc_consume(_LKLAMMER);
1764                         current_scanner.skipspace;
1765                       end
1766                     else
1767                       Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
1769                     if not (current_scanner.preproc_token = _ID) then
1770                       Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
1772                     hs:=current_scanner.preproc_pattern;
1773                     if (length(hs) > 1) then
1774                       {This is allowed in Metrowerks Pascal}
1775                       Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr)
1776                     else
1777                       begin
1778                         if CheckSwitch(hs[1],'+') then
1779                           result:=texprvalue.create_bool(true)
1780                         else
1781                           result:=texprvalue.create_bool(false);
1782                       end;
1784                     preproc_consume(_ID);
1785                     current_scanner.skipspace;
1786                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_RKLAMMER then
1787                       preproc_consume(_RKLAMMER)
1788                     else
1789                       Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
1790                   end
1791                 else
1792                 if current_scanner.preproc_pattern='SIZEOF' then
1793                   begin
1794                     preproc_consume(_ID);
1795                     current_scanner.skipspace;
1796                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_LKLAMMER then
1797                       begin
1798                         preproc_consume(_LKLAMMER);
1799                         current_scanner.skipspace;
1800                       end
1801                     else
1802                       Message(scan_e_preproc_syntax_error);
1804                     storedpattern:=current_scanner.preproc_pattern;
1805                     preproc_consume(_ID);
1806                     current_scanner.skipspace;
1808                     if eval then
1809                       if searchsym(storedpattern,srsym,srsymtable) then
1810                         begin
1811                           try_consume_nestedsym(srsym,srsymtable);
1812                           l:=0;
1813                           if assigned(srsym) then
1814                             case srsym.typ of
1815                               staticvarsym,
1816                               localvarsym,
1817                               paravarsym :
1818                                 l:=tabstractvarsym(srsym).getsize;
1819                               typesym:
1820                                 l:=ttypesym(srsym).typedef.size;
1821                               else
1822                                 Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
1823                             end;
1824                           result:=texprvalue.create_int(l);
1825                         end
1826                       else
1827                         Message1(sym_e_id_not_found,storedpattern);
1829                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_RKLAMMER then
1830                       preproc_consume(_RKLAMMER)
1831                     else
1832                       Message(scan_e_preproc_syntax_error);
1833                   end
1834                 else
1835                 if current_scanner.preproc_pattern='HIGH' then
1836                   begin
1837                     preproc_consume(_ID);
1838                     current_scanner.skipspace;
1839                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_LKLAMMER then
1840                       begin
1841                         preproc_consume(_LKLAMMER);
1842                         current_scanner.skipspace;
1843                       end
1844                     else
1845                       Message(scan_e_preproc_syntax_error);
1847                     storedpattern:=current_scanner.preproc_pattern;
1848                     preproc_consume(_ID);
1849                     current_scanner.skipspace;
1851                     if eval then
1852                       if searchsym(storedpattern,srsym,srsymtable) then
1853                         begin
1854                           try_consume_nestedsym(srsym,srsymtable);
1855                           hdef:=nil;
1856                           hs:='';
1857                           l:=0;
1858                           if assigned(srsym) then
1859                             case srsym.typ of
1860                               staticvarsym,
1861                               localvarsym,
1862                               paravarsym :
1863                                 hdef:=tabstractvarsym(srsym).vardef;
1864                               typesym:
1865                                 hdef:=ttypesym(srsym).typedef;
1866                               else
1867                                 Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
1868                             end;
1869                           if assigned(hdef) then
1870                             begin
1871                               if hdef.typ=setdef then
1872                                 hdef:=tsetdef(hdef).elementdef;
1873                               case hdef.typ of
1874                                 orddef:
1875                                   with torddef(hdef).high do
1876                                     if signed then
1877                                       result:=texprvalue.create_int(svalue)
1878                                     else
1879                                       result:=texprvalue.create_uint(uvalue);
1880                                 enumdef:
1881                                   result:=texprvalue.create_int(tenumdef(hdef).maxval);
1882                                 arraydef:
1883                                   if is_open_array(hdef) or is_array_of_const(hdef) or is_dynamic_array(hdef) then
1884                                     Message(type_e_mismatch)
1885                                   else
1886                                     result:=texprvalue.create_int(tarraydef(hdef).highrange);
1887                                 stringdef:
1888                                   if is_open_string(hdef) or is_ansistring(hdef) or is_wide_or_unicode_string(hdef) then
1889                                     Message(type_e_mismatch)
1890                                   else
1891                                     result:=texprvalue.create_int(tstringdef(hdef).len);
1892                                 else
1893                                   Message(type_e_mismatch);
1894                               end;
1895                             end;
1896                         end
1897                       else
1898                         Message1(sym_e_id_not_found,storedpattern);
1900                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_RKLAMMER then
1901                       preproc_consume(_RKLAMMER)
1902                     else
1903                       Message(scan_e_preproc_syntax_error);
1904                   end
1905                 else
1906                 if current_scanner.preproc_pattern='DECLARED' then
1907                   begin
1908                     preproc_consume(_ID);
1909                     current_scanner.skipspace;
1910                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_LKLAMMER then
1911                       begin
1912                         preproc_consume(_LKLAMMER);
1913                         current_scanner.skipspace;
1914                       end
1915                     else
1916                       Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
1917                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_ID then
1918                       begin
1919                         hs := upper(current_scanner.preproc_pattern);
1920                         preproc_consume(_ID);
1921                         current_scanner.skipspace;
1922                         if current_scanner.preproc_token in [_LT,_LSHARPBRACKET] then
1923                           begin
1924                             l:=1;
1925                             preproc_consume(current_scanner.preproc_token);
1926                             current_scanner.skipspace;
1927                             while current_scanner.preproc_token=_COMMA do
1928                               begin
1929                                 inc(l);
1930                                 preproc_consume(_COMMA);
1931                                 current_scanner.skipspace;
1932                               end;
1933                             if not (current_scanner.preproc_token in [_GT,_RSHARPBRACKET]) then
1934                               Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr)
1935                             else
1936                               preproc_consume(current_scanner.preproc_token);
1937                             str(l,countstr);
1938                             hs:=hs+'$'+countstr;
1939                           end
1940                         else
1941                           { special case: <> }
1942                           if current_scanner.preproc_token=_NE then
1943                             begin
1944                               hs:=hs+'$1';
1945                               preproc_consume(_NE);
1946                             end;
1947                         current_scanner.skipspace;
1948                         if searchsym(hs,srsym,srsymtable) then
1949                           begin
1950                             { TSomeGeneric<...> also adds a TSomeGeneric symbol }
1951                             if (sp_generic_dummy in srsym.symoptions) and
1952                                 (srsym.typ=typesym) and
1953                                 (
1954                                   { mode delphi}
1955                                   (ttypesym(srsym).typedef.typ in [undefineddef,errordef]) or
1956                                   { non-delphi modes }
1957                                   (df_generic in ttypesym(srsym).typedef.defoptions)
1958                                 ) then
1959                               result:=texprvalue.create_bool(false)
1960                             else
1961                               result:=texprvalue.create_bool(true);
1962                           end
1963                         else
1964                           result:=texprvalue.create_bool(false);
1965                       end
1966                     else
1967                       Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
1968                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_RKLAMMER then
1969                       preproc_consume(_RKLAMMER)
1970                     else
1971                       Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
1972                   end
1973                 else
1974                 if current_scanner.preproc_pattern='ORD' then
1975                   begin
1976                     preproc_consume(_ID);
1977                     current_scanner.skipspace;
1978                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_LKLAMMER then
1979                       begin
1980                         preproc_consume(_LKLAMMER);
1981                         current_scanner.skipspace;
1982                       end
1983                     else
1984                       Message(scan_e_preproc_syntax_error);
1986                     exprvalue:=preproc_factor(eval);
1987                     if eval then
1988                       begin
1989                         if is_ordinal(exprvalue.def) then
1990                           result:=texprvalue.create_int(exprvalue.asInt)
1991                         else
1992                           begin
1993                             exprvalue.error('Ordinal','ORD');
1994                             result:=texprvalue.create_int(0);
1995                           end;
1996                       end
1997                     else
1998                       result:=texprvalue.create_int(0);
1999                     exprvalue.free;
2000                     if current_scanner.preproc_token =_RKLAMMER then
2001                       preproc_consume(_RKLAMMER)
2002                     else
2003                       Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
2004                   end
2005                 else
2006                 if current_scanner.preproc_pattern='NOT' then
2007                   begin
2008                     preproc_consume(_ID);
2009                     exprvalue:=preproc_factor(eval);
2010                     if eval then
2011                       result:=exprvalue.evaluate(nil,_OP_NOT)
2012                     else
2013                       result:=texprvalue.create_bool(false); {Just to have something}
2014                     exprvalue.free;
2015                   end
2016                 else
2017                 if (current_scanner.preproc_pattern='TRUE') then
2018                   begin
2019                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(true);
2020                     preproc_consume(_ID);
2021                   end
2022                 else
2023                 if (current_scanner.preproc_pattern='FALSE') then
2024                   begin
2025                     result:=texprvalue.create_bool(false);
2026                     preproc_consume(_ID);
2027                   end
2028                 else
2029                   begin
2030                     storedpattern:=current_scanner.preproc_pattern;
2031                     preproc_consume(_ID);
2032                     current_scanner.skipspace;
2033                     { first look for a macros/int/float }
2034                     result:=preproc_substitutedtoken(storedpattern,eval);
2035                     if eval and (result.consttyp=conststring) then
2036                       begin
2037                         if searchsym(storedpattern,srsym,srsymtable) then
2038                           begin
2039                             try_consume_nestedsym(srsym,srsymtable);
2040                             if assigned(srsym) then
2041                               case srsym.typ of
2042                                 constsym:
2043                                   begin
2044                                     result.free;
2045                                     result:=texprvalue.create_const(tconstsym(srsym));
2046                                   end;
2047                                 enumsym:
2048                                   begin
2049                                     result.free;
2050                                     result:=texprvalue.create_int(tenumsym(srsym).value);
2051                                   end;
2052                               end;
2053                           end
2054                         end
2055                       { skip id(<expr>) if expression must not be evaluated }
2056                       else if not(eval) and (result.consttyp=conststring) then
2057                         begin
2058                           if current_scanner.preproc_token =_LKLAMMER then
2059                             begin
2060                               preproc_consume(_LKLAMMER);
2061                               current_scanner.skipspace;
2063                               result:=preproc_factor(false);
2064                               if current_scanner.preproc_token =_RKLAMMER then
2065                                 preproc_consume(_RKLAMMER)
2066                               else
2067                                 Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
2068                             end;
2069                         end;
2070                   end
2071              end
2072            else if current_scanner.preproc_token =_LKLAMMER then
2073              begin
2074                 preproc_consume(_LKLAMMER);
2075                 result:=preproc_sub_expr(opcompare,eval);
2076                 preproc_consume(_RKLAMMER);
2077              end
2078            else if current_scanner.preproc_token = _LECKKLAMMER then
2079              begin
2080                preproc_consume(_LECKKLAMMER);
2081                ns:=[];
2082                while current_scanner.preproc_token in [_ID,_INTCONST] do
2083                begin
2084                  exprvalue:=preproc_factor(eval);
2085                  include(ns,exprvalue.asInt);
2086                  if current_scanner.preproc_token = _COMMA then
2087                    preproc_consume(_COMMA);
2088                end;
2089                // TODO Add check of setElemType
2090                preproc_consume(_RECKKLAMMER);
2091                result:=texprvalue.create_set(ns);
2092              end
2093            else if current_scanner.preproc_token = _INTCONST then
2094              begin
2095                result:=texprvalue.try_parse_number(current_scanner.preproc_pattern);
2096                if not assigned(result) then
2097                  begin
2098                    Message(parser_e_invalid_integer);
2099                    result:=texprvalue.create_int(1);
2100                  end;
2101                preproc_consume(_INTCONST);
2102              end
2103            else if current_scanner.preproc_token = _CSTRING then
2104              begin
2105                result:=texprvalue.create_str(current_scanner.preproc_pattern);
2106                preproc_consume(_CSTRING);
2107              end
2108            else if current_scanner.preproc_token = _REALNUMBER then
2109              begin
2110                result:=texprvalue.try_parse_real(current_scanner.preproc_pattern);
2111                if not assigned(result) then
2112                  begin
2113                    Message(parser_e_error_in_real);
2114                    result:=texprvalue.create_real(1.0);
2115                  end;
2116                preproc_consume(_REALNUMBER);
2117              end
2118            else
2119              Message(scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr);
2120            if not assigned(result) then
2121              result:=texprvalue.create_error;
2122         end;
preproc_sub_exprnull2124         function preproc_sub_expr(pred_level:Toperator_precedence;eval:Boolean): texprvalue;
2125         var
2126           hs1,hs2: texprvalue;
2127           op: ttoken;
2128         begin
2129            if pred_level=highest_precedence then
2130              result:=preproc_factor(eval)
2131            else
2132              result:=preproc_sub_expr(succ(pred_level),eval);
2133           repeat
2134             op:=current_scanner.preproc_token;
2135             if (op in preproc_operators) and
2136                (op in operator_levels[pred_level]) then
2137              begin
2138                hs1:=result;
2139                preproc_consume(op);
2140                if (op=_OP_OR) and hs1.isBoolean and hs1.asBool then
2141                  begin
2142                    { stop evaluation the rest of expression }
2143                    result:=texprvalue.create_bool(true);
2144                    if pred_level=highest_precedence then
2145                      hs2:=preproc_factor(false)
2146                    else
2147                      hs2:=preproc_sub_expr(succ(pred_level),false);
2148                  end
2149                else if (op=_OP_AND) and hs1.isBoolean and not hs1.asBool then
2150                  begin
2151                    { stop evaluation the rest of expression }
2152                    result:=texprvalue.create_bool(false);
2153                    if pred_level=highest_precedence then
2154                      hs2:=preproc_factor(false)
2155                    else
2156                      hs2:=preproc_sub_expr(succ(pred_level),false);
2157                  end
2158                else
2159                  begin
2160                    if pred_level=highest_precedence then
2161                      hs2:=preproc_factor(eval)
2162                    else
2163                      hs2:=preproc_sub_expr(succ(pred_level),eval);
2164                    if eval then
2165                      result:=hs1.evaluate(hs2,op)
2166                    else
2167                      result:=texprvalue.create_bool(false); {Just to have something}
2168                  end;
2169                hs1.free;
2170                hs2.free;
2171              end
2172            else
2173              break;
2174           until false;
2175         end;
2177      begin
2178        current_scanner.in_preproc_comp_expr:=true;
2179        current_scanner.skipspace;
2180        { start preproc expression scanner }
2181        current_scanner.preproc_token:=current_scanner.readpreproc;
2182        preproc_comp_expr:=preproc_sub_expr(opcompare,true);
2183        current_scanner.in_preproc_comp_expr:=false;
2184      end;
boolean_compile_time_exprnull2186     function boolean_compile_time_expr(var valuedescr: string): Boolean;
2187       var
2188         hs: texprvalue;
2189       begin
2190         hs:=preproc_comp_expr;
2191         if hs.isBoolean then
2192           result:=hs.asBool
2193         else
2194           begin
2195             hs.error('Boolean', 'IF or ELSEIF');
2196             result:=false;
2197           end;
2198         valuedescr:=hs.asStr;
2199         hs.free;
2200       end;
2202     procedure dir_if;
2203       begin
2204         current_scanner.ifpreprocstack(pp_if,@boolean_compile_time_expr, scan_c_if_found);
2205       end;
2207     procedure dir_elseif;
2208       begin
2209         current_scanner.elseifpreprocstack(@boolean_compile_time_expr);
2210       end;
2212     procedure dir_define_impl(macstyle: boolean);
2213       var
2214         hs  : string;
2215         bracketcount : longint;
2216         mac : tmacro;
2217         macropos : longint;
2218         macrobuffer : pmacrobuffer;
2219       begin
2220         current_scanner.skipspace;
2221         hs:=current_scanner.readid;
2222         mac:=tmacro(search_macro(hs));
2223         if not assigned(mac) or (mac.owner <> current_module.localmacrosymtable) then
2224           begin
2225             mac:=tmacro.create(hs);
2226             mac.defined:=true;
2227             current_module.localmacrosymtable.insert(mac);
2228           end
2229         else
2230           begin
2231             mac.defined:=true;
2232             mac.is_compiler_var:=false;
2233           { delete old definition }
2234             if assigned(mac.buftext) then
2235              begin
2236                freemem(mac.buftext,mac.buflen);
2237                mac.buftext:=nil;
2238              end;
2239           end;
2240         Message1(parser_c_macro_defined,mac.name);
2241         mac.is_used:=true;
2242         if (cs_support_macro in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
2243           begin
2244              current_scanner.skipspace;
2246              if not macstyle then
2247                begin
2248                  { may be a macro? }
2249                  if c <> ':' then
2250                    exit;
2251                  current_scanner.readchar;
2252                  if c <> '=' then
2253                    exit;
2254                  current_scanner.readchar;
2255                  current_scanner.skipspace;
2256                end;
2258              { key words are never substituted }
2259              if is_keyword(hs) then
2260                Message(scan_e_keyword_cant_be_a_macro);
2262              new(macrobuffer);
2263              macropos:=0;
2264              { parse macro, brackets are counted so it's possible
2265                to have a $ifdef etc. in the macro }
2266              bracketcount:=0;
2267              repeat
2268                case c of
2269                  '}' :
2270                    if (bracketcount=0) then
2271                     break
2272                    else
2273                     dec(bracketcount);
2274                  '{' :
2275                    inc(bracketcount);
2276                  #10,#13 :
2277                    current_scanner.linebreak;
2278                  #26 :
2279                    current_scanner.end_of_file;
2280                end;
2281                macrobuffer^[macropos]:=c;
2282                inc(macropos);
2283                if macropos>=maxmacrolen then
2284                  Message(scan_f_macro_buffer_overflow);
2285                current_scanner.readchar;
2286              until false;
2288              { free buffer of macro ?}
2289              if assigned(mac.buftext) then
2290                freemem(mac.buftext,mac.buflen);
2291              { get new mem }
2292              getmem(mac.buftext,macropos);
2293              mac.buflen:=macropos;
2294              { copy the text }
2295              move(macrobuffer^,mac.buftext^,macropos);
2296              dispose(macrobuffer);
2297           end
2298         else
2299           begin
2300            { check if there is an assignment, then we need to give a
2301              warning }
2302              current_scanner.skipspace;
2303              if c=':' then
2304               begin
2305                 current_scanner.readchar;
2306                 if c='=' then
2307                   Message(scan_w_macro_support_turned_off);
2308               end;
2309           end;
2310       end;
2312     procedure dir_define;
2313       begin
2314         dir_define_impl(false);
2315       end;
2317     procedure dir_definec;
2318       begin
2319         dir_define_impl(true);
2320       end;
2322     procedure dir_setc;
2323       var
2324         hs  : string;
2325         mac : tmacro;
2326         exprvalue: texprvalue;
2327       begin
2328         current_scanner.skipspace;
2329         hs:=current_scanner.readid;
2330         mac:=tmacro(search_macro(hs));
2331         if not assigned(mac) or
2332            (mac.owner <> current_module.localmacrosymtable) then
2333           begin
2334             mac:=tmacro.create(hs);
2335             mac.defined:=true;
2336             mac.is_compiler_var:=true;
2337             current_module.localmacrosymtable.insert(mac);
2338           end
2339         else
2340           begin
2341             mac.defined:=true;
2342             mac.is_compiler_var:=true;
2343           { delete old definition }
2344             if assigned(mac.buftext) then
2345              begin
2346                freemem(mac.buftext,mac.buflen);
2347                mac.buftext:=nil;
2348              end;
2349           end;
2350         Message1(parser_c_macro_defined,mac.name);
2351         mac.is_used:=true;
2353         { key words are never substituted }
2354         if is_keyword(hs) then
2355           Message(scan_e_keyword_cant_be_a_macro);
2357         { macro assignment can be both := and = }
2358         current_scanner.skipspace;
2359         if c=':' then
2360           current_scanner.readchar;
2361         if c='=' then
2362           begin
2363              current_scanner.readchar;
2364              exprvalue:=preproc_comp_expr;
2365              if not is_boolean(exprvalue.def) and
2366                 not is_integer(exprvalue.def) then
2367                exprvalue.error('Boolean, Integer', 'SETC');
2368              hs:=exprvalue.asStr;
2370              if length(hs) <> 0 then
2371                begin
2372                  {If we are absolutely shure it is boolean, translate
2373                   to TRUE/FALSE to increase possibility to do future type check}
2374                  if exprvalue.isBoolean then
2375                    begin
2376                      if exprvalue.asBool then
2377                        hs:='TRUE'
2378                      else
2379                        hs:='FALSE';
2380                    end;
2381                  Message2(parser_c_macro_set_to,mac.name,hs);
2382                  { free buffer of macro ?}
2383                  if assigned(mac.buftext) then
2384                    freemem(mac.buftext,mac.buflen);
2385                  { get new mem }
2386                  getmem(mac.buftext,length(hs));
2387                  mac.buflen:=length(hs);
2388                  { copy the text }
2389                  move(hs[1],mac.buftext^,mac.buflen);
2390                end
2391              else
2392                Message(scan_e_preproc_syntax_error);
2393              exprvalue.free;
2394           end
2395         else
2396           Message(scan_e_preproc_syntax_error);
2397       end;
2400     procedure dir_undef;
2401       var
2402         hs  : string;
2403         mac : tmacro;
2404       begin
2405         current_scanner.skipspace;
2406         hs:=current_scanner.readid;
2407         mac:=tmacro(search_macro(hs));
2408         if not assigned(mac) or
2409            (mac.owner <> current_module.localmacrosymtable) then
2410           begin
2411              mac:=tmacro.create(hs);
2412              mac.defined:=false;
2413              current_module.localmacrosymtable.insert(mac);
2414           end
2415         else
2416           begin
2417              mac.defined:=false;
2418              mac.is_compiler_var:=false;
2419              { delete old definition }
2420              if assigned(mac.buftext) then
2421                begin
2422                   freemem(mac.buftext,mac.buflen);
2423                   mac.buftext:=nil;
2424                end;
2425           end;
2426         Message1(parser_c_macro_undefined,mac.name);
2427         mac.is_used:=true;
2428       end;
2430     procedure dir_include;
findincludefilenull2432         function findincludefile(const path,name:TCmdStr;var foundfile:TCmdStr):boolean;
2433         var
2434           found  : boolean;
2435           hpath  : TCmdStr;
2436         begin
2437           (* look for the include file
2438            If path was absolute and specified as part of {$I } then
2439             1. specified path
2440            else
2441             1. path of current inputfile,current dir
2442             2. local includepath
2443             3. global includepath
2445             -- Check mantis #13461 before changing this *)
2446            found:=false;
2447            foundfile:='';
2448            hpath:='';
2449            if path_absolute(path) then
2450              begin
2451                found:=FindFile(name,path,true,foundfile);
2452              end
2453            else
2454              begin
2455                hpath:=current_scanner.inputfile.path+';'+CurDirRelPath(source_info);
2456                found:=FindFile(path+name, hpath,true,foundfile);
2457                if not found then
2458                  found:=current_module.localincludesearchpath.FindFile(path+name,true,foundfile);
2459                if not found  then
2460                  found:=includesearchpath.FindFile(path+name,true,foundfile);
2461              end;
2462            result:=found;
2463         end;
2465       var
2466         foundfile : TCmdStr;
2467         path,
2468         name,
2469         hs    : tpathstr;
2470         args  : string;
2471         hp    : tinputfile;
2472         found : boolean;
2473         macroIsString : boolean;
2474       begin
2475         current_scanner.skipspace;
2476         args:=current_scanner.readcomment;
2477         hs:=GetToken(args,' ');
2478         if hs='' then
2479          exit;
2480         if (hs[1]='%') then
2481          begin
2482          { case insensitive }
2483            hs:=upper(hs);
2484          { remove %'s }
2485            Delete(hs,1,1);
2486            if hs[length(hs)]='%' then
2487             Delete(hs,length(hs),1);
2488          { save old }
2489            path:=hs;
2490          { first check for internal macros }
2491            macroIsString:=true;
2492            case hs of
2493              'TIME':
2494                hs:=gettimestr;
2495              'DATE':
2496                hs:=getdatestr;
2497              'DATEYEAR':
2498                begin
2499                  hs:=tostr(startsystime.Year);
2500                  macroIsString:=false;
2501                end;
2502              'DATEMONTH':
2503                begin
2504                  hs:=tostr(startsystime.Month);
2505                  macroIsString:=false;
2506                end;
2507              'DATEDAY':
2508                begin
2509                  hs:=tostr(startsystime.Day);
2510                  macroIsString:=false;
2511                end;
2512              'TIMEHOUR':
2513                begin
2514                  hs:=tostr(startsystime.Hour);
2515                  macroIsString:=false;
2516                end;
2517              'TIMEMINUTE':
2518                begin
2519                  hs:=tostr(startsystime.Minute);
2520                  macroIsString:=false;
2521                end;
2522              'TIMESECOND':
2523                begin
2524                  hs:=tostr(startsystime.Second);
2525                  macroIsString:=false;
2526                end;
2527              'FILE':
2528                hs:=current_module.sourcefiles.get_file_name(current_filepos.fileindex);
2529              'LINE':
2530                hs:=tostr(current_filepos.line);
2531              'LINENUM':
2532                begin
2533                  hs:=tostr(current_filepos.line);
2534                  macroIsString:=false;
2535                end;
2536              'FPCVERSION':
2537                hs:=version_string;
2538              'FPCDATE':
2539                hs:=date_string;
2540              'FPCTARGET':
2541                hs:=target_cpu_string;
2542              'FPCTARGETCPU':
2543                hs:=target_cpu_string;
2544              'FPCTARGETOS':
2545                hs:=target_info.shortname;
2546              'CURRENTROUTINE':
2547                hs:=current_procinfo.procdef.procsym.RealName;
2548              else
2549                hs:=GetEnvironmentVariable(hs);
2550            end;
2551            if hs='' then
2552             Message1(scan_w_include_env_not_found,path);
2553            { make it a stringconst }
2554            if macroIsString then
2555              hs:=''''+hs+'''';
2556            current_scanner.substitutemacro(path,@hs[1],length(hs),
2557              current_scanner.line_no,current_scanner.inputfile.ref_index);
2558          end
2559         else
2560          begin
2561            hs:=FixFileName(hs);
2562            path:=ExtractFilePath(hs);
2563            name:=ExtractFileName(hs);
2564            { Special case for Delphi compatibility: '*' has to be replaced
2565              by the file name of the current source file.  }
2566            if (length(name)>=1) and
2567               (name[1]='*') then
2568              name:=ChangeFileExt(current_module.sourcefiles.get_file_name(current_filepos.fileindex),'')+ExtractFileExt(name);
2570            { try to find the file }
2571            found:=findincludefile(path,name,foundfile);
2572            if (not found) and (ExtractFileExt(name)='') then
2573             begin
2574               { try default extensions .inc , .pp and .pas }
2575               if (not found) then
2576                found:=findincludefile(path,ChangeFileExt(name,'.inc'),foundfile);
2577               if (not found) then
2578                found:=findincludefile(path,ChangeFileExt(name,sourceext),foundfile);
2579               if (not found) then
2580                found:=findincludefile(path,ChangeFileExt(name,pasext),foundfile);
2581             end;
2582            { if the name ends in dot, try without the dot }
2583            if (not found) and (ExtractFileExt(name)=ExtensionSeparator) and (Length(name)>=2) then
2584              found:=findincludefile(path,Copy(name,1,Length(name)-1),foundfile);
2585            if current_scanner.inputfilecount<max_include_nesting then
2586              begin
2587                inc(current_scanner.inputfilecount);
2588                { we need to reread the current char }
2589                dec(current_scanner.inputpointer);
2590                { reset c }
2591                c:=#0;
2592                { shutdown current file }
2593                current_scanner.tempcloseinputfile;
2594                { load new file }
2595                hp:=do_openinputfile(foundfile);
2596                hp.inc_path:=path;
2597                current_scanner.addfile(hp);
2598                current_module.sourcefiles.register_file(hp);
2599                if (not found) then
2600                 Message1(scan_f_cannot_open_includefile,hs);
2601               if (not current_scanner.openinputfile) then
2602                 Message1(scan_f_cannot_open_includefile,hs);
2603                Message1(scan_t_start_include_file,current_scanner.inputfile.path+current_scanner.inputfile.name);
2604                current_scanner.reload;
2605              end
2606            else
2607              Message(scan_f_include_deep_ten);
2608          end;
2609       end;
2612 {*****************************************************************************
2613                             Preprocessor writing
2614 *****************************************************************************}
2616 {$ifdef PREPROCWRITE}
2617     constructor tpreprocfile.create(const fn:string);
2618       begin
2619         inherited create;
2620       { open outputfile }
2621         assign(f,fn);
2622         {$push}{$I-}
2623          rewrite(f);
2624         {$pop}
2625         if ioresult<>0 then
2626          Comment(V_Fatal,'can''t create file '+fn);
2627         getmem(buf,preprocbufsize);
2628         settextbuf(f,buf^,preprocbufsize);
2629       { reset }
2630         eolfound:=false;
2631         spacefound:=false;
2632       end;
2635     destructor tpreprocfile.destroy;
2636       begin
2637         close(f);
2638         freemem(buf,preprocbufsize);
2639       end;
2642     procedure tpreprocfile.add(const s:string);
2643       begin
2644         write(f,s);
2645       end;
2647     procedure tpreprocfile.addspace;
2648       begin
2649         if eolfound then
2650          begin
2651            writeln(f,'');
2652            eolfound:=false;
2653            spacefound:=false;
2654          end
2655         else
2656          if spacefound then
2657           begin
2658             write(f,' ');
2659             spacefound:=false;
2660           end;
2661       end;
2662 {$endif PREPROCWRITE}
2665 {*****************************************************************************
2666                               TPreProcStack
2667 *****************************************************************************}
2669     constructor tpreprocstack.create(atyp : preproctyp;a:boolean;n:tpreprocstack);
2670       begin
2671         accept:=a;
2672         typ:=atyp;
2673         next:=n;
2674       end;
2676 {*****************************************************************************
2677                               TReplayStack
2678 *****************************************************************************}
2679     constructor treplaystack.Create(atoken:ttoken;aidtoken:ttoken;
2680       const aorgpattern,apattern:string;const acstringpattern:ansistring;
2681       apatternw:pcompilerwidestring;asettings:tsettings;
2682       atokenbuf:tdynamicarray;change_endian:boolean;anext:treplaystack);
2683       begin
2684         token:=atoken;
2685         idtoken:=aidtoken;
2686         orgpattern:=aorgpattern;
2687         pattern:=apattern;
2688         cstringpattern:=acstringpattern;
2689         initwidestring(patternw);
2690         if assigned(apatternw) then
2691           begin
2692             setlengthwidestring(patternw,apatternw^.len);
2693             move(apatternw^.data^,patternw^.data^,apatternw^.len*sizeof(tcompilerwidechar));
2694           end;
2695         settings:=asettings;
2696         tokenbuf:=atokenbuf;
2697         tokenbuf_needs_swapping:=change_endian;
2698         next:=anext;
2699       end;
2702     destructor treplaystack.destroy;
2703       begin
2704         donewidestring(patternw);
2705       end;
2707 {*****************************************************************************
2708                               TDirectiveItem
2709 *****************************************************************************}
2711     constructor TDirectiveItem.Create(AList:TFPHashObjectList;const n:string;p:tdirectiveproc);
2712       begin
2713         inherited Create(AList,n);
2714         is_conditional:=false;
2715         proc:=p;
2716       end;
2719     constructor TDirectiveItem.CreateCond(AList:TFPHashObjectList;const n:string;p:tdirectiveproc);
2720       begin
2721         inherited Create(AList,n);
2722         is_conditional:=true;
2723         proc:=p;
2724       end;
2726 {****************************************************************************
2727                                 TSCANNERFILE
2728  ****************************************************************************}
2730     constructor tscannerfile.create(const fn:string; is_macro: boolean = false);
2731       begin
2732         inputfile:=do_openinputfile(fn);
2733         if is_macro then
2734           inputfile.is_macro:=true;
2735         if assigned(current_module) then
2736           current_module.sourcefiles.register_file(inputfile);
2737       { reset localinput }
2738         c:=#0;
2739         inputbuffer:=nil;
2740         inputpointer:=nil;
2741         inputstart:=0;
2742       { reset scanner }
2743         preprocstack:=nil;
2744         replaystack:=nil;
2745         comment_level:=0;
2746         yylexcount:=0;
2747         block_type:=bt_general;
2748         line_no:=0;
2749         lastlinepos:=0;
2750         lasttokenpos:=0;
2751         nexttokenpos:=0;
2752         lasttoken:=NOTOKEN;
2753         nexttoken:=NOTOKEN;
2754         ignoredirectives:=TFPHashList.Create;
2755         change_endian_for_replay:=false;
2756       end;
2759     procedure tscannerfile.firstfile;
2760       begin
2761       { load block }
2762         if not openinputfile then
2763           Message1(scan_f_cannot_open_input,inputfile.name);
2764         reload;
2765       end;
2768     destructor tscannerfile.destroy;
2769       begin
2770         if assigned(current_module) and
2771            (current_module.state=ms_compiled) and
2772            (status.errorcount=0) then
2773           checkpreprocstack
2774         else
2775           begin
2776             while assigned(preprocstack) do
2777              poppreprocstack;
2778           end;
2779         while assigned(replaystack) do
2780           popreplaystack;
2781         if not inputfile.closed then
2782           closeinputfile;
2783         if inputfile.is_macro then
2784           inputfile.free;
2785         ignoredirectives.free;
2786       end;
tscannerfile.openinputfilenull2789     function tscannerfile.openinputfile:boolean;
2790       begin
2791         openinputfile:=inputfile.open;
2792       { load buffer }
2793         inputbuffer:=inputfile.buf;
2794         inputpointer:=inputfile.buf;
2795         inputstart:=inputfile.bufstart;
2796       { line }
2797         line_no:=0;
2798         lastlinepos:=0;
2799         lasttokenpos:=0;
2800         nexttokenpos:=0;
2801       end;
2804     procedure tscannerfile.closeinputfile;
2805       begin
2806         inputfile.close;
2807       { reset buffer }
2808         inputbuffer:=nil;
2809         inputpointer:=nil;
2810         inputstart:=0;
2811       { reset line }
2812         line_no:=0;
2813         lastlinepos:=0;
2814         lasttokenpos:=0;
2815         nexttokenpos:=0;
2816       end;
tscannerfile.tempopeninputfilenull2819     function tscannerfile.tempopeninputfile:boolean;
2820       begin
2821         tempopeninputfile:=false;
2822         if inputfile.is_macro then
2823           exit;
2824         tempopeninputfile:=inputfile.tempopen;
2825       { reload buffer }
2826         inputbuffer:=inputfile.buf;
2827         inputpointer:=inputfile.buf;
2828         inputstart:=inputfile.bufstart;
2829       end;
2832     procedure tscannerfile.tempcloseinputfile;
2833       begin
2834         if inputfile.closed or inputfile.is_macro then
2835          exit;
2836         inputfile.setpos(inputstart+(inputpointer-inputbuffer));
2837         inputfile.tempclose;
2838       { reset buffer }
2839         inputbuffer:=nil;
2840         inputpointer:=nil;
2841         inputstart:=0;
2842       end;
2845     procedure tscannerfile.saveinputfile;
2846       begin
2847         inputfile.saveinputpointer:=inputpointer;
2848         inputfile.savelastlinepos:=lastlinepos;
2849         inputfile.saveline_no:=line_no;
2850       end;
2853     procedure tscannerfile.restoreinputfile;
2854       begin
2855         inputbuffer:=inputfile.buf;
2856         inputpointer:=inputfile.saveinputpointer;
2857         lastlinepos:=inputfile.savelastlinepos;
2858         line_no:=inputfile.saveline_no;
2859         if not inputfile.is_macro then
2860           parser_current_file:=inputfile.name;
2861       end;
2864     procedure tscannerfile.nextfile;
2865       var
2866         to_dispose : tinputfile;
2867       begin
2868         if assigned(inputfile.next) then
2869          begin
2870            if inputfile.is_macro then
2871              to_dispose:=inputfile
2872            else
2873              begin
2874                to_dispose:=nil;
2875                dec(inputfilecount);
2876              end;
2877            { we can allways close the file, no ? }
2878            inputfile.close;
2879            inputfile:=inputfile.next;
2880            if assigned(to_dispose) then
2881              to_dispose.free;
2882            restoreinputfile;
2883          end;
2884       end;
2887     procedure tscannerfile.startrecordtokens(buf:tdynamicarray);
2888       begin
2889         if not assigned(buf) then
2890           internalerror(200511172);
2891         if assigned(recordtokenbuf) then
2892           internalerror(200511173);
2893         recordtokenbuf:=buf;
2894         fillchar(last_settings,sizeof(last_settings),0);
2895         last_message:=nil;
2896         fillchar(last_filepos,sizeof(last_filepos),0);
2897       end;
2900     procedure tscannerfile.stoprecordtokens;
2901       begin
2902         if not assigned(recordtokenbuf) then
2903           internalerror(200511174);
2904         recordtokenbuf:=nil;
2905       end;
tscannerfile.is_recording_tokensnull2907     function tscannerfile.is_recording_tokens: boolean;
2908       begin
2909         result:=assigned(recordtokenbuf);
2910       end;
2913     procedure tscannerfile.writetoken(t : ttoken);
2914       var
2915         b : byte;
2916       begin
2917         if ord(t)>$7f then
2918           begin
2919             b:=(ord(t) shr 8) or $80;
2920             recordtokenbuf.write(b,1);
2921           end;
2922         b:=ord(t) and $ff;
2923         recordtokenbuf.write(b,1);
2924       end;
2926     procedure tscannerfile.tokenwritesizeint(val : asizeint);
2927       begin
2928         recordtokenbuf.write(val,sizeof(asizeint));
2929       end;
2931     procedure tscannerfile.tokenwritelongint(val : longint);
2932       begin
2933         recordtokenbuf.write(val,sizeof(longint));
2934       end;
2936     procedure tscannerfile.tokenwriteshortint(val : shortint);
2937       begin
2938         recordtokenbuf.write(val,sizeof(shortint));
2939       end;
2941     procedure tscannerfile.tokenwriteword(val : word);
2942       begin
2943         recordtokenbuf.write(val,sizeof(word));
2944       end;
2946     procedure tscannerfile.tokenwritelongword(val : longword);
2947       begin
2948         recordtokenbuf.write(val,sizeof(longword));
2949       end;
tscannerfile.tokenreadsizeintnull2951     function tscannerfile.tokenreadsizeint : asizeint;
2952       var
2953         val : asizeint;
2954       begin
2955         replaytokenbuf.read(val,sizeof(asizeint));
2956         if change_endian_for_replay then
2957           val:=swapendian(val);
2958         result:=val;
2959       end;
tscannerfile.tokenreadlongwordnull2961     function tscannerfile.tokenreadlongword : longword;
2962       var
2963         val : longword;
2964       begin
2965         replaytokenbuf.read(val,sizeof(longword));
2966         if change_endian_for_replay then
2967           val:=swapendian(val);
2968         result:=val;
2969       end;
tscannerfile.tokenreadlongintnull2971     function tscannerfile.tokenreadlongint : longint;
2972       var
2973         val : longint;
2974       begin
2975         replaytokenbuf.read(val,sizeof(longint));
2976         if change_endian_for_replay then
2977           val:=swapendian(val);
2978         result:=val;
2979       end;
tscannerfile.tokenreadshortintnull2981     function tscannerfile.tokenreadshortint : shortint;
2982       var
2983         val : shortint;
2984       begin
2985         replaytokenbuf.read(val,sizeof(shortint));
2986         result:=val;
2987       end;
tscannerfile.tokenreadbytenull2989     function tscannerfile.tokenreadbyte : byte;
2990       var
2991         val : byte;
2992       begin
2993         replaytokenbuf.read(val,sizeof(byte));
2994         result:=val;
2995       end;
tscannerfile.tokenreadsmallintnull2997     function tscannerfile.tokenreadsmallint : smallint;
2998       var
2999         val : smallint;
3000       begin
3001         replaytokenbuf.read(val,sizeof(smallint));
3002         if change_endian_for_replay then
3003           val:=swapendian(val);
3004         result:=val;
3005       end;
tscannerfile.tokenreadwordnull3007     function tscannerfile.tokenreadword : word;
3008       var
3009         val : word;
3010       begin
3011         replaytokenbuf.read(val,sizeof(word));
3012         if change_endian_for_replay then
3013           val:=swapendian(val);
3014         result:=val;
3015       end;
tscannerfile.tokenreadenumnull3017    function tscannerfile.tokenreadenum(size : longint) : longword;
3018    begin
3019      if size=1 then
3020        result:=tokenreadbyte
3021      else if size=2 then
3022        result:=tokenreadword
3023      else if size=4 then
3024        result:=tokenreadlongword
3025      else
3026        internalerror(2013112901);
3027    end;
3029    procedure tscannerfile.tokenreadset(var b;size : longint);
3030    var
3031      i : longint;
3032    begin
3033      replaytokenbuf.read(b,size);
3034      if change_endian_for_replay then
3035        for i:=0 to size-1 do
3036          Pbyte(@b)[i]:=reverse_byte(Pbyte(@b)[i]);
3037    end;
3039    procedure tscannerfile.tokenwriteenum(var b;size : longint);
3040    begin
3041      recordtokenbuf.write(b,size);
3042    end;
3044    procedure tscannerfile.tokenwriteset(var b;size : longint);
3045    begin
3046      recordtokenbuf.write(b,size);
3047    end;
3050     procedure tscannerfile.tokenreadsettings(var asettings : tsettings; expected_size : asizeint);
3052     {    This procedure
3053        needs to be changed whenever
3054        globals.tsettings type is changed,
3055        the problem is that no error will appear
3056        before tests with generics are tested. PM }
3058        var
3059          startpos, endpos : longword;
3060       begin
3061         { WARNING all those fields need to be in the correct
3062         order otherwise cross_endian PPU reading will fail }
3063         startpos:=replaytokenbuf.pos;
3064         with asettings do
3065           begin
3066             alignment.procalign:=tokenreadlongint;
3067             alignment.loopalign:=tokenreadlongint;
3068             alignment.jumpalign:=tokenreadlongint;
3069             alignment.constalignmin:=tokenreadlongint;
3070             alignment.constalignmax:=tokenreadlongint;
3071             alignment.varalignmin:=tokenreadlongint;
3072             alignment.varalignmax:=tokenreadlongint;
3073             alignment.localalignmin:=tokenreadlongint;
3074             alignment.localalignmax:=tokenreadlongint;
3075             alignment.recordalignmin:=tokenreadlongint;
3076             alignment.recordalignmax:=tokenreadlongint;
3077             alignment.maxCrecordalign:=tokenreadlongint;
3078             tokenreadset(globalswitches,sizeof(globalswitches));
3079             tokenreadset(targetswitches,sizeof(targetswitches));
3080             tokenreadset(moduleswitches,sizeof(moduleswitches));
3081             tokenreadset(localswitches,sizeof(localswitches));
3082             tokenreadset(modeswitches,sizeof(modeswitches));
3083             tokenreadset(optimizerswitches,sizeof(optimizerswitches));
3084             tokenreadset(genwpoptimizerswitches,sizeof(genwpoptimizerswitches));
3085             tokenreadset(dowpoptimizerswitches,sizeof(dowpoptimizerswitches));
3086             tokenreadset(debugswitches,sizeof(debugswitches));
3087             { 0: old behaviour for sets <=256 elements
3088               >0: round to this size }
3089             setalloc:=tokenreadshortint;
3090             packenum:=tokenreadshortint;
3092             packrecords:=tokenreadshortint;
3093             maxfpuregisters:=tokenreadshortint;
3096             cputype:=tcputype(tokenreadenum(sizeof(tcputype)));
3097             optimizecputype:=tcputype(tokenreadenum(sizeof(tcputype)));
3098             fputype:=tfputype(tokenreadenum(sizeof(tfputype)));
3099             asmmode:=tasmmode(tokenreadenum(sizeof(tasmmode)));
3100             interfacetype:=tinterfacetypes(tokenreadenum(sizeof(tinterfacetypes)));
3101             defproccall:=tproccalloption(tokenreadenum(sizeof(tproccalloption)));
3102             { tstringencoding is word type,
3103               thus this should be OK here }
3104             sourcecodepage:=tstringEncoding(tokenreadword);
3106             minfpconstprec:=tfloattype(tokenreadenum(sizeof(tfloattype)));
3108             disabledircache:=boolean(tokenreadbyte);
3109 { TH: Since the field was conditional originally, it was not stored in PPUs.  }
3110 { While adding ControllerSupport constant, I decided not to store ct_none     }
3111 { on targets not supporting controllers, but this might be changed here and   }
3112 { in tokenwritesettings in the future to unify the PPU structure and handling }
3113 { of this field in the compiler.                                              }
3114 {$PUSH}
3115  {$WARN 6018 OFF} (* Unreachable code due to compile time evaluation *)
3116             if ControllerSupport then
3117              controllertype:=tcontrollertype(tokenreadenum(sizeof(tcontrollertype)))
3118             else
3119              ControllerType:=ct_none;
3120 {$POP}
3121            endpos:=replaytokenbuf.pos;
3122            if endpos-startpos<>expected_size then
3123              Comment(V_Error,'Wrong size of Settings read-in');
3124          end;
3125      end;
3127     procedure tscannerfile.tokenwritesettings(var asettings : tsettings; var size : asizeint);
3129     {    This procedure
3130        needs to be changed whenever
3131        globals.tsettings type is changed,
3132        the problem is that no error will appear
3133        before tests with generics are tested. PM }
3135        var
3136          sizepos, startpos, endpos : longword;
3137       begin
3138         { WARNING all those fields need to be in the correct
3139         order otherwise cross_endian PPU reading will fail }
3140         sizepos:=recordtokenbuf.pos;
3141         size:=0;
3142         tokenwritesizeint(size);
3143         startpos:=recordtokenbuf.pos;
3144         with asettings do
3145           begin
3146             tokenwritelongint(alignment.procalign);
3147             tokenwritelongint(alignment.loopalign);
3148             tokenwritelongint(alignment.jumpalign);
3149             tokenwritelongint(alignment.constalignmin);
3150             tokenwritelongint(alignment.constalignmax);
3151             tokenwritelongint(alignment.varalignmin);
3152             tokenwritelongint(alignment.varalignmax);
3153             tokenwritelongint(alignment.localalignmin);
3154             tokenwritelongint(alignment.localalignmax);
3155             tokenwritelongint(alignment.recordalignmin);
3156             tokenwritelongint(alignment.recordalignmax);
3157             tokenwritelongint(alignment.maxCrecordalign);
3158             tokenwriteset(globalswitches,sizeof(globalswitches));
3159             tokenwriteset(targetswitches,sizeof(targetswitches));
3160             tokenwriteset(moduleswitches,sizeof(moduleswitches));
3161             tokenwriteset(localswitches,sizeof(localswitches));
3162             tokenwriteset(modeswitches,sizeof(modeswitches));
3163             tokenwriteset(optimizerswitches,sizeof(optimizerswitches));
3164             tokenwriteset(genwpoptimizerswitches,sizeof(genwpoptimizerswitches));
3165             tokenwriteset(dowpoptimizerswitches,sizeof(dowpoptimizerswitches));
3166             tokenwriteset(debugswitches,sizeof(debugswitches));
3167             { 0: old behaviour for sets <=256 elements
3168               >0: round to this size }
3169             tokenwriteshortint(setalloc);
3170             tokenwriteshortint(packenum);
3171             tokenwriteshortint(packrecords);
3172             tokenwriteshortint(maxfpuregisters);
3174             tokenwriteenum(cputype,sizeof(tcputype));
3175             tokenwriteenum(optimizecputype,sizeof(tcputype));
3176             tokenwriteenum(fputype,sizeof(tfputype));
3177             tokenwriteenum(asmmode,sizeof(tasmmode));
3178             tokenwriteenum(interfacetype,sizeof(tinterfacetypes));
3179             tokenwriteenum(defproccall,sizeof(tproccalloption));
3180             { tstringencoding is word type,
3181               thus this should be OK here }
3182             tokenwriteword(sourcecodepage);
3184             tokenwriteenum(minfpconstprec,sizeof(tfloattype));
3186             recordtokenbuf.write(byte(disabledircache),1);
3187 { TH: See note about controllertype field in tokenreadsettings. }
3188 {$PUSH}
3189  {$WARN 6018 OFF} (* Unreachable code due to compile time evaluation *)
3190             if ControllerSupport then
3191               tokenwriteenum(controllertype,sizeof(tcontrollertype));
3192 {$POP}
3193            endpos:=recordtokenbuf.pos;
3194            size:=endpos-startpos;
3195            recordtokenbuf.seek(sizepos);
3196            tokenwritesizeint(size);
3197            recordtokenbuf.seek(endpos);
3198          end;
3199      end;
3202     procedure tscannerfile.recordtoken;
3203       var
3204         t : ttoken;
3205         s : tspecialgenerictoken;
3206         len,msgnb,copy_size : asizeint;
3207         val : longint;
3208         b : byte;
3209         pmsg : pmessagestaterecord;
3210       begin
3211         if not assigned(recordtokenbuf) then
3212           internalerror(200511176);
3214         { settings changed? }
3215         { last field pmessage is handled separately below in
3216           ST_LOADMESSAGES }
3217         if CompareByte(current_settings,last_settings,
3218              sizeof(current_settings)-sizeof(pointer))<>0 then
3219           begin
3220             { use a special token to record it }
3221             s:=ST_LOADSETTINGS;
3222             writetoken(t);
3223             recordtokenbuf.write(s,1);
3224             copy_size:=sizeof(current_settings)-sizeof(pointer);
3225             tokenwritesettings(current_settings,copy_size);
3226             last_settings:=current_settings;
3227           end;
3229         if current_settings.pmessage<>last_message then
3230           begin
3231             { use a special token to record it }
3232             s:=ST_LOADMESSAGES;
3233             writetoken(t);
3234             recordtokenbuf.write(s,1);
3235             msgnb:=0;
3236             pmsg:=current_settings.pmessage;
3237             while assigned(pmsg) do
3238               begin
3239                 if msgnb=high(asizeint) then
3240                   { Too many messages }
3241                   internalerror(2011090401);
3242                 inc(msgnb);
3243                 pmsg:=pmsg^.next;
3244               end;
3245             tokenwritesizeint(msgnb);
3246             pmsg:=current_settings.pmessage;
3247             while assigned(pmsg) do
3248               begin
3249                 { What about endianess here?}
3250                 { SB: this is handled by tokenreadlongint }
3251                 val:=pmsg^.value;
3252                 tokenwritelongint(val);
3253                 val:=ord(pmsg^.state);
3254                 tokenwritelongint(val);
3255                 pmsg:=pmsg^.next;
3256               end;
3257             last_message:=current_settings.pmessage;
3258           end;
3260         { file pos changes? }
3261         if current_tokenpos.line<>last_filepos.line then
3262           begin
3263             s:=ST_LINE;
3264             writetoken(t);
3265             recordtokenbuf.write(s,1);
3266             tokenwritelongint(current_tokenpos.line);
3267             last_filepos.line:=current_tokenpos.line;
3268           end;
3269         if current_tokenpos.column<>last_filepos.column then
3270           begin
3271             s:=ST_COLUMN;
3272             writetoken(t);
3273             { can the column be written packed? }
3274             if current_tokenpos.column<$80 then
3275               begin
3276                 b:=$80 or current_tokenpos.column;
3277                 recordtokenbuf.write(b,1);
3278               end
3279             else
3280               begin
3281                 recordtokenbuf.write(s,1);
3282                 tokenwriteword(current_tokenpos.column);
3283               end;
3284             last_filepos.column:=current_tokenpos.column;
3285           end;
3286         if current_tokenpos.fileindex<>last_filepos.fileindex then
3287           begin
3288             s:=ST_FILEINDEX;
3289             writetoken(t);
3290             recordtokenbuf.write(s,1);
3291             tokenwriteword(current_tokenpos.fileindex);
3292             last_filepos.fileindex:=current_tokenpos.fileindex;
3293           end;
3295         writetoken(token);
3296         if token<>_GENERICSPECIALTOKEN then
3297           writetoken(idtoken);
3298         case token of
3299           _CWCHAR,
3300           _CWSTRING :
3301             begin
3302               tokenwritesizeint(patternw^.len);
3303               if patternw^.len>0 then
3304                 recordtokenbuf.write(patternw^.data^,patternw^.len*sizeof(tcompilerwidechar));
3305             end;
3306           _CSTRING:
3307             begin
3308               len:=length(cstringpattern);
3309               tokenwritesizeint(len);
3310               if len>0 then
3311                 recordtokenbuf.write(cstringpattern[1],len);
3312             end;
3313           _CCHAR,
3314           _INTCONST,
3315           _REALNUMBER :
3316             begin
3317               { pexpr.pas messes with pattern in case of negative integer consts,
3318                 see around line 2562 the comment of JM; remove the - before recording it
3319                                                      (FK)
3320               }
3321               if (token=_INTCONST) and (pattern[1]='-') then
3322                 delete(pattern,1,1);
3323               recordtokenbuf.write(pattern[0],1);
3324               recordtokenbuf.write(pattern[1],length(pattern));
3325             end;
3326           _ID :
3327             begin
3328               recordtokenbuf.write(orgpattern[0],1);
3329               recordtokenbuf.write(orgpattern[1],length(orgpattern));
3330             end;
3331         end;
3332       end;
3335     procedure tscannerfile.startreplaytokens(buf:tdynamicarray; change_endian:boolean);
3336       begin
3337         if not assigned(buf) then
3338           internalerror(200511175);
3340         { save current scanner state }
3341         replaystack:=treplaystack.create(token,idtoken,orgpattern,pattern,
3342           cstringpattern,patternw,current_settings,replaytokenbuf,change_endian_for_replay,replaystack);
3343         if assigned(inputpointer) then
3344           dec(inputpointer);
3345         { install buffer }
3346         replaytokenbuf:=buf;
3348         { Initialize value of change_endian_for_replay variable }
3349         change_endian_for_replay:=change_endian;
3351         { reload next token }
3352         replaytokenbuf.seek(0);
3353         replaytoken;
3354       end;
tscannerfile.readtokennull3357     function tscannerfile.readtoken: ttoken;
3358       var
3359         b,b2 : byte;
3360       begin
3361         replaytokenbuf.read(b,1);
3362         if (b and $80)<>0 then
3363           begin
3364             replaytokenbuf.read(b2,1);
3365             result:=ttoken(((b and $7f) shl 8) or b2);
3366           end
3367         else
3368           result:=ttoken(b);
3369       end;
3372     procedure tscannerfile.replaytoken;
3373       var
3374         wlen,mesgnb,copy_size : asizeint;
3375         specialtoken : tspecialgenerictoken;
3376         i : byte;
3377         pmsg,prevmsg : pmessagestaterecord;
3378       begin
3379         if not assigned(replaytokenbuf) then
3380           internalerror(200511177);
3381         { End of replay buffer? Then load the next char from the file again }
3382         if replaytokenbuf.pos>=replaytokenbuf.size then
3383           begin
3384             token:=replaystack.token;
3385             idtoken:=replaystack.idtoken;
3386             pattern:=replaystack.pattern;
3387             orgpattern:=replaystack.orgpattern;
3388             setlengthwidestring(patternw,replaystack.patternw^.len);
3389             move(replaystack.patternw^.data^,patternw^.data^,replaystack.patternw^.len*sizeof(tcompilerwidechar));
3390             cstringpattern:=replaystack.cstringpattern;
3391             replaytokenbuf:=replaystack.tokenbuf;
3392             change_endian_for_replay:=replaystack.tokenbuf_needs_swapping;
3393             { restore compiler settings }
3394             current_settings:=replaystack.settings;
3395             popreplaystack;
3396             if assigned(inputpointer) then
3397               begin
3398                 c:=inputpointer^;
3399                 inc(inputpointer);
3400               end;
3401             exit;
3402           end;
3403         repeat
3404           { load token from the buffer }
3405           token:=readtoken;
3406           if token<>_GENERICSPECIALTOKEN then
3407             idtoken:=readtoken
3408           else
3409             idtoken:=_NOID;
3410           case token of
3411             _CWCHAR,
3412             _CWSTRING :
3413               begin
3414                 wlen:=tokenreadsizeint;
3415                 setlengthwidestring(patternw,wlen);
3416                 if wlen>0 then
3417                   replaytokenbuf.read(patternw^.data^,patternw^.len*sizeof(tcompilerwidechar));
3418                 orgpattern:='';
3419                 pattern:='';
3420                 cstringpattern:='';
3421               end;
3422             _CSTRING:
3423               begin
3424                 wlen:=tokenreadsizeint;
3425                 if wlen>0 then
3426                   begin
3427                     setlength(cstringpattern,wlen);
3428                     replaytokenbuf.read(cstringpattern[1],wlen);
3429                   end
3430                 else
3431                   cstringpattern:='';
3432                 orgpattern:='';
3433                 pattern:='';
3434               end;
3435             _CCHAR,
3436             _INTCONST,
3437             _REALNUMBER :
3438               begin
3439                 replaytokenbuf.read(pattern[0],1);
3440                 replaytokenbuf.read(pattern[1],length(pattern));
3441                 orgpattern:='';
3442               end;
3443             _ID :
3444               begin
3445                 replaytokenbuf.read(orgpattern[0],1);
3446                 replaytokenbuf.read(orgpattern[1],length(orgpattern));
3447                 pattern:=upper(orgpattern);
3448               end;
3449             _GENERICSPECIALTOKEN:
3450               begin
3451                 replaytokenbuf.read(specialtoken,1);
3452                 { packed column? }
3453                 if (ord(specialtoken) and $80)<>0 then
3454                   begin
3455                       current_tokenpos.column:=ord(specialtoken) and $7f;
3456                       current_filepos:=current_tokenpos;
3457                   end
3458                 else
3459                   case specialtoken of
3460                     ST_LOADSETTINGS:
3461                       begin
3462                         copy_size:=tokenreadsizeint;
3463                         //if copy_size <> sizeof(current_settings)-sizeof(pointer) then
3464                         //  internalerror(2011090501);
3465                         {
3466                         replaytokenbuf.read(current_settings,copy_size);
3467                         }
3468                         tokenreadsettings(current_settings,copy_size);
3469                       end;
3470                     ST_LOADMESSAGES:
3471                       begin
3472                         current_settings.pmessage:=nil;
3473                         mesgnb:=tokenreadsizeint;
3474                         prevmsg:=nil;
3475                         for i:=1 to mesgnb do
3476                           begin
3477                             new(pmsg);
3478                             if i=1 then
3479                               current_settings.pmessage:=pmsg
3480                             else
3481                               prevmsg^.next:=pmsg;
3482                             pmsg^.value:=tokenreadlongint;
3483                             pmsg^.state:=tmsgstate(tokenreadlongint);
3484                             pmsg^.next:=nil;
3485                             prevmsg:=pmsg;
3486                           end;
3487                       end;
3488                     ST_LINE:
3489                       begin
3490                         current_tokenpos.line:=tokenreadlongint;
3491                         current_filepos:=current_tokenpos;
3492                       end;
3493                     ST_COLUMN:
3494                       begin
3495                         current_tokenpos.column:=tokenreadword;
3496                         current_filepos:=current_tokenpos;
3497                       end;
3498                     ST_FILEINDEX:
3499                       begin
3500                         current_tokenpos.fileindex:=tokenreadword;
3501                         current_filepos:=current_tokenpos;
3502                       end;
3503                     else
3504                       internalerror(2006103010);
3505                   end;
3506                 continue;
3507               end;
3508           end;
3509           break;
3510         until false;
3511       end;
3514     procedure tscannerfile.addfile(hp:tinputfile);
3515       begin
3516         saveinputfile;
3517         { add to list }
3518         hp.next:=inputfile;
3519         inputfile:=hp;
3520         { load new inputfile }
3521         restoreinputfile;
3522       end;
3525     procedure tscannerfile.reload;
3526       begin
3527         with inputfile do
3528          begin
3529            { when nothing more to read then leave immediatly, so we
3530              don't change the current_filepos and leave it point to the last
3531              char }
3532            if (c=#26) and (not assigned(next)) then
3533             exit;
3534            repeat
3535            { still more to read?, then change the #0 to a space so its seen
3536              as a seperator, this can't be used for macro's which can change
3537              the place of the #0 in the buffer with tempopen }
3538              if (c=#0) and (bufsize>0) and
3539                 not(inputfile.is_macro) and
3540                 (inputpointer-inputbuffer<bufsize) then
3541               begin
3542                 c:=' ';
3543                 inc(inputpointer);
3544                 exit;
3545               end;
3546            { can we read more from this file ? }
3547              if (c<>#26) and (not endoffile) then
3548               begin
3549                 readbuf;
3550                 inputpointer:=buf;
3551                 inputbuffer:=buf;
3552                 inputstart:=bufstart;
3553               { first line? }
3554                 if line_no=0 then
3555                  begin
3556                    c:=inputpointer^;
3557                    { eat utf-8 signature? }
3558                    if (ord(inputpointer^)=$ef) and
3559                      (ord((inputpointer+1)^)=$bb) and
3560                      (ord((inputpointer+2)^)=$bf) then
3561                      begin
3562                        (* we don't support including files with an UTF-8 bom
3563                           inside another file that wasn't encoded as UTF-8
3564                           already (we don't support {$codepage xxx} switches in
3565                           the middle of a file either) *)
3566                        if (current_settings.sourcecodepage<>CP_UTF8) and
3567                           not current_module.in_global then
3568                          Message(scanner_f_illegal_utf8_bom);
3569                        inc(inputpointer,3);
3570                        message(scan_c_switching_to_utf8);
3571                        current_settings.sourcecodepage:=CP_UTF8;
3572                        exclude(current_settings.moduleswitches,cs_system_codepage);
3573                        include(current_settings.moduleswitches,cs_explicit_codepage);
3574                      end;
3576                    line_no:=1;
3577                    if cs_asm_source in current_settings.globalswitches then
3578                      inputfile.setline(line_no,inputstart+inputpointer-inputbuffer);
3579                  end;
3580               end
3581              else
3582               begin
3583               { load eof position in tokenpos/current_filepos }
3584                 gettokenpos;
3585               { close file }
3586                 closeinputfile;
3587               { no next module, than EOF }
3588                 if not assigned(inputfile.next) then
3589                  begin
3590                    c:=#26;
3591                    exit;
3592                  end;
3593               { load next file and reopen it }
3594                 nextfile;
3595                 tempopeninputfile;
3596               { status }
3597                 Message1(scan_t_back_in,inputfile.name);
3598               end;
3599            { load next char }
3600              c:=inputpointer^;
3601              inc(inputpointer);
3602            until c<>#0; { if also end, then reload again }
3603          end;
3604       end;
3607     procedure tscannerfile.substitutemacro(const macname:string;p:pchar;len,line,fileindex:longint);
3608       var
3609         hp : tinputfile;
3610       begin
3611         { save old postion }
3612         dec(inputpointer);
3613         tempcloseinputfile;
3614       { create macro 'file' }
3615         { use special name to dispose after !! }
3616         hp:=do_openinputfile('_Macro_.'+macname);
3617         addfile(hp);
3618         with inputfile do
3619          begin
3620            setmacro(p,len);
3621          { local buffer }
3622            inputbuffer:=buf;
3623            inputpointer:=buf;
3624            inputstart:=bufstart;
3625            ref_index:=fileindex;
3626          end;
3627       { reset line }
3628         line_no:=line;
3629         lastlinepos:=0;
3630         lasttokenpos:=0;
3631         nexttokenpos:=0;
3632       { load new c }
3633         c:=inputpointer^;
3634         inc(inputpointer);
3635       end;
3638     procedure tscannerfile.do_gettokenpos(out tokenpos: longint; out filepos: tfileposinfo);
3639       begin
3640         tokenpos:=inputstart+(inputpointer-inputbuffer);
3641         filepos.line:=line_no;
3642         filepos.column:=tokenpos-lastlinepos;
3643         filepos.fileindex:=inputfile.ref_index;
3644         filepos.moduleindex:=current_module.unit_index;
3645       end;
3648     procedure tscannerfile.gettokenpos;
3649     { load the values of tokenpos and lasttokenpos }
3650       begin
3651         do_gettokenpos(lasttokenpos,current_tokenpos);
3652         current_filepos:=current_tokenpos;
3653       end;
3656     procedure tscannerfile.cachenexttokenpos;
3657       begin
3658         do_gettokenpos(nexttokenpos,next_filepos);
3659       end;
3662     procedure tscannerfile.setnexttoken;
3663       begin
3664         token:=nexttoken;
3665         nexttoken:=NOTOKEN;
3666         lasttokenpos:=nexttokenpos;
3667         current_tokenpos:=next_filepos;
3668         current_filepos:=current_tokenpos;
3669         nexttokenpos:=0;
3670       end;
3673     procedure tscannerfile.savetokenpos;
3674       begin
3675         oldlasttokenpos:=lasttokenpos;
3676         oldcurrent_filepos:=current_filepos;
3677         oldcurrent_tokenpos:=current_tokenpos;
3678       end;
3681     procedure tscannerfile.restoretokenpos;
3682       begin
3683         lasttokenpos:=oldlasttokenpos;
3684         current_filepos:=oldcurrent_filepos;
3685         current_tokenpos:=oldcurrent_tokenpos;
3686       end;
3689     procedure tscannerfile.inc_comment_level;
3690       begin
3691          if (m_nested_comment in current_settings.modeswitches) then
3692            inc(comment_level)
3693          else
3694            comment_level:=1;
3695          if (comment_level>1) then
3696           begin
3697              savetokenpos;
3698              gettokenpos; { update for warning }
3699              Message1(scan_w_comment_level,tostr(comment_level));
3700              restoretokenpos;
3701           end;
3702       end;
3705     procedure tscannerfile.dec_comment_level;
3706       begin
3707          if (m_nested_comment in current_settings.modeswitches) then
3708            dec(comment_level)
3709          else
3710            comment_level:=0;
3711       end;
3714     procedure tscannerfile.linebreak;
3715       var
3716          cur : char;
3717       begin
3718         with inputfile do
3719          begin
3720            if (byte(inputpointer^)=0) and not(endoffile) then
3721              begin
3722                cur:=c;
3723                reload;
3724                if byte(cur)+byte(c)<>23 then
3725                  dec(inputpointer);
3726              end
3727            else
3728              begin
3729                { Support all combination of #10 and #13 as line break }
3730                if (byte(inputpointer^)+byte(c)=23) then
3731                  inc(inputpointer);
3732              end;
3733            { Always return #10 as line break }
3734            c:=#10;
3735            { increase line counters }
3736            lastlinepos:=inputstart+(inputpointer-inputbuffer);
3737            inc(line_no);
3738            { update linebuffer }
3739            if cs_asm_source in current_settings.globalswitches then
3740              inputfile.setline(line_no,lastlinepos);
3741            { update for status and call the show status routine,
3742              but don't touch current_filepos ! }
3743            savetokenpos;
3744            gettokenpos; { update for v_status }
3745            inc(status.compiledlines);
3746            ShowStatus;
3747            restoretokenpos;
3748          end;
3749       end;
3752     procedure tscannerfile.illegal_char(c:char);
3753       var
3754         s : string;
3755       begin
3756         if c in [#32..#255] then
3757           s:=''''+c+''''
3758         else
3759           s:='#'+tostr(ord(c));
3760         Message2(scan_f_illegal_char,s,'$'+hexstr(ord(c),2));
3761       end;
3764     procedure tscannerfile.end_of_file;
3765       begin
3766         checkpreprocstack;
3767         Message(scan_f_end_of_file);
3768       end;
3770   {-------------------------------------------
3771            IF Conditional Handling
3772   -------------------------------------------}
3774     procedure tscannerfile.checkpreprocstack;
3775       begin
3776       { check for missing ifdefs }
3777         while assigned(preprocstack) do
3778          begin
3779            Message4(scan_e_endif_expected,preprocstring[preprocstack.typ],preprocstack.name,
3780              current_module.sourcefiles.get_file_name(preprocstack.fileindex),
3781              tostr(preprocstack.line_nb));
3782            poppreprocstack;
3783          end;
3784       end;
3787     procedure tscannerfile.poppreprocstack;
3788       var
3789         hp : tpreprocstack;
3790       begin
3791         if assigned(preprocstack) then
3792          begin
3793            Message1(scan_c_endif_found,preprocstack.name);
3794            hp:=preprocstack.next;
3795            preprocstack.free;
3796            preprocstack:=hp;
3797          end
3798         else
3799          Message(scan_e_endif_without_if);
3800       end;
3803     procedure tscannerfile.ifpreprocstack(atyp:preproctyp;compile_time_predicate:tcompile_time_predicate;messid:longint);
3804       var
3805         condition: Boolean;
3806         valuedescr: String;
3807       begin
3808         if (preprocstack=nil) or preprocstack.accept then
3809           condition:=compile_time_predicate(valuedescr)
3810         else
3811           begin
3812             condition:= false;
3813             valuedescr:= '';
3814           end;
3815         preprocstack:=tpreprocstack.create(atyp, condition, preprocstack);
3816         preprocstack.name:=valuedescr;
3817         preprocstack.line_nb:=line_no;
3818         preprocstack.fileindex:=current_filepos.fileindex;
3819         if preprocstack.accept then
3820           Message2(messid,preprocstack.name,'accepted')
3821         else
3822           Message2(messid,preprocstack.name,'rejected');
3823       end;
3825     procedure tscannerfile.elsepreprocstack;
3826       begin
3827         if assigned(preprocstack) and
3828            (preprocstack.typ<>pp_else) then
3829          begin
3830            if (preprocstack.typ=pp_elseif) then
3831              preprocstack.accept:=false
3832            else
3833              if (not(assigned(preprocstack.next)) or (preprocstack.next.accept)) then
3834                preprocstack.accept:=not preprocstack.accept;
3835            preprocstack.typ:=pp_else;
3836            preprocstack.line_nb:=line_no;
3837            preprocstack.fileindex:=current_filepos.fileindex;
3838            if preprocstack.accept then
3839             Message2(scan_c_else_found,preprocstack.name,'accepted')
3840            else
3841             Message2(scan_c_else_found,preprocstack.name,'rejected');
3842          end
3843         else
3844          Message(scan_e_endif_without_if);
3845       end;
3847     procedure tscannerfile.elseifpreprocstack(compile_time_predicate:tcompile_time_predicate);
3848       var
3849         valuedescr: String;
3850       begin
3851         if assigned(preprocstack) and
3852            (preprocstack.typ in [pp_if,pp_elseif]) then
3853          begin
3854            { when the branch is accepted we use pp_elseif so we know that
3855              all the next branches need to be rejected. when this branch is still
3856              not accepted then leave it at pp_if }
3857            if (preprocstack.typ=pp_elseif) then
3858              preprocstack.accept:=false
3859            else if (preprocstack.typ=pp_if) and preprocstack.accept then
3860                begin
3861                  preprocstack.accept:=false;
3862                  preprocstack.typ:=pp_elseif;
3863                end
3864            else if (not(assigned(preprocstack.next)) or (preprocstack.next.accept))
3865                    and compile_time_predicate(valuedescr) then
3866                begin
3867                  preprocstack.name:=valuedescr;
3868                  preprocstack.accept:=true;
3869                  preprocstack.typ:=pp_elseif;
3870                end;
3872            preprocstack.line_nb:=line_no;
3873            preprocstack.fileindex:=current_filepos.fileindex;
3874            if preprocstack.accept then
3875              Message2(scan_c_else_found,preprocstack.name,'accepted')
3876            else
3877              Message2(scan_c_else_found,preprocstack.name,'rejected');
3878          end
3879         else
3880          Message(scan_e_endif_without_if);
3881       end;
3884     procedure tscannerfile.popreplaystack;
3885       var
3886         hp : treplaystack;
3887       begin
3888         if assigned(replaystack) then
3889          begin
3890            hp:=replaystack.next;
3891            replaystack.free;
3892            replaystack:=hp;
3893          end;
3894       end;
tscannerfile.replay_stack_depthnull3897     function tscannerfile.replay_stack_depth:longint;
3898       var
3899         tmp: treplaystack;
3900       begin
3901         result:=0;
3902         tmp:=replaystack;
3903         while assigned(tmp) do
3904           begin
3905             inc(result);
3906             tmp:=tmp.next;
3907           end;
3908       end;
3910     procedure tscannerfile.handleconditional(p:tdirectiveitem);
3911       begin
3912         savetokenpos;
3913         repeat
3914           current_scanner.gettokenpos;
3915           Message1(scan_d_handling_switch,'$'+p.name);
3916           p.proc();
3917           { accept the text ? }
3918           if (current_scanner.preprocstack=nil) or current_scanner.preprocstack.accept then
3919            break
3920           else
3921            begin
3922              current_scanner.gettokenpos;
3923              Message(scan_c_skipping_until);
3924              repeat
3925                current_scanner.skipuntildirective;
3926                if not (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) then
3927                  p:=tdirectiveitem(turbo_scannerdirectives.Find(current_scanner.readid))
3928                else
3929                  p:=tdirectiveitem(mac_scannerdirectives.Find(current_scanner.readid));
3930              until assigned(p) and (p.is_conditional);
3931              current_scanner.gettokenpos;
3932            end;
3933         until false;
3934         restoretokenpos;
3935       end;
3938     procedure tscannerfile.handledirectives;
3939       var
3940          t  : tdirectiveitem;
3941          hs : string;
3942       begin
3943          gettokenpos;
3944          readchar; {Remove the $}
3945          hs:=readid;
3946          { handle empty directive }
3947          if hs='' then
3948            begin
3949              Message1(scan_w_illegal_switch,'$');
3950              exit;
3951            end;
3952 {$ifdef PREPROCWRITE}
3953          if parapreprocess then
3954           begin
3955             if not (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) then
3956               t:=tdirectiveitem(turbo_scannerdirectives.Find(hs))
3957             else
3958               t:=tdirectiveitem(mac_scannerdirectives.Find(hs));
3959             if assigned(t) and not(t.is_conditional) then
3960              begin
3961                preprocfile.AddSpace;
3962                preprocfile.Add('{$'+hs+current_scanner.readcomment+'}');
3963                exit;
3964              end;
3965           end;
3966 {$endif PREPROCWRITE}
3967          { skip this directive? }
3968          if (ignoredirectives.find(hs)<>nil) then
3969           begin
3970             if (comment_level>0) then
3971              readcomment;
3972             { we've read the whole comment }
3973             current_commentstyle:=comment_none;
3974             exit;
3975           end;
3976          { Check for compiler switches }
3977          while (length(hs)=1) and (c in ['-','+']) do
3978           begin
3979             Message1(scan_d_handling_switch,'$'+hs+c);
3980             HandleSwitch(hs[1],c);
3981             current_scanner.readchar; {Remove + or -}
3982             if c=',' then
3983              begin
3984                current_scanner.readchar;   {Remove , }
3985                { read next switch, support $v+,$+}
3986                hs:=current_scanner.readid;
3987                if (hs='') then
3988                 begin
3989                   if (c='$') and (m_fpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then
3990                    begin
3991                      current_scanner.readchar;  { skip $ }
3992                      hs:=current_scanner.readid;
3993                    end;
3994                   if (hs='') then
3995                    Message1(scan_w_illegal_directive,'$'+c);
3996                 end;
3997              end
3998             else
3999              hs:='';
4000           end;
4001          { directives may follow switches after a , }
4002          if hs<>'' then
4003           begin
4004             if not (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) then
4005               t:=tdirectiveitem(turbo_scannerdirectives.Find(hs))
4006             else
4007               t:=tdirectiveitem(mac_scannerdirectives.Find(hs));
4009             if assigned(t) then
4010              begin
4011                if t.is_conditional then
4012                 handleconditional(t)
4013                else
4014                 begin
4015                   Message1(scan_d_handling_switch,'$'+hs);
4016                   t.proc();
4017                 end;
4018              end
4019             else
4020              begin
4021                current_scanner.ignoredirectives.Add(hs,nil);
4022                Message1(scan_w_illegal_directive,'$'+hs);
4023              end;
4024             { conditionals already read the comment }
4025             if (current_scanner.comment_level>0) then
4026              current_scanner.readcomment;
4027             { we've read the whole comment }
4028             current_commentstyle:=comment_none;
4029           end;
4030       end;
4033     procedure tscannerfile.readchar;
4034       begin
4035         c:=inputpointer^;
4036         if c=#0 then
4037           reload
4038         else
4039           inc(inputpointer);
4040       end;
4043     procedure tscannerfile.readstring;
4044       var
4045         i : longint;
4046         err : boolean;
4047       begin
4048         err:=false;
4049         i:=0;
4050         repeat
4051           case c of
4052             '_',
4053             '0'..'9',
4054             'A'..'Z' :
4055               begin
4056                 if i<255 then
4057                  begin
4058                    inc(i);
4059                    orgpattern[i]:=c;
4060                    pattern[i]:=c;
4061                  end
4062                 else
4063                  begin
4064                    if not err then
4065                      begin
4066                        Message(scan_e_string_exceeds_255_chars);
4067                        err:=true;
4068                      end;
4069                  end;
4070                 c:=inputpointer^;
4071                 inc(inputpointer);
4072               end;
4073             'a'..'z' :
4074               begin
4075                 if i<255 then
4076                  begin
4077                    inc(i);
4078                    orgpattern[i]:=c;
4079                    pattern[i]:=chr(ord(c)-32)
4080                  end
4081                 else
4082                  begin
4083                    if not err then
4084                      begin
4085                        Message(scan_e_string_exceeds_255_chars);
4086                        err:=true;
4087                      end;
4088                  end;
4089                 c:=inputpointer^;
4090                 inc(inputpointer);
4091               end;
4092             #0 :
4093               reload;
4094             else
4095               break;
4096           end;
4097         until false;
4098         orgpattern[0]:=chr(i);
4099         pattern[0]:=chr(i);
4100       end;
4103     procedure tscannerfile.readnumber;
4104       var
4105         base,
4106         i  : longint;
4107       begin
4108         case c of
4109           '%' :
4110             begin
4111               readchar;
4112               base:=2;
4113               pattern[1]:='%';
4114               i:=1;
4115             end;
4116           '&' :
4117             begin
4118               readchar;
4119               base:=8;
4120               pattern[1]:='&';
4121               i:=1;
4122             end;
4123           '$' :
4124             begin
4125               readchar;
4126               base:=16;
4127               pattern[1]:='$';
4128               i:=1;
4129             end;
4130           else
4131             begin
4132               base:=10;
4133               i:=0;
4134             end;
4135         end;
4136         while ((base>=10) and (c in ['0'..'9'])) or
4137               ((base=16) and (c in ['A'..'F','a'..'f'])) or
4138               ((base=8) and (c in ['0'..'7'])) or
4139               ((base=2) and (c in ['0'..'1'])) do
4140          begin
4141            if i<255 then
4142             begin
4143               inc(i);
4144               pattern[i]:=c;
4145             end;
4146            readchar;
4147          end;
4148         pattern[0]:=chr(i);
4149       end;
tscannerfile.readidnull4152     function tscannerfile.readid:string;
4153       begin
4154         readstring;
4155         readid:=pattern;
4156       end;
tscannerfile.readvalnull4159     function tscannerfile.readval:longint;
4160       var
4161         l : longint;
4162         w : integer;
4163       begin
4164         readnumber;
4165         val(pattern,l,w);
4166         readval:=l;
4167       end;
tscannerfile.readcommentnull4170     function tscannerfile.readcomment:string;
4171       var
4172         i : longint;
4173       begin
4174         i:=0;
4175         repeat
4176           case c of
4177             '{' :
4178               begin
4179                 if current_commentstyle=comment_tp then
4180                   inc_comment_level;
4181               end;
4182             '}' :
4183               begin
4184                 if current_commentstyle=comment_tp then
4185                   begin
4186                     readchar;
4187                     dec_comment_level;
4188                     if comment_level=0 then
4189                       break
4190                     else
4191                       continue;
4192                   end;
4193               end;
4194             '*' :
4195               begin
4196                 if current_commentstyle=comment_oldtp then
4197                   begin
4198                     readchar;
4199                     if c=')' then
4200                       begin
4201                         readchar;
4202                         dec_comment_level;
4203                         break;
4204                       end
4205                     else
4206                     { Add both characters !!}
4207                       if (i<255) then
4208                         begin
4209                           inc(i);
4210                           readcomment[i]:='*';
4211                           if (i<255) then
4212                             begin
4213                               inc(i);
4214                               readcomment[i]:=c;
4215                             end;
4216                         end;
4217                   end
4218                 else
4219                 { Not old TP comment, so add...}
4220                   begin
4221                     if (i<255) then
4222                       begin
4223                         inc(i);
4224                         readcomment[i]:='*';
4225                       end;
4226                   end;
4227               end;
4228             #10,#13 :
4229               linebreak;
4230             #26 :
4231               end_of_file;
4232             else
4233               begin
4234                 if (i<255) then
4235                   begin
4236                     inc(i);
4237                     readcomment[i]:=c;
4238                   end;
4239               end;
4240           end;
4241           readchar;
4242         until false;
4243         readcomment[0]:=chr(i);
4244       end;
tscannerfile.readquotedstringnull4247     function tscannerfile.readquotedstring:string;
4248       var
4249         i : longint;
4250         msgwritten : boolean;
4251       begin
4252         i:=0;
4253         msgwritten:=false;
4254         if (c='''') then
4255           begin
4256             repeat
4257               readchar;
4258               case c of
4259                 #26 :
4260                   end_of_file;
4261                 #10,#13 :
4262                   Message(scan_f_string_exceeds_line);
4263                 '''' :
4264                   begin
4265                     readchar;
4266                     if c<>'''' then
4267                      break;
4268                   end;
4269               end;
4270               if i<255 then
4271                 begin
4272                   inc(i);
4273                   result[i]:=c;
4274                 end
4275               else
4276                 begin
4277                   if not msgwritten then
4278                     begin
4279                       Message(scan_e_string_exceeds_255_chars);
4280                       msgwritten:=true;
4281                     end;
4282                  end;
4283             until false;
4284           end;
4285         result[0]:=chr(i);
4286       end;
tscannerfile.readstatenull4289     function tscannerfile.readstate:char;
4290       var
4291         state : char;
4292       begin
4293         state:=' ';
4294         if c=' ' then
4295          begin
4296            current_scanner.skipspace;
4297            current_scanner.readid;
4298            if pattern='ON' then
4299             state:='+'
4300            else
4301             if pattern='OFF' then
4302              state:='-';
4303          end
4304         else
4305          state:=c;
4306         if not (state in ['+','-']) then
4307          Message(scan_e_wrong_switch_toggle);
4308         readstate:=state;
4309       end;
tscannerfile.readoptionalstatenull4312     function tscannerfile.readoptionalstate(fallback:char):char;
4313       var
4314         state : char;
4315       begin
4316         state:=' ';
4317         if c=' ' then
4318          begin
4319            current_scanner.skipspace;
4320            if c in ['*','}'] then
4321              state:=fallback
4322            else
4323              begin
4324                current_scanner.readid;
4325                if pattern='ON' then
4326                 state:='+'
4327                else
4328                 if pattern='OFF' then
4329                  state:='-';
4330              end;
4331          end
4332         else
4333           if c in ['*','}'] then
4334             state:=fallback
4335           else
4336             state:=c;
4337         if not (state in ['+','-']) then
4338          Message(scan_e_wrong_switch_toggle);
4339         readoptionalstate:=state;
4340       end;
tscannerfile.readstatedefaultnull4343     function tscannerfile.readstatedefault:char;
4344       var
4345         state : char;
4346       begin
4347         state:=' ';
4348         if c=' ' then
4349          begin
4350            current_scanner.skipspace;
4351            current_scanner.readid;
4352            if pattern='ON' then
4353             state:='+'
4354            else
4355             if pattern='OFF' then
4356              state:='-'
4357             else
4358              if pattern='DEFAULT' then
4359               state:='*';
4360          end
4361         else
4362          state:=c;
4363         if not (state in ['+','-','*']) then
4364          Message(scan_e_wrong_switch_toggle_default);
4365         readstatedefault:=state;
4366       end;
4369     procedure tscannerfile.skipspace;
4370       begin
4371         repeat
4372           case c of
4373             #26 :
4374               begin
4375                 reload;
4376                 if (c=#26) and not assigned(inputfile.next) then
4377                   break;
4378                 continue;
4379               end;
4380             #10,
4381             #13 :
4382               linebreak;
4383             #9,#11,#12,' ' :
4384               ;
4385             else
4386               break;
4387           end;
4388           readchar;
4389         until false;
4390       end;
4393     procedure tscannerfile.skipuntildirective;
4394       var
4395         found : longint;
4396         next_char_loaded : boolean;
4397       begin
4398          found:=0;
4399          next_char_loaded:=false;
4400          repeat
4401            case c of
4402              #10,
4403              #13 :
4404                linebreak;
4405              #26 :
4406                begin
4407                  reload;
4408                  if (c=#26) and not assigned(inputfile.next) then
4409                    end_of_file;
4410                  continue;
4411                end;
4412              '{' :
4413                begin
4414                  if (current_commentstyle in [comment_tp,comment_none]) then
4415                    begin
4416                      current_commentstyle:=comment_tp;
4417                      if (comment_level=0) then
4418                        found:=1;
4419                      inc_comment_level;
4420                    end;
4421                end;
4422              '*' :
4423                begin
4424                  if (current_commentstyle=comment_oldtp) then
4425                    begin
4426                      readchar;
4427                      if c=')' then
4428                        begin
4429                          dec_comment_level;
4430                          found:=0;
4431                          current_commentstyle:=comment_none;
4432                        end
4433                      else
4434                        next_char_loaded:=true;
4435                    end
4436                  else
4437                    found := 0;
4438                end;
4439              '}' :
4440                begin
4441                  if (current_commentstyle=comment_tp) then
4442                    begin
4443                      dec_comment_level;
4444                      if (comment_level=0) then
4445                        current_commentstyle:=comment_none;
4446                      found:=0;
4447                    end;
4448                end;
4449              '$' :
4450                begin
4451                  if found=1 then
4452                   found:=2;
4453                end;
4454              '''' :
4455                if (current_commentstyle=comment_none) then
4456                 begin
4457                   repeat
4458                     readchar;
4459                     case c of
4460                       #26 :
4461                         end_of_file;
4462                       #10,#13 :
4463                         break;
4464                       '''' :
4465                         begin
4466                           readchar;
4467                           if c<>'''' then
4468                            begin
4469                              next_char_loaded:=true;
4470                              break;
4471                            end;
4472                         end;
4473                     end;
4474                   until false;
4475                 end;
4476              '(' :
4477                begin
4478                  if (current_commentstyle=comment_none) then
4479                   begin
4480                     readchar;
4481                     if c='*' then
4482                      begin
4483                        readchar;
4484                        if c='$' then
4485                         begin
4486                           found:=2;
4487                           inc_comment_level;
4488                           current_commentstyle:=comment_oldtp;
4489                         end
4490                        else
4491                         begin
4492                           skipoldtpcomment(false);
4493                           next_char_loaded:=true;
4494                         end;
4495                      end
4496                     else
4497                      next_char_loaded:=true;
4498                   end
4499                  else
4500                   found:=0;
4501                end;
4502              '/' :
4503                begin
4504                  if (current_commentstyle=comment_none) then
4505                   begin
4506                     readchar;
4507                     if c='/' then
4508                      skipdelphicomment;
4509                     next_char_loaded:=true;
4510                   end
4511                  else
4512                   found:=0;
4513                end;
4514              else
4515                found:=0;
4516            end;
4517            if next_char_loaded then
4518              next_char_loaded:=false
4519            else
4520              readchar;
4521          until (found=2);
4522       end;
4525 {****************************************************************************
4526                              Comment Handling
4527 ****************************************************************************}
4529     procedure tscannerfile.skipcomment(read_first_char:boolean);
4530       begin
4531         current_commentstyle:=comment_tp;
4532         if read_first_char then
4533           readchar;
4534         inc_comment_level;
4535       { handle compiler switches }
4536         if (c='$') then
4537          handledirectives;
4538       { handle_switches can dec comment_level,  }
4539         while (comment_level>0) do
4540          begin
4541            case c of
4542             '{' :
4543               inc_comment_level;
4544             '}' :
4545               dec_comment_level;
4546             #10,#13 :
4547               linebreak;
4548             #26 :
4549               begin
4550                 reload;
4551                 if (c=#26) and not assigned(inputfile.next) then
4552                   end_of_file;
4553                 continue;
4554               end;
4555            end;
4556            readchar;
4557          end;
4558         current_commentstyle:=comment_none;
4559       end;
4562     procedure tscannerfile.skipdelphicomment;
4563       begin
4564         current_commentstyle:=comment_delphi;
4565         inc_comment_level;
4566         readchar;
4567         { this is not supported }
4568         if c='$' then
4569           Message(scan_w_wrong_styled_switch);
4570         { skip comment }
4571         while not (c in [#10,#13,#26]) do
4572           readchar;
4573         dec_comment_level;
4574         current_commentstyle:=comment_none;
4575       end;
4578     procedure tscannerfile.skipoldtpcomment(read_first_char:boolean);
4579       var
4580         found : longint;
4581       begin
4582         current_commentstyle:=comment_oldtp;
4583         inc_comment_level;
4584         { only load a char if last already processed,
4585           was cause of bug1634 PM }
4586         if read_first_char then
4587           readchar;
4588       { this is now supported }
4589         if (c='$') then
4590          handledirectives;
4591       { skip comment }
4592         while (comment_level>0) do
4593          begin
4594            found:=0;
4595            repeat
4596              case c of
4597                #26 :
4598                  begin
4599                    reload;
4600                    if (c=#26) and not assigned(inputfile.next) then
4601                      end_of_file;
4602                    continue;
4603                  end;
4604                #10,#13 :
4605                  begin
4606                    if found=4 then
4607                     inc_comment_level;
4608                    linebreak;
4609                    found:=0;
4610                  end;
4611                '*' :
4612                  begin
4613                    if found=3 then
4614                     found:=4
4615                    else
4616                     begin
4617                       if found=4 then
4618                         inc_comment_level;
4619                       found:=1;
4620                     end;
4621                  end;
4622                ')' :
4623                  begin
4624                    if found in [1,4] then
4625                     begin
4626                       dec_comment_level;
4627                       if comment_level=0 then
4628                        found:=2
4629                       else
4630                        found:=0;
4631                     end
4632                    else
4633                     found:=0;
4634                  end;
4635                '(' :
4636                  begin
4637                    if found=4 then
4638                     inc_comment_level;
4639                    found:=3;
4640                  end;
4641                else
4642                  begin
4643                    if found=4 then
4644                     inc_comment_level;
4645                    found:=0;
4646                  end;
4647              end;
4648              readchar;
4649            until (found=2);
4650          end;
4651         current_commentstyle:=comment_none;
4652       end;
4656 {****************************************************************************
4657                                Token Scanner
4658 ****************************************************************************}
4660     procedure tscannerfile.readtoken(allowrecordtoken:boolean);
4661       var
4662         code    : integer;
4663         d : cardinal;
4664         len,
4665         low,high,mid : longint;
4666         w : word;
4667         m       : longint;
4668         mac     : tmacro;
4669         asciinr : string[33];
4670         iswidestring : boolean;
4671       label
4672          exit_label;
4673       begin
4674         flushpendingswitchesstate;
4676         { record tokens? }
4677         if allowrecordtoken and
4678            assigned(recordtokenbuf) then
4679           recordtoken;
4681         { replay tokens? }
4682         if assigned(replaytokenbuf) then
4683           begin
4684             replaytoken;
4685             goto exit_label;
4686           end;
4688       { was there already a token read, then return that token }
4689         if nexttoken<>NOTOKEN then
4690          begin
4691            setnexttoken;
4692            goto exit_label;
4693          end;
4695       { Skip all spaces and comments }
4696         repeat
4697           case c of
4698             '{' :
4699               skipcomment(true);
4700             #26 :
4701               begin
4702                 reload;
4703                 if (c=#26) and not assigned(inputfile.next) then
4704                   break;
4705               end;
4706             ' ',#9..#13 :
4707               begin
4708 {$ifdef PREPROCWRITE}
4709                 if parapreprocess then
4710                  begin
4711                    if c=#10 then
4712                     preprocfile.eolfound:=true
4713                    else
4714                     preprocfile.spacefound:=true;
4715                  end;
4716 {$endif PREPROCWRITE}
4717                 skipspace;
4718               end
4719             else
4720               break;
4721           end;
4722         until false;
4724       { Save current token position, for EOF its already loaded }
4725         if c<>#26 then
4726           gettokenpos;
4728       { Check first for a identifier/keyword, this is 20+% faster (PFV) }
4729         if c in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','_'] then
4730          begin
4731            readstring;
4732            token:=_ID;
4733            idtoken:=_ID;
4734          { keyword or any other known token,
4735            pattern is always uppercased }
4736            if (pattern[1]<>'_') and (length(pattern) in [tokenlenmin..tokenlenmax]) then
4737             begin
4738               low:=ord(tokenidx^[length(pattern),pattern[1]].first);
4739               high:=ord(tokenidx^[length(pattern),pattern[1]].last);
4740               while low<high do
4741                begin
4742                  mid:=(high+low+1) shr 1;
4743                  if pattern<tokeninfo^[ttoken(mid)].str then
4744                   high:=mid-1
4745                  else
4746                   low:=mid;
4747                end;
4748               with tokeninfo^[ttoken(high)] do
4749                 if pattern=str then
4750                   begin
4751                     if (keyword*current_settings.modeswitches)<>[] then
4752                       if op=NOTOKEN then
4753                         token:=ttoken(high)
4754                       else
4755                         token:=op;
4756                     idtoken:=ttoken(high);
4757                   end;
4758             end;
4759          { Only process identifiers and not keywords }
4760            if token=_ID then
4761             begin
4762             { this takes some time ... }
4763               if (cs_support_macro in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
4764                begin
4765                  mac:=tmacro(search_macro(pattern));
4766                  if assigned(mac) and (not mac.is_compiler_var) and (assigned(mac.buftext)) then
4767                   begin
4768                     if yylexcount<max_macro_nesting then
4769                      begin
4770                        mac.is_used:=true;
4771                        inc(yylexcount);
4772                        substitutemacro(pattern,mac.buftext,mac.buflen,
4773                          mac.fileinfo.line,mac.fileinfo.fileindex);
4774                      { handle empty macros }
4775                        if c=#0 then
4776                          reload;
4777                        readtoken(false);
4778                        { that's all folks }
4779                        dec(yylexcount);
4780                        exit;
4781                      end
4782                     else
4783                      Message(scan_w_macro_too_deep);
4784                   end;
4785                end;
4786             end;
4787          { return token }
4788            goto exit_label;
4789          end
4790         else
4791          begin
4792            idtoken:=_NOID;
4793            case c of
4795              '$' :
4796                begin
4797                  readnumber;
4798                  token:=_INTCONST;
4799                  goto exit_label;
4800                end;
4802              '%' :
4803                begin
4804                  if not(m_fpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then
4805                   Illegal_Char(c)
4806                  else
4807                   begin
4808                     readnumber;
4809                     token:=_INTCONST;
4810                     goto exit_label;
4811                   end;
4812                end;
4814              '&' :
4815                begin
4816                  if [m_fpc,m_delphi] * current_settings.modeswitches <> [] then
4817                   begin
4818                     readnumber;
4819                     if length(pattern)=1 then
4820                       begin
4821                         { does really an identifier follow? }
4822                         if not (c in ['_','A'..'Z','a'..'z']) then
4823                           message2(scan_f_syn_expected,tokeninfo^[_ID].str,c);
4824                         readstring;
4825                         token:=_ID;
4826                         idtoken:=_ID;
4827                       end
4828                     else
4829                       token:=_INTCONST;
4830                     goto exit_label;
4831                   end
4832                  else if m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches then
4833                   begin
4834                     readchar;
4835                     token:=_AMPERSAND;
4836                     goto exit_label;
4837                   end
4838                  else
4839                   Illegal_Char(c);
4840                end;
4842              '0'..'9' :
4843                begin
4844                  readnumber;
4845                  if (c in ['.','e','E']) then
4846                   begin
4847                   { first check for a . }
4848                     if c='.' then
4849                      begin
4850                        cachenexttokenpos;
4851                        readchar;
4852                        { is it a .. from a range? }
4853                        case c of
4854                          '.' :
4855                            begin
4856                              readchar;
4857                              token:=_INTCONST;
4858                              nexttoken:=_POINTPOINT;
4859                              goto exit_label;
4860                            end;
4861                          ')' :
4862                            begin
4863                              readchar;
4864                              token:=_INTCONST;
4865                              nexttoken:=_RECKKLAMMER;
4866                              goto exit_label;
4867                            end;
4868                          '0'..'9' :
4869                            begin
4870                              { insert the number after the . }
4871                              pattern:=pattern+'.';
4872                              while c in ['0'..'9'] do
4873                               begin
4874                                 pattern:=pattern+c;
4875                                 readchar;
4876                               end;
4877                            end;
4878                          else
4879                            begin
4880                              token:=_INTCONST;
4881                              nexttoken:=_POINT;
4882                              goto exit_label;
4883                            end;
4884                        end;
4885                       end;
4886                   { E can also follow after a point is scanned }
4887                     if c in ['e','E'] then
4888                      begin
4889                        pattern:=pattern+'E';
4890                        readchar;
4891                        if c in ['-','+'] then
4892                         begin
4893                           pattern:=pattern+c;
4894                           readchar;
4895                         end;
4896                        if not(c in ['0'..'9']) then
4897                         Illegal_Char(c);
4898                        while c in ['0'..'9'] do
4899                         begin
4900                           pattern:=pattern+c;
4901                           readchar;
4902                         end;
4903                      end;
4904                     token:=_REALNUMBER;
4905                     goto exit_label;
4906                   end;
4907                  token:=_INTCONST;
4908                  goto exit_label;
4909                end;
4911              ';' :
4912                begin
4913                  readchar;
4914                  token:=_SEMICOLON;
4915                  goto exit_label;
4916                end;
4918              '[' :
4919                begin
4920                  readchar;
4921                  token:=_LECKKLAMMER;
4922                  goto exit_label;
4923                end;
4925              ']' :
4926                begin
4927                  readchar;
4928                  token:=_RECKKLAMMER;
4929                  goto exit_label;
4930                end;
4932              '(' :
4933                begin
4934                  readchar;
4935                  case c of
4936                    '*' :
4937                      begin
4938                        skipoldtpcomment(true);
4939                        readtoken(false);
4940                        exit;
4941                      end;
4942                    '.' :
4943                      begin
4944                        readchar;
4945                        token:=_LECKKLAMMER;
4946                        goto exit_label;
4947                      end;
4948                  end;
4949                  token:=_LKLAMMER;
4950                  goto exit_label;
4951                end;
4953              ')' :
4954                begin
4955                  readchar;
4956                  token:=_RKLAMMER;
4957                  goto exit_label;
4958                end;
4960              '+' :
4961                begin
4962                  readchar;
4963                  if (c='=') and (cs_support_c_operators in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
4964                   begin
4965                     readchar;
4966                     token:=_PLUSASN;
4967                     goto exit_label;
4968                   end;
4969                  token:=_PLUS;
4970                  goto exit_label;
4971                end;
4973              '-' :
4974                begin
4975                  readchar;
4976                  if (c='=') and (cs_support_c_operators in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
4977                   begin
4978                     readchar;
4979                     token:=_MINUSASN;
4980                     goto exit_label;
4981                   end;
4982                  token:=_MINUS;
4983                  goto exit_label;
4984                end;
4986              ':' :
4987                begin
4988                  readchar;
4989                  if c='=' then
4990                   begin
4991                     readchar;
4992                     token:=_ASSIGNMENT;
4993                     goto exit_label;
4994                   end;
4995                  token:=_COLON;
4996                  goto exit_label;
4997                end;
4999              '*' :
5000                begin
5001                  readchar;
5002                  if (c='=') and (cs_support_c_operators in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
5003                   begin
5004                     readchar;
5005                     token:=_STARASN;
5006                   end
5007                  else
5008                   if c='*' then
5009                    begin
5010                      readchar;
5011                      token:=_STARSTAR;
5012                    end
5013                  else
5014                   token:=_STAR;
5015                  goto exit_label;
5016                end;
5018              '/' :
5019                begin
5020                  readchar;
5021                  case c of
5022                    '=' :
5023                      begin
5024                        if (cs_support_c_operators in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
5025                         begin
5026                           readchar;
5027                           token:=_SLASHASN;
5028                           goto exit_label;
5029                         end;
5030                      end;
5031                    '/' :
5032                      begin
5033                        skipdelphicomment;
5034                        readtoken(false);
5035                        exit;
5036                      end;
5037                  end;
5038                  token:=_SLASH;
5039                  goto exit_label;
5040                end;
5042              '|' :
5043                if m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches then
5044                 begin
5045                   readchar;
5046                   token:=_PIPE;
5047                   goto exit_label;
5048                 end
5049                else
5050                 Illegal_Char(c);
5052              '=' :
5053                begin
5054                  readchar;
5055                  token:=_EQ;
5056                  goto exit_label;
5057                end;
5059              '.' :
5060                begin
5061                  readchar;
5062                  case c of
5063                    '.' :
5064                      begin
5065                        readchar;
5066                        case c of
5067                          '.' :
5068                          begin
5069                            readchar;
5070                            token:=_POINTPOINTPOINT;
5071                            goto exit_label;
5072                          end;
5073                        else
5074                          begin
5075                            token:=_POINTPOINT;
5076                            goto exit_label;
5077                          end;
5078                        end;
5079                      end;
5080                    ')' :
5081                      begin
5082                        readchar;
5083                        token:=_RECKKLAMMER;
5084                        goto exit_label;
5085                      end;
5086                  end;
5087                  token:=_POINT;
5088                  goto exit_label;
5089                end;
5091              '@' :
5092                begin
5093                  readchar;
5094                  token:=_KLAMMERAFFE;
5095                  goto exit_label;
5096                end;
5098              ',' :
5099                begin
5100                  readchar;
5101                  token:=_COMMA;
5102                  goto exit_label;
5103                end;
5105              '''','#','^' :
5106                begin
5107                  len:=0;
5108                  cstringpattern:='';
5109                  iswidestring:=false;
5110                  if c='^' then
5111                   begin
5112                     readchar;
5113                     c:=upcase(c);
5114                     if (block_type in [bt_type,bt_const_type,bt_var_type]) or
5115                        (lasttoken=_ID) or (lasttoken=_NIL) or (lasttoken=_OPERATOR) or
5116                        (lasttoken=_RKLAMMER) or (lasttoken=_RECKKLAMMER) or (lasttoken=_CARET) then
5117                      begin
5118                        token:=_CARET;
5119                        goto exit_label;
5120                      end
5121                     else
5122                      begin
5123                        inc(len);
5124                        setlength(cstringpattern,256);
5125                        if c<#64 then
5126                          cstringpattern[len]:=chr(ord(c)+64)
5127                        else
5128                          cstringpattern[len]:=chr(ord(c)-64);
5129                        readchar;
5130                      end;
5131                   end;
5132                  repeat
5133                    case c of
5134                      '#' :
5135                        begin
5136                          readchar; { read # }
5137                          case c of
5138                            '$':
5139                              begin
5140                                readchar; { read leading $ }
5141                                asciinr:='$';
5142                                while (upcase(c) in ['A'..'F','0'..'9']) and (length(asciinr)<=7) do
5143                                  begin
5144                                    asciinr:=asciinr+c;
5145                                    readchar;
5146                                  end;
5147                              end;
5148                            '&':
5149                              begin
5150                                readchar; { read leading $ }
5151                                asciinr:='&';
5152                                while (upcase(c) in ['0'..'7']) and (length(asciinr)<=8) do
5153                                  begin
5154                                    asciinr:=asciinr+c;
5155                                    readchar;
5156                                  end;
5157                              end;
5158                            '%':
5159                              begin
5160                                readchar; { read leading $ }
5161                                asciinr:='%';
5162                                while (upcase(c) in ['0','1']) and (length(asciinr)<=22) do
5163                                  begin
5164                                    asciinr:=asciinr+c;
5165                                    readchar;
5166                                  end;
5167                              end;
5168                            else
5169                              begin
5170                                asciinr:='';
5171                                while (c in ['0'..'9']) and (length(asciinr)<=8) do
5172                                  begin
5173                                    asciinr:=asciinr+c;
5174                                    readchar;
5175                                  end;
5176                              end;
5177                          end;
5178                          val(asciinr,m,code);
5179                          if (asciinr='') or (code<>0) then
5180                            Message(scan_e_illegal_char_const)
5181                          else if (m<0) or (m>255) or (length(asciinr)>3) then
5182                            begin
5183                               if (m>=0) and (m<=$10FFFF) then
5184                                 begin
5185                                   if not iswidestring then
5186                                    begin
5187                                      if len>0 then
5188                                        ascii2unicode(@cstringpattern[1],len,current_settings.sourcecodepage,patternw)
5189                                      else
5190                                        ascii2unicode(nil,len,current_settings.sourcecodepage,patternw);
5191                                      iswidestring:=true;
5192                                      len:=0;
5193                                    end;
5194                                   if m<=$FFFF then
5195                                     concatwidestringchar(patternw,tcompilerwidechar(m))
5196                                   else
5197                                     begin
5198                                       { split into surrogate pair }
5199                                       dec(m,$10000);
5200                                       concatwidestringchar(patternw,tcompilerwidechar((m shr 10) + $D800));
5201                                       concatwidestringchar(patternw,tcompilerwidechar((m and $3FF) + $DC00));
5202                                     end;
5203                                 end
5204                               else
5205                                 Message(scan_e_illegal_char_const)
5206                            end
5207                          else if iswidestring then
5208                            concatwidestringchar(patternw,asciichar2unicode(char(m)))
5209                          else
5210                            begin
5211                              if len>=length(cstringpattern) then
5212                                setlength(cstringpattern,length(cstringpattern)+256);
5213                               inc(len);
5214                               cstringpattern[len]:=chr(m);
5215                            end;
5216                        end;
5217                      '''' :
5218                        begin
5219                          repeat
5220                            readchar;
5221                            case c of
5222                              #26 :
5223                                end_of_file;
5224                              #10,#13 :
5225                                Message(scan_f_string_exceeds_line);
5226                              '''' :
5227                                begin
5228                                  readchar;
5229                                  if c<>'''' then
5230                                   break;
5231                                end;
5232                            end;
5233                            { interpret as utf-8 string? }
5234                            if (ord(c)>=$80) and (current_settings.sourcecodepage=CP_UTF8) then
5235                              begin
5236                                { convert existing string to an utf-8 string }
5237                                if not iswidestring then
5238                                  begin
5239                                    if len>0 then
5240                                      ascii2unicode(@cstringpattern[1],len,current_settings.sourcecodepage,patternw)
5241                                    else
5242                                      ascii2unicode(nil,len,current_settings.sourcecodepage,patternw);
5243                                    iswidestring:=true;
5244                                    len:=0;
5245                                  end;
5246                                { four chars }
5247                                if (ord(c) and $f0)=$f0 then
5248                                  begin
5249                                    { this always represents a surrogate pair, so
5250                                      read as 32-bit value and then split into
5251                                      the corresponding pair of two wchars }
5252                                    d:=ord(c) and $f;
5253                                    readchar;
5254                                    if (ord(c) and $c0)<>$80 then
5255                                      message(scan_e_utf8_malformed);
5256                                    d:=(d shl 6) or (ord(c) and $3f);
5257                                    readchar;
5258                                    if (ord(c) and $c0)<>$80 then
5259                                      message(scan_e_utf8_malformed);
5260                                    d:=(d shl 6) or (ord(c) and $3f);
5261                                    readchar;
5262                                    if (ord(c) and $c0)<>$80 then
5263                                      message(scan_e_utf8_malformed);
5264                                    d:=(d shl 6) or (ord(c) and $3f);
5265                                    if d<$10000 then
5266                                      message(scan_e_utf8_malformed);
5267                                    d:=d-$10000;
5268                                    { high surrogate }
5269                                    w:=$d800+(d shr 10);
5270                                    concatwidestringchar(patternw,w);
5271                                    { low surrogate }
5272                                    w:=$dc00+(d and $3ff);
5273                                    concatwidestringchar(patternw,w);
5274                                  end
5275                                { three chars }
5276                                else if (ord(c) and $e0)=$e0 then
5277                                  begin
5278                                    w:=ord(c) and $f;
5279                                    readchar;
5280                                    if (ord(c) and $c0)<>$80 then
5281                                      message(scan_e_utf8_malformed);
5282                                    w:=(w shl 6) or (ord(c) and $3f);
5283                                    readchar;
5284                                    if (ord(c) and $c0)<>$80 then
5285                                      message(scan_e_utf8_malformed);
5286                                    w:=(w shl 6) or (ord(c) and $3f);
5287                                    concatwidestringchar(patternw,w);
5288                                  end
5289                                { two chars }
5290                                else if (ord(c) and $c0)<>0 then
5291                                  begin
5292                                    w:=ord(c) and $1f;
5293                                    readchar;
5294                                    if (ord(c) and $c0)<>$80 then
5295                                      message(scan_e_utf8_malformed);
5296                                    w:=(w shl 6) or (ord(c) and $3f);
5297                                    concatwidestringchar(patternw,w);
5298                                  end
5299                                { illegal }
5300                                else if (ord(c) and $80)<>0 then
5301                                  message(scan_e_utf8_malformed)
5302                                else
5303                                  concatwidestringchar(patternw,tcompilerwidechar(c))
5304                              end
5305                            else if iswidestring then
5306                              begin
5307                                if current_settings.sourcecodepage=CP_UTF8 then
5308                                  concatwidestringchar(patternw,ord(c))
5309                                else
5310                                  concatwidestringchar(patternw,asciichar2unicode(c))
5311                              end
5312                            else
5313                              begin
5314                                if len>=length(cstringpattern) then
5315                                  setlength(cstringpattern,length(cstringpattern)+256);
5316                                 inc(len);
5317                                 cstringpattern[len]:=c;
5318                              end;
5319                          until false;
5320                        end;
5321                      '^' :
5322                        begin
5323                          readchar;
5324                          c:=upcase(c);
5325                          if c<#64 then
5326                           c:=chr(ord(c)+64)
5327                          else
5328                           c:=chr(ord(c)-64);
5330                          if iswidestring then
5331                            concatwidestringchar(patternw,asciichar2unicode(c))
5332                          else
5333                            begin
5334                              if len>=length(cstringpattern) then
5335                                setlength(cstringpattern,length(cstringpattern)+256);
5336                               inc(len);
5337                               cstringpattern[len]:=c;
5338                            end;
5340                          readchar;
5341                        end;
5342                      else
5343                       break;
5344                    end;
5345                  until false;
5346                  { strings with length 1 become const chars }
5347                  if iswidestring then
5348                    begin
5349                      if patternw^.len=1 then
5350                        token:=_CWCHAR
5351                      else
5352                        token:=_CWSTRING;
5353                    end
5354                  else
5355                    begin
5356                      setlength(cstringpattern,len);
5357                      if length(cstringpattern)=1 then
5358                        begin
5359                          token:=_CCHAR;
5360                          pattern:=cstringpattern;
5361                        end
5362                      else
5363                        token:=_CSTRING;
5364                    end;
5365                  goto exit_label;
5366                end;
5368              '>' :
5369                begin
5370                  readchar;
5371                  if (block_type in [bt_type,bt_var_type,bt_const_type]) then
5372                    token:=_RSHARPBRACKET
5373                  else
5374                    begin
5375                      case c of
5376                        '=' :
5377                          begin
5378                            readchar;
5379                            token:=_GTE;
5380                            goto exit_label;
5381                          end;
5382                        '>' :
5383                          begin
5384                            readchar;
5385                            token:=_OP_SHR;
5386                            goto exit_label;
5387                          end;
5388                        '<' :
5389                          begin { >< is for a symetric diff for sets }
5390                            readchar;
5391                            token:=_SYMDIF;
5392                            goto exit_label;
5393                          end;
5394                      end;
5395                      token:=_GT;
5396                    end;
5397                  goto exit_label;
5398                end;
5400              '<' :
5401                begin
5402                  readchar;
5403                  if (block_type in [bt_type,bt_var_type,bt_const_type]) then
5404                    token:=_LSHARPBRACKET
5405                  else
5406                    begin
5407                      case c of
5408                        '>' :
5409                          begin
5410                            readchar;
5411                            token:=_NE;
5412                            goto exit_label;
5413                          end;
5414                        '=' :
5415                          begin
5416                            readchar;
5417                            token:=_LTE;
5418                            goto exit_label;
5419                          end;
5420                        '<' :
5421                          begin
5422                            readchar;
5423                            token:=_OP_SHL;
5424                            goto exit_label;
5425                          end;
5426                      end;
5427                      token:=_LT;
5428                    end;
5429                  goto exit_label;
5430                end;
5432              #26 :
5433                begin
5434                  token:=_EOF;
5435                  checkpreprocstack;
5436                  goto exit_label;
5437                end;
5438              else
5439                Illegal_Char(c);
5440            end;
5441         end;
5442 exit_label:
5443         lasttoken:=token;
5444       end;
tscannerfile.readpreprocnull5447     function tscannerfile.readpreproc:ttoken;
5448       var
5449         low,high,mid: longint;
5450         optoken: ttoken;
5451       begin
5452          skipspace;
5453          case c of
5454            '_',
5455            'A'..'Z',
5456            'a'..'z' :
5457              begin
5458                readstring;
5459                optoken:=_ID;
5460                if (pattern[1]<>'_') and (length(pattern) in [tokenlenmin..tokenlenmax]) then
5461                 begin
5462                   low:=ord(tokenidx^[length(pattern),pattern[1]].first);
5463                   high:=ord(tokenidx^[length(pattern),pattern[1]].last);
5464                   while low<high do
5465                    begin
5466                      mid:=(high+low+1) shr 1;
5467                      if pattern<tokeninfo^[ttoken(mid)].str then
5468                       high:=mid-1
5469                      else
5470                       low:=mid;
5471                    end;
5472                   with tokeninfo^[ttoken(high)] do
5473                     if pattern=str then
5474                       begin
5475                         if (keyword*current_settings.modeswitches)<>[] then
5476                           if op=NOTOKEN then
5477                             optoken:=ttoken(high)
5478                           else
5479                             optoken:=op;
5480                       end;
5481                   if not (optoken in preproc_operators) then
5482                     optoken:=_ID;
5483                 end;
5484                current_scanner.preproc_pattern:=pattern;
5485                readpreproc:=optoken;
5486              end;
5487            '''' :
5488              begin
5489                readquotedstring;
5490                current_scanner.preproc_pattern:=cstringpattern;
5491                readpreproc:=_CSTRING;
5492              end;
5493            '0'..'9' :
5494              begin
5495                readnumber;
5496                if (c in ['.','e','E']) then
5497                  begin
5498                    { first check for a . }
5499                    if c='.' then
5500                      begin
5501                        readchar;
5502                        if c in ['0'..'9'] then
5503                          begin
5504                            { insert the number after the . }
5505                            pattern:=pattern+'.';
5506                            while c in ['0'..'9'] do
5507                              begin
5508                                pattern:=pattern+c;
5509                                readchar;
5510                              end;
5511                          end
5512                        else
5513                          Illegal_Char(c);
5514                      end;
5515                   { E can also follow after a point is scanned }
5516                    if c in ['e','E'] then
5517                      begin
5518                        pattern:=pattern+'E';
5519                        readchar;
5520                        if c in ['-','+'] then
5521                          begin
5522                            pattern:=pattern+c;
5523                            readchar;
5524                          end;
5525                        if not(c in ['0'..'9']) then
5526                          Illegal_Char(c);
5527                        while c in ['0'..'9'] do
5528                          begin
5529                            pattern:=pattern+c;
5530                            readchar;
5531                          end;
5532                      end;
5533                    readpreproc:=_REALNUMBER;
5534                  end
5535                else
5536                  readpreproc:=_INTCONST;
5537                current_scanner.preproc_pattern:=pattern;
5538              end;
5539            '$','%':
5540              begin
5541                readnumber;
5542                current_scanner.preproc_pattern:=pattern;
5543                readpreproc:=_INTCONST;
5544              end;
5545            '&' :
5546              begin
5547                 readnumber;
5548                 if length(pattern)=1 then
5549                   begin
5550                     readstring;
5551                     readpreproc:=_ID;
5552                   end
5553                 else
5554                   readpreproc:=_INTCONST;
5555                current_scanner.preproc_pattern:=pattern;
5556              end;
5557            '.' :
5558              begin
5559                readchar;
5560                readpreproc:=_POINT;
5561              end;
5562            ',' :
5563              begin
5564                readchar;
5565                readpreproc:=_COMMA;
5566              end;
5567            '}' :
5568              begin
5569                readpreproc:=_END;
5570              end;
5571            '(' :
5572              begin
5573                readchar;
5574                readpreproc:=_LKLAMMER;
5575              end;
5576            ')' :
5577              begin
5578                readchar;
5579                readpreproc:=_RKLAMMER;
5580              end;
5581            '[' :
5582              begin
5583                readchar;
5584                readpreproc:=_LECKKLAMMER;
5585              end;
5586            ']' :
5587              begin
5588                readchar;
5589                readpreproc:=_RECKKLAMMER;
5590              end;
5591            '+' :
5592              begin
5593                readchar;
5594                readpreproc:=_PLUS;
5595              end;
5596            '-' :
5597              begin
5598                readchar;
5599                readpreproc:=_MINUS;
5600              end;
5601            '*' :
5602              begin
5603                readchar;
5604                readpreproc:=_STAR;
5605              end;
5606            '/' :
5607              begin
5608                readchar;
5609                readpreproc:=_SLASH;
5610              end;
5611            '=' :
5612              begin
5613                readchar;
5614                readpreproc:=_EQ;
5615              end;
5616            '>' :
5617              begin
5618                readchar;
5619                if c='=' then
5620                  begin
5621                    readchar;
5622                    readpreproc:=_GTE;
5623                  end
5624                else
5625                  readpreproc:=_GT;
5626              end;
5627            '<' :
5628              begin
5629                readchar;
5630                case c of
5631                  '>' :
5632                    begin
5633                      readchar;
5634                      readpreproc:=_NE;
5635                    end;
5636                  '=' :
5637                    begin
5638                      readchar;
5639                      readpreproc:=_LTE;
5640                    end;
5641                  else
5642                    readpreproc:=_LT;
5643                end;
5644              end;
5645            #26 :
5646              begin
5647                readpreproc:=_EOF;
5648                checkpreprocstack;
5649              end;
5650            else
5651              begin
5652                Illegal_Char(c);
5653                readpreproc:=NOTOKEN;
5654              end;
5655          end;
5656       end;
tscannerfile.readpreprocintnull5659     function tscannerfile.readpreprocint(var value:int64;const place:string):boolean;
5660       var
5661         hs : texprvalue;
5662       begin
5663         hs:=preproc_comp_expr;
5664         if hs.isInt then
5665           begin
5666             value:=hs.asInt64;
5667             result:=true;
5668           end
5669         else
5670           begin
5671             hs.error('Integer',place);
5672             result:=false;
5673           end;
5674         hs.free;
5675       end;
tscannerfile.asmgetcharnull5678     function tscannerfile.asmgetchar : char;
5679       begin
5680          readchar;
5681          repeat
5682            case c of
5683              #26 :
5684                begin
5685                  reload;
5686                  if (c=#26) and not assigned(inputfile.next) then
5687                    end_of_file;
5688                  continue;
5689                end;
5690              else
5691                begin
5692                  asmgetchar:=c;
5693                  exit;
5694                end;
5695            end;
5696          until false;
5697       end;
5700 {*****************************************************************************
5701                                    Helpers
5702 *****************************************************************************}
5704     procedure AddDirective(const s:string; dm: tdirectivemode; p:tdirectiveproc);
5705       begin
5706         if dm in [directive_all, directive_turbo] then
5707           tdirectiveitem.create(turbo_scannerdirectives,s,p);
5708         if dm in [directive_all, directive_mac] then
5709           tdirectiveitem.create(mac_scannerdirectives,s,p);
5710       end;
5712     procedure AddConditional(const s:string; dm: tdirectivemode; p:tdirectiveproc);
5713       begin
5714         if dm in [directive_all, directive_turbo] then
5715           tdirectiveitem.createcond(turbo_scannerdirectives,s,p);
5716         if dm in [directive_all, directive_mac] then
5717           tdirectiveitem.createcond(mac_scannerdirectives,s,p);
5718       end;
5720 {*****************************************************************************
5721                                 Initialization
5722 *****************************************************************************}
5724     procedure InitScanner;
5725       begin
5726         InitWideString(patternw);
5727         turbo_scannerdirectives:=TFPHashObjectList.Create;
5728         mac_scannerdirectives:=TFPHashObjectList.Create;
5730         { Common directives and conditionals }
5731         AddDirective('I',directive_all, @dir_include);
5732         AddDirective('DEFINE',directive_all, @dir_define);
5733         AddDirective('UNDEF',directive_all, @dir_undef);
5735         AddConditional('IF',directive_all, @dir_if);
5736         AddConditional('IFDEF',directive_all, @dir_ifdef);
5737         AddConditional('IFNDEF',directive_all, @dir_ifndef);
5738         AddConditional('ELSE',directive_all, @dir_else);
5739         AddConditional('ELSEIF',directive_all, @dir_elseif);
5740         AddConditional('ENDIF',directive_all, @dir_endif);
5742         { Directives and conditionals for all modes except mode macpas}
5743         AddDirective('INCLUDE',directive_turbo, @dir_include);
5744         AddDirective('LIBPREFIX',directive_turbo, @dir_libprefix);
5745         AddDirective('LIBSUFFIX',directive_turbo, @dir_libsuffix);
5746         AddDirective('EXTENSION',directive_turbo, @dir_extension);
5748         AddConditional('IFEND',directive_turbo, @dir_endif);
5749         AddConditional('IFOPT',directive_turbo, @dir_ifopt);
5751         { Directives and conditionals for mode macpas: }
5752         AddDirective('SETC',directive_mac, @dir_setc);
5753         AddDirective('DEFINEC',directive_mac, @dir_definec);
5754         AddDirective('UNDEFC',directive_mac, @dir_undef);
5756         AddConditional('IFC',directive_mac, @dir_if);
5757         AddConditional('ELSEC',directive_mac, @dir_else);
5758         AddConditional('ELIFC',directive_mac, @dir_elseif);
5759         AddConditional('ENDC',directive_mac, @dir_endif);
5760       end;
5763     procedure DoneScanner;
5764       begin
5765         turbo_scannerdirectives.Free;
5766         mac_scannerdirectives.Free;
5767         DoneWideString(patternw);
5768       end;
5770 end.