1 { Copyright (C) <2005> <Andrew Haines> chmreader.pas
3   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
4   under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
5   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
6   option) any later version.
8   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
9   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
10   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License
11   for more details.
13   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
14   along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15   Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
16 }
17 {
18   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
19   for details about the copyright.
20 }
21 unit chmreader;
23 {$mode delphi}
27 {define binindex}
28 {define nonumber}
29 interface
31 uses
32   Generics.Collections, Classes, SysUtils,  Contnrs,
33   chmbase, paslzx, chmFIftiMain, chmsitemap;
35 type
37   TLZXResetTableArr = array of QWord;
39   PContextItem = ^TContextItem;
40   TContextItem = record
41     Context: THelpContext;
42     Url: String;
43   end;
45   TContextList = class(TList)
46   public
47     procedure AddContext(Context: THelpContext; Url: String);
GetURLnull48     function GetURL(Context: THelpContext): String;
49     procedure Clear; override;
50   end;
51   { TITSFReader }
53   TFileEntryForEach = procedure(Name: String; Offset, UncompressedSize, Section: Integer) of object;
55   TITSFReader = class(TObject)
56   protected
57     fStream: TStream;
58     fFreeStreamOnDestroy: Boolean;
59     fITSFHeader: TITSFHeader;
60     fHeaderSuffix: TITSFHeaderSuffix;
61     fDirectoryHeader: TITSPHeader;
62     fDirectoryHeaderPos: QWord;
63     fDirectoryHeaderLength: QWord;
64     fDirectoryEntriesStartPos: QWord;
65     fCachedEntry: TPMGListChunkEntry; //contains the last entry found by ObjectExists
66     fDirectoryEntriesCount: LongWord;
67     procedure ReadHeader; virtual;
68     procedure ReadHeaderEntries; virtual;
GetChunkTypenull69     function  GetChunkType(Stream: TMemoryStream; ChunkIndex: LongInt): TDirChunkType;
70     procedure GetSections(out Sections: TStringList);
71   private
GetDirectoryChunknull72     function  GetDirectoryChunk(Index: Integer; OutStream: TStream): Integer;
ReadPMGLchunkEntryFromStreamnull73     function  ReadPMGLchunkEntryFromStream(Stream: TMemoryStream; var PMGLEntry: TPMGListChunkEntry): Boolean;
ReadPMGIchunkEntryFromStreamnull74     function  ReadPMGIchunkEntryFromStream(Stream: TMemoryStream; var PMGIEntry: TPMGIIndexChunkEntry): Boolean;
75     procedure LookupPMGLchunk(Stream: TMemoryStream; out PMGLChunk: TPMGListChunk);
76     procedure LookupPMGIchunk(Stream: TMemoryStream; out PMGIChunk: TPMGIIndexChunk);
GetBlockFromSectionnull79     function  GetBlockFromSection(SectionPrefix: String; StartPos: QWord; BlockLength: QWord): TMemoryStream;
FindBlocksFromUnCompressedAddrnull80     function  FindBlocksFromUnCompressedAddr(var ResetTableEntry: TPMGListChunkEntry;
81        out CompressedSize: QWord; out UnCompressedSize: QWord; out LZXResetTable: TLZXResetTableArr): QWord;  // Returns the blocksize
82   public
83     constructor Create(AStream: TStream; FreeStreamOnDestroy: Boolean); virtual;
84     destructor Destroy; override;
85   public
86     ChmLastError: LongInt;
IsValidFilenull87     function IsValidFile: Boolean;
88     procedure GetCompleteFileList(ForEach: TFileEntryForEach; AIncludeInternalFiles: Boolean = True); virtual;
ObjectExistsnull89     function ObjectExists(Name: String): QWord; virtual; // zero if no. otherwise it is the size of the object
90                                                 // NOTE directories will return zero size even if they exist
GetObjectnull91     function GetObject(Name: String): TMemoryStream; virtual; // YOU must Free the stream
92     property CachedEntry: TPMGListChunkEntry read fCachedEntry;
93   end;
95   { TChmReader }
97   TChmReader = class(TITSFReader)
98   protected
99     fDefaultPage: String;
100     fIndexFile: String;
101     fTOCFile: String;
102     fTitle: String;
103     fPreferedFont: String;
104     fContextList: TContextList;
105     fTOPICSStream,
106     fURLSTRStream,
107     fURLTBLStream,
108     fStringsStream: TMemoryStream;
109     fLocaleID: DWord;
110     fWindowsList : TObjectList;
111     fDefaultWindow: String;
112   private
113     FSearchReader: TChmSearchReader;
114   public
115     procedure ReadCommonData;
ReadStringsEntrynull116     function  ReadStringsEntry(APosition: DWord): String;
ReadStringsEntryFromStreamnull117     function  ReadStringsEntryFromStream ( strm:TStream ) : String;
118     { Return LocalUrl string from #URLSTR }
ReadURLSTRnull119     function  ReadURLSTR(APosition: DWord): String;
CheckCommonStreamsnull120     function  CheckCommonStreams: Boolean;
121     procedure ReadWindows(mem:TMemoryStream);
122     constructor Create(AStream: TStream; FreeStreamOnDestroy: Boolean); override;
123     destructor Destroy; override;
GetContextUrlnull124     function GetContextUrl(Context: THelpContext): String;
LookupTopicByIDnull125     function LookupTopicByID(ATopicID: Integer; out ATitle: String): String; // returns a url
GetTOCSitemapnull126     function GetTOCSitemap(ForceXML:boolean=false): TChmSiteMap;
GetIndexSitemapnull127     function GetIndexSitemap(ForceXML:boolean=false): TChmSiteMap;
HasContextListnull128     function HasContextList: Boolean;
129     property DefaultPage: String read fDefaultPage;
130     property IndexFile: String read fIndexFile;
131     property TOCFile: String read fTOCFile;
132     property Title: String read fTitle write fTitle;
133     property PreferedFont: String read fPreferedFont;
134     property LocaleID: dword read fLocaleID;
135     property SearchReader: TChmSearchReader read FSearchReader write FSearchReader;
136     property contextlist : tcontextlist read fcontextlist;
137     property Windows : TObjectlist read fWindowsList;
138     property DefaultWindow : string read fdefaultwindow;
139   end;
141   { TChmFileList }
142   TChmFileList = class;
143   TChmFileOpenEvent = procedure(ChmFileList: TChmFileList; Index: Integer) of object;
144   TChmFileList = class(TStringList)
145   protected
146     fLastChm: TChmReader;
147     fUnNotifiedFiles: TList;
148     fOnOpenNewFile: TChmFileOpenEvent;
149     procedure Delete(Index: Integer); override;
GetChmnull150     function GetChm(AIndex: Integer): TChmReader;
GetFileNamenull151     function GetFileName(AIndex: Integer): String;
152     procedure OpenNewFile(AFileName: String);
CheckOpenFilenull153     function CheckOpenFile(AFileName: String): Boolean;
MetaObjectExistsnull154     function MetaObjectExists(var Name: String): QWord;
MetaGetObjectnull155     function MetaGetObject(Name: String): TMemoryStream;
156     procedure SetOnOpenNewFile(AValue: TChmFileOpenEvent);
157   public
158     constructor Create(PrimaryFileName: String);
159     destructor Destroy; override;
GetObjectnull160     function GetObject(Name: String): TMemoryStream;
IsAnOpenFilenull161     function IsAnOpenFile(AFileName: String): Boolean;
ObjectExistsnull162     function ObjectExists(Name: String; var fChm: TChmReader): QWord;
163     //properties
164     property Chm[Index: Integer]: TChmReader read GetChm;
165     property FileName[Index: Integer]: String read GetFileName;
166     property OnOpenNewFile: TChmFileOpenEvent read fOnOpenNewFile write SetOnOpenNewFile;
167   end;
169 //ErrorCodes
170 const
171   ERR_NO_ERR = 0;
ChmErrorToStrnull177   function ChmErrorToStr(Error: Integer): String;
179 implementation
180 uses ChmTypes;
ChmErrorToStrnull182 function ChmErrorToStr(Error: Integer): String;
183 begin
184   Result := '';
185   case Error of
188     ERR_NOT_VALID_FILE         : Result := 'ERR_NOT_VALID_FILE';
189     ERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR          : Result := 'ERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR';
190   end;
191 end;
ChunkTypenull193 function ChunkType(Stream: TMemoryStream): TDirChunkType;
194 var
195   ChunkID: array[0..3] of char;
196 begin
197   Result := ctUnknown;
198   if Stream.Size< 4 then exit;
199   Move(Stream.Memory^, ChunkId[0], 4);
200   if ChunkID = 'PMGL' then Result := ctPMGL
201   else if ChunkID = 'PMGI' then Result := ctPMGI
202   else if ChunkID = 'AOLL' then Result := ctAOLL
203   else if ChunkID = 'AOLI' then Result := ctAOLI;
204 end;
206 { TITSFReader }
208 procedure TITSFReader.ReadHeader;
209 begin
210   fStream.Read(fITSFHeader,SizeOf(fITSFHeader));
212   // Fix endian issues
214   fITSFHeader.Version := LEtoN(fITSFHeader.Version);
215   fITSFHeader.HeaderLength := LEtoN(fITSFHeader.HeaderLength);
216   //Unknown_1
217   fITSFHeader.TimeStamp := BEtoN(fITSFHeader.TimeStamp);//bigendian
218   fITSFHeader.LanguageID := LEtoN(fITSFHeader.LanguageID);
219   {$ENDIF}
221   if fITSFHeader.Version < 4 then
222    fStream.Seek(SizeOf(TGuid)*2, soCurrent);
224   if not IsValidFile then Exit;
226   ReadHeaderEntries;
227 end;
229 procedure TITSFReader.ReadHeaderEntries;
230 var
231 fHeaderEntries: array [0..1] of TITSFHeaderEntry;
232 begin
233   // Copy EntryData into memory
234   fStream.Read(fHeaderEntries[0], SizeOf(fHeaderEntries));
236   if fITSFHeader.Version = 3 then
237     fStream.Read(fHeaderSuffix.Offset, SizeOf(QWord));
238   fHeaderSuffix.Offset := LEtoN(fHeaderSuffix.Offset);
239   // otherwise this is set in fill directory entries
241   fStream.Position := LEtoN(fHeaderEntries[1].PosFromZero);
242   fDirectoryHeaderPos := LEtoN(fHeaderEntries[1].PosFromZero);
243   fStream.Read(fDirectoryHeader, SizeOf(fDirectoryHeader));
245   with fDirectoryHeader do begin
246     Version := LEtoN(Version);
247     DirHeaderLength := LEtoN(DirHeaderLength);
248     //Unknown1
249     ChunkSize := LEtoN(ChunkSize);
250     Density := LEtoN(Density);
251     IndexTreeDepth := LEtoN(IndexTreeDepth);
252     IndexOfRootChunk := LEtoN(IndexOfRootChunk);
253     FirstPMGLChunkIndex := LEtoN(FirstPMGLChunkIndex);
254     LastPMGLChunkIndex := LEtoN(LastPMGLChunkIndex);
255     //Unknown2
256     DirectoryChunkCount := LEtoN(DirectoryChunkCount);
257     LanguageID := LEtoN(LanguageID);
258     //GUID: TGuid;
259     LengthAgain := LEtoN(LengthAgain);
260   end;
261   {$ENDIF}
263   WriteLn('PMGI depth = ', fDirectoryHeader.IndexTreeDepth);
264   WriteLn('PMGI Root =  ', fDirectoryHeader.IndexOfRootChunk);
265   Writeln('DirCount  =  ', fDirectoryHeader.DirectoryChunkCount);
266   {$ENDIF}
267   fDirectoryEntriesStartPos := fStream.Position;
268   fDirectoryHeaderLength := LEtoN(fHeaderEntries[1].Length);
269 end;
271 procedure TChmReader.ReadCommonData;
272    // A little helper proc to make reading a null terminated string easier
ReadStringnull273    function ReadString(const Stream: TStream; StartPos: DWord; FixURL: Boolean): String;
274    var
275      buf: array[0..49] of char;
276    begin
277      Result := '';
278      Stream.Position := StartPos;
279      repeat
280        Stream.Read(buf, 50);
281        Result := Result + buf;
282      until IndexByte(buf, 50, 0) <> -1;
283      if FixURL then
284        Result := StringReplace(Result, '\', '/', [rfReplaceAll]);
285    end;
286    procedure ReadFromSystem;
287    var
288      //Version: DWord;
289      EntryType: Word;
290      EntryLength: Word;
291      Data: array[0..511] of char;
292      fSystem: TMemoryStream;
293      Tmp: String;
294    begin
295      fSystem := TMemoryStream(GetObject('/#SYSTEM'));
296      if fSystem = nil then begin
297        exit;
298      end;
299      fSystem.Position := 0;
300      if fSystem.Size < SizeOf(DWord) then begin
301        fSystem.Free;
302        Exit;
303      end;
304      {Version := }LEtoN(fSystem.ReadDWord);
305      while fSystem.Position < fSystem.Size do begin
306        EntryType := LEtoN(fSystem.ReadWord);
307        EntryLength := LEtoN(fSystem.ReadWord);
308        case EntryType of
309          0: // Table of contents
310          begin
311            if EntryLength > 511 then EntryLength := 511;
312            fSystem.Read(Data[0], EntryLength);
313            Data[EntryLength] := #0;
314            fTOCFile := '/'+Data;
315          end;
316          1: // Index File
317          begin
318            if EntryLength > 511 then EntryLength := 511;
319            fSystem.Read(Data[0], EntryLength);
320            Data[EntryLength] := #0;
321            fIndexFile := '/'+Data;
322          end;
323          2: // DefaultPage
324          begin
325            if EntryLength > 511 then EntryLength := 511;
326            fSystem.Read(Data[0], EntryLength);
327            Data[EntryLength] := #0;
328            fDefaultPage := '/'+Data;
329          end;
330          3: // Title of chm
331          begin
332            if EntryLength > 511 then EntryLength := 511;
333            fSystem.Read(Data[0], EntryLength);
334            Data[EntryLength] := #0;
335            fTitle := Data;
336          end;
337          4: // Locale ID
338          begin
339            fLocaleID := LEtoN(fSystem.ReadDWord);
340            fSystem.Position := (fSystem.Position + EntryLength) - SizeOf(DWord);
341          end;
342          6: // chm file name. use this to get the index and toc name
343          begin
344            if EntryLength > 511 then EntryLength := 511;
345            fSystem.Read(Data[0], EntryLength);
346            Data[EntryLength] := #0;
347            if (fIndexFile = '') then begin
348              Tmp := '/'+Data+'.hhk';
349              if (ObjectExists(Tmp) > 0) then begin
350                fIndexFile := Tmp;
351              end
352            end;
353            if (fTOCFile = '') then begin
354              Tmp := '/'+Data+'.hhc';
355              if (ObjectExists(Tmp) > 0) then begin
356                fTOCFile := Tmp;
357              end;
358            end;
359          end;
360          16: // Prefered font
361          begin
362            if EntryLength > 511 then EntryLength := 511;
363            fSystem.Read(Data[0], EntryLength);
364            Data[EntryLength] := #0;
365            fPreferedFont := Data;
366          end;
367        else
368          // Skip entries we are not interested in
369          fSystem.Position := fSystem.Position + EntryLength;
370        end;
371      end;
372      fSystem.Free;
373    end;
374    procedure ReadFromWindows;
375    var
376      fWindows,
377      fStrings: TMemoryStream;
378      EntryCount,
379      EntrySize: DWord;
380      EntryStart: QWord;
381      X: Integer;
382      OffSet: QWord;
383    begin
384      fWindows := TMemoryStream(GetObject('/#WINDOWS'));
385      if fWindows = nil then begin
386        exit;
387      end;
388      fStrings := TMemoryStream(GetObject('/#STRINGS'));
389      if fStrings = nil then begin
390        if fWindows <> nil then fWindows.Free;
391        Exit;
392      end;
393      fWindows.Position := 0;
394      if (fWindows.Size = 0) or (fStrings.Size = 0) then begin
395        fWindows.Free;
396        fStrings.Free;
397        Exit;
398      end;
399      EntryCount := LEtoN(fWindows.ReadDWord);
400      EntrySize := LEtoN(fWindows.ReadDWord);
401      OffSet := fWindows.Position;
402      for X := 0 to EntryCount -1 do begin
403        EntryStart := OffSet + (X*EntrySize);
404        if fTitle = '' then begin
405          fWindows.Position := EntryStart + $14;
406          fTitle := '/'+ReadString(fStrings, LEtoN(fWindows.ReadDWord), False);
407        end;
408        if fTOCFile = '' then begin
409          fWindows.Position := EntryStart + $60;
410          fTOCFile := '/'+ReadString(fStrings, LEtoN(fWindows.ReadDWord), True);
411        end;
412        if fIndexFile = '' then begin
413          fWindows.Position := EntryStart + $64;
414          fIndexFile := '/'+ReadString(fStrings, LEtoN(fWindows.ReadDWord), True);
415        end;
416        if fDefaultPage = '' then begin
417          fWindows.Position := EntryStart + $68;
418          fDefaultPage := '/'+ReadString(fStrings, LEtoN(fWindows.ReadDWord), True);
419        end;
420      end;
421      ReadWindows(FWindows);
422      fWindows.Free;
423      fStrings.Free;
424    end;
425    procedure ReadContextIds;
426    var
427      fIVB,
428      fStrings: TStream;
429      Str: String;
430      Value: DWord;
431      OffSet: DWord;
432      //TotalSize: DWord;
433    begin
434      fIVB := GetObject('/#IVB');
435      if fIVB = nil then Exit;
436      fStrings := GetObject('/#STRINGS');
437      if fStrings = nil then begin
438        fIVB.Free;
439        Exit;
440      end;
441      fIVB.Position := 0;
442      {TotalSize := }LEtoN(fIVB.ReadDWord);
443      while fIVB.Position < fIVB.Size do begin
444        Value := LEtoN(fIVB.ReadDWord);
445        OffSet := LEtoN(fIVB.ReadDWord);
446        Str := '/'+ ReadString(fStrings, Offset, True);
447        fContextList.AddContext(Value, Str);
448      end;
449      fIVB.Free;
450      fStrings.Free;
451    end;
452 begin
453    ReadFromSystem;
454    ReadFromWindows;
455    ReadContextIds;
457    WriteLn('TOC=',fTocfile);
458    WriteLn('DefaultPage=',fDefaultPage);
459    {$ENDIF}
460 end;
TChmReader.ReadStringsEntrynull462 function TChmReader.ReadStringsEntry ( APosition: DWord ) : String;
463 begin
464   Result := '';
465   if fStringsStream = nil then
466     fStringsStream := GetObject('/#STRINGS');
467   if fStringsStream = nil then
468     Exit;
469   if APosition < fStringsStream.Size-1 then
470   begin
471     Result := PChar(fStringsStream.Memory+APosition);
472   end;
473 end;
ReadStringsEntryFromStreamnull475 function TChmReader.ReadStringsEntryFromStream ( strm:TStream ) : String;
476 var APosition : DWord;
477 begin
478   APosition:=LEtoN(strm.ReadDWord);
479   result:=ReadStringsEntry(APosition);
480 end;
ReadURLSTRnull482 function TChmReader.ReadURLSTR ( APosition: DWord ) : String;
483 begin
484   result:='';
485   if not CheckCommonStreams then
486     Exit;
488   fURLTBLStream.Position := APosition;
489   fURLTBLStream.ReadDWord; // unknown
490   fURLTBLStream.ReadDWord; // TOPIC index #
491   fURLSTRStream.Position := LEtoN(fURLTBLStream.ReadDWord);
492   fURLSTRStream.ReadDWord; // URL
493   fURLSTRStream.ReadDWord; // FrameName
494   if fURLSTRStream.Position < fURLSTRStream.Size-1 then
495     Result := PChar(fURLSTRStream.Memory+fURLSTRStream.Position);
496 end;
TChmReader.CheckCommonStreamsnull498 function TChmReader.CheckCommonStreams: Boolean;
499 begin
500   if fTOPICSStream = nil then
501     fTOPICSStream := GetObject('/#TOPICS');
502   if fURLSTRStream = nil then
503     fURLSTRStream := GetObject('/#URLSTR');
504   if fURLTBLStream = nil then
505     fURLTBLStream := GetObject('/#URLTBL');
507   Result :=     (fTOPICSStream <> nil)
508             and (fURLSTRStream <> nil)
509             and (fURLTBLStream <> nil);
510 end;
512 procedure TChmReader.ReadWindows(mem:TMemoryStream);
514 var
515   i,cnt,
516   version   : integer;
517   x         : TChmWindow;
518 begin
519  if not assigned(fwindowslist) then
520  fWindowsList.Clear;
521  mem.Position:=0;
522  cnt  := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);
523  version  := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);
524  while (cnt>0) do
525    begin
526      x:=TChmWindow.Create;
527      version            := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        //  0 size of entry.
528      mem.readDWord;                                                     //  4 unknown (bool Unicodestrings?)
529      x.window_type      :=ReadStringsEntryFromStream(mem);              //  8 Arg 0, name of window
530      x.flags            := TValidWindowFields(LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord));    //  C valid fields
531      x.nav_style        := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        // 10 arg 10 navigation pane style
532      x.title_bar_text   :=ReadStringsEntryFromStream(mem);              // 14 Arg 1,  title bar text
533      x.styleflags       := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        // 18 Arg 14, style flags
534      x.xtdstyleflags    := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        // 1C Arg 15, xtd style flags
535      x.left             := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        // 20 Arg 13, rect.left
536      x.right            := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        // 24 Arg 13, rect.top
537      x.top              := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        // 28 Arg 13, rect.right
538      x.bottom           := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        // 2C Arg 13, rect.bottom
539      x.window_show_state:= LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        // 30 Arg 16, window show state
540      mem.readdword;                                                     // 34  -    , HWND hwndhelp                OUT: window handle"
541      mem.readdword;                                                     // 38  -    , HWND hwndcaller              OUT: who called this window"
542      mem.readdword;                                                     // 3C  -    , HH_INFO_TYPE paINFO_TYPES    IN: Pointer to an array of Information Types"
543      mem.readdword;                                                     // 40  -    , HWND hwndtoolbar             OUT: toolbar window in tri-pane window"
544      mem.readdword;                                                     // 44  -    , HWND hwndnavigation          OUT: navigation window in tri-pane window"
545      mem.readdword;                                                     // 48  -    , HWND hwndhtml                OUT: window displaying HTML in tri-pane window"
546      x.navpanewidth     := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        // 4C Arg 11, width of nav pane
547      mem.readdword;                                                     // 50  -    , rect.left,   OUT:Specifies the coordinates of the Topic pane
548      mem.readdword;                                                     // 54  -    , rect.top ,   OUT:Specifies the coordinates of the Topic pane
549      mem.readdword;                                                     // 58  -    , rect.right,  OUT:Specifies the coordinates of the Topic pane
550      mem.readdword;                                                     // 5C  -    , rect.bottom, OUT:Specifies the coordinates of the Topic pane
551      x.toc_file         :=ReadStringsEntryFromStream(mem);              // 60 Arg 2,  toc file
552      x.index_file       :=ReadStringsEntryFromStream(mem);              // 64 Arg 3,  index file
553      x.default_file     :=ReadStringsEntryFromStream(mem);              // 68 Arg 4,  default file
554      x.home_button_file :=ReadStringsEntryFromStream(mem);              // 6c Arg 5,  home button file.
555      x.buttons          := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        // 70 arg 12,
556      x.navpane_initially_closed    := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);             // 74 arg 17
557      x.navpane_default  := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        // 78 arg 18,
558      x.navpane_location := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        // 7C arg 19,
559      x.wm_notify_id     := LEtoN(mem.ReadDWord);                        // 80 arg 20,
560      for i:=0 to 4 do
561        mem.ReadDWord;                                                   // 84  -      byte[20] unknown -  "BYTE tabOrder[HH_MAX_TABS + 1]; // IN/OUT: tab order: Contents, Index, Search, History, Favorites, Reserved 1-5, Custom tabs"
562      mem.ReadDWord;                                                     // 94  -      int cHistory; // IN/OUT: number of history items to keep (default is 30)
563      x.jumpbutton_1_text:=ReadStringsEntryFromStream(mem);              // 9C Arg 7,  The text of the Jump 1 button.
564      x.jumpbutton_2_text:=ReadStringsEntryFromStream(mem);              // A0 Arg 9,  The text of the Jump 2 button.
565      x.jumpbutton_1_file:=ReadStringsEntryFromStream(mem);              // A4 Arg 6,  The file shown for Jump 1 button.
566      x.jumpbutton_2_file:=ReadStringsEntryFromStream(mem);              // A8 Arg 8,  The file shown for Jump 1 button.
567      for i:=0 to 3 do
568        mem.ReadDWord;
569      dec(version,188);                                              // 1.1 specific onesf
570      while (version>=4) do
571        begin
572          mem.readdword;
573          dec(version,4);
574        end;
576      fWindowslist.Add(x);
577      dec(cnt);
578    end;
579 end;
581 constructor TChmReader.Create(AStream: TStream; FreeStreamOnDestroy: Boolean);
582 begin
583   fContextList := TContextList.Create;
584   fWindowslist      := TObjectlist.Create(True);
585   fDefaultWindow:='';
587   inherited Create(AStream, FreeStreamOnDestroy);
588   if not IsValidFile then exit;
590   ReadCommonData;
591 end;
593 destructor TChmReader.Destroy;
594 begin
595   FreeAndNil(fContextList);
596   FreeAndNil(FWindowslist);
597   FreeAndNil(FSearchReader);
598   FreeAndNil(fTOPICSStream);
599   FreeAndNil(fURLSTRStream);
600   FreeAndNil(fURLTBLStream);
601   FreeAndNil(fStringsStream);
602   inherited Destroy;
603 end;
GetChunkTypenull605 function TITSFReader.GetChunkType(Stream: TMemoryStream; ChunkIndex: LongInt): TDirChunkType;
606 var
607   Sig: array[0..3] of char;
608 begin
609   Result := ctUnknown;
610   Stream.Position := fDirectoryEntriesStartPos + (fDirectoryHeader.ChunkSize * ChunkIndex);
612   Stream.Read(Sig, 4);
613   if Sig = 'PMGL' then Result := ctPMGL
614   else if Sig = 'PMGI' then Result := ctPMGI
615   else if Sig = 'AOLL' then Result := ctAOLL
616   else if Sig = 'AOLI' then Result := ctAOLI;
617 end;
GetDirectoryChunknull619 function TITSFReader.GetDirectoryChunk(Index: Integer; OutStream: TStream): Integer;
620 begin
621   Result := Index;
622   fStream.Position := fDirectoryEntriesStartPos + (fDirectoryHeader.ChunkSize * Index);
623   OutStream.Position := 0;
624   OutStream.Size := fDirectoryHeader.ChunkSize;
625   OutStream.CopyFrom(fStream, fDirectoryHeader.ChunkSize);
626   OutStream.Position := 0;
627 end;
629 procedure TITSFReader.LookupPMGLchunk(Stream: TMemoryStream; out PMGLChunk: TPMGListChunk);
630 begin
631   //Stream.Position := fDirectoryEntriesStartPos + (fDirectoryHeader.ChunkSize * ChunkIndex);
632   Stream.Read(PMGLChunk, SizeOf(PMGLChunk));
634   with PMGLChunk do begin
635     UnusedSpace := LEtoN(UnusedSpace);
636     //Unknown1
637     PreviousChunkIndex := LEtoN(PreviousChunkIndex);
638     NextChunkIndex := LEtoN(NextChunkIndex);
639   end;
640   {$ENDIF}
641 end;
ReadPMGLchunkEntryFromStreamnull643 function TITSFReader.ReadPMGLchunkEntryFromStream(Stream: TMemoryStream; var PMGLEntry: TPMGListChunkEntry): Boolean;
644 var
645 Buf: array [0..1023] of char;
646 NameLength: LongInt;
647 begin
648   Result := False;
649   //Stream.Position := fDirectoryEntriesStartPos + (fDirectoryHeader.ChunkSize * ChunkIndex);
650   NameLength := LongInt(GetCompressedInteger(Stream));
652   if NameLength > 1022 then NameLength := 1022;
653   Stream.Read(buf[0], NameLength);
654   buf[NameLength] := #0;
655   PMGLEntry.Name := buf;
656   PMGLEntry.ContentSection := LongWord(GetCompressedInteger(Stream));
657   PMGLEntry.ContentOffset := GetCompressedInteger(Stream);
658   PMGLEntry.DecompressedLength := GetCompressedInteger(Stream);
659   if NameLength = 0 then Exit; // failed GetCompressedInteger sanity check
660   Result := True;
661 end;
663 procedure TITSFReader.LookupPMGIchunk(Stream: TMemoryStream; out PMGIChunk: TPMGIIndexChunk);
664 begin
665   //Stream.Position := fDirectoryEntriesStartPos + (fDirectoryHeader.ChunkSize * ChunkIndex);
666   Stream.Read(PMGIChunk, SizeOf(PMGIChunk));
668   with PMGIChunk do begin
669     UnusedSpace := LEtoN(UnusedSpace);
670   end;
671   {$ENDIF}
672 end;
ReadPMGIchunkEntryFromStreamnull674 function TITSFReader.ReadPMGIchunkEntryFromStream(Stream: TMemoryStream;
675   var PMGIEntry: TPMGIIndexChunkEntry): Boolean;
676 var
677 Buf: array [0..1023] of char;
678 NameLength: LongInt;
679 begin
680   Result := False;
681   //Stream.Position := fDirectoryEntriesStartPos + (fDirectoryHeader.ChunkSize * ChunkIndex);
682   NameLength := LongInt(GetCompressedInteger(Stream));
683   if NameLength > 1023 then NameLength := 1023;
684   Stream.Read(buf, NameLength);
686   buf[NameLength] := #0;
687   PMGIEntry.Name := buf;
689   PMGIEntry.ListingChunk := GetCompressedInteger(Stream);
690   if NameLength = 0 then Exit; // failed GetCompressedInteger sanity check
691   Result := True;
692 end;
694 constructor TITSFReader.Create(AStream: TStream; FreeStreamOnDestroy: Boolean);
695 begin
696   fStream := AStream;
697   fStream.Position := 0;
698   fFreeStreamOnDestroy := FreeStreamOnDestroy;
699   ReadHeader;
700   if not IsValidFile then Exit;
701 end;
703 destructor TITSFReader.Destroy;
704 begin
705   if fFreeStreamOnDestroy then FreeAndNil(fStream);
707   inherited Destroy;
708 end;
IsValidFilenull710 function TITSFReader.IsValidFile: Boolean;
711 begin
712   if (fStream = nil) then ChmLastError := ERR_STREAM_NOT_ASSIGNED
713   else if (fITSFHeader.ITSFsig <> 'ITSF') then ChmLastError := ERR_NOT_VALID_FILE
714   //else if (fITSFHeader.Version <> 2) and (fITSFHeader.Version <> 3)
715   else if not (fITSFHeader.Version in [2..4])
716   then
717     ChmLastError := ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_VERSION;
718   Result := ChmLastError = ERR_NO_ERR;
719 end;
721 procedure TITSFReader.GetCompleteFileList(ForEach: TFileEntryForEach; AIncludeInternalFiles: Boolean = True);
722 var
723   ChunkStream: TMemoryStream;
724   I : Integer;
725   Entry: TPMGListChunkEntry;
726   PMGLChunk: TPMGListChunk;
727   CutOffPoint: Integer;
728   NameLength: Integer;
730   PMGIChunk: TPMGIIndexChunk;
731   PMGIndex: Integer;
732   {$ENDIF}
733 begin
734   if not assigned(ForEach) then Exit;
735   ChunkStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
737   WriteLn('ChunkCount = ',fDirectoryHeader.DirectoryChunkCount);
738   {$ENDIF}
739   for I := 0 to fDirectoryHeader.DirectoryChunkCount-1 do begin
740     GetDirectoryChunk(I, ChunkStream);
741     case ChunkType(ChunkStream) of
742     ctPMGL:
743      begin
744        LookupPMGLchunk(ChunkStream, PMGLChunk);
746         WriteLn('PMGL: ', I, ' Prev PMGL: ', PMGLChunk.PreviousChunkIndex, ' Next PMGL: ', PMGLChunk.NextChunkIndex);
747        {$ENDIF}
748        CutOffPoint := ChunkStream.Size - PMGLChunk.UnusedSpace;
749        while ChunkStream.Position <  CutOffPoint do begin
750          NameLength := GetCompressedInteger(ChunkStream);
751          if (ChunkStream.Position > CutOffPoint) then Continue; // we have entered the quickref section
752          SetLength(Entry.Name, NameLength);
753          ChunkStream.ReadBuffer(Entry.Name[1], NameLength);
754          if (Entry.Name = '') or (ChunkStream.Position > CutOffPoint) then Break; // we have entered the quickref section
755          Entry.ContentSection := GetCompressedInteger(ChunkStream);
756          if ChunkStream.Position > CutOffPoint then Break; // we have entered the quickref section
757          Entry.ContentOffset := GetCompressedInteger(ChunkStream);
758          if ChunkStream.Position > CutOffPoint then Break; // we have entered the quickref section
759          Entry.DecompressedLength := GetCompressedInteger(ChunkStream);
760          if ChunkStream.Position > CutOffPoint then Break; // we have entered the quickref section
761          fCachedEntry := Entry; // if the caller trys to get this data we already know where it is :)
762          if  (Length(Entry.Name) = 1)
763          or (AIncludeInternalFiles
764               or
765              ((Length(Entry.Name) > 1) and (not(Entry.Name[2] in ['#','$',':']))))
766          then
767           ForEach(Entry.Name, Entry.ContentOffset, Entry.DecompressedLength, Entry.ContentSection);
768        end;
769      end;
771     ctPMGI:
772      begin
773        WriteLn('PMGI: ', I);
774        LookupPMGIchunk(ChunkStream, PMGIChunk);
775        CutOffPoint := ChunkStream.Size - PMGIChunk.UnusedSpace - 10;
776        while ChunkStream.Position <  CutOffPoint do begin
777          NameLength := GetCompressedInteger(ChunkStream);
778          SetLength(Entry.Name, NameLength);
779          ChunkStream.ReadBuffer(Entry.Name[1], NameLength);
780          PMGIndex := GetCompressedInteger(ChunkStream);
781          WriteLn(Entry.Name, '  ', PMGIndex);
782        end;
783      end;
784     ctUnknown: WriteLn('UNKNOWN CHUNKTYPE!' , I);
785     {$ENDIF}
786     end;
787   end;
788 end;
ObjectExistsnull790 function TITSFReader.ObjectExists(Name: String): QWord;
791 var
792   ChunkStream: TMemoryStream;
793   QuickRefCount: Word;
794   QuickRefIndex: array of Word;
795   ItemCount: Integer;
796   procedure ReadQuickRefSection;
797   var
798     OldPosn: QWord;
799     Posn: Integer;
800     I: Integer;
801   begin
802     OldPosn := ChunkStream.Position;
803     Posn := ChunkStream.Size-SizeOf(Word);
804     ChunkStream.Position := Posn;
806     ItemCount := LEToN(ChunkStream.ReadWord);
807     //WriteLn('Max ITems for next block = ', ItemCount-1);
808     QuickRefCount := ItemCount  div (1 + (1 shl fDirectoryHeader.Density));
809     //WriteLn('QuickRefCount = ' , QuickRefCount);
810     SetLength(QuickRefIndex, QuickRefCount+1);
811     for I := 1 to QuickRefCount do begin
812       Dec(Posn, SizeOf(Word));
813       ChunkStream.Position := Posn;
814       QuickRefIndex[I] := LEToN(ChunkStream.ReadWord);
815     end;
816     Inc(QuickRefCount);
817     ChunkStream.Position := OldPosn;
818   end;
ReadStringnull819   function ReadString(StreamPosition: Integer = -1): String;
820   var
821     NameLength: Integer;
822   begin
823     if StreamPosition > -1 then ChunkStream.Position := StreamPosition;
825     NameLength := GetCompressedInteger(ChunkStream);
826     SetLength(Result, NameLength);
827     if NameLength>0 then
828       ChunkStream.Read(Result[1], NameLength);
829   end;
830 var
831   PMGLChunk: TPMGListChunk;
832   PMGIChunk: TPMGIIndexChunk;
833   //ChunkStream: TMemoryStream; declared above
834   Entry: TPMGListChunkEntry;
835   NextIndex: Integer;
836   EntryName: String;
837   CRes: Integer;
838   I: Integer;
839 begin
840   Result := 0;
841   //WriteLn('Looking for URL : ', Name);
842   if Name = '' then Exit;
843   if fDirectoryHeader.DirectoryChunkCount = 0 then exit;
845   //WriteLn('Looking for ', Name);
846   if Name = fCachedEntry.Name then
847     Exit(fCachedEntry.DecompressedLength); // we've already looked it up
849   ChunkStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
851   try
853   NextIndex := fDirectoryHeader.IndexOfRootChunk;
854   if NextIndex < 0 then NextIndex := 0; // no PMGI chunks
856   while NextIndex > -1  do begin
857     GetDirectoryChunk(NextIndex, ChunkStream);
858     NextIndex := -1;
859     ReadQuickRefSection;
860     {$IFDEF CHM_DEBUG}
861     WriteLn('In Block ', NextIndex);
862     {$endif}
863     case ChunkType(ChunkStream) of
864       ctUnknown: // something is wrong
865         begin
866           {$IFDEF CHM_DEBUG}WriteLn(NextIndex, ' << Unknown BlockType!');{$ENDIF}
867           Break;
868         end;
869       ctPMGI: // we must follow the PMGI tree until we reach a PMGL block
870         begin
871           LookupPMGIchunk(ChunkStream, PMGIChunk);
873           //QuickRefIndex[0] := ChunkStream.Position;
875           I := 0;
876           while ChunkStream.Position <= ChunkStream.Size - PMGIChunk.UnusedSpace do begin;
877             EntryName := ReadString;
878             if EntryName = '' then break;
879             if ChunkStream.Position >= ChunkStream.Size - PMGIChunk.UnusedSpace then break;
880             CRes := ChmCompareText(Name, EntryName);
881             if CRes = 0 then begin
882               // no more need of this block. onto the next!
883               NextIndex := GetCompressedInteger(ChunkStream);
884               Break;
885             end;
886             if  CRes < 0 then begin
887               if I = 0 then Break; // File doesn't exist
888               // file is in previous entry
889               Break;
890             end;
891             NextIndex := GetCompressedInteger(ChunkStream);
892             Inc(I);
893           end;
894         end;
895       ctPMGL:
896         begin
897           LookupPMGLchunk(ChunkStream, PMGLChunk);
898           QuickRefIndex[0] := ChunkStream.Position;
899           I := 0;
900           while ChunkStream.Position <= ChunkStream.Size - PMGLChunk.UnusedSpace do begin
901             // we consume the entry by reading it
902             Entry.Name := ReadString;
903             if Entry.Name = '' then break;
904             if ChunkStream.Position >= ChunkStream.Size - PMGLChunk.UnusedSpace then break;
906             Entry.ContentSection := GetCompressedInteger(ChunkStream);
907             Entry.ContentOffset := GetCompressedInteger(ChunkStream);
908             Entry.DecompressedLength := GetCompressedInteger(ChunkStream);
910             CRes := ChmCompareText(Name, Entry.Name);
911             if CRes = 0 then begin
912               fCachedEntry := Entry;
913               Result := Entry.DecompressedLength;
914               Break;
915             end;
916             Inc(I);
917           end;
918         end; // case
919     end;
920   end;
921   finally
922   ChunkStream.Free;
923   end;
924 end;
TITSFReader.GetObjectnull926 function TITSFReader.GetObject(Name: String): TMemoryStream;
927 var
928   SectionNames: TStringList;
929   Entry: TPMGListChunkEntry;
930   SectionName: String;
931 begin
932   Result := nil;
933   if ObjectExists(Name) = 0 then begin
934     //WriteLn('Object ', name,' Doesn''t exist or is zero sized.');
935     Exit;
936   end;
938   Entry := fCachedEntry;
939   if Entry.ContentSection = 0 then begin
940     Result := TMemoryStream.Create;
941     fStream.Position := fHeaderSuffix.Offset+ Entry.ContentOffset;
942     Result.CopyFrom(fStream, fCachedEntry.DecompressedLength);
943   end
944   else begin // we have to get it from ::DataSpace/Storage/[MSCompressed,Uncompressed]/ControlData
945     GetSections(SectionNames);
946     FmtStr(SectionName, '::DataSpace/Storage/%s/',[SectionNames[Entry.ContentSection]]);
947     Result := GetBlockFromSection(SectionName, Entry.ContentOffset, Entry.DecompressedLength);
948     SectionNames.Free;
949   end;
950   if Result <> nil then Result.Position := 0;
951 end;
GetContextUrlnull953 function TChmReader.GetContextUrl(Context: THelpContext): String;
954 begin
955   // will get '' if context not found
956  Result := fContextList.GetURL(Context);
957 end;
TChmReader.LookupTopicByIDnull959 function TChmReader.LookupTopicByID ( ATopicID: Integer; out ATitle: String) : String;
960 var
961   TopicURLTBLOffset: DWord;
962   TopicTitleOffset: DWord;
963 begin
964   Result := '';
965   ATitle := '';
966   //WriteLn('Getting topic# ',ATopicID);
967   if not CheckCommonStreams then
968     Exit;
969   fTOPICSStream.Position := ATopicID * 16;
970   if fTOPICSStream.Position = ATopicID * 16 then
971   begin
972     fTOPICSStream.ReadDWord;
973     TopicTitleOffset := LEtoN(fTOPICSStream.ReadDWord);
974     TopicURLTBLOffset := LEtoN(fTOPICSStream.ReadDWord);
975     {$ifdef binindex}
976     {$ifndef nonumber}
977     writeln('titleid:',TopicTitleOffset);
978     writeln('urlid  :',TopicURLTBLOffset);
979     {$endif}
980     {$endif}
981     if TopicTitleOffset <> $FFFFFFFF then
982       ATitle := ReadStringsEntry(TopicTitleOffset);
983      //WriteLn('Got a title: ', ATitle);
984     Result := ReadURLSTR(TopicURLTBLOffset);
985   end;
986 end;
988 const DefBlockSize = 2048;
LoadBtreeHeadernull990 function LoadBtreeHeader(m:TMemoryStream;var btreehdr:TBtreeHeader):boolean;
992 begin
993   if m.size<sizeof(TBtreeHeader) Then
994     Exit(False);
995   result:=true;
996   m.read(btreeHdr,sizeof(TBtreeHeader));
998      btreehdr.flags         :=LEToN(btreehdr.flags);
999      btreehdr.blocksize     :=LEToN(btreehdr.blocksize);
1000      btreehdr.lastlstblock  :=LEToN(btreehdr.lastlstblock);
1001      btreehdr.indexrootblock:=LEToN(btreehdr.indexrootblock);
1002      btreehdr.nrblock       :=LEToN(btreehdr.nrblock);
1003      btreehdr.treedepth     :=LEToN(btreehdr.treedepth);
1004      btreehdr.nrkeywords    :=LEToN(btreehdr.nrkeywords);
1005      btreehdr.codepage      :=LEToN(btreehdr.codepage);
1006      btreehdr.lcid          :=LEToN(btreehdr.lcid);
1007      btreehdr.ischm         :=LEToN(btreehdr.ischm);
1008   {$endif}
1009 end;
readwcharstringnull1011 function readwcharstring(var head:pbyte;tail:pbyte;var readv : ansistring):boolean;
1013 var pw      : PWord;
1014     oldhead : PByte;
1015     ws      : WideString;
1016     n       : Integer;
1017 begin
1018   oldhead:=head;
1019   pw:=pword(head);
1020   while (pw<pword(tail)) and (pw^<>word(0)) do
1021     inc(pw);
1022   inc(pw); // skip #0#0.
1023   head:=pbyte(pw);
1024   result:=head<tail;
1026   n:=head-oldhead;
1028   pw:=pword(@oldhead[n]);
1029   if (n>1) and (pw[-1]=0) then
1030     dec(n,2); // remove trailing #0
1031   setlength(ws,n div sizeof(widechar));
1032   move(oldhead^,ws[1],n);
1033   for n:=1 to length(ws) do
1034     word(ws[n]):=LEToN(word(ws[n]));
1035   readv:=ws; // force conversion for now, and hope it doesn't require cwstring
1036 end;
1039 Type TLookupRec = record
1040                    item : TChmSiteMapItems;
1041                    depth : integer;
1042                    end;
1043      TLookupDict = TDictionary<string,TLookupRec>;
GetIndexSitemapnull1044 function TChmReader.GetIndexSitemap(ForceXML:boolean=false): TChmSiteMap;
1045 var Index   : TMemoryStream;
1048 function  AbortAndTryTextual:tchmsitemap;
1050 begin
1051      if Assigned(Index) Then Index.Free;
1052      // Second Try text Index
1053      Index := GetObject(IndexFile);
1054      if Index <> nil then
1055      begin
1056        Result := TChmSiteMap.Create(stIndex);
1057        Result.LoadFromStream(Index);
1058        Index.Free;
1059      end
1060     else
1061       result:=nil;
1062 end;
1064 var
1065    parentitem:TChmSiteMapItems;
1066    itemstack :TObjectList;
1067    lookup  : TLookupDict;
1068    curitemdepth : integer;
1069    sitemap : TChmSiteMap;
1071 function getitem(anentrydepth:integer):Tchmsitemapitems;
1072 begin
1073    if anentrydepth<itemstack.count then
1074      result:=tchmsitemapitems(itemstack[anentrydepth])
1075    else
1076      begin
1077        {$ifdef binindex}
1078          writeln('pop from emptystack at ',anentrydepth,' ',itemstack.count);
1079        {$endif}
1080        result:=tchmsitemapitems(itemstack[itemstack.Count-1]);
1081      end;
1082 end;
1084 procedure pushitem(anentrydepth:integer;anitem:tchmsitemapitem);
1085 begin
1087  if anentrydepth<itemstack.count then
1088    itemstack[anentrydepth]:=anitem.children
1089  else
1090    if anentrydepth=itemstack.count then
1091      itemstack.add(anitem.Children)
1092    else
1093      begin
1094        {$ifdef binindex}
1095          writeln('push more than 1 larger ' ,anentrydepth,' ',itemstack.count);
1096        {$endif}
1097        itemstack.add(anitem.Children)
1098      end;
1099 end;
1100 procedure parselistingblock(p:pbyte);
1101 var
1103     Item    : TChmSiteMapItem;
1105     hdr:PBTreeBlockHeader;
1106     head,tail : pbyte;
1107     isseealso,
1108     entrydepth,
1109     nrpairs : Integer;
1110     i : integer;
1111     PE : PBtreeBlockEntry;
1112     title : string;
1113     CharIndex,
1114     ind:integer;
1115     seealsostr,
1116     s,
1117     Name : AnsiString;
1118     path,
1119     shortname : AnsiString;
1120     anitem:TChmSiteMapItems;
1121     litem : TChmSiteMapItem;
1122     lookupitem : TLookupRec;
1124 function readvalue:string;
1125 begin
1126   result:='';
1127   title:='';
1128   if head<tail Then
1129     begin
1130       ind:=LEToN(plongint(head)^);
1132       result:=lookuptopicbyid(ind,title);
1133       {$ifdef binindex}
1134         writeln(i:3,' topic: ' {$ifndef nonumber},'  (',ind,')' {$endif});
1135         writeln('    title: ',title);
1136         writeln('    result: ',result);
1137       {$endif}
1138       inc(head,4);
1139     end;
1140 end;
1142 procedure dumpstack;
1143 var fp : TChmSiteMapItems;
1144      ix : Integer;
1145 begin
1146   for ix:=0 to itemstack.Count-1 do
1147     begin
1148       fp :=TChmSiteMapItems(itemstack[ix]);
1149       writeln(ix:3,' ',fp.parentname);
1150     end;
1151 end;
1153 begin
1154   //setlength (curitem,10);
1155   hdr:=PBTreeBlockHeader(p);
1156   hdr^.Length          :=LEToN(hdr^.Length);
1157   hdr^.NumberOfEntries :=LEToN(hdr^.NumberOfEntries);
1158   hdr^.IndexOfPrevBlock:=LEToN(hdr^.IndexOfPrevBlock);
1159   hdr^.IndexOfNextBlock:=LEToN(hdr^.IndexOfNextBlock);
1161   {$ifdef binindex}
1162   writeln('hdr:',hdr^.length);
1163   {$endif}
1164   tail:=p+(2048-hdr^.length);
1165   head:=p+sizeof(TBtreeBlockHeader);
1167   {$ifdef binindex}
1168   {$ifndef nonumber}
1169   writeln('previndex  : ',hdr^.IndexOfPrevBlock);
1170   writeln('nextindex  : ',hdr^.IndexOfNextBlock);
1171   {$endif}
1172   {$endif}
1173   while head<tail do
1174     begin
1175       //writeln(tail-head);
1176       if not ReadWCharString(Head,Tail,Name) Then
1177         Break;
1178       {$ifdef binindex}
1179          Writeln('name : ',name);
1180       {$endif}
1181        if (head+sizeof(TBtreeBlockEntry))>=tail then
1182          break;
1183       PE :=PBtreeBlockEntry(head);
1184       NrPairs  :=LEToN(PE^.nrpairs);
1185       IsSeealso:=LEToN(PE^.isseealso);
1186       EntryDepth:=LEToN(PE^.entrydepth);
1187       CharIndex:=LEToN(PE^.CharIndex);
1188       Path:='';
1190       if charindex<>0 then
1191         begin
1192           Path:=Trim(Copy(Name,1,charindex-2));
1193           Shortname:=trim(copy(Name,charindex,Length(Name)-Charindex+1));
1194         end
1195       else
1196         shortname:=name;
1197       {$ifdef binindex}
1198       writeln('depth:', curitemdepth, ' ' ,entrydepth);
1199       {$endif}
1200       if curitemdepth=entrydepth then // same level, so of same parent
1201          begin
1202            item:=parentitem.newitem;
1203            pushitem(entrydepth+1,item);
1204          end
1205       else
1206         if curitemdepth=entrydepth-1 then // new child, one lower.
1207           begin
1208             parentitem:=getitem(entrydepth);
1209             item:=parentitem.newitem;
1210             pushitem(entrydepth+1,item);
1211           end
1212         else
1213          if entrydepth<curitemdepth then
1214           begin
1215             parentitem:=getitem(entrydepth);
1216             {$ifdef binindex}
1217             writeln('bingo!', parentitem.parentname);
1218             dumpstack;
1219             {$endif}
1220             item:=parentitem.newitem;
1221             pushitem(entrydepth+1,item);
1222           end;
1224       curitemdepth:=entrydepth;
1225       {$ifdef binindex}
1226       writeln('lookup:', Name, ' = ', path,' = ',shortname);
1227       {$endif}
1229     (*  if lookup.trygetvalue(path,lookupitem) then
1230         begin
1231 //          if lookupitem.item<>parentitem then
1232 //             writeln('mismatch: ',lookupitem.item.item[0].name,' ',name);
1233 {          if curitemdepth<entrydepth then
1234             begin
1235               writeln('lookup ok!',curitemdepth,' ' ,entrydepth);
1236               curitemdepth:=entrydepth;
1237             end
1238           else
1239            begin
1240              writeln('lookup odd!',curitemdepth,' ' ,entrydepth);
1241            end;
1242           curitemdepth:=lookupitem.depth+1;
1243           parentitem:=lookupitem.item;}
1244         end
1245       else
1246         begin
1247  //            parentitem:=sitemap.Items;
1248           if not curitemdepth=entrydepth then
1249              writeln('no lookup odd!',curitemdepth,' ' ,entrydepth);
1250         end;  *)
1251 {      item:=parentitem.newitem;}
1252       lookupitem.item:=item.children;
1253       lookupitem.depth:=entrydepth;
1254       lookup.addorsetvalue(name,lookupitem);
1255       item.AddName(Shortname);
1257       {$ifdef binindex}
1258         Writeln('seealso   :  ',IsSeeAlso);
1259         Writeln('entrydepth:  ',EntryDepth);
1260         Writeln('charindex :  ',charindex );
1261         Writeln('Nrpairs   :  ',NrPairs);
1262         Writeln('CharIndex :  ',charindex);
1263       {$endif}
1265       inc(head,sizeof(TBtreeBlockEntry));
1266       if isseealso>0 then
1267         begin
1268           if not ReadWCharString(Head,Tail,SeeAlsoStr) Then
1269             Break;
1270           // have to figure out first what to do with it.
1271           // is See Also really mutually exclusive with pairs?
1272           // or is the number of pairs equal to the number of seealso
1273           // strings?
1274           {$ifdef binindex}
1275             writeln('seealso: ',seealsostr);
1276           {$endif}
1277           item.AddSeeAlso(seealsostr);
1278         end
1279       else
1280         begin
1281          if NrPairs>0 Then
1282           begin
1283             {$ifdef binindex}
1284              writeln('Pairs   : ');
1285             {$endif}
1287             for i:=0 to nrpairs-1 do
1288               begin
1289                s:=readvalue;
1290              //  if not ((i=0) and (title=shortname)) then
1291                item.addname(title);
1292                item.addlocal(s);
1293               end;
1294           end;
1295          end;
1296       inc(head,4); // always 1
1297       {$ifdef binindex}
1298         if head<tail then
1299         writeln('Zero based index (13 higher than last) :',plongint(head)^);
1300       {$endif}
1301       inc(head,4); // zero based index (13 higher than last
1302     end;
1303 end;
1305 var TryTextual : boolean;
1306     BHdr       : TBTreeHeader;
1307     block      : Array[0..2047] of Byte;
1308     i          : Integer;
1310 begin
1311    Result := nil;  SiteMap:=Nil;
1312    // First Try Binary
1313    Index := GetObject('/$WWKeywordLinks/BTree');
1314    if (Index = nil) or ForceXML then
1315    begin
1316      Result:=AbortAndTryTextual; // frees index if needed
1317      Exit;
1318    end;
1319    if not CheckCommonStreams then
1320    begin
1321      index.free;
1322      Result:=AbortAndTryTextual; // frees index if needed
1323      Exit;
1324    end;
1326    lookup:=TDictionary<string,TLookupRec>.create;
1327    SiteMap:=TChmSitemap.Create(StIndex);
1328    itemstack :=TObjectList.create(false);
1329    //Item   :=Nil;  // cached last created item, in case we need to make
1330                   // a child.
1331    parentitem:=sitemap.Items;
1332    itemstack.add(parentitem); // level 0
1333    curitemdepth:=0;
1334    TryTextual:=True;
1335    BHdr.LastLstBlock:=0;
1336    if LoadBtreeHeader(index,BHdr) and (BHdr.LastLstBlock>=0) Then
1337     begin
1338        if BHdr.BlockSize=defblocksize then
1339          begin
1340            for i:=0 to BHdr.lastlstblock do
1341              begin
1342                if (index.size-index.position)>=defblocksize then // skips last incomplete block?
1343                  begin
1344                    Index.read(block,defblocksize);
1345                    parselistingblock(@block)
1346                 end;
1347              end;
1348             trytextual:=false;
1349             result:=sitemap;
1350           end;
1351     end;
1352   if trytextual then
1353     begin
1354       sitemap.free;
1355       Result:=AbortAndTryTextual; // frees index if needed
1356     end
1357   else Index.Free;
1358   itemstack.free;
1359   lookup.free;
1360 end;
GetTOCSitemapnull1362 function TChmReader.GetTOCSitemap(ForceXML:boolean=false): TChmSiteMap;
1363     function AddTOCItem(TOC: TStream; AItemOffset: DWord; SiteMapITems: TChmSiteMapItems): DWord;
1364     var
1365       Props: DWord;
1366       Item: TChmSiteMapItem;
1367       NextEntry: DWord;
1368       TopicsIndex: DWord;
1369       Title, Local : String;
1370     begin
1371       Toc.Position:= AItemOffset + 4;
1372       Item := SiteMapITems.NewItem;
1373       Props := LEtoN(TOC.ReadDWord);
1374       if (Props and TOC_ENTRY_HAS_LOCAL) = 0 then
1375         Item.AddName(ReadStringsEntry(LEtoN(TOC.ReadDWord)))
1376       else
1377       begin
1378         TopicsIndex := LEtoN(TOC.ReadDWord);
1379         Local:=LookupTopicByID(TopicsIndex, Title);
1380         Item.AddName(Title);
1381         Item.AddLocal(Local);
1382       end;
1383       TOC.ReadDWord;
1384       Result := LEtoN(TOC.ReadDWord);
1385       if Props and TOC_ENTRY_HAS_CHILDREN > 0 then
1386       begin
1387         NextEntry := LEtoN(TOC.ReadDWord);
1388         repeat
1389           NextEntry := AddTOCItem(TOC, NextEntry, Item.Children);
1390         until NextEntry = 0;
1391       end;
1393     end;
1395 var
1396   TOC: TStream;
1397   TOPICSOffset: DWord;
1398   EntriesOffset: DWord;
1399   EntryCount: DWord;
1400   EntryInfoOffset: DWord;
1401   NextItem: DWord;
1402 begin
1403    Result := nil;
1404    // First Try Binary
1405    TOC := GetObject('/#TOCIDX');
1406    if (TOC = nil) or ForceXML then
1407    begin
1408      if Assigned(TOC) Then Toc.Free;
1409      // Second Try text toc
1410      TOC := GetObject(TOCFile);
1411      if TOC <> nil then
1412      begin
1413        Result := TChmSiteMap.Create(stTOC);
1414        Result.LoadFromStream(TOC);
1415        Toc.Free;
1416      end;
1417      Exit;
1418    end;
1420    // TOPICS URLSTR URLTBL must all exist to read binary toc
1421    // if they don't then try text file
1422    if not CheckCommonStreams then
1423    begin
1424      TOC.Free;
1425      TOC := GetObject(TOCFile);
1426      if TOC <> nil then
1427      begin
1428        Result := TChmSiteMap.Create(stTOC);
1429        Result.LoadFromStream(TOC);
1430        Toc.Free;
1431      end;
1432      Exit;
1433    end;
1435      // Binary Toc Exists
1436    Result := TChmSiteMap.Create(stTOC);
1438    EntryInfoOffset := NtoLE(TOC.ReadDWord);
1439    EntriesOffset   := NtoLE(TOC.ReadDWord);
1440    EntryCount      := NtoLE(TOC.ReadDWord);
1441    TOPICSOffset    := NtoLE(TOC.ReadDWord);
1443    if EntryCount = 0 then
1444      begin
1445        Toc.Free;
1446        Exit;
1447      end;
1449    NextItem := EntryInfoOffset;
1450    repeat
1451      NextItem := AddTOCItem(Toc, NextItem, Result.Items);
1452    until NextItem = 0;
1453    TOC.Free;
1454 end;
TChmReader.HasContextListnull1456 function TChmReader.HasContextList: Boolean;
1457 begin
1458   Result := fContextList.Count > 0;
1459 end;
1461 procedure TITSFReader.GetSections(out Sections: TStringList);
1462 var
1463   Stream: TStream;
1464   EntryCount: Word;
1465   X: Integer;
1467   I: Integer;
1468   {$ENDIF}
1469   WString: array [0..31] of WideChar;
1470   StrLength: Word;
1471 begin
1472   Sections := TStringList.Create;
1473   //WriteLn('::DataSpace/NameList Size = ', ObjectExists('::DataSpace/NameList'));
1474   Stream := GetObject('::DataSpace/NameList');
1476   if Stream = nil then begin
1477     //WriteLn('Failed to get ::DataSpace/NameList!');
1478     exit;
1479   end;
1481   Stream.Position := 2;
1482   EntryCount := LEtoN(Stream.ReadWord);
1483   for X := 0 to EntryCount -1 do begin
1484     StrLength := LEtoN(Stream.ReadWord);
1485     if StrLength > 31 then StrLength := 31;
1486     Stream.Read(WString, SizeOf(WideChar)*(StrLength+1)); // the strings are stored null terminated
1487     {$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG}
1488     for I := 0 to StrLength-1 do
1489       WString[I] := WideChar(LEtoN(Ord(WString[I])));
1490     {$ENDIF}
1491     Sections.Add(WString);
1492   end;
1493   Stream.Free;
1494 end;
TITSFReader.GetBlockFromSectionnull1496 function TITSFReader.GetBlockFromSection(SectionPrefix: String; StartPos: QWord;
1497   BlockLength: QWord): TMemoryStream;
1498 var
1499   Compressed: Boolean;
1500   Sig: Array [0..3] of char;
1501   CompressionVersion: LongWord;
1502   CompressedSize: QWord;
1503   UnCompressedSize: QWord;
1504   //LZXResetInterval: LongWord;
1505   //LZXWindowSize: LongWord;
1506   //LZXCacheSize: LongWord;
1507   ResetTableEntry: TPMGListChunkEntry;
1508   ResetTable: TLZXResetTableArr;
1509   WriteCount: QWord;
1510   BlockWriteLength: QWord;
1511   WriteStart: LongWord;
1512   ReadCount:LongInt;
1513   LZXState: PLZXState;
1514   InBuf: array of Byte;
1515   OutBuf: PByte;
1516   BlockSize: QWord;
1517   X: Integer;
1518   FirstBlock, LastBlock: LongInt;
1519   ResultCode: LongInt;
1520   procedure ReadBlock;
1521   begin
1522     if ReadCount > Length(InBuf) then
1523       SetLength(InBuf, ReadCount);
1524     fStream.Read(InBuf[0], ReadCount);
1525   end;
1526 begin
1527   // okay now the fun stuff ;)
1528   Result := nil;
1529   Compressed := ObjectExists(SectionPrefix+'Transform/{7FC28940-9D31-11D0-9B27-00A0C91E9C7C}/InstanceData/ResetTable')>0;
1530   // the easy method
1531   if Not(Compressed) then begin
1532     if ObjectExists(SectionPrefix+'Content') > 0 then begin
1533       Result := TMemoryStream.Create;
1534       fStream.Position := fHeaderSuffix.Offset + fCachedEntry.ContentOffset + StartPos;
1535       Result.CopyFrom(fStream, BlockLength);
1536     end;
1537     Exit;
1538   end
1539   else
1540     ResetTableEntry := fCachedEntry;
1542   // First make sure that it is a compression we can read
1543   if ObjectExists(SectionPrefix+'ControlData') > 0 then begin
1544     fStream.Position := fHeaderSuffix.Offset + fCachedEntry.ContentOffset + 4;
1545     fStream.Read(Sig, 4);
1546     if Sig <> 'LZXC' then Exit;
1547     CompressionVersion := LEtoN(fStream.ReadDWord);
1548     if CompressionVersion > 2 then exit;
1549     {LZXResetInterval := }LEtoN(fStream.ReadDWord);
1550     {LZXWindowSize := }LEtoN(fStream.ReadDWord);
1551     {LZXCacheSize := }LEtoN(fStream.ReadDWord);
1554     BlockSize := FindBlocksFromUnCompressedAddr(ResetTableEntry, CompressedSize, UnCompressedSize, ResetTable);
1555     if UncompressedSize > 0 then ; // to avoid a compiler note
1556     if StartPos > 0 then
1557       FirstBlock := StartPos div BlockSize
1558     else
1559       FirstBlock := 0;
1560     LastBlock := (StartPos+BlockLength) div BlockSize;
1562     if ObjectExists(SectionPrefix+'Content') = 0 then exit;
1563     //WriteLn('Compressed Data start''s at: ', fHeaderSuffix.Offset + fCachedEntry.ContentOffset,' Size is: ', fCachedEntry.DecompressedLength);
1564     Result := TMemoryStream.Create;
1565     Result.Size := BlockLength;
1566     SetLength(InBuf,BlockSize);
1567     OutBuf := GetMem(BlockSize);
1568     // First Init a PLZXState
1569     LZXState := LZXinit(16);
1570     if LZXState = nil then begin
1571       Exit;
1572     end;
1573     // if FirstBlock is odd (1,3,5,7 etc) we have to read the even block before it first.
1574     if FirstBlock and 1 = 1 then begin
1575       fStream.Position := fHeaderSuffix.Offset + fCachedEntry.ContentOffset + (ResetTable[FirstBLock-1]);
1576       ReadCount := ResetTable[FirstBlock] - ResetTable[FirstBlock-1];
1577       BlockWriteLength:=BlockSize;
1578       ReadBlock;
1579       ResultCode := LZXdecompress(LZXState, @InBuf[0], OutBuf, ReadCount, LongInt(BlockWriteLength));
1580     end;
1581     // now start the actual decompression loop
1582     for X := FirstBlock to LastBlock do begin
1583       fStream.Position := fHeaderSuffix.Offset + fCachedEntry.ContentOffset + (ResetTable[X]);
1585       if X = FirstBLock then
1586         WriteStart := StartPos - (X*BlockSize)
1587       else
1588         WriteStart := 0;
1590       if X = High(ResetTable) then
1591         ReadCount := CompressedSize - ResetTable[X]
1592       else
1593         ReadCount := ResetTable[X+1] - ResetTable[X];
1595       BlockWriteLength := BlockSize;
1597       if FirstBlock = LastBlock then begin
1598         WriteCount := BlockLength;
1599       end
1600       else if X = LastBlock then
1601         WriteCount := (StartPos+BlockLength) - (X*BlockSize)
1602       else WriteCount := BlockSize - WriteStart;
1604       ReadBlock;
1605       ResultCode := LZXdecompress(LZXState, @InBuf[0], OutBuf, ReadCount, LongInt(BlockWriteLength));
1607       //now write the decompressed data to the stream
1608       if ResultCode = DECR_OK then begin
1609         Result.Write(OutBuf[WriteStart], QWord(WriteCount));
1610       end
1611       else begin
1612         {$IFDEF CHM_DEBUG} // windows gui program will cause an exception with writeln's
1613         WriteLn('Decompress FAILED with error code: ', ResultCode);
1614         {$ENDIF}
1615         Result.Free;
1616         Result := Nil;
1617         FreeMem(OutBuf);
1618         SetLength(ResetTable,0);
1619         LZXteardown(LZXState);
1620         Exit;
1621       end;
1623       // if the next block is an even numbered block we have to reset the decompressor state
1624       if (X < LastBlock) and (X and 1 = 1) then LZXreset(LZXState);
1626     end;
1627     FreeMem(OutBuf);
1628     SetLength(ResetTable,0);
1629     LZXteardown(LZXState);
1630   end;
1631 end;
FindBlocksFromUnCompressedAddrnull1633 function TITSFReader.FindBlocksFromUnCompressedAddr(var ResetTableEntry: TPMGListChunkEntry;
1634   out CompressedSize: QWord; out UnCompressedSize: QWord; out LZXResetTable: TLZXResetTableArr): QWord;
1635 var
1636   BlockCount: LongWord;
1638   I: Integer;
1639   {$ENDIF}
1640 begin
1641   Result := 0;
1642   fStream.Position := fHeaderSuffix.Offset + ResetTableEntry.ContentOffset;
1643   fStream.ReadDWord;
1644   BlockCount := LEtoN(fStream.ReadDWord);
1645   fStream.ReadDWord;
1646   fStream.ReadDWord; // TableHeaderSize;
1647   fStream.Read(UnCompressedSize, SizeOf(QWord));
1648   UnCompressedSize := LEtoN(UnCompressedSize);
1649   fStream.Read(CompressedSize, SizeOf(QWord));
1650   CompressedSize := LEtoN(CompressedSize);
1651   fStream.Read(Result, SizeOf(QWord)); // block size
1652   Result := LEtoN(Result);
1654   // now we are located at the first block index
1656   SetLength(LZXResetTable, BlockCount);
1657   fStream.Read(LZXResetTable[0], SizeOf(QWord)*BlockCount);
1659   for I := 0 to High(LZXResetTable) do
1660     LZXResetTable[I] := LEtoN(LZXResetTable[I]);
1661   {$ENDIF}
1662 end;
1664 { TContextList }
1666 procedure TContextList.AddContext(Context: THelpContext; Url: String);
1667 var
1668   ContextItem: PContextItem;
1669 begin
1670   New(ContextItem);
1671   Add(ContextItem);
1672   ContextItem^.Context := Context;
1673   ContextItem^.Url := Url;
1674 end;
GetURLnull1676 function TContextList.GetURL(Context: THelpContext): String;
1677 var
1678   X: Integer;
1679 begin
1680   Result := '';
1681   for X := 0 to Count-1 do begin
1682     if PContextItem(Get(X))^.Context = Context then begin
1683       Result := PContextItem(Get(X))^.Url;
1684       Exit;
1685     end;
1686   end;
1687 end;
1689 procedure TContextList.Clear;
1690 var
1691   X: Integer;
1692 begin
1693   for X := Count-1 downto 0 do begin
1694     Dispose(PContextItem(Get(X)));
1695     Delete(X);
1696   end;
1697 end;
1700 { TChmFileList }
1702 procedure TChmFileList.Delete(Index: Integer);
1703 begin
1704   Chm[Index].Free;
1705   inherited Delete(Index);
1706 end;
GetChmnull1708 function TChmFileList.GetChm(AIndex: Integer): TChmReader;
1709 begin
1710   if AIndex = -1 then
1711     Result := fLastChm
1712   else
1713     Result := TChmReader(Objects[AIndex]);
1714 end;
GetFileNamenull1716 function TChmFileList.GetFileName(AIndex: Integer): String;
1717 begin
1718   if AIndex = -1 then
1719     AIndex := IndexOfObject(fLastChm);
1721    Result := Strings[AIndex];
1722 end;
1724 procedure TChmFileList.OpenNewFile(AFileName: String);
1725 var
1726 AStream: TFileStream;
1727 AChm: TChmReader;
1728 AIndex: Integer;
1729 begin
1730   if not FileExists(AFileName) then exit;
1731   AStream := TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
1732   AChm := TChmReader.Create(AStream, True);
1733   AIndex := AddObject(AFileName, AChm);
1734   fLastChm := AChm;
1735   if Assigned(fOnOpenNewFile) then fOnOpenNewFile(Self, AIndex)
1736   else fUnNotifiedFiles.Add(AChm);
1737 end;
CheckOpenFilenull1739 function TChmFileList.CheckOpenFile(AFileName: String): Boolean;
1740 var
1741   X: Integer;
1743 begin
1744   Result := False;
1745   for X := 0 to Count-1 do begin
1746     if ExtractFileName(FileName[X]) = AFileName then begin
1747       fLastChm := Chm[X];
1748       Result := True;
1749       Exit;
1750     end;
1751   end;
1752   if not Result then begin
1753     AFileName := ExtractFilePath(FileName[0])+AFileName;
1754     if FileExists(AFileName) and (LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(AFileName)) = '.chm') then OpenNewFile(AFileName);
1755     Result := True;
1756   end;
1757 end;
MetaObjectExistsnull1759 function TChmFileList.MetaObjectExists(var Name: String): QWord;
1760 var
1761   AFileName: String;
1762   URL: String;
1763   fStart, fEnd: Integer;
1764   Found: Boolean;
1765 begin
1766   Found := False;
1767   Result := 0;
1768   //Known META file link types
1769   //       ms-its:name.chm::/topic.htm
1770   //mk:@MSITStore:name.chm::/topic.htm
1771   if Pos('ms-its:', Name) > 0 then begin
1772     fStart := Pos('ms-its:', Name)+Length('ms-its:');
1773     fEnd := Pos('::', Name)-fStart;
1774     AFileName := Copy(Name, fStart, fEnd);
1775     fStart := fEnd+fStart+2;
1776     fEnd := Length(Name) - (fStart-1);
1777     URL := Copy(Name, fStart, fEnd);
1778     Found := True;
1779   end
1780   else if Pos('mk:@MSITStore:', Name) > 0 then begin
1781     fStart := Pos('mk:@MSITStore:', Name)+Length('mk:@MSITStore:');
1782     fEnd := Pos('::', Name)-fStart;
1783     AFileName := Copy(Name, fStart, fEnd);
1784     fStart := fEnd+fStart+2;
1785     fEnd := Length(Name) - (fStart-1);
1786     URL := Copy(Name, fStart, fEnd);
1787     Found := True;
1788   end;
1789   if not Found then exit;
1790   //WriteLn('Looking for URL ', URL, ' in ', AFileName);
1791   if CheckOpenFile(AFileName) then
1792     Result := fLastChm.ObjectExists(URL);
1793   if Result > 0 then NAme := Url;
1794 end;
MetaGetObjectnull1796 function TChmFileList.MetaGetObject(Name: String): TMemoryStream;
1797 begin
1798   Result := nil;
1799   if MetaObjectExists(Name) > 0 then Result := fLastChm.GetObject(Name);
1800 end;
1802 constructor TChmFileList.Create(PrimaryFileName: String);
1803 begin
1804   inherited Create;
1805   fUnNotifiedFiles := TList.Create;
1806   OpenNewFile(PrimaryFileName);
1807 end;
1809 destructor TChmFileList.Destroy;
1810 begin
1811   fUnNotifiedFiles.Free;
1812   inherited Destroy;
1813 end;
1815 procedure TChmFileList.SetOnOpenNewFile(AValue: TChmFileOpenEvent);
1816 var
1817   X: Integer;
1818 begin
1819   fOnOpenNewFile := AValue;
1820   if not assigned(AValue)  then exit;
1821   for X := 0 to fUnNotifiedFiles.Count-1 do
1822     AValue(Self, X);
1823   fUnNotifiedFiles.Clear;
1824 end;
ObjectExistsnull1826 function TChmFileList.ObjectExists(Name: String; var fChm: TChmReader): QWord;
1827 begin
1828   Result := 0;
1829   if Count = 0 then exit;
1830   if fChm <> nil then fLastChm := fChm;
1831   Result := fLastChm.ObjectExists(Name);
1832   if Result = 0 then begin
1833     Result := Chm[0].ObjectExists(Name);
1834     if Result > 0 then fLastChm := Chm[0];
1835   end;
1836   if Result = 0 then begin
1837     Result := MetaObjectExists(Name);
1838   end;
1839   if (Result <> 0) and (fChm = nil) then
1840     fChm := fLastChm;
1841 end;
GetObjectnull1843 function TChmFileList.GetObject(Name: String): TMemoryStream;
1844 begin
1845   Result := nil;
1846   if Count = 0 then exit;
1847   Result := fLastChm.GetObject(Name);
1848   if Result = nil then Result := MetaGetObject(Name);
1849 end;
IsAnOpenFilenull1851 function TChmFileList.IsAnOpenFile(AFileName: String): Boolean;
1852 var
1853   X: Integer;
1854 begin
1855   Result := False;
1856   for X := 0 to Count-1 do begin
1857     if AFileName = FileName[X] then Exit(True);
1858   end;
1859 end;
1861 end.