1// included by gtk2.pas
3{$IFDEF read_forward_definitions}
4{$ENDIF read_forward_definitions}
8{$IFDEF read_interface_types}
9   PGtkTextLineSegment = ^TGtkTextLineSegment;
10   PGtkTextLineSegmentClass = ^TGtkTextLineSegmentClass;
13   Segments: each line is divided into one or more segments, where each
14   segment is one of several things, such as a group of characters, a
15   tag toggle, a mark, or an embedded widget.  Each segment starts with
16   a standard header followed by a body that varies from type to type.
17  }
18{ This header has the segment type, and two specific segments
19   (character and toggle segments)  }
20{ Information a BTree stores about a tag.  }
21{ highest-level node containing the tag  }
22{ total toggles of this tag below tag_root  }
23   PGtkTextTagInfo = ^TGtkTextTagInfo;
24   TGtkTextTagInfo = record
25        tag : PGtkTextTag;
26        tag_root : PGtkTextBTreeNode;
27        toggle_count : gint;
28     end;
30{ Body of a segment that toggles a tag on or off  }
31{ Tag that starts or ends here.  }
32{ TRUE means this toggle has been
33                                        accounted for in node toggle
34                                        counts; FALSE means it hasn't, yet.  }
35   PGtkTextToggleBody = ^TGtkTextToggleBody;
36   TGtkTextToggleBody = record
37        info : PGtkTextTagInfo;
38        inNodeCounts : gboolean;
39     end;
42   The data structure below defines line segments.
43  }
44{ Pointer to record describing
45                                                   segment's type.  }
46{ Next in list of segments for this
47                                              line, or NULL for theEnd of list.  }
48{ # of chars of index space occupied  }
49{ Size of this segment (# of bytes
50                                           of index space it occupies).  }
51{ Characters that make up character
52                                           info.  Actual length varies to
53                                           hold as many characters as needed. }
54{ Information about tag toggle.  }
55{ Information about mark.  }
56{ Child pixbuf  }
57{ Child widget  }
58   TGtkTextLineSegment = record
59        _type : PGtkTextLineSegmentClass;
60        next : PGtkTextLineSegment;
61        char_count : longint;
62        byte_count : longint;
63        body : record
64            case longint of
65               0 : ( chars : array[0..3] of char );
66               1 : ( toggle : TGtkTextToggleBody );
67               2 : ( mark : TGtkTextMarkBody );
68               3 : ( pixbuf : TGtkTextPixbuf );
69               4 : ( child : TGtkTextChildBody );
70            end;
71     end;
74{ Class struct for segments  }
75{ Split seg at index, returning list of two new segments, and freeing seg  }
77   PGtkTextSegSplitFunc = ^TGtkTextSegSplitFunc;
78   TGtkTextSegSplitFunc = TGtkTextLineSegment;
79{ Delete seg which is contained in line; if tree_gone, the tree is being
80   freed in its entirety, which may matter for some reason (?)
81   Return TRUE if the segment is not deleteable, e.g. a mark.
82  }
84   TGtkTextSegDeleteFunc = function (seg:PGtkTextLineSegment; line:PGtkTextLine; tree_gone:gboolean):gboolean; cdecl;
85{ Called after segment structure of line changes, so segments can
86   cleanup (e.g. merge with adjacent segments). Returns a segment list
87   to replace the original segment list with. The line argument is
88   the current line.
89  }
91   PGtkTextSegCleanupFunc = ^TGtkTextSegCleanupFunc;
92   TGtkTextSegCleanupFunc = TGtkTextLineSegment;
93{ Called when a segment moves from one line to another. CleanupFunc is also
94   called in that case, so many segments just use CleanupFunc, I'm not sure
95   what's up with that (this function may not be needed...)
96  }
98   TGtkTextSegLineChangeFunc = procedure (seg:PGtkTextLineSegment; line:PGtkTextLine); cdecl;
99{ Called to do debug checks on the segment.  }
101   TGtkTextSegCheckFunc = procedure (seg:PGtkTextLineSegment; line:PGtkTextLine); cdecl;
102{ Name of this kind of segment.  }
103{ If a segment has zero size (e.g. a
104                                           mark or tag toggle), does it
105                                           attach to character to its left
106                                           or right?  1 means left, 0 means
107                                           right.  }
108{ Procedure to split large segment
109                                           into two smaller ones.  }
110{ Procedure to call to delete
111                                           segment.  }
112{ After any change to a line, this
113                                          procedure is invoked for all
114                                          segments left in the line to
115                                          perform any cleanup they wish
116                                          (e.g. joining neighboring
117                                          segments).  }
118{ Invoked when a segment is about
119     to be moved from its current line
120     to an earlier line because of
121     a deletion.  The line is that
122     for the segment's old line.
123     CleanupFunc will be invoked after
124     the deletion is finished.  }
125{ Called during consistency checks
126                                          to check internal consistency of
127                                          segment.  }
128   TGtkTextLineSegmentClass = record
129        name : Pchar;
130        leftGravity : gboolean;
131        splitFunc : TGtkTextSegSplitFunc;
132        deleteFunc : TGtkTextSegDeleteFunc;
133        cleanupFunc : TGtkTextSegCleanupFunc;
134        lineChangeFunc : TGtkTextSegLineChangeFunc;
135        checkFunc : TGtkTextSegCheckFunc;
136     end;
138{$ENDIF read_interface_types}
142{$IFDEF read_interface_rest}
143function gtk_text_line_segment_split(iter:PGtkTextIter):PGtkTextLineSegment; cdecl; external gtklib;
144function _gtk_char_segment_new(text:Pgchar; len:guint):PGtkTextLineSegment; cdecl; external gtklib;
146function _gtk_char_segment_new_from_two_strings(text1:Pgchar; len1:guint; text2:Pgchar; len2:guint):PGtkTextLineSegment; cdecl; external gtklib;
147function _gtk_toggle_segment_new(info:PGtkTextTagInfo; StateOn:gboolean):PGtkTextLineSegment; cdecl; external gtklib;
148{$ENDIF read_interface_rest}