1 {
2     This file is part of the Free Pascal Integrated Development Environment
3     Copyright (c) 1998 by Berczi Gabor
5     Main IDEApp object
7     See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
8     for details about the copyright.
10     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  **********************************************************************}
15 unit fpide;
17 {2.0 compatibility}
18 {$ifdef VER2_0}
19   {$macro on}
20   {$define resourcestring := const}
21 {$endif}
23 interface
25 {$i globdir.inc}
27 uses
28   Objects,Drivers,Views,App,Gadgets,MsgBox,Tabs,
29   WEditor,WCEdit,
30   Comphook,Browcol,
31   WHTMLScn,
32   FPViews,FPSymbol
33   {$ifndef NODEBUG}
34   ,fpevalw
35   {$endif};
37 type
38     TExecType = (exNormal,exNoSwap,exDosShell);
39     Tdisplaymode = (dmIDE,dmUser);
41     TIDEApp = object(TApplication)
42       IsRunning : boolean;
43       displaymode : Tdisplaymode;
44       constructor Init;
45       procedure   InitDesktop; virtual;
46       procedure   LoadMenuBar;
47       procedure   InitMenuBar; virtual;
48       procedure   reload_menubar;
49       procedure   InitStatusLine; virtual;
50       procedure   Open(FileName: string;FileDir:string);
OpenSearchnull51       function    OpenSearch(FileName: string) : boolean;
AskSaveAllnull52       function    AskSaveAll: boolean;
SaveAllnull53       function    SaveAll: boolean;
AutoSavenull54       function    AutoSave: boolean;
55       procedure   Idle; virtual;
56       procedure   Update;
57       procedure   UpdateMode;
58       procedure   UpdateRunMenu(DebuggeeRunning : boolean);
59       procedure   UpdateTarget;
60       procedure   GetEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
61       procedure   HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent); virtual;
62       procedure   GetTileRect(var R: TRect); virtual;
GetPalettenull63       function    GetPalette: PPalette; virtual;
64       procedure   DosShell; {virtual;}
65       procedure   ShowReadme;
66       destructor  Done; virtual;
67       procedure   ShowUserScreen;
68       procedure   ShowIDEScreen;
IsClosingnull69       function    IsClosing : boolean;
70     private
71       procedure NewEditor;
72       procedure NewFromTemplate;
73       procedure OpenRecentFile(RecentIndex: integer);
74       procedure ChangeDir;
75       procedure Print;
76       procedure PrinterSetup;
77       procedure ShowClipboard;
78       procedure FindProcedure;
79       procedure Objects;
80       procedure Modules;
81       procedure Globals;
82       procedure SearchSymbol;
83       procedure RunDir;
84       procedure Parameters;
85       procedure DoStepOver;
86       procedure DoTraceInto;
87       procedure DoRun;
88       procedure DoResetDebugger;
89       procedure DoContToCursor;
90       procedure DoContUntilReturn;
91       procedure Target;
92       procedure DoCompilerMessages;
93       procedure DoPrimaryFile;
94       procedure DoClearPrimary;
95       procedure DoUserScreenWindow;
96       procedure DoCloseUserScreenWindow;
97       procedure DoUserScreen;
98       procedure DoOpenGDBWindow;
99       procedure DoToggleBreak;
100       procedure DoShowCallStack;
101       procedure DoShowDisassembly;
102       procedure DoShowBreakpointList;
103       procedure DoShowWatches;
104       procedure DoAddWatch;
105       procedure do_evaluate;
106       procedure DoShowRegisters;
107       procedure DoShowFPU;
108       procedure DoShowVector;
AskRecompileIfModifiednull109       function  AskRecompileIfModified:boolean;
110       procedure Messages;
111       procedure Calculator;
112       procedure DoAsciiTable;
113       procedure ExecuteTool(Idx: integer);
114       procedure SetSwitchesMode;
115       procedure DoCompilerSwitch;
116       procedure MemorySizes;
117       procedure DoLinkerSwitch;
118       procedure DoDebuggerSwitch;
119 {$ifdef SUPPORT_REMOTE}
120       procedure DoRemote;
121       procedure TransferRemote;
122 {$endif SUPPORT_REMOTE}
123       procedure Directories;
124       procedure Tools;
125       procedure DoGrep;
126       procedure Preferences;
127       procedure EditorOptions(Editor: PEditor);
128       procedure CodeComplete;
129       procedure CodeTemplates;
130       procedure BrowserOptions(Browser: PBrowserWindow);
131       procedure DesktopOptions;
132       procedure ResizeApplication(x, y : longint);
133       procedure Mouse;
134       procedure StartUp;
135       procedure Colors;
136       procedure OpenINI;
137       procedure SaveINI;
138       procedure SaveAsINI;
139       procedure CloseAll;
140       procedure WindowList;
141       procedure HelpContents;
142       procedure HelpHelpIndex;
143       procedure HelpTopicSearch;
144       procedure HelpPrevTopic;
145       procedure HelpUsingHelp;
146       procedure HelpFiles;
147       procedure About;
148       procedure CreateAnsiFile;
149     public
150       procedure SourceWindowClosed;
DoExecutenull151       function  DoExecute(ProgramPath, Params, InFile, OutFile, ErrFile: string; ExecType: TExecType): boolean;
152     private
153       SaveCancelled: boolean;
154       InsideDone : boolean;
155       LastEvent: longint;
156       procedure AddRecentFile(AFileName: string; CurX, CurY: sw_integer);
SearchRecentFilenull157       function  SearchRecentFile(AFileName: string): integer;
158       procedure RemoveRecentFile(Index: integer);
159       procedure CurDirChanged;
160       procedure UpdatePrimaryFile;
161       procedure UpdateINIFile;
162       procedure UpdateRecentFileList;
163       procedure UpdateTools;
164     end;
166 procedure PutEvent(TargetView: PView; E: TEvent);
167 procedure PutCommand(TargetView: PView; What, Command: Word; InfoPtr: Pointer);
169 var
170   IDEApp: TIDEApp;
172 implementation
174 uses
175 {$ifdef HasSignal}
176   fpcatch,
177 {$endif HasSignal}
178 {$ifdef WinClipSupported}
179   WinClip,
180 {$endif WinClipSupported}
181 {$ifdef Unix}
182   fpKeys,
183 {$endif Unix}
184   FpDpAnsi,WConsts,
185   Video,Mouse,Keyboard,
186   Compiler,Version,
187   FVConsts,
188   Dos{,Memory},Menus,Dialogs,StdDlg,timeddlg,
189   Systems,
190   WUtils,WHlpView,WViews,WHTMLHlp,WHelp,WConsole,
191   FPConst,FPVars,FPUtils,FPSwitch,FPIni,FPIntf,FPCompil,FPHelp,
192   FPTemplt,FPCalc,FPUsrScr,FPTools,
193 {$ifndef NODEBUG}
194   FPDebug,FPRegs,
195 {$endif}
196   FPRedir,
197   FPDesk,FPCodCmp,FPCodTmp;
199 type
200    TTargetedEvent = record
201      Target: PView;
202      Event: TEvent;
203    end;
205 const
206      TargetedEventHead   : integer = 0;
207      TargetedEventTail   : integer = 0;
208 var
209      TargetedEvents      : array[0..10] of TTargetedEvent;
211 resourcestring  menu_local_gotosource = '~G~oto source';
212                 menu_local_tracksource = '~T~rack source';
213                 menu_local_options = '~O~ptions...';
214                 menu_local_clear = '~C~lear';
215                 menu_local_saveas = 'Save ~a~s';
218 {                menu_key_common_helpindex      = 'Shift+F1';
219                 menu_key_common_topicsearch    = 'Ctrl+F1';
220                 menu_key_common_prevtopic      = 'Alt+F1';}
222                 { menu entries }
223                 menu_file              = '~F~ile';
224                 menu_file_new          = '~N~ew';
225                 menu_file_template     = 'New from ~t~emplate...';
226                 menu_file_open         = '~O~pen...';
227                 menu_file_save         = '~S~ave';
228                 menu_file_saveas       = 'Save ~a~s...';
229                 menu_file_saveall      = 'Save a~l~l';
230                 menu_file_reload       = '~R~eload';
231                 menu_file_print        = '~P~rint';
232                 menu_file_printsetup   = 'Print s~e~tup';
233                 menu_file_changedir    = '~C~hange dir...';
234                 menu_file_dosshell     = 'Comman~d~ shell';
235                 menu_file_exit         = 'E~x~it';
237                 menu_edit              = '~E~dit';
238                 {$ifdef HASAMIGA}
239                 {$ifdef AROS}
240                 menu_edit_copywin      = 'Cop~y~ to AROS';
241                 menu_edit_pastewin     = 'Paste from A~R~OS';
242                 {$else}
243                 menu_edit_copywin      = 'Cop~y~ to System';
244                 menu_edit_pastewin     = 'Paste from Syste~m~';
245                 {$endif}
246                 {$else}
247                 menu_edit_copywin      = 'Cop~y~ to Windows';
248                 menu_edit_pastewin     = 'Paste from ~W~indows';
249                 {$endif}
250                 menu_edit_undo         = '~U~ndo';
251                 menu_edit_redo         = '~R~edo';
252                 menu_edit_cut          = 'Cu~t~';
253                 menu_edit_copy         = '~C~opy';
254                 menu_edit_paste        = '~P~aste';
255                 menu_edit_clear        = 'C~l~ear';
256                 menu_edit_showclipboard= '~S~how clipboard';
257                 menu_edit_selectall    = 'Select ~A~ll';
258                 menu_edit_unselect     = 'U~n~select';
260                 menu_search            = '~S~earch';
261                 menu_search_find       = '~F~ind...';
262                 menu_search_replace    = '~R~eplace...';
263                 menu_search_searchagain= '~S~earch again';
264                 menu_search_jumpline   = '~G~o to line number...';
265                 menu_search_findproc   = 'Find ~p~rocedure...';
266                 menu_search_objects    = '~O~bjects';
267                 menu_search_modules    = 'Mod~u~les';
268                 menu_search_globals    = 'G~l~obals';
269                 menu_search_symbol     = 'S~y~mbol...';
271                 menu_run               = '~R~un';
272                 menu_run_run           = '~R~un';
273                 menu_run_continue      = '~C~ontinue';
274                 menu_run_stepover      = '~S~tep over';
275                 menu_run_traceinto     = '~T~race into';
276                 menu_run_conttocursor  = '~G~oto Cursor';
277                 menu_run_untilreturn   = '~U~ntil return';
278                 menu_run_rundir        = 'Run ~D~irectory...';
279                 menu_run_parameters    = 'P~a~rameters...';
280                 menu_run_resetdebugger = '~P~rogram reset';
282                 menu_compile           = '~C~ompile';
283                 menu_compile_compile   = '~C~ompile';
284                 menu_compile_make      = '~M~ake';
285                 menu_compile_build     = '~B~uild';
286                 menu_compile_target    = '~T~arget...';
287                 menu_compile_primaryfile = '~P~rimary file...';
288                 menu_compile_clearprimaryfile = 'C~l~ear primary file';
289                 menu_compile_information = '~I~nformation...';
290                 menu_compile_compilermessages = 'C~o~mpiler messages';
292                 menu_debug             = '~D~ebug';
293                 menu_debug_output      = '~O~utput';
294                 menu_debug_userscreen  = '~U~ser screen';
295                 menu_debug_breakpoint  = '~B~reakpoint';
296                 menu_debug_callstack   = '~C~all stack';
297                 menu_debug_remote      = '~S~end to remote';
298                 menu_debug_registers   = '~R~egisters';
299                 menu_debug_fpu_registers   = '~F~loating Point Unit';
300                 menu_debug_vector_registers   = '~V~ector Unit';
301                 menu_debug_addwatch    = '~A~dd Watch';
302                 menu_debug_watches     = '~W~atches';
303                 menu_debug_breakpointlist = 'Breakpoint ~L~ist';
304                 menu_debug_gdbwindow   = '~G~DB window';
305                 menu_debug_disassemble = '~D~isassemble';
307                 menu_tools             = '~T~ools';
308                 menu_tools_messages    = '~M~essages';
309                 menu_tools_msgnext     = 'Goto ~n~ext';
310                 menu_tools_msgprev     = 'Goto ~p~revious';
311                 menu_tools_grep        = '~G~rep';
312                 menu_tools_calculator  = '~C~alculator';
313                 menu_tools_asciitable  = 'Ascii ~t~able';
315                 menu_options           = '~O~ptions';
316                 menu_options_mode      = 'Mode~.~..';
317                 menu_options_compiler  = '~C~ompiler...';
318                 menu_options_memory    = '~M~emory sizes...';
319                 menu_options_linker    = '~L~inker...';
320                 menu_options_debugger  = 'De~b~ugger...';
321                 menu_options_remote    = '~R~emote...';
322                 menu_options_directories = '~D~irectories...';
323                 menu_options_browser   = 'Bro~w~ser...';
324                 menu_options_tools     = '~T~ools...';
325                 menu_options_env       = '~E~nvironment';
326                 menu_options_env_preferences = '~P~references...';
327                 menu_options_env_editor= '~E~ditor...';
328                 menu_options_env_codecomplete = 'Code~C~omplete...';
329                 menu_options_env_codetemplates = 'Code~T~emplates...';
330                 menu_options_env_desktop = '~D~esktop...';
331                 menu_options_env_keybmouse = 'Keyboard & ~m~ouse...';
332                 menu_options_env_startup = '~S~tartup...';
333                 menu_options_env_colors= '~C~olors';
334                 menu_options_learn_keys= 'Learn ~K~eys';
335                 menu_options_open      = '~O~pen...';
336                 menu_options_save      = '~S~ave';
337                 menu_options_saveas    = 'Save ~a~s...';
339                 menu_window            = '~W~indow';
340                 menu_window_tile       = '~T~ile';
341                 menu_window_cascade    = 'C~a~scade';
342                 menu_window_closeall   = 'Cl~o~se all';
343                 menu_window_resize     = '~S~ize/Move';
344                 menu_window_zoom       = '~Z~oom';
345                 menu_window_next       = '~N~ext';
346                 menu_window_previous   = '~P~revious';
347                 menu_window_hide       = '~H~ide';
348                 menu_window_close      = '~C~lose';
349                 menu_window_list       = '~L~ist...';
350                 menu_window_update     = '~R~efresh display';
352                 menu_help              = '~H~elp';
353                 menu_help_contents     = '~C~ontents';
354                 menu_help_index        = '~I~ndex';
355                 menu_help_topicsearch  = '~T~opic search';
356                 menu_help_prevtopic    = '~P~revious topic';
357                 menu_help_using        = '~U~sing help';
358                 menu_help_files        = '~F~iles...';
359                 menu_help_about        = '~A~bout...';
361                 { Source editor local menu items }
362                 menu_srclocal_openfileatcursor = 'Open ~f~ile at cursor';
363                 menu_srclocal_browseatcursor = '~B~rowse symbol at cursor';
364                 menu_srclocal_topicsearch  = 'Topic ~s~earch';
365                 menu_srclocal_options      = '~O~ptions...';
366                 menu_srclocal_reload       = '~R~eload modified file';
367                 { Help viewer local menu items }
368                 menu_hlplocal_contents     = '~C~ontents';
369                 menu_hlplocal_index        = '~I~ndex';
370                 menu_hlplocal_topicsearch  = '~T~opic search';
371                 menu_hlplocal_prevtopic    = '~P~revious topic';
372                 menu_hlplocal_copy         = '~C~opy';
374                 { Messages local menu items }
375                 menu_msglocal_clear        = '~C~lear';
376                 menu_msglocal_gotosource   = '~G~oto source';
377                 menu_msglocal_tracksource  = '~T~rack source';
378 {                menu_msglocal_saveas = menu_local_saveas;}
380                 { short cut entries in menu }
381                 menu_key_file_open     = 'F3';
382                 menu_key_file_save     = 'F2';
383                 menu_key_file_exit     = 'Alt+X';
385                 menu_key_edit_undo     = 'Alt+BkSp';
386                 menu_key_edit_cut_borland      = 'Shift+Del';
387                 menu_key_edit_copy_borland     = menu_key_common_copy_borland;
388                 menu_key_edit_paste_borland    = 'Shift+Ins';
389                 menu_key_edit_cut_microsoft    = 'Ctrl+X';
390                 menu_key_edit_copy_microsoft   = menu_key_common_copy_microsoft;
391                 menu_key_edit_paste_microsoft  = 'Ctrl+V';
392                 menu_key_edit_clear    = 'Ctrl+Del';
393                 menu_key_edit_all_microsoft = 'Ctrl+A';
394                 menu_key_edit_all_borland = '';
396                 menu_key_run_run       = 'Ctrl+F9';
397                 menu_key_run_stepover  = 'F8';
398                 menu_key_run_traceinto = 'F7';
399                 menu_key_run_conttocursor = 'F4';
400                 menu_key_run_untilreturn= 'Alt+F4';
401                 menu_key_run_resetdebugger = 'Ctrl+F2';
403                 menu_key_compile_compile = 'Alt+F9';
404                 menu_key_compile_make = 'F9';
405                 menu_key_compile_compilermessages = 'F12';
407                 menu_key_debug_userscreen = 'Alt+F5';
408                 menu_key_debug_breakpoint = 'Ctrl+F8';
409                 menu_key_debug_callstack = 'Ctrl+F3';
410                 menu_key_debug_addwatch = 'Ctrl+F7';
412                 menu_key_tools_messages= 'F11';
413                 menu_key_tools_msgnext = 'Alt+F8';
414                 menu_key_tools_msgprev = 'Alt+F7';
415                 menu_key_tools_grep    = 'Shift+F2';
417                 menu_key_window_resize = 'Ctrl+F5';
418                 menu_key_window_zoom   = 'F5';
419                 menu_key_window_next   = 'F6';
420                 menu_key_window_previous = 'Shift+F6';
421                 menu_key_window_close  = 'Alt+F3';
422                 menu_key_window_list   = 'Alt+0';
423                 menu_key_window_hide   = 'Ctrl+F6';
425                 menu_key_help_helpindex = menu_key_common_helpindex;
426                 menu_key_help_topicsearch = menu_key_common_topicsearch;
427                 menu_key_help_prevtopic= menu_key_common_prevtopic;
429                 menu_key_hlplocal_index = menu_key_common_helpindex;
430                 menu_key_hlplocal_topicsearch = menu_key_common_topicsearch;
431                 menu_key_hlplocal_prevtopic = menu_key_common_prevtopic;
432                 menu_key_hlplocal_copy_borland = menu_key_common_copy_borland;
433                 menu_key_hlplocal_copy_microsoft = menu_key_common_copy_microsoft;
435                 { status line entries }
436                 status_help            = '~F1~ Help';
437                 status_help_on_help    = '~F1~ Help on help';
438                 status_help_previoustopic = '~Alt+F1~ Previous topic';
439                 status_help_index      = '~Shift+F1~ Help index';
440                 status_help_close      = '~Esc~ Close help';
441                 status_save            = '~F2~ Save';
442                 status_open            = '~F3~ Open';
443                 status_compile         = '~Alt+F9~ Compile';
444                 status_make            = '~F9~ Make';
445                 status_localmenu       = '~Alt+F10~ Local menu';
446                 status_transferchar    = '~Ctrl+Enter~ Transfer char';
447                 status_msggotosource   = '~'+EnterSign+'~ Goto source';
448                 status_msgtracksource  = '~Space~ Track source';
449                 status_close           = '~Esc~ Close';
450                 status_calculatorpaste = '~Ctrl+Enter~ Transfer result';
451                 status_disassemble     = '~Alt+I~ Disassemble';
453                 { error messages }
454                 error_saving_cfg_file  = 'Error saving configuration.';
455                 error_saving_dsk_file  = 'Error saving desktop file.'#13+
456                                          'Desktop layout could not be stored.';
457                 error_user_screen_not_avail = 'Sorry, user screen not available.';
459                 { standard button texts }
460                 button_OK          = 'O~K~';
461                 button_Cancel      = 'Cancel';
462                 button_New         = '~N~ew';
463                 button_Delete      = '~D~elete';
464                 button_Show        = '~S~how';
465                 button_Hide        = '~H~ide';
467                 { dialogs }
468                 dialog_fillintemplateparameter = 'Fill in template parameter';
469                 dialog_calculator       = 'Calculator';
470                 dialog_openafile        = 'Open a file';
471                 dialog_browsesymbol = 'Browse Symbol';
473                 msg_confirmsourcediradd = 'Directory %s is not in search path for source files. '+
474                                          'Should we add it ?';
475                 msg_quitconfirm         = 'Do You really want to quit?';
476                 msg_printernotopened = 'Can''t open printer,'#13#3'check device name in "print setup"';
477                 msg_printerror = 'Error while printing';
478                 msg_impossibletoreachcursor = 'Impossible to reach current cursor';
479                 msg_impossibletosetbreakpoint = 'Impossible to set breakpoints here';
480                 msg_nothingtorun = 'Oooops, nothing to run.';
481                 msg_cannotrununit = 'Can''t run a unit';
482                 msg_cannotrunlibrary = 'Can''t run a library';
483                 msg_errorexecutingshell = 'Error cannot run shell';
485                 msg_userscreennotavailable = 'Sorry, user screen not available.';
486                 msg_cantsetscreenmode = #3'Impossible to set'#13#3'%dx%d mode';
487                 msg_confirmnewscreenmode = 'Please, confirm that new mode'#13 +
488                                            'is displayed correctly';
490                 { Debugger confirmations and messages }
491                 msg_nodebuginfoavailable = 'No debug info available.';
492                 msg_nodebuggersupportavailable = 'No debugger support available.';
494                 msg_invalidfilename = 'Invalid filename %s';
496                 { File|New from template dialog }
497                 msg_notemplatesavailable = 'No templates available.';
498                 dialog_newfromtemplate   = 'New from template';
499                 label_availabletemplates = 'Available ~t~emplates';
501                 label_filetoopen        = 'File to ope~n~';
502                 label_lookingfor        = 'Looking for %s';
504                 {Printing.}
505                 dialog_setupprinter = 'Setup printer';
506                 label_setupprinter_device = '~D~evice';
508                 {Find procedure.}
509                 dialog_proceduredialog = 'Find Procedure';
510                 label_enterproceduretofind = 'Enter ~m~atching expr.';
511                 label_sym_findprocedure = 'Procedures';
512                 label_sym_findprocedure2 = 'Matching ';
514                 { Browser messages }
515 {                msg_symbolnotfound = #3'Symbol %s not found';
516                 msg_nobrowserinfoavailable = 'No Browser info available';}
517                 msg_toomanysymbolscantdisplayall= 'Too many symbols. Can''t display all of them.';
519                 label_sym_objects = 'Objects';
520                 label_sym_globalscope = 'Global scope';
521                 label_sym_globals = 'Globals';
523                 dialog_units = 'Units';
525                 label_entersymboltobrowse = 'Enter S~y~mbol to browse';
527                 {Program parameters dialog.}
528                 dialog_programparameters = 'Program parameters';
529                 label_parameters_parameter = '~P~arameter';
530                 msg_programnotrundoserroris = #3'Program %s'#13#3'not run'#13#3'DosError = %d';
531                 msg_programfileexitedwithexitcode = #3'Program %s'#13#3'exited with '#13#3'exitcode = %d';
533                 {Target platform dialog.}
534                 dialog_target = 'Target';
535                 label_target_platform = 'Target platform';
537                 {Primary file dialog.}
538                 label_primaryfile_primaryfile = 'Primary file';
540                 {Switches mode.}
541                 dialog_switchesmode = 'SwitchesMode';
542                 static_switchesmode_switchesmode = 'Switches Mode';
544                 {Compiler options.}
545                 dialog_compilerswitches = 'Compiler Switches';
546                 label_compiler_syntaxswitches = 'S~y~ntax Switches';
547                 label_compiler_mode = 'Compiler ~m~ode';
548                 label_compiler_codegeneration = 'Code generation';
549                 label_compiler_optimizations = 'Optimizations';
550                 label_compiler_opt_targetprocessor = 'Optimization target processor';
551                 label_compiler_codegen_targetprocessor = 'Code generation target processor';
552                 label_compiler_linkafter = 'Linking stage';
553                 label_compiler_verboseswitches = 'Verbose Switches';
554                 label_compiler_browser = 'Browser';
555                 label_compiler_assemblerreader = 'Assembler reader';
556                 label_compiler_assemblerinfo = 'Assembler info';
557                 label_compiler_assembleroutput = 'Assembler output';
558                 page_compiler_syntax = 'S~y~ntax';
559                 page_compiler_codegeneration = '~G~enerated code';
560                 page_compiler_verbose = '~V~erbose';
561                 page_compiler_browser = '~B~rowser';
562                 page_compiler_assembler = '~A~ssembler';
564                 {Memory sizes dialog.}
565                 dialog_memorysizes = 'Memory sizes';
567                 {Linker options dialog.}
568                 dialog_linker = 'Linker';
569                 label_linker_preferredlibtype = 'Preferred library type';
571                 {Debugger options dialog.}
572                 dialog_debugger = 'Browsing/Debugging/Profiling';
573                 label_debugger_debuginfo = 'Debugging information';
574                 label_debugger_profileswitches = 'Profiling Switches';
575                 label_debugger_compilerargs = 'Additional ~c~ompiler args';
576                 label_debugger_useanotherconsole = '~U~se another console';
577                 label_debugger_redirection = 'Debuggee ~R~edirection';
578                 label_debugger_useanothertty = '~U~se Another tty for Debuggee';
580                 { Remote options dialog }
581                 dialog_remote = 'Remote setup';
582                 label_remote_machine = 'Remote machine ~n~ame';
583                 label_remote_port = 'Remote ~p~ort number';
584                 label_remote_dir = 'Remote ~d~irectory';
585                 label_remote_config = 'Remote config ~o~ptions';
586                 label_remote_ident = 'Remote ~i~dent';
587                 label_remote_send_command = 'Remote ~S~end command';
588                 label_remote_exec_command = 'Remote ~E~xec command';
589                 label_remote_ssh_exec_command = 'Remote Ss~h~ exec command';
590                 label_remote_copy = 'Remote copy executable';
591                 label_remote_shell = 'Remote shell executable';
592                 label_remote_gdbserver = 'Remote gdbserver executable';
594                 {Directories dialog.}
595                 dialog_directories = 'Directories';
597                 {Editor options window.}
598                 dialog_defaulteditoroptions = 'Default Editor Options';
599                 dialog_editoroptions = 'Editor Options';
600                 label_editor_backupfiles = 'Create backup ~f~iles';
601                 label_editor_insertmode = '~I~nsert mode';
602                 label_editor_autoindentmode = '~A~uto indent mode';
603                 label_editor_usetabcharacters = '~U~se tab characters';
604                 label_editor_backspaceunindents = '~B~ackspace unindents';
605                 label_editor_persistentblocks = '~P~ersistent blocks';
606                 label_editor_syntaxhighlight = '~S~yntax highlight';
607                 label_editor_blockinsertcursor = 'B~l~ock insert cursor';
608                 label_editor_verticalblocks = '~V~ertical blocks';
609                 label_editor_highlightcolumn = 'Highlight ~c~olumn';
610                 label_editor_highlightrow = 'Highlight ~r~ow';
611                 label_editor_autoclosingbrackets = 'Aut~o~-closing brackets';
612                 label_editor_keeptrailingspaces = '~K~eep trailing spaces';
613                 label_editor_codecomplete = 'Co~d~eComplete enabled';
614                 label_editor_folds = 'E~n~able folds';
615                 label_editor_editoroptions = '~E~ditor options';
616                 label_editor_tabsize = '~T~ab size';
617                 label_editor_indentsize = 'Indent si~z~e';
618                 label_editor_highlightextensions = '~H~ighlight extensions';
619                 label_editor_filepatternsneedingtabs = 'File ~p~atterns needing tabs';
621                 {Browser options dialog.}
622                 dialog_browseroptions = 'Browser Options';
623                 dialog_localbrowseroptions = 'Local Browser Options';
624                 label_browser_labels = '~L~abels';
625                 label_browser_constants = '~C~onstants';
626                 label_browser_types = '~T~ypes';
627                 label_browser_variables = '~V~ariables';
628                 label_browser_procedures = '~P~rocedures';
629                 label_browser_inherited = '~I~nherited';
630                 label_browser_symbols = 'Symbols';
631                 label_browser_newbrowser = '~N~ew browser';
632                 label_browser_currentbrowser = '~R~eplace current';
633                 label_browser_subbrowsing = 'Sub-browsing';
634                 label_browser_scope = '~S~cope';
635                 label_browser_reference = 'R~e~ference';
636                 label_browser_preferredpane = 'Preferred pane';
637                 label_browser_qualifiedsymbols = '~Q~ualified symbols';
638                 label_browser_sortsymbols = 'S~o~rt always';
639                 label_browser_display = 'Display';
641                 {Preferences dialog.}
642                 dialog_preferences = 'Preferences';
643                 label_preferences_videomode = 'Video mode';
644                 label_preferences_currentdirectory = 'C~u~rrent directory';
645                 label_preferences_configdirectory = 'Conf~i~g file directory';
646                 label_preferences_desktopfile = 'Desktop file';
647                 label_preferences_editorfiles = 'Editor ~f~iles';
648                 label_preferences_environment = '~E~nvironment';
649                 label_preferences_desktop = '~D~esktop';
650                 label_preferences_autosave = 'Auto save';
651                 label_preferences_autotracksource = '~A~uto track source';
652                 label_preferences_closeongotosource = 'C~l~ose on go to source';
653                 label_preferences_changedironopen = 'C~h~ange dir on open';
654                 label_preferences_options = 'Options';
656                 {Desktop preferences dialog.}
657                 dialog_desktoppreferences = 'Desktop Preferences';
658                 label_desktop_historylists = '~H~istory lists';
659                 label_desktop_clipboard = '~C~lipboard content';
660                 label_desktop_watches = '~W~atch expressions';
661                 label_desktop_breakpoints = '~B~reakpoints';
662                 label_desktop_openwindow = '~O~pen windows';
663                 label_desktop_symbolinfo = '~S~ymbol information';
664                 label_desktop_codecompletewords = 'Co~d~eComplete wordlist';
665                 label_desktop_codetemplates = 'Code~T~emplates';
666                 label_desktop_preservedacrosssessions = '~P~reserved across sessions';
668                 {Mouse options dialog.}
669                 dialog_mouseoptions = 'Mouse Options';
670                 label_mouse_speedbar = 'Fast       Medium      Slow';
671                 label_mouse_doubleclickspeed = 'Mouse ~d~ouble click';
672                 label_mouse_reversebuttons = '~R~everse mouse buttons';
673                 label_mouse_crtlrightmousebuttonaction = 'Ctrl+Right mouse button';
674                 label_mouse_altrightmousebuttonaction = 'Alt+Right mouse button';
675                 label_mouse_act_nothing = 'Nothing';
676                 label_mouse_act_topicsearch = 'Topic search';
677                 label_mouse_act_gotocursor = 'Go to cursor';
678                 label_mouse_act_breakpoint = 'Breakpoint';
679                 label_mouse_act_evaluate = 'Evaluate';
680                 label_mouse_act_addwatch = 'Add watch';
681                 label_mouse_act_browsesymbol = 'Browse symbol';
683                 {Open options dialog.}
684                 dialog_openoptions = 'Open Options';
685                 msg_cantopenconfigfile = 'Can''t open config file.';
686                 msg_errorsavingconfigfile = 'Error saving config file.';
688                 {Save options dialog.}
689                 dialog_saveoptions = 'Save Options As';
690                 dialog_ini_filename = 'Name of INI file';
692                 {Window list dialog.}
693                 dialog_windowlist = 'Window List';
694                 label_wndlist_windows = '~W~indows';
695                 msg_windowlist_hidden = 'hidden';
697                 {Help files dialog.}
698                 dialog_helpfiles = 'Install Help Files';
699                 label_helpfiles_helpfiles = '~H~elp files';
701                 {Install help file.}
702                 dialog_installhelpfile = 'Install a help file';
703                 label_installhelpfile_filename = '~H~elp file name';
705                 {Topic title dialog.}
706                 dialog_topictitle = 'Topic title';
707                 label_topictitle_title = 'Title';
709                 { About window }
710 {                dialog_about = 'About';
711                 label_about_compilerversion = 'Compiler Version';
712                 label_about_debugger = 'Debugger';}
714                 msg_errorparsingtoolparams = 'Error parsing tool params.';
715                 msg_executingtool = 'Executing tool %s ...';
716                 msg_errorreadingoutput = 'Error reading output.';
717                 msg_executingfilterfor = 'Executing filter for %s ...';
718                 msg_cantfindfilteredoutput = 'Can''t find filtered output.';
719                 msg_errorprocessingfilteredoutput = 'Error processing filtered output.';
720                 msg_errorexecutingfilter = 'Error executing filter %s';
721                 msg_errorexecutingtool = 'Error executing tool %s';
722                 msg_filterexecutionsuccessfulexitcodeis = 'Filter execution successful. Exit code = %d';
723                 msg_toolexecutionsuccessfulexitcodeis = 'Tool execution successful. Exit code = %d';
724                 msg_xmustbesettoyforz_doyouwanttochangethis =
725                   '%s must be set to "%s" for %s. '+
726                   'Do you want to change this option automatically?';
728                 dialog_greparguments = 'Grep arguments';
729                 msg_grepprogramnotfound = 'Grep program not found';
730                 label_grep_texttofind = '~T~ext to find';
731                 label_grep_greparguments = '~G~rep arguments';
732                 msg_runninggrepwithargs = 'Running Grep -n %s';
733                 msg_errorrunninggrep = #3'Error running Grep'#13#3'DosError = %d'#13#3'Exit code = %d';
734                 msg_errorreadinggrepoutput = #3'Error reading Grep output'#13#3'In line %d of %s';
735                 msg_filealreadyexistsoverwrite = 'File %s already exists. Overwrite?';
736                 msg_createkeywordindexforhelpfile = 'Create keyword index from help file?';
738                 msg_pleasewaitwhilecreatingindex = 'Please wait while creating index...';
739                 msg_buildingindexfile = 'Building index file %s';
740                 msg_filedoesnotcontainanylinks = '%s doesn''t contain any links, thus it isn''t suitable for indexing.';
741                 msg_storinghtmlindexinfile = 'Storing HTML index in %s';
742                 msg_errorstoringindexdata = 'Error storing index data (%d)';
744                 msg_cantcreatefile = 'Can''t create %s';
746                 {ANSI screenshots.}
747                 msg_saveansifile = 'Save previous screen as Ansi File';
748                 msg_click_upper_left = 'Click to select upper left corner; Escape to cancel; Enter to select (0,0)';
749                 msg_click_lower_right = 'Click to select lower right corner; Escape to cancel; Enter to select (maxX,maxY)';
IncTargetedEventPtrnull751 function IncTargetedEventPtr(I: integer): integer;
752 begin
753   Inc(I);
754   if I>High(TargetedEvents) then I:=Low(TargetedEvents);
755   IncTargetedEventPtr:=I;
756 end;
758 procedure PutEvent(TargetView: PView; E: TEvent);
759 begin
760   if IncTargetedEventPtr(TargetedEventHead)=TargetedEventTail then Exit;
761   with TargetedEvents[TargetedEventHead] do
762   begin
763     Target:=TargetView;
764     Event:=E;
765   end;
766   TargetedEventHead:=IncTargetedEventPtr(TargetedEventHead);
767 end;
769 procedure PutCommand(TargetView: PView; What, Command: Word; InfoPtr: Pointer);
770 var E: TEvent;
771 begin
772   FillChar(E,Sizeof(E),0);
773   E.What:=What;
774   E.Command:=Command;
775   E.InfoPtr:=InfoPtr;
776   PutEvent(TargetView,E);
777 end;
GetTargetedEventnull779 function GetTargetedEvent(var P: PView; var E: TEvent): boolean;
780 var OK: boolean;
781 begin
782   OK:=TargetedEventHead<>TargetedEventTail;
783   if OK then
784   begin
785     with TargetedEvents[TargetedEventTail] do
786     begin
787       P:=Target;
788       E:=Event;
789     end;
790     TargetedEventTail:=IncTargetedEventPtr(TargetedEventTail);
791   end;
792   GetTargetedEvent:=OK;
793 end;
IDEUseSyntaxHighlightnull795 function IDEUseSyntaxHighlight(Editor: PFileEditor): boolean;
796 begin
797   IDEUseSyntaxHighlight:=(Editor^.IsFlagSet(efSyntaxHighlight)) and ((Editor^.FileName='') or MatchesMaskList(NameAndExtOf(Editor^.FileName),HighlightExts));
798 end;
IDEUseTabsPatternnull800 function IDEUseTabsPattern(Editor: PFileEditor): boolean;
801 begin
802   { the commented code lead all new files
803     to become with TAB use enabled which is wrong in my opinion PM }
804   IDEUseTabsPattern:={(Editor^.FileName='') or }MatchesMaskList(NameAndExtOf(Editor^.FileName),TabsPattern);
805 end;
807 constructor TIDEApp.Init;
808 var R: TRect;
809 begin
810   displaymode:=dmIDE;
811   UseSyntaxHighlight:=@IDEUseSyntaxHighlight;
812   UseTabsPattern:=@IDEUseTabsPattern;
813   inherited Init;
814   InitAdvMsgBox;
815   InsideDone:=false;
816   IsRunning:=true;
817   MenuBar^.GetBounds(R); R.A.X:=R.B.X-8;
818   New(ClockView, Init(R));
819   ClockView^.GrowMode:=gfGrowLoX+gfGrowHiX;
820   Application^.Insert(ClockView);
821   New(ClipboardWindow, Init);
822   Desktop^.Insert(ClipboardWindow);
823   New(CalcWindow, Init); CalcWindow^.Hide;
824   Desktop^.Insert(CalcWindow);
825   New(CompilerMessageWindow, Init);
826   CompilerMessageWindow^.Hide;
827   Desktop^.Insert(CompilerMessageWindow);
828   Message(@Self,evBroadcast,cmUpdate,nil);
829   CurDirChanged;
830   { heap viewer }
831   GetExtent(R); Dec(R.B.X); R.A.X:=R.B.X-9; R.A.Y:=R.B.Y-1;
832   New(HeapView, InitKb(R));
833   if (StartupOptions and soHeapMonitor)=0 then HeapView^.Hide;
834   Insert(HeapView);
835   Drivers.ShowMouse;
836 {$ifdef Windows}
837   // WindowsShowMouse;
838 {$endif Windows}
839 end;
841 procedure TIDEApp.InitDesktop;
842 var
843   R: TRect;
844 begin
845   GetExtent(R);
846   Inc(R.A.Y);
847   Dec(R.B.Y);
848   Desktop:=New(PFPDesktop, Init(R));
849 end;
851 procedure TIDEApp.LoadMenuBar;
853 var R: TRect;
854     WinPMI : PMenuItem;
856 begin
857   GetExtent(R); R.B.Y:=R.A.Y+1;
858   WinPMI:=nil;
859 {$ifdef WinClipSupported}
860   if WinClipboardSupported then
861     WinPMI:=NewLine(
862       NewItem(menu_edit_copywin,'', kbNoKey, cmCopyWin, hcCopyWin,
863       NewItem(menu_edit_pastewin,'', kbNoKey, cmPasteWin, hcPasteWin,
864       nil)));
865 {$endif WinClipSupported}
866   MenuBar:=New(PAdvancedMenuBar, Init(R, NewMenu(
867     NewSubMenu(menu_file,hcFileMenu, NewMenu(
868       NewItem(menu_file_new,'',kbNoKey,cmNew,hcNew,
869       NewItem(menu_file_template,'',kbNoKey,cmNewFromTemplate,hcNewFromTemplate,
870       NewItem(menu_file_open,menu_key_file_open,kbF3,cmOpen,hcOpen,
871       NewItem(menu_file_reload,'',kbNoKey,cmDoReload,hcDoReload,
872       NewItem(menu_file_save,menu_key_file_save,kbF2,cmSave,hcSave,
873       NewItem(menu_file_saveas,'',kbNoKey,cmSaveAs,hcSaveAs,
874       NewItem(menu_file_saveall,'',kbNoKey,cmSaveAll,hcSaveAll,
875       NewLine(
876       NewItem(menu_file_print,'',kbNoKey,cmPrint,hcPrint,
877       NewItem(menu_file_printsetup,'',kbNoKey,cmPrinterSetup,hcPrinterSetup,
878       NewLine(
879       NewItem(menu_file_changedir,'',kbNoKey,cmChangeDir,hcChangeDir,
880       NewItem(menu_file_dosshell,'',kbNoKey,cmDOSShell,hcDOSShell,
881       NewItem(menu_file_exit,menu_key_file_exit,kbNoKey,cmQuit,hcQuit,
882       nil))))))))))))))),
883     NewSubMenu(menu_edit,hcEditMenu, NewMenu(
884       NewItem(menu_edit_undo,menu_key_edit_undo, kbAltBack, cmUndo, hcUndo,
885       NewItem(menu_edit_redo,'', kbNoKey, cmRedo, hcRedo,
886 {$ifdef DebugUndo}
887       NewItem('~D~ump Undo','', kbNoKey, cmDumpUndo, hcUndo,
888       NewItem('U~n~do All','', kbNoKey, cmUndoAll, hcUndo,
889       NewItem('R~e~do All','', kbNoKey, cmRedoAll, hcRedo,
890 {$endif DebugUndo}
891       NewLine(
892       NewItem(menu_edit_cut,menu_key_edit_cut, cut_key, cmCut, hcCut,
893       NewItem(menu_edit_copy,menu_key_edit_copy, copy_key, cmCopy, hcCopy,
894       NewItem(menu_edit_paste,menu_key_edit_paste, paste_key, cmPaste, hcPaste,
895       NewItem(menu_edit_clear,menu_key_edit_clear, kbCtrlDel, cmClear, hcClear,
896       NewItem(menu_edit_selectall,menu_key_edit_all, all_Key, cmSelectAll, hcSelectAll,
897       NewItem(menu_edit_unselect,'', kbNoKey, cmUnselect, hcUnselect,
898       NewLine(
899       NewItem(menu_edit_showclipboard,'', kbNoKey, cmShowClipboard, hcShowClipboard,
900       WinPMI))))))))
901 {$ifdef DebugUndo}))){$endif DebugUndo}
902       )))),
903     NewSubMenu(menu_search,hcSearchMenu, NewMenu(
904       NewItem(menu_search_find,'', kbNoKey, cmFind, hcFind,
905       NewItem(menu_search_replace,'', kbNoKey, cmReplace, hcReplace,
906       NewItem(menu_search_searchagain,'', kbNoKey, cmSearchAgain, hcSearchAgain,
907       NewLine(
908       NewItem(menu_search_jumpline,'', kbNoKey, cmJumpLine, hcGotoLine,
909       NewItem(menu_search_findproc,'', kbNoKey, cmFindProcedure, hcFindProcedure,
910       NewLine(
911       NewItem(menu_search_objects,'', kbNoKey, cmObjects, hcObjects,
912       NewItem(menu_search_modules,'', kbNoKey, cmModules, hcModules,
913       NewItem(menu_search_globals,'', kbNoKey, cmGlobals, hcGlobals,
914       NewLine(
915       NewItem(menu_search_symbol,'', kbNoKey, cmSymbol, hcSymbol,
916       nil))))))))))))),
917     NewSubMenu(menu_run,hcRunMenu, NewMenu(
918       NewItem(menu_run_run,menu_key_run_run, kbCtrlF9, cmRun, hcRun,
919       NewItem(menu_run_stepover,menu_key_run_stepover, kbF8, cmStepOver, hcRun,
920       NewItem(menu_run_traceinto,menu_key_run_traceinto, kbF7, cmTraceInto, hcRun,
921       NewItem(menu_run_conttocursor,menu_key_run_conttocursor, kbF4, cmContToCursor, hcContToCursor,
922       NewItem(menu_run_untilreturn,menu_key_run_untilreturn, kbAltF4,cmUntilReturn,hcUntilReturn,
923       NewItem(menu_run_rundir,'', kbNoKey, cmRunDir, hcRunDir,
924       NewItem(menu_run_parameters,'', kbNoKey, cmParameters, hcParameters,
925       NewItem(menu_run_resetdebugger,menu_key_run_resetdebugger, kbCtrlF2, cmResetDebugger, hcResetDebugger,
926       nil))))))))),
927     NewSubMenu(menu_compile,hcCompileMenu, NewMenu(
928       NewItem(menu_compile_compile,menu_key_compile_compile, kbAltF9, cmCompile, hcCompile,
929       NewItem(menu_compile_make,menu_key_compile_make, kbF9, cmMake, hcMake,
930       NewItem(menu_compile_build,'', kbNoKey, cmBuild, hcBuild,
931       NewLine(
932       NewItem(menu_compile_target,'', kbNoKey, cmTarget, hcTarget,
933       NewItem(menu_compile_primaryfile,'', kbNoKey, cmPrimaryFile, hcPrimaryFile,
934       NewItem(menu_compile_clearprimaryfile,'', kbNoKey, cmClearPrimary, hcClearPrimary,
935       NewLine(
936       NewItem(menu_compile_compilermessages,menu_key_compile_compilermessages, kbF12, cmCompilerMessages, hcCompilerMessages,
937       nil)))))))))),
938     NewSubMenu(menu_debug, hcDebugMenu, NewMenu(
939       NewItem(menu_debug_output,'', kbNoKey, cmUserScreenWindow, hcUserScreenWindow,
940       NewItem(menu_debug_userscreen,menu_key_debug_userscreen, kbAltF5, cmUserScreen, hcUserScreen,
941       NewLine(
942 {$ifdef SUPPORT_REMOTE}
943       NewItem(menu_debug_remote,'', kbNoKey, cmTransferRemote, hcTransferRemote,
944 {$endif SUPPORT_REMOTE}
945       NewItem(menu_debug_addwatch,menu_key_debug_addwatch, kbCtrlF7, cmAddWatch, hcAddWatch,
946       NewItem(menu_debug_watches,'', kbNoKey, cmWatches, hcWatchesWindow,
947       NewItem(menu_debug_breakpoint,menu_key_debug_breakpoint, kbCtrlF8, cmToggleBreakpoint, hcToggleBreakpoint,
948       NewItem(menu_debug_breakpointlist,'', kbNoKey, cmBreakpointList, hcBreakpointList,
949       NewItem('~E~valuate...','Ctrl+F4', kbCtrlF4, cmEvaluate, hcEvaluate,
950       NewItem(menu_debug_callstack,menu_key_debug_callstack, kbCtrlF3, cmStack, hcStackWindow,
951       NewLine(
952       NewItem(menu_debug_disassemble,'', kbNoKey, cmDisassemble, hcDisassemblyWindow,
953       NewItem(menu_debug_registers,'', kbNoKey, cmRegisters, hcRegistersWindow,
954       NewItem(menu_debug_fpu_registers,'', kbNoKey, cmFPURegisters, hcFPURegisters,
955       NewItem(menu_debug_vector_registers,'', kbNoKey, cmVectorRegisters, hcVectorRegisters,
956       NewLine(
957       NewItem(menu_debug_gdbwindow,'', kbNoKey, cmOpenGDBWindow, hcOpenGDBWindow,
958       nil
959 {$ifdef SUPPORT_REMOTE}
960       )
961 {$endif SUPPORT_REMOTE}
962       ))))))))))))))))),
963     NewSubMenu(menu_tools, hcToolsMenu, NewMenu(
964       NewItem(menu_tools_messages,menu_key_tools_messages, kbF11, cmToolsMessages, hcToolsMessages,
965       NewItem(menu_tools_msgnext,menu_key_tools_msgnext, kbAltF8, cmToolsMsgNext, hcToolsMsgNext,
966       NewItem(menu_tools_msgprev,menu_key_tools_msgprev, kbAltF7, cmToolsMsgPrev, hcToolsMsgPrev,
967       NewLine(
968       NewItem(menu_tools_grep,menu_key_tools_grep, kbShiftF2, cmGrep, hcGrep,
969       NewItem(menu_tools_calculator, '', kbNoKey, cmCalculator, hcCalculator,
970       NewItem(menu_tools_asciitable, '', kbNoKey, cmAsciiTable, hcAsciiTable,
971       nil)))))))),
972     NewSubMenu(menu_options, hcOptionsMenu, NewMenu(
973       NewItem(menu_options_mode,'', kbNoKey, cmSwitchesMode, hcSwitchesMode,
974       NewItem(menu_options_compiler,'', kbNoKey, cmCompiler, hcCompiler,
975       NewItem(menu_options_memory,'', kbNoKey, cmMemorySizes, hcMemorySizes,
976       NewItem(menu_options_linker,'', kbNoKey, cmLinker, hcLinker,
977       NewItem(menu_options_debugger,'', kbNoKey, cmDebugger, hcDebugger,
978 {$ifdef SUPPORT_REMOTE}
979       NewItem(menu_options_remote,'', kbNoKey, cmRemoteDialog, hcRemoteDialog,
980 {$endif SUPPORT_REMOTE}
981       NewItem(menu_options_directories,'', kbNoKey, cmDirectories, hcDirectories,
982       NewItem(menu_options_browser,'',kbNoKey, cmBrowser, hcBrowser,
983       NewItem(menu_options_tools,'', kbNoKey, cmTools, hcTools,
984       NewLine(
985       NewSubMenu(menu_options_env, hcEnvironmentMenu, NewMenu(
986         NewItem(menu_options_env_preferences,'', kbNoKey, cmPreferences, hcPreferences,
987         NewItem(menu_options_env_editor,'', kbNoKey, cmEditor, hcEditor,
988         NewItem(menu_options_env_codecomplete,'', kbNoKey, cmCodeCompleteOptions, hcCodeCompleteOptions,
989         NewItem(menu_options_env_codetemplates,'', kbNoKey, cmCodeTemplateOptions, hcCodeTemplateOptions,
990         NewItem(menu_options_env_desktop,'', kbNoKey, cmDesktopOptions, hcDesktopOptions,
991         NewItem(menu_options_env_keybmouse,'', kbNoKey, cmMouse, hcMouse,
992 {        NewItem(menu_options_env_startup,'', kbNoKey, cmStartup, hcStartup,
993         NewItem(menu_options_env_colors,'', kbNoKey, cmColors, hcColors,}
994 {$ifdef Unix}
995         NewItem(menu_options_learn_keys,'', kbNoKey, cmKeys, hcKeys,
996 {$endif Unix}
997         nil
998 {$ifdef Unix}
999         )
1000 {$endif Unix}
1001         {))}))))))),
1002       NewLine(
1003       NewItem(menu_options_open,'', kbNoKey, cmOpenINI, hcOpenINI,
1004       NewItem(menu_options_save,'', kbNoKey, cmSaveINI, hcSaveINI,
1005       NewItem(menu_options_saveas,'', kbNoKey, cmSaveAsINI, hcSaveAsINI,
1006       nil
1007 {$ifdef SUPPORT_REMOTE}
1008       )
1009 {$endif SUPPORT_REMOTE}
1010       ))))))))))))))),
1011     NewSubMenu(menu_window, hcWindowMenu, NewMenu(
1012       NewItem(menu_window_tile,'', kbNoKey, cmTile, hcTile,
1013       NewItem(menu_window_cascade,'', kbNoKey, cmCascade, hcCascade,
1014       NewItem(menu_window_closeall,'', kbNoKey, cmCloseAll, hcCloseAll,
1015       NewLine(
1016       NewItem(menu_window_resize,menu_key_window_resize, kbCtrlF5, cmResize, hcResize,
1017       NewItem(menu_window_zoom,menu_key_window_zoom, kbF5, cmZoom, hcZoom,
1018       NewItem(menu_window_next,menu_key_window_next, kbF6, cmNext, hcNext,
1019       NewItem(menu_window_previous,menu_key_window_previous, kbShiftF6, cmPrev, hcPrev,
1020       NewItem(menu_window_hide,menu_key_window_hide, kbCtrlF6, cmHide, hcHide,
1021       NewItem(menu_window_close,menu_key_window_close, kbAltF3, cmClose, hcClose,
1022       NewLine(
1023       NewItem(menu_window_list,menu_key_window_list, kbAlt0, cmWindowList, hcWindowList,
1024       NewItem(menu_window_update,'', kbNoKey, cmUpdate, hcUpdate,
1025       nil)))))))))))))),
1026     NewSubMenu(menu_help, hcHelpMenu, NewMenu(
1027       NewItem(menu_help_contents,'', kbNoKey, cmHelpContents, hcHelpContents,
1028       NewItem(menu_help_index,menu_key_help_helpindex, kbShiftF1, cmHelpIndex, hcHelpIndex,
1029       NewItem(menu_help_topicsearch,menu_key_help_topicsearch, kbCtrlF1, cmHelpTopicSearch, hcHelpTopicSearch,
1030       NewItem(menu_help_prevtopic,menu_key_help_prevtopic, kbAltF1, cmHelpPrevTopic, hcHelpPrevTopic,
1031       NewItem(menu_help_using,'',kbNoKey, cmHelpUsingHelp, hcHelpUsingHelp,
1032       NewItem(menu_help_files,'',kbNoKey, cmHelpFiles, hcHelpFiles,
1033       NewLine(
1034       NewItem(menu_help_about,'',kbNoKey, cmAbout, hcAbout,
1035       nil))))))))),
1036     nil)))))))))))));
1037    SetCmdState(ToClipCmds+FromClipCmds+NulClipCmds+UndoCmd+RedoCmd,false);
1038 end;
1040 procedure TIDEApp.InitMenuBar;
1042 begin
1043   LoadMenuBar;
1044   DisableCommands(EditorCmds+SourceCmds+CompileCmds);
1045   // Update; Desktop is still nil at that point ...
1046 end;
1048 procedure Tideapp.reload_menubar;
1050 begin
1051    delete(menubar);
1052    dispose(menubar,done);
1053    case EditKeys of
1054      ekm_microsoft:
1055        begin
1056          menu_key_edit_cut:=menu_key_edit_cut_microsoft;
1057          menu_key_edit_copy:=menu_key_edit_copy_microsoft;
1058          menu_key_edit_paste:=menu_key_edit_paste_microsoft;
1059          menu_key_edit_all:=menu_key_edit_all_microsoft;
1060          menu_key_hlplocal_copy:=menu_key_hlplocal_copy_microsoft;
1061          cut_key:=kbCtrlX;
1062          copy_key:=kbCtrlC;
1063          paste_key:=kbCtrlV;
1064          all_key:=kbCtrlA;
1065        end;
1066      ekm_borland:
1067        begin
1068          menu_key_edit_cut:=menu_key_edit_cut_borland;
1069          menu_key_edit_copy:=menu_key_edit_copy_borland;
1070          menu_key_edit_paste:=menu_key_edit_paste_borland;
1071          menu_key_edit_all:=menu_key_edit_all_borland;
1072          menu_key_hlplocal_copy:=menu_key_hlplocal_copy_borland;
1073          cut_key:=kbShiftDel;
1074          copy_key:=kbCtrlIns;
1075          paste_key:=kbShiftIns;
1076          all_key:=kbNoKey;
1077        end;
1078    end;
1079    loadmenubar;
1080    insert(menubar);
1081 end;
1083 procedure TIDEApp.InitStatusLine;
1084 var
1085   R: TRect;
1086 begin
1087   GetExtent(R);
1088   R.A.Y := R.B.Y - 1;
1089   StatusLine:=New(PIDEStatusLine, Init(R,
1090     NewStatusDef(hcDragging, hcDragging,
1091       NewStatusKey(status_help, kbF1, cmHelp,
1092       StdStatusKeys(
1093       NewStatusKey('~Cursor~ Move', kbNoKey, 65535,
1094       NewStatusKey('~Shift+Cursor~ Size', kbNoKey, 65535,
1095       NewStatusKey('~'#17'��~ Done', kbNoKey, 65535, {#17 = left arrow}
1096       NewStatusKey('~Esc~ Cancel', kbNoKey, 65535,
1097       nil)))))),
1098     NewStatusDef(hcStackWindow, hcStackWindow,
1099       NewStatusKey(status_help, kbF1, cmHelp,
1100       NewStatusKey(status_disassemble, kbAltI, cmDisassemble,
1101       StdStatusKeys(
1102       nil))),
1103     NewStatusDef(hcFirstCommand, hcLastNormalCommand,
1104       NewStatusKey(status_help, kbF1, cmHelp,
1105       StdStatusKeys(
1106       nil)),
1107     NewStatusDef(hcFirstNoAltXCommand, hcLastCommand,
1108       NewStatusKey(status_help, kbF1, cmHelp,
1109       NewStatusKey('', kbF10, cmMenu,
1110       NewStatusKey('', kbAltF3, cmClose,
1111       NewStatusKey('', kbF5, cmZoom,
1112       NewStatusKey('', kbCtrlF5, cmResize,
1113       NewStatusKey('', kbF6, cmNext,
1114       NewStatusKey('', kbShiftF6, cmPrev,
1115       nil))))))),
1116     NewStatusDef(hcHelpWindow, hcHelpWindow,
1117       NewStatusKey(status_help_on_help, kbF1, cmHelpUsingHelp,
1118       NewStatusKey(status_help_previoustopic, kbAltF1, cmHelpPrevTopic,
1119       NewStatusKey(status_help_index, kbShiftF1, cmHelpIndex,
1120       NewStatusKey(status_help_close, kbEsc, cmClose,
1121       StdStatusKeys(
1122       nil))))),
1123     NewStatusDef(hcSourceWindow, hcSourceWindow,
1124       NewStatusKey(status_help, kbF1, cmHelp,
1125       NewStatusKey(status_save, kbF2, cmSave,
1126       NewStatusKey(status_open, kbF3, cmOpen,
1127       NewStatusKey(status_compile, kbAltF9, cmCompile,
1128       NewStatusKey(status_make, kbF9, cmMake,
1129       NewStatusKey(status_localmenu, kbAltF10, cmLocalMenu,
1130       StdStatusKeys
1131       (
1132       nil))))))),
1133     NewStatusDef(hcASCIITableWindow, hcASCIITableWindow,
1134       NewStatusKey(status_help, kbF1, cmHelp,
1135       NewStatusKey(status_transferchar, kbCtrlEnter, cmTransfer,
1136       StdStatusKeys(
1137       nil))),
1138     NewStatusDef(hcMessagesWindow, hcMessagesWindow,
1139       NewStatusKey(status_help, kbF1, cmHelp,
1140       NewStatusKey(status_msggotosource, kbEnter, cmMsgGotoSource,
1141       NewStatusKey(status_msgtracksource, kbNoKey, cmMsgTrackSource,
1142       NewStatusKey(status_localmenu, kbAltF10, cmLocalMenu,
1143       NewStatusKey('', kbEsc, cmClose,
1144       StdStatusKeys(
1145       nil)))))),
1146     NewStatusDef(hcCalcWindow, hcCalcWindow,
1147       NewStatusKey(status_help, kbF1, cmHelp,
1148       NewStatusKey(status_close, kbEsc, cmClose,
1149       NewStatusKey(status_calculatorpaste, kbCtrlEnter, cmCalculatorPaste,
1150       StdStatusKeys(
1151       nil)))),
1152     NewStatusDef(0, $FFFF,
1153       NewStatusKey(status_help, kbF1, cmHelp,
1154       NewStatusKey(status_open, kbF3, cmOpen,
1155       NewStatusKey(status_compile, kbAltF9, cmCompile,
1156       NewStatusKey(status_make, kbF9, cmMake,
1157       NewStatusKey(status_localmenu, kbAltF10, cmLocalMenu,
1158       StdStatusKeys(
1159       nil)))))),
1160     nil))))))))))));
1161 end;
1163 procedure TIDEApp.Idle;
1164 begin
1165   inherited Idle;
1166   Message(Application,evIdle,0,nil);
1167 end;
1169 procedure TIDEApp.GetEvent(var Event: TEvent);
1170 var P: PView;
1171 begin
1172   { first of all dispatch queued targeted events }
1173   while GetTargetedEvent(P,Event) do
1174     P^.HandleEvent(Event);
1175   { Handle System events directly }
1176   Drivers.GetSystemEvent(Event);         { Load system event }
1177   If (Event.What <> evNothing) Then
1178     HandleEvent(Event);
1180   inherited GetEvent(Event);
1181 {$ifdef DEBUG}
1182   if (Event.What=evKeyDown) and (Event.KeyCode=kbAltF11) then
1183     begin
1184 {$ifdef HasSignal}
1185       Generate_SIGSEGV;
1186 {$else}
1187       Halt(1);
1188 {$endif}
1189     end;
1190   if (Event.What=evKeyDown) and (Event.KeyCode=kbCtrlF11) then
1191     begin
1192       RunError(250);
1193     end;
1194 {$endif DEBUG}
1195   if (Event.What=evKeyDown) and (Event.KeyCode=kbAltF12) then
1196     begin
1197       CreateAnsiFile;
1198       ClearEvent(Event);
1199     end;
1200   if Event.What<>evNothing then
1201     LastEvent:=GetDosTicks
1202   else
1203     begin
1204       if abs(GetDosTicks-LastEvent)>SleepTimeOut then
1205         GiveUpTimeSlice;
1206     end;
1207 end;
1209 procedure TIDEApp.HandleEvent(var Event: TEvent);
1210 var DontClear: boolean;
1211     TempS: string;
1212     ForceDlg: boolean;
1213     W  : PSourceWindow;
1214     DS : DirStr;
1215     NS : NameStr;
1216     ES : ExtStr;
1217 {$ifdef HasSignal}
1218     CtrlCCatched : boolean;
1219 {$endif HasSignal}
1220 begin
1221 {$ifdef HasSignal}
1222   if (Event.What=evKeyDown) and (Event.keyCode=kbCtrlC) and
1223      (CtrlCPressed) then
1224     begin
1225       CtrlCCatched:=true;
1226 {$ifdef DEBUG}
1227       Writeln(stderr,'One Ctrl-C caught');
1228 {$endif DEBUG}
1229     end
1230   else
1231     CtrlCCatched:=false;
1232 {$endif HasSignal}
1233   case Event.What of
1234        evKeyDown :
1235          begin
1236            DontClear:=true;
1237            { just for debugging purposes }
1238          end;
1239        evCommand :
1240          begin
1241            DontClear:=false;
1242            case Event.Command of
1243              cmUpdate        : Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmUpdate,nil);
1244            { -- File menu -- }
1245              cmNew           : NewEditor;
1246              cmNewFromTemplate: NewFromTemplate;
1247              cmOpen          : begin
1248                                  ForceDlg:=false;
1249                                  if (OpenFileName<>'') and
1250                                     ((DirOf(OpenFileName)='') or (Pos(ListSeparator,OpenFileName)<>0)) then
1251                                    begin
1252                                      TempS:=LocateSourceFile(OpenFileName,false);
1253                                      if TempS='' then
1254                                        ForceDlg:=true
1255                                      else
1256                                        OpenFileName:=TempS;
1257                                    end;
1258                                  if ForceDlg then
1259                                    OpenSearch(OpenFileName)
1260                                  else
1261                                    begin
1262                                      W:=LastSourceEditor;
1263                                      if assigned(W) then
1264                                        FSplit(W^.Editor^.FileName,DS,NS,ES)
1265                                      else
1266                                        DS:='';
1267                                      Open(OpenFileName,DS);
1268                                    end;
1269                                  OpenFileName:='';
1270                                end;
1271              cmPrint         : Print;
1272              cmPrinterSetup  : PrinterSetup;
1273              cmSaveAll       : SaveAll;
1274              cmChangeDir     : ChangeDir;
1275              cmDOSShell      : DOSShell;
1276              cmRecentFileBase..
1277              cmRecentFileBase+10
1278                              : OpenRecentFile(Event.Command-cmRecentFileBase);
1279            { -- Edit menu -- }
1280              cmShowClipboard : ShowClipboard;
1281            { -- Search menu -- }
1282              cmFindProcedure : FindProcedure;
1283              cmObjects       : Objects;
1284              cmModules       : Modules;
1285              cmGlobals       : Globals;
1286              cmSymbol        : SearchSymbol;
1287            { -- Run menu -- }
1288              cmRunDir        : RunDir;
1289              cmParameters    : Parameters;
1290              cmStepOver      : DoStepOver;
1291              cmTraceInto     : DoTraceInto;
1292              cmRun,
1293              cmContinue      : DoRun;
1294              cmResetDebugger : DoResetDebugger;
1295              cmContToCursor  : DoContToCursor;
1296              cmUntilReturn   : DoContUntilReturn;
1297            { -- Compile menu -- }
1298              cmCompile       : DoCompile(cCompile);
1299              cmBuild         : DoCompile(cBuild);
1300              cmMake          : DoCompile(cMake);
1301              cmTarget        : Target;
1302              cmPrimaryFile   : DoPrimaryFile;
1303              cmClearPrimary  : DoClearPrimary;
1304              cmCompilerMessages : DoCompilerMessages;
1305            { -- Debug menu -- }
1306              cmUserScreen    : DoUserScreen;
1307              cmToggleBreakpoint : DoToggleBreak;
1308              cmStack         : DoShowCallStack;
1309              cmDisassemble   : DoShowDisassembly;
1310              cmBreakpointList : DoShowBreakpointList;
1311              cmWatches       :  DoShowWatches;
1312              cmAddWatch      :  DoAddWatch;
1313              cmOpenGDBWindow : DoOpenGDBWindow;
1314              cmRegisters     : DoShowRegisters;
1315              cmFPURegisters     : DoShowFPU;
1316              cmVectorRegisters : DoShowVector;
1317              cmEvaluate      : do_evaluate;
1318            { -- Options menu -- }
1319              cmSwitchesMode  : SetSwitchesMode;
1320              cmCompiler      : DoCompilerSwitch;
1321              cmMemorySizes   : MemorySizes;
1322              cmLinker        : DoLinkerSwitch;
1323              cmDebugger      : DoDebuggerSwitch;
1324 {$ifdef SUPPORT_REMOTE}
1325              cmRemoteDialog  : DoRemote;
1326              cmTransferRemote: TransferRemote;
1327 {$endif SUPPORT_REMOTE}
1328              cmDirectories   : Directories;
1329              cmTools         : Tools;
1330              cmPreferences   : Preferences;
1331              cmEditor        : EditorOptions(nil);
1332              cmEditorOptions : EditorOptions(Event.InfoPtr);
1333              cmCodeTemplateOptions: CodeTemplates;
1334              cmCodeCompleteOptions: CodeComplete;
1335              cmBrowser       : BrowserOptions(nil);
1336              cmBrowserOptions : BrowserOptions(Event.InfoPtr);
1337              cmMouse         : Mouse;
1338              cmStartup       : StartUp;
1339              cmDesktopOptions: DesktopOptions;
1340              cmColors        : Colors;
1341 {$ifdef Unix}
1342              cmKeys          : LearnKeysDialog;
1343 {$endif Unix}
1344              cmOpenINI       : OpenINI;
1345              cmSaveINI       : SaveINI;
1346              cmSaveAsINI     : SaveAsINI;
1347            { -- Tools menu -- }
1348              cmToolsMessages : Messages;
1349              cmCalculator    : Calculator;
1350              cmAsciiTable    : DoAsciiTable;
1351              cmGrep          : DoGrep;
1352              cmToolsBase+1..
1353              cmToolsBase+MaxToolCount
1354                              : ExecuteTool(Event.Command-cmToolsBase);
1355            { -- Window menu -- }
1356              cmCloseAll      : CloseAll;
1357              cmWindowList    : WindowList;
1358              cmUserScreenWindow: DoUserScreenWindow;
1359            { -- Help menu -- }
1360              cmHelp,
1361              cmHelpContents  : HelpContents;
1362              cmHelpIndex     : HelpHelpIndex;
1363              cmHelpDebug     : HelpDebugInfos;
1364              cmHelpTopicSearch: HelpTopicSearch;
1365              cmHelpPrevTopic : HelpPrevTopic;
1366              cmHelpUsingHelp : HelpUsingHelp;
1367              cmHelpFiles     : HelpFiles;
1368              cmAbout         : About;
1369              cmShowReadme    : ShowReadme;
1370              cmResizeApp     : ResizeApplication(Event.Id, Event.InfoWord);
1371              cmQuitApp       : Message(@Self, evCommand, cmQuit, nil);
1372            else DontClear:=true;
1373            end;
1374            if DontClear=false then ClearEvent(Event);
1375          end;
1376        evBroadcast :
1377          case Event.Command of
1378            cmSaveCancelled :
1379              SaveCancelled:=true;
1380            cmUpdateTools :
1381              UpdateTools;
1382            cmCommandSetChanged :
1383              UpdateMenu(MenuBar^.Menu);
1384            cmUpdate              :
1385              Update;
1386            cmSourceWndClosing :
1387              begin
1388                with PSourceWindow(Event.InfoPtr)^ do
1389                  if Editor^.FileName<>'' then
1390                    AddRecentFile(Editor^.FileName,Editor^.CurPos.X,Editor^.CurPos.Y);
1391                {$ifndef NODEBUG}
1392                if assigned(Debugger) and (PView(Event.InfoPtr)=Debugger^.LastSource) then
1393                  Debugger^.LastSource:=nil;
1394                {$endif}
1395              end;
1397          end;
1398   end;
1399   inherited HandleEvent(Event);
1400 {$ifdef HasSignal}
1401   { Reset flag if CrtlC was handled }
1402   if CtrlCCatched and (Event.What=evNothing) then
1403     begin
1404       CtrlCPressed:=false;
1405 {$ifdef DEBUG}
1406       Writeln(stderr,'One CtrlC handled');
1407 {$endif DEBUG}
1408     end;
1409 {$endif HasSignal}
1410 end;
1413 procedure TIDEApp.GetTileRect(var R: TRect);
1414 begin
1415   Desktop^.GetExtent(R);
1416 { Leave the compiler messages window in the bottom }
1417   if assigned(CompilerMessageWindow) and (CompilerMessageWindow^.GetState(sfVisible)) then
1418    R.B.Y:=Min(CompilerMessageWindow^.Origin.Y,R.B.Y);
1419 { Leave the messages window in the bottom }
1420   if assigned(MessagesWindow) and (MessagesWindow^.GetState(sfVisible)) then
1421    R.B.Y:=Min(MessagesWindow^.Origin.Y,R.B.Y);
1422 {$ifndef NODEBUG}
1423 { Leave the watch window in the bottom }
1424   if assigned(WatchesWindow) and (WatchesWindow^.GetState(sfVisible)) then
1425    R.B.Y:=Min(WatchesWindow^.Origin.Y,R.B.Y);
1426 {$endif NODEBUG}
1427 end;
1430 {****************************************************************************
1431                                  Switch Screens
1432 ****************************************************************************}
1434 procedure TIDEApp.ShowUserScreen;
1435 begin
1436   displaymode:=dmUser;
1437   if Assigned(UserScreen) then
1438     UserScreen^.SaveIDEScreen;
1439   DoneSysError;
1440   DoneEvents;
1441   { DoneKeyboard should be called last to
1442     restore the keyboard correctly PM }
1443 {$ifndef go32v2}
1444   donevideo;
1445 {$endif ndef go32v2}
1446   DoneKeyboard;
1447   If UseMouse then
1448     DoneMouse
1449   else
1450     ButtonCount:=0;
1451 {  DoneDosMem;}
1453   if Assigned(UserScreen) then
1454     UserScreen^.SwitchToConsoleScreen;
1455 end;
1458 procedure TIDEApp.ShowIDEScreen;
1459 begin
1460   if Assigned(UserScreen) then
1461     UserScreen^.SaveConsoleScreen;
1462 {  InitDosMem;}
1463   InitKeyboard;
1464   If UseMouse then
1465     InitMouse
1466   else
1467     ButtonCount:=0;
1468 {$ifndef go32v2}
1469   initvideo;
1470 {$endif ndef go32v2}
1471   {Videobuffer has been reallocated, need passive video situation detection
1472    again.}
1473   initscreen;
1474 {$ifdef Windows}
1475   { write the empty screen to dummy console handle }
1476   UpdateScreen(true);
1477 {$endif ndef Windows}
1478   InitEvents;
1479   InitSysError;
1480   CurDirChanged;
1481 {$ifndef Windows}
1482   Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmUpdate,nil);
1483 {$endif Windows}
1484 {$ifdef Windows}
1485   // WindowsShowMouse;
1486 {$endif Windows}
1488   if Assigned(UserScreen) then
1489     UserScreen^.SwitchBackToIDEScreen;
1490 {$ifdef Windows}
1491   { This message was sent when the VideoBuffer was smaller
1492     than was the IdeApp thought => writes to random memory and random crashes... PM }
1493   Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmUpdate,nil);
1494 {$endif Windows}
1495 {$ifdef Unix}
1496   SetKnownKeys;
1497 {$endif Unix}
1498  {$ifndef Windows}
1499 {$ifndef go32v2}
1500   UpdateScreen(true);
1501 {$endif go32v2}
1502 {$endif Windows}
1503   displaymode:=dmIDE;
1504 end;
TIDEApp.AutoSavenull1506 function TIDEApp.AutoSave: boolean;
1507 var IOK,SOK,DOK: boolean;
1508 begin
1509   IOK:=true; SOK:=true; DOK:=true;
1510   if (AutoSaveOptions and asEnvironment)<>0 then
1511     begin
1512       IOK:=WriteINIFile(false);
1513       if IOK=false then
1514         ErrorBox(error_saving_cfg_file,nil);
1515     end;
1516   if (AutoSaveOptions and asEditorFiles)<>0 then { was a typo here ("=0") - Gabor }
1517       SOK:=SaveAll;
1518   if (AutoSaveOptions and asDesktop)<>0 then
1519     begin
1520       { destory all help & browser windows - we don't want to store them }
1521       { UserScreenWindow is also not registered PM }
1522       DoCloseUserScreenWindow;
1523       {$IFNDEF NODEBUG}
1524       DoneDisassemblyWindow;
1525       {$ENDIF}
1526       CloseHelpWindows;
1527       CloseAllBrowsers;
1528       DOK:=SaveDesktop;
1529       if DOK=false then
1530         ErrorBox(error_saving_dsk_file,nil);
1531     end;
1532   AutoSave:=IOK and SOK and DOK;
1533 end;
TIDEApp.DoExecutenull1535 function TIDEApp.DoExecute(ProgramPath, Params, InFile,OutFile,ErrFile: string; ExecType: TExecType): boolean;
1536 var CanRun: boolean;
1537     ConsoleMode : TConsoleMode;
1538 {$ifndef Unix}
1539     PosExe: sw_integer;
1540 {$endif Unix}
1541 begin
1542   SaveCancelled:=false;
1543   CanRun:=AutoSave;
1544   if (CanRun=false) and (SaveCancelled=false) then
1545     CanRun:=true; { do not care about .DSK or .INI saving problems - just like TP }
1546   if CanRun then
1547   begin
1548     if UserScreen=nil then
1549      begin
1550        ErrorBox(error_user_screen_not_avail,nil);
1551        Exit;
1552      end;
1554     if ExecType<>exNoSwap then
1555       ShowUserScreen;
1556     SaveConsoleMode(ConsoleMode);
1558     if ExecType=exDosShell then
1559       WriteShellMsg
1560     else if ExecType<>exNoSwap then
1561       Writeln('Running "'+ProgramPath+' '+Params+'"');
1562      { DO NOT use COMSPEC for exe files as the
1563       ExitCode is lost in those cases PM }
1564 {$ifdef HASAMIGA}
1565   DosExecute(ProgramPath, Params);
1566 {$else}
1567 {$ifndef Unix}
1568     posexe:=Pos('.EXE',UpCaseStr(ProgramPath));
1569     { if programpath was three char long => bug }
1570     if (posexe>0) and (posexe=Length(ProgramPath)-3) then
1571       begin
1572 {$endif Unix}
1573         if (InFile='') and (OutFile='') and (ErrFile='') then
1574           DosExecute(ProgramPath,Params)
1575         else
1576           begin
1577             if ErrFile='' then
1578               ErrFile:='stderr';
1579             ExecuteRedir(ProgramPath,Params,InFile,OutFile,ErrFile);
1580           end;
1581 {$ifndef Unix}
1582       end
1583     else if (InFile='') and (OutFile='') and (ErrFile='') then
1584       DosExecute(GetEnv('COMSPEC'),'/C '+ProgramPath+' '+Params)
1585     else
1586       begin
1587         if ErrFile='' then
1588           ErrFile:='stderr';
1589         ExecuteRedir(GetEnv('COMSPEC'),'/C '+ProgramPath+' '+Params,
1590           InFile,OutFile,ErrFile);
1591      end;
1592 {$endif Unix}
1593 {$endif HASAMIGA}
1595 {$ifdef Unix}
1596     if (DebuggeeTTY='') and (OutFile='') and (ExecType<>exDosShell) then
1597       begin
1598         Write(' Press any key to return to IDE');
1599         InitKeyBoard;
1600         Keyboard.GetKeyEvent;
1601         while (Keyboard.PollKeyEvent<>0) do
1602          Keyboard.GetKeyEvent;
1603         DoneKeyboard;
1604       end;
1605 {$endif}
1606     RestoreConsoleMode(ConsoleMode);
1607     if ExecType<>exNoSwap then
1608       ShowIDEScreen;
1609   end;
1610   DoExecute:=CanRun;
1611 end;
1614 procedure TIDEApp.Update;
1615 begin
1616   SetCmdState([cmSaveAll],IsThereAnyEditor);
1617   SetCmdState([cmCloseAll,cmWindowList],IsThereAnyWindow);
1618   SetCmdState([cmTile,cmCascade],IsThereAnyVisibleWindow);
1619   SetCmdState([cmFindProcedure,cmObjects,cmModules,cmGlobals,cmSymbol],IsSymbolInfoAvailable);
1620 {$ifndef NODEBUG}
1621   SetCmdState([cmResetDebugger,cmUntilReturn],assigned(debugger) and debugger^.debuggee_started);
1622 {$endif}
1623   SetCmdState([cmToolsMsgNext,cmToolsMsgPrev],MessagesWindow<>nil);
1624   UpdateTools;
1625   UpdateRecentFileList;
1626   UpdatePrimaryFile;
1627   UpdateINIFile;
1628   Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmCommandSetChanged,nil);
1629   application^.redraw;
1630 end;
1632 procedure TIDEApp.SourceWindowClosed;
1633 begin
1634   if not IsClosing then
1635     Update;
1636 end;
1638 procedure TIDEApp.CurDirChanged;
1639 begin
1640   Message(Application,evBroadcast,cmUpdateTitle,nil);
1641   UpdatePrimaryFile;
1642   UpdateINIFile;
1643   UpdateMenu(MenuBar^.Menu);
1644 end;
1647 procedure TIDEApp.UpdatePrimaryFile;
1648 begin
1649   SetMenuItemParam(SearchMenuItem(MenuBar^.Menu,cmPrimaryFile),SmartPath(PrimaryFile));
1650   SetCmdState([cmClearPrimary],PrimaryFile<>'');
1651   if PrimaryFile<>'' then
1652      SetCmdState(CompileCmds,true);
1653   UpdateMenu(MenuBar^.Menu);
1654 end;
1656 procedure TIDEApp.UpdateINIFile;
1657 begin
1658   SetMenuItemParam(SearchMenuItem(MenuBar^.Menu,cmSaveINI),SmartPath(IniFileName));
1659 end;
1661 procedure TIDEApp.UpdateRecentFileList;
1662 var P: PMenuItem;
1663     {ID,}I: word;
1664     FileMenu: PMenuItem;
1665     R: TRect;
1666     AdjustRecentCount : word;
1667 begin
1668   if not assigned(MenuBar) then exit;
1669 {  ID:=cmRecentFileBase;}
1670   FileMenu:=SearchSubMenu(MenuBar^.Menu,menuFile);
1671   repeat
1672 {    Inc(ID);
1673     P:=SearchMenuItem(FileMenu^.SubMenu,ID);
1674     if FileMenu^.SubMenu^.Default=P then
1675       FileMenu^.SubMenu^.Default:=FileMenu^.SubMenu^.Items;
1676     if P<>nil then RemoveMenuItem(FileMenu^.SubMenu,P);}
1677     P:=GetMenuItemBefore(FileMenu^.SubMenu,nil);
1678     if (P<>nil) then
1679     begin
1680       if (cmRecentFileBase<P^.Command) and (P^.Command<=cmRecentFileBase+MaxRecentFileCount) then
1681         begin
1682           RemoveMenuItem(FileMenu^.SubMenu,P);
1683           if FileMenu^.SubMenu^.Default=P then
1684             FileMenu^.SubMenu^.Default:=FileMenu^.SubMenu^.Items;
1685         end
1686       else
1687         P:=nil;
1688     end;
1689   until P=nil;
1690   P:=GetMenuItemBefore(FileMenu^.SubMenu,nil);
1691   if (P<>nil) and IsSeparator(P) then
1692      RemoveMenuItem(FileMenu^.SubMenu,P);
1694   GetExtent(R);
1695   AdjustRecentCount :=0;
1696   {calculate how much lines on screen for reacent files can be used }
1697   if r.b.y-r.a.y -19 > 0 then AdjustRecentCount:=r.b.y-r.a.y -19;
1698   {only if there is enough space then show all reacent files }
1699   {else cut list shorter }
1700   if RecentFileCount < AdjustRecentCount then
1701      AdjustRecentCount:=RecentFileCount;
1703   if AdjustRecentCount>0 then
1704   begin
1705      AppendMenuItem(FileMenu^.SubMenu,NewLine(nil));
1707     for I:=1 to AdjustRecentCount do
1708     begin
1709       P:=NewItem('~'+IntToStr(I)+'~ '+ShrinkPath(SmartPath(RecentFiles[I].FileName),27),' ',
1710           kbNoKey,cmRecentFileBase+I,hcRecentFileBase+I,nil);
1711       AppendMenuItem(FileMenu^.SubMenu,P);
1712     end;
1713   end;
1714 end;
1716 procedure TIDEApp.UpdateTools;
1717 var P: PMenuItem;
1718 {    ID,}I: word;
1719     ToolsMenu: PMenuItem;
1720     S1,S2,S3: string;
1721     W: word;
1722 begin
1723 {  ID:=cmToolsBase;}
1724   ToolsMenu:=SearchSubMenu(MenuBar^.Menu,menuTools);
1725   repeat
1726     P:=GetMenuItemBefore(ToolsMenu^.SubMenu,nil);
1727     if (P<>nil) then
1728     begin
1729       if (cmToolsBase<P^.Command) and (P^.Command<=cmToolsBase+MaxToolCount) then
1730         begin
1731           RemoveMenuItem(ToolsMenu^.SubMenu,P);
1732           if ToolsMenu^.SubMenu^.Default=P then
1733             ToolsMenu^.SubMenu^.Default:=ToolsMenu^.SubMenu^.Items;
1734         end
1735       else
1736         P:=nil;
1737     end;
1738   until P=nil;
1739   P:=GetMenuItemBefore(ToolsMenu^.SubMenu,nil);
1740   if (P<>nil) and IsSeparator(P) then
1741      RemoveMenuItem(ToolsMenu^.SubMenu,P);
1743   if GetToolCount>0 then
1744      AppendMenuItem(ToolsMenu^.SubMenu,NewLine(nil));
1745   for I:=1 to GetToolCount do
1746   begin
1747     GetToolParams(I-1,S1,S2,S3,W);
1748     P:=NewItem(S1,KillTilde(GetHotKeyName(W)),W,cmToolsBase+I,hcToolsBase+I,nil);
1749     AppendMenuItem(ToolsMenu^.SubMenu,P);
1750   end;
1751 end;
1753 procedure TIDEApp.DosShell;
1754 var
1755   s : string;
1756 begin
1757 {$ifdef HASAMIGA}
1758   s := 'C:NewShell';
1759 {$else}
1760 {$ifdef Unix}
1761   s:=GetEnv('SHELL');
1762   if s='' then
1763     if ExistsFile('/bin/sh') then
1764       s:='/bin/sh';
1765 {$else}
1766   s:=GetEnv('COMSPEC');
1767   if s='' then
1768     if ExistsFile('c:\command.com') then
1769       s:='c:\command.com'
1770     else
1771       begin
1772         s:='command.com';
1773         if Not LocateExeFile(s) then
1774           s:='';
1775       end;
1776 {$endif}
1777 {$endif}
1778   if s='' then
1779     ErrorBox(msg_errorexecutingshell,nil)
1780   else
1781     DoExecute(s, '', '', '', '', exDosShell);
1782   { In case we have something that the compiler touched }
1783   AskToReloadAllModifiedFiles;
1784 end;
1786 procedure TIDEApp.ShowReadme;
1787 var R,R2: TRect;
1788     D: PCenterDialog;
1789     M: PFPMemo;
1790     VSB: PScrollBar;
1791     S: PFastBufStream;
1792 begin
1793   New(S, Init(ReadmeName, stOpenRead, 4096));
1794   if S^.Status=stOK then
1795   begin
1796     R.Assign(0,0,63,18);
1797     New(D, Init(R, 'Free Pascal IDE'));
1798     with D^ do
1799     begin
1800       GetExtent(R);
1801       R.Grow(-2,-2); Inc(R.B.Y);
1802       R2.Copy(R); R2.Move(1,0); R2.A.X:=R2.B.X-1;
1803       New(VSB, Init(R2)); VSB^.GrowMode:=0; Insert(VSB);
1804       New(M, Init(R,nil,VSB,nil));
1805       M^.LoadFromStream(S);
1806       M^.ReadOnly:=true;
1807       Insert(M);
1808     end;
1809     InsertOK(D);
1810     ExecuteDialog(D,nil);
1811   end;
1812   Dispose(S, Done);
1813 end;
1821 {$I FPMRUN.INC}
1831 {$I FPMWND.INC}
1835 {$I fpmansi.inc}
1837 procedure TIDEApp.AddRecentFile(AFileName: string; CurX, CurY: sw_integer);
1838 begin
1839   if SearchRecentFile(AFileName)<>-1 then Exit;
1840   if RecentFileCount>0 then
1841    Move(RecentFiles[1],RecentFiles[2],SizeOf(RecentFiles[1])*Min(RecentFileCount,High(RecentFiles)-1));
1842   if RecentFileCount<High(RecentFiles) then Inc(RecentFileCount);
1843   with RecentFiles[1] do
1844   begin
1845     FileName:=AFileName;
1846     LastPos.X:=CurX; LastPos.Y:=CurY;
1847   end;
1848   UpdateRecentFileList;
1849 end;
TIDEApp.SearchRecentFilenull1851 function TIDEApp.SearchRecentFile(AFileName: string): integer;
1852 var Idx,I: integer;
1853 begin
1854   Idx:=-1;
1855   for I:=1 to RecentFileCount do
1856     if UpcaseStr(AFileName)=UpcaseStr(RecentFiles[I].FileName) then
1857       begin Idx:=I; Break; end;
1858   SearchRecentFile:=Idx;
1859 end;
1861 procedure TIDEApp.RemoveRecentFile(Index: integer);
1862 begin
1863   if Index<RecentFileCount then
1864      Move(RecentFiles[Index+1],RecentFiles[Index],SizeOf(RecentFiles[1])*(RecentFileCount-Index));
1865   Dec(RecentFileCount);
1866   UpdateRecentFileList;
1867 end;
GetPalettenull1869 function TIDEApp.GetPalette: PPalette;
1870 begin
1871   GetPalette:=@AppPalette;
1872 end;
IsClosingnull1874 function TIDEApp.IsClosing: Boolean;
1875 begin
1876   IsClosing:=InsideDone;
1877 end;
1879 destructor TIDEApp.Done;
1880 begin
1881   InsideDone:=true;
1882   IsRunning:=false;
1883   inherited Done;
1884   Desktop:=nil;
1885   RemoveBrowsersCollection;
1886   DoneHelpSystem;
1887 end;
1891 end.