1 {
2     This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
3     Copyright (c) 2017 by Free Pascal development team
5     locale.library functions
7     See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
8     for details about the copyright.
10     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  **********************************************************************}
18 unit locale;
20 interface
21 uses
22   exec, amigados, utility;
24 const
25 // constants for GetLocaleStr()
26   LANG_CODE = 0; // ISO-639-2/T 3-letter lowercase language code (e.g. "eng"). Added in V50
28   DAY_1 = 1; // Sunday
29   DAY_2 = 2; // Monday
30   DAY_3 = 3; // Tuesday
31   DAY_4 = 4; // Wednesday
32   DAY_5 = 5; // Thursday
33   DAY_6 = 6; // Friday
34   DAY_7 = 7; // Saturday
36   ABDAY_1 = 8;  // Sun
37   ABDAY_2 = 9;  // Mon
38   ABDAY_3 = 10; // Tue
39   ABDAY_4 = 11; // Wed
40   ABDAY_5 = 12; // Thu
41   ABDAY_6 = 13; // Fri
42   ABDAY_7 = 14; // Sat
44   MON_1  = 15; // January
45   MON_2  = 16; // February
46   MON_3  = 17; // March
47   MON_4  = 18; // April
48   MON_5  = 19; // May
49   MON_6  = 20; // June
50   MON_7  = 21; // July
51   MON_8  = 22; // August
52   MON_9  = 23; // September
53   MON_10 = 24; // October
54   MON_11 = 25; // November
55   MON_12 = 26; // December
57   ABMON_1  = 27; // Jan
58   ABMON_2  = 28; // Feb
59   ABMON_3  = 29; // Mar
60   ABMON_4  = 30; // Apr
61   ABMON_5  = 31; // May
62   ABMON_6  = 32; // Jun
63   ABMON_7  = 33; // Jul
64   ABMON_8  = 34; // Aug
65   ABMON_9  = 35; // Sep
66   ABMON_10 = 36; // Oct
67   ABMON_11 = 37; // Nov
68   ABMON_12 = 38; // Dec
70   YESSTR = 39; // affirmative response for yes/no queries
71   NOSTR  = 40; // negative response for yes/no queries
73   AM_STR = 41; // AM
74   PM_STR = 42; // PM
76   SOFTHYPHEN = 43; // soft hyphenation
77   HARDHYPHEN = 44; // hard hyphenation
79   OPENQUOTE  = 45; // start of quoted block
80   CLOSEQUOTE = 46; // end of quoted block
82   YESTERDAYSTR = 47; // Yesterday
83   TODAYSTR     = 48; // Today
84   TOMORROWSTR  = 49; // Tomorrow
85   FUTURESTR    = 50; // Future
87   LANG_NAME = 51; // native name of this language in this language and charset. Added in V50.
89 // Added in V50: Alternate forms of weekday names to be used
90 // in date strings, some languages need those. Fallback are
91 // the normal weekday names for standalone usage.
92   ALTDAY_1 = 52; // Sunday
93   ALTDAY_2 = 53; // Monday
94   ALTDAY_3 = 54; // Tuesday
95   ALTDAY_4 = 55; // Wednesday
96   ALTDAY_5 = 56; // Thursday
97   ALTDAY_6 = 57; // Friday
98   ALTDAY_7 = 58; // Saturday
100 // Added in V50: Alternate forms of month names to be used
101 // in date strings, some languages need those. Fallback are
102 // the normal month names for standalone usage.
103   ALTMON_1  = 59; // January
104   ALTMON_2  = 60; // February
105   ALTMON_3  = 61; // March
106   ALTMON_4  = 62; // April
107   ALTMON_5  = 63; // May
108   ALTMON_6  = 64; // June
109   ALTMON_7  = 65; // July
110   ALTMON_8  = 66; // August
111   ALTMON_9  = 67; // September
112   ALTMON_10 = 68; // October
113   ALTMON_11 = 69; // November
114   ALTMON_12 = 70; // December
116   MAXSTRMSG = 71;      { current number of defined strings }
119 //***************************************************************************
121 type
122   // OpenLibrary("locale.library",0) returns a pointer to this structure
123   PLocaleBase = ^TLocaleBase;
124   TLocaleBase = record
125     lb_LibNode: TLibrary;
126     lb_SysPatches: Boolean;   // True if locale installed its patches
127   end;
129 {***************************************************************************}
131 type
132 // This structure must only be allocated by locale.library and is READ-ONLY!
133   PLocale = ^TLocale;
134   TLocale = record
135     loc_LocaleName: STRPTR;                   // locale's name
136     loc_LanguageName: STRPTR;                 // language of this locale
137     loc_PrefLanguages: array[0..9] of STRPTR; // preferred languages
138     loc_Flags: LongWord;                      // always 0 for now
140     loc_CodeSet: LongWord;       // IANA charset number. V50+ default charset
141     loc_CountryCode: LongWord;   // user's country code
142     loc_TelephoneCode: LongWord; // country's telephone code
143     loc_GMTOffset: LongWord;     // minutes from GMT
144     loc_MeasuringSystem: Byte;   // what measuring system?
145     loc_CalendarType: Byte;      // what calendar type?
146     loc_Reserved0: array[0..1] of Byte;
148     loc_DateTimeFormat: STRPTR; // regular date & time format
149     loc_DateFormat: STRPTR;     // date format by itself
150     loc_TimeFormat: STRPTR;     // time format by itself
152     loc_ShortDateTimeFormat: STRPTR; // short date & time format
153     loc_ShortDateFormat: STRPTR;     // short date format by itself
154     loc_ShortTimeFormat: STRPTR;     // short time format by itself
156     // for numeric values
157     loc_DecimalPoint: STRPTR;       // character before the decimals
158     loc_GroupSeparator: STRPTR;     // separates groups of digits
159     loc_FracGroupSeparator: STRPTR; // separates groups of digits
160     loc_Grouping: PByte;            // size of each group
161     loc_FracGrouping: PByte;        // size of each group
163     // for monetary values
164     loc_MonDecimalPoint: STRPTR;
165     loc_MonGroupSeparator: STRPTR;
166     loc_MonFracGroupSeparator: STRPTR;
167     loc_MonGrouping: PByte;
168     loc_MonFracGrouping: PByte;
169     loc_MonFracDigits: Byte;           // digits after the decimal point
170     loc_MonIntFracDigits : Byte;       // for international representation
171     loc_Reserved1: array[0..1] of Byte;
173     // for currency symbols
174     loc_MonCS: STRPTR;      // currency symbol
175     loc_MonSmallCS: STRPTR; // symbol for small amounts
176     loc_MonIntCS: STRPTR;   // internationl (ISO 4217) code
178     { for positive monetary values }
179     loc_MonPositiveSign: STRPTR;   // indicate positive money value
180     loc_MonPositiveSpaceSep: Byte; // determine if separated by space
181     loc_MonPositiveSignPos: Byte;  // position of positive sign
182     loc_MonPositiveCSPos: Byte;    // position of currency symbol
183     loc_Reserved2: Byte;
185     //{ for negative monetary values }
186     loc_MonNegativeSign: STRPTR;     // indicate negative money value
187     loc_MonNegativeSpaceSep: STRPTR; // determine if separated by space
188     loc_MonNegativeSignPos: STRPTR;  // position of negative sign
189     loc_MonNegativeCSPos: STRPTR;    // position of currency symbol
190     loc_Reserved3: Byte;
191  end;
193 const
194 // constants for Locale.loc_MeasuringSystem
195   MS_ISO      = 0; // international metric system
196   MS_AMERICAN = 1; // american system
197   MS_IMPERIAL = 2; // imperial system
198   MS_BRITISH  = 3; // british system
200 // constants for Locale.loc_CalendarType
201   CT_7SUN = 0; // 7 days a week, Sunday is the first day
202   CT_7MON = 1; // 7 days a week, Monday is the first day
203   CT_7TUE = 2; // 7 days a week, Tuesday is the first day
204   CT_7WED = 3; // 7 days a week, Wednesday is the first day
205   CT_7THU = 4; // 7 days a week, Thursday is the first day
206   CT_7FRI = 5; // 7 days a week, Friday is the first day
207   CT_7SAT = 6; // 7 days a week, Saturday is the first day
209 // constants for Locale.loc_MonPositiveSpaceSep and Locale.loc_MonNegativeSpaceSep
210   SS_NOSPACE = 0; // cur. symbol is NOT separated from value with a space
211   SS_SPACE   = 1; // cur. symbol IS separated from value with a space
213 // constants for Locale.loc_MonPositiveSignPos and Locale.loc_MonNegativeSignPos }
214   SP_PARENS    = 0; // () surround the quantity and currency_symbol
215   SP_PREC_ALL  = 1; // sign string comes before amount and symbol
216   SP_SUCC_ALL  = 2; // sign string comes after amount and symbol
217   SP_PREC_CURR = 3; // sign string comes right before currency symbol
218   SP_SUCC_CURR = 4; // sign string comes right after currency symbol
220 // constants for Locale.loc_MonPositiveCSPos and Locale.loc_MonNegativeCSPos
221   CSP_PRECEDES = 0; // currency symbol comes before value
222   CSP_SUCCEEDS = 1; // currency symbol comes after value
224 { elements of the byte arrays pointed to by:
225     Locale.loc_Grouping
226     Locale.loc_FracGrouping
227     Locale.loc_MonGrouping
228     Locale.loc_MonFracGrouping
229   are interpreted as follows:
231      255     indicates that no further grouping is to be performed
232      0       indicates that the previous element is to be repeatedly used
233              for the remainder of the digits
234      <other> the number of digits that comprises the current group}
237 //***************************************************************************
240 // Tags for OpenCatalog()
241   OC_TagBase         = TAG_USER + $90000;
242   OC_BuiltInLanguage = OC_TagBase + 1; // language of built-in strings
243   OC_BuiltInCodeSet  = OC_TagBase + 2; // code set of built-in strings
244   OC_Version         = OC_TagBase + 3; // catalog version number required
245   OC_Language        = OC_TagBase + 4; // preferred language of catalog
246   OC_WantedCodeSet   = OC_TagBase + 5; // code set of font to be used (V50)
247   OC_BuiltInVersion  = OC_TagBase + 6; // version of builtin strings (V52.3)
248   OC_PreferExternal  = OC_TagBase + 7; // replace builtin language? (V53.4)
251 //***************************************************************************
254 // Comparison types for StrnCmp()
255   SC_ASCII    = 0;
256   SC_COLLATE1 = 1;
257   SC_COLLATE2 = 2;
260 //***************************************************************************
262 type
263 // This structure must only be allocated by locale.library and is READ-ONLY!
264   PCatalog = ^TCatalog;
265   TCatalog = record
266     cat_Link: TNode;       // for internal linkage
267     cat_Pad: Word;         // to longword align
268     cat_Language: STRPTR;  // language of the catalog
269     cat_CodeSet: LongWord; // currently always 0
270     cat_Version: Word;     // version of the catalog
271     cat_Revision: Word;    // revision of the catalog
272  end;
274 var
275   LocaleBase: PLocaleBase = nil;
276   ILocale: PInterface = nil;
278 const
279   LOCALENAME: PChar = 'locale.library';
281 function LocaleObtain(): LongWord; syscall ILocale 60;
282 function LocaleRelease(): LongWord; syscall ILocale 64;
283 procedure LocaleExpunge(); syscall ILocale 68;
284 function LocaleClone(): PInterface; syscall ILocale 72;
285 // 76 Private 1
286 procedure CloseCatalog(Catalog: PCatalog); syscall ILocale 80;
287 procedure CloseLocale(Locale: PLocale); syscall ILocale 84;
288 function ConvToLower(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongWord; syscall ILocale 88;
289 function ConvToUpper(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongWord; syscall ILocale 92;
290 procedure FormatDate(Locale: PLocale; FmtTemplate: STRPTR; Date: PDateStamp; PutCharFunc: PHook); syscall ILocale 96;
291 function FormatString(Locale: PLocale; FmtTemplate: STRPTR; DataStream: APTR; PutCharFunc: PHook): POINTER; syscall ILocale 100;
292 function GetCatalogStr(Catalog: PCatalog; StringNum: LongInt; DefaultString: STRPTR): PChar; syscall ILocale 104;
293 function GetLocaleStr(Locale: PLocale; StringNum: LongWord): PChar; syscall ILocale 108;
294 function IsAlNum(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongBool; syscall ILocale 112;
295 function IsAlpha(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongBool; syscall ILocale 116;
296 function IsCntrl(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongBool; syscall ILocale 120;
297 function IsDigit(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongBool; syscall ILocale 124;
298 function IsGraph(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongBool; syscall ILocale 128;
299 function IsLower(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongBool; syscall ILocale 132;
300 function IsPrint(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongBool; syscall ILocale 136;
301 function IsPunct(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongBool; syscall ILocale 140;
302 function IsSpace(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongBool; syscall ILocale 144;
303 function IsUpper(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongBool; syscall ILocale 148;
304 function IsXDigit(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongBool; syscall ILocale 152;
305 function OpenCatalogA(Locale: PLocale; Name: PChar; Tags: PTagItem): PCatalog; syscall ILocale 156;
306 // 160 OpenCatalog
307 function OpenLocale(Name: STRPTR): PLocale; syscall ILocale 164;
308 function ParseDate(Locale: PLocale; Date: PDateStamp; FmtTemplate: STRPTR; GetCharFunc: PHook): LongBool; syscall ILocale 168;
309 // 172 Private2
310 function StrConvert(Locale: PLocale; String1: STRPTR; Buffer: APTR; BufferSize: LongWord; Typ: LongWord): LongWord; syscall ILocale 176;
311 function StrnCmp(Locale: PLocale; String1: STRPTR; String2: STRPTR; Length: LongInt; Typ: LongWord): LongInt; syscall ILocale 180;
312 function Locale_DateToStr(DateTime: PDateTime): LongInt; syscall ILocale 184;
313 function Locale_StrToDate(DateTime: PDateTime): LongInt; syscall ILocale 188;
314 function IsBlank(Locale: PLocale; Character: LongWord): LongInt; syscall ILocale 192;
315 function FormatString32(Locale: Plocale; FmtTemplate: STRPTR; DataStream: APTR; PutCharFunc: PHook): APTR; syscall ILocale 196;
317 function OpenCatalog(Locale: PLocale; Name: STRPTR; const Args: array of PtrUInt): PCatalog; inline;
319 implementation
321 function OpenCatalog(Locale: PLocale; Name: STRPTR; const Args: array of PtrUInt): PCatalog;
322 begin
323   OpenCatalog := OpenCatalogA(Locale, Name, @Args);
324 end;
326 const
327   LIBVERSION: LongWord = 0;
329 initialization
330   LocaleBase := PLocaleBase(OpenLibrary(LOCALENAME, LIBVERSION));
331   if Assigned(LocaleBase) then
332     ILocale := GetInterface(PLibrary(LocaleBase), 'main', 1, nil);
333 finalization
334   if Assigned(ILocale) then
335     DropInterface(ILocale);
336   if Assigned(LocaleBase) then
337     CloseLibrary(PLibrary(LocaleBase));
338 end.