1 {
2   Semantic routines for the Yacc parser.
5   Copyright (c) 1990-92  Albert Graef <ag@muwiinfa.geschichte.uni-mainz.de>
6   Copyright (C) 1996     Berend de Boer <berend@pobox.com>
8   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11   (at your option) any later version.
13   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16   GNU General Public License for more details.
18   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
23 $Revision: 1.2 $
24 $Modtime: 96-08-01 6:03 $
26 $History: YACCSEM.PAS $
27  *
28  * *****************  Version 2  *****************
29  * User: Berend       Date: 96-10-10   Time: 21:16
30  * Updated in $/Lex and Yacc/tply
31  * Updated for protected mode, windows and Delphi 1.X and 2.X.
33 }
36 unit YaccSem;
38 interface
41 var
43 act_prec : Integer;
44   (* active precedence level in token and precedence declarations (0 in
45      %token declaration) *)
46 act_type : Integer;
47   (* active type tag in token, precedence and type declarations *)
49 procedure yyerror ( msg : String );
50   (* YaccLib.yyerror redefined to ignore 'syntax error' message; the parser
51      does its own error handling *)
symnull53 function sym ( k : Integer ) : Integer;
54   (* returns internal symbol number for the symbol k; if k is yet undefined,
55      a new nonterminal or literal symbol is created, according to the
56      appearance of symbol k (nonterminal if an ordinary identifier, literal
57      otherwise) *)
ntsymnull59 function ntsym ( k : Integer ) : Integer;
60   (* like sym, but requires symbol k to be a nonterminal symbol; if it
61      is already defined a literal, an error message is issued, and a dummy
62      nonterminal symbol returned *)
litsymnull64 function litsym ( k : Integer; n : Integer ) : Integer;
65   (* same for literal symbols; if n>0 it denotes the literal number to be
66      assigned to the symbol; when a new literal identifier is defined, a
67      corresponding constant definition is also written to the definition
68      file *)
70 procedure next_section;
71   (* find next section mark (%%) in code template *)
73 procedure definitions;
74   (* if necessary, write out definition of the semantic value type YYSType *)
76 procedure copy_code;
77   (* copy Turbo Pascal code section ( %{ ... %} ) to output file *)
79 procedure copy_action;
80   (* copy an action to the output file *)
82 procedure copy_single_action;
83   (* like copy_action, but action must be single statement terminated
84      with `;' *)
86 procedure copy_rest_of_file;
87   (* copies the rest of the source file to the output file *)
89 procedure start_rule ( sym : Integer );
90   (* start a new rule with lhs nonterminal symbol sym *)
92 procedure start_body;
93   (* start a new rule body (rhs) *)
95 procedure end_body;
96   (* end a rule body *)
98 procedure add_symbol ( sym : Integer );
99   (* add the denoted symbol to the current rule body *)
101 procedure add_action;
102   (* add an action to the current rule body *)
104 procedure add_rule_prec ( sym : Integer );
105   (* add the precedence of terminal symbol sym to the current rule *)
107 procedure generate_parser;
108   (* generate the parse table *)
110 implementation
112 uses YaccBase, YaccTabl, YaccClos, YaccLR0, YaccLook,
113   YaccPars, YaccMsgs;
115 procedure yyerror ( msg : String );
116   begin
117     if msg='syntax error' then
118       (* ignore *)
119     else
120       fatal(msg)
121   end(*yyerror*);
act_charnull123 function act_char : char;
124   begin
125     if cno>length(line) then
126       if eof(yyin) then
127         act_char := #0
128       else
129         act_char := nl
130     else
131       act_char := line[cno]
132   end(*act_char*);
lookahead_charnull134 function lookahead_char : char;
135   begin
136     if succ(cno)>length(line) then
137       if eof(yyin) then
138         lookahead_char := #0
139       else
140         lookahead_char := nl
141     else
142       lookahead_char := line[succ(cno)]
143   end(*lookahead_char*);
145 procedure next_char;
146   begin
147     if cno>length(line) then
148       if eof(yyin) then
149         { nop }
150       else
151         begin
152           readln(yyin, line);
153           inc(lno); cno := 1
154         end
155     else
156       inc(cno)
157   end(*next_char*);
159 var
161 (* Current rule: *)
163 act_rule      : RuleRec;
165 (* Actions: *)
167 n_act : Integer;
168 p_act : Boolean;
symnull170 function sym ( k : Integer ) : Integer;
171   var s : Integer;
172   begin
173     if is_def_key(k, s) then
174       sym := s
175     else if sym_table^[k].pname^[1]='''' then
176       begin
177         s := new_lit;
178         def_key(k, s);
179         sym := s;
180       end
181     else
182       begin
183         s := new_nt;
184         def_key(k, s);
185         sym := s;
186       end
187   end(*sym*);
ntsymnull189 function ntsym ( k : Integer ) : Integer;
190   var s : Integer;
191   begin
192     if is_def_key(k, s) then
193       if s<0 then
194         ntsym := s
195       else
196         begin
197           error(nonterm_expected);
198           ntsym := -1;
199         end
200     else if sym_table^[k].pname^[1]='''' then
201       begin
202         error(nonterm_expected);
203         ntsym := -1;
204       end
205     else
206       begin
207         s := new_nt;
208         def_key(k, s);
209         ntsym := s;
210       end
211   end(*ntsym*);
litsymnull213 function litsym ( k : Integer; n : Integer ) : Integer;
214   var s : Integer;
215   begin
216     if is_def_key(k, s) then
217       if s>=0 then
218         begin
219           if n>0 then error(double_tokennum_def);
220           litsym := s;
221         end
222       else
223         begin
224           error(literal_expected);
225           litsym := 1;
226         end
227     else if sym_table^[k].pname^[1]='''' then
228       begin
229         if n>0 then
230           begin
231             add_lit(n);
232             s := n;
233           end
234         else
235           s := new_lit;
236         def_key(k, s);
237         litsym := s;
238       end
239     else
240       begin
241         if n>0 then
242           begin
243             add_lit(n);
244             s := n;
245           end
246         else
247           s := new_lit;
248         def_key(k, s);
249         writeln(yyout, 'const ', pname(s), ' = ', s, ';');
250         litsym := s;
251       end;
252   end(*litsym*);
254 procedure next_section;
255   var line : String;
256   begin
257     while not eof(yycod) do
258       begin
259         readln(yycod, line);
260         if line='%%' then exit;
261         writeln(yyout, line);
262       end;
263   end(*next_section*);
265 procedure definitions;
266   var i : Integer;
267   begin
268     if n_types>0 then
269       begin
270         writeln(yyout);
271         writeln(yyout, 'type YYSType = record case Integer of');
272         for i := 1 to n_types do
273           writeln(yyout, ' ':15, i:3, ' : ( ',
274                          'yy', sym_table^[type_table^[i]].pname^, ' : ',
275                          sym_table^[type_table^[i]].pname^, ' );');
276         writeln(yyout, ' ':15, 'end(*YYSType*);');
277       end;
278   end(*definitions*);
280 procedure copy_code;
281   var str_state : Boolean;
282   begin
283     str_state := false;
284     while act_char<>#0 do
285       if act_char=nl then
286         begin
287           writeln(yyout);
288           next_char;
289         end
290       else if act_char='''' then
291         begin
292           write(yyout, '''');
293           str_state := not str_state;
294           next_char;
295         end
296       else if not str_state and (act_char='%') and (lookahead_char='}') then
297         exit
298       else
299         begin
300           write(yyout, act_char);
301           next_char;
302         end;
303   end(*copy_code*);
305 procedure scan_val;
306   (* process a $ value in an action
307      (not very pretty, but it does its job) *)
308   var tag, numstr : String; i, code : Integer;
309   begin
310     tokleng := 0;
311     next_char;
312     if act_char='<' then
313       begin
314         (* process type tag: *)
315         next_char;
316         tag := '';
317         while (act_char<>nl) and (act_char<>#0) and (act_char<>'>') do
318           begin
319             tag := tag+act_char;
320             next_char;
321           end;
322         if act_char='>' then
323           begin
324             if not search_type(tag) then
325               begin
326                 tokleng := length(tag);
327                 error(unknown_identifier);
328               end;
329             next_char;
330           end
331         else
332           error(syntax_error);
333       end
334     else
335       tag := '';
336     tokleng := 0;
337     if act_char='$' then
338       begin
339         (* left-hand side value: *)
340         write(yyout, 'yyval');
341         (* check for value type: *)
342         if (tag='') and (n_types>0) then with act_rule do
343           if sym_type^[lhs_sym]>0 then
344             tag := sym_table^[sym_type^[lhs_sym]].pname^
345           else
346             begin
347               tokleng := 1;
348               error(type_error);
349             end;
350         if tag<>'' then write(yyout, '.yy', tag);
351         next_char;
352       end
353     else
354       begin
355         (* right-hand side value: *)
356         if act_char='-' then
357           begin
358             numstr := '-';
359             next_char;
360           end
361         else
362           numstr := '';
363         while ('0'<=act_char) and (act_char<='9') do
364           begin
365             numstr := numstr+act_char;
366             next_char;
367           end;
368         if numstr<>'' then
369           begin
370             val(numstr, i, code);
371             if code=0 then
372               if i<=act_rule.rhs_len then
373                 begin
374                   write(yyout, 'yyv[yysp-', act_rule.rhs_len-i, ']');
375                   (* check for value type: *)
376                   if (tag='') and (n_types>0) then with act_rule do
377                     if i<=0 then
378                       begin
379                         tokleng := length(numstr)+1;
380                         error(type_error);
381                       end
382                     else if sym_type^[rhs_sym[i]]>0 then
383                       tag := sym_table^[sym_type^[rhs_sym[i]]].pname^
384                     else
385                       begin
386                         tokleng := length(numstr)+1;
387                         error(type_error);
388                       end;
389                   if tag<>'' then write(yyout, '.yy', tag);
390                 end
391               else
392                 begin
393                   tokleng := length(numstr);
394                   error(range_error);
395                 end
396             else
397               error(syntax_error)
398           end
399         else
400           error(syntax_error)
401       end
402   end(*scan_val*);
404 procedure copy_action;
405   var str_state : Boolean;
406   begin
407     str_state := false;
408     while act_char=' ' do next_char;
409     write(yyout, ' ':9);
410     while act_char<>#0 do
411       if act_char=nl then
412         begin
413           writeln(yyout);
414           next_char;
415           while act_char=' ' do next_char;
416           write(yyout, ' ':9);
417         end
418       else if act_char='''' then
419         begin
420           write(yyout, '''');
421           str_state := not str_state;
422           next_char;
423         end
424       else if not str_state and (act_char='}') then
425         begin
426           writeln(yyout);
427           exit;
428         end
429       else if not str_state and (act_char='$') then
430         scan_val
431       else
432         begin
433           write(yyout, act_char);
434           next_char;
435         end;
436   end(*copy_action*);
438 procedure copy_single_action;
439   var str_state : Boolean;
440   begin
441     str_state := false;
442     while act_char=' ' do next_char;
443     write(yyout, ' ':9);
444     while act_char<>#0 do
445       if act_char=nl then
446         begin
447           writeln(yyout);
448           next_char;
449           while act_char=' ' do next_char;
450           write(yyout, ' ':9);
451         end
452       else if act_char='''' then
453         begin
454           write(yyout, '''');
455           str_state := not str_state;
456           next_char;
457         end
458       else if not str_state and (act_char=';') then
459         begin
460           writeln(yyout, ';');
461           exit;
462         end
463       else if not str_state and (act_char='$') then
464         scan_val
465       else
466         begin
467           write(yyout, act_char);
468           next_char;
469         end;
470   end(*copy_single_action*);
472 procedure copy_rest_of_file;
473   begin
474     while act_char<>#0 do
475       if act_char=nl then
476         begin
477           writeln(yyout);
478           next_char;
479         end
480       else
481         begin
482           write(yyout, act_char);
483           next_char;
484         end;
485   end(*copy_rest_of_file*);
487 procedure start_rule ( sym : Integer );
488   begin
489     if n_rules=0 then
490       begin
491         (* fix start nonterminal of the grammar: *)
492         if startnt=0 then startnt := sym;
493         (* add augmented start production: *)
494         with act_rule do
495           begin
496             lhs_sym := -1;
497             rhs_len := 2;
498             rhs_sym[1] := startnt;
499             rhs_sym[2] := 0; (* end marker *)
500           end;
501         add_rule(newRuleRec(act_rule));
502       end;
503     act_rule.lhs_sym := sym;
504   end(*start_rule*);
506 procedure start_body;
507   begin
508     act_rule.rhs_len := 0;
509     p_act := false;
510     writeln(yyout, n_rules:4, ' : begin');
511   end(*start_body*);
513 procedure end_body;
514   begin
515     if not p_act and (act_rule.rhs_len>0) then
516       (* add default action: *)
517       writeln(yyout, ' ':9, 'yyval := yyv[yysp-',
518                             act_rule.rhs_len-1, '];');
519     add_rule(newRuleRec(act_rule));
520     writeln(yyout, ' ':7, 'end;');
521   end(*end_body*);
523 procedure add_rule_action;
524   (* process an action inside a rule *)
525   var k : Integer; r : RuleRec;
526   begin
527     writeln(yyout, ' ':7, 'end;');
528     inc(n_act);
529     k := get_key('$$'+intStr(n_act));
530     with r do
531       begin
532         lhs_sym := new_nt;
533         def_key(k, lhs_sym);
534         rhs_len := 0;
535       end;
536     with act_rule do
537       begin
538         inc(rhs_len);
539         if rhs_len>max_rule_len then fatal(rule_table_overflow);
540         rhs_sym[rhs_len] := r.lhs_sym;
541       end;
542     add_rule(newRuleRec(r));
543     rule_prec^[n_rules+1] := rule_prec^[n_rules];
544     rule_prec^[n_rules] := 0;
545     writeln(yyout, n_rules:4, ' : begin');
546   end(*add_rule_action*);
548 procedure add_symbol ( sym : Integer );
549   begin
550     if p_act then add_rule_action;
551     p_act := false;
552     with act_rule do
553       begin
554         inc(rhs_len);
555         if rhs_len>max_rule_len then fatal(rule_table_overflow);
556         rhs_sym[rhs_len] := sym;
557         if sym>=0 then rule_prec^[n_rules+1] := sym_prec^[sym]
558       end
559   end(*add_symbol*);
561 procedure add_action;
562   begin
563     if p_act then add_rule_action;
564     p_act := true;
565   end(*add_action*);
567 procedure add_rule_prec ( sym : Integer );
568   begin
569     rule_prec^[n_rules+1] := sym_prec^[sym];
570   end(*add_rule_prec*);
572 procedure generate_parser;
573   begin
574     if startnt=0 then error(empty_grammar);
575     if errors=0 then
576       begin
577         write('sort ... ');
578         sort_rules; rule_offsets;
579         write('closures ... ');
580         closures;
581         write('first sets ... ');
582         first_sets;
583         write('LR0 set ... ');
584         LR0Set;
585         write('lookaheads ... ');
586         lookaheads;
587         writeln;
588         write('code generation ... ');
589         parse_table;
590       end;
591   end(*generate_parser*);
593 begin
594   n_act := 0;
595 end(*YaccSem*).