1 {
2     Copyright (c) 1998-2010 by the Free Pascal team
4     This unit implements the Jasmin assembler writer
6     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20  ****************************************************************************
21 }
22 { Unit for writing Jasmin assembler (JVM bytecode) output.
23 }
24 unit agjasmin;
26 {$i fpcdefs.inc}
28 interface
30     uses
31       cclasses,systems,
32       globtype,globals,
33       symconst,symbase,symdef,symsym,
34       aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmcpu,
35       assemble;
37     type
38       TJasminAssemblerOutputFile=class(TExternalAssemblerOutputFile)
39         procedure RemoveAsm; override;
40       end;
42       TJasminInstrWriter = class;
43       {# This is a derived class which is used to write
44          Jasmin-styled assembler.
45       }
47       { TJasminAssembler }
49       TJasminAssembler=class(texternalassembler)
50        protected
51         jasminjar: tcmdstr;
52         asmfiles: TCmdStrList;
54         procedure WriteExtraHeader(obj: tabstractrecorddef);
55         procedure WriteInstruction(hp: tai);
56         procedure NewAsmFileForStructDef(obj: tabstractrecorddef);
VisibilityToStrnull58         function VisibilityToStr(vis: tvisibility): ansistring;
MethodDefinitionnull59         function MethodDefinition(pd: tprocdef): ansistring;
ConstValuenull60         function ConstValue(csym: tconstsym): ansistring;
ConstAssignmentValuenull61         function ConstAssignmentValue(csym: tconstsym): ansistring;
ConstDefinitionnull62         function ConstDefinition(sym: tconstsym): ansistring;
FieldDefinitionnull63         function FieldDefinition(sym: tabstractvarsym): ansistring;
InnerStructDefnull64         function InnerStructDef(obj: tabstractrecorddef): ansistring;
66         procedure WriteProcDef(pd: tprocdef);
67         procedure WriteFieldSym(sym: tabstractvarsym);
68         procedure WriteConstSym(sym: tconstsym);
69         procedure WriteSymtableVarSyms(st: TSymtable);
70         procedure WriteSymtableProcdefs(st: TSymtable);
71         procedure WriteSymtableStructDefs(st: TSymtable);
CreateNewAsmWriternull73         function CreateNewAsmWriter: TExternalAssemblerOutputFile; override;
74        public
75         constructor CreateWithWriter(info: pasminfo; wr: TExternalAssemblerOutputFile; freewriter, smart: boolean); override;
MakeCmdLinenull76         function MakeCmdLine: TCmdStr;override;
77         procedure WriteTree(p:TAsmList);override;
78         procedure WriteAsmList;override;
79         destructor destroy; override;
80        protected
81         InstrWriter: TJasminInstrWriter;
82       end;
85       {# This is the base class for writing instructions.
87          The WriteInstruction() method must be overridden
88          to write a single instruction to the assembler
89          file.
90       }
92       { TJasminInstrWriter }
94       TJasminInstrWriter = class
95         constructor create(_owner: TJasminAssembler);
96         procedure WriteInstruction(hp : tai); virtual;
97        protected
98         owner: TJasminAssembler;
99       end;
102 implementation
104     uses
105       SysUtils,
106       cutils,cfileutl,cscript,
107       fmodule,finput,verbose,
108       symtype,symcpu,symtable,jvmdef,
109       itcpujas,cpubase,cpuinfo,cgutils,
110       widestr
111       ;
113     const
114       line_length = 70;
116     type
117       t64bitarray = array[0..7] of byte;
118       t32bitarray = array[0..3] of byte;
120 {****************************************************************************}
121 {                          Support routines                                  }
122 {****************************************************************************}
fixlinenull124    function fixline(s:string):string;
125    {
126      return s with all leading and ending spaces and tabs removed
127    }
128      var
129        i,j,k : integer;
130      begin
131        i:=length(s);
132        while (i>0) and (s[i] in [#9,' ']) do
133         dec(i);
134        j:=1;
135        while (j<i) and (s[j] in [#9,' ']) do
136         inc(j);
137        for k:=j to i do
138         if s[k] in [#0..#31,#127..#255] then
139          s[k]:='.';
140        fixline:=Copy(s,j,i-j+1);
141      end;
constastrnull144    function constastr(p: pchar; len: longint): ansistring;
145      var
146        i,runstart,runlen: longint;
148        procedure flush;
149          begin
150            if runlen>0 then
151              begin
152                setlength(result,length(result)+runlen);
153                move(p[runstart],result[length(result)-runlen+1],runlen);
154                runlen:=0;
155              end;
156          end;
158      begin
159        result:='"';
160        runlen:=0;
161        runstart:=0;
162        for i:=0 to len-1 do
163          begin
164            { escape control codes }
165            case p[i] of
166              { LF and CR must be escaped specially, because \uXXXX parsing
167                happens in the pre-processor, so it's the same as actually
168                inserting a newline in the middle of a string constant }
169              #10:
170                begin
171                  flush;
172                  result:=result+'\n';
173                end;
174              #13:
175                begin
176                  flush;
177                  result:=result+'\r';
178                end;
179              '"','\':
180                begin
181                  flush;
182                  result:=result+'\'+p[i];
183                end
184              else if p[i]<#32 then
185                begin
186                  flush;
187                  result:=result+'\u'+hexstr(ord(p[i]),4);
188                end
189              else if p[i]<#127 then
190                begin
191                  if runlen=0 then
192                    runstart:=i;
193                  inc(runlen);
194                end
195              else
196                begin
197                  { see comments in njvmcon }
198                  flush;
199                  result:=result+'\u'+hexstr(ord(p[i]),4)
200                end;
201            end;
202          end;
203        flush;
204        result:=result+'"';
205      end;
constwstrnull208    function constwstr(w: pcompilerwidechar; len: longint): ansistring;
209      var
210        i: longint;
211      begin
212        result:='"';
213        for i:=0 to len-1 do
214          begin
215            { escape control codes }
216            case w[i] of
217              10:
218                result:=result+'\n';
219              13:
220                result:=result+'\r';
221              ord('"'),ord('\'):
222                result:=result+'\'+chr(w[i]);
223              else if (w[i]<32) or
224                 (w[i]>=127) then
225                result:=result+'\u'+hexstr(w[i],4)
226              else
227                result:=result+char(w[i]);
228            end;
229          end;
230        result:=result+'"';
231      end;
constsinglenull234    function constsingle(s: single): ansistring;
235      begin
236        result:='0fx'+hexstr(longint(t32bitarray(s)),8);
237      end;
constdoublenull240    function constdouble(d: double): ansistring;
241       begin
242         // force interpretation as double (since we write it out as an
243         // integer, we never have to swap the endianess). We have to
244         // include the sign separately because of the way Java parses
245         // hex numbers (0x8000000000000000 is not a valid long)
246        result:=hexstr(abs(int64(t64bitarray(d))),16);
247        if int64(t64bitarray(d))<0 then
248          result:='-'+result;
249        result:='0dx'+result;
250       end;
253 {****************************************************************************}
254 {                       Jasmin Output File                                   }
255 {****************************************************************************}
257     procedure TJasminAssemblerOutputFile.RemoveAsm;
258       var
259         g : file;
260       begin
261         inherited;
262         if cs_asm_leave in current_settings.globalswitches then
263          exit;
264         while not TJasminAssembler(owner).asmfiles.empty do
265           begin
266             if cs_asm_extern in current_settings.globalswitches then
267              AsmRes.AddDeleteCommand(TJasminAssembler(owner).asmfiles.GetFirst)
268             else
269              begin
270                assign(g,TJasminAssembler(owner).asmfiles.GetFirst);
271                {$I-}
272                 erase(g);
273                {$I+}
274                if ioresult<>0 then;
275              end;
276           end;
277       end;
280 {****************************************************************************}
281 {                       Jasmin Assembler writer                              }
282 {****************************************************************************}
284     destructor TJasminAssembler.Destroy;
285       begin
286         InstrWriter.free;
287         asmfiles.free;
288         inherited destroy;
289       end;
292     procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteTree(p:TAsmList);
293       var
294         ch       : char;
295         hp       : tai;
296         hp1      : tailineinfo;
297         s        : ansistring;
298         i,pos    : longint;
299         InlineLevel : longint;
300         do_line  : boolean;
301       begin
302         if not assigned(p) then
303          exit;
305         InlineLevel:=0;
306         { lineinfo is only needed for al_procedures (PFV) }
307         do_line:=(cs_asm_source in current_settings.globalswitches);
308         hp:=tai(p.first);
309         while assigned(hp) do
310          begin
311            prefetch(pointer(hp.next)^);
312            if not(hp.typ in SkipLineInfo) then
313             begin
314               hp1 := hp as tailineinfo;
315               current_filepos:=hp1.fileinfo;
316                { no line info for inlined code }
317                if do_line and (inlinelevel=0) then
318                 begin
319                   { load infile }
320                   if lastfileinfo.fileindex<>hp1.fileinfo.fileindex then
321                    begin
322                      infile:=current_module.sourcefiles.get_file(hp1.fileinfo.fileindex);
323                      if assigned(infile) then
324                       begin
325                         { open only if needed !! }
326                         if (cs_asm_source in current_settings.globalswitches) then
327                          infile.open;
328                       end;
329                      { avoid unnecessary reopens of the same file !! }
330                      lastfileinfo.fileindex:=hp1.fileinfo.fileindex;
331                      { be sure to change line !! }
332                      lastfileinfo.line:=-1;
333                    end;
335                 { write source }
336                   if (cs_asm_source in current_settings.globalswitches) and
337                      assigned(infile) then
338                    begin
339                      if (infile<>lastinfile) then
340                        begin
341                          writer.AsmWriteLn(asminfo^.comment+'['+infile.name+']');
342                          if assigned(lastinfile) then
343                            lastinfile.close;
344                        end;
345                      if (hp1.fileinfo.line<>lastfileinfo.line) and
346                         ((hp1.fileinfo.line<infile.maxlinebuf) or (InlineLevel>0)) then
347                        begin
348                          if (hp1.fileinfo.line<>0) and
349                             ((infile.linebuf^[hp1.fileinfo.line]>=0) or (InlineLevel>0)) then
350                            writer.AsmWriteLn(asminfo^.comment+'['+tostr(hp1.fileinfo.line)+'] '+
351                              fixline(infile.GetLineStr(hp1.fileinfo.line)));
352                          { set it to a negative value !
353                          to make that is has been read already !! PM }
354                          if (infile.linebuf^[hp1.fileinfo.line]>=0) then
355                            infile.linebuf^[hp1.fileinfo.line]:=-infile.linebuf^[hp1.fileinfo.line]-1;
356                        end;
357                    end;
358                   lastfileinfo:=hp1.fileinfo;
359                   lastinfile:=infile;
360                 end;
361             end;
363            case hp.typ of
365              ait_comment :
366                Begin
367                  writer.AsmWrite(asminfo^.comment);
368                  writer.AsmWritePChar(tai_comment(hp).str);
369                  writer.AsmLn;
370                End;
372              ait_regalloc :
373                begin
374                  if (cs_asm_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then
375                    begin
376                      writer.AsmWrite(#9+asminfo^.comment+'Register ');
377                      repeat
378                        writer.AsmWrite(std_regname(Tai_regalloc(hp).reg));
379                        if (hp.next=nil) or
380                           (tai(hp.next).typ<>ait_regalloc) or
381                           (tai_regalloc(hp.next).ratype<>tai_regalloc(hp).ratype) then
382                          break;
383                        hp:=tai(hp.next);
384                        writer.AsmWrite(',');
385                      until false;
386                      writer.AsmWrite(' ');
387                      writer.AsmWriteLn(regallocstr[tai_regalloc(hp).ratype]);
388                    end;
389                end;
391              ait_tempalloc :
392                begin
393                  if (cs_asm_tempalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then
394                    begin
395   {$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
396                      if assigned(tai_tempalloc(hp).problem) then
397                        writer.AsmWriteLn(asminfo^.comment+'Temp '+tostr(tai_tempalloc(hp).temppos)+','+
398                          tostr(tai_tempalloc(hp).tempsize)+' '+tai_tempalloc(hp).problem^)
399                      else
400   {$endif EXTDEBUG}
401                        writer.AsmWriteLn(asminfo^.comment+'Temp '+tostr(tai_tempalloc(hp).temppos)+','+
402                          tostr(tai_tempalloc(hp).tempsize)+' '+tempallocstr[tai_tempalloc(hp).allocation]);
403                    end;
404                end;
406              ait_align :
407                begin
409                end;
411              ait_section :
412                begin
414                end;
416              ait_datablock :
417                begin
418                  internalerror(2010122701);
419                end;
421              ait_const:
422                begin
423                  writer.AsmWriteln('constant');
424 //                 internalerror(2010122702);
425                end;
427              ait_realconst :
428                begin
429                  internalerror(2010122703);
430                end;
432              ait_string :
433                begin
434                  pos:=0;
435                   for i:=1 to tai_string(hp).len do
436                    begin
437                      if pos=0 then
438                       begin
439                         writer.AsmWrite(#9'strconst: '#9'"');
440                         pos:=20;
441                       end;
442                      ch:=tai_string(hp).str[i-1];
443                      case ch of
444                         #0, {This can't be done by range, because a bug in FPC}
445                    #1..#31,
446                 #128..#255 : s:='\'+tostr(ord(ch) shr 6)+tostr((ord(ch) and 63) shr 3)+tostr(ord(ch) and 7);
447                        '"' : s:='\"';
448                        '\' : s:='\\';
449                      else
450                       s:=ch;
451                      end;
452                      writer.AsmWrite(s);
453                      inc(pos,length(s));
454                      if (pos>line_length) or (i=tai_string(hp).len) then
455                       begin
456                         writer.AsmWriteLn('"');
457                         pos:=0;
458                       end;
459                    end;
460                end;
462              ait_label :
463                begin
464                  if (tai_label(hp).labsym.is_used) then
465                   begin
466                     writer.AsmWrite(tai_label(hp).labsym.name);
467                     writer.AsmWriteLn(':');
468                   end;
469                end;
471              ait_symbol :
472                begin
thennull473                   if (tai_symbol(hp).sym.typ = AT_FUNCTION) then
474                     begin
475                     end
476                   else
477                    begin
478                      writer.AsmWrite('data symbol: ');
479                      writer.AsmWriteln(tai_symbol(hp).sym.name);
480 //                     internalerror(2010122706);
481                    end;
482                end;
483              ait_symbol_end :
484                begin
485                end;
487              ait_instruction :
488                begin
489                  WriteInstruction(hp);
490                end;
492              ait_force_line,
493              ait_function_name : ;
495              ait_cutobject :
496                begin
497                end;
499              ait_marker :
500                if tai_marker(hp).kind=mark_NoLineInfoStart then
501                  inc(InlineLevel)
502                else if tai_marker(hp).kind=mark_NoLineInfoEnd then
503                  dec(InlineLevel);
505              ait_directive :
506                begin
507                  { the CPU directive is probably not supported by the JVM assembler,
508                    so it's commented out }
509                  if tai_directive(hp).directive=asd_cpu then
510                    writer.AsmWrite(asminfo^.comment);
511                  writer.AsmWrite('.'+directivestr[tai_directive(hp).directive]+' ');
512                  if tai_directive(hp).name<>'' then
513                    writer.AsmWrite(tai_directive(hp).name);
514                  writer.AsmLn;
515                end;
517              ait_jvar:
518                begin
519                  writer.AsmWrite('.var ');
520                  writer.AsmWrite(tostr(tai_jvar(hp).stackslot));
521                  writer.AsmWrite(' is ');
522                  writer.AsmWrite(tai_jvar(hp).desc^);
523                  writer.AsmWrite(' from ');
524                  writer.AsmWrite(tai_jvar(hp).startlab.name);
525                  writer.AsmWrite(' to ');
526                  writer.AsmWriteLn(tai_jvar(hp).stoplab.name);
527                end;
529              ait_jcatch:
530                begin
531                  writer.AsmWrite('.catch ');
532                  writer.AsmWrite(tai_jcatch(hp).name^);
533                  writer.AsmWrite(' from ');
534                  writer.AsmWrite(tai_jcatch(hp).startlab.name);
535                  writer.AsmWrite(' to ');
536                  writer.AsmWrite(tai_jcatch(hp).stoplab.name);
537                  writer.AsmWrite(' using ');
538                  writer.AsmWriteLn(tai_jcatch(hp).handlerlab.name);
539                end;
540              else
541                internalerror(2010122707);
542            end;
543            hp:=tai(hp.next);
544          end;
545       end;
548     procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteExtraHeader(obj: tabstractrecorddef);
549       var
550         superclass,
551         intf: tobjectdef;
552         n: ansistring;
553         i: longint;
554         toplevelowner: tsymtable;
555       begin
556         superclass:=nil;
558         { JVM 1.5+ }
559         writer.AsmWriteLn('.bytecode 49.0');
560         // include files are not support by Java, and the directory of the main
561         // source file must not be specified
562         if current_module.mainsource<>'' then
563           n:=ExtractFileName(current_module.mainsource)
564         else
565           n:=InputFileName;
566         writer.AsmWriteLn('.source '+ExtractFileName(n));
568         { class/interface name }
569         if not assigned(obj) then
570           begin
571             { fake class type for unit -> name=unitname and
572               superclass=java.lang.object, make final so you cannot descend
573               from it }
574             writer.AsmWrite('.class final public ');
575             if assigned(current_module.namespace) then
576               writer.AsmWrite(current_module.namespace^+'.');
577             writer.AsmWriteln(current_module.realmodulename^);
578             writer.AsmWriteLn('.super java/lang/Object');
579           end
580         else
581           begin
582             toplevelowner:=obj.owner;
583             while not(toplevelowner.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) do
584               toplevelowner:=toplevelowner.defowner.owner;
585             case obj.typ of
586               recorddef:
587                 begin
588                   { can't inherit from records }
589                   writer.AsmWrite('.class final ');
590                   if toplevelowner.symtabletype=globalsymtable then
591                     writer.AsmWrite('public ');
592                   writer.AsmWriteln(obj.jvm_full_typename(true));
593                   superclass:=java_fpcbaserecordtype;
594                 end;
595               objectdef:
596                 begin
597                   case tobjectdef(obj).objecttype of
598                     odt_javaclass:
599                       begin
600                         writer.AsmWrite('.class ');
601                         if oo_is_sealed in tobjectdef(obj).objectoptions then
602                           writer.AsmWrite('final ');
603                         if (oo_is_abstract in tobjectdef(obj).objectoptions) or
604                            (tobjectdef(obj).abstractcnt<>0) then
605                           writer.AsmWrite('abstract ');
606                         if toplevelowner.symtabletype=globalsymtable then
607                           writer.AsmWrite('public ');
608                         if (oo_is_enum_class in tobjectdef(obj).objectoptions) then
609                           writer.AsmWrite('enum ');
610                         writer.AsmWriteln(obj.jvm_full_typename(true));
611                         superclass:=tobjectdef(obj).childof;
612                       end;
613                     odt_interfacejava:
614                       begin
615                         writer.AsmWrite('.interface abstract ');
616                         if toplevelowner.symtabletype=globalsymtable then
617                           writer.AsmWrite('public ');
618                         writer.AsmWriteLn(obj.jvm_full_typename(true));
619                         { interfaces must always specify Java.lang.object as
620                           superclass }
621                         superclass:=java_jlobject;
622                       end
623                     else
624                       internalerror(2011010906);
625                   end;
626                 end;
627             end;
628             { superclass }
629             if assigned(superclass) then
630               begin
631                 writer.AsmWrite('.super ');
632                 if assigned(superclass.import_lib) then
633                   writer.AsmWrite(superclass.import_lib^+'/');
634                 writer.AsmWriteln(superclass.objextname^);
635               end;
636             { implemented interfaces }
637             if (obj.typ=objectdef) and
638                assigned(tobjectdef(obj).ImplementedInterfaces) then
639               begin
640                 for i:=0 to tobjectdef(obj).ImplementedInterfaces.count-1 do
641                   begin
642                     intf:=TImplementedInterface(tobjectdef(obj).ImplementedInterfaces[i]).IntfDef;
643                     writer.AsmWrite('.implements ');
644                     writer.AsmWriteLn(intf.jvm_full_typename(true));
645                   end;
646               end;
647             { signature for enum classes (must come after superclass and
648               implemented interfaces) }
649             if (obj.typ=objectdef) and
650                (oo_is_enum_class in tobjectdef(obj).objectoptions) then
651               writer.AsmWriteln('.signature "Ljava/lang/Enum<L'+obj.jvm_full_typename(true)+';>;"');
652             { in case of nested class: relation to parent class }
653             if obj.owner.symtabletype in [objectsymtable,recordsymtable] then
654               writer.AsmWriteln(InnerStructDef(obj));
655             { add all nested classes }
656             for i:=0 to obj.symtable.deflist.count-1 do
657               if (is_java_class_or_interface(tdef(obj.symtable.deflist[i])) or
658                   (tdef(obj.symtable.deflist[i]).typ=recorddef)) and
659                  not(df_generic in tdef(obj.symtable.deflist[i]).defoptions) then
660                 writer.AsmWriteln(InnerStructDef(tabstractrecorddef(obj.symtable.deflist[i])));
661           end;
662         writer.AsmLn;
663       end;
666     procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteInstruction(hp: tai);
667       begin
668         InstrWriter.WriteInstruction(hp);
669       end;
TJasminAssembler.MakeCmdLinenull672    function TJasminAssembler.MakeCmdLine: TCmdStr;
673      const
674        jasminjarname = 'jasmin.jar';
675      var
676        filenames: tcmdstr;
677        asmfile: tcmdstrlistitem;
678        jasminjarfound: boolean;
679      begin
680        if jasminjar='' then
681          begin
682            jasminjarfound:=false;
683            if utilsdirectory<>'' then
684              jasminjarfound:=FindFile(jasminjarname,utilsdirectory,false,jasminjar);
685            if not jasminjarfound then
686              jasminjarfound:=FindFileInExeLocations(jasminjarname,false,jasminjar);
687            if (not jasminjarfound) and not(cs_asm_extern in current_settings.globalswitches) then
688              begin
689                Message1(exec_e_assembler_not_found,jasminjarname);
690                current_settings.globalswitches:=current_settings.globalswitches+[cs_asm_extern];
691              end;
692            if jasminjarfound then
693              Message1(exec_t_using_assembler,jasminjar);
694          end;
695        result:=asminfo^.asmcmd;
696        filenames:=ScriptFixFileName(AsmFileName);
697        if cs_asm_extern in current_settings.globalswitches then
698          filenames:=maybequoted(filenames);
699        asmfile:=tcmdstrlistitem(asmfiles.First);
700        while assigned(asmfile) do
701          begin
702            if cs_asm_extern in current_settings.globalswitches then
703              filenames:=filenames+' '+maybequoted(ScriptFixFileName(asmfile.str))
704            else
705             filenames:=filenames+' '+ScriptFixFileName(asmfile.str);
706            asmfile:=tcmdstrlistitem(asmfile.next);
707         end;
708        Replace(result,'$ASM',filenames);
709        if (path<>'') then
710          if cs_asm_extern in current_settings.globalswitches then
711            Replace(result,'$OBJDIR',maybequoted(ScriptFixFileName(path)))
712          else
713            Replace(result,'$OBJDIR',ScriptFixFileName(path))
714        else
715          Replace(result,'$OBJDIR','.');
716        if cs_asm_extern in current_settings.globalswitches then
717          Replace(result,'$JASMINJAR',maybequoted(ScriptFixFileName(jasminjar)))
718        else
719          Replace(result,'$JASMINJAR',ScriptFixFileName(jasminjar));
720        Replace(result,'$EXTRAOPT',asmextraopt);
721      end;
724    procedure TJasminAssembler.NewAsmFileForStructDef(obj: tabstractrecorddef);
725       begin
726         if not writer.ClearIfEmpty then
727           begin
728             writer.AsmClose;
729             asmfiles.Concat(AsmFileName);
730           end;
732         AsmFileName:=obj.jvm_full_typename(false);
733         AsmFileName:=Path+FixFileName(AsmFileName)+target_info.asmext;
734         writer.AsmCreate(cut_normal);
735       end;
TJasminAssembler.VisibilityToStrnull738     function TJasminAssembler.VisibilityToStr(vis: tvisibility): ansistring;
739       begin
740         case vis of
741           vis_hidden,
742           vis_strictprivate:
743             result:='private ';
744           { protected in Java means "accessible by subclasses *and* by classes
745             in the same package" -> similar to regular "protected" in Pascal;
746             "strict protected" is actually more strict in Pascal than in Java,
747             but there's not much we can do about that }
748           vis_protected,
749           vis_strictprotected:
750             result:='protected ';
751           vis_private:
752             { pick default visibility = "package" visibility; required because
753               other classes in the same unit can also access these symbols }
754             result:='';
755           vis_public:
756             result:='public '
757           else
758             internalerror(2010122609);
759         end;
760       end;
TJasminAssembler.MethodDefinitionnull763     function TJasminAssembler.MethodDefinition(pd: tprocdef): ansistring;
764       begin
765         result:=VisibilityToStr(pd.visibility);
766         if (pd.procsym.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable,localsymtable]) or
767            (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) then
768           result:=result+'static ';
769         if (po_abstractmethod in pd.procoptions) or
770            is_javainterface(tdef(pd.owner.defowner)) then
771           result:=result+'abstract ';
772         if (pd.procsym.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable,localsymtable]) or
773            (po_finalmethod in pd.procoptions) or
774            (not(po_virtualmethod in pd.procoptions) and
775             not(po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) and
776             not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_class_constructor])) then
777           result:=result+'final ';
778         result:=result+tcpuprocdef(pd).jvmmangledbasename(false);
779       end;
TJasminAssembler.ConstValuenull782     function TJasminAssembler.ConstValue(csym: tconstsym): ansistring;
783       begin
784         case csym.consttyp of
785           constord:
786             { always interpret as signed value, because the JVM does not
787               support unsigned values }
788             case csym.constdef.size of
789               1:result:=tostr(shortint(csym.value.valueord.svalue));
790               2:result:=tostr(smallint(csym.value.valueord.svalue));
791               4:result:=tostr(longint(csym.value.valueord.svalue));
792               8:result:=tostr(csym.value.valueord.svalue);
793               else
794                 internalerror(2014082050);
795             end;
796           conststring:
797             result:=constastr(pchar(csym.value.valueptr),csym.value.len);
798           constreal:
799             case tfloatdef(csym.constdef).floattype of
800               s32real:
801                 result:=constsingle(pbestreal(csym.value.valueptr)^);
802               s64real:
803                 result:=constdouble(pbestreal(csym.value.valueptr)^);
804               else
805                 internalerror(2011021204);
806               end;
807           constset:
808             result:='TODO: add support for constant sets';
809           constpointer:
810             { can only be null, but that's the default value and should not
811               be written; there's no primitive type that can hold nill }
812             internalerror(2011021201);
813           constnil:
814             internalerror(2011021202);
815           constresourcestring:
816             result:='TODO: add support for constant resource strings';
817           constwstring:
818             result:=constwstr(pcompilerwidestring(csym.value.valueptr)^.data,pcompilerwidestring(csym.value.valueptr)^.len);
819           constguid:
820             result:='TODO: add support for constant guids';
821           else
822             internalerror(2011021205);
823         end;
824       end;
TJasminAssembler.ConstAssignmentValuenull827     function TJasminAssembler.ConstAssignmentValue(csym: tconstsym): ansistring;
828       begin
829         result:='';
830         { nil is the default value -> don't write explicitly }
831         case csym.consttyp of
832           constpointer:
833             begin
834               if csym.value.valueordptr<>0 then
835                 internalerror(2011021206);
836             end;
837           constnil:
838             ;
839         else
840           begin
841             { enums and sets are initialized as typed constants }
842             if not assigned(csym.constdef) or
843                not(csym.constdef.typ in [enumdef,setdef]) then
844               result:=' = '+ConstValue(csym);
845           end;
846         end;
847       end;
TJasminAssembler.ConstDefinitionnull850     function TJasminAssembler.ConstDefinition(sym: tconstsym): ansistring;
851       begin
852         result:=VisibilityToStr(sym.visibility);
853         { formal constants are always class-level, not instance-level }
854         result:=result+'static final ';
855         if sp_internal in sym.symoptions then
856           result:=result+'synthetic ';
857         result:=result+jvmmangledbasename(sym,true);
858         result:=result+ConstAssignmentValue(tconstsym(sym));
859       end;
TJasminAssembler.FieldDefinitionnull862     function TJasminAssembler.FieldDefinition(sym: tabstractvarsym): ansistring;
863       begin
864         case sym.typ of
865           staticvarsym:
866             begin
867               if sym.owner.symtabletype=globalsymtable then
868                 result:='public '
869               else
870                 { package visbility }
871                 result:='';
872             end;
873           fieldvarsym,
874           absolutevarsym:
875             result:=VisibilityToStr(tstoredsym(sym).visibility);
876           else
877             internalerror(2011011204);
878         end;
879         if (sym.typ=staticvarsym) or
880            (sp_static in sym.symoptions) then
881           result:=result+'static ';
882         if sym.varspez in [vs_const,vs_final] then
883           result:=result+'final ';
884         if sp_internal in sym.symoptions then
885           result:=result+'synthetic ';
886         { mark the class fields of enum classes that contain the initialised
887           enum instances as "enum" (recognise them by the fact that their type
888           is the same as their parent class, and that this parent class is
889           marked as oo_is_enum_class) }
890         if assigned(sym.owner.defowner) and
891            (tdef(sym.owner.defowner).typ=objectdef) and
892            (oo_is_enum_class in tobjectdef(sym.owner.defowner).objectoptions) and
893            (sym.typ=staticvarsym) and
894            (tstaticvarsym(sym).vardef=tdef(sym.owner.defowner)) then
895           result:=result+'enum ';
896         result:=result+jvmmangledbasename(sym,true);
897       end;
TJasminAssembler.InnerStructDefnull900     function TJasminAssembler.InnerStructDef(obj: tabstractrecorddef): ansistring;
901       var
902         extname: pshortstring;
903         kindname: ansistring;
904       begin
905         if not(obj.owner.defowner.typ in [objectdef,recorddef]) then
906           internalerror(2011021701);
907         { Nested classes in the Pascal sense are equivalent to "static"
908           inner classes in Java -- will be changed when support for
909           Java-style non-static classes is added }
910         case obj.typ of
911           recorddef:
912             begin
913               kindname:='class static ';
914               extname:=obj.symtable.realname;
915             end;
916           objectdef:
917             begin
918               extname:=tobjectdef(obj).objextname;
919               case tobjectdef(obj).objecttype of
920                 odt_javaclass:
921                   kindname:='class static ';
922                 odt_interfacejava:
923                   kindname:='interface static abstract ';
924                 else
925                   internalerror(2011021702);
926               end;
927             end;
928           else
929             internalerror(2011032809);
930         end;
931         result:=
932           '.inner '+
933           kindname+
934           VisibilityToStr(obj.typesym.visibility)+
935          extname^+
936          ' inner '+
937          obj.jvm_full_typename(true)+
938          ' outer '+
939          tabstractrecorddef(obj.owner.defowner).jvm_full_typename(true);
940       end;
943     procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteProcDef(pd: tprocdef);
944       begin
945         if not assigned(tcpuprocdef(pd).exprasmlist) and
946            not(po_abstractmethod in pd.procoptions) and
947            (not is_javainterface(pd.struct) or
948             (pd.proctypeoption in [potype_unitinit,potype_unitfinalize])) then
949           exit;
950         writer.AsmWrite('.method ');
951         writer.AsmWriteln(MethodDefinition(pd));
952         if jvmtypeneedssignature(pd) then
953           begin
954             writer.AsmWrite('.signature "');
955             writer.AsmWrite(tcpuprocdef(pd).jvmmangledbasename(true));
956             writer.AsmWriteln('"');
957           end;
958         WriteTree(tcpuprocdef(pd).exprasmlist);
959         writer.AsmWriteln('.end method');
960         writer.AsmLn;
961       end;
964     procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteFieldSym(sym: tabstractvarsym);
965       begin
966         { internal static field definition alias -> skip }
967         if (sym.owner.symtabletype in [recordsymtable,ObjectSymtable]) and
968            (sym.typ=staticvarsym) then
969           exit;
970         { external or threadvar definition -> no definition here }
971         if ([vo_is_external,vo_is_thread_var]*sym.varoptions)<>[] then
972           exit;
973         writer.AsmWrite('.field ');
974         writer.AsmWriteln(FieldDefinition(sym));
975       end;
978     procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteConstSym(sym: tconstsym);
979       begin
980         writer.AsmWrite('.field ');
981         writer.AsmWriteln(ConstDefinition(sym));
982       end;
985     procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteSymtableVarSyms(st: TSymtable);
986       var
987         sym : tsym;
988         i,j : longint;
989       begin
990         if not assigned(st) then
991           exit;
992         for i:=0 to st.SymList.Count-1 do
993          begin
994            sym:=tsym(st.SymList[i]);
995            case sym.typ of
996              staticvarsym,
997              fieldvarsym:
998                begin
999                  WriteFieldSym(tabstractvarsym(sym));
1000                  if (sym.typ=staticvarsym) and
1001                     assigned(tstaticvarsym(sym).defaultconstsym) then
1002                    WriteFieldSym(tabstractvarsym(tstaticvarsym(sym).defaultconstsym));
1003                end;
1004              constsym:
1005                begin
1006                  { multiple procedures can have constants with the same name }
1007                  if not assigned(sym.owner.defowner) or
1008                     (tdef(sym.owner.defowner).typ<>procdef) then
1009                    WriteConstSym(tconstsym(sym));
1010                end;
1011              procsym:
1012                begin
1013                  for j:=0 to tprocsym(sym).procdeflist.count-1 do
1014                    if not(df_generic in tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).procdeflist[j]).defoptions) then
1015                      WriteSymtableVarSyms(tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).procdeflist[j]).localst);
1016                end;
1017            end;
1018          end;
1019       end;
1022     procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteSymtableProcdefs(st: TSymtable);
1023       var
1024         i   : longint;
1025         def : tdef;
1026       begin
1027         if not assigned(st) then
1028           exit;
1029         for i:=0 to st.DefList.Count-1 do
1030           begin
1031             def:=tdef(st.DefList[i]);
1032             case def.typ of
1033               procdef :
1034                 begin
1035                   { methods are also in the static/globalsymtable of the unit
1036                     -> make sure they are only written for the objectdefs that
1037                     own them }
1038                   if (not(st.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) or
1039                       (def.owner=st)) and
1040                      not(df_generic in def.defoptions) then
1041                     begin
1042                       WriteProcDef(tprocdef(def));
1043                       if assigned(tprocdef(def).localst) then
1044                         WriteSymtableProcdefs(tprocdef(def).localst);
1045                     end;
1046                 end;
1047             end;
1048           end;
1049       end;
1051     procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteSymtableStructDefs(st: TSymtable);
1052       var
1053         i   : longint;
1054         def : tdef;
1055         obj : tabstractrecorddef;
1056         nestedstructs: tfpobjectlist;
1057       begin
1058         if not assigned(st) then
1059           exit;
1060         nestedstructs:=tfpobjectlist.create(false);
1061         for i:=0 to st.DefList.Count-1 do
1062           begin
1063             def:=tdef(st.DefList[i]);
1064             if df_generic in def.defoptions then
1065               continue;
1066             case def.typ of
1067               objectdef:
1068                 if not(oo_is_external in tobjectdef(def).objectoptions) then
1069                   nestedstructs.add(def);
1070               recorddef:
1071                 nestedstructs.add(def);
1072             end;
1073           end;
1074         for i:=0 to nestedstructs.count-1 do
1075           begin
1076             obj:=tabstractrecorddef(nestedstructs[i]);
1077             NewAsmFileForStructDef(obj);
1078             WriteExtraHeader(obj);
1079             WriteSymtableVarSyms(obj.symtable);
1080             writer.AsmLn;
1081             WriteSymtableProcDefs(obj.symtable);
1082             WriteSymtableStructDefs(obj.symtable);
1083           end;
1084         nestedstructs.free;
1085       end;
TJasminAssembler.CreateNewAsmWriternull1088     function TJasminAssembler.CreateNewAsmWriter: TExternalAssemblerOutputFile;
1089       begin
1090         Result:=TJasminAssemblerOutputFile.Create(self);
1091       end;
1094     constructor TJasminAssembler.CreateWithWriter(info: pasminfo; wr: TExternalAssemblerOutputFile; freewriter, smart: boolean);
1095       begin
1096         inherited;
1097         InstrWriter:=TJasminInstrWriter.Create(self);
1098         asmfiles:=TCmdStrList.Create;
1099       end;
1102     procedure TJasminAssembler.WriteAsmList;
1103       begin
1104         { the code for Java methods needs to be emitted class per class,
1105           so instead of iterating over all asmlists, we iterate over all types
1106           and global variables (a unit becomes a class, with its global
1107           variables static fields) }
1108         writer.MarkEmpty;
1109         WriteExtraHeader(nil);
1110         { print all global variables }
1111         WriteSymtableVarSyms(current_module.globalsymtable);
1112         WriteSymtableVarSyms(current_module.localsymtable);
1113         writer.AsmLn;
1114         { print all global procedures/functions }
1115         WriteSymtableProcdefs(current_module.globalsymtable);
1116         WriteSymtableProcdefs(current_module.localsymtable);
1118         WriteSymtableStructDefs(current_module.globalsymtable);
1119         WriteSymtableStructDefs(current_module.localsymtable);
1121         writer.AsmLn;
1122       end;
1125 {****************************************************************************}
1126 {                         Jasmin Instruction Writer                          }
1127 {****************************************************************************}
1129      constructor TJasminInstrWriter.create(_owner: TJasminAssembler);
1130        begin
1131          inherited create;
1132          owner := _owner;
1133        end;
getreferencestringnull1135     function getreferencestring(var ref : treference) : ansistring;
1136       begin
1137         if (ref.arrayreftype<>art_none) or
1138            (ref.index<>NR_NO) then
1139           internalerror(2010122809);
1140         if assigned(ref.symbol) then
1141           begin
1142             // global symbol or field -> full type and name
1143             // ref.base can be <> NR_NO in case an instance field is loaded.
1144             // This register is not part of this instruction, it will have
1145             // been placed on the stack by the previous one.
1146             if (ref.offset<>0) then
1147               internalerror(2010122811);
1148             result:=ref.symbol.name;
1149           end
1150         else
1151           begin
1152             // local symbol -> stack slot, stored in offset
1153             if ref.base<>NR_STACK_POINTER_REG then
1154               internalerror(2010122810);
1155             result:=tostr(ref.offset);
1156           end;
1157       end;
getopstrnull1160     function getopstr(const o:toper) : ansistring;
1161       var
1162         d: double;
1163         s: single;
1164       begin
1165         case o.typ of
1166           top_reg:
1167             // should have been translated into a memory location by the
1168             // register allocator)
1169             if (cs_no_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then
1170               getopstr:=std_regname(o.reg)
1171             else
1172               internalerror(2010122803);
1173           top_const:
1174             str(o.val,result);
1175           top_ref:
1176             getopstr:=getreferencestring(o.ref^);
1177           top_single:
1178             begin
1179               result:=constsingle(o.sval);
1180             end;
1181           top_double:
1182             begin
1183               result:=constdouble(o.dval);
1184             end;
1185           top_string:
1186             begin
1187               result:=constastr(o.pcval,o.pcvallen);
1188             end;
1189           top_wstring:
1190             begin
1191               result:=constwstr(o.pwstrval^.data,getlengthwidestring(o.pwstrval));
1192             end
1193           else
1194             internalerror(2010122802);
1195         end;
1196       end;
1199     procedure TJasminInstrWriter.WriteInstruction(hp: tai);
1200       var
1201         s: ansistring;
1202         i: byte;
1203         sep: ansistring;
1204       begin
1205         s:=#9+jas_op2str[taicpu(hp).opcode];
1206         if taicpu(hp).ops<>0 then
1207           begin
1208             sep:=#9;
1209             for i:=0 to taicpu(hp).ops-1 do
1210               begin
1211                  s:=s+sep+getopstr(taicpu(hp).oper[i]^);
1212                  sep:=' ';
1213               end;
1214           end;
1215         owner.writer.AsmWriteLn(s);
1216       end;
1218 {****************************************************************************}
1219 {                         Jasmin Instruction Writer                          }
1220 {****************************************************************************}
1222   const
1223     as_jvm_jasmin_info : tasminfo =
1224        (
1225          id     : as_jvm_jasmin;
1226          idtxt  : 'Jasmin';
1227          asmbin : 'java';
1228          asmcmd : '-jar $JASMINJAR $ASM $EXTRAOPT -d $OBJDIR';
1229          supported_targets : [system_jvm_java32,system_jvm_android32];
1230          flags : [];
1231          labelprefix : 'L';
1232          comment : ' ; ';
1233          dollarsign : '$';
1234        );
1237 begin
1238   RegisterAssembler(as_jvm_jasmin_info,TJasminAssembler);
1239 end.