1 {
2     Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
4     Generates nodes for routines that need compiler support
6     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20  ****************************************************************************
21 }
22 unit pinline;
24 {$i fpcdefs.inc}
26 interface
28     uses
29       symtype,
30       node,
31       globals;
new_dispose_statementnull33     function new_dispose_statement(is_new:boolean) : tnode;
new_functionnull34     function new_function : tnode;
inline_setlengthnull36     function inline_setlength : tnode;
inline_setstringnull37     function inline_setstring : tnode;
inline_initializenull38     function inline_initialize : tnode;
inline_finalizenull39     function inline_finalize : tnode;
inline_copynull40     function inline_copy : tnode;
inline_insertnull41     function inline_insert : tnode;
inline_deletenull42     function inline_delete : tnode;
inline_concatnull43     function inline_concat : tnode;
46 implementation
48     uses
49        { global }
50        globtype,tokens,verbose,constexp,
51        systems,compinnr,
52        { symtable }
53        symbase,symconst,symdef,symsym,symtable,defutil,
54        { pass 1 }
55        pass_1,htypechk,
56        ncal,nmem,ncnv,ninl,ncon,nld,nbas,ngenutil,nutils,
57        { parser }
58        scanner,
59        pbase,pexpr;
new_dispose_statementnull62     function new_dispose_statement(is_new:boolean) : tnode;
63       var
64         newstatement : tstatementnode;
65         temp         : ttempcreatenode;
66         para         : tcallparanode;
67         p,p2     : tnode;
68         again    : boolean; { dummy for do_proc_call }
69         destructorname : TIDString;
70         sym      : tsym;
71         classh   : tobjectdef;
72         callflag : tcallnodeflag;
73         destructorpos,
74         storepos : tfileposinfo;
75         variantdesc : pvariantrecdesc;
76         found : boolean;
77         variantselectsymbol : tfieldvarsym;
79       procedure ReadVariantRecordConstants;
80         var
81           i,j : longint;
82         begin
83           if (([m_iso,m_extpas]*current_settings.modeswitches)<>[]) and (is_record(tpointerdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef)) then
84             begin
85               variantdesc:=trecorddef(tpointerdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef).variantrecdesc;
86               while (token=_COMMA) and assigned(variantdesc) do
87                 begin
88                   consume(_COMMA);
89                   p2:=factor(false,[]);
90                   do_typecheckpass(p2);
91                   if p2.nodetype=ordconstn then
92                     begin
93                       found:=false;
94                       { we do not have dynamic dfa, so avoid warning on variantselectsymbol below }
95                       variantselectsymbol:=nil;
96                       for i:=0 to high(variantdesc^.branches) do
97                         begin
98                           for j:=0 to high(variantdesc^.branches[i].values) do
99                             if variantdesc^.branches[i].values[j]=tordconstnode(p2).value then
100                               begin
101                                 found:=true;
102                                 variantselectsymbol:=tfieldvarsym(variantdesc^.variantselector);
103                                 variantdesc:=variantdesc^.branches[i].nestedvariant;
104                                 break;
105                               end;
106                           if found then
107                             break;
108                         end;
109                       if found then
110                         begin
111                           if is_new then
112                             begin
113                               { if no tag-field is given, do not create an assignment statement for it }
114                               if assigned(variantselectsymbol) then
115                                 { setup variant selector }
116                                 addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create(
117                                     csubscriptnode.create(variantselectsymbol,
118                                       cderefnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp))),
119                                     p2));
120                             end;
121                         end
122                       else
123                         Message(parser_e_illegal_expression);
124                     end
125                   else
126                     Message(parser_e_illegal_expression);
127                 end;
128               end;
129         end;
131       begin
132         if target_info.system in systems_managed_vm then
133           message(parser_e_feature_unsupported_for_vm);
134         consume(_LKLAMMER);
135         p:=comp_expr([ef_accept_equal]);
136         { calc return type }
137         if is_new then
138           begin
139             set_varstate(p,vs_written,[]);
140             valid_for_var(p,true);
141           end
142         else
143           set_varstate(p,vs_readwritten,[vsf_must_be_valid]);
144         if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) and
145            is_class(p.resultdef) then
146           begin
147             classh:=tobjectdef(p.resultdef);
149             { make sure we call ObjPas.TObject.Create/Free and not a random }
150             { create/free method in a macpas descendent object (since those }
151             { are not supposed to be called automatically when you call     }
152             { new/dispose)                                                  }
153             while assigned(classh.childof) do
154               classh := classh.childof;
155             if is_new then
156               begin
157                 sym:=search_struct_member(classh,'CREATE');
158                 p2 := cloadvmtaddrnode.create(ctypenode.create(p.resultdef));
159               end
160             else
161               begin
162                 sym:=search_struct_member(classh,'FREE');
163                 p2 := p;
164              end;
166             if not(assigned(sym)) then
167               begin
168                  p.free;
169                  if is_new then
170                    p2.free;
171                  new_dispose_statement := cerrornode.create;
172                  consume_all_until(_RKLAMMER);
173                  consume(_RKLAMMER);
174                  exit;
175               end;
177             do_member_read(classh,false,sym,p2,again,[],nil);
179             { we need the real called method }
180             do_typecheckpass(p2);
182             if (p2.nodetype=calln) and
183                assigned(tcallnode(p2).procdefinition) then
184               begin
185                 if is_new then
186                   begin
187                     if (tcallnode(p2).procdefinition.proctypeoption<>potype_constructor) then
188                       Message(parser_e_expr_have_to_be_constructor_call);
189                     p2.resultdef:=p.resultdef;
190                     p2:=cassignmentnode.create(p,p2);
191                     typecheckpass(p2);
192                   end
193                 else
194                   begin
195                    { Free is not a destructor
196                     if (tcallnode(p2).procdefinition.proctypeoption<>potype_destructor) then
197                       Message(parser_e_expr_have_to_be_destructor_call);
198                    }
199                   end
200               end
201             else
202               internalerror(2005061202);
203             new_dispose_statement := p2;
204           end
205         { constructor,destructor specified }
206         else if (([m_mac,m_iso,m_extpas]*current_settings.modeswitches)=[]) and
207                 try_to_consume(_COMMA) then
208           begin
209             { extended syntax of new and dispose }
210             { function styled new is handled in factor }
211             { destructors have no parameters }
212             destructorname:=pattern;
213             destructorpos:=current_tokenpos;
214             consume(_ID);
216             if is_typeparam(p.resultdef) then
217               begin
218                  p.free;
219                  p:=factor(false,[]);
220                  p.free;
221                  consume(_RKLAMMER);
222                  new_dispose_statement:=cnothingnode.create;
223                  exit;
224               end;
226             if (p.resultdef.typ<>pointerdef) then
227               begin
228                  Message1(type_e_pointer_type_expected,p.resultdef.typename);
229                  p.free;
230                  p:=factor(false,[]);
231                  p.free;
232                  consume(_RKLAMMER);
233                  new_dispose_statement:=cerrornode.create;
234                  exit;
235               end;
236             { first parameter must be an object or class }
237             if tpointerdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef.typ<>objectdef then
238               begin
239                  Message(parser_e_pointer_to_class_expected);
240                  p.free;
241                  new_dispose_statement:=factor(false,[]);
242                  consume_all_until(_RKLAMMER);
243                  consume(_RKLAMMER);
244                  exit;
245               end;
246             { check, if the first parameter is a pointer to a _class_ }
247             classh:=tobjectdef(tpointerdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef);
248             if is_class(classh) then
249               begin
250                  Message(parser_e_no_new_or_dispose_for_classes);
251                  new_dispose_statement:=factor(false,[]);
252                  consume_all_until(_RKLAMMER);
253                  consume(_RKLAMMER);
254                  exit;
255               end;
256             { search cons-/destructor, also in parent classes }
257             storepos:=current_tokenpos;
258             current_tokenpos:=destructorpos;
259             sym:=search_struct_member(classh,destructorname);
260             current_tokenpos:=storepos;
262             { the second parameter of new/dispose must be a call }
263             { to a cons-/destructor                              }
264             if (not assigned(sym)) or (sym.typ<>procsym) then
265               begin
266                  if is_new then
267                   Message(parser_e_expr_have_to_be_constructor_call)
268                  else
269                   Message(parser_e_expr_have_to_be_destructor_call);
270                  p.free;
271                  new_dispose_statement:=cerrornode.create;
272               end
273             else
274               begin
275                 { For new(var,constructor) we need to take a copy because
276                   p is also used in the assignmentn below }
277                 if is_new then
278                   begin
279                     p2:=cderefnode.create(p.getcopy);
280                     include(p2.flags,nf_no_checkpointer);
281                   end
282                 else
283                   p2:=cderefnode.create(p);
284                 do_typecheckpass(p2);
285                 if is_new then
286                   callflag:=cnf_new_call
287                 else
288                   callflag:=cnf_dispose_call;
289                 if is_new then
290                   do_member_read(classh,false,sym,p2,again,[callflag],nil)
291                 else
292                   begin
293                     if not(m_fpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then
294                       do_member_read(classh,false,sym,p2,again,[callflag],nil)
295                     else
296                       begin
297                         p2:=ccallnode.create(nil,tprocsym(sym),sym.owner,p2,[callflag],nil);
298                         { support dispose(p,done()); }
299                         if try_to_consume(_LKLAMMER) then
300                           begin
301                             if not try_to_consume(_RKLAMMER) then
302                               begin
303                                 Message(parser_e_no_paras_for_destructor);
304                                 consume_all_until(_RKLAMMER);
305                                 consume(_RKLAMMER);
306                               end;
307                           end;
308                       end;
309                   end;
311                 { we need the real called method }
312                 do_typecheckpass(p2);
314                 if (p2.nodetype=calln) and
315                    assigned(tcallnode(p2).procdefinition) then
316                   begin
317                     if is_new then
318                      begin
319                        if (tcallnode(p2).procdefinition.proctypeoption<>potype_constructor) then
320                          Message(parser_e_expr_have_to_be_constructor_call);
321                        p2.resultdef:=p.resultdef;
322                        p2:=cassignmentnode.create(p,p2);
323                      end
324                     else
325                      begin
326                        if (tcallnode(p2).procdefinition.proctypeoption<>potype_destructor) then
327                          Message(parser_e_expr_have_to_be_destructor_call);
328                      end;
329                   end
330                 else
331                   begin
332                     if is_new then
333                       CGMessage(parser_e_expr_have_to_be_constructor_call)
334                     else
335                       CGMessage(parser_e_expr_have_to_be_destructor_call);
336                   end;
338                 result:=p2;
339               end;
340           end
341         else
342           begin
343              if (p.resultdef.typ<>pointerdef) then
344                Begin
345                  if is_typeparam(p.resultdef) then
346                    begin
347                       p.free;
348                       consume(_RKLAMMER);
349                       new_dispose_statement:=cnothingnode.create;
350                       exit;
351                    end
352                  else
353                    begin
354                      Message1(type_e_pointer_type_expected,p.resultdef.typename);
355                      new_dispose_statement:=cerrornode.create;
356                    end;
357                end
358              else
359                begin
360                   if (tpointerdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef.typ=objectdef) and
361                      (oo_has_vmt in tobjectdef(tpointerdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef).objectoptions) then
362                     Message(parser_w_use_extended_syntax_for_objects);
363                   if (tpointerdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef.typ=orddef) and
364                      (torddef(tpointerdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef).ordtype=uvoid) then
365                     begin
366                       if (m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches) or
367                          (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) then
368                        Message(parser_w_no_new_dispose_on_void_pointers)
369                       else
370                        Message(parser_e_no_new_dispose_on_void_pointers);
371                     end;
373                   { create statements with call to getmem+initialize or
374                     finalize+freemem }
375                   new_dispose_statement:=internalstatements(newstatement);
377                   if is_new then
378                    begin
379                      { create temp for result }
380                      temp := ctempcreatenode.create(p.resultdef,p.resultdef.size,tt_persistent,true);
381                      addstatement(newstatement,temp);
383                      { create call to fpc_getmem }
384                      para := ccallparanode.create(cordconstnode.create
385                          (tpointerdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef.size,s32inttype,true),nil);
386                      addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create(
387                          ctemprefnode.create(temp),
388                          ccallnode.createintern('fpc_getmem',para)));
390                      { create call to fpc_initialize }
391                      if is_managed_type(tpointerdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef) or
392                        ((m_isolike_io in current_settings.modeswitches) and (tpointerdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef.typ=filedef)) then
393                        addstatement(newstatement,cnodeutils.initialize_data_node(cderefnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp)),false));
395                      { copy the temp to the destination }
396                      addstatement(newstatement,cassignmentnode.create(
397                          p,
398                          ctemprefnode.create(temp)));
400                      ReadVariantRecordConstants;
402                      { release temp }
403                      addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create(temp));
404                    end
405                   else
406                    begin
407                      temp:=nil;
408                      { create call to fpc_finalize }
409                      if is_managed_type(tpointerdef(p.resultdef).pointeddef) then
410                        if might_have_sideeffects(p) then
411                          begin
412                            { ensure that p gets evaluated only once, in case it is e.g. a call }
413                            temp:=ctempcreatenode.create_value(p.resultdef,p.resultdef.size,tt_persistent,true,p);
414                            addstatement(newstatement,temp);
415                            addstatement(newstatement,cnodeutils.finalize_data_node(cderefnode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp))));
416                          end
417                        else
418                          addstatement(newstatement,cnodeutils.finalize_data_node(cderefnode.create(p.getcopy)));
420                      ReadVariantRecordConstants;
422                      { create call to fpc_freemem }
423                      if not assigned(temp) then
424                        para := ccallparanode.create(p,nil)
425                      else
426                        para := ccallparanode.create(ctemprefnode.create(temp),nil);
427                      addstatement(newstatement,ccallnode.createintern('fpc_freemem',para));
428                      if assigned(temp) then
429                        addstatement(newstatement,ctempdeletenode.create(temp));
430                    end;
431                end;
432           end;
433         consume(_RKLAMMER);
434       end;
new_functionnull437     function new_function : tnode;
438       var
439         p1,p2  : tnode;
440         classh : tobjectdef;
441         srsym    : tsym;
442         srsymtable : TSymtable;
443         again  : boolean; { dummy for do_proc_call }
444       begin
445         if target_info.system in systems_managed_vm then
446           message(parser_e_feature_unsupported_for_vm);
447         consume(_LKLAMMER);
448         p1:=factor(false,[]);
449         if p1.nodetype<>typen then
450          begin
451            Message(type_e_type_id_expected);
452            consume_all_until(_RKLAMMER);
453            consume(_RKLAMMER);
454            p1.destroy;
455            new_function:=cerrornode.create;
456            exit;
457          end;
459         if (p1.resultdef.typ<>pointerdef) then
460          begin
461            Message1(type_e_pointer_type_expected,p1.resultdef.typename);
462            consume_all_until(_RKLAMMER);
463            consume(_RKLAMMER);
464            p1.destroy;
465            new_function:=cerrornode.create;
466            exit;
467          end;
469         if try_to_consume(_RKLAMMER) then
470           begin
471             if (tpointerdef(p1.resultdef).pointeddef.typ=objectdef) and
472                (oo_has_vmt in tobjectdef(tpointerdef(p1.resultdef).pointeddef).objectoptions)  then
473               Message(parser_w_use_extended_syntax_for_objects);
475             if p1.nodetype=typen then
476               ttypenode(p1).allowed:=true;
478             p1:=cinlinenode.create(in_new_x,false,p1);
479           end
480         else
481           begin
482             consume(_COMMA);
483             if tpointerdef(p1.resultdef).pointeddef.typ<>objectdef then
484              begin
485                Message(parser_e_pointer_to_class_expected);
486                consume_all_until(_RKLAMMER);
487                consume(_RKLAMMER);
488                p1.destroy;
489                new_function:=cerrornode.create;
490                exit;
491              end;
492             classh:=tobjectdef(tpointerdef(p1.resultdef).pointeddef);
493             { use the objectdef for loading the VMT }
494             p2:=p1;
495             p1:=ctypenode.create(tpointerdef(p1.resultdef).pointeddef);
496             do_typecheckpass(p1);
497             { search the constructor also in the symbol tables of
498               the parents }
499             afterassignment:=false;
500             searchsym_in_class(classh,classh,pattern,srsym,srsymtable,[ssf_search_helper]);
501             consume(_ID);
502             do_member_read(classh,false,srsym,p1,again,[cnf_new_call],nil);
503             { we need to know which procedure is called }
504             do_typecheckpass(p1);
505             if not(
506                    (p1.nodetype=calln) and
507                    assigned(tcallnode(p1).procdefinition) and
508                    (tcallnode(p1).procdefinition.proctypeoption=potype_constructor)
509                   ) then
510               Message(parser_e_expr_have_to_be_constructor_call);
511             { constructors return boolean, update resultdef to return
512               the pointer to the object }
513             p1.resultdef:=p2.resultdef;
514             p2.free;
515             consume(_RKLAMMER);
516           end;
517         new_function:=p1;
518       end;
inline_setlengthnull521     function inline_setlength : tnode;
522       var
523         paras: tnode;
524       begin
525         consume(_LKLAMMER);
526         paras:=parse_paras(false,false,_RKLAMMER);
527         consume(_RKLAMMER);
528         if not assigned(paras) then
529          begin
530            result:=cerrornode.create;
531            CGMessage1(parser_e_wrong_parameter_size,'SetLength');
532            exit;
533          end;
534         result:=cinlinenode.create(in_setlength_x,false,paras);
535       end;
inline_setstringnull538     function inline_setstring : tnode;
539       var
540         paras, strpara, pcharpara: tnode;
541         procname: string;
542         cp: tstringencoding;
543       begin
544         consume(_LKLAMMER);
545         paras:=parse_paras(false,false,_RKLAMMER);
546         consume(_RKLAMMER);
547         procname:='';
548         if assigned(paras) and
549            assigned(tcallparanode(paras).right) and
550            assigned(tcallparanode(tcallparanode(paras).right).right) then
551           begin
552             do_typecheckpass(tcallparanode(tcallparanode(paras).right).left);
553             do_typecheckpass(tcallparanode(tcallparanode(tcallparanode(paras).right).right).left);
554             pcharpara:=tcallparanode(tcallparanode(paras).right).left;
555             strpara:=tcallparanode(tcallparanode(tcallparanode(paras).right).right).left;
556             if strpara.resultdef.typ=stringdef then
557               begin
558                 { if there are three parameters and the first parameter
559                   ( = paras.right.right) is an ansistring, add a codepage
560                   parameter }
561                 if is_ansistring(strpara.resultdef) then
562                   begin
563                     cp:=tstringdef(strpara.resultdef).encoding;
564                     if (cp=globals.CP_NONE) then
565                       cp:=0;
566                     paras:=ccallparanode.create(genintconstnode(cp),paras);
567                   end;
568                 procname:='fpc_setstring_'+tstringdef(strpara.resultdef).stringtypname;
569                 { decide which version to call based on the second parameter }
570                 if not is_shortstring(strpara.resultdef) then
571                   if is_pwidechar(pcharpara.resultdef) or
572                      is_widechar(pcharpara.resultdef) or
573                      ((pcharpara.resultdef.typ=arraydef) and
574                       is_widechar(tarraydef(pcharpara.resultdef).elementdef)) then
575                     procname:=procname+'_pwidechar'
576                   else
577                     procname:=procname+'_pansichar';
578               end;
579           end;
580         { default version (for error message) in case of missing or wrong
581           parameters }
582         if procname='' then
583           if m_default_unicodestring in current_settings.modeswitches then
584             procname:='fpc_setstring_unicodestr_pwidechar'
585           else if m_default_ansistring in current_settings.modeswitches then
586             procname:='fpc_setstring_ansistr_pansichar'
587           else
588             procname:='fpc_setstring_shortstr';
589         result:=ccallnode.createintern(procname,paras)
590       end;
inline_initfinalnull593     function inline_initfinal(isinit: boolean): tnode;
594       var
595         newblock,
596         paras   : tnode;
597         npara,
598         destppn,
599         ppn     : tcallparanode;
600       begin
601         { for easy exiting if something goes wrong }
602         result := cerrornode.create;
604         consume(_LKLAMMER);
605         paras:=parse_paras(false,false,_RKLAMMER);
606         consume(_RKLAMMER);
607         ppn:=tcallparanode(paras);
609         if not assigned(paras) or
610            (assigned(ppn.right) and
611             assigned(tcallparanode(ppn.right).right)) then
612          begin
613            if isinit then
614              CGMessage1(parser_e_wrong_parameter_size,'Initialize')
615            else
616              CGMessage1(parser_e_wrong_parameter_size,'Finalize');
617            exit;
618          end;
620         { 2 arguments? }
621         if assigned(ppn.right) then
622          begin
623            destppn:=tcallparanode(ppn.right);
624            { create call to fpc_initialize/finalize_array }
625            npara:=ccallparanode.create(ctypeconvnode.create
626                      (ppn.left,s32inttype),
627                   ccallparanode.create(caddrnode.create_internal
628                      (crttinode.create(tstoreddef(destppn.left.resultdef),initrtti,rdt_normal)),
629                   ccallparanode.create(caddrnode.create_internal
630                      (destppn.left),nil)));
631            if isinit then
632              newblock:=ccallnode.createintern('fpc_initialize_array',npara)
633            else
634              newblock:=ccallnode.createintern('fpc_finalize_array',npara);
635            destppn.left:=nil;
636          end
637         else
638          begin
639            if isinit then
640              newblock:=cnodeutils.initialize_data_node(ppn.left,true)
641            else
642              newblock:=cnodeutils.finalize_data_node(ppn.left);
643          end;
644         ppn.left:=nil;
645         paras.free;
646         result.free;
647         result:=newblock;
648       end;
inline_initializenull651     function inline_initialize : tnode;
652       begin
653         result:=inline_initfinal(true);
654       end;
inline_finalizenull657     function inline_finalize : tnode;
658       begin
659         result:=inline_initfinal(false);
660       end;
inline_copy_insert_deletenull663     function inline_copy_insert_delete(nr:tinlinenumber;name:string;checkempty:boolean) : tnode;
664       var
665         paras   : tnode;
666         { for easy exiting if something goes wrong }
667       begin
668         result := cerrornode.create;
670         consume(_LKLAMMER);
671         paras:=parse_paras(false,false,_RKLAMMER);
672         consume(_RKLAMMER);
673         if not assigned(paras) and checkempty then
674           begin
675             CGMessage1(parser_e_wrong_parameter_size,name);
676             exit;
677           end;
678         result.free;
679         result:=cinlinenode.create(nr,false,paras);
680       end;
inline_copynull683     function inline_copy: tnode;
684       begin
685         result:=inline_copy_insert_delete(in_copy_x,'Copy',false);
686       end;
inline_insertnull689     function inline_insert: tnode;
690       begin
691         result:=inline_copy_insert_delete(in_insert_x_y_z,'Insert',false);
692       end;
inline_deletenull695     function inline_delete: tnode;
696       begin
697         result:=inline_copy_insert_delete(in_delete_x_y_z,'Delete',false);
698       end;
inline_concatnull701     function inline_concat: tnode;
702       begin
703         result:=inline_copy_insert_delete(in_concat_x,'Concat',false);
704       end;
707 end.