1unit lpc8xx;
2{$goto on}
3{$define lpc8xx}
9  //------------------------- Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers -------------------------
10  Reset_IRQn            = -15; // 1 Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset
11  NonMaskableInt_IRQn   = -14; // 2 Non Maskable Interrupt
12  HardFault_IRQn        = -13; // 3 Cortex-M0 Hard Fault Interrupt
13  SVCall_IRQn           = -5;  // 11 Cortex-M0 SV Call Interrupt
14  PendSV_IRQn           = -2;  // 14 Cortex-M0 Pend SV Interrupt
15  SysTick_IRQn          = -1;  // 15 Cortex-M0 System Tick Interrupt
17  //------------------------- LPC8xx Specific Interrupt Numbers -------------------------
18  SPI0_IRQn             = 0;   // SPI0
19  SPI1_IRQn             = 1;   // SPI1
20  UART0_IRQn            = 3;   // USART0
21  UART1_IRQn            = 4;   // USART1
22  UART2_IRQn            = 5;   // USART2
23  I2C_IRQn              = 8;   // I2C
24  SCT_IRQn              = 9;   // SCT
25  MRT_IRQn              = 10;  // MRT
26  CMP_IRQn              = 11;  // CMP
27  WDT_IRQn              = 12;  // WDT
28  BOD_IRQn              = 13;  // BOD
29  WKT_IRQn              = 15;  // WKT Interrupt
30  PININT0_IRQn          = 24;  // External Interrupt 0
31  PININT1_IRQn          = 25;  // External Interrupt 1
32  PININT2_IRQn          = 26;  // External Interrupt 2
33  PININT3_IRQn          = 27;  // External Interrupt 3
34  PININT4_IRQn          = 28;  // External Interrupt 4
35  PININT5_IRQn          = 29;  // External Interrupt 5
36  PININT6_IRQn          = 30;  // External Interrupt 6
37  PININT7_IRQn          = 31;  // External Interrupt 7
40  { ------------- System Control (SYSCON) ------------- }
41  TSYSCON_Registers = record
42    SYSMEMREMAP  : longword;
43    PRESETCTRL   : longword;
44    SYSPLLCTRL   : longword;
45    SYSPLLSTAT   : longword;
46    RESERVED0    : array [0 .. 3] of longword;
47    SYSOSCCTRL   : longword;
48    WDTOSCCTRL   : longword;
49    RESERVED1    : array [0 .. 1] of longword;
50    SYSRSTSTAT   : longword;
51    RESERVED2    : array [0 .. 2] of longword;
52    SYSPLLCLKSEL : longword;
53    SYSPLLCLKUEN : longword;
54    RESERVED3    : array [0 .. 9] of longword;
55    MAINCLKSEL   : longword;
56    MAINCLKUEN   : longword;
57    SYSAHBCLKDIV : longword;
58    RESERVED4    : longword;
59    SYSAHBCLKCTRL: longword;
60    RESERVED5    : array [0 .. 3] of longword;
61    UARTCLKDIV   : longword;
62    RESERVED6    : array [0 .. 17] of longword;
63    CLKOUTSEL    : longword;
64    CLKOUTUEN    : longword;
65    CLKOUTDIV    : longword;
66    RESERVED7    : longword;
67    UARTFRGDIV   : longword;
68    UARTFRGMULT  : longword;
69    RESERVED8    : longword;
70    EXTTRACECMD  : longword;
71    PIOPORCAP0   : longword;
72    RESERVED9    : array [0 .. 11] of longword;
73    IOCONCLKDIV  : array [0 .. 6] of longword;
74    BODCTRL      : longword;
75    SYSTCKCAL    : longword;
76    RESERVED10   : array [0 .. 5] of longword;
77    IRQLATENCY   : longword;
78    NMISRC       : longword;
79    PINTSEL      : array [0 .. 7] of longword;
80    RESERVED11   : array [0 .. 26] of longword;
81    STARTERP0    : longword;
82    RESERVED12   : array [0 .. 2] of longword;
83    STARTERP1    : longword;
84    RESERVED13   : array [0 .. 5] of longword;
85    PDSLEEPCFG   : longword;
86    PDAWAKECFG   : longword;
87    PDRUNCFG     : longword;
88    RESERVED14   : array [0 .. 109] of longword;
89    DEVICE_ID    : longword;
90  end;
92  { ------------- Pin Connect Block (IOCON) ------------- }
93  TIOCON_Registers = record
94    PIO0_17  : longword;
95    PIO0_13  : longword;
96    PIO0_12  : longword;
97    PIO0_5   : longword;
98    PIO0_4   : longword;
99    PIO0_3   : longword;
100    PIO0_2   : longword;
101    PIO0_11  : longword;
102    PIO0_10  : longword;
103    PIO0_16  : longword;
104    PIO0_15  : longword;
105    PIO0_1   : longword;
106    RESERVED0: longword;
107    PIO0_9   : longword;
108    PIO0_8   : longword;
109    PIO0_7   : longword;
110    PIO0_6   : longword;
111    PIO0_0   : longword;
112    PIO0_14  : longword;
113  end;
115  { ------------- Flash Controller (FLASHCTRL) ------------- }
116  TFLASHCTRL_Registers = record
117    RESERVED0: array [0 .. 3] of longword;
118    FLASHCFG : longword;
119    RESERVED1: array [0 .. 2] of longword;
120    FMSSTART : longword;
121    FMSSTOP  : longword;
122    RESERVED2: longword;
123    FMSW0    : longword;
124  end;
126  { ------------- Power Management Unit (PMU) ------------- }
127  TPMU_Registers = record
128    PCON   : longword;
129    GPREG0 : longword;
130    GPREG1 : longword;
131    GPREG2 : longword;
132    GPREG3 : longword;
133    DPDCTRL: longword;
134  end;
136  { ------------- Switch Matrix Register (SWM) ------------- }
137  TSWM_Registers = record
138    PINASSIGN : array [0 .. 8] of longword;
139    RESERVED0 : array [0 .. 102] of longword;
140    PINENABLE0: longword;
141  end;
143  { ------------- General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) ------------- }
144  TGPIOPORT_Registers = record
145    B0       : array [0 .. 17] of byte;
146    RESERVED0: array [0 .. 2038] of word;
147    W0       : array [0 .. 17] of longword;
148    RESERVED1: array [0 .. 1005] of longword;
149    DIR0     : longword;
150    RESERVED2: array [0 .. 30] of longword;
151    MASK0    : longword;
152    RESERVED3: array [0 .. 30] of longword;
153    PIN0     : longword;
154    RESERVED4: array [0 .. 30] of longword;
155    MPIN0    : longword;
156    RESERVED5: array [0 .. 30] of longword;
157    SET0     : longword;
158    RESERVED6: array [0 .. 30] of longword;
159    CLR0     : longword;
160    RESERVED7: array [0 .. 30] of longword;
161    NOT0     : longword;
162  end;
164  { -------------  Pin interrupts/pattern match engine (PIN_INT) ------------- }
165  TPININT_Registers = record
166    ISEL  : longword;
167    IENR  : longword;
168    SIENR : longword;
169    CIENR : longword;
170    IENF  : longword;
171    SIENF : longword;
172    CIENF : longword;
173    RISE  : longword;
174    FALL  : longword;
175    IST   : longword;
176    PMCTRL: longword;
177    PMSRC : longword;
178    PMCFG : longword;
179  end;
181  { -------------  CRC Engine (CRC) -------------  }
182  TCRC_Registers = record
183    MODE: longword;
184    SEED: longword;
185    SUM : longword;
186  end;
188  { -------------  Comparator (CMP) -------------  }
189  TCMP_Registers = record
190    CTRL: longword;
191    LAD : longword;
192  end;
194  { -------------  Wakeup Timer (WKT) -------------  }
195  TWKT_Registers = record
196    CTRL     : longword;
197    RESERVED0: array [0 .. 1] of longword;
198    COUNT    : longword;
199  end;
201  { -------------  Multi-Rate Timer(MRT) -------------  }
202  TMRTChannel = record
203    INTVAL: longword;
204    TIMER : longword;
205    CTRL  : longword;
206    STAT  : longword;
207  end;
209  TMRT_Registers = record
210    CHANNEL  : array [0 .. 3] of TMRTChannel;
211    RESERVED0: array [0 .. 0] of longword;
212    IDLE_CH  : longword;
213    IRQ_FLAG : longword;
214  end;
216  { ------------- Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) -------------  }
217  TUSART_Registers = record
218    CFG        : longword;
219    CTRL       : longword;
220    STAT       : longword;
221    INTENSET   : longword;
222    INTENCLR   : longword;
223    RXDATA     : longword;
224    RXDATA_STAT: longword;
225    TXDATA     : longword;
226    BRG        : longword;
227    INTSTAT    : longword;
228  end;
230  { ------------- Synchronous Serial Interface Controller (SPI) -------------  }
231  TSPI_Registers = record
232    CFG     : longword;
233    DLY     : longword;
234    STAT    : longword;
235    INTENSET: longword;
236    INTENCLR: longword;
237    RXDAT   : longword;
238    TXDATCTL: longword;
239    TXDAT   : longword;
240    TXCTRL  : longword;
241    _DIV    : longword;
242    INTSTAT : longword;
243  end;
245  { ------------- Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) ------------- }
246  TI2C_Registers = record
247    CFG      : longword;
248    STAT     : longword;
249    INTENSET : longword;
250    INTENCLR : longword;
251    TIMEOUT  : longword;
252    _DIV     : longword;
253    INTSTAT  : longword;
254    RESERVED0: longword;
255    MSTCTL   : longword;
256    MSTTIME  : longword;
257    MSTDAT   : longword;
258    RESERVED1: array [0 .. 4] of longword;
259    SLVCTL   : longword;
260    SLVDAT   : longword;
261    SLVADR0  : longword;
262    SLVADR1  : longword;
263    SLVADR2  : longword;
264    SLVADR3  : longword;
265    SLVQUAL0 : longword;
266    RESERVED2: array [0 .. 8] of longword;
267    MONRXDAT : longword;
268  end;
270  { ------------- State Configurable Timer (SCT) ------------- }
272  CONFIG_SCT_nEV = 6;
273  { Number of match/compare registers }
274  CONFIG_SCT_nRG = 5;
275  { Number of outputs }
276  CONFIG_SCT_nOU = 4;
279  TSCTState = record
280    STATE : longword;
281    CTRL  : longword;
282  end;
283  TSCTSet = record
284    _SET : longword;
285    CLR  : longword;
286  end;
289  TSCT_Registers = record
290    CONFIG          : longword;
291    CTRL            : longword;
292    LIMIT           : longword;
293    HALT            : longword;
294    STOP            : longword;
295    START           : longword;
296    RESERVED1       : array [0 .. 9] of longword;
297    COUNT           : longword;
298    STATE           : longword;
299    INPUT           : longword;
300    REGMODE         : longword;
301    OUTPUT          : longword;
302    OUTPUTDIRCTRL   : longword;
303    RES             : longword;
304    RESERVED2       : array [0 .. 36] of longword;
305    EVEN            : longword;
306    EVFLAG          : longword;
307    CONEN           : longword;
308    CONFLAG         : longword;
309    MATCH_CAP       : array [0 .. (CONFIG_SCT_nRG) - 1] of longword;
310    RESERVED3       : array [0 .. (32 - CONFIG_SCT_nRG) - 1] of longword;
311    MATCHREL_CAPCTRL: array [0 .. (CONFIG_SCT_nRG) - 1] of longword;
312    RESERVED6       : array [0 .. (32 - CONFIG_SCT_nRG) - 1] of longword;
313    EVENT           : array [0 .. (CONFIG_SCT_nEV) - 1] of TSCTState;
314    RESERVED9       : array [0 .. (128 - (2 * CONFIG_SCT_nEV)) - 1] of longword;
315    _OUT            : array [0 .. (CONFIG_SCT_nOU) - 1] of TSCTSet;
316  end;
318  { ------------- Watchdog Timer (WDT) ------------- }
319  TWDT_Registers = record
320    _MOD     : longword;
321    TC       : longword;
322    FEED     : longword;
323    TV       : longword;
324    RESERVED0: longword;
325    WARNINT  : longword;
326    WINDOW   : longword;
327  end;
329{ **************************************************************************** }
330{ Peripheral memory map }
331{ **************************************************************************** }
334  { Base addresses }
335  LPC_FLASH_BASE = $00000000;
336  LPC_RAM_BASE   = $10000000;
337  LPC_ROM_BASE   = $1FFF0000;
338  LPC_APB0_BASE  = $40000000;
339  LPC_AHB_BASE   = $50000000;
340  { APB0 peripherals }
341  LPC_WDT_BASE       = LPC_APB0_BASE + $00000;
342  LPC_MRT_BASE       = LPC_APB0_BASE + $04000;
343  LPC_WKT_BASE       = LPC_APB0_BASE + $08000;
344  LPC_SWM_BASE       = LPC_APB0_BASE + $0C000;
345  LPC_PMU_BASE       = LPC_APB0_BASE + $20000;
346  LPC_CMP_BASE       = LPC_APB0_BASE + $24000;
348  LPC_IOCON_BASE     = LPC_APB0_BASE + $44000;
349  LPC_SYSCON_BASE    = LPC_APB0_BASE + $48000;
350  LPC_I2C_BASE       = LPC_APB0_BASE + $50000;
351  LPC_SPI0_BASE      = LPC_APB0_BASE + $58000;
352  LPC_SPI1_BASE      = LPC_APB0_BASE + $5C000;
353  LPC_USART0_BASE    = LPC_APB0_BASE + $64000;
354  LPC_USART1_BASE    = LPC_APB0_BASE + $68000;
355  LPC_USART2_BASE    = LPC_APB0_BASE + $6C000;
356  { AHB peripherals }
357  LPC_CRC_BASE       = LPC_AHB_BASE + $00000;
358  LPC_SCT_BASE       = LPC_AHB_BASE + $04000;
359  LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE = $A0000000;
362// ****************************************************************************
363// Peripheral declaration
364// ****************************************************************************
365{$ALIGN 2}
368  WDT      : TWDT_Registers       absolute LPC_WDT_BASE;
369  MRT      : TMRT_Registers       absolute LPC_MRT_BASE;
370  WKT      : TWKT_Registers       absolute LPC_WKT_BASE;
371  SWM      : TSWM_Registers       absolute LPC_SWM_BASE;
372  PMU      : TPMU_Registers       absolute LPC_PMU_BASE;
373  CMP      : TCMP_Registers       absolute LPC_CMP_BASE;
375  IOCON    : TIOCON_Registers     absolute LPC_IOCON_BASE;
376  SYSCON   : TSysCon_Registers    absolute LPC_SYSCON_BASE;
377  I2C      : TI2C_Registers       absolute LPC_I2C_BASE;
378  SPI0     : TSPI_Registers       absolute LPC_SPI0_BASE;
379  SPI1     : TSPI_Registers       absolute LPC_SPI1_BASE;
380  USART0   : TUSART_Registers     absolute LPC_USART0_BASE;
381  USART1   : TUSART_Registers     absolute LPC_USART0_BASE;
382  USART2   : TUSART_Registers     absolute LPC_USART0_BASE;
383  CRC      : TCRC_Registers       absolute LPC_CRC_BASE;
384  SCT      : TSCT_Registers       absolute LPC_SCT_BASE;
385  GPIO_PORT: TGPIOPort_Registers  absolute LPC_GPIO_PORT_BASE;
386  PIN_INT  : TPININT_Registers    absolute LPC_PIN_INT_BASE;
390procedure NonMaskableInt_interrupt; external name 'NonMaskableInt_interrupt';
391procedure Hardfault_interrupt;      external name 'Hardfault_interrupt';
392procedure Startup_Checksum;         external name 'Startup_Checksum';
393procedure SVCall_interrupt;         external name 'SVCall_interrupt';
394procedure PendSV_interrupt;         external name 'PendSV_interrupt';
395procedure SysTick_interrupt;        external name 'SysTick_interrupt';
397procedure SPI0_Interrupt;   external name 'SPI0_Interrupt';
398procedure SPI1_Interrupt;   external name 'SPI1_Interrupt';
399procedure UART0_Interrupt;  external name 'UART0_Interrupt';
400procedure UART1_Interrupt;  external name 'UART1_Interrupt';
401procedure UART2_Interrupt;  external name 'UART2_Interrupt';
402procedure I2C_Interrupt;    external name 'I2C_Interrupt';
403procedure SCT_Interrupt;    external name 'SCT_Interrupt';
404procedure MRT_Interrupt;    external name 'MRT_Interrupt';
405procedure CMP_Interrupt;    external name 'CMP_Interrupt';
406procedure WDT_Interrupt;    external name 'WDT_Interrupt';
407procedure BOD_Interrupt;    external name 'BOD_Interrupt';
408procedure WKT_Interrupt;    external name 'WKT_Interrupt';
409procedure PINIT0_Interrupt; external name 'PINIT0_Interrupt';
410procedure PINIT1_Interrupt; external name 'PINIT1_Interrupt';
411procedure PINIT2_Interrupt; external name 'PINIT2_Interrupt';
412procedure PINIT3_Interrupt; external name 'PINIT3_Interrupt';
413procedure PINIT4_Interrupt; external name 'PINIT4_Interrupt';
414procedure PINIT5_Interrupt; external name 'PINIT5_Interrupt';
415procedure PINIT6_Interrupt; external name 'PINIT6_Interrupt';
416procedure PINIT7_Interrupt; external name 'PINIT7_Interrupt';
418{$I cortexm0_start.inc}
420procedure Vectors; assembler;
422label interrupt_vectors;
424  .section ".init.interrupt_vectors"
425  interrupt_vectors:
426  .long _stack_top
427  .long Startup
428  .long NonMaskableInt_interrupt
429  .long Hardfault_interrupt
430  .long 0
431  .long 0
432  .long 0
433  .long Startup_Checksum
434  .long 0
435  .long 0
436  .long 0
437  .long SVCall_interrupt
438  .long 0
439  .long 0
440  .long PendSV_interrupt
441  .long SysTick_interrupt
443  .long SPI0_Interrupt
444  .long SPI1_Interrupt
445  .long 0
446  .long UART0_Interrupt
447  .long UART1_Interrupt
448  .long UART2_Interrupt
449  .long 0
450  .long 0
451  .long I2C_Interrupt
452  .long SCT_Interrupt
453  .long MRT_Interrupt
454  .long CMP_Interrupt
455  .long WDT_Interrupt
456  .long BOD_Interrupt
457  .long 0
458  .long WKT_Interrupt
459  .long 0
460  .long 0
461  .long 0
462  .long 0
463  .long 0
464  .long 0
465  .long 0
466  .long 0
467  .long PINIT0_Interrupt
468  .long PINIT1_Interrupt
469  .long PINIT2_Interrupt
470  .long PINIT3_Interrupt
471  .long PINIT4_Interrupt
472  .long PINIT5_Interrupt
473  .long PINIT6_Interrupt
474  .long PINIT7_Interrupt
476  .weak NonMaskableInt_interrupt
477  .weak Hardfault_interrupt
478  .weak Startup_Checksum
479  .weak SVCall_interrupt
480  .weak PendSV_interrupt
481  .weak SysTick_interrupt
483  .weak SPI0_Interrupt
484  .weak SPI1_Interrupt
485  .weak UART0_Interrupt
486  .weak UART1_Interrupt
487  .weak UART2_Interrupt
488  .weak I2C_Interrupt
489  .weak SCT_Interrupt
490  .weak MRT_Interrupt
491  .weak CMP_Interrupt
492  .weak WDT_Interrupt
493  .weak BOD_Interrupt
494  .weak WKT_Interrupt
495  .weak PINIT0_Interrupt
496  .weak PINIT1_Interrupt
497  .weak PINIT2_Interrupt
498  .weak PINIT3_Interrupt
499  .weak PINIT4_Interrupt
500  .weak PINIT5_Interrupt
501  .weak PINIT6_Interrupt
502  .weak PINIT7_Interrupt
504  .set NonMaskableInt_interrupt, Startup
505  .set Hardfault_interrupt     , Startup
506  .set SVCall_interrupt        , Startup
507  .set PendSV_interrupt        , Startup
508  .set SysTick_interrupt       , Startup
510  .set SPI0_Interrupt  , Startup
511  .set SPI1_Interrupt  , Startup
512  .set UART0_Interrupt , Startup
513  .set UART1_Interrupt , Startup
514  .set UART2_Interrupt , Startup
515  .set I2C_Interrupt   , Startup
516  .set SCT_Interrupt   , Startup
517  .set MRT_Interrupt   , Startup
518  .set CMP_Interrupt   , Startup
519  .set WDT_Interrupt   , Startup
520  .set BOD_Interrupt   , Startup
521  .set WKT_Interrupt   , Startup
522  .set PINIT0_Interrupt, Startup
523  .set PINIT1_Interrupt, Startup
524  .set PINIT2_Interrupt, Startup
525  .set PINIT3_Interrupt, Startup
526  .set PINIT4_Interrupt, Startup
527  .set PINIT5_Interrupt, Startup
528  .set PINIT6_Interrupt, Startup
529  .set PINIT7_Interrupt, Startup
531  .text