1 /**
2 Utility and ancillary artifacts of `std.experimental.allocator`. This module
3 shouldn't be used directly; its functionality will be migrated into more
4 appropriate parts of `std`.
6 Authors: $(HTTP erdani.com, Andrei Alexandrescu), Timon Gehr (`Ternary`)
7 */
8 module std.experimental.allocator.common;
9 import std.algorithm.comparison, std.traits;
11 /**
12 Returns the size in bytes of the state that needs to be allocated to hold an
13 object of type $(D T). $(D stateSize!T) is zero for $(D struct)s that are not
14 nested and have no nonstatic member variables.
15  */
stateSize(T)16 template stateSize(T)
17 {
18     static if (is(T == class) || is(T == interface))
19         enum stateSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);
20     else static if (is(T == struct) || is(T == union))
21         enum stateSize = Fields!T.length || isNested!T ? T.sizeof : 0;
22     else static if (is(T == void))
23         enum size_t stateSize = 0;
24     else
25         enum stateSize = T.sizeof;
26 }
28 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
29 unittest
30 {
31     static assert(stateSize!void == 0);
32     struct A {}
33     static assert(stateSize!A == 0);
34     struct B { int x; }
35     static assert(stateSize!B == 4);
36     interface I1 {}
37     //static assert(stateSize!I1 == 2 * size_t.sizeof);
38     class C1 {}
39     static assert(stateSize!C1 == 3 * size_t.sizeof);
40     class C2 { char c; }
41     static assert(stateSize!C2 == 4 * size_t.sizeof);
42     static class C3 { char c; }
43     static assert(stateSize!C3 == 2 * size_t.sizeof + char.sizeof);
44 }
46 /**
47 Returns `true` if the `Allocator` has the alignment known at compile time;
48 otherwise it returns `false`.
49  */
hasStaticallyKnownAlignment(Allocator)50 template hasStaticallyKnownAlignment(Allocator)
51 {
52     enum hasStaticallyKnownAlignment = __traits(compiles,
53                                                 {enum x = Allocator.alignment;});
54 }
56 /**
57 $(D chooseAtRuntime) is a compile-time constant of type $(D size_t) that several
58 parameterized structures in this module recognize to mean deferral to runtime of
59 the exact value. For example, $(D BitmappedBlock!(Allocator, 4096)) (described in
60 detail below) defines a block allocator with block size of 4096 bytes, whereas
61 $(D BitmappedBlock!(Allocator, chooseAtRuntime)) defines a block allocator that has a
62 field storing the block size, initialized by the user.
63 */
64 enum chooseAtRuntime = size_t.max - 1;
66 /**
67 $(D unbounded) is a compile-time constant of type $(D size_t) that several
68 parameterized structures in this module recognize to mean "infinite" bounds for
69 the parameter. For example, $(D Freelist) (described in detail below) accepts a
70 $(D maxNodes) parameter limiting the number of freelist items. If $(D unbounded)
71 is passed for $(D maxNodes), then there is no limit and no checking for the
72 number of nodes.
73 */
74 enum unbounded = size_t.max;
76 /**
77 The alignment that is guaranteed to accommodate any D object allocation on the
78 current platform.
79 */
80 enum uint platformAlignment = std.algorithm.comparison.max(double.alignof, real.alignof);
82 /**
83 The default good size allocation is deduced as $(D n) rounded up to the
84 allocator's alignment.
85 */
goodAllocSize(A)86 size_t goodAllocSize(A)(auto ref A a, size_t n)
87 {
88     return n.roundUpToMultipleOf(a.alignment);
89 }
91 /**
92 Returns s rounded up to a multiple of base.
93 */
94 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
roundUpToMultipleOf(size_t s,uint base)95 package size_t roundUpToMultipleOf(size_t s, uint base)
96 {
97     assert(base);
98     auto rem = s % base;
99     return rem ? s + base - rem : s;
100 }
102 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
103 unittest
104 {
105     assert(10.roundUpToMultipleOf(11) == 11);
106     assert(11.roundUpToMultipleOf(11) == 11);
107     assert(12.roundUpToMultipleOf(11) == 22);
108     assert(118.roundUpToMultipleOf(11) == 121);
109 }
111 /**
112 Returns `n` rounded up to a multiple of alignment, which must be a power of 2.
113 */
114 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
roundUpToAlignment(size_t n,uint alignment)115 package size_t roundUpToAlignment(size_t n, uint alignment)
116 {
117     import std.math : isPowerOf2;
118     assert(alignment.isPowerOf2);
119     immutable uint slack = cast(uint) n & (alignment - 1);
120     const result = slack
121         ? n + alignment - slack
122         : n;
123     assert(result >= n);
124     return result;
125 }
127 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
128 unittest
129 {
130     assert(10.roundUpToAlignment(4) == 12);
131     assert(11.roundUpToAlignment(2) == 12);
132     assert(12.roundUpToAlignment(8) == 16);
133     assert(118.roundUpToAlignment(64) == 128);
134 }
136 /**
137 Returns `n` rounded down to a multiple of alignment, which must be a power of 2.
138 */
139 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
roundDownToAlignment(size_t n,uint alignment)140 package size_t roundDownToAlignment(size_t n, uint alignment)
141 {
142     import std.math : isPowerOf2;
143     assert(alignment.isPowerOf2);
144     return n & ~size_t(alignment - 1);
145 }
147 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
148 unittest
149 {
150     assert(10.roundDownToAlignment(4) == 8);
151     assert(11.roundDownToAlignment(2) == 10);
152     assert(12.roundDownToAlignment(8) == 8);
153     assert(63.roundDownToAlignment(64) == 0);
154 }
156 /**
157 Advances the beginning of `b` to start at alignment `a`. The resulting buffer
158 may therefore be shorter. Returns the adjusted buffer, or null if obtaining a
159 non-empty buffer is impossible.
160 */
161 @nogc nothrow pure
roundUpToAlignment(void[]b,uint a)162 package void[] roundUpToAlignment(void[] b, uint a)
163 {
164     auto e = b.ptr + b.length;
165     auto p = cast(void*) roundUpToAlignment(cast(size_t) b.ptr, a);
166     if (e <= p) return null;
167     return p[0 .. e - p];
168 }
170 @nogc nothrow pure
171 @system unittest
172 {
173     void[] empty;
174     assert(roundUpToAlignment(empty, 4) == null);
175     char[128] buf;
176     // At least one pointer inside buf is 128-aligned
177     assert(roundUpToAlignment(buf, 128) !is null);
178 }
180 /**
181 Like `a / b` but rounds the result up, not down.
182 */
183 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
divideRoundUp(size_t a,size_t b)184 package size_t divideRoundUp(size_t a, size_t b)
185 {
186     assert(b);
187     return (a + b - 1) / b;
188 }
190 /**
191 Returns `s` rounded up to a multiple of `base`.
192 */
193 @nogc nothrow pure
roundStartToMultipleOf(void[]s,uint base)194 package void[] roundStartToMultipleOf(void[] s, uint base)
195 {
196     assert(base);
197     auto p = cast(void*) roundUpToMultipleOf(
198         cast(size_t) s.ptr, base);
199     auto end = s.ptr + s.length;
200     return p[0 .. end - p];
201 }
203 nothrow pure
204 @system unittest
205 {
206     void[] p;
207     assert(roundStartToMultipleOf(p, 16) is null);
208     p = new ulong[10];
209     assert(roundStartToMultipleOf(p, 16) is p);
210 }
212 /**
213 Returns $(D s) rounded up to the nearest power of 2.
214 */
215 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
roundUpToPowerOf2(size_t s)216 package size_t roundUpToPowerOf2(size_t s)
217 {
218     import std.meta : AliasSeq;
219     assert(s <= (size_t.max >> 1) + 1);
220     --s;
221     static if (size_t.sizeof == 4)
222         alias Shifts = AliasSeq!(1, 2, 4, 8, 16);
223     else
224         alias Shifts = AliasSeq!(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32);
225     foreach (i; Shifts)
226     {
227         s |= s >> i;
228     }
229     return s + 1;
230 }
232 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
233 unittest
234 {
235     assert(0.roundUpToPowerOf2 == 0);
236     assert(1.roundUpToPowerOf2 == 1);
237     assert(2.roundUpToPowerOf2 == 2);
238     assert(3.roundUpToPowerOf2 == 4);
239     assert(7.roundUpToPowerOf2 == 8);
240     assert(8.roundUpToPowerOf2 == 8);
241     assert(10.roundUpToPowerOf2 == 16);
242     assert(11.roundUpToPowerOf2 == 16);
243     assert(12.roundUpToPowerOf2 == 16);
244     assert(118.roundUpToPowerOf2 == 128);
245     assert((size_t.max >> 1).roundUpToPowerOf2 == (size_t.max >> 1) + 1);
246     assert(((size_t.max >> 1) + 1).roundUpToPowerOf2 == (size_t.max >> 1) + 1);
247 }
249 /**
250 Returns the number of trailing zeros of $(D x).
251 */
252 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
trailingZeros(ulong x)253 package uint trailingZeros(ulong x)
254 {
255     uint result;
256     while (result < 64 && !(x & (1UL << result)))
257     {
258         ++result;
259     }
260     return result;
261 }
263 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
264 unittest
265 {
266     assert(trailingZeros(0) == 64);
267     assert(trailingZeros(1) == 0);
268     assert(trailingZeros(2) == 1);
269     assert(trailingZeros(3) == 0);
270     assert(trailingZeros(4) == 2);
271 }
273 /**
274 Returns `true` if `ptr` is aligned at `alignment`.
275 */
276 @nogc nothrow pure
alignedAt(T)277 package bool alignedAt(T)(T* ptr, uint alignment)
278 {
279     return cast(size_t) ptr % alignment == 0;
280 }
282 /**
283 Returns the effective alignment of `ptr`, i.e. the largest power of two that is
284 a divisor of `ptr`.
285 */
286 @nogc nothrow pure
effectiveAlignment(void * ptr)287 package uint effectiveAlignment(void* ptr)
288 {
289     return 1U << trailingZeros(cast(size_t) ptr);
290 }
292 @nogc nothrow pure
293 @system unittest
294 {
295     int x;
296     assert(effectiveAlignment(&x) >= int.alignof);
297 }
299 /**
300 Aligns a pointer down to a specified alignment. The resulting pointer is less
301 than or equal to the given pointer.
302 */
303 @nogc nothrow pure
alignDownTo(void * ptr,uint alignment)304 package void* alignDownTo(void* ptr, uint alignment)
305 {
306     import std.math : isPowerOf2;
307     assert(alignment.isPowerOf2);
308     return cast(void*) (cast(size_t) ptr & ~(alignment - 1UL));
309 }
311 /**
312 Aligns a pointer up to a specified alignment. The resulting pointer is greater
313 than or equal to the given pointer.
314 */
315 @nogc nothrow pure
alignUpTo(void * ptr,uint alignment)316 package void* alignUpTo(void* ptr, uint alignment)
317 {
318     import std.math : isPowerOf2;
319     assert(alignment.isPowerOf2);
320     immutable uint slack = cast(size_t) ptr & (alignment - 1U);
321     return slack ? ptr + alignment - slack : ptr;
322 }
324 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
isGoodStaticAlignment(uint x)325 package bool isGoodStaticAlignment(uint x)
326 {
327     import std.math : isPowerOf2;
328     return x.isPowerOf2;
329 }
331 @safe @nogc nothrow pure
isGoodDynamicAlignment(uint x)332 package bool isGoodDynamicAlignment(uint x)
333 {
334     import std.math : isPowerOf2;
335     return x.isPowerOf2 && x >= (void*).sizeof;
336 }
338 /**
339 The default $(D reallocate) function first attempts to use $(D expand). If $(D
340 Allocator.expand) is not defined or returns $(D false), $(D reallocate)
341 allocates a new block of memory of appropriate size and copies data from the old
342 block to the new block. Finally, if $(D Allocator) defines $(D deallocate), $(D
343 reallocate) uses it to free the old memory block.
345 $(D reallocate) does not attempt to use $(D Allocator.reallocate) even if
346 defined. This is deliberate so allocators may use it internally within their own
347 implementation of $(D reallocate).
349 */
reallocate(Allocator)350 bool reallocate(Allocator)(ref Allocator a, ref void[] b, size_t s)
351 {
352     if (b.length == s) return true;
353     static if (hasMember!(Allocator, "expand"))
354     {
355         if (b.length <= s && a.expand(b, s - b.length)) return true;
356     }
357     auto newB = a.allocate(s);
358     if (newB.length != s) return false;
359     if (newB.length <= b.length) newB[] = b[0 .. newB.length];
360     else newB[0 .. b.length] = b[];
361     static if (hasMember!(Allocator, "deallocate"))
362         a.deallocate(b);
363     b = newB;
364     return true;
365 }
367 /**
369 The default $(D alignedReallocate) function first attempts to use $(D expand).
370 If $(D Allocator.expand) is not defined or returns $(D false),  $(D
371 alignedReallocate) allocates a new block of memory of appropriate size and
372 copies data from the old block to the new block. Finally, if $(D Allocator)
373 defines $(D deallocate), $(D alignedReallocate) uses it to free the old memory
374 block.
376 $(D alignedReallocate) does not attempt to use $(D Allocator.reallocate) even if
377 defined. This is deliberate so allocators may use it internally within their own
378 implementation of $(D reallocate).
380 */
alignedReallocate(Allocator)381 bool alignedReallocate(Allocator)(ref Allocator alloc,
382         ref void[] b, size_t s, uint a)
383 {
384     static if (hasMember!(Allocator, "expand"))
385     {
386         if (b.length <= s && b.ptr.alignedAt(a)
387             && alloc.expand(b, s - b.length)) return true;
388     }
389     else
390     {
391         if (b.length == s) return true;
392     }
393     auto newB = alloc.alignedAllocate(s, a);
394     if (newB.length <= b.length) newB[] = b[0 .. newB.length];
395     else newB[0 .. b.length] = b[];
396     static if (hasMember!(Allocator, "deallocate"))
397         alloc.deallocate(b);
398     b = newB;
399     return true;
400 }
402 /**
403 Forwards each of the methods in `funs` (if defined) to `member`.
404 */
forwardToMember(string member,string[]funs...)405 /*package*/ string forwardToMember(string member, string[] funs...)
406 {
407     string result = "    import std.traits : hasMember, Parameters;\n";
408     foreach (fun; funs)
409     {
410         result ~= "
411     static if (hasMember!(typeof("~member~"), `"~fun~"`))
412     auto ref "~fun~"(Parameters!(typeof("~member~"."~fun~")) args)
413     {
414         return "~member~"."~fun~"(args);
415     }\n";
416     }
417     return result;
418 }
version(unittest)420 version (unittest)
421 {
422     import std.experimental.allocator : IAllocator, ISharedAllocator;
424     package void testAllocator(alias make)()
425     {
426         import std.conv : text;
427         import std.math : isPowerOf2;
428         import std.stdio : writeln, stderr;
429         import std.typecons : Ternary;
430         alias A = typeof(make());
431         scope(failure) stderr.writeln("testAllocator failed for ", A.stringof);
433         auto a = make();
435         // Test alignment
436         static assert(A.alignment.isPowerOf2);
438         // Test goodAllocSize
439         assert(a.goodAllocSize(1) >= A.alignment,
440                 text(a.goodAllocSize(1), " < ", A.alignment));
441         assert(a.goodAllocSize(11) >= 11.roundUpToMultipleOf(A.alignment));
442         assert(a.goodAllocSize(111) >= 111.roundUpToMultipleOf(A.alignment));
444         // Test allocate
445         assert(a.allocate(0) is null);
447         auto b1 = a.allocate(1);
448         assert(b1.length == 1);
449         auto b2 = a.allocate(2);
450         assert(b2.length == 2);
451         assert(b2.ptr + b2.length <= b1.ptr || b1.ptr + b1.length <= b2.ptr);
453         // Test alignedAllocate
454         static if (hasMember!(A, "alignedAllocate"))
455         {{
456              auto b3 = a.alignedAllocate(1, 256);
457              assert(b3.length <= 1);
458              assert(b3.ptr.alignedAt(256));
459              assert(a.alignedReallocate(b3, 2, 512));
460              assert(b3.ptr.alignedAt(512));
461              static if (hasMember!(A, "alignedDeallocate"))
462              {
463                  a.alignedDeallocate(b3);
464              }
465          }}
466         else
467         {
468             static assert(!hasMember!(A, "alignedDeallocate"));
469             // This seems to be a bug in the compiler:
470             //static assert(!hasMember!(A, "alignedReallocate"), A.stringof);
471         }
473         static if (hasMember!(A, "allocateAll"))
474         {{
475              auto aa = make();
476              if (aa.allocateAll().ptr)
477              {
478                  // Can't get any more memory
479                  assert(!aa.allocate(1).ptr);
480              }
481              auto ab = make();
482              const b4 = ab.allocateAll();
483              assert(b4.length);
484              // Can't get any more memory
485              assert(!ab.allocate(1).ptr);
486          }}
488         static if (hasMember!(A, "expand"))
489         {{
490              assert(a.expand(b1, 0));
491              auto len = b1.length;
492              if (a.expand(b1, 102))
493              {
494                  assert(b1.length == len + 102, text(b1.length, " != ", len + 102));
495              }
496              auto aa = make();
497              void[] b5 = null;
498              assert(aa.expand(b5, 0));
499              assert(b5 is null);
500              assert(!aa.expand(b5, 1));
501              assert(b5.length == 0);
502          }}
504         void[] b6 = null;
505         assert(a.reallocate(b6, 0));
506         assert(b6.length == 0);
507         assert(a.reallocate(b6, 1));
508         assert(b6.length == 1, text(b6.length));
509         assert(a.reallocate(b6, 2));
510         assert(b6.length == 2);
512         // Test owns
513         static if (hasMember!(A, "owns"))
514         {{
515              assert(a.owns(null) == Ternary.no);
516              assert(a.owns(b1) == Ternary.yes);
517              assert(a.owns(b2) == Ternary.yes);
518              assert(a.owns(b6) == Ternary.yes);
519          }}
521         static if (hasMember!(A, "resolveInternalPointer"))
522         {{
523              void[] p;
524              assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(null, p) == Ternary.no);
525              Ternary r = a.resolveInternalPointer(b1.ptr, p);
526              assert(p.ptr is b1.ptr && p.length >= b1.length);
527              r = a.resolveInternalPointer(b1.ptr + b1.length / 2, p);
528              assert(p.ptr is b1.ptr && p.length >= b1.length);
529              r = a.resolveInternalPointer(b2.ptr, p);
530              assert(p.ptr is b2.ptr && p.length >= b2.length);
531              r = a.resolveInternalPointer(b2.ptr + b2.length / 2, p);
532              assert(p.ptr is b2.ptr && p.length >= b2.length);
533              r = a.resolveInternalPointer(b6.ptr, p);
534              assert(p.ptr is b6.ptr && p.length >= b6.length);
535              r = a.resolveInternalPointer(b6.ptr + b6.length / 2, p);
536              assert(p.ptr is b6.ptr && p.length >= b6.length);
537              static int[10] b7 = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
538              assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(b7.ptr, p) == Ternary.no);
539              assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(b7.ptr + b7.length / 2, p) == Ternary.no);
540              assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(b7.ptr + b7.length, p) == Ternary.no);
541              int[3] b8 = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
542              assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(b8.ptr, p) == Ternary.no);
543              assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(b8.ptr + b8.length / 2, p) == Ternary.no);
544              assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(b8.ptr + b8.length, p) == Ternary.no);
545          }}
546     }
548     package void testAllocatorObject(AllocInterface)(AllocInterface a)
549         if (is(AllocInterface : IAllocator)
550             || is (AllocInterface : shared ISharedAllocator))
551     {
552         import std.conv : text;
553         import std.math : isPowerOf2;
554         import std.stdio : writeln, stderr;
555         import std.typecons : Ternary;
556         scope(failure) stderr.writeln("testAllocatorObject failed for ",
557                 AllocInterface.stringof);
559         assert(a);
561         // Test alignment
562         assert(a.alignment.isPowerOf2);
564         // Test goodAllocSize
565         assert(a.goodAllocSize(1) >= a.alignment,
566                 text(a.goodAllocSize(1), " < ", a.alignment));
567         assert(a.goodAllocSize(11) >= 11.roundUpToMultipleOf(a.alignment));
568         assert(a.goodAllocSize(111) >= 111.roundUpToMultipleOf(a.alignment));
570         // Test empty
571         assert(a.empty != Ternary.no);
573         // Test allocate
574         assert(a.allocate(0) is null);
576         auto b1 = a.allocate(1);
577         assert(b1.length == 1);
578         auto b2 = a.allocate(2);
579         assert(b2.length == 2);
580         assert(b2.ptr + b2.length <= b1.ptr || b1.ptr + b1.length <= b2.ptr);
582         // Test alignedAllocate
583         {
584             // If not implemented it will return null, so those should pass
585             auto b3 = a.alignedAllocate(1, 256);
586             assert(b3.length <= 1);
587             assert(b3.ptr.alignedAt(256));
588             if (a.alignedReallocate(b3, 1, 256))
589             {
590                 // If it is false, then the wrapped allocator did not implement
591                 // this
592                 assert(a.alignedReallocate(b3, 2, 512));
593                 assert(b3.ptr.alignedAt(512));
594             }
595         }
597         // Test allocateAll
598         {
599             auto aa = a.allocateAll();
600             if (aa.ptr)
601             {
602                 // Can't get any more memory
603                 assert(!a.allocate(1).ptr);
604                 a.deallocate(aa);
605             }
606             const b4 = a.allocateAll();
607             if (b4.ptr)
608             {
609                 // Can't get any more memory
610                 assert(!a.allocate(1).ptr);
611             }
612         }
614         // Test expand
615         {
616             assert(a.expand(b1, 0));
617             auto len = b1.length;
618             if (a.expand(b1, 102))
619             {
620                 assert(b1.length == len + 102, text(b1.length, " != ", len + 102));
621             }
622         }
624         void[] b6 = null;
625         assert(a.reallocate(b6, 0));
626         assert(b6.length == 0);
627         assert(a.reallocate(b6, 1));
628         assert(b6.length == 1, text(b6.length));
629         assert(a.reallocate(b6, 2));
630         assert(b6.length == 2);
632         // Test owns
633         {
634             if (a.owns(null) != Ternary.unknown)
635             {
636                 assert(a.owns(null) == Ternary.no);
637                 assert(a.owns(b1) == Ternary.yes);
638                 assert(a.owns(b2) == Ternary.yes);
639                 assert(a.owns(b6) == Ternary.yes);
640             }
641         }
643         // Test resolveInternalPointer
644         {
645             void[] p;
646             if (a.resolveInternalPointer(null, p) != Ternary.unknown)
647             {
648                 assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(null, p) == Ternary.no);
649                 Ternary r = a.resolveInternalPointer(b1.ptr, p);
650                 assert(p.ptr is b1.ptr && p.length >= b1.length);
651                 r = a.resolveInternalPointer(b1.ptr + b1.length / 2, p);
652                 assert(p.ptr is b1.ptr && p.length >= b1.length);
653                 r = a.resolveInternalPointer(b2.ptr, p);
654                 assert(p.ptr is b2.ptr && p.length >= b2.length);
655                 r = a.resolveInternalPointer(b2.ptr + b2.length / 2, p);
656                 assert(p.ptr is b2.ptr && p.length >= b2.length);
657                 r = a.resolveInternalPointer(b6.ptr, p);
658                 assert(p.ptr is b6.ptr && p.length >= b6.length);
659                 r = a.resolveInternalPointer(b6.ptr + b6.length / 2, p);
660                 assert(p.ptr is b6.ptr && p.length >= b6.length);
661                 static int[10] b7 = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
662                 assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(b7.ptr, p) == Ternary.no);
663                 assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(b7.ptr + b7.length / 2, p) == Ternary.no);
664                 assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(b7.ptr + b7.length, p) == Ternary.no);
665                 int[3] b8 = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
666                 assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(b8.ptr, p) == Ternary.no);
667                 assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(b8.ptr + b8.length / 2, p) == Ternary.no);
668                 assert(a.resolveInternalPointer(b8.ptr + b8.length, p) == Ternary.no);
669             }
670         }
672         // Test deallocateAll
673         {
674             if (a.deallocateAll())
675             {
676                 if (a.empty != Ternary.unknown)
677                 {
678                     assert(a.empty == Ternary.yes);
679                 }
680             }
681         }
682     }
683 }