1 /*
3 ---
4 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(10): Error: constructor cannot be static
5 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(11): Error: postblit cannot be `static`
6 ---
7 */
8 class C1
9 {
this(int)10     static pure this(int) {}        // `static pure` + `this(int)`
this(this)11     static pure this(this) {}       // `static pure` + `this(this)`
12 }
14 /*
16 ---
17 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(27): Error: use `shared static this()` to declare a shared static constructor
18 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(28): Error: use `shared static this()` to declare a shared static constructor
19 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(30): Error: use `shared static this()` to declare a shared static constructor
20 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(32): Error: use `shared static ~this()` to declare a shared static destructor
21 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(33): Error: use `shared static ~this()` to declare a shared static destructor
22 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(35): Error: use `shared static ~this()` to declare a shared static destructor
23 ---
24 */
25 class C2    // wrong combinations of `shared`, `static`, and `~?this()`
26 {
this()27     shared pure static this() {}    // `shared pure` + `static this()`
this()28     shared static pure this() {}    // `shared static pure` + `this()`
this()30     static this() shared {}         // `shared pure` + `static this()`
~this()32     shared pure static ~this() {}   // `shared pure` + `static ~this()`
~this()33     shared static pure ~this() {}   // `shared static pure` + `~this()`
~this()35     static ~this() shared {}        // `shared` + `static ~this()`
36 }
38 /*
40 ---
41 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(47): Error: use `static this()` to declare a static constructor
42 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(48): Error: use `static ~this()` to declare a static destructor
43 ---
44 */
45 class C3    // wrong combinations of `static` and `~?this()`
46 {
this()47     static pure this() {}           // `static pure` + `this()`
~this()48     static pure ~this() {}          // `static pure` + `~this()`
49 }
51 /*
53 ---
54 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(63): Error: redundant attribute `shared`
55 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(64): Error: redundant attribute `shared`
56 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(66): Error: redundant attribute `static`
57 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(68): Error: redundant attribute `static shared`
58 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(69): Error: redundant attribute `static shared`
59 ---
60 */
61 class C4    // redundancy of `shared` and/or `static`
62 {
this()63     shared shared static this() {}                  // `shared` + `shared static this()`
this()64     shared static this() shared {}                  // `shared` + `shared static this()`
this()66     static static this() {}                         // `static` + `shared static this()`
this()68     shared static shared static this() {}           // shared static + `shared static this()`
this()69     shared static shared static this() shared {}    // shared shared static + `shared static this()`
70 }
72 /*
74 ---
75 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(83): Error: static constructor cannot be `const`
76 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(84): Error: static destructor cannot be `const`
77 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(85): Error: shared static constructor cannot be `const`
78 fail_compilation/parseStc5.d(86): Error: shared static destructor cannot be `const`
79 ---
80 */
81 class C5    // wrong MemberFunctionAttributes on `shared? static (con|de)structor`
82 {
this()83     static this() const {}
~this()84     static ~this() const {}
this()85     shared static this() const {}
~this()86     shared static ~this() const {}
87 }