1! Test that IOLENGTH works for derived types containing arrays
2module iolength_2_mod
3  integer, parameter ::  &
4       ! 32 bit, i.e. 4 byte integer (every gcc architecture should have this?)
5       int32 = selected_int_kind(9), &
6       ! IEEE double precision, i.e. 8 bytes
7       dp = selected_real_kind(15, 307)
8  type foo
9     ! This type should take up 5*4+4+8=32 bytes
10     integer(int32) :: a(5), b
11     real(dp) :: c
12  end type foo
13end module iolength_2_mod
15program iolength_2
16  use iolength_2_mod
17  implicit none
18  integer :: iol
19  type(foo) :: d
20  inquire (iolength = iol) d
21  if ( 32 /= iol) then
22     STOP 1
23  end if
24end program iolength_2