2--                                                                          --
3--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
4--                                                                          --
5--                             R E S T R I C T                              --
6--                                                                          --
7--                                 S p e c                                  --
8--                                                                          --
9--          Copyright (C) 1992-2012, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
10--                                                                          --
11-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
12-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
13-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
14-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
15-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
16-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
17-- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
18-- Public License  distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3.  If not, go to --
19-- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license.          --
20--                                                                          --
21-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
22-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
23--                                                                          --
26--  This package deals with the implementation of the Restrictions pragma
28with Namet;  use Namet;
29with Rident; use Rident;
30with Table;
31with Types;  use Types;
32with Uintp;  use Uintp;
34package Restrict is
36   Restrictions : Restrictions_Info := No_Restrictions;
37   --  This variable records restrictions found in any units in the main
38   --  extended unit, and in the case of restrictions checked for partition
39   --  consistency, restrictions found in any with'ed units, parent specs
40   --  etc., since we may as well check as much as we can at compile time.
41   --  These variables should not be referenced directly by clients. Instead
42   --  use Check_Restriction to record a violation of a restriction, and
43   --  Restriction_Active to test if a given restriction is active.
45   Restrictions_Loc : array (All_Restrictions) of Source_Ptr :=
46                       (others => No_Location);
47   --  Locations of Restrictions pragmas for error message purposes.
48   --  Valid only if corresponding entry in Restrictions is set. A value
49   --  of No_Location is used for implicit restrictions set by another
50   --  pragma, and a value of System_Location is used for restrictions
51   --  set from package Standard by the processing in Targparm.
53   Restriction_Profile_Name : array (All_Restrictions) of Profile_Name;
54   --  Entries in this array are valid only if the corresponding restriction
55   --  in Restrictions set. The value is the corresponding profile name if the
56   --  restriction was set by a Profile or Profile_Warnings pragma. The value
57   --  is No_Profile in all other cases.
59   Main_Restrictions : Restrictions_Info := No_Restrictions;
60   --  This variable records only restrictions found in any units of the
61   --  main extended unit. These are the variables used for ali file output,
62   --  since we want the binder to be able to accurately diagnose inter-unit
63   --  restriction violations.
65   Restriction_Warnings : Rident.Restriction_Flags;
66   --  If one of these flags is set, then it means that violation of the
67   --  corresponding restriction results only in a warning message, not
68   --  in an error message, and the restriction is not otherwise enforced.
69   --  Note that the flags in Restrictions are set to indicate that the
70   --  restriction is set in this case, but Main_Restrictions is never
71   --  set if Restriction_Warnings is set, so this does not look like a
72   --  restriction to the binder.
74   --  The following declarations establish a mapping between restriction
75   --  identifiers, and the names of corresponding restriction library units.
77   type Unit_Entry is record
78      Res_Id : Restriction_Id;
79      Filenm : String (1 .. 8);
80   end record;
82   Unit_Array : constant array (Positive range <>) of Unit_Entry := (
83     (No_Asynchronous_Control,     "a-astaco"),
84     (No_Calendar,                 "a-calend"),
85     (No_Calendar,                 "calendar"),
86     (No_Delay,                    "a-calend"),
87     (No_Delay,                    "calendar"),
88     (No_Dynamic_Priorities,       "a-dynpri"),
89     (No_Finalization,             "a-finali"),
90     (No_IO,                       "a-direio"),
91     (No_IO,                       "directio"),
92     (No_IO,                       "a-sequio"),
93     (No_IO,                       "sequenio"),
94     (No_IO,                       "a-ststio"),
95     (No_IO,                       "a-textio"),
96     (No_IO,                       "text_io "),
97     (No_IO,                       "a-witeio"),
98     (No_Task_Attributes_Package,  "a-tasatt"),
99     (No_Unchecked_Conversion,     "a-unccon"),
100     (No_Unchecked_Conversion,     "unchconv"),
101     (No_Unchecked_Deallocation,   "a-uncdea"),
102     (No_Unchecked_Deallocation,   "unchdeal"));
104   --  The following map has True for all GNAT pragmas. It is used to
105   --  implement pragma Restrictions (No_Implementation_Restrictions)
106   --  (which is why this restriction itself is excluded from the list).
108   Implementation_Restriction : array (All_Restrictions) of Boolean :=
109     (Simple_Barriers                    => True,
110      No_Calendar                        => True,
111      No_Default_Initialization          => True,
112      No_Direct_Boolean_Operators        => True,
113      No_Dispatching_Calls               => True,
114      No_Dynamic_Attachment              => True,
115      No_Elaboration_Code                => True,
116      No_Enumeration_Maps                => True,
117      No_Entry_Calls_In_Elaboration_Code => True,
118      No_Entry_Queue                     => True,
119      No_Exception_Handlers              => True,
120      No_Exception_Propagation           => True,
121      No_Exception_Registration          => True,
122      No_Finalization                    => True,
123      No_Implementation_Attributes       => True,
124      No_Implementation_Pragmas          => True,
125      No_Implicit_Conditionals           => True,
126      No_Implicit_Aliasing               => True,
127      No_Implicit_Dynamic_Code           => True,
128      No_Implicit_Loops                  => True,
129      No_Initialize_Scalars              => True,
130      No_Local_Protected_Objects         => True,
131      No_Protected_Type_Allocators       => True,
132      No_Relative_Delay                  => True,
133      No_Requeue_Statements              => True,
134      No_Secondary_Stack                 => True,
135      No_Select_Statements               => True,
136      No_Standard_Storage_Pools          => True,
137      No_Stream_Optimizations            => True,
138      No_Streams                         => True,
139      No_Task_Attributes_Package         => True,
140      No_Task_Termination                => True,
141      No_Tasking                         => True,
142      No_Wide_Characters                 => True,
143      Static_Priorities                  => True,
144      Static_Storage_Size                => True,
145      SPARK                              => True,
146      others                             => False);
148   --  The following table records entries made by Restrictions pragmas
149   --  that specify a parameter for No_Dependence. Each such pragma makes
150   --  an entry in this table.
152   --  Note: we have chosen to implement this restriction in the "syntactic"
153   --  form, where we do not check that the named package is a language defined
154   --  package, but instead we allow arbitrary package names. The discussion of
155   --  this issue is not complete in the ARG, but the sense seems to be leaning
156   --  in this direction, which makes more sense to us, since it is much more
157   --  useful, and much easier to implement.
159   type ND_Entry is record
160      Unit : Node_Id;
161      --  The unit parameter from the No_Dependence pragma
163      Warn : Boolean;
164      --  True if from Restriction_Warnings, False if from Restrictions
166      Profile : Profile_Name;
167      --  Set to name of profile from which No_Dependence entry came, or to
168      --  No_Profile if a pragma Restriction set the No_Dependence entry.
169   end record;
171   package No_Dependences is new Table.Table (
172     Table_Component_Type => ND_Entry,
173     Table_Index_Type     => Int,
174     Table_Low_Bound      => 0,
175     Table_Initial        => 200,
176     Table_Increment      => 200,
177     Table_Name           => "Name_No_Dependences");
179   -------------------------------
180   -- SPARK Restriction Control --
181   -------------------------------
183   --  SPARK HIDE directives allow the effect of the SPARK restriction to be
184   --  turned off for a specified region of code, and the following tables are
185   --  the data structures used to keep track of these regions.
187   --  The table contains pairs of source locations, the first being the start
188   --  location for hidden region, and the second being the end location.
190   --  Note that the start location is included in the hidden region, while
191   --  the end location is excluded from it. (It typically corresponds to the
192   --  next token during scanning.)
194   type SPARK_Hide_Entry is record
195      Start : Source_Ptr;
196      Stop  : Source_Ptr;
197   end record;
199   package SPARK_Hides is new Table.Table (
200     Table_Component_Type => SPARK_Hide_Entry,
201     Table_Index_Type     => Natural,
202     Table_Low_Bound      => 1,
203     Table_Initial        => 100,
204     Table_Increment      => 200,
205     Table_Name           => "SPARK Hides");
207   -----------------
208   -- Subprograms --
209   -----------------
211   --  Note: several of these subprograms can generate error messages (e.g.
212   --  Check_Restriction). These routines should be called in the analyzer
213   --  rather than the expander, so that the associated error messages are
214   --  correctly generated in semantics only (-gnatc) mode.
216   function Abort_Allowed return Boolean;
217   pragma Inline (Abort_Allowed);
218   --  Tests to see if abort is allowed by the current restrictions settings.
219   --  For abort to be allowed, either No_Abort_Statements must be False,
220   --  or Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting must be non-zero.
222   procedure Check_Compiler_Unit (N : Node_Id);
223   --  If unit N is in a unit that has a pragma Compiler_Unit, then a message
224   --  is posted on node N noting use of a construct that is not permitted in
225   --  the compiler.
227   procedure Check_Restricted_Unit (U : Unit_Name_Type; N : Node_Id);
228   --  Checks if loading of unit U is prohibited by the setting of some
229   --  restriction (e.g. No_IO restricts the loading of unit Ada.Text_IO).
230   --  If a restriction exists post error message at the given node.
232   procedure Check_Restriction
233     (Msg_Issued : out Boolean;
234      R          : Restriction_Id;
235      N          : Node_Id;
236      V          : Uint := Uint_Minus_1);
237   --  Checks that the given restriction is not set, and if it is set, an
238   --  appropriate message is posted on the given node, in which case
239   --  Msg_Issued is set to True (and False otherwise). Also records the
240   --  violation in the appropriate internal arrays. Note that it is mandatory
241   --  to always use this routine to check if a restriction is violated. Such
242   --  checks must never be done directly by the caller, since otherwise
243   --  violations in the absence of restrictions are not properly recorded. The
244   --  value of V is relevant only for parameter restrictions, and in this case
245   --  indicates the exact count for the violation. If the exact count is not
246   --  known, V is left at its default of -1 which indicates an unknown count.
248   procedure Check_Restriction
249     (R : Restriction_Id;
250      N : Node_Id;
251      V : Uint := Uint_Minus_1);
252   --  Wrapper on Check_Restriction with Msg_Issued, with the out-parameter
253   --  being ignored here.
255   procedure Check_Restriction_No_Dependence (U : Node_Id; Err : Node_Id);
256   --  Called when a dependence on a unit is created (either implicitly, or by
257   --  an explicit WITH clause). U is a node for the unit involved, and Err is
258   --  the node to which an error will be attached if necessary.
260   procedure Check_Restriction_No_Specification_Of_Aspect (N : Node_Id);
261   --  N is the node id for an N_Aspect_Specification. An error message
262   --  (warning) will be issued if a restriction (warning) was previous set
263   --  for this aspect using Set_No_Specification_Of_Aspect.
265   procedure Check_Elaboration_Code_Allowed (N : Node_Id);
266   --  Tests to see if elaboration code is allowed by the current restrictions
267   --  settings. This function is called by Gigi when it needs to define an
268   --  elaboration routine. If elaboration code is not allowed, an error
269   --  message is posted on the node given as argument.
271   procedure Check_SPARK_Restriction
272     (Msg   : String;
273      N     : Node_Id;
274      Force : Boolean := False);
275   --  Node N represents a construct not allowed in formal mode. If this is a
276   --  source node, or if the restriction is forced (Force = True), and the
277   --  SPARK restriction is set, then an error is issued on N. Msg is appended
278   --  to the restriction failure message.
280   procedure Check_SPARK_Restriction (Msg1, Msg2 : String; N : Node_Id);
281   --  Same as Check_SPARK_Restriction except there is a continuation message
282   --  Msg2 following the initial message Msg1.
284   procedure Check_No_Implicit_Aliasing (Obj : Node_Id);
285   --  Obj is a node for which Is_Aliased_View is True, which is being used in
286   --  a context (e.g. 'Access) where no implicit aliasing is allowed if the
287   --  restriction No_Implicit_Aliasing is set. This procedure checks for the
288   --  case where the restriction is active and Obj does not meet the required
289   --  rules for avoiding implicit aliases, and issues a restriction message.
291   procedure Check_Implicit_Dynamic_Code_Allowed (N : Node_Id);
292   --  Tests to see if dynamic code generation (dynamically generated
293   --  trampolines, in particular) is allowed by the current restrictions
294   --  settings. This function is called by Gigi when it needs to generate code
295   --  that generates a trampoline. If not allowed, an error message is posted
296   --  on the node given as argument.
298   procedure Check_No_Implicit_Heap_Alloc (N : Node_Id);
299   --  Equivalent to Check_Restriction (No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations, N).
300   --  Provided for easy use by back end, which has to check this restriction.
302   procedure Check_Obsolescent_2005_Entity (E : Entity_Id; N : Node_Id);
303   --  This routine checks if the entity E is one of the obsolescent entries
304   --  in Ada.Characters.Handling in Ada 2005 and No_Obsolescent_Features
305   --  restriction is active. If so an appropriate message is given. N is
306   --  the node on which the message is to be placed. It's a bit kludgy to
307   --  have this highly specialized routine rather than some wonderful general
308   --  mechanism (e.g. a special pragma) to handle this case, but there are
309   --  only six cases, and it is not worth the effort to do something general.
311   procedure Check_Wide_Character_Restriction (E : Entity_Id; N : Node_Id);
312   --  This procedure checks if the No_Wide_Character restriction is active,
313   --  and if so, if N Comes_From_Source, and the root type of E is one of
314   --  [Wide_]Wide_Character or [Wide_]Wide_String, then the restriction
315   --  violation is recorded, and an appropriate message given.
317   function Get_Restriction_Id
318     (N : Name_Id) return Restriction_Id;
319   --  Given an identifier name, determines if it is a valid restriction
320   --  identifier, and if so returns the corresponding Restriction_Id value,
321   --  otherwise returns Not_A_Restriction_Id.
323   function Is_In_Hidden_Part_In_SPARK (Loc : Source_Ptr) return Boolean;
324   --  Determine if given location is covered by a hidden region range in the
325   --  SPARK hides table.
327   function No_Exception_Handlers_Set return Boolean;
328   --  Test to see if current restrictions settings specify that no exception
329   --  handlers are present. This function is called by Gigi when it needs to
330   --  expand an AT END clean up identifier with no exception handler. True
331   --  will be returned if the configurable run-time is activated, and either
332   --  of the restrictions No_Exception_Handlers or No_Exception_Propagation is
333   --  set. In the latter case, the source may contain handlers but they either
334   --  get converted using the local goto transformation or deleted.
336   function No_Exception_Propagation_Active return Boolean;
337   --  Test to see if current restrictions settings specify that no
338   --  exception propagation is activated.
340   function Process_Restriction_Synonyms (N : Node_Id) return Name_Id;
341   --  Id is a node whose Chars field contains the name of a restriction.
342   --  If it is one of synonyms that we allow for historical purposes (for
343   --  list see System.Rident), then the proper official name is returned.
344   --  Otherwise the Chars field of the argument is returned unchanged.
346   function Restriction_Active (R : All_Restrictions) return Boolean;
347   pragma Inline (Restriction_Active);
348   --  Determines if a given restriction is active. This call should only be
349   --  used where the compiled code depends on whether the restriction is
350   --  active. Always use Check_Restriction to record a violation. Note that
351   --  this returns False if we only have a Restriction_Warnings set, since
352   --  restriction warnings should never affect generated code. If you want
353   --  to know if a call to Check_Restriction is needed then use the function
354   --  Restriction_Check_Required instead.
356   function Restriction_Check_Required (R : All_Restrictions) return Boolean;
357   pragma Inline (Restriction_Check_Required);
358   --  Determines if either a Restriction_Warnings or Restrictions pragma has
359   --  been given for the specified restriction. If true, then a subsequent
360   --  call to Check_Restriction is required if the restriction is violated.
361   --  This must not be used to guard code generation that depends on whether
362   --  a restriction is active (see Restriction_Active above). Typically it
363   --  is used to avoid complex code to determine if a restriction is violated,
364   --  executing this code only if needed.
366   function Restricted_Profile return Boolean;
367   --  Tests if set of restrictions corresponding to Profile (Restricted) is
368   --  currently in effect (set by pragma Profile, or by an appropriate set of
369   --  individual Restrictions pragmas). Returns True only if all the required
370   --  restrictions are set.
372   procedure Set_Hidden_Part_In_SPARK (Loc1, Loc2 : Source_Ptr);
373   --  Insert a new hidden region range in the SPARK hides table
375   procedure Set_Profile_Restrictions
376     (P    : Profile_Name;
377      N    : Node_Id;
378      Warn : Boolean);
379   --  Sets the set of restrictions associated with the given profile name. N
380   --  is the node of the construct to which error messages are to be attached
381   --  as required. Warn is set True for the case of Profile_Warnings where the
382   --  restrictions are set as warnings rather than legality requirements, and
383   --  is also True for Profile if the Treat_Restrictions_As_Warnings flag is
384   --  set. It is false for Profile if this flag is not set.
386   procedure Set_Restriction
387     (R : All_Boolean_Restrictions;
388      N : Node_Id);
389   --  N is a node (typically a pragma node) that has the effect of setting
390   --  Boolean restriction R. The restriction is set in Restrictions, and
391   --  also in Main_Restrictions if this is the main unit.
393   procedure Set_Restriction
394     (R : All_Parameter_Restrictions;
395      N : Node_Id;
396      V : Integer);
397   --  Similar to the above, except that this is used for the case of a
398   --  parameter restriction, and the corresponding value V is given.
400   procedure Set_Restriction_No_Dependence
401     (Unit    : Node_Id;
402      Warn    : Boolean;
403      Profile : Profile_Name := No_Profile);
404   --  Sets given No_Dependence restriction in table if not there already. Warn
405   --  is True if from Restriction_Warnings, or for Restrictions if the flag
406   --  Treat_Restrictions_As_Warnings is set. False if from Restrictions and
407   --  this flag is not set. Profile is set to a non-default value if the
408   --  No_Dependence restriction comes from a Profile pragma.
410   procedure Set_Restriction_No_Specification_Of_Aspect
411     (N       : Node_Id;
412      Warning : Boolean);
413   --  N is the node id for an identifier from a pragma Restrictions for the
414   --  No_Specification_Of_Aspect pragma. An error message will be issued if
415   --  the identifier is not a valid aspect name. Warning is set True for the
416   --  case of a Restriction_Warnings pragma specifying this restriction and
417   --  False for a Restrictions pragma specifying this restriction.
419   function Tasking_Allowed return Boolean;
420   pragma Inline (Tasking_Allowed);
421   --  Tests if tasking operations are allowed by the current restrictions
422   --  settings. For tasking to be allowed Max_Tasks must be non-zero.
424   ----------------------------------------------
425   -- Handling of Boolean Compilation Switches --
426   ----------------------------------------------
428   --  The following declarations are used for proper saving and restoring of
429   --  restrictions for separate compilation units. There are two cases:
431   --    For partition-wide restrictions, we just let the restrictions pragmas
432   --    pile up, and we never reset them. We might as well detect what we can
433   --    at compile time. If e.g. a with'ed unit has a restriction for one of
434   --    the partition-wide restrictions, then the binder will enforce it on
435   --    all units in the partition, including the unit with the WITH. Although
436   --    it would not be wrong to leave this till bind time, we might as well
437   --    flag it earlier at compile time.
439   --    For non-partition-wide restrictions, we have quite a different state
440   --    of affairs. Here it would be quite wrong to carry a restriction from
441   --    a with'ed unit to another with'ed unit, or from a package spec to the
442   --    package body. This means that we have to reset these non-partition
443   --    wide restrictions at the start of each separate compilation unit. For
444   --    units in the extended main program, we need to reset them all to the
445   --    values set by the configuration pragma file(s). For units not in the
446   --    extended main program, e.g. with'ed units, we might as well reset all
447   --    of these restrictions to off (False). The actual initial values will
448   --    be taken from the config files active when those units are compiled
449   --    as main units.
451   type Save_Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions is private;
452   --  Type used for saving and restoring compilation unit restrictions.
454   function Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions_Save
455     return Save_Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions;
456   --  This function saves the compilation unit restriction settings, leaving
457   --  then unchanged. This is used e.g. at the start of processing a context
458   --  clause, so that the main unit restrictions can be restored after all
459   --  the with'ed units have been processed.
461   procedure Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions_Restore
462     (R : Save_Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions);
463   --  This is the corresponding restore procedure to restore restrictions
464   --  previously saved by Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions_Save. However it does
465   --  not reset No_Elaboration_Code, this stays set if it was set before
466   --  the call, and also if it is set before the call, then the Config
467   --  setting is also updated to include this restriction. This is what
468   --  implements the special handling of No_Elaboration_Code.
470   procedure Save_Config_Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions;
471   --  This saves the current compilation unit restrictions in an internal
472   --  variable, and leaves them unchanged. This is called immediately after
473   --  processing the configuration file pragmas, to record the restrictions
474   --  set by these configuration file pragmas.
476   procedure Restore_Config_Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions;
477   --  This restores the value saved by the previous call to save config values
478   --  saved by Save_Config_Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions. It is called at the
479   --  start of processing a new unit that is part of the main sources (e.g.
480   --  a package spec when the main unit is a package body).
482   procedure Reset_Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions;
483   --  Turns off all non-partition-wide boolean restrictions
485   procedure Add_To_Config_Boolean_Restrictions (R : Restriction_Id);
486   --  Add specified restriction to stored configuration boolean restrictions.
487   --  This is used for handling the special case of No_Elaboration_Code.
490   type Save_Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions is
491     array (Cunit_Boolean_Restrictions) of Boolean;
492   --  Type used for saving and restoring compilation unit restrictions.
493   --  See Compilation_Unit_Restrictions_[Save|Restore] subprograms.
495end Restrict;