1# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
6# (at your option) any later version.
8# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11# GNU General Public License for more details.
13# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14# along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
15# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17# Contributed by Diego Novillo <dnovillo@google.com>
19# Prune messages that aren't useful.
21proc lto_prune_warns { text } {
23    verbose "lto_prune_warns: entry: $text" 2
25    # Many tests that use visibility will still pass on platforms that don't support it.
26    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*: warning: visibility attribute not supported in this configuration; ignored\[^\n\]*" $text "" text
28    # Allow mixed-language LTO tests to pass with make check-c++0x
29    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*: warning: command line option '-std=\[^\n\]*" $text "" text
31    # And any stray location lines.
32    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[^\n\]*: In function \[^\n\]*" $text "" text
33    regsub -all "(^|\n)In file included from \[^\n\]*" $text "" text
34    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[ \t\]*from \[^\n\]*" $text "" text
36    # Sun ld warns about common symbols with differing sizes.  Unlike GNU ld
37    # --warn-common (off by default), they cannot be disabled.
38    regsub -all "(^|\n)ld: warning: symbol \[`'\]\[^\n\]*' has differing sizes:" $text "" text
39    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[ \t\]*\[\(\]file \[^\n\]* value=\[^\n\]*; file \[^\n\]* value=\[^\n\]*\[)\];" $text "" text
40    regsub -all "(^|\n)\[ \t\]*\[^\n\]* definition taken" $text "" text
42    verbose "lto_prune_warns: exit: $text" 2
44    return $text
47# lto_init -- called at the start of each subdir of tests
49proc lto_init { args } {
50    global LTO_OPTIONS
52    if {[info exists args] && $args == "no-mathlib"} {
53	global board_info
54	global saved_mathlib
56	set dest [target_info name]
57	if [board_info $dest exists mathlib] {
58	    set saved_mathlib [board_info $dest mathlib]
59	}
60	set board_info($dest,mathlib) " "
61    }
63    # Each test is run with the compiler options from this list.
64    # The default option lists can be overridden by LTO_OPTIONS="[list
65    # {opts_1} {opts_2}... {opts_n}]" where opts_i are lists of options.
66    # You can put this in the environment before site.exp is written or
67    # add it to site.exp directly.
68    if ![info exists LTO_OPTIONS] {
69        if [check_linker_plugin_available] {
70	  set LTO_OPTIONS [list	\
71	      {-O0 -flto -flto-partition=none -fuse-linker-plugin} \
72	      {-O2 -flto -flto-partition=none -fuse-linker-plugin -fno-fat-lto-objects } \
73	      {-O0 -flto -flto-partition=1to1 -fno-use-linker-plugin } \
74	      {-O2 -flto -flto-partition=1to1 -fno-use-linker-plugin } \
75	      {-O0 -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -fno-fat-lto-objects }	\
76	      {-O2 -flto -fuse-linker-plugin}	\
77	  ]
78 	} else {
79	  set LTO_OPTIONS [list	\
80	      {-O0 -flto -flto-partition=none } \
81	      {-O2 -flto -flto-partition=none } \
82	      {-O0 -flto -flto-partition=1to1 } \
83	      {-O2 -flto -flto-partition=1to1 } \
84	      {-O0 -flto }	\
85	      {-O2 -flto}		\
86	  ]
87	}
88    }
92# lto_finish -- called at the end of each subdir of tests if mathlib is
93#		changed.
96proc lto_finish { } {
97    global board_info
98    global saved_mathlib
100    set dest [target_info name]
101    if [info exists saved_mathlib] {
102	set board_info($dest,mathlib) $saved_mathlib
103    } elseif [board_info $dest exists mathlib] {
104	unset board_info($dest,mathlib)
105    }
108# Subsets of tests can be selectively disabled by members of this list:
109#  - ATTRIBUTE: disable all tests using the __attribute__ extension,
110#  - COMPLEX: disable all tests using the complex types feature,
111#  - COMPLEX_INT: disable all tests using the complex integral types extension,
112#  - VA: disable all tests using the variable number of arguments feature,
113#  - VLA_IN_STRUCT: disable all tests using the variable-length arrays as
114#    structure members extension,
115#  - ZERO_ARRAY: disable all tests using the zero-sized arrays extension.
116# The default skip lists can be overriden by
117# LTO_SKIPS="[list {skip_1}...{skip_n}]"
118# where skip_i are skip identifiers.  You can put this in the environment
119# before site.exp is written or add it to site.exp directly.
120if ![info exists LTO_SKIPS] {
121    set LTO_SKIPS [list {}]
124global lto_skip_list
125set lto_skip_list $LTO_SKIPS
127load_lib dg.exp
128load_lib gcc-dg.exp
129load_lib gcc.exp
131# lto-obj -- compile to an object file
133# SOURCE is the source file
134# DEST is the object file
135# OPTALL is the list of compiler options to use with all tests
136# OPTFILE is the list of compiler options to use with this file
137# OPTSTR is the options to print with test messages
138# XFAILDATA is the xfail data to be passed to the compiler
139proc lto-obj { source dest optall optfile optstr xfaildata } {
140    global testcase
141    global tool
142    global compiler_conditional_xfail_data
143    global lto_skip_list
145    # Add the skip specifiers.
146    foreach skip $lto_skip_list {
147	if { ![string match $skip ""] } {
148	    lappend optall "-DSKIP_$skip"
149	}
150    }
152    # Set up the options for compiling this file.
153    set options ""
154    lappend options "additional_flags=$optall $optfile"
156    set compiler_conditional_xfail_data $xfaildata
158    # Allow C source files to mix freely with other languages
159    if [ string match "*.c" $source ] then {
160      set comp_output [gcc_target_compile "$source" "$dest" object $options]
161    } else {
162      set comp_output [${tool}_target_compile "$source" "$dest" object $options]
163    }
164    # Prune unimportant visibility warnings before checking output.
165    set comp_output [lto_prune_warns $comp_output]
166    ${tool}_check_compile "$testcase $dest assemble" $optstr $dest $comp_output
169# lto-link-and-maybe-run -- link the object files and run the executable
170# if compile_type is set to "run"
172# TESTNAME is the mixture of object files to link
173# OBJLIST is the list of object files to link
174# DEST is the name of the executable
175# OPTALL is a list of compiler and linker options to use for all tests
176# OPTFILE is a list of compiler and linker options to use for this test
177# OPTSTR is the list of options to list in messages
178proc lto-link-and-maybe-run { testname objlist dest optall optfile optstr } {
179    global testcase
180    global tool
181    global compile_type
182    global board_info
184    # Check that all of the objects were built successfully.
185    foreach obj [split $objlist] {
186	if ![file_on_host exists $obj] then {
187	    unresolved "$testcase $testname link $optstr"
188	    unresolved "$testcase $testname execute $optstr"
189	    return
190	}
191    }
193    # Set up the options for linking this test.
194    set options ""
195    lappend options "additional_flags=$optall $optfile"
197    set target_board [target_info name]
198    set relocatable 0
200    # Some LTO tests do relocatable linking. Some target boards set
201    # a linker script which can't be used for relocatable linking.
202    # Use the default linker script instead.
203    if { [lsearch -exact [split "$optall $optfile"] "-r"] >= 0 } {
204	set relocatable 1
205    }
207    if { $relocatable } {
208	set saved_ldscript [board_info $target_board ldscript]
209	set board_info($target_board,ldscript) ""
210    }
212    # Link the objects into an executable.
213    set comp_output [${tool}_target_compile "$objlist" $dest executable \
214		     "$options"]
216    if { $relocatable } {
217	set board_info($target_board,ldscript) $saved_ldscript
218    }
220    # Prune unimportant visibility warnings before checking output.
221    set comp_output [lto_prune_warns $comp_output]
223    if ![${tool}_check_compile "$testcase $testname link" $optstr \
224	 $dest $comp_output] then {
225	unresolved "$testcase $testname execute $optstr"
226	return
227    }
229    # Return if we only needed to link.
230    if { ![string compare "link" $compile_type] } {
231	return
232    }
234    # Run the self-checking executable.
235    if ![string match "*/*" $dest] then {
236	set dest "./$dest"
237    }
238    set result [${tool}_load $dest "" ""]
239    set status [lindex $result 0]
240    if { $status == "pass" } then {
241	file_on_host delete $dest
242    }
243    $status "$testcase $testname execute $optstr"
246# lto-get-options-main -- get target requirements for a test and
247# options for the primary source file and the test as a whole
249# SRC is the full pathname of the primary source file.
250proc lto-get-options-main { src } {
251    global compile_type
252    global dg-extra-ld-options
253    global dg-suppress-ld-options
255    set dg-extra-ld-options ""
256    set dg-suppress-ld-options ""
258    # dg-options sets a variable called dg-extra-tool-flags.
259    set dg-extra-tool-flags ""
261    # dg-options sets a variable called tool_flags.
262    set tool_flags ""
264    # dg-require-* sets dg-do-what.
265    upvar dg-do-what dg-do-what
266    upvar dg-final-code dg-final-code
267    set dg-final-code ""
269    set tmp [dg-get-options $src]
270    verbose "getting options for $src: $tmp"
271    foreach op $tmp {
272	set cmd [lindex $op 0]
273	verbose "cmd is $cmd"
274	if { [string match "dg-skip-if" $cmd] \
275	     || [string match "dg-require-*" $cmd] } {
276	    set status [catch "$op" errmsg]
277	    if { $status != 0 } {
278		perror "src: $errmsg for \"$op\"\n"
279		unresolved "$src: $errmsg for \"$op\""
280		return
281	    }
282	} elseif { [string match "dg-lto-options" $cmd] } {
283	    set op [lreplace $op 0 0 "dg-options"]
284	    set status [catch "$op" errmsg]
285	    if { $status != 0 } {
286		perror "src: $errmsg for \"$op\"\n"
287		unresolved "$src: $errmsg for \"$op\""
288		return
289	    }
290	} elseif { ![string compare "dg-xfail-if" $cmd] \
291		   || ![string compare "dg-options" $cmd] } {
292	    warning "lto.exp does not support $cmd in primary source file"
293	} elseif { ![string compare "dg-lto-do" $cmd] } {
294	    if { [llength $op] > 3 } {
295		set kw [lindex [lindex $op 3] 0]
296		if [string match "target" $kw] {
297		    perror "$src: dg-lto-do does not support \"target\""
298		} elseif [string match "xfail" $kw] {
299		    perror "$src: dg-lto-do does not support \"xfail\""
300		} else {
301		    perror "$src: dg-lto-do takes a single argument"
302		}
303	    }
304	    set dgdo [lindex $op 2]
305	    verbose "dg-lto-do command for \"$op\" is $dgdo"
306	    if { ![string compare "assemble" $dgdo] } {
307		set compile_type "assemble"
308	    } elseif { ![string compare "run" $dgdo] } {
309		set compile_type "run"
310	    } elseif { ![string compare "link" $dgdo] } {
311		set compile_type "link"
312	    } else {
313		warning "lto.exp does not support dg-lto-do $dgdo"
314	    }
315	} elseif { ![string compare "dg-extra-ld-options" $cmd] } {
316	    if { [llength $op] > 4 } {
317		error "[lindex $op 0]: too many arguments"
318	    } else {
319		if { [llength $op] == 3
320		     || ([llength $op] > 3
321			 && [dg-process-target [lindex $op 3]] == "S") } {
322		    set dg-extra-ld-options [lindex $op 2]
323		    verbose \
324			"dg-extra-ld-options for main is ${dg-extra-ld-options}"
325		}
326	    }
327	} elseif { ![string compare "dg-suppress-ld-options" $cmd] } {
328	    if { [llength $op] > 4 } {
329		error "[lindex $op 0]: too many arguments"
330	    } else {
331		if { [llength $op] == 3
332		     || ([llength $op] > 3
333			 && [dg-process-target [lindex $op 3]] == "S") } {
334		    set dg-suppress-ld-options [lindex $op 2]
335		    verbose \
336			"dg-suppress-ld-options for main is ${dg-suppress-ld-options}"
337		}
338	    }
339	} elseif { ![string compare "dg-final" $cmd] } {
340	    if { [llength $op] > 3 } {
341		error "[lindex $op 0]: too many arguments"
342	    } else {
343		append dg-final-code "[lindex $op 2]\n"
344	    }
345	} else {
346	    # Ignore unrecognized dg- commands, but warn about them.
347	    warning "lto.exp does not support $cmd"
348	}
349    }
351    # Return flags to use for compiling the primary source file and for
352    # linking.
353    verbose "dg-extra-tool-flags for main is ${dg-extra-tool-flags}"
354    return ${dg-extra-tool-flags}
358# lto-get-options -- get special tool flags to use for a secondary
359# source file
361# SRC is the full pathname of the source file.
362# The result is a list of options to use.
364# This code is copied from proc dg-test in dg.exp from DejaGNU.
365proc lto-get-options { src } {
366    # dg-options sets a variable called dg-extra-tool-flags.
367    set dg-extra-tool-flags ""
369    # dg-xfail-if sets compiler_conditional_xfail_data.
370    global compiler_conditional_xfail_data
371    set compiler_conditional_xfail_data ""
373    # dg-xfail-if needs access to dg-do-what.
374    upvar dg-do-what dg-do-what
376    set tmp [dg-get-options $src]
377    foreach op $tmp {
378	set cmd [lindex $op 0]
379	if { ![string compare "dg-options" $cmd] \
380	     || ![string compare "dg-xfail-if" $cmd] } {
381	    set status [catch "$op" errmsg]
382	    if { $status != 0 } {
383		perror "src: $errmsg for \"$op\"\n"
384		unresolved "$src: $errmsg for \"$op\""
385		return
386	    }
387	} elseif { [string match "dg-require-*" $cmd] } {
388	    warning "lto.exp does not support $cmd in secondary source files"
389	} else {
390	    # Ignore unrecognized dg- commands, but warn about them.
391	    warning "lto.exp does not support $cmd in secondary source files"
392	}
393    }
395    return ${dg-extra-tool-flags}
398# lto-execute -- compile multi-file tests
400# SRC1 is the full pathname of the main file of the testcase.
401# SID identifies a test suite in the names of temporary files.
402proc lto-execute { src1 sid } {
403    global srcdir tmpdir
404    global lto_option_list
405    global tool
406    global verbose
407    global testcase
408    global gluefile
409    global compiler_conditional_xfail_data
410    global dg-do-what-default
411    global compile_type
412    global dg-extra-ld-options
413    global dg-suppress-ld-options
414    global LTO_OPTIONS
415    global dg-final-code
417    # Get extra flags for this test from the primary source file, and
418    # process other dg-* options that this suite supports.  Warn about
419    # unsupported flags.
420    verbose "lto-execute: $src1" 1
421    set compile_type "run"
422    set dg-do-what [list ${dg-do-what-default} "" P]
423    set extra_flags(0) [lto-get-options-main $src1]
424    set compile_xfail(0) ""
426    # If the main file defines dg-options, those flags are used to
427    # overwrite the default lto_option_list taken from LTO_OPTIONS.
428    if { [string length $extra_flags(0)] > 0 } {
429	set lto_option_list $extra_flags(0)
430	set extra_flags(0) ""
431    } else {
432	set lto_option_list $LTO_OPTIONS
433    }
435    # Set up the names of the other source files.
436    set dir [file dirname $src1]
437    set base [file rootname $src1]
438    set base [string range $base [string length $dir] end]
439    regsub "_0" $base "" base
440    regsub "/" $base "" base
441    set src_list $src1
442    set i 1
443    set done 0
444    while { !$done } {
445	set names [glob -nocomplain -types f -- "${dir}/${base}_${i}.*"]
446	if { [llength ${names}] > 1 } {
447	    warning "lto-execute: more than one file matched ${dir}/${base}_${i}.*"
448	}
449	if { [llength ${names}] == 1 } {
450	    lappend src_list [lindex ${names} 0]
451	    incr i
452	} else {
453	    set num_srcs ${i}
454	    set done 1
455	}
456    }
458    # Use the dg-options mechanism to specify extra flags for each
459    # of the secondary files.
460    # The extra flags in each file are used to compile that file, and the
461    # extra flags in *_0.* are also used for linking.
462    verbose "\tsrc_list is: $src_list"
463    for {set i 1} {$i < $num_srcs} {incr i} {
464	set extra_flags($i) [lto-get-options [lindex $src_list $i]]
465	set compile_xfail($i) $compiler_conditional_xfail_data
466    }
468    # Define the names of the object files.
469    set obj_list ""
470    for {set i 0} {$i < $num_srcs} {incr i} {
471	lappend obj_list "${sid}_${base}_${i}.o"
472    }
474    # Get the base name of this test, for use in messages.
475    set testcase [lindex ${src_list} 0]
477    # Remove the $srcdir and $tmpdir prefixes from $src1.  (It would
478    # be possible to use "regsub" here, if we were careful to escape
479    # all regular expression characters in $srcdir and $tmpdir, but
480    # that would be more complicated that this approach.)
481    if {[string first "$srcdir/" "${testcase}"] == 0} {
482	set testcase [string range "${testcase}" [string length "$srcdir/"] end]
483    }
484    if {[string first "$tmpdir/" "$testcase"] == 0} {
485	set testcase [string range "$testcase" [string length "$tmpdir/"] end]
486	set testcase "tmpdir-$testcase"
487    }
488    # If we couldn't rip $srcdir out of `src1' then just do the best we can.
489    # The point is to reduce the unnecessary noise in the logs.  Don't strip
490    # out too much because different testcases with the same name can confuse
491    # `test-tool'.
492    if [string match "/*" $testcase] then {
493        set testcase "[file tail [file dirname $src1]]/[file tail $src1]"
494    }
496    # Check whether this test is supported for this target.
497    if { [lindex ${dg-do-what} 1 ] == "N" } {
498	unsupported "$testcase"
499	verbose "$testcase not supported on this target, skipping it" 3
500	return
501    }
502    # Should be safe for non-fortran too but be paranoid..
503    if {$sid eq "f_lto"} {
504	list-module-names $src_list
505    }
506    regsub "_0.*" $testcase "" testcase
508    # Set up the base name of executable files so they'll be unique.
509    regsub -all "\[./\]" $testcase "-" execbase
511    # Loop through all of the option lists used for this test.
512    set count 0
513    foreach option $lto_option_list {
514	verbose "Testing $testcase, $option"
516	# There's a unique name for each executable we generate.
517	set execname "${execbase}-${count}1.exe"
518	incr count
520	file_on_host delete $execname
522	# Compile pieces with the compiler under test.
523	set i 0
524	foreach src $src_list obj $obj_list {
525	    lto-obj $src $obj $option $extra_flags($i) $option \
526		    $compile_xfail($i)
527	    incr i
528	}
530	# Link (using the compiler under test), run, and clean up tests.
531	if { ![string compare "run" $compile_type] \
532	     || ![string compare "link" $compile_type] } {
534	    # Filter out any link options we were asked to suppress.
535	    set reduced {}
536	    foreach x [split $option] {
537	      if {[lsearch ${dg-suppress-ld-options} $x] == -1} {
538		lappend reduced $x
539	      }
540	    }
541	    set filtered [join $reduced " "]
543	    lto-link-and-maybe-run \
544		    "[lindex $obj_list 0]-[lindex $obj_list end]" \
545		    $obj_list $execname $filtered ${dg-extra-ld-options} \
546		    $filtered
547	}
550	# Are there any further tests to perform?
551	# Note that if the program has special run-time requirements, running
552	# of the program can be delayed until here.  Ditto for other situations.
553	# It would be a bit cumbersome though.
555	if ![string match ${dg-final-code} ""] {
556	    regsub -all "\\\\(\[{}\])" ${dg-final-code} "\\1" dg-final-code
557	    # Note that the use of `args' here makes this a varargs proc.
558	    proc dg-final-proc { args } ${dg-final-code}
559	    verbose "Running dg-final tests." 3
560	    verbose "dg-final-proc:\n[info body dg-final-proc]" 4
561	    if [catch "dg-final-proc $src1" errmsg] {
562		perror "$name: error executing dg-final: $errmsg"
563		# ??? The call to unresolved here is necessary to clear
564		# `errcnt'.  What we really need is a proc like perror that
565		# doesn't set errcnt.  It should also set exit_status to 1.
566		unresolved "$name: error executing dg-final: $errmsg"
567	    }
568	}
570	# Clean up object files.
571	set files [glob -nocomplain ${sid}_*.o]
572	if { $files != "" } {
573	    foreach objfile $files {
574		if { ![info exists gluefile] || $objfile != $gluefile } {
575		    eval "file_on_host delete $objfile"
576		}
577	    }
578	}
580	if { ![string compare "run" $compile_type] \
581	     || ![string compare "link" $compile_type] } {
582	    file_on_host delete $execname
583	}
584	# Should be safe for non-fortran too but be paranoid..
585	if {$sid eq "f_lto"} {
586	    cleanup-modules ""
587	}
588    }
591# Utility for scanning a symbol in the final executable, invoked via dg-final.
592# Call pass if pattern is present, otherwise fail.
594# Argument 0 is the regexp to match.
595# Argument 1 handles expected failures and the like
596proc scan-symbol { args } {
597    global nm
598    global base_dir
599    upvar 2 execname execname
601    if { [llength $args] >= 2 } {
602	switch [dg-process-target [lindex $args 1]] {
603	    "S" { }
604	    "N" { return }
605	    "F" { setup_xfail "*-*-*" }
606	    "P" { }
607	}
608    }
610    # Find nm like we find g++ in g++.exp.
611    if ![info exists nm]  {
612	set nm [findfile $base_dir/../../../binutils/nm \
613		$base_dir/../../../binutils/nm \
614	        [findfile $base_dir/../../nm $base_dir/../../nm \
615		      [findfile $base_dir/nm $base_dir/nm \
616		       [transform nm]]]]
617	verbose -log "nm is $nm"
618    }
620    set output_file "[glob -nocomplain $execname]"
621    if { $output_file == "" } {
622	fail "scan-symbol $args: dump file does not exist"
623	return
624    }
626    set fd [open "| $nm $output_file" r]
627    set text [read $fd]
628    close $fd
630    if [regexp -- [lindex $args 0] $text] {
631	pass "scan-symbol $args"
632    } else {
633	fail "scan-symbol $args"
634    }