2--                                                                          --
3--                         GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS                         --
4--                                                                          --
5--                        S Y S T E M . I M G _ D E C                       --
6--                                                                          --
7--                                 B o d y                                  --
8--                                                                          --
9--          Copyright (C) 1992-2018, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
10--                                                                          --
11-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
12-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
13-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
14-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
15-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
16-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
17--                                                                          --
18-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
19-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
20-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
21--                                                                          --
22-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
23-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
24-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
25-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
26--                                                                          --
27-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
28-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
29--                                                                          --
32with System.Img_Int; use System.Img_Int;
34package body System.Img_Dec is
36   -------------------
37   -- Image_Decimal --
38   -------------------
40   procedure Image_Decimal
41     (V     : Integer;
42      S     : in out String;
43      P     : out Natural;
44      Scale : Integer)
45   is
46      pragma Assert (S'First = 1);
48   begin
49      --  Add space at start for non-negative numbers
51      if V >= 0 then
52         S (1) := ' ';
53         P := 1;
54      else
55         P := 0;
56      end if;
58      Set_Image_Decimal (V, S, P, Scale, 1, Integer'Max (1, Scale), 0);
59   end Image_Decimal;
61   ------------------------
62   -- Set_Decimal_Digits --
63   ------------------------
65   procedure Set_Decimal_Digits
66     (Digs  : in out String;
67      NDigs : Natural;
68      S     : out String;
69      P     : in out Natural;
70      Scale : Integer;
71      Fore  : Natural;
72      Aft   : Natural;
73      Exp   : Natural)
74   is
75      Minus : constant Boolean := (Digs (Digs'First) = '-');
76      --  Set True if input is negative
78      Zero : Boolean := (Digs (Digs'First + 1) = '0');
79      --  Set True if input is exactly zero (only case when a leading zero
80      --  is permitted in the input string given to this procedure). This
81      --  flag can get set later if rounding causes the value to become zero.
83      FD : Natural := 2;
84      --  First digit position of digits remaining to be processed
86      LD : Natural := NDigs;
87      --  Last digit position of digits remaining to be processed
89      ND : Natural := NDigs - 1;
90      --  Number of digits remaining to be processed (LD - FD + 1)
92      Digits_Before_Point : Integer := ND - Scale;
93      --  Number of digits before decimal point in the input value. This
94      --  value can be negative if the input value is less than 0.1, so
95      --  it is an indication of the current exponent. Digits_Before_Point
96      --  is adjusted if the rounding step generates an extra digit.
98      Digits_After_Point : constant Natural := Integer'Max (1, Aft);
99      --  Digit positions after decimal point in result string
101      Expon : Integer;
102      --  Integer value of exponent
104      procedure Round (N : Integer);
105      --  Round the number in Digs. N is the position of the last digit to be
106      --  retained in the rounded position (rounding is based on Digs (N + 1)
107      --  FD, LD, ND are reset as necessary if required. Note that if the
108      --  result value rounds up (e.g. 9.99 => 10.0), an extra digit can be
109      --  placed in the sign position as a result of the rounding, this is
110      --  the case in which FD is adjusted. The call to Round has no effect
111      --  if N is outside the range FD .. LD.
113      procedure Set (C : Character);
114      pragma Inline (Set);
115      --  Sets character C in output buffer
117      procedure Set_Blanks_And_Sign (N : Integer);
118      --  Sets leading blanks and minus sign if needed. N is the number of
119      --  positions to be filled (a minus sign is output even if N is zero
120      --  or negative, For a positive value, if N is non-positive, then
121      --  a leading blank is filled.
123      procedure Set_Digits (S, E : Natural);
124      pragma Inline (Set_Digits);
125      --  Set digits S through E from Digs, no effect if S > E
127      procedure Set_Zeroes (N : Integer);
128      pragma Inline (Set_Zeroes);
129      --  Set N zeroes, no effect if N is negative
131      -----------
132      -- Round --
133      -----------
135      procedure Round (N : Integer) is
136         D : Character;
138      begin
139         --  Nothing to do if rounding past the last digit we have
141         if N >= LD then
142            return;
144         --  Cases of rounding before the initial digit
146         elsif N < FD then
148            --  The result is zero, unless we are rounding just before
149            --  the first digit, and the first digit is five or more.
151            if N = 1 and then Digs (Digs'First + 1) >= '5' then
152               Digs (Digs'First) := '1';
153            else
154               Digs (Digs'First) := '0';
155               Zero := True;
156            end if;
158            Digits_Before_Point := Digits_Before_Point + 1;
159            FD := 1;
160            LD := 1;
161            ND := 1;
163         --  Normal case of rounding an existing digit
165         else
166            LD := N;
167            ND := LD - 1;
169            if Digs (N + 1) >= '5' then
170               for J in reverse 2 .. N loop
171                  D := Character'Succ (Digs (J));
173                  if D <= '9' then
174                     Digs (J) := D;
175                     return;
176                  else
177                     Digs (J) := '0';
178                  end if;
179               end loop;
181               --  Here the rounding overflows into the sign position. That's
182               --  OK, because we already captured the value of the sign and
183               --  we are in any case destroying the value in the Digs buffer
185               Digs (Digs'First) := '1';
186               FD := 1;
187               ND := ND + 1;
188               Digits_Before_Point := Digits_Before_Point + 1;
189            end if;
190         end if;
191      end Round;
193      ---------
194      -- Set --
195      ---------
197      procedure Set (C : Character) is
198      begin
199         P := P + 1;
200         S (P) := C;
201      end Set;
203      -------------------------
204      -- Set_Blanks_And_Sign --
205      -------------------------
207      procedure Set_Blanks_And_Sign (N : Integer) is
208         W : Integer := N;
210      begin
211         if Minus then
212            W := W - 1;
214            for J in 1 .. W loop
215               Set (' ');
216            end loop;
218            Set ('-');
220         else
221            for J in 1 .. W loop
222               Set (' ');
223            end loop;
224         end if;
225      end Set_Blanks_And_Sign;
227      ----------------
228      -- Set_Digits --
229      ----------------
231      procedure Set_Digits (S, E : Natural) is
232      begin
233         for J in S .. E loop
234            Set (Digs (J));
235         end loop;
236      end Set_Digits;
238      ----------------
239      -- Set_Zeroes --
240      ----------------
242      procedure Set_Zeroes (N : Integer) is
243      begin
244         for J in 1 .. N loop
245            Set ('0');
246         end loop;
247      end Set_Zeroes;
249   --  Start of processing for Set_Decimal_Digits
251   begin
252      --  Case of exponent given
254      if Exp > 0 then
255         Set_Blanks_And_Sign (Fore - 1);
256         Round (Digits_After_Point + 2);
257         Set (Digs (FD));
258         FD := FD + 1;
259         ND := ND - 1;
260         Set ('.');
262         if ND >= Digits_After_Point then
263            Set_Digits (FD, FD + Digits_After_Point - 1);
264         else
265            Set_Digits (FD, LD);
266            Set_Zeroes (Digits_After_Point - ND);
267         end if;
269         --  Calculate exponent. The number of digits before the decimal point
270         --  in the input is Digits_Before_Point, and the number of digits
271         --  before the decimal point in the output is 1, so we can get the
272         --  exponent as the difference between these two values. The one
273         --  exception is for the value zero, which by convention has an
274         --  exponent of +0.
276         Expon := (if Zero then 0 else Digits_Before_Point - 1);
277         Set ('E');
278         ND := 0;
280         if Expon >= 0 then
281            Set ('+');
282            Set_Image_Integer (Expon, Digs, ND);
283         else
284            Set ('-');
285            Set_Image_Integer (-Expon, Digs, ND);
286         end if;
288         Set_Zeroes (Exp - ND - 1);
289         Set_Digits (1, ND);
290         return;
292      --  Case of no exponent given. To make these cases clear, we use
293      --  examples. For all the examples, we assume Fore = 2, Aft = 3.
294      --  A P in the example input string is an implied zero position,
295      --  not included in the input string.
297      else
298         --  Round at correct position
299         --    Input: 4PP      => unchanged
300         --    Input: 400.03   => unchanged
301         --    Input  3.4567   => 3.457
302         --    Input: 9.9999   => 10.000
303         --    Input: 0.PPP5   => 0.001
304         --    Input: 0.PPP4   => 0
305         --    Input: 0.00003  => 0
307         Round (LD - (Scale - Digits_After_Point));
309         --  No digits before point in input
310         --    Input: .123   Output: 0.123
311         --    Input: .PP3   Output: 0.003
313         if Digits_Before_Point <= 0 then
314            Set_Blanks_And_Sign (Fore - 1);
315            Set ('0');
316            Set ('.');
318            declare
319               DA : Natural := Digits_After_Point;
320               --  Digits remaining to output after point
322               LZ : constant Integer := Integer'Min (DA, -Digits_Before_Point);
323               --  Number of leading zeroes after point. Note: there used to be
324               --  a Max of this result with zero, but that's redundant, since
325               --  we know DA is positive, and because of the test above, we
326               --  know that -Digits_Before_Point >= 0.
328            begin
329               Set_Zeroes (LZ);
330               DA := DA - LZ;
332               if DA < ND then
334                  --  Note: it is definitely possible for the above condition
335                  --  to be True, for example:
337                  --    V => 1234, Scale => 5, Fore => 0, After => 1, Exp => 0
339                  --  but in this case DA = 0, ND = 1, FD = 1, FD + DA-1 = 0
340                  --  so the arguments in the call are (1, 0) meaning that no
341                  --  digits are output.
343                  --  No obvious example exists where the following call to
344                  --  Set_Digits actually outputs some digits, but we lack a
345                  --  proof that no such example exists.
347                  --  So it is safer to retain this call, even though as a
348                  --  result it is hard (or perhaps impossible) to create a
349                  --  coverage test for the inlined code of the call.
351                  Set_Digits (FD, FD + DA - 1);
353               else
354                  Set_Digits (FD, LD);
355                  Set_Zeroes (DA - ND);
356               end if;
357            end;
359         --  At least one digit before point in input
361         else
362            --  Less digits in input than are needed before point
363            --    Input: 1PP  Output: 100.000
365            if ND < Digits_Before_Point then
367               --  Special case, if the input is the single digit 0, then we
368               --  do not want 000.000, but instead 0.000.
370               if ND = 1 and then Digs (FD) = '0' then
371                  Set_Blanks_And_Sign (Fore - 1);
372                  Set ('0');
374               --  Normal case where we need to output scaling zeroes
376               else
377                  Set_Blanks_And_Sign (Fore - Digits_Before_Point);
378                  Set_Digits (FD, LD);
379                  Set_Zeroes (Digits_Before_Point - ND);
380               end if;
382               --  Set period and zeroes after the period
384               Set ('.');
385               Set_Zeroes (Digits_After_Point);
387            --  Input has full amount of digits before decimal point
389            else
390               Set_Blanks_And_Sign (Fore - Digits_Before_Point);
391               Set_Digits (FD, FD + Digits_Before_Point - 1);
392               Set ('.');
393               Set_Digits (FD + Digits_Before_Point, LD);
394               Set_Zeroes (Digits_After_Point - (ND - Digits_Before_Point));
395            end if;
396         end if;
397      end if;
398   end Set_Decimal_Digits;
400   -----------------------
401   -- Set_Image_Decimal --
402   -----------------------
404   procedure Set_Image_Decimal
405     (V     : Integer;
406      S     : in out String;
407      P     : in out Natural;
408      Scale : Integer;
409      Fore  : Natural;
410      Aft   : Natural;
411      Exp   : Natural)
412   is
413      Digs : String := Integer'Image (V);
414      --  Sign and digits of decimal value
416   begin
417      Set_Decimal_Digits (Digs, Digs'Length, S, P, Scale, Fore, Aft, Exp);
418   end Set_Image_Decimal;
420end System.Img_Dec;