1// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5package scanner
7import (
8	"go/token"
9	"io/ioutil"
10	"os"
11	"path/filepath"
12	"runtime"
13	"testing"
16var fset = token.NewFileSet()
18const /* class */ (
19	special = iota
20	literal
21	operator
22	keyword
25func tokenclass(tok token.Token) int {
26	switch {
27	case tok.IsLiteral():
28		return literal
29	case tok.IsOperator():
30		return operator
31	case tok.IsKeyword():
32		return keyword
33	}
34	return special
37type elt struct {
38	tok   token.Token
39	lit   string
40	class int
43var tokens = [...]elt{
44	// Special tokens
45	{token.COMMENT, "/* a comment */", special},
46	{token.COMMENT, "// a comment \n", special},
47	{token.COMMENT, "/*\r*/", special},
48	{token.COMMENT, "//\r\n", special},
50	// Identifiers and basic type literals
51	{token.IDENT, "foobar", literal},
52	{token.IDENT, "a۰۱۸", literal},
53	{token.IDENT, "foo६४", literal},
54	{token.IDENT, "bar9876", literal},
55	{token.IDENT, "ŝ", literal},    // was bug (issue 4000)
56	{token.IDENT, "ŝfoo", literal}, // was bug (issue 4000)
57	{token.INT, "0", literal},
58	{token.INT, "1", literal},
59	{token.INT, "123456789012345678890", literal},
60	{token.INT, "01234567", literal},
61	{token.INT, "0xcafebabe", literal},
62	{token.FLOAT, "0.", literal},
63	{token.FLOAT, ".0", literal},
64	{token.FLOAT, "3.14159265", literal},
65	{token.FLOAT, "1e0", literal},
66	{token.FLOAT, "1e+100", literal},
67	{token.FLOAT, "1e-100", literal},
68	{token.FLOAT, "2.71828e-1000", literal},
69	{token.IMAG, "0i", literal},
70	{token.IMAG, "1i", literal},
71	{token.IMAG, "012345678901234567889i", literal},
72	{token.IMAG, "123456789012345678890i", literal},
73	{token.IMAG, "0.i", literal},
74	{token.IMAG, ".0i", literal},
75	{token.IMAG, "3.14159265i", literal},
76	{token.IMAG, "1e0i", literal},
77	{token.IMAG, "1e+100i", literal},
78	{token.IMAG, "1e-100i", literal},
79	{token.IMAG, "2.71828e-1000i", literal},
80	{token.CHAR, "'a'", literal},
81	{token.CHAR, "'\\000'", literal},
82	{token.CHAR, "'\\xFF'", literal},
83	{token.CHAR, "'\\uff16'", literal},
84	{token.CHAR, "'\\U0000ff16'", literal},
85	{token.STRING, "`foobar`", literal},
86	{token.STRING, "`" + `foo
87	                        bar` +
88		"`",
89		literal,
90	},
91	{token.STRING, "`\r`", literal},
92	{token.STRING, "`foo\r\nbar`", literal},
94	// Operators and delimiters
95	{token.ADD, "+", operator},
96	{token.SUB, "-", operator},
97	{token.MUL, "*", operator},
98	{token.QUO, "/", operator},
99	{token.REM, "%", operator},
101	{token.AND, "&", operator},
102	{token.OR, "|", operator},
103	{token.XOR, "^", operator},
104	{token.SHL, "<<", operator},
105	{token.SHR, ">>", operator},
106	{token.AND_NOT, "&^", operator},
108	{token.ADD_ASSIGN, "+=", operator},
109	{token.SUB_ASSIGN, "-=", operator},
110	{token.MUL_ASSIGN, "*=", operator},
111	{token.QUO_ASSIGN, "/=", operator},
112	{token.REM_ASSIGN, "%=", operator},
114	{token.AND_ASSIGN, "&=", operator},
115	{token.OR_ASSIGN, "|=", operator},
116	{token.XOR_ASSIGN, "^=", operator},
117	{token.SHL_ASSIGN, "<<=", operator},
118	{token.SHR_ASSIGN, ">>=", operator},
119	{token.AND_NOT_ASSIGN, "&^=", operator},
121	{token.LAND, "&&", operator},
122	{token.LOR, "||", operator},
123	{token.ARROW, "<-", operator},
124	{token.INC, "++", operator},
125	{token.DEC, "--", operator},
127	{token.EQL, "==", operator},
128	{token.LSS, "<", operator},
129	{token.GTR, ">", operator},
130	{token.ASSIGN, "=", operator},
131	{token.NOT, "!", operator},
133	{token.NEQ, "!=", operator},
134	{token.LEQ, "<=", operator},
135	{token.GEQ, ">=", operator},
136	{token.DEFINE, ":=", operator},
137	{token.ELLIPSIS, "...", operator},
139	{token.LPAREN, "(", operator},
140	{token.LBRACK, "[", operator},
141	{token.LBRACE, "{", operator},
142	{token.COMMA, ",", operator},
143	{token.PERIOD, ".", operator},
145	{token.RPAREN, ")", operator},
146	{token.RBRACK, "]", operator},
147	{token.RBRACE, "}", operator},
148	{token.SEMICOLON, ";", operator},
149	{token.COLON, ":", operator},
151	// Keywords
152	{token.BREAK, "break", keyword},
153	{token.CASE, "case", keyword},
154	{token.CHAN, "chan", keyword},
155	{token.CONST, "const", keyword},
156	{token.CONTINUE, "continue", keyword},
158	{token.DEFAULT, "default", keyword},
159	{token.DEFER, "defer", keyword},
160	{token.ELSE, "else", keyword},
161	{token.FALLTHROUGH, "fallthrough", keyword},
162	{token.FOR, "for", keyword},
164	{token.FUNC, "func", keyword},
165	{token.GO, "go", keyword},
166	{token.GOTO, "goto", keyword},
167	{token.IF, "if", keyword},
168	{token.IMPORT, "import", keyword},
170	{token.INTERFACE, "interface", keyword},
171	{token.MAP, "map", keyword},
172	{token.PACKAGE, "package", keyword},
173	{token.RANGE, "range", keyword},
174	{token.RETURN, "return", keyword},
176	{token.SELECT, "select", keyword},
177	{token.STRUCT, "struct", keyword},
178	{token.SWITCH, "switch", keyword},
179	{token.TYPE, "type", keyword},
180	{token.VAR, "var", keyword},
183const whitespace = "  \t  \n\n\n" // to separate tokens
185var source = func() []byte {
186	var src []byte
187	for _, t := range tokens {
188		src = append(src, t.lit...)
189		src = append(src, whitespace...)
190	}
191	return src
194func newlineCount(s string) int {
195	n := 0
196	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
197		if s[i] == '\n' {
198			n++
199		}
200	}
201	return n
204func checkPos(t *testing.T, lit string, p token.Pos, expected token.Position) {
205	pos := fset.Position(p)
206	if pos.Filename != expected.Filename {
207		t.Errorf("bad filename for %q: got %s, expected %s", lit, pos.Filename, expected.Filename)
208	}
209	if pos.Offset != expected.Offset {
210		t.Errorf("bad position for %q: got %d, expected %d", lit, pos.Offset, expected.Offset)
211	}
212	if pos.Line != expected.Line {
213		t.Errorf("bad line for %q: got %d, expected %d", lit, pos.Line, expected.Line)
214	}
215	if pos.Column != expected.Column {
216		t.Errorf("bad column for %q: got %d, expected %d", lit, pos.Column, expected.Column)
217	}
220// Verify that calling Scan() provides the correct results.
221func TestScan(t *testing.T) {
222	whitespace_linecount := newlineCount(whitespace)
224	// error handler
225	eh := func(_ token.Position, msg string) {
226		t.Errorf("error handler called (msg = %s)", msg)
227	}
229	// verify scan
230	var s Scanner
231	s.Init(fset.AddFile("", fset.Base(), len(source)), source, eh, ScanComments|dontInsertSemis)
233	// set up expected position
234	epos := token.Position{
235		Filename: "",
236		Offset:   0,
237		Line:     1,
238		Column:   1,
239	}
241	index := 0
242	for {
243		pos, tok, lit := s.Scan()
245		// check position
246		if tok == token.EOF {
247			// correction for EOF
248			epos.Line = newlineCount(string(source))
249			epos.Column = 2
250		}
251		checkPos(t, lit, pos, epos)
253		// check token
254		e := elt{token.EOF, "", special}
255		if index < len(tokens) {
256			e = tokens[index]
257			index++
258		}
259		if tok != e.tok {
260			t.Errorf("bad token for %q: got %s, expected %s", lit, tok, e.tok)
261		}
263		// check token class
264		if tokenclass(tok) != e.class {
265			t.Errorf("bad class for %q: got %d, expected %d", lit, tokenclass(tok), e.class)
266		}
268		// check literal
269		elit := ""
270		switch e.tok {
271		case token.COMMENT:
272			// no CRs in comments
273			elit = string(stripCR([]byte(e.lit)))
274			//-style comment literal doesn't contain newline
275			if elit[1] == '/' {
276				elit = elit[0 : len(elit)-1]
277			}
278		case token.IDENT:
279			elit = e.lit
280		case token.SEMICOLON:
281			elit = ";"
282		default:
283			if e.tok.IsLiteral() {
284				// no CRs in raw string literals
285				elit = e.lit
286				if elit[0] == '`' {
287					elit = string(stripCR([]byte(elit)))
288				}
289			} else if e.tok.IsKeyword() {
290				elit = e.lit
291			}
292		}
293		if lit != elit {
294			t.Errorf("bad literal for %q: got %q, expected %q", lit, lit, elit)
295		}
297		if tok == token.EOF {
298			break
299		}
301		// update position
302		epos.Offset += len(e.lit) + len(whitespace)
303		epos.Line += newlineCount(e.lit) + whitespace_linecount
305	}
307	if s.ErrorCount != 0 {
308		t.Errorf("found %d errors", s.ErrorCount)
309	}
312func checkSemi(t *testing.T, line string, mode Mode) {
313	var S Scanner
314	file := fset.AddFile("TestSemis", fset.Base(), len(line))
315	S.Init(file, []byte(line), nil, mode)
316	pos, tok, lit := S.Scan()
317	for tok != token.EOF {
318		if tok == token.ILLEGAL {
319			// the illegal token literal indicates what
320			// kind of semicolon literal to expect
321			semiLit := "\n"
322			if lit[0] == '#' {
323				semiLit = ";"
324			}
325			// next token must be a semicolon
326			semiPos := file.Position(pos)
327			semiPos.Offset++
328			semiPos.Column++
329			pos, tok, lit = S.Scan()
330			if tok == token.SEMICOLON {
331				if lit != semiLit {
332					t.Errorf(`bad literal for %q: got %q, expected %q`, line, lit, semiLit)
333				}
334				checkPos(t, line, pos, semiPos)
335			} else {
336				t.Errorf("bad token for %q: got %s, expected ;", line, tok)
337			}
338		} else if tok == token.SEMICOLON {
339			t.Errorf("bad token for %q: got ;, expected no ;", line)
340		}
341		pos, tok, lit = S.Scan()
342	}
345var lines = []string{
346	// # indicates a semicolon present in the source
347	// $ indicates an automatically inserted semicolon
348	"",
349	"\ufeff#;", // first BOM is ignored
350	"#;",
351	"foo$\n",
352	"123$\n",
353	"1.2$\n",
354	"'x'$\n",
355	`"x"` + "$\n",
356	"`x`$\n",
358	"+\n",
359	"-\n",
360	"*\n",
361	"/\n",
362	"%\n",
364	"&\n",
365	"|\n",
366	"^\n",
367	"<<\n",
368	">>\n",
369	"&^\n",
371	"+=\n",
372	"-=\n",
373	"*=\n",
374	"/=\n",
375	"%=\n",
377	"&=\n",
378	"|=\n",
379	"^=\n",
380	"<<=\n",
381	">>=\n",
382	"&^=\n",
384	"&&\n",
385	"||\n",
386	"<-\n",
387	"++$\n",
388	"--$\n",
390	"==\n",
391	"<\n",
392	">\n",
393	"=\n",
394	"!\n",
396	"!=\n",
397	"<=\n",
398	">=\n",
399	":=\n",
400	"...\n",
402	"(\n",
403	"[\n",
404	"{\n",
405	",\n",
406	".\n",
408	")$\n",
409	"]$\n",
410	"}$\n",
411	"#;\n",
412	":\n",
414	"break$\n",
415	"case\n",
416	"chan\n",
417	"const\n",
418	"continue$\n",
420	"default\n",
421	"defer\n",
422	"else\n",
423	"fallthrough$\n",
424	"for\n",
426	"func\n",
427	"go\n",
428	"goto\n",
429	"if\n",
430	"import\n",
432	"interface\n",
433	"map\n",
434	"package\n",
435	"range\n",
436	"return$\n",
438	"select\n",
439	"struct\n",
440	"switch\n",
441	"type\n",
442	"var\n",
444	"foo$//comment\n",
445	"foo$//comment",
446	"foo$/*comment*/\n",
447	"foo$/*\n*/",
448	"foo$/*comment*/    \n",
449	"foo$/*\n*/    ",
451	"foo    $// comment\n",
452	"foo    $// comment",
453	"foo    $/*comment*/\n",
454	"foo    $/*\n*/",
455	"foo    $/*  */ /* \n */ bar$/**/\n",
456	"foo    $/*0*/ /*1*/ /*2*/\n",
458	"foo    $/*comment*/    \n",
459	"foo    $/*0*/ /*1*/ /*2*/    \n",
460	"foo	$/**/ /*-------------*/       /*----\n*/bar       $/*  \n*/baa$\n",
461	"foo    $/* an EOF terminates a line */",
462	"foo    $/* an EOF terminates a line */ /*",
463	"foo    $/* an EOF terminates a line */ //",
465	"package main$\n\nfunc main() {\n\tif {\n\t\treturn /* */ }$\n}$\n",
466	"package main$",
469func TestSemis(t *testing.T) {
470	for _, line := range lines {
471		checkSemi(t, line, 0)
472		checkSemi(t, line, ScanComments)
474		// if the input ended in newlines, the input must tokenize the
475		// same with or without those newlines
476		for i := len(line) - 1; i >= 0 && line[i] == '\n'; i-- {
477			checkSemi(t, line[0:i], 0)
478			checkSemi(t, line[0:i], ScanComments)
479		}
480	}
483type segment struct {
484	srcline  string // a line of source text
485	filename string // filename for current token
486	line     int    // line number for current token
489var segments = []segment{
490	// exactly one token per line since the test consumes one token per segment
491	{"  line1", filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineComments"), 1},
492	{"\nline2", filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineComments"), 2},
493	{"\nline3  //line File1.go:100", filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineComments"), 3}, // bad line comment, ignored
494	{"\nline4", filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineComments"), 4},
495	{"\n//line File1.go:100\n  line100", filepath.Join("dir", "File1.go"), 100},
496	{"\n//line  \t :42\n  line1", "", 42},
497	{"\n//line File2.go:200\n  line200", filepath.Join("dir", "File2.go"), 200},
498	{"\n//line foo\t:42\n  line42", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 42},
499	{"\n //line foo:42\n  line44", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 44},           // bad line comment, ignored
500	{"\n//line foo 42\n  line46", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 46},            // bad line comment, ignored
501	{"\n//line foo:42 extra text\n  line48", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 48}, // bad line comment, ignored
502	{"\n//line ./foo:42\n  line42", filepath.Join("dir", "foo"), 42},
503	{"\n//line a/b/c/File1.go:100\n  line100", filepath.Join("dir", "a", "b", "c", "File1.go"), 100},
506var unixsegments = []segment{
507	{"\n//line /bar:42\n  line42", "/bar", 42},
510var winsegments = []segment{
511	{"\n//line c:\\bar:42\n  line42", "c:\\bar", 42},
512	{"\n//line c:\\dir\\File1.go:100\n  line100", "c:\\dir\\File1.go", 100},
515// Verify that comments of the form "//line filename:line" are interpreted correctly.
516func TestLineComments(t *testing.T) {
517	segs := segments
518	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
519		segs = append(segs, winsegments...)
520	} else {
521		segs = append(segs, unixsegments...)
522	}
524	// make source
525	var src string
526	for _, e := range segs {
527		src += e.srcline
528	}
530	// verify scan
531	var S Scanner
532	file := fset.AddFile(filepath.Join("dir", "TestLineComments"), fset.Base(), len(src))
533	S.Init(file, []byte(src), nil, dontInsertSemis)
534	for _, s := range segs {
535		p, _, lit := S.Scan()
536		pos := file.Position(p)
537		checkPos(t, lit, p, token.Position{
538			Filename: s.filename,
539			Offset:   pos.Offset,
540			Line:     s.line,
541			Column:   pos.Column,
542		})
543	}
545	if S.ErrorCount != 0 {
546		t.Errorf("found %d errors", S.ErrorCount)
547	}
550// Verify that initializing the same scanner more than once works correctly.
551func TestInit(t *testing.T) {
552	var s Scanner
554	// 1st init
555	src1 := "if true { }"
556	f1 := fset.AddFile("src1", fset.Base(), len(src1))
557	s.Init(f1, []byte(src1), nil, dontInsertSemis)
558	if f1.Size() != len(src1) {
559		t.Errorf("bad file size: got %d, expected %d", f1.Size(), len(src1))
560	}
561	s.Scan()              // if
562	s.Scan()              // true
563	_, tok, _ := s.Scan() // {
564	if tok != token.LBRACE {
565		t.Errorf("bad token: got %s, expected %s", tok, token.LBRACE)
566	}
568	// 2nd init
569	src2 := "go true { ]"
570	f2 := fset.AddFile("src2", fset.Base(), len(src2))
571	s.Init(f2, []byte(src2), nil, dontInsertSemis)
572	if f2.Size() != len(src2) {
573		t.Errorf("bad file size: got %d, expected %d", f2.Size(), len(src2))
574	}
575	_, tok, _ = s.Scan() // go
576	if tok != token.GO {
577		t.Errorf("bad token: got %s, expected %s", tok, token.GO)
578	}
580	if s.ErrorCount != 0 {
581		t.Errorf("found %d errors", s.ErrorCount)
582	}
585func TestStdErrorHander(t *testing.T) {
586	const src = "@\n" + // illegal character, cause an error
587		"@ @\n" + // two errors on the same line
588		"//line File2:20\n" +
589		"@\n" + // different file, but same line
590		"//line File2:1\n" +
591		"@ @\n" + // same file, decreasing line number
592		"//line File1:1\n" +
593		"@ @ @" // original file, line 1 again
595	var list ErrorList
596	eh := func(pos token.Position, msg string) { list.Add(pos, msg) }
598	var s Scanner
599	s.Init(fset.AddFile("File1", fset.Base(), len(src)), []byte(src), eh, dontInsertSemis)
600	for {
601		if _, tok, _ := s.Scan(); tok == token.EOF {
602			break
603		}
604	}
606	if len(list) != s.ErrorCount {
607		t.Errorf("found %d errors, expected %d", len(list), s.ErrorCount)
608	}
610	if len(list) != 9 {
611		t.Errorf("found %d raw errors, expected 9", len(list))
612		PrintError(os.Stderr, list)
613	}
615	list.Sort()
616	if len(list) != 9 {
617		t.Errorf("found %d sorted errors, expected 9", len(list))
618		PrintError(os.Stderr, list)
619	}
621	list.RemoveMultiples()
622	if len(list) != 4 {
623		t.Errorf("found %d one-per-line errors, expected 4", len(list))
624		PrintError(os.Stderr, list)
625	}
628type errorCollector struct {
629	cnt int            // number of errors encountered
630	msg string         // last error message encountered
631	pos token.Position // last error position encountered
634func checkError(t *testing.T, src string, tok token.Token, pos int, lit, err string) {
635	var s Scanner
636	var h errorCollector
637	eh := func(pos token.Position, msg string) {
638		h.cnt++
639		h.msg = msg
640		h.pos = pos
641	}
642	s.Init(fset.AddFile("", fset.Base(), len(src)), []byte(src), eh, ScanComments|dontInsertSemis)
643	_, tok0, lit0 := s.Scan()
644	if tok0 != tok {
645		t.Errorf("%q: got %s, expected %s", src, tok0, tok)
646	}
647	if tok0 != token.ILLEGAL && lit0 != lit {
648		t.Errorf("%q: got literal %q, expected %q", src, lit0, lit)
649	}
650	cnt := 0
651	if err != "" {
652		cnt = 1
653	}
654	if h.cnt != cnt {
655		t.Errorf("%q: got cnt %d, expected %d", src, h.cnt, cnt)
656	}
657	if h.msg != err {
658		t.Errorf("%q: got msg %q, expected %q", src, h.msg, err)
659	}
660	if h.pos.Offset != pos {
661		t.Errorf("%q: got offset %d, expected %d", src, h.pos.Offset, pos)
662	}
665var errors = []struct {
666	src string
667	tok token.Token
668	pos int
669	lit string
670	err string
672	{"\a", token.ILLEGAL, 0, "", "illegal character U+0007"},
673	{`#`, token.ILLEGAL, 0, "", "illegal character U+0023 '#'"},
674	{`…`, token.ILLEGAL, 0, "", "illegal character U+2026 '…'"},
675	{`' '`, token.CHAR, 0, `' '`, ""},
676	{`''`, token.CHAR, 0, `''`, "illegal rune literal"},
677	{`'12'`, token.CHAR, 0, `'12'`, "illegal rune literal"},
678	{`'123'`, token.CHAR, 0, `'123'`, "illegal rune literal"},
679	{`'\0'`, token.CHAR, 3, `'\0'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
680	{`'\07'`, token.CHAR, 4, `'\07'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
681	{`'\8'`, token.CHAR, 2, `'\8'`, "unknown escape sequence"},
682	{`'\08'`, token.CHAR, 3, `'\08'`, "illegal character U+0038 '8' in escape sequence"},
683	{`'\x'`, token.CHAR, 3, `'\x'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
684	{`'\x0'`, token.CHAR, 4, `'\x0'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
685	{`'\x0g'`, token.CHAR, 4, `'\x0g'`, "illegal character U+0067 'g' in escape sequence"},
686	{`'\u'`, token.CHAR, 3, `'\u'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
687	{`'\u0'`, token.CHAR, 4, `'\u0'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
688	{`'\u00'`, token.CHAR, 5, `'\u00'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
689	{`'\u000'`, token.CHAR, 6, `'\u000'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
690	{`'\u000`, token.CHAR, 6, `'\u000`, "escape sequence not terminated"},
691	{`'\u0000'`, token.CHAR, 0, `'\u0000'`, ""},
692	{`'\U'`, token.CHAR, 3, `'\U'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
693	{`'\U0'`, token.CHAR, 4, `'\U0'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
694	{`'\U00'`, token.CHAR, 5, `'\U00'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
695	{`'\U000'`, token.CHAR, 6, `'\U000'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
696	{`'\U0000'`, token.CHAR, 7, `'\U0000'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
697	{`'\U00000'`, token.CHAR, 8, `'\U00000'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
698	{`'\U000000'`, token.CHAR, 9, `'\U000000'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
699	{`'\U0000000'`, token.CHAR, 10, `'\U0000000'`, "illegal character U+0027 ''' in escape sequence"},
700	{`'\U0000000`, token.CHAR, 10, `'\U0000000`, "escape sequence not terminated"},
701	{`'\U00000000'`, token.CHAR, 0, `'\U00000000'`, ""},
702	{`'\Uffffffff'`, token.CHAR, 2, `'\Uffffffff'`, "escape sequence is invalid Unicode code point"},
703	{`'`, token.CHAR, 0, `'`, "rune literal not terminated"},
704	{`'\`, token.CHAR, 2, `'\`, "escape sequence not terminated"},
705	{"'\n", token.CHAR, 0, "'", "rune literal not terminated"},
706	{"'\n   ", token.CHAR, 0, "'", "rune literal not terminated"},
707	{`""`, token.STRING, 0, `""`, ""},
708	{`"abc`, token.STRING, 0, `"abc`, "string literal not terminated"},
709	{"\"abc\n", token.STRING, 0, `"abc`, "string literal not terminated"},
710	{"\"abc\n   ", token.STRING, 0, `"abc`, "string literal not terminated"},
711	{"``", token.STRING, 0, "``", ""},
712	{"`", token.STRING, 0, "`", "raw string literal not terminated"},
713	{"/**/", token.COMMENT, 0, "/**/", ""},
714	{"/*", token.COMMENT, 0, "/*", "comment not terminated"},
715	{"077", token.INT, 0, "077", ""},
716	{"078.", token.FLOAT, 0, "078.", ""},
717	{"07801234567.", token.FLOAT, 0, "07801234567.", ""},
718	{"078e0", token.FLOAT, 0, "078e0", ""},
719	{"0E", token.FLOAT, 0, "0E", "illegal floating-point exponent"}, // issue 17621
720	{"078", token.INT, 0, "078", "illegal octal number"},
721	{"07800000009", token.INT, 0, "07800000009", "illegal octal number"},
722	{"0x", token.INT, 0, "0x", "illegal hexadecimal number"},
723	{"0X", token.INT, 0, "0X", "illegal hexadecimal number"},
724	{"\"abc\x00def\"", token.STRING, 4, "\"abc\x00def\"", "illegal character NUL"},
725	{"\"abc\x80def\"", token.STRING, 4, "\"abc\x80def\"", "illegal UTF-8 encoding"},
726	{"\ufeff\ufeff", token.ILLEGAL, 3, "\ufeff\ufeff", "illegal byte order mark"},                        // only first BOM is ignored
727	{"//\ufeff", token.COMMENT, 2, "//\ufeff", "illegal byte order mark"},                                // only first BOM is ignored
728	{"'\ufeff" + `'`, token.CHAR, 1, "'\ufeff" + `'`, "illegal byte order mark"},                         // only first BOM is ignored
729	{`"` + "abc\ufeffdef" + `"`, token.STRING, 4, `"` + "abc\ufeffdef" + `"`, "illegal byte order mark"}, // only first BOM is ignored
732func TestScanErrors(t *testing.T) {
733	for _, e := range errors {
734		checkError(t, e.src, e.tok, e.pos, e.lit, e.err)
735	}
738// Verify that no comments show up as literal values when skipping comments.
739func TestIssue10213(t *testing.T) {
740	var src = `
741		var (
742			A = 1 // foo
743		)
745		var (
746			B = 2
747			// foo
748		)
750		var C = 3 // foo
752		var D = 4
753		// foo
755		func anycode() {
756		// foo
757		}
758	`
759	var s Scanner
760	s.Init(fset.AddFile("", fset.Base(), len(src)), []byte(src), nil, 0)
761	for {
762		pos, tok, lit := s.Scan()
763		class := tokenclass(tok)
764		if lit != "" && class != keyword && class != literal && tok != token.SEMICOLON {
765			t.Errorf("%s: tok = %s, lit = %q", fset.Position(pos), tok, lit)
766		}
767		if tok <= token.EOF {
768			break
769		}
770	}
773func BenchmarkScan(b *testing.B) {
774	b.StopTimer()
775	fset := token.NewFileSet()
776	file := fset.AddFile("", fset.Base(), len(source))
777	var s Scanner
778	b.StartTimer()
779	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
780		s.Init(file, source, nil, ScanComments)
781		for {
782			_, tok, _ := s.Scan()
783			if tok == token.EOF {
784				break
785			}
786		}
787	}
790func BenchmarkScanFile(b *testing.B) {
791	b.StopTimer()
792	const filename = "scanner.go"
793	src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
794	if err != nil {
795		panic(err)
796	}
797	fset := token.NewFileSet()
798	file := fset.AddFile(filename, fset.Base(), len(src))
799	b.SetBytes(int64(len(src)))
800	var s Scanner
801	b.StartTimer()
802	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
803		s.Init(file, src, nil, ScanComments)
804		for {
805			_, tok, _ := s.Scan()
806			if tok == token.EOF {
807				break
808			}
809		}
810	}