1! { dg-do run } 2 3 PROGRAM MAIN 4 IMPLICIT NONE 5 6! Initialize before the checkpoint, in case this produces any output. 7!$ACC PARALLEL 8!$ACC END PARALLEL 9 10 PRINT *, "CheCKpOInT" 11!$ACC PARALLEL 12 STOP "SiGN" 13!$ACC END PARALLEL 14 PRINT *, "WrONg WAy" 15 16 END PROGRAM MAIN 17 18! { dg-output "CheCKpOInT(\n|\r\n|\r)+" } 19! { dg-output "STOP SiGN(\n|\r\n|\r)+" } 20! PR85463. The "minimal" libgfortran implementation used with nvptx 21! offloading is a little bit different. 22! { dg-output "libgomp: cuStreamSynchronize error.*" { target openacc_nvidia_accel_selected } } 23! { dg-output "$" } 24! PR85463. STOP with code zero (as implied here) should actually 25! terminate the process normally, but doesn't in the "minimal" 26! libgfortran implementation used with nvptx offloading. 27! { dg-shouldfail "" { openacc_nvidia_accel_selected } } 28