1{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
3module CmmCommonBlockElim
4  ( elimCommonBlocks
5  )
9import GhcPrelude hiding (iterate, succ, unzip, zip)
11import BlockId
12import Cmm
13import CmmUtils
14import CmmSwitch (eqSwitchTargetWith)
15import CmmContFlowOpt
17import Hoopl.Block
18import Hoopl.Graph
19import Hoopl.Label
20import Hoopl.Collections
21import Data.Bits
22import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
23import qualified Data.List as List
24import Data.Word
25import qualified Data.Map as M
26import Outputable
27import qualified TrieMap as TM
28import UniqFM
29import Unique
30import Control.Arrow (first, second)
32-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
33-- Eliminate common blocks
35-- If two blocks are identical except for the label on the first node,
36-- then we can eliminate one of the blocks. To ensure that the semantics
37-- of the program are preserved, we have to rewrite each predecessor of the
38-- eliminated block to proceed with the block we keep.
40-- The algorithm iterates over the blocks in the graph,
41-- checking whether it has seen another block that is equal modulo labels.
42-- If so, then it adds an entry in a map indicating that the new block
43-- is made redundant by the old block.
44-- Otherwise, it is added to the useful blocks.
46-- To avoid comparing every block with every other block repeatedly, we group
47-- them by
48--   * a hash of the block, ignoring labels (explained below)
49--   * the list of outgoing labels
50-- The hash is invariant under relabeling, so we only ever compare within
51-- the same group of blocks.
53-- The list of outgoing labels is updated as we merge blocks (that is why they
54-- are not included in the hash, which we want to calculate only once).
56-- All in all, two blocks should never be compared if they have different
57-- hashes, and at most once otherwise. Previously, we were slower, and people
58-- rightfully complained: #10397
60-- TODO: Use optimization fuel
61elimCommonBlocks :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
62elimCommonBlocks g = replaceLabels env $ copyTicks env g
63  where
64     env = iterate mapEmpty blocks_with_key
65     -- The order of blocks doesn't matter here. While we could use
66     -- revPostorder which drops unreachable blocks this is done in
67     -- ContFlowOpt already which runs before this pass. So we use
68     -- toBlockList since it is faster.
69     groups = groupByInt hash_block (toBlockList g) :: [[CmmBlock]]
70     blocks_with_key = [ [ (successors b, [b]) | b <- bs] | bs <- groups]
72-- Invariant: The blocks in the list are pairwise distinct
73-- (so avoid comparing them again)
74type DistinctBlocks = [CmmBlock]
75type Key = [Label]
76type Subst = LabelMap BlockId
78-- The outer list groups by hash. We retain this grouping throughout.
79iterate :: Subst -> [[(Key, DistinctBlocks)]] -> Subst
80iterate subst blocks
81    | mapNull new_substs = subst
82    | otherwise = iterate subst' updated_blocks
83  where
84    grouped_blocks :: [[(Key, [DistinctBlocks])]]
85    grouped_blocks = map groupByLabel blocks
87    merged_blocks :: [[(Key, DistinctBlocks)]]
88    (new_substs, merged_blocks) = List.mapAccumL (List.mapAccumL go) mapEmpty grouped_blocks
89      where
90        go !new_subst1 (k,dbs) = (new_subst1 `mapUnion` new_subst2, (k,db))
91          where
92            (new_subst2, db) = mergeBlockList subst dbs
94    subst' = subst `mapUnion` new_substs
95    updated_blocks = map (map (first (map (lookupBid subst')))) merged_blocks
97-- Combine two lists of blocks.
98-- While they are internally distinct they can still share common blocks.
99mergeBlocks :: Subst -> DistinctBlocks -> DistinctBlocks -> (Subst, DistinctBlocks)
100mergeBlocks subst existing new = go new
101  where
102    go [] = (mapEmpty, existing)
103    go (b:bs) = case List.find (eqBlockBodyWith (eqBid subst) b) existing of
104        -- This block is a duplicate. Drop it, and add it to the substitution
105        Just b' -> first (mapInsert (entryLabel b) (entryLabel b')) $ go bs
106        -- This block is not a duplicate, keep it.
107        Nothing -> second (b:) $ go bs
109mergeBlockList :: Subst -> [DistinctBlocks] -> (Subst, DistinctBlocks)
110mergeBlockList _ [] = pprPanic "mergeBlockList" empty
111mergeBlockList subst (b:bs) = go mapEmpty b bs
112  where
113    go !new_subst1 b [] = (new_subst1, b)
114    go !new_subst1 b1 (b2:bs) = go new_subst b bs
115      where
116        (new_subst2, b) =  mergeBlocks subst b1 b2
117        new_subst = new_subst1 `mapUnion` new_subst2
120-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
121-- Hashing and equality on blocks
123-- Below here is mostly boilerplate: hashing blocks ignoring labels,
124-- and comparing blocks modulo a label mapping.
126-- To speed up comparisons, we hash each basic block modulo jump labels.
127-- The hashing is a bit arbitrary (the numbers are completely arbitrary),
128-- but it should be fast and good enough.
130-- We want to get as many small buckets as possible, as comparing blocks is
131-- expensive. So include as much as possible in the hash. Ideally everything
132-- that is compared with (==) in eqBlockBodyWith.
134type HashCode = Int
136hash_block :: CmmBlock -> HashCode
137hash_block block =
138  fromIntegral (foldBlockNodesB3 (hash_fst, hash_mid, hash_lst) block (0 :: Word32) .&. (0x7fffffff :: Word32))
139  -- UniqFM doesn't like negative Ints
140  where hash_fst _ h = h
141        hash_mid m h = hash_node m + h `shiftL` 1
142        hash_lst m h = hash_node m + h `shiftL` 1
144        hash_node :: CmmNode O x -> Word32
145        hash_node n | dont_care n = 0 -- don't care
146        hash_node (CmmAssign r e) = hash_reg r + hash_e e
147        hash_node (CmmStore e e') = hash_e e + hash_e e'
148        hash_node (CmmUnsafeForeignCall t _ as) = hash_tgt t + hash_list hash_e as
149        hash_node (CmmBranch _) = 23 -- NB. ignore the label
150        hash_node (CmmCondBranch p _ _ _) = hash_e p
151        hash_node (CmmCall e _ _ _ _ _) = hash_e e
152        hash_node (CmmForeignCall t _ _ _ _ _ _) = hash_tgt t
153        hash_node (CmmSwitch e _) = hash_e e
154        hash_node _ = error "hash_node: unknown Cmm node!"
156        hash_reg :: CmmReg -> Word32
157        hash_reg   (CmmLocal localReg) = hash_unique localReg -- important for performance, see #10397
158        hash_reg   (CmmGlobal _)    = 19
160        hash_e :: CmmExpr -> Word32
161        hash_e (CmmLit l) = hash_lit l
162        hash_e (CmmLoad e _) = 67 + hash_e e
163        hash_e (CmmReg r) = hash_reg r
164        hash_e (CmmMachOp _ es) = hash_list hash_e es -- pessimal - no operator check
165        hash_e (CmmRegOff r i) = hash_reg r + cvt i
166        hash_e (CmmStackSlot _ _) = 13
168        hash_lit :: CmmLit -> Word32
169        hash_lit (CmmInt i _) = fromInteger i
170        hash_lit (CmmFloat r _) = truncate r
171        hash_lit (CmmVec ls) = hash_list hash_lit ls
172        hash_lit (CmmLabel _) = 119 -- ugh
173        hash_lit (CmmLabelOff _ i) = cvt $ 199 + i
174        hash_lit (CmmLabelDiffOff _ _ i _) = cvt $ 299 + i
175        hash_lit (CmmBlock _) = 191 -- ugh
176        hash_lit (CmmHighStackMark) = cvt 313
178        hash_tgt (ForeignTarget e _) = hash_e e
179        hash_tgt (PrimTarget _) = 31 -- lots of these
181        hash_list f = foldl' (\z x -> f x + z) (0::Word32)
183        cvt = fromInteger . toInteger
185        hash_unique :: Uniquable a => a -> Word32
186        hash_unique = cvt . getKey . getUnique
188-- | Ignore these node types for equality
189dont_care :: CmmNode O x -> Bool
190dont_care CmmComment {}  = True
191dont_care CmmTick {}     = True
192dont_care CmmUnwind {}   = True
193dont_care _other         = False
195-- Utilities: equality and substitution on the graph.
197-- Given a map ``subst'' from BlockID -> BlockID, we define equality.
198eqBid :: LabelMap BlockId -> BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool
199eqBid subst bid bid' = lookupBid subst bid == lookupBid subst bid'
200lookupBid :: LabelMap BlockId -> BlockId -> BlockId
201lookupBid subst bid = case mapLookup bid subst of
202                        Just bid  -> lookupBid subst bid
203                        Nothing -> bid
205-- Middle nodes and expressions can contain BlockIds, in particular in
206-- CmmStackSlot and CmmBlock, so we have to use a special equality for
207-- these.
209eqMiddleWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool)
210             -> CmmNode O O -> CmmNode O O -> Bool
211eqMiddleWith eqBid (CmmAssign r1 e1) (CmmAssign r2 e2)
212  = r1 == r2 && eqExprWith eqBid e1 e2
213eqMiddleWith eqBid (CmmStore l1 r1) (CmmStore l2 r2)
214  = eqExprWith eqBid l1 l2 && eqExprWith eqBid r1 r2
215eqMiddleWith eqBid (CmmUnsafeForeignCall t1 r1 a1)
216                   (CmmUnsafeForeignCall t2 r2 a2)
217  = t1 == t2 && r1 == r2 && eqListWith (eqExprWith eqBid) a1 a2
218eqMiddleWith _ _ _ = False
220eqExprWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool)
221           -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Bool
222eqExprWith eqBid = eq
223 where
224  CmmLit l1          `eq` CmmLit l2          = eqLit l1 l2
225  CmmLoad e1 _       `eq` CmmLoad e2 _       = e1 `eq` e2
226  CmmReg r1          `eq` CmmReg r2          = r1==r2
227  CmmRegOff r1 i1    `eq` CmmRegOff r2 i2    = r1==r2 && i1==i2
228  CmmMachOp op1 es1  `eq` CmmMachOp op2 es2  = op1==op2 && es1 `eqs` es2
229  CmmStackSlot a1 i1 `eq` CmmStackSlot a2 i2 = eqArea a1 a2 && i1==i2
230  _e1                `eq` _e2                = False
232  xs `eqs` ys = eqListWith eq xs ys
234  eqLit (CmmBlock id1) (CmmBlock id2) = eqBid id1 id2
235  eqLit l1 l2 = l1 == l2
237  eqArea Old Old = True
238  eqArea (Young id1) (Young id2) = eqBid id1 id2
239  eqArea _ _ = False
241-- Equality on the body of a block, modulo a function mapping block
242-- IDs to block IDs.
243eqBlockBodyWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool) -> CmmBlock -> CmmBlock -> Bool
244eqBlockBodyWith eqBid block block'
245  {-
246  | equal     = pprTrace "equal" (vcat [ppr block, ppr block']) True
247  | otherwise = pprTrace "not equal" (vcat [ppr block, ppr block']) False
248  -}
249  = equal
250  where (_,m,l)   = blockSplit block
251        nodes     = filter (not . dont_care) (blockToList m)
252        (_,m',l') = blockSplit block'
253        nodes'    = filter (not . dont_care) (blockToList m')
255        equal = eqListWith (eqMiddleWith eqBid) nodes nodes' &&
256                eqLastWith eqBid l l'
259eqLastWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool) -> CmmNode O C -> CmmNode O C -> Bool
260eqLastWith eqBid (CmmBranch bid1) (CmmBranch bid2) = eqBid bid1 bid2
261eqLastWith eqBid (CmmCondBranch c1 t1 f1 l1) (CmmCondBranch c2 t2 f2 l2) =
262  c1 == c2 && l1 == l2 && eqBid t1 t2 && eqBid f1 f2
263eqLastWith eqBid (CmmCall t1 c1 g1 a1 r1 u1) (CmmCall t2 c2 g2 a2 r2 u2) =
264  t1 == t2 && eqMaybeWith eqBid c1 c2 && a1 == a2 && r1 == r2 && u1 == u2 && g1 == g2
265eqLastWith eqBid (CmmSwitch e1 ids1) (CmmSwitch e2 ids2) =
266  e1 == e2 && eqSwitchTargetWith eqBid ids1 ids2
267eqLastWith _ _ _ = False
269eqMaybeWith :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Bool
270eqMaybeWith eltEq (Just e) (Just e') = eltEq e e'
271eqMaybeWith _ Nothing Nothing = True
272eqMaybeWith _ _ _ = False
274eqListWith :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> [a] -> [b] -> Bool
275eqListWith f (a : as) (b : bs) = f a b && eqListWith f as bs
276eqListWith _ []       []       = True
277eqListWith _ _        _        = False
279-- | Given a block map, ensure that all "target" blocks are covered by
280-- the same ticks as the respective "source" blocks. This not only
281-- means copying ticks, but also adjusting tick scopes where
282-- necessary.
283copyTicks :: LabelMap BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
284copyTicks env g
285  | mapNull env = g
286  | otherwise   = ofBlockMap (g_entry g) $ mapMap copyTo blockMap
287  where -- Reverse block merge map
288        blockMap = toBlockMap g
289        revEnv = mapFoldlWithKey insertRev M.empty env
290        insertRev m k x = M.insertWith (const (k:)) x [k] m
291        -- Copy ticks and scopes into the given block
292        copyTo block = case M.lookup (entryLabel block) revEnv of
293          Nothing -> block
294          Just ls -> foldr copy block $ mapMaybe (flip mapLookup blockMap) ls
295        copy from to =
296          let ticks = blockTicks from
297              CmmEntry  _   scp0        = firstNode from
298              (CmmEntry lbl scp1, code) = blockSplitHead to
299          in CmmEntry lbl (combineTickScopes scp0 scp1) `blockJoinHead`
300             foldr blockCons code (map CmmTick ticks)
302-- Group by [Label]
303-- See Note [Compressed TrieMap] in coreSyn/TrieMap about the usage of GenMap.
304groupByLabel :: [(Key, DistinctBlocks)] -> [(Key, [DistinctBlocks])]
305groupByLabel =
306  go (TM.emptyTM :: TM.ListMap (TM.GenMap LabelMap) (Key, [DistinctBlocks]))
307    where
308      go !m [] = TM.foldTM (:) m []
309      go !m ((k,v) : entries) = go (TM.alterTM k adjust m) entries
310        where --k' = map (getKey . getUnique) k
311              adjust Nothing       = Just (k,[v])
312              adjust (Just (_,vs)) = Just (k,v:vs)
314groupByInt :: (a -> Int) -> [a] -> [[a]]
315groupByInt f xs = nonDetEltsUFM $ List.foldl' go emptyUFM xs
316   -- See Note [Unique Determinism and code generation]
317  where
318    go m x = alterUFM addEntry m (f x)
319      where
320        addEntry xs = Just $! maybe [x] (x:) xs