2{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4-- |
5-- Module      :  Distribution.Client.InstallSymlink
6-- Copyright   :  (c) Duncan Coutts 2008
7-- License     :  BSD-like
9-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
10-- Stability   :  provisional
11-- Portability :  portable
13-- Managing installing binaries with symlinks.
15module Distribution.Client.InstallSymlink (
16    OverwritePolicy(..),
17    symlinkBinaries,
18    symlinkBinary,
19  ) where
21#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
23import Distribution.Compat.Binary
24         ( Binary )
25import Distribution.Utils.Structured
26         ( Structured )
28import Distribution.Package (PackageIdentifier)
29import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
30import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan (InstallPlan)
31import Distribution.Client.Types (BuildOutcomes)
32import Distribution.Client.Setup (InstallFlags)
33import Distribution.Simple.Setup (ConfigFlags)
34import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
35import Distribution.System
36import GHC.Generics (Generic)
38data OverwritePolicy = NeverOverwrite | AlwaysOverwrite
39  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Bounded, Enum)
41instance Binary OverwritePolicy
42instance Structured OverwritePolicy
44symlinkBinaries :: Platform -> Compiler
45                -> OverwritePolicy
46                -> ConfigFlags
47                -> InstallFlags
48                -> InstallPlan
49                -> BuildOutcomes
50                -> IO [(PackageIdentifier, UnqualComponentName, FilePath)]
51symlinkBinaries _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = return []
53symlinkBinary :: OverwritePolicy
54              -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> String
55              -> IO Bool
56symlinkBinary _ _ _ _ _ = fail "Symlinking feature not available on Windows"
60import Distribution.Compat.Binary
61         ( Binary )
62import Distribution.Utils.Structured
63         ( Structured )
65import Distribution.Client.Types
66         ( ConfiguredPackage(..), BuildOutcomes )
67import Distribution.Client.Setup
68         ( InstallFlags(installSymlinkBinDir) )
69import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
70import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan (InstallPlan)
72import Distribution.Solver.Types.SourcePackage
73import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza
75import Distribution.Package
76         ( PackageIdentifier, Package(packageId), UnitId, installedUnitId )
77import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
78import Distribution.Compiler
79         ( CompilerId(..) )
80import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PackageDescription
81import Distribution.PackageDescription
82         ( PackageDescription )
83import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
84         ( finalizePD )
85import Distribution.Simple.Setup
86         ( ConfigFlags(..), fromFlag, fromFlagOrDefault, flagToMaybe )
87import qualified Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs as InstallDirs
88import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
89         ( Compiler, compilerInfo, CompilerInfo(..) )
90import Distribution.System
91         ( Platform )
92import Distribution.Deprecated.Text
93         ( display )
95import System.Posix.Files
96         ( getSymbolicLinkStatus, isSymbolicLink, createSymbolicLink
97         , removeLink )
98import System.Directory
99         ( canonicalizePath )
100import System.FilePath
101         ( (</>), splitPath, joinPath, isAbsolute )
103import Prelude hiding (ioError)
104import System.IO.Error
105         ( isDoesNotExistError, ioError )
106import Distribution.Compat.Exception ( catchIO )
107import Control.Exception
108         ( assert )
109import Data.Maybe
110         ( catMaybes )
111import GHC.Generics
112         ( Generic )
114data OverwritePolicy = NeverOverwrite | AlwaysOverwrite
115  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Bounded, Enum)
117instance Binary OverwritePolicy
118instance Structured OverwritePolicy
120-- | We would like by default to install binaries into some location that is on
121-- the user's PATH. For per-user installations on Unix systems that basically
122-- means the @~/bin/@ directory. On the majority of platforms the @~/bin/@
123-- directory will be on the user's PATH. However some people are a bit nervous
124-- about letting a package manager install programs into @~/bin/@.
126-- A compromise solution is that instead of installing binaries directly into
127-- @~/bin/@, we could install them in a private location under @~/.cabal/bin@
128-- and then create symlinks in @~/bin/@. We can be careful when setting up the
129-- symlinks that we do not overwrite any binary that the user installed. We can
130-- check if it was a symlink we made because it would point to the private dir
131-- where we install our binaries. This means we can install normally without
132-- worrying and in a later phase set up symlinks, and if that fails then we
133-- report it to the user, but even in this case the package is still in an OK
134-- installed state.
136-- This is an optional feature that users can choose to use or not. It is
137-- controlled from the config file. Of course it only works on POSIX systems
138-- with symlinks so is not available to Windows users.
140symlinkBinaries :: Platform -> Compiler
141                -> OverwritePolicy
142                -> ConfigFlags
143                -> InstallFlags
144                -> InstallPlan
145                -> BuildOutcomes
146                -> IO [(PackageIdentifier, UnqualComponentName, FilePath)]
147symlinkBinaries platform comp overwritePolicy
148                configFlags installFlags
149                plan buildOutcomes =
150  case flagToMaybe (installSymlinkBinDir installFlags) of
151    Nothing            -> return []
152    Just symlinkBinDir
153           | null exes -> return []
154           | otherwise -> do
155      publicBinDir  <- canonicalizePath symlinkBinDir
156--    TODO: do we want to do this here? :
157--      createDirectoryIfMissing True publicBinDir
158      fmap catMaybes $ sequence
159        [ do privateBinDir <- pkgBinDir pkg ipid
160             ok <- symlinkBinary
161                     overwritePolicy
162                     publicBinDir  privateBinDir
163                     (display publicExeName) privateExeName
164             if ok
165               then return Nothing
166               else return (Just (pkgid, publicExeName,
167                                  privateBinDir </> privateExeName))
168        | (rpkg, pkg, exe) <- exes
169        , let pkgid  = packageId pkg
170              -- This is a bit dodgy; probably won't work for Backpack packages
171              ipid = installedUnitId rpkg
172              publicExeName  = PackageDescription.exeName exe
173              privateExeName = prefix ++ unUnqualComponentName publicExeName ++ suffix
174              prefix = substTemplate pkgid ipid prefixTemplate
175              suffix = substTemplate pkgid ipid suffixTemplate ]
176  where
177    exes =
178      [ (cpkg, pkg, exe)
179      | InstallPlan.Configured cpkg <- InstallPlan.toList plan
180      , case InstallPlan.lookupBuildOutcome cpkg buildOutcomes of
181          Just (Right _success) -> True
182          _                     -> False
183      , let pkg :: PackageDescription
184            pkg = pkgDescription cpkg
185      , exe <- PackageDescription.executables pkg
186      , PackageDescription.buildable (PackageDescription.buildInfo exe) ]
188    pkgDescription (ConfiguredPackage _ (SourcePackage _ pkg _ _)
189                                      flags stanzas _) =
190      case finalizePD flags (enableStanzas stanzas)
191             (const True)
192             platform cinfo [] pkg of
193        Left _ -> error "finalizePD ReadyPackage failed"
194        Right (desc, _) -> desc
196    -- This is sadly rather complicated. We're kind of re-doing part of the
197    -- configuration for the package. :-(
198    pkgBinDir :: PackageDescription -> UnitId -> IO FilePath
199    pkgBinDir pkg ipid = do
200      defaultDirs <- InstallDirs.defaultInstallDirs
201                       compilerFlavor
202                       (fromFlag (configUserInstall configFlags))
203                       (PackageDescription.hasLibs pkg)
204      let templateDirs = InstallDirs.combineInstallDirs fromFlagOrDefault
205                           defaultDirs (configInstallDirs configFlags)
206          absoluteDirs = InstallDirs.absoluteInstallDirs
207                           (packageId pkg) ipid
208                           cinfo InstallDirs.NoCopyDest
209                           platform templateDirs
210      canonicalizePath (InstallDirs.bindir absoluteDirs)
212    substTemplate pkgid ipid = InstallDirs.fromPathTemplate
213                             . InstallDirs.substPathTemplate env
214      where env = InstallDirs.initialPathTemplateEnv pkgid ipid
215                                                     cinfo platform
217    fromFlagTemplate = fromFlagOrDefault (InstallDirs.toPathTemplate "")
218    prefixTemplate   = fromFlagTemplate (configProgPrefix configFlags)
219    suffixTemplate   = fromFlagTemplate (configProgSuffix configFlags)
220    cinfo            = compilerInfo comp
221    (CompilerId compilerFlavor _) = compilerInfoId cinfo
223symlinkBinary ::
224  OverwritePolicy        -- ^ Whether to force overwrite an existing file
225  -> FilePath            -- ^ The canonical path of the public bin dir eg
226                         --   @/home/user/bin@
227  -> FilePath            -- ^ The canonical path of the private bin dir eg
228                         --   @/home/user/.cabal/bin@
229  -> FilePath            -- ^ The name of the executable to go in the public bin
230                         --   dir, eg @foo@
231  -> String              -- ^ The name of the executable to in the private bin
232                         --   dir, eg @foo-1.0@
233  -> IO Bool             -- ^ If creating the symlink was successful. @False@ if
234                         --   there was another file there already that we did
235                         --   not own. Other errors like permission errors just
236                         --   propagate as exceptions.
237symlinkBinary overwritePolicy publicBindir privateBindir publicName privateName = do
238  ok <- targetOkToOverwrite (publicBindir </> publicName)
239                            (privateBindir </> privateName)
240  case ok of
241    NotExists         ->           mkLink >> return True
242    OkToOverwrite     -> rmLink >> mkLink >> return True
243    NotOurFile ->
244      case overwritePolicy of
245        NeverOverwrite  ->                     return False
246        AlwaysOverwrite -> rmLink >> mkLink >> return True
247  where
248    relativeBindir = makeRelative publicBindir privateBindir
249    mkLink = createSymbolicLink (relativeBindir </> privateName)
250                                (publicBindir   </> publicName)
251    rmLink = removeLink (publicBindir </> publicName)
253-- | Check a file path of a symlink that we would like to create to see if it
254-- is OK. For it to be OK to overwrite it must either not already exist yet or
255-- be a symlink to our target (in which case we can assume ownership).
257targetOkToOverwrite :: FilePath -- ^ The file path of the symlink to the private
258                                -- binary that we would like to create
259                    -> FilePath -- ^ The canonical path of the private binary.
260                                -- Use 'canonicalizePath' to make this.
261                    -> IO SymlinkStatus
262targetOkToOverwrite symlink target = handleNotExist $ do
263  status <- getSymbolicLinkStatus symlink
264  if not (isSymbolicLink status)
265    then return NotOurFile
266    else do target' <- canonicalizePath symlink
267            -- This relies on canonicalizePath handling symlinks
268            if target == target'
269              then return OkToOverwrite
270              else return NotOurFile
272  where
273    handleNotExist action = catchIO action $ \ioexception ->
274      -- If the target doesn't exist then there's no problem overwriting it!
275      if isDoesNotExistError ioexception
276        then return NotExists
277        else ioError ioexception
279data SymlinkStatus
280   = NotExists     -- ^ The file doesn't exist so we can make a symlink.
281   | OkToOverwrite -- ^ A symlink already exists, though it is ours. We'll
282                   -- have to delete it first before we make a new symlink.
283   | NotOurFile    -- ^ A file already exists and it is not one of our existing
284                   -- symlinks (either because it is not a symlink or because
285                   -- it points somewhere other than our managed space).
286  deriving Show
288-- | Take two canonical paths and produce a relative path to get from the first
289-- to the second, even if it means adding @..@ path components.
291makeRelative :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
292makeRelative a b = assert (isAbsolute a && isAbsolute b) $
293  let as = splitPath a
294      bs = splitPath b
295      commonLen = length $ takeWhile id $ zipWith (==) as bs
296   in joinPath $ [ ".." | _  <- drop commonLen as ]
297              ++ drop commonLen bs