1{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns,
2             DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
3             ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5module Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanOutput (
6    -- * Plan output
7    writePlanExternalRepresentation,
9    -- * Project status
10    -- | Several outputs rely on having a general overview of
11    PostBuildProjectStatus(..),
12    updatePostBuildProjectStatus,
13    createPackageEnvironment,
14    writePlanGhcEnvironment,
15    argsEquivalentOfGhcEnvironmentFile,
16  ) where
18import           Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning.Types
19import           Distribution.Client.ProjectBuilding.Types
20import           Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout
21import           Distribution.Client.Types (Repo(..), RemoteRepo(..), PackageLocation(..), confInstId)
22import           Distribution.Client.HashValue (showHashValue, hashValue)
23import           Distribution.Client.SourceRepo (SourceRepoMaybe, SourceRepositoryPackage (..))
25import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
26import qualified Distribution.Client.Utils.Json as J
27import qualified Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs as InstallDirs
29import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps as ComponentDeps
31import           Distribution.Package
32import           Distribution.System
33import           Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo (InstalledPackageInfo)
34import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
35import           Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor(GHC, GHCJS))
36import           Distribution.Simple.Compiler
37                   ( PackageDBStack, PackageDB(..)
38                   , compilerVersion, compilerFlavor, showCompilerId
39                   , compilerId, CompilerId(..), Compiler )
40import           Distribution.Simple.GHC
41                   ( getImplInfo, GhcImplInfo(supportsPkgEnvFiles)
42                   , GhcEnvironmentFileEntry(..), simpleGhcEnvironmentFile
43                   , writeGhcEnvironmentFile )
44import           Distribution.Deprecated.Text
45import qualified Distribution.Compat.Graph as Graph
46import           Distribution.Compat.Graph (Graph, Node)
47import qualified Distribution.Compat.Binary as Binary
48import           Distribution.Simple.Utils
49import           Distribution.Verbosity
50import qualified Paths_cabal_install as Our (version)
52import Prelude ()
53import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude
55import qualified Data.Map as Map
56import qualified Data.Set as Set
57import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
58import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
60import           System.FilePath
61import           System.IO
63import Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC (packageDbArgsDb)
66-- Writing plan.json files
69-- | Write out a representation of the elaborated install plan.
71-- This is for the benefit of debugging and external tools like editors.
73writePlanExternalRepresentation :: DistDirLayout
74                                -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
75                                -> ElaboratedSharedConfig
76                                -> IO ()
77writePlanExternalRepresentation distDirLayout elaboratedInstallPlan
78                                elaboratedSharedConfig =
79    writeFileAtomic (distProjectCacheFile distDirLayout "plan.json") $
80        BB.toLazyByteString
81      . J.encodeToBuilder
82      $ encodePlanAsJson distDirLayout elaboratedInstallPlan elaboratedSharedConfig
84-- | Renders a subset of the elaborated install plan in a semi-stable JSON
85-- format.
87encodePlanAsJson :: DistDirLayout -> ElaboratedInstallPlan -> ElaboratedSharedConfig -> J.Value
88encodePlanAsJson distDirLayout elaboratedInstallPlan elaboratedSharedConfig =
89    --TODO: [nice to have] include all of the sharedPackageConfig and all of
90    --      the parts of the elaboratedInstallPlan
91    J.object [ "cabal-version"     J..= jdisplay Our.version
92             , "cabal-lib-version" J..= jdisplay cabalVersion
93             , "compiler-id"       J..= (J.String . showCompilerId . pkgConfigCompiler)
94                                        elaboratedSharedConfig
95             , "os"                J..= jdisplay os
96             , "arch"              J..= jdisplay arch
97             , "install-plan"      J..= installPlanToJ elaboratedInstallPlan
98             ]
99  where
100    Platform arch os = pkgConfigPlatform elaboratedSharedConfig
102    installPlanToJ :: ElaboratedInstallPlan -> [J.Value]
103    installPlanToJ = map planPackageToJ . InstallPlan.toList
105    planPackageToJ :: ElaboratedPlanPackage -> J.Value
106    planPackageToJ pkg =
107      case pkg of
108        InstallPlan.PreExisting ipi -> installedPackageInfoToJ ipi
109        InstallPlan.Configured elab -> elaboratedPackageToJ False elab
110        InstallPlan.Installed  elab -> elaboratedPackageToJ True  elab
111        -- Note that the plan.json currently only uses the elaborated plan,
112        -- not the improved plan. So we will not get the Installed state for
113        -- that case, but the code supports it in case we want to use this
114        -- later in some use case where we want the status of the build.
116    installedPackageInfoToJ :: InstalledPackageInfo -> J.Value
117    installedPackageInfoToJ ipi =
118      -- Pre-existing packages lack configuration information such as their flag
119      -- settings or non-lib components. We only get pre-existing packages for
120      -- the global/core packages however, so this isn't generally a problem.
121      -- So these packages are never local to the project.
122      --
123      J.object
124        [ "type"       J..= J.String "pre-existing"
125        , "id"         J..= (jdisplay . installedUnitId) ipi
126        , "pkg-name"   J..= (jdisplay . pkgName . packageId) ipi
127        , "pkg-version" J..= (jdisplay . pkgVersion . packageId) ipi
128        , "depends"    J..= map jdisplay (installedDepends ipi)
129        ]
131    elaboratedPackageToJ :: Bool -> ElaboratedConfiguredPackage -> J.Value
132    elaboratedPackageToJ isInstalled elab =
133      J.object $
134        [ "type"       J..= J.String (if isInstalled then "installed"
135                                                     else "configured")
136        , "id"         J..= (jdisplay . installedUnitId) elab
137        , "pkg-name"   J..= (jdisplay . pkgName . packageId) elab
138        , "pkg-version" J..= (jdisplay . pkgVersion . packageId) elab
139        , "flags"      J..= J.object [ PD.unFlagName fn J..= v
140                                     | (fn,v) <- PD.unFlagAssignment (elabFlagAssignment elab) ]
141        , "style"      J..= J.String (style2str (elabLocalToProject elab) (elabBuildStyle elab))
142        , "pkg-src"    J..= packageLocationToJ (elabPkgSourceLocation elab)
143        ] ++
144        [ "pkg-cabal-sha256" J..= J.String (showHashValue hash)
145        | Just hash <- [ fmap hashValue (elabPkgDescriptionOverride elab) ] ] ++
146        [ "pkg-src-sha256" J..= J.String (showHashValue hash)
147        | Just hash <- [elabPkgSourceHash elab] ] ++
148        (case elabBuildStyle elab of
149            BuildInplaceOnly ->
150                ["dist-dir"   J..= J.String dist_dir]
151            BuildAndInstall ->
152                -- TODO: install dirs?
153                []
154            ) ++
155        case elabPkgOrComp elab of
156          ElabPackage pkg ->
157            let components = J.object $
158                  [ comp2str c J..= (J.object $
159                    [ "depends"     J..= map (jdisplay . confInstId) ldeps
160                    , "exe-depends" J..= map (jdisplay . confInstId) edeps
161                    ] ++
162                    bin_file c)
163                  | (c,(ldeps,edeps))
164                      <- ComponentDeps.toList $
165                         ComponentDeps.zip (pkgLibDependencies pkg)
166                                           (pkgExeDependencies pkg) ]
167            in ["components" J..= components]
168          ElabComponent comp ->
169            ["depends"     J..= map (jdisplay . confInstId) (elabLibDependencies elab)
170            ,"exe-depends" J..= map jdisplay (elabExeDependencies elab)
171            ,"component-name" J..= J.String (comp2str (compSolverName comp))
172            ] ++
173            bin_file (compSolverName comp)
174     where
175      packageLocationToJ :: PackageLocation (Maybe FilePath) -> J.Value
176      packageLocationToJ pkgloc =
177        case pkgloc of
178          LocalUnpackedPackage local ->
179            J.object [ "type" J..= J.String "local"
180                     , "path" J..= J.String local
181                     ]
182          LocalTarballPackage local ->
183            J.object [ "type" J..= J.String "local-tar"
184                     , "path" J..= J.String local
185                     ]
186          RemoteTarballPackage uri _ ->
187            J.object [ "type" J..= J.String "remote-tar"
188                     , "uri"  J..= J.String (show uri)
189                     ]
190          RepoTarballPackage repo _ _ ->
191            J.object [ "type" J..= J.String "repo-tar"
192                     , "repo" J..= repoToJ repo
193                     ]
194          RemoteSourceRepoPackage srcRepo _ ->
195            J.object [ "type" J..= J.String "source-repo"
196                     , "source-repo" J..= sourceRepoToJ srcRepo
197                     ]
199      repoToJ :: Repo -> J.Value
200      repoToJ repo =
201        case repo of
202          RepoLocal{..} ->
203            J.object [ "type" J..= J.String "local-repo"
204                     , "path" J..= J.String repoLocalDir
205                     ]
206          RepoLocalNoIndex{..} ->
207            J.object [ "type" J..= J.String "local-repo-no-index"
208                     , "path" J..= J.String repoLocalDir
209                     ]
210          RepoRemote{..} ->
211            J.object [ "type" J..= J.String "remote-repo"
212                     , "uri"  J..= J.String (show (remoteRepoURI repoRemote))
213                     ]
214          RepoSecure{..} ->
215            J.object [ "type" J..= J.String "secure-repo"
216                     , "uri"  J..= J.String (show (remoteRepoURI repoRemote))
217                     ]
219      sourceRepoToJ :: SourceRepoMaybe -> J.Value
220      sourceRepoToJ SourceRepositoryPackage{..} =
221        J.object $ filter ((/= J.Null) . snd) $
222          [ "type"     J..= jdisplay srpType
223          , "location" J..= J.String srpLocation
224          , "branch"   J..= fmap J.String srpBranch
225          , "tag"      J..= fmap J.String srpTag
226          , "subdir"   J..= fmap J.String srpSubdir
227          ]
229      dist_dir = distBuildDirectory distDirLayout
230                    (elabDistDirParams elaboratedSharedConfig elab)
232      bin_file c = case c of
233        ComponentDeps.ComponentExe s   -> bin_file' s
234        ComponentDeps.ComponentTest s  -> bin_file' s
235        ComponentDeps.ComponentBench s -> bin_file' s
236        _ -> []
237      bin_file' s =
238        ["bin-file" J..= J.String bin]
239       where
240        bin = if elabBuildStyle elab == BuildInplaceOnly
241               then dist_dir </> "build" </> display s </> display s
242               else InstallDirs.bindir (elabInstallDirs elab) </> display s
244    -- TODO: maybe move this helper to "ComponentDeps" module?
245    --       Or maybe define a 'Text' instance?
246    comp2str :: ComponentDeps.Component -> String
247    comp2str c = case c of
248        ComponentDeps.ComponentLib     -> "lib"
249        ComponentDeps.ComponentSubLib s -> "lib:"   <> display s
250        ComponentDeps.ComponentFLib s  -> "flib:"  <> display s
251        ComponentDeps.ComponentExe s   -> "exe:"   <> display s
252        ComponentDeps.ComponentTest s  -> "test:"  <> display s
253        ComponentDeps.ComponentBench s -> "bench:" <> display s
254        ComponentDeps.ComponentSetup   -> "setup"
256    style2str :: Bool -> BuildStyle -> String
257    style2str True  _                = "local"
258    style2str False BuildInplaceOnly = "inplace"
259    style2str False BuildAndInstall  = "global"
261    jdisplay :: Text a => a -> J.Value
262    jdisplay = J.String . display
266-- Project status
269-- So, what is the status of a project after a build? That is, how do the
270-- inputs (package source files etc) compare to the output artefacts (build
271-- libs, exes etc)? Do the outputs reflect the current values of the inputs
272-- or are outputs out of date or invalid?
274-- First of all, what do we mean by out-of-date and what do we mean by
275-- invalid? We think of the build system as a morally pure function that
276-- computes the output artefacts given input values. We say an output artefact
277-- is out of date when its value is not the value that would be computed by a
278-- build given the current values of the inputs. An output artefact can be
279-- out-of-date but still be perfectly usable; it simply correspond to a
280-- previous state of the inputs.
282-- On the other hand there are cases where output artefacts cannot safely be
283-- used. For example libraries and dynamically linked executables cannot be
284-- used when the libs they depend on change without them being recompiled
285-- themselves. Whether an artefact is still usable depends on what it is, e.g.
286-- dynamically linked vs statically linked and on how it gets updated (e.g.
287-- only atomically on success or if failure can leave invalid states). We need
288-- a definition (or two) that is independent of the kind of artefact and can
289-- be computed just in terms of changes in package graphs, but are still
290-- useful for determining when particular kinds of artefacts are invalid.
292-- Note that when we talk about packages in this context we just mean nodes
293-- in the elaborated install plan, which can be components or packages.
295-- There's obviously a close connection between packages being out of date and
296-- their output artefacts being unusable: most of the time if a package
297-- remains out of date at the end of a build then some of its output artefacts
298-- will be unusable. That is true most of the time because a build will have
299-- attempted to build one of the out-of-date package's dependencies. If the
300-- build of the dependency succeeded then it changed output artefacts (like
301-- libs) and if it failed then it may have failed after already changing
302-- things (think failure after updating some but not all .hi files).
304-- There are a few reasons we may end up with still-usable output artefacts
305-- for a package even when it remains out of date at the end of a build.
306-- Firstly if executing a plan fails then packages can be skipped, and thus we
307-- may have packages where all their dependencies were skipped. Secondly we
308-- have artefacts like statically linked executables which are not affected by
309-- libs they depend on being recompiled. Furthermore, packages can be out of
310-- date due to changes in build tools or Setup.hs scripts they depend on, but
311-- again libraries or executables in those out-of-date packages remain usable.
313-- So we have two useful definitions of invalid. Both are useful, for
314-- different purposes, so we will compute both. The first corresponds to the
315-- invalid libraries and dynamic executables. We say a package is invalid by
316-- changed deps if any of the packages it depends on (via library dep edges)
317-- were rebuilt (successfully or unsuccessfully). The second definition
318-- corresponds to invalid static executables. We say a package is invalid by
319-- a failed build simply if the package was built but unsuccessfully.
321-- So how do we find out what packages are out of date or invalid?
323-- Obviously we know something for all the packages that were part of the plan
324-- that was executed, but that is just a subset since we prune the plan down
325-- to the targets and their dependencies.
327-- Recall the steps we go though:
329-- + starting with the initial improved plan (this is the full project);
331-- + prune the plan to the user's build targets;
333-- + rebuildTargetsDryRun on the pruned plan giving us a BuildStatusMap
334--   covering the pruned subset of the original plan;
336-- + execute the plan giving us BuildOutcomes which tell us success/failure
337--   for each package.
339-- So given that the BuildStatusMap and BuildOutcomes do not cover everything
340-- in the original plan, what can they tell us about the original plan?
342-- The BuildStatusMap tells us directly that some packages are up to date and
343-- others out of date (but only for the pruned subset). But we know that
344-- everything that is a reverse dependency of an out-of-date package is itself
345-- out-of-date (whether or not it is in the pruned subset). Of course after
346-- a build the BuildOutcomes may tell us that some of those out-of-date
347-- packages are now up to date (ie a successful build outcome).
349-- The difference is packages that are reverse dependencies of out-of-date
350-- packages but are not brought up-to-date by the build (i.e. did not have
351-- successful outcomes, either because they failed or were not in the pruned
352-- subset to be built). We also know which packages were rebuilt, so we can
353-- use this to find the now-invalid packages.
355-- Note that there are still packages for which we cannot discover full status
356-- information. There may be packages outside of the pruned plan that do not
357-- depend on packages within the pruned plan that were discovered to be
358-- out-of-date. For these packages we do not know if their build artefacts
359-- are out-of-date or not. We do know however that they are not invalid, as
360-- that's not possible given our definition of invalid. Intuitively it is
361-- because we have not disturbed anything that these packages depend on, e.g.
362-- we've not rebuilt any libs they depend on. Recall that our widest
363-- definition of invalid was only concerned about dependencies on libraries
364-- (to cover problems like shared libs or GHC seeing inconsistent .hi files).
366-- So our algorithm for out-of-date packages is relatively simple: take the
367-- reverse dependency closure in the original improved plan (pre-pruning) of
368-- the out-of-date packages (as determined by the BuildStatusMap from the dry
369-- run). That gives a set of packages that were definitely out of date after
370-- the dry run. Now we remove from this set the packages that the
371-- BuildOutcomes tells us are now up-to-date after the build. The remaining
372-- set is the out-of-date packages.
374-- As for packages that are invalid by changed deps, we start with the plan
375-- dependency graph but keep only those edges that point to libraries (so
376-- ignoring deps on exes and setup scripts). We take the packages for which a
377-- build was attempted (successfully or unsuccessfully, but not counting
378-- knock-on failures) and take the reverse dependency closure. We delete from
379-- this set all the packages that were built successfully. Note that we do not
380-- need to intersect with the out-of-date packages since this follows
381-- automatically: all rev deps of packages we attempted to build must have
382-- been out of date at the start of the build, and if they were not built
383-- successfully then they're still out of date -- meeting our definition of
384-- invalid.
387type PackageIdSet     = Set UnitId
388type PackagesUpToDate = PackageIdSet
390data PostBuildProjectStatus = PostBuildProjectStatus {
392       -- | Packages that are known to be up to date. These were found to be
393       -- up to date before the build, or they have a successful build outcome
394       -- afterwards.
395       --
396       -- This does not include any packages outside of the subset of the plan
397       -- that was executed because we did not check those and so don't know
398       -- for sure that they're still up to date.
399       --
400       packagesDefinitelyUpToDate :: PackageIdSet,
402       -- | Packages that are probably still up to date (and at least not
403       -- known to be out of date, and certainly not invalid). This includes
404       -- 'packagesDefinitelyUpToDate' plus packages that were up to date
405       -- previously and are outside of the subset of the plan that was
406       -- executed. It excludes 'packagesOutOfDate'.
407       --
408       packagesProbablyUpToDate :: PackageIdSet,
410       -- | Packages that are known to be out of date. These are packages
411       -- that were determined to be out of date before the build, and they
412       -- do not have a successful build outcome afterwards.
413       --
414       -- Note that this can sometimes include packages outside of the subset
415       -- of the plan that was executed. For example suppose package A and B
416       -- depend on C, and A is the target so only A and C are in the subset
417       -- to be built. Now suppose C is found to have changed, then both A
418       -- and B are out-of-date before the build and since B is outside the
419       -- subset to be built then it will remain out of date.
420       --
421       -- Note also that this is /not/ the inverse of
422       -- 'packagesDefinitelyUpToDate' or 'packagesProbablyUpToDate'.
423       -- There are packages where we have no information (ones that were not
424       -- in the subset of the plan that was executed).
425       --
426       packagesOutOfDate :: PackageIdSet,
428       -- | Packages that depend on libraries that have changed during the
429       -- build (either build success or failure).
430       --
431       -- This corresponds to the fact that libraries and dynamic executables
432       -- are invalid once any of the libs they depend on change.
433       --
434       -- This does include packages that themselves failed (i.e. it is a
435       -- superset of 'packagesInvalidByFailedBuild'). It does not include
436       -- changes in dependencies on executables (i.e. build tools).
437       --
438       packagesInvalidByChangedLibDeps :: PackageIdSet,
440       -- | Packages that themselves failed during the build (i.e. them
441       -- directly not a dep).
442       --
443       -- This corresponds to the fact that static executables are invalid
444       -- in unlucky circumstances such as linking failing half way though,
445       -- or data file generation failing.
446       --
447       -- This is a subset of 'packagesInvalidByChangedLibDeps'.
448       --
449       packagesInvalidByFailedBuild :: PackageIdSet,
451       -- | A subset of the plan graph, including only dependency-on-library
452       -- edges. That is, dependencies /on/ libraries, not dependencies /of/
453       -- libraries. This tells us all the libraries that packages link to.
454       --
455       -- This is here as a convenience, as strictly speaking it's not status
456       -- as it's just a function of the original 'ElaboratedInstallPlan'.
457       --
458       packagesLibDepGraph :: Graph (Node UnitId ElaboratedPlanPackage),
460       -- | As a convenience for 'Set.intersection' with any of the other
461       -- 'PackageIdSet's to select only packages that are part of the
462       -- project locally (i.e. with a local source dir).
463       --
464       packagesBuildLocal     :: PackageIdSet,
466       -- | As a convenience for 'Set.intersection' with any of the other
467       -- 'PackageIdSet's to select only packages that are being built
468       -- in-place within the project (i.e. not destined for the store).
469       --
470       packagesBuildInplace   :: PackageIdSet,
472       -- | As a convenience for 'Set.intersection' or 'Set.difference' with
473       -- any of the other 'PackageIdSet's to select only packages that were
474       -- pre-installed or already in the store prior to the build.
475       --
476       packagesAlreadyInStore :: PackageIdSet
477     }
479-- | Work out which packages are out of date or invalid after a build.
481postBuildProjectStatus :: ElaboratedInstallPlan
482                       -> PackagesUpToDate
483                       -> BuildStatusMap
484                       -> BuildOutcomes
485                       -> PostBuildProjectStatus
486postBuildProjectStatus plan previousPackagesUpToDate
487                       pkgBuildStatus buildOutcomes =
488    PostBuildProjectStatus {
489      packagesDefinitelyUpToDate,
490      packagesProbablyUpToDate,
491      packagesOutOfDate,
492      packagesInvalidByChangedLibDeps,
493      packagesInvalidByFailedBuild,
494      -- convenience stuff
495      packagesLibDepGraph,
496      packagesBuildLocal,
497      packagesBuildInplace,
498      packagesAlreadyInStore
499    }
500  where
501    packagesDefinitelyUpToDate =
502       packagesUpToDatePreBuild
503        `Set.union`
504       packagesSuccessfulPostBuild
506    packagesProbablyUpToDate =
507      packagesDefinitelyUpToDate
508        `Set.union`
509      (previousPackagesUpToDate' `Set.difference` packagesOutOfDatePreBuild)
511    packagesOutOfDate =
512      packagesOutOfDatePreBuild `Set.difference` packagesSuccessfulPostBuild
514    packagesInvalidByChangedLibDeps =
515      packagesDepOnChangedLib `Set.difference` packagesSuccessfulPostBuild
517    packagesInvalidByFailedBuild =
518      packagesFailurePostBuild
520    -- Note: if any of the intermediate values below turn out to be useful in
521    -- their own right then we can simply promote them to the result record
523    -- The previous set of up-to-date packages will contain bogus package ids
524    -- when the solver plan or config contributing to the hash changes.
525    -- So keep only the ones where the package id (i.e. hash) is the same.
526    previousPackagesUpToDate' =
527      Set.intersection
528        previousPackagesUpToDate
529        (InstallPlan.keysSet plan)
531    packagesUpToDatePreBuild =
532      Set.filter
533        (\ipkgid -> not (lookupBuildStatusRequiresBuild True ipkgid))
534        -- For packages not in the plan subset we did the dry-run on we don't
535        -- know anything about their status, so not known to be /up to date/.
536        (InstallPlan.keysSet plan)
538    packagesOutOfDatePreBuild =
539      Set.fromList . map installedUnitId $
540      InstallPlan.reverseDependencyClosure plan
541        [ ipkgid
542        | pkg <- InstallPlan.toList plan
543        , let ipkgid = installedUnitId pkg
544        , lookupBuildStatusRequiresBuild False ipkgid
545        -- For packages not in the plan subset we did the dry-run on we don't
546        -- know anything about their status, so not known to be /out of date/.
547        ]
549    packagesSuccessfulPostBuild =
550      Set.fromList
551        [ ikgid | (ikgid, Right _) <- Map.toList buildOutcomes ]
553    -- direct failures, not failures due to deps
554    packagesFailurePostBuild =
555      Set.fromList
556        [ ikgid
557        | (ikgid, Left failure) <- Map.toList buildOutcomes
558        , case buildFailureReason failure of
559            DependentFailed _ -> False
560            _                 -> True
561        ]
563    -- Packages that have a library dependency on a package for which a build
564    -- was attempted
565    packagesDepOnChangedLib =
566      Set.fromList . map Graph.nodeKey $
567      fromMaybe (error "packagesBuildStatusAfterBuild: broken dep closure") $
568      Graph.revClosure packagesLibDepGraph
569        ( Map.keys
570        . Map.filter (uncurry buildAttempted)
571        $ Map.intersectionWith (,) pkgBuildStatus buildOutcomes
572        )
574    -- The plan graph but only counting dependency-on-library edges
575    packagesLibDepGraph :: Graph (Node UnitId ElaboratedPlanPackage)
576    packagesLibDepGraph =
577      Graph.fromDistinctList
578        [ Graph.N pkg (installedUnitId pkg) libdeps
579        | pkg <- InstallPlan.toList plan
580        , let libdeps = case pkg of
581                InstallPlan.PreExisting ipkg  -> installedDepends ipkg
582                InstallPlan.Configured srcpkg -> elabLibDeps srcpkg
583                InstallPlan.Installed  srcpkg -> elabLibDeps srcpkg
584        ]
585    elabLibDeps = map (newSimpleUnitId . confInstId) . elabLibDependencies
587    -- Was a build was attempted for this package?
588    -- If it doesn't have both a build status and outcome then the answer is no.
589    buildAttempted :: BuildStatus -> BuildOutcome -> Bool
590    -- And not if it didn't need rebuilding in the first place.
591    buildAttempted buildStatus _buildOutcome
592      | not (buildStatusRequiresBuild buildStatus)
593      = False
595    -- And not if it was skipped due to a dep failing first.
596    buildAttempted _ (Left BuildFailure {buildFailureReason})
597      | DependentFailed _ <- buildFailureReason
598      = False
600    -- Otherwise, succeeded or failed, yes the build was tried.
601    buildAttempted _ (Left BuildFailure {}) = True
602    buildAttempted _ (Right _)              = True
604    lookupBuildStatusRequiresBuild def ipkgid =
605      case Map.lookup ipkgid pkgBuildStatus of
606        Nothing          -> def -- Not in the plan subset we did the dry-run on
607        Just buildStatus -> buildStatusRequiresBuild buildStatus
609    packagesBuildLocal =
610      selectPlanPackageIdSet $ \pkg ->
611        case pkg of
612          InstallPlan.PreExisting _     -> False
613          InstallPlan.Installed   _     -> False
614          InstallPlan.Configured srcpkg -> elabLocalToProject srcpkg
616    packagesBuildInplace =
617      selectPlanPackageIdSet $ \pkg ->
618        case pkg of
619          InstallPlan.PreExisting _     -> False
620          InstallPlan.Installed   _     -> False
621          InstallPlan.Configured srcpkg -> elabBuildStyle srcpkg
622                                        == BuildInplaceOnly
624    packagesAlreadyInStore =
625      selectPlanPackageIdSet $ \pkg ->
626        case pkg of
627          InstallPlan.PreExisting _ -> True
628          InstallPlan.Installed   _ -> True
629          InstallPlan.Configured  _ -> False
631    selectPlanPackageIdSet p = Map.keysSet
632                             . Map.filter p
633                             $ InstallPlan.toMap plan
637updatePostBuildProjectStatus :: Verbosity
638                             -> DistDirLayout
639                             -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
640                             -> BuildStatusMap
641                             -> BuildOutcomes
642                             -> IO PostBuildProjectStatus
643updatePostBuildProjectStatus verbosity distDirLayout
644                             elaboratedInstallPlan
645                             pkgsBuildStatus buildOutcomes = do
647    -- Read the previous up-to-date set, update it and write it back
648    previousUpToDate   <- readPackagesUpToDateCacheFile distDirLayout
649    let currentBuildStatus@PostBuildProjectStatus{..}
650                        = postBuildProjectStatus
651                            elaboratedInstallPlan
652                            previousUpToDate
653                            pkgsBuildStatus
654                            buildOutcomes
655    let currentUpToDate = packagesProbablyUpToDate
656    writePackagesUpToDateCacheFile distDirLayout currentUpToDate
658    -- Report various possibly interesting things
659    -- We additionally intersect with the packagesBuildInplace so that
660    -- we don't show huge numbers of boring packages from the store.
661    debugNoWrap verbosity $
662        "packages definitely up to date: "
663     ++ displayPackageIdSet (packagesDefinitelyUpToDate
664          `Set.intersection` packagesBuildInplace)
666    debugNoWrap verbosity $
667        "packages previously probably up to date: "
668     ++ displayPackageIdSet (previousUpToDate
669          `Set.intersection` packagesBuildInplace)
671    debugNoWrap verbosity $
672        "packages now probably up to date: "
673     ++ displayPackageIdSet (packagesProbablyUpToDate
674          `Set.intersection` packagesBuildInplace)
676    debugNoWrap verbosity $
677        "packages newly up to date: "
678     ++ displayPackageIdSet (packagesDefinitelyUpToDate
679            `Set.difference` previousUpToDate
680          `Set.intersection` packagesBuildInplace)
682    debugNoWrap verbosity $
683        "packages out to date: "
684     ++ displayPackageIdSet (packagesOutOfDate
685          `Set.intersection` packagesBuildInplace)
687    debugNoWrap verbosity $
688        "packages invalid due to dep change: "
689     ++ displayPackageIdSet packagesInvalidByChangedLibDeps
691    debugNoWrap verbosity $
692        "packages invalid due to build failure: "
693     ++ displayPackageIdSet packagesInvalidByFailedBuild
695    return currentBuildStatus
696  where
697    displayPackageIdSet = intercalate ", " . map display . Set.toList
699-- | Helper for reading the cache file.
701-- This determines the type and format of the binary cache file.
703readPackagesUpToDateCacheFile :: DistDirLayout -> IO PackagesUpToDate
704readPackagesUpToDateCacheFile DistDirLayout{distProjectCacheFile} =
705    handleDoesNotExist Set.empty $
706    handleDecodeFailure $
707      withBinaryFile (distProjectCacheFile "up-to-date") ReadMode $ \hnd ->
708        Binary.decodeOrFailIO =<< BS.hGetContents hnd
709  where
710    handleDecodeFailure = fmap (either (const Set.empty) id)
712-- | Helper for writing the package up-to-date cache file.
714-- This determines the type and format of the binary cache file.
716writePackagesUpToDateCacheFile :: DistDirLayout -> PackagesUpToDate -> IO ()
717writePackagesUpToDateCacheFile DistDirLayout{distProjectCacheFile} upToDate =
718    writeFileAtomic (distProjectCacheFile "up-to-date") $
719      Binary.encode upToDate
721-- | Prepare a package environment that includes all the library dependencies
722-- for a plan.
724-- When running cabal new-exec, we want to set things up so that the compiler
725-- can find all the right packages (and nothing else). This function is
726-- intended to do that work. It takes a location where it can write files
727-- temporarily, in case the compiler wants to learn this information via the
728-- filesystem, and returns any environment variable overrides the compiler
729-- needs.
730createPackageEnvironment :: Verbosity
731                         -> FilePath
732                         -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
733                         -> ElaboratedSharedConfig
734                         -> PostBuildProjectStatus
735                         -> IO [(String, Maybe String)]
736createPackageEnvironment verbosity
737                         path
738                         elaboratedPlan
739                         elaboratedShared
740                         buildStatus
741  | compilerFlavor (pkgConfigCompiler elaboratedShared) == GHC
742  = do
743    envFileM <- writePlanGhcEnvironment
744      path
745      elaboratedPlan
746      elaboratedShared
747      buildStatus
748    case envFileM of
749      Just envFile -> return [("GHC_ENVIRONMENT", Just envFile)]
750      Nothing -> do
751        warn verbosity "the configured version of GHC does not support reading package lists from the environment; commands that need the current project's package database are likely to fail"
752        return []
753  | otherwise
754  = do
755    warn verbosity "package environment configuration is not supported for the currently configured compiler; commands that need the current project's package database are likely to fail"
756    return []
758-- Writing .ghc.environment files
761writePlanGhcEnvironment :: FilePath
762                        -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
763                        -> ElaboratedSharedConfig
764                        -> PostBuildProjectStatus
765                        -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
766writePlanGhcEnvironment path
767                        elaboratedInstallPlan
768                        ElaboratedSharedConfig {
769                          pkgConfigCompiler = compiler,
770                          pkgConfigPlatform = platform
771                        }
772                        postBuildStatus
773  | compilerFlavor compiler == GHC
774  , supportsPkgEnvFiles (getImplInfo compiler)
775  --TODO: check ghcjs compat
776  = fmap Just $ writeGhcEnvironmentFile
777      path
778      platform (compilerVersion compiler)
779      (renderGhcEnvironmentFile path
780                                elaboratedInstallPlan
781                                postBuildStatus)
782    --TODO: [required eventually] support for writing user-wide package
783    -- environments, e.g. like a global project, but we would not put the
784    -- env file in the home dir, rather it lives under ~/.ghc/
786writePlanGhcEnvironment _ _ _ _ = return Nothing
788renderGhcEnvironmentFile :: FilePath
789                         -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
790                         -> PostBuildProjectStatus
791                         -> [GhcEnvironmentFileEntry]
792renderGhcEnvironmentFile projectRootDir elaboratedInstallPlan
793                         postBuildStatus =
794    headerComment
795  : simpleGhcEnvironmentFile packageDBs unitIds
796  where
797    headerComment =
798        GhcEnvFileComment
799      $ "This is a GHC environment file written by cabal. This means you can\n"
800     ++ "run ghc or ghci and get the environment of the project as a whole.\n"
801     ++ "But you still need to use cabal repl $target to get the environment\n"
802     ++ "of specific components (libs, exes, tests etc) because each one can\n"
803     ++ "have its own source dirs, cpp flags etc.\n\n"
804    unitIds    = selectGhcEnvironmentFileLibraries postBuildStatus
805    packageDBs = relativePackageDBPaths projectRootDir $
806                 selectGhcEnvironmentFilePackageDbs elaboratedInstallPlan
810  :: Compiler
811  -> DistDirLayout
812  -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
813  -> PostBuildProjectStatus
814  -> [String]
815argsEquivalentOfGhcEnvironmentFile compiler =
816  case compilerId compiler
817  of CompilerId GHC   _ -> argsEquivalentOfGhcEnvironmentFileGhc
818     CompilerId GHCJS _ -> argsEquivalentOfGhcEnvironmentFileGhc
819     CompilerId _     _ -> error "Only GHC and GHCJS are supported"
821-- TODO remove this when we drop support for non-.ghc.env ghc
823  :: DistDirLayout
824  -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
825  -> PostBuildProjectStatus
826  -> [String]
828  distDirLayout
829  elaboratedInstallPlan
830  postBuildStatus =
831    clearPackageDbStackFlag
832 ++ packageDbArgsDb packageDBs
833 ++ foldMap packageIdFlag packageIds
834  where
835    projectRootDir = distProjectRootDirectory distDirLayout
836    packageIds = selectGhcEnvironmentFileLibraries postBuildStatus
837    packageDBs = relativePackageDBPaths projectRootDir $
838                 selectGhcEnvironmentFilePackageDbs elaboratedInstallPlan
839    -- TODO use proper flags? but packageDbArgsDb is private
840    clearPackageDbStackFlag = ["-clear-package-db", "-global-package-db"]
841    packageIdFlag uid = ["-package-id", display uid]
844-- We're producing an environment for users to use in ghci, so of course
845-- that means libraries only (can't put exes into the ghc package env!).
846-- The library environment should be /consistent/ with the environment
847-- that each of the packages in the project use (ie same lib versions).
848-- So that means all the normal library dependencies of all the things
849-- in the project (including deps of exes that are local to the project).
850-- We do not however want to include the dependencies of Setup.hs scripts,
851-- since these are generally uninteresting but also they need not in
852-- general be consistent with the library versions that packages local to
853-- the project use (recall that Setup.hs script's deps can be picked
854-- independently of other packages in the project).
856-- So, our strategy is as follows:
858-- produce a dependency graph of all the packages in the install plan,
859-- but only consider normal library deps as edges in the graph. Thus we
860-- exclude the dependencies on Setup.hs scripts (in the case of
861-- per-component granularity) or of Setup.hs scripts (in the case of
862-- per-package granularity). Then take a dependency closure, using as
863-- roots all the packages/components local to the project. This will
864-- exclude Setup scripts and their dependencies.
866-- Note: this algorithm will have to be adapted if/when the install plan
867-- is extended to cover multiple compilers at once, and may also have to
868-- change if we start to treat unshared deps of test suites in a similar
869-- way to how we treat Setup.hs script deps (ie being able to pick them
870-- independently).
872-- Since we had to use all the local packages, including exes, (as roots
873-- to find the libs) then those exes still end up in our list so we have
874-- to filter them out at the end.
876selectGhcEnvironmentFileLibraries :: PostBuildProjectStatus -> [UnitId]
877selectGhcEnvironmentFileLibraries PostBuildProjectStatus{..} =
878    case Graph.closure packagesLibDepGraph (Set.toList packagesBuildLocal) of
879      Nothing    -> error "renderGhcEnvironmentFile: broken dep closure"
880      Just nodes -> [ pkgid | Graph.N pkg pkgid _ <- nodes
881                            , hasUpToDateLib pkg ]
882  where
883    hasUpToDateLib planpkg = case planpkg of
884      -- A pre-existing global lib
885      InstallPlan.PreExisting  _ -> True
887      -- A package in the store. Check it's a lib.
888      InstallPlan.Installed  pkg -> elabRequiresRegistration pkg
890      -- A package we were installing this time, either destined for the store
891      -- or just locally. Check it's a lib and that it is probably up to date.
892      InstallPlan.Configured pkg ->
893          elabRequiresRegistration pkg
894       && installedUnitId pkg `Set.member` packagesProbablyUpToDate
897selectGhcEnvironmentFilePackageDbs :: ElaboratedInstallPlan -> PackageDBStack
898selectGhcEnvironmentFilePackageDbs elaboratedInstallPlan =
899    -- If we have any inplace packages then their package db stack is the
900    -- one we should use since it'll include the store + the local db but
901    -- it's certainly possible to have no local inplace packages
902    -- e.g. just "extra" packages coming from the store.
903    case (inplacePackages, sourcePackages) of
904      ([], pkgs) -> checkSamePackageDBs pkgs
905      (pkgs, _)  -> checkSamePackageDBs pkgs
906  where
907    checkSamePackageDBs pkgs =
908      case ordNub (map elabBuildPackageDBStack pkgs) of
909        [packageDbs] -> packageDbs
910        []           -> []
911        _            -> error $ "renderGhcEnvironmentFile: packages with "
912                             ++ "different package db stacks"
913        -- This should not happen at the moment but will happen as soon
914        -- as we support projects where we build packages with different
915        -- compilers, at which point we have to consider how to adapt
916        -- this feature, e.g. write out multiple env files, one for each
917        -- compiler / project profile.
919    inplacePackages =
920      [ srcpkg
921      | srcpkg <- sourcePackages
922      , elabBuildStyle srcpkg == BuildInplaceOnly ]
923    sourcePackages =
924      [ srcpkg
925      | pkg <- InstallPlan.toList elaboratedInstallPlan
926      , srcpkg <- maybeToList $ case pkg of
927                    InstallPlan.Configured srcpkg -> Just srcpkg
928                    InstallPlan.Installed  srcpkg -> Just srcpkg
929                    InstallPlan.PreExisting _     -> Nothing
930      ]
932relativePackageDBPaths :: FilePath -> PackageDBStack -> PackageDBStack
933relativePackageDBPaths relroot = map (relativePackageDBPath relroot)
935relativePackageDBPath :: FilePath -> PackageDB -> PackageDB
936relativePackageDBPath relroot pkgdb =
937    case pkgdb of
938      GlobalPackageDB        -> GlobalPackageDB
939      UserPackageDB          -> UserPackageDB
940      SpecificPackageDB path -> SpecificPackageDB relpath
941        where relpath = makeRelative relroot path