1// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
5package main_test
7import (
8	"go/build"
9	"runtime"
10	"testing"
12	"cmd/internal/buildid"
15func TestNoteReading(t *testing.T) {
16	// cmd/internal/buildid already has tests that the basic reading works.
17	// This test is essentially checking that -ldflags=-buildid=XXX works,
18	// both in internal and external linking mode.
19	tg := testgo(t)
20	defer tg.cleanup()
21	tg.parallel()
23	tg.tempFile("hello.go", `package main; func main() { print("hello, world\n") }`)
24	const buildID = "TestNoteReading-Build-ID"
25	tg.run("build", "-ldflags", "-buildid="+buildID, "-o", tg.path("hello.exe"), tg.path("hello.go"))
26	id, err := buildid.ReadFile(tg.path("hello.exe"))
27	if err != nil {
28		t.Fatalf("reading build ID from hello binary: %v", err)
29	}
30	if id != buildID {
31		t.Fatalf("buildID in hello binary = %q, want %q", id, buildID)
32	}
34	switch {
35	case !build.Default.CgoEnabled:
36		t.Skipf("skipping - no cgo, so assuming external linking not available")
37	case runtime.GOOS == "plan9":
38		t.Skipf("skipping - external linking not supported")
39	}
41	tg.run("build", "-ldflags", "-buildid="+buildID+" -linkmode=external", "-o", tg.path("hello2.exe"), tg.path("hello.go"))
42	id, err = buildid.ReadFile(tg.path("hello2.exe"))
43	if err != nil {
44		t.Fatalf("reading build ID from hello binary (linkmode=external): %v", err)
45	}
46	if id != buildID {
47		t.Fatalf("buildID in hello binary = %q, want %q (linkmode=external)", id, buildID)
48	}
50	switch runtime.GOOS {
51	case "dragonfly", "freebsd", "linux", "netbsd", "openbsd":
52		// Test while forcing use of the gold linker, since in the past
53		// we've had trouble reading the notes generated by gold.
54		err := tg.doRun([]string{"build", "-ldflags", "-buildid=" + buildID + " -linkmode=external -extldflags=-fuse-ld=gold", "-o", tg.path("hello3.exe"), tg.path("hello.go")})
55		if err != nil {
56			if tg.grepCountBoth("(invalid linker|gold|cannot find [‘']ld[’'])") > 0 {
57				// It's not an error if gold isn't there. gcc claims it "cannot find 'ld'" if
58				// ld.gold is missing, see issue #22340.
59				t.Log("skipping gold test")
60				break
61			}
62			t.Fatalf("building hello binary: %v", err)
63		}
64		id, err = buildid.ReadFile(tg.path("hello3.exe"))
65		if err != nil {
66			t.Fatalf("reading build ID from hello binary (linkmode=external -extldflags=-fuse-ld=gold): %v", err)
67		}
68		if id != buildID {
69			t.Fatalf("buildID in hello binary = %q, want %q (linkmode=external -extldflags=-fuse-ld=gold)", id, buildID)
70		}
71	}