1 /**
2  * Structures and functions for interpreting a parse tree.  The interpreter
3  * traverses a parse tree in a depth-first manner, interpreting each node it
4  * reaches along the way.  This is the last stage of the processing of a source
5  * code file.
6  *
7  * \file   interpreter.h
8  *
9  * \author Justin J. Meza
10  *
11  * \date   2010-2012
12  */
14 #ifndef __INTERPRETER_H__
15 #define __INTERPRETER_H__
17 #include <stdio.h>
18 #include <ctype.h>
19 #include <math.h>
21 #include "parser.h"
22 #include "unicode.h"
24 /**
25  * Retrieves a value's integer data.
26  */
27 #define getInteger(value) (value->data.i)
29 /**
30  * Retrieves a value's decimal data.
31  */
32 #define getFloat(value) (value->data.f)
34 /**
35  * Retrieves a value's string data.
36  */
37 #define getString(value) (value->data.s)
39 /**
40  * Retrieves a value's function data.
41  */
42 #define getFunction(value) (value->data.fn)
44 /**
45  * Retrieves a value's array data.
46  */
47 #define getArray(value) (value->data.a)
49 /**
50  * Retrieves a value's blob data.
51  */
52 #define getBlob(value) (value->data.b)
54 /**
55  * Represents a value type.
56  */
57 typedef enum {
58 	VT_INTEGER, /**< An integer value. */
59 	VT_FLOAT,   /**< A decimal value. */
60 	VT_BOOLEAN, /**< A boolean value. */
61 	VT_STRING,  /**< A string value. */
62 	VT_NIL,     /**< Represents no value. */
63 	VT_FUNC,    /**< A function. */
64 	VT_ARRAY,   /**< An array. */
65 	VT_BLOB     /**< A binary blob of data. */
66 } ValueType;
68 /**
69  * Stores value data.
70  */
71 typedef union {
72 	long long i;                 /**< Integer data. */
73 	float f;               /**< Decimal data. */
74 	char *s;               /**< String data. */
75 	FuncDefStmtNode *fn;   /**< Function data. */
76 	struct scopeobject *a; /**< Array data. */
77 	void *b;               /**< Binary blob data. */
78 } ValueData;
80 /**
81  * Increments a value's semaphore.
82  */
83 #define V(value) (value->semaphore++)
85 /**
86  * Decrements a value's semaphore.
87  */
88 #define P(value) (value->semaphore--)
90 /**
91  * Stores a value.
92  */
93 typedef struct {
94 	ValueType type;           /**< The type of value stored. */
95 	ValueData data;           /**< The value data. */
96 	unsigned short semaphore; /**< A semaphore for value usage. */
97 } ValueObject;
99 /**
100  * Represents the return type.
101  */
102 typedef enum {
103 	RT_DEFAULT, /**< Code block completed successfully. */
104 	RT_BREAK,   /**< Broke out of a loop or switch statement. */
105 	RT_RETURN   /**< Returned from a function. */
106 } ReturnType;
108 /**
109  * Stores return state.
110  */
111 typedef struct returnobject {
112 	ReturnType type;    /**< The type of return encountered. */
113 	ValueObject *value; /**< The optional return value. */
114 } ReturnObject;
116 /**
117  * Stores a set of variables hierarchically.
118  */
119 typedef struct scopeobject {
120 	struct scopeobject *parent; /**< The parent scope. */
121 	struct scopeobject *caller; /**< The caller scope (if in a function). */
122 	ValueObject *impvar;        /**< The \ref impvar "implicit variable". */
123 	unsigned int numvals;       /**< The number of values in the scope. */
124 	char **names;               /**< The names of the values. */
125 	ValueObject **values;       /**< The values in the scope. */
126 } ScopeObject;
128 /**
129  * \name Utilities
130  *
131  * Functions for performing helper tasks.
132  */
133 /**@{*/
134 void printInterpreterError(const char *, IdentifierNode *, ScopeObject *);
135 char *copyString(char *);
136 unsigned int isDecString(const char *);
137 unsigned int isHexString(const char *);
138 char *resolveIdentifierName(IdentifierNode *, ScopeObject *);
139 int resolveTerminalSlot(ScopeObject *, ScopeObject *, IdentifierNode *, ScopeObject **, IdentifierNode **);
140 /**@}*/
142 /**
143  * \name Value object modifiers
144  *
145  * Functions for creating, copying, and deleting value objects.
146  */
147 /**@{*/
148 ValueObject *createNilValueObject(void);
149 ValueObject *createBooleanValueObject(int);
150 ValueObject *createIntegerValueObject(long long);
151 ValueObject *createFloatValueObject(float);
152 ValueObject *createStringValueObject(char *);
153 ValueObject *createFunctionValueObject(FuncDefStmtNode *);
154 ValueObject *createArrayValueObject(ScopeObject *);
155 ValueObject *createBlobValueObject(void *);
156 ValueObject *copyValueObject(ValueObject *);
157 void deleteValueObject(ValueObject *);
158 /**@}*/
160 /**
161  * \name Scope object modifiers
162  *
163  * Functions for manipulating scope objects and their data.
164  */
165 /**@{*/
166 ScopeObject *createScopeObject(ScopeObject *);
167 ScopeObject *createScopeObjectCaller(ScopeObject *, ScopeObject *);
168 void deleteScopeObject(ScopeObject *);
169 ValueObject *createScopeValue(ScopeObject *, ScopeObject *, IdentifierNode *);
170 ValueObject *updateScopeValue(ScopeObject *, ScopeObject *, IdentifierNode *, ValueObject *);
171 ValueObject *getScopeValue(ScopeObject *, ScopeObject *, IdentifierNode *);
172 ValueObject *getScopeValueLocal(ScopeObject *, ScopeObject *, IdentifierNode *);
173 ScopeObject *getScopeObject(ScopeObject *, ScopeObject *, IdentifierNode *);
174 ScopeObject *getScopeObjectLocal(ScopeObject *, ScopeObject *, IdentifierNode *);
175 void deleteScopeValue(ScopeObject *, ScopeObject *, IdentifierNode *);
176 /**@}*/
178 /**
179  * \name Return object modifiers
180  *
181  * Functions for creating and deleting return objects.
182  */
183 /**@{*/
184 ReturnObject *createReturnObject(ReturnType, ValueObject *);
185 void deleteReturnObject(ReturnObject *);
186 /**@}*/
188 /**
189  * \name Casts
190  *
191  * Functions for performing casts between different types of values.
192  */
193 /**@{*/
194 ValueObject *castBooleanImplicit(ValueObject *, ScopeObject *);
195 ValueObject *castIntegerImplicit(ValueObject *, ScopeObject *);
196 ValueObject *castFloatImplicit(ValueObject *, ScopeObject *);
197 ValueObject *castStringImplicit(ValueObject *, ScopeObject *);
198 ValueObject *castBooleanExplicit(ValueObject *, ScopeObject *);
199 ValueObject *castIntegerExplicit(ValueObject *, ScopeObject *);
200 ValueObject *castFloatExplicit(ValueObject *, ScopeObject *);
201 ValueObject *castStringExplicit(ValueObject *, ScopeObject *);
202 /**@}*/
204 /**
205  * \name Node interpreters
206  *
207  * Functions for interpreting basic parse tree nodes.
208  */
209 /**@{*/
210 ValueObject *interpretExprNode(ExprNode *, ScopeObject *);
211 ReturnObject *interpretStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
212 ReturnObject *interpretStmtNodeList(StmtNodeList *, ScopeObject *);
213 ReturnObject *interpretBlockNode(BlockNode *, ScopeObject *);
214 int interpretMainNodeScope(MainNode *, ScopeObject *);
215 /**@}*/
217 /**
218  * \name Expression interpreters
219  *
220  * Functions for interpreting expression parse tree nodes.
221  */
222 /**@{*/
223 ValueObject *interpretImpVarExprNode(ExprNode *, ScopeObject *);
224 ValueObject *interpretCastExprNode(ExprNode *, ScopeObject *);
225 ValueObject *interpretFuncCallExprNode(ExprNode *, ScopeObject *);
226 ValueObject *interpretIdentifierExprNode(ExprNode *, ScopeObject *);
227 ValueObject *interpretConstantExprNode(ExprNode *, ScopeObject *);
228 ValueObject *interpretSystemCommandExprNode(ExprNode *, ScopeObject *);
229 /**@}*/
231 /**
232  * \name Operation interpreters
233  *
234  * Functions for interpreting operation parse tree nodes.
235  */
236 /**@{*/
237 ValueObject *interpretNotOpExprNode(OpExprNode *, ScopeObject *);
238 ValueObject *interpretArithOpExprNode(OpExprNode *, ScopeObject *);
239 ValueObject *interpretBoolOpExprNode(OpExprNode *, ScopeObject *);
240 ValueObject *interpretEqualityOpExprNode(OpExprNode *, ScopeObject *);
241 ValueObject *interpretConcatOpExprNode(OpExprNode *, ScopeObject *);
242 ValueObject *interpretOpExprNode(ExprNode *, ScopeObject *);
243 /**@}*/
245 /**
246  * \name Statement interpreters
247  *
248  * Functions for interpreting statement parse tree nodes.
249  */
250 /**@{*/
251 ReturnObject *interpretCastStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
252 ReturnObject *interpretPrintStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
253 ReturnObject *interpretInputStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
254 ReturnObject *interpretAssignmentStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
255 ReturnObject *interpretDeclarationStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
256 ReturnObject *interpretIfThenElseStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
257 ReturnObject *interpretSwitchStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
258 ReturnObject *interpretBreakStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
259 ReturnObject *interpretReturnStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
260 ReturnObject *interpretLoopStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
261 ReturnObject *interpretDeallocationStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
262 ReturnObject *interpretFuncDefStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
263 ReturnObject *interpretExprStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
264 ReturnObject *interpretAltArrayDefStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
265 ReturnObject *interpretBindingStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
266 /* Forward declaration of binding.h function (to break circular dependence) */
267 void loadLibrary(ScopeObject *, IdentifierNode *);
268 ReturnObject *interpretImportStmtNode(StmtNode *, ScopeObject *);
269 /**@}*/
271 /**
272  * \name Arithmetic operations (integer-integer)
273  *
274  * Functions for performing integer-integer operations on values.
275  */
276 /**@{*/
277 ValueObject *opAddIntegerInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
278 ValueObject *opSubIntegerInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
279 ValueObject *opMultIntegerInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
280 ValueObject *opDivIntegerInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
281 ValueObject *opMaxIntegerInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
282 ValueObject *opMinIntegerInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
283 ValueObject *opModIntegerInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
284 /**@}*/
286 /**
287  * \name Arithmetic operations (integer-float)
288  *
289  * Functions for performing integer-float operations on values.
290  */
291 /**@{*/
292 ValueObject *opAddIntegerFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
293 ValueObject *opSubIntegerFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
294 ValueObject *opMultIntegerFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
295 ValueObject *opDivIntegerFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
296 ValueObject *opMaxIntegerFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
297 ValueObject *opMinIntegerFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
298 ValueObject *opModIntegerFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
299 /**@}*/
301 /**
302  * \name Arithmetic operations (float-integer)
303  *
304  * Functions for performing float-integer operations on values.
305  */
306 /**@{*/
307 ValueObject *opAddFloatInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
308 ValueObject *opSubFloatInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
309 ValueObject *opMultFloatInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
310 ValueObject *opDivFloatInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
311 ValueObject *opMaxFloatInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
312 ValueObject *opMinFloatInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
313 ValueObject *opModFloatInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
314 /**@}*/
316 /**
317  * \name Arithmetic operations (float-float)
318  *
319  * Functions for performing float-float operations on values.
320  */
321 /**@{*/
322 ValueObject *opAddFloatFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
323 ValueObject *opSubFloatFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
324 ValueObject *opMultFloatFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
325 ValueObject *opDivFloatFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
326 ValueObject *opMaxFloatFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
327 ValueObject *opMinFloatFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
328 ValueObject *opModFloatFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
329 /**@}*/
331 /**
332  * \name Equality operations (boolean-boolean)
333  *
334  * Functions for performing boolean-boolean operations on values.
335  */
336 /**@{*/
337 ValueObject *opEqBooleanBoolean(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
338 ValueObject *opNeqBooleanBoolean(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
339 /**@}*/
341 /**
342  * \name Equality operations (integer-integer)
343  *
344  * Functions for performing integer-integer operations on values.
345  */
346 /**@{*/
347 ValueObject *opEqIntegerInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
348 ValueObject *opNeqIntegerInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
349 /**@}*/
351 /**
352  * \name Equality operations (integer-float)
353  *
354  * Functions for performing integer-float operations on values.
355  */
356 /**@{*/
357 ValueObject *opEqIntegerFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
358 ValueObject *opNeqIntegerFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
359 /**@}*/
361 /**
362  * \name Equality operations (float-integer)
363  *
364  * Functions for performing float-integer operations on values.
365  */
366 /**@{*/
367 ValueObject *opEqFloatInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
368 ValueObject *opNeqFloatInteger(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
369 /**@}*/
371 /**
372  * \name Equality operations (float-float)
373  *
374  * Functions for performing float-float operations on values.
375  */
376 /**@{*/
377 ValueObject *opEqFloatFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
378 ValueObject *opNeqFloatFloat(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
379 /**@}*/
381 /**
382  * \name Equality operations (string-string)
383  *
384  * Functions for performing string-string operations on values.
385  */
386 /**@{*/
387 ValueObject *opEqStringString(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
388 ValueObject *opNeqStringString(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
389 /**@}*/
391 /**
392  * \name Equality operations (nil-nil)
393  *
394  * Functions for performing nil-nil operations on values.
395  */
396 /**@{*/
397 ValueObject *opEqNilNil(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
398 ValueObject *opNeqNilNil(ValueObject *, ValueObject *);
399 /**@}*/
401 #endif /* __INTERPRETER_H__ */