1;; Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Robert Virding
3;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
7;;     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13;; limitations under the License.
15;; File    : cl.lfe
16;; Author  : Robert Virding, Duncan McGreggor
17;; Purpose : LFE Common Lisp interface library.
19(defmodule cl
20  "LFE Common Lisp interface library."
21  (export
22   ;; Boolean conversion functions.
23   (make-lfe-bool 1) (make-cl-bool 1)
24   ;; Control structure.
25   (mapcar 2) (maplist 2) (mapc 2) (mapl 2)
26   ;; Symbol functions.
27   (symbol-plist 1) (symbol-name 1)
28   (get 2) (get 3) (getl 2) (putprop 3) (remprop 2)
29   ;; Property list functions.
30   (getf 2) (getf 3) (putf 3) (remf 2) (get-properties 2)
31   ;; Sequences.
32   (elt 2) (length 1) (reverse 1) (some 2) (every 2) (notany 2) (notevery 2)
33   (reduce 2) (reduce 4) (reduce 6)
34   (remove 2) (remove-if 2) (remove-if-not 2) (remove-duplicates 1)
35   (substitute 3) (substitute-if 3) (substitute-if-not 3)
36   (find 2) (find-if 2) (find-if-not 2)
37   (position 2) (position-if 2) (position-if-not 2)
38   (count 2) (count-if 2) (count-if-not 2)
39   ;; Lists.
40   (car 1) (cdr 1) (first 1) (rest 1) (nth 2)
41   (nthcdr 2) (last 1) (butlast 1)
42   ;; Substitution of expressions.
43   (subst 3) (subst-if 3) (subst-if-not 3) (sublis 2)
44   ;; Lists as sets.
45   (member 2) (member-if 2) (member-if-not 2) (adjoin 2) (union 2)
46   (intersection 2) (set-difference 2) (set-exclusive-or 2) (subsetp 2)
47   ;; Association list functions.
48   (acons 3) (pairlis 2) (pairlis 3) (assoc 2) (assoc-if 2) (assoc-if-not 2)
49   (rassoc 2) (rassoc-if 2) (rassoc-if-not 2)
50   ;; Types.
51   (type-of 1) (coerce 2))
52  (export-macro
53   ;; Export control structure macros.
54   do
55  ;; Export CL-style if and cond, which we don't use internally.
56   if cond))
58;;; Boolean conversion functions.
60(defun make-lfe-bool                    ;Make an LFE bool from a CL value
61  "cl-boolean
62   Make an LFE bool from a CL value."
63  ([()] 'false)
64  ([_]  'true))                         ;Everything else is true
66(defun make-cl-bool                     ;Make a CL bool from an LFE value
67  "lfe-boolean
68   Make a CL bool from an LFE value."
69  (['false] ())
70  (['true] 'true))
72;; Control structure.
74(defmacro do args
75  "vars (end-test result) body"
76  (let* ((`(,pars (,test ,ret) . ,body) args)
77	 ((tuple vs is cs)
78	  (lists:foldr (match-lambda
79			 ([(list v i c) (tuple vs is cs)]
80			  (tuple (cons v vs) (cons i is) (cons c cs))))
81		       (tuple () () ()) pars)))
82    `(letrec-function ((|\|-do-func-\||
83			(lambda ,vs
84			  (if ,test ,ret
85			      (let ((do-state (progn . ,body)))
86				(|\|-do-func-\|| . ,cs))))))
87       (|\|-do-func-\|| . ,is))))
89(defun mapcar (func list)
90  "function list"
91  (lists:map func list))
93(defun maplist
94  "function list"
95  ([func (= (cons _ rest) list)]
96   (cons (funcall func list) (maplist func rest)))
97  ([func ()] ()))
99(defun mapc (func list)
100  "function list"
101  (lists:foreach func list)
102  list)
104(defun mapl (func list)
105  "function list"
106  (fletrec ((mapl-loop
107             ([(= (cons _ rest) list)]
108              (funcall func list)
109              (mapl-loop rest))
110             ([()] ())))
111    (mapl-loop list)
112    list))
114;; Symbol function functions.
115;;  get, getl, putprop and remprop should really only work on a
116;;  symbols plist not just a plist. This is coming. Hence including
117;;  getf, putf and remf.
119(defun ensure-plist-table ()
120  (case (ets:info 'lfe-symbol-plist 'type)
121    ('undefined
122     (let ((init-pid (erlang:whereis 'init)))
123       (ets:new 'lfe-symbol-plist
124        (list 'set 'public 'named_table (tuple 'heir init-pid ())))))
125    (_ 'ok)))
127(defun symbol-plist (symbol)
128  "symbol
129   Get the property list for symbol."
130  (ensure-plist-table)
131  (case (ets:lookup 'lfe-symbol-plist symbol)
132    (`(#(,_ ,plist)) plist)
133    (() ())))
135(defun symbol-name (symb)
136  "symbol
137   Get the name of symbol as a list."
138  (atom_to_list symb))
140(defun get (symbol pname)
141  "symbol pname
142   Get the property pname of symbol."
143  (get symbol pname ()))
145;;(defun get (plist pname def) (getf plist pname def))
147(defun get (symbol pname def)
148  "symbol pname default"
149  (ensure-plist-table)
150  (let ((plist (symbol-plist symbol)))
151    (getf plist pname def)))
153(defun getl (symbol pnames)
154  "symbol pnames"
155  (ensure-plist-table)
156  (let ((plist (symbol-plist symbol)))
157    (fletrec ((getl-loop
158               ([(= (list* p v plist-rest) plist) pnames]
159                (if (member p pnames)
160                  plist
161                  (getl-loop plist-rest pnames)))
162               ([() pnames] ())))
163      (getl-loop plist pnames))))
165;; (defun putprop (plist val pname) (putf plist val pname))
167(defun putprop (symbol val pname)
168  "symbol value pname"
169  (ensure-plist-table)
170  (let* ((plist (symbol-plist symbol))
171         (plist (putf plist val pname)))
172    (ets:insert 'lfe-symbol-plist (tuple symbol plist))))
174;; (defun getprop (plist pname) (remf plist pname))
176(defun remprop (symbol pname)
177  "symbol pname"
178  (ensure-plist-table)
179  (let* ((plist (symbol-plist symbol))
180         (plist (remf plist pname)))
181    ;; Delete element if plist empty
182    (if (=:= plist ())
183      (ets:delete 'lfe-symbol-plist symbol)
184      (ets:insert 'lfe-symbol-plist (tuple symbol plist)))))
186;; Property list functions.
188(defun getf (plist pname)
189  "plist pname"
190  (getf plist pname ()))
192(defun getf
193  "plist pname default"
194  ([(list* p v plist) p def]  v)
195  ([(list* _ _ plist) pname def] (getf plist pname def))
196  ([() _m def] def))
198(defun putf                             ;This doesn't exist in CL
199  "plist value pname"
200  ([(list* p _ plist) val p]
201   (list* p val plist))
202  ([(list* p v plist) val pname]
203   (list* p v (putf plist val pname)))
204  ([() val pname] (list pname val)))
206(defun remf
207  "plist pname"
208  ([(list* p _ plist) p] plist)
209  ([(list* p v plist) pname]
210   (list* p v (remf plist pname)))
211  ([() pname] ()))
213(defun get-properties
214  "plist pnames"
215  ([(= (list* p v plist-rest) plist) pnames]
216   (if (member p pnames)
217     (tuple p v plist)
218     (get-properties plist-rest pnames)))
219  ([() pnames] (tuple () () ())))
221;; Arrays.
223;; (defun aref (array i j)
224;;   (elt j (elt i array)))
226;; Sequences.
227;; Simple sequence functions.
229(defun elt
230  ((n seq) (when (is_list seq))
231   (nth n seq))
232  ((n seq) (when (is_tuple seq))
233   (tref seq (+ n 1))))
235(defun length
236  ([seq] (when (is_list seq))
237   (length seq))
238  ([seq] (when (is_tuple seq))
239   (tuple_size seq)))
241(defun reverse
242  ([seq] (when (is_list seq))
243   (lists:reverse seq))
244  ([seq] (when (is_tuple seq))
245   (list_to_tuple (lists:reverse (tuple_to_list seq)))))
247;; Concatanation, mapping and reducing sequences.
249(defun some
250  "pred list
251   Return true if pred is true for some element of list."
252  ([pred seq] (when (is_list seq))
253   (lists:any pred seq))
254  ([pred seq] (when (is_tuple seq))
255   (fletrec ((some-loop
256              ([i n] (when (>= i n)) 'false)
257              ([i n]
258               (orelse (funcall pred (tref seq i))
259                       (some-loop (+ i 1) n)))))
260     (some-loop 1 (tuple_size seq)))))
262(defun every
263  "pred list
264   Return true if pred is true for every element of list."
265  ([pred seq] (when (is_list seq))
266   (lists:all pred seq))
267  ([pred seq] (when (is_tuple seq))
268   (fletrec ((every-loop
269              ([i n] (when (>= i n)) 'false)
270              ([i n]
271               (andalso (not (funcall pred (tref seq i)))
272                        (every-loop (+ i 1) n)))))
273     (every-loop 1 (tuple_size seq)))))
275(defun notany (pred seq)
276  "pred list
277   Returns true if pred is false for every element of list."
278  (every (lambda (x) (not (funcall pred x))) seq))
280(defun notevery (pred seq)
281  "pred list
282   Returns true if pred is false for some element of list."
283  (some (lambda (x) (not (funcall pred x))) seq))
285(defun reduce (func seq)
286  (lists:foldl func '() seq))
288(defun reduce
289  ((func seq 'initial-value x)
290   (lists:foldl func x seq))
291  ((func seq 'from-end 'true)
292   (lists:foldr func '() seq)))
294(defun reduce
295  ((func seq 'from-end 'true 'initial-value x)
296   (lists:foldr func x seq))
297  ((func seq 'initial-value x 'from-end 'true)
298   (lists:foldr func x seq)))
300;; Modifying sequences.
302(defun remove
303  "item sequence
304   Remove all elements from sequence which are equal to item."
305  ([item seq] (when (is_list seq))
306   (lc ((<- x seq) (=/= x item)) x))
307  ([item seq] (when (is_tuple seq))
308   (list_to_tuple (remove item (tuple_to_list seq)))))
310(defun remove-if
311  "pred sequence
312   Remove all elements from sequence for which pred is true."
313  ([pred seq] (when (is_list seq))
314   (lc ((<- x seq) (not (funcall pred x))) x))
315  ([pred seq] (when (is_tuple seq))
316   (list_to_tuple (remove-if pred (tuple_to_list seq)))))
318(defun remove-if-not
319  "pred sequence
320   Remove all elements from sequence for which pred is false."
321  ([pred seq] (when (is_list seq))
322   (lc ((<- x seq) (funcall pred x)) x))
323  ([pred seq] (when (is_tuple seq))
324   (list_to_tuple (remove-if-not pred (tuple_to_list seq)))))
326(defun remove-duplicates
327  "sequence
328   Remove duplicates from sequence."
329  ([seq] (when (is_list seq))
330   (fletrec ((rm-loop
331              ([(cons x rest)]
332               (if (lists:member x rest)
333                 (rm-loop rest)
334                 (cons x (rm-loop rest))))
335              ([()] ())))
336     (rm-loop seq)))
337  ([seq] (when (is_tuple seq))
338   (list_to_tuple (remove-duplicates (tuple_to_list seq)))))
340(defun substitute
341  "new old sequence
342   Replace all elements in sequence which are equal to old with new."
343  ([new old seq] (when (is_list seq))
344   (fletrec ((sub-loop
345              ([n o (cons o xs)]
346               (cons n (sub-loop n o xs)))
347              ([n o (cons x xs)]
348               (cons x (sub-loop n o xs)))
349              ([_ _ ()] ())))
350     (sub-loop new old seq)))
351  ([new old seq] (when (is_tuple seq))
352   (list_to_tuple (substitute new old (tuple_to_list seq)))))
354(defun substitute-if
355  "new pred sequence
356   Replace all elements in sequence for which pred is true with new."
357  ([new pred seq] (when (is_list seq))
358   (fletrec ((sub-loop
359              ([n p (cons x xs)]
360               (cons (if (funcall p x) n x) (sub-loop n p xs)))
361              ([_ _ ()] ())))
362     (sub-loop new pred seq)))
363  ([new pred seq] (when (is_tuple seq))
364   (list_to_tuple (substitute-if new pred (tuple_to_list seq)))))
366(defun substitute-if-not
367  "new pred sequence
368   Replace all elements in sequence for which pred is false with new."
369  ([new pred seq] (when (is_list seq))
370   (fletrec ((sub-loop
371              ([n p (cons x xs)]
372               (cons (if (funcall p x) x n) (sub-loop n p xs)))
373              ([_ _ ()] ())))
374     (sub-loop new pred seq)))
375  ([new pred seq] (when (is_tuple seq))
376   (list_to_tuple (substitute-if-not new pred (tuple_to_list seq)))))
378;; Searching sequences.
380(defun find (item seq)
381  "item sequence
382   If sequence contains item then it is returned else ()."
383  (fletrec ((find-loop
384             ([x (cons x xs)] x)
385             ([x (cons _ xs)] (find-loop x xs))
386             ([x ()] ())))
387    (find-loop item seq)))
389(defun find-if (pred seq)
390  "pred sequence
391   Return element in sequnce for which pred is true else ()."
392  (fletrec ((find-if-loop
393             ([pred (cons x xs)]
394              (if (funcall pred x) x (find-if-loop pred xs)))
395             ([pred ()] ())))
396    (find-if-loop pred seq)))
398(defun find-if-not (pred seq)
399  "pred sequence
400   Return element in sequnce for which pred is true else ()."
401  (fletrec ((find-if-not-loop
402             ([pred (cons x xs)]
403              (if (funcall pred x) (find-if-not-loop pred xs) x))
404             ([pred ()] ())))
405    (find-if-not-loop pred seq)))
407(defun position (item seq)
408  "item sequence
409   Return index of item in sequence else ()."
410  (fletrec ((pos-loop
411             ([x n (cons x xs)] n)
412             ([x n (cons _ xs)] (pos-loop x (+ n 1) xs))
413             ([x n ()] ())))
414    (pos-loop item 0 seq)))
416(defun position-if (pred seq)
417  "item sequence
418   Return index of item in sequence for which pred is true else ()."
419  (fletrec ((pos-if-loop
420             ([pred n (cons x xs)]
421              (if (funcall pred x)
422                n
423                (pos-if-loop pred (+ n 1) xs)))
424             ([pred n ()] ())))
425    (pos-if-loop pred 0 seq)))
427(defun position-if-not (pred xs)
428  "item sequence
429   Return index of item in sequence for which pred is false else ()."
430  (fletrec ((pos-if-not-loop
431             ([pred n (cons x xs)]
432              (if (funcall pred x)
433                (pos-if-not-loop pred (+ n 1) xs)
434                n))
435             ([pred n ()] ())))
436    (pos-if-not-loop pred 0 xs)))
438(defun count (item seq)
439  "item sequence
440   Return the number of elements in sequence equal to item."
441  (fletrec ((count-loop
442             ([x n (cons x1 xs)]
443              (let ((n1 (if (=:= x x1) (+ n 1) n)))
444                (count-loop x n1 xs)))
445             ([x n ()] n)))
446    (count-loop item 0 seq)))
448(defun count-if (pred seq)
449  "pred sequence
450   Return the number of elements in sequence for which pred is true."
451  (fletrec ((count-if-loop
452             ([pred n (cons x xs)]
453              (let ((n1 (if (funcall pred x) (+ n 1) n)))
454                (count-if-loop pred n1 xs)))
455             ([pred n ()] n)))
456    (count-if-loop pred 0 seq)))
458(defun count-if-not (pred seq)
459  "pred sequence
460   Return the number of elements in sequence for which pred is false."
461  (fletrec ((count-if-not-loop
462             ([pred n (cons x xs)]
463              (let ((n1 (if (funcall pred x) n (+ n 1))))
464                (count-if-not-loop pred n1 xs)))
465             ([pred n ()] n)))
466    (count-if-not-loop pred 0 seq)))
468;;; Lists
470(defun car
471  ([()] ())
472  ([xs] (car xs)))
474(defun first (xs)
475  (cl:car xs))
477(defun cdr
478  ([()] ())
479  ([xs] (cdr xs)))
481(defun rest (xs)
482  (cl:cdr xs))
484(defun nth
485  ([n xs] (when (< n 0)) ())
486  ([n xs]
487   (fletrec ((nth-loop
488              ([n ()] ())               ;End of the list
489              ([0 xs] (car xs))         ;Found the one
490              ([n xs] (nth-loop (- n 1) (cdr xs)))))
491     (nth-loop n xs))))
493(defun nthcdr (n xs)
494  (lists:nthtail (+ n 1) xs))
496(defun last (list)
497  (lists:last list))
499(defun butlast (list)
500  (lists:droplast list))
502;; Substitution of expressions
504(defun subst
505  "new old tree
506   Substitute `new` for every subtree `old` in `tree`."
507  ([new old old] new)
508  ([new old (cons e rest)]
509   (cons (subst new old e) (subst new old rest)))
510  ([new old tree] tree))
512(defun subst-if (new test tree)
513  "new test tree
514   Substitute `new` for every subtree which satisfies `test` in `tree`."
515  (if (funcall test tree) new
516      (case tree
517        ((cons e rest)
518         (cons (subst-if new test e) (subst-if new test rest)))
519        (_ tree))))
521(defun subst-if-not (new test tree)
522  "new test tree
523   Substitute `new` for every subtree which does not satisfy `test` in `tree`."
524  (if (funcall test tree)
525    (case tree
526      ((cons e rest)
527       (cons (subst-if-not new test e) (subst-if-not new test rest)))
528      (_ tree))
529    new))
531(defun sublis (a-list tree)
532  "a-list tree
533   Subsitute the value of each key in `a-list` occurring in `tree`."
534  (case (assoc tree a-list)
535    ((cons _ new) new)                  ;Found it
536    (()                                 ;Not there
537     (case tree
538       ((cons e rest)
539        (cons (sublis a-list e) (sublis a-list rest)))
540       (_ tree)))))
542;; Lists as sets.
544(defun member (item list)
545  "item list
546   Return true if `item` is a member of `list`."
547  (lists:member item list))
549(defun member-if
550  "pred list
551   Return true if `pred` is satisfied for a member of `list`."
552  ([pred (cons e list)]
553   (orelse (funcall pred e)
554           (member-if pred list)))
555  ([pred ()] 'false))
557(defun member-if-not
558  "pred list
559   Return true if `pred` is not satisfied for a member of `list`."
560  ([pred (cons e list)]
561   (orelse (not (funcall pred e)) (member-if-not pred list)))
562  ([pred ()] 'false))
564(defun adjoin (item list)
565  "item list
566   Add `item` to `list` if it is not already a member."
567  (if (member item list)
568    list
569    (cons item list)))
571(defun union
572  "list-1 list-2
573   Returns the elements which are members of lists `list-1` or `list-2`."
574  ([(cons e l1) l2]
575   (if (member e l2)
576     (union l1 l2)
577     (cons e (union l1 l2))))
578  ([() l2] l2))
580(defun intersection (l1 l2)
581  "list-1 list-2
582   Returns the elements which are members of both lists `list-1` and `list-2`."
583  (lc ((<- e l1) (member e l2)) e))
585(defun set-difference (l1 l2)
586  "list-1 list-2
587   Returns the elements of `list-1` which are not elements in `list-2`."
588  (lc ((<- e l1) (not (member e l2))) e))
590(defun set-exclusive-or (l1 l2)
591  "list-1 list-2
592   Return the elements which are elements of one of `list-1` or `list-2`."
593  (++ (set-difference l1 l2) (set-difference l2 l1)))
595(defun subsetp
596  "list-1 list-2
597   Return true if every element in `list-1` is also in `list-2`."
598  ([(cons e l1) l2] (andalso (member e l2) (subsetp l1 l2)))
599  ([()          l2] 'true))
601;; Association list functions.
603(defun acons (k v a-list)
604  "key value a-list
605   Add `(key . value)` to the front of the `a-list`."
606  (cons (cons k v) a-list))
608(defun pairlis (ks vs)
609  "keys values
610   Make an alist from pairs of keys values."
611  (pairlis ks vs ()))
613(defun pairlis
614  "keys values a-list
615   Make an alist from pairs of keys values prepending them to a-list."
616  ([(cons k ks) (cons v vs) a-list]
617   (cons (cons k v) (pairlis ks vs a-list)))
618  ([() () a-list] a-list))
620(defun assoc
621  "key a-list
622   Searches a-list returning the first pair whose car is key."
623  ([k (cons (= (cons k v) pair) _)] pair)
624  ([k (cons _ a-list)] (assoc k a-list))
625  ([k ()] ()))
627(defun assoc-if
628  "pred a-list
629   Searches a-list returning the first pair for which pred is true."
630  ([pred (cons (= (cons k _) pair) a-list)]
631   (if (funcall pred k) pair
632       (assoc-if pred a-list)))
633  ([pred ()] ()))
635(defun assoc-if-not
636  "pred a-list
637   Searches a-list returning the first pair for which pred is false."
638  ([pred (cons (= (cons k _) pair) a-list)]
639   (if (funcall pred k)
640     (assoc-if-not pred a-list)
641     pair))
642  ([pred ()] ()))
644(defun rassoc
645  "value a-list
646   Searches a-list returning the first pair whose cdr is value."
647  ([v (cons (= (cons _ v) pair) _)] pair)
648  ([v (cons _ a-list)] (rassoc v a-list))
649  ([v ()] ()))
651(defun rassoc-if
652  "pred a-list
653   Searches a-list returning the first pair for which pred is true."
654  ([pred (cons (= (cons _ v) pair) a-list)]
655   (if (funcall pred v)
656     pair
657     (rassoc-if pred a-list)))
658  ([pred ()] ()))
660(defun rassoc-if-not
661  "pred a-list
662   Searches a-list returning the first pair for which pred is false."
663  ([pred (cons (= (cons _ v) pair) a-list)]
664   (if (funcall pred v)
665     (rassoc-if-not pred a-list)
666     pair))
667  ([pred ()] ()))
669;;; Types
671(defun type-of
672  ((x) (when (is_boolean x))
673   'boolean)
674  ((x) (when (is_atom x))
675   'atom)
676  ((x) (when (is_tuple x))
677   'tuple)
678  ((x) (when (is_integer x))
679   'integer)
680  ((x) (when (is_float x))
681   'float)
682  ((x) (when (is_list x))
683   (cond ((io_lib:printable_latin1_list x) 'string)
684         ((io_lib:printable_unicode_list x) 'unicode)
685         ((?= `(,a . ,b) (when (not (is_list b))) x) 'cons)
686         ('true 'list)))
687  ((x) (when (is_function x))
688   'function)
689  ((x) (when (is_binary x))
690   'binary)
691  ((x) (when (is_bitstring x))
692   'bitstring)
693  ((x) (when (is_pid x))
694   'pid)
695  ((x) (when (is_port x))
696   'port)
697  ((x) (when (is_reference x))
698   'reference)
699  ((x)
700   (andalso (call 'erlang 'is_map x) 'map)))
702(defun coerce
703  ((x 'vector) (when (is_list x))
704   (list_to_tuple x))
705  ((x 'tuple) (when (is_list x))
706   (list_to_tuple x))
707  ((x 'atom) (when (is_list x))
708   (list_to_atom x))
709  ((x 'list) (when (is_atom x))
710   (atom_to_list x))
711  ((x 'list) (when (is_tuple x))
712   (tuple_to_list x))
713  ((x 'list) (when (is_binary x))
714   (binary_to_list x))
715  ((x 'list) (when (is_bitstring x))
716   (bitstring_to_list x))
717  ((x 'character) (when (is_atom x))
718   (car (atom_to_list x)))
719  ((x 'character) (when (is_list x))
720   (car x))
721  ((x 'integer) (when (is_float x))
722   (trunc x))
723  ((x 'float) (when (is_integer x))
724   (list_to_float (integer_to_list x)))
725  ((x 'float) (when (is_list x))
726   (list_to_float x))
727  ((x 'float) (when (is_atom x))
728   (list_to_float (atom_to_list x)))
729  ((x 't)
730   x))
732;;; System
734(defun posix-argv ()
735  (init:get_arguments))
737;; Test defining CL if and cond. We need to put these last so they
738;; won't be used inside this module, but of course the if can't.
740(defmacro if args
741  "test true-case false-case
742   CL compatible if macro."
743  (flet ((exp-if (test if-true if-false)
744                 `(case ,test
745                    (() ,if-false)
746                    (_ ,if-true))))
747    (case args
748      ((list test if-true) (exp-if test if-true ()))
749      ((list test if-true if-false)
750       (exp-if test if-true if-false)))))
752(defmacro cond args
753  "args
754   CL compatible cond macro."
755  (fletrec ((exp-cond
756             ([(cons (list test) cond)]
757              `(case ,test
758                 (() ,(exp-cond cond))
759                 (|\|-cond-test-\|| |\|-cond-test-\||)))
760             ([(cons (cons test body) cond)]
761              `(case ,test
762                 (() ,(exp-cond cond))
763                 (_ (progn . ,body))))
764             ([()] ())))
765    (exp-cond args)))