1%% Copyright (c) 2008-2016 Robert Virding
3%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
7%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13%% limitations under the License.
15%% File    : lfe_macro.erl
16%% Author  : Robert Virding
17%% Purpose : Lisp Flavoured Erlang macro expander.
19%% Expand macros and record definitions (into macros), also handles
20%% quasiquote/backquote in an R6RS compatible way.
24%% -compile(export_all).
26%% These work on individual expressions.
29%% These work on list of forms in "file format".
32         expand_form/4,expand_fileform/3]).
34%% For creating the macro expansion state.
40         mbe_match_pat/3,mbe_get_bindings/3,mbe_expand_pattern/3]).
42%% -compile([export_all]).
44-import(lfe_env, [new/0,add_vbinding/3,is_vbound/2,
45                  add_fbinding/4,is_fbound/3,
46                  add_mbinding/3,is_mbound/2,get_mbinding/2]).
48-import(lists, [any/2,all/2,map/2,foldl/3,foldr/3,mapfoldl/3,
49                reverse/1,reverse/2,member/2,concat/1]).
54%% Define IS_MAP/1 macro for is_map/1 bif.
56-define(IS_MAP(T), is_map(T)).
58-define(IS_MAP(T), false).
61%% Errors
62format_error({bad_form,Type}) ->
63    lfe_io:format1("bad form: ~w", [Type]);
64format_error({bad_env_form,Type}) ->
65    lfe_io:format1("bad environment form: ~w", [Type]);
66format_error({expand_macro,Call,Error}) ->
67    %% Can be very big so only print limited depth.
68    lfe_io:format1("error expanding ~P: ~P", [Call,10,Error,10]).
70%% expand_expr(Form, Env) -> {yes,Exp} | no.
71%% expand_expr_1(Form, Env) -> {yes,Exp} | no.
72%%  User functions for testing macro expansions, either one expansion
73%%  or as far as it can go.
75expand_expr_1([Name|_]=Call, Env) when is_atom(Name) ->
76    St = default_state(false, false),
77    case exp_macro(Call, Env, St) of
78        {yes,Exp,_} -> {yes,Exp};
79        no -> no
80    end;
81expand_expr_1(_, _) -> no.
83expand_expr([Name|_]=Call, Env) when is_atom(Name) ->
84    St0 = default_state(false, false),
85    case exp_macro(Call, Env, St0) of
86        {yes,Exp0,St1} ->
87            {Exp1,_} = expand_expr_loop(Exp0, Env, St1),
88            {yes,Exp1};
89        no -> no
90    end;
91expand_expr(_, _) -> no.
93expand_expr_loop([Name|_]=Call, Env, St0) when is_atom(Name) ->
94    case exp_macro(Call, Env, St0) of
95        {yes,Exp,St1} -> expand_expr_loop(Exp, Env, St1);
96        no -> {Call,St0}
97    end;
98expand_expr_loop(E, _, St) -> {E,St}.
100%% expand_expr_all(From, Env) -> Exp.
101%%  Expand all the macros in an expression.
103expand_expr_all(F, Env) ->
104    {Ef,_} = exp_form(F, Env, default_state(true, false)),
105    Ef.
107%% expand_forms(FileForms, Env, Deep, Keep) ->
108%%     {ok,FileForms,Env,Warnings} | {error,Errors,Warnings}.
109%%  Collect macro definitions in file forms, completely expand all
110%%  macros and only keep all functions.
112expand_forms(Fs, Env, Deep, Keep) ->
113    St = default_state(Deep, Keep),
114    do_forms(Fs, Env, St).
116do_forms(Fs0, Env0, St0) ->
117    {Fs1,Env1,St1} = pass_fileforms(Fs0, Env0, St0),
118    case St1#mac.errors of
119        [] -> {ok,Fs1,Env1,St1#mac.warnings};    %No errors
120        Es -> {error,Es,St1#mac.warnings}
121    end.
123default_state(Deep, Keep) ->
124    #mac{deep=Deep,keep=Keep,line=1,file="-no-file-",opts=[],ipath=["."]}.
126default_state(#cinfo{file=File,opts=Os,ipath=Is}, Deep, Keep) ->
127    #mac{deep=Deep,keep=Keep,line=1,file=File,opts=Os,ipath=Is}.
129%% expand_form_init(Deep, Keep) -> State.
130%% expand_form_init(CompInfo, Deep, Keep) -> State.
131%% expand_form(Form, Line, Env, State) -> {Form,Env,State}.
132%% expand_fileform(Form, Env, State) -> {Form,Env,State}.
133%%  Collect macro definitions in a (file)form, completely expand all
134%%  macros and only keep all functions.
136expand_form_init(Deep, Keep) ->
137    default_state(Deep, Keep).
139expand_form_init(Ci, Deep, Keep) ->
140    default_state(Ci, Deep, Keep).
142expand_form(F0, L, E0, St0) ->
143    {F1,E1,St1} = pass_form(F0, E0, St0#mac{line=L}),
144    return_status(F1, E1, St1).
146expand_fileform({F0,L}, E0, St0) ->
147    {F1,E1,St1} = pass_form(F0, E0, St0#mac{line=L}),
148    return_status({F1,L}, E1, St1).
150return_status(Ret, Env, #mac{errors=[]}=St) ->
151    {ok,Ret,Env,St};
152return_status(_, _, #mac{errors=Es,warnings=Ws}=St) ->
153    {error,Es,Ws,St}.
155%% pass_fileforms(FileForms, Env, State) -> {FileForms,Env,State}.
156%% pass_forms(Forms, Env, State) -> {Forms,Env,State}.
157%%  Pass over a list of fileforms/forms collecting and removing all macro
158%%  defintions. All forms must be expanded at top-level to check form,
159%%  but all can be expanded to full depth. Nesting of forms by progn
160%%  is preserved.
162pass_fileforms(Ffs, Env, St) ->
163    mapfoldl2(fun ({F0,L}, E0, S0) ->
164                      {F1,E1,S1} = pass_form(F0, E0, S0#mac{line=L}),
165                      {{F1,L},E1,S1}
166              end, Env, St, Ffs).
168pass_forms(Fs, Env, St) ->
169    mapfoldl2(fun (F0, E0, S0) -> pass_form(F0, E0, S0) end, Env, St, Fs).
171%% pass_form(Form, Env, State) -> {Form,Env,State}.
172%%  Do a form collecting and removing all macro defintions. The form
173%%  must be expanded at top-level to check it, but it can be expanded
174%%  to full depth. Nesting of forms by progn is preserved.
176pass_form(['progn'|Pfs0], Env0, St0) ->
177    {Pfs1,Env1,St1} = pass_forms(Pfs0, Env0, St0),
178    {['progn'|Pfs1],Env1,St1};
179pass_form(['eval-when-compile'|Efs0], Env0, St0) ->
180    {Efs1,Env1,St1} = pass_ewc(Efs0, Env0, St0),
181    {['eval-when-compile'|Efs1],Env1,St1};
182pass_form(['define-macro'|Def]=M, Env0, St0) ->
183    case pass_define_macro(Def, Env0, St0) of
184        {yes,Env1,St1} ->
185            Ret = ?IF(St1#mac.keep, M, [progn]),
186            {Ret,Env1,St1};                     %Must return a valid form
187        no ->
188            St1 = add_error({bad_form,macro}, St0),
189            {['progn'],Env0,St1}                %Must return a valid form
190    end;
191pass_form(F, Env, St0) ->
192    %% First expand enough to test top form, if so process again.
193    case pass_expand_expr(F, Env, St0, St0#mac.deep) of
194        {yes,Exp,St1} ->                        %Top form expanded
195            pass_form(Exp, Env, St1);
196        {no,F1,St1} ->                          %Expanded all if flag set
197            {F1,Env,St1}
198    end.
200%% pass_ewc(Forms, Env, State) -> {Env,State}.
201%%  Pass over the list of forms which evaluate at compile
202%%  time. Function and macro definitions are collected in the
203%%  environment and other experssions are evaluated. The shell set
204%%  forms are also specially recognised and the variables are bound
205%%  and kept in the environment as well. The functions and macrso
206%%  behave as in the shell.
208pass_ewc(Fs, Env, St) ->
209    mapfoldl2(fun (F, E, S) -> pass_ewc_form(F, E, S) end, Env, St, Fs).
211pass_ewc_form(['progn'|Pfs0], Env0, St0) ->
212    {Pfs1,Env1,St1} = pass_ewc(Pfs0, Env0, St0),
213    {['progn'|Pfs1],Env1,St1};
214pass_ewc_form(['eval-when-compile'|Efs0], Env0, St0) ->
215    {Efs1,Env1,St1} = pass_ewc(Efs0, Env0, St0),
216    {['progn'|Efs1],Env1,St1};
217pass_ewc_form(['define-macro'|Def]=M, Env0, St0) ->
218    %% Do we really want this? It behaves as a top-level macro def.
219    case pass_define_macro(Def, Env0, St0) of
220        {yes,Env1,St1} ->
221            Ret = ?IF(St1#mac.keep, M, [progn]),
222            {Ret,Env1,St1};                     %Don't macro expand now
223        no ->
224            St1 = add_error({bad_env_form,macro}, St0),
225            {[progn],Env0,St1}                  %Just throw it away
226    end;
227pass_ewc_form(['define-function',Name,_,Def]=F, Env0, St0) ->
228    case function_arity(Def) of
229        {yes,Ar} ->                             %Definition not too bad
230            Env1 = lfe_eval:add_dynamic_func(Name, Ar, Def, Env0),
231            Ret = ?IF(St0#mac.keep, F, [progn]),
232            {Ret,Env1,St0};                     %Don't macro expand now
233        no ->                                   %Definition really bad
234            St1 = add_error({bad_env_form,function}, St0),
235            {[progn],Env0,St1}                  %Just throw it away
236    end;
237pass_ewc_form([set|Args], Env, St) ->
238    pass_eval_set(Args, Env, St);
239pass_ewc_form(F0, Env, St0) ->
240    %% First expand enough to test top form, if so process again.
241    case pass_expand_expr(F0, Env, St0, false) of
242        {yes,F1,St1} ->                         %Top form expanded
243            pass_ewc_form(F1, Env, St1);
244        {no,F1,St1} ->                          %Not expanded
245            try
246                lfe_eval:expr(F1, Env),
247                {['progn'],Env,St1}             %Ignore the value
248            catch
249                _:_ ->
250                    {['progn'],Env,add_error({bad_env_form,expression}, St1)}
251            end
252    end.
254function_arity([lambda,Args|_]) ->
255    ?IF(lfe_lib:is_symb_list(Args), {yes,length(Args)}, no);
256function_arity(['match-lambda',[Pat|_]|_]) ->
257    ?IF(lfe_lib:is_proper_list(Pat), {yes,length(Pat)}, no);
258function_arity(_) -> no.
260%% pass_eval_set(Args, Env, State) -> {Set,Env,State}.
261%%  Evaluate the set form.
263pass_eval_set(Args, Env, St) ->
264    try
265        pass_eval_set_1(Args, Env, St)
266    catch
267        _:_ ->                                  %Catch everything
268            {[progn],Env,add_error({bad_env_form,'set'}, St)}
269    end.
271pass_eval_set_1(Args, Env, St0) ->
272    case exp_form(['let'|Args], Env, St0) of
273        {['let',Pat,G,Exp],St1} ->
274            pass_eval_set_1(Pat, [G], Exp, Env, St1);
275        {['let',Pat,Exp],St1} ->
276            pass_eval_set_1(Pat, [], Exp, Env, St1)
277    end.                                        %Just crash here
279pass_eval_set_1(Pat, Guard, Exp, Env0, St) ->
280    Val = lfe_eval:expr(Exp, Env0),
281    {yes,_,Bs} = lfe_eval:match_when(Pat, Val, Guard, Env0),
282    Env1 = foldl(fun ({N,V}, E) -> add_vbinding(N, V, E) end, Env0, Bs),
283    Sets = ?IF(St#mac.keep, [ [set,N,V] || {N,V} <- Bs ], []),
284    {['progn'|Sets],Env1,St}.
286%% pass_expand_expr(Expr, Env, State, DeepFlag) ->
287%%     {yes,Exp,State} | {no,State}.
288%%  Try to macro expand Expr, catch errors and return them in State.
289%%  Only try to expand list expressions.
291pass_expand_expr([_|_]=E0, Env, St0, Deep) ->
292    try
293        case exp_macro(E0, Env, St0) of
294            {yes,_,_}=Yes -> Yes;
295            no when Deep ->                     %Deep expand if flag set.
296                {E1,St1} = exp_form(E0, Env, St0),
297                {no,E1,St1};
298            no -> {no,E0,St0}
299        end
300    catch
301        _:Error -> {no,E0,add_error(Error, St0)}
302    end;
303pass_expand_expr(E, _, St, _) -> {no,E,St}.
305%% pass_define_macro([Name,Meta,Def], Env, State) ->
306%%     {yes,Env,State} | no.
307%%  Add the macro definition to the environment. We do a small format
308%%  check.
310pass_define_macro([Name,_,Def], Env, St) ->
311    case Def of
312        ['lambda'|_] -> {yes,add_mbinding(Name, Def, Env),St};
313        ['match-lambda'|_] -> {yes,add_mbinding(Name, Def, Env),St};
314        _ -> no
315    end.
317%% add_error(Error, State) -> State.
318%% add_error(Line, Error, State) -> State.
319%% add_warning(Warning, State) -> State.
320%% add_warning(Line, Warning, State) -> State.
322add_error(E, St) -> add_error(St#mac.line, E, St).
324add_error(L, E, St) ->
325    St#mac{errors=St#mac.errors ++ [{L,?MODULE,E}]}.
327%% add_warning(W, St) -> add_warning(St#mac.line, W, St).
328%% add_warning(L, W, St) ->
329%%     St#mac{warnings=St#mac.warnings ++ [{L,?MODULE,W}]}.
331%% exp_form(Form, Env, State) -> {Form,State}.
332%%  Completely expand a form using expansions in Env and pre-defined
333%%  macros.  N.B. builtin core forms cannot be overidden and are
334%%  handled here first. Some core forms also are particular about how
335%%  their bodies are to be expanded and we handle these specially
336%%  here. The rest we just expand the tail at the end.
338%% Known Core forms which need special handling.
339exp_form([quote,_]=Q, _, St) -> {Q,St};
340exp_form([cons,H0,T0], Env, St0) ->
341    {H1,St1} = exp_form(H0, Env, St0),
342    {T1,St2} = exp_form(T0, Env, St1),
343    {[cons,H1,T1],St2};
344exp_form([car,E0], Env, St0) ->                 %Catch these to prevent
345    {E1,St1} = exp_form(E0, Env, St0),          %redefining them
346    {[car,E1],St1};
347exp_form([cdr,E0], Env, St0) ->
348    {E1,St1} = exp_form(E0, Env, St0),
349    {[cdr,E1],St1};
350exp_form([list|As], Env, St) ->
351    exp_normal_core(list, As, Env, St);
352exp_form([tuple|As], Env, St) ->
353    exp_normal_core(tuple, As, Env, St);
354exp_form([tref|[_,_]=As], Env, St) ->
355    exp_normal_core(tref, As, Env, St);
356exp_form([tset|[_,_,_]=As], Env, St) ->
357    exp_normal_core(tset, As, Env, St);
358exp_form([binary|As], Env, St) ->
359    exp_normal_core(binary, As, Env, St);
360exp_form([map|As], Env, St) ->
361    exp_normal_core(map, As, Env, St);
362exp_form([mref|As], Env, St) ->
363    exp_normal_core(mref, As, Env, St);
364exp_form([mset|As], Env, St) ->
365    exp_normal_core(mset, As, Env, St);
366exp_form([mupd|As], Env, St) ->
367    exp_normal_core(mupd, As, Env, St);
368exp_form(['map-get'|As], Env, St) ->
369    exp_normal_core('map-get', As, Env, St);
370exp_form(['map-set'|As], Env, St) ->
371    exp_normal_core('map-set', As, Env, St);
372exp_form(['map-update'|As], Env, St) ->
373    exp_normal_core('map-update', As, Env, St);
374exp_form([function|_]=F, _, St) -> {F,St};
375%% Core closure special forms.
376exp_form([lambda,Head|B], Env, St) ->
377    exp_head_tail(lambda, Head, B, Env, St);
378exp_form(['match-lambda'|B0], Env, St0) ->
379    {B1,St1} = exp_ml_clauses(B0, Env, St0),
380    {['match-lambda'|B1],St1};
381exp_form(['let',Vbs|B], Env, St) ->
382    exp_let(Vbs, B, Env, St);
383exp_form(['let-function',Fbs|B], Env, St) ->
384    exp_let_function(Fbs, B, Env, St);
385exp_form(['letrec-function',Fbs|B], Env, St) ->
386    exp_letrec_function(Fbs, B, Env, St);
387exp_form(['let-macro',Mbs|B], Env, St) ->
388    exp_let_macro(Mbs, B, Env, St);
389%% Core control special forms.
390exp_form([progn|As], Env, St) ->
391    exp_normal_core(progn, As, Env, St);
392exp_form(['if'|As], Env, St) ->
393    exp_normal_core('if', As, Env, St);
394exp_form(['case',E0|Cls0], Env, St0) ->
395    {E1,St1} = exp_form(E0, Env, St0),
396    {Cls1,St2} = exp_clauses(Cls0, Env, St1),
397    {['case',E1|Cls1],St2};
398exp_form(['receive'|Cls0], Env, St0) ->
399    {Cls1,St1} = exp_clauses(Cls0, Env, St0),
400    {['receive'|Cls1],St1};
401exp_form(['catch'|B0], Env, St0) ->
402    {B1,St1} = exp_tail(B0, Env, St0),
403    {['catch'|B1],St1};
404exp_form(['try',E|B], Env, St) ->
405    exp_try(E, B, Env, St);
406exp_form([funcall|As], Env, St) ->
407    exp_normal_core(funcall, As, Env, St);
408exp_form([call|As], Env, St) ->
409    exp_normal_core(call, As, Env, St);
410%% Core definition special forms.
411exp_form(['eval-when-compile'|B], Env, St) ->
412    exp_normal_core('eval-when-compile', B, Env, St);
413exp_form(['define-function',Head|B], Env, St) ->
414    exp_head_tail('define-function', Head, B, Env, St);
415exp_form(['define-macro',Head|B], Env, St) ->
416    exp_head_tail('define-macro', Head, B, Env, St);
417%% These don't expand at all as name clashes are allowed.
418exp_form(['define-module',_Mod|_]=Form, _, St) -> {Form,St};
419exp_form(['extend-module'|_]=Form, _, St) -> {Form,St};
420exp_form(['define-type',_Type|_]=Form, _, St) -> {Form,St};
421exp_form(['define-opaque-type',_Type|_]=Form, _, St) -> {Form,St};
422exp_form(['define-function-spec',_Func|_]=Form, _, St) -> {Form,St};
423%% And don't forget when.
424exp_form(['when'|G], Env, St) ->
425    exp_normal_core('when', G, Env, St);
426%% Now the case where we can have macros.
427exp_form([Fun|_]=Call, Env, St0) when is_atom(Fun) ->
428    %% Expand top macro as much as possible.
429    case exp_macro(Call, Env, St0) of
430        {yes,Exp,St1} -> exp_form(Exp, Env, St1);
431        no -> exp_tail(Call, Env, St0)
432    end;
433exp_form([_|_]=Form, Env, St) -> exp_tail(Form, Env, St);
434exp_form(Tup, _, St) when is_tuple(Tup) ->
435    %% Should we expand this? We assume implicit quote here.
436    {Tup,St};
437%% Everything else is atomic.
438exp_form(F, _, St) -> {F,St}.                   %Atomic
440exp_normal_core(Name, As0, Env, St0) ->
441    {As1,St1} = exp_tail(As0, Env, St0),
442    {[Name|As1],St1}.
444exp_head_tail(Name, Head, B0, Env, St0) ->
445    {B1,St1} = exp_tail(B0, Env, St0),
446    {[Name,Head|B1],St1}.
448%% exp_list(Exprs, Env, State) -> {Exps,State}.
449%%  Expand a proper list of exprs.
451exp_list(Es, Env, St) ->
452    mapfoldl(fun (E, S) -> exp_form(E, Env, S) end, St, Es).
454%% exp_tail(Tail, Env, State) -> {Etail,State}.
455%% exp_tail(ExpFun, Tail, Env, State) -> {Etail,State}.
456%%  Expand the tail of a list, need not be a proper list.
458exp_tail(Tail, Env, St) ->
459    exp_tail(fun exp_form/3, Tail, Env, St).
461exp_tail(Fun, [E0|Es0], Env, St0) ->
462    {E1,St1} = Fun(E0, Env, St0),
463    {Es1,St2} = exp_tail(Fun, Es0, Env, St1),
464    {[E1|Es1],St2};
465exp_tail(_, [], _, St) -> {[],St};
466exp_tail(Fun, E, Env, St) -> Fun(E, Env, St).   %Same on improper tail.
468%% exp_clauses(Clauses, Env, State) -> {ExpCls,State}.
469%% exp_ml_clauses(Clauses, Env, State) -> {ExpCls,State}.
470%%  Expand macros in clause patterns, guards and body. Must handle
471%%  match-lambda clauses differently as pattern is an explicit list of
472%%  patterns *NOT* a pattern which is a list. This will affect what is
473%%  detected a macro call.
475exp_clauses(Cls, Env, St) ->
476    exp_tail(fun exp_clause/3, Cls, Env, St).
478exp_clause([P0,['when'|G0]|B0], Env, St0) ->
479    {P1,St1} = exp_form(P0, Env, St0),
480    {G1,St2} = exp_tail(G0, Env, St1),
481    {B1,St3} = exp_tail(B0, Env, St2),
482    {[P1,['when'|G1]|B1],St3};
483exp_clause([P0|B0], Env, St0) ->
484    {P1,St1} = exp_form(P0, Env, St0),
485    {B1,St2} = exp_tail(B0, Env, St1),
486    {[P1|B1],St2};
487exp_clause(Other, Env, St) -> exp_form(Other, Env, St).
489exp_ml_clauses(Cls, Env, St) ->
490    exp_tail(fun exp_ml_clause/3, Cls, Env, St).
492exp_ml_clause([Ps0,['when'|G0]|B0], Env, St0) ->
493    {Ps1,St1} = exp_tail(Ps0, Env, St0),
494    {G1,St2} = exp_tail(G0, Env, St1),
495    {B1,St3} = exp_tail(B0, Env, St2),
496    {[Ps1,['when'|G1]|B1],St3};
497exp_ml_clause([Ps0|B0], Env, St0) ->
498    {Ps1,St1} = exp_tail(Ps0, Env, St0),
499    {B1,St2} = exp_tail(B0, Env, St1),
500    {[Ps1|B1],St2};
501exp_ml_clause(Other, Env, St) -> exp_form(Other, Env, St).
503%% exp_let(VarBindings, Body, Env, State) -> {Expansion,State}.
504%%  We only do limited syntax checking here.
506exp_let(Vbs0, B0, Env, St0) ->
507    {Vbs1,St1} = exp_clauses(Vbs0, Env, St0),
508    {B1,St2} = exp_tail(B0, Env, St1),
509    {['let',Vbs1|B1],St2}.
511%% exp_let_function(FuncBindings, Body, Env, State) -> {Expansion,State}.
512%% exp_letrec_function(FuncBindings, Body, Env, State) -> {Expansion,State}.
513%%  Expand a let/letrec-function. We do add them to the environment as
514%%  they might be used when expanding macros.
516exp_let_function(Fbs0, B0, Env, St0) ->
517    {Fbs1,B1,St1} = do_exp_let_function('let-function', Fbs0, B0, Env, St0),
518    {['let-function',Fbs1|B1],St1}.
520exp_letrec_function(Fbs0, B0, Env, St0) ->
521    {Fbs1,B1,St1} = do_exp_let_function('letrec-function', Fbs0, B0, Env, St0),
522    {['letrec-function',Fbs1|B1],St1}.
524do_exp_let_function(Type, Fbs0, B0, Env0, St0) ->
525    %% Only very limited syntax checking here (see above).
526    Efun = fun ([V,Def], {Env,St}) when is_atom(V) ->
527                   case function_arity(Def) of
528                       {yes,Ar} ->
529                           {lfe_eval:add_dynamic_func(V, Ar, Def, Env),St};
530                       no ->
531                           {Env,add_error(St#mac.line, {bad_form,Type}, St)}
532                   end;
533               (_, {Env,St}) ->
534                   {Env,add_error(St#mac.line, {bad_form,Type}, St)}
535           end,
536    {Env1,St1} = foldl(Efun, {Env0,St0}, Fbs0),
537    {Fbs1,St2} = exp_clauses(Fbs0, Env1, St1),
538    {B1,St3} = exp_tail(B0, Env1, St2),
539    {Fbs1,B1,St3}.
541%% exp_let_macro(MacroBindings, Body, Env, State) -> {Expansion,State}.
542%%  Expand a let_syntax. We add the actual macro binding to the env as
543%%  we may need them while expanding the body.
545exp_let_macro(Mbs, B0, Env0, St0) ->
546    %% Add the macro defs from expansion and return body in a progn.
547    Env1 = foldl(fun ([Name,['lambda'|_]=Def], Env) when is_atom(Name) ->
548                         add_mbinding(Name, Def, Env);
549                     ([Name,['match-lambda'|_]=Def], Env) when is_atom(Name) ->
550                         add_mbinding(Name, Def, Env);
551                     (_, Env) -> Env            %Ignore mistakes
552                 end, Env0, Mbs),
553    {B1,St1} = exp_tail(B0, Env1, St0),         %Expand the body
554    {['progn'|B1],St1}.
556exp_try(E0, B0, Env, St0) ->
557    {E1,St1} = exp_form(E0, Env, St0),
558    {B1,St2} = exp_tail(fun (['case'|Cls0], E, Sta) ->
559                                {Cls1,Stb} = exp_clauses(Cls0, E, Sta),
560                                {['case'|Cls1],Stb};
561                            (['catch'|Cls0], E, Sta) ->
562                                {Cls1,Stb} = exp_clauses(Cls0, E, Sta),
563                                {['catch'|Cls1],Stb};
564                            (['after'|A0], E, Sta) ->
565                                {A1,Stb} = exp_tail(A0, E, Sta),
566                                {['after'|A1],Stb};
567                            (Other, _, St) -> {Other,St}
568                        end, B0, Env, St1),
569    {['try',E1|B1],St2}.
571%% exp_macro(Call, Env, State) -> {yes,Exp,State} | no.
572%%  Expand the macro in top call, but not if it is a core form.
574exp_macro([Name|_]=Call, Env, St) ->
575    case lfe_internal:is_core_form(Name) of
576        true -> no;                             %Never expand core forms
577        false ->
578            case get_mbinding(Name, Env) of
579                {yes,Def} ->
580                    %% User macro bindings.
581                    exp_userdef_macro(Call, Def, Env, St);
582                no ->
583                    %% Default macro bindings.
584                    exp_predef_macro(Call, Env, St)
585            end
586    end.
588%% exp_userdef_macro(Call, Def, Env, State) -> {yes,Exp,State}.
589%%  Evaluate the macro definition by applying it to the call args. The
590%%  definition is either a lambda or match-lambda, expand it and apply
591%%  it to argument list.
593exp_userdef_macro([Mac|Args], Def0, Env, St0) ->
594    %%lfe_io:format("udef: ~p\n", [[Mac|Args]]),
595    %%lfe_io:format("macro: ~p\n", [Def0]),
596    try
597        {Def1,St1} = exp_form(Def0, Env, St0),  %Expand definition
598        Exp = lfe_eval:apply(Def1, [Args,Env], Env),
599        {yes,Exp,St1}
600    catch
601        %% error:no_Error -> boom
602        %% error:Error ->
603        %%     Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
604        %%     erlang:error({expand_macro,[Mac|Args],{Error,Stack}})
605        error:Error ->
606            Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
607            erlang:raise(error, {expand_macro,[Mac|Args],Error}, Stack)
608        %% error:Error ->
609        %%     Stack0 = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
610        %%     Stack1 = trim_stacktrace(Stack0),
611        %%     erlang:error({expand_macro,[Mac|Args],{Error,Stack1}})
612    end.
614%% exp_predef_macro(Call, Env, State) -> {yes,Exp,State} | no.
615%%  Evaluate predefined macro definition catching errors.
617exp_predef_macro(Call, Env, St) ->
618    %%lfe_io:format("pdef: ~p\n", [Call]),
619    try
620        exp_predef(Call, Env, St)
621    catch
622        %% error:Error ->
623        %%     Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
624        %%     erlang:raise({expand_macro,Call,{Error,Stack}})
625        error:Error ->
626            Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
627            erlang:raise(error, {expand_macro,Call,Error}, Stack)
628        %% error:Error ->
629        %%     Stack0 = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
630        %%     Stack1 = trim_stacktrace(Stack0),
631        %%     erlang:error({expand_macro,Call,{Error,Stack1}})
632    end.
634%% trim_stacktrace([{lfe_macro,_,_,_}=S|_]) -> [S];    %R15 and later
635%% trim_stacktrace([{lfe_macro,_,_}|_]=S) -> [S];      %Pre R15
636%% trim_stacktrace([S|Stk]) -> [S|trim_stacktrace(Stk)];
637%% trim_stacktrace([]) -> [].
639%% exp_predef(Form, Env, State) -> {yes,Form,State} | no.
640%%  Expand the built-in predefined macros completely at top-level
641%%  without returning a new predefined top-level macro. This make the
642%%  macros "safe" even if they have been redefined as it is this
643%%  definition which is used.
645%% Builtin default macro expansions.
646exp_predef([caar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[car,E]],St};
647exp_predef([cadr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[cdr,E]],St};
648exp_predef([cdar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[car,E]],St};
649exp_predef([cddr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[cdr,E]],St};
650%% More c*r macros, a la CL HyperSpec.
651exp_predef([caaar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[car,[car,E]]],St};
652exp_predef([caadr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[car,[cdr,E]]],St};
653exp_predef([cadar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[cdr,[car,E]]],St};
654exp_predef([caddr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[cdr,[cdr,E]]],St};
655exp_predef([cdaar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[car,[car,E]]],St};
656exp_predef([cdadr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[car,[cdr,E]]],St};
657exp_predef([cddar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[cdr,[car,E]]],St};
658exp_predef([cdddr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[cdr,[cdr,E]]],St};
659%% Six-letter c*r macros from the CL HyperSpec.
660exp_predef([caaaar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[car,[car,[car,E]]]],St};
661exp_predef([caaadr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[car,[car,[cdr,E]]]],St};
662exp_predef([caadar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[car,[cdr,[car,E]]]],St};
663exp_predef([caaddr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[car,[cdr,[cdr,E]]]],St};
664exp_predef([cadaar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[cdr,[car,[car,E]]]],St};
665exp_predef([cadadr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[cdr,[car,[cdr,E]]]],St};
666exp_predef([caddar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[cdr,[cdr,[car,E]]]],St};
667exp_predef([cadddr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[car,[cdr,[cdr,[cdr,E]]]],St};
668exp_predef([cdaaar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[car,[car,[car,E]]]],St};
669exp_predef([cdaadr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[car,[car,[cdr,E]]]],St};
670exp_predef([cdadar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[car,[cdr,[car,E]]]],St};
671exp_predef([cdaddr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[car,[cdr,[cdr,E]]]],St};
672exp_predef([cddaar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[cdr,[car,[car,E]]]],St};
673exp_predef([cddadr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[cdr,[car,[cdr,E]]]],St};
674exp_predef([cdddar,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[cdr,[cdr,[car,E]]]],St};
675exp_predef([cddddr,E], _, St) -> {yes,[cdr,[cdr,[cdr,[cdr,E]]]],St};
677%% Arithmetic operations and comparison operations.
678%% Be careful to make these behave as if they were a function and
679%% strictly evalated all their arguments.
680exp_predef(['+'|Es], _, St0) ->
681    case Es of
682        [] -> {yes,0,St0};                      %Identity
683        _ ->
684            {Exp,St1} = exp_arith(Es, '+', St0),
685            {yes,Exp,St1}
686    end;
687exp_predef(['-'|Es], _, St0) ->
688    case Es of
689        [_|_] ->                                %Non-empty argument list
690            {Exp,St1} = exp_arith(Es, '-', St0),
691            {yes,Exp,St1}
692    end;
693exp_predef(['*'|Es], _, St0) ->
694    case Es of
695        [] -> {yes,1,St0};                      %Identity
696        [_] -> {yes,exp_bif('*', [1|Es]),St0};  %Check if number
697        _ ->
698            {Exp,St1} = exp_arith(Es, '*', St0),
699            {yes,Exp,St1}
700    end;
701exp_predef(['/'|Es], _, St0) ->
702    case Es of
703        [_] -> {yes,exp_bif('/', [1|Es]),St0};  %According to definition
704        _ ->
705            {Exp,St1} = exp_arith(Es, '/', St0),
706            {yes,Exp,St1}
707    end;
708%% Logical operators.
709exp_predef([Op|Es], _, St0)
710  when Op =:= 'and'; Op =:= 'or'; Op =:= 'xor' ->
711    {Exp,St1} = exp_logical(Es, Op, St0),
712    {yes,Exp,St1};
713%% Comparison operators.
714exp_predef(['!='|Es], Env, St) -> exp_predef(['/='|Es], Env, St);
715exp_predef(['==='|Es], Env, St) -> exp_predef(['=:='|Es], Env, St);
716exp_predef(['!=='|Es], Env, St) -> exp_predef(['=/='|Es], Env, St);
717exp_predef([Op|Es], _, St0) when Op == '/=' ; Op == '=/=' ->
718    {Exp,St1} = exp_nequal(Es, Op, St0),
719    {yes,Exp,St1};
720exp_predef([Op|Es], _, St0)
721  when Op =:= '>'; Op =:= '>='; Op =:= '<'; Op =:= '=<';
722       Op =:= '=='; Op =:= '=:=' ->
723    case Es of
724        [_|_] ->
725            {Exp,St1} = exp_comp(Es, Op, St0),
726            {yes,Exp,St1}
727    end;
728exp_predef([backquote,Bq], _, St) ->            %We do this here.
729    {yes,exp_backquote(Bq),St};
730exp_predef(['++'|Abody], _, St) ->
731    Exp = exp_append(Abody),
732    {yes,Exp,St};
733exp_predef(['++*'|Abody], _, St) ->
734    Exp = exp_prefix(Abody),
735    {yes,Exp,St};
736exp_predef(['?'|As], _, St) ->
737    Omega = [omega,omega],
738    Exp = case As of
739              [To,Def] -> ['receive',Omega,['after',To,Def]];
740              [To] -> ['receive',Omega,['after',To,[exit,?Q(timeout)]]];
741              [] -> ['receive',Omega]
742          end,
743    {yes,Exp, St};
744exp_predef(['list*'|As], _, St) ->
745    Exp = exp_list_star(As),
746    {yes,Exp,St};
747exp_predef(['let*'|Lbody], _, St) ->
748    Exp = exp_let_star(Lbody),
749    {yes,Exp,St};
750exp_predef(['flet*'|Lbody], _, St) ->
751    Exp = exp_flet_star(Lbody),
752    {yes,Exp,St};
753exp_predef(['cond'|Cbody], _, St) ->
754    Exp = exp_cond(Cbody),
755    {yes,Exp,St};
756exp_predef(['do'|Dbody], _, St0) ->
757    {Exp,St1} = exp_do(Dbody, St0),
758    {yes,Exp,St1};
759exp_predef([lc|Lbody], _, St0) ->
760    %% (lc (qual ...) e ...)
761    [Qs|Es] = Lbody,
762    {Exp,St1} = lc_te(Es, Qs, St0),
763    {yes,Exp,St1};
764%% Add an alias for lc.
765exp_predef(['list-comp'|Lbody], _, St0) ->
766    [Qs|Es] = Lbody,
767    {Exp,St1} = lc_te(Es, Qs, St0),
768    {yes,Exp,St1};
769exp_predef([bc|Bbody], _, St0) ->
770    %% (bc (qual ...) e ...)
771    [Qs|Es] = Bbody,
772    {Exp,St1} = bc_te(Es, Qs, St0),
773    {yes,Exp,St1};
774%% Add an alias for bc.
775exp_predef(['binary-comp'|Bbody], _, St0) ->
776    [Qs|Es] = Bbody,
777    {Exp,St1} = bc_te(Es, Qs, St0),
778    {yes,Exp,St1};
779exp_predef(['andalso'|Abody], _, St) ->
780    Exp = exp_andalso(Abody),
781    {yes,Exp,St};
782exp_predef(['orelse'|Obody], _, St) ->
783    Exp = exp_orelse(Obody),
784    {yes,Exp,St};
785%% The fun forms assume M, F and Ar are atoms and integer. We leave
786%% them as before for backwards compatibility.
787exp_predef(['fun',F,Ar], _, St0) ->
788    {Vs,St1} = new_symbs(Ar, St0),
789    {yes,['lambda',Vs,[F|Vs]],St1};
790exp_predef(['fun',M,F,Ar], _, St0) ->
791    {Vs,St1} = new_symbs(Ar, St0),
792    {yes,['lambda',Vs,['call',?Q(M),?Q(F)|Vs]],St1};
793exp_predef(['defrecord'|Def], Env, St) ->
794    lfe_macro_record:define(Def, Env, St);
795%% Include-XXX as macros for now. Move to top-level forms?
796exp_predef(['include-file'|Ibody], Env, St) ->
797    lfe_macro_include:file(Ibody, Env, St);
798exp_predef(['include-lib'|Ibody], Env, St) ->
799    lfe_macro_include:lib(Ibody, Env, St);
800%% Compatibility macros for the older Scheme like syntax.
801exp_predef(['begin'|Body], _, St) ->
802    {yes,['progn'|Body],St};
803exp_predef(['define',Head|Body], _, St) ->
804    %% Let the lint catch errors here.
805    Exp = case lfe_lib:is_symb_list(Head) of
806              true ->
807                  ['define-function',hd(Head),[],[lambda,tl(Head)|Body]];
808              false ->
809                  ['define-function',Head,[],Body]
810          end,
811    {yes,Exp,St};
812exp_predef(['define-record'|Def], _, St) ->
813    {yes,[defrecord|Def],St};
814exp_predef(['define-syntax',Name,Def], _, St) ->
815    {Meta,Mdef} = exp_syntax(Name, Def),
816    {yes,['define-macro',Name,Meta,Mdef],St};
817exp_predef(['let-syntax',Defs|Body], _, St) ->
818    Fun = fun ([Name,Def]) ->
819                  {_,Def} = exp_syntax(Name, Def),
820                  [Name,Def]
821          end,
822    Mdefs = map(Fun, Defs),
823    {yes,['let-macro',Mdefs|Body],St};
824%% Common Lisp inspired macros.
825exp_predef([defmodule,Name|Rest], _, St) ->
826    %% Need to handle parametrised module defs here. Limited checking.
827    Mname = case Name of
828                [Mod|_] -> Mod;                 %Parametrised module
829                Mod -> Mod                      %Normal module
830            end,
831    MODULE = [defmacro,'MODULE',[],?BQ(?Q(Mname))],
832    {Meta,Atts} = exp_defmodule(Rest),
833    {yes,[progn,['define-module',Name,Meta,Atts],MODULE],St#mac{module=Mname}};
834exp_predef([deftype,Type0|Def0], _, St) ->
835    {Type1,Def1} = exp_deftype(Type0, Def0),
836    {yes,['define-type',Type1,Def1],St};
837exp_predef([defopaque,Type0|Def0], _, St) ->
838    {Type1,Def1} = exp_deftype(Type0, Def0),
839    {yes,['define-opaque-type',Type1,Def1],St};
840exp_predef([defspec,Func0|Spec0], _, St) ->
841    {Func1,Spec1} = exp_defspec(Func0, Spec0),
842    {yes,['define-function-spec',Func1,Spec1],St};
843exp_predef([defun,Name|Rest], _, St) ->
844    %% Educated guess whether traditional (defun name (a1 a2 ...) ...)
845    %% or matching (defun name (patlist1 ...) (patlist2 ...))
846    {Meta,Def} = exp_defun(Rest),
847    {yes,['define-function',Name,Meta,Def],St};
848exp_predef([defmacro,Name|Rest], _, St) ->
849    %% Educated guess whether traditional (defmacro name (a1 a2 ...) ...)
850    %% or matching (defmacro name (patlist1 ...) (patlist2 ...))
851    {Meta,Def} = exp_defmacro(Rest),
852    {yes,['define-macro',Name,Meta,Def],St};
853exp_predef([defsyntax,Name|Rules], _, St) ->
854    {Meta,Def} = exp_rules(Name, [], Rules),
855    {yes,['define-macro',Name,Meta,Def],St};
856exp_predef([flet,Defs|Body], _, St) ->
857    Fun = fun ([Name|Rest]) ->
858                  {_,Def} = exp_defun(Rest),    %Ignore meta data
859                  [Name,Def]
860          end,
861    Fdefs = map(Fun, Defs),
862    {yes,['let-function',Fdefs|Body], St};
863exp_predef([fletrec,Defs|Body], _, St) ->
864    Fun = fun ([Name|Rest]) ->
865                  {_,Def} = exp_defun(Rest),    %Ignore meta data
866                  [Name,Def]
867          end,
868    Fdefs = map(Fun, Defs),
869    {yes,['letrec-function',Fdefs|Body], St};
870exp_predef([macrolet,Defs|Body], _, St) ->
871    Fun = fun ([Name|Rest]) ->
872                  {_,Def} = exp_defmacro(Rest), %Ignore meta data
873                  [Name,Def]
874          end,
875    Mdefs = map(Fun, Defs),
876    {yes,['let-macro',Mdefs|Body],St};
877exp_predef([syntaxlet,Defs|Body], _, St) ->
878    Fun = fun ([Name|Rest]) ->
879                  {_,Def} = exp_rules(Name, [], Rest),
880                  [Name,Def]
881          end,
882    Mdefs = map(Fun, Defs),
883    {yes,['let-macro',Mdefs|Body],St};
884exp_predef([prog1|Body], _, St0) ->
885    %% We do a simple optimisation here.
886    case Body of                                %Catch bad form here
887        [Expr] -> {yes,Expr,St0};
888        [First|Rest] ->
889            {V,St1} = new_symb(St0),
890            {yes,['let',[[V,First]]|Rest ++ [V]],St1}
891    end;
892exp_predef([prog2|Body], _, St) ->
893    [First|Rest] = Body,                        %Catch bad form here
894    {yes,[progn,First,[prog1|Rest]],St};
895%% This has to go here for the time being so as to be able to macro
896%% expand body.
897exp_predef(['match-spec'|Body], Env, St0) ->
898    %% Expand it like a match-lambda.
899    {Exp,St1} = exp_ml_clauses(Body, Env, St0),
900    MS = lfe_ms:expand(Exp),
901    {yes,MS,St1};
902%% (qlc (lc (qual ...) e ...) opts)
903exp_predef([qlc,LC], Env, St) -> exp_qlc(LC, [], Env, St);
904exp_predef([qlc,LC,Opts], Env, St) -> exp_qlc(LC, [Opts], Env, St);
905%% Some predefined file macros.
906exp_predef(['MODULE'], _, St) ->
907    {yes,?Q(St#mac.module),St};
908exp_predef(['LINE'], _, St) ->
909    {yes,?Q(St#mac.line),St};
910exp_predef([':',M,F|As], Env, St0) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) ->
911    case exp_call_macro(M, F, As, Env, St0) of
912        {yes,_,_}=Yes -> Yes;                   %{yes,Exp,St}
913        {no,St1} ->                             %Use the default expansion
914            {yes,['call',?Q(M),?Q(F)|As], St1}
915    end;
916exp_predef([':',M,F|As], _, St) ->
917    %% Catch the other junk here.
918    {yes,['call',?Q(M),?Q(F)|As], St};
919exp_predef([Fun|As], _, St) when is_atom(Fun) ->
920    case string:tokens(atom_to_list(Fun), ":") of
921        [M,F] ->
922            {yes,[':',list_to_atom(M),list_to_atom(F)|As],St};
923        _ -> no                                 %This will also catch a:b:c
924    end;
925%% This was not a call to a predefined macro.
926exp_predef(_, _, _) -> no.
928%% exp_call_macro(Module, Name, Args, Env, State) ->
929%%     {yes,From,State} | {no,State}.
930%%  Expand macro in Module if it exists. Try to be smart and avoid
931%%  loading a module, and trying to load a module, unneccessarily.
933exp_call_macro(M, F, As, Env, St) ->
934    case erlang:function_exported(M, 'LFE-EXPAND-EXPORTED-MACRO', 3) of
935        true ->
936            case M:'LFE-EXPAND-EXPORTED-MACRO'(F, As, Env) of
937                {yes,Exp} -> {yes,Exp,St};
938                no -> {no,St}
939            end;
940        false ->
941            %% Slightly faster code:ensure_loaded/1.
942            case erlang:module_loaded(M) of
943                true -> {no,St};                %Module loaded but no macros
944                false ->
945                    Unl = St#mac.unloadable,
946                    case lists:member(M, Unl) of
947                        true -> {no,St};        %Can't load this module
948                        false ->
949                            %% Try loading file and try again.
950                            case code:load_file(M) of
951                                {module,_} -> exp_call_macro(M, F, As, Env, St);
952                                {error,_} ->
953                                    %% Echo modules we couldn't load
954                                    %%lfe_io:format("ecp: ~p\n", [{M,Unl}]),
955                                    St1 = St#mac{unloadable=[M|Unl]},
956                                    {no,St1}
957                            end
958                    end
959            end
960    end.
962%% exp_qlc(LC, Opts, Env, State) -> {yes,Expansion,State}.
963%% Expand a Query List Comprehension returning a call to qlc:q/2. We
964%% first convert the LC into vanilla erlang AST, expand it using in
965%% lfe_qlc.erl, which ql_pt.erl with a special interface, then convert
966%% it back to LFE.
968exp_qlc([lc,Qs|Es], Opts, Env, St0) ->
969    %% Expand macros in the LC before translating it preserving
970    %% structure.
971    {Eqs,St1} = exp_qlc_quals(Qs, Env, St0),
972    {Ees,St2} = exp_list(Es, Env, St1),
973    %% lfe_io:format("Q0 = ~p\n", [[lc,Eqs|Ees]]),
974    %% Now translate to vanilla AST, call qlc expand and then convert
975    %% back to LFE.  lfe_qlc:expand/2 wants a list of conversions not
976    %% a conversion of a list.
977    Vlc = lfe_trans:to_expr([lc,Eqs|Ees], 42),
978    %% lfe_io:format("~w\n", [Vlc]),
979    Vos = map(fun (O) -> lfe_trans:to_expr(O, 42) end, Opts),
980    %% io:put_chars(["E0 = ",erl_pp:expr(Vlc, 5, []),"\n"]),
981    {ok,Vexp} = lfe_qlc:expand(Vlc, Vos),
982    %% io:put_chars([erl_pp:expr(Vexp),"\n"]),
983    Exp = lfe_trans:from_expr(Vexp),
984    %% lfe_io:format("Q1 = ~p\n", [Exp]),
985    {yes,Exp,St2}.
987exp_qlc_quals(Qs, Env, St) ->
988    mapfoldl(fun (Q, S) -> exp_qlc_qual(Q, Env, S) end, St, Qs).
990exp_qlc_qual(['<-',P0,['when'|G0],E0], Env, St0) ->
991    {P1,St1} = exp_form(P0, Env, St0),
992    {G1,St2} = exp_tail(G0, Env, St1),
993    {E1,St3} = exp_form(E0, Env, St2),
994    {['<-',P1,['when'|G1],E1],St3};
995exp_qlc_qual(['<-',P0,E0], Env, St0) ->
996    {P1,St1} = exp_form(P0, Env, St0),
997    {E1,St2} = exp_form(E0, Env, St1),
998    {['<-',P1,E1],St2};
999exp_qlc_qual(T, Env, St) -> exp_form(T, Env, St).
1001%% exp_bif(Bif, Args) -> Expansion.
1003exp_bif(B, As) -> [call,?Q(erlang),?Q(B)|As].
1005%% exp_args(Args, State) -> {LetBinds,State}.
1006%%  Expand Args into a list of let bindings suitable for a let* or
1007%%  nested lets to force sequential left-to-right evaluation.
1009exp_args(As, St) ->
1010    mapfoldl(fun (A, St0) -> {V,St1} = new_symb(St0), {[V,A],St1} end, St, As).
1012%% exp_arith(Args, Op, State) -> {Exp,State}.
1013%%  Expand arithmetic call strictly forcing evaluation of all
1014%%  arguments.  Note that single argument version may need special
1015%%  casing.
1017exp_arith([A], Op, St) -> {exp_bif(Op, [A]),St};
1018exp_arith([A,B], Op, St) -> {exp_bif(Op, [A,B]),St};
1019exp_arith(As, Op, St0) ->
1020    {Ls,St1} = exp_args(As, St0),
1021    B = foldl(fun ([V,_], Acc) -> exp_bif(Op, [Acc,V]) end, hd(hd(Ls)), tl(Ls)),
1022    {exp_let_star([Ls,B]),St1}.
1024%% exp_logical(Args, Op State) -> {Exp,State}.
1025%%  Expand logical call forcing evaluation of all arguments but not
1026%%  strictly; this guarantees expansion is hygenic.  Note that single
1027%%  argument version may need special casing.
1029exp_logical([A], Op, St) -> {exp_bif(Op, [A,?Q(true)]),St};
1030exp_logical([A,B], Op, St) -> {exp_bif(Op, [A,B]),St};
1031exp_logical(As, Op, St0) ->
1032    {Ls,St1} = exp_args(As, St0),
1033    B = foldl(fun ([V,_], Acc) -> exp_bif(Op, [Acc,V]) end, hd(hd(Ls)), tl(Ls)),
1034    {['let',Ls,B],St1}.
1036%% exp_comp(Args, Op, State) -> {Exp,State}.
1037%%  Expand comparison test strictly forcing evaluation of all
1038%%  arguments. Note that single argument version may need special
1039%%  casing.
1041exp_comp([A], _, St) ->            %Force evaluation
1042    {[progn,A,?Q(true)],St};
1043exp_comp([A,B], Op, St) -> {exp_bif(Op, [A,B]),St};
1044exp_comp(As, Op, St0) ->
1045    {Ls,St1} = exp_args(As, St0),
1046    Ts = op_pairs(Ls, Op),
1047    {exp_let_star([Ls,exp_andalso(Ts)]),St1}.
1049op_pairs([[V0,_]|Ls], Op) ->
1050    element(1, mapfoldl(fun ([V1,_], Acc) -> {exp_bif(Op, [Acc,V1]),V1} end,
1051                        V0, Ls)).
1053%% exp_nequal(Args, Op, State) -> {Exp,State}.
1054%%  Expand not equal test strictly forcing evaluation of all
1055%%  arguments. We need to compare all the arguments with each other.
1057exp_nequal([A], _, St) ->            %Force evaluation
1058    {[progn,A,?Q(true)],St};
1059exp_nequal([A,B], Op, St) -> {exp_bif(Op, [A,B]),St};
1060exp_nequal(As, Op, St0) ->
1061    {Ls,St1} = exp_args(As, St0),
1062    Ts = op_all_pairs(Ls, Op),
1063    {exp_let_star([Ls,exp_andalso(Ts)]),St1}.
1065op_all_pairs([], _) -> [];
1066op_all_pairs([[V,_]|Ls], Op) ->
1067    [ exp_bif(Op, [V,V1]) || [V1,_] <- Ls] ++ op_all_pairs(Ls, Op).
1069%% exp_append(Args) -> Expansion.
1070%%  Expand ++ in such a way as to allow its use in patterns. There are
1071%%  a lot of interesting cases here. Only be smart with proper forms.
1073exp_append(Args) ->
1074    case Args of
1075        %% Cases with quoted lists.
1076        [?Q([A|As])|Es] -> [cons,?Q(A),exp_append([?Q(As)|Es])];
1077        [?Q([])|Es] -> exp_append(Es);
1078        %% Cases with explicit cons/list/list*.
1079        [['list*',A]|Es] -> exp_append([A|Es]);
1080        [['list*',A|As]|Es] -> [cons,A,exp_append([['list*'|As]|Es])];
1081        [[list,A|As]|Es] -> [cons,A,exp_append([[list|As]|Es])];
1082        [[list]|Es] -> exp_append(Es);
1083        [[cons,H,T]|Es] -> [cons,H,exp_append([T|Es])];
1084        [[]|Es] -> exp_append(Es);
1085        %% Cases with lists of numbers (strings).
1086        %% [[N|Ns]|Es] when is_number(N) -> [cons,N,exp_append([Ns|Es])];
1087        %% Default cases with unquoted arg.
1088        [E] -> E;                %Last arg not checked
1089        [E|Es] -> exp_bif('++', [E,exp_append(Es)]);
1090        [] -> []
1091    end.
1093%% exp_prefix(Args) -> Expansion.
1094%%  Expand ++* in such a way as to allow its use in patterns.
1095%%  Handle lists of numbers (strings) explicitly, otherwise
1096%%  default to exp_append/1.
1098exp_prefix([['list*',A]|Es]) -> exp_prefix([A|Es]);
1099exp_prefix([['list*',A|As]|Es]) -> [cons,A,exp_prefix([['list*'|As]|Es])];
1100exp_prefix([[list,A|As]|Es]) -> [cons,A,exp_prefix([[list|As]|Es])];
1101exp_prefix([[list]|Es]) -> exp_prefix(Es);
1102exp_prefix([[cons,H,T]|Es]) -> [cons,H,exp_prefix([T|Es])];
1103exp_prefix([[N|Ns]|Es]) when is_number(N) -> [cons,N,exp_prefix([Ns|Es])];
1104exp_prefix([[]|Es]) -> exp_prefix(Es);
1105exp_prefix(Args) -> exp_append(Args).
1107%% exp_list_star(ListBody) -> Cons.
1109exp_list_star([E]) -> E;
1110exp_list_star([E|Es]) ->
1111    [cons,E,exp_list_star(Es)];
1112exp_list_star([]) -> [].
1114%% exp_let_star(FletBody) -> Flets.
1116exp_let_star([[Vb|Vbs]|B]) ->
1117    ['let',[Vb],exp_let_star([Vbs|B])];
1118exp_let_star([[]|B]) -> [progn|B];
1119exp_let_star([Vb|B]) -> ['let',Vb|B].           %Pass error to let for lint.
1121%% exp_flet_star(FletBody) -> Flets.
1123exp_flet_star([[Fb|Fbs]|B]) ->
1124    [flet,[Fb],exp_flet_star([Fbs|B])];
1125exp_flet_star([[]|B]) -> [progn|B];
1126exp_flet_star([Fb|B]) -> [flet,Fb|B].           %Pass error to flet for lint
1128%% exp_cond(CondBody) -> Tests.
1129%%  Expand a cond body to a sequence of if/case tests.
1131exp_cond([['else'|B]]) -> [progn|B];
1132exp_cond([[['?=',P,E]|B]|Cond]) ->
1133    ['case',E,[P|B],['_',exp_cond(Cond)]];
1134exp_cond([[['?=',P,['when'|_]=G,E]|B]|Cond]) ->
1135    ['case',E,[P,G|B],['_',exp_cond(Cond)]];
1136exp_cond([[Test|B]|Cond]) ->                    %Test and body
1137    ['if',Test,[progn|B],exp_cond(Cond)];
1138exp_cond([Test|Cond]) ->                        %Naked test
1139    ['if',Test,?Q(true),exp_cond(Cond)];
1140exp_cond([]) -> ?Q(false).
1142%% exp_do(DoBody) -> DoLoop.
1143%%  Expand a do body into a loop. Add a variable 'do-state' which is
1144%%  the value of the do body which can be used when setting new values
1145%%  to do vars.
1147exp_do([Pars,[Test,Ret]|Body], St0) ->
1148    {Vs,Is,Cs} = foldr(fun ([V,I,C], {Vs,Is,Cs}) -> {[V|Vs],[I|Is],[C|Cs]} end,
1149                       {[],[],[]}, Pars),
1150    {Fun,St1} = new_fun_name("do", St0),
1151    Exp = ['letrec-function',
1152           [[Fun,[lambda,Vs,
1153                  ['if',Test,Ret,
1154		   ['let',[['do-state',
1155			    ['progn'] ++ Body]],
1156		    [Fun|Cs]]]]]],
1157	   [Fun|Is]],
1158    {Exp,St1}.
1160%% exp_andalso(AndAlsoBody) -> Ifs.
1161%% exp_orelse(OrElseBody) -> Ifs.
1163exp_andalso([E]) -> E;                          %Let user check last call
1164exp_andalso([E|Es]) ->
1165    ['if',E,exp_andalso(Es),?Q(false)];
1166exp_andalso([]) -> ?Q(true).
1168exp_orelse([E]) -> E;                           %Let user check last call
1169exp_orelse([E|Es]) -> ['if',E,?Q(true),exp_orelse(Es)];
1170exp_orelse([]) -> ?Q(false).
1172%% exp_defmodule(Rest) -> {Meta,Attributes}.
1173%%  Extract the comment string either if it is first. Ignore 'doc'
1174%%  attributes. Allow empty module definition.
1176exp_defmodule([]) -> {[],[]};
1177exp_defmodule([Doc|Atts]=Rest) ->
1178    ?IF(lfe_lib:is_doc_string(Doc), {[[doc,Doc]],Atts}, {[],Rest}).
1180%% exp_deftype(Type, Def) -> {Type,Def}.
1181%%  Paramterless types to be written as just type name and default
1182%%  type is any.
1184exp_deftype(T, D) ->
1185    Type = if is_list(T) -> T; true -> [T] end,
1186    Def = if D =:= [] -> [any]; true -> hd(D) end,
1187    {Type,Def}.
1189%% exp_defspec(Func, Def) -> {Func,Def}.
1190%%  Do very little here, leave it to lint
1192exp_defspec([_,_]=Func, Def) -> {Func,Def};
1193exp_defspec(Name, Def) ->
1194    {[Name,defspec_arity(Def)],Def}.
1196%% defspec_arity(Spec) -> Arity.
1197%%  Just return the length of the first arg list and let lint check
1198%%  properly later.
1200defspec_arity([[Args|_]|_]) ->
1201    case lfe_lib:is_proper_list(Args) of
1202        true -> length(Args);
1203        false -> 0
1204    end;
1205defspec_arity(_) -> 0.
1207%% exp_defun(Rest) -> {Meta,Lambda | MatchLambda}.
1208%%  Educated guess whether traditional (defun name (a1 a2 ...) ...)
1209%%  or matching (defun name (patlist1 ...) (patlist2 ...)) and whether
1210%%  there is a comment string.
1212exp_defun([Args|Body]=Rest) ->
1213    case lfe_lib:is_symb_list(Args) of
1214        true  -> exp_lambda_defun(Args, Body);
1215        false -> exp_match_defun(Rest)
1216    end.
1218exp_lambda_defun(Args, Body) ->
1219    {Meta,Def} = exp_meta(Body, []),
1220    {Meta,['lambda',Args|Def]}.
1222exp_match_defun(Rest) ->
1223    {Meta,Cls} = exp_meta(Rest, []),
1224    {Meta,['match-lambda'|Cls]}.
1226exp_meta([[spec|Spec]|Rest], Meta) ->
1227    exp_meta(Rest, Meta ++ [[spec|Spec]]);
1228exp_meta([Doc|Rest], Meta) ->
1229    %% The untagged doc string but not at the end.
1230    ?IF(lfe_lib:is_doc_string(Doc) and (Rest =/= []),
1231        exp_meta(Rest, Meta ++ [[doc,Doc]]),
1232        {Meta,[Doc|Rest]});
1233exp_meta([], Meta) -> {Meta,[]}.
1235%% exp_defmacro(Rest) -> {Meta,MatchLambda}.
1236%%  Educated guess whether traditional (defmacro name (a1 a2 ...) ...)
1237%%  or matching (defmacro name (patlist1 ...) (patlist2 ...)). Special
1238%%  case (defmacro name arg ...) to make arg be whole argument list.
1239%%  N.B. Macro definition is function of 2 arguments: the whole
1240%%  argument list of macro call; and $ENV, the current macro
1241%%  environment.
1243exp_defmacro([Args|Body]=Rest) ->
1244    {Meta,Cls} = case lfe_lib:is_symb_list(Args) of
1245                     true -> exp_lambda_defmacro([list|Args], Body);
1246                     false ->
1247                         if is_atom(Args) ->
1248                                 exp_lambda_defmacro(Args, Body);
1249                            true ->
1250                                 exp_match_defmacro(Rest)
1251                         end
1252                 end,
1253    {Meta,['match-lambda'|Cls]}.
1255exp_lambda_defmacro(Args, Body) ->
1256    {Meta,Def} = exp_meta(Body, []),
1257    {Meta,[[[Args,'$ENV']|Def]]}.
1259exp_match_defmacro(Rest) ->
1260    {Meta,Cls} = exp_meta(Rest, []),
1261    {Meta,map(fun ([Head|Body]) -> [[Head,'$ENV']|Body] end, Cls)}.
1263%% exp_syntax(Name, Def) -> {Meta,Lambda | MatchLambda}.
1264%%  N.B. New macro definition is function of 2 arguments, the whole
1265%%  argument list of macro call, and the current macro environment.
1267exp_syntax(Name, Def) ->
1268    case Def of
1269        [macro|Cls] ->
1270            Mcls = map(fun ([Pat|Body]) -> [[Pat,'$ENV']|Body] end, Cls),
1271            {[],['match-lambda'|Mcls]};
1272        ['syntax-rules'|Rules] ->
1273            exp_rules(Name, [], Rules)
1274    end.
1276%% exp_rules(Name, Keywords, Rules) -> {Meta,Lambda}.
1277%%  Expand into call function which expands macro an invocation time,
1278%%  this saves much space and costs us nothing.
1279%%  N.B. New macro definition is function of 2 arguments, the whole
1280%%  argument list of macro call, and the current macro environment.
1282exp_rules(Name, Keywords, Rules) ->
1283    {[],[lambda,[args,'$ENV'],
1284         [':',lfe_macro,mbe_syntax_rules_proc,
1285          [quote,Name],[quote,Keywords],[quote,Rules],args]]}.
1287%%  By Andr� van Tonder
1288%%  Unoptimized.  See Dybvig source for optimized version.
1289%%  Resembles one by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees.
1290%%   (define-syntax quasiquote
1291%%     (lambda (s)
1292%%       (define (qq-expand x level)
1293%%         (syntax-case x (quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing)
1294%%           (`x   (quasisyntax (list 'quasiquote
1295%%                                    #,(qq-expand (syntax x) (+ level 1)))))
1296%%           (,x (> level 0)
1297%%                 (quasisyntax (cons 'unquote
1298%%                                    #,(qq-expand (syntax x) (- level 1)))))
1299%%           (,@x (> level 0)
1300%%                 (quasisyntax (cons 'unquote-splicing
1301%%                                    #,(qq-expand (syntax x) (- level 1)))))
1302%%           (,x (= level 0)
1303%%                 (syntax x))
1304%%           (((unquote x ...) . y)
1305%%            (= level 0)
1306%%                 (quasisyntax (append (list x ...)
1307%%                                      #,(qq-expand (syntax y) 0))))
1308%%           (((unquote-splicing x ...) . y)
1309%%            (= level 0)
1310%%                 (quasisyntax (append (append x ...)
1311%%                                      #,(qq-expand (syntax y) 0))))
1312%%           ((x . y)
1313%%                 (quasisyntax (cons  #,(qq-expand (syntax x) level)
1314%%                                     #,(qq-expand (syntax y) level))))
1315%%           (#(x ...)
1316%%                 (quasisyntax (list->vector #,(qq-expand (syntax (x ...))
1317%%                                                         level))))
1318%%           (x    (syntax 'x))))
1319%%       (syntax-case s ()
1320%%         ((_ x) (qq-expand (syntax x) 0)))))
1322%% exp_backquote(Exp) -> Exp.
1323%%  Not very efficient quasiquote expander, but very compact code.  Is
1324%%  R6RS compliant and can handle comma (unquote) and comma-at
1325%%  (unquote-splicing) with more than one argument properly.  Actually
1326%%  with simple cons/append optimisers code now quite good.
1328exp_backquote(Exp) -> exp_backquote(Exp, 0).
1330exp_backquote([backquote,X], N) ->
1331    [list,[quote,backquote],exp_backquote(X, N+1)];
1332exp_backquote([comma|X], N) when N > 0 ->
1333    exp_bq_cons([quote,comma], exp_backquote(X, N-1));
1334exp_backquote([comma,X], 0) -> X;
1335exp_backquote(['comma-at'|X], N) when N > 0 ->
1336    exp_bq_cons([quote,'comma-at'], exp_backquote(X, N-1));
1337%% Next 2 handle case of splicing into a list.
1338exp_backquote([[comma|X]|Y], 0) ->
1339    exp_bq_append([list|X], exp_backquote(Y, 0));
1340exp_backquote([['comma-at'|X]|Y], 0) ->
1341    exp_bq_append(['++'|X], exp_backquote(Y, 0));
1342exp_backquote([X|Y], N) ->                      %The general list case
1343    exp_bq_cons(exp_backquote(X, N), exp_backquote(Y, N));
1344exp_backquote(X, N) when is_tuple(X) ->
1345    %% Straight [list_to_tuple,exp_backquote(tuple_to_list(X), N)]
1346    %% inefficient and [tuple|tl(exp_backquote(tuple_to_list(X), N))]
1347    %% can't handle splicing!
1348    case exp_backquote(tuple_to_list(X), N) of
1349        [list|Es] -> [tuple|Es];                %No splicing
1350        [cons|_]=E -> [list_to_tuple,E];        %Have splicing
1351        [] -> [tuple]                           %The empty tuple
1352    end;
1353exp_backquote(X, N) when ?IS_MAP(X) ->
1354    %% Splicing at top-level almost meaningless here, with [list|...]
1355    %% we have no splicing, while with [cons|...] we have splicing
1356    case exp_bq_map_pairs(maps:to_list(X), N) of
1357        [list|KVs] -> [map|KVs];                %No splicing
1358        %% [cons|_]=E ->                        %Have splicing
1359        %%      [call,?Q(maps),?Q(from_list)|E];
1360        [] -> [map]                             %The empty map
1361    end;
1362exp_backquote(X, _) when is_atom(X) -> [quote,X];
1363exp_backquote(X, _) -> X.                       %Self quoting
1365exp_bq_append(['++',L], R) ->                   %Catch single comma-at
1366    exp_bq_append(L, R);
1367exp_bq_append([], R) -> R;
1368exp_bq_append(L, []) -> L;
1369%% Will these 2 cases move code errors illegally?
1370exp_bq_append([list,L], [list|R]) -> [list,L|R];
1371exp_bq_append([list,L], R) -> [cons,L,R];
1372%%exp_bq_append(['++'|L], R) -> ['++'|L ++ [R]];
1373%%exp_bq_append(L, ['++'|R]) -> ['++',L|R];
1374exp_bq_append(L, R) -> ['++',L,R].
1376exp_bq_cons([quote,L], [quote,R]) -> [quote,[L|R]];
1377exp_bq_cons(L, [list|R]) -> [list,L|R];
1378exp_bq_cons(L, []) -> [list,L];
1379exp_bq_cons(L, R) -> [cons,L,R].
1382exp_bq_map_pairs(Ps, N) ->
1383    KVs = foldr(fun ({K,V}, Acc) -> [K,V|Acc] end, [], Ps),
1384    exp_backquote(KVs, N).
1386exp_bq_map_pairs(_, _) -> [list].
1389new_symb(St) ->
1390    C = St#mac.vc,
1391    {list_to_atom("|-" ++ integer_to_list(C) ++ "-|"),St#mac{vc=C+1}}.
1393new_symbs(N, St) -> new_symbs(N, St, []).
1395new_symbs(N, St0, Vs) when N > 0 ->
1396    {V,St1} = new_symb(St0),
1397    new_symbs(N-1, St1, [V|Vs]);
1398new_symbs(0, St, Vs) -> {Vs,St}.
1400new_fun_name(Pre, St) ->
1401    C = St#mac.fc,
1402    {list_to_atom(Pre ++ "$^" ++ integer_to_list(C)),St#mac{fc=C+1}}.
1404%% Macro by Example
1405%% Proper syntax-rules which can handle ... ellipsis by Dorai Sitaram.
1407%% While we extend patterns to include tuples and binaries as in
1408%% normal LFE we leave the keyword handling in even though it is
1409%% subsumed by quotes and not really used.
1411%% To make it more lispy!
1412-define(car(L), hd(L)).
1413-define(cdr(L), tl(L)).
1414-define(cadr(L), hd(tl(L))).
1415-define(cddr(L), tl(tl(L))).
1417-define(mbe_ellipsis(Car, Cddr), [Car,'...'|Cddr]).
1419is_mbe_symbol(S) ->
1420    is_atom(S) andalso not is_boolean(S).
1422%% Tests if ellipsis pattern, (p ... . rest)
1423%% is_mbe_ellipsis(?mbe_ellipsis(_, _)) -> true;
1424%% is_mbe_ellipsis(_) -> false.
1426mbe_match_pat([quote,P], E, _) -> P =:= E;
1427mbe_match_pat([tuple|Ps], [tuple|Es], Ks) ->    %Match tuple constructor
1428    mbe_match_pat(Ps, Es, Ks);
1429mbe_match_pat([tuple|Ps], E, Ks) ->             %Match literal tuple
1430    case is_tuple(E) of
1431        true -> mbe_match_pat(Ps, tuple_to_list(E), Ks);
1432        false -> false
1433    end;
1434mbe_match_pat(?mbe_ellipsis(Pcar, _), E, Ks) ->
1435    case lfe_lib:is_proper_list(E) of
1436        true ->
1437            all(fun (X) -> mbe_match_pat(Pcar, X, Ks) end, E);
1438        false -> false
1439    end;
1440mbe_match_pat([Pcar|Pcdr], E, Ks) ->
1441    case E of
1442        [Ecar|Ecdr] ->
1443            mbe_match_pat(Pcar, Ecar, Ks) andalso
1444                mbe_match_pat(Pcdr, Ecdr, Ks);
1445        _ -> false
1446    end;
1447mbe_match_pat(Pat, E, Ks) ->
1448    case is_mbe_symbol(Pat) of
1449        true ->
1450            case member(Pat, Ks) of
1451                true -> Pat =:= E;
1452                false -> true
1453            end;
1454        false -> Pat =:= E
1455    end.
1457mbe_get_ellipsis_nestings(Pat, Ks) ->
1458    m_g_e_n(Pat, Ks).
1460m_g_e_n([quote,_], _) -> [];
1461m_g_e_n([tuple|Ps], Ks) -> m_g_e_n(Ps, Ks);
1462m_g_e_n(?mbe_ellipsis(Pcar, Pcddr), Ks) ->
1463    [m_g_e_n(Pcar, Ks)|m_g_e_n(Pcddr, Ks)];
1464m_g_e_n([Pcar|Pcdr], Ks) ->
1465    m_g_e_n(Pcar, Ks) ++ m_g_e_n(Pcdr, Ks);
1466m_g_e_n(Pat, Ks) ->
1467    case is_mbe_symbol(Pat) of
1468        true ->
1469            case member(Pat, Ks) of
1470                true -> [];
1471                false -> [Pat]
1472            end;
1473        false -> []
1474    end.
1476mbe_ellipsis_sub_envs(Nestings, R) ->
1477    ormap(fun (C) ->
1478          case mbe_intersect(Nestings, ?car(C)) of
1479              true -> ?cdr(C);
1480              false -> false
1481          end end, R).
1483%% Return first value of F applied to elements in list which is not false.
1484ormap(F, [H|T]) ->
1485    case F(H) of
1486        false -> ormap(F, T);
1487        V -> V
1488    end;
1489ormap(_, []) -> false.
1491mbe_intersect(V, Y) ->
1492    case is_mbe_symbol(V) orelse is_mbe_symbol(Y) of
1493        true -> V =:= Y;
1494        false ->
1495            any(fun (V0) ->
1496                        any(fun (Y0) -> mbe_intersect(V0, Y0) end, Y)
1497                end, V)
1498    end.
1500%% mbe_get_bindings(Pattern, Expression, Keywords) -> Bindings.
1502mbe_get_bindings([quote,_], _, _) -> [];
1503mbe_get_bindings([tuple|Ps], [tuple|Es], Ks) ->    %Tuple constructor
1504    mbe_get_bindings(Ps, Es, Ks);
1505mbe_get_bindings([tuple|Ps], E, Ks) ->        %Literal tuple
1506    mbe_get_bindings(Ps, tuple_to_list(E), Ks);
1507mbe_get_bindings(?mbe_ellipsis(Pcar, _), E, Ks) ->
1508    [[mbe_get_ellipsis_nestings(Pcar, Ks) |
1509      map(fun (X) -> mbe_get_bindings(Pcar, X, Ks) end, E)]];
1510mbe_get_bindings([Pcar|Pcdr], [Ecar|Ecdr], Ks) ->
1511    mbe_get_bindings(Pcar, Ecar, Ks) ++
1512        mbe_get_bindings(Pcdr, Ecdr, Ks);
1513mbe_get_bindings(Pat, E, Ks) ->
1514    case is_mbe_symbol(Pat) of
1515        true ->
1516            case member(Pat, Ks) of
1517                true -> [];
1518                false -> [[Pat|E]]
1519            end;
1520        false -> []
1521    end.
1523%% mbe_expand_pattern(Pattern, Bindings, Keywords) -> Form.
1525mbe_expand_pattern([quote,P], R, Ks) ->
1526    [quote,mbe_expand_pattern(P, R, Ks)];
1527mbe_expand_pattern([tuple|Ps], R, Ks) ->
1528    [tuple|mbe_expand_pattern(Ps, R, Ks)];
1529mbe_expand_pattern(?mbe_ellipsis(Pcar, Pcddr), R, Ks) ->
1530    Nestings = mbe_get_ellipsis_nestings(Pcar, Ks),
1531    Rr = mbe_ellipsis_sub_envs(Nestings, R),
1532    map(fun (R0) -> mbe_expand_pattern(Pcar, R0 ++ R, Ks) end, Rr) ++
1533        mbe_expand_pattern(Pcddr, R, Ks);
1534mbe_expand_pattern([Pcar|Pcdr], R, Ks) ->
1535    [mbe_expand_pattern(Pcar, R, Ks)|
1536     mbe_expand_pattern(Pcdr, R, Ks)];
1537mbe_expand_pattern(Pat, R, Ks) ->
1538    case is_mbe_symbol(Pat) of
1539        true ->
1540            case member(Pat, Ks) of
1541                true -> Pat;
1542                false ->
1543                    case lfe:assoc(Pat, R) of
1544                        [_|Cdr] -> Cdr;
1545                        [] -> Pat
1546                    end
1547            end;
1548        false -> Pat
1549    end.
1551%% mbe_syntax_rules_proc(Name, Keywords, Rules, Argsym, Keywordsym) ->
1552%%      Sexpr.
1553%%  Generate the sexpr to evaluate in a macro from Name and
1554%%  Rules. When the sexpr is applied to arguments (in Argsym) and
1555%%  evaluated then expansion is returned.
1557%% Return sexpr to evaluate.
1558mbe_syntax_rules_proc(Name, Ks0, Cls, Argsym, Ksym) ->
1559    Ks = [Name|Ks0],
1560    %% Don't prepend the macro name to the arguments!
1561    ['let',[[Ksym,[quote,Ks]]],
1562     ['cond'] ++
1563         map(fun (C) ->
1564                     Inpat = hd(C),
1565                     Outpat = hd(tl(C)),
1566                     [[':',lfe_macro,mbe_match_pat,[quote,Inpat], Argsym, Ksym],
1567                      ['let',
1568                       [[r,[':',lfe_macro,mbe_get_bindings,
1569                            [quote,Inpat],Argsym,Ksym]]],
1570                       [':',lfe_macro,mbe_expand_pattern,
1571                        [quote,Outpat],r,Ksym]]]
1572             end, Cls) ++
1573         [[[quote,true],[':',erlang,error,
1574                         [tuple,
1575                          [quote,expand_macro],
1576                          [cons,[quote,Name],Argsym], %??? Must check this
1577                          [quote,macro_clause]]]]]].
1579%% Do it all directly.
1580mbe_syntax_rules_proc(Name, Ks0, Cls, Args) ->
1581    Ks = [Name|Ks0],
1582    case ormap(fun ([Pat,Exp]) ->
1583                       case mbe_match_pat(Pat, Args, Ks) of
1584                           true ->
1585                               R = mbe_get_bindings(Pat, Args, Ks),
1586                               [mbe_expand_pattern(Exp, R, Ks)];
1587                           false -> false
1588                       end
1589               end, Cls) of
1590        [Res] -> Res;
1591        false -> erlang:error({expand_macro,[Name|Args],macro_clause})
1592    end.
1594%% lc_te(Exprs, Qualifiers, State) -> {Exp,State}.
1595%% bc_te(Exprs, Qualifiers, State) -> {Exp,State}.
1596%%  Expand a list/binary comprehension. Algorithm straight out of
1597%%  Simon PJs book.
1599%% lc_te(Es, Qs, St) -> lc_tq(Es, Qs, [], St).
1600lc_te(Es, Qs, St) -> lc_te(Es, Qs, [], St).
1602lc_te(Es, Qs, End, St) ->
1603    c_tq(fun (E, S) -> {[cons,['progn'|Es],E],S} end, Qs, End, St).
1605%%bc_te(Es, Qs, St) -> bc_tq(Es, Qs, <<>>, St).
1606bc_te(Es, Qs, St) ->
1607    c_tq(fun (E, S) ->
1608                 %% Separate last form to be binary segment.
1609                 case reverse(Es) of
1610                     [R] -> {[binary,R,[E,bitstring]],S};
1611                     [R|Rs] -> {['progn'|reverse(Rs)] ++
1612                                    [[binary,R,[E,bitstring]]],S};
1613                     [] -> {E,S}
1614                 end
1615         end, Qs, <<>>, St).
1617%% c_tq(BuildExp, Qualifiers, End, State) -> {Exp,State}.
1619c_tq(Exp, [['<-',P,Gen]|Qs], End, St) ->                %List generator
1620    c_l_tq(Exp, P, [], Gen, Qs, End, St);
1621c_tq(Exp, [['<-',P,['when'|G],Gen]|Qs], End, St) ->     %List generator
1622    c_l_tq(Exp, P, G, Gen, Qs, End, St);
1623c_tq(Exp, [['<=',P,Gen]|Qs], End, St) ->                %Bits generator
1624    c_b_tq(Exp, P, [], Gen, Qs, End, St);
1625c_tq(Exp, [['<=',P,['when'|G],Gen]|Qs], End, St) ->     %Bits generator
1626    c_b_tq(Exp, P, G, Gen, Qs, End, St);
1627c_tq(Exp, [['?=',P,E]|Qs], End, St0) ->                 %Test match
1628    {Rest,St1} = c_tq(Exp, Qs, End, St0),
1629    {['case',E,[P,Rest],['_',End]],St1};
1630c_tq(Exp, [['?=',P,['when'|_]=G,E]|Qs], End, St0) ->    %Test match
1631    {Rest,St1} = c_tq(Exp, Qs, End, St0),
1632    {['case',E,[P,G,Rest],['_',End]],St1};
1633c_tq(Exp, [T|Qs], End, St0) ->                          %Test
1634    {Rest,St1} = c_tq(Exp, Qs, End, St0),
1635    {['if',T,Rest,End],St1};
1636c_tq(Exp, [], End, St) ->                               %End of qualifiers
1637    Exp(End, St).
1639c_l_tq(Exp, P, G, Gen, Qs, End, St0) ->
1640    {H,St1} = new_fun_name("lc", St0),          %Function name
1641    {Us,St2} = new_symb(St1),                   %Tail variable
1642    {Rest,St3} = c_tq(Exp, Qs, [H,Us], St2),    %Do rest of qualifiers
1643    %% Build the match, no match and end clauses, no nomatch clause if
1644    %% pattern and guard guaranteed to match. Keeps compiler quiet.
1645    Cs0 = [ [[[]],End] ],                       %End of list
1646    Cs1 = case is_atom(P) and (G == []) of      %No match, skip
1647              true -> Cs0;
1648              false -> [ [[[cons,'_',Us]],[H,Us]] |Cs0]
1649          end,
1650    Cs2 = [ [[[cons,P,Us]],['when'|G],Rest] |Cs1], %Matches pattern and guard
1651    {['letrec-function',
1652      [[H,['match-lambda'|Cs2]]],
1653      [H,Gen]],St3}.
1655c_b_tq(Exp, P, G, Gen, Qs, End, St0) ->
1656    {H,St1} = new_fun_name("bc", St0),          %Function name
1657    {B,St2} = new_symb(St1),                    %Bin variable
1658    {Rest,St3} = c_tq(Exp, Qs, [H,B], St2),     %Do rest of qualifiers
1659    Brest = [B,bitstring,'big-endian',unsigned,[unit,1]], %,[size,all]
1660    %% Build the match and nomatch/end clauses.
1661    MatchC = [[[binary,P,Brest]],['when'|G],Rest],  %Matches pattern and guard
1662    EndC = [[[binary,Brest]],End],                  %No match
1663    {['letrec-function',
1664      [[H,['match-lambda',MatchC,EndC]]],
1665      [H,Gen]],St3}.
1667%% c_tq(Exp, [['<-',P,Gen]|Qs], End, St0) ->        %List generator
1668%%     {H,St1} = new_fun_name("lc", St0),           %Function name
1669%%     {Us,St2} = new_symb(St1),                    %Tail variable
1670%%     {Rest,St3} = c_tq(Exp, Qs, [H,Us], St2),     %Do rest of qualifiers
1671%%     {['letrec-function',
1672%%       [[H,['match-lambda',
1673%%        [[[P|Us]],Rest],                          %Matches pattern
1674%%        [[['_'|Us]],[H,Us]],                      %No match
1675%%        [[[]],End]]]],                            %End of list
1676%%       [H,Gen]],St3};
1678%% c_tq(Exp, [['<=',P,Gen]|Qs], End, St0) ->        %Bits generator
1679%%     {H,St1} = new_fun_name("bc", St0),           %Function name
1680%%     {B,St2} = new_symb(St1),                     %Bin variable
1681%%     {Rest,St3} = c_tq(Exp, Qs, [H,B], St2),      %Do rest of qualifiers
1682%%     Brest = [B,bitstring,'big-endian',unsigned,[unit,1]], %,[size,all]
1683%%     {['letrec-function',
1684%%       [[H,['match-lambda',
1685%%        [[[binary,P,Brest]],Rest],                %Matches pattern
1686%%        [[[binary,Brest]],End]]]],                %No match
1687%%       [H,Gen]],St3};
1689%% mapfoldl2(Fun, Acc1, Acc2, List) -> {List,Acc1,Acc2}.
1690%%  Like normal mapfoldl but with 2 accumulators.
1692mapfoldl2(Fun, A0, B0, [E0|Es0]) ->
1693    {E1,A1,B1} = Fun(E0, A0, B0),
1694    {Es1,A2,B2} = mapfoldl2(Fun, A1, B1, Es0),
1695    {[E1|Es1],A2,B2};
1696mapfoldl2(_, A, B, []) -> {[],A,B}.