1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // <copyright file="MethodCallTranslator.cs" company="Microsoft">
3 //      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
4 // </copyright>
5 //
6 // @owner  Microsoft, Microsoft
7 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
9 namespace System.Data.Objects.ELinq
10 {
11     using System.Collections.Generic;
12     using System.Data.Common;
13     using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees;
14     using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder;
15     using System.Data.Entity;
16     using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
17     using System.Data.Objects.DataClasses;
18     using System.Diagnostics;
19     using System.Linq;
20     using System.Linq.Expressions;
21     using System.Reflection;
22     using CqtExpression = System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.DbExpression;
23     using LinqExpression = System.Linq.Expressions.Expression;
25     internal sealed partial class ExpressionConverter
26     {
27         /// <summary>
28         /// Translates System.Linq.Expression.MethodCallExpression to System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.DbExpression
29         /// </summary>
30         private sealed partial class MethodCallTranslator : TypedTranslator<MethodCallExpression>
31         {
MethodCallTranslator()32             internal MethodCallTranslator()
33                 : base(ExpressionType.Call) { }
TypedTranslate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression linq)34             protected override CqtExpression TypedTranslate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression linq)
35             {
36                 // check if this is a known sequence method
37                 SequenceMethod sequenceMethod;
38                 SequenceMethodTranslator sequenceTranslator;
39                 if (ReflectionUtil.TryIdentifySequenceMethod(linq.Method, out sequenceMethod) &&
40                     s_sequenceTranslators.TryGetValue(sequenceMethod, out sequenceTranslator))
41                 {
42                     return sequenceTranslator.Translate(parent, linq, sequenceMethod);
43                 }
44                 // check if this is a known method
45                 CallTranslator callTranslator;
46                 if (TryGetCallTranslator(linq.Method, out callTranslator))
47                 {
48                     return callTranslator.Translate(parent, linq);
49                 }
51                 // check if this is an ObjectQuery<> builder method
52                 if (ObjectQueryCallTranslator.IsCandidateMethod(linq.Method))
53                 {
54                     ObjectQueryCallTranslator builderTranslator;
55                     if (s_objectQueryTranslators.TryGetValue(linq.Method.Name, out builderTranslator))
56                     {
57                         return builderTranslator.Translate(parent, linq);
58                     }
59                 }
61                 // check if this method has the FunctionAttribute (known proxy)
62                 EdmFunctionAttribute functionAttribute = linq.Method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EdmFunctionAttribute), false)
63                     .Cast<EdmFunctionAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
64                 if (null != functionAttribute)
65                 {
66                     return s_functionCallTranslator.TranslateFunctionCall(parent, linq, functionAttribute);
67                 }
69                 switch(linq.Method.Name)
70                 {
71                     case "Contains":
72                         {
73                             if (linq.Method.GetParameters().Count() == 1 && linq.Method.ReturnType.Equals(typeof(bool)))
74                             {
75                                 Type[] genericArguments;
76                                 if (linq.Method.IsImplementationOfGenericInterfaceMethod(typeof(ICollection<>), out genericArguments))
77                                 {
78                                     return ContainsTranslator.TranslateContains(parent, linq.Object, linq.Arguments[0]);
79                                 }
80                             }
81                             break;
82                         }
83                 }
85                 // fall back on the default translator
86                 return s_defaultTranslator.Translate(parent, linq);
87             }
89             #region Static members and initializers
90             private const string s_stringsTypeFullName = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings";
92             // initialize fall-back translator
93             private static readonly CallTranslator s_defaultTranslator = new DefaultTranslator();
94             private static readonly FunctionCallTranslator s_functionCallTranslator = new FunctionCallTranslator();
95             private static readonly Dictionary<MethodInfo, CallTranslator> s_methodTranslators = InitializeMethodTranslators();
96             private static readonly Dictionary<SequenceMethod, SequenceMethodTranslator> s_sequenceTranslators = InitializeSequenceMethodTranslators();
97             private static readonly Dictionary<string, ObjectQueryCallTranslator> s_objectQueryTranslators = InitializeObjectQueryTranslators();
98             private static bool s_vbMethodsInitialized;
99             private static readonly object s_vbInitializerLock = new object();
InitializeMethodTranslators()101             private static Dictionary<MethodInfo, CallTranslator> InitializeMethodTranslators()
102             {
103                 // initialize translators for specific methods (e.g., Int32.op_Equality)
104                 Dictionary<MethodInfo, CallTranslator> methodTranslators = new Dictionary<MethodInfo, CallTranslator>();
105                 foreach (CallTranslator translator in GetCallTranslators())
106                 {
107                     foreach (MethodInfo method in translator.Methods)
108                     {
109                         methodTranslators.Add(method, translator);
110                     }
111                 }
113                 return methodTranslators;
114             }
InitializeSequenceMethodTranslators()116             private static Dictionary<SequenceMethod, SequenceMethodTranslator> InitializeSequenceMethodTranslators()
117             {
118                 // initialize translators for sequence methods (e.g., Sequence.Select)
119                 Dictionary<SequenceMethod, SequenceMethodTranslator> sequenceTranslators = new Dictionary<SequenceMethod, SequenceMethodTranslator>();
120                 foreach (SequenceMethodTranslator translator in GetSequenceMethodTranslators())
121                 {
122                     foreach (SequenceMethod method in translator.Methods)
123                     {
124                         sequenceTranslators.Add(method, translator);
125                     }
126                 }
128                 return sequenceTranslators;
129             }
InitializeObjectQueryTranslators()131             private static Dictionary<string, ObjectQueryCallTranslator> InitializeObjectQueryTranslators()
132             {
133                 // initialize translators for object query methods (e.g. ObjectQuery<T>.OfType<S>(), ObjectQuery<T>.Include(string) )
134                 Dictionary<string, ObjectQueryCallTranslator> objectQueryCallTranslators = new Dictionary<string, ObjectQueryCallTranslator>(StringComparer.Ordinal);
135                 foreach (ObjectQueryCallTranslator translator in GetObjectQueryCallTranslators())
136                 {
137                     objectQueryCallTranslators[translator.MethodName] = translator;
138                 }
140                 return objectQueryCallTranslators;
141             }
143             /// <summary>
144             /// Tries to get a translator for the given method info.
145             /// If the given method info corresponds to a Visual Basic property,
146             /// it also initializes the Visual Basic translators if they have not been initialized
147             /// </summary>
148             /// <param name="methodInfo"></param>
149             /// <param name="callTranslator"></param>
150             /// <returns></returns>
TryGetCallTranslator(MethodInfo methodInfo, out CallTranslator callTranslator)151             private static bool TryGetCallTranslator(MethodInfo methodInfo, out CallTranslator callTranslator)
152             {
153                 if (s_methodTranslators.TryGetValue(methodInfo, out callTranslator))
154                 {
155                     return true;
156                 }
157                 // check if this is the visual basic assembly
158                 if (s_visualBasicAssemblyFullName == methodInfo.DeclaringType.Assembly.FullName)
159                 {
160                     lock (s_vbInitializerLock)
161                     {
162                         if (!s_vbMethodsInitialized)
163                         {
164                             InitializeVBMethods(methodInfo.DeclaringType.Assembly);
165                             s_vbMethodsInitialized = true;
166                         }
167                         // try again
168                         return s_methodTranslators.TryGetValue(methodInfo, out callTranslator);
169                     }
170                 }
172                 callTranslator = null;
173                 return false;
174             }
InitializeVBMethods(Assembly vbAssembly)176             private static void InitializeVBMethods(Assembly vbAssembly)
177             {
178                 Debug.Assert(!s_vbMethodsInitialized);
179                 foreach (CallTranslator translator in GetVisualBasicCallTranslators(vbAssembly))
180                 {
181                     foreach (MethodInfo method in translator.Methods)
182                     {
183                         s_methodTranslators.Add(method, translator);
184                     }
185                 }
186             }
GetVisualBasicCallTranslators(Assembly vbAssembly)188             private static IEnumerable<CallTranslator> GetVisualBasicCallTranslators(Assembly vbAssembly)
189             {
190                 yield return new VBCanonicalFunctionDefaultTranslator(vbAssembly);
191                 yield return new VBCanonicalFunctionRenameTranslator(vbAssembly);
192                 yield return new VBDatePartTranslator(vbAssembly);
193             }
GetCallTranslators()195             private static IEnumerable<CallTranslator> GetCallTranslators()
196             {
197                 return new CallTranslator[]
198                 {
199                     new CanonicalFunctionDefaultTranslator(),
200                     new AsUnicodeFunctionTranslator(),
201                     new AsNonUnicodeFunctionTranslator(),
202                     new MathPowerTranslator(),
203                     new GuidNewGuidTranslator(),
204                     new StringContainsTranslator(),
205                     new StartsWithTranslator(),
206                     new EndsWithTranslator(),
207                     new IndexOfTranslator(),
208                     new SubstringTranslator(),
209                     new RemoveTranslator(),
210                     new InsertTranslator(),
211                     new IsNullOrEmptyTranslator(),
212                     new StringConcatTranslator(),
213                     new TrimTranslator(),
214                     new TrimStartTranslator(),
215                     new TrimEndTranslator(),
216                     new SpatialMethodCallTranslator(),
217                 };
218             }
GetSequenceMethodTranslators()220             private static IEnumerable<SequenceMethodTranslator> GetSequenceMethodTranslators()
221             {
222                 yield return new ConcatTranslator();
223                 yield return new UnionTranslator();
224                 yield return new IntersectTranslator();
225                 yield return new ExceptTranslator();
226                 yield return new DistinctTranslator();
227                 yield return new WhereTranslator();
228                 yield return new SelectTranslator();
229                 yield return new OrderByTranslator();
230                 yield return new OrderByDescendingTranslator();
231                 yield return new ThenByTranslator();
232                 yield return new ThenByDescendingTranslator();
233                 yield return new SelectManyTranslator();
234                 yield return new AnyTranslator();
235                 yield return new AnyPredicateTranslator();
236                 yield return new AllTranslator();
237                 yield return new JoinTranslator();
238                 yield return new GroupByTranslator();
239                 yield return new MaxTranslator();
240                 yield return new MinTranslator();
241                 yield return new AverageTranslator();
242                 yield return new SumTranslator();
243                 yield return new CountTranslator();
244                 yield return new LongCountTranslator();
245                 yield return new CastMethodTranslator();
246                 yield return new GroupJoinTranslator();
247                 yield return new OfTypeTranslator();
248                 yield return new PassthroughTranslator();
249                 yield return new DefaultIfEmptyTranslator();
250                 yield return new FirstTranslator();
251                 yield return new FirstPredicateTranslator();
252                 yield return new FirstOrDefaultTranslator();
253                 yield return new FirstOrDefaultPredicateTranslator();
254                 yield return new TakeTranslator();
255                 yield return new SkipTranslator();
256                 yield return new SingleTranslator();
257                 yield return new SinglePredicateTranslator();
258                 yield return new SingleOrDefaultTranslator();
259                 yield return new SingleOrDefaultPredicateTranslator();
260                 yield return new ContainsTranslator();
261             }
GetObjectQueryCallTranslators()263             private static IEnumerable<ObjectQueryCallTranslator> GetObjectQueryCallTranslators()
264             {
265                 yield return new ObjectQueryBuilderDistinctTranslator();
266                 yield return new ObjectQueryBuilderExceptTranslator();
267                 yield return new ObjectQueryBuilderFirstTranslator();
268                 yield return new ObjectQueryIncludeTranslator();
269                 yield return new ObjectQueryBuilderIntersectTranslator();
270                 yield return new ObjectQueryBuilderOfTypeTranslator();
271                 yield return new ObjectQueryBuilderUnionTranslator();
272                 yield return new ObjectQueryMergeAsTranslator();
273                 yield return new ObjectQueryIncludeSpanTranslator();
274             }
IsTrivialRename( LambdaExpression selectorLambda, ExpressionConverter converter, out string leftName, out string rightName, out InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata)276             private static bool IsTrivialRename(
277                 LambdaExpression selectorLambda,
278                 ExpressionConverter converter,
279                 out string leftName,
280                 out string rightName,
281                 out InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata)
282             {
283                 leftName = null;
284                 rightName = null;
285                 initializerMetadata = null;
287                 if (selectorLambda.Parameters.Count != 2 ||
288                     selectorLambda.Body.NodeType != ExpressionType.New)
289                 {
290                     return false;
291                 }
293                 var newExpression = (NewExpression)selectorLambda.Body;
295                 if (newExpression.Arguments.Count != 2)
296                 {
297                     return false;
298                 }
300                 if (newExpression.Arguments[0] != selectorLambda.Parameters[0] ||
301                     newExpression.Arguments[1] != selectorLambda.Parameters[1])
302                 {
303                     return false;
304                 }
306                 leftName = newExpression.Members[0].Name;
307                 rightName = newExpression.Members[1].Name;
309                 // Construct a new initializer type in metadata for the renaming projection (provides the
310                 // necessary context for the object materializer)
311                 initializerMetadata = InitializerMetadata.CreateProjectionInitializer(converter.EdmItemCollection, newExpression);
312                 converter.ValidateInitializerMetadata(initializerMetadata);
314                 return true;
315             }
316             #endregion
318             #region Method translators
319             private abstract class CallTranslator
320             {
321                 private readonly IEnumerable<MethodInfo> _methods;
CallTranslator(params MethodInfo[] methods)322                 protected CallTranslator(params MethodInfo[] methods) { _methods = methods; }
CallTranslator(IEnumerable<MethodInfo> methods)323                 protected CallTranslator(IEnumerable<MethodInfo> methods) { _methods = methods; }
324                 internal IEnumerable<MethodInfo> Methods { get { return _methods; } }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)325                 internal abstract CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call);
ToString()326                 public override string ToString()
327                 {
328                     return GetType().Name;
329                 }
330             }
331             private abstract class ObjectQueryCallTranslator : CallTranslator
332             {
IsCandidateMethod(MethodInfo method)333                 internal static bool IsCandidateMethod(MethodInfo method)
334                 {
335                     Type declaringType = method.DeclaringType;
336                     return ((method.IsPublic || (method.IsAssembly && (method.Name == "MergeAs" || method.Name == "IncludeSpan"))) &&
337                             null != declaringType &&
338                             declaringType.IsGenericType &&
339                             typeof(ObjectQuery<>) == declaringType.GetGenericTypeDefinition());
340                 }
RemoveConvertToObjectQuery(LinqExpression queryExpression)342                 internal static LinqExpression RemoveConvertToObjectQuery(LinqExpression queryExpression)
343                 {
344                     // Remove the Convert(ObjectQuery<T>) that was placed around the LINQ expression that defines an ObjectQuery to allow it to be used as the argument in a call to MergeAs or IncludeSpan
345                     if (queryExpression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
346                     {
347                         UnaryExpression convertExpression = (UnaryExpression)queryExpression;
348                         Type argumentType = convertExpression.Operand.Type;
349                         if (argumentType.IsGenericType && (typeof(IQueryable<>) == argumentType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() || typeof(IOrderedQueryable<>) == argumentType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()))
350                         {
351                             Debug.Assert(convertExpression.Type.IsGenericType && typeof(ObjectQuery<>) == convertExpression.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition(), "MethodCall with internal MergeAs/IncludeSpan method was not constructed by LINQ to Entities?");
352                             queryExpression = convertExpression.Operand;
353                         }
354                     }
356                     return queryExpression;
357                 }
359                 private readonly string _methodName;
ObjectQueryCallTranslator(string methodName)361                 protected ObjectQueryCallTranslator(string methodName)
362                 {
363                     _methodName = methodName;
364                 }
366                 internal string MethodName { get { return _methodName; } }
367             }
368             private abstract class ObjectQueryBuilderCallTranslator : ObjectQueryCallTranslator
369             {
370                 private readonly SequenceMethodTranslator _translator;
ObjectQueryBuilderCallTranslator(string methodName, SequenceMethod sequenceEquivalent)372                 protected ObjectQueryBuilderCallTranslator(string methodName, SequenceMethod sequenceEquivalent)
373                     : base(methodName)
374                 {
375                     bool translatorFound = s_sequenceTranslators.TryGetValue(sequenceEquivalent, out _translator);
376                     Debug.Assert(translatorFound, "Translator not found for " + sequenceEquivalent.ToString());
377                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)379                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
380                 {
381                     return _translator.Translate(parent, call);
382                 }
383             }
384             private sealed class ObjectQueryBuilderUnionTranslator : ObjectQueryBuilderCallTranslator
385             {
ObjectQueryBuilderUnionTranslator()386                 internal ObjectQueryBuilderUnionTranslator()
387                     : base("Union", SequenceMethod.Union)
388                 {
389                 }
390             }
391             private sealed class ObjectQueryBuilderIntersectTranslator : ObjectQueryBuilderCallTranslator
392             {
ObjectQueryBuilderIntersectTranslator()393                 internal ObjectQueryBuilderIntersectTranslator()
394                     : base("Intersect", SequenceMethod.Intersect)
395                 {
396                 }
397             }
398             private sealed class ObjectQueryBuilderExceptTranslator : ObjectQueryBuilderCallTranslator
399             {
ObjectQueryBuilderExceptTranslator()400                 internal ObjectQueryBuilderExceptTranslator()
401                     : base("Except", SequenceMethod.Except)
402                 {
403                 }
404             }
405             private sealed class ObjectQueryBuilderDistinctTranslator : ObjectQueryBuilderCallTranslator
406             {
ObjectQueryBuilderDistinctTranslator()407                 internal ObjectQueryBuilderDistinctTranslator()
408                     : base("Distinct", SequenceMethod.Distinct)
409                 {
410                 }
411             }
412             private sealed class ObjectQueryBuilderOfTypeTranslator : ObjectQueryBuilderCallTranslator
413             {
ObjectQueryBuilderOfTypeTranslator()414                 internal ObjectQueryBuilderOfTypeTranslator()
415                     : base("OfType", SequenceMethod.OfType)
416                 {
417                 }
418             }
419             private sealed class ObjectQueryBuilderFirstTranslator : ObjectQueryBuilderCallTranslator
420             {
ObjectQueryBuilderFirstTranslator()421                 internal ObjectQueryBuilderFirstTranslator()
422                     : base("First", SequenceMethod.First)
423                 {
424                 }
425             }
426             private sealed class ObjectQueryIncludeTranslator : ObjectQueryCallTranslator
427             {
ObjectQueryIncludeTranslator()428                 internal ObjectQueryIncludeTranslator()
429                     : base("Include")
430                 {
431                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)432                 internal override DbExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
433                 {
434                     Debug.Assert(call.Object != null && call.Arguments.Count == 1 && call.Arguments[0] != null && call.Arguments[0].Type.Equals(typeof(string)), "Invalid Include arguments?");
435                     CqtExpression queryExpression = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Object);
436                     Span span;
437                     if (!parent.TryGetSpan(queryExpression, out span))
438                     {
439                         span = null;
440                     }
441                     CqtExpression arg = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[0]);
442                     string includePath = null;
443                     if (arg.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.Constant)
444                     {
445                         includePath = (string)((DbConstantExpression)arg).Value;
446                     }
447                     else
448                     {
449                         // The 'Include' method implementation on ELinqQueryState creates
450                         // a method call expression with a string constant argument taking
451                         // the value of the string argument passed to ObjectQuery.Include,
452                         // and so this is the only supported pattern here.
453                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedInclude);
454                     }
455                     if (parent.CanIncludeSpanInfo())
456                     {
457                         span = Span.IncludeIn(span, includePath);
458                     }
459                     return parent.AddSpanMapping(queryExpression, span);
460                 }
461             }
462             private sealed class ObjectQueryMergeAsTranslator : ObjectQueryCallTranslator
463             {
ObjectQueryMergeAsTranslator()464                 internal ObjectQueryMergeAsTranslator()
465                     : base("MergeAs")
466                 {
467                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)468                 internal override DbExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
469                 {
470                     Debug.Assert(call.Object != null && call.Arguments.Count == 1 && call.Arguments[0] != null && call.Arguments[0].Type.Equals(typeof(MergeOption)), "Invalid MergeAs arguments?");
472                     // Note that the MergeOption must be inspected and applied BEFORE visiting the argument,
473                     // so that it is 'locked down' before a sub-query with a user-specified merge option is encountered.
474                     if (call.Arguments[0].NodeType != ExpressionType.Constant)
475                     {
476                         // The 'MergeAs' method implementation on ObjectQuery<T> creates
477                         // a method call expression with a MergeOption constant argument taking
478                         // the value of the merge option argument passed to ObjectQuery.MergeAs,
479                         // and so this is the only supported pattern here.
480                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedMergeAs);
481                     }
483                     MergeOption mergeAsOption = (MergeOption)((ConstantExpression)call.Arguments[0]).Value;
484                     EntityUtil.CheckArgumentMergeOption(mergeAsOption);
485                     parent.NotifyMergeOption(mergeAsOption);
487                     LinqExpression inputQuery = RemoveConvertToObjectQuery(call.Object);
488                     CqtExpression queryExpression = parent.TranslateExpression(inputQuery);
489                     Span span;
490                     if (!parent.TryGetSpan(queryExpression, out span))
491                     {
492                         span = null;
493                     }
495                     return parent.AddSpanMapping(queryExpression, span);
496                 }
497             }
498             private sealed class ObjectQueryIncludeSpanTranslator : ObjectQueryCallTranslator
499             {
ObjectQueryIncludeSpanTranslator()500                 internal ObjectQueryIncludeSpanTranslator()
501                     : base("IncludeSpan")
502                 {
503                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)504                 internal override DbExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
505                 {
506                     Debug.Assert(call.Object != null && call.Arguments.Count == 1 && call.Arguments[0] != null && call.Arguments[0].Type.Equals(typeof(Span)), "Invalid IncludeSpan arguments?");
507                     Debug.Assert(call.Arguments[0].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant, "Whenever an IncludeSpan MethodCall is inlined, the argument must be a constant");
508                     Span span = (Span)((ConstantExpression)call.Arguments[0]).Value;
509                     LinqExpression inputQuery = RemoveConvertToObjectQuery(call.Object);
510                     DbExpression queryExpression = parent.TranslateExpression(inputQuery);
511                     if (!(parent.CanIncludeSpanInfo()))
512                     {
513                         span = null;
514                     }
515                     return parent.AddSpanMapping(queryExpression, span);
516                 }
517             }
518             private sealed class DefaultTranslator : CallTranslator
519             {
DefaultTranslator()520                 internal DefaultTranslator() : base() { }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)521                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
522                 {
523                     MethodInfo suggestedMethodInfo;
524                     if (TryGetAlternativeMethod(call.Method, out suggestedMethodInfo))
525                     {
526                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedMethodSuggestedAlternative(call.Method, suggestedMethodInfo));
527                     }
528                     //The default error message
529                     throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedMethod(call.Method));
530                 }
532                 #region Static Members
533                 private static readonly Dictionary<MethodInfo, MethodInfo> s_alternativeMethods = InitializeAlternateMethodInfos();
534                 private static bool s_vbMethodsInitialized;
535                 private static readonly object s_vbInitializerLock = new object();
537                 /// <summary>
538                 /// Tries to check whether there is an alternative method suggested insted of the given unsupported one.
539                 /// </summary>
540                 /// <param name="originalMethodInfo"></param>
541                 /// <param name="suggestedMethodInfo"></param>
542                 /// <returns></returns>
TryGetAlternativeMethod(MethodInfo originalMethodInfo, out MethodInfo suggestedMethodInfo)543                 private static bool TryGetAlternativeMethod(MethodInfo originalMethodInfo, out MethodInfo suggestedMethodInfo)
544                 {
545                     if (s_alternativeMethods.TryGetValue(originalMethodInfo, out suggestedMethodInfo))
546                     {
547                         return true;
548                     }
549                     // check if this is the visual basic assembly
550                     if (s_visualBasicAssemblyFullName == originalMethodInfo.DeclaringType.Assembly.FullName)
551                     {
552                         lock (s_vbInitializerLock)
553                         {
554                             if (!s_vbMethodsInitialized)
555                             {
556                                 InitializeVBMethods(originalMethodInfo.DeclaringType.Assembly);
557                                 s_vbMethodsInitialized = true;
558                             }
559                             // try again
560                             return s_alternativeMethods.TryGetValue(originalMethodInfo, out suggestedMethodInfo);
561                         }
562                     }
563                     suggestedMethodInfo = null;
564                     return false;
565                 }
567                 /// <summary>
568                 /// Initializes the dictionary of alternative methods.
569                 /// Currently, it simply initializes an empty dictionary.
570                 /// </summary>
571                 /// <returns></returns>
InitializeAlternateMethodInfos()572                 private static Dictionary<MethodInfo, MethodInfo> InitializeAlternateMethodInfos()
573                 {
574                     return new Dictionary<MethodInfo, MethodInfo>(1);
575                 }
577                 /// <summary>
578                 /// Populates the dictionary of alternative methods with the VB methods
579                 /// </summary>
580                 /// <param name="vbAssembly"></param>
InitializeVBMethods(Assembly vbAssembly)581                 private static void InitializeVBMethods(Assembly vbAssembly)
582                 {
583                     Debug.Assert(!s_vbMethodsInitialized);
585                     //Handle { Mid(arg1, ar2), Mid(arg1, arg2, arg3) }
586                     Type stringsType = vbAssembly.GetType(s_stringsTypeFullName);
588                     s_alternativeMethods.Add(
589                         stringsType.GetMethod("Mid", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) }, null),
590                         stringsType.GetMethod("Mid", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(int) }, null));
591                 }
592                 #endregion
593             }
595             private sealed class FunctionCallTranslator
596             {
FunctionCallTranslator()597                 internal FunctionCallTranslator() { }
TranslateFunctionCall(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, EdmFunctionAttribute functionAttribute)599                 internal DbExpression TranslateFunctionCall(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, EdmFunctionAttribute functionAttribute)
600                 {
601                     //Validate that the attribute parameters are not null or empty
602                     FunctionCallTranslator.ValidateFunctionAttributeParameter(call, functionAttribute.NamespaceName, "namespaceName");
603                     FunctionCallTranslator.ValidateFunctionAttributeParameter(call, functionAttribute.FunctionName, "functionName");
605                     // Translate the inputs
606                     var arguments = call.Arguments.Select(a => UnwrapNoOpConverts(a)).Select(b => NormalizeAllSetSources(parent, parent.TranslateExpression(b))).ToList();
607                     var argumentTypes = arguments.Select(a => a.ResultType).ToList();
609                     //Resolve the function
610                     EdmFunction function = parent.FindFunction(functionAttribute.NamespaceName, functionAttribute.FunctionName, argumentTypes, false, call);
612                     if (!function.IsComposableAttribute)
613                     {
614                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.CannotCallNoncomposableFunction(function.FullName));
615                     }
617                     DbExpression result = function.Invoke(arguments);
619                     return ValidateReturnType(result, result.ResultType, parent, call, call.Type, false);
620                 }
622                 /// <summary>
623                 /// Recursively rewrite the argument expression to unwrap any "structured" set sources
624                 /// using ExpressionCoverter.NormalizeSetSource(). This is currently required for IGrouping
625                 /// and EntityCollection as argument types to functions.
626                 /// NOTE: Changes made to this function might have to be applied to ExpressionCoverter.NormalizeSetSource() too.
627                 /// </summary>
628                 /// <param name="parent"></param>
629                 /// <param name="argumentExpr"></param>
630                 /// <returns></returns>
NormalizeAllSetSources(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpression argumentExpr)631                 private DbExpression NormalizeAllSetSources(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpression argumentExpr)
632                 {
633                     DbExpression newExpr = null;
634                     BuiltInTypeKind type = argumentExpr.ResultType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind;
636                     switch(type)
637                     {
638                         case BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType:
639                         {
640                             DbExpressionBinding bindingExpr = DbExpressionBuilder.BindAs(argumentExpr, parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
641                             DbExpression normalizedExpr = NormalizeAllSetSources(parent, bindingExpr.Variable);
642                             if (normalizedExpr != bindingExpr.Variable)
643                             {
644                                 newExpr = DbExpressionBuilder.Project(bindingExpr, normalizedExpr);
645                             }
646                             break;
647                         }
648                         case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType:
649                         {
650                             List<KeyValuePair<string, DbExpression>> newColumns = new List<KeyValuePair<string, DbExpression>>();
651                             RowType rowType = argumentExpr.ResultType.EdmType as RowType;
652                             bool isAnyPropertyChanged = false;
654                             foreach (EdmProperty recColumn in rowType.Properties)
655                             {
656                                 DbPropertyExpression propertyExpr = argumentExpr.Property(recColumn);
657                                 newExpr = NormalizeAllSetSources(parent, propertyExpr);
658                                 if (newExpr != propertyExpr)
659                                 {
660                                     isAnyPropertyChanged = true;
661                                     newColumns.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, DbExpression>(propertyExpr.Property.Name, newExpr));
662                                 }
663                                 else
664                                 {
665                                     newColumns.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, DbExpression>(propertyExpr.Property.Name, propertyExpr));
666                                 }
667                             }
669                             if (isAnyPropertyChanged)
670                             {
671                                 newExpr = DbExpressionBuilder.NewRow(newColumns);
672                             }
673                             else
674                             {
675                                 newExpr = argumentExpr;
676                             }
677                             break;
678                         }
679                     }
681                     // If the expression has not changed, return the original expression
682                     if (newExpr!= null && newExpr != argumentExpr)
683                     {
684                         return parent.NormalizeSetSource(newExpr);
685                     }
686                     else
687                     {
688                         return parent.NormalizeSetSource(argumentExpr);
689                     }
690                 }
693                 /// <summary>
694                 /// Removes casts where possible, for example Cast from a Reference type to Object type
695                 /// Handles nested converts recursively. Removing no-op casts is required to prevent the
696                 /// expression converter from complaining.
697                 /// </summary>
698                 /// <param name="functionArg"></param>
699                 /// <returns></returns>
UnwrapNoOpConverts(Expression expression)700                 private Expression UnwrapNoOpConverts(Expression expression)
701                 {
702                     if (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Convert)
703                     {
704                         UnaryExpression convertExpression = (UnaryExpression)expression;
706                         // Unwrap the operand before checking assignability for a "postfix" rewrite.
707                         // The modified conversion tree is constructed bottom-up.
708                         Expression operand = UnwrapNoOpConverts(convertExpression.Operand);
709                         if (expression.Type.IsAssignableFrom(operand.Type))
710                         {
711                             return operand;
712                         }
713                     }
714                     return expression;
715                 }
717                 /// <summary>
718                 /// Checks if the return type specified by the call expression matches that expected by the
719                 /// function definition. Performs a recursive check in case of Collection type.
720                 /// </summary>
721                 /// <param name="result">DbFunctionExpression for the function definition</param>
722                 /// <param name="actualReturnType">Return type expected by the function definition</param>
723                 /// <param name="parent"></param>
724                 /// <param name="call">LINQ MethodCallExpression</param>
725                 /// <param name="clrReturnType">Return type specified by the call</param>
726                 /// <param name="isElementOfCollection">Indicates if current call is for an Element of a Collection type</param>
727                 /// <returns>DbFunctionExpression with aligned return types</returns>
ValidateReturnType(DbExpression result, TypeUsage actualReturnType, ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, Type clrReturnType, bool isElementOfCollection)728                 private DbExpression ValidateReturnType(DbExpression result, TypeUsage actualReturnType, ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, Type clrReturnType, bool isElementOfCollection)
729                 {
730                     BuiltInTypeKind modelType = actualReturnType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind;
731                     switch (modelType)
732                     {
733                         case BuiltInTypeKind.CollectionType:
734                         {
735                             //Verify if this is a collection type (if so, recursively resolve)
736                             if (!clrReturnType.IsGenericType)
737                             {
738                                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_EdmFunctionAttributedFunctionWithWrongReturnType(call.Method, call.Method.DeclaringType));
739                             }
740                             Type genericType = clrReturnType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
741                             if ((genericType != typeof(IEnumerable<>)) && (genericType != typeof(IQueryable<>)))
742                             {
743                                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_EdmFunctionAttributedFunctionWithWrongReturnType(call.Method, call.Method.DeclaringType));
744                             }
745                             Type elementType = clrReturnType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
746                             result = ValidateReturnType(result, TypeHelpers.GetElementTypeUsage(actualReturnType), parent, call, elementType, true);
747                             break;
748                          }
749                         case BuiltInTypeKind.RowType:
750                         {
751                             if (clrReturnType != typeof(DbDataRecord))
752                             {
753                                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_EdmFunctionAttributedFunctionWithWrongReturnType(call.Method, call.Method.DeclaringType));
754                             }
755                             break;
756                         }
757                         case BuiltInTypeKind.RefType:
758                         {
759                             if (clrReturnType != typeof(EntityKey))
760                             {
761                                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_EdmFunctionAttributedFunctionWithWrongReturnType(call.Method, call.Method.DeclaringType));
762                             }
763                             break;
764                         }
765                         //Handles Primitive types, Entity types and Complex types
766                         default:
767                         {
768                             // For collection type, look for exact match of element types.
769                             if (isElementOfCollection)
770                             {
771                                 TypeUsage toType = parent.GetCastTargetType(actualReturnType, clrReturnType, null, false);
772                                 if (toType != null)
773                                 {
774                                     throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_EdmFunctionAttributedFunctionWithWrongReturnType(call.Method, call.Method.DeclaringType));
775                                 }
776                             }
778                             // Check whether the return type specified by the call can be aligned
779                             // with the actual return type of the function
780                             TypeUsage expectedReturnType = parent.GetValueLayerType(clrReturnType);
781                             if (!TypeSemantics.IsPromotableTo(actualReturnType, expectedReturnType))
782                             {
783                                 throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_EdmFunctionAttributedFunctionWithWrongReturnType(call.Method, call.Method.DeclaringType));
784                             }
786                             // For scalar return types, align the return types if needed.
787                             if (!isElementOfCollection)
788                             {
789                                 result = parent.AlignTypes(result, clrReturnType);
790                             }
791                             break;
792                         }
793                     }
794                     return result;
795                 }
797                 /// <summary>
798                 /// Validates that the given parameterValue is not null or empty.
799                 /// </summary>
800                 /// <param name="call"></param>
801                 /// <param name="parameterValue"></param>
802                 /// <param name="parameterName"></param>
ValidateFunctionAttributeParameter(MethodCallExpression call, string parameterValue, string parameterName)803                 internal static void ValidateFunctionAttributeParameter(MethodCallExpression call, string parameterValue, string parameterName)
804                 {
805                     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterValue))
806                     {
807                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_EdmFunctionAttributeParameterNameNotValid(call.Method, call.Method.DeclaringType, parameterName));
808                     }
809                 }
810             }
812             private sealed class CanonicalFunctionDefaultTranslator : CallTranslator
813             {
CanonicalFunctionDefaultTranslator()814                 internal CanonicalFunctionDefaultTranslator()
815                     : base(GetMethods()) { }
GetMethods()817                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
818                 {
819                     var result = new List<MethodInfo>
820                     {
821                         //Math functions
822                         typeof(Math).GetMethod("Ceiling", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(decimal) }, null),
823                         typeof(Math).GetMethod("Ceiling", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(double) }, null),
824                         typeof(Math).GetMethod("Floor", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(decimal) }, null),
825                         typeof(Math).GetMethod("Floor", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(double) }, null),
826                         typeof(Math).GetMethod("Round", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(decimal) }, null),
827                         typeof(Math).GetMethod("Round", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(double) }, null),
828                         typeof(Math).GetMethod("Round", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(decimal), typeof(int) }, null),
829                         typeof(Math).GetMethod("Round", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(int) }, null),
831                         //Decimal functions
832                         typeof(Decimal).GetMethod("Floor", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(decimal) }, null),
833                         typeof(Decimal).GetMethod("Ceiling", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(decimal) }, null),
834                         typeof(Decimal).GetMethod("Round", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(decimal) }, null),
835                         typeof(Decimal).GetMethod("Round", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(decimal), typeof(int) }, null),
837                         //String functions
838                         typeof(String).GetMethod("Replace", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(String), typeof(String) }, null),
839                         typeof(String).GetMethod("ToLower", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { }, null),
840                         typeof(String).GetMethod("ToUpper", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { }, null),
841                         typeof(String).GetMethod("Trim", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { }, null),
842                     };
844                     // Math.Abs
845                     foreach (Type argType in new [] { typeof(decimal), typeof(double), typeof(float), typeof(int), typeof(long), typeof(sbyte), typeof(short) })
846                     {
847                         result.Add(typeof(Math).GetMethod("Abs", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { argType }, null));
848                     }
850                     return result;
851                 }
853                 // Default translator for method calls into canonical functions.
854                 // Translation:
855                 //      MethodName(arg1, arg2, .., argn) -> MethodName(arg1, arg2, .., argn)
856                 //      this.MethodName(arg1, arg2, .., argn) -> MethodName(this, arg1, arg2, .., argn)
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)857                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
858                 {
859                     LinqExpression[] linqArguments;
861                     if (!call.Method.IsStatic)
862                     {
863                         Debug.Assert(call.Object != null, "Instance method without this");
864                         List<LinqExpression> arguments = new List<LinqExpression>(call.Arguments.Count + 1);
865                         arguments.Add(call.Object);
866                         arguments.AddRange(call.Arguments);
867                         linqArguments = arguments.ToArray();
868                     }
869                     else
870                     {
871                         linqArguments = call.Arguments.ToArray();
872                     }
873                     return parent.TranslateIntoCanonicalFunction(call.Method.Name, call, linqArguments);
874                 }
875             }
877             private abstract class AsUnicodeNonUnicodeBaseFunctionTranslator : CallTranslator
878             {
879                 private bool _isUnicode;
AsUnicodeNonUnicodeBaseFunctionTranslator(IEnumerable<MethodInfo> methods, bool isUnicode)880                 protected AsUnicodeNonUnicodeBaseFunctionTranslator(IEnumerable<MethodInfo> methods, bool isUnicode)
881                     : base(methods)
882                 {
883                     _isUnicode = isUnicode;
884                 }
886                 // Translation:
887                 //   object.AsUnicode() -> object (In its TypeUsage, the unicode facet value is set to true explicitly)
888                 //   object.AsNonUnicode() -> object (In its TypeUsage, the unicode facet is set to false)
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)889                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
890                 {
891                     DbExpression argument = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[0]);
892                     DbExpression recreatedArgument;
893                     TypeUsage updatedType = argument.ResultType.ShallowCopy(new FacetValues { Unicode = _isUnicode });
895                     switch (argument.ExpressionKind)
896                     {
897                         case DbExpressionKind.Constant:
898                             recreatedArgument = DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(updatedType, ((DbConstantExpression)argument).Value);
899                             break;
900                         case DbExpressionKind.ParameterReference:
901                             recreatedArgument = DbExpressionBuilder.Parameter(updatedType, ((DbParameterReferenceExpression)argument).ParameterName);
902                             break;
903                         case DbExpressionKind.Null:
904                             recreatedArgument = DbExpressionBuilder.Null(updatedType);
905                             break;
906                         default:
907                             throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedAsUnicodeAndAsNonUnicode(call.Method));
908                     }
909                     return recreatedArgument;
910                 }
911             }
912             private sealed class AsUnicodeFunctionTranslator : AsUnicodeNonUnicodeBaseFunctionTranslator
913             {
AsUnicodeFunctionTranslator()914                 internal AsUnicodeFunctionTranslator()
915                     : base(GetMethods(), true) { }
GetMethods()917                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
918                 {
919                     yield return typeof(EntityFunctions).GetMethod(ExpressionConverter.AsUnicode, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null);
920                 }
921             }
923             private sealed class AsNonUnicodeFunctionTranslator : AsUnicodeNonUnicodeBaseFunctionTranslator
924             {
AsNonUnicodeFunctionTranslator()925                 internal AsNonUnicodeFunctionTranslator()
926                     : base(GetMethods(), false) { }
GetMethods()928                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
929                 {
930                     yield return typeof(EntityFunctions).GetMethod(ExpressionConverter.AsNonUnicode, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null);
931                 }
932             }
934             #region System.Math method translators
935             private sealed class MathPowerTranslator : CallTranslator
936             {
MathPowerTranslator()937                 internal MathPowerTranslator()
938                     : base(new[]
939                     {
940                         typeof(Math).GetMethod("Pow", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(double) }, null),
941                     })
942                 {
943                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)945                 internal override DbExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
946                 {
947                     DbExpression arg1 = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[0]);
948                     DbExpression arg2 = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[1]);
949                     return arg1.Power(arg2);
950                 }
951             }
952             #endregion
954             #region System.Guid method translators
955             private sealed class GuidNewGuidTranslator : CallTranslator
956             {
GuidNewGuidTranslator()957                 internal GuidNewGuidTranslator()
958                     : base(new[]
959                     {
960                         typeof(Guid).GetMethod("NewGuid", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, Type.EmptyTypes, null),
961                     })
962                 {
963                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)965                 internal override DbExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
966                 {
967                     return EdmFunctions.NewGuid();
968                 }
969             }
970             #endregion
972             #region System.String Method Translators
973             private sealed class StringContainsTranslator : CallTranslator
974             {
StringContainsTranslator()975                 internal StringContainsTranslator()
976                     : base(GetMethods()) { }
GetMethods()978                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
979                 {
980                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("Contains", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null);
981                 }
983                 // Translation:
984                 // object.EndsWith(argument) ->
985                 //      1) if argument is a constant or parameter and the provider supports escaping:
986                 //          object like "%" + argument1 + "%", where argument1 is argument escaped by the provider
987                 //      2) Otherwise:
988                 //           object.Contains(argument) ->  IndexOf(argument, object) > 0
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)989                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
990                 {
991                     return parent.TranslateFunctionIntoLike(call, true, true, CreateDefaultTranslation);
992                 }
994                 // DefaultTranslation:
995                 //   object.Contains(argument) ->  IndexOf(argument, object) > 0
CreateDefaultTranslation(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, DbExpression patternExpression, DbExpression inputExpression)996                 private static DbExpression CreateDefaultTranslation(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, DbExpression patternExpression, DbExpression inputExpression)
997                 {
998                     DbFunctionExpression indexOfExpression = parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.IndexOf, call, patternExpression, inputExpression);
999                     DbComparisonExpression comparisonExpression = indexOfExpression.GreaterThan(DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(0));
1000                     return comparisonExpression;
1001                 }
1002             }
1003             private sealed class IndexOfTranslator : CallTranslator
1004             {
IndexOfTranslator()1005                 internal IndexOfTranslator()
1006                     : base(GetMethods()) { }
GetMethods()1008                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
1009                 {
1010                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("IndexOf", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null);
1011                 }
1013                 // Translation:
1014                 //      IndexOf(arg1)		     -> IndexOf(arg1, this) - 1
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1015                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1016                 {
1017                     Debug.Assert(call.Arguments.Count == 1, "Expecting 1 argument for String.IndexOf");
1019                     DbFunctionExpression indexOfExpression = parent.TranslateIntoCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.IndexOf, call, call.Arguments[0], call.Object);
1020                     CqtExpression minusExpression = indexOfExpression.Minus(DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(1));
1022                     return minusExpression;
1023                 }
1024             }
1025             private sealed class StartsWithTranslator : CallTranslator
1026             {
StartsWithTranslator()1027                 internal StartsWithTranslator()
1028                     : base(GetMethods()) { }
GetMethods()1030                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
1031                 {
1032                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("StartsWith", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null);
1033                 }
1035                 // Translation:
1036                 // object.StartsWith(argument) ->
1037                 //          1) if argument is a constant or parameter and the provider supports escaping:
1038                 //                  object like argument1 + "%", where argument1 is argument escaped by the provider
1039                 //          2) otherwise:
1040                 //                  IndexOf(argument, object) == 1
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1041                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1042                 {
1043                    return parent.TranslateFunctionIntoLike(call, false, true, CreateDefaultTranslation);
1044                 }
1046                 // Default translation:
1047                 //      object.StartsWith(argument) ->  IndexOf(argument, object) == 1
CreateDefaultTranslation(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, DbExpression patternExpression, DbExpression inputExpression)1048                 private static DbExpression CreateDefaultTranslation(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, DbExpression patternExpression, DbExpression inputExpression)
1049                 {
1050                     DbExpression indexOfExpression = parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.IndexOf, call, patternExpression, inputExpression)
1051                         .Equal(DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(1));
1052                     return indexOfExpression;
1053                 }
1054             }
1056             private sealed class EndsWithTranslator : CallTranslator
1057             {
EndsWithTranslator()1058                 internal EndsWithTranslator()
1059                     : base(GetMethods()) { }
GetMethods()1061                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
1062                 {
1063                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("EndsWith", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null);
1064                 }
1066                 // Translation:
1067                 // object.EndsWith(argument) ->
1068                 //      1) if argument is a constant or parameter and the provider supports escaping:
1069                 //          object like "%" + argument1, where argument1 is argument escaped by the provider
1070                 //      2) Otherwise:
1071                 //          object.EndsWith(argument) ->  IndexOf(Reverse(argument), Reverse(object)) = 1
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1072                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1073                 {
1074                     return parent.TranslateFunctionIntoLike(call, true, false, CreateDefaultTranslation);
1075                 }
1077                 // Default Translation:
1078                 //   object.EndsWith(argument) ->  IndexOf(Reverse(argument), Reverse(object)) = 1
CreateDefaultTranslation(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, DbExpression patternExpression, DbExpression inputExpression)1079                 private static DbExpression CreateDefaultTranslation(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, DbExpression patternExpression, DbExpression inputExpression)
1080                 {
1081                     DbFunctionExpression reversePatternExpression = parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Reverse, call, patternExpression);
1082                     DbFunctionExpression reverseInputExpression = parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Reverse, call, inputExpression);
1084                     DbExpression indexOfExpression =  parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.IndexOf, call, reversePatternExpression, reverseInputExpression)
1085                             .Equal(DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(1));
1086                     return indexOfExpression;
1087                 }
1088             }
1089             private sealed class SubstringTranslator : CallTranslator
1090             {
SubstringTranslator()1091                 internal SubstringTranslator()
1092                     : base(GetMethods()) { }
GetMethods()1094                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
1095                 {
1096                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("Substring", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(int) }, null);
1097                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("Substring", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) }, null);
1098                 }
1100                 // Translation:
1101                 //      Substring(arg1)        ->  Substring(this, arg1+1, Length(this) - arg1))
1102                 //      Substring(arg1, arg2)  ->  Substring(this, arg1+1, arg2)
1103                 //
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1104                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1105                 {
1106                     Debug.Assert(call.Arguments.Count == 1 || call.Arguments.Count == 2, "Expecting 1 or 2 arguments for String.Substring");
1108                     DbExpression arg1 = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[0]);
1110                     DbExpression target = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Object);
1111                     DbExpression fromIndex = arg1.Plus(DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(1));
1113                     CqtExpression length;
1114                     if (call.Arguments.Count == 1)
1115                     {
1116                         length = parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Length, call, target)
1117                                  .Minus(arg1);
1118                     }
1119                     else
1120                     {
1121                         length = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[1]);
1122                     }
1124                     CqtExpression substringExpression = parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Substring, call, target, fromIndex, length);
1125                     return substringExpression;
1126                 }
1127             }
1128             private sealed class RemoveTranslator : CallTranslator
1129             {
RemoveTranslator()1130                 internal RemoveTranslator()
1131                     : base(GetMethods()) { }
GetMethods()1133                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
1134                 {
1135                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("Remove", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(int) }, null);
1136                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("Remove", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) }, null);
1137                 }
1139                 // Translation:
1140                 //      Remove(arg1)        ->  Substring(this, 1, arg1)
1141                 //      Remove(arg1, arg2)  ->  Concat(Substring(this, 1, arg1) , Substring(this, arg1 + arg2 + 1, Length(this) - (arg1 + arg2)))
1142                 //      Remove(arg1, arg2) is only supported if arg2 is a non-negative integer
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1143                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1144                 {
1145                     Debug.Assert(call.Arguments.Count == 1 || call.Arguments.Count == 2, "Expecting 1 or 2 arguments for String.Remove");
1147                     DbExpression thisString = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Object);
1148                     DbExpression arg1 = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[0]);
1150                     //Substring(this, 1, arg1)
1151                     CqtExpression result =
1152                         parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Substring, call,
1153                             thisString,
1154                             DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(1),
1155                             arg1);
1157                     //Concat(result, Substring(this, (arg1 + arg2) +1, Length(this) - (arg1 + arg2)))
1158                     if (call.Arguments.Count == 2)
1159                     {
1160                         //If there are two arguemtns, we only support cases when the second one translates to a non-negative constant
1161                         CqtExpression arg2 = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[1]);
1162                         if (!IsNonNegativeIntegerConstant(arg2))
1163                         {
1164                             throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedStringRemoveCase(call.Method, call.Method.GetParameters()[1].Name));
1165                         }
1167                         // Build the second substring
1168                         // (arg1 + arg2) +1
1169                         CqtExpression substringStartIndex =
1170                             arg1.Plus(arg2).Plus(DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(1));
1172                         // Length(this) - (arg1 + arg2)
1173                         CqtExpression substringLength =
1174                             parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Length, call, thisString)
1175                             .Minus(arg1.Plus(arg2));
1177                         // Substring(this, substringStartIndex, substringLenght)
1178                         CqtExpression secondSubstring =
1179                             parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Substring, call,
1180                                 thisString,
1181                                 substringStartIndex,
1182                                 substringLength);
1184                         // result = Concat (result, secondSubstring)
1185                         result = parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Concat, call, result, secondSubstring);
1186                     }
1187                     return result;
1188                 }
IsNonNegativeIntegerConstant(CqtExpression argument)1190                 private static bool IsNonNegativeIntegerConstant(CqtExpression argument)
1191                 {
1192                     // Check whether it is a constant of type Int32
1193                     if (argument.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.Constant ||
1194                         !TypeSemantics.IsPrimitiveType(argument.ResultType, PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32))
1195                     {
1196                         return false;
1197                     }
1199                     // Check whether its value is non-negative
1200                     DbConstantExpression constantExpression = (DbConstantExpression)argument;
1201                     int value = (int)constantExpression.Value;
1202                     if (value < 0)
1203                     {
1204                         return false;
1205                     }
1207                     return true;
1208                 }
1209             }
1210             private sealed class InsertTranslator : CallTranslator
1211             {
InsertTranslator()1212                 internal InsertTranslator()
1213                     : base(GetMethods()) { }
GetMethods()1215                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
1216                 {
1217                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("Insert", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(string) }, null);
1218                 }
1220                 // Translation:
1221                 //      Insert(startIndex, value) ->  Concat(Concat(Substring(this, 1, startIndex), value), Substring(this, startIndex+1, Length(this) - startIndex))
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1222                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1223                 {
1224                     Debug.Assert(call.Arguments.Count == 2, "Expecting 2 arguments for String.Insert");
1226                     //Substring(this, 1, startIndex)
1227                     DbExpression thisString = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Object);
1228                     DbExpression arg1 = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[0]);
1229                     CqtExpression firstSubstring =
1230                         parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Substring, call,
1231                             thisString,
1232                             DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(1),
1233                             arg1);
1235                     //Substring(this, startIndex+1, Length(this) - startIndex)
1236                     CqtExpression secondSubstring =
1237                         parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Substring, call,
1238                             thisString,
1239                             arg1.Plus(DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(1)),
1240                             parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Length, call, thisString)
1241                             .Minus(arg1));
1243                     // result = Concat( Concat (firstSubstring, value), secondSubstring )
1244                     DbExpression arg2 = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[1]);
1245                     CqtExpression result = parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Concat, call,
1246                         parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Concat, call,
1247                             firstSubstring,
1248                             arg2),
1249                         secondSubstring);
1250                     return result;
1251                 }
1252             }
1253             private sealed class IsNullOrEmptyTranslator : CallTranslator
1254             {
IsNullOrEmptyTranslator()1255                 internal IsNullOrEmptyTranslator()
1256                     : base(GetMethods()) { }
GetMethods()1258                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
1259                 {
1260                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("IsNullOrEmpty", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null);
1261                 }
1263                 // Translation:
1264                 //      IsNullOrEmpty(value) ->  (IsNull(value)) OR Length(value) = 0
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1265                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1266                 {
1267                     Debug.Assert(call.Arguments.Count == 1, "Expecting 1 argument for String.IsNullOrEmpty");
1269                     //IsNull(value)
1270                     DbExpression value = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[0]);
1271                     CqtExpression isNullExpression = value.IsNull();
1273                     //Length(value) = 0
1274                     CqtExpression emptyStringExpression =
1275                         parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Length, call, value)
1276                         .Equal(DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(0));
1278                     CqtExpression result = isNullExpression.Or(emptyStringExpression);
1279                     return result;
1280                 }
1281             }
1282             private sealed class StringConcatTranslator : CallTranslator
1283             {
StringConcatTranslator()1284                 internal StringConcatTranslator()
1285                     : base(GetMethods()) { }
GetMethods()1287                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
1288                 {
1289                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("Concat", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string) }, null);
1290                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("Concat", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string) }, null);
1291                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("Concat", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string) }, null);
1292                 }
1294                 // Translation:
1295                 //      Concat (arg1, arg2)                 -> Concat(arg1, arg2)
1296                 //      Concat (arg1, arg2, arg3)           -> Concat(Concat(arg1, arg2), arg3)
1297                 //      Concat (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)     -> Concat(Concat(Concat(arg1, arg2), arg3), arg4)
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1298                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1299                 {
1300                     Debug.Assert(call.Arguments.Count >= 2 && call.Arguments.Count <= 4, "Expecting between 2 and 4 arguments for String.Concat");
1302                     CqtExpression result = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[0]);
1303                     for (int argIndex = 1; argIndex < call.Arguments.Count; argIndex++)
1304                     {
1305                         // result = Concat(result, arg[argIndex])
1306                         result = parent.CreateCanonicalFunction(ExpressionConverter.Concat, call,
1307                             result,
1308                             parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[argIndex]));
1309                     }
1310                     return result;
1311                 }
1312             }
1313             private abstract class TrimBaseTranslator : CallTranslator
1314             {
1315                 private string _canonicalFunctionName;
TrimBaseTranslator(IEnumerable<MethodInfo> methods, string canonicalFunctionName)1316                 protected TrimBaseTranslator(IEnumerable<MethodInfo> methods, string canonicalFunctionName)
1317                     : base(methods)
1318                 {
1319                     _canonicalFunctionName = canonicalFunctionName;
1320                 }
1322                 // Translation:
1323                 //      object.MethodName -> CanonicalFunctionName(object)
1324                 // Supported only if the argument is an empty array.
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1325                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1326                 {
1327                     if (!IsEmptyArray(call.Arguments[0]))
1328                     {
1329                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedTrimStartTrimEndCase(call.Method));
1330                     }
1332                     return parent.TranslateIntoCanonicalFunction(_canonicalFunctionName, call, call.Object);
1333                 }
IsEmptyArray(LinqExpression expression)1335                 internal static bool IsEmptyArray(LinqExpression expression)
1336                 {
1337                     if (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.NewArrayInit)
1338                     {
1339                         NewArrayExpression newArray = (NewArrayExpression)expression;
1340                         if (newArray.Expressions.Count == 0)
1341                         {
1342                             return true;
1343                         }
1344                     }
1345                     else if (expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.NewArrayBounds)
1346                     {
1347                         // To be empty, the array must have rank 1 with a single bound of 0
1348                         NewArrayExpression newArray = (NewArrayExpression)expression;
1349                         if (newArray.Expressions.Count == 1 &&
1350                             newArray.Expressions[0].NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant)
1351                         {
1352                             return object.Equals(((ConstantExpression)newArray.Expressions[0]).Value, 0);
1353                         }
1354                     }
1355                     return false;
1356                 }
1357             }
1358             private sealed class TrimTranslator : TrimBaseTranslator
1359             {
TrimTranslator()1360                 internal TrimTranslator()
1361                     : base(GetMethods(), ExpressionConverter.Trim) { }
GetMethods()1363                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
1364                 {
1365                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("Trim", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(Char[]) }, null);
1366                 }
1367             }
1368             private sealed class TrimStartTranslator : TrimBaseTranslator
1369             {
TrimStartTranslator()1370                 internal TrimStartTranslator()
1371                     : base(GetMethods(), ExpressionConverter.LTrim) { }
GetMethods()1373                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
1374                 {
1375                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("TrimStart", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(Char[]) }, null);
1376                 }
1377             }
1378             private sealed class TrimEndTranslator : TrimBaseTranslator
1379             {
TrimEndTranslator()1380                 internal TrimEndTranslator()
1381                     : base(GetMethods(), ExpressionConverter.RTrim) { }
GetMethods()1383                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods()
1384                 {
1385                     yield return typeof(String).GetMethod("TrimEnd", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { typeof(Char[]) }, null);
1386                 }
1387             }
1388             #endregion
1390             #region Visual Basic Specific Translators
1391             private sealed class VBCanonicalFunctionDefaultTranslator : CallTranslator
1392             {
1393                 private const string s_stringsTypeFullName = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings";
1394                 private const string s_dateAndTimeTypeFullName = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime";
VBCanonicalFunctionDefaultTranslator(Assembly vbAssembly)1396                 internal VBCanonicalFunctionDefaultTranslator(Assembly vbAssembly)
1397                     : base(GetMethods(vbAssembly)) { }
GetMethods(Assembly vbAssembly)1399                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods(Assembly vbAssembly)
1400                 {
1401                     //Strings Types
1402                     Type stringsType = vbAssembly.GetType(s_stringsTypeFullName);
1403                     yield return stringsType.GetMethod("Trim", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null);
1404                     yield return stringsType.GetMethod("LTrim", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null);
1405                     yield return stringsType.GetMethod("RTrim", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null);
1406                     yield return stringsType.GetMethod("Left", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) }, null);
1407                     yield return stringsType.GetMethod("Right", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) }, null);
1409                     //DateTimeType
1410                     Type dateTimeType = vbAssembly.GetType(s_dateAndTimeTypeFullName);
1411                     yield return dateTimeType.GetMethod("Year", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(DateTime) }, null);
1412                     yield return dateTimeType.GetMethod("Month", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(DateTime) }, null);
1413                     yield return dateTimeType.GetMethod("Day", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(DateTime) }, null);
1414                     yield return dateTimeType.GetMethod("Hour", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(DateTime) }, null);
1415                     yield return dateTimeType.GetMethod("Minute", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(DateTime) }, null);
1416                     yield return dateTimeType.GetMethod("Second", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(DateTime) }, null);
1417                 }
1419                 // Default translator for vb static method calls into canonical functions.
1420                 // Translation:
1421                 //      MethodName(arg1, arg2, .., argn) -> MethodName(arg1, arg2, .., argn)
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1422                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1423                 {
1424                     return parent.TranslateIntoCanonicalFunction(call.Method.Name, call, call.Arguments.ToArray());
1425                 }
1426             }
1427             private sealed class VBCanonicalFunctionRenameTranslator : CallTranslator
1428             {
1429                 private const string s_stringsTypeFullName = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings";
1430                 private static readonly Dictionary<MethodInfo, string> s_methodNameMap = new Dictionary<MethodInfo, string>(4);
VBCanonicalFunctionRenameTranslator(Assembly vbAssembly)1432                 internal VBCanonicalFunctionRenameTranslator(Assembly vbAssembly)
1433                     : base(GetMethods(vbAssembly)) { }
GetMethods(Assembly vbAssembly)1435                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods(Assembly vbAssembly)
1436                 {
1437                     //Strings Types
1438                     Type stringsType = vbAssembly.GetType(s_stringsTypeFullName);
1439                     yield return GetMethod(stringsType, "Len", ExpressionConverter.Length, new Type[] { typeof(string) });
1440                     yield return GetMethod(stringsType, "Mid", ExpressionConverter.Substring, new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(int) });
1441                     yield return GetMethod(stringsType, "UCase", ExpressionConverter.ToUpper, new Type[] { typeof(string) });
1442                     yield return GetMethod(stringsType, "LCase", ExpressionConverter.ToLower, new Type[] { typeof(string) });
1443                 }
GetMethod(Type declaringType, string methodName, string canonicalFunctionName, Type[] argumentTypes)1445                 private static MethodInfo GetMethod(Type declaringType, string methodName, string canonicalFunctionName, Type[] argumentTypes)
1446                 {
1447                     MethodInfo methodInfo = declaringType.GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null, argumentTypes, null);
1448                     s_methodNameMap.Add(methodInfo, canonicalFunctionName);
1449                     return methodInfo;
1450                 }
1452                 // Translator for static method calls into canonical functions when only the name of the canonical function
1453                 // is different from the name of the method, but the argumens match.
1454                 // Translation:
1455                 //      MethodName(arg1, arg2, .., argn) -> CanonicalFunctionName(arg1, arg2, .., argn)
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1456                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1457                 {
1458                     return parent.TranslateIntoCanonicalFunction(s_methodNameMap[call.Method], call, call.Arguments.ToArray());
1459                 }
1460             }
1461             private sealed class VBDatePartTranslator : CallTranslator
1462             {
1463                 private const string s_dateAndTimeTypeFullName = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime";
1464                 private const string s_DateIntervalFullName = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateInterval";
1465                 private const string s_FirstDayOfWeekFullName = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstDayOfWeek";
1466                 private const string s_FirstWeekOfYearFullName = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.FirstWeekOfYear";
1467                 private static HashSet<string> s_supportedIntervals;
VBDatePartTranslator(Assembly vbAssembly)1469                 internal VBDatePartTranslator(Assembly vbAssembly)
1470                     : base(GetMethods(vbAssembly)) { }
VBDatePartTranslator()1472                 static VBDatePartTranslator()
1473                 {
1474                     s_supportedIntervals = new HashSet<string>();
1475                     s_supportedIntervals.Add(ExpressionConverter.Year);
1476                     s_supportedIntervals.Add(ExpressionConverter.Month);
1477                     s_supportedIntervals.Add(ExpressionConverter.Day);
1478                     s_supportedIntervals.Add(ExpressionConverter.Hour);
1479                     s_supportedIntervals.Add(ExpressionConverter.Minute);
1480                     s_supportedIntervals.Add(ExpressionConverter.Second);
1481                 }
GetMethods(Assembly vbAssembly)1483                 private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods(Assembly vbAssembly)
1484                 {
1485                     Type dateAndTimeType = vbAssembly.GetType(s_dateAndTimeTypeFullName);
1486                     Type dateIntervalEnum = vbAssembly.GetType(s_DateIntervalFullName);
1487                     Type firstDayOfWeekEnum = vbAssembly.GetType(s_FirstDayOfWeekFullName);
1488                     Type firstWeekOfYearEnum = vbAssembly.GetType(s_FirstWeekOfYearFullName);
1490                     yield return dateAndTimeType.GetMethod("DatePart", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static, null,
1491                         new Type[] { dateIntervalEnum, typeof(DateTime), firstDayOfWeekEnum, firstWeekOfYearEnum }, null);
1492                 }
1494                 // Translation:
1495                 //      DatePart(DateInterval, date, arg3, arg4)  ->  'DateInterval'(date)
1496                 // Note: it is only supported for the values of DateInterval listed in s_supportedIntervals.
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1497                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1498                 {
1499                     Debug.Assert(call.Arguments.Count == 4, "Expecting 4 arguments for Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.DatePart");
1501                     ConstantExpression intervalLinqExpression = call.Arguments[0] as ConstantExpression;
1502                     if (intervalLinqExpression == null)
1503                     {
1504                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedVBDatePartNonConstantInterval(call.Method, call.Method.GetParameters()[0].Name));
1505                     }
1507                     string intervalValue = intervalLinqExpression.Value.ToString();
1508                     if (!s_supportedIntervals.Contains(intervalValue))
1509                     {
1510                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedVBDatePartInvalidInterval(call.Method, call.Method.GetParameters()[0].Name, intervalValue));
1511                     }
1513                     CqtExpression result = parent.TranslateIntoCanonicalFunction(intervalValue, call, call.Arguments[1]);
1514                     return result;
1515                 }
1516             }
1517             #endregion
1518             #endregion
1520             #region Sequence method translators
1521             private abstract class SequenceMethodTranslator
1522             {
1523                 private readonly IEnumerable<SequenceMethod> _methods;
SequenceMethodTranslator(params SequenceMethod[] methods)1524                 protected SequenceMethodTranslator(params SequenceMethod[] methods) { _methods = methods; }
1525                 internal IEnumerable<SequenceMethod> Methods { get { return _methods; } }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, SequenceMethod sequenceMethod)1526                 internal virtual CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, SequenceMethod sequenceMethod)
1527                 {
1528                     return Translate(parent, call);
1529                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1530                 internal abstract CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call);
ToString()1531                 public override string ToString()
1532                 {
1533                     return GetType().Name;
1534                 }
1535             }
1536             private abstract class PagingTranslator : UnarySequenceMethodTranslator
1537             {
PagingTranslator(params SequenceMethod[] methods)1538                 protected PagingTranslator(params SequenceMethod[] methods) : base(methods) { }
TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)1539                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)
1540                 {
1541                     // translate count expression
1542                     Debug.Assert(call.Arguments.Count == 2, "Skip and Take must have 2 arguments");
1543                     LinqExpression linqCount = call.Arguments[1];
1544                     CqtExpression count = parent.TranslateExpression(linqCount);
1546                     // translate paging expression
1547                     DbExpression result = TranslatePagingOperator(parent, operand, count);
1549                     return result;
1550                 }
TranslatePagingOperator(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, CqtExpression count)1551                 protected abstract CqtExpression TranslatePagingOperator(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, CqtExpression count);
1552             }
1553             private sealed class TakeTranslator : PagingTranslator
1554             {
TakeTranslator()1555                 internal TakeTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.Take) { }
TranslatePagingOperator(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, CqtExpression count)1556                 protected override CqtExpression TranslatePagingOperator(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, CqtExpression count)
1557                 {
1558                     return parent.Limit(operand, count);
1559                 }
1560             }
1561             private sealed class SkipTranslator : PagingTranslator
1562             {
SkipTranslator()1563                 internal SkipTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.Skip) { }
TranslatePagingOperator(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, CqtExpression count)1564                 protected override CqtExpression TranslatePagingOperator(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, CqtExpression count)
1565                 {
1566                     return parent.Skip(operand.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next()), count);
1567                 }
1568             }
1569             private sealed class JoinTranslator : SequenceMethodTranslator
1570             {
JoinTranslator()1571                 internal JoinTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.Join) { }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1572                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1573                 {
1574                     Debug.Assert(5 == call.Arguments.Count);
1575                     // get expressions describing inputs to the join
1576                     CqtExpression outer = parent.TranslateSet(call.Arguments[0]);
1577                     CqtExpression inner = parent.TranslateSet(call.Arguments[1]);
1579                     // get expressions describing key selectors
1580                     LambdaExpression outerLambda = parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 2);
1581                     LambdaExpression innerLambda = parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 3);
1583                     // get outer selector expression
1584                     LambdaExpression selectorLambda = parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 4);
1586                     // check if the selector is a trivial rename such as
1587                     //      select outer as m, inner as n from (...) as outer join (...) as inner on ...
1588                     // In case of the trivial rename, simply name the join inputs as m and n,
1589                     // otherwise generate a projection for the selector.
1590                     string outerBindingName;
1591                     string innerBindingName;
1592                     InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata;
1593                     var selectorLambdaIsTrivialRename = IsTrivialRename(selectorLambda, parent, out outerBindingName, out innerBindingName, out initializerMetadata);
1595                     // translator key selectors
1596                     DbExpressionBinding outerBinding;
1597                     DbExpressionBinding innerBinding;
1598                     CqtExpression outerKeySelector = selectorLambdaIsTrivialRename ?
1599                         parent.TranslateLambda(outerLambda, outer, outerBindingName, out outerBinding) :
1600                         parent.TranslateLambda(outerLambda, outer, out outerBinding);
1601                     CqtExpression innerKeySelector = selectorLambdaIsTrivialRename ?
1602                         parent.TranslateLambda(innerLambda, inner, innerBindingName, out innerBinding) :
1603                         parent.TranslateLambda(innerLambda, inner, out innerBinding);
1605                     // construct join expression
1606                     if (!TypeSemantics.IsEqualComparable(outerKeySelector.ResultType) ||
1607                         !TypeSemantics.IsEqualComparable(innerKeySelector.ResultType))
1608                     {
1609                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedKeySelector(call.Method.Name));
1610                     }
1612                     var joinCondition = parent.CreateEqualsExpression(outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, EqualsPattern.PositiveNullEqualityNonComposable, outerLambda.Body.Type, innerLambda.Body.Type);
1614                     // In case of trivial rename create and return the join expression,
1615                     // otherwise continue with generation of the selector projection.
1616                     if (selectorLambdaIsTrivialRename)
1617                     {
1618                         var resultType = TypeUsage.Create(TypeHelpers.CreateRowType(
1619                             new List<KeyValuePair<string, TypeUsage>>()
1620                                 {
1621                                     new KeyValuePair<string, TypeUsage>(outerBinding.VariableName, outerBinding.VariableType),
1622                                     new KeyValuePair<string, TypeUsage>(innerBinding.VariableName, innerBinding.VariableType)
1623                                 },
1624                             initializerMetadata));
1626                         return new DbJoinExpression(DbExpressionKind.InnerJoin, TypeUsage.Create(TypeHelpers.CreateCollectionType(resultType)), outerBinding, innerBinding, joinCondition);
1627                     }
1629                     DbJoinExpression join = outerBinding.InnerJoin(innerBinding, joinCondition);
1631                     // generate the projection for the non-trivial selector.
1632                     DbExpressionBinding joinBinding = join.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
1634                     // create property expressions for the inner and outer
1635                     DbPropertyExpression joinOuter = joinBinding.Variable.Property(outerBinding.VariableName);
1636                     DbPropertyExpression joinInner = joinBinding.Variable.Property(innerBinding.VariableName);
1638                     // push outer and inner join parts into the binding scope (the order
1639                     // is irrelevant because the binding context matches based on parameter
1640                     // reference rather than ordinal)
1641                     parent._bindingContext.PushBindingScope(new Binding(selectorLambda.Parameters[0], joinOuter));
1642                     parent._bindingContext.PushBindingScope(new Binding(selectorLambda.Parameters[1], joinInner));
1644                     // translate join selector
1645                     CqtExpression selector = parent.TranslateExpression(selectorLambda.Body);
1647                     // pop binding scope
1648                     parent._bindingContext.PopBindingScope();
1649                     parent._bindingContext.PopBindingScope();
1651                     return joinBinding.Project(selector);
1652                 }
1653             }
1654             private abstract class BinarySequenceMethodTranslator : SequenceMethodTranslator
1655             {
BinarySequenceMethodTranslator(params SequenceMethod[] methods)1656                 protected BinarySequenceMethodTranslator(params SequenceMethod[] methods) : base(methods) { }
1657                 // This method is not required to be virtual (but TranslateRight has to be). This helps improve
1658                 // performance as this class is used frequently during CQT generation phase.
TranslateLeft(ExpressionConverter parent, LinqExpression expr)1659                 protected CqtExpression TranslateLeft(ExpressionConverter parent, LinqExpression expr)
1660                 {
1661                     return parent.TranslateSet(expr);
1662                 }
TranslateRight(ExpressionConverter parent, LinqExpression expr)1663                 protected virtual CqtExpression TranslateRight(ExpressionConverter parent, LinqExpression expr)
1664                 {
1665                     return parent.TranslateSet(expr);
1666                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1667                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1668                 {
1669                     if (null != call.Object)
1670                     {
1671                         // instance method
1672                         Debug.Assert(1 == call.Arguments.Count);
1673                         CqtExpression left = this.TranslateLeft(parent, call.Object);
1674                         CqtExpression right = this.TranslateRight(parent, call.Arguments[0]);
1675                         return TranslateBinary(parent, left, right);
1676                     }
1677                     else
1678                     {
1679                         // static extension method
1680                         Debug.Assert(2 == call.Arguments.Count);
1681                         CqtExpression left = this.TranslateLeft(parent, call.Arguments[0]);
1682                         CqtExpression right = this.TranslateRight(parent, call.Arguments[1]);
1683                         return TranslateBinary(parent, left, right);
1684                     }
1685                 }
TranslateBinary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression left, CqtExpression right)1686                 protected abstract CqtExpression TranslateBinary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression left, CqtExpression right);
1687             }
1688             private class ConcatTranslator : BinarySequenceMethodTranslator
1689             {
ConcatTranslator()1690                 internal ConcatTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.Concat) { }
TranslateBinary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression left, CqtExpression right)1691                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateBinary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression left, CqtExpression right)
1692                 {
1693                     return parent.UnionAll(left, right);
1694                 }
1695             }
1696             private sealed class UnionTranslator : BinarySequenceMethodTranslator
1697             {
UnionTranslator()1698                 internal UnionTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.Union) { }
TranslateBinary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression left, CqtExpression right)1699                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateBinary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression left, CqtExpression right)
1700                 {
1701                     return parent.Distinct(parent.UnionAll(left, right));
1702                 }
1703             }
1704             private sealed class IntersectTranslator : BinarySequenceMethodTranslator
1705             {
IntersectTranslator()1706                 internal IntersectTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.Intersect) { }
TranslateBinary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression left, CqtExpression right)1707                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateBinary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression left, CqtExpression right)
1708                 {
1709                     return parent.Intersect(left, right);
1710                 }
1711             }
1712             private sealed class ExceptTranslator : BinarySequenceMethodTranslator
1713             {
ExceptTranslator()1714                 internal ExceptTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.Except) { }
TranslateBinary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression left, CqtExpression right)1715                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateBinary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression left, CqtExpression right)
1716                 {
1717                     return parent.Except(left, right);
1718                 }
TranslateRight(ExpressionConverter parent, LinqExpression expr)1719                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateRight(ExpressionConverter parent, LinqExpression expr)
1720                 {
1721 #if DEBUG
1722                     int preValue = parent.IgnoreInclude;
1723 #endif
1724                     parent.IgnoreInclude++;
1725                     var result = base.TranslateRight(parent, expr);
1726                     parent.IgnoreInclude--;
1727 #if DEBUG
1728                     Debug.Assert(preValue == parent.IgnoreInclude);
1729 #endif
1730                     return result;
1731                 }
1732             }
1733             private abstract class AggregateTranslator : SequenceMethodTranslator
1734             {
1735                 private readonly string _functionName;
1736                 private readonly bool _takesPredicate;
AggregateTranslator(string functionName, bool takesPredicate, params SequenceMethod[] methods)1738                 protected AggregateTranslator(string functionName, bool takesPredicate, params SequenceMethod[] methods)
1739                     : base(methods)
1740                 {
1741                     _takesPredicate = takesPredicate;
1742                     _functionName = functionName;
1743                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1745                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1746                 {
1747                     bool isUnary = 1 == call.Arguments.Count;
1748                     Debug.Assert(isUnary || 2 == call.Arguments.Count);
1750                     CqtExpression operand = parent.TranslateSet(call.Arguments[0]);
1752                     if (!isUnary)
1753                     {
1754                         LambdaExpression lambda = parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 1);
1755                         DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding;
1756                         CqtExpression cqtLambda = parent.TranslateLambda(lambda, operand, out sourceBinding);
1758                         if (_takesPredicate)
1759                         {
1760                             // treat the lambda as a filter
1761                             operand = parent.Filter(sourceBinding, cqtLambda);
1762                         }
1763                         else
1764                         {
1765                             // treat the lambda as a selector
1766                             operand = sourceBinding.Project(cqtLambda);
1767                         }
1768                     }
1770                     TypeUsage returnType = GetReturnType(parent, call);
1771                     EdmFunction function = FindFunction(parent, call, returnType);
1773                     //Save the unwrapped operand for the optimized translation
1774                     DbExpression unwrappedOperand = operand;
1776                     operand = WrapCollectionOperand(parent, operand, returnType);
1777                     List<DbExpression> arguments = new List<DbExpression>(1);
1778                     arguments.Add(operand);
1780                     DbExpression result = function.Invoke(arguments);
1781                     result = parent.AlignTypes(result, call.Type);
1783                     return result;
1784                 }
GetReturnType(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1786                 protected virtual TypeUsage GetReturnType(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1787                 {
1788                     Debug.Assert(parent != null, "parent != null");
1789                     Debug.Assert(call != null, "call != null");
1791                     return parent.GetValueLayerType(call.Type);
1792                 }
1794                 // If necessary, wraps the operand to ensure the appropriate aggregate overload is called
WrapCollectionOperand(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, TypeUsage returnType)1795                 protected virtual CqtExpression WrapCollectionOperand(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand,
1796                     TypeUsage returnType)
1797                 {
1798                     // check if the operand needs to be wrapped to ensure the correct function overload is called
1799                     if (!TypeUsageEquals(returnType, ((CollectionType)operand.ResultType.EdmType).TypeUsage))
1800                     {
1801                         DbExpressionBinding operandCastBinding = operand.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
1802                         DbProjectExpression operandCastProjection = operandCastBinding.Project(operandCastBinding.Variable.CastTo(returnType));
1803                         operand = operandCastProjection;
1804                     }
1805                     return operand;
1806                 }
1808                 // If necessary, wraps the operand to ensure the appropriate aggregate overload is called
WrapNonCollectionOperand(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, TypeUsage returnType)1809                 protected virtual CqtExpression WrapNonCollectionOperand(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand,
1810                     TypeUsage returnType)
1811                 {
1812                     if (!TypeUsageEquals(returnType, operand.ResultType))
1813                     {
1814                         operand = operand.CastTo(returnType);
1815                     }
1816                     return operand;
1817                 }
1819                 // Finds the best function overload given the expected return type
FindFunction(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, TypeUsage argumentType)1820                 protected virtual EdmFunction FindFunction(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call,
1821                     TypeUsage argumentType)
1822                 {
1823                     List<TypeUsage> argTypes = new List<TypeUsage>(1);
1824                     // In general, we use the return type as the parameter type to align LINQ semantics
1825                     // with SQL semantics, and avoid apparent loss of precision for some LINQ aggregate operators.
1826                     // (e.g., AVG(1, 2) = 2.0, AVG((double)1, (double)2)) = 1.5)
1827                     argTypes.Add(argumentType);
1829                     return parent.FindCanonicalFunction(_functionName, argTypes, true /* isGroupAggregateFunction */, call);
1830                 }
1831             }
1832             private sealed class MaxTranslator : AggregateTranslator
1833             {
MaxTranslator()1834                 internal MaxTranslator()
1835                     : base("Max", false,
1836                     SequenceMethod.Max,
1837                     SequenceMethod.MaxSelector,
1838                     SequenceMethod.MaxInt,
1839                     SequenceMethod.MaxIntSelector,
1840                     SequenceMethod.MaxDecimal,
1841                     SequenceMethod.MaxDecimalSelector,
1842                     SequenceMethod.MaxDouble,
1843                     SequenceMethod.MaxDoubleSelector,
1844                     SequenceMethod.MaxLong,
1845                     SequenceMethod.MaxLongSelector,
1846                     SequenceMethod.MaxSingle,
1847                     SequenceMethod.MaxSingleSelector,
1848                     SequenceMethod.MaxNullableDecimal,
1849                     SequenceMethod.MaxNullableDecimalSelector,
1850                     SequenceMethod.MaxNullableDouble,
1851                     SequenceMethod.MaxNullableDoubleSelector,
1852                     SequenceMethod.MaxNullableInt,
1853                     SequenceMethod.MaxNullableIntSelector,
1854                     SequenceMethod.MaxNullableLong,
1855                     SequenceMethod.MaxNullableLongSelector,
1856                     SequenceMethod.MaxNullableSingle,
1857                     SequenceMethod.MaxNullableSingleSelector)
1858                 {
1859                 }
GetReturnType(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1861                 protected override TypeUsage GetReturnType(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1862                 {
1863                     Debug.Assert(parent != null, "parent != null");
1864                     Debug.Assert(call != null, "call != null");
1866                     var returnType = base.GetReturnType(parent, call);
1868                     // This allows to find and use the correct overload of Max function for enums.
1869                     // Note that returnType does not have to be scalar type here (error case).
1870                     return TypeSemantics.IsEnumerationType(returnType) ?
1871                         TypeUsage.Create(Helper.GetUnderlyingEdmTypeForEnumType(returnType.EdmType), returnType.Facets) :
1872                         returnType;
1873                 }
1874             }
1875             private sealed class MinTranslator : AggregateTranslator
1876             {
MinTranslator()1877                 internal MinTranslator()
1878                     : base("Min", false,
1879                     SequenceMethod.Min,
1880                     SequenceMethod.MinSelector,
1881                     SequenceMethod.MinDecimal,
1882                     SequenceMethod.MinDecimalSelector,
1883                     SequenceMethod.MinDouble,
1884                     SequenceMethod.MinDoubleSelector,
1885                     SequenceMethod.MinInt,
1886                     SequenceMethod.MinIntSelector,
1887                     SequenceMethod.MinLong,
1888                     SequenceMethod.MinLongSelector,
1889                     SequenceMethod.MinNullableDecimal,
1890                     SequenceMethod.MinSingle,
1891                     SequenceMethod.MinSingleSelector,
1892                     SequenceMethod.MinNullableDecimalSelector,
1893                     SequenceMethod.MinNullableDouble,
1894                     SequenceMethod.MinNullableDoubleSelector,
1895                     SequenceMethod.MinNullableInt,
1896                     SequenceMethod.MinNullableIntSelector,
1897                     SequenceMethod.MinNullableLong,
1898                     SequenceMethod.MinNullableLongSelector,
1899                     SequenceMethod.MinNullableSingle,
1900                     SequenceMethod.MinNullableSingleSelector)
1901                 {
1902                 }
GetReturnType(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)1904                 protected override TypeUsage GetReturnType(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
1905                 {
1906                     Debug.Assert(parent != null, "parent != null");
1907                     Debug.Assert(call != null, "call != null");
1909                     var returnType = base.GetReturnType(parent, call);
1911                     // This allows to find and use the correct overload of Min function for enums.
1912                     // Note that returnType does not have to be scalar type here (error case).
1913                     return TypeSemantics.IsEnumerationType(returnType) ?
1914                         TypeUsage.Create(Helper.GetUnderlyingEdmTypeForEnumType(returnType.EdmType), returnType.Facets) :
1915                         returnType;
1916                 }
1917             }
1918             private sealed class AverageTranslator : AggregateTranslator
1919             {
AverageTranslator()1920                 internal AverageTranslator()
1921                     : base("Avg", false,
1922                     SequenceMethod.AverageDecimal,
1923                     SequenceMethod.AverageDecimalSelector,
1924                     SequenceMethod.AverageDouble,
1925                     SequenceMethod.AverageDoubleSelector,
1926                     SequenceMethod.AverageInt,
1927                     SequenceMethod.AverageIntSelector,
1928                     SequenceMethod.AverageLong,
1929                     SequenceMethod.AverageLongSelector,
1930                     SequenceMethod.AverageSingle,
1931                     SequenceMethod.AverageSingleSelector,
1932                     SequenceMethod.AverageNullableDecimal,
1933                     SequenceMethod.AverageNullableDecimalSelector,
1934                     SequenceMethod.AverageNullableDouble,
1935                     SequenceMethod.AverageNullableDoubleSelector,
1936                     SequenceMethod.AverageNullableInt,
1937                     SequenceMethod.AverageNullableIntSelector,
1938                     SequenceMethod.AverageNullableLong,
1939                     SequenceMethod.AverageNullableLongSelector,
1940                     SequenceMethod.AverageNullableSingle,
1941                     SequenceMethod.AverageNullableSingleSelector)
1942                 {
1943                 }
1944             }
1945             private sealed class SumTranslator : AggregateTranslator
1946             {
SumTranslator()1947                 internal SumTranslator()
1948                     : base("Sum", false,
1949                     SequenceMethod.SumDecimal,
1950                     SequenceMethod.SumDecimalSelector,
1951                     SequenceMethod.SumDouble,
1952                     SequenceMethod.SumDoubleSelector,
1953                     SequenceMethod.SumInt,
1954                     SequenceMethod.SumIntSelector,
1955                     SequenceMethod.SumLong,
1956                     SequenceMethod.SumLongSelector,
1957                     SequenceMethod.SumSingle,
1958                     SequenceMethod.SumSingleSelector,
1959                     SequenceMethod.SumNullableDecimal,
1960                     SequenceMethod.SumNullableDecimalSelector,
1961                     SequenceMethod.SumNullableDouble,
1962                     SequenceMethod.SumNullableDoubleSelector,
1963                     SequenceMethod.SumNullableInt,
1964                     SequenceMethod.SumNullableIntSelector,
1965                     SequenceMethod.SumNullableLong,
1966                     SequenceMethod.SumNullableLongSelector,
1967                     SequenceMethod.SumNullableSingle,
1968                     SequenceMethod.SumNullableSingleSelector)
1969                 {
1970                 }
1971             }
1972             private abstract class CountTranslatorBase : AggregateTranslator
1973             {
CountTranslatorBase(string functionName, params SequenceMethod[] methods)1974                 protected CountTranslatorBase(string functionName, params SequenceMethod[] methods)
1975                     : base(functionName, true, methods)
1976                 {
1977                 }
WrapCollectionOperand(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, TypeUsage returnType)1978                 protected override CqtExpression WrapCollectionOperand(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, TypeUsage returnType)
1979                 {
1980                     // always count a constant value
1981                     DbProjectExpression constantProject = operand.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next()).Project(DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(1));
1982                     return constantProject;
1983                 }
WrapNonCollectionOperand(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, TypeUsage returnType)1985                 protected override CqtExpression WrapNonCollectionOperand(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, TypeUsage returnType)
1986                 {
1987                     // always count a constant value
1988                     DbExpression constantExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(1);
1989                     if (!TypeUsageEquals(constantExpression.ResultType, returnType))
1990                     {
1991                         constantExpression = constantExpression.CastTo(returnType);
1992                     }
1993                     return constantExpression;
1994                 }
FindFunction(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, TypeUsage argumentType)1995                 protected override EdmFunction FindFunction(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call,
1996                     TypeUsage argumentType)
1997                 {
1998                     // For most ELinq aggregates, the argument type is the return type. For "count", the
1999                     // argument type is always Int32, since we project a constant Int32 value in WrapCollectionOperand.
2000                     TypeUsage intTypeUsage = TypeUsage.CreateDefaultTypeUsage(EdmProviderManifest.Instance.GetPrimitiveType(PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32));
2001                     return base.FindFunction(parent, call, intTypeUsage);
2002                 }
2003             }
2004             private sealed class CountTranslator : CountTranslatorBase
2005             {
CountTranslator()2006                 internal CountTranslator()
2007                     : base("Count", SequenceMethod.Count, SequenceMethod.CountPredicate)
2008                 {
2009                 }
2010             }
2011             private sealed class LongCountTranslator : CountTranslatorBase
2012             {
LongCountTranslator()2013                 internal LongCountTranslator()
2014                     : base("BigCount", SequenceMethod.LongCount, SequenceMethod.LongCountPredicate)
2015                 {
2016                 }
2017             }
2018             private abstract class UnarySequenceMethodTranslator : SequenceMethodTranslator
2019             {
UnarySequenceMethodTranslator(params SequenceMethod[] methods)2020                 protected UnarySequenceMethodTranslator(params SequenceMethod[] methods) : base(methods) { }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)2021                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
2022                 {
2023                     if (null != call.Object)
2024                     {
2025                         // instance method
2026                         Debug.Assert(0 <= call.Arguments.Count);
2027                         CqtExpression operand = parent.TranslateSet(call.Object);
2028                         return TranslateUnary(parent, operand, call);
2029                     }
2030                     else
2031                     {
2032                         // static extension method
2033                         Debug.Assert(1 <= call.Arguments.Count);
2034                         CqtExpression operand = parent.TranslateSet(call.Arguments[0]);
2035                         return TranslateUnary(parent, operand, call);
2036                     }
2037                 }
TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)2038                 protected abstract CqtExpression TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call);
2039             }
2040             private sealed class PassthroughTranslator : UnarySequenceMethodTranslator
2041             {
PassthroughTranslator()2042                 internal PassthroughTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.AsQueryableGeneric, SequenceMethod.AsQueryable, SequenceMethod.AsEnumerable) { }
TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)2043                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)
2044                 {
2045                     // make sure the operand has collection type to avoid treating (for instance) String as a
2046                     // sub-query
2047                     if (TypeSemantics.IsCollectionType(operand.ResultType))
2048                     {
2049                         return operand;
2050                     }
2051                     else
2052                     {
2053                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedPassthrough(
2054                             call.Method.Name, operand.ResultType.EdmType.Name));
2055                     }
2056                 }
2057             }
2058             private sealed class OfTypeTranslator : UnarySequenceMethodTranslator
2059             {
OfTypeTranslator()2060                 internal OfTypeTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.OfType) { }
TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)2061                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand,
2062                     MethodCallExpression call)
2063                 {
2064                     Type clrType = call.Method.GetGenericArguments()[0];
2065                     TypeUsage modelType;
2067                     // If the model type does not exist in the perspective or is not either an EntityType
2068                     // or a ComplexType, fail - OfType() is not a valid operation on scalars,
2069                     // enumerations, collections, etc.
2070                     if (!parent.TryGetValueLayerType(clrType, out modelType) ||
2071                         !(TypeSemantics.IsEntityType(modelType) || TypeSemantics.IsComplexType(modelType)))
2072                     {
2073                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_InvalidOfTypeResult(DescribeClrType(clrType)));
2074                     }
2076                     // Create an of type expression to filter the original query to include
2077                     // only those results that are of the specified type.
2078                     CqtExpression ofTypeExpression = parent.OfType(operand, modelType);
2079                     return ofTypeExpression;
2080                 }
2081             }
2082             private sealed class DistinctTranslator : UnarySequenceMethodTranslator
2083             {
DistinctTranslator()2084                 internal DistinctTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.Distinct) { }
TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)2085                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand,
2086                     MethodCallExpression call)
2087                 {
2088                     return parent.Distinct(operand);
2089                 }
2090             }
2091             private sealed class AnyTranslator : UnarySequenceMethodTranslator
2092             {
AnyTranslator()2093                 internal AnyTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.Any) { }
TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)2094                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand,
2095                     MethodCallExpression call)
2096                 {
2097                     // "Any" is equivalent to "exists".
2098                     return operand.IsEmpty().Not();
2099                 }
2100             }
2101             private abstract class OneLambdaTranslator : SequenceMethodTranslator
2102             {
OneLambdaTranslator(params SequenceMethod[] methods)2103                 internal OneLambdaTranslator(params SequenceMethod[] methods) : base(methods) { }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)2104                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
2105                 {
2106                     CqtExpression source;
2107                     DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding;
2108                     CqtExpression lambda;
2109                     return Translate(parent, call, out source, out sourceBinding, out lambda);
2110                 }
2112                 // Helper method for tranlsation
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, out CqtExpression source, out DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, out CqtExpression lambda)2113                 protected CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, out CqtExpression source, out DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, out CqtExpression lambda)
2114                 {
2115                     Debug.Assert(2 <= call.Arguments.Count);
2117                     // translate source
2118                     source = parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[0]);
2120                     // translate lambda expression
2121                     LambdaExpression lambdaExpression = parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 1);
2122                     lambda = parent.TranslateLambda(lambdaExpression, source, out sourceBinding);
2123                     return TranslateOneLambda(parent, sourceBinding, lambda);
2124                 }
TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)2126                 protected abstract CqtExpression TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda);
2127             }
2128             private sealed class AnyPredicateTranslator : OneLambdaTranslator
2129             {
AnyPredicateTranslator()2130                 internal AnyPredicateTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.AnyPredicate) { }
TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)2131                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)
2132                 {
2133                     return sourceBinding.Any(lambda);
2134                 }
2135             }
2136             private sealed class AllTranslator : OneLambdaTranslator
2137             {
AllTranslator()2138                 internal AllTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.All) { }
TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)2139                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)
2140                 {
2141                     return sourceBinding.All(lambda);
2142                 }
2143             }
2144             private sealed class WhereTranslator : OneLambdaTranslator
2145             {
WhereTranslator()2146                 internal WhereTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.Where) { }
TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)2147                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)
2148                 {
2149                     return parent.Filter(sourceBinding, lambda);
2150                 }
2151             }
2152             private sealed class SelectTranslator : OneLambdaTranslator
2153             {
SelectTranslator()2154                 internal SelectTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.Select) { }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)2155                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
2156                 {
2157                     CqtExpression source;
2158                     DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding;
2159                     CqtExpression lambda;
2160                     CqtExpression result = Translate(parent, call, out source, out sourceBinding, out lambda);
2161                     return result;
2162                 }
TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)2164                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)
2165                 {
2166                     return parent.Project(sourceBinding, lambda);
2167                 }
2168             }
2169             private sealed class DefaultIfEmptyTranslator : SequenceMethodTranslator
2170             {
DefaultIfEmptyTranslator()2171                 internal DefaultIfEmptyTranslator()
2172                     : base(SequenceMethod.DefaultIfEmpty, SequenceMethod.DefaultIfEmptyValue)
2173                 {
2174                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)2175                 internal override DbExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
2176                 {
2177                     DbExpression operand = parent.TranslateSet(call.Arguments[0]);
2179                     // get default value (different translation for non-null defaults)
2180                     DbExpression defaultValue = call.Arguments.Count == 2 ?
2181                         parent.TranslateExpression(call.Arguments[1]) :
2182                         GetDefaultValue(parent, call.Type);
2184                     DbExpression left = DbExpressionBuilder.NewCollection(new DbExpression[] { 1 });
2185                     DbExpressionBinding leftBinding = left.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
2187                     // DefaultIfEmpty(value) syntax we may require a sentinel flag to indicate default value substitution
2188                     bool requireSentinel = !(null == defaultValue || defaultValue.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.Null);
2189                     if (requireSentinel)
2190                     {
2191                         DbExpressionBinding o = operand.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
2192                         operand = o.Project(new Row(((DbExpression)1).As("sentinel"), o.Variable.As("value")));
2193                     }
2195                     DbExpressionBinding rightBinding = operand.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
2196                     DbExpression join = DbExpressionBuilder.LeftOuterJoin(leftBinding, rightBinding, true);
2197                     DbExpressionBinding joinBinding = join.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
2198                     DbExpression projection = joinBinding.Variable.Property(rightBinding.VariableName);
2200                     // Use a case statement on the sentinel flag to drop the default value in where required
2201                     if (requireSentinel)
2202                     {
2203                         projection = DbExpressionBuilder.Case(new[] { projection.Property("sentinel").IsNull() }, new[] { defaultValue }, projection.Property("value"));
2204                     }
2206                     DbExpression spannedProjection = joinBinding.Project(projection);
2207                     parent.ApplySpanMapping(operand, spannedProjection);
2208                     return spannedProjection;
2209                 }
GetDefaultValue(ExpressionConverter parent, Type resultType)2211                 private static DbExpression GetDefaultValue(ExpressionConverter parent, Type resultType)
2212                 {
2213                     Type elementType = TypeSystem.GetElementType(resultType);
2214                     object defaultValue = TypeSystem.GetDefaultValue(elementType);
2215                     DbExpression result = null == defaultValue ?
2216                         null :
2217                         parent.TranslateExpression(Expression.Constant(defaultValue, elementType));
2218                     return result;
2219                 }
2220             }
2221             private sealed class ContainsTranslator : SequenceMethodTranslator
2222             {
ContainsTranslator()2223                 internal ContainsTranslator()
2224                     : base(SequenceMethod.Contains)
2225                 {
2226                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)2227                 internal override DbExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
2228                 {
2229                     return TranslateContains(parent, call.Arguments[0], call.Arguments[1]);
2230                 }
TranslateContainsHelper(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression left, IEnumerable<DbExpression> rightList, EqualsPattern pattern, Type leftType, Type rightType)2231                 private static DbExpression TranslateContainsHelper(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression left, IEnumerable<DbExpression> rightList, EqualsPattern pattern, Type leftType, Type rightType)
2232                 {
2233                     var predicates = rightList.
2234                                     Select(argument => parent.CreateEqualsExpression(left, argument, pattern, leftType, rightType));
2235                     var expressions = new List<DbExpression>(predicates);
2236                     var cqt = System.Data.Common.Utils.Helpers.BuildBalancedTreeInPlace(expressions,
2237                         (prev, next) => prev.Or(next)
2238                     );
2239                     return cqt;
2240                 }
TranslateContains(ExpressionConverter parent, Expression sourceExpression, Expression valueExpression)2241                 internal static DbExpression TranslateContains(ExpressionConverter parent, Expression sourceExpression, Expression valueExpression)
2242                 {
2243                     DbExpression source = parent.NormalizeSetSource(parent.TranslateExpression(sourceExpression));
2244                     DbExpression value = parent.TranslateExpression(valueExpression);
2245                     Type sourceArgumentType = TypeSystem.GetElementType(sourceExpression.Type);
2247                     if (source.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.NewInstance)
2248                     {
2249                         IList<DbExpression> arguments = ((DbNewInstanceExpression)source).Arguments;
2250                         if (arguments.Count > 0)
2251                         {
2252                             if (!parent._funcletizer.RootContext.ContextOptions.UseCSharpNullComparisonBehavior)
2253                             {
2254                                 return TranslateContainsHelper(parent, value, arguments, EqualsPattern.Store, sourceArgumentType, valueExpression.Type);
2255                             }
2256                             // Replaces this => (tbl.Col = 1 AND tbl.Col IS NOT NULL) OR (tbl.Col = 2 AND tbl.Col IS NOT NULL) OR ...
2257                             // with this => (tbl.Col = 1 OR tbl.Col = 2 OR ...) AND (tbl.Col IS NOT NULL))
2258                             // which in turn gets simplified to this => (tbl.Col IN (1, 2, ...) AND (tbl.Col IS NOT NULL)) in SqlGenerator
2259                             IEnumerable<DbExpression> constantArguments = arguments.Where(argument => argument.ExpressionKind == DbExpressionKind.Constant);
2260                             CqtExpression constantCqt = null;
2261                             if (constantArguments.Count() > 0)
2262                             {
2263                                 constantCqt = TranslateContainsHelper(parent, value, constantArguments, EqualsPattern.PositiveNullEqualityNonComposable, sourceArgumentType, valueExpression.Type);
2264                                 constantCqt = constantCqt.And(value.IsNull().Not());
2265                             }
2266                             // Does not optimize conversion of variables embedded in the list.
2267                             IEnumerable<DbExpression> otherArguments = arguments.Where(argument => argument.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.Constant);
2268                             CqtExpression otherCqt = null;
2269                             if (otherArguments.Count() > 0)
2270                             {
2271                                 otherCqt = TranslateContainsHelper(parent, value, otherArguments, EqualsPattern.PositiveNullEqualityComposable, sourceArgumentType, valueExpression.Type);
2272                             }
2273                             if (constantCqt == null) return otherCqt;
2274                             if (otherCqt == null) return constantCqt;
2275                             return constantCqt.Or(otherCqt);
2276                         }
2277                         return false;
2278                     }
2280                     DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding = source.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
2281                     EqualsPattern pattern = EqualsPattern.Store;
2282                     if (parent._funcletizer.RootContext.ContextOptions.UseCSharpNullComparisonBehavior)
2283                     {
2284                         pattern = EqualsPattern.PositiveNullEqualityComposable;
2285                     }
2286                     return sourceBinding.Filter(parent.CreateEqualsExpression(sourceBinding.Variable, value, pattern, sourceArgumentType, valueExpression.Type)).Exists();
2287                 }
2288             }
2289             private abstract class FirstTranslatorBase : UnarySequenceMethodTranslator
2290             {
FirstTranslatorBase(params SequenceMethod[] methods)2291                 protected FirstTranslatorBase(params SequenceMethod[] methods) : base(methods) { }
LimitResult(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression expression)2293                 protected virtual CqtExpression LimitResult(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression expression)
2294                 {
2295                     // Only need the first result.
2296                     return parent.Limit(expression, DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(1));
2297                 }
TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)2298                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)
2299                 {
2300                     CqtExpression result = LimitResult(parent, operand);
2302                     // If this FirstOrDefault/SingleOrDefault() operation is the root of the query,
2303                     // then the evaluation is performed in the client over the resulting set,
2304                     // to provide the same semantics as Linq to Objects. Otherwise, an Element
2305                     // expression is applied to retrieve the single element (or null, if empty)
2306                     // from the output set.
2307                     if (!parent.IsQueryRoot(call))
2308                     {
2309                         result = result.Element();
2310                         result = AddDefaultCase(parent, result, call.Type);
2311                     }
2313                     // Span is preserved over First/FirstOrDefault with or without a predicate
2314                     Span inputSpan = null;
2315                     if (parent.TryGetSpan(operand, out inputSpan))
2316                     {
2317                         parent.AddSpanMapping(result, inputSpan);
2318                     }
2320                     return result;
2321                 }
AddDefaultCase(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression element, Type elementType)2322                 internal static CqtExpression AddDefaultCase(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression element, Type elementType)
2323                 {
2324                     // Retrieve default value.
2325                     object defaultValue = TypeSystem.GetDefaultValue(elementType);
2326                     if (null == defaultValue)
2327                     {
2328                         // Already null, which is the implicit default for DbElementExpression
2329                         return element;
2330                     }
2332                     Debug.Assert(TypeSemantics.IsScalarType(element.ResultType), "Primitive or enum type expected at this point.");
2334                     // Otherwise, use the default value for the type
2335                     List<CqtExpression> whenExpressions = new List<CqtExpression>(1);
2337                     whenExpressions.Add(parent.CreateIsNullExpression(element, elementType));
2338                     List<CqtExpression> thenExpressions = new List<CqtExpression>(1);
2339                     thenExpressions.Add(DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(element.ResultType, defaultValue));
2340                     DbCaseExpression caseExpression = DbExpressionBuilder.Case(whenExpressions, thenExpressions, element);
2341                     return caseExpression;
2342                 }
2343             }
2344             private sealed class FirstTranslator : FirstTranslatorBase
2345             {
FirstTranslator()2346                 internal FirstTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.First) { }
TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)2348                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)
2349                 {
2350                     if (!parent.IsQueryRoot(call))
2351                     {
2352                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedNestedFirst);
2353                     }
2354                     return base.TranslateUnary(parent, operand, call);
2355                 }
2356             }
2357             private sealed class FirstOrDefaultTranslator : FirstTranslatorBase
2358             {
FirstOrDefaultTranslator()2359                 internal FirstOrDefaultTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.FirstOrDefault) { }
2360             }
2361             private abstract class SingleTranslatorBase : FirstTranslatorBase
2362             {
SingleTranslatorBase(params SequenceMethod[] methods)2363                 protected SingleTranslatorBase(params SequenceMethod[] methods) : base(methods) { }
TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)2365                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateUnary(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression operand, MethodCallExpression call)
2366                 {
2367                     if (!parent.IsQueryRoot(call))
2368                     {
2369                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedNestedSingle);
2370                     }
2371                     return base.TranslateUnary(parent, operand, call);
2372                 }
LimitResult(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression expression)2374                 protected override CqtExpression LimitResult(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression expression)
2375                 {
2376                     // Only need two results - one to return as the actual result and another so we can throw if there is more than one
2377                     return parent.Limit(expression, DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(2));
2378                 }
2379             }
2381             private sealed class SingleTranslator : SingleTranslatorBase
2382             {
SingleTranslator()2383                 internal SingleTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.Single) { }
2384             }
2386             private sealed class SingleOrDefaultTranslator : SingleTranslatorBase
2387             {
SingleOrDefaultTranslator()2388                 internal SingleOrDefaultTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.SingleOrDefault) { }
2389             }
2391             private abstract class FirstPredicateTranslatorBase : OneLambdaTranslator
2392             {
FirstPredicateTranslatorBase(params SequenceMethod[] methods)2393                 protected FirstPredicateTranslatorBase(params SequenceMethod[] methods) : base(methods) { }
RestrictResult(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression expression)2395                 protected virtual CqtExpression RestrictResult(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression expression)
2396                 {
2397                     // Only need the first result.
2398                     return parent.Limit(expression, DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(1));
2399                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)2401                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
2402                 {
2403                     // Convert the input set and the predicate into a filter expression
2404                     CqtExpression input = base.Translate(parent, call);
2406                     // If this First/FirstOrDefault/Single/SingleOrDefault is the root of the query,
2407                     // then the actual result will be produced by evaluated by
2408                     // calling First/Single() or FirstOrDefault() on the filtered input set,
2409                     // which is limited to at most one element by applying a limit.
2410                     if (parent.IsQueryRoot(call))
2411                     {
2412                         // Calling ExpressionConverter.Limit propagates the Span.
2413                         return RestrictResult(parent, input);
2414                     }
2415                     else
2416                     {
2417                         CqtExpression element = input.Element();
2418                         element = FirstTranslatorBase.AddDefaultCase(parent, element, call.Type);
2420                         // Span is preserved over First/FirstOrDefault with or without a predicate
2421                         Span inputSpan = null;
2422                         if (parent.TryGetSpan(input, out inputSpan))
2423                         {
2424                             parent.AddSpanMapping(element, inputSpan);
2425                         }
2427                         return element;
2428                     }
2429                 }
TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)2431                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)
2432                 {
2433                     return parent.Filter(sourceBinding, lambda);
2434                 }
2435             }
2437             private sealed class FirstPredicateTranslator : FirstPredicateTranslatorBase
2438             {
FirstPredicateTranslator()2439                 internal FirstPredicateTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.FirstPredicate) { }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)2441                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
2442                 {
2443                     if (!parent.IsQueryRoot(call))
2444                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedNestedFirst);
2445                     return base.Translate(parent, call);
2446                 }
2447             }
2449             private sealed class FirstOrDefaultPredicateTranslator : FirstPredicateTranslatorBase
2450             {
FirstOrDefaultPredicateTranslator()2451                 internal FirstOrDefaultPredicateTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.FirstOrDefaultPredicate) { }
2452             }
2454             private abstract class SinglePredicateTranslatorBase : FirstPredicateTranslatorBase
2455             {
SinglePredicateTranslatorBase(params SequenceMethod[] methods)2456                 protected SinglePredicateTranslatorBase(params SequenceMethod[] methods) : base(methods) { }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)2458                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
2459                 {
2460                     if (!parent.IsQueryRoot(call))
2461                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedNestedSingle);
2462                     return base.Translate(parent, call);
2463                 }
RestrictResult(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression expression)2465                 protected override CqtExpression RestrictResult(ExpressionConverter parent, CqtExpression expression)
2466                 {
2467                     // Only need two results - one to return and another to see if it wasn't alone to throw.
2468                     return parent.Limit(expression, DbExpressionBuilder.Constant(2));
2469                 }
2470             }
2472             private sealed class SinglePredicateTranslator : SinglePredicateTranslatorBase
2473             {
SinglePredicateTranslator()2474                 internal SinglePredicateTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.SinglePredicate) { }
2475             }
2477             private sealed class SingleOrDefaultPredicateTranslator : SinglePredicateTranslatorBase
2478             {
SingleOrDefaultPredicateTranslator()2479                 internal SingleOrDefaultPredicateTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.SingleOrDefaultPredicate) { }
2480             }
2482             private sealed class SelectManyTranslator : OneLambdaTranslator
2483             {
SelectManyTranslator()2484                 internal SelectManyTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.SelectMany, SequenceMethod.SelectManyResultSelector) { }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)2485                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
2486                 {
2487                     // perform a cross apply to implement the core logic for SelectMany (this translates the collection selector):
2488                     // SelectMany(i, Func<i, IEnum<o>> collectionSelector) =>
2489                     // i CROSS APPLY collectionSelector(i)
2490                     // The cross-apply yields a collection <left, right> from which we yield either the right hand side (when
2491                     // no explicit resultSelector is given) or over which we apply the resultSelector Lambda expression.
2493                     LambdaExpression resultSelector = (call.Arguments.Count == 3) ? parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 2) : null;
2495                     CqtExpression apply = base.Translate(parent, call);
2497                     // try detecting the linq pattern for a left outer join and produce a simpler c-tree for it.
2498                     DbExpressionBinding applyInput;
2499                     EdmProperty lojRightInput;
2500                     bool isLeftOuterJoin = IsLeftOuterJoin(apply, out applyInput, out lojRightInput);
2501                     if (isLeftOuterJoin)
2502                     {
2503                         // 1)
2504                         // if apply looks like a cross apply with right input being a loj of {1} to a collection from the apply's left input:
2505                         //     (
2506                         //         select o, (select ...) as lojRightInput
2507                         //         from (...) as o
2508                         //     ) as x
2509                         //     CROSS apply
2510                         //     (
2511                         //         select loj
2512                         //         from {1} left outer join x.lojRightInput as loj on true
2513                         //     ) as y
2514                         // then rewrite it as outer apply
2515                         //     (
2516                         //         select o, (select ...) as lojRightInput
2517                         //         from (...) as o
2518                         //     ) as x
2519                         //     OUTER apply
2520                         //          x.lojRightInput as loj
2521                         //
2522                         // 2)
2523                         // if there is a trivial resultSelector that would produce something like this:
2524                         //     select x as m, loj as n
2525                         //     from (...) as x outer apply (...) as loj
2526                         // then rewrite it as
2527                         //     (...) as m outer apply (...) as n
2528                         string outerBindingName;
2529                         string innerBindingName;
2530                         InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata;
2531                         if (resultSelector != null && IsTrivialRename(resultSelector, parent, out outerBindingName, out innerBindingName, out initializerMetadata))
2532                         {
2533                             // It is #1 and #2 as described above:
2534                             //  - produce the outer apply
2535                             //  - name inputs as specified in the resultSelector
2536                             //  - return the apply.
2537                             var newInput = applyInput.Expression.BindAs(outerBindingName);
2538                             var newApply = newInput.Variable.Property(lojRightInput.Name).BindAs(innerBindingName);
2540                             var resultType = TypeUsage.Create(TypeHelpers.CreateRowType(
2541                                 new List<KeyValuePair<string, TypeUsage>>()
2542                                 {
2543                                     new KeyValuePair<string, TypeUsage>(newInput.VariableName, newInput.VariableType),
2544                                     new KeyValuePair<string, TypeUsage>(newApply.VariableName, newApply.VariableType)
2545                                 },
2546                                 initializerMetadata));
2548                             return new DbApplyExpression(DbExpressionKind.OuterApply, TypeUsage.Create(TypeHelpers.CreateCollectionType(resultType)), newInput, newApply);
2549                         }
2550                         else
2551                         {
2552                             // It is just #1 as described above,
2553                             // so produce the outer apply and let the logic below generate projection using the resultSelector.
2554                             apply = applyInput.OuterApply(applyInput.Variable.Property(lojRightInput).BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next()));
2555                         }
2556                     }
2558                     DbExpressionBinding applyBinding = apply.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
2559                     RowType applyRowType = (RowType)(applyBinding.Variable.ResultType.EdmType);
2560                     CqtExpression projectRight = applyBinding.Variable.Property(applyRowType.Properties[1]);
2562                     CqtExpression resultProjection;
2563                     if (resultSelector != null)
2564                     {
2565                         CqtExpression projectLeft = applyBinding.Variable.Property(applyRowType.Properties[0]);
2567                         // add the left and right projection terms to the binding context
2568                         parent._bindingContext.PushBindingScope(new Binding(resultSelector.Parameters[0], projectLeft));
2569                         parent._bindingContext.PushBindingScope(new Binding(resultSelector.Parameters[1], projectRight));
2571                         // translate the result selector
2572                         resultProjection = parent.TranslateSet(resultSelector.Body);
2574                         // pop binding context
2575                         parent._bindingContext.PopBindingScope();
2576                         parent._bindingContext.PopBindingScope();
2577                     }
2578                     else
2579                     {
2580                         // project out the right hand side of the apply
2581                         resultProjection = projectRight;
2582                     }
2584                     // wrap result projection in project expression
2585                     return applyBinding.Project(resultProjection);
2586                 }
IsLeftOuterJoin(CqtExpression cqtExpression, out DbExpressionBinding crossApplyInput, out EdmProperty lojRightInput)2587                 private static bool IsLeftOuterJoin(CqtExpression cqtExpression, out DbExpressionBinding crossApplyInput, out EdmProperty lojRightInput)
2588                 {
2589                     // Check cqtExpression to see if looks like this:
2590                     //
2591                     //     (
2592                     //         select o, (select ...) as lojRightInput
2593                     //         from (...) as o
2594                     //     ) as x
2595                     //     cross apply
2596                     //     (
2597                     //         select loj
2598                     //         from {1} left outer join x.lojRightInput as loj on true
2599                     //     ) as y
2600                     //
2601                     // If yes - return true,
2602                     // crossApplyInput = (
2603                     //                      select o, (select ...) as lojRightInput
2604                     //                      from (...) as o
2605                     //                   ) as x
2606                     // lojRightInput = x.lojRightInput
2608                     crossApplyInput = null;
2609                     lojRightInput = null;
2611                     if (cqtExpression.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.CrossApply)
2612                     {
2613                         return false;
2614                     }
2615                     var crossApply = (DbApplyExpression)cqtExpression;
2617                     if (crossApply.Input.VariableType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind != BuiltInTypeKind.RowType)
2618                     {
2619                         return false;
2620                     }
2621                     var crossApplyInputRowType = (RowType)crossApply.Input.VariableType.EdmType;
2623                     // rightProject = (select loj
2624                     //                 from {1} left outer join x.lojRightInput as loj on true)
2625                     if (crossApply.Apply.Expression.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.Project)
2626                     {
2627                         return false;
2628                     }
2629                     var rightProject = (DbProjectExpression)crossApply.Apply.Expression;
2631                     // loj = {1} left outer join x.lojRightInput as loj on true
2632                     if (rightProject.Input.Expression.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.LeftOuterJoin)
2633                     {
2634                         return false;
2635                     }
2636                     var loj = (DbJoinExpression)rightProject.Input.Expression;
2638                     if (rightProject.Projection.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.Property)
2639                     {
2640                         return false;
2641                     }
2642                     var rightProjectProjection = (DbPropertyExpression)rightProject.Projection;
2644                     // make sure that in
2645                     //    rightProject = (select loj
2646                     //                    from {1} left outer join x.lojRightInput as loj on true)
2647                     // loj comes from the right side of the left outer join.
2648                     if (rightProjectProjection.Instance != rightProject.Input.Variable ||
2649                         rightProjectProjection.Property.Name != loj.Right.VariableName ||
2650                         loj.JoinCondition.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.Constant)
2651                     {
2652                         return false;
2653                     }
2654                     var lojCondition = (DbConstantExpression)loj.JoinCondition;
2656                     // make sure that in
2657                     //    rightProject = (select loj
2658                     //                    from {1} left outer join x.lojRightInput as loj on true)
2659                     // the left outer join condition is "true".
2660                     if (!(lojCondition.Value is bool) || (bool)lojCondition.Value != true)
2661                     {
2662                         return false;
2663                     }
2665                     // make sure that in
2666                     //    rightProject = (select loj
2667                     //                    from {1} left outer join x.lojRightInput as loj on true)
2668                     // the left input into the left outer join condition is a single-element collection "{some constant}"
2669                     if (loj.Left.Expression.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.NewInstance)
2670                     {
2671                         return false;
2672                     }
2673                     var lojLeft = (DbNewInstanceExpression)loj.Left.Expression;
2674                     if (lojLeft.Arguments.Count != 1 || lojLeft.Arguments[0].ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.Constant)
2675                     {
2676                         return false;
2677                     }
2679                     // make sure that in
2680                     //    rightProject = (select loj
2681                     //                    from {1} left outer join x.lojRightInput as loj on true)
2682                     // the x.lojRightInput comes from the left side of the cross apply
2683                     if (loj.Right.Expression.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.Property)
2684                     {
2685                         return false;
2686                     }
2687                     var lojRight = (DbPropertyExpression)loj.Right.Expression;
2688                     if (lojRight.Instance != crossApply.Input.Variable)
2689                     {
2690                         return false;
2691                     }
2692                     var lojRightValueSource = crossApplyInputRowType.Properties.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == lojRight.Property.Name);
2693                     if (lojRightValueSource == null)
2694                     {
2695                         return false;
2696                     }
2698                     crossApplyInput = crossApply.Input;
2699                     lojRightInput = lojRightValueSource;
2701                     return true;
2702                 }
TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)2703                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)
2704                 {
2705                     // elements of the inner selector should be used
2706                     lambda = parent.NormalizeSetSource(lambda);
2707                     DbExpressionBinding applyBinding = lambda.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
2708                     DbApplyExpression crossApply = sourceBinding.CrossApply(applyBinding);
2709                     return crossApply;
2710                 }
2711             }
2712             private sealed class CastMethodTranslator : SequenceMethodTranslator
2713             {
CastMethodTranslator()2714                 internal CastMethodTranslator() : base(SequenceMethod.Cast) { }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)2715                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
2716                 {
2717                     // Translate source
2718                     CqtExpression source = parent.TranslateSet(call.Arguments[0]);
2720                     // Figure out the type to cast to
2721                     Type toClrType = TypeSystem.GetElementType(call.Type);
2722                     Type fromClrType = TypeSystem.GetElementType(call.Arguments[0].Type);
2724                     // Get binding to the elements of the input source
2725                     DbExpressionBinding binding = source.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
2727                     CqtExpression cast = parent.CreateCastExpression(binding.Variable, toClrType, fromClrType);
2728                     return parent.Project(binding, cast);
2729                 }
2730             }
2732             private sealed class GroupByTranslator : SequenceMethodTranslator
2733             {
GroupByTranslator()2734                 internal GroupByTranslator()
2735                     : base(SequenceMethod.GroupBy, SequenceMethod.GroupByElementSelector, SequenceMethod.GroupByElementSelectorResultSelector,
2736                     SequenceMethod.GroupByResultSelector)
2737                 {
2738                 }
2740                 // Creates a Cqt GroupByExpression with a group aggregate
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, SequenceMethod sequenceMethod)2741                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, SequenceMethod sequenceMethod)
2742                 {
2743                     // translate source
2744                     CqtExpression source = parent.TranslateSet(call.Arguments[0]);
2746                     // translate key selector
2747                     LambdaExpression keySelectorLinq = parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 1);
2748                     DbGroupExpressionBinding sourceGroupBinding;
2749                     CqtExpression keySelector = parent.TranslateLambda(keySelectorLinq, source, out sourceGroupBinding);
2751                     // create distinct expression
2752                     if (!TypeSemantics.IsEqualComparable(keySelector.ResultType))
2753                     {
2754                         // to avoid confusing error message about the "distinct" type, pre-emptively raise an exception
2755                         // about the group by key selector
2756                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedKeySelector(call.Method.Name));
2757                     }
2759                     List<KeyValuePair<string, DbExpression>> keys = new List<KeyValuePair<string, DbExpression>>();
2760                     List<KeyValuePair<string, DbAggregate>> aggregates = new List<KeyValuePair<string, DbAggregate>>();
2761                     keys.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, CqtExpression>(KeyColumnName, keySelector));
2762                     aggregates.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, DbAggregate>(GroupColumnName, sourceGroupBinding.GroupAggregate));
2764                     DbExpression groupBy = sourceGroupBinding.GroupBy(keys, aggregates);
2765                     DbExpressionBinding groupByBinding = groupBy.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
2767                     // interpret element selector if needed
2768                     CqtExpression selection = groupByBinding.Variable.Property(GroupColumnName);
2770                     bool hasElementSelector = sequenceMethod == SequenceMethod.GroupByElementSelector ||
2771                         sequenceMethod == SequenceMethod.GroupByElementSelectorResultSelector;
2773                     //Create a project over the group by
2774                     if (hasElementSelector)
2775                     {
2776                         LambdaExpression elementSelectorLinq = parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 2);
2777                         DbExpressionBinding elementSelectorSourceBinding;
2778                         CqtExpression elementSelector = parent.TranslateLambda(elementSelectorLinq, selection, out elementSelectorSourceBinding);
2779                         selection = elementSelectorSourceBinding.Project(elementSelector);
2780                     }
2782                     // create top level projection <exists, key, group>
2783                     CqtExpression[] projectionTerms = new CqtExpression[2];
2784                     projectionTerms[0] = groupByBinding.Variable.Property(KeyColumnName);
2785                     projectionTerms[1] = selection;
2787                     // build projection type with initializer information
2788                     List<EdmProperty> properties = new List<EdmProperty>(2);
2789                     properties.Add(new EdmProperty(KeyColumnName, projectionTerms[0].ResultType));
2790                     properties.Add(new EdmProperty(GroupColumnName, projectionTerms[1].ResultType));
2791                     InitializerMetadata initializerMetadata = InitializerMetadata.CreateGroupingInitializer(
2792                         parent.EdmItemCollection, TypeSystem.GetElementType(call.Type));
2793                     RowType rowType = new RowType(properties, initializerMetadata);
2794                     TypeUsage rowTypeUsage = TypeUsage.Create(rowType);
2796                     CqtExpression topLevelProject = groupByBinding.Project(DbExpressionBuilder.New(rowTypeUsage, projectionTerms));
2798                     var result = topLevelProject;
2800                     // GroupBy may include a result selector; handle it
2801                     result = ProcessResultSelector(parent, call, sequenceMethod, topLevelProject, result);
2803                     return result;
2804                 }
ProcessResultSelector(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, SequenceMethod sequenceMethod, CqtExpression topLevelProject, DbExpression result)2806                 private static DbExpression ProcessResultSelector(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call, SequenceMethod sequenceMethod, CqtExpression topLevelProject, DbExpression result)
2807                 {
2808                     // interpret result selector if needed
2809                     LambdaExpression resultSelectorLinqExpression = null;
2810                     if (sequenceMethod == SequenceMethod.GroupByResultSelector)
2811                     {
2812                         resultSelectorLinqExpression = parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 2);
2813                     }
2814                     else if (sequenceMethod == SequenceMethod.GroupByElementSelectorResultSelector)
2815                     {
2816                         resultSelectorLinqExpression = parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 3);
2817                     }
2818                     if (null != resultSelectorLinqExpression)
2819                     {
2820                         // selector maps (Key, Group) -> Result
2821                         // push bindings for key and group
2822                         DbExpressionBinding topLevelProjectBinding = topLevelProject.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
2823                         DbPropertyExpression keyExpression = topLevelProjectBinding.Variable.Property(KeyColumnName);
2824                         DbPropertyExpression groupExpression = topLevelProjectBinding.Variable.Property(GroupColumnName);
2825                         parent._bindingContext.PushBindingScope(new Binding(resultSelectorLinqExpression.Parameters[0], keyExpression));
2826                         parent._bindingContext.PushBindingScope(new Binding(resultSelectorLinqExpression.Parameters[1], groupExpression));
2828                         // translate selector
2829                         CqtExpression resultSelector = parent.TranslateExpression(
2830                             resultSelectorLinqExpression.Body);
2831                         result = topLevelProjectBinding.Project(resultSelector);
2833                         parent._bindingContext.PopBindingScope();
2834                         parent._bindingContext.PopBindingScope();
2835                     }
2836                     return result;
2837                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)2838                 internal override DbExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
2839                 {
2840                     Debug.Fail("unreachable code");
2841                     return null;
2842                 }
2843             }
2844             private sealed class GroupJoinTranslator : SequenceMethodTranslator
2845             {
GroupJoinTranslator()2846                 internal GroupJoinTranslator()
2847                     : base(SequenceMethod.GroupJoin)
2848                 {
2849                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)2850                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
2851                 {
2852                     // o.GroupJoin(i, ok => outerKeySelector, ik => innerKeySelector, (o, i) => projection)
2853                     //      -->
2854                     // SELECT projection(o, i)
2855                     // FROM (
2856                     //      SELECT o, (SELECT i FROM i WHERE o.outerKeySelector = i.innerKeySelector) as i
2857                     //      FROM o)
2859                     // translate inputs
2860                     CqtExpression outer = parent.TranslateSet(call.Arguments[0]);
2861                     CqtExpression inner = parent.TranslateSet(call.Arguments[1]);
2863                     // translate key selectors
2864                     DbExpressionBinding outerBinding;
2865                     DbExpressionBinding innerBinding;
2866                     LambdaExpression outerLambda = parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 2);
2867                     LambdaExpression innerLambda = parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 3);
2868                     CqtExpression outerSelector = parent.TranslateLambda(
2869                         outerLambda, outer, out outerBinding);
2870                     CqtExpression innerSelector = parent.TranslateLambda(
2871                         innerLambda, inner, out innerBinding);
2873                     // create innermost SELECT i FROM i WHERE ...
2874                     if (!TypeSemantics.IsEqualComparable(outerSelector.ResultType) ||
2875                         !TypeSemantics.IsEqualComparable(innerSelector.ResultType))
2876                     {
2877                         throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_UnsupportedKeySelector(call.Method.Name));
2878                     }
2879                     CqtExpression nestedCollection = parent.Filter(innerBinding,
2880                         parent.CreateEqualsExpression(outerSelector, innerSelector, EqualsPattern.PositiveNullEqualityNonComposable, outerLambda.Body.Type, innerLambda.Body.Type));
2882                     // create "join" SELECT o, (nestedCollection)
2883                     const string outerColumn = "o";
2884                     const string innerColumn = "i";
2885                     List<KeyValuePair<string, CqtExpression>> recordColumns = new List<KeyValuePair<string, CqtExpression>>(2);
2886                     recordColumns.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, CqtExpression>(outerColumn, outerBinding.Variable));
2887                     recordColumns.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, CqtExpression>(innerColumn, nestedCollection));
2888                     CqtExpression joinProjection = DbExpressionBuilder.NewRow(recordColumns);
2889                     CqtExpression joinProject = outerBinding.Project(joinProjection);
2890                     DbExpressionBinding joinProjectBinding = joinProject.BindAs(parent.AliasGenerator.Next());
2892                     // create property expressions for the outer and inner terms to bind to the parameters to the
2893                     // group join selector
2894                     CqtExpression outerProperty = joinProjectBinding.Variable.Property(outerColumn);
2895                     CqtExpression innerProperty = joinProjectBinding.Variable.Property(innerColumn);
2897                     // push the inner and the outer terms into the binding scope
2898                     LambdaExpression linqSelector = parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 4);
2899                     parent._bindingContext.PushBindingScope(new Binding(linqSelector.Parameters[0], outerProperty));
2900                     parent._bindingContext.PushBindingScope(new Binding(linqSelector.Parameters[1], innerProperty));
2902                     // translate the selector
2903                     CqtExpression selectorProject = parent.TranslateExpression(linqSelector.Body);
2905                     // pop the binding scope
2906                     parent._bindingContext.PopBindingScope();
2907                     parent._bindingContext.PopBindingScope();
2909                     // create the selector projection
2910                     CqtExpression selector = joinProjectBinding.Project(selectorProject);
2912                     selector = CollapseTrivialRenamingProjection(selector);
2914                     return selector;
2915                 }
CollapseTrivialRenamingProjection(CqtExpression cqtExpression)2916                 private CqtExpression CollapseTrivialRenamingProjection(CqtExpression cqtExpression)
2917                 {
2918                     // Detect "select inner.x as m, inner.y as n
2919                     //         from (select ... as x, ... as y from ...) as inner"
2920                     // and convert to "select ... as m, ... as n from ..."
2922                     if (cqtExpression.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.Project)
2923                     {
2924                         return cqtExpression;
2925                     }
2926                     var project = (DbProjectExpression)cqtExpression;
2928                     if (project.Projection.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.NewInstance ||
2929                         project.Projection.ResultType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind != BuiltInTypeKind.RowType)
2930                     {
2931                         return cqtExpression;
2932                     }
2933                     var projection = (DbNewInstanceExpression)project.Projection;
2934                     var outerRowType = (RowType)projection.ResultType.EdmType;
2936                     var renames = new List<Tuple<EdmProperty, string>>();
2937                     for (int i = 0; i < projection.Arguments.Count; ++i)
2938                     {
2939                         if (projection.Arguments[i].ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.Property)
2940                         {
2941                             return cqtExpression;
2942                         }
2943                         var rename = (DbPropertyExpression)projection.Arguments[i];
2945                         if (rename.Instance != project.Input.Variable)
2946                         {
2947                             return cqtExpression;
2948                         }
2949                         renames.Add(Tuple.Create((EdmProperty)rename.Property, outerRowType.Properties[i].Name));
2950                     }
2952                     if (project.Input.Expression.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.Project)
2953                     {
2954                         return cqtExpression;
2955                     }
2956                     var innerProject = (DbProjectExpression)project.Input.Expression;
2958                     if (innerProject.Projection.ExpressionKind != DbExpressionKind.NewInstance ||
2959                         innerProject.Projection.ResultType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind != BuiltInTypeKind.RowType)
2960                     {
2961                         return cqtExpression;
2962                     }
2963                     var innerProjection = (DbNewInstanceExpression)innerProject.Projection;
2964                     var innerRowType = (RowType)innerProjection.ResultType.EdmType;
2966                     var newProjectionArguments = new List<CqtExpression>();
2967                     foreach (var rename in renames)
2968                     {
2969                         var innerPropertyIndex = innerRowType.Properties.IndexOf(rename.Item1);
2970                         newProjectionArguments.Add(innerProjection.Arguments[innerPropertyIndex]);
2971                     }
2973                     var newProjection = projection.ResultType.New(newProjectionArguments);
2974                     return innerProject.Input.Project(newProjection);
2975                 }
2976             }
2977             private abstract class OrderByTranslatorBase : OneLambdaTranslator
2978             {
2979                 private readonly bool _ascending;
OrderByTranslatorBase(bool ascending, params SequenceMethod[] methods)2980                 protected OrderByTranslatorBase(bool ascending, params SequenceMethod[] methods)
2981                     : base(methods)
2982                 {
2983                     _ascending = ascending;
2984                 }
TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)2985                 protected override CqtExpression TranslateOneLambda(ExpressionConverter parent, DbExpressionBinding sourceBinding, CqtExpression lambda)
2986                 {
2987                     List<DbSortClause> keys = new List<DbSortClause>(1);
2988                     DbSortClause sortSpec = (_ascending ? lambda.ToSortClause() : lambda.ToSortClauseDescending());
2989                     keys.Add(sortSpec);
2990                     DbSortExpression sort = parent.Sort(sourceBinding, keys);
2991                     return sort;
2992                 }
2993             }
2994             private sealed class OrderByTranslator : OrderByTranslatorBase
2995             {
OrderByTranslator()2996                 internal OrderByTranslator() : base(true, SequenceMethod.OrderBy) { }
2997             }
2998             private sealed class OrderByDescendingTranslator : OrderByTranslatorBase
2999             {
OrderByDescendingTranslator()3000                 internal OrderByDescendingTranslator() : base(false, SequenceMethod.OrderByDescending) { }
3001             }
3002             // Note: because we need to "push-down" the expression binding for ThenBy, this class
3003             // does not inherit from OneLambdaTranslator, although it is similar.
3004             private abstract class ThenByTranslatorBase : SequenceMethodTranslator
3005             {
3006                 private readonly bool _ascending;
ThenByTranslatorBase(bool ascending, params SequenceMethod[] methods)3007                 protected ThenByTranslatorBase(bool ascending, params SequenceMethod[] methods)
3008                     : base(methods)
3009                 {
3010                     _ascending = ascending;
3011                 }
Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)3012                 internal override CqtExpression Translate(ExpressionConverter parent, MethodCallExpression call)
3013                 {
3014                     Debug.Assert(2 == call.Arguments.Count);
3015                     CqtExpression source = parent.TranslateSet(call.Arguments[0]);
3016                     if (DbExpressionKind.Sort != source.ExpressionKind)
3017                     {
3018                         throw EntityUtil.InvalidOperation(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ELinq_ThenByDoesNotFollowOrderBy);
3019                     }
3020                     DbSortExpression sortExpression = (DbSortExpression)source;
3022                     // retrieve information about existing sort
3023                     DbExpressionBinding binding = sortExpression.Input;
3025                     // get information on new sort term
3026                     LambdaExpression lambdaExpression = parent.GetLambdaExpression(call, 1);
3027                     ParameterExpression parameter = lambdaExpression.Parameters[0];
3029                     // push-down the binding scope information and translate the new sort key
3030                     parent._bindingContext.PushBindingScope(new Binding(parameter, binding.Variable));
3031                     CqtExpression lambda = parent.TranslateExpression(lambdaExpression.Body);
3032                     parent._bindingContext.PopBindingScope();
3034                     // create a new sort expression
3035                     List<DbSortClause> keys = new List<DbSortClause>(sortExpression.SortOrder);
3036                     keys.Add(new DbSortClause(lambda, _ascending, null));
3037                     sortExpression = parent.Sort(binding, keys);
3039                     return sortExpression;
3040                 }
3041             }
3042             private sealed class ThenByTranslator : ThenByTranslatorBase
3043             {
ThenByTranslator()3044                 internal ThenByTranslator() : base(true, SequenceMethod.ThenBy) { }
3045             }
3046             private sealed class ThenByDescendingTranslator : ThenByTranslatorBase
3047             {
ThenByDescendingTranslator()3048                 internal ThenByDescendingTranslator() : base(false, SequenceMethod.ThenByDescending) { }
3049             }
3050             #endregion
3051         }
3052     }
3053 }