1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // <copyright file="ScriptManager.cs" company="Microsoft">
3 //     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
4 // </copyright>
5 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 namespace System.Web.UI {
8     using System;
9     using System.Collections;
10     using System.Collections.Generic;
11     using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
12     using System.Collections.Specialized;
13     using System.ComponentModel;
14     using System.Configuration;
15     using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
16     using System.Drawing;
17     using System.Drawing.Design;
18     using System.Globalization;
19     using System.Linq;
20     using System.Reflection;
21     using System.Security;
22     using System.Security.Permissions;
23     using System.Text;
24     using System.Web;
25     using System.Web.Compilation;
26     using System.Web.Configuration;
27     using System.Web.Globalization;
28     using System.Web.Handlers;
29     using System.Web.Hosting;
30     using System.Web.Resources;
31     using System.Web.Script;
32     using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
33     using System.Web.Script.Services;
34     using System.Web.Security.Cryptography;
35     using System.Web.UI.Design;
36     using System.Web.Util;
38     [
39     DefaultProperty("Scripts"),
40     Designer("System.Web.UI.Design.ScriptManagerDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemWebExtensionsDesign),
41     NonVisualControl(),
42     ParseChildren(true),
43     PersistChildren(false),
44     ToolboxBitmap(typeof(EmbeddedResourceFinder), "System.Web.Resources.ScriptManager.bmp")
45     ]
46     public class ScriptManager : Control, IPostBackDataHandler, IPostBackEventHandler, IControl, IScriptManager, IScriptManagerInternal {
47         private readonly new IPage _page;
48         private readonly IControl _control;
49         private readonly ICompilationSection _appLevelCompilationSection;
50         private readonly IDeploymentSection _deploymentSection;
51         private readonly ICustomErrorsSection _customErrorsSection;
52         private static bool _ajaxFrameworkAssemblyConfigChecked;
53         private static Assembly _defaultAjaxFrameworkAssembly = null;
54         private Assembly _ajaxFrameworkAssembly = DefaultAjaxFrameworkAssembly;
56         private const int AsyncPostBackTimeoutDefault = 90;
58         private ScriptMode _scriptMode;
59         private string _scriptPath;
60         private CompositeScriptReference _compositeScript;
61         private ScriptReferenceCollection _scripts;
62         private ServiceReferenceCollection _services;
63         private bool? _isRestMethodCall;
64         private bool? _isSecureConnection;
65         private List<ScriptManagerProxy> _proxies;
66         private AjaxFrameworkMode _ajaxFrameworkMode = AjaxFrameworkMode.Enabled;
67         private bool _enablePartialRendering = true;
68         private bool _supportsPartialRendering = true;
69         internal bool _supportsPartialRenderingSetByUser;
70         internal ScriptReferenceBase _applicationServicesReference;
71         private string _appServicesInitializationScript;
72         private bool _enableScriptGlobalization;
73         private bool _enableScriptLocalization = true;
74         private bool _enablePageMethods;
75         private bool _loadScriptsBeforeUI = true;
76         private bool _initCompleted;
77         private bool _preRenderCompleted;
78         private bool _isInAsyncPostBack;
79         private int _asyncPostBackTimeout = AsyncPostBackTimeoutDefault;
80         private bool _allowCustomErrorsRedirect = true;
81         private string _asyncPostBackErrorMessage;
82         private bool _zip;
83         private bool _zipSet;
84         private int _uniqueScriptCounter;
85         private bool _enableCdn;
86         private bool _enableCdnFallback = true;
87         private HashSet<String> _scriptPathsDefiningSys = new HashSet<String>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
89         private static readonly object AsyncPostBackErrorEvent = new object();
90         private static readonly object ResolveCompositeScriptReferenceEvent = new object();
91         private static readonly object ResolveScriptReferenceEvent = new object();
92         private static HashSet<String> _splitFrameworkScript;
93         private ScriptRegistrationManager _scriptRegistration;
94         private PageRequestManager _pageRequestManager;
96         private ScriptControlManager _scriptControlManager;
98         private ProfileServiceManager _profileServiceManager;
99         private AuthenticationServiceManager _authenticationServiceManager;
100         private RoleServiceManager _roleServiceManager;
102         private BundleReflectionHelper _bundleReflectionHelper;
104         // History fields
105         private bool _enableSecureHistoryState = true;
106         private bool _enableHistory;
107         private bool _isNavigating;
108         private string _clientNavigateHandler;
109         // Using a hashtable here, which will be more efficiently serialized
110         // by the page state formatter than a Dictionary<string, object>
111         // or een NameValueCollection.
112         private Hashtable _initialState;
113         private static readonly object NavigateEvent = new object();
114         private bool _newPointCreated;
ScriptManager()116         static ScriptManager() {
117             ClientScriptManager._scriptResourceMapping = new ScriptResourceMapping();
118         }
ScriptManager()120         public ScriptManager() {
121         }
ScriptManager(IControl control, IPage page, ICompilationSection appLevelCompilationSection, IDeploymentSection deploymentSection, ICustomErrorsSection customErrorsSection, Assembly ajaxFrameworkAssembly, bool isSecureConnection)123         internal ScriptManager(IControl control,
124                                IPage page,
125                                ICompilationSection appLevelCompilationSection,
126                                IDeploymentSection deploymentSection,
127                                ICustomErrorsSection customErrorsSection,
128                                Assembly ajaxFrameworkAssembly,
129                                bool isSecureConnection) {
130             _control = control;
131             _page = page;
132             _appLevelCompilationSection = appLevelCompilationSection;
133             _deploymentSection = deploymentSection;
134             _customErrorsSection = customErrorsSection;
135             _ajaxFrameworkAssembly = ajaxFrameworkAssembly ?? DefaultAjaxFrameworkAssembly;
136             _isSecureConnection = isSecureConnection;
137         }
139         [
140         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_AjaxFrameworkAssembly"),
141         Browsable(false)
142         ]
143         public virtual Assembly AjaxFrameworkAssembly {
144             get {
145                 // value is set to the static DefaultAjaxFrameworkAssembly one at constructor time,
146                 // so this property value can't change in the middle of a request.
147                 return _ajaxFrameworkAssembly;
148             }
149         }
151         [
152         DefaultValue(true),
153         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_AllowCustomErrorsRedirect"),
154         Category("Behavior"),
155         ]
156         public bool AllowCustomErrorsRedirect {
157             get {
158                 return _allowCustomErrorsRedirect;
159             }
160             set {
161                 _allowCustomErrorsRedirect = value;
162             }
163         }
165         private ICompilationSection AppLevelCompilationSection {
166             get {
167                 if (_appLevelCompilationSection != null) {
168                     return _appLevelCompilationSection;
169                 }
170                 else {
171                     return AppLevelCompilationSectionCache.Instance;
172                 }
173             }
174         }
176         [
177         DefaultValue(""),
178         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_AsyncPostBackErrorMessage"),
179         Category("Behavior")
180         ]
181         public string AsyncPostBackErrorMessage {
182             get {
183                 if (_asyncPostBackErrorMessage == null) {
184                     return String.Empty;
185                 }
186                 return _asyncPostBackErrorMessage;
187             }
188             set {
189                 _asyncPostBackErrorMessage = value;
190             }
191         }
193         // FxCop does not flag this as a violation, because it is an implicit implementation of
194         // IScriptManagerInternal.AsyncPostBackSourceElementID.
195         //
196         [
197         Browsable(false),
198         SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2123:OverrideLinkDemandsShouldBeIdenticalToBase")
199         ]
200         public string AsyncPostBackSourceElementID {
201             get {
202                 return PageRequestManager.AsyncPostBackSourceElementID;
203             }
204         }
206         [
207         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_AsyncPostBackTimeout"),
208         Category("Behavior"),
209         DefaultValue(AsyncPostBackTimeoutDefault)
210         ]
211         public int AsyncPostBackTimeout {
212             get {
213                 return _asyncPostBackTimeout;
214             }
215             set {
216                 if (value < 0) {
217                     throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
218                 }
219                 _asyncPostBackTimeout = value;
220             }
221         }
223         [
224         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_AuthenticationService"),
225         Category("Behavior"),
226         DefaultValue(null),
227         DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content),
228         PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty),
229         MergableProperty(false),
230         ]
231         public AuthenticationServiceManager AuthenticationService {
232             get {
233                 if (_authenticationServiceManager == null) {
234                     _authenticationServiceManager = new AuthenticationServiceManager();
235                 }
236                 return _authenticationServiceManager;
237             }
238         }
240         internal BundleReflectionHelper BundleReflectionHelper {
241             get {
242                 if (_bundleReflectionHelper == null) {
243                     _bundleReflectionHelper = new BundleReflectionHelper();
244                 }
245                 return _bundleReflectionHelper;
246             }
247             set {
248                 _bundleReflectionHelper = value;
249             }
250         }
252         public static ScriptResourceMapping ScriptResourceMapping {
253             get {
254                 return (ScriptResourceMapping)ClientScriptManager._scriptResourceMapping;
255             }
256         }
258         [
259         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_ClientNavigateHandler"),
260         Category("Behavior"),
261         DefaultValue("")
262         ]
263         public string ClientNavigateHandler {
264             get {
265                 return _clientNavigateHandler ?? String.Empty;
266             }
267             set {
268                 _clientNavigateHandler = value;
269             }
270         }
272         [
273         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_CompositeScript"),
274         Category("Behavior"),
275         DefaultValue(null),
276         DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content),
277         PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty),
278         MergableProperty(false),
279         ]
280         public CompositeScriptReference CompositeScript {
281             get {
282                 if (_compositeScript == null) {
283                     _compositeScript = new CompositeScriptReference();
284                 }
285                 return _compositeScript;
286             }
287         }
289         internal IControl Control {
290             get {
291                 if (_control != null) {
292                     return _control;
293                 }
294                 else {
295                     return this;
296                 }
297             }
298         }
300         internal ICustomErrorsSection CustomErrorsSection {
301             [SecurityCritical()]
302             get {
303                 if (_customErrorsSection != null) {
304                     return _customErrorsSection;
305                 }
306                 else {
307                     return GetCustomErrorsSectionWithAssert();
308                 }
309             }
310         }
312         internal static Assembly DefaultAjaxFrameworkAssembly {
313             get {
314                 if ((_defaultAjaxFrameworkAssembly == null) && !_ajaxFrameworkAssemblyConfigChecked && AssemblyCache._useCompilationSection) {
315                     IEnumerable<Assembly> referencedAssemblies;
316                     // In a hosted environment we want to get the assemblies from the BuildManager. This will include
317                     // dynamically added assemblies through the PreAppStart phase.
318                     // In non-hosted scenarios (VS designer) we want to look the assemblies directly from the config system
319                     // since the PreAppStart phase will not execute.
320                     if (HostingEnvironment.IsHosted) {
321                         referencedAssemblies = BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies().OfType<Assembly>();
322                     }
323                     else {
324                         CompilationSection compilationSection = RuntimeConfig.GetAppConfig().Compilation;
325                         referencedAssemblies = compilationSection.Assemblies.OfType<AssemblyInfo>().SelectMany(assemblyInfo => assemblyInfo.AssemblyInternal);
326                     }
328                     foreach (Assembly assembly in referencedAssemblies) {
329                         if (assembly != AssemblyCache.SystemWebExtensions) {
330                             AjaxFrameworkAssemblyAttribute attribute =
331                                 AssemblyCache.GetAjaxFrameworkAssemblyAttribute(assembly);
332                             if (attribute != null) {
333                                 _defaultAjaxFrameworkAssembly = attribute.GetDefaultAjaxFrameworkAssembly(assembly);
334                                 break;
335                             }
336                         }
337                         _ajaxFrameworkAssemblyConfigChecked = true;
338                     }
339                     _ajaxFrameworkAssemblyConfigChecked = true;
340                 }
341                 return _defaultAjaxFrameworkAssembly ?? AssemblyCache.SystemWebExtensions;
342             }
343             set {
344                 if (value == null) {
345                     throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
346                 }
347                 _defaultAjaxFrameworkAssembly = value;
348             }
349         }
351         private IDeploymentSection DeploymentSection {
352             get {
353                 if (_deploymentSection != null) {
354                     return _deploymentSection;
355                 }
356                 else {
357                     return DeploymentSectionCache.Instance;
358                 }
359             }
360         }
362         internal bool DeploymentSectionRetail {
363             get {
364                 return DeploymentSection.Retail;
365             }
366         }
368         [
369         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_EmptyPageUrl"),
370         Category("Appearance"),
371         Editor(typeof(UrlEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor)),
372         DefaultValue(""),
373         UrlProperty,
374         SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1056:UriPropertiesShouldNotBeStrings", Justification = "Consistent with other asp.net url properties.")
375         ]
376         public virtual string EmptyPageUrl {
377             get {
378                 return ViewState["EmptyPageUrl"] as string ?? string.Empty;
379             }
380             set {
381                 ViewState["EmptyPageUrl"] = value;
382             }
383         }
385         [
386         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_EnableCdn"),
387         Category("Behavior"),
388         DefaultValue(false),
389         ]
390         public bool EnableCdn {
391             get {
392                 return _enableCdn;
393             }
394             set {
395                 if (_preRenderCompleted) {
396                     throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_CannotChangeEnableCdn);
397                 }
398                 _enableCdn = value;
399             }
400         }
402         [
403         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_EnableCdnFallback"),
404         Category("Behavior"),
405         DefaultValue(true)
406         ]
407         public bool EnableCdnFallback {
408             get {
409                 return _enableCdnFallback;
410             }
411             set {
412                 if (_preRenderCompleted) {
413                     throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_CannotChangeEnableCdnFallback);
414                 }
415                 _enableCdnFallback = value;
416             }
417         }
419         [
420         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_EnableHistory"),
421         Category("Behavior"),
422         DefaultValue(false),
423         ]
424         public bool EnableHistory {
425             get {
426                 return _enableHistory;
427             }
428             set {
429                 if (_initCompleted) {
430                     throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_CannotChangeEnableHistory);
431                 }
432                 _enableHistory = value;
433             }
434         }
436         [
437         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_AjaxFrameworkMode"),
438         Category("Behavior"),
439         DefaultValue(AjaxFrameworkMode.Enabled),
440         ]
441         public AjaxFrameworkMode AjaxFrameworkMode {
442             get {
443                 return _ajaxFrameworkMode;
444             }
445             set {
446                 if (value < AjaxFrameworkMode.Enabled || value > AjaxFrameworkMode.Explicit) {
447                     throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
448                 }
449                 if (_initCompleted) {
450                     throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_CannotChangeAjaxFrameworkMode);
451                 }
452                 _ajaxFrameworkMode = value;
453             }
454         }
456         [
457         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_EnablePageMethods"),
458         Category("Behavior"),
459         DefaultValue(false),
460         ]
461         public bool EnablePageMethods {
462             get {
463                 return _enablePageMethods;
464             }
465             set {
466                 _enablePageMethods = value;
467             }
468         }
470         [
471         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_EnablePartialRendering"),
472         Category("Behavior"),
473         DefaultValue(true),
474         ]
475         public bool EnablePartialRendering {
476             get {
477                 return _enablePartialRendering;
478             }
479             set {
480                 if (_initCompleted) {
481                     throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_CannotChangeEnablePartialRendering);
482                 }
483                 _enablePartialRendering = value;
484             }
485         }
487         [
488         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_EnableScriptGlobalization"),
489         Category("Behavior"),
490         DefaultValue(false),
491         ]
492         public bool EnableScriptGlobalization {
493             get {
494                 return _enableScriptGlobalization;
495             }
496             set {
497                 if (_initCompleted) {
498                     throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_CannotChangeEnableScriptGlobalization);
499                 }
500                 _enableScriptGlobalization = value;
501             }
502         }
504         [
505         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_EnableScriptLocalization"),
506         Category("Behavior"),
507         DefaultValue(true),
508         ]
509         public bool EnableScriptLocalization {
510             get {
511                 return _enableScriptLocalization;
512             }
513             set {
514                 _enableScriptLocalization = value;
515             }
516         }
518         [
519         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_EnableSecureHistoryState"),
520         Category("Behavior"),
521         DefaultValue(true),
522         ]
523         public bool EnableSecureHistoryState {
524             get {
525                 return _enableSecureHistoryState;
526             }
527             set {
528                 _enableSecureHistoryState = value;
529             }
530         }
532         internal bool HasAuthenticationServiceManager {
533             get {
534                 return this._authenticationServiceManager != null;
535             }
536         }
538         internal bool HasProfileServiceManager {
539             get {
540                 return this._profileServiceManager != null;
541             }
542         }
544         internal bool HasRoleServiceManager {
545             get {
546                 return this._roleServiceManager != null;
547             }
548         }
550         [Browsable(false)]
551         public bool IsDebuggingEnabled {
552             get {
553                 // Returns false when:
554                 // - Deployment mode is set to retail (override all other settings)
555                 // - ScriptMode is set to Auto or Inherit, and debugging it not enabled in web.config
556                 // - ScriptMode is set to Release
558                 if (DeploymentSectionRetail) {
559                     return false;
560                 }
561                 if (ScriptMode == ScriptMode.Auto || ScriptMode == ScriptMode.Inherit) {
562                     return AppLevelCompilationSection.Debug;
563                 }
564                 return (ScriptMode == ScriptMode.Debug);
565             }
566         }
568         [
569         Browsable(false),
570         SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2123:OverrideLinkDemandsShouldBeIdenticalToBase")
571         ]
572         public bool IsInAsyncPostBack {
573             get {
574                 return _isInAsyncPostBack;
575             }
576         }
578         [
579         Browsable(false),
580         SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2123:OverrideLinkDemandsShouldBeIdenticalToBase")
581         ]
582         public bool IsNavigating {
583             get {
584                 return _isNavigating;
585             }
586         }
588         internal bool IsRestMethodCall {
589             get {
590                 if (!_isRestMethodCall.HasValue) {
591                     _isRestMethodCall = (Context != null) && RestHandlerFactory.IsRestMethodCall(Context.Request);
592                 }
593                 return _isRestMethodCall.Value;
594             }
595         }
597         internal bool IsSecureConnection {
598             get {
599                 if (!_isSecureConnection.HasValue) {
600                     _isSecureConnection = (Context != null) && (Context.Request != null) && Context.Request.IsSecureConnection;
601                 }
602                 return _isSecureConnection.Value;
603             }
604         }
606         internal IPage IPage {
607             get {
608                 if (_page != null) {
609                     return _page;
610                 }
611                 else {
612                     Page page = Page;
613                     if (page == null) {
614                         throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.Common_PageCannotBeNull);
615                     }
616                     return new PageWrapper(page);
617                 }
618             }
619         }
621         // DevDiv bugs #46710: Ability to specify whether scripts are loaded inline at the top of the form (before UI), or via ScriptLoader (after UI).
622         [
623         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_LoadScriptsBeforeUI"),
624         Category("Behavior"),
625         DefaultValue(true),
626         ]
627         public bool LoadScriptsBeforeUI {
628             get {
629                 return _loadScriptsBeforeUI;
630             }
631             set {
632                 _loadScriptsBeforeUI = value;
633             }
634         }
636         private PageRequestManager PageRequestManager {
637             get {
638                 if (_pageRequestManager == null) {
639                     _pageRequestManager = new PageRequestManager(this);
640                 }
641                 return _pageRequestManager;
642             }
643         }
645         [
646         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_ProfileService"),
647         Category("Behavior"),
648         DefaultValue(null),
649         DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content),
650         PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty),
651         MergableProperty(false),
652         ]
653         public ProfileServiceManager ProfileService {
654             get {
655                 if (_profileServiceManager == null) {
656                     _profileServiceManager = new ProfileServiceManager();
657                 }
658                 return _profileServiceManager;
659             }
660         }
662         internal List<ScriptManagerProxy> Proxies {
663             get {
664                 if (_proxies == null) {
665                     _proxies = new List<ScriptManagerProxy>();
666                 }
667                 return _proxies;
668             }
669         }
671         [
672         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_RoleService"),
673         Category("Behavior"),
674         DefaultValue(null),
675         DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content),
676         PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty),
677         MergableProperty(false),
678         ]
679         public RoleServiceManager RoleService {
680             get {
681                 if (_roleServiceManager == null) {
682                     _roleServiceManager = new RoleServiceManager();
683                 }
684                 return _roleServiceManager;
685             }
686         }
688         internal ScriptControlManager ScriptControlManager {
689             get {
690                 if (_scriptControlManager == null) {
691                     _scriptControlManager = new ScriptControlManager(this);
692                 }
693                 return _scriptControlManager;
694             }
695         }
697         [
698         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_ScriptMode"),
699         Category("Behavior"),
700         DefaultValue(ScriptMode.Auto),
701         ]
702         public ScriptMode ScriptMode {
703             get {
704                 return _scriptMode;
705             }
706             set {
707                 if (value < ScriptMode.Auto || value > ScriptMode.Release) {
708                     throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value");
709                 }
710                 _scriptMode = value;
711             }
712         }
714         internal ScriptRegistrationManager ScriptRegistration {
715             get {
716                 if (_scriptRegistration == null) {
717                     _scriptRegistration = new ScriptRegistrationManager(this);
718                 }
719                 return _scriptRegistration;
720             }
721         }
723         [
724         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_Scripts"),
725         Category("Behavior"),
726         Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.CollectionEditorBase, " +
727             AssemblyRef.SystemWebExtensionsDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)),
728         DefaultValue(null),
729         PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty),
730         MergableProperty(false),
731         ]
732         public ScriptReferenceCollection Scripts {
733             get {
734                 if (_scripts == null) {
735                     _scripts = new ScriptReferenceCollection();
736                 }
737                 return _scripts;
738             }
739         }
741         [
742         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_ScriptPath"),
743         Category("Behavior"),
744         DefaultValue(""),
745         Obsolete("This property is obsolete. Set the Path property on each individual ScriptReference instead."),
746         ]
747         public string ScriptPath {
748             get {
749                 return (_scriptPath == null) ? String.Empty : _scriptPath;
750             }
751             set {
752                 _scriptPath = value;
753             }
754         }
756         [
757         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_Services"),
758         Category("Behavior"),
759         Editor("System.Web.UI.Design.ServiceReferenceCollectionEditor, " +
760             AssemblyRef.SystemWebExtensionsDesign, typeof(UITypeEditor)),
761         DefaultValue(null),
762         PersistenceMode(PersistenceMode.InnerProperty),
763         MergableProperty(false),
764         ]
765         public ServiceReferenceCollection Services {
766             get {
767                 if (_services == null) {
768                     _services = new ServiceReferenceCollection();
769                 }
770                 return _services;
771             }
772         }
774         private static HashSet<String> SplitFrameworkScripts {
775             get {
776                 if (_splitFrameworkScript == null) {
777                     HashSet<String> scripts = new HashSet<String>();
778                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxComponentModel.js");
779                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxComponentModel.debug.js");
780                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxCore.js");
781                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxCore.debug.js");
782                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxGlobalization.js");
783                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxGlobalization.debug.js");
784                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxHistory.js");
785                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxHistory.debug.js");
786                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxNetwork.js");
787                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxNetwork.debug.js");
788                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxSerialization.js");
789                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxSerialization.debug.js");
790                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxWebServices.js");
791                     scripts.Add("MicrosoftAjaxWebServices.debug.js");
792                     _splitFrameworkScript = scripts;
793                 }
794                 return _splitFrameworkScript;
795             }
796         }
798         [
799         Browsable(false),
800         DefaultValue(true),
801         SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2123:OverrideLinkDemandsShouldBeIdenticalToBase")
802         ]
803         public bool SupportsPartialRendering {
804             get {
805                 if (!EnablePartialRendering) {
806                     // If the user doesn't even want partial rendering then
807                     // we definitely don't support it.
808                     return false;
809                 }
810                 return _supportsPartialRendering;
811             }
812             set {
813                 if (!EnablePartialRendering) {
814                     throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_CannotSetSupportsPartialRenderingWhenDisabled);
815                 }
816                 if (_initCompleted) {
817                     throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_CannotChangeSupportsPartialRendering);
818                 }
819                 _supportsPartialRendering = value;
821                 // Mark that this was explicitly set. We'll set this back to false if we
822                 // explicitly set the value of this property.
823                 _supportsPartialRenderingSetByUser = true;
824             }
825         }
827         [
828         Browsable(false),
829         DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden),
830         EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)
831         ]
832         public override bool Visible {
833             get {
834                 return base.Visible;
835             }
836             set {
837                 throw new NotImplementedException();
838             }
839         }
841         internal bool Zip {
842             get {
843                 if (!_zipSet) {
844                     _zip = HeaderUtility.IsEncodingInAcceptList(IPage.Request.Headers["Accept-encoding"], "gzip");
845                     _zipSet = true;
846                 }
847                 return _zip;
848             }
849             set {
850                 _zip = value;
851                 _zipSet = true;
852             }
853         }
855         [
856         Category("Action"),
857         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_AsyncPostBackError")
858         ]
859         public event EventHandler<AsyncPostBackErrorEventArgs> AsyncPostBackError {
860             add {
861                 Events.AddHandler(AsyncPostBackErrorEvent, value);
862             }
863             remove {
864                 Events.RemoveHandler(AsyncPostBackErrorEvent, value);
865             }
866         }
868         [
869         Category("Action"),
870         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_Navigate"),
871         ]
872         public event EventHandler<HistoryEventArgs> Navigate {
873             add {
874                 Events.AddHandler(NavigateEvent, value);
875             }
876             remove {
877                 Events.RemoveHandler(NavigateEvent, value);
878             }
879         }
881         [
882         Category("Action"),
883         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_ResolveCompositeScriptReference"),
884         ]
885         public event EventHandler<CompositeScriptReferenceEventArgs> ResolveCompositeScriptReference {
886             add {
887                 Events.AddHandler(ResolveCompositeScriptReferenceEvent, value);
888             }
889             remove {
890                 Events.RemoveHandler(ResolveCompositeScriptReferenceEvent, value);
891             }
892         }
894         [
895         Category("Action"),
896         ResourceDescription("ScriptManager_ResolveScriptReference"),
897         ]
898         public event EventHandler<ScriptReferenceEventArgs> ResolveScriptReference {
899             add {
900                 Events.AddHandler(ResolveScriptReferenceEvent, value);
901             }
902             remove {
903                 Events.RemoveHandler(ResolveScriptReferenceEvent, value);
904             }
905         }
AddHistoryPoint(string key, string value)907         public void AddHistoryPoint(string key, string value) {
908             AddHistoryPoint(key, value, null);
909         }
AddHistoryPoint(string key, string value, string title)911         public void AddHistoryPoint(string key, string value, string title) {
912             PrepareNewHistoryPoint();
913             SetStateValue(key, value);
914             SetPageTitle(title);
915         }
AddHistoryPoint(NameValueCollection state, string title)917         public void AddHistoryPoint(NameValueCollection state, string title) {
918             PrepareNewHistoryPoint();
919             foreach (string key in state) {
920                 SetStateValue(key, state[key]);
921             }
922             SetPageTitle(title);
923         }
AddFrameworkLoadedCheck()925         private void AddFrameworkLoadedCheck() {
926             // Add check for Sys to give better error message when the framework failed to load.
927             IPage.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(ScriptManager), "FrameworkLoadedCheck",
928                 ClientScriptManager.ClientScriptStart + "if (typeof(Sys) === 'undefined') throw new Error('" +
929                 HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_FrameworkFailedToLoad) +
930                 "');\r\n" + ClientScriptManager.ClientScriptEnd,
931                 addScriptTags: false);
932         }
AddFrameworkScript(ScriptReference frameworkScript, List<ScriptReferenceBase> scripts, bool webFormsWithoutAjax)934         private ScriptReferenceBase AddFrameworkScript(ScriptReference frameworkScript, List<ScriptReferenceBase> scripts, bool webFormsWithoutAjax) {
935             int scriptIndex = 0;
936             ScriptReferenceBase frameworkScriptBase = frameworkScript;
937             // PERF: If scripts.Count <= scriptIndex, then there are no user-specified scripts that might match
938             // the current framework script, so we don't even need to look, except for composite references.
939             if (scripts.Count != 0) {
940                 // For each framework script we want to register, try to find it in the list of user-specified scripts.
941                 // If it's there, move it to the top of the list. If it's not there, add it with our default settings.
942                 // If multiple user-specified scripts match a framework script, the first one is moved to the top
943                 // of the list, and later ones will be removed via RemoveDuplicates().
945                 // In the scenarios when MicrosoftWebForms.js is used (partial rendering is enabled), and MicrosoftAjax.js
946                 // is disabled, MicrosoftWebForms.js cannot be used unless the users define and registere beforehand
947                 // some equivalant script to MicrosoftAjax.js. So if there is MicrosoftWebForms.js in the list of
948                 // user-specified scripts, we take no action and respect the order of the scripts that the users
949                 // specified. Otherwise, we insert MicrosoftWebForms.js at the end of the user-specified script list.
950                 string frameworkScriptName = frameworkScript.EffectiveResourceName;
951                 string frameworkScriptPath = null;
952                 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(frameworkScriptName)) {
953                     frameworkScriptPath = frameworkScript.EffectivePath;
954                 }
955                 Assembly frameworkAssembly = frameworkScript.GetAssembly(this);
956                 for (int i = 0; i < scripts.Count; i++) {
957                     ScriptReferenceBase script = scripts[i];
958                     ScriptReference sr = script as ScriptReference;
959                     if ((sr != null) &&
960                         ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(frameworkScriptName) &&
961                         (sr.EffectiveResourceName == frameworkScriptName)) &&
962                         (sr.GetAssembly(this) == frameworkAssembly) ||
963                         (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(frameworkScriptPath) &&
964                         sr.ScriptInfo.Path == frameworkScriptPath))) {
966                         // If the found script is already on the top of the list, we dont need to remove then insert it back.
967                         if (webFormsWithoutAjax || (i == 0)) {
968                             script.AlwaysLoadBeforeUI = true;
969                             return script;
970                         }
972                         frameworkScriptBase = script;
973                         scripts.Remove(script);
974                         break;
975                     }
976                     else {
977                         CompositeScriptReference csr = script as CompositeScriptReference;
978                         if (csr != null) {
979                             bool found = false;
980                             foreach (ScriptReference scriptReference in csr.Scripts) {
981                                 if (((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(frameworkScriptName) &&
982                                     (scriptReference.EffectiveResourceName == frameworkScriptName)) &&
983                                     (scriptReference.GetAssembly(this) == frameworkAssembly) ||
984                                     (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(frameworkScriptPath) &&
985                                     scriptReference.ScriptInfo.Path == frameworkScriptPath))) {
987                                     // If the found script is already on the top of the list, we dont need to remove then insert it back.
988                                     if (webFormsWithoutAjax || (i == 0)) {
989                                         script.AlwaysLoadBeforeUI = true;
990                                         return script;
991                                     }
992                                     // Even composite references are moved to the top if they contain an fx script.
993                                     frameworkScriptBase = script;
994                                     scripts.Remove(script);
995                                     found = true;
996                                     break;
997                                 }
998                             }
999                             if (found) {
1000                                 break;
1001                             }
1002                         }
1003                     }
1004                 }
1005                 if (webFormsWithoutAjax) {
1006                     scriptIndex = scripts.Count;
1007                 }
1008             }
1010             frameworkScriptBase.AlwaysLoadBeforeUI = true;
1011             scripts.Insert(scriptIndex, frameworkScriptBase);
1012             return frameworkScriptBase;
1013         }
1015         // Called by ScriptManagerDesigner.GetScriptReferences()
AddFrameworkScripts(List<ScriptReferenceBase> scripts)1016         internal void AddFrameworkScripts(List<ScriptReferenceBase> scripts) {
1017             // The 0 and 1 scriptIndex parameter to AddFrameworkScript() is how
1018             // we guarantee that the Atlas framework scripts get inserted
1019             // consecutively as the first script to be registered. If we add
1020             // more optional framework scripts we will have to increment the index
1021             // dynamically for each script so that there are no gaps between the
1022             // Atlas scripts.
1023             // Add MicrosoftAjaxApplicationServices.js first,
1024             // then MicrosoftAjaxWebForms.js, then MicrosoftAjax.js. So that the insert index is always at 0.
1025             // This is to fix the issue in DevDiv 664653, where there is only one composite script with both
1026             // MicrosoftAjaxWebForms.js and MicrosoftAjax.js, and inserting at index 1 is out of bound.
1027             AjaxFrameworkMode mode = AjaxFrameworkMode;
1028             if (mode != AjaxFrameworkMode.Disabled) {
1029                 _appServicesInitializationScript = GetApplicationServicesInitializationScript();
1030                 // only add the script explicitly in enabled mode -- in explicit mode, we will
1031                 // register the initialization script only after we find the reference that was included
1032                 // explicitly.
1033                 if ((mode == AjaxFrameworkMode.Enabled) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_appServicesInitializationScript)) {
1034                     ScriptReference appServices = new ScriptReference("MicrosoftAjaxApplicationServices.js", this, this);
1035                     _applicationServicesReference = AddFrameworkScript(appServices, scripts, false);
1036                 }
1037             }
1038             if (SupportsPartialRendering && (mode != AjaxFrameworkMode.Disabled)) {
1039                 ScriptReference atlasWebForms = new ScriptReference("MicrosoftAjaxWebForms.js", this, this);
1040                 AddFrameworkScript(atlasWebForms, scripts, (AjaxFrameworkMode == AjaxFrameworkMode.Explicit));
1041             }
1042             if (mode == AjaxFrameworkMode.Enabled) {
1043                 ScriptReference atlasCore = new ScriptReference("MicrosoftAjax.js", this, this);
1044                 atlasCore.IsDefiningSys = true;
1045                 _scriptPathsDefiningSys.Add(atlasCore.EffectivePath);
1046                 AddFrameworkScript(atlasCore, scripts, false);
1047             }
1048         }
1050         // Add ScriptReferences from Scripts collections of ScriptManager and ScriptManagerProxies
1051         // Called by ScriptManagerDesigner.GetScriptReferences().
AddScriptCollections(List<ScriptReferenceBase> scripts, IEnumerable<ScriptManagerProxy> proxies)1052         internal void AddScriptCollections(List<ScriptReferenceBase> scripts, IEnumerable<ScriptManagerProxy> proxies) {
1053             if ((_compositeScript != null) && (_compositeScript.Scripts.Count != 0)) {
1054                 _compositeScript.ClientUrlResolver = Control;
1055                 _compositeScript.ContainingControl = this;
1056                 _compositeScript.IsStaticReference = true;
1057                 scripts.Add(_compositeScript);
1058             }
1059             // Register user-specified scripts from the ScriptManager
1060             // PERF: Use field directly to avoid creating List if not already created
1061             if (_scripts != null) {
1062                 foreach (ScriptReference scriptReference in _scripts) {
1063                     // Fix for Dev11 Bug # 406984 : When user explicitly adds the MicrosoftAjax.[debug].js OR MicrosoftAjaxCore.[debug].js, we want to mark them as defining Sys so that
1064                     // we can register the FrameworkLoadedCheck scripts after them.
1065                     if (scriptReference.IsAjaxFrameworkScript(this) && (scriptReference.Name.StartsWith("MicrosoftAjax.", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || scriptReference.Name.StartsWith("MicrosoftAjaxCore.", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) {
1066                         scriptReference.IsDefiningSys = true;
1067                         _scriptPathsDefiningSys.Add(scriptReference.EffectivePath);
1068                     }
1069                     scriptReference.ClientUrlResolver = Control;
1070                     scriptReference.ContainingControl = this;
1071                     scriptReference.IsStaticReference = true;
1072                     scripts.Add(scriptReference);
1073                 }
1074             }
1076             // Register user-specified scripts from ScriptManagerProxy controls, if any
1077             if (proxies != null) {
1078                 foreach (ScriptManagerProxy proxy in proxies) {
1079                     proxy.CollectScripts(scripts);
1080                 }
1081             }
1082         }
CreateUniqueScriptKey()1084         internal string CreateUniqueScriptKey() {
1085             _uniqueScriptCounter++;
1086             return "UniqueScript_" + _uniqueScriptCounter.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
1087         }
GetApplicationServicesInitializationScript()1089         private string GetApplicationServicesInitializationScript() {
1090             StringBuilder sb = null;
1092             // Script that configures the application service proxies. For example setting the path properties.
1093             // If the services are disabled and none of the service manager properties are set, the sb will be null.
1094             ProfileServiceManager.ConfigureProfileService(ref sb, Context, this, _proxies);
1095             AuthenticationServiceManager.ConfigureAuthenticationService(ref sb, Context, this, _proxies);
1096             RoleServiceManager.ConfigureRoleService(ref sb, Context, this, _proxies);
1098             if (sb != null && sb.Length > 0) {
1099                 return sb.ToString();
1100             }
1101             return null;
1102         }
GetCurrent(Page page)1104         public static ScriptManager GetCurrent(Page page) {
1105             if (page == null) {
1106                 throw new ArgumentNullException("page");
1107             }
1109             return page.Items[typeof(ScriptManager)] as ScriptManager;
1110         }
1112         // AspNetHostingPermission attributes must be copied to this method, to satisfy FxCop rule
1113         // CA2114:MethodSecurityShouldBeASupersetOfType.
1114         [
1115         ConfigurationPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true),
1116         SecurityCritical()
1117         ]
GetCustomErrorsSectionWithAssert()1118         private static ICustomErrorsSection GetCustomErrorsSectionWithAssert() {
1119             return new CustomErrorsSectionWrapper(
1120                 (CustomErrorsSection)WebConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/customErrors"));
1121         }
1123         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1024:UsePropertiesWhereAppropriate", Justification = "Depends on registered resources so order of execution is important.")]
GetRegisteredArrayDeclarations()1124         public ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredArrayDeclaration> GetRegisteredArrayDeclarations() {
1125             return new ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredArrayDeclaration>(ScriptRegistration.ScriptArrays);
1126         }
1128         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1024:UsePropertiesWhereAppropriate", Justification = "Depends on registered resources so order of execution is important.")]
GetRegisteredClientScriptBlocks()1129         public ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredScript> GetRegisteredClientScriptBlocks() {
1130             // includes RegisterClientScriptBlock, RegisterClientScriptInclude, RegisterClientScriptResource
1131             return new ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredScript>(ScriptRegistration.ScriptBlocks);
1132         }
1134         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1024:UsePropertiesWhereAppropriate", Justification = "Depends on registered resources so order of execution is important.")]
GetRegisteredDisposeScripts()1135         public ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredDisposeScript> GetRegisteredDisposeScripts() {
1136             return new ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredDisposeScript>(ScriptRegistration.ScriptDisposes);
1137         }
1139         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1024:UsePropertiesWhereAppropriate", Justification = "Depends on registered resources so order of execution is important.")]
GetRegisteredExpandoAttributes()1140         public ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredExpandoAttribute> GetRegisteredExpandoAttributes() {
1141             return new ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredExpandoAttribute>(ScriptRegistration.ScriptExpandos);
1142         }
1144         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1024:UsePropertiesWhereAppropriate", Justification = "Depends on registered resources so order of execution is important.")]
GetRegisteredHiddenFields()1145         public ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredHiddenField> GetRegisteredHiddenFields() {
1146             return new ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredHiddenField>(ScriptRegistration.ScriptHiddenFields);
1147         }
1149         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1024:UsePropertiesWhereAppropriate", Justification = "Depends on registered resources so order of execution is important.")]
GetRegisteredOnSubmitStatements()1150         public ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredScript> GetRegisteredOnSubmitStatements() {
1151             return new ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredScript>(ScriptRegistration.ScriptSubmitStatements);
1152         }
1154         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1024:UsePropertiesWhereAppropriate", Justification = "Depends on registered resources so order of execution is important.")]
GetRegisteredStartupScripts()1155         public ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredScript> GetRegisteredStartupScripts() {
1156             return new ReadOnlyCollection<RegisteredScript>(ScriptRegistration.ScriptStartupBlocks);
1157         }
GetScriptResourceUrl(string resourceName, Assembly assembly)1159         internal string GetScriptResourceUrl(string resourceName, Assembly assembly) {
1160             return ScriptResourceHandler.GetScriptResourceUrl(
1161                 assembly,
1162                 resourceName,
1163                 (EnableScriptLocalization ? CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture : CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
1164                 Zip);
1165         }
1167         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1024:UsePropertiesWhereAppropriate",
1168             Justification = "Getting the state string is a heavy operation.")]
GetStateString()1169         public string GetStateString() {
1170             if (EnableSecureHistoryState) {
1171                 StatePersister persister = new StatePersister(Page);
1172                 return persister.Serialize(_initialState);
1173             }
1174             else if (_initialState == null) {
1175                 return String.Empty;
1176             }
1177             else {
1178                 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
1179                 bool first = true;
1180                 foreach (DictionaryEntry kvp in _initialState) {
1181                     if (!first) {
1182                         sb.Append('&');
1183                     }
1184                     else {
1185                         first = false;
1186                     }
1187                     sb.Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode((string)kvp.Key));
1188                     sb.Append('=');
1189                     sb.Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode((string)kvp.Value));
1190                 }
1191                 return sb.ToString();
1192             }
1193         }
LoadHistoryState(string serverState)1195         private void LoadHistoryState(string serverState) {
1196             NameValueCollection state;
1197             if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(serverState)) {
1198                 _initialState = new Hashtable(StringComparer.Ordinal);
1199                 state = new NameValueCollection();
1200             }
1201             else if (EnableSecureHistoryState) {
1202                 StatePersister persister = new StatePersister(Page);
1203                 _initialState = (Hashtable)persister.Deserialize(serverState);
1205                 state = new NameValueCollection();
1206                 foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in _initialState) {
1207                     state.Add((string)entry.Key, (string)entry.Value);
1208                 }
1209             }
1210             else {
1211                 state = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(serverState);
1212                 _initialState = new Hashtable(state.Count, StringComparer.Ordinal);
1214                 foreach (string key in state) {
1215                     _initialState.Add(key, state[key]);
1216                 }
1217             }
1218             HistoryEventArgs args = new HistoryEventArgs(state);
1219             RaiseNavigate(args);
1220         }
LoadPostData(string postDataKey, NameValueCollection postCollection)1222         protected virtual bool LoadPostData(string postDataKey, NameValueCollection postCollection) {
1223             if (IsInAsyncPostBack) {
1224                 PageRequestManager.LoadPostData(postDataKey, postCollection);
1225             }
1226             else if (EnableHistory && (AjaxFrameworkMode != AjaxFrameworkMode.Disabled)) {
1227                 // get current state string if it exists
1228                 string serverState = postCollection[postDataKey];
1229                 LoadHistoryState(serverState);
1230             }
1232             return false;
1233         }
NeedToLoadBeforeUI(ScriptReference script, AjaxFrameworkMode ajaxMode)1235         private bool NeedToLoadBeforeUI(ScriptReference script, AjaxFrameworkMode ajaxMode) {
1236             return script.IsFromSystemWeb() ||
1237                 (ajaxMode == AjaxFrameworkMode.Explicit &&
1238                 (script.IsAjaxFrameworkScript(this) && SplitFrameworkScripts.Contains(script.EffectiveResourceName)));
1239         }
1241         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2109:ReviewVisibleEventHandlers")]
OnAsyncPostBackError(AsyncPostBackErrorEventArgs e)1242         protected internal virtual void OnAsyncPostBackError(AsyncPostBackErrorEventArgs e) {
1243             EventHandler<AsyncPostBackErrorEventArgs> handler =
1244                 (EventHandler<AsyncPostBackErrorEventArgs>)Events[AsyncPostBackErrorEvent];
1245             if (handler != null) {
1246                 handler(this, e);
1247             }
1248         }
1250         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2109:ReviewVisibleEventHandlers")]
OnInit(EventArgs e)1251         protected internal override void OnInit(EventArgs e) {
1252             base.OnInit(e);
1254             if (!DesignMode) {
1255                 // Ensure the current ajax framework assembly has a higher version number than System.Web.Extensions.
1256                 Assembly ajaxFrameworkAssembly = AjaxFrameworkAssembly;
1257                 if ((ajaxFrameworkAssembly != null) && (ajaxFrameworkAssembly != AssemblyCache.SystemWebExtensions)) {
1258                     if (AssemblyCache.GetVersion(ajaxFrameworkAssembly) <=
1259                         AssemblyCache.GetVersion(AssemblyCache.SystemWebExtensions)) {
1260                         // Must have a higher version number
1261                         throw new InvalidOperationException(
1262                             String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_MustHaveGreaterVersion,
1263                                 ajaxFrameworkAssembly, AssemblyCache.GetVersion(AssemblyCache.SystemWebExtensions)));
1264                     }
1265                 }
1267                 IPage page = IPage;
1268                 ScriptManager existingInstance = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page);
1270                 if (existingInstance != null) {
1271                     throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_OnlyOneScriptManager);
1272                 }
1273                 page.Items[typeof(IScriptManager)] = this;
1274                 page.Items[typeof(ScriptManager)] = this;
1276                 page.InitComplete += OnPageInitComplete;
1277                 page.PreRenderComplete += OnPagePreRenderComplete;
1279                 if (page.IsPostBack) {
1280                     _isInAsyncPostBack = PageRequestManager.IsAsyncPostBackRequest(page.Request);
1281                 }
1283                 // Delegate to PageRequestManager to hook up error handling for async posts
1284                 PageRequestManager.OnInit();
1286                 page.PreRender += ScriptControlManager.OnPagePreRender;
1287             }
1288         }
RaiseNavigate(HistoryEventArgs e)1290         private void RaiseNavigate(HistoryEventArgs e) {
1291             EventHandler<HistoryEventArgs> handler = (EventHandler<HistoryEventArgs>)Events[NavigateEvent];
1292             if (handler != null) {
1293                 handler(this, e);
1294             }
1295             foreach (ScriptManagerProxy proxy in Proxies) {
1296                 handler = proxy.NavigateEvent;
1297                 if (handler != null) {
1298                     handler(this, e);
1299                 }
1300             }
1301         }
OnPagePreRenderComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)1303         private void OnPagePreRenderComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) {
1304             _preRenderCompleted = true;
1305             if (!IsInAsyncPostBack) {
1306                 if (SupportsPartialRendering && (AjaxFrameworkMode != AjaxFrameworkMode.Disabled)) {
1307                     // Force ASP.NET to include the __doPostBack function. If we don't do
1308                     // this then on the client we might not be able to override the function
1309                     // (since it won't be defined).
1310                     // We also need to force it to include the ASP.NET WebForms.js since it
1311                     // has other required functionality.
1312                     IPage.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(new PostBackOptions(this, null, null, false, false, false, false, true, null));
1313                 }
1314                 // on GET request we register the glob block...
1315                 RegisterGlobalizationScriptBlock();
1316                 // all script references, declared and from script controls...
1317                 RegisterScripts();
1318                 // and all service references.
1319                 RegisterServices();
1320             }
1321             else {
1322                 // on async postbacks we only need to register script control references and inline references.
1323                 RegisterScripts();
1324                 if (EnableHistory && (AjaxFrameworkMode != AjaxFrameworkMode.Disabled)) {
1325                     // Send empty object as null to the client
1326                     if ((_initialState != null) && (_initialState.Count == 0)) {
1327                         _initialState = null;
1328                     }
1329                     if (_newPointCreated) {
1330                         RegisterDataItem(this, GetStateString(), false);
1331                     }
1332                 }
1333             }
1334         }
OnPageInitComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)1336         private void OnPageInitComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) {
1337             if (IPage.IsPostBack) {
1338                 if (IsInAsyncPostBack && !SupportsPartialRendering) {
1339                     throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_AsyncPostBackNotInPartialRenderingMode);
1340                 }
1341             }
1343             _initCompleted = true;
1345             if (EnableHistory && (AjaxFrameworkMode != AjaxFrameworkMode.Disabled)) {
1346                 RegisterAsyncPostBackControl(this);
1347                 if (IPage.IsPostBack) {
1348                     // Currently navigation is the only postback that ScriptManager handles
1349                     // so we can assume that if the event target is the script manager, then
1350                     // we're navigating.
1351                     _isNavigating = IPage.Request[System.Web.UI.Page.postEventSourceID] == this.UniqueID;
1352                 }
1353             }
1354         }
1356         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2109:ReviewVisibleEventHandlers")]
OnPreRender(EventArgs e)1357         protected internal override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) {
1358             base.OnPreRender(e);
1360             if (IsInAsyncPostBack) {
1361                 PageRequestManager.OnPreRender();
1362             }
1363         }
1365         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2109:ReviewVisibleEventHandlers")]
OnResolveCompositeScriptReference(CompositeScriptReferenceEventArgs e)1366         protected virtual void OnResolveCompositeScriptReference(CompositeScriptReferenceEventArgs e) {
1367             EventHandler<CompositeScriptReferenceEventArgs> handler =
1368                 (EventHandler<CompositeScriptReferenceEventArgs>)Events[ResolveCompositeScriptReferenceEvent];
1369             if (handler != null) {
1370                 handler(this, e);
1371             }
1372         }
1374         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2109:ReviewVisibleEventHandlers")]
OnResolveScriptReference(ScriptReferenceEventArgs e)1375         protected virtual void OnResolveScriptReference(ScriptReferenceEventArgs e) {
1376             EventHandler<ScriptReferenceEventArgs> handler =
1377                 (EventHandler<ScriptReferenceEventArgs>)Events[ResolveScriptReferenceEvent];
1378             if (handler != null) {
1379                 handler(this, e);
1380             }
1381         }
PrepareNewHistoryPoint()1383         private void PrepareNewHistoryPoint() {
1384             if (!EnableHistory) {
1385                 throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_CannotAddHistoryPointWithHistoryDisabled);
1386             }
1387             if (!IsInAsyncPostBack) {
1388                 throw new InvalidOperationException(AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_CannotAddHistoryPointOutsideOfAsyncPostBack);
1389             }
1390             _newPointCreated = true;
1391             if (_initialState == null) {
1392                 _initialState = new Hashtable(StringComparer.Ordinal);
1393             }
1394         }
1396         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1030:UseEventsWhereAppropriate",
1397             Justification = "Matches IPostBackEventHandler interface.")]
RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)1398         protected virtual void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument) {
1399             LoadHistoryState(eventArgument);
1400         }
1402         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1030:UseEventsWhereAppropriate",
1403             Justification = "Matches IPostBackDataHandler interface.")]
RaisePostDataChangedEvent()1404         protected virtual void RaisePostDataChangedEvent() {
1405         }
1407         //
1412         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1011:ConsiderPassingBaseTypesAsParameters", Justification = "The overload specifically exists to strengthen the support for passing in a Page parameter.")]
RegisterArrayDeclaration(Page page, string arrayName, string arrayValue)1413         public static void RegisterArrayDeclaration(Page page, string arrayName, string arrayValue) {
1414             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterArrayDeclaration(page, arrayName, arrayValue);
1415         }
RegisterArrayDeclaration(Control control, string arrayName, string arrayValue)1417         public static void RegisterArrayDeclaration(Control control, string arrayName, string arrayValue) {
1418             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterArrayDeclaration(control, arrayName, arrayValue);
1419         }
1421         // Registers a control as causing an async postback instead of a regular postback
1422         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2123:OverrideLinkDemandsShouldBeIdenticalToBase")]
RegisterAsyncPostBackControl(Control control)1423         public void RegisterAsyncPostBackControl(Control control) {
1424             PageRequestManager.RegisterAsyncPostBackControl(control);
1425         }
1427         // Internal virtual for testing.  Cannot mock static RegisterClientScriptBlock().
RegisterClientScriptBlockInternal(Control control, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags)1428         internal virtual void RegisterClientScriptBlockInternal(Control control, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags) {
1429             RegisterClientScriptBlock(control, type, key, script, addScriptTags);
1430         }
1432         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1011:ConsiderPassingBaseTypesAsParameters", Justification = "The overload specifically exists to strengthen the support for passing in a Page parameter.")]
RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page page, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags)1433         public static void RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page page, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags) {
1434             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(page, type, key, script, addScriptTags);
1435         }
RegisterClientScriptBlock(Control control, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags)1437         public static void RegisterClientScriptBlock(Control control, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags) {
1438             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(control, type, key, script, addScriptTags);
1439         }
1441         // Internal virtual for testing.  Cannot mock static RegisterClientScriptInclude().
RegisterClientScriptIncludeInternal(Control control, Type type, string key, string url)1442         internal virtual void RegisterClientScriptIncludeInternal(Control control, Type type, string key, string url) {
1443             RegisterClientScriptInclude(control, type, key, url);
1444         }
1446         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1054:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings",
1447             Justification = "Needs to take same parameters as ClientScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude()." +
1448             "We could provide an overload that takes a System.Uri parameter, but then FxCop rule " +
1449             "StringUriOverloadsCallSystemUriOverloads would require that the string overload call the Uri overload. " +
1450             "But we cannot do this, because the ClientScriptManager API allows any string, even invalid Uris. " +
1451             "We cannot start throwing exceptions on input we previously passed to the browser. So it does not make " +
1452             "sense to add an overload that takes System.Uri.")]
1453         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1011:ConsiderPassingBaseTypesAsParameters", Justification = "The overload specifically exists to strengthen the support for passing in a Page parameter.")]
RegisterClientScriptInclude(Page page, Type type, string key, string url)1454         public static void RegisterClientScriptInclude(Page page, Type type, string key, string url) {
1455             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude(page, type, key, url);
1456         }
1458         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1054:UriParametersShouldNotBeStrings",
1459             Justification = "Needs to take same parameters as ClientScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude()." +
1460             "We could provide an overload that takes a System.Uri parameter, but then FxCop rule " +
1461             "StringUriOverloadsCallSystemUriOverloads would require that the string overload call the Uri overload. " +
1462             "But we cannot do this, because the ClientScriptManager API allows any string, even invalid Uris. " +
1463             "We cannot start throwing exceptions on input we previously passed to the browser. So it does not make " +
1464             "sense to add an overload that takes System.Uri.")]
RegisterClientScriptInclude(Control control, Type type, string key, string url)1465         public static void RegisterClientScriptInclude(Control control, Type type, string key, string url) {
1466             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude(control, type, key, url);
1467         }
1469         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1011:ConsiderPassingBaseTypesAsParameters", Justification = "The overload specifically exists to strengthen the support for passing in a Page parameter.")]
RegisterClientScriptResource(Page page, Type type, string resourceName)1470         public static void RegisterClientScriptResource(Page page, Type type, string resourceName) {
1471             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterClientScriptResource(page, type, resourceName);
1472         }
RegisterClientScriptResource(Control control, Type type, string resourceName)1474         public static void RegisterClientScriptResource(Control control, Type type, string resourceName) {
1475             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterClientScriptResource(control, type, resourceName);
1476         }
1478         // Only if we have a script manager on the page and we can resolve a path for the resource definition
1479         // then can we add it to the script definitions so script references will be de-duped
TryRegisterNamedClientScriptResourceUsingScriptReference(Page page, string resourceName)1480         private static bool TryRegisterNamedClientScriptResourceUsingScriptReference(Page page, string resourceName) {
1481             if (page != null) {
1482                 ScriptManager sm = GetCurrent(page);
1483                 ScriptResourceDefinition def = ScriptManager.ScriptResourceMapping.GetDefinition(resourceName);
1484                 if (sm != null && def != null) {
1485                         sm.Scripts.Add(new ScriptReference() { Name = resourceName });
1486                         return true;
1487                 }
1488             }
1490             return false;
1491         }
RegisterNamedClientScriptResource(Control control, string resourceName)1493         public static void RegisterNamedClientScriptResource(Control control, string resourceName) {
1494             // Try to use ScriptManager Scripts collection if we can(for de-dupe logic), otherwise fall back to RegisterClientScriptResource
1495             if (control != null && TryRegisterNamedClientScriptResourceUsingScriptReference(control.Page, resourceName)) {
1496                 return;
1497             }
1498             RegisterClientScriptResource(control, typeof(ScriptManager), resourceName);
1499         }
RegisterNamedClientScriptResource(Page page, string resourceName)1501         public static void RegisterNamedClientScriptResource(Page page, string resourceName) {
1502             // Try to use ScriptManager Scripts collection if we can(for de-dupe logic), otherwise fall back to RegisterClientScriptResource
1503             if (TryRegisterNamedClientScriptResourceUsingScriptReference(page, resourceName)) {
1504                 return;
1505             }
1506             RegisterClientScriptResource(page, typeof(ScriptManager), resourceName);
1507         }
RegisterDataItem(Control control, string dataItem)1509         public void RegisterDataItem(Control control, string dataItem) {
1510             RegisterDataItem(control, dataItem, false);
1511         }
RegisterDataItem(Control control, string dataItem, bool isJsonSerialized)1513         public void RegisterDataItem(Control control, string dataItem, bool isJsonSerialized) {
1514             PageRequestManager.RegisterDataItem(control, dataItem, isJsonSerialized);
1515         }
RegisterDispose(Control control, string disposeScript)1517         public void RegisterDispose(Control control, string disposeScript) {
1518             if (SupportsPartialRendering && (AjaxFrameworkMode != AjaxFrameworkMode.Disabled)) {
1519                 // DevDiv Bugs 124041: Do not register if SupportsPartialRendering=false
1520                 // It would cause a script error since PageRequestManager will not exist on the client.
1521                 ScriptRegistration.RegisterDispose(control, disposeScript);
1522             }
1523         }
RegisterExpandoAttribute(Control control, string controlId, string attributeName, string attributeValue, bool encode)1525         public static void RegisterExpandoAttribute(Control control, string controlId, string attributeName, string attributeValue, bool encode) {
1526             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterExpandoAttribute(control, controlId, attributeName, attributeValue, encode);
1527         }
1529         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2123:OverrideLinkDemandsShouldBeIdenticalToBase")]
1530         public void RegisterExtenderControl<TExtenderControl>(TExtenderControl extenderControl, Control targetControl)
1531             where TExtenderControl : Control, IExtenderControl {
1532             ScriptControlManager.RegisterExtenderControl(extenderControl, targetControl);
1533         }
RegisterGlobalizationScriptBlock()1535         private void RegisterGlobalizationScriptBlock() {
1536             if (EnableScriptGlobalization && (AjaxFrameworkMode != AjaxFrameworkMode.Disabled)) {
1537                 Tuple<String, String> entry = ClientCultureInfo.GetClientCultureScriptBlock(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
1538                 if ((entry != null) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Item1)) {
1539                     if (IsDebuggingEnabled && (AjaxFrameworkMode == AjaxFrameworkMode.Explicit)) {
1540                         string script = "Type._checkDependency('MicrosoftAjaxGlobalization.js', 'ScriptManager.EnableScriptGlobalization');\r\n";
1541                         ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(ScriptManager), "CultureInfoScriptCheck", script, true);
1542                     }
1543                     ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(ScriptManager), "CultureInfo", entry.Item1, true);
1544                     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.Item2)) {
1545                         ScriptReference reference = new ScriptReference(entry.Item2, null);
1546 #pragma warning disable 618
1547                         // ScriptPath is obsolete but still functional
1548                         reference.IgnoreScriptPath = true;
1549 #pragma warning restore 618
1550                         reference.AlwaysLoadBeforeUI = true;
1551                         // added to Script collection instead of directly registered so that it goes through
1552                         // script resolution, and is resolved for debug/release version, etc.
1553                         // It can also be explicitly declared to customize it.
1554                         // e.g. <asp:ScriptReference Name="Date.HijriCalendar.js" Path="foo.js"/>
1555                         Scripts.Add(reference);
1556                     }
1557                 }
1558             }
1559         }
1561         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1011:ConsiderPassingBaseTypesAsParameters", Justification = "The overload specifically exists to strengthen the support for passing in a Page parameter.")]
RegisterHiddenField(Page page, string hiddenFieldName, string hiddenFieldInitialValue)1562         public static void RegisterHiddenField(Page page, string hiddenFieldName, string hiddenFieldInitialValue) {
1563             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterHiddenField(page, hiddenFieldName, hiddenFieldInitialValue);
1564         }
RegisterHiddenField(Control control, string hiddenFieldName, string hiddenFieldInitialValue)1566         public static void RegisterHiddenField(Control control, string hiddenFieldName, string hiddenFieldInitialValue) {
1567             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterHiddenField(control, hiddenFieldName, hiddenFieldInitialValue);
1568         }
1570         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1011:ConsiderPassingBaseTypesAsParameters", Justification = "The overload specifically exists to strengthen the support for passing in a Page parameter.")]
RegisterOnSubmitStatement(Page page, Type type, string key, string script)1571         public static void RegisterOnSubmitStatement(Page page, Type type, string key, string script) {
1572             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(page, type, key, script);
1573         }
RegisterOnSubmitStatement(Control control, Type type, string key, string script)1575         public static void RegisterOnSubmitStatement(Control control, Type type, string key, string script) {
1576             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(control, type, key, script);
1577         }
1579         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2123:OverrideLinkDemandsShouldBeIdenticalToBase")]
1580         public void RegisterScriptControl<TScriptControl>(TScriptControl scriptControl)
1581             where TScriptControl : Control, IScriptControl {
1582             ScriptControlManager.RegisterScriptControl(scriptControl);
1583         }
1585         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2123:OverrideLinkDemandsShouldBeIdenticalToBase")]
RegisterScriptDescriptors(IExtenderControl extenderControl)1586         public void RegisterScriptDescriptors(IExtenderControl extenderControl) {
1587             ScriptControlManager.RegisterScriptDescriptors(extenderControl);
1588         }
1590         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2123:OverrideLinkDemandsShouldBeIdenticalToBase")]
RegisterScriptDescriptors(IScriptControl scriptControl)1591         public void RegisterScriptDescriptors(IScriptControl scriptControl) {
1592             ScriptControlManager.RegisterScriptDescriptors(scriptControl);
1593         }
1595         // Registers a control as causing a regular postback instead of an async postback
1596         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2123:OverrideLinkDemandsShouldBeIdenticalToBase")]
RegisterPostBackControl(Control control)1597         public void RegisterPostBackControl(Control control) {
1598             PageRequestManager.RegisterPostBackControl(control);
1599         }
GetEffectivePath(ScriptReferenceBase scriptRef)1601         private static string GetEffectivePath(ScriptReferenceBase scriptRef) {
1602             string effectivePath = scriptRef.Path;
1603             if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(effectivePath)) {
1604                 // Also try using Effective path for ScriptReferences, which is the case for framework scripts
1605                 ScriptReference sref = scriptRef as ScriptReference;
1606                 if (sref != null) {
1607                     effectivePath = sref.EffectivePath;
1608                 }
1609             }
1610             return effectivePath;
1611         }
1613         // If bundling is supported, look for references to bundles, eliminate duplicates, and get the true bundle url for the reference
ProcessBundleReferences(List<ScriptReferenceBase> scripts)1614         internal List<ScriptReferenceBase> ProcessBundleReferences(List<ScriptReferenceBase> scripts) {
1615             // If we have a bundle resolver, look through all the scripts and see which are bundles
1616             object resolver = BundleReflectionHelper.BundleResolver;
1617             if (resolver != null) {
1618                 HashSet<string> virtualPathsInBundles = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
1620                 // For each bundle, expand and remember every path inside
1621                 foreach (ScriptReferenceBase scriptRef in scripts) {
1622                     string effectivePath = GetEffectivePath(scriptRef);
1623                     if (BundleReflectionHelper.IsBundleVirtualPath(effectivePath)) {
1624                         scriptRef.IsBundleReference = true;
1626                         IEnumerable<string> bundleContents = BundleReflectionHelper.GetBundleContents(effectivePath);
1627                         if (bundleContents != null) {
1628                             foreach (string path in bundleContents) {
1629                                 virtualPathsInBundles.Add(path);
1630                                 if (_scriptPathsDefiningSys.Contains(path)) {
1631                                     scriptRef.IsDefiningSys = true;
1632                                 }
1633                             }
1634                         }
1635                     }
1636                 }
1638                 // No bundles so we are done
1639                 if (virtualPathsInBundles.Count == 0) {
1640                     return scripts;
1641                 }
1643                 // Go through the scripts and remove any references to scripts inside of bundles
1644                 List<ScriptReferenceBase> collapsedReferences = new List<ScriptReferenceBase>();
1645                 foreach (ScriptReferenceBase scriptRef in scripts) {
1646                     string effectivePath = GetEffectivePath(scriptRef);
1647                     if (scriptRef.IsBundleReference) {
1648                         collapsedReferences.Add(scriptRef);
1649                     }
1650                     else {
1651                         if (!virtualPathsInBundles.Contains(effectivePath)) {
1652                             collapsedReferences.Add(scriptRef);
1653                         }
1654                     }
1655                 }
1657                 return collapsedReferences;
1658             }
1660             return scripts;
1661         }
RegisterScripts()1663         private void RegisterScripts() {
1664             List<ScriptReferenceBase> scripts = new List<ScriptReferenceBase>();
1666             // Add ScriptReferences from Scripts collections of ScriptManager and ScriptManagerProxies
1667             // PERF: Use _proxies field directly to avoid creating List if not already created
1668             AddScriptCollections(scripts, _proxies);
1670             // Add ScriptReferences registered by ScriptControls and ExtenderControls
1671             ScriptControlManager.AddScriptReferences(scripts);
1673             // Inject Atlas Framework scripts
1674             AddFrameworkScripts(scripts);
1676             // Allow custom resolve work to happen
1677             foreach (ScriptReferenceBase script in scripts) {
1678                 ScriptReference sr = script as ScriptReference;
1679                 if (sr != null) {
1680                     OnResolveScriptReference(new ScriptReferenceEventArgs(sr));
1681                 }
1682                 else {
1683                     CompositeScriptReference csr = script as CompositeScriptReference;
1684                     if (csr != null) {
1685                         OnResolveCompositeScriptReference(new CompositeScriptReferenceEventArgs(csr));
1686                     }
1687                 }
1688             }
1689             // Remove duplicate Name+Assembly references
1690             List<ScriptReferenceBase> uniqueScripts = RemoveDuplicates(scripts, AjaxFrameworkMode,
1691                                 LoadScriptsBeforeUI, (IsInAsyncPostBack ? null : IPage.ClientScript),
1692                                 ref _applicationServicesReference);
1694             // Remove any scripts that are contained inside of any bundles
1695             uniqueScripts = ProcessBundleReferences(uniqueScripts);
1697             // Register the final list of unique scripts
1698             RegisterUniqueScripts(uniqueScripts);
1699         }
RegisterUniqueScripts(List<ScriptReferenceBase> uniqueScripts)1701         private void RegisterUniqueScripts(List<ScriptReferenceBase> uniqueScripts) {
1702             bool loadCheckRegistered = !(IsDebuggingEnabled && !IsInAsyncPostBack);
1703             bool hasAppServicesScript = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_appServicesInitializationScript);
1704             bool loadScriptsBeforeUI = this.LoadScriptsBeforeUI;
1705             AjaxFrameworkMode mode = AjaxFrameworkMode;
1706             foreach (ScriptReferenceBase script in uniqueScripts) {
1707                 string url = script.GetUrl(this, Zip);
1708                 string key = url;
1709                 if (loadScriptsBeforeUI || script.AlwaysLoadBeforeUI) {
1710                     RegisterClientScriptIncludeInternal(script.ContainingControl, typeof(ScriptManager), key, url);
1711                 }
1712                 else {
1713                     // this method of building the script tag matches exactly ClientScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude
1714                     string scriptTag = "\r\n<script src=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(url) + "\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>";
1715                     RegisterStartupScriptInternal(script.ContainingControl, typeof(ScriptManager), url, scriptTag, false);
1716                 }
1718                 RegisterFallbackScript(script, key);
1720                 // configure app services and check framework right after framework script is included & before other scripts
1721                 if ((!loadCheckRegistered || hasAppServicesScript) && script.IsAjaxFrameworkScript(this) && (mode != AjaxFrameworkMode.Disabled)) {
1722                     // In debug mode, detect if the framework loaded properly before we reference Sys in any way.
1723                     if (!loadCheckRegistered && script.IsDefiningSys) {
1724                         AddFrameworkLoadedCheck();
1725                         loadCheckRegistered = true;
1726                     }
1728                     if (hasAppServicesScript && (script == _applicationServicesReference)) {
1729                         this.IPage.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(ScriptManager),
1730                             "AppServicesConfig",
1731                             _appServicesInitializationScript,
1732                             true);
1733                         hasAppServicesScript = false;
1734                     }
1735                 }
1736             }
1737             // note: in explicit mode it is possible at this point that hasAppServicesScript is still true
1738             // because the dev did not reference appservices.js. By design, we will treat this scenario
1739             // as if app services are not intended to be used.
1740             // In Enabled mode it isn't possible that the script is not included and there is init script,
1741             // because we add it if it doesn't already exist.
1742         }
1744         /// <summary>
1745         /// Registers a script that causes the local copy of a script to load in the event the Cdn is unavailable.
1746         /// </summary>
1747         /// <param name="script"></param>
RegisterFallbackScript(ScriptReferenceBase script, string key)1748         private void RegisterFallbackScript(ScriptReferenceBase script, string key) {
1749             if (!EnableCdn || !EnableCdnFallback) {
1750                 return;
1751             }
1753             // If we are using Cdn, register a fallback script for the ScriptReference it is available.
1754             var scriptReference = script as ScriptReference;
1755             if (scriptReference != null) {
1756                 var scriptInfo = scriptReference.ScriptInfo;
1757                 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptInfo.LoadSuccessExpression)) {
1758                     string fallbackPath = scriptReference.GetUrlInternal(this, Zip, useCdnPath: false);
1759                     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fallbackPath)) {
1760                         return;
1761                     }
1763                     if (_isInAsyncPostBack) {
1764                         // For async postbacks, we need to register the script with the ScriptRegistrationManager. document.write won't work.
1765                         ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterFallbackScriptForAjaxPostbacks(script.ContainingControl, typeof(ScriptManager),
1766                             key, scriptInfo.LoadSuccessExpression, fallbackPath);
1767                     }
1768                     else {
1769                         RegisterClientScriptBlockInternal(script.ContainingControl, typeof(ScriptManager), scriptInfo.LoadSuccessExpression,
1770                             String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "({0})||document.write('<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{1}\"><\\/script>');", scriptInfo.LoadSuccessExpression, fallbackPath),
1771                             addScriptTags: true);
1772                     }
1773                 }
1774             }
1775         }
RegisterServices()1777         private void RegisterServices() {
1778             // Do not attempt to resolve inline service references on PageMethod requests.
1779             if (_services != null) {
1780                 foreach (ServiceReference serviceReference in _services) {
1781                     serviceReference.Register(this, this);
1782                 }
1783             }
1785             if (_proxies != null) {
1786                 foreach (ScriptManagerProxy proxy in _proxies) {
1787                     proxy.RegisterServices(this);
1788                 }
1789             }
1791             if (EnablePageMethods) {
1792                 string pageMethods = PageClientProxyGenerator.GetClientProxyScript(Context, IPage, IsDebuggingEnabled);
1793                 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pageMethods)) {
1794                     RegisterClientScriptBlockInternal(this, typeof(ScriptManager), pageMethods, pageMethods, true);
1795                 }
1796             }
1797         }
RegisterResourceWithClientScriptManager(IClientScriptManager clientScriptManager, Assembly assembly, String key)1799         private static void RegisterResourceWithClientScriptManager(IClientScriptManager clientScriptManager, Assembly assembly, String key) {
1800             // Tells the ClientScriptManager that ScriptManager has registered an assembly resource, 'key' from 'assembly',
1801             // so that it does not register it again if it were registered with RegisterClientScriptResource. This allows
1802             // script references to override them, allowing devs to take advantage of setting a 'path' to override them or
1803             // to use ScriptCombining to combine them.
1804             // RegisteredResourcesToSuppress is a Dictionary of Dictionaries. The outer dictionary key is assembly,
1805             // the inner key is resource.
1806             Dictionary<Assembly, Dictionary<String, Object>> suppressedResources = clientScriptManager.RegisteredResourcesToSuppress;
1807             Debug.Assert(suppressedResources != null, "ClientScriptManager.RegisteredResourcesToSuppress is not expected to return null.");
1808             Dictionary<String, Object> resourcesForAssembly;
1809             if (!suppressedResources.TryGetValue(assembly, out resourcesForAssembly)) {
1810                 resourcesForAssembly = new Dictionary<String, Object>();
1811                 suppressedResources[assembly] = resourcesForAssembly;
1812             }
1813             resourcesForAssembly[key] = true;
1814         }
1816         // Called by ScriptManagerDesigner.GetScriptReferences().
RemoveDuplicates(List<ScriptReferenceBase> scripts, AjaxFrameworkMode ajaxFrameworkMode, bool loadScriptsBeforeUI, IClientScriptManager clientScriptManager, ref ScriptReferenceBase applicationServicesReference)1817         internal List<ScriptReferenceBase> RemoveDuplicates(List<ScriptReferenceBase> scripts,
1818             AjaxFrameworkMode ajaxFrameworkMode, bool loadScriptsBeforeUI, IClientScriptManager clientScriptManager,
1819             ref ScriptReferenceBase applicationServicesReference) {
1820             // ClientScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude() does not register multiple scripts
1821             // with the same type and key.  We use the url as the key, so multiple scripts with
1822             // the same final url are handled by ClientScriptManager.  In ScriptManager, we only
1823             // need to remove ScriptReferences that we consider "the same" but that will generate
1824             // different urls.  For example, Name+Assembly+Path and Name+Assembly will generate
1825             // different urls, but we consider them to represent the same script.  For this purpose,
1826             // two scripts are considered "the same" iff Name is non-empty, and they have the same
1827             // Name and Assembly.
1829             // This method also removes all the script reference with name equals MicrosoftAjax.js and
1830             // assembly equals System.Web.Extensions when MicrosoftAjax is disabled (MicrosoftAjaxMode == Disabled)
1832             // Scenario:
1833             // Two references from two new instances of the same component that are each in different
1834             // UpdatePanels, during an async post, where one update panel is updating and the other is not.
1835             // If we remove one of the references because we consider one a duplicate of the other, the
1836             // reference remaining may be for the control in the update panel that is not updating, and
1837             // it wouldn't be included (incorrectly).
1838             // So, references from components can only be considered duplicate against static
1839             // script references. The returned list may contain duplicates, but they will be duplicates
1840             // across script controls, which may potentially live in different update panels.
1841             // When rendering the partial update content, duplicate paths are handled and only one is output.
1843             // PERF: Optimize for the following common cases.
1844             // - One ScriptReference (i.e. MicrosoftAjax.js).
1845             // - Two unique ScriptReferences (i.e. MicrosoftAjax.js and MicrosoftAjaxWebForms.js).  It is
1846             //   unlikely there will be two non-unique ScriptReferences, since the first ScriptReference is always
1847             //   MicrosoftAjax.js.
1848             // - Reduced cost from 0.43% to 0.04% in ScriptManager\HelloWorld\Scenario.aspx.
1849             int numScripts = scripts.Count;
1850             if (ajaxFrameworkMode == AjaxFrameworkMode.Enabled) {
1851                 if (numScripts == 1) {
1852                     ScriptReference script1 = scripts[0] as ScriptReference;
1853                     if (script1 != null) {
1854                         if (clientScriptManager != null) {
1855                             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(script1.EffectiveResourceName)) {
1856                                 RegisterResourceWithClientScriptManager(clientScriptManager, script1.GetAssembly(this), script1.EffectiveResourceName);
1857                             }
1858                         }
1859                         return scripts;
1860                     }
1861                 }
1862                 else if (numScripts == 2) {
1863                     ScriptReference script1 = scripts[0] as ScriptReference;
1864                     ScriptReference script2 = scripts[1] as ScriptReference;
1865                     if ((script1 != null) && (script2 != null) &&
1866                         ((script1.EffectiveResourceName != script2.EffectiveResourceName) || (script1.Assembly != script2.Assembly))) {
1867                         if (clientScriptManager != null) {
1868                             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(script1.EffectiveResourceName)) {
1869                                 RegisterResourceWithClientScriptManager(clientScriptManager, script1.GetAssembly(this), script1.EffectiveResourceName);
1870                             }
1871                             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(script2.EffectiveResourceName)) {
1872                                 RegisterResourceWithClientScriptManager(clientScriptManager, script2.GetAssembly(this), script2.EffectiveResourceName);
1873                             }
1874                         }
1875                         return scripts;
1876                     }
1877                 }
1878             }
1880             // PERF: HybridDictionary is significantly more performant than Dictionary<K,V>, since the number
1881             // of scripts will frequently be small.  Reduced cost from 1.49% to 0.43% in
1882             // ScriptManager\HelloWorld\Scenario.aspx.
1883             HybridDictionary uniqueScriptDict = new HybridDictionary(numScripts);
1884             List<ScriptReferenceBase> filteredScriptList = new List<ScriptReferenceBase>(numScripts);
1886             // CompositeScriptReferences are always included, so scan them first
1887             foreach (ScriptReferenceBase script in scripts) {
1888                 var csr = script as CompositeScriptReference;
1889                 if (csr != null) {
1890                     bool loadBeforeUI = false;
1891                     foreach (ScriptReference sr in csr.Scripts) {
1892                         // Previously, we weren't removing duplicate path-based scripts
1893                         // because the script registration was using the url as the key,
1894                         // which resulted in duplicates effectively being removed later.
1895                         // With composite script references, this ceases to be true.
1896                         Tuple<string, Assembly> key = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sr.EffectiveResourceName)) ?
1897                             new Tuple<string, Assembly>(sr.EffectivePath, null) :
1898                             new Tuple<string, Assembly>(sr.EffectiveResourceName, sr.GetAssembly(this));
1899                         if (uniqueScriptDict.Contains(key)) {
1900                             // A script reference declared multiple times in one or
1901                             // multiple composite script references throws.
1902                             throw new InvalidOperationException(
1903                                 AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_CannotRegisterScriptInMultipleCompositeReferences);
1904                         }
1905                         else {
1906                             if ((clientScriptManager != null) && (key.Item2 != null)) {
1907                                 // its a resource script, tell ClientScriptManager about it so it suppresses any
1908                                 // calls to RegisterClientScriptResource
1909                                 RegisterResourceWithClientScriptManager(clientScriptManager, key.Item2, key.Item1);
1910                             }
1911                             if ((ajaxFrameworkMode == AjaxFrameworkMode.Explicit) && sr.IsAjaxFrameworkScript(this) &&
1912                                 (applicationServicesReference == null) &&
1913                                 sr.EffectiveResourceName.StartsWith("MicrosoftAjaxApplicationServices.", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
1914                                 applicationServicesReference = csr;
1915                             }
1916                             if (!loadScriptsBeforeUI && !loadBeforeUI && NeedToLoadBeforeUI(sr, ajaxFrameworkMode)) {
1917                                 csr.AlwaysLoadBeforeUI = true;
1918                                 loadBeforeUI = true;
1919                             }
1920                             uniqueScriptDict.Add(key, sr);
1921                         }
1922                     }
1923                 }
1924             }
1926             foreach (ScriptReferenceBase script in scripts) {
1927                 var csr = script as CompositeScriptReference;
1928                 if (csr != null) {
1929                     filteredScriptList.Add(csr);
1930                 }
1931                 else {
1932                     var sr = script as ScriptReference;
1933                     if (sr != null) {
1934                         Tuple<string, Assembly> key = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sr.EffectiveResourceName)) ?
1935                             new Tuple<string, Assembly>(sr.EffectivePath, null) :
1936                             new Tuple<string, Assembly>(sr.EffectiveResourceName, sr.GetAssembly(this));
1937                         // skip over duplicates, and skip over MicrosoftAjax.[debug.].js if the mode is Explicit
1938                         if (!((ajaxFrameworkMode == AjaxFrameworkMode.Explicit) && sr.IsAjaxFrameworkScript(this) &&
1939                             (sr.EffectiveResourceName.StartsWith("MicrosoftAjax.", StringComparison.Ordinal))) && !uniqueScriptDict.Contains(key)) {
1940                             if (sr.IsStaticReference) {
1941                                 // only static script references are compared against for duplicates.
1942                                 uniqueScriptDict.Add(key, sr);
1943                             }
1944                             if ((ajaxFrameworkMode == AjaxFrameworkMode.Explicit) && sr.IsAjaxFrameworkScript(this) &&
1945                                 (applicationServicesReference == null) &&
1946                                 sr.EffectiveResourceName.StartsWith("MicrosoftAjaxApplicationServices.", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
1947                                 applicationServicesReference = sr;
1948                             }
1949                             if (!loadScriptsBeforeUI && NeedToLoadBeforeUI(sr, ajaxFrameworkMode)) {
1950                                 sr.AlwaysLoadBeforeUI = true;
1951                             }
1952                             if ((clientScriptManager != null) && (key.Item2 != null)) {
1953                                 // its a resource script, tell ClientScriptManager about it so it suppresses any
1954                                 // calls to RegisterClientScriptResource
1955                                 RegisterResourceWithClientScriptManager(clientScriptManager, key.Item2, key.Item1);
1956                             }
1957                             filteredScriptList.Add(sr);
1958                         }
1959                     }
1960                 }
1961             }
1962             return filteredScriptList;
1963         }
1965         // Internal virtual for testing.  Cannot mock static RegisterStartupScript().
RegisterStartupScriptInternal(Control control, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags)1966         internal virtual void RegisterStartupScriptInternal(Control control, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags) {
1967             RegisterStartupScript(control, type, key, script, addScriptTags);
1968         }
1970         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1011:ConsiderPassingBaseTypesAsParameters", Justification = "The overload specifically exists to strengthen the support for passing in a Page parameter.")]
RegisterStartupScript(Page page, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags)1971         public static void RegisterStartupScript(Page page, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags) {
1972             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, type, key, script, addScriptTags);
1973         }
RegisterStartupScript(Control control, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags)1975         public static void RegisterStartupScript(Control control, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags) {
1976             ScriptRegistrationManager.RegisterStartupScript(control, type, key, script, addScriptTags);
1977         }
Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)1979         protected internal override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) {
1980             if (!IsInAsyncPostBack && (AjaxFrameworkMode != AjaxFrameworkMode.Disabled)) {
1981                 if (!((IControl)this).DesignMode && SupportsPartialRendering) {
1982                     PageRequestManager.Render(writer);
1983                 }
1985                 if (EnableHistory && !DesignMode && (IPage != null)) {
1986                     // Render hidden field for the script manager
1987                     writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Type, "hidden");
1988                     writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Name, this.UniqueID);
1989                     writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Id, this.ClientID);
1990                     writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Input);
1991                     writer.RenderEndTag();
1993                     // Render initialization script
1994                     // Dev10 540269: History startup script moved to directly rendered script so that
1995                     // (1) is occurs before the iframe is rendered
1996                     // (2) after the state hidden field
1997                     // A ClientScript block would violate #2, and StartupScript violates #1.
1998                     // Navigation handler remains as a StartupScript since the handler may be defined inline within the page.
1999                     JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(new SimpleTypeResolver());
2000                     writer.Write(ClientScriptManager.ClientScriptStart);
2001                     if (IsDebuggingEnabled && (AjaxFrameworkMode == AjaxFrameworkMode.Explicit)) {
2002                         writer.WriteLine("Type._checkDependency('MicrosoftAjaxHistory.js', 'ScriptManager.EnableHistory');");
2003                     }
2004                     writer.Write("Sys.Application.setServerId(");
2005                     writer.Write(serializer.Serialize(ClientID));
2006                     writer.Write(", ");
2007                     writer.Write(serializer.Serialize(UniqueID));
2008                     writer.WriteLine(");");
2009                     if ((_initialState != null) && (_initialState.Count != 0)) {
2010                         writer.Write("Sys.Application.setServerState('");
2011                         writer.Write(HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(GetStateString()));
2012                         writer.WriteLine("');");
2013                     }
2014                     writer.WriteLine("Sys.Application._enableHistoryInScriptManager();");
2015                     writer.Write(ClientScriptManager.ClientScriptEnd);
2017                     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientNavigateHandler)) {
2018                         string script = "Sys.Application.add_navigate(" + ClientNavigateHandler + ");";
2019                         ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(ScriptManager), "HistoryNavigate", script, true);
2020                     }
2022                     HttpBrowserCapabilitiesBase browserCaps = IPage.Request.Browser;
2023                     // Generating the iframe on the server-side allows access to its document
2024                     // without access denied errors. This enables the title to be updated in history.
2025                     // DevDiv 13920: Output the iframe even if it looks like IE8+ since it could be in a lower document mode
2026                     if (browserCaps.Browser.Equals("IE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
2027                         // DevDivBugs 196735
2028                         // Empty page title causes us to name the first server history point after
2029                         // the last thing navigated to, which is the url of the frame. That shows some
2030                         // garbled characters in the history list in case it contains multibyte chars in IE.
2031                         // We never want the page title to be empty.
2032                         if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(IPage.Title)) {
2033                             IPage.Title = AtlasWeb.ScriptManager_PageUntitled;
2034                         }
2035                         string iFrameUrl = (EmptyPageUrl.Length == 0) ?
2036                             ScriptResourceHandler.GetEmptyPageUrl(IPage.Title) :
2037                             EmptyPageUrl +
2038                                 ((EmptyPageUrl.IndexOf('?') != -1) ? "&title=" : "?title=") +
2039                                 IPage.Title;
2040                         writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Id, "__historyFrame");
2041                         writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Src, iFrameUrl);
2042                         writer.AddStyleAttribute(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "none");
2043                         writer.RenderBeginTag(HtmlTextWriterTag.Iframe);
2044                         writer.RenderEndTag();
2045                     }
2046                 }
2047             }
2048             base.Render(writer);
2049         }
SetFocus(Control control)2051         public void SetFocus(Control control) {
2052             PageRequestManager.SetFocus(control);
2053         }
SetPageTitle(string title)2055         private void SetPageTitle(string title) {
2056             if ((Page != null) && (Page.Header != null)) {
2057                 Page.Title = title;
2058             }
2059         }
2061         [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "ID")]
SetFocus(string clientID)2062         public void SetFocus(string clientID) {
2063             PageRequestManager.SetFocus(clientID);
2064         }
SetStateValue(string key, string value)2066         private void SetStateValue(string key, string value) {
2067             if (value == null) {
2068                 if (_initialState.ContainsKey(key)) {
2069                     _initialState.Remove(key);
2070                 }
2071             }
2072             else {
2073                 if (_initialState.ContainsKey(key)) {
2074                     _initialState[key] = value;
2075                 }
2076                 else {
2077                     _initialState.Add(key, value);
2078                 }
2079             }
2080         }
2082         #region IControl Members
2083         HttpContextBase IControl.Context {
2084             get {
2085                 return new System.Web.HttpContextWrapper(Context);
2086             }
2087         }
2089         bool IControl.DesignMode {
2090             get {
2091                 return DesignMode;
2092             }
2093         }
2094         #endregion
2096         #region IScriptManagerInternal Members
IScriptManagerInternal.RegisterProxy(ScriptManagerProxy proxy)2097         void IScriptManagerInternal.RegisterProxy(ScriptManagerProxy proxy) {
2098             // Under normal circumstances a ScriptManagerProxy will only register once per page lifecycle.
2099             // However, a malicious page developer could trick a proxy into registering more than once,
2100             // and this is guarding against that.
2101             if (!Proxies.Contains(proxy)) {
2102                 Proxies.Add(proxy);
2103             }
2104         }
IScriptManagerInternal.RegisterUpdatePanel(UpdatePanel updatePanel)2106         void IScriptManagerInternal.RegisterUpdatePanel(UpdatePanel updatePanel) {
2107             PageRequestManager.RegisterUpdatePanel(updatePanel);
2108         }
IScriptManagerInternal.UnregisterUpdatePanel(UpdatePanel updatePanel)2110         void IScriptManagerInternal.UnregisterUpdatePanel(UpdatePanel updatePanel) {
2111             PageRequestManager.UnregisterUpdatePanel(updatePanel);
2112         }
2113         #endregion
2115         #region IPostBackDataHandler Members
IPostBackDataHandler.LoadPostData(string postDataKey, NameValueCollection postCollection)2116         bool IPostBackDataHandler.LoadPostData(string postDataKey, NameValueCollection postCollection) {
2117             return LoadPostData(postDataKey, postCollection);
2118         }
IPostBackDataHandler.RaisePostDataChangedEvent()2120         void IPostBackDataHandler.RaisePostDataChangedEvent() {
2121             RaisePostDataChangedEvent();
2122         }
2123         #endregion
2125         #region IPostBackEventHandler Members
IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)2126         void IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument) {
2127             RaisePostBackEvent(eventArgument);
2128         }
2129         #endregion
2131         #region IScriptManager Members
IScriptManager.RegisterArrayDeclaration(Control control, string arrayName, string arrayValue)2132         void IScriptManager.RegisterArrayDeclaration(Control control, string arrayName, string arrayValue) {
2133             RegisterArrayDeclaration(control, arrayName, arrayValue);
2134         }
IScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Control control, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags)2136         void IScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Control control, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags) {
2137             RegisterClientScriptBlock(control, type, key, script, addScriptTags);
2138         }
IScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude(Control control, Type type, string key, string url)2140         void IScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude(Control control, Type type, string key, string url) {
2141             RegisterClientScriptInclude(control, type, key, url);
2142         }
IScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptResource(Control control, Type type, string resourceName)2144         void IScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptResource(Control control, Type type, string resourceName) {
2145             RegisterClientScriptResource(control, type, resourceName);
2146         }
IScriptManager.RegisterDispose(Control control, string disposeScript)2148         void IScriptManager.RegisterDispose(Control control, string disposeScript) {
2149             RegisterDispose(control, disposeScript);
2150         }
IScriptManager.RegisterExpandoAttribute(Control control, string controlId, string attributeName, string attributeValue, bool encode)2152         void IScriptManager.RegisterExpandoAttribute(Control control, string controlId, string attributeName, string attributeValue, bool encode) {
2153             RegisterExpandoAttribute(control, controlId, attributeName, attributeValue, encode);
2154         }
IScriptManager.RegisterHiddenField(Control control, string hiddenFieldName, string hiddenFieldValue)2156         void IScriptManager.RegisterHiddenField(Control control, string hiddenFieldName, string hiddenFieldValue) {
2157             RegisterHiddenField(control, hiddenFieldName, hiddenFieldValue);
2158         }
IScriptManager.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(Control control, Type type, string key, string script)2160         void IScriptManager.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(Control control, Type type, string key, string script) {
2161             RegisterOnSubmitStatement(control, type, key, script);
2162         }
IScriptManager.RegisterPostBackControl(Control control)2164         void IScriptManager.RegisterPostBackControl(Control control) {
2165             RegisterPostBackControl(control);
2166         }
IScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Control control, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags)2168         void IScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Control control, Type type, string key, string script, bool addScriptTags) {
2169             RegisterStartupScript(control, type, key, script, addScriptTags);
2170         }
IScriptManager.SetFocusInternal(string clientID)2172         void IScriptManager.SetFocusInternal(string clientID) {
2173             PageRequestManager.SetFocusInternal(clientID);
2174         }
2176         bool IScriptManager.IsSecureConnection {
2177             get {
2178                 return IsSecureConnection;
2179             }
2180         }
2181         #endregion
2183         // The following class will hijack the page's state persister with its current
2184         // settings so the history server state will be just as safe as the viewstate.
2185         private class StatePersister : PageStatePersister {
StatePersister(Page page)2186             public StatePersister(Page page) : base(page) { }
Load()2188             public override void Load() {
2189                 throw new NotImplementedException();
2190             }
Save()2191             public override void Save() {
2192                 throw new NotImplementedException();
2193             }
Serialize(object state)2195             public string Serialize(object state) {
2196                 return StateFormatter2.Serialize(state, Purpose.WebForms_ScriptManager_HistoryState);
2197             }
Deserialize(string serialized)2199             public object Deserialize(string serialized) {
2200                 return StateFormatter2.Deserialize(serialized, Purpose.WebForms_ScriptManager_HistoryState);
2201             }
2202         }
2203     }
2204 }