1 using System;
3 public class MyEx : Exception {
MyEx()4 	public MyEx () {}
5 }
7 public class Ex {
test(int a)9 	public static int test (int a) {
10 		int res;
11 		int fin = 0;
12 		try {
13 			res = 10/a;
14 			throw new MyEx ();
15 		} catch (Exception ex) {
16 			ex = new MyEx ();
17 			throw;
18 		} finally {
19 			fin = 1;
20 		}
21 		return res;
22 	}
Main()23 	public static int Main () {
24 		int catched = 0;
25 		try {
26 			test (1);
27 		} catch (MyEx ex) {
28 			catched = 1;
29 		}
30 		if (catched != 1)
31 			return 2;
32 		try {
33 			test (0);
34 		} catch (MyEx ex) {
35 			catched = 2;
36 		} catch {
37 			// we should get here because rethrow rethrows the dividebyzero ex
38 			// not the exception assigned to the local var (a MyEx)
39 			catched = 3;
40 		}
41 		if (catched != 3)
42 			return 3;
43 		return 0;
44 	}
45 }