2(*                                                                        *)
3(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
4(*                                                                        *)
5(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
6(*                                                                        *)
7(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
8(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
9(*                                                                        *)
10(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
11(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
12(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
13(*                                                                        *)
16(* Link a set of .cmo files and produce a bytecode executable. *)
18open Misc
19open Config
20open Cmo_format
22type error =
23    File_not_found of string
24  | Not_an_object_file of string
25  | Wrong_object_name of string
26  | Symbol_error of string * Symtable.error
27  | Inconsistent_import of string * string * string
28  | Custom_runtime
29  | File_exists of string
30  | Cannot_open_dll of string
31  | Not_compatible_32
32  | Required_module_unavailable of string
34exception Error of error
36type link_action =
37    Link_object of string * compilation_unit
38      (* Name of .cmo file and descriptor of the unit *)
39  | Link_archive of string * compilation_unit list
40      (* Name of .cma file and descriptors of the units to be linked. *)
42(* Add C objects and options from a library descriptor *)
43(* Ignore them if -noautolink or -use-runtime or -use-prim was given *)
45let lib_ccobjs = ref []
46let lib_ccopts = ref []
47let lib_dllibs = ref []
49let add_ccobjs origin l =
50  if not !Clflags.no_auto_link then begin
51    if
52      String.length !Clflags.use_runtime = 0
53      && String.length !Clflags.use_prims = 0
54    then begin
55      if l.lib_custom then Clflags.custom_runtime := true;
56      lib_ccobjs := l.lib_ccobjs @ !lib_ccobjs;
57      let replace_origin =
58        Misc.replace_substring ~before:"$CAMLORIGIN" ~after:origin
59      in
60      lib_ccopts := List.map replace_origin l.lib_ccopts @ !lib_ccopts;
61    end;
62    lib_dllibs := l.lib_dllibs @ !lib_dllibs
63  end
65(* A note on ccobj ordering:
66   - Clflags.ccobjs is in reverse order w.r.t. what was given on the
67        ocamlc command line;
68   - l.lib_ccobjs is also in reverse order w.r.t. what was given on the
69        ocamlc -a command line when the library was created;
70   - Clflags.ccobjs is reversed just before calling the C compiler for the
71        custom link;
72   - .cma files on the command line of ocamlc are scanned right to left;
73   - Before linking, we add lib_ccobjs after Clflags.ccobjs.
74   Thus, for ocamlc a.cma b.cma obj1 obj2
75   where a.cma was built with ocamlc -i ... obja1 obja2
76     and b.cma was built with ocamlc -i ... objb1 objb2
77   lib_ccobjs starts as [],
78   becomes objb2 objb1 when b.cma is scanned,
79   then obja2 obja1 objb2 objb1 when a.cma is scanned.
80   Clflags.ccobjs was initially obj2 obj1.
81   and is set to obj2 obj1 obja2 obja1 objb2 objb1.
82   Finally, the C compiler is given objb1 objb2 obja1 obja2 obj1 obj2,
83   which is what we need.  (If b depends on a, a.cma must appear before
84   b.cma, but b's C libraries must appear before a's C libraries.)
87(* First pass: determine which units are needed *)
89module IdentSet = Lambda.IdentSet
91let missing_globals = ref IdentSet.empty
93let is_required (rel, _pos) =
94  match rel with
95    Reloc_setglobal id ->
96      IdentSet.mem id !missing_globals
97  | _ -> false
99let add_required compunit =
100  let add_required_by_reloc (rel, _pos) =
101    match rel with
102      Reloc_getglobal id ->
103        missing_globals := IdentSet.add id !missing_globals
104    | _ -> ()
105  in
106  let add_required_for_effects id =
107    missing_globals := IdentSet.add id !missing_globals
108  in
109  List.iter add_required_by_reloc compunit.cu_reloc;
110  List.iter add_required_for_effects compunit.cu_required_globals
112let remove_required (rel, _pos) =
113  match rel with
114    Reloc_setglobal id ->
115      missing_globals := IdentSet.remove id !missing_globals
116  | _ -> ()
118let scan_file obj_name tolink =
119  let file_name =
120    try
121      find_in_path !load_path obj_name
122    with Not_found ->
123      raise(Error(File_not_found obj_name)) in
124  let ic = open_in_bin file_name in
125  try
126    let buffer = really_input_string ic (String.length cmo_magic_number) in
127    if buffer = cmo_magic_number then begin
128      (* This is a .cmo file. It must be linked in any case.
129         Read the relocation information to see which modules it
130         requires. *)
131      let compunit_pos = input_binary_int ic in  (* Go to descriptor *)
132      seek_in ic compunit_pos;
133      let compunit = (input_value ic : compilation_unit) in
134      close_in ic;
135      add_required compunit;
136      List.iter remove_required compunit.cu_reloc;
137      Link_object(file_name, compunit) :: tolink
138    end
139    else if buffer = cma_magic_number then begin
140      (* This is an archive file. Each unit contained in it will be linked
141         in only if needed. *)
142      let pos_toc = input_binary_int ic in    (* Go to table of contents *)
143      seek_in ic pos_toc;
144      let toc = (input_value ic : library) in
145      close_in ic;
146      add_ccobjs (Filename.dirname file_name) toc;
147      let required =
148        List.fold_right
149          (fun compunit reqd ->
150            if compunit.cu_force_link
151            || !Clflags.link_everything
152            || List.exists is_required compunit.cu_reloc
153            then begin
154              add_required compunit;
155              List.iter remove_required compunit.cu_reloc;
156              compunit :: reqd
157            end else
158              reqd)
159          toc.lib_units [] in
160      Link_archive(file_name, required) :: tolink
161    end
162    else raise(Error(Not_an_object_file file_name))
163  with
164    End_of_file -> close_in ic; raise(Error(Not_an_object_file file_name))
165  | x -> close_in ic; raise x
167(* Second pass: link in the required units *)
169(* Consistency check between interfaces *)
171let crc_interfaces = Consistbl.create ()
172let interfaces = ref ([] : string list)
173let implementations_defined = ref ([] : (string * string) list)
175let check_consistency ppf file_name cu =
176  begin try
177    List.iter
178      (fun (name, crco) ->
179        interfaces := name :: !interfaces;
180        match crco with
181          None -> ()
182        | Some crc ->
183            if name = cu.cu_name
184            then Consistbl.set crc_interfaces name crc file_name
185            else Consistbl.check crc_interfaces name crc file_name)
186      cu.cu_imports
187  with Consistbl.Inconsistency(name, user, auth) ->
188    raise(Error(Inconsistent_import(name, user, auth)))
189  end;
190  begin try
191    let source = List.assoc cu.cu_name !implementations_defined in
192    Location.print_warning (Location.in_file file_name) ppf
193      (Warnings.Multiple_definition(cu.cu_name,
194                                    Location.show_filename file_name,
195                                    Location.show_filename source))
196  with Not_found -> ()
197  end;
198  implementations_defined :=
199    (cu.cu_name, file_name) :: !implementations_defined
201let extract_crc_interfaces () =
202  Consistbl.extract !interfaces crc_interfaces
204let clear_crc_interfaces () =
205  Consistbl.clear crc_interfaces;
206  interfaces := []
208(* Record compilation events *)
210let debug_info = ref ([] : (int * Instruct.debug_event list * string list) list)
212(* Link in a compilation unit *)
214let link_compunit ppf output_fun currpos_fun inchan file_name compunit =
215  check_consistency ppf file_name compunit;
216  seek_in inchan compunit.cu_pos;
217  let code_block = LongString.input_bytes inchan compunit.cu_codesize in
218  Symtable.ls_patch_object code_block compunit.cu_reloc;
219  if !Clflags.debug && compunit.cu_debug > 0 then begin
220    seek_in inchan compunit.cu_debug;
221    let debug_event_list : Instruct.debug_event list = input_value inchan in
222    let debug_dirs : string list = input_value inchan in
223    let file_path = Filename.dirname (Location.absolute_path file_name) in
224    let debug_dirs =
225      if List.mem file_path debug_dirs
226      then debug_dirs
227      else file_path :: debug_dirs in
228    debug_info := (currpos_fun(), debug_event_list, debug_dirs) :: !debug_info
229  end;
230  Array.iter output_fun code_block;
231  if !Clflags.link_everything then
232    List.iter Symtable.require_primitive compunit.cu_primitives
234(* Link in a .cmo file *)
236let link_object ppf output_fun currpos_fun file_name compunit =
237  let inchan = open_in_bin file_name in
238  try
239    link_compunit ppf output_fun currpos_fun inchan file_name compunit;
240    close_in inchan
241  with
242    Symtable.Error msg ->
243      close_in inchan; raise(Error(Symbol_error(file_name, msg)))
244  | x ->
245      close_in inchan; raise x
247(* Link in a .cma file *)
249let link_archive ppf output_fun currpos_fun file_name units_required =
250  let inchan = open_in_bin file_name in
251  try
252    List.iter
253      (fun cu ->
254         let name = file_name ^ "(" ^ cu.cu_name ^ ")" in
255         try
256           link_compunit ppf output_fun currpos_fun inchan name cu
257         with Symtable.Error msg ->
258           raise(Error(Symbol_error(name, msg))))
259      units_required;
260    close_in inchan
261  with x -> close_in inchan; raise x
263(* Link in a .cmo or .cma file *)
265let link_file ppf output_fun currpos_fun = function
266    Link_object(file_name, unit) ->
267      link_object ppf output_fun currpos_fun file_name unit
268  | Link_archive(file_name, units) ->
269      link_archive ppf output_fun currpos_fun file_name units
271(* Output the debugging information *)
272(* Format is:
273      <int32>          number of event lists
274      <int32>          offset of first event list
275      <output_value>   first event list
276      ...
277      <int32>          offset of last event list
278      <output_value>   last event list *)
280let output_debug_info oc =
281  output_binary_int oc (List.length !debug_info);
282  List.iter
283    (fun (ofs, evl, debug_dirs) ->
284      output_binary_int oc ofs;
285      output_value oc evl;
286      output_value oc debug_dirs)
287    !debug_info;
288  debug_info := []
290(* Output a list of strings with 0-termination *)
292let output_stringlist oc l =
293  List.iter (fun s -> output_string oc s; output_byte oc 0) l
295(* Transform a file name into an absolute file name *)
297let make_absolute file =
298  if Filename.is_relative file
299  then Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd()) file
300  else file
302(* Create a bytecode executable file *)
304let link_bytecode ppf tolink exec_name standalone =
305  (* Avoid the case where the specified exec output file is the same as
306     one of the objects to be linked *)
307  List.iter (function
308    | Link_object(file_name, _) when file_name = exec_name ->
309      raise (Error (Wrong_object_name exec_name));
310    | _ -> ()) tolink;
311  Misc.remove_file exec_name; (* avoid permission problems, cf PR#1911 *)
312  let outchan =
313    open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_trunc; Open_creat; Open_binary]
314                 0o777 exec_name in
315  try
316    if standalone then begin
317      (* Copy the header *)
318      try
319        let header =
320          if String.length !Clflags.use_runtime > 0
321          then "camlheader_ur" else "camlheader" ^ !Clflags.runtime_variant in
322        let inchan = open_in_bin (find_in_path !load_path header) in
323        copy_file inchan outchan;
324        close_in inchan
325      with Not_found | Sys_error _ -> ()
326    end;
327    Bytesections.init_record outchan;
328    (* The path to the bytecode interpreter (in use_runtime mode) *)
329    if String.length !Clflags.use_runtime > 0 then begin
330      output_string outchan (make_absolute !Clflags.use_runtime);
331      output_char outchan '\n';
332      Bytesections.record outchan "RNTM"
333    end;
334    (* The bytecode *)
335    let start_code = pos_out outchan in
336    Symtable.init();
337    clear_crc_interfaces ();
338    let sharedobjs = List.map Dll.extract_dll_name !Clflags.dllibs in
339    let check_dlls = standalone && Config.target = Config.host in
340    if check_dlls then begin
341      (* Initialize the DLL machinery *)
342      Dll.init_compile !Clflags.no_std_include;
343      Dll.add_path !load_path;
344      try Dll.open_dlls Dll.For_checking sharedobjs
345      with Failure reason -> raise(Error(Cannot_open_dll reason))
346    end;
347    let output_fun = output_bytes outchan
348    and currpos_fun () = pos_out outchan - start_code in
349    List.iter (link_file ppf output_fun currpos_fun) tolink;
350    if check_dlls then Dll.close_all_dlls();
351    (* The final STOP instruction *)
352    output_byte outchan Opcodes.opSTOP;
353    output_byte outchan 0; output_byte outchan 0; output_byte outchan 0;
354    Bytesections.record outchan "CODE";
355    (* DLL stuff *)
356    if standalone then begin
357      (* The extra search path for DLLs *)
358      output_stringlist outchan !Clflags.dllpaths;
359      Bytesections.record outchan "DLPT";
360      (* The names of the DLLs *)
361      output_stringlist outchan sharedobjs;
362      Bytesections.record outchan "DLLS"
363    end;
364    (* The names of all primitives *)
365    Symtable.output_primitive_names outchan;
366    Bytesections.record outchan "PRIM";
367    (* The table of global data *)
368    begin try
369      Marshal.to_channel outchan (Symtable.initial_global_table())
370          (if !Clflags.bytecode_compatible_32
371           then [Marshal.Compat_32] else [])
372    with Failure _ ->
373      raise (Error Not_compatible_32)
374    end;
375    Bytesections.record outchan "DATA";
376    (* The map of global identifiers *)
377    Symtable.output_global_map outchan;
378    Bytesections.record outchan "SYMB";
379    (* CRCs for modules *)
380    output_value outchan (extract_crc_interfaces());
381    Bytesections.record outchan "CRCS";
382    (* Debug info *)
383    if !Clflags.debug then begin
384      output_debug_info outchan;
385      Bytesections.record outchan "DBUG"
386    end;
387    (* The table of contents and the trailer *)
388    Bytesections.write_toc_and_trailer outchan;
389    close_out outchan
390  with x ->
391    close_out outchan;
392    remove_file exec_name;
393    raise x
395(* Output a string as a C array of unsigned ints *)
397let output_code_string_counter = ref 0
399let output_code_string outchan code =
400  let pos = ref 0 in
401  let len = Bytes.length code in
402  while !pos < len do
403    let c1 = Char.code(Bytes.get code !pos) in
404    let c2 = Char.code(Bytes.get code (!pos + 1)) in
405    let c3 = Char.code(Bytes.get code (!pos + 2)) in
406    let c4 = Char.code(Bytes.get code (!pos + 3)) in
407    pos := !pos + 4;
408    Printf.fprintf outchan "0x%02x%02x%02x%02x, " c4 c3 c2 c1;
409    incr output_code_string_counter;
410    if !output_code_string_counter >= 6 then begin
411      output_char outchan '\n';
412      output_code_string_counter := 0
413    end
414  done
416(* Output a string as a C string *)
418let output_data_string outchan data =
419  let counter = ref 0 in
420  for i = 0 to String.length data - 1 do
421    Printf.fprintf outchan "%d, " (Char.code(data.[i]));
422    incr counter;
423    if !counter >= 12 then begin
424      output_string outchan "\n";
425      counter := 0
426    end
427  done
429(* Output a debug stub *)
431let output_cds_file outfile =
432  Misc.remove_file outfile;
433  let outchan =
434    open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_trunc; Open_creat; Open_binary]
435      0o777 outfile in
436  try
437    Bytesections.init_record outchan;
438    (* The map of global identifiers *)
439    Symtable.output_global_map outchan;
440    Bytesections.record outchan "SYMB";
441    (* Debug info *)
442    output_debug_info outchan;
443    Bytesections.record outchan "DBUG";
444    (* The table of contents and the trailer *)
445    Bytesections.write_toc_and_trailer outchan;
446    close_out outchan
447  with x ->
448    close_out outchan;
449    remove_file outfile;
450    raise x
452(* Output a bytecode executable as a C file *)
454let link_bytecode_as_c ppf tolink outfile =
455  let outchan = open_out outfile in
456  begin try
457    (* The bytecode *)
458    output_string outchan "\
459#ifdef __cplusplus\
460\nextern \"C\" {\
462\n#include <caml/mlvalues.h>\
463\nCAMLextern void caml_startup_code(\
464\n           code_t code, asize_t code_size,\
465\n           char *data, asize_t data_size,\
466\n           char *section_table, asize_t section_table_size,\
467\n           char **argv);\n";
468    output_string outchan "static int caml_code[] = {\n";
469    Symtable.init();
470    clear_crc_interfaces ();
471    let currpos = ref 0 in
472    let output_fun code =
473      output_code_string outchan code;
474      currpos := !currpos + Bytes.length code
475    and currpos_fun () = !currpos in
476    List.iter (link_file ppf output_fun currpos_fun) tolink;
477    (* The final STOP instruction *)
478    Printf.fprintf outchan "\n0x%x};\n\n" Opcodes.opSTOP;
479    (* The table of global data *)
480    output_string outchan "static char caml_data[] = {\n";
481    output_data_string outchan
482      (Marshal.to_string (Symtable.initial_global_table()) []);
483    output_string outchan "\n};\n\n";
484    (* The sections *)
485    let sections =
486      [ "SYMB", Symtable.data_global_map();
487        "PRIM", Obj.repr(Symtable.data_primitive_names());
488        "CRCS", Obj.repr(extract_crc_interfaces()) ] in
489    output_string outchan "static char caml_sections[] = {\n";
490    output_data_string outchan
491      (Marshal.to_string sections []);
492    output_string outchan "\n};\n\n";
493    (* The table of primitives *)
494    Symtable.output_primitive_table outchan;
495    (* The entry point *)
496    output_string outchan "\
497\nvoid caml_startup(char ** argv)\
499\n  caml_startup_code(caml_code, sizeof(caml_code),\
500\n                    caml_data, sizeof(caml_data),\
501\n                    caml_sections, sizeof(caml_sections),\
502\n                    argv);\
504\nvalue caml_startup_exn(char ** argv)\
506\n  return caml_startup_code_exn(caml_code, sizeof(caml_code),\
507\n                               caml_data, sizeof(caml_data),\
508\n                               caml_sections, sizeof(caml_sections),\
509\n                               argv);\
511\n#ifdef __cplusplus\
514    close_out outchan
515  with x ->
516    close_out outchan;
517    remove_file outfile;
518    raise x
519  end;
520  if !Clflags.debug then
521    output_cds_file ((Filename.chop_extension outfile) ^ ".cds")
523(* Build a custom runtime *)
525let build_custom_runtime prim_name exec_name =
526  let runtime_lib = "-lcamlrun" ^ !Clflags.runtime_variant in
527  Ccomp.call_linker Ccomp.Exe exec_name
528    ([prim_name] @ List.rev !Clflags.ccobjs @ [runtime_lib])
529    (Clflags.std_include_flag "-I" ^ " " ^ Config.bytecomp_c_libraries)
531let append_bytecode_and_cleanup bytecode_name exec_name prim_name =
532  let oc = open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_append; Open_binary] 0 exec_name in
533  let ic = open_in_bin bytecode_name in
534  copy_file ic oc;
535  close_in ic;
536  close_out oc;
537  remove_file bytecode_name;
538  remove_file prim_name
540(* Fix the name of the output file, if the C compiler changes it behind
541   our back. *)
543let fix_exec_name name =
544  match Sys.os_type with
545    "Win32" | "Cygwin" ->
546      if String.contains name '.' then name else name ^ ".exe"
547  | _ -> name
549(* Main entry point (build a custom runtime if needed) *)
551let link ppf objfiles output_name =
552  let objfiles =
553    if !Clflags.nopervasives then objfiles
554    else if !Clflags.output_c_object then "stdlib.cma" :: objfiles
555    else "stdlib.cma" :: (objfiles @ ["std_exit.cmo"]) in
556  let tolink = List.fold_right scan_file objfiles [] in
557  let missing_modules =
558    IdentSet.filter (fun id -> not (Ident.is_predef_exn id)) !missing_globals
559  in
560  begin
561    match IdentSet.elements missing_modules with
562    | [] -> ()
563    | id :: _ -> raise (Error (Required_module_unavailable (Ident.name id)))
564  end;
565  Clflags.ccobjs := !Clflags.ccobjs @ !lib_ccobjs; (* put user's libs last *)
566  Clflags.all_ccopts := !lib_ccopts @ !Clflags.all_ccopts;
567                                                   (* put user's opts first *)
568  Clflags.dllibs := !lib_dllibs @ !Clflags.dllibs; (* put user's DLLs first *)
569  if not !Clflags.custom_runtime then
570    link_bytecode ppf tolink output_name true
571  else if not !Clflags.output_c_object then begin
572    let bytecode_name = Filename.temp_file "camlcode" "" in
573    let prim_name = Filename.temp_file "camlprim" ".c" in
574    try
575      link_bytecode ppf tolink bytecode_name false;
576      let poc = open_out prim_name in
577      output_string poc "\
578        #ifdef __cplusplus\n\
579        extern \"C\" {\n\
580        #endif\n\
581        #ifdef _WIN64\n\
582        #ifdef __MINGW32__\n\
583        typedef long long value;\n\
584        #else\n\
585        typedef __int64 value;\n\
586        #endif\n\
587        #else\n\
588        typedef long value;\n\
589        #endif\n";
590      Symtable.output_primitive_table poc;
591      output_string poc "\
592        #ifdef __cplusplus\n\
593        }\n\
594        #endif\n";
595      close_out poc;
596      let exec_name = fix_exec_name output_name in
597      if not (build_custom_runtime prim_name exec_name)
598      then raise(Error Custom_runtime);
599      if !Clflags.make_runtime
600      then (remove_file bytecode_name; remove_file prim_name)
601      else append_bytecode_and_cleanup bytecode_name exec_name prim_name
602    with x ->
603      remove_file bytecode_name;
604      remove_file prim_name;
605      raise x
606  end else begin
607    let basename = Filename.chop_extension output_name in
608    let c_file =
609      if !Clflags.output_complete_object
610      then Filename.temp_file "camlobj" ".c"
611      else basename ^ ".c"
612    and obj_file =
613      if !Clflags.output_complete_object
614      then Filename.temp_file "camlobj" Config.ext_obj
615      else basename ^ Config.ext_obj
616    in
617    if Sys.file_exists c_file then raise(Error(File_exists c_file));
618    let temps = ref [] in
619    try
620      link_bytecode_as_c ppf tolink c_file;
621      if not (Filename.check_suffix output_name ".c") then begin
622        temps := c_file :: !temps;
623        if Ccomp.compile_file c_file <> 0 then
624          raise(Error Custom_runtime);
625        if not (Filename.check_suffix output_name Config.ext_obj) ||
626           !Clflags.output_complete_object then begin
627          temps := obj_file :: !temps;
628          let mode, c_libs =
629            if Filename.check_suffix output_name Config.ext_obj
630            then Ccomp.Partial, ""
631            else Ccomp.MainDll, Config.bytecomp_c_libraries
632          in
633          if not (
634            let runtime_lib = "-lcamlrun" ^ !Clflags.runtime_variant in
635            Ccomp.call_linker mode output_name
636              ([obj_file] @ List.rev !Clflags.ccobjs @ [runtime_lib])
637              c_libs
638           ) then raise (Error Custom_runtime);
639        end
640      end;
641      List.iter remove_file !temps
642    with x ->
643      List.iter remove_file !temps;
644      raise x
645  end
647(* Error report *)
649open Format
651let report_error ppf = function
652  | File_not_found name ->
653      fprintf ppf "Cannot find file %a" Location.print_filename name
654  | Not_an_object_file name ->
655      fprintf ppf "The file %a is not a bytecode object file"
656        Location.print_filename name
657  | Wrong_object_name name ->
658      fprintf ppf "The output file %s has the wrong name. The extension implies\
659                  \ an object file but the link step was requested" name
660  | Symbol_error(name, err) ->
661      fprintf ppf "Error while linking %a:@ %a" Location.print_filename name
662      Symtable.report_error err
663  | Inconsistent_import(intf, file1, file2) ->
664      fprintf ppf
665        "@[<hov>Files %a@ and %a@ \
666                 make inconsistent assumptions over interface %s@]"
667        Location.print_filename file1
668        Location.print_filename file2
669        intf
670  | Custom_runtime ->
671      fprintf ppf "Error while building custom runtime system"
672  | File_exists file ->
673      fprintf ppf "Cannot overwrite existing file %a"
674        Location.print_filename file
675  | Cannot_open_dll file ->
676      fprintf ppf "Error on dynamically loaded library: %a"
677        Location.print_filename file
678  | Not_compatible_32 ->
679      fprintf ppf "Generated bytecode executable cannot be run\
680                  \ on a 32-bit platform"
681  | Required_module_unavailable s ->
682      fprintf ppf "Required module `%s' is unavailable" s
684let () =
685  Location.register_error_of_exn
686    (function
687      | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
688      | _ -> None
689    )
691let reset () =
692  lib_ccobjs := [];
693  lib_ccopts := [];
694  lib_dllibs := [];
695  missing_globals := IdentSet.empty;
696  Consistbl.clear crc_interfaces;
697  implementations_defined := [];
698  debug_info := [];
699  output_code_string_counter := 0