2(*                                                                        *)
3(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
4(*                                                                        *)
5(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
6(*                                                                        *)
7(*   Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
8(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
9(*                                                                        *)
10(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
11(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
12(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
13(*                                                                        *)
16(* Translation from typed abstract syntax to lambda terms,
17   for the core language *)
19open Misc
20open Asttypes
21open Primitive
22open Types
23open Typedtree
24open Typeopt
25open Lambda
27type error =
28    Illegal_letrec_pat
29  | Illegal_letrec_expr
30  | Free_super_var
31  | Unknown_builtin_primitive of string
32  | Unreachable_reached
34exception Error of Location.t * error
36let use_dup_for_constant_arrays_bigger_than = 4
38(* Forward declaration -- to be filled in by Translmod.transl_module *)
39let transl_module =
40  ref((fun _cc _rootpath _modl -> assert false) :
41      module_coercion -> Path.t option -> module_expr -> lambda)
43let transl_object =
44  ref (fun _id _s _cl -> assert false :
45       Ident.t -> string list -> class_expr -> lambda)
47(* Compile an exception/extension definition *)
49let prim_fresh_oo_id =
50  Pccall (Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_fresh_oo_id" ~arity:1 ~alloc:false)
52let transl_extension_constructor env path ext =
53  let name =
54    match path, !Clflags.for_package with
55      None, _ -> Ident.name ext.ext_id
56    | Some p, None -> Path.name p
57    | Some p, Some pack -> Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" pack (Path.name p)
58  in
59  let loc = ext.ext_loc in
60  match ext.ext_kind with
61    Text_decl _ ->
62      Lprim (Pmakeblock (Obj.object_tag, Immutable, None),
63        [Lconst (Const_base (Const_string (name, None)));
64         Lprim (prim_fresh_oo_id, [Lconst (Const_base (Const_int 0))], loc)],
65        loc)
66  | Text_rebind(path, _lid) ->
67      transl_path ~loc env path
69(* Translation of primitives *)
71let comparisons_table = create_hashtable 11 [
72  "%equal",
73      (Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_equal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true),
74       Pintcomp Ceq,
75       Pfloatcomp Ceq,
76       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_equal" ~arity:2
77                ~alloc:false),
78       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_equal" ~arity:2
79                ~alloc:false),
80       Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Ceq),
81       Pbintcomp(Pint32, Ceq),
82       Pbintcomp(Pint64, Ceq),
83       true);
84  "%notequal",
85      (Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_notequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true),
86       Pintcomp Cneq,
87       Pfloatcomp Cneq,
88       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_notequal" ~arity:2
89                ~alloc:false),
90       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_notequal" ~arity:2
91                ~alloc:false),
92       Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cneq),
93       Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cneq),
94       Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cneq),
95       true);
96  "%lessthan",
97      (Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_lessthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true),
98       Pintcomp Clt,
99       Pfloatcomp Clt,
100       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_lessthan" ~arity:2
101                ~alloc:false),
102       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_lessthan" ~arity:2
103                ~alloc:false),
104       Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Clt),
105       Pbintcomp(Pint32, Clt),
106       Pbintcomp(Pint64, Clt),
107       false);
108  "%greaterthan",
109      (Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_greaterthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true),
110       Pintcomp Cgt,
111       Pfloatcomp Cgt,
112       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_greaterthan" ~arity:2
113                ~alloc: false),
114       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_greaterthan" ~arity:2
115                ~alloc: false),
116       Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cgt),
117       Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cgt),
118       Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cgt),
119       false);
120  "%lessequal",
121      (Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_lessequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true),
122       Pintcomp Cle,
123       Pfloatcomp Cle,
124       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_lessequal" ~arity:2
125                ~alloc:false),
126       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_lessequal" ~arity:2
127                ~alloc:false),
128       Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cle),
129       Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cle),
130       Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cle),
131       false);
132  "%greaterequal",
133      (Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_greaterequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true),
134       Pintcomp Cge,
135       Pfloatcomp Cge,
136       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_greaterequal" ~arity:2
137                ~alloc:false),
138       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_greaterequal" ~arity:2
139                ~alloc:false),
140       Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cge),
141       Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cge),
142       Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cge),
143       false);
144  "%compare",
145      let unboxed_compare name native_repr =
146        Pccall( Primitive.make ~name ~alloc:false
147                  ~native_name:(name^"_unboxed")
148                  ~native_repr_args:[native_repr;native_repr]
149                  ~native_repr_res:Untagged_int
150              ) in
151      (Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_compare" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true),
152       (* Not unboxed since the comparison is done directly on tagged int *)
153       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_int_compare" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false),
154       unboxed_compare "caml_float_compare" Unboxed_float,
155       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_compare" ~arity:2
156                ~alloc:false),
157       Pccall(Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_compare" ~arity:2
158                ~alloc:false),
159       unboxed_compare "caml_nativeint_compare" (Unboxed_integer Pnativeint),
160       unboxed_compare "caml_int32_compare" (Unboxed_integer Pint32),
161       unboxed_compare "caml_int64_compare" (Unboxed_integer Pint64),
162       false)
165let primitives_table = create_hashtable 57 [
166  "%identity", Pidentity;
167  "%bytes_to_string", Pbytes_to_string;
168  "%bytes_of_string", Pbytes_of_string;
169  "%ignore", Pignore;
170  "%revapply", Prevapply;
171  "%apply", Pdirapply;
172  "%loc_LOC", Ploc Loc_LOC;
173  "%loc_FILE", Ploc Loc_FILE;
174  "%loc_LINE", Ploc Loc_LINE;
175  "%loc_POS", Ploc Loc_POS;
176  "%loc_MODULE", Ploc Loc_MODULE;
177  "%field0", Pfield 0;
178  "%field1", Pfield 1;
179  "%setfield0", Psetfield(0, Pointer, Assignment);
180  "%makeblock", Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None);
181  "%makemutable", Pmakeblock(0, Mutable, None);
182  "%raise", Praise Raise_regular;
183  "%reraise", Praise Raise_reraise;
184  "%raise_notrace", Praise Raise_notrace;
185  "%sequand", Psequand;
186  "%sequor", Psequor;
187  "%boolnot", Pnot;
188  "%big_endian", Pctconst Big_endian;
189  "%backend_type", Pctconst Backend_type;
190  "%word_size", Pctconst Word_size;
191  "%int_size", Pctconst Int_size;
192  "%max_wosize", Pctconst Max_wosize;
193  "%ostype_unix", Pctconst Ostype_unix;
194  "%ostype_win32", Pctconst Ostype_win32;
195  "%ostype_cygwin", Pctconst Ostype_cygwin;
196  "%negint", Pnegint;
197  "%succint", Poffsetint 1;
198  "%predint", Poffsetint(-1);
199  "%addint", Paddint;
200  "%subint", Psubint;
201  "%mulint", Pmulint;
202  "%divint", Pdivint Safe;
203  "%modint", Pmodint Safe;
204  "%andint", Pandint;
205  "%orint", Porint;
206  "%xorint", Pxorint;
207  "%lslint", Plslint;
208  "%lsrint", Plsrint;
209  "%asrint", Pasrint;
210  "%eq", Pintcomp Ceq;
211  "%noteq", Pintcomp Cneq;
212  "%ltint", Pintcomp Clt;
213  "%leint", Pintcomp Cle;
214  "%gtint", Pintcomp Cgt;
215  "%geint", Pintcomp Cge;
216  "%incr", Poffsetref(1);
217  "%decr", Poffsetref(-1);
218  "%intoffloat", Pintoffloat;
219  "%floatofint", Pfloatofint;
220  "%negfloat", Pnegfloat;
221  "%absfloat", Pabsfloat;
222  "%addfloat", Paddfloat;
223  "%subfloat", Psubfloat;
224  "%mulfloat", Pmulfloat;
225  "%divfloat", Pdivfloat;
226  "%eqfloat", Pfloatcomp Ceq;
227  "%noteqfloat", Pfloatcomp Cneq;
228  "%ltfloat", Pfloatcomp Clt;
229  "%lefloat", Pfloatcomp Cle;
230  "%gtfloat", Pfloatcomp Cgt;
231  "%gefloat", Pfloatcomp Cge;
232  "%string_length", Pstringlength;
233  "%string_safe_get", Pstringrefs;
234  "%string_safe_set", Pbytessets;
235  "%string_unsafe_get", Pstringrefu;
236  "%string_unsafe_set", Pbytessetu;
237  "%bytes_length", Pbyteslength;
238  "%bytes_safe_get", Pbytesrefs;
239  "%bytes_safe_set", Pbytessets;
240  "%bytes_unsafe_get", Pbytesrefu;
241  "%bytes_unsafe_set", Pbytessetu;
242  "%array_length", Parraylength Pgenarray;
243  "%array_safe_get", Parrayrefs Pgenarray;
244  "%array_safe_set", Parraysets Pgenarray;
245  "%array_unsafe_get", Parrayrefu Pgenarray;
246  "%array_unsafe_set", Parraysetu Pgenarray;
247  "%obj_size", Parraylength Pgenarray;
248  "%obj_field", Parrayrefu Pgenarray;
249  "%obj_set_field", Parraysetu Pgenarray;
250  "%obj_is_int", Pisint;
251  "%lazy_force", Plazyforce;
252  "%nativeint_of_int", Pbintofint Pnativeint;
253  "%nativeint_to_int", Pintofbint Pnativeint;
254  "%nativeint_neg", Pnegbint Pnativeint;
255  "%nativeint_add", Paddbint Pnativeint;
256  "%nativeint_sub", Psubbint Pnativeint;
257  "%nativeint_mul", Pmulbint Pnativeint;
258  "%nativeint_div", Pdivbint { size = Pnativeint; is_safe = Safe };
259  "%nativeint_mod", Pmodbint { size = Pnativeint; is_safe = Safe };
260  "%nativeint_and", Pandbint Pnativeint;
261  "%nativeint_or",  Porbint Pnativeint;
262  "%nativeint_xor", Pxorbint Pnativeint;
263  "%nativeint_lsl", Plslbint Pnativeint;
264  "%nativeint_lsr", Plsrbint Pnativeint;
265  "%nativeint_asr", Pasrbint Pnativeint;
266  "%int32_of_int", Pbintofint Pint32;
267  "%int32_to_int", Pintofbint Pint32;
268  "%int32_neg", Pnegbint Pint32;
269  "%int32_add", Paddbint Pint32;
270  "%int32_sub", Psubbint Pint32;
271  "%int32_mul", Pmulbint Pint32;
272  "%int32_div", Pdivbint { size = Pint32; is_safe = Safe };
273  "%int32_mod", Pmodbint { size = Pint32; is_safe = Safe };
274  "%int32_and", Pandbint Pint32;
275  "%int32_or",  Porbint Pint32;
276  "%int32_xor", Pxorbint Pint32;
277  "%int32_lsl", Plslbint Pint32;
278  "%int32_lsr", Plsrbint Pint32;
279  "%int32_asr", Pasrbint Pint32;
280  "%int64_of_int", Pbintofint Pint64;
281  "%int64_to_int", Pintofbint Pint64;
282  "%int64_neg", Pnegbint Pint64;
283  "%int64_add", Paddbint Pint64;
284  "%int64_sub", Psubbint Pint64;
285  "%int64_mul", Pmulbint Pint64;
286  "%int64_div", Pdivbint { size = Pint64; is_safe = Safe };
287  "%int64_mod", Pmodbint { size = Pint64; is_safe = Safe };
288  "%int64_and", Pandbint Pint64;
289  "%int64_or",  Porbint Pint64;
290  "%int64_xor", Pxorbint Pint64;
291  "%int64_lsl", Plslbint Pint64;
292  "%int64_lsr", Plsrbint Pint64;
293  "%int64_asr", Pasrbint Pint64;
294  "%nativeint_of_int32", Pcvtbint(Pint32, Pnativeint);
295  "%nativeint_to_int32", Pcvtbint(Pnativeint, Pint32);
296  "%int64_of_int32", Pcvtbint(Pint32, Pint64);
297  "%int64_to_int32", Pcvtbint(Pint64, Pint32);
298  "%int64_of_nativeint", Pcvtbint(Pnativeint, Pint64);
299  "%int64_to_nativeint", Pcvtbint(Pint64, Pnativeint);
300  "%caml_ba_ref_1",
301    Pbigarrayref(false, 1, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout);
302  "%caml_ba_ref_2",
303    Pbigarrayref(false, 2, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout);
304  "%caml_ba_ref_3",
305    Pbigarrayref(false, 3, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout);
306  "%caml_ba_set_1",
307    Pbigarrayset(false, 1, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout);
308  "%caml_ba_set_2",
309    Pbigarrayset(false, 2, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout);
310  "%caml_ba_set_3",
311    Pbigarrayset(false, 3, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout);
312  "%caml_ba_unsafe_ref_1",
313    Pbigarrayref(true, 1, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout);
314  "%caml_ba_unsafe_ref_2",
315    Pbigarrayref(true, 2, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout);
316  "%caml_ba_unsafe_ref_3",
317    Pbigarrayref(true, 3, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout);
318  "%caml_ba_unsafe_set_1",
319    Pbigarrayset(true, 1, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout);
320  "%caml_ba_unsafe_set_2",
321    Pbigarrayset(true, 2, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout);
322  "%caml_ba_unsafe_set_3",
323    Pbigarrayset(true, 3, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout);
324  "%caml_ba_dim_1", Pbigarraydim(1);
325  "%caml_ba_dim_2", Pbigarraydim(2);
326  "%caml_ba_dim_3", Pbigarraydim(3);
327  "%caml_string_get16", Pstring_load_16(false);
328  "%caml_string_get16u", Pstring_load_16(true);
329  "%caml_string_get32", Pstring_load_32(false);
330  "%caml_string_get32u", Pstring_load_32(true);
331  "%caml_string_get64", Pstring_load_64(false);
332  "%caml_string_get64u", Pstring_load_64(true);
333  "%caml_string_set16", Pstring_set_16(false);
334  "%caml_string_set16u", Pstring_set_16(true);
335  "%caml_string_set32", Pstring_set_32(false);
336  "%caml_string_set32u", Pstring_set_32(true);
337  "%caml_string_set64", Pstring_set_64(false);
338  "%caml_string_set64u", Pstring_set_64(true);
339  "%caml_bigstring_get16", Pbigstring_load_16(false);
340  "%caml_bigstring_get16u", Pbigstring_load_16(true);
341  "%caml_bigstring_get32", Pbigstring_load_32(false);
342  "%caml_bigstring_get32u", Pbigstring_load_32(true);
343  "%caml_bigstring_get64", Pbigstring_load_64(false);
344  "%caml_bigstring_get64u", Pbigstring_load_64(true);
345  "%caml_bigstring_set16", Pbigstring_set_16(false);
346  "%caml_bigstring_set16u", Pbigstring_set_16(true);
347  "%caml_bigstring_set32", Pbigstring_set_32(false);
348  "%caml_bigstring_set32u", Pbigstring_set_32(true);
349  "%caml_bigstring_set64", Pbigstring_set_64(false);
350  "%caml_bigstring_set64u", Pbigstring_set_64(true);
351  "%bswap16", Pbswap16;
352  "%bswap_int32", Pbbswap(Pint32);
353  "%bswap_int64", Pbbswap(Pint64);
354  "%bswap_native", Pbbswap(Pnativeint);
355  "%int_as_pointer", Pint_as_pointer;
356  "%opaque", Popaque;
359let find_primitive prim_name =
360  Hashtbl.find primitives_table prim_name
362let prim_restore_raw_backtrace =
363  Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_restore_raw_backtrace" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
365let specialize_comparison table env ty =
366  let (gencomp, intcomp, floatcomp, stringcomp, bytescomp,
367           nativeintcomp, int32comp, int64comp, _) = table in
368  match () with
369  | () when is_base_type env ty Predef.path_int
370         || is_base_type env ty Predef.path_char
371         || (maybe_pointer_type env ty = Immediate)   -> intcomp
372  | () when is_base_type env ty Predef.path_float     -> floatcomp
373  | () when is_base_type env ty Predef.path_string    -> stringcomp
374  | () when is_base_type env ty Predef.path_bytes     -> bytescomp
375  | () when is_base_type env ty Predef.path_nativeint -> nativeintcomp
376  | () when is_base_type env ty Predef.path_int32     -> int32comp
377  | () when is_base_type env ty Predef.path_int64     -> int64comp
378  | () -> gencomp
380(* Specialize a primitive from available type information,
381   raise Not_found if primitive is unknown  *)
383let specialize_primitive p env ty ~has_constant_constructor =
384  try
385    let table = Hashtbl.find comparisons_table p.prim_name in
386    let (gencomp, intcomp, _, _, _, _, _, _, simplify_constant_constructor) =
387      table in
388    if has_constant_constructor && simplify_constant_constructor then
389      intcomp
390    else
391      match is_function_type env ty with
392      | Some (lhs,_rhs) -> specialize_comparison table env lhs
393      | None -> gencomp
394  with Not_found ->
395    let p = find_primitive p.prim_name in
396    (* Try strength reduction based on the type of the argument *)
397    let params = match is_function_type env ty with
398      | None -> []
399      | Some (p1, rhs) -> match is_function_type env rhs with
400        | None -> [p1]
401        | Some (p2, _) -> [p1;p2]
402    in
403    match (p, params) with
404      (Psetfield(n, _, init), [_p1; p2]) ->
405        Psetfield(n, maybe_pointer_type env p2, init)
406    | (Parraylength Pgenarray, [p])   -> Parraylength(array_type_kind env p)
407    | (Parrayrefu Pgenarray, p1 :: _) -> Parrayrefu(array_type_kind env p1)
408    | (Parraysetu Pgenarray, p1 :: _) -> Parraysetu(array_type_kind env p1)
409    | (Parrayrefs Pgenarray, p1 :: _) -> Parrayrefs(array_type_kind env p1)
410    | (Parraysets Pgenarray, p1 :: _) -> Parraysets(array_type_kind env p1)
411    | (Pbigarrayref(unsafe, n, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout),
412       p1 :: _) ->
413        let (k, l) = bigarray_type_kind_and_layout env p1 in
414        Pbigarrayref(unsafe, n, k, l)
415    | (Pbigarrayset(unsafe, n, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout),
416       p1 :: _) ->
417        let (k, l) = bigarray_type_kind_and_layout env p1 in
418        Pbigarrayset(unsafe, n, k, l)
419    | (Pmakeblock(tag, mut, None), fields) ->
420        let shape = List.map (Typeopt.value_kind env) fields in
421        Pmakeblock(tag, mut, Some shape)
422    | _ -> p
424(* Eta-expand a primitive *)
426let used_primitives = Hashtbl.create 7
427let add_used_primitive loc env path =
428  match path with
429    Some (Path.Pdot _ as path) ->
430      let path = Env.normalize_path (Some loc) env path in
431      let unit = Path.head path in
432      if Ident.global unit && not (Hashtbl.mem used_primitives path)
433      then Hashtbl.add used_primitives path loc
434  | _ -> ()
436let transl_primitive loc p env ty path =
437  let prim =
438    try specialize_primitive p env ty ~has_constant_constructor:false
439    with Not_found ->
440      add_used_primitive loc env path;
441      Pccall p
442  in
443  match prim with
444  | Plazyforce ->
445      let parm = Ident.create "prim" in
446      Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = [parm];
447                body = Matching.inline_lazy_force (Lvar parm) Location.none;
448                loc = loc;
449                attr = default_stub_attribute }
450  | Ploc kind ->
451    let lam = lam_of_loc kind loc in
452    begin match p.prim_arity with
453      | 0 -> lam
454      | 1 -> (* TODO: we should issue a warning ? *)
455        let param = Ident.create "prim" in
456        Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = [param];
457                  attr = default_stub_attribute;
458                  loc = loc;
459                  body = Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
460                               [lam; Lvar param], loc)}
461      | _ -> assert false
462    end
463  | _ ->
464      let rec make_params n =
465        if n <= 0 then [] else Ident.create "prim" :: make_params (n-1) in
466      let params = make_params p.prim_arity in
467      Lfunction{ kind = Curried; params;
468                 attr = default_stub_attribute;
469                 loc = loc;
470                 body = Lprim(prim, List.map (fun id -> Lvar id) params, loc) }
472let transl_primitive_application loc prim env ty path args =
473  let prim_name = prim.prim_name in
474  try
475    let has_constant_constructor = match args with
476        [_; {exp_desc = Texp_construct(_, {cstr_tag = Cstr_constant _}, _)}]
477      | [{exp_desc = Texp_construct(_, {cstr_tag = Cstr_constant _}, _)}; _]
478      | [_; {exp_desc = Texp_variant(_, None)}]
479      | [{exp_desc = Texp_variant(_, None)}; _] -> true
480      | _ -> false
481    in
482    specialize_primitive prim env ty ~has_constant_constructor
483  with Not_found ->
484    if String.length prim_name > 0 && prim_name.[0] = '%' then
485      raise(Error(loc, Unknown_builtin_primitive prim_name));
486    add_used_primitive loc env path;
487    Pccall prim
490(* To check the well-formedness of r.h.s. of "let rec" definitions *)
492let check_recursive_lambda idlist lam =
493  let rec check_top idlist = function
494    | Lvar v -> not (List.mem v idlist)
495    | Llet _ as lam when check_recursive_recordwith idlist lam ->
496        true
497    | Llet(_str, _k, id, arg, body) ->
498        check idlist arg && check_top (add_let id arg idlist) body
499    | Lletrec(bindings, body) ->
500        let idlist' = add_letrec bindings idlist in
501        List.for_all (fun (_id, arg) -> check idlist' arg) bindings &&
502        check_top idlist' body
503    | Lprim (Pmakearray (Pgenarray, _), _, _) -> false
504    | Lprim (Pmakearray (Pfloatarray, _), args, _) ->
505        List.for_all (check idlist) args
506    | Lsequence (lam1, lam2) -> check idlist lam1 && check_top idlist lam2
507    | Levent (lam, _) -> check_top idlist lam
508    | lam -> check idlist lam
510  and check idlist = function
511    | Lvar _ -> true
512    | Lfunction _ -> true
513    | Llet _ as lam when check_recursive_recordwith idlist lam ->
514        true
515    | Llet(_str, _k, id, arg, body) ->
516        check idlist arg && check (add_let id arg idlist) body
517    | Lletrec(bindings, body) ->
518        let idlist' = add_letrec bindings idlist in
519        List.for_all (fun (_id, arg) -> check idlist' arg) bindings &&
520        check idlist' body
521    | Lprim(Pmakeblock _, args, _) ->
522        List.for_all (check idlist) args
523    | Lprim (Pmakearray (Pfloatarray, _), _, _) -> false
524    | Lprim (Pmakearray _, args, _) ->
525        List.for_all (check idlist) args
526    | Lsequence (lam1, lam2) -> check idlist lam1 && check idlist lam2
527    | Levent (lam, _) -> check idlist lam
528    | lam ->
529        let fv = free_variables lam in
530        not (List.exists (fun id -> IdentSet.mem id fv) idlist)
532  and add_let id arg idlist =
533    let fv = free_variables arg in
534    if List.exists (fun id -> IdentSet.mem id fv) idlist
535    then id :: idlist
536    else idlist
538  and add_letrec bindings idlist =
539    List.fold_right (fun (id, arg) idl -> add_let id arg idl)
540                    bindings idlist
542  (* reverse-engineering the code generated by transl_record case 2 *)
543  (* If you change this, you probably need to change Bytegen.size_of_lambda. *)
544  and check_recursive_recordwith idlist = function
545    | Llet (Strict, _k, id1, Lprim (Pduprecord _, [e1], _), body) ->
546       check_top idlist e1
547       && check_recordwith_updates idlist id1 body
548    | _ -> false
550  and check_recordwith_updates idlist id1 = function
551    | Lsequence (Lprim ((Psetfield _ | Psetfloatfield _), [Lvar id2; e1], _),
552                 cont)
553        -> id2 = id1 && check idlist e1
554           && check_recordwith_updates idlist id1 cont
555    | Lvar id2 -> id2 = id1
556    | _ -> false
558  in check_top idlist lam
560(* To propagate structured constants *)
562exception Not_constant
564let extract_constant = function
565    Lconst sc -> sc
566  | _ -> raise Not_constant
568let extract_float = function
569    Const_base(Const_float f) -> f
570  | _ -> fatal_error "Translcore.extract_float"
572(* Push the default values under the functional abstractions *)
573(* Also push bindings of module patterns, since this sound *)
575type binding =
576  | Bind_value of value_binding list
577  | Bind_module of Ident.t * string loc * module_expr
579let rec push_defaults loc bindings cases partial =
580  match cases with
581    [{c_lhs=pat; c_guard=None;
582      c_rhs={exp_desc = Texp_function { arg_label; param; cases; partial; } }
583        as exp}] ->
584      let cases = push_defaults exp.exp_loc bindings cases partial in
585      [{c_lhs=pat; c_guard=None;
586        c_rhs={exp with exp_desc = Texp_function { arg_label; param; cases;
587          partial; }}}]
588  | [{c_lhs=pat; c_guard=None;
589      c_rhs={exp_attributes=[{txt="#default"},_];
590             exp_desc = Texp_let
591               (Nonrecursive, binds, ({exp_desc = Texp_function _} as e2))}}] ->
592      push_defaults loc (Bind_value binds :: bindings)
593                   [{c_lhs=pat;c_guard=None;c_rhs=e2}]
594                   partial
595  | [{c_lhs=pat; c_guard=None;
596      c_rhs={exp_attributes=[{txt="#modulepat"},_];
597             exp_desc = Texp_letmodule
598               (id, name, mexpr, ({exp_desc = Texp_function _} as e2))}}] ->
599      push_defaults loc (Bind_module (id, name, mexpr) :: bindings)
600                   [{c_lhs=pat;c_guard=None;c_rhs=e2}]
601                   partial
602  | [case] ->
603      let exp =
604        List.fold_left
605          (fun exp binds ->
606            {exp with exp_desc =
607             match binds with
608             | Bind_value binds -> Texp_let(Nonrecursive, binds, exp)
609             | Bind_module (id, name, mexpr) ->
610                 Texp_letmodule (id, name, mexpr, exp)})
611          case.c_rhs bindings
612      in
613      [{case with c_rhs=exp}]
614  | {c_lhs=pat; c_rhs=exp; c_guard=_} :: _ when bindings <> [] ->
615      let param = Typecore.name_pattern "param" cases in
616      let name = Ident.name param in
617      let exp =
618        { exp with exp_loc = loc; exp_desc =
619          Texp_match
620            ({exp with exp_type = pat.pat_type; exp_desc =
621              Texp_ident (Path.Pident param, mknoloc (Longident.Lident name),
622                          {val_type = pat.pat_type; val_kind = Val_reg;
623                           val_attributes = [];
624                           Types.val_loc = Location.none;
625                          })},
626             cases, [], partial) }
627      in
628      push_defaults loc bindings
629        [{c_lhs={pat with pat_desc = Tpat_var (param, mknoloc name)};
630          c_guard=None; c_rhs=exp}]
631        Total
632  | _ ->
633      cases
635(* Insertion of debugging events *)
637let event_before exp lam = match lam with
638| Lstaticraise (_,_) -> lam
639| _ ->
640  if !Clflags.debug && not !Clflags.native_code
641  then Levent(lam, {lev_loc = exp.exp_loc;
642                    lev_kind = Lev_before;
643                    lev_repr = None;
644                    lev_env = Env.summary exp.exp_env})
645  else lam
647let event_after exp lam =
648  if !Clflags.debug && not !Clflags.native_code
649  then Levent(lam, {lev_loc = exp.exp_loc;
650                    lev_kind = Lev_after exp.exp_type;
651                    lev_repr = None;
652                    lev_env = Env.summary exp.exp_env})
653  else lam
655let event_function exp lam =
656  if !Clflags.debug && not !Clflags.native_code then
657    let repr = Some (ref 0) in
658    let (info, body) = lam repr in
659    (info,
660     Levent(body, {lev_loc = exp.exp_loc;
661                   lev_kind = Lev_function;
662                   lev_repr = repr;
663                   lev_env = Env.summary exp.exp_env}))
664  else
665    lam None
667let primitive_is_ccall = function
668  (* Determine if a primitive is a Pccall or will be turned later into
669     a C function call that may raise an exception *)
670  | Pccall _ | Pstringrefs  | Pbytesrefs | Pbytessets | Parrayrefs _ |
671    Parraysets _ | Pbigarrayref _ | Pbigarrayset _ | Pduprecord _ | Pdirapply |
672    Prevapply -> true
673  | _ -> false
675(* Assertions *)
677let assert_failed exp =
678  let (fname, line, char) =
679    Location.get_pos_info exp.exp_loc.Location.loc_start in
680  Lprim(Praise Raise_regular, [event_after exp
681    (Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
682          [transl_normal_path Predef.path_assert_failure;
683           Lconst(Const_block(0,
684              [Const_base(Const_string (fname, None));
685               Const_base(Const_int line);
686               Const_base(Const_int char)]))], exp.exp_loc))], exp.exp_loc)
689let rec cut n l =
690  if n = 0 then ([],l) else
691  match l with [] -> failwith "Translcore.cut"
692  | a::l -> let (l1,l2) = cut (n-1) l in (a::l1,l2)
694(* Translation of expressions *)
696let try_ids = Hashtbl.create 8
698let rec transl_exp e =
699  List.iter (Translattribute.check_attribute e) e.exp_attributes;
700  let eval_once =
701    (* Whether classes for immediate objects must be cached *)
702    match e.exp_desc with
703      Texp_function _ | Texp_for _ | Texp_while _ -> false
704    | _ -> true
705  in
706  if eval_once then transl_exp0 e else
707  Translobj.oo_wrap e.exp_env true transl_exp0 e
709and transl_exp0 e =
710  match e.exp_desc with
711    Texp_ident(path, _, {val_kind = Val_prim p}) ->
712      let public_send = p.prim_name = "%send" in
713      if public_send || p.prim_name = "%sendself" then
714        let kind = if public_send then Public else Self in
715        let obj = Ident.create "obj" and meth = Ident.create "meth" in
716        Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = [obj; meth];
717                  attr = default_stub_attribute;
718                  loc = e.exp_loc;
719                  body = Lsend(kind, Lvar meth, Lvar obj, [], e.exp_loc)}
720      else if p.prim_name = "%sendcache" then
721        let obj = Ident.create "obj" and meth = Ident.create "meth" in
722        let cache = Ident.create "cache" and pos = Ident.create "pos" in
723        Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = [obj; meth; cache; pos];
724                  attr = default_stub_attribute;
725                  loc = e.exp_loc;
726                  body = Lsend(Cached, Lvar meth, Lvar obj,
727                               [Lvar cache; Lvar pos], e.exp_loc)}
728      else
729        transl_primitive e.exp_loc p e.exp_env e.exp_type (Some path)
730  | Texp_ident(_, _, {val_kind = Val_anc _}) ->
731      raise(Error(e.exp_loc, Free_super_var))
732  | Texp_ident(path, _, {val_kind = Val_reg | Val_self _}) ->
733      transl_path ~loc:e.exp_loc e.exp_env path
734  | Texp_ident _ -> fatal_error "Translcore.transl_exp: bad Texp_ident"
735  | Texp_constant cst ->
736      Lconst(Const_base cst)
737  | Texp_let(rec_flag, pat_expr_list, body) ->
738      transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list (event_before body (transl_exp body))
739  | Texp_function { arg_label = _; param; cases; partial; } ->
740      let ((kind, params), body) =
741        event_function e
742          (function repr ->
743            let pl = push_defaults e.exp_loc [] cases partial in
744            transl_function e.exp_loc !Clflags.native_code repr partial
745              param pl)
746      in
747      let attr = {
748        default_function_attribute with
749        inline = Translattribute.get_inline_attribute e.exp_attributes;
750        specialise = Translattribute.get_specialise_attribute e.exp_attributes;
751      }
752      in
753      let loc = e.exp_loc in
754      Lfunction{kind; params; body; attr; loc}
755  | Texp_apply({ exp_desc = Texp_ident(path, _, {val_kind = Val_prim p});
756                exp_type = prim_type } as funct, oargs)
757    when List.length oargs >= p.prim_arity
758    && List.for_all (fun (_, arg) -> arg <> None) oargs ->
759      let args, args' = cut p.prim_arity oargs in
760      let wrap f =
761        if args' = []
762        then event_after e f
763        else
764          let should_be_tailcall, funct =
765            Translattribute.get_tailcall_attribute funct
766          in
767          let inlined, funct =
768            Translattribute.get_and_remove_inlined_attribute funct
769          in
770          let specialised, funct =
771            Translattribute.get_and_remove_specialised_attribute funct
772          in
773          let e = { e with exp_desc = Texp_apply(funct, oargs) } in
774          event_after e
775            (transl_apply ~should_be_tailcall ~inlined ~specialised
776               f args' e.exp_loc)
777      in
778      let wrap0 f =
779        if args' = [] then f else wrap f in
780      let args =
781         List.map (function _, Some x -> x | _ -> assert false) args in
782      let argl = transl_list args in
783      let public_send = p.prim_name = "%send"
784        || not !Clflags.native_code && p.prim_name = "%sendcache"in
785      if public_send || p.prim_name = "%sendself" then
786        let kind = if public_send then Public else Self in
787        let obj = List.hd argl in
788        wrap (Lsend (kind, List.nth argl 1, obj, [], e.exp_loc))
789      else if p.prim_name = "%sendcache" then
790        match argl with [obj; meth; cache; pos] ->
791          wrap (Lsend(Cached, meth, obj, [cache; pos], e.exp_loc))
792        | _ -> assert false
793      else if p.prim_name = "%raise_with_backtrace" then begin
794        let texn1 = List.hd args (* Should not fail by typing *) in
795        let texn2,bt = match argl with
796          | [a;b] -> a,b
797          | _ -> assert false (* idem *)
798        in
799        let vexn = Ident.create "exn" in
800        Llet(Strict, Pgenval, vexn, texn2,
801             event_before e begin
802               Lsequence(
803                 wrap  (Lprim (Pccall prim_restore_raw_backtrace,
804                               [Lvar vexn;bt],
805                               e.exp_loc)),
806                 wrap0 (Lprim(Praise Raise_reraise,
807                              [event_after texn1 (Lvar vexn)],
808                              e.exp_loc))
809               )
810             end
811            )
812      end
813      else begin
814        let prim = transl_primitive_application
815            e.exp_loc p e.exp_env prim_type (Some path) args in
816        match (prim, args) with
817          (Praise k, [arg1]) ->
818            let targ = List.hd argl in
819            let k =
820              match k, targ with
821              | Raise_regular, Lvar id
822                when Hashtbl.mem try_ids id ->
823                  Raise_reraise
824              | _ ->
825                  k
826            in
827            wrap0 (Lprim(Praise k, [event_after arg1 targ], e.exp_loc))
828        | (Ploc kind, []) ->
829          lam_of_loc kind e.exp_loc
830        | (Ploc kind, [arg1]) ->
831          let lam = lam_of_loc kind arg1.exp_loc in
832          Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None), lam :: argl, e.exp_loc)
833        | (Ploc _, _) -> assert false
834        | (_, _) ->
835            begin match (prim, argl) with
836            | (Plazyforce, [a]) ->
837                wrap (Matching.inline_lazy_force a e.exp_loc)
838            | (Plazyforce, _) -> assert false
839            |_ -> let p = Lprim(prim, argl, e.exp_loc) in
840               if primitive_is_ccall prim then wrap p else wrap0 p
841            end
842      end
843  | Texp_apply(funct, oargs) ->
844      let should_be_tailcall, funct =
845        Translattribute.get_tailcall_attribute funct
846      in
847      let inlined, funct =
848        Translattribute.get_and_remove_inlined_attribute funct
849      in
850      let specialised, funct =
851        Translattribute.get_and_remove_specialised_attribute funct
852      in
853      let e = { e with exp_desc = Texp_apply(funct, oargs) } in
854      event_after e
855        (transl_apply ~should_be_tailcall ~inlined ~specialised
856           (transl_exp funct) oargs e.exp_loc)
857  | Texp_match(arg, pat_expr_list, exn_pat_expr_list, partial) ->
858    transl_match e arg pat_expr_list exn_pat_expr_list partial
859  | Texp_try(body, pat_expr_list) ->
860      let id = Typecore.name_pattern "exn" pat_expr_list in
861      Ltrywith(transl_exp body, id,
862               Matching.for_trywith (Lvar id) (transl_cases_try pat_expr_list))
863  | Texp_tuple el ->
864      let ll, shape = transl_list_with_shape el in
865      begin try
866        Lconst(Const_block(0, List.map extract_constant ll))
867      with Not_constant ->
868        Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, Some shape), ll, e.exp_loc)
869      end
870  | Texp_construct(_, cstr, args) ->
871      let ll, shape = transl_list_with_shape args in
872      if cstr.cstr_inlined <> None then begin match ll with
873        | [x] -> x
874        | _ -> assert false
875      end else begin match cstr.cstr_tag with
876        Cstr_constant n ->
877          Lconst(Const_pointer n)
878      | Cstr_unboxed ->
879          (match ll with [v] -> v | _ -> assert false)
880      | Cstr_block n ->
881          begin try
882            Lconst(Const_block(n, List.map extract_constant ll))
883          with Not_constant ->
884            Lprim(Pmakeblock(n, Immutable, Some shape), ll, e.exp_loc)
885          end
886      | Cstr_extension(path, is_const) ->
887          if is_const then
888            transl_path e.exp_env path
889          else
890            Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, Some (Pgenval :: shape)),
891                  transl_path e.exp_env path :: ll, e.exp_loc)
892      end
893  | Texp_extension_constructor (_, path) ->
894      transl_path e.exp_env path
895  | Texp_variant(l, arg) ->
896      let tag = Btype.hash_variant l in
897      begin match arg with
898        None -> Lconst(Const_pointer tag)
899      | Some arg ->
900          let lam = transl_exp arg in
901          try
902            Lconst(Const_block(0, [Const_base(Const_int tag);
903                                   extract_constant lam]))
904          with Not_constant ->
905            Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None),
906                  [Lconst(Const_base(Const_int tag)); lam], e.exp_loc)
907      end
908  | Texp_record {fields; representation; extended_expression} ->
909      transl_record e.exp_loc e.exp_env fields representation
910        extended_expression
911  | Texp_field(arg, _, lbl) ->
912      let targ = transl_exp arg in
913      begin match lbl.lbl_repres with
914          Record_regular | Record_inlined _ ->
915          Lprim (Pfield lbl.lbl_pos, [targ], e.exp_loc)
916        | Record_unboxed _ -> targ
917        | Record_float -> Lprim (Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos, [targ], e.exp_loc)
918        | Record_extension ->
919          Lprim (Pfield (lbl.lbl_pos + 1), [targ], e.exp_loc)
920      end
921  | Texp_setfield(arg, _, lbl, newval) ->
922      let access =
923        match lbl.lbl_repres with
924          Record_regular
925        | Record_inlined _ ->
926          Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer newval, Assignment)
927        | Record_unboxed _ -> assert false
928        | Record_float -> Psetfloatfield (lbl.lbl_pos, Assignment)
929        | Record_extension ->
930          Psetfield (lbl.lbl_pos + 1, maybe_pointer newval, Assignment)
931      in
932      Lprim(access, [transl_exp arg; transl_exp newval], e.exp_loc)
933  | Texp_array expr_list ->
934      let kind = array_kind e in
935      let ll = transl_list expr_list in
936      begin try
937        (* For native code the decision as to which compilation strategy to
938           use is made later.  This enables the Flambda passes to lift certain
939           kinds of array definitions to symbols. *)
940        (* Deactivate constant optimization if array is small enough *)
941        if List.length ll <= use_dup_for_constant_arrays_bigger_than
942        then begin
943          raise Not_constant
944        end;
945        begin match List.map extract_constant ll with
946        | exception Not_constant when kind = Pfloatarray ->
947            (* We cannot currently lift [Pintarray] arrays safely in Flambda
948               because [caml_modify] might be called upon them (e.g. from
949               code operating on polymorphic arrays, or functions such as
950               [caml_array_blit].
951               To avoid having different Lambda code for
952               bytecode/Closure vs.  Flambda, we always generate
953               [Pduparray] here, and deal with it in [Bytegen] (or in
954               the case of Closure, in [Cmmgen], which already has to
955               handle [Pduparray Pmakearray Pfloatarray] in the case
956               where the array turned out to be inconstant).
957               When not [Pfloatarray], the exception propagates to the handler
958               below. *)
959            let imm_array =
960              Lprim (Pmakearray (kind, Immutable), ll, e.exp_loc)
961            in
962            Lprim (Pduparray (kind, Mutable), [imm_array], e.exp_loc)
963        | cl ->
964            let imm_array =
965              match kind with
966              | Paddrarray | Pintarray ->
967                  Lconst(Const_block(0, cl))
968              | Pfloatarray ->
969                  Lconst(Const_float_array(List.map extract_float cl))
970              | Pgenarray ->
971                  raise Not_constant    (* can this really happen? *)
972            in
973            Lprim (Pduparray (kind, Mutable), [imm_array], e.exp_loc)
974        end
975      with Not_constant ->
976        Lprim(Pmakearray (kind, Mutable), ll, e.exp_loc)
977      end
978  | Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, Some ifnot) ->
979      Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond,
980                  event_before ifso (transl_exp ifso),
981                  event_before ifnot (transl_exp ifnot))
982  | Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, None) ->
983      Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond,
984                  event_before ifso (transl_exp ifso),
985                  lambda_unit)
986  | Texp_sequence(expr1, expr2) ->
987      Lsequence(transl_exp expr1, event_before expr2 (transl_exp expr2))
988  | Texp_while(cond, body) ->
989      Lwhile(transl_exp cond, event_before body (transl_exp body))
990  | Texp_for(param, _, low, high, dir, body) ->
991      Lfor(param, transl_exp low, transl_exp high, dir,
992           event_before body (transl_exp body))
993  | Texp_send(_, _, Some exp) -> transl_exp exp
994  | Texp_send(expr, met, None) ->
995      let obj = transl_exp expr in
996      let lam =
997        match met with
998          Tmeth_val id -> Lsend (Self, Lvar id, obj, [], e.exp_loc)
999        | Tmeth_name nm ->
1000            let (tag, cache) = Translobj.meth obj nm in
1001            let kind = if cache = [] then Public else Cached in
1002            Lsend (kind, tag, obj, cache, e.exp_loc)
1003      in
1004      event_after e lam
1005  | Texp_new (cl, {Location.loc=loc}, _) ->
1006      Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
1007             ap_loc=loc;
1008             ap_func=Lprim(Pfield 0, [transl_path ~loc e.exp_env cl], loc);
1009             ap_args=[lambda_unit];
1010             ap_inlined=Default_inline;
1011             ap_specialised=Default_specialise}
1012  | Texp_instvar(path_self, path, _) ->
1013      Lprim(Pfield_computed,
1014            [transl_normal_path path_self; transl_normal_path path], e.exp_loc)
1015  | Texp_setinstvar(path_self, path, _, expr) ->
1016      transl_setinstvar e.exp_loc (transl_normal_path path_self) path expr
1017  | Texp_override(path_self, modifs) ->
1018      let cpy = Ident.create "copy" in
1019      Llet(Strict, Pgenval, cpy,
1020           Lapply{ap_should_be_tailcall=false;
1021                  ap_loc=Location.none;
1022                  ap_func=Translobj.oo_prim "copy";
1023                  ap_args=[transl_normal_path path_self];
1024                  ap_inlined=Default_inline;
1025                  ap_specialised=Default_specialise},
1026           List.fold_right
1027             (fun (path, _, expr) rem ->
1028                Lsequence(transl_setinstvar Location.none
1029                            (Lvar cpy) path expr, rem))
1030             modifs
1031             (Lvar cpy))
1032  | Texp_letmodule(id, _, modl, body) ->
1033      Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id,
1034           !transl_module Tcoerce_none None modl,
1035           transl_exp body)
1036  | Texp_letexception(cd, body) ->
1037      Llet(Strict, Pgenval,
1038           cd.ext_id, transl_extension_constructor e.exp_env None cd,
1039           transl_exp body)
1040  | Texp_pack modl ->
1041      !transl_module Tcoerce_none None modl
1042  | Texp_assert {exp_desc=Texp_construct(_, {cstr_name="false"}, _)} ->
1043      assert_failed e
1044  | Texp_assert (cond) ->
1045      if !Clflags.noassert
1046      then lambda_unit
1047      else Lifthenelse (transl_exp cond, lambda_unit, assert_failed e)
1048  | Texp_lazy e ->
1049      (* when e needs no computation (constants, identifiers, ...), we
1050         optimize the translation just as Lazy.lazy_from_val would
1051         do *)
1052      begin match e.exp_desc with
1053        (* a constant expr of type <> float gets compiled as itself *)
1054      | Texp_constant
1055          ( Const_int _ | Const_char _ | Const_string _
1056          | Const_int32 _ | Const_int64 _ | Const_nativeint _ )
1057      | Texp_function _
1058      | Texp_construct (_, {cstr_arity = 0}, _)
1059        -> transl_exp e
1060      | Texp_constant(Const_float _) ->
1061          (* We don't need to wrap with Popaque: this forward
1062             block will never be shortcutted since it points to a float. *)
1063          Lprim(Pmakeblock(Obj.forward_tag, Immutable, None),
1064                [transl_exp e], e.exp_loc)
1065      | Texp_ident _ ->
1066          (* CR-someday mshinwell: Consider adding a new primitive
1067             that expresses the construction of forward_tag blocks.
1068             We need to use [Popaque] here to prevent unsound
1069             optimisation in Flambda, but the concept of a mutable
1070             block doesn't really match what is going on here.  This
1071             value may subsequently turn into an immediate... *)
1072          if Typeopt.lazy_val_requires_forward e.exp_env e.exp_type
1073          then
1074            Lprim (Popaque,
1075                   [Lprim(Pmakeblock(Obj.forward_tag, Immutable, None),
1076                          [transl_exp e], e.exp_loc)],
1077                   e.exp_loc)
1078          else transl_exp e
1079      (* other cases compile to a lazy block holding a function *)
1080      | _ ->
1081         let fn = Lfunction {kind = Curried; params = [Ident.create "param"];
1082                             attr = default_function_attribute;
1083                             loc = e.exp_loc;
1084                             body = transl_exp e} in
1085          Lprim(Pmakeblock(Config.lazy_tag, Mutable, None), [fn], e.exp_loc)
1086      end
1087  | Texp_object (cs, meths) ->
1088      let cty = cs.cstr_type in
1089      let cl = Ident.create "class" in
1090      !transl_object cl meths
1091        { cl_desc = Tcl_structure cs;
1092          cl_loc = e.exp_loc;
1093          cl_type = Cty_signature cty;
1094          cl_env = e.exp_env;
1095          cl_attributes = [];
1096         }
1097  | Texp_unreachable ->
1098      raise (Error (e.exp_loc, Unreachable_reached))
1100and transl_list expr_list =
1101  List.map transl_exp expr_list
1103and transl_list_with_shape expr_list =
1104  let transl_with_shape e =
1105    let shape = Typeopt.value_kind e.exp_env e.exp_type in
1106    transl_exp e, shape
1107  in
1108  List.split (List.map transl_with_shape expr_list)
1110and transl_guard guard rhs =
1111  let expr = event_before rhs (transl_exp rhs) in
1112  match guard with
1113  | None -> expr
1114  | Some cond ->
1115      event_before cond (Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond, expr, staticfail))
1117and transl_case {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} =
1118  c_lhs, transl_guard c_guard c_rhs
1120and transl_cases cases =
1121  let cases =
1122    List.filter (fun c -> c.c_rhs.exp_desc <> Texp_unreachable) cases in
1123  List.map transl_case cases
1125and transl_case_try {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} =
1126  match c_lhs.pat_desc with
1127  | Tpat_var (id, _)
1128  | Tpat_alias (_, id, _) ->
1129      Hashtbl.replace try_ids id ();
1130      Misc.try_finally
1131        (fun () -> c_lhs, transl_guard c_guard c_rhs)
1132        (fun () -> Hashtbl.remove try_ids id)
1133  | _ ->
1134      c_lhs, transl_guard c_guard c_rhs
1136and transl_cases_try cases =
1137  let cases =
1138    List.filter (fun c -> c.c_rhs.exp_desc <> Texp_unreachable) cases in
1139  List.map transl_case_try cases
1141and transl_tupled_cases patl_expr_list =
1142  let patl_expr_list =
1143    List.filter (fun (_,_,e) -> e.exp_desc <> Texp_unreachable)
1144      patl_expr_list in
1145  List.map (fun (patl, guard, expr) -> (patl, transl_guard guard expr))
1146    patl_expr_list
1148and transl_apply ?(should_be_tailcall=false) ?(inlined = Default_inline)
1149      ?(specialised = Default_specialise) lam sargs loc =
1150  let lapply funct args =
1151    match funct with
1152      Lsend(k, lmet, lobj, largs, loc) ->
1153        Lsend(k, lmet, lobj, largs @ args, loc)
1154    | Levent(Lsend(k, lmet, lobj, largs, loc), _) ->
1155        Lsend(k, lmet, lobj, largs @ args, loc)
1156    | Lapply ap ->
1157        Lapply {ap with ap_args = ap.ap_args @ args; ap_loc = loc}
1158    | lexp ->
1159        Lapply {ap_should_be_tailcall=should_be_tailcall;
1160                ap_loc=loc;
1161                ap_func=lexp;
1162                ap_args=args;
1163                ap_inlined=inlined;
1164                ap_specialised=specialised;}
1165  in
1166  let rec build_apply lam args = function
1167      (None, optional) :: l ->
1168        let defs = ref [] in
1169        let protect name lam =
1170          match lam with
1171            Lvar _ | Lconst _ -> lam
1172          | _ ->
1173              let id = Ident.create name in
1174              defs := (id, lam) :: !defs;
1175              Lvar id
1176        in
1177        let args, args' =
1178          if List.for_all (fun (_,opt) -> opt) args then [], args
1179          else args, [] in
1180        let lam =
1181          if args = [] then lam else lapply lam (List.rev_map fst args) in
1182        let handle = protect "func" lam
1183        and l = List.map (fun (arg, opt) -> may_map (protect "arg") arg, opt) l
1184        and id_arg = Ident.create "param" in
1185        let body =
1186          match build_apply handle ((Lvar id_arg, optional)::args') l with
1187            Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = ids; body = lam; attr; loc} ->
1188              Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = id_arg::ids; body = lam; attr;
1189                        loc}
1190          | Levent(Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = ids;
1191                             body = lam; attr; loc}, _) ->
1192              Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = id_arg::ids; body = lam; attr;
1193                        loc}
1194          | lam ->
1195              Lfunction{kind = Curried; params = [id_arg]; body = lam;
1196                        attr = default_stub_attribute; loc = loc}
1197        in
1198        List.fold_left
1199          (fun body (id, lam) -> Llet(Strict, Pgenval, id, lam, body))
1200          body !defs
1201    | (Some arg, optional) :: l ->
1202        build_apply lam ((arg, optional) :: args) l
1203    | [] ->
1204        lapply lam (List.rev_map fst args)
1205  in
1206  (build_apply lam [] (List.map (fun (l, x) ->
1207                                   may_map transl_exp x, Btype.is_optional l)
1208                                sargs)
1209     : Lambda.lambda)
1211and transl_function loc untuplify_fn repr partial param cases =
1212  match cases with
1213    [{c_lhs=pat; c_guard=None;
1214      c_rhs={exp_desc = Texp_function { arg_label = _; param = param'; cases;
1215        partial = partial'; }} as exp}]
1216    when Parmatch.fluid pat ->
1217      let ((_, params), body) =
1218        transl_function exp.exp_loc false repr partial' param' cases in
1219      ((Curried, param :: params),
1220       Matching.for_function loc None (Lvar param) [pat, body] partial)
1221  | {c_lhs={pat_desc = Tpat_tuple pl}} :: _ when untuplify_fn ->
1222      begin try
1223        let size = List.length pl in
1224        let pats_expr_list =
1225          List.map
1226            (fun {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} ->
1227              (Matching.flatten_pattern size c_lhs, c_guard, c_rhs))
1228            cases in
1229        let params = List.map (fun _ -> Ident.create "param") pl in
1230        ((Tupled, params),
1231         Matching.for_tupled_function loc params
1232           (transl_tupled_cases pats_expr_list) partial)
1233      with Matching.Cannot_flatten ->
1234        ((Curried, [param]),
1235         Matching.for_function loc repr (Lvar param)
1236           (transl_cases cases) partial)
1237      end
1238  | _ ->
1239      ((Curried, [param]),
1240       Matching.for_function loc repr (Lvar param)
1241         (transl_cases cases) partial)
1243and transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list body =
1244  match rec_flag with
1245    Nonrecursive ->
1246      let rec transl = function
1247        [] ->
1248          body
1249      | {vb_pat=pat; vb_expr=expr; vb_attributes=attr; vb_loc} :: rem ->
1250          let lam = transl_exp expr in
1251          let lam =
1252            Translattribute.add_inline_attribute lam vb_loc attr
1253          in
1254          let lam =
1255            Translattribute.add_specialise_attribute lam vb_loc attr
1256          in
1257          Matching.for_let pat.pat_loc lam pat (transl rem)
1258      in transl pat_expr_list
1259  | Recursive ->
1260      let idlist =
1261        List.map
1262          (fun {vb_pat=pat} -> match pat.pat_desc with
1263              Tpat_var (id,_) -> id
1264            | Tpat_alias ({pat_desc=Tpat_any}, id,_) -> id
1265            | _ -> raise(Error(pat.pat_loc, Illegal_letrec_pat)))
1266        pat_expr_list in
1267      let transl_case {vb_expr=expr; vb_attributes; vb_loc} id =
1268        let lam = transl_exp expr in
1269        let lam =
1270          Translattribute.add_inline_attribute lam vb_loc
1271            vb_attributes
1272        in
1273        let lam =
1274          Translattribute.add_specialise_attribute lam vb_loc
1275            vb_attributes
1276        in
1277        if not (check_recursive_lambda idlist lam) then
1278          raise(Error(expr.exp_loc, Illegal_letrec_expr));
1279        (id, lam) in
1280      Lletrec(List.map2 transl_case pat_expr_list idlist, body)
1282and transl_setinstvar loc self var expr =
1283  Lprim(Psetfield_computed (maybe_pointer expr, Assignment),
1284    [self; transl_normal_path var; transl_exp expr], loc)
1286and transl_record loc env fields repres opt_init_expr =
1287  let size = Array.length fields in
1288  (* Determine if there are "enough" fields (only relevant if this is a
1289     functional-style record update *)
1290  let no_init = match opt_init_expr with None -> true | _ -> false in
1291  if no_init || size < Config.max_young_wosize
1292  then begin
1293    (* Allocate new record with given fields (and remaining fields
1294       taken from init_expr if any *)
1295    let init_id = Ident.create "init" in
1296    let lv =
1297      Array.mapi
1298        (fun i (_, definition) ->
1299           match definition with
1300           | Kept typ ->
1301               let field_kind = value_kind env typ in
1302               let access =
1303                 match repres with
1304                   Record_regular | Record_inlined _ -> Pfield i
1305                 | Record_unboxed _ -> assert false
1306                 | Record_extension -> Pfield (i + 1)
1307                 | Record_float -> Pfloatfield i in
1308               Lprim(access, [Lvar init_id], loc), field_kind
1309           | Overridden (_lid, expr) ->
1310               let field_kind = value_kind expr.exp_env expr.exp_type in
1311               transl_exp expr, field_kind)
1312        fields
1313    in
1314    let ll, shape = List.split (Array.to_list lv) in
1315    let mut =
1316      if Array.exists (fun (lbl, _) -> lbl.lbl_mut = Mutable) fields
1317      then Mutable
1318      else Immutable in
1319    let lam =
1320      try
1321        if mut = Mutable then raise Not_constant;
1322        let cl = List.map extract_constant ll in
1323        match repres with
1324        | Record_regular -> Lconst(Const_block(0, cl))
1325        | Record_inlined tag -> Lconst(Const_block(tag, cl))
1326        | Record_unboxed _ -> Lconst(match cl with [v] -> v | _ -> assert false)
1327        | Record_float ->
1328            Lconst(Const_float_array(List.map extract_float cl))
1329        | Record_extension ->
1330            raise Not_constant
1331      with Not_constant ->
1332        match repres with
1333          Record_regular ->
1334            Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, mut, Some shape), ll, loc)
1335        | Record_inlined tag ->
1336            Lprim(Pmakeblock(tag, mut, Some shape), ll, loc)
1337        | Record_unboxed _ -> (match ll with [v] -> v | _ -> assert false)
1338        | Record_float ->
1339            Lprim(Pmakearray (Pfloatarray, mut), ll, loc)
1340        | Record_extension ->
1341            let path =
1342              let (label, _) = fields.(0) in
1343              match label.lbl_res.desc with
1344              | Tconstr(p, _, _) -> p
1345              | _ -> assert false
1346            in
1347            let slot = transl_path env path in
1348            Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, mut, Some (Pgenval :: shape)), slot :: ll, loc)
1349    in
1350    begin match opt_init_expr with
1351      None -> lam
1352    | Some init_expr -> Llet(Strict, Pgenval, init_id,
1353                             transl_exp init_expr, lam)
1354    end
1355  end else begin
1356    (* Take a shallow copy of the init record, then mutate the fields
1357       of the copy *)
1358    (* If you change anything here, you will likely have to change
1359       [check_recursive_recordwith] in this file. *)
1360    let copy_id = Ident.create "newrecord" in
1361    let update_field cont (lbl, definition) =
1362      match definition with
1363      | Kept _type -> cont
1364      | Overridden (_lid, expr) ->
1365          let upd =
1366            match repres with
1367              Record_regular
1368            | Record_inlined _ ->
1369                Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer expr, Assignment)
1370            | Record_unboxed _ -> assert false
1371            | Record_float -> Psetfloatfield (lbl.lbl_pos, Assignment)
1372            | Record_extension ->
1373                Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos + 1, maybe_pointer expr, Assignment)
1374          in
1375          Lsequence(Lprim(upd, [Lvar copy_id; transl_exp expr], loc), cont)
1376    in
1377    begin match opt_init_expr with
1378      None -> assert false
1379    | Some init_expr ->
1380        Llet(Strict, Pgenval, copy_id,
1381             Lprim(Pduprecord (repres, size), [transl_exp init_expr], loc),
1382             Array.fold_left update_field (Lvar copy_id) fields)
1383    end
1384  end
1386and transl_match e arg pat_expr_list exn_pat_expr_list partial =
1387  let id = Typecore.name_pattern "exn" exn_pat_expr_list
1388  and cases = transl_cases pat_expr_list
1389  and exn_cases = transl_cases_try exn_pat_expr_list in
1390  let static_catch body val_ids handler =
1391    let static_exception_id = next_negative_raise_count () in
1392    Lstaticcatch
1393      (Ltrywith (Lstaticraise (static_exception_id, body), id,
1394                 Matching.for_trywith (Lvar id) exn_cases),
1395       (static_exception_id, val_ids),
1396       handler)
1397  in
1398  match arg, exn_cases with
1399  | {exp_desc = Texp_tuple argl}, [] ->
1400    Matching.for_multiple_match e.exp_loc (transl_list argl) cases partial
1401  | {exp_desc = Texp_tuple argl}, _ :: _ ->
1402    let val_ids = List.map (fun _ -> Typecore.name_pattern "val" []) argl in
1403    let lvars = List.map (fun id -> Lvar id) val_ids in
1404    static_catch (transl_list argl) val_ids
1405      (Matching.for_multiple_match e.exp_loc lvars cases partial)
1406  | arg, [] ->
1407    Matching.for_function e.exp_loc None (transl_exp arg) cases partial
1408  | arg, _ :: _ ->
1409    let val_id = Typecore.name_pattern "val" pat_expr_list in
1410    static_catch [transl_exp arg] [val_id]
1411      (Matching.for_function e.exp_loc None (Lvar val_id) cases partial)
1414(* Wrapper for class compilation *)
1417let transl_exp = transl_exp_wrap
1419let transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list body =
1420  match pat_expr_list with
1421    [] -> body
1422  | (_, expr) :: _ ->
1423      Translobj.oo_wrap expr.exp_env false
1424        (transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list) body
1427(* Error report *)
1429open Format
1431let report_error ppf = function
1432  | Illegal_letrec_pat ->
1433      fprintf ppf
1434        "Only variables are allowed as left-hand side of `let rec'"
1435  | Illegal_letrec_expr ->
1436      fprintf ppf
1437        "This kind of expression is not allowed as right-hand side of `let rec'"
1438  | Free_super_var ->
1439      fprintf ppf
1440        "Ancestor names can only be used to select inherited methods"
1441  | Unknown_builtin_primitive prim_name ->
1442      fprintf ppf "Unknown builtin primitive \"%s\"" prim_name
1443  | Unreachable_reached ->
1444      fprintf ppf "Unreachable expression was reached"
1446let () =
1447  Location.register_error_of_exn
1448    (function
1449      | Error (loc, err) ->
1450          Some (Location.error_of_printer loc report_error err)
1451      | _ ->
1452        None
1453    )