1 /*    utfebcdic.h
2  *
3  *    Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009,
4  *    2010, 2011 by Larry Wall, Nick Ing-Simmons, and others
5  *
6  *    You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
7  *    License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
8  *
9  * Macros to implement UTF-EBCDIC as perl's internal encoding
10  * Adapted from version 7.1 of Unicode Technical Report #16:
11  *  http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr16
12  *
13  * To summarize, the way it works is:
14  * To convert an EBCDIC code point to UTF-EBCDIC:
15  *  1)	convert to Unicode.  No conversion is necesary for code points above
16  *      255, as Unicode and EBCDIC are identical in this range.  For smaller
17  *      code points, the conversion is done by lookup in the PL_e2a table (with
18  *      inverse PL_a2e) in the generated file 'ebcdic_tables.h'.  The 'a'
19  *      stands for ASCII platform, meaning 0-255 Unicode.
20  *  2)	convert that to a utf8-like string called I8 ('I' stands for
21  *	intermediate) with variant characters occupying multiple bytes.  This
22  *	step is similar to the utf8-creating step from Unicode, but the details
23  *	are different.  This transformation is called UTF8-Mod.  There is a
24  *	chart about the bit patterns in a comment later in this file.  But
25  *	essentially here are the differences:
26  *			    UTF8		I8
27  *	invariant byte	    starts with 0	starts with 0 or 100
28  *	continuation byte   starts with 10	starts with 101
29  *	start byte	    same in both: if the code point requires N bytes,
30  *			    then the leading N bits are 1, followed by a 0.  If
31  *			    all 8 bits in the first byte are 1, the code point
32  *			    will occupy 14 bytes (compared to 13 in Perl's
33  *			    extended UTF-8).  This is incompatible with what
34  *			    tr16 implies should be the representation of code
35  *			    points 2**30 and above, but allows Perl to be able
36  *			    to represent all code points that fit in a 64-bit
37  *			    word in either our extended UTF-EBCDIC or UTF-8.
38  *  3)	Use the algorithm in tr16 to convert each byte from step 2 into
39  *	final UTF-EBCDIC.  This is done by table lookup from a table
40  *	constructed from the algorithm, reproduced in ebcdic_tables.h as
41  *	PL_utf2e, with its inverse being PL_e2utf.  They are constructed so that
42  *	all EBCDIC invariants remain invariant, but no others do, and the first
43  *	byte of a variant will always have its upper bit set.  But note that
44  *	the upper bit of some invariants is also 1.  The table also is designed
45  *	so that lexically comparing two UTF-EBCDIC-variant characters yields
46  *	the Unicode code point order.  (To get native code point order, one has
47  *	to convert the latin1-range characters to their native code point
48  *	value.)
49  *
50  *  For example, the ordinal value of 'A' is 193 in EBCDIC, and also is 193 in
51  *  UTF-EBCDIC.  Step 1) converts it to 65, Step 2 leaves it at 65, and Step 3
52  *  converts it back to 193.  As an example of how a variant character works,
53  *  take LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS, which is typically 0xDF in
54  *  EBCDIC.  Step 1 converts it to the Unicode value, 0xFF.  Step 2 converts
55  *  that to two bytes = 11000111 10111111 = C7 BF, and Step 3 converts those to
56  *  0x8B 0x73.
57  *
58  * If you're starting from Unicode, skip step 1.  For UTF-EBCDIC to straight
59  * EBCDIC, reverse the steps.
60  *
61  * The EBCDIC invariants have been chosen to be those characters whose Unicode
62  * equivalents have ordinal numbers less than 160, that is the same characters
63  * that are expressible in ASCII, plus the C1 controls.  So there are 160
64  * invariants instead of the 128 in UTF-8.
65  *
66  * The purpose of Step 3 is to make the encoding be invariant for the chosen
67  * characters.  This messes up the convenient patterns found in step 2, so
68  * generally, one has to undo step 3 into a temporary to use them.  However,
69  * one "shadow", or parallel table, PL_utf8skip, has been constructed that
70  * doesn't require undoing things.  It is such that for each byte, it says
71  * how long the sequence is if that (UTF-EBCDIC) byte were to begin it
72  *
73  * There are actually 3 slightly different UTF-EBCDIC encodings in
74  * ebcdic_tables.h, one for each of the code pages recognized by Perl.  That
75  * means that there are actually three different sets of tables, one for each
76  * code page.  (If Perl is compiled on platforms using another EBCDIC code
77  * page, it may not compile, or Perl may silently mistake it for one of the
78  * three.)
79  *
80  * Note that tr16 actually only specifies one version of UTF-EBCDIC, based on
81  * the 1047 encoding, and which is supposed to be used for all code pages.
82  * But this doesn't work.  To illustrate the problem, consider the '^' character.
83  * On a 037 code page it is the single byte 176, whereas under 1047 UTF-EBCDIC
84  * it is the single byte 95.  If Perl implemented tr16 exactly, it would mean
85  * that changing a string containing '^' to UTF-EBCDIC would change that '^'
86  * from 176 to 95 (and vice-versa), violating the rule that ASCII-range
87  * characters are the same in UTF-8 or not.  Much code in Perl assumes this
88  * rule.  See for example
89  * http://grokbase.com/t/perl/mvs/025xf0yhmn/utf-ebcdic-for-posix-bc-malformed-utf-8-character
90  * What Perl does is create a version of UTF-EBCDIC suited to each code page;
91  * the one for the 1047 code page is identical to what's specified in tr16.
92  * This complicates interchanging files between computers using different code
93  * pages.  Best is to convert to I8 before sending them, as the I8
94  * representation is the same no matter what the underlying code page is.
95  *
96  * Because of the way UTF-EBCDIC is constructed, the lowest 32 code points that
97  * aren't equivalent to ASCII characters nor C1 controls form the set of
98  * continuation bytes; the remaining 64 non-ASCII, non-control code points form
99  * the potential start bytes, in order.  (However, the first 5 of these lead to
100  * malformed overlongs, so there really are only 59 start bytes, and the first
101  * three of the 59 are the start bytes for the Latin1 range.)  Hence the
102  * UTF-EBCDIC for the smallest variant code point, 0x160, will have likely 0x41
103  * as its continuation byte, provided 0x41 isn't an ASCII or C1 equivalent.
104  * And its start byte will be the code point that is 37 (32+5) non-ASCII,
105  * non-control code points past it.  (0 - 3F are controls, and 40 is SPACE,
106  * leaving 41 as the first potentially available one.)  In contrast, on ASCII
107  * platforms, the first 64 (not 32) non-ASCII code points are the continuation
108  * bytes.  And the first 2 (not 5) potential start bytes form overlong
109  * malformed sequences.
110  *
111  * EBCDIC characters above 0xFF are the same as Unicode in Perl's
112  * implementation of all 3 encodings, so for those Step 1 is trivial.
113  *
114  * (Note that the entries for invariant characters are necessarily the same in
115  * PL_e2a and PL_e2utf; likewise for their inverses.)
116  *
117  * UTF-EBCDIC strings are the same length or longer than UTF-8 representations
118  * of the same string.  The maximum code point representable as 2 bytes in
119  * UTF-EBCDIC is 0x3FFF, instead of 0x7FFF in UTF-8.
120  */
124 #include "ebcdic_tables.h"
128 /* EBCDIC-happy ways of converting native code to UTF-8 */
130 /* Use these when ch is known to be < 256 */
131 #define NATIVE_TO_LATIN1(ch)            (__ASSERT_(FITS_IN_8_BITS(ch)) PL_e2a[(U8)(ch)])
132 #define LATIN1_TO_NATIVE(ch)            (__ASSERT_(FITS_IN_8_BITS(ch)) PL_a2e[(U8)(ch)])
134 /* Use these on bytes */
135 #define NATIVE_UTF8_TO_I8(b)           (__ASSERT_(FITS_IN_8_BITS(b)) PL_e2utf[(U8)(b)])
136 #define I8_TO_NATIVE_UTF8(b)           (__ASSERT_(FITS_IN_8_BITS(b)) PL_utf2e[(U8)(b)])
138 /* Transforms in wide UV chars */
139 #define NATIVE_TO_UNI(ch)    (FITS_IN_8_BITS(ch) ? NATIVE_TO_LATIN1(ch) : (UV) (ch))
140 #define UNI_TO_NATIVE(ch)    (FITS_IN_8_BITS(ch) ? LATIN1_TO_NATIVE(ch) : (UV) (ch))
142 /* How wide can a single UTF-8 encoded character become in bytes. */
143 /* NOTE: Strictly speaking Perl's UTF-8 should not be called UTF-8 since UTF-8
144  * is an encoding of Unicode, and Unicode's upper limit, 0x10FFFF, can be
145  * expressed with 5 bytes.  However, Perl thinks of UTF-8 as a way to encode
146  * non-negative integers in a binary format, even those above Unicode.  14 is
147  * the smallest number that covers 2**64
148  *
149  * WARNING: This number must be in sync with the value in
150  * regen/charset_translations.pl. */
151 #define UTF8_MAXBYTES 14
153 /*
154   The following table is adapted from tr16, it shows the I8 encoding of Unicode code points.
156         Unicode                         U32 Bit pattern 1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte 4th Byte 5th Byte 6th Byte 7th Byte
157     U+0000..U+007F                     000000000xxxxxxx 0xxxxxxx
158     U+0080..U+009F                     00000000100xxxxx 100xxxxx
159     U+00A0..U+03FF                     000000yyyyyxxxxx 110yyyyy 101xxxxx
160     U+0400..U+3FFF                     00zzzzyyyyyxxxxx 1110zzzz 101yyyyy 101xxxxx
161     U+4000..U+3FFFF                 0wwwzzzzzyyyyyxxxxx 11110www 101zzzzz 101yyyyy 101xxxxx
162    U+40000..U+3FFFFF            0vvwwwwwzzzzzyyyyyxxxxx 111110vv 101wwwww 101zzzzz 101yyyyy 101xxxxx
163   U+400000..U+3FFFFFF       0uvvvvvwwwwwzzzzzyyyyyxxxxx 1111110u 101vvvvv 101wwwww 101zzzzz 101yyyyy 101xxxxx
164  U+4000000..U+3FFFFFFF 00uuuuuvvvvvwwwwwzzzzzyyyyyxxxxx 11111110 101uuuuu 101vvvvv 101wwwww 101zzzzz 101yyyyy 101xxxxx
166 Beyond this, Perl uses an incompatible extension, similar to the one used in
167 regular UTF-8.  There are now 14 bytes.  A full 32 bits of information thus looks like this:
168                                                         1st Byte  2nd-7th 8th Byte 9th Byte 10th B   11th B   12th B   13th B   14th B
169 U+40000000..U+FFFFFFFF ttuuuuuvvvvvwwwwwzzzzzyyyyyxxxxx 11111111 10100000 101000tt 101uuuuu 101vvvvv 101wwwww 101zzzzz 101yyyyy 101xxxxx
171 For 32-bit words, the 2nd through 7th bytes effectively function as leading
172 zeros.  Above 32 bits, these fill up, with each byte yielding 5 bits of
173 information, so that with 13 continuation bytes, we can handle 65 bits, just
174 above what a 64 bit word can hold
176  The following table gives the I8:
178    I8 Code Points      1st Byte  2nd Byte  3rd     4th     5th     6th     7th       8th  9th-14th
180    0x0000..0x009F       00..9F
181    0x00A0..0x00FF     * C5..C7    A0..BF
182    U+0100..U+03FF       C8..DF    A0..BF
183    U+0400..U+3FFF     * E1..EF    A0..BF  A0..BF
184    U+4000..U+7FFF       F0      * B0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF
185    U+8000..U+D7FF       F1        A0..B5  A0..BF  A0..BF
186    U+D800..U+DFFF       F1        B6..B7  A0..BF  A0..BF (surrogates)
187    U+E000..U+FFFF       F1        B8..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF
188   U+10000..U+3FFFF	F2..F7    A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF
189   U+40000..U+FFFFF	F8      * A8..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF
190  U+100000..U+10FFFF	F9        A0..A1  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF
191     Below are above-Unicode code points
192  U+110000..U+1FFFFF	F9        A2..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF
193  U+200000..U+3FFFFF	FA..FB    A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF
194  U+400000..U+1FFFFFF	FC      * A4..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF
195 U+2000000..U+3FFFFFF	FD        A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF
196 U+4000000..U+3FFFFFFF   FE      * A2..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF
197 U+40000000..            FF        A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  A0..BF  * A1..BF  A0..BF
199 Note the gaps before several of the byte entries above marked by '*'.  These are
200 caused by legal UTF-8 avoiding non-shortest encodings: it is technically
201 possible to UTF-8-encode a single code point in different ways, but that is
202 explicitly forbidden, and the shortest possible encoding should always be used
203 (and that is what Perl does). */
205 /* It turns out that just this one number is sufficient to derive all the basic
206  * macros for UTF-8 and UTF-EBCDIC.  Everything follows from the fact that
207  * there are 6 bits of real information in a UTF-8 continuation byte vs. 5 bits
208  * in a UTF-EBCDIC one. */
212 /* Also needed is how perl handles a start byte of 8 one bits.  The decision
213  * was made to just append the minimal number of bytes after that so that code
214  * points up to 64 bits wide could be represented.  In UTF-8, that was an extra
215  * 5 bytes, and in UTF-EBCDIC it's 6.  The result is in UTF8_MAXBYTES defined
216  * above.  This implementation has the advantage that you have everything you
217  * need in the first byte.  Other ways of extending UTF-8 have been devised,
218  * some to arbitrarily high code points.  But they require looking at the next
219  * byte(s) when the first one is 8 one bits. */
221 /* These others are for efficiency or for other decisions we've made */
223 #define isUTF8_POSSIBLY_PROBLEMATIC(c)                                          \
224                 _generic_isCC(c, _CC_UTF8_START_BYTE_IS_FOR_AT_LEAST_SURROGATE)
226 /* ^? is defined to be APC on EBCDIC systems.  See the definition of toCTRL()
227  * for more */
230 #define UNICODE_IS_PERL_EXTENDED(uv)    UNLIKELY((UV) (uv) > 0x3FFFFFFF)
232 /* Helper macros for isUTF8_CHAR_foo, so use those instead of this.  These were
233  * generated by regen/regcharclass.pl, and then moved here.  Then they were
234  * hand-edited to add some LIKELY() calls, presuming that malformations are
235  * unlikely.  The lines that generated it were then commented out.  This was
236  * done because it takes on the order of 10 minutes to generate, and is never
237  * going to change, unless the generated code is improved, and figuring out the
238  * LIKELYs there would be hard.
239  *
240  */
242 #if '^' == 95 /* CP 1047 */
243 /*      UTF8_CHAR: Matches legal UTF-EBCDIC variant code points up through 0x1FFFFFF
245 	0xA0 - 0x1FFFFF
246 */
248 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
249 #define is_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks(s)                               \
250 ( ( 0x80 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || ( 0x8A <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0x90 ) || ( 0x9A <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xA0 ) || ( 0xAA <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xAC ) || ( 0xAE <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xB6 ) ) ?\
251     ( LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ? 2 : 0 )\
252 : ( ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFC ) == 0xB8 ) || ((const U8*)s)[0] == 0xBC || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFE ) == 0xBE ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xEE ) == 0xCA ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFC ) == 0xCC ) ) ?\
253     ( LIKELY( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 3 : 0 )\
254 : ( 0xDC == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                                 \
255     ( LIKELY( ( ( ( 0x57 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
256 : ( ( 0xDD <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xDF ) || 0xE1 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || ( 0xEA <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xEC ) ) ?\
257     ( LIKELY( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
258 : ( 0xED == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                                 \
259     ( LIKELY( ( ( ( ( 0x49 == ((const U8*)s)[1] || 0x4A == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[4] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
260 : ( ( ( ( ( 0xEE == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) && LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[4] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 5 : 0 )
262 /*      UTF8_CHAR_STRICT: Matches legal Unicode UTF-8 variant code points, no
263                           surrrogates nor non-character code points */
264 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
265 #define is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part0(s)                  \
266 ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) ?\
267 	( LIKELY( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
268     : ( 0x73 == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) ?                                             \
269 	( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ?\
270 	    ( LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ? 4 : 0 )\
271 	: LIKELY( ( 0x73 == ((const U8*)s)[2] ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFE ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
272     : 0 )
275 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
276 #define is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part1(s)                  \
277 ( ( 0xED == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                                 \
278     ( ( ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xEF ) == 0x49 ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xF9 ) == 0x51 ) || ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x63 || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFD ) == 0x65 ) || ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x69 || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFD ) == 0x70 ) ) ?\
279 	( LIKELY( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[4] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
280     : ( ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x4A || ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x52 || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFD ) == 0x54 ) || ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x58 || ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x62 || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFD ) == 0x64 ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFD ) == 0x68 ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFD ) == 0x71 ) ) ?\
281 	( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ?\
282 	    ( LIKELY( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[4] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
283 	: ( 0x73 == ((const U8*)s)[2] ) ?                                         \
284 	    ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ?\
285 		( LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[4] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ? 5 : 0 )\
286 	    : LIKELY( ( 0x73 == ((const U8*)s)[3] ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[4] & 0xFE ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
287 	: 0 )                                                               \
288     : 0 )                                                                   \
289 : ( 0xEE == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                                 \
290     ( ( 0x41 == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) ?                                             \
291 	( LIKELY( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[4] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
292     : ( 0x42 == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) ?                                             \
293 	( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ?\
294 	    ( LIKELY( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[4] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
295 	: ( 0x73 == ((const U8*)s)[2] ) ?                                         \
296 	    ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ?\
297 		( LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[4] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ? 5 : 0 )\
298 	    : LIKELY( ( 0x73 == ((const U8*)s)[3] ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[4] & 0xFE ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
299 	: 0 )                                                               \
300     : 0 )                                                                   \
301 : 0 )
304 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
305 #define is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks(s)                        \
306 ( ( 0x80 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || ( 0x8A <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0x90 ) || ( 0x9A <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xA0 ) || ( 0xAA <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xAC ) || ( 0xAE <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xB6 ) ) ?\
307     ( LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ? 2 : 0 )\
308 : ( ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFC ) == 0xB8 ) || ((const U8*)s)[0] == 0xBC || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFE ) == 0xBE ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xEE ) == 0xCA ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFC ) == 0xCC ) ) ?\
309     ( LIKELY( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 3 : 0 )\
310 : ( 0xDC == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                                 \
311     ( LIKELY( ( ( ( 0x57 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
312 : ( 0xDD == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                                 \
313     ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x64 ) || ( 0x67 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) ?\
314 	( LIKELY( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
315     : ( 0x73 == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) ?                                             \
316 	( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x54 ) || ( 0x57 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ?\
317 	    ( LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ? 4 : 0 )\
318 	: ( 0x55 == ((const U8*)s)[2] ) ?                                         \
319 	    ( LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x56 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
320 	: ( 0x56 == ((const U8*)s)[2] ) ?                                         \
321 	    ( LIKELY( ( 0x57 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ? 4 : 0 )\
322 	: LIKELY( ( 0x73 == ((const U8*)s)[2] ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFE ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
323     : 0 )                                                                   \
324 : ( 0xDE == ((const U8*)s)[0] || 0xE1 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || 0xEB == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?   \
325     ( LIKELY( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
326 : ( 0xDF == ((const U8*)s)[0] || 0xEA == ((const U8*)s)[0] || 0xEC == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ? is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part0(s) : is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part1(s) )
328 /*      C9_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR: Matches legal Unicode UTF-8 variant code points
329                              including non-character code points, no surrogates
330 	0x00A0 - 0xD7FF
331 	0xE000 - 0x10FFFF
332 */
333 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
334 #define is_C9_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks(s)             \
335 ( ( 0x80 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || ( 0x8A <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0x90 ) || ( 0x9A <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xA0 ) || ( 0xAA <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xAC ) || ( 0xAE <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xB6 ) ) ?\
336     ( LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ? 2 : 0 )\
337 : ( ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFC ) == 0xB8 ) || ((const U8*)s)[0] == 0xBC || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFE ) == 0xBE ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xEE ) == 0xCA ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFC ) == 0xCC ) ) ?\
338     ( LIKELY( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 3 : 0 )\
339 : ( 0xDC == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                                 \
340     ( LIKELY( ( ( ( 0x57 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
341 : ( 0xDD == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                                 \
342     ( LIKELY( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x64 ) || ( 0x67 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
343 : ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFE ) == 0xDE || 0xE1 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || ( 0xEA <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xEC ) ) ?\
344     ( LIKELY( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
345 : ( 0xED == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                                 \
346     ( LIKELY( ( ( ( ( 0x49 == ((const U8*)s)[1] || 0x4A == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[4] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
347 : LIKELY( ( ( ( ( 0xEE == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) && ( 0x41 == ((const U8*)s)[1] || 0x42 == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[4] & 0xFC ) == 0x70 ) ) ? 5 : 0 )
349 #endif
351 #if '^' == 176 /* CP 037 */
353 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
354 #define is_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks(s)                               \
355 ( ( 0x78 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || 0x80 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || ( 0x8A <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0x90 ) || ( 0x9A <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xA0 ) || ( 0xAA <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xAF ) || ( 0xB1 <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xB5 ) ) ?\
356     ( LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) ? 2 : 0 )\
357 : ( ((const U8*)s)[0] == 0xB7 || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFE ) == 0xB8 ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFC ) == 0xBC ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xEE ) == 0xCA ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFC ) == 0xCC ) ) ?\
358     ( LIKELY( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 3 : 0 )\
359 : ( 0xDC == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                                 \
360     ( LIKELY( ( ( ( 0x57 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
361 : ( ( 0xDD <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xDF ) || 0xE1 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || ( 0xEA <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xEC ) ) ?\
362     ( LIKELY( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
363 : ( 0xED == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                                 \
364     ( LIKELY( ( ( ( ( 0x49 == ((const U8*)s)[1] || 0x4A == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[4] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
365 : ( ( ( ( ( 0xEE == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) && LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && LIKELY( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[4] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 5 : 0 )
367 /* XXX Below do not have LIKELY() added */
368 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
369 #define is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part0(s)                  \
370 ( ( ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xEF ) == 0x49 ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xF9 ) == 0x51 ) || ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x62 || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFD ) == 0x64 ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFD ) == 0x68 ) || ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x71 ) ?\
371 	( ( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[4] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
372     : ( ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x4A || ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x52 || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFD ) == 0x54 ) || ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x58 || ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x5F || ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x63 || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFD ) == 0x65 ) || ((const U8*)s)[1] == 0x69 || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFD ) == 0x70 ) ) ?\
373 	( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFE ) == 0x70 ) ?\
374 	    ( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[4] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
375 	: ( 0x72 == ((const U8*)s)[2] ) ?                                   \
376 	    ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFE ) == 0x70 ) ?\
377 		( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[4] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x72 ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
378 	    : ( ( 0x72 == ((const U8*)s)[3] ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[4] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || 0x70 == ((const U8*)s)[4] ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
379 	: 0 )                                                               \
380     : 0 )
383 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
384 #define is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part1(s)                  \
385 ( ( 0xEE == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                           \
386     ( ( 0x41 == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) ?                                       \
387 	( ( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[4] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
388     : ( 0x42 == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) ?                                       \
389 	( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFE ) == 0x70 ) ?\
390 	    ( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[4] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
391 	: ( 0x72 == ((const U8*)s)[2] ) ?                                   \
392 	    ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[3] & 0xFE ) == 0x70 ) ?\
393 		( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[4] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x72 ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
394 	    : ( ( 0x72 == ((const U8*)s)[3] ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[4] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || 0x70 == ((const U8*)s)[4] ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
395 	: 0 )                                                               \
396     : 0 )                                                                   \
397 : 0 )
400 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
401 #define is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part2(s)                  \
402 ( ( ( ( ( 0x57 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 4 : 0 )
405 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
406 #define is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part3(s)                  \
407 ( ( 0xDD == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                           \
408     ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFE ) == 0x62 || ( 0x66 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFE ) == 0x70 ) ?\
409 	( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
410     : ( 0x72 == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) ?                                       \
411 	( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x54 ) || ( 0x57 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFE ) == 0x70 ) ?\
412 	    ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
413 	: ( 0x55 == ((const U8*)s)[2] ) ?                                   \
414 	    ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x56 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
415 	: ( 0x56 == ((const U8*)s)[2] ) ?                                   \
416 	    ( ( ( 0x57 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
417 	: ( ( 0x72 == ((const U8*)s)[2] ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || 0x70 == ((const U8*)s)[3] ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
418     : 0 )                                                                   \
419 : ( 0xDE == ((const U8*)s)[0] || 0xE1 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || 0xEB == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?\
420     ( ( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
421 : ( 0xDF == ((const U8*)s)[0] || 0xEA == ((const U8*)s)[0] || 0xEC == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?\
422     ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFE ) == 0x70 ) ?\
423 	( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
424     : ( 0x72 == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) ?                                       \
425 	( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( ((const U8*)s)[2] & 0xFE ) == 0x70 ) ?\
426 	    ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
427 	: ( ( 0x72 == ((const U8*)s)[2] ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || 0x70 == ((const U8*)s)[3] ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
428     : 0 )                                                                   \
429 : ( 0xED == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ? is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part0(s) : is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part1(s) )
432 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
433 #define is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks(s)                        \
434 ( ( 0x78 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || 0x80 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || ( 0x8A <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0x90 ) || ( 0x9A <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xA0 ) || ( 0xAA <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xAF ) || ( 0xB1 <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xB5 ) ) ?\
435     ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) ? 2 : 0 )\
436 : ( ((const U8*)s)[0] == 0xB7 || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFE ) == 0xB8 ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFC ) == 0xBC ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xEE ) == 0xCA ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFC ) == 0xCC ) ) ?\
437     ( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 3 : 0 )\
438 : ( 0xDC == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ? is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part2(s) : is_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part3(s) )
440 /*      C9_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR: Matches legal Unicode UTF-8 variant code points
441                              including non-character code points, no surrogates
442 	0x00A0 - 0xD7FF
443 	0xE000 - 0x10FFFF
444 */
445 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
446 #define is_C9_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part0(s)               \
447 ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) ? 2 : 0 )
450 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
451 #define is_C9_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part1(s)               \
452 ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] == 0xB7 || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFE ) == 0xB8 ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFC ) == 0xBC ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xEE ) == 0xCA ) || ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFC ) == 0xCC ) ) ?\
453     ( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 3 : 0 )\
454 : ( 0xDC == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                           \
455     ( ( ( ( ( 0x57 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
456 : ( 0xDD == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                           \
457     ( ( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( ((const U8*)s)[1] & 0xFE ) == 0x62 || ( 0x66 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
458 : ( ( ((const U8*)s)[0] & 0xFE ) == 0xDE || 0xE1 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || ( 0xEA <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xEC ) ) ?\
459     ( ( ( ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 4 : 0 )\
460 : ( 0xED == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) ?                                           \
461     ( ( ( ( ( ( 0x49 == ((const U8*)s)[1] || 0x4A == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[1] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[1] && ((const U8*)s)[1] <= 0x72 ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[4] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 5 : 0 )\
462 : ( ( ( ( ( 0xEE == ((const U8*)s)[0] ) && ( 0x41 == ((const U8*)s)[1] || 0x42 == ((const U8*)s)[1] ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[2] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[2] && ((const U8*)s)[2] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[3] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[3] && ((const U8*)s)[3] <= 0x72 ) ) ) && ( ( 0x41 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x4A ) || ( 0x51 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x59 ) || 0x5F == ((const U8*)s)[4] || ( 0x62 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x6A ) || ( 0x70 <= ((const U8*)s)[4] && ((const U8*)s)[4] <= 0x72 ) ) ) ? 5 : 0 )
465 /*** GENERATED CODE ***/
466 #define is_C9_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks(s)                     \
467 ( ( 0x78 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || 0x80 == ((const U8*)s)[0] || ( 0x8A <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0x90 ) || ( 0x9A <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xA0 ) || ( 0xAA <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xAF ) || ( 0xB1 <= ((const U8*)s)[0] && ((const U8*)s)[0] <= 0xB5 ) ) ? is_C9_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part0(s) : is_C9_STRICT_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks_part1(s) )
469 #endif
471 /* is_UTF8_CHAR_utf8_no_length_checks() in both code pages handles UTF-8 that
472  * has this start byte (expressed in I8) as the maximum */
475 /*
476  * ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et:
477  */