2    Copyright (c) 2013, 2016-17, 2020 David C.J. Matthews
4    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11    Lesser General Public License for more details.
13    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
19    This is a cut-down version of the optimiser which simplifies the code but
20    does not apply any heuristics.  It follows chained bindings, in particular
21    through tuples, folds constants expressions involving built-in functions,
22    expands inline functions that have previously been marked as inlineable.
23    It does not detect small functions that can be inlined nor does it
24    code-generate functions without free variables.
28    structure BASECODETREE: BaseCodeTreeSig
30    structure CODETREE_FUNCTIONS: CodetreeFunctionsSig
32    structure REMOVE_REDUNDANT:
33    sig
34        type codetree
35        type loadForm
36        type codeUse
37        val cleanProc : (codetree * codeUse list * (int -> loadForm) * int) -> codetree
38        structure Sharing: sig type codetree = codetree and loadForm = loadForm and codeUse = codeUse end
39    end
41    structure DEBUG: DEBUG
43    sharing
44        BASECODETREE.Sharing
45    =   CODETREE_FUNCTIONS.Sharing
46    =   REMOVE_REDUNDANT.Sharing
47) :
48    sig
49        type codetree and codeBinding and envSpecial
51        val simplifier:
52            { code: codetree, numLocals: int, maxInlineSize: int } ->
53                (codetree * codeBinding list * envSpecial) * int * bool
54        val specialToGeneral:
55            codetree * codeBinding list * envSpecial -> codetree
57        structure Sharing:
58        sig
59            type codetree = codetree
60            and codeBinding = codeBinding
61            and envSpecial = envSpecial
62        end
63    end
67    open Address
69    open BuiltIns
71    exception InternalError = Misc.InternalError
73    exception RaisedException
75    (* The bindings are held internally as a reversed list.  This
76       is really only a check that the reversed and forward lists
77       aren't confused. *)
78    datatype revlist = RevList of codeBinding list
80    type simpContext =
81    {
82        lookupAddr: loadForm -> envGeneral * envSpecial,
83        enterAddr: int * (envGeneral * envSpecial) -> unit,
84        nextAddress: unit -> int,
85        reprocess: bool ref,
86        maxInlineSize: int
87    }
89    fun envGeneralToCodetree(EnvGenLoad ext) = Extract ext
90    |   envGeneralToCodetree(EnvGenConst w) = Constnt w
92    fun mkDec (laddr, res) = Declar{value = res, addr = laddr, use=[]}
94    fun mkEnv([], exp) = exp
95    |   mkEnv(decs, exp as Extract(LoadLocal loadAddr)) =
96        (
97            (* A common case is where we have a binding as the last item
98               and then a load of that binding.  Reduce this so other
99               optimisations are possible.
100               This is still something of a special case that could/should
101               be generalised. *)
102            case List.last decs of
103                Declar{addr=decAddr, value, ... } =>
104                    if loadAddr = decAddr
105                    then mkEnv(List.take(decs, List.length decs - 1), value)
106                    else Newenv(decs, exp)
107            |   _ => Newenv(decs, exp)
108        )
109    |   mkEnv(decs, exp) = Newenv(decs, exp)
111    fun isConstnt(Constnt _) = true
112    |   isConstnt _ = false
114    (* Wrap up the general, bindings and special value as a codetree node.  The
115       special entry is discarded except for Constnt entries which are converted
116       to ConstntWithInline.  That allows any inlineable code to be carried
117       forward to later passes. *)
118    fun specialToGeneral(g, RevList(b as _ :: _), s) = mkEnv(List.rev b, specialToGeneral(g, RevList [], s))
119    |   specialToGeneral(Constnt(w, p), RevList [], s) = Constnt(w, setInline s p)
120    |   specialToGeneral(g, RevList [], _) = g
122    (* Convert a constant to a fixed value.  Used in some constant folding. *)
123    val toFix: machineWord -> FixedInt.int = FixedInt.fromInt o Word.toIntX o toShort
125    local
126        val ffiSizeFloat: unit -> int = RunCall.rtsCallFast1 "PolySizeFloat"
127        and ffiSizeDouble: unit -> int = RunCall.rtsCallFast1 "PolySizeDouble"
128    in
129        (* If we have a constant index value we convert that into a byte offset. We need
130           to know the size of the item on this platform.  We have to make this check
131           when we actually compile the code because the interpreted version will
132           generally be run on a platform different from the one the pre-built
133           compiler was compiled on. The ML word length will be the same because
134           we have separate pre-built compilers for 32 and 64-bit.
135           Loads from C memory use signed offsets.  Loads from ML memory never
136           have a negative offset and are limited by the maximum size of a cell
137           so can always be unsigned. *)
138        fun getMultiplier (LoadStoreMLWord _)   = (Word.toInt RunCall.bytesPerWord, false (* unsigned *))
139        |   getMultiplier (LoadStoreMLByte _)   = (1, false)
140        |   getMultiplier LoadStoreC8           = (1, true (* signed *) )
141        |   getMultiplier LoadStoreC16          = (2, true (* signed *) )
142        |   getMultiplier LoadStoreC32          = (4, true (* signed *) )
143        |   getMultiplier LoadStoreC64          = (8, true (* signed *) )
144        |   getMultiplier LoadStoreCFloat       = (ffiSizeFloat(), true (* signed *) )
145        |   getMultiplier LoadStoreCDouble      = (ffiSizeDouble(), true (* signed *) )
146        |   getMultiplier LoadStoreUntaggedUnsigned = (Word.toInt RunCall.bytesPerWord, false (* unsigned *))
147    end
149    fun simplify(c, s) = mapCodetree (simpGeneral s) c
151    (* Process the codetree to return a codetree node.  This is used
152       when we don't want the special case. *)
153    and simpGeneral { lookupAddr, ...} (Extract ext) =
154        let
155            val (gen, spec) = lookupAddr ext
156        in
157            SOME(specialToGeneral(envGeneralToCodetree gen, RevList [], spec))
158        end
160    |   simpGeneral context (Newenv envArgs) =
161            SOME(specialToGeneral(simpNewenv(envArgs, context, RevList [])))
163    |   simpGeneral context (Lambda lambda) =
164            SOME(Lambda(#1(simpLambda(lambda, context, NONE, NONE))))
166    |   simpGeneral context (Eval {function, argList, resultType}) =
167            SOME(specialToGeneral(simpFunctionCall(function, argList, resultType, context, RevList[])))
169        (* BuiltIn0 functions can't be processed specially. *)
171    |   simpGeneral context (Unary{oper, arg1}) =
172            SOME(specialToGeneral(simpUnary(oper, arg1, context, RevList [])))
174    |   simpGeneral context (Binary{oper, arg1, arg2}) =
175            SOME(specialToGeneral(simpBinary(oper, arg1, arg2, context, RevList [])))
177    |   simpGeneral context (Arbitrary{oper=ArbCompare test, shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall}) =
178            SOME(specialToGeneral(simpArbitraryCompare(test, shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall, context, RevList [])))
180    |   simpGeneral context (Arbitrary{oper=ArbArith arith, shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall}) =
181            SOME(specialToGeneral(simpArbitraryArith(arith, shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall, context, RevList [])))
183    |   simpGeneral context (AllocateWordMemory {numWords, flags, initial}) =
184            SOME(specialToGeneral(simpAllocateWordMemory(numWords, flags, initial, context, RevList [])))
186    |   simpGeneral context (Cond(condTest, condThen, condElse)) =
187            SOME(specialToGeneral(simpIfThenElse(condTest, condThen, condElse, context, RevList [])))
189    |   simpGeneral context (Tuple { fields, isVariant }) =
190            SOME(specialToGeneral(simpTuple(fields, isVariant, context, RevList [])))
192    |   simpGeneral context (Indirect{ base, offset, indKind }) =
193            SOME(specialToGeneral(simpFieldSelect(base, offset, indKind, context, RevList [])))
195    |   simpGeneral context (SetContainer{container, tuple, filter}) =
196        let
197            val optCont = simplify(container, context)
198            val (cGen, cDecs, cSpec) = simpSpecial(tuple, context, RevList [])
199        in
200            case cSpec of
201                (* If the tuple is a local binding it is simpler to pick it up from the
202                   "special" entry. *)
203                EnvSpecTuple(size, recEnv) =>
204                let
205                    val fields = List.tabulate(size, envGeneralToCodetree o #1 o recEnv)
206                in
207                    SOME(simpPostSetContainer(optCont, Tuple{isVariant=false, fields=fields}, cDecs, filter))
208                end
210            |   _ => SOME(simpPostSetContainer(optCont, cGen, cDecs, filter))
211        end
213    |   simpGeneral (context as { enterAddr, nextAddress, reprocess, ...}) (BeginLoop{loop, arguments, ...}) =
214        let
215            val didReprocess = ! reprocess
216            (* To see if we really need the loop first try simply binding the
217               arguments and process it.  It's often the case that if one
218               or more arguments is a constant that the looping case will
219               be eliminated. *)
220            val withoutBeginLoop =
221                simplify(mkEnv(List.map (Declar o #1) arguments, loop), context)
223            fun foldLoop f n (Loop l) = f(l, n)
224            |   foldLoop f n (Newenv(_, exp)) = foldLoop f n exp
225            |   foldLoop f n (Cond(_, t, e)) = foldLoop f (foldLoop f n t) e
226            |   foldLoop f n (Handle {handler, ...}) = foldLoop f n handler
227            |   foldLoop f n (SetContainer{tuple, ...}) = foldLoop f n tuple
228            |   foldLoop _ n _ = n
229            (* Check if the Loop instruction is there.  This assumes that these
230               are the only tail-recursive cases. *)
231            val hasLoop = foldLoop (fn _ => true) false
232        in
233            if not (hasLoop withoutBeginLoop)
234            then SOME withoutBeginLoop
235            else
236            let
237                (* Reset "reprocess".  It may have been set in the withoutBeginLoop
238                   that's not the code we're going to return. *)
239                val () = reprocess := didReprocess
240                (* We need the BeginLoop. Create new addresses for the arguments. *)
241                fun declArg({addr, value, use, ...}, typ) =
242                    let
243                        val newAddr = nextAddress()
244                    in
245                        enterAddr(addr, (EnvGenLoad(LoadLocal newAddr), EnvSpecNone));
246                        ({addr = newAddr, value = simplify(value, context), use = use }, typ)
247                    end
248                (* Now look to see if the (remaining) loops have any arguments that do not change.
249                   Do this after processing because we could be eliminating other loops that
250                   may change the arguments. *)
251                val declArgs = map declArg arguments
252                val beginBody = simplify(loop, context)
254                local
255                    fun argsMatch((Extract (LoadLocal argNo), _), ({addr, ...}, _)) = argNo = addr
256                    |   argsMatch _ = false
258                    fun checkLoopArgs(loopArgs, checks) =
259                    let
260                        fun map3(loopA :: loopArgs, decA :: decArgs, checkA :: checkArgs) =
261                            (argsMatch(loopA, decA) andalso checkA) :: map3(loopArgs, decArgs, checkArgs)
262                        |   map3 _ = []
263                    in
264                        map3(loopArgs, declArgs, checks)
265                    end
266                in
267                    val checkList = foldLoop checkLoopArgs (map (fn _ => true) arguments) beginBody
268                end
269            in
270                if List.exists (fn l => l) checkList
271                then
272                let
273                    (* Turn the original arguments into bindings. *)
274                    local
275                        fun argLists(true, (arg, _), (tArgs, fArgs)) = (Declar arg :: tArgs, fArgs)
276                        |   argLists(false, arg, (tArgs, fArgs)) = (tArgs, arg :: fArgs)
277                    in
278                        val (unchangedArgs, filteredDeclArgs) = ListPair.foldrEq argLists ([], [])  (checkList, declArgs)
279                    end
280                    fun changeLoops (Loop loopArgs) =
281                        let
282                            val newArgs =
283                                ListPair.foldrEq(fn (false, arg, l) => arg :: l | (true, _, l) => l) [] (checkList, loopArgs)
284                        in
285                            Loop newArgs
286                        end
287                    |   changeLoops(Newenv(decs, exp)) = Newenv(decs, changeLoops exp)
288                    |   changeLoops(Cond(i, t, e)) = Cond(i, changeLoops t, changeLoops e)
289                    |   changeLoops(Handle{handler, exp, exPacketAddr}) =
290                            Handle{handler=changeLoops handler, exp=exp, exPacketAddr=exPacketAddr}
291                    |   changeLoops(SetContainer{tuple, container, filter}) =
292                            SetContainer{tuple=changeLoops tuple, container=container, filter=filter}
293                    |   changeLoops code = code
295                    val beginBody = simplify(changeLoops loop, context)
296                    (* Reprocess because we've lost any special part from the arguments that
297                       haven't changed. *)
298                    val () = reprocess := true
299                in
300                    SOME(mkEnv(unchangedArgs, BeginLoop {loop=beginBody, arguments=filteredDeclArgs}))
301                end
302                else SOME(BeginLoop {loop=beginBody, arguments=declArgs})
303            end
304        end
306    |   simpGeneral context (TagTest{test, tag, maxTag}) =
307        (
308            case simplify(test, context) of
309                Constnt(testResult, _) =>
310                    if isShort testResult andalso toShort testResult = tag
311                    then SOME CodeTrue
312                    else SOME CodeFalse
313            |   sTest => SOME(TagTest{test=sTest, tag=tag, maxTag=maxTag})
314        )
316    |   simpGeneral context (LoadOperation{kind, address}) =
317        let
318            (* Try to move constants out of the index. *)
319            val (genAddress, RevList decAddress) = simpAddress(address, getMultiplier kind, context)
320            (* If the base address and index are constant and this is an immutable
321               load we can do this at compile time. *)
322            val result =
323                case (genAddress, kind) of
324                    ({base=Constnt(baseAddr, _), index=NONE, offset}, LoadStoreMLWord _) =>
325                    if isShort baseAddr
326                    then LoadOperation{kind=kind, address=genAddress}
327                    else
328                    let
329                        (* Ignore the "isImmutable" flag and look at the immutable status of the memory.
330                           Check that this is a word object and that the offset is within range.
331                           The code for Vector.sub, for example, raises an exception if the index
332                           is out of range but still generates the (unreachable) indexing code. *)
333                        val addr = toAddress baseAddr
334                        val wordOffset = Word.fromInt offset div RunCall.bytesPerWord
335                    in
336                        if isMutable addr orelse not(isWords addr) orelse wordOffset >= length addr
337                        then LoadOperation{kind=kind, address=genAddress}
338                        else Constnt(toMachineWord(loadWord(addr, wordOffset)), [])
339                    end
341                |   ({base=Constnt(baseAddr, _), index=NONE, offset}, LoadStoreMLByte _) =>
342                    if isShort baseAddr
343                    then LoadOperation{kind=kind, address=genAddress}
344                    else
345                    let
346                        val addr = toAddress baseAddr
347                        val wordOffset = Word.fromInt offset div RunCall.bytesPerWord
348                    in
349                        if isMutable addr orelse not(isBytes addr) orelse wordOffset >= length addr
350                        then LoadOperation{kind=kind, address=genAddress}
351                        else Constnt(toMachineWord(loadByte(addr, Word.fromInt offset)), [])
352                    end
354                |   ({base=Constnt(baseAddr, _), index=NONE, offset}, LoadStoreUntaggedUnsigned) =>
355                    if isShort baseAddr
356                    then LoadOperation{kind=kind, address=genAddress}
357                    else
358                    let
359                        val addr = toAddress baseAddr
360                        (* We don't currently have loadWordUntagged in Address but it's only ever
361                           used to load the string length word so we can use that. *)
362                    in
363                        if isMutable addr orelse not(isBytes addr) orelse offset <> 0
364                        then LoadOperation{kind=kind, address=genAddress}
365                        else Constnt(toMachineWord(String.size(RunCall.unsafeCast addr)), [])
366                    end
368                |   _ => LoadOperation{kind=kind, address=genAddress}
369        in
370            SOME(mkEnv(List.rev decAddress, result))
371        end
373    |   simpGeneral context (StoreOperation{kind, address, value}) =
374        let
375            val (genAddress, decAddress) = simpAddress(address, getMultiplier kind, context)
376            val (genValue, RevList decValue, _) = simpSpecial(value, context, decAddress)
377        in
378            SOME(mkEnv(List.rev decValue, StoreOperation{kind=kind, address=genAddress, value=genValue}))
379        end
381    |   simpGeneral (context as {reprocess, ...}) (BlockOperation{kind, sourceLeft, destRight, length}) =
382        let
383            val multiplier =
384                case kind of
385                    BlockOpMove{isByteMove=false} => Word.toInt RunCall.bytesPerWord
386                |   BlockOpMove{isByteMove=true} => 1
387                |   BlockOpEqualByte => 1
388                |   BlockOpCompareByte => 1
389            val (genSrcAddress, RevList decSrcAddress) = simpAddress(sourceLeft, (multiplier, false), context)
390            val (genDstAddress, RevList decDstAddress) = simpAddress(destRight, (multiplier, false), context)
391            val (genLength, RevList decLength, _) = simpSpecial(length, context, RevList [])
392            (* If we have a short length move we're better doing it as a sequence of loads and stores.
393               This is particularly useful with string concatenation.  Small here means three or less.
394               Four and eight byte moves are handled as single instructions in the code-generator
395               provided the alignment is correct. *)
396            val shortLength =
397                case genLength of
398                    Constnt(lenConst, _) =>
399                        if isShort lenConst then let val l = toShort lenConst in if l <= 0w3 then SOME l else NONE end else NONE
400                |   _ => NONE
401            val combinedDecs = List.rev decSrcAddress @ List.rev decDstAddress @ List.rev decLength
402            val operation =
403                case (shortLength, kind) of
404                    (SOME length, BlockOpMove{isByteMove}) =>
405                    let
406                        val _ = reprocess := true (* Frequently the source will be a constant. *)
407                        val {base=baseSrc, index=indexSrc, offset=offsetSrc} = genSrcAddress
408                        and {base=baseDst, index=indexDst, offset=offsetDst} = genDstAddress
409                        (* We don't know if the source is immutable but the destination definitely isn't *)
410                        val moveKind =
411                            if isByteMove then LoadStoreMLByte{isImmutable=false} else LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}
412                        fun makeMoves offset =
413                        if offset = Word.toInt length
414                        then []
415                        else NullBinding(
416                                StoreOperation{kind=moveKind,
417                                    address={base=baseDst, index=indexDst, offset=offsetDst+offset*multiplier},
418                                    value=LoadOperation{kind=moveKind, address={base=baseSrc, index=indexSrc, offset=offsetSrc+offset*multiplier}}}) ::
419                                makeMoves(offset+1)
420                    in
421                        mkEnv(combinedDecs @ makeMoves 0, CodeZero (* unit result *))
422                    end
424                |   (SOME length, BlockOpEqualByte) => (* Comparing with the null string and up to 3 characters. *)
425                    let
426                        val {base=baseSrc, index=indexSrc, offset=offsetSrc} = genSrcAddress
427                        and {base=baseDst, index=indexDst, offset=offsetDst} = genDstAddress
428                        val moveKind = LoadStoreMLByte{isImmutable=false}
430                        (* Build andalso tree to check each byte.  For the null string this simply returns "true". *)
431                        fun makeComparison offset =
432                        if offset = Word.toInt length
433                        then CodeTrue
434                        else Cond(
435                                Binary{oper=WordComparison{test=TestEqual, isSigned=false},
436                                    arg1=LoadOperation{kind=moveKind, address={base=baseSrc, index=indexSrc, offset=offsetSrc+offset*multiplier}},
437                                    arg2=LoadOperation{kind=moveKind, address={base=baseDst, index=indexDst, offset=offsetDst+offset*multiplier}}},
438                                makeComparison(offset+1),
439                                CodeFalse)
440                    in
441                        mkEnv(combinedDecs, makeComparison 0)
442                    end
444                |   _ =>
445                    mkEnv(combinedDecs,
446                        BlockOperation{kind=kind, sourceLeft=genSrcAddress, destRight=genDstAddress, length=genLength})
447        in
448            SOME operation
449        end
451    |   simpGeneral (context as {enterAddr, nextAddress, ...}) (Handle{exp, handler, exPacketAddr}) =
452        let (* We need to make a new binding for the exception packet. *)
453            val expBody = simplify(exp, context)
454            val newAddr = nextAddress()
455            val () = enterAddr(exPacketAddr, (EnvGenLoad(LoadLocal newAddr), EnvSpecNone))
456            val handleBody = simplify(handler, context)
457        in
458            SOME(Handle{exp=expBody, handler=handleBody, exPacketAddr=newAddr})
459        end
461    |   simpGeneral _ _ = NONE
463    (* Where we have an Indirect or Eval we want the argument as either a tuple or
464       an inline function respectively if that's possible.  Getting that also involves
465       various other cases as well. Because a binding may later be used in such a
466       context we treat any binding in that way as well. *)
467    and simpSpecial (Extract ext, { lookupAddr, ...}, tailDecs) =
468        let
469            val (gen, spec) = lookupAddr ext
470        in
471            (envGeneralToCodetree gen, tailDecs, spec)
472        end
474    |   simpSpecial (Newenv envArgs, context, tailDecs) = simpNewenv(envArgs, context, tailDecs)
476    |   simpSpecial (Lambda lambda, context, tailDecs) =
477        let
478            val (gen, spec) = simpLambda(lambda, context, NONE, NONE)
479        in
480            (Lambda gen, tailDecs, spec)
481        end
483    |   simpSpecial (Eval {function, argList, resultType}, context, tailDecs) =
484            simpFunctionCall(function, argList, resultType, context, tailDecs)
486    |   simpSpecial (Unary{oper, arg1}, context, tailDecs) =
487            simpUnary(oper, arg1, context, tailDecs)
489    |   simpSpecial (Binary{oper, arg1, arg2}, context, tailDecs) =
490            simpBinary(oper, arg1, arg2, context, tailDecs)
492    |   simpSpecial (Arbitrary{oper=ArbCompare test, shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall}, context, tailDecs) =
493            simpArbitraryCompare(test, shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall, context, tailDecs)
495    |   simpSpecial (Arbitrary{oper=ArbArith arith, shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall}, context, tailDecs) =
496            simpArbitraryArith(arith, shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall, context, tailDecs)
498    |   simpSpecial (AllocateWordMemory{numWords, flags, initial}, context, tailDecs) =
499            simpAllocateWordMemory(numWords, flags, initial, context, tailDecs)
501    |   simpSpecial (Cond(condTest, condThen, condElse), context, tailDecs) =
502            simpIfThenElse(condTest, condThen, condElse, context, tailDecs)
504    |   simpSpecial (Tuple { fields, isVariant }, context, tailDecs) = simpTuple(fields, isVariant, context, tailDecs)
506    |   simpSpecial (Indirect{ base, offset, indKind }, context, tailDecs) = simpFieldSelect(base, offset, indKind, context, tailDecs)
508    |   simpSpecial (c: codetree, s: simpContext, tailDecs): codetree * revlist * envSpecial =
509        let
510            (* Anything else - copy it and then split it into the fields. *)
511            fun split(Newenv(l, e), RevList tailDecs) = (* Pull off bindings. *)
512                    split (e, RevList(List.rev l @ tailDecs))
513            |   split(Constnt(m, p), tailDecs) = (Constnt(m, p), tailDecs, findInline p)
514            |   split(c, tailDecs) = (c, tailDecs, EnvSpecNone)
515        in
516            split(simplify(c, s), tailDecs)
517        end
519    (* Process a Newenv.  We need to add the bindings to the context. *)
520    and simpNewenv((envDecs: codeBinding list, envExp), context as { enterAddr, nextAddress, reprocess, ...}, tailDecs): codetree * revlist * envSpecial =
521    let
522        fun copyDecs ([], decs) =
523            simpSpecial(envExp, context, decs) (* End of the list - process the result expression. *)
525        |   copyDecs ((Declar{addr, value, ...} :: vs), decs) =
526            (
527                case simpSpecial(value, context, decs) of
528                    (* If this raises an exception stop here. *)
529                    vBinding as (Raise _, _, _) => vBinding
531                |   vBinding =>
532                    let
533                        (* Add the declaration to the table. *)
534                        val (optV, dec) = makeNewDecl(vBinding, context)
535                        val () = enterAddr(addr, optV)
536                    in
537                        copyDecs(vs, dec)
538                    end
539            )
541        |   copyDecs(NullBinding v :: vs, decs) = (* Not a binding - process this and the rest.*)
542            (
543                case simpSpecial(v, context, decs) of
544                    (* If this raises an exception stop here. *)
545                    vBinding as (Raise _, _, _) => vBinding
547                |   (cGen, RevList cDecs, _) => copyDecs(vs, RevList(NullBinding cGen :: cDecs))
548            )
550        |   copyDecs(RecDecs mutuals :: vs, RevList decs) =
551            (* Mutually recursive declarations. Any of the declarations may
552               refer to any of the others. They should all be lambdas.
554               The front end generates functions with more than one argument
555               (either curried or tupled) as pairs of mutually recursive
556               functions.  The main function body takes its arguments on
557               the stack (or in registers) and the auxiliary inline function,
558               possibly nested, takes the tupled or curried arguments and
559               calls it.  If the main function is recursive it will first
560               call the inline function which is why the pair are mutually
561               recursive.
562               As far as possible we want to use the main function since that
563               uses the least memory.  Specifically, if the function recurses
564               we want the recursive call to pass all the arguments if it
565               can. *)
566            let
567                (* Reorder the function so the explicitly-inlined ones come first.
568                   Their code can then be inserted into the main functions. *)
569                local
570                    val (inlines, nonInlines) =
571                        List.partition (
572                            fn {lambda = { isInline=DontInline, ...}, ... } => false | _ => true) mutuals
573                in
574                    val orderedDecs = inlines @ nonInlines
575                end
577                (* Go down the functions creating new addresses for them and entering them in the table. *)
578                val addresses =
579                    map (fn {addr, ... } =>
580                        let
581                            val decAddr = nextAddress()
582                        in
583                            enterAddr (addr, (EnvGenLoad(LoadLocal decAddr), EnvSpecNone));
584                            decAddr
585                        end)
586                    orderedDecs
588                fun processFunction({ lambda, addr, ... }, newAddr) =
589                let
590                    val (gen, spec) = simpLambda(lambda, context, SOME addr, SOME newAddr)
591                    (* Update the entry in the table to include any inlineable function. *)
592                    val () = enterAddr (addr, (EnvGenLoad (LoadLocal newAddr), spec))
593                in
594                    {addr=newAddr, lambda=gen, use=[]}
595                end
597                val rlist = ListPair.map processFunction (orderedDecs, addresses)
598            in
599                (* and put these declarations onto the list. *)
600                copyDecs(vs, RevList(List.rev(partitionMutualBindings(RecDecs rlist)) @ decs))
601            end
603        |   copyDecs (Container{addr, size, setter, ...} :: vs, RevList decs) =
604            let
605                (* Enter the new address immediately - it's needed in the setter. *)
606                val decAddr = nextAddress()
607                val () = enterAddr (addr, (EnvGenLoad(LoadLocal decAddr), EnvSpecNone))
608                val (setGen, RevList setDecs, _) = simpSpecial(setter, context, RevList [])
609            in
610                (* If we have inline expanded a function that sets the container
611                   we're better off eliminating the container completely. *)
612                case setGen of
613                    SetContainer { tuple, filter, container } =>
614                    let
615                        (* Check the container we're setting is the address we've made for it. *)
616                        val _ =
617                            (case container of Extract(LoadLocal a) => a = decAddr | _ => false)
618                                orelse raise InternalError "copyDecs: Container/SetContainer"
619                        val newDecAddr = nextAddress()
620                        val () = enterAddr (addr, (EnvGenLoad(LoadLocal newDecAddr), EnvSpecNone))
621                        val tupleAddr = nextAddress()
622                        val tupleDec = Declar{addr=tupleAddr, use=[], value=tuple}
623                        val tupleLoad = mkLoadLocal tupleAddr
624                        val resultTuple =
625                            BoolVector.foldri(fn (i, true, l) => mkInd(i, tupleLoad) :: l | (_, false, l) => l) [] filter
626                        val _ = List.length resultTuple = size
627                                    orelse raise InternalError "copyDecs: Container/SetContainer size"
628                        val containerDec = Declar{addr=newDecAddr, use=[], value=mkTuple resultTuple}
629                        (* TODO:  We're replacing a container with what is notionally a tuple on the
630                           heap.  It should be optimised away as a result of a further pass but we
631                           currently have indirections from a container for these.
632                           On the native platforms that doesn't matter but on 32-in-64 indirecting
633                           from the heap and from the stack are different. *)
634                        val _ = reprocess := true
635                    in
636                        copyDecs(vs, RevList(containerDec :: tupleDec :: setDecs @ decs))
637                    end
639                |   _ =>
640                    let
641                        (* The setDecs could refer the container itself if we've optimised this with
642                           simpPostSetContainer so we must include them within the setter and not lift them out. *)
643                        val dec = Container{addr=decAddr, use=[], size=size, setter=mkEnv(List.rev setDecs, setGen)}
644                    in
645                        copyDecs(vs, RevList(dec :: decs))
646                    end
647            end
648    in
649        copyDecs(envDecs, tailDecs)
650    end
652    (* Prepares a binding for entry into a look-up table.  Returns the entry
653       to put into the table together with any bindings that must be made.
654       If the general part of the optVal is a constant we can just put the
655       constant in the table. If it is a load (Extract) it is just renaming
656       an existing entry so we can return it.  Otherwise we have to make
657       a new binding and return a load (Extract) entry for it. *)
658    and makeNewDecl((Constnt w, RevList decs, spec), _) = ((EnvGenConst w, spec), RevList decs)
659                (* No need to create a binding for a constant. *)
661    |   makeNewDecl((Extract ext, RevList decs, spec), _) = ((EnvGenLoad ext, spec), RevList decs)
662                (* Binding is simply giving a new name to a variable
663                   - can ignore this declaration. *)
665    |   makeNewDecl((gen, RevList decs, spec), { nextAddress, ...}) =
666        let (* Create a binding for this value. *)
667            val newAddr = nextAddress()
668        in
669            ((EnvGenLoad(LoadLocal newAddr), spec), RevList(mkDec(newAddr, gen) :: decs))
670        end
672    and simpLambda({body, isInline, name, argTypes, resultType, closure, localCount, ...},
673                  { lookupAddr, reprocess, maxInlineSize, ... }, myOldAddrOpt, myNewAddrOpt) =
674        let
675            (* A new table for the new function. *)
676            val oldAddrTab = Array.array (localCount, NONE)
677            val optClosureList = makeClosure()
678            val isNowRecursive = ref false
680            local
681                fun localOldAddr (LoadLocal addr) = valOf(Array.sub(oldAddrTab, addr))
682                |   localOldAddr (ext as LoadArgument _) = (EnvGenLoad ext, EnvSpecNone)
683                |   localOldAddr (ext as LoadRecursive) = (EnvGenLoad ext, EnvSpecNone)
684                |   localOldAddr (LoadClosure addr) =
685                    let
686                        val oldEntry = List.nth(closure, addr)
687                        (* If the entry in the closure is our own address this is recursive. *)
688                        fun isRecursive(EnvGenLoad(LoadLocal a), SOME b) =
689                            if a = b then (isNowRecursive := true; true) else false
690                        |   isRecursive _ = false
691                    in
692                        if isRecursive(EnvGenLoad oldEntry, myOldAddrOpt) then (EnvGenLoad LoadRecursive, EnvSpecNone)
693                        else
694                        let
695                            val newEntry = lookupAddr oldEntry
696                            val makeClosure = addToClosure optClosureList
698                            fun convertResult(genEntry, specEntry) =
699                                (* If after looking up the entry we get our new address it's recursive. *)
700                                if isRecursive(genEntry, myNewAddrOpt)
701                                then (EnvGenLoad LoadRecursive, EnvSpecNone)
702                                else
703                                let
704                                    val newGeneral =
705                                        case genEntry of
706                                            EnvGenLoad ext => EnvGenLoad(makeClosure ext)
707                                        |   EnvGenConst w => EnvGenConst w
708                                    (* Have to modify the environment here so that if we look up free variables
709                                       we add them to the closure. *)
710                                    fun convertEnv env args = convertResult(env args)
711                                    val newSpecial =
712                                        case specEntry of
713                                            EnvSpecTuple(size, env) => EnvSpecTuple(size, convertEnv env)
714                                        |   EnvSpecInlineFunction(spec, env) => EnvSpecInlineFunction(spec, convertEnv env)
715                                        |   EnvSpecUnary _ => EnvSpecNone (* Don't pass this in *)
716                                        |   EnvSpecBinary _ => EnvSpecNone (* Don't pass this in *)
717                                        |   EnvSpecNone => EnvSpecNone
718                                in
719                                    (newGeneral, newSpecial)
720                                end
721                        in
722                            convertResult newEntry
723                        end
724                    end
726                and setTab (index, v) = Array.update (oldAddrTab, index, SOME v)
727            in
728                val newAddressAllocator = ref 0
730                fun mkAddr () =
731                    ! newAddressAllocator before newAddressAllocator := ! newAddressAllocator + 1
733                val newCode =
734                    simplify (body,
735                    {
736                        enterAddr = setTab, lookupAddr = localOldAddr,
737                        nextAddress=mkAddr,
738                        reprocess = reprocess,
739                        maxInlineSize = maxInlineSize
740                    })
741            end
743            val closureAfterOpt = extractClosure optClosureList
744            val localCount = ! newAddressAllocator
745            (* If we have mutually recursive "small" functions we may turn them into
746               recursive functions.  We have to remove the "small" status from
747               them to prevent them from being expanded inline anywhere else.  The
748               optimiser may turn them back into "small" functions if the recursion
749               is actually tail-recursion. *)
750            val isNowInline =
751                case isInline of
752                    SmallInline =>
753                        if ! isNowRecursive then DontInline else SmallInline
754                |   InlineAlways =>
755                        (* Functions marked as inline could become recursive as a result of
756                           other inlining. *)
757                        if ! isNowRecursive then DontInline else InlineAlways
758                |   DontInline => DontInline
760            (* Clean up the function body at this point if it could be inlined.
761               There are examples where failing to do this can blow up.  This
762               can be the result of creating both a general and special function
763               inside an inline function. *)
764            val cleanBody =
765                if isNowInline = DontInline
766                then newCode
767                else REMOVE_REDUNDANT.cleanProc(newCode, [UseExport], LoadClosure, localCount)
769            (* The optimiser checks the size of a function and decides whether it can be inlined.
770               However if we have expanded some other inlines inside the body it may now be too
771               big.  In some cases we can get exponential blow-up.  We check here that the
772               body is still small enough before allowing it to be used inline.
773               The limit is set to 10 times the optimiser's limit because it seems that
774               otherwise significant functions are not inlined. *)
775            val stillInline =
776                case isNowInline of
777                    SmallInline =>
778                        if evaluateInlining(cleanBody, List.length argTypes, maxInlineSize*10) <> TooBig
779                        then SmallInline
780                        else DontInline
781                |   inl => inl
783            val copiedLambda: lambdaForm =
784                {
785                    body          = cleanBody,
786                    isInline      = isNowInline,
787                    name          = name,
788                    closure       = closureAfterOpt,
789                    argTypes      = argTypes,
790                    resultType    = resultType,
791                    localCount    = localCount,
792                    recUse        = []
793                }
795            (* The optimiser checks the size of a function and decides whether it can be inlined.
796               However if we have expanded some other inlines inside the body it may now be too
797               big.  In some cases we can get exponential blow-up.  We check here that the
798               body is still small enough before allowing it to be used inline. *)
799            val inlineCode =
800                if stillInline <> DontInline
801                then EnvSpecInlineFunction(copiedLambda, fn addr => (EnvGenLoad(List.nth(closureAfterOpt, addr)), EnvSpecNone))
802                else EnvSpecNone
803         in
804            (
805                copiedLambda,
806                inlineCode
807            )
808        end
810    and simpFunctionCall(function, argList, resultType, context as { reprocess, maxInlineSize, ...}, tailDecs) =
811    let
812        (* Function call - This may involve inlining the function. *)
814        (* Get the function to be called and see if it is inline or
815           a lambda expression. *)
816        val (genFunct, decsFunct, specFunct) = simpSpecial(function, context, tailDecs)
817        (* We have to make a special check here that we are not passing in the function
818           we are trying to expand.  This could result in an infinitely recursive expansion.  It is only
819           going to happen in very special circumstances such as a definition of the Y combinator.
820           If we see that we don't attempt to expand inline.  It could be embedded in a tuple
821           or the closure of a function as well as passed directly. *)
822        val isRecursiveArg =
823            case function of
824                Extract extOrig =>
825                    let
826                        fun containsFunction(Extract thisArg, v) = (v orelse thisArg = extOrig, FOLD_DESCEND)
827                        |   containsFunction(Lambda{closure, ...}, v) =
828                                (* Only the closure, not the body *)
829                                (foldl (fn (c, w) => foldtree containsFunction w (Extract c)) v closure, FOLD_DONT_DESCEND)
830                        |   containsFunction(Eval _, v) = (v, FOLD_DONT_DESCEND) (* OK if it's called *)
831                        |   containsFunction(_, v) = (v, FOLD_DESCEND)
832                    in
833                        List.exists(fn (c, _) => foldtree containsFunction false c) argList
834                    end
835            |   _ => false
836    in
837        case (specFunct, genFunct, isRecursiveArg) of
838            (EnvSpecInlineFunction({body=lambdaBody, localCount, argTypes, ...}, functEnv), _, false) =>
839            let
840                val _ = List.length argTypes = List.length argList
841                            orelse raise InternalError "simpFunctionCall: argument mismatch"
842                val () = reprocess := true (* If we expand inline we have to reprocess *)
843                and { nextAddress, reprocess, ...} = context
845                (* Expand a function inline, either one marked explicitly to be inlined or one detected as "small". *)
846                (* Calling inline proc or a lambda expression which is just called.
847                   The function is replaced with a block containing declarations
848                   of the parameters.  We need a new table here because the addresses
849                   we use to index it are the addresses which are local to the function.
850                   New addresses are created in the range of the surrounding function. *)
851                val localVec = Array.array(localCount, NONE)
853                local
854                    fun processArgs([], bindings) = ([], bindings)
855                    |   processArgs((arg, _)::args, bindings) =
856                        let
857                            val (thisArg, newBindings) =
858                                makeNewDecl(simpSpecial(arg, context, bindings), context)
859                            val (otherArgs, resBindings) = processArgs(args, newBindings)
860                        in
861                            (thisArg::otherArgs, resBindings)
862                        end
863                    val (params, bindings) = processArgs(argList, decsFunct)
864                    val paramVec = Vector.fromList params
865                in
866                    fun getParameter n = Vector.sub(paramVec, n)
868                    (* Bindings necessary for the arguments *)
869                    val copiedArgs = bindings
870                end
872                local
873                    fun localOldAddr(LoadLocal addr) = valOf(Array.sub(localVec, addr))
874                    |   localOldAddr(LoadArgument addr) = getParameter addr
875                    |   localOldAddr(LoadClosure closureEntry) = functEnv closureEntry
876                    |   localOldAddr LoadRecursive = raise InternalError "localOldAddr: LoadRecursive"
878                    fun setTabForInline (index, v) = Array.update (localVec, index, SOME v)
879                    val lambdaContext =
880                    {
881                        lookupAddr=localOldAddr, enterAddr=setTabForInline,
882                        nextAddress=nextAddress, reprocess = reprocess,
883                        maxInlineSize = maxInlineSize
884                    }
885                in
886                    val (cGen, cDecs, cSpec) = simpSpecial(lambdaBody,lambdaContext, copiedArgs)
887                end
888            in
889                (cGen, cDecs, cSpec)
890            end
892        |   (_, gen as Constnt _, _) => (* Not inlinable - constant function. *)
893            let
894                val copiedArgs = map (fn (arg, argType) => (simplify(arg, context), argType)) argList
895                val evCopiedCode =
896                    Eval {function = gen, argList = copiedArgs, resultType=resultType}
897            in
898                (evCopiedCode, decsFunct, EnvSpecNone)
899            end
901        |   (_, gen, _) => (* Anything else. *)
902            let
903                val copiedArgs = map (fn (arg, argType) => (simplify(arg, context), argType)) argList
904                val evCopiedCode =
905                    Eval {function = gen, argList = copiedArgs, resultType=resultType}
906            in
907                (evCopiedCode, decsFunct, EnvSpecNone)
908            end
909    end
911    (* Special processing for the current builtIn1 operations. *)
912    (* Constant folding for built-ins.  These ought to be type-correct i.e. we should have
913       tagged values in some cases and addresses in others.  However there may be run-time
914       tests that would ensure type-correctness and we can't be sure that they will always
915       be folded at compile-time.  e.g. we may have
916        if isShort c then shortOp c else longOp c
917       If c is a constant then we may try to fold both the shortOp and the longOp and one
918       of these will be type-incorrect although never executed at run-time. *)
920    and simpUnary(oper, arg1, context as { reprocess, ...}, tailDecs) =
921    let
922        val (genArg1, decArg1, specArg1) = simpSpecial(arg1, context, tailDecs)
923    in
924        case (oper, genArg1) of
925            (NotBoolean, Constnt(v, _)) =>
926            (
927                reprocess := true;
928                (if isShort v andalso toShort v = 0w0 then CodeTrue else CodeFalse, decArg1, EnvSpecNone)
929            )
931        |   (NotBoolean, genArg1) =>
932            (
933                (* NotBoolean:  This can be the result of using Bool.not but more usually occurs as a result
934                   of other code.  We don't have TestNotEqual or IsAddress so both of these use NotBoolean
935                   with TestEqual and IsTagged.  Also we can insert a NotBoolean as a result of a Cond.
936                   We try to eliminate not(not a) and to push other NotBooleans down to a point where
937                   a boolean is tested. *)
938                case specArg1 of
939                    EnvSpecUnary(NotBoolean, originalArg) =>
940                    (
941                        (* not(not a) - Eliminate. *)
942                        reprocess := true;
943                        (originalArg, decArg1, EnvSpecNone)
944                    )
945                 |  _ =>
946                    (* Otherwise pass this on.  It is also extracted in a Cond. *)
947                    (Unary{oper=NotBoolean, arg1=genArg1}, decArg1, EnvSpecUnary(NotBoolean, genArg1))
948            )
950        |   (IsTaggedValue, Constnt(v, _)) =>
951            (
952                reprocess := true;
953                (if isShort v then CodeTrue else CodeFalse, decArg1, EnvSpecNone)
954            )
956        |   (IsTaggedValue, genArg1) =>
957            (
958                (* We use this to test for nil values and if we have constructed a record
959                   (or possibly a function) it can't be null. *)
960                case specArg1 of
961                    EnvSpecTuple _ => (CodeFalse, decArg1, EnvSpecNone) before reprocess := true
962                |   EnvSpecInlineFunction _ =>
963                        (CodeFalse, decArg1, EnvSpecNone) before reprocess := true
964                |   _ => (Unary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1}, decArg1, EnvSpecNone)
965            )
966        |   (MemoryCellLength, Constnt(v, _)) =>
967            (
968                reprocess := true;
969                (if isShort v then CodeZero else Constnt(toMachineWord(Address.length(toAddress v)), []), decArg1, EnvSpecNone)
970            )
972        |   (MemoryCellFlags, Constnt(v, _)) =>
973            (
974                reprocess := true;
975                (if isShort v then CodeZero else Constnt(toMachineWord(Address.flags(toAddress v)), []), decArg1, EnvSpecNone)
976            )
978        |   (LongWordToTagged, Constnt(v, _)) =>
979            (
980                reprocess := true;
981                (Constnt(toMachineWord(Word.fromLargeWord(RunCall.unsafeCast v)), []), decArg1, EnvSpecNone)
982            )
984        |   (LongWordToTagged, genArg1) =>
985            (
986                (* If we apply LongWordToTagged to an argument we have created with UnsignedToLongWord
987                   we can return the original argument. *)
988                case specArg1 of
989                    EnvSpecUnary(UnsignedToLongWord, originalArg) =>
990                    (
991                        reprocess := true;
992                        (originalArg, decArg1, EnvSpecNone)
993                    )
994                 |  _ => (Unary{oper=LongWordToTagged, arg1=genArg1}, decArg1, EnvSpecNone)
995            )
997        |   (SignedToLongWord, Constnt(v, _)) =>
998            (
999                reprocess := true;
1000                (Constnt(toMachineWord(Word.toLargeWordX(RunCall.unsafeCast v)), []), decArg1, EnvSpecNone)
1001            )
1003        |   (UnsignedToLongWord, Constnt(v, _)) =>
1004            (
1005                reprocess := true;
1006                (Constnt(toMachineWord(Word.toLargeWord(RunCall.unsafeCast v)), []), decArg1, EnvSpecNone)
1007            )
1009        |   (UnsignedToLongWord, genArg1) =>
1010                (* Add the operation as the special entry.  It can then be recognised by LongWordToTagged. *)
1011                (Unary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1}, decArg1, EnvSpecUnary(UnsignedToLongWord, genArg1))
1013        |   _ => (Unary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1}, decArg1, EnvSpecNone)
1014    end
1016    and simpBinary(oper, arg1, arg2, context as {reprocess, ...}, tailDecs) =
1017    let
1018        val (genArg1, decArg1, _ (*specArg1*)) = simpSpecial(arg1, context, tailDecs)
1019        val (genArg2, decArgs, _ (*specArg2*)) = simpSpecial(arg2, context, decArg1)
1020    in
1021        case (oper, genArg1, genArg2) of
1022            (WordComparison{test, isSigned}, Constnt(v1, _), Constnt(v2, _)) =>
1023            if not(isShort v1) orelse not(isShort v2) (* E.g. arbitrary precision on unreachable path. *)
1024            then (Binary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1025            else
1026            let
1027                val () = reprocess := true
1028                val testResult =
1029                    case (test, isSigned) of
1030                        (* TestEqual can be applied to addresses. *)
1031                        (TestEqual, _)              => toShort v1 = toShort v2
1032                    |   (TestLess, false)           => toShort v1 < toShort v2
1033                    |   (TestLessEqual, false)      => toShort v1 <= toShort v2
1034                    |   (TestGreater, false)        => toShort v1 > toShort v2
1035                    |   (TestGreaterEqual, false)   => toShort v1 >= toShort v2
1036                    |   (TestLess, true)            => toFix v1 < toFix v2
1037                    |   (TestLessEqual, true)       => toFix v1 <= toFix v2
1038                    |   (TestGreater, true)         => toFix v1 > toFix v2
1039                    |   (TestGreaterEqual, true)    => toFix v1 >= toFix v2
1040                    |   (TestUnordered, _)          => raise InternalError "WordComparison: TestUnordered"
1041            in
1042                (if testResult then CodeTrue else CodeFalse, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1043            end
1045        |   (PointerEq, Constnt(v1, _), Constnt(v2, _)) =>
1046            (
1047                reprocess := true;
1048                (if RunCall.pointerEq(v1, v2) then CodeTrue else CodeFalse, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1049            )
1051        |   (FixedPrecisionArith arithOp, Constnt(v1, _), Constnt(v2, _)) =>
1052            if not(isShort v1) orelse not(isShort v2)
1053            then (Binary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1054            else
1055            let
1056                val () = reprocess := true
1057                val v1S = toFix v1
1058                and v2S = toFix v2
1059                fun asConstnt v = Constnt(toMachineWord v, [])
1060                val raiseOverflow = Raise(Constnt(toMachineWord Overflow, []))
1061                val raiseDiv = Raise(Constnt(toMachineWord Div, [])) (* ?? There's usually an explicit test. *)
1062                val resultCode =
1063                    case arithOp of
1064                        ArithAdd => (asConstnt(v1S+v2S) handle Overflow => raiseOverflow)
1065                    |   ArithSub => (asConstnt(v1S-v2S) handle Overflow => raiseOverflow)
1066                    |   ArithMult => (asConstnt(v1S*v2S) handle Overflow => raiseOverflow)
1067                    |   ArithQuot => (asConstnt(FixedInt.quot(v1S,v2S)) handle Overflow => raiseOverflow | Div => raiseDiv)
1068                    |   ArithRem => (asConstnt(FixedInt.rem(v1S,v2S)) handle Overflow => raiseOverflow | Div => raiseDiv)
1069                    |   ArithDiv => (asConstnt(FixedInt.div(v1S,v2S)) handle Overflow => raiseOverflow | Div => raiseDiv)
1070                    |   ArithMod => (asConstnt(FixedInt.mod(v1S,v2S)) handle Overflow => raiseOverflow | Div => raiseDiv)
1071            in
1072                (resultCode, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1073            end
1075            (* Addition and subtraction of zero.  These can arise as a result of
1076               inline expansion of more general functions. *)
1077        |   (FixedPrecisionArith ArithAdd, arg1, Constnt(v2, _)) =>
1078            if isShort v2 andalso toShort v2 = 0w0
1079            then (arg1, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1080            else (Binary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1082        |   (FixedPrecisionArith ArithAdd, Constnt(v1, _), arg2) =>
1083            if isShort v1 andalso toShort v1 = 0w0
1084            then (arg2, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1085            else (Binary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1087        |   (FixedPrecisionArith ArithSub, arg1, Constnt(v2, _)) =>
1088            if isShort v2 andalso toShort v2 = 0w0
1089            then (arg1, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1090            else (Binary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1092        |   (WordArith arithOp, Constnt(v1, _), Constnt(v2, _)) =>
1093            if not(isShort v1) orelse not(isShort v2)
1094            then (Binary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1095            else
1096            let
1097                val () = reprocess := true
1098                val v1S = toShort v1
1099                and v2S = toShort v2
1100                fun asConstnt v = Constnt(toMachineWord v, [])
1101                val resultCode =
1102                    case arithOp of
1103                        ArithAdd => asConstnt(v1S+v2S)
1104                    |   ArithSub => asConstnt(v1S-v2S)
1105                    |   ArithMult => asConstnt(v1S*v2S)
1106                    |   ArithQuot => raise InternalError "WordArith: ArithQuot"
1107                    |   ArithRem => raise InternalError "WordArith: ArithRem"
1108                    |   ArithDiv => asConstnt(v1S div v2S)
1109                    |   ArithMod => asConstnt(v1S mod v2S)
1110            in
1111               (resultCode, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1112            end
1114        |   (WordArith ArithAdd, arg1, Constnt(v2, _)) =>
1115            if isShort v2 andalso toShort v2 = 0w0
1116            then (arg1, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1117            else (Binary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1119        |   (WordArith ArithAdd, Constnt(v1, _), arg2) =>
1120            if isShort v1 andalso toShort v1 = 0w0
1121            then (arg2, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1122            else (Binary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1124        |   (WordArith ArithSub, arg1, Constnt(v2, _)) =>
1125            if isShort v2 andalso toShort v2 = 0w0
1126            then (arg1, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1127            else (Binary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1129        |   (WordLogical logOp, Constnt(v1, _), Constnt(v2, _)) =>
1130            if not(isShort v1) orelse not(isShort v2)
1131            then (Binary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1132            else
1133            let
1134                val () = reprocess := true
1135                val v1S = toShort v1
1136                and v2S = toShort v2
1137                fun asConstnt v = Constnt(toMachineWord v, [])
1138                val resultCode =
1139                    case logOp of
1140                        LogicalAnd => asConstnt(Word.andb(v1S,v2S))
1141                    |   LogicalOr => asConstnt(Word.orb(v1S,v2S))
1142                    |   LogicalXor => asConstnt(Word.xorb(v1S,v2S))
1143            in
1144               (resultCode, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1145            end
1147        |   (WordLogical logop, arg1, Constnt(v2, _)) =>
1148            (* Return the zero if we are anding with zero otherwise the original arg *)
1149            if isShort v2 andalso toShort v2 = 0w0
1150            then (case logop of LogicalAnd => CodeZero | _ => arg1, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1151            else (Binary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1153        |   (WordLogical logop, Constnt(v1, _), arg2) =>
1154            if isShort v1 andalso toShort v1 = 0w0
1155            then (case logop of LogicalAnd => CodeZero | _ => arg2, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1156            else (Binary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1158            (* TODO: Constant folding of shifts. *)
1160        |   _ => (Binary{oper=oper, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1161    end
1163    (* Arbitrary precision operations.  This is a sort of mixture of a built-in and a conditional. *)
1164    and simpArbitraryCompare(TestEqual, _, _, _, _, _, _) =
1165        (* We no longer generate this for equality.  General equality for arbitrary precision
1166           uses a combination of PointerEq and byte comparison. *)
1167            raise InternalError "simpArbitraryCompare: TestEqual"
1169    |   simpArbitraryCompare(test, shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall, context as {reprocess, ...}, tailDecs) =
1170    let
1171        val (genCond, decCond, _ (*specArg1*)) = simpSpecial(shortCond, context, tailDecs)
1172        val (genArg1, decArg1, _ (*specArg1*)) = simpSpecial(arg1, context, decCond)
1173        val (genArg2, decArgs, _ (*specArg2*)) = simpSpecial(arg2, context, decArg1)
1174        val posFlags = Address.F_bytes and negFlags = Word8.orb(Address.F_bytes, Address.F_negative)
1175    in
1176        (* Fold any constant/constant operations but more importantly, if we
1177           have variable/constant operations where the constant is short we
1178           can avoid using the full arbitrary precision call by just looking
1179           at the sign bit. *)
1180        case (genCond, genArg1, genArg2) of
1181            (_, Constnt(v1, _), Constnt(v2, _)) =>
1182            let
1183                val a1: LargeInt.int = RunCall.unsafeCast v1
1184                and a2: LargeInt.int = RunCall.unsafeCast v2
1185                val testResult =
1186                    case test of
1187                        TestLess            => a1 < a2
1188                    |   TestGreater         => a1 > a2
1189                    |   TestLessEqual       => a1 <= a2
1190                    |   TestGreaterEqual    => a1 >= a2
1191                    |   _ => raise InternalError "simpArbitraryCompare: Unimplemented function"
1192            in
1193                (if testResult then CodeTrue else CodeFalse, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1194            end
1196        |   (Constnt(c1, _),  _, _) =>
1197            (* The condition is "isShort X andalso isShort Y".  This will have been reduced
1198               to a constant false or true if either (a) either argument is long or
1199               (b) both arguments are short.*)
1200                if isShort c1 andalso toShort c1 = 0w0
1201                then (* One argument is definitely long - generate the long form. *)
1202                    (simplify(longCall, context), decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1203                else (* Both arguments are short.  That should mean they're constants. *)
1204                    (Binary{oper=WordComparison{test=test, isSigned=true}, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1205                         before reprocess := true
1207        |   (_, genArg1, cArg2 as Constnt _) =>
1208            let (* The constant must be short otherwise the test would be false. *)
1209                val isNeg =
1210                    case test of
1211                        TestLess => true
1212                    |   TestLessEqual => true
1213                    |   _ => false
1214                (* Translate i < c into
1215                        if isShort i then toShort i < c else isNegative i *)
1216                val newCode =
1217                    Cond(Unary{oper=BuiltIns.IsTaggedValue, arg1=genArg1},
1218                        Binary { oper = BuiltIns.WordComparison{test=test, isSigned=true}, arg1 = genArg1, arg2 = cArg2 },
1219                        Binary { oper = BuiltIns.WordComparison{test=TestEqual, isSigned=false},
1220                                arg1=Unary { oper = MemoryCellFlags, arg1=genArg1 },
1221                                arg2=Constnt(toMachineWord(if isNeg then negFlags else posFlags), [])}
1222                        )
1223            in
1224                (newCode, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1225            end
1226        |   (_, cArg1 as Constnt _, genArg2) =>
1227            let
1228                (* We're testing c < i  so the test is
1229                   if isShort i then c < toShort i else isPositive i *)
1230                val isPos =
1231                    case test of
1232                        TestLess => true
1233                    |   TestLessEqual => true
1234                    |   _ => false
1235                val newCode =
1236                    Cond(Unary{oper=BuiltIns.IsTaggedValue, arg1=genArg2},
1237                        Binary { oper = BuiltIns.WordComparison{test=test, isSigned=true}, arg1 = cArg1, arg2 = genArg2 },
1238                        Binary { oper = BuiltIns.WordComparison{test=TestEqual, isSigned=false},
1239                                arg1=Unary { oper = MemoryCellFlags, arg1=genArg2 },
1240                                arg2=Constnt(toMachineWord(if isPos then posFlags else negFlags), [])}
1241                        )
1242            in
1243                (newCode, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1244            end
1245        |   _ => (Arbitrary{oper=ArbCompare test, shortCond=genCond, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2, longCall=simplify(longCall, context)}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1246    end
1248    and simpArbitraryArith(arith, shortCond, arg1, arg2, longCall, context, tailDecs) =
1249    let
1250        (* arg1 and arg2 are the arguments.  shortCond is the condition that must be
1251           satisfied in order to use the short precision operation i.e. each argument
1252           must be short. *)
1253        val (genCond, decCond, _ (*specArg1*)) = simpSpecial(shortCond, context, tailDecs)
1254        val (genArg1, decArg1, _ (*specArg1*)) = simpSpecial(arg1, context, decCond)
1255        val (genArg2, decArgs, _ (*specArg2*)) = simpSpecial(arg2, context, decArg1)
1256    in
1257        case (genArg1, genArg2, genCond) of
1258            (Constnt(v1, _), Constnt(v2, _), _) =>
1259            let
1260                val a1: LargeInt.int = RunCall.unsafeCast v1
1261                and a2: LargeInt.int = RunCall.unsafeCast v2
1262                (*val _ = print ("Fold arbitrary precision: " ^ PolyML.makestring(arith, a1, a2) ^ "\n")*)
1263            in
1264                case arith of
1265                    ArithAdd => (Constnt(toMachineWord(a1+a2), []), decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1266                |   ArithSub => (Constnt(toMachineWord(a1-a2), []), decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1267                |   ArithMult => (Constnt(toMachineWord(a1*a2), []), decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1268                |   _ => raise InternalError "simpArbitraryArith: Unimplemented function"
1269            end
1271        |   (_, _, Constnt(c1, _)) =>
1272            if isShort c1 andalso toShort c1 = 0w0
1273            then (* One argument is definitely long - generate the long form. *)
1274                (simplify(longCall, context), decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1275            else
1276                (Arbitrary{oper=ArbArith arith, shortCond=genCond, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2, longCall=simplify(longCall, context)}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1278        |   _ => (Arbitrary{oper=ArbArith arith, shortCond=genCond, arg1=genArg1, arg2=genArg2, longCall=simplify(longCall, context)}, decArgs, EnvSpecNone)
1279    end
1281    and simpAllocateWordMemory(numWords, flags, initial, context, tailDecs) =
1282    let
1283        val (genArg1, decArg1, _ (*specArg1*)) = simpSpecial(numWords, context, tailDecs)
1284        val (genArg2, decArg2, _ (*specArg2*)) = simpSpecial(flags, context, decArg1)
1285        val (genArg3, decArg3, _ (*specArg3*)) = simpSpecial(initial, context, decArg2)
1286    in
1287        (AllocateWordMemory{numWords=genArg1, flags=genArg2, initial=genArg3}, decArg3, EnvSpecNone)
1288    end
1290    (* Loads, stores and block operations use address values.  The index value is initially
1291       an arbitrary code tree but we can recognise common cases of constant index values
1292       or where a constant has been added to the index.
1293       TODO: If these are C memory moves we can also look at the base address.
1294       The base address for C memory operations is a LargeWord.word value i.e.
1295       the address is contained in a box.  The base addresses for ML memory
1296       moves is an ML address i.e. unboxed. *)
1297    and simpAddress({base, index=NONE, offset}, _, context) =
1298        let
1299            val (genBase, decBase, _ (*specBase*)) = simpSpecial(base, context, RevList[])
1300        in
1301            ({base=genBase, index=NONE, offset=offset}, decBase)
1302        end
1304    |   simpAddress({base, index=SOME index, offset: int}, (multiplier: int, isSigned), context) =
1305        let
1306            val (genBase, RevList decBase, _) = simpSpecial(base, context, RevList[])
1307            val (genIndex, RevList decIndex, _ (* specIndex *)) = simpSpecial(index, context, RevList[])
1308            val (newIndex, newOffset) =
1309                case genIndex of
1310                    Constnt(indexOffset, _) =>
1311                        (* Convert small, positive offsets but leave large values as
1312                           indexes.  We could have silly index values here which will
1313                           never be executed because of a range check but should still compile. *)
1314                        if isShort indexOffset
1315                        then
1316                        let
1317                            val indexOffsetW = toShort indexOffset
1318                        in
1319                            if indexOffsetW < 0w1000 orelse isSigned andalso indexOffsetW > ~ 0w1000
1320                            then (NONE, offset + (if isSigned then Word.toIntX else Word.toInt)indexOffsetW * multiplier)
1321                            else (SOME genIndex, offset)
1322                        end
1323                        else (SOME genIndex, offset)
1324                |   _ => (SOME genIndex, offset)
1325        in
1326            ({base=genBase, index=newIndex, offset=newOffset}, RevList(decIndex @ decBase))
1327        end
1331    (* A built-in function.  We can call certain built-ins immediately if
1332       the arguments are constants.  *)
1333    and simpBuiltIn(rtsCallNo, argList, context as { reprocess, ...}) =
1334    let
1335        val copiedArgs = map (fn arg => simpSpecial(arg, context)) argList
1336        open RuntimeCalls
1337        (* When checking for a constant we need to check that there are no bindings.
1338           They could have side-effects. *)
1339        fun isAConstant(Constnt _, [], _) = true
1340        |   isAConstant _ = false
1341    in
1342        (* If the function is an RTS call that is safe to evaluate immediately and all the
1343           arguments are constants evaluate it now. *)
1344        if earlyRtsCall rtsCallNo andalso List.all isAConstant copiedArgs
1345        then
1346        let
1347            val () = reprocess := true
1348            exception Interrupt = Thread.Thread.Interrupt
1350            (* Turn the arguments into a vector.  *)
1351            val argVector =
1352                case makeConstVal(mkTuple(List.map specialToGeneral copiedArgs)) of
1353                    Constnt(w, _) => w
1354                |   _ => raise InternalError "makeConstVal: Not constant"
1356            (* Call the function.  If it raises an exception (e.g. divide
1357               by zero) generate code to raise the exception at run-time.
1358               We don't do that for Interrupt which we assume only arises
1359               by user interaction and not as a result of executing the
1360               code so we reraise that exception immediately. *)
1361            val ioOp : int -> machineWord =
1362                RunCall.run_call1 RuntimeCalls.POLY_SYS_io_operation
1363            (* We need callcode_tupled here because we pass the arguments as
1364               a tuple but the RTS functions we're calling expect arguments in
1365               registers or on the stack. *)
1366            val call: (address * machineWord) -> machineWord =
1367                RunCall.run_call1 RuntimeCalls.POLY_SYS_callcode_tupled
1368            val code =
1369                Constnt (call(toAddress(ioOp rtsCallNo), argVector), [])
1370                    handle exn as Interrupt => raise exn (* Must not handle this *)
1371                    | exn => Raise (Constnt(toMachineWord exn, []))
1372        in
1373            (code, [], EnvSpecNone)
1374        end
1375            (* We can optimise certain built-ins in combination with others.
1376               If we have POLY_SYS_unsigned_to_longword combined with POLY_SYS_longword_to_tagged
1377               we can eliminate both.  This can occur in cases such as Word.fromLargeWord o Word8.toLargeWord.
1378               If we have POLY_SYS_cmem_load_X functions where the address is formed by adding
1379               a constant to an address we can move the addend into the load instruction. *)
1380            (* TODO: Could we also have POLY_SYS_signed_to_longword here? *)
1381        else if rtsCallNo = POLY_SYS_longword_to_tagged andalso
1382                (case copiedArgs of [(_, _, EnvSpecBuiltIn(r, _))] => r = POLY_SYS_unsigned_to_longword | _ => false)
1383        then
1384        let
1385            val arg = (* Get the argument of the argument. *)
1386                case copiedArgs of
1387                    [(_, _, EnvSpecBuiltIn(_, [arg]))] => arg
1388                |   _ => raise Bind
1389        in
1390            (arg, [], EnvSpecNone)
1391        end
1392        else if (rtsCallNo = POLY_SYS_cmem_load_8 orelse rtsCallNo = POLY_SYS_cmem_load_16 orelse
1393                 rtsCallNo = POLY_SYS_cmem_load_32 orelse rtsCallNo = POLY_SYS_cmem_load_64 orelse
1394                 rtsCallNo = POLY_SYS_cmem_store_8 orelse rtsCallNo = POLY_SYS_cmem_store_16 orelse
1395                 rtsCallNo = POLY_SYS_cmem_store_32 orelse rtsCallNo = POLY_SYS_cmem_store_64) andalso
1396                (* Check if the first argument is an addition.  The second should be a constant.
1397                   If the addend is a constant it will be a large integer i.e. the address of a
1398                   byte segment. *)
1399                let
1400                    (* Check that we have a valid value to add to a large word.
1401                       The cmem_load/store values sign extend their arguments so we
1402                       use toLargeWordX here. *)
1403                    fun isAcceptableOffset c =
1404                        if isShort c (* Shouldn't occur. *) then false
1405                        else
1406                        let
1407                            val l: LargeWord.word = RunCall.unsafeCast c
1408                        in
1409                            Word.toLargeWordX(Word.fromLargeWord l) = l
1410                        end
1411                in
1412                    case copiedArgs of (_, _, EnvSpecBuiltIn(r, args)) :: (Constnt _, _, _) :: _ =>
1413                        r = POLY_SYS_plus_longword andalso
1414                            (case args of
1415                                (* If they were both constants we'd have folded them. *)
1416                                [Constnt(c, _), _] => isAcceptableOffset c
1417                            |   [_, Constnt(c, _)] => isAcceptableOffset c
1418                            | _ => false)
1419                        | _ => false
1420                end
1421        then
1422        let
1423            (* We have a load or store with an added constant. *)
1424            val (base, offset) =
1425                case copiedArgs of
1426                    (_, _, EnvSpecBuiltIn(_, [Constnt(offset, _), base])) :: (Constnt(existing, _), _, _) :: _ =>
1427                        (base, Word.fromLargeWord(RunCall.unsafeCast offset) + toShort existing)
1428                |   (_, _, EnvSpecBuiltIn(_, [base, Constnt(offset, _)])) :: (Constnt(existing, _), _, _) :: _ =>
1429                        (base, Word.fromLargeWord(RunCall.unsafeCast offset) + toShort existing)
1430                |   _ => raise Bind
1431            val newDecs = List.map(fn h => makeNewDecl(h, context)) copiedArgs
1432            val genArgs = List.map(fn ((g, _), _) => envGeneralToCodetree g) newDecs
1433            val preDecs = List.foldr (op @) [] (List.map #2 newDecs)
1434            val gen = BuiltIn(rtsCallNo, base :: Constnt(toMachineWord offset, []) :: List.drop(genArgs, 2))
1435        in
1436            (gen, preDecs, EnvSpecNone)
1437        end
1438        else
1439        let
1440            (* Create bindings for the arguments.  This ensures that any side-effects in the
1441               evaluation of the arguments are performed in the correct order even if the
1442               application of the built-in itself is applicative.  The new arguments are
1443               either loads or constants which are applicative. *)
1444            val newDecs = List.map(fn h => makeNewDecl(h, context)) copiedArgs
1445            val genArgs = List.map(fn ((g, _), _) => envGeneralToCodetree g) newDecs
1446            val preDecs = List.foldr (op @) [] (List.map #2 newDecs)
1447            val gen = BuiltIn(rtsCallNo, genArgs)
1448            val spec =
1449                if reorderable gen
1450                then EnvSpecBuiltIn(rtsCallNo, genArgs)
1451                else EnvSpecNone
1452        in
1453            (gen, preDecs, spec)
1454        end
1455    end
1457    and simpIfThenElse(condTest, condThen, condElse, context, tailDecs) =
1458    (* If-then-else.  The main simplification is if we have constants in the
1459       test or in both the arms. *)
1460    let
1461        val word0 = toMachineWord 0
1462        val word1 = toMachineWord 1
1464        val False = word0
1465        val True  = word1
1466    in
1467        case simpSpecial(condTest, context, tailDecs) of
1468            (* If the test is a constant we can return the appropriate arm and
1469               ignore the other.  *)
1470            (Constnt(testResult, _), bindings, _) =>
1471                let
1472                    val arm =
1473                        if wordEq (testResult, False) (* false - return else-part *)
1474                        then condElse (* if false then x else y == y *)
1475                        (* if true then x else y == x *)
1476                        else condThen
1477                in
1478                    simpSpecial(arm, context, bindings)
1479                end
1480        |   (testGen, testbindings as RevList testBList, testSpec) =>
1481            let
1482                fun mkNot (Unary{oper=BuiltIns.NotBoolean, arg1}) = arg1
1483                |   mkNot arg = Unary{oper=BuiltIns.NotBoolean, arg1=arg}
1485                (* If the test involves a variable that was created with a NOT it's
1486                   better to move it in here. *)
1487                val testCond =
1488                    case testSpec of
1489                        EnvSpecUnary(BuiltIns.NotBoolean, arg1) => mkNot arg1
1490                    |   _ => testGen
1491            in
1492                case (simpSpecial(condThen, context, RevList[]), simpSpecial(condElse, context, RevList[])) of
1493                    ((thenConst as Constnt(thenVal, _), RevList [], _), (elseConst as Constnt(elseVal, _), RevList [], _)) =>
1494                        (* Both arms return constants.  This situation can arise in
1495                           situations where we have andalso/orelse where the second
1496                           "argument" has been reduced to a constant. *)
1497                        if wordEq (thenVal, elseVal)
1498                        then (* If the test has a side-effect we have to do it otherwise we can remove
1499                                it.  If we're in a nested andalso/orelse that may mean we can simplify
1500                                the next level out. *)
1501                            (thenConst (* or elseConst *),
1502                             if sideEffectFree testCond then testbindings else RevList(NullBinding testCond :: testBList),
1503                             EnvSpecNone)
1505                        (* if x then true else false == x *)
1506                        else if wordEq (thenVal, True) andalso wordEq (elseVal, False)
1507                        then (testCond, testbindings, EnvSpecNone)
1509                        (* if x then false else true == not x  *)
1510                        else if wordEq (thenVal, False) andalso wordEq (elseVal, True)
1511                        then (mkNot testCond, testbindings, EnvSpecNone)
1513                        else (* can't optimise *) (Cond (testCond, thenConst, elseConst), testbindings, EnvSpecNone)
1515                        (* Rewrite "if x then raise y else z" into "(if x then raise y else (); z)"
1516                           The advantage is that any tuples in z are lifted outside the "if". *)
1517                |   (thenPart as (Raise _, _:revlist, _), (elsePart, RevList elseBindings, elseSpec)) =>
1518                        (* then-part raises an exception *)
1519                        (elsePart, RevList(elseBindings @ NullBinding(Cond (testCond, specialToGeneral thenPart, CodeZero)) :: testBList), elseSpec)
1521                |   ((thenPart, RevList thenBindings, thenSpec), elsePart as (Raise _, _, _)) =>
1522                        (* else part raises an exception *)
1523                        (thenPart, RevList(thenBindings @ NullBinding(Cond (testCond, CodeZero, specialToGeneral elsePart)) :: testBList), thenSpec)
1525                |   (thenPart, elsePart) => (Cond (testCond, specialToGeneral thenPart, specialToGeneral elsePart), testbindings, EnvSpecNone)
1526            end
1527    end
1529    (* Tuple construction.  Tuples are also used for datatypes and structures (i.e. modules) *)
1530    and simpTuple(entries, isVariant, context, tailDecs) =
1531     (* The main reason for optimising record constructions is that they
1532        appear as tuples in ML. We try to ensure that loads from locally
1533        created tuples do not involve indirecting from the tuple but can
1534        get the value which was put into the tuple directly. If that is
1535        successful we may find that the tuple is never used directly so
1536        the use-count mechanism will ensure it is never created. *)
1537    let
1538        val tupleSize = List.length entries
1539        (* The record construction is treated as a block of local
1540           declarations so that any expressions which might have side-effects
1541           are done exactly once. *)
1542        (* We thread the bindings through here to avoid having to append the result. *)
1543        fun processFields([], bindings) = ([], bindings)
1544        |   processFields(field::fields, bindings) =
1545            let
1546                val (thisField, newBindings) =
1547                    makeNewDecl(simpSpecial(field, context, bindings), context)
1548                val (otherFields, resBindings) = processFields(fields, newBindings)
1549            in
1550                (thisField::otherFields, resBindings)
1551            end
1552        val (fieldEntries, allBindings) = processFields(entries, tailDecs)
1554        (* Make sure we include any inline code in the result.  If this tuple is
1555           being "exported" we will lose the "special" part. *)
1556        fun envResToCodetree(EnvGenLoad(ext), _) = Extract ext
1557        |   envResToCodetree(EnvGenConst(w, p), s) = Constnt(w, setInline s p)
1559        val generalFields = List.map envResToCodetree fieldEntries
1561        val genRec =
1562            if List.all isConstnt generalFields
1563            then makeConstVal(Tuple{ fields = generalFields, isVariant = isVariant })
1564            else Tuple{ fields = generalFields, isVariant = isVariant }
1566        (* Get the field from the tuple if possible.  If it's a variant, though,
1567           we may try to get an invalid field.  See Tests/Succeed/Test167. *)
1568        fun getField addr =
1569            if addr < tupleSize
1570            then List.nth(fieldEntries, addr)
1571            else if isVariant
1572            then (EnvGenConst(toMachineWord 0, []), EnvSpecNone)
1573            else raise InternalError "getField - invalid index"
1575        val specRec = EnvSpecTuple(tupleSize, getField)
1576    in
1577        (genRec, allBindings, specRec)
1578    end
1580    and simpFieldSelect(base, offset, indKind, context, tailDecs) =
1581    let
1582        val (genSource, decSource, specSource) = simpSpecial(base, context, tailDecs)
1583    in
1584        (* Try to do the selection now if possible. *)
1585        case specSource of
1586            EnvSpecTuple(_, recEnv) =>
1587            let
1588                (* The "special" entry we've found is a tuple.  That means that
1589                   we are taking a field from a tuple we made earlier and so we
1590                   should be able to get the original code we used when we made
1591                   the tuple.  That might mean the tuple is never used and
1592                   we can optimise away the construction of it completely. *)
1593                val (newGen, newSpec) = recEnv offset
1594            in
1595                (envGeneralToCodetree newGen, decSource, newSpec)
1596            end
1598        |   _ => (* No special case possible. If the tuple is a constant mkInd/mkVarField
1599                    will do the selection immediately. *)
1600            let
1601                val genSelect =
1602                    case indKind of
1603                        IndTuple => mkInd(offset, genSource)
1604                    |   IndVariant => mkVarField(offset, genSource)
1605                    |   IndContainer => mkIndContainer(offset, genSource)
1606            in
1607                (genSelect, decSource, EnvSpecNone)
1608            end
1609    end
1611    (* Process a SetContainer.  Unlike the other simpXXX functions this is called
1612       after the arguments have been processed.  We try to push the SetContainer
1613       to the leaves of the expression.  This is particularly important with tail-recursive
1614       functions that return tuples.  Without this the function will lose tail-recursion
1615       since each recursion will be followed by code to copy the result back to the
1616       previous container. *)
1617    and simpPostSetContainer(container, Tuple{fields, ...}, RevList tupleDecs, filter) =
1618        let
1619            (* Apply the filter now. *)
1620            fun select(n, hd::tl) =
1621                if n >= BoolVector.length filter
1622                then []
1623                else if BoolVector.sub(filter, n) then hd :: select(n+1, tl) else select(n+1, tl)
1624            |   select(_, []) = []
1625            val selected = select(0, fields)
1626            (* Frequently we will have produced an indirection from the same base.  These
1627               will all be bindings so we have to reverse the process. *)
1629            fun findOriginal a =
1630                List.find(fn Declar{addr, ...} => addr = a | _ => false) tupleDecs
1632            fun checkFields(last, Extract(LoadLocal a) :: tl) =
1633                (
1634                    case findOriginal a of
1635                        SOME(Declar{value=Indirect{base=Extract ext, indKind=IndContainer, offset, ...}, ...}) =>
1636                        (
1637                            case last of
1638                                NONE => checkFields(SOME(ext, [offset]), tl)
1639                            |   SOME(lastExt, offsets) =>
1640                                    (* It has to be the same base and with increasing offsets
1641                                       (no reordering). *)
1642                                    if lastExt = ext andalso offset > hd offsets
1643                                    then checkFields(SOME(ext, offset :: offsets), tl)
1644                                    else NONE
1645                        )
1646                    |   _ => NONE
1647                )
1648            |   checkFields(_, _ :: _) = NONE
1649            |   checkFields(last, []) = last
1651            fun fieldsToFilter fields =
1652            let
1653                val maxDest = List.foldl Int.max ~1 fields
1654                val filterArray = BoolArray.array(maxDest+1, false)
1655                val _ = List.app(fn n => BoolArray.update(filterArray, n, true)) fields
1656            in
1657                BoolArray.vector filterArray
1658            end
1659        in
1660            case checkFields(NONE, selected) of
1661                SOME (ext, fields) => (* It may be a container. *)
1662                    let
1663                        val filter = fieldsToFilter fields
1664                    in
1665                        case ext of
1666                            LoadLocal localAddr =>
1667                            let
1668                                (* Is this a container?  If it is and we're copying all of it we can
1669                                   replace the inner container with a binding to the outer.
1670                                   We have to be careful because it is possible that we may create
1671                                   and set the inner container, then have some bindings that do some
1672                                   side-effects with the inner container before then copying it to
1673                                   the outer container.  For simplicity and to maintain the condition
1674                                   that the container is set in the tails we only merge the containers
1675                                   if it's at the end (after any "filtering"). *)
1676                                val allSet = BoolVector.foldl (fn (a, t) => a andalso t) true filter
1678                                fun findContainer [] = NONE
1679                                |   findContainer (Declar{value, ...} :: tl) =
1680                                        if sideEffectFree value then findContainer tl else NONE
1681                                |   findContainer (Container{addr, size, setter, ...} :: tl) =
1682                                        if localAddr = addr andalso size = BoolVector.length filter andalso allSet
1683                                        then SOME (setter, tl)
1684                                        else NONE
1685                                |   findContainer _ = NONE
1686                            in
1687                                case findContainer tupleDecs of
1688                                    SOME (setter, decs) =>
1689                                        (* Put in a binding for the inner container address so the
1690                                           setter will set the outer container.
1691                                           For this to work all loads from the stack must use native word length. *)
1692                                        mkEnv(List.rev(Declar{addr=localAddr, value=container, use=[]} :: decs), setter)
1693                                |   NONE =>
1694                                        mkEnv(List.rev tupleDecs,
1695                                                SetContainer{container=container, tuple = mkTuple selected,
1696                                                    filter=BoolVector.tabulate(List.length selected, fn _ => true)})
1697                            end
1698                        |   _ =>
1699                            mkEnv(List.rev tupleDecs,
1700                                    SetContainer{container=container, tuple = mkTuple selected,
1701                                                    filter=BoolVector.tabulate(List.length selected, fn _ => true)})
1702                    end
1704            |   NONE =>
1705                    mkEnv(List.rev tupleDecs,
1706                         SetContainer{container=container, tuple = mkTuple selected,
1707                                       filter=BoolVector.tabulate(List.length selected, fn _ => true)})
1708        end
1710    |   simpPostSetContainer(container, Cond(ifpt, thenpt, elsept), RevList tupleDecs, filter) =
1711            mkEnv(List.rev tupleDecs,
1712                Cond(ifpt,
1713                    simpPostSetContainer(container, thenpt, RevList [], filter),
1714                    simpPostSetContainer(container, elsept, RevList [], filter)))
1716    |   simpPostSetContainer(container, Newenv(envDecs, envExp), RevList tupleDecs, filter) =
1717            simpPostSetContainer(container, envExp, RevList(List.rev envDecs @ tupleDecs), filter)
1719    |   simpPostSetContainer(container, BeginLoop{loop, arguments}, RevList tupleDecs, filter) =
1720            mkEnv(List.rev tupleDecs,
1721                BeginLoop{loop = simpPostSetContainer(container, loop, RevList [], filter),
1722                    arguments=arguments})
1724    |   simpPostSetContainer(_, loop as Loop _, RevList tupleDecs, _) =
1725            (* If we are inside a BeginLoop we only set the container on leaves
1726               that exit the loop.  Loop entries will go back to the BeginLoop
1727               so we don't add SetContainer nodes. *)
1728            mkEnv(List.rev tupleDecs, loop)
1730    |   simpPostSetContainer(container, Handle{exp, handler, exPacketAddr}, RevList tupleDecs, filter) =
1731            mkEnv(List.rev tupleDecs,
1732                Handle{
1733                    exp = simpPostSetContainer(container, exp, RevList [], filter),
1734                    handler = simpPostSetContainer(container, handler, RevList [], filter),
1735                    exPacketAddr = exPacketAddr})
1737    |   simpPostSetContainer(container, tupleGen, RevList tupleDecs, filter) =
1738            mkEnv(List.rev tupleDecs, mkSetContainer(container, tupleGen, filter))
1740    fun simplifier{code, numLocals, maxInlineSize} =
1741    let
1742        val localAddressAllocator = ref 0
1743        val addrTab = Array.array(numLocals, NONE)
1745        fun lookupAddr (LoadLocal addr) = valOf(Array.sub(addrTab, addr))
1746        |   lookupAddr (env as LoadArgument _) = (EnvGenLoad env, EnvSpecNone)
1747        |   lookupAddr (env as LoadRecursive) = (EnvGenLoad env, EnvSpecNone)
1748        |   lookupAddr (LoadClosure _) = raise InternalError "top level reached in simplifier"
1750        and enterAddr (addr, tab) = Array.update (addrTab, addr, SOME tab)
1752        fun mkAddr () =
1753            ! localAddressAllocator before localAddressAllocator := ! localAddressAllocator + 1
1754        val reprocess = ref false
1755        val (gen, RevList bindings, spec) =
1756            simpSpecial(code,
1757                {lookupAddr = lookupAddr, enterAddr = enterAddr, nextAddress = mkAddr,
1758                 reprocess = reprocess, maxInlineSize = maxInlineSize}, RevList[])
1759    in
1760        ((gen, List.rev bindings, spec), ! localAddressAllocator, !reprocess)
1761    end
1763    fun specialToGeneral(g, b as _ :: _, s) = mkEnv(b, specialToGeneral(g, [], s))
1764    |   specialToGeneral(Constnt(w, p), [], s) = Constnt(w, setInline s p)
1765    |   specialToGeneral(g, [], _) = g
1768    structure Sharing =
1769    struct
1770        type codetree = codetree
1771        and codeBinding = codeBinding
1772        and envSpecial = envSpecial
1773    end