2    Copyright (c) 2000
3        Cambridge University Technical Services Limited
5    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    Lesser General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
21structure XmTypes = struct
22local open MotifTypes XWindows in
23exception XmNaccelerator                   of string ;
24exception XmNacceleratorText               of XmString ;
25exception XmNaccelerators                  of XtAccelerators ;
26exception XmNadjustLast                    of bool ;
27exception XmNadjustMargin                  of bool ;
28exception XmNalignment                     of XmAlignment ;
29exception XmNallowOverlap                  of bool ;
30exception XmNallowResize                   of bool ;
31exception XmNallowShellResize              of bool ;
32exception XmNancestorSensitive             of bool ;
33exception XmNapplyLabelString              of XmString ;
34exception XmNargc                          of int ;
35exception XmNargv                          of string list ;
36exception XmNarmColor                      of int ;
37exception XmNarmPixmap                     of Drawable ;
38exception XmNarrowDirection                of XmArrowDirection ;
39exception XmNautoShowCursorPosition        of bool ;
40exception XmNautoUnmanage                  of bool ;
41exception XmNautomaticSelection            of bool ;
42exception XmNbackground                    of int ;
43exception XmNbackgroundPixmap              of Drawable ;
44exception XmNbaseHeight                    of int ;
45exception XmNbaseWidth                     of int ;
46exception XmNblinkRate                     of int ;
47exception XmNborderColor                   of int ;
48exception XmNborderPixmap                  of Drawable ;
49exception XmNborderWidth                   of int ;
50exception XmNbottomAttachment              of XmAttachment ;
51exception XmNbottomOffset                  of int ;
52exception XmNbottomPosition                of int ;
53exception XmNbottomShadowColor             of int ;
54exception XmNbottomShadowPixmap            of Drawable ;
55exception XmNbottomWidget                  of Widget ;
56exception XmNbuttonAcceleratorText         of XmString list ;
57exception XmNbuttonAccelerators            of string list ;
58exception XmNbuttonCount                   of int ;
59exception XmNbuttonFontList                of (XFontStruct * string) list ;
60exception XmNbuttonMnemonicCharSets        of XmString list ;
61exception XmNbuttonMnemonics               of int list ;
62exception XmNbuttonSet                     of int ;
63exception XmNbuttonType                    of XmButtonType list ;
64exception XmNbuttons                       of XmString list ;
65exception XmNcancelButton                  of Widget ;
66exception XmNcancelLabelString             of XmString ;
67exception XmNcascadePixmap                 of Drawable ;
68exception XmNchildren                      of Widget list ;
69exception XmNclipWindow                    of Widget ;
70exception XmNcolormap                      of Colormap ;
71exception XmNcolumns                       of int ;
72exception XmNcommand                       of XmString ;
73exception XmNcommandWindow                 of Widget ;
74exception XmNcommandWindowLocation         of XmCommandWindowLocation ;
75exception XmNcursorPosition                of int ;
76exception XmNcursorPositionVisible         of bool ;
77exception XmNdecimalPoints                 of int ;
78exception XmNdefaultButton                 of Widget ;
79exception XmNdefaultButtonShadowThickness  of int ;
80exception XmNdefaultButtonType             of XmDefaultButtonType ;
81exception XmNdefaultFontList               of (XFontStruct * string) list ;
82exception XmNdefaultPosition               of bool ;
83exception XmNdeleteResponse                of XmDeleteResponse ;
84exception XmNdepth                         of int ;
85exception XmNdialogStyle                   of XmDialogStyle ;
86exception XmNdialogTitle                   of XmString ;
87exception XmNdialogType                    of XmDialogType ;
88exception XmNdirListItemCount              of int ;
89exception XmNdirListItems                  of XmString list ;
90exception XmNdirListLabelString            of XmString ;
91exception XmNdirMask                       of XmString ;
92exception XmNdirSpec                       of XmString ;
93exception XmNdirectory                     of XmString ;
94exception XmNdirectoryValid                of bool ;
95exception XmNdoubleClickInterval           of int ;
96exception XmNeditMode                      of XmEditMode ;
97exception XmNeditable                      of bool ;
98exception XmNentryAlignment                of XmAlignment ;
99exception XmNentryBorder                   of int ;
100exception XmNfileListItemCount             of int ;
101exception XmNfileListItems                 of XmString list ;
102exception XmNfileListLabelString           of XmString ;
103exception XmNfileTypeMask                  of XmFileTypeMask ;
104exception XmNfillOnArm                     of bool ;
105exception XmNfillOnSelect                  of bool ;
106exception XmNfilterLabelString             of XmString ;
107exception XmNfontList                      of (XFontStruct * string) list ;
108exception XmNforeground                    of int ;
109exception XmNfractionBase                  of int ;
110exception XmNgeometry                      of string ;
111exception XmNheight                        of int ;
112exception XmNheightInc                     of int ;
113exception XmNhelpLabelString               of XmString ;
114exception XmNhighlightColor                of int ;
115exception XmNhighlightOnEnter              of bool ;
116exception XmNhighlightPixmap               of Drawable ;
117exception XmNhighlightThickness            of int ;
118exception XmNhistoryItemCount              of int ;
119exception XmNhistoryItems                  of XmString list ;
120exception XmNhistoryMaxItems               of int ;
121exception XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount       of int ;
122exception XmNhorizontalScrollBar           of Widget ;
123exception XmNhorizontalSpacing             of int ;
124exception XmNiconMask                      of Drawable ;
125exception XmNiconName                      of string ;
126exception XmNiconNameEncoding              of int ;
127exception XmNiconPixmap                    of Drawable ;
128exception XmNiconWindow                    of Drawable ;
129exception XmNiconX                         of int ;
130exception XmNiconY                         of int ;
131exception XmNiconic                        of bool ;
132exception XmNincrement                     of int ;
133exception XmNindicatorOn                   of bool ;
134exception XmNindicatorSize                 of int ;
135exception XmNindicatorType                 of XmIndicatorType ;
136exception XmNinitialDelay                  of int ;
137exception XmNinitialResourcesPersistent    of bool ;
138exception XmNinitialState                  of XWMStateHint ;
139exception XmNinput                         of bool ;
140exception XmNisAligned                     of bool ;
141exception XmNisHomogeneous                 of bool ;
142exception XmNitemCount                     of int ;
143exception XmNitems                         of XmString list ;
144exception XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy           of XmKeyboardFocusPolicy ;
145exception XmNlabelFontList                 of (XFontStruct * string) list ;
146exception XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap        of Drawable ;
147exception XmNlabelPixmap                   of Drawable ;
148exception XmNlabelString                   of XmString ;
149exception XmNlabelType                     of XmLabelType ;
150exception XmNleftAttachment                of XmAttachment ;
151exception XmNleftOffset                    of int ;
152exception XmNleftPosition                  of int ;
153exception XmNleftWidget                    of Widget ;
154exception XmNlistItemCount                 of int ;
155exception XmNlistItems                     of XmString list ;
156exception XmNlistLabelString               of XmString ;
157exception XmNlistMarginHeight              of int ;
158exception XmNlistMarginWidth               of int ;
159exception XmNlistSizePolicy                of XmVisualPolicy ;
160exception XmNlistSpacing                   of int ;
161exception XmNlistUpdated                   of bool ;
162exception XmNlistVisibleItemCount          of int ;
163exception XmNmainWindowMarginHeight        of int ;
164exception XmNmainWindowMarginWidth         of int ;
165exception XmNmappedWhenManaged             of bool ;
166exception XmNmappingDelay                  of int ;
167exception XmNmargin                        of int ;
168exception XmNmarginBottom                  of int ;
169exception XmNmarginHeight                  of int ;
170exception XmNmarginLeft                    of int ;
171exception XmNmarginRight                   of int ;
172exception XmNmarginTop                     of int ;
173exception XmNmarginWidth                   of int ;
174exception XmNmaxAspectX                    of int ;
175exception XmNmaxAspectY                    of int ;
176exception XmNmaxHeight                     of int ;
177exception XmNmaxLength                     of int ;
178exception XmNmaxWidth                      of int ;
179exception XmNmaximum                       of int ;
180exception XmNmenuAccelerator               of string ;
181exception XmNmenuBar                       of Widget ;
182exception XmNmenuCursor                    of Cursor ;
183exception XmNmenuHelpWidget                of Widget ;
184exception XmNmenuHistory                   of Widget ;
185exception XmNmenuPost                      of string ;
186exception XmNmessageAlignment              of XmAlignment ;
187exception XmNmessageString                 of XmString ;
188exception XmNmessageWindow                 of Widget ;
189exception XmNminAspectX                    of int ;
190exception XmNminAspectY                    of int ;
191exception XmNminHeight                     of int ;
192exception XmNminWidth                      of int ;
193exception XmNminimizeButtons               of bool ;
194exception XmNminimum                       of int ;
195exception XmNmnemonic                      of int ;
196exception XmNmnemonicCharSet               of string ;
197exception XmNmultiClick                    of XmMultiClickType ;
198exception XmNmustMatch                     of bool ;
199exception XmNmwmDecorations                of int ;
200exception XmNmwmFunctions                  of int ;
201exception XmNmwmInputMode                  of int ;
202exception XmNmwmMenu                       of string ;
203exception XmNnavigationType                of XmNavigationType ;
204exception XmNnoMatchString                 of XmString ;
205exception XmNnoResize                      of bool ;
206exception XmNnumChildren                   of int ;
207exception XmNnumColumns                    of int ;
208exception XmNokLabelString                 of XmString ;
209exception XmNoptionLabel                   of XmString ;
210exception XmNoptionMnemonic                of int ;
211exception XmNorientation                   of XmOrientation ;
212exception XmNoverrideRedirect              of bool ;
213exception XmNpacking                       of XmPacking ;
214exception XmNpageIncrement                 of int ;
215exception XmNpaneMaximum                   of int ;
216exception XmNpaneMinimum                   of int ;
217exception XmNpattern                       of XmString ;
218exception XmNpendingDelete                 of bool ;
219exception XmNpopupEnabled                  of bool ;
220exception XmNpostFromButton                of int ;
221exception XmNprocessingDirection           of XmProcessingDirection ;
222exception XmNpromptString                  of XmString ;
223exception XmNpushButtonEnabled             of bool ;
224exception XmNradioAlwaysOne                of bool ;
225exception XmNradioBehavior                 of bool ;
226exception XmNrecomputeSize                 of bool ;
227exception XmNrefigureMode                  of bool ;
228exception XmNrepeatDelay                   of int ;
229exception XmNresizable                     of bool ;
230exception XmNresizeHeight                  of bool ;
231exception XmNresizePolicy                  of XmResizePolicy ;
232exception XmNresizeWidth                   of bool ;
233exception XmNrightAttachment               of XmAttachment ;
234exception XmNrightOffset                   of int ;
235exception XmNrightPosition                 of int ;
236exception XmNrightWidget                   of Widget ;
237exception XmNrowColumnType                 of XmRowColumnType ;
238exception XmNrows                          of int ;
239exception XmNrubberPositioning             of bool ;
240exception XmNsashHeight                    of int ;
241exception XmNsashIndent                    of int ;
242exception XmNsashShadowThickness           of int ;
243exception XmNsashWidth                     of int ;
244exception XmNsaveUnder                     of bool ;
245exception XmNscaleHeight                   of int ;
246exception XmNscaleMultiple                 of int ;
247exception XmNscaleWidth                    of int ;
248exception XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy        of XmScrollBarDisplayPolicy ;
249exception XmNscrollBarPlacement            of XmScrollBarPlacement ;
250exception XmNscrollHorizontal              of bool ;
251exception XmNscrollLeftSide                of bool ;
252exception XmNscrollTopSide                 of bool ;
253exception XmNscrollVertical                of bool ;
254exception XmNscrolledWindowMarginHeight    of int ;
255exception XmNscrolledWindowMarginWidth     of int ;
256exception XmNscrollingPolicy               of XmScrollingPolicy ;
257exception XmNselectColor                   of int ;
258exception XmNselectInsensitivePixmap       of Drawable ;
259exception XmNselectPixmap                  of Drawable ;
260exception XmNselectThreshold               of int ;
261exception XmNselectedItemCount             of int ;
262exception XmNselectedItems                 of XmString list ;
263exception XmNselectionArray                of XmTextScanType list ;
264exception XmNselectionArrayCount           of int ;
265exception XmNselectionLabelString          of XmString ;
266exception XmNselectionPolicy               of XmSelectionPolicy ;
267exception XmNsensitive                     of bool ;
268exception XmNseparatorOn                   of bool ;
269exception XmNseparatorType                 of XmShadowType ;
270exception XmNset                           of bool ;
271exception XmNshadowThickness               of int ;
272exception XmNshadowType                    of XmShadowType ;
273exception XmNshellUnitType                 of XmUnitType ;
274exception XmNshowArrows                    of bool ;
275exception XmNshowAsDefault                 of int ;
276exception XmNshowSeparator                 of bool ;
277exception XmNshowValue                     of bool ;
278exception XmNskipAdjust                    of bool ;
279exception XmNsliderSize                    of int ;
280exception XmNspacing                       of int ;
281exception XmNstringDirection               of XmStringDirection ;
282exception XmNsubMenuId                     of Widget ;
283exception XmNsymbolPixmap                  of Drawable ;
284exception XmNtextAccelerators              of XtAccelerators ;
285exception XmNtextColumns                   of int ;
286exception XmNtextFontList                  of (XFontStruct * string) list ;
287exception XmNtextString                    of XmString ;
288exception XmNtextTranslations              of XtTranslations ;
289exception XmNtitle                         of string ;
290exception XmNtitleEncoding                 of int ;
291exception XmNtitleString                   of XmString ;
292exception XmNtopAttachment                 of XmAttachment ;
293exception XmNtopCharacter                  of int ;
294exception XmNtopItemPosition               of int ;
295exception XmNtopOffset                     of int ;
296exception XmNtopPosition                   of int ;
297exception XmNtopShadowColor                of int ;
298exception XmNtopShadowPixmap               of Drawable ;
299exception XmNtopWidget                     of Widget ;
300exception XmNtransient                     of bool ;
301exception XmNtransientFor                  of Widget ;
302exception XmNtranslations                  of XtTranslations ;
303exception XmNtraversalOn                   of bool ;
304exception XmNtroughColor                   of int ;
305exception XmNunitType                      of XmUnitType ;
306exception XmNuseAsyncGeometry              of bool ;
307exception XmNvalue                         of int ;
308exception XmNverifyBell                    of bool ;
309exception XmNverticalScrollBar             of Widget ;
310exception XmNverticalSpacing               of int ;
311exception XmNvisibleItemCount              of int ;
312exception XmNvisibleWhenOff                of bool ;
313exception XmNvisual                        of Visual ;
314exception XmNvisualPolicy                  of XmVisualPolicy ;
315exception XmNwaitForWm                     of bool ;
316exception XmNwidth                         of int ;
317exception XmNwidthInc                      of int ;
318exception XmNwinGravity                    of int ;
319exception XmNwindowGroup                   of Drawable ;
320exception XmNwmTimeout                     of int ;
321exception XmNwordWrap                      of bool ;
322exception XmNworkWindow                    of Widget ;
323exception XmNx                             of int ;
324exception XmNy                             of int ;
325val XmCAccelerator                   = "Accelerator" ;
326val XmCAcceleratorText               = "AcceleratorText" ;
327val XmCAccelerators                  = "Accelerators" ;
328val XmCAdjustLast                    = "AdjustLast" ;
329val XmCAdjustMargin                  = "AdjustMargin" ;
330val XmCAlignment                     = "Alignment" ;
331val XmCAllowOverlap                  = "AllowOverlap" ;
332val XmCAllowShellResize              = "AllowShellResize" ;
333val XmCApplyLabelString              = "ApplyLabelString" ;
334val XmCArgc                          = "Argc" ;
335val XmCArgv                          = "Argv" ;
336val XmCArmColor                      = "ArmColor" ;
337val XmCArmPixmap                     = "ArmPixmap" ;
338val XmCArrowDirection                = "ArrowDirection" ;
339val XmCAttachment                    = "Attachment" ;
340val XmCAutoShowCursorPosition        = "AutoShowCursorPosition" ;
341val XmCAutoUnmanage                  = "AutoUnmanage" ;
342val XmCAutomaticSelection            = "AutomaticSelection" ;
343val XmCBackground                    = "Background" ;
344val XmCBackgroundPixmap              = "BackgroundPixmap" ;
345val XmCBaseHeight                    = "BaseHeight" ;
346val XmCBaseWidth                     = "BaseWidth" ;
347val XmCBlinkRate                     = "BlinkRate" ;
348val XmCBoolean                       = "Boolean" ;
349val XmCBorderColor                   = "BorderColor" ;
350val XmCBorderWidth                   = "BorderWidth" ;
351val XmCBottomShadowColor             = "BottomShadowColor" ;
352val XmCBottomShadowPixmap            = "BottomShadowPixmap" ;
353val XmCButtonAcceleratorText         = "ButtonAcceleratorText" ;
354val XmCButtonAccelerators            = "ButtonAccelerators" ;
355val XmCButtonCount                   = "ButtonCount" ;
356val XmCButtonFontList                = "ButtonFontList" ;
357val XmCButtonMnemonicCharSets        = "ButtonMnemonicCharSets" ;
358val XmCButtonMnemonics               = "ButtonMnemonics" ;
359val XmCButtonSet                     = "ButtonSet" ;
360val XmCButtonType                    = "ButtonType" ;
361val XmCButtons                       = "Buttons" ;
362val XmCCancelLabelString             = "CancelLabelString" ;
363val XmCChildren                      = "Children" ;
364val XmCClipWindow                    = "ClipWindow" ;
365val XmCColormap                      = "Colormap" ;
366val XmCColumns                       = "Columns" ;
367val XmCCommandWindow                 = "CommandWindow" ;
368val XmCCommandWindowLocation         = "CommandWindowLocation" ;
369val XmCCursor                        = "Cursor" ;
370val XmCCursorPosition                = "CursorPosition" ;
371val XmCCursorPositionVisible         = "CursorPositionVisible" ;
372val XmCDecimalPoints                 = "DecimalPoints" ;
373val XmCDefaultButtonShadowThickness  = "DefaultButtonShadowThickness" ;
374val XmCDefaultButtonType             = "DefaultButtonType" ;
375val XmCDefaultFontList               = "DefaultFontList" ;
376val XmCDefaultPosition               = "DefaultPosition" ;
377val XmCDeleteResponse                = "DeleteResponse" ;
378val XmCDepth                         = "Depth" ;
379val XmCDialogStyle                   = "DialogStyle" ;
380val XmCDialogTitle                   = "DialogTitle" ;
381val XmCDialogType                    = "DialogType" ;
382val XmCDirListItemCount              = "DirListItemCount" ;
383val XmCDirListItems                  = "DirListItems" ;
384val XmCDirListLabelString            = "DirListLabelString" ;
385val XmCDirMask                       = "DirMask" ;
386val XmCDirSpec                       = "DirSpec" ;
387val XmCDirectory                     = "Directory" ;
388val XmCDirectoryValid                = "DirectoryValid" ;
389val XmCDoubleClickInterval           = "DoubleClickInterval" ;
390val XmCEditMode                      = "EditMode" ;
391val XmCEditable                      = "Editable" ;
392val XmCEntryBorder                   = "EntryBorder" ;
393val XmCFileListItemCount             = "FileListItemCount" ;
394val XmCFileListItems                 = "FileListItems" ;
395val XmCFileListLabelString           = "FileListLabelString" ;
396val XmCFileTypeMask                  = "FileTypeMask" ;
397val XmCFillOnArm                     = "FillOnArm" ;
398val XmCFillOnSelect                  = "FillOnSelect" ;
399val XmCFilterLabelString             = "FilterLabelString" ;
400val XmCFontList                      = "FontList" ;
401val XmCForeground                    = "Foreground" ;
402val XmCFraction                      = "Fraction" ;
403val XmCGeometry                      = "Geometry" ;
404val XmCHeight                        = "Height" ;
405val XmCHeightInc                     = "HeightInc" ;
406val XmCHelpLabelString               = "HelpLabelString" ;
407val XmCHighlightColor                = "HighlightColor" ;
408val XmCHighlightOnEnter              = "HighlightOnEnter" ;
409val XmCHighlightPixmap               = "HighlightPixmap" ;
410val XmCHighlightThickness            = "HighlightThickness" ;
411val XmCHorizontalScrollBar           = "HorizontalScrollBar" ;
412val XmCIconMask                      = "IconMask" ;
413val XmCIconName                      = "IconName" ;
414val XmCIconNameEncoding              = "IconNameEncoding" ;
415val XmCIconPixmap                    = "IconPixmap" ;
416val XmCIconWindow                    = "IconWindow" ;
417val XmCIconX                         = "IconX" ;
418val XmCIconY                         = "IconY" ;
419val XmCIconic                        = "Iconic" ;
420val XmCIncrement                     = "Increment" ;
421val XmCIndicatorOn                   = "IndicatorOn" ;
422val XmCIndicatorSize                 = "IndicatorSize" ;
423val XmCIndicatorType                 = "IndicatorType" ;
424val XmCInitialDelay                  = "InitialDelay" ;
425val XmCInitialResourcesPersistent    = "InitialResourcesPersistent" ;
426val XmCInitialState                  = "InitialState" ;
427val XmCInput                         = "Input" ;
428val XmCIsAligned                     = "IsAligned" ;
429val XmCIsHomogeneous                 = "IsHomogeneous" ;
430val XmCItemCount                     = "ItemCount" ;
431val XmCItems                         = "Items" ;
432val XmCKeyboardFocusPolicy           = "KeyboardFocusPolicy" ;
433val XmCLabelFontList                 = "LabelFontList" ;
434val XmCLabelInsensitivePixmap        = "LabelInsensitivePixmap" ;
435val XmCLabelPixmap                   = "LabelPixmap" ;
436val XmCLabelString                   = "LabelString" ;
437val XmCLabelType                     = "LabelType" ;
438val XmCListLabelString               = "ListLabelString" ;
439val XmCListMarginHeight              = "ListMarginHeight" ;
440val XmCListMarginWidth               = "ListMarginWidth" ;
441val XmCListSizePolicy                = "ListSizePolicy" ;
442val XmCListSpacing                   = "ListSpacing" ;
443val XmCListUpdated                   = "ListUpdated" ;
444val XmCMainWindowMarginHeight        = "MainWindowMarginHeight" ;
445val XmCMainWindowMarginWidth         = "MainWindowMarginWidth" ;
446val XmCMappedWhenManaged             = "MappedWhenManaged" ;
447val XmCMappingDelay                  = "MappingDelay" ;
448val XmCMargin                        = "Margin" ;
449val XmCMarginBottom                  = "MarginBottom" ;
450val XmCMarginHeight                  = "MarginHeight" ;
451val XmCMarginLeft                    = "MarginLeft" ;
452val XmCMarginRight                   = "MarginRight" ;
453val XmCMarginTop                     = "MarginTop" ;
454val XmCMarginWidth                   = "MarginWidth" ;
455val XmCMaxAspectX                    = "MaxAspectX" ;
456val XmCMaxAspectY                    = "MaxAspectY" ;
457val XmCMaxHeight                     = "MaxHeight" ;
458val XmCMaxItems                      = "MaxItems" ;
459val XmCMaxLength                     = "MaxLength" ;
460val XmCMaxWidth                      = "MaxWidth" ;
461val XmCMaximum                       = "Maximum" ;
462val XmCMenuBar                       = "MenuBar" ;
463val XmCMenuPost                      = "MenuPost" ;
464val XmCMenuWidget                    = "MenuWidget" ;
465val XmCMessageString                 = "MessageString" ;
466val XmCMessageWindow                 = "MessageWindow" ;
467val XmCMinAspectX                    = "MinAspectX" ;
468val XmCMinAspectY                    = "MinAspectY" ;
469val XmCMinHeight                     = "MinHeight" ;
470val XmCMinWidth                      = "MinWidth" ;
471val XmCMinimizeButtons               = "MinimizeButtons" ;
472val XmCMinimum                       = "Minimum" ;
473val XmCMnemonic                      = "Mnemonic" ;
474val XmCMnemonicCharSet               = "MnemonicCharSet" ;
475val XmCMultiClick                    = "MultiClick" ;
476val XmCMustMatch                     = "MustMatch" ;
477val XmCMwmDecorations                = "MwmDecorations" ;
478val XmCMwmFunctions                  = "MwmFunctions" ;
479val XmCMwmInputMode                  = "MwmInputMode" ;
480val XmCMwmMenu                       = "MwmMenu" ;
481val XmCNavigationType                = "NavigationType" ;
482val XmCNoMatchString                 = "NoMatchString" ;
483val XmCNoResize                      = "NoResize" ;
484val XmCNumChildren                   = "NumChildren" ;
485val XmCNumColumns                    = "NumColumns" ;
486val XmCOffset                        = "Offset" ;
487val XmCOkLabelString                 = "OkLabelString" ;
488val XmCOptionLabel                   = "OptionLabel" ;
489val XmCOptionMnemonic                = "OptionMnemonic" ;
490val XmCOrientation                   = "Orientation" ;
491val XmCOverrideRedirect              = "OverrideRedirect" ;
492val XmCPacking                       = "Packing" ;
493val XmCPageIncrement                 = "PageIncrement" ;
494val XmCPaneMaximum                   = "PaneMaximum" ;
495val XmCPaneMinimum                   = "PaneMinimum" ;
496val XmCPattern                       = "Pattern" ;
497val XmCPendingDelete                 = "PendingDelete" ;
498val XmCPixmap                        = "Pixmap" ;
499val XmCPopupEnabled                  = "PopupEnabled" ;
500val XmCPosition                      = "Position" ;
501val XmCPostFromButton                = "PostFromButton" ;
502val XmCProcessingDirection           = "ProcessingDirection" ;
503val XmCPromptString                  = "PromptString" ;
504val XmCPushButtonEnabled             = "PushButtonEnabled" ;
505val XmCRadioAlwaysOne                = "RadioAlwaysOne" ;
506val XmCRadioBehavior                 = "RadioBehavior" ;
507val XmCRecomputeSize                 = "RecomputeSize" ;
508val XmCRepeatDelay                   = "RepeatDelay" ;
509val XmCResizeHeight                  = "ResizeHeight" ;
510val XmCResizePolicy                  = "ResizePolicy" ;
511val XmCResizeWidth                   = "ResizeWidth" ;
512val XmCRowColumnType                 = "RowColumnType" ;
513val XmCRows                          = "Rows" ;
514val XmCRubberPositioning             = "RubberPositioning" ;
515val XmCSashHeight                    = "SashHeight" ;
516val XmCSashIndent                    = "SashIndent" ;
517val XmCSashWidth                     = "SashWidth" ;
518val XmCSaveUnder                     = "SaveUnder" ;
519val XmCScaleHeight                   = "ScaleHeight" ;
520val XmCScaleMultiple                 = "ScaleMultiple" ;
521val XmCScaleWidth                    = "ScaleWidth" ;
522val XmCScroll                        = "Scroll" ;
523val XmCScrollBarDisplayPolicy        = "ScrollBarDisplayPolicy" ;
524val XmCScrollBarPlacement            = "ScrollBarPlacement" ;
525val XmCScrollSide                    = "ScrollSide" ;
526val XmCScrolledWindowMarginHeight    = "ScrolledWindowMarginHeight" ;
527val XmCScrolledWindowMarginWidth     = "ScrolledWindowMarginWidth" ;
528val XmCScrollingPolicy               = "ScrollingPolicy" ;
529val XmCSelectColor                   = "SelectColor" ;
530val XmCSelectInsensitivePixmap       = "SelectInsensitivePixmap" ;
531val XmCSelectPixmap                  = "SelectPixmap" ;
532val XmCSelectThreshold               = "SelectThreshold" ;
533val XmCSelectedItemCount             = "SelectedItemCount" ;
534val XmCSelectedItems                 = "SelectedItems" ;
535val XmCSelectionArray                = "SelectionArray" ;
536val XmCSelectionArrayCount           = "SelectionArrayCount" ;
537val XmCSelectionLabelString          = "SelectionLabelString" ;
538val XmCSelectionPolicy               = "SelectionPolicy" ;
539val XmCSensitive                     = "Sensitive" ;
540val XmCSeparatorOn                   = "SeparatorOn" ;
541val XmCSeparatorType                 = "SeparatorType" ;
542val XmCSet                           = "Set" ;
543val XmCShadowThickness               = "ShadowThickness" ;
544val XmCShadowType                    = "ShadowType" ;
545val XmCShellUnitType                 = "ShellUnitType" ;
546val XmCShowArrows                    = "ShowArrows" ;
547val XmCShowAsDefault                 = "ShowAsDefault" ;
548val XmCShowSeparator                 = "ShowSeparator" ;
549val XmCShowValue                     = "ShowValue" ;
550val XmCSliderSize                    = "SliderSize" ;
551val XmCSpacing                       = "Spacing" ;
552val XmCStringDirection               = "StringDirection" ;
553val XmCTextFontList                  = "TextFontList" ;
554val XmCTextPosition                  = "TextPosition" ;
555val XmCTextString                    = "TextString" ;
556val XmCTitle                         = "Title" ;
557val XmCTitleEncoding                 = "TitleEncoding" ;
558val XmCTitleString                   = "TitleString" ;
559val XmCTopItemPosition               = "TopItemPosition" ;
560val XmCTopShadowColor                = "TopShadowColor" ;
561val XmCTopShadowPixmap               = "TopShadowPixmap" ;
562val XmCTransient                     = "Transient" ;
563val XmCTransientFor                  = "TransientFor" ;
564val XmCTranslations                  = "Translations" ;
565val XmCTraversalOn                   = "TraversalOn" ;
566val XmCTroughColor                   = "TroughColor" ;
567val XmCUnitType                      = "UnitType" ;
568val XmCUseAsyncGeometry              = "UseAsyncGeometry" ;
569val XmCValue                         = "Value" ;
570val XmCVerifyBell                    = "VerifyBell" ;
571val XmCVerticalScrollBar             = "VerticalScrollBar" ;
572val XmCVisibleItemCount              = "VisibleItemCount" ;
573val XmCVisibleWhenOff                = "VisibleWhenOff" ;
574val XmCVisual                        = "Visual" ;
575val XmCVisualPolicy                  = "VisualPolicy" ;
576val XmCWaitForWm                     = "WaitForWm" ;
577val XmCWidget                        = "Widget" ;
578val XmCWidth                         = "Width" ;
579val XmCWidthInc                      = "WidthInc" ;
580val XmCWinGravity                    = "WinGravity" ;
581val XmCWindowGroup                   = "WindowGroup" ;
582val XmCWmTimeout                     = "WmTimeout" ;
583val XmCWordWrap                      = "WordWrap" ;
584val XmCWorkWindow                    = "WorkWindow" ;
585val XmCX                             = "X" ;
586val XmCY                             = "Y" ;
587end (* local *) ;
588end (* struct *) ;