1#lang racket/base
2(require (for-syntax racket/base)
3         (only-in racket/list remove-duplicates)
4         racket/stxparam
5         racket/unsafe/ops
6         "serialize-structs.rkt"
7         "class-wrapped.rkt"
8         racket/runtime-path
9         (only-in "../contract/region.rkt" current-contract-region)
10         "../contract/base.rkt"
11         "../contract/combinator.rkt"
12         racket/unsafe/undefined
13         "class-undef.rkt"
14         (for-syntax racket/stxparam
15                     racket/private/immediate-default
16                     syntax/kerncase
17                     syntax/stx
18                     syntax/name
19                     syntax/define
20                     syntax/flatten-begin
21                     syntax/private/boundmap
22                     syntax/parse
23                     "classidmap.rkt"
24                     "intdef-util.rkt"))
26(define insp (current-inspector)) ; for all opaque structures
29;;  spec for external interface
32(provide provide-public-names
33         ;; needed for Typed Racket
34         (protect-out do-make-object find-method/who))
35(define-syntax (provide-public-names stx)
36  (class-syntax-protect
37   (datum->syntax
38    stx
39    '(provide class class* class/derived
40              define-serializable-class define-serializable-class*
41              class?
42              mixin
43              interface interface* interface?
44              object% object? externalizable<%> printable<%> writable<%> equal<%>
45              object=? object-or-false=? object=-hash-code
46              new make-object instantiate
47              send send/apply send/keyword-apply send* send+ dynamic-send
48              class-field-accessor class-field-mutator with-method
49              get-field set-field! field-bound? field-names
50              dynamic-get-field dynamic-set-field!
51              private* public*  pubment*
52              override* overment*
53              augride* augment*
54              public-final* override-final* augment-final*
55              define/private define/public define/pubment
56              define/override define/overment
57              define/augride define/augment
58              define/public-final define/override-final define/augment-final
59              define-local-member-name define-member-name
60              member-name-key generate-member-key
61              member-name-key? member-name-key=? member-name-key-hash-code
62              generic make-generic send-generic
63              is-a? subclass? implementation? interface-extension?
64              object-interface object-info object->vector
65              object-method-arity-includes?
66              method-in-interface? interface->method-names class->interface class-info
67              (struct-out exn:fail:object)
68              make-primitive-class
69              class/c ->m ->*m ->dm case->m object/c instanceof/c
70              dynamic-object/c
71              class-seal class-unseal
73              ;; "keywords":
74              private public override augment
75              pubment overment augride
76              public-final override-final augment-final
77              field init init-field init-rest
78              rename-super rename-inner inherit inherit/super inherit/inner inherit-field
79              this this% super inner
80              super-make-object super-instantiate super-new
81              inspect absent abstract)
82    stx)))
85;;  keyword setup
88(define-for-syntax (do-class-keyword stx orig-sym)
89  (let ([orig-stx (datum->syntax #f orig-sym stx)])
90    (if (identifier? stx)
91        (raise-syntax-error
92         #f
93         "illegal (unparenthesized) use of a class keyword"
94         orig-stx)
95        (raise-syntax-error
96         #f
97         "use of a class keyword is not in a class top-level"
98         orig-stx))))
100(define-for-syntax (rewrite-renaming-class-keyword stx internal-id)
101  (syntax-case stx ()
102    [(_ elem ...)
103     ;; Set taint mode on elem ...
104     (with-syntax ([internal-id internal-id]
105                   [(elem ...) (for/list ([e (in-list (syntax->list #'(elem ...)))])
106                                 (if (identifier? e)
107                                     e
108                                     (syntax-property e 'taint-mode 'transparent)))])
109       (class-syntax-protect
110        (syntax-property (syntax/loc stx (internal-id elem ...))
111                         'taint-mode
112                         'transparent)))]))
114(define-syntax provide-renaming-class-keyword
115  (syntax-rules ()
116    [(_ [id internal-id] ...)
117     (begin
118       (define-syntax (id stx) (rewrite-renaming-class-keyword stx #'internal-id))
119       ...
120       (define-syntax (internal-id stx) (do-class-keyword stx 'id))
121       ...
122       (provide id ...))]))
124(provide-renaming-class-keyword [private -private]
125                                [public -public]
126                                [override -override]
127                                [augride -augride]
128                                [pubment -pubment]
129                                [overment -overment]
130                                [augment -augment]
131                                [public-final -public-final]
132                                [override-final -override-final]
133                                [augment-final -augment-final]
134                                [rename-super -rename-super]
135                                [rename-inner -rename-inner]
136                                [inherit -inherit]
137                                [inherit-field -inherit-field]
138                                [inherit/super -inherit/super]
139                                [inherit/inner -inherit/inner]
140                                [abstract -abstract])
142(define-for-syntax (rewrite-naming-class-keyword stx internal-id)
143  (syntax-case stx ()
144    [(_ elem ...)
145     (with-syntax ([internal-id internal-id])
146       (class-syntax-protect
147        (syntax-property (syntax/loc stx (internal-id elem ...))
148                         'taint-mode
149                         'transparent)))]))
151(define-syntax provide-naming-class-keyword
152  (syntax-rules ()
153    [(_ [id internal-id] ...)
154     (begin
155       (define-syntax (id stx) (rewrite-naming-class-keyword stx #'internal-id))
156       ...
157       (define-syntax (internal-id stx) (do-class-keyword stx 'id))
158       ...
159       (provide id ...))]))
161(provide-naming-class-keyword [inspect -inspect]
162                              [init-rest -init-rest])
164;; Going ahead and doing this in a generic fashion, in case we later realize that
165;; we need more class contract-specific keywords.
166(define-for-syntax (do-class-contract-keyword stx)
167  (raise-syntax-error
168   #f
169   "use of a class contract keyword is not in a class contract"
170   stx))
172(define-syntax provide-class-contract-keyword
173  (syntax-rules ()
174    [(_ id ...)
175     (begin
176       (define-syntax (id stx) (do-class-contract-keyword stx))
177       ...
178       (provide id ...))]))
180(provide-class-contract-keyword absent)
182(define-for-syntax (do-define-like-internal stx)
183  (syntax-case stx ()
184    [(_ orig . __)
185     (raise-syntax-error
186      #f
187      "use of a class keyword is not in a class top-level"
188      #'orig)]))
190(define-for-syntax (do-define-like stx internal-id)
191  (syntax-case stx ()
192    [(_ elem ...)
193     (syntax-property
194      #`(#,internal-id #,stx
195                       #,@(map (lambda (e)
196                                 (if (identifier? e)
197                                     e
198                                     (syntax-property
199                                      (syntax-case e ()
200                                        [((n1 n2) . expr)
201                                         (syntax-property
202                                          (quasisyntax/loc e
203                                            (#,(syntax-property
204                                                #'(n1 n2)
205                                                'certify-mode 'transparent)
206                                             . expr))
207                                          'certify-mode 'transparent)]
208                                        [(n . expr)
209                                         (identifier? #'n)
210                                         (syntax-property e 'certify-mode 'transparent)]
211                                        [_else e])
212                                      'certify-mode 'transparent)))
213                               (syntax-e #'(elem ...))))
214      'certify-mode
215      'transparent)]
216    [(_ . elems)
217     #`(#,internal-id #,stx . elems)]
218    [_else
219     (raise-syntax-error #f "illegal (unparenthesized) use of class keyword" stx)]))
221(define-syntax provide-class-define-like-keyword
222  (syntax-rules ()
223    [(_ [internal-id id] ...)
224     (begin
225       (define-syntax (internal-id stx) (do-define-like-internal stx))
226       ...
227       (define-syntax (id stx) (do-define-like stx #'internal-id))
228       ...
229       (provide id ...))]))
232 [-field field]
233 [-init init]
234 [-init-field init-field])
237(define-for-syntax not-in-a-class
238  (lambda (stx)
239    (if (eq? (syntax-local-context) 'expression)
240        (raise-syntax-error
241         #f
242         "use of a class keyword is not in a class"
243         stx)
244        (quasisyntax/loc stx (#%expression #,stx)))))
246(define-syntax define/provide-context-keyword
247  (syntax-rules ()
248    [(_ (id param-id) ...)
249     (begin
250       (begin
251         (provide id)
252         (define-syntax-parameter param-id
253           (make-set!-transformer not-in-a-class))
254         (define-syntax id
255           (make-parameter-rename-transformer #'param-id)))
256       ...)]))
259  [this this-param]
260  [this% this%-param]
261  [super super-param]
262  [inner inner-param]
263  [super-make-object super-make-object-param]
264  [super-instantiate super-instantiate-param]
265  [super-new super-new-param])
268;;  local member name lookup
271(define-for-syntax (localize orig-id)
272  (do-localize orig-id #'validate-local-member))
274(define (validate-local-member orig s)
275  (if (symbol? s)
276      s
277      (obj-error 'local-member-name
278                 "used before its definition"
279                 "name" (as-write orig))))
282;; field info creation/access
285;; A field-info is a (vector iref iset eref eset)
286;; where
287;;   iref, iset, eref, and eset are projections to be applied
288;;     on internal and external access and mutation.
290;; make-field-info creates a new field-info for a field.
291;; The caller gives the class and relative position (in the
292;; new object struct layer), and this function fills
293;; in the projections.
294(define (make-field-info cls rpos)
295  (let ([field-ref (make-struct-field-accessor (class-field-ref cls) rpos)]
296        [field-set! (make-struct-field-mutator (class-field-set! cls) rpos)])
297    (vector field-ref field-set! field-ref field-set!)))
299(define (field-info-extend-internal fi ppos pneg neg-party)
300  (let* ([old-ref (unsafe-vector-ref fi 0)]
301         [old-set! (unsafe-vector-ref fi 1)])
302    (vector (λ (o) (ppos (old-ref o) neg-party))
303            (λ (o v) (old-set! o (pneg v neg-party)))
304            (unsafe-vector-ref fi 2)
305            (unsafe-vector-ref fi 3))))
307(define (field-info-extend-external fi ppos pneg neg-party)
308  (let* ([old-ref (unsafe-vector-ref fi 2)]
309         [old-set! (unsafe-vector-ref fi 3)])
310    (vector (unsafe-vector-ref fi 0)
311            (unsafe-vector-ref fi 1)
312            (λ (o) (ppos (old-ref o) neg-party))
313            (λ (o v) (old-set! o (pneg v neg-party))))))
315(define (field-info-internal-ref  fi) (unsafe-vector-ref fi 0))
316(define (field-info-internal-set! fi) (unsafe-vector-ref fi 1))
317(define (field-info-external-ref  fi) (unsafe-vector-ref fi 2))
318(define (field-info-external-set! fi) (unsafe-vector-ref fi 3))
321;;  class macros
324(define-syntaxes (class* _class class/derived)
325  (let ()
326    ;; Start with Helper functions
328    (define (expand-all-forms stx defn-and-exprs def-ctx bind-local-id)
329      (let* ([stop-forms
330              (append
331               (kernel-form-identifier-list)
332               (list
333                (quote-syntax #%app) ; racket/base app, as opposed to #%plain-app
334                (quote-syntax lambda) ; racket/base lambda, as opposed to #%plain-lambda
335                (quote-syntax -init)
336                (quote-syntax -init-rest)
337                (quote-syntax -field)
338                (quote-syntax -init-field)
339                (quote-syntax -inherit-field)
340                (quote-syntax -private)
341                (quote-syntax -public)
342                (quote-syntax -override)
343                (quote-syntax -augride)
344                (quote-syntax -public-final)
345                (quote-syntax -override-final)
346                (quote-syntax -augment-final)
347                (quote-syntax -pubment)
348                (quote-syntax -overment)
349                (quote-syntax -augment)
350                (quote-syntax -rename-super)
351                (quote-syntax -inherit)
352                (quote-syntax -inherit/super)
353                (quote-syntax -inherit/inner)
354                (quote-syntax -rename-inner)
355                (quote-syntax -abstract)
356                (quote-syntax super)
357                (quote-syntax inner)
358                (quote-syntax this)
359                (quote-syntax this%)
360                (quote-syntax super-instantiate)
361                (quote-syntax super-make-object)
362                (quote-syntax super-new)
363                (quote-syntax -inspect)))]
364             [expand-context (generate-class-expand-context)]
365             [expand
366              (lambda (defn-or-expr)
367                (local-expand
368                 defn-or-expr
369                 expand-context
370                 stop-forms
371                 def-ctx))]
372             [defn-and-exprs-in-scope
373               (for/list ([s defn-and-exprs])
374                 (internal-definition-context-add-scopes def-ctx s))])
375        (let loop ([l defn-and-exprs-in-scope])
376          (if (null? l)
377              null
378              (let ([e (expand (car l))])
379                (define (copy-prop stx . ps) (for/fold ([stx stx])
380                                                       ([p ps])
381                                               (syntax-property stx p (syntax-property e p))))
382                (syntax-case e (begin define-syntaxes define-values)
383                  [(begin . _)
384                   (loop (append
385                          (flatten-begin e)
386                          (cdr l)))]
387                  [(define-syntaxes (id ...) rhs)
388                   (andmap identifier? (syntax->list #'(id ...)))
389                   (begin
390                     (with-syntax ([rhs (local-transformer-expand
391                                         #'rhs
392                                         'expression
393                                         null)])
394                       (with-syntax ([(id ...) (syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (syntax->list #'(id ...)) #'rhs def-ctx)])
395                         (cons (copy-prop (syntax/loc e (define-syntaxes (id ...) rhs))
396                                          'disappeared-use 'origin 'disappeared-binding)
397                               (loop (cdr l))))))]
398                  [(define-values (id ...) rhs)
399                   (andmap identifier? (syntax->list #'(id ...)))
400                   (let ([ids (map bind-local-id (syntax->list #'(id ...)))])
401                     (with-syntax ([(id ...) ids])
402                       (cons (datum->syntax e (list #'define-values #'(id ...) #'rhs) e e)
403                             (loop (cdr l)))))]
404                  [_else
405                   (cons e (loop (cdr l)))]))))))
407    ;; returns two lists: expressions that start with an identifier in
408    ;; `kws', and expressions that don't
409    (define (extract kws l out-cons)
410      (let loop ([l l])
411        (if (null? l)
412            (values null null)
413            (let-values ([(in out) (loop (cdr l))])
414              (cond
415                [(and (stx-pair? (car l))
416                      (let ([id (stx-car (car l))])
417                        (and (identifier? id)
418                             (ormap (lambda (k) (free-identifier=? k id)) kws))))
419                 (values (cons (car l) in) out)]
420                [else
421                 (values in (out-cons (car l) out))])))))
423    (define (extract* kws l)
424      (let-values ([(in out) (extract kws l void)])
425        in))
427    (define ((flatten/def-ctx def-ctx) alone l)
428      (apply append
429             (map (lambda (i)
430                    (let ([l (let ([l (syntax->list i)])
431                               (if (ormap (lambda (i)
432                                            (free-identifier=? (car l) i))
433                                          (syntax-e (quote-syntax (-init -init-field -field))))
434                                   (cddr l)
435                                   (cdr l)))])
436                      (if alone
437                          (map (lambda (i)
438                                 (if (identifier? i)
439                                     (alone (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding i def-ctx))
440                                     (cons (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding (stx-car i) def-ctx)
441                                           (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding (stx-car (stx-cdr i)) def-ctx))))
442                               l)
443                          l)))
444                  l)))
446    ;; Used with flatten:
447    (define (pair i) (cons i i))
449    (define (normalize-init/field i)
450      ;; Put i in ((iid eid) optional-expr) form
451      (cond
452        [(identifier? i) (list (list i i))]
453        [else (let ([a (stx-car i)])
454                (if (identifier? a)
455                    (cons (list a a) (stx-cdr i))
456                    i))]))
458    (define ((norm-init/field-iid/def-ctx def-ctx) norm) (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding (stx-car (stx-car norm)) def-ctx))
459    (define ((norm-init/field-eid/def-ctx def-ctx) norm) (syntax-local-identifier-as-binding (stx-car (stx-cdr (stx-car norm))) def-ctx))
461    ;; expands an expression enough that we can check whether it has
462    ;; the right form for a method; must use local syntax definitions
463    (define (proc-shape name orig-stx xform?
464                        the-obj the-finder
465                        bad class-name expand-stop-names
466                        def-ctx lookup-localize)
467      (define (expand expr locals)
468        (local-expand
469         expr
470         'expression
471         (append locals (list #'lambda #'λ) expand-stop-names)
472         def-ctx))
473      ;; Checks whether the vars sequence is well-formed
474      (define (vars-ok? vars)
475        (or (identifier? vars)
476            (stx-null? vars)
477            (and (stx-pair? vars)
478                 (identifier? (stx-car vars))
479                 (vars-ok? (stx-cdr vars)))))
480      (define (kw-vars-ok? vars)
481        (or (identifier? vars)
482            (stx-null? vars)
483            (and (stx-pair? vars)
484                 (let ([a (stx-car vars)]
485                       [opt-arg-ok?
486                        (lambda (a)
487                          (or (identifier? a)
488                              (and (stx-pair? a)
489                                   (identifier? (stx-car a))
490                                   (stx-pair? (stx-cdr a))
491                                   (stx-null? (stx-cdr (stx-cdr a))))))])
492                   (or (and (opt-arg-ok? a)
493                            (kw-vars-ok? (stx-cdr vars)))
494                       (and (keyword? (syntax-e a))
495                            (stx-pair? (stx-cdr vars))
496                            (opt-arg-ok? (stx-car (stx-cdr vars)))
497                            (kw-vars-ok? (stx-cdr (stx-cdr vars)))))))))
498      ;; mk-name: constructs a method name
499      ;; for error reporting, etc.
500      (define (mk-name name)
501        (datum->syntax
502         #f
503         (string->symbol (format "~a method~a~a"
504                                 (syntax-e name)
505                                 (if class-name
506                                     " in "
507                                     "")
508                                 (or class-name
509                                     "")))
510         #f))
511      ;; -- transform loop starts here --
512      (let loop ([stx orig-stx][can-expand? #t][name name][locals null])
513        (syntax-case (disarm stx) (#%plain-lambda lambda λ case-lambda letrec-values let-values)
514          [(lam vars body1 body ...)
515           (or (and (free-identifier=? #'lam #'#%plain-lambda)
516                    (vars-ok? (syntax vars)))
517               (and (or (free-identifier=? #'lam #'lambda)
518                        (free-identifier=? #'lam #'λ))
519                    (kw-vars-ok? (syntax vars))))
520           (if xform?
521               (with-syntax ([the-obj the-obj]
522                             [the-finder the-finder]
523                             [name (mk-name name)])
524                 (with-syntax ([vars (if (or (free-identifier=? #'lam #'lambda)
525                                             (free-identifier=? #'lam #'λ))
526                                         (let loop ([vars #'vars])
527                                           (cond
528                                             [(identifier? vars) vars]
529                                             [(syntax? vars)
530                                              (datum->syntax vars
531                                                             (loop (syntax-e vars))
532                                                             vars
533                                                             vars)]
534                                             [(pair? vars)
535                                              (syntax-case (car vars) ()
536                                                [(id expr)
537                                                 (and (identifier? #'id) (not (immediate-default? #'expr)))
538                                                 ;; optional argument; need to wrap arg expression
539                                                 (cons
540                                                  (with-syntax ([expr (syntax/loc #'expr
541                                                                        (syntax-parameterize ([the-finder (quote-syntax the-obj)])
542                                                                          (#%expression expr)))])
543                                                    (syntax/loc (car vars)
544                                                      (id expr)))
545                                                  (loop (cdr vars)))]
546                                                [_ (cons (car vars) (loop (cdr vars)))])]
547                                             [else vars]))
548                                         #'vars)])
549                   (let ([l (syntax/loc stx
550                              (lambda (the-obj . vars)
551                                (syntax-parameterize ([the-finder (quote-syntax the-obj)])
552                                  body1 body ...)))])
553                     (syntax-track-origin
554                      (with-syntax ([l (rearm (add-method-property l) stx)])
555                        (syntax/loc stx
556                          (let ([name l]) name)))
557                      stx
558                      (syntax-local-introduce #'lam)))))
559               stx)]
560          [(#%plain-lambda . _)
561           (bad "ill-formed lambda expression for method" stx)]
562          [(lambda . _)
563           (bad "ill-formed lambda expression for method" stx)]
564          [(λ . _)
565           (bad "ill-formed lambda expression for method" stx)]
566          [(case-lam [vars body1 body ...] ...)
567           (and (free-identifier=? #'case-lam #'case-lambda)
568                (andmap vars-ok? (syntax->list (syntax (vars ...)))))
569           (if xform?
570               (with-syntax ([the-obj the-obj]
571                             [the-finder the-finder]
572                             [name (mk-name name)])
573                 (let ([cl (syntax/loc stx
574                             (case-lambda [(the-obj . vars)
575                                           (syntax-parameterize ([the-finder (quote-syntax the-obj)])
576                                             body1 body ...)] ...))])
577                   (syntax-track-origin
578                    (with-syntax ([cl (rearm (add-method-property cl) stx)])
579                      (syntax/loc stx
580                        (let ([name cl]) name)))
581                    stx
582                    (syntax-local-introduce #'case-lam))))
583               stx)]
584          [(case-lambda . _)
585           (bad "ill-formed case-lambda expression for method" stx)]
586          [(let- ([(id) expr] ...) let-body)
587           (and (or (free-identifier=? (syntax let-)
588                                       (quote-syntax let-values))
589                    (free-identifier=? (syntax let-)
590                                       (quote-syntax letrec-values)))
591                (andmap identifier? (syntax->list (syntax (id ...)))))
592           (let* ([letrec? (free-identifier=? (syntax let-)
593                                              (quote-syntax letrec-values))]
594                  [ids (syntax->list (syntax (id ...)))]
595                  [new-ids (if xform?
596                               (map
597                                (lambda (id)
598                                  (datum->syntax
599                                   #f
600                                   (gensym (syntax-e id))))
601                                ids)
602                               ids)]
603                  [body-locals (append ids locals)]
604                  [exprs (map (lambda (expr id)
605                                (loop expr #t id (if letrec?
606                                                     body-locals
607                                                     locals)))
608                              (syntax->list (syntax (expr ...)))
609                              ids)]
610                  [body (let ([body (syntax let-body)])
611                          (if (identifier? body)
612                              (ormap (lambda (id new-id)
613                                       (and (bound-identifier=? body id)
614                                            new-id))
615                                     ids new-ids)
616                              (loop body #t name body-locals)))])
617             (unless body
618               (bad "bad form for method definition" orig-stx))
619             (with-syntax ([(proc ...) exprs]
620                           [(new-id ...) new-ids]
621                           [mappings
622                            (if xform?
623                                (map
624                                 (lambda (old-id new-id)
625                                   (with-syntax ([old-id old-id]
626                                                 [old-id-localized (lookup-localize (localize old-id))]
627                                                 [new-id new-id]
628                                                 [the-obj the-obj]
629                                                 [the-finder the-finder])
630                                     (syntax (old-id (make-direct-method-map
631                                                      (quote-syntax the-finder)
632                                                      (quote the-obj)
633                                                      (quote-syntax old-id)
634                                                      (quote-syntax old-id-localized)
635                                                      (quote new-id))))))
636                                 ids new-ids)
637                                null)]
638                           [body body])
639               (syntax-track-origin
640                (rearm
641                 (if xform?
642                     (if letrec?
643                         (syntax/loc stx (letrec-syntax mappings
644                                           (let- ([(new-id) proc] ...)
645                                                 body)))
646                         (syntax/loc stx (let- ([(new-id) proc] ...)
647                                               (letrec-syntax mappings
648                                                 body))))
649                     (syntax/loc stx (let- ([(new-id) proc] ...)
650                                           body)))
651                 stx)
652                stx
653                (syntax-local-introduce #'let-))))]
654          [(-#%app -chaperone-procedure expr . rst)
655           (and (free-identifier=? (syntax -#%app)
656                                   (quote-syntax #%plain-app))
657                (free-identifier=? (syntax -chaperone-procedure)
658                                   (quote-syntax chaperone-procedure)))
659           (with-syntax ([expr (loop #'expr #t name locals)])
660             (syntax-track-origin
661              (rearm
662               (syntax/loc stx (-#%app -chaperone-procedure expr . rst))
663               stx)
664              stx
665              (syntax-local-introduce #'-#%app)))]
666          [_else
667           (if can-expand?
668               (loop (expand stx locals) #f name locals)
669               (bad "bad form for method definition" orig-stx))])))
671    (define (add-method-property l)
672      (syntax-property l 'method-arity-error #t))
674    ;; `class' wants to be priviledged with respect to
675    ;; syntax taints: save the declaration-time inspector and use it
676    ;; to disarm syntax taints
677    (define method-insp (variable-reference->module-declaration-inspector
678                         (#%variable-reference)))
679    (define (disarm stx)
680      (syntax-disarm stx method-insp))
681    (define (rearm new old)
682      (syntax-rearm new old))
684    ;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
685    ;; Start here:
687    (define (main stx super-expr deserialize-id-expr name-id interface-exprs defn-and-exprs)
688      (let-values ([(this-id) #'this-id]
689                   [(the-obj) (datum->syntax (quote-syntax here) (gensym 'self))]
690                   [(the-finder) (datum->syntax #f (gensym 'find-self))])
692        (let* ([def-ctx (syntax-local-make-definition-context)]
693               [norm-init/field-iid (norm-init/field-iid/def-ctx def-ctx)]
694               [norm-init/field-eid (norm-init/field-eid/def-ctx def-ctx)]
695               [flatten (flatten/def-ctx def-ctx)]
696               [localized-map (make-bound-identifier-mapping)]
697               [any-localized? #f]
698               [localize/set-flag (lambda (id)
699                                    (let ([id2 (localize id)])
700                                      (unless (eq? id id2)
701                                        (set! any-localized? #t))
702                                      id2))]
703               [bind-local-id (lambda (orig-id)
704                                (let ([l (localize/set-flag orig-id)]
705                                      [id (car (syntax-local-bind-syntaxes (list orig-id) #f def-ctx))])
706                                  (bound-identifier-mapping-put!
707                                   localized-map
708                                   id
709                                   l)
710                                  id))]
711               [lookup-localize (lambda (id)
712                                  (bound-identifier-mapping-get
713                                   localized-map
714                                   id
715                                   (lambda ()
716                                     ;; If internal & external names are distinguished,
717                                     ;; we need to fall back to localize:
718                                     (localize id))))])
720          ;; ----- Expand definitions -----
721          (let ([defn-and-exprs (expand-all-forms stx defn-and-exprs def-ctx bind-local-id)]
722                [bad (lambda (msg expr)
723                       (raise-syntax-error #f msg stx expr))]
724                [class-name (if name-id
725                                (syntax-e name-id)
726                                (let ([s (syntax-local-infer-name stx)])
727                                  (if (syntax? s)
728                                      (syntax-e s)
729                                      s)))])
731            ;; ------ Basic syntax checks -----
732            (for-each (lambda (stx)
733                        (syntax-case stx (-init -init-rest -field -init-field -inherit-field
734                                                -private -public -override -augride
735                                                -public-final -override-final -augment-final
736                                                -pubment -overment -augment
737                                                -rename-super -inherit -inherit/super -inherit/inner -rename-inner
738                                                -abstract
739                                                -inspect)
740                          [(form orig idp ...)
741                           (and (identifier? (syntax form))
742                                (or (free-identifier=? (syntax form) (quote-syntax -init))
743                                    (free-identifier=? (syntax form) (quote-syntax -init-field))))
745                           (let ([form (syntax-e (stx-car (syntax orig)))])
746                             (for-each
747                              (lambda (idp)
748                                (syntax-case idp ()
749                                  [id (identifier? (syntax id)) 'ok]
750                                  [((iid eid)) (and (identifier? (syntax iid))
751                                                    (identifier? (syntax eid))) 'ok]
752                                  [(id expr) (identifier? (syntax id)) 'ok]
753                                  [((iid eid) expr) (and (identifier? (syntax iid))
754                                                         (identifier? (syntax eid))) 'ok]
755                                  [else
756                                   (bad
757                                    (format
758                                     "~a element is not an optionally renamed identifier or identifier-expression pair"
759                                     form)
760                                    idp)]))
761                              (syntax->list (syntax (idp ...)))))]
762                          [(-inspect expr)
763                           'ok]
764                          [(-inspect . rest)
765                           (bad "ill-formed inspect clause" stx)]
766                          [(-init orig . rest)
767                           (bad "ill-formed init clause" #'orig)]
768                          [(-init-rest)
769                           'ok]
770                          [(-init-rest rest)
771                           (identifier? (syntax rest))
772                           'ok]
773                          [(-init-rest . rest)
774                           (bad "ill-formed init-rest clause" stx)]
775                          [(-init-field orig . rest)
776                           (bad "ill-formed init-field clause" #'orig)]
777                          [(-field orig idp ...)
778                           (for-each (lambda (idp)
779                                       (syntax-case idp ()
780                                         [(id expr) (identifier? (syntax id)) 'ok]
781                                         [((iid eid) expr) (and (identifier? (syntax iid))
782                                                                (identifier? (syntax eid)))
783                                                           'ok]
784                                         [else
785                                          (bad
786                                           "field element is not an optionally renamed identifier-expression pair"
787                                           idp)]))
788                                     (syntax->list (syntax (idp ...))))]
789                          [(-field orig . rest)
790                           (bad "ill-formed field clause" #'orig)]
791                          [(-private id ...)
792                           (for-each
793                            (lambda (id)
794                              (unless (identifier? id)
795                                (bad "private element is not an identifier" id)))
796                            (syntax->list (syntax (id ...))))]
797                          [(-private . rest)
798                           (bad "ill-formed private clause" stx)]
799                          [(-abstract id ...)
800                           (for-each
801                            (lambda (id)
802                              (unless (identifier? id)
803                                (bad "abstract element is not an identifier" id)))
804                            (syntax->list (syntax (id ...))))]
805                          [(-abstract . rest)
806                           (bad "ill-formed abstract clause" stx)]
807                          [(form idp ...)
808                           (and (identifier? (syntax form))
809                                (ormap (lambda (f) (free-identifier=? (syntax form) f))
810                                       (syntax-e (quote-syntax (-public
811                                                                -override
812                                                                -augride
813                                                                -public-final
814                                                                -override-final
815                                                                -augment-final
816                                                                -pubment
817                                                                -overment
818                                                                -augment
819                                                                -inherit
820                                                                -inherit/super
821                                                                -inherit/inner
822                                                                -inherit-field)))))
823                           (let ([form (syntax-e (syntax form))])
824                             (for-each
825                              (lambda (idp)
826                                (syntax-case idp ()
827                                  [id (identifier? (syntax id)) 'ok]
828                                  [(iid eid) (and (identifier? (syntax iid)) (identifier? (syntax eid))) 'ok]
829                                  [else
830                                   (bad
831                                    (format
832                                     "~a element is not an identifier or pair of identifiers"
833                                     form)
834                                    idp)]))
835                              (syntax->list (syntax (idp ...)))))]
836                          [(-public . rest)
837                           (bad "ill-formed public clause" stx)]
838                          [(-override . rest)
839                           (bad "ill-formed override clause" stx)]
840                          [(-augride . rest)
841                           (bad "ill-formed augride clause" stx)]
842                          [(-public-final . rest)
843                           (bad "ill-formed public-final clause" stx)]
844                          [(-override-final . rest)
845                           (bad "ill-formed override-final clause" stx)]
846                          [(-augment-final . rest)
847                           (bad "ill-formed augment-final clause" stx)]
848                          [(-pubment . rest)
849                           (bad "ill-formed pubment clause" stx)]
850                          [(-overment . rest)
851                           (bad "ill-formed overment clause" stx)]
852                          [(-augment . rest)
853                           (bad "ill-formed augment clause" stx)]
854                          [(-inherit . rest)
855                           (bad "ill-formed inherit clause" stx)]
856                          [(-inherit/super . rest)
857                           (bad "ill-formed inherit/super clause" stx)]
858                          [(-inherit/inner . rest)
859                           (bad "ill-formed inherit/inner clause" stx)]
860                          [(-inherit-field . rest)
861                           (bad "ill-formed inherit-field clause" stx)]
862                          [(kw idp ...)
863                           (and (identifier? #'kw)
864                                (or (free-identifier=? #'-rename-super #'kw)
865                                    (free-identifier=? #'-rename-inner #'kw)))
866                           (for-each
867                            (lambda (idp)
868                              (syntax-case idp ()
869                                [(iid eid) (and (identifier? (syntax iid)) (identifier? (syntax eid))) 'ok]
870                                [else
871                                 (bad
872                                  (format "~a element is not a pair of identifiers" (syntax-e #'kw))
873                                  idp)]))
874                            (syntax->list (syntax (idp ...))))]
875                          [(-rename-super . rest)
876                           (bad "ill-formed rename-super clause" stx)]
877                          [(-rename-inner . rest)
878                           (bad "ill-formed rename-inner clause" stx)]
879                          [_ 'ok]))
880                      defn-and-exprs)
882            ;; ----- Sort body into different categories -----
883            (let*-values ([(decls exprs)
884                           (extract (syntax-e (quote-syntax (-inherit-field
885                                                             -private
886                                                             -public
887                                                             -override
888                                                             -augride
889                                                             -public-final
890                                                             -override-final
891                                                             -augment-final
892                                                             -pubment
893                                                             -overment
894                                                             -augment
895                                                             -rename-super
896                                                             -inherit
897                                                             -inherit/super
898                                                             -inherit/inner
899                                                             -abstract
900                                                             -rename-inner)))
901                                    defn-and-exprs
902                                    cons)]
903                          [(inspect-decls exprs)
904                           (extract (list (quote-syntax -inspect))
905                                    exprs
906                                    cons)]
907                          [(plain-inits)
908                           ;; Normalize after, but keep un-normal for error reporting
909                           (flatten #f (extract* (syntax-e
910                                                  (quote-syntax (-init -init-rest)))
911                                                 exprs))]
912                          [(normal-plain-inits) (map normalize-init/field plain-inits)]
913                          [(init-rest-decls _)
914                           (extract (list (quote-syntax -init-rest))
915                                    exprs
916                                    void)]
917                          [(inits)
918                           (flatten #f (extract* (syntax-e
919                                                  (quote-syntax (-init -init-field)))
920                                                 exprs))]
921                          [(normal-inits)
922                           (map normalize-init/field inits)]
923                          [(plain-fields)
924                           (flatten #f (extract* (list (quote-syntax -field)) exprs))]
925                          [(normal-plain-fields)
926                           (map normalize-init/field plain-fields)]
927                          [(plain-init-fields)
928                           (flatten #f (extract* (list (quote-syntax -init-field)) exprs))]
929                          [(normal-plain-init-fields)
930                           (map normalize-init/field plain-init-fields)]
931                          [(inherit-fields)
932                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -inherit-field)) decls))]
933                          [(privates)
934                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -private)) decls))]
935                          [(publics)
936                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -public)) decls))]
937                          [(overrides)
938                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -override)) decls))]
939                          [(augrides)
940                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -augride)) decls))]
941                          [(public-finals)
942                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -public-final)) decls))]
943                          [(override-finals)
944                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -override-final)) decls))]
945                          [(pubments)
946                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -pubment)) decls))]
947                          [(overments)
948                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -overment)) decls))]
949                          [(augments)
950                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -augment)) decls))]
951                          [(augment-finals)
952                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -augment-final)) decls))]
953                          [(rename-supers)
954                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -rename-super)) decls))]
955                          [(inherits)
956                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -inherit)) decls))]
957                          [(inherit/supers)
958                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -inherit/super)) decls))]
959                          [(inherit/inners)
960                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -inherit/inner)) decls))]
961                          [(abstracts)
962                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -abstract)) decls))]
963                          [(rename-inners)
964                           (flatten pair (extract* (list (quote-syntax -rename-inner)) decls))])
967              ;; At most one inspect:
968              (unless (or (null? inspect-decls)
969                          (null? (cdr inspect-decls)))
970                (bad "multiple inspect clauses" (cadr inspect-decls)))
972              ;; At most one init-rest:
973              (unless (or (null? init-rest-decls)
974                          (null? (cdr init-rest-decls)))
975                (bad "multiple init-rest clauses" (cadr init-rest-decls)))
977              ;; Make sure init-rest is last
978              (unless (null? init-rest-decls)
979                (let loop ([l exprs] [saw-rest? #f])
980                  (unless (null? l)
981                    (cond
982                      [(and (stx-pair? (car l))
983                            (identifier? (stx-car (car l))))
984                       (let ([form (stx-car (car l))])
985                         (cond
986                           [(free-identifier=? #'-init-rest form)
987                            (loop (cdr l) #t)]
988                           [(not saw-rest?) (loop (cdr l) #f)]
989                           [(free-identifier=? #'-init form)
990                            (bad "init clause follows init-rest clause" (stx-car (stx-cdr (car l))))]
991                           [(free-identifier=? #'-init-field form)
992                            (bad "init-field clause follows init-rest clause" (stx-car (stx-cdr (car l))))]
993                           [else (loop (cdr l) #t)]))]
994                      [else (loop (cdr l) saw-rest?)]))))
996              ;; --- Check initialization on inits: ---
997              (let loop ([inits inits] [normal-inits normal-inits])
998                (unless (null? normal-inits)
999                  (if (stx-null? (stx-cdr (car normal-inits)))
1000                      (loop (cdr inits)(cdr normal-inits))
1001                      (let loop ([inits (cdr inits)] [normal-inits (cdr normal-inits)])
1002                        (unless (null? inits)
1003                          (if (stx-null? (stx-cdr (car normal-inits)))
1004                              (bad "initializer without default follows an initializer with default"
1005                                   (car inits))
1006                              (loop (cdr inits) (cdr normal-inits))))))))
1008              ;; ----- Extract method definitions; check that they look like procs -----
1009              ;;  Optionally transform them, can expand even if not transforming.
1010              (let* ([field-names (map norm-init/field-iid
1011                                       (append normal-plain-fields normal-plain-init-fields))]
1012                     [inherit-field-names (map car inherit-fields)]
1013                     [plain-init-names (map norm-init/field-iid normal-plain-inits)]
1014                     [inherit-names (map car inherits)]
1015                     [inherit/super-names (map car inherit/supers)]
1016                     [inherit/inner-names (map car inherit/inners)]
1017                     [abstract-names (map car abstracts)]
1018                     [rename-super-names (map car rename-supers)]
1019                     [rename-inner-names (map car rename-inners)]
1020                     [local-public-dynamic-names (map car (append publics overrides augrides
1021                                                                  overments augments
1022                                                                  override-finals augment-finals
1023                                                                  abstracts))]
1024                     [local-public-names (append (map car (append pubments public-finals))
1025                                                 local-public-dynamic-names)]
1026                     [local-method-names (append (map car privates) local-public-names)]
1027                     [expand-stop-names (append
1028                                         local-method-names
1029                                         field-names
1030                                         inherit-field-names
1031                                         plain-init-names
1032                                         inherit-names
1033                                         inherit/super-names
1034                                         inherit/inner-names
1035                                         rename-super-names
1036                                         rename-inner-names
1037                                         (kernel-form-identifier-list))])
1038                ;; Do the extraction:
1039                (let-values ([(methods          ; (listof (cons id stx))
1040                               private-methods  ; (listof (cons id stx))
1041                               exprs            ; (listof stx)
1042                               stx-defines)     ; (listof (cons (listof id) stx))
1043                              (let loop ([exprs exprs][ms null][pms null][es null][sd null])
1044                                (if (null? exprs)
1045                                    (values (reverse ms) (reverse pms) (reverse es) (reverse sd))
1046                                    (syntax-case (car exprs) (define-values define-syntaxes)
1047                                      [(d-v (id ...) expr)
1048                                       (free-identifier=? #'d-v #'define-values)
1049                                       (let ([ids (syntax->list (syntax (id ...)))])
1050                                         ;; Check form:
1051                                         (for-each (lambda (id)
1052                                                     (unless (identifier? id)
1053                                                       (bad "not an identifier for definition" id)))
1054                                                   ids)
1055                                         ;; method defn? (id in the list of privates/publics/overrides/augrides?)
1056                                         (if (ormap (lambda (id)
1057                                                      (ormap (lambda (i) (bound-identifier=? i id))
1058                                                             local-method-names))
1059                                                    ids)
1060                                             ;; Yes, it's a method:
1061                                             (begin
1062                                               (unless (null? (cdr ids))
1063                                                 (bad "each method variable needs its own definition"
1064                                                      (car exprs)))
1065                                               (let ([expr
1066                                                      (syntax-track-origin
1067                                                       (proc-shape #f (syntax expr) #f
1068                                                                   the-obj the-finder
1069                                                                   bad class-name expand-stop-names
1070                                                                   def-ctx lookup-localize)
1071                                                       (car exprs)
1072                                                       (syntax-local-introduce #'d-v))]
1073                                                     [public? (ormap (lambda (i)
1074                                                                       (bound-identifier=? i (car ids)))
1075                                                                     local-public-names)])
1076                                                 (loop (cdr exprs)
1077                                                       (if public?
1078                                                           (cons (cons (car ids) expr) ms)
1079                                                           ms)
1080                                                       (if public?
1081                                                           pms
1082                                                           (cons (cons (car ids) expr) pms))
1083                                                       es
1084                                                       sd)))
1085                                             ;; Non-method defn:
1086                                             (loop (cdr exprs) ms pms (cons (car exprs) es) sd)))]
1087                                      [(define-values . _)
1088                                       (bad "ill-formed definition" (car exprs))]
1089                                      [(define-syntaxes (id ...) expr)
1090                                       (let ([ids (syntax->list (syntax (id ...)))])
1091                                         (for-each (lambda (id) (unless (identifier? id)
1092                                                                  (bad "syntax name is not an identifier" id)))
1093                                                   ids)
1094                                         (loop (cdr exprs) ms pms es (cons (cons ids (car exprs)) sd)))]
1095                                      [(define-syntaxes . _)
1096                                       (bad "ill-formed syntax definition" (car exprs))]
1097                                      [_else
1098                                       (loop (cdr exprs) ms pms (cons (car exprs) es) sd)])))])
1100                  ;; ---- Extract all defined names, including field accessors and mutators ---
1101                  (let ([defined-syntax-names (apply append (map car stx-defines))]
1102                        [defined-method-names (append (map car methods)
1103                                                      (map car private-methods))]
1104                        [private-field-names (let loop ([l exprs])
1105                                               (if (null? l)
1106                                                   null
1107                                                   (syntax-case (car l) (define-values)
1108                                                     [(define-values (id ...) expr)
1109                                                      (append (syntax->list (syntax (id ...)))
1110                                                              (loop (cdr l)))]
1111                                                     [_else (loop (cdr l))])))]
1112                        [init-mode (cond
1113                                     [(null? init-rest-decls) 'normal]
1114                                     [(stx-null? (stx-cdr (car init-rest-decls))) 'stop]
1115                                     [else 'list])])
1117                    ;; -- Look for duplicates --
1118                    (let ([dup (check-duplicate-identifier
1119                                (append defined-syntax-names
1120                                        defined-method-names
1121                                        private-field-names
1122                                        field-names
1123                                        inherit-field-names
1124                                        plain-init-names
1125                                        inherit-names
1126                                        inherit/super-names
1127                                        inherit/inner-names
1128                                        rename-super-names
1129                                        rename-inner-names))])
1130                      (when dup
1131                        (bad "duplicate declared identifier" dup)))
1133                    ;; -- Could still have duplicates within private/public/override/augride --
1134                    (let ([dup (check-duplicate-identifier local-method-names)])
1135                      (when dup
1136                        (bad "duplicate declared identifier" dup)))
1138                    ;; -- Check for duplicate external method names, init names, or field names
1139                    (let ([check-dup
1140                           (lambda (what l)
1141                             (let ([ht (make-hasheq)])
1142                               (for-each (lambda (id)
1143                                           (define key (let ([l-id (lookup-localize id)])
1144                                                         (if (identifier? l-id)
1145                                                             (syntax-e l-id)
1146                                                             ;; For a given localized id, `lookup-localize`
1147                                                             ;; will return the same (eq?) value
1148                                                             l-id)))
1149                                           (when (hash-ref ht key #f)
1150                                             (bad (format "duplicate declared external ~a name" what) id))
1151                                           (hash-set! ht key #t))
1152                                         l)))])
1153                      ;; method names
1154                      (check-dup "method" (map cdr (append publics overrides augrides
1155                                                           pubments overments augments
1156                                                           public-finals override-finals augment-finals)))
1157                      ;; inits
1158                      (check-dup "init" (map norm-init/field-eid (append normal-inits)))
1159                      ;; fields
1160                      (check-dup "field" (map norm-init/field-eid (append normal-plain-fields normal-plain-init-fields))))
1162                    ;; -- Check that private/public/override/augride are defined --
1163                    ;; -- and that abstracts are *not* defined                   --
1164                    (let ([ht (make-hasheq)]
1165                          [stx-ht (make-hasheq)])
1166                      (for-each
1167                       (lambda (defined-name)
1168                         (let ([l (hash-ref ht (syntax-e defined-name) null)])
1169                           (hash-set! ht (syntax-e defined-name) (cons defined-name l))))
1170                       defined-method-names)
1171                      (for-each
1172                       (lambda (defined-name)
1173                         (let ([l (hash-ref stx-ht (syntax-e defined-name) null)])
1174                           (hash-set! stx-ht (syntax-e defined-name) (cons defined-name l))))
1175                       defined-syntax-names)
1176                      (for-each
1177                       (lambda (pubovr-name)
1178                         (let ([l (hash-ref ht (syntax-e pubovr-name) null)]
1179                               [stx-l (hash-ref stx-ht (syntax-e pubovr-name) null)])
1180                           (cond ;; defined as value
1181                                 [(ormap (lambda (i) (bound-identifier=? i pubovr-name)) l)
1182                                  ;; check if abstract and fail if so
1183                                  (when (memq pubovr-name abstract-names)
1184                                    (bad "method declared as abstract but was defined"
1185                                         pubovr-name))]
1186                                 ;; defined as syntax
1187                                 [(ormap (lambda (i) (bound-identifier=? i pubovr-name)) stx-l)
1188                                  (bad "method declared but defined as syntax"
1189                                       pubovr-name)]
1190                                 ;; undefined
1191                                 [else
1192                                  (unless (memq pubovr-name abstract-names)
1193                                    (bad "method declared as concrete but not defined"
1194                                         pubovr-name))])))
1195                       local-method-names))
1197                    ;; ---- Check that rename-inner doesn't have a non-final decl ---
1198                    (unless (null? rename-inners)
1199                      (let ([ht (make-hasheq)])
1200                        (for-each (lambda (pub)
1201                                    (hash-set! ht (syntax-e (cdr pub)) #t))
1202                                  (append publics public-finals overrides override-finals augrides))
1203                        (for-each (lambda (inn)
1204                                    (when (hash-ref ht (syntax-e (cdr inn)) #f)
1205                                      (bad
1206                                       "inner method is locally declared as public, override, public-final, override-final, or augride"
1207                                       (cdr inn))))
1208                                  rename-inners)))
1210                    ;; ---- Convert expressions ----
1211                    ;;  Non-method definitions to set!
1212                    ;;  Initializations args access/set!
1213                    (let ([exprs (map (lambda (e)
1214                                        (syntax-case e ()
1215                                          [(d-v (id ...) expr)
1216                                           (and (identifier? #'d-v)
1217                                                (free-identifier=? #'d-v #'define-values))
1218                                           (let* ([ids (syntax->list #'(id ...))]
1219                                                  [assignment
1220                                                   (if (= 1 (length ids))
1221                                                       ;; Special-case single variable in case the RHS
1222                                                       ;; uses the name:
1223                                                       (syntax/loc e
1224                                                         (set! id ... (field-initialization-value expr)))
1225                                                       ;; General case:
1226                                                       (with-syntax ([(temp ...) (generate-temporaries ids)])
1227                                                         (syntax/loc e
1228                                                           (let-values ([(temp ...) expr])
1229                                                             (set! id (field-initialization-value temp))
1230                                                             ...
1231                                                             (void)))))])
1232                                             (syntax-track-origin assignment e #'d-v))]
1233                                          [(_init orig idp ...)
1234                                           (and (identifier? (syntax _init))
1235                                                (ormap (lambda (it)
1236                                                         (free-identifier=? it (syntax _init)))
1237                                                       (syntax-e (quote-syntax (-init
1238                                                                                -init-field)))))
1239                                           (let* ([norms (map normalize-init/field
1240                                                              (syntax->list (syntax (idp ...))))]
1241                                                  [iids (map norm-init/field-iid norms)]
1242                                                  [exids (map norm-init/field-eid norms)])
1243                                             (with-syntax ([(id ...) iids]
1244                                                           [(idpos ...) (map localize/set-flag exids)]
1245                                                           [(defval ...)
1246                                                            (map (lambda (norm)
1247                                                                   (if (stx-null? (stx-cdr norm))
1248                                                                       (syntax #f)
1249                                                                       (with-syntax ([defexp (stx-car (stx-cdr norm))])
1250                                                                         (syntax (lambda () defexp)))))
1251                                                                 norms)]
1252                                                           [class-name class-name]
1253                                                           [wrapper (if (free-identifier=? #'_init #'-init-field)
1254                                                                        #'field-initialization-value
1255                                                                        #'begin)])
1256                                               (syntax-track-origin
1257                                                (syntax/loc e
1258                                                  (begin
1259                                                    (set! id (wrapper (extract-arg 'class-name `idpos init-args defval)))
1260                                                    ...))
1261                                                e
1262                                                #'_init)))]
1263                                          [(-fld orig idp ...)
1264                                           (and (identifier? #'-fld)
1265					        (free-identifier=? #'-fld #'-field))
1266                                           (with-syntax ([(((iid eid) expr) ...)
1267                                                          (map normalize-init/field (syntax->list #'(idp ...)))])
1268                                             (syntax-track-origin
1269                                              (syntax/loc e (begin
1270                                                              (set! iid (field-initialization-value expr))
1271                                                              ...))
1272                                              e
1273                                              #'-fld))]
1274                                          [(-i-r id/rename)
1275                                           (and (identifier? #'-i-r)
1276                                                (free-identifier=? #'-i-r #'-init-rest))
1277                                           (with-syntax ([n (+ (length plain-inits)
1278                                                               (length plain-init-fields)
1279                                                               -1)]
1280                                                         [id (if (identifier? #'id/rename)
1281                                                                 #'id/rename
1282                                                                 (stx-car #'id/rename))])
1283                                             (syntax-track-origin
1284                                              (syntax/loc e
1285                                                (set! id (extract-rest-args n init-args)))
1286                                              e
1287                                              #'-i-r))]
1288                                          [(-i-r)
1289                                           (and (identifier? #'-i-r)
1290                                                (free-identifier=? #'-i-r #'-init-rest))
1291                                           (syntax-track-origin (syntax (void)) e #'-i-r)]
1292                                          [_else e]))
1293                                      exprs)]
1294                          [mk-method-temp
1295                           (lambda (id-stx)
1296                             (datum->syntax (quote-syntax here)
1297                                            (gensym (syntax-e id-stx))))]
1298                          [rename-super-extras (append overments overrides override-finals inherit/supers)]
1299                          [rename-inner-extras (append pubments overments augments inherit/inners)]
1300                          [all-rename-inners (append (map car rename-inners)
1301                                                     (generate-temporaries (map car pubments))
1302                                                     (generate-temporaries (map car overments))
1303                                                     (generate-temporaries (map car augments))
1304                                                     (generate-temporaries (map car inherit/inners)))]
1305                          [all-inherits (append inherits inherit/supers inherit/inners)]
1306                          [definify (lambda (l)
1307                                      (map bind-local-id l))])
1309                      ;; ---- set up field and method mappings ----
1310                      (with-syntax ([(rename-super-orig ...) (definify (map car rename-supers))]
1311                                    [(rename-super-orig-localized ...) (map lookup-localize (map car rename-supers))]
1312                                    [(rename-super-extra-orig ...) (map car rename-super-extras)]
1313                                    [(rename-super-temp ...) (definify (generate-temporaries (map car rename-supers)))]
1314                                    [(rename-super-extra-temp ...) (generate-temporaries (map car rename-super-extras))]
1315                                    [(rename-inner-orig ...) (definify (map car rename-inners))]
1316                                    [(rename-inner-orig-localized ...) (map lookup-localize (map car rename-inners))]
1317                                    [(rename-inner-extra-orig ...) (map car rename-inner-extras)]
1318                                    [(rename-inner-temp ...) (generate-temporaries (map car rename-inners))]
1319                                    [(rename-inner-extra-temp ...) (generate-temporaries (map car rename-inner-extras))]
1320                                    [(private-name ...) (map car privates)]
1321                                    [(private-name-localized ...) (map lookup-localize (map car privates))]
1322                                    [(private-temp ...) (map mk-method-temp (map car privates))]
1323                                    [(pubment-name ...) (map car pubments)]
1324                                    [(pubment-name-localized ...) (map lookup-localize (map car pubments))]
1325                                    [(pubment-temp ...) (map
1326                                                         mk-method-temp
1327                                                         (map car pubments))]
1328                                    [(public-final-name ...) (map car public-finals)]
1329                                    [(public-final-name-localized ...) (map lookup-localize (map car public-finals))]
1330                                    [(public-final-temp ...) (map
1331                                                              mk-method-temp
1332                                                              (map car public-finals))]
1333                                    [(method-name ...) (append local-public-dynamic-names
1334                                                               (map car all-inherits))]
1335                                    [(method-name-localized ...) (map lookup-localize
1336                                                                      (append local-public-dynamic-names
1337                                                                              (map car all-inherits)))]
1338                                    [(method-accessor ...) (generate-temporaries
1339                                                            (append local-public-dynamic-names
1340                                                                    (map car all-inherits)))]
1341                                    [(inherit-field-accessor ...) (generate-temporaries
1342                                                                   (map (lambda (id)
1343                                                                          (format "get-~a"
1344                                                                                  (syntax-e id)))
1345                                                                        inherit-field-names))]
1346                                    [(inherit-field-mutator ...) (generate-temporaries
1347                                                                  (map (lambda (id)
1348                                                                         (format "set-~a!"
1349                                                                                 (syntax-e id)))
1350                                                                       inherit-field-names))]
1351                                    [(inherit-name ...) (definify (map car all-inherits))]
1352                                    [(inherit-field-name ...) (definify inherit-field-names)]
1353                                    [(inherit-field-name-localized ...) (map lookup-localize inherit-field-names)]
1354                                    [(local-field ...) (definify
1355                                                         (append field-names
1356                                                                 private-field-names))]
1357                                    [(local-field-localized ...) (map lookup-localize
1358                                                                      (append field-names
1359                                                                              private-field-names))]
1360                                    [(local-field-pos ...) (let loop ([pos 0][l (append field-names
1361                                                                                        private-field-names)])
1362                                                             (if (null? l)
1363                                                                 null
1364                                                                 (cons pos (loop (add1 pos) (cdr l)))))]
1365                                    [(local-field-accessor ...) (generate-temporaries (append field-names private-field-names))]
1366                                    [(local-field-mutator ...) (generate-temporaries (append field-names private-field-names))]
1367                                    [(plain-init-name ...) (definify plain-init-names)]
1368                                    [(plain-init-name-localized ...) (map lookup-localize plain-init-names)]
1369                                    [(local-plain-init-name ...) (generate-temporaries plain-init-names)])
1370                        (let ([mappings
1371                               ;; make-XXX-map is supplied by private/classidmap.rkt
1372                               (with-syntax ([the-obj the-obj]
1373                                             [the-finder the-finder]
1374                                             [this-id this-id])
1375                                 (syntax
1376                                  ([(inherit-field-name ...
1377                                     local-field ...
1378                                     rename-super-orig ...
1379                                     rename-inner-orig ...
1380                                     method-name ...
1381                                     private-name ...
1382                                     public-final-name ...
1383                                     pubment-name ...)
1384                                    (values
1385                                     (make-field-map #t
1386                                                     (quote-syntax the-finder)
1387                                                     (quote the-obj)
1388                                                     (quote-syntax inherit-field-name)
1389                                                     (quote-syntax inherit-field-name-localized)
1390                                                     (quote-syntax inherit-field-accessor)
1391                                                     (quote-syntax inherit-field-mutator))
1392                                     ...
1393                                     (make-field-map #f
1394                                                     (quote-syntax the-finder)
1395                                                     (quote the-obj)
1396                                                     (quote-syntax local-field)
1397                                                     (quote-syntax local-field-localized)
1398                                                     (quote-syntax local-field-accessor)
1399                                                     (quote-syntax local-field-mutator))
1400                                     ...
1401                                     (make-rename-super-map (quote-syntax the-finder)
1402                                                            (quote the-obj)
1403                                                            (quote-syntax rename-super-orig)
1404                                                            (quote-syntax rename-super-orig-localized)
1405                                                            (quote-syntax rename-super-temp))
1406                                     ...
1407                                     (make-rename-inner-map (quote-syntax the-finder)
1408                                                            (quote the-obj)
1409                                                            (quote-syntax rename-inner-orig)
1410                                                            (quote-syntax rename-inner-orig-localized)
1411                                                            (quote-syntax rename-inner-temp))
1412                                     ...
1413                                     (make-method-map (quote-syntax the-finder)
1414                                                      (quote the-obj)
1415                                                      (quote-syntax method-name)
1416                                                      (quote-syntax method-name-localized)
1417                                                      (quote-syntax method-accessor))
1418                                     ...
1419                                     (make-direct-method-map (quote-syntax the-finder)
1420                                                             (quote the-obj)
1421                                                             (quote-syntax private-name)
1422                                                             (quote-syntax private-name-localized)
1423                                                             (quote private-temp))
1424                                     ...
1425                                     (make-direct-method-map (quote-syntax the-finder)
1426                                                             (quote the-obj)
1427                                                             (quote-syntax public-final-name)
1428                                                             (quote-syntax public-final-name-localized)
1429                                                             (quote public-final-temp))
1430                                     ...
1431                                     (make-direct-method-map (quote-syntax the-finder)
1432                                                             (quote the-obj)
1433                                                             (quote-syntax pubment-name)
1434                                                             (quote-syntax pubment-name-localized)
1435                                                             (quote pubment-temp))
1436                                     ...)])))]
1437                              [extra-init-mappings (syntax
1438                                                    ([(plain-init-name ...)
1439                                                      (values
1440                                                       (make-init-error-map (quote-syntax plain-init-name-localized))
1441                                                       ...)]))])
1443                          (let ([find-method
1444                                 (lambda (methods)
1445                                   (lambda (name)
1446                                     (ormap
1447                                      (lambda (m)
1448                                        (and (bound-identifier=? (car m) name)
1449                                             (with-syntax ([proc (proc-shape (car m) (cdr m) #t
1450                                                                             the-obj the-finder
1451                                                                             bad class-name expand-stop-names
1452                                                                             def-ctx lookup-localize)]
1453                                                           [extra-init-mappings extra-init-mappings])
1454                                               (syntax
1455                                                (syntax-parameterize
1456                                                 ([super-instantiate-param super-error-map]
1457                                                  [super-make-object-param super-error-map]
1458                                                  [super-new-param super-error-map])
1459                                                 (letrec-syntaxes+values extra-init-mappings ()
1460                                                   proc))))))
1461                                      methods)))]
1462                                [lookup-localize-cdr (lambda (p) (lookup-localize (cdr p)))])
1464                            ;; ---- build final result ----
1465                            (with-syntax ([public-names (map lookup-localize-cdr publics)]
1466                                          [public-final-names (map lookup-localize-cdr public-finals)]
1467                                          [override-names (map lookup-localize-cdr overrides)]
1468                                          [override-final-names (map lookup-localize-cdr override-finals)]
1469                                          [augride-names (map lookup-localize-cdr augrides)]
1470                                          [pubment-names (map lookup-localize-cdr pubments)]
1471                                          [overment-names (map lookup-localize-cdr overments)]
1472                                          [augment-names (map lookup-localize-cdr augments)]
1473                                          [augment-final-names (map lookup-localize-cdr augment-finals)]
1474                                          [(rename-super-name ...) (map lookup-localize-cdr rename-supers)]
1475                                          [(rename-super-extra-name ...) (map lookup-localize-cdr rename-super-extras)]
1476                                          [(rename-inner-name ...) (map lookup-localize-cdr rename-inners)]
1477                                          [(rename-inner-extra-name ...) (map lookup-localize-cdr rename-inner-extras)]
1478                                          [inherit-names (map lookup-localize-cdr all-inherits)]
1479                                          [abstract-names (map lookup-localize-cdr abstracts)]
1480                                          [num-fields (datum->syntax
1481                                                       (quote-syntax here)
1482                                                       (+ (length private-field-names)
1483                                                          (length plain-init-fields)
1484                                                          (length plain-fields)))]
1485                                          [field-names (map (lambda (norm)
1486                                                              (lookup-localize (norm-init/field-eid norm)))
1487                                                            (append
1488                                                             normal-plain-fields
1489                                                             normal-plain-init-fields))]
1490                                          [inherit-field-names (map lookup-localize (map cdr inherit-fields))]
1491                                          [init-names (map (lambda (norm)
1492                                                             (lookup-localize
1493                                                              (norm-init/field-eid norm)))
1494                                                           normal-inits)]
1495                                          [init-mode init-mode]
1496                                          [(private-method ...) (map (find-method private-methods) (map car privates))]
1497                                          [public-methods (map (find-method methods) (map car publics))]
1498                                          [override-methods (map (find-method methods) (map car (append overments
1499                                                                                                        override-finals
1500                                                                                                        overrides)))]
1501                                          [augride-methods (map (find-method methods) (map car (append augments
1502                                                                                                       augment-finals
1503                                                                                                       augrides)))]
1504                                          [(pubment-method ...) (map (find-method methods) (map car pubments))]
1505                                          [(public-final-method ...) (map (find-method methods) (map car public-finals))]
1506                                          ;; store a dummy method body that should never be called for abstracts
1507                                          [(abstract-method ...) (map (lambda (abs)
1508                                                                        #'(lambda (this . rest)
1509                                                                            (obj-error 'class "cannot call abstract method")))
1510                                                                      (map car abstracts))]
1511                                          [mappings mappings]
1513                                          [exprs exprs]
1514                                          [the-obj the-obj]
1515                                          [the-finder the-finder]
1516                                          [name class-name]
1517                                          [(stx-def ...) (map cdr stx-defines)]
1518                                          [super-expression super-expr]
1519                                          [(interface-expression ...) interface-exprs]
1520                                          [inspector (if (pair? inspect-decls)
1521                                                         (stx-car (stx-cdr (car inspect-decls)))
1522                                                         #'(current-inspector))]
1523                                          [deserialize-id-expr deserialize-id-expr]
1524                                          [private-field-names private-field-names])
1525                              (class-syntax-protect
1526                              (add-decl-props
1527                              def-ctx
1528                              (append inspect-decls decls)
1529                              (quasisyntax/loc stx
1530                                (detect-field-unsafe-undefined
1531                                 compose-class
1532                                   'name
1533                                   super-expression
1534                                   (list interface-expression ...)
1535                                   inspector deserialize-id-expr #,any-localized?
1536                                   ;; Field count:
1537                                   num-fields
1538                                   ;; Field names:
1539                                   `field-names
1540                                   `inherit-field-names
1541                                   `private-field-names ; for undefined-checking property
1542                                   ;; Method names:
1543                                   `(rename-super-name ... rename-super-extra-name ...)
1544                                   `(rename-inner-name ... rename-inner-extra-name ...)
1545                                   `pubment-names
1546                                   `public-final-names
1547                                   `public-names
1548                                   `overment-names
1549                                   `override-final-names
1550                                   `override-names
1551                                   `augment-names
1552                                   `augment-final-names
1553                                   `augride-names
1554                                   `inherit-names
1555                                   `abstract-names
1556                                   ;; Init arg names (in order)
1557                                   `init-names
1558                                   (quote init-mode)
1559                                   ;; Methods (when given needed super-methods, etc.):
1560                                   #, ;; Attach srcloc (useful for profiling)
1561                                   (quasisyntax/loc stx
1562                                     (lambda (local-accessor
1563                                              local-mutator
1564                                              inherit-field-accessor ...  ; inherit
1565                                              inherit-field-mutator ...
1566                                              rename-super-temp ... rename-super-extra-temp ...
1567                                              rename-inner-temp ... rename-inner-extra-temp ...
1568                                              method-accessor ...) ; for a local call that needs a dynamic lookup
1569                                       (define-syntax-parameter the-finder #f)
1570                                       (let ([local-field-accessor
1571                                              (make-struct-field-accessor local-accessor local-field-pos #f)]
1572                                             ...
1573                                             [local-field-mutator
1574                                              (make-struct-field-mutator local-mutator local-field-pos #f)]
1575                                             ...)
1576                                         (syntax-parameterize
1577                                          ([this-param (make-this-map (quote-syntax this-id)
1578                                                                      (quote-syntax the-finder)
1579                                                                      (quote the-obj))]
1580                                           [this%-param (make-this%-map (quote-syntax (object-ref this))
1581                                                                        (quote-syntax the-finder))])
1582                                          (let-syntaxes
1583                                           mappings
1584                                           (syntax-parameterize
1585                                            ([super-param
1586                                              (lambda (stx)
1587                                                (syntax-case stx (rename-super-extra-orig ...)
1588                                                  [(_ rename-super-extra-orig . args)
1589                                                   (generate-super-call
1590                                                    stx
1591                                                    (quote-syntax the-finder)
1592                                                    (quote the-obj)
1593                                                    (quote-syntax rename-super-extra-temp)
1594                                                    (syntax args))]
1595                                                  ...
1596                                                  [(_ id . args)
1597                                                   (identifier? #'id)
1598                                                   (raise-syntax-error
1599                                                    #f
1600                                                    (string-append
1601                                                     "identifier for super call does not have an override, "
1602                                                     "override-final, overment, or inherit/super declaration")
1603                                                    stx
1604                                                    #'id)]
1605                                                  [_else
1606                                                   (raise-syntax-error
1607                                                    #f
1608                                                    "expected an identifier after the keyword"
1609                                                    stx)]))]
1610                                             [inner-param
1611                                              (lambda (stx)
1612                                                (syntax-case stx (rename-inner-extra-orig ...)
1613                                                  [(_ default-expr rename-inner-extra-orig . args)
1614                                                   (generate-inner-call
1615                                                    stx
1616                                                    (quote-syntax the-finder)
1617                                                    (quote the-obj)
1618                                                    (syntax default-expr)
1619                                                    (quote-syntax rename-inner-extra-temp)
1620                                                    (syntax args))]
1621                                                  ...
1622                                                  [(_ default-expr id . args)
1623                                                   (identifier? #'id)
1624                                                   (raise-syntax-error
1625                                                    #f
1626                                                    (string-append
1627                                                     "identifier for inner call does not have a pubment, augment, "
1628                                                     "overment, or inherit/inner declaration")
1629                                                    stx
1630                                                    #'id)]
1631                                                  [(_)
1632                                                   (raise-syntax-error
1633                                                    #f
1634                                                    "expected a default-value expression after the keyword"
1635                                                    stx
1636                                                    #'id)]
1637                                                  [_else
1638                                                   (raise-syntax-error
1639                                                    #f
1640                                                    "expected an identifier after the keyword and default-value expression"
1641                                                    stx)]))])
1642                                            stx-def ...
1643                                            (letrec ([private-temp private-method]
1644                                                     ...
1645                                                     [pubment-temp pubment-method]
1646                                                     ...
1647                                                     [public-final-temp public-final-method]
1648                                                     ...)
1649                                              (values
1650                                               (list pubment-temp ... public-final-temp ...
1651                                                     abstract-method ... . public-methods)
1652                                               (list . override-methods)
1653                                               (list . augride-methods)
1654                                               ;; Initialization
1655                                               #, ;; Attach srcloc (useful for profiling)
1656                                               (quasisyntax/loc stx
1657                                                 (lambda (the-obj super-go si_c si_inited? si_leftovers init-args)
1658                                                   (syntax-parameterize ([the-finder (quote-syntax the-obj)])
1659                                                     (syntax-parameterize
1660                                                      ([super-instantiate-param
1661                                                        (lambda (stx)
1662                                                          (syntax-case stx ()
1663                                                            [(_ (arg (... ...)) (kw kwarg) (... ...))
1664                                                             (with-syntax ([stx stx])
1665                                                               (syntax
1666                                                                (begin
1667                                                                  `(declare-super-new)
1668                                                                  (-instantiate super-go stx #f (the-obj si_c si_inited?
1669                                                                                                         si_leftovers)
1670                                                                                (list arg (... ...))
1671                                                                                (kw kwarg) (... ...)))))]))]
1672                                                       [super-new-param
1673                                                        (lambda (stx)
1674                                                          (syntax-case stx ()
1675                                                            [(_ (kw kwarg) (... ...))
1676                                                             (with-syntax ([stx stx])
1677                                                               (syntax
1678                                                                (begin
1679                                                                  `(declare-super-new)
1680                                                                  (-instantiate super-go stx #f (the-obj si_c si_inited?
1681                                                                                                         si_leftovers)
1682                                                                                null
1683                                                                                (kw kwarg) (... ...)))))]))]
1684                                                       [super-make-object-param
1685                                                        (lambda (stx)
1686                                                          (let ([code
1687                                                                 (quote-syntax
1688                                                                  (lambda args
1689                                                                    (super-go the-obj si_c si_inited? si_leftovers args null)))])
1690                                                            #`(begin
1691                                                                `(declare-super-new)
1692                                                                #,(if (identifier? stx)
1693                                                                      code
1694                                                                      (datum->syntax
1695                                                                       code
1696                                                                       (cons code
1697                                                                             (cdr (syntax-e stx))))))))])
1698                                                      (letrec-syntaxes+values
1699                                                          ([(plain-init-name) (make-init-redirect
1700                                                                               (quote-syntax local-plain-init-name)
1701                                                                               (quote-syntax plain-init-name-localized))] ...)
1702                                                        ([(local-plain-init-name) unsafe-undefined] ...)
1703                                                        (void) ; in case the body is empty
1704                                                        (begin
1705                                                          '(declare-field-use-start) ; see "class-undef.rkt"
1706                                                          . exprs))))))))))))))
1707                                   ;; Extra argument added here by `detect-field-unsafe-undefined`
1708                                   #; check-undef?
1709                                   ;; Not primitive:
1710                                   #f)))))))))))))))))
1712    ;; The class* and class entry points:
1713    (values
1714     ;; class*
1715     (lambda (stx)
1716        (syntax-case stx ()
1717          [(_  super-expression (interface-expr ...)
1718               defn-or-expr
1719               ...)
1720           (main stx
1721                 #'super-expression
1722                 #f #f
1723                 (syntax->list #'(interface-expr ...))
1724                 (syntax->list #'(defn-or-expr ...)))]
1725          [(_  super-expression no-parens-interface-expr
1726               defn-or-expr
1727               ...)
1728           (raise-syntax-error 'class*
1729                               "expected a sequence of interfaces"
1730                               stx
1731                               #'no-parens-interface-expr)]))
1732     ;; class
1733     (lambda (stx)
1734        (syntax-case stx ()
1735          [(_ super-expression
1736              defn-or-expr
1737              ...)
1738           (main stx
1739                 #'super-expression
1740                 #f #f
1741                 null
1742                 (syntax->list #'(defn-or-expr ...)))]))
1743     ;; class/derived
1744     (lambda (stx)
1745        (syntax-case stx ()
1746          [(_  orig-stx
1747               [name-id super-expression (interface-expr ...) deserialize-id-expr]
1748               defn-or-expr
1749               ...)
1750           (main #'orig-stx
1751                 #'super-expression
1752                 #'deserialize-id-expr
1753                 (and (syntax-e #'name-id) #'name-id)
1754                 (syntax->list #'(interface-expr ...))
1755                 (syntax->list #'(defn-or-expr ...)))]))
1756     )))
1758(define-syntax (-define-serializable-class stx)
1759  (syntax-case stx ()
1760    [(_ orig-stx name super-expression (interface-expr ...)
1761        defn-or-expr ...)
1762     (let ([deserialize-name-info (datum->syntax
1763                                   #'name
1764                                   (string->symbol
1765                                    (format "deserialize-info:~a" (syntax-e #'name)))
1766                                   #'name)])
1767       (unless (memq (syntax-local-context) '(top-level module))
1768         (raise-syntax-error
1769          #f
1770          "allowed only at the top level or within a module top level"
1771          #'orig-stx))
1772       (with-syntax ([deserialize-name-info deserialize-name-info]
1773                     [(provision ...) (if (eq? (syntax-local-context) 'module)
1774                                          #`((runtime-require (submod "." deserialize-info))
1775                                             (module+ deserialize-info (provide #,deserialize-name-info)))
1776                                          #'())])
1777         (class-syntax-protect
1778          #'(begin
1779              (define-values (name deserialize-name-info)
1780                (class/derived orig-stx [name
1781                                         super-expression
1782                                         (interface-expr ...)
1783                                         #'deserialize-name-info]
1784                  defn-or-expr ...))
1785              provision ...))))]))
1787(define-syntax (define-serializable-class* stx)
1788  (syntax-case stx ()
1789    [(_ name super-expression (interface-expr ...)
1790        defn-or-expr ...)
1791     (with-syntax ([orig-stx stx])
1792       (class-syntax-protect
1793        #'(-define-serializable-class orig-stx
1794                                      name
1795                                      super-expression
1796                                      (interface-expr ...)
1797                                      defn-or-expr ...)))]))
1799(define-syntax (define-serializable-class stx)
1800  (syntax-case stx ()
1801    [(_ name super-expression
1802        defn-or-expr ...)
1803     (with-syntax ([orig-stx stx])
1804       (class-syntax-protect
1805        #'(-define-serializable-class orig-stx
1806                                      name
1807                                      super-expression
1808                                      ()
1809                                      defn-or-expr ...)))]))
1811(define-syntaxes (private* public* pubment* override* overment* augride* augment*
1812                           public-final* override-final* augment-final*)
1813  (let ([mk
1814         (lambda (who decl-form)
1815           (lambda (stx)
1816             (unless (class-top-level-context? (syntax-local-context))
1817               (raise-syntax-error
1818                #f
1819                "use of a class keyword is not in a class top-level"
1820                stx))
1821             (syntax-case stx ()
1822               [(_ binding ...)
1823                (let ([bindings (syntax->list (syntax (binding ...)))])
1824                  (let ([name-exprs
1825                         (map (lambda (binding)
1826                                (syntax-case binding ()
1827                                  [(name expr)
1828                                   (identifier? (syntax name))
1829                                   (cons (syntax name) (syntax expr))]
1830                                  [_else
1831                                   (identifier? (syntax name))
1832                                   (raise-syntax-error
1833                                    #f
1834                                    "expected an identifier and expression"
1835                                    stx
1836                                    binding)]))
1837                              bindings)])
1838                    (with-syntax ([(name ...) (map car name-exprs)]
1839                                  [(expr ...) (map cdr name-exprs)]
1840                                  [decl-form decl-form])
1841                      (class-syntax-protect
1842                       (syntax
1843                        (begin
1844                          (decl-form name ...)
1845                          (define name expr)
1846                          ...))))))])))])
1847    (values
1848     (mk 'private* (syntax private))
1849     (mk 'public* (syntax public))
1850     (mk 'pubment* (syntax pubment))
1851     (mk 'override* (syntax override))
1852     (mk 'overment* (syntax overment))
1853     (mk 'augride* (syntax augride))
1854     (mk 'augment* (syntax augment))
1855     (mk 'public-final* (syntax public-final))
1856     (mk 'override-final* (syntax override-final))
1857     (mk 'augment-final* (syntax augment)))))
1859(define-syntaxes (define/private define/public define/pubment
1860                   define/override define/overment
1861                   define/augride define/augment
1862                   define/public-final define/override-final define/augment-final)
1863  (let ([mk
1864         (lambda (decl-form)
1865           (lambda (stx)
1866             (unless (class-top-level-context? (syntax-local-context))
1867               (raise-syntax-error
1868                #f
1869                "use of a class keyword is not in a class top-level"
1870                stx))
1871             (let-values ([(id rhs) (normalize-definition stx #'lambda #f #t)])
1872               (quasisyntax/loc stx
1873                 (begin
1874                   (#,decl-form #,id)
1875                   (define #,id #,rhs))))))])
1876    (values
1877     (mk #'private)
1878     (mk #'public)
1879     (mk #'pubment)
1880     (mk #'override)
1881     (mk #'overment)
1882     (mk #'augride)
1883     (mk #'augment)
1884     (mk #'public-final)
1885     (mk #'override-final)
1886     (mk #'augment-final))))
1888(define-syntax (define-local-member-name stx)
1889  (syntax-case stx ()
1890    [(_ id ...)
1891     (let ([ids (syntax->list (syntax (id ...)))])
1892       (for-each (lambda (id)
1893                   (unless (identifier? id)
1894                     (raise-syntax-error
1895                      #f
1896                      "expected an identifier"
1897                      stx
1898                      id)))
1899                 ids)
1900       (let ([dup (check-duplicate-identifier ids)])
1901         (when dup
1902           (raise-syntax-error
1903            #f
1904            "duplicate identifier"
1905            stx
1906            dup)))
1907       (if (eq? (syntax-local-context) 'top-level)
1908           ;; Does nothing in particular at the top level:
1909           (syntax/loc stx (define-syntaxes (id ...) (values 'id ...)))
1910           ;; Map names to private indicators, which are made private
1911           ;;  simply by introduction:
1912           (with-syntax ([(gen-id ...) (generate-temporaries ids)])
1913             (with-syntax ([stx-defs
1914                            ;; Need to attach srcloc to this definition:
1915                            (syntax/loc stx
1916                              (define-syntaxes (id ...)
1917                                (values (make-private-name (quote-syntax id) (quote-syntax gen-id))
1918                                        ...)))])
1919               (class-syntax-protect
1920                (syntax/loc stx
1921                  (begin
1922                    (define-values (gen-id ...)
1923                      (values (generate-local-member-name 'id) ...))
1924                    stx-defs)))))))]))
1926(define-syntax (define-member-name stx)
1927  (syntax-case stx ()
1928    [(_ id expr)
1929     (let ([name #'id])
1930       (unless (identifier? name)
1931         (raise-syntax-error
1932          #f
1933          "expected an identifier for definition"
1934          stx
1935          name))
1936       (with-syntax ([stx-def
1937                      ;; Need to attach srcloc to this definition:
1938                      (syntax/loc stx
1939                        (define-syntax id
1940                          (make-private-name (quote-syntax id)
1941                                             ((syntax-local-certifier) (quote-syntax member-name)))))])
1942         (class-syntax-protect
1943          #'(begin
1944              (define member-name (check-member-key 'id expr))
1945              stx-def))))]))
1947(define (generate-local-member-name id)
1948  (string->uninterned-symbol
1949   (symbol->string id)))
1952(define-values (struct:member-key make-member-key member-name-key? member-key-ref member-key-set!)
1953  (make-struct-type 'member-name-key
1954                    #f
1955                    1 0 #f
1956                    (list
1957                     (cons prop:custom-write
1958                           (lambda (v p write?)
1959                             (fprintf p "#<member-key:~a>" (member-key-id v)))))))
1961(define member-key-id (make-struct-field-accessor member-key-ref 0))
1963(define (check-member-key id v)
1964  (unless (member-name-key? v)
1965    (obj-error 'define-local-member-name
1966               "value is not a member key"
1967               "value" v
1968               "local name" (as-write id)))
1969  (member-key-id v))
1971(define-syntax (member-name-key stx)
1972  (syntax-case stx ()
1973    [(_ id)
1974     (identifier? #'id)
1975     (with-syntax ([id (localize #'id)])
1976       (class-syntax-protect
1977        (syntax/loc stx (make-member-key `id))))]
1978    [(_ x)
1979     (raise-syntax-error
1980      #f
1981      "not an identifier"
1982      stx
1983      #'x)]))
1985(define (generate-member-key)
1986  (make-member-key (generate-local-member-name (gensym 'member))))
1988(define (member-name-key=? a b)
1989  (if (and (member-name-key? a)
1990           (member-name-key? b))
1991      (eq? (member-key-id a) (member-key-id b))
1992      (eq? a b)))
1994(define (member-name-key-hash-code a)
1995  (unless (member-name-key? a)
1996    (raise-argument-error
1997     'member-name-key-hash-code
1998     "member-name-key?"
1999     a))
2000  (eq-hash-code (member-key-id a)))
2003;;  class implementation
2006(define-struct class (name
2007                      pos supers     ; pos is subclass depth, supers is vector
2008                      self-interface ; self interface
2009                      insp-mk        ; dummy struct maker to control inspection access
2010                      obj-inspector  ; the inspector used for instances of this class
2012                      method-width   ; total number of methods
2013                      method-ht      ; maps public names to vector positions
2014                      method-ids     ; reverse-ordered list of public method names
2015                      abstract-ids   ; list of abstract method names
2016                      method-ictcs   ; list of indices of methods to fix for interface ctcs
2018                      [ictc-classes  ; #f or weak hash of cached classes keyed by blame
2019                       #:mutable]
2021                      methods        ; vector of methods (for external dynamic dispatch)
2022                                     ; vector might also contain lists; see comment below from Stevie
2023                      super-methods  ; vector of methods (for subclass super calls)
2024                      int-methods    ; vector of vector of methods (for internal dynamic dispatch)
2025                      beta-methods   ; vector of vector of methods
2026                      meth-flags     ; vector: #f => primitive-implemented
2027                      ;         'final => final
2028                      ;         'augmentable => can augment
2030                      inner-projs    ; vector of projections for the last inner slot
2031                      dynamic-idxs   ; vector of indexs for access into int-methods
2032                      dynamic-projs  ; vector of vector of projections for internal dynamic dispatch
2034                      field-width    ; total number of fields
2035                      field-pub-width ; total number of public fields
2036                      field-ht       ; maps public field names to field-infos (see make-field-info above)
2037                      field-ids      ; list of public field names
2038                      all-field-ids  ; list of field names in reverse order, used for `undefined` error reporting
2040                      [struct:object ; structure type for instances
2041                       #:mutable]
2042                      [object?       ; predicate
2043                       #:mutable]
2044                      [make-object   ; : (-> object), constructor that creates an uninitialized object
2045                          #:mutable]
2046                      [field-ref     ; accessor
2047                       #:mutable]
2048                      [field-set!    ; mutator
2049                       #:mutable]
2051                      init-args      ; list of symbols in order; #f => only by position
2052                      init-mode      ; 'normal, 'stop (don't accept by-pos for super), or 'list
2054                      [init          ; initializer
2055                       #:mutable]    ; :   object
2056                      ;     (object class (box boolean) leftover-args new-by-pos-args new-named-args
2057                      ;      -> void) // always continue-make-super?
2058                      ;     class
2059                      ;     (box boolean)
2060                      ;     leftover-args
2061                      ;     named-args
2062                      ;  -> void
2064                      [orig-cls      ; uncontracted version of this class (or same class)
2065                       #:mutable]
2066                      [serializer    ; proc => serializer, #f => not serializable
2067                       #:mutable]
2068                      [fixup         ; for deserialization
2069                       #:mutable]
2071                      check-undef?   ; objects need an unsafe-undefined guarding chaperone?
2073                      no-super-init?); #t => no super-init needed
2074  #:inspector insp
2075  #:property prop:equal+hash
2076  (list (λ (cls-a cls-b recur) (eq? (class-orig-cls cls-a) (class-orig-cls cls-b)))
2077        (λ (cls recur) (eq-hash-code (class-orig-cls cls)))
2078        (λ (cls recur) (eq-hash-code (class-orig-cls cls)))))
2082From Stevie, explaining the shape of the elements of the vector in the 'methods' field:
2084For each level of interface, we build up the following structure:
2086(list <contract> <name of interface that contains this contract> <pos blame or #f> <neg blame or #f>)
2088The second part of the list is used for certain types of failure reporting, I think,
2089whereas the other parts are what we need to build the correct contract forms (once we
2090have the method implementation to contract).  In the interface contract info returned
2091from a list of contracts, the info for the leaves contains #f negative blame (which
2092will be filled in with the class that implements the interface) and the info for the
2093"roots" (more on that later) contains #f positive blame (which is filled in with the
2094info for the client of the class).
2096When we have a particular class, we can fill in the neg. blame for the leaves in the hierarchy, and
2097then we also apply as much of these structures have complete data to the method implementation
2098 (that is, non-#f pos and neg blames so we can appropriately construct the correct `contract' forms).
2100What's left is a list of non-complete data for the root(s) of the hierarchy (by roots, I mean
2101the first interfaces where this method is mentioned in the interface hierarchy).  We store that
2102list along with the method implementation, so that once we have the neg. blame (the blame region
2103that instantiates the class in question), we can complete this data and apply those
2104last few projections.
2108;; compose-class: produces one result if `deserialize-id' is #f, two
2109;;                results if `deserialize-id' is not #f
2110(define (compose-class name                ; symbol
2111                       super               ; class, possibly with contract impersonator properties
2112                       interfaces          ; list of interfaces
2113                       inspector           ; inspector or #f
2114                       deserialize-id      ; identifier or #f
2115                       any-localized?      ; #t => need to double-check distinct external names
2117                       num-fields          ; total fields (public & private)
2118                       public-field-names  ; list of symbols (shorter than num-fields)
2119                       inherit-field-names ; list of symbols (not included in num-fields)
2120                       private-field-names ; list of symbols (the rest of num-fields)
2122                       rename-super-names  ; list of symbols
2123                       rename-inner-names
2124                       pubment-names
2125                       public-final-names
2126                       public-normal-names
2127                       overment-names
2128                       override-final-names
2129                       override-normal-names
2130                       augment-names
2131                       augment-final-names
2132                       augride-normal-names
2133                       inherit-names
2134                       abstract-names
2136                       init-args           ; list of symbols in order, or #f
2137                       init-mode           ; 'normal, 'stop, or 'list
2139                       make-methods        ; takes field and method accessors
2141                       check-undef?
2143                       make-struct:prim)   ; see "primitive classes", below
2144  (define (make-method proc meth-name)
2145    (procedure-rename
2146     (procedure->method proc)
2147     (string->symbol
2148      (format "~a method~a~a"
2149              meth-name
2150              (if name " in " "")
2151              (or name "")))))
2153  ;; -- Check superclass --
2154  (unless (class? super)
2155    (obj-error 'class* "superclass expression result is not a class"
2156               "result" super
2157               #:class-name name))
2159  (when any-localized?
2160    (check-still-unique name
2161                        init-args
2162                        "initialization argument names")
2163    ;; We intentionally leave inherited names out of the lists below,
2164    ;;  on the theory that it's ok to decide to inherit from yourself:
2165    (check-still-unique name public-field-names "field names")
2166    (check-still-unique name
2167                        (append pubment-names public-final-names public-normal-names
2168                                overment-names override-final-names override-normal-names
2169                                augment-names augment-final-names augride-normal-names
2170                                abstract-names)
2171                        "method names"))
2173  ;; -- Run class-seal/unseal checkers --
2174  (when (has-seals? super)
2175    (define seals (get-seals super))
2176    (define all-inits init-args)
2177    (define all-fields (append public-field-names inherit-field-names))
2178    (define all-methods (append rename-super-names
2179                                rename-inner-names
2180                                pubment-names
2181                                public-final-names
2182                                public-normal-names
2183                                overment-names
2184                                override-final-names
2185                                override-normal-names
2186                                augment-names
2187                                augment-final-names
2188                                augride-normal-names
2189                                inherit-names
2190                                abstract-names))
2191    (define all-init-checkers
2192      (map (λ (sl) (seal-init-checker sl)) seals))
2193    (define all-field-checkers
2194      (map (λ (sl) (seal-field-checker sl)) seals))
2195    (define all-method-checkers
2196      (map (λ (sl) (seal-method-checker sl)) seals))
2197    (for ([f all-init-checkers]) (f all-inits))
2198    (for ([f all-field-checkers]) (f all-fields))
2199    (for ([f all-method-checkers]) (f all-methods)))
2201  ;; -- Create new class's name --
2202  (let* ([name (or name
2203                   (let ([s (class-name super)])
2204                     (and s
2205                          (not (eq? super object%))
2206                          (if (symbol? s) ;; how can 's' not be a symbol at this point?
2207                              (string->symbol (format "derived-from-~a" s))
2208                              s))))]
2209         ;; Combine method lists
2210         [public-names (append pubment-names public-final-names public-normal-names abstract-names)]
2211         [override-names (append overment-names override-final-names override-normal-names)]
2212         [augride-names (append augment-names augment-final-names augride-normal-names)]
2213         [final-names (append public-final-names override-final-names augment-final-names)]
2214         [augonly-names (append pubment-names overment-names augment-names)]
2215         ;; Misc utilities
2216         [no-new-methods? (null? public-names)]
2217         [no-method-changes? (and (null? public-names)
2218                                  (null? override-names)
2219                                  (null? augride-names)
2220                                  (null? final-names))]
2221         [no-new-fields? (null? public-field-names)]
2222         [xappend (lambda (a b) (if (null? b) a (append a b)))])
2224    ;; -- Check interfaces ---
2225    (for-each
2226     (lambda (intf)
2227       (unless (interface? intf)
2228         (obj-error 'class* "interface expression result is not an interface"
2229                    "result" intf
2230                    #:class-name name)))
2231     interfaces)
2233    ;; -- Check inspectors ---
2234    (when inspector
2235      (unless (inspector? inspector)
2236        (obj-error 'class* "class `inspect' result is not an inspector or #f"
2237                   "result" inspector
2238                   #:class-name name)))
2240    ;; -- Match method and field names to indices --
2241    (let ([method-ht (if no-new-methods?
2242                         (class-method-ht super)
2243                         (hash-copy (class-method-ht super)))]
2244          [field-ht (if no-new-fields?
2245                        (class-field-ht super)
2246                        (hash-copy (class-field-ht super)))]
2247          [super-method-ht (class-method-ht super)]
2248          [super-method-ids (class-method-ids super)]
2249          [super-field-ids (class-field-ids super)]
2250          [super-field-ht (class-field-ht super)]
2251          [super-abstract-ids (class-abstract-ids super)])
2253      ;; Put new ids in table, with pos (replace field pos with accessor info later)
2254      (unless no-new-methods?
2255        (for ([id (in-list public-names)]
2256              [p (in-naturals (class-method-width super))])
2257          (when (hash-ref method-ht id #f)
2258            (obj-error 'class* "superclass already contains method"
2259                       "superclass" super
2260                       "method name" (as-write id)
2261                       #:class-name name))
2262          (hash-set! method-ht id p)))
2264      ;; Keep check here for early failure, will add to hashtable later in this function.
2265      (unless no-new-fields?
2266        (for ([id (in-list public-field-names)])
2267          (when (hash-ref field-ht id #f)
2268              (obj-error 'class* "superclass already contains field"
2269                         "superclass" super
2270                         "field name" (as-write id)
2271                         #:class-name name))))
2273      ;; Check that superclass has expected fields
2274      (for-each (lambda (id)
2275                  (unless (hash-ref field-ht id #f)
2276                    (obj-error 'class* "superclass does not provide field"
2277                               "superclass" super
2278                               "field name" (as-write id)
2279                               (and name "class") name)))
2280                inherit-field-names)
2282      ;; Check that superclass has expected methods, and get indices
2283      (let ([get-indices
2284             (lambda (method-ht what ids)
2285               (map
2286                (lambda (id)
2287                  (hash-ref
2288                   method-ht id
2289                   (lambda ()
2290                     (obj-error 'class*
2291                                (format "~a does not provide an expected method for ~a"
2292                                        (if (eq? method-ht super-method-ht) "superclass" "class")
2293                                        what)
2294                                (format "~a name" what) (as-write id)
2295                                #:class-name name))))
2296                ids))]
2297            [method-width (+ (class-method-width super) (length public-names))]
2298            [field-width (+ (class-field-width super) num-fields)]
2299            [field-pub-width (+ (class-field-pub-width super) (length public-field-names))])
2300        (let ([inherit-indices (get-indices super-method-ht "inherit" inherit-names)]
2301              [replace-augonly-indices (get-indices super-method-ht "overment" overment-names)]
2302              [replace-final-indices (get-indices super-method-ht "override-final" override-final-names)]
2303              [replace-normal-indices (get-indices super-method-ht "override" override-normal-names)]
2304              [refine-augonly-indices (get-indices super-method-ht "augment" augment-names)]
2305              [refine-final-indices (get-indices super-method-ht "augment-final" augment-final-names)]
2306              [refine-normal-indices (get-indices super-method-ht "augride" augride-normal-names)]
2307              [rename-super-indices (get-indices super-method-ht "rename-super" rename-super-names)]
2308              [rename-inner-indices (get-indices method-ht "rename-inner" rename-inner-names)]
2309              [new-augonly-indices (get-indices method-ht "pubment" pubment-names)]
2310              [new-final-indices (get-indices method-ht "public-final" public-final-names)]
2311              [new-normal-indices (get-indices method-ht "public" public-normal-names)]
2312              [new-abstract-indices (get-indices method-ht "abstract" abstract-names)])
2314          ;; -- Check that all interfaces are satisfied --
2315          (for-each
2316           (lambda (intf)
2317             (for-each
2318              (lambda (var)
2319                (unless (hash-ref method-ht var #f)
2320                  (obj-error 'class*
2321                             "missing interface-required method"
2322                             "method name" (as-write var)
2323                             (and name "class name") (as-write name)
2324                             (and (interface-name intf) "interface name") (as-write (interface-name intf)))))
2325              (interface-public-ids intf)))
2326           interfaces)
2327          (let ([c (get-implement-requirement interfaces 'class* #:class-name name)])
2328            (when (and c (not (subclass? super c)))
2329              (obj-error 'class*
2330                         "interface-required implementation not satisfied"
2331                         (and name "class name") (as-write name)
2332                         (and (class-name c) "required class name") (as-write (class-name c)))))
2334          ;; -- For serialization, check that the superclass is compatible --
2335          (when deserialize-id
2336            (unless (class-serializer super)
2337              (obj-error 'class*
2338                         "superclass is not serialiazable, not transparent, and does not implement externalizable<%>"
2339                         "superclass" super
2340                         #:class-name name)))
2342          ;; ---- Make the class and its interface ----
2343          (let* ([class-make (if name
2344                                 (make-naming-constructor struct:class name "class")
2345                                 make-class)]
2346                 [interface-make (if name
2347                                     (make-naming-constructor
2348                                      struct:interface
2349                                      (string->symbol (format "interface:~a" name))
2350                                      #f)
2351                                     make-interface)]
2352                 [method-names (append (reverse public-names) super-method-ids)]
2353                 [field-names (append public-field-names super-field-ids)]
2354                 ;; Superclass abstracts that have not been concretized
2355                 [remaining-abstract-names
2356                  (append abstract-names
2357                          (remq* override-names super-abstract-ids))]
2358                 [super-interfaces (cons (class-self-interface super) interfaces)]
2359                 [i (interface-make name super-interfaces #f method-names (make-immutable-hash) #f null)]
2360                 [methods (if no-method-changes?
2361                              (class-methods super)
2362                              (make-vector method-width))]
2363                 [super-methods (if no-method-changes?
2364                                    (class-super-methods super)
2365                                    (make-vector method-width))]
2366                 [int-methods (if no-method-changes?
2367                                  (class-int-methods super)
2368                                  (make-vector method-width))]
2369                 [beta-methods (if no-method-changes?
2370                                   (class-beta-methods super)
2371                                   (make-vector method-width))]
2372                 [inner-projs (if no-method-changes?
2373                                  (class-inner-projs super)
2374                                  (make-vector method-width))]
2375                 [dynamic-idxs (if no-method-changes?
2376                                   (class-dynamic-idxs super)
2377                                   (make-vector method-width))]
2378                 [dynamic-projs (if no-method-changes?
2379                                    (class-dynamic-projs super)
2380                                    (make-vector method-width))]
2381                 [meth-flags (if no-method-changes?
2382                                 (class-meth-flags super)
2383                                 (make-vector method-width))]
2384                 [c (class-make name
2385                                (add1 (class-pos super))
2386                                (list->vector (append (vector->list (class-supers super)) (list #f)))
2387                                i
2388                                (let-values ([(struct: make- ? -ref -set) (make-struct-type 'insp #f 0 0 #f null inspector)])
2389                                  make-)
2390                                inspector
2391                                method-width method-ht method-names remaining-abstract-names
2392                                (interfaces->contracted-methods (list i))
2393                                #f
2394                                methods super-methods int-methods beta-methods meth-flags
2395                                inner-projs dynamic-idxs dynamic-projs
2396                                field-width field-pub-width field-ht field-names
2397                                (append (reverse private-field-names)
2398                                        (reverse public-field-names)
2399                                        (class-all-field-ids super))
2400                                'struct:object 'object? 'make-object 'field-ref 'field-set!
2401                                init-args
2402                                init-mode
2403                                'init
2404                                #f #f #f ; serializer is set later
2405                                (or check-undef? (class-check-undef? super))
2406                                (and make-struct:prim #t))]
2407                 [obj-name (if name
2408                               (string->symbol (format "object:~a" name))
2409                               'object)]
2410                 ;; Used only for prim classes
2411                 [preparer (lambda (name)
2412                             ;; Map symbol to number:
2413                             (hash-ref method-ht name))]
2414                 [dispatcher (lambda (obj n)
2415                               ;; Extract method:
2416                               (vector-ref (class-methods (object-ref obj)) n))])
2418            (setup-all-implemented! i)
2419            (vector-set! (class-supers c) (add1 (class-pos super)) c)
2420            (set-class-orig-cls! c c)
2423            ;; --- Make the new external method contract records ---
2424            ;; (they are just copies of the super at this point, updated below)
2425            (define wci-neg-extra-arg-vec
2426              (if (impersonator-prop:has-wrapped-class-neg-party? super)
2427                  (let* ([the-info (impersonator-prop:get-wrapped-class-info super)]
2428                         [ov (wrapped-class-info-neg-extra-arg-vec the-info)])
2429                    (if no-method-changes?
2430                        ov
2431                        (let ([v (make-vector method-width #f)])
2432                          (vector-copy! v 0 ov)
2433                          v)))
2434                  #f))
2435            (define wci-neg-acceptors-ht
2436              (if (impersonator-prop:has-wrapped-class-neg-party? super)
2437                  (let* ([the-info (impersonator-prop:get-wrapped-class-info super)]
2438                         [oh (wrapped-class-info-neg-acceptors-ht the-info)])
2439                    (if no-method-changes?
2440                        oh
2441                        (hash-copy oh)))
2442                  #f))
2444            ;; --- Make the new object struct ---
2445            (let*-values ([(prim-object-make prim-object? struct:prim-object)
2446                           (if make-struct:prim
2447                               (make-struct:prim c prop:object
2448                                                 preparer dispatcher
2449                                                 (get-properties interfaces))
2450                               (values #f #f #f))]
2451                          [(struct:object object-make object? object-field-ref object-field-set!)
2452                           (if make-struct:prim
2453                               ;; Use prim struct:
2454                               (values struct:prim-object prim-object-make prim-object? #f #f)
2455                               ;; Normal struct creation:
2456                               (make-struct-type obj-name
2457                                                 (add-properties (class-struct:object super) interfaces)
2458                                                 0 ;; No init fields
2459                                                 ;; Fields for new slots:
2460                                                 num-fields unsafe-undefined
2461                                                 ;; Map object property to class:
2462                                                 (append
2463                                                  (list (cons prop:object c))
2464                                                  (if (class-check-undef? c)
2465                                                      (list (cons prop:chaperone-unsafe-undefined
2466                                                                  (class-all-field-ids c)))
2467                                                      null)
2468                                                  (if deserialize-id
2469                                                      (list
2470                                                       (cons prop:serializable
2471                                                             ;; Serialization:
2472                                                             (make-serialize-info
2473                                                              (lambda (obj)
2474                                                                ((class-serializer c) obj))
2475                                                              deserialize-id
2476                                                              (not (interface-extension? i externalizable<%>))
2477                                                              (or (current-load-relative-directory)
2478                                                                  (current-directory)))))
2479                                                      null))
2480                                                 inspector))])
2481              (set-class-struct:object! c struct:object)
2482              (set-class-object?! c object?)
2483              (set-class-make-object! c object-make)
2484              (unless (zero? num-fields)
2485                ;; We need these only if there are fields, used for for public-field
2486                ;; access or for inspection:
2487                (set-class-field-ref! c object-field-ref)
2488                (set-class-field-set!! c object-field-set!))
2490              ;; --- Build field accessors and mutators ---
2491              ;;  Use public field names to name the accessors and mutators
2492              (let-values ([(inh-accessors inh-mutators)
2493                            (for/lists (accs muts) ([id (in-list inherit-field-names)])
2494                              (let ([fi (hash-ref field-ht id)])
2495                                (values (field-info-internal-ref fi) (field-info-internal-set! fi))))])
2496                ;; Add class/index pairs for public fields.
2497                (unless no-new-fields?
2498                  (for ([id (in-list public-field-names)]
2499                        [i (in-naturals)])
2500                    (hash-set! field-ht id (make-field-info c i))))
2502                ;; -- Extract superclass methods and make rename-inners ---
2503                (let ([rename-supers (map (lambda (index mname)
2504                                              ;; While the last part of the vector is indeed the right
2505                                              ;; method, if there have been super contracts placed since,
2506                                              ;; they won't be reflected there, only in the super-methods
2507                                              ;; vector of the superclass.
2508                                            (let ([vec (vector-ref (class-beta-methods super) index)])
2509                                              (when (and (positive? (vector-length vec))
2510                                                         (not (vector-ref vec (sub1 (vector-length vec)))))
2511                                                (obj-error 'class*
2512                                                           (string-append
2513                                                            "superclass method for override, overment, inherit/super, "
2514                                                            "or rename-super is not overrideable")
2515                                                           "superclass" super
2516                                                           "method name" (as-write mname)
2517                                                           #:class-name name)))
2518                                            (vector-ref (class-super-methods super) index))
2519                                          rename-super-indices
2520                                          rename-super-names)]
2521                      [rename-inners (let ([new-augonly (make-vector method-width #f)])
2522                                       (define (get-depth index)
2523                                         (+ (if (index . < . (class-method-width super))
2524                                                (vector-length (vector-ref (class-beta-methods super)
2525                                                                           index))
2526                                                0)
2527                                            (if (vector-ref new-augonly index) 0 -1)))
2528                                       ;; To compute `rename-inner' indices, we need to know which methods
2529                                       ;;  are augonly in this new class.
2530                                       (for-each (lambda (id)
2531                                                   (vector-set! new-augonly (hash-ref method-ht id) #t))
2532                                                 (append pubment-names overment-names))
2533                                       (let ([check-aug
2534                                              (lambda (maybe-here?)
2535                                                (lambda (mname index)
2536                                                  (let ([aug-ok?
2537                                                         (or (if (index . < . (class-method-width super))
2538                                                                 (eq? (vector-ref (class-meth-flags super) index) 'augmentable)
2539                                                                 #f)
2540                                                             (and maybe-here?
2541                                                                  (or (memq mname pubment-names)
2542                                                                      (memq mname overment-names))))])
2543                                                    (unless aug-ok?
2544                                                      (obj-error 'class*
2545                                                                 (string-append
2546                                                                  "superclass method for augride, augment, inherit/inner, "
2547                                                                  "or rename-inner method is not augmentable")
2548                                                                 "superclass" super
2549                                                                 "method name" (as-write mname)
2550                                                                 #:class-name name)))))])
2551                                         (for-each (check-aug #f)
2552                                                   augride-normal-names
2553                                                   (get-indices method-ht "augride" augride-normal-names))
2554                                         (for-each (check-aug #f)
2555                                                   augment-final-names
2556                                                   refine-final-indices)
2557                                         (for-each (check-aug #t)
2558                                                   rename-inner-names
2559                                                   rename-inner-indices))
2560                                       ;; Now that checking is done, add `augment':
2561                                       (for-each (lambda (id)
2562                                                   (vector-set! new-augonly (hash-ref method-ht id) #t))
2563                                                 augment-names)
2564                                       (map (lambda (mname index)
2565                                              (let ([depth (get-depth index)])
2566                                                (lambda (obj)
2567                                                  (vector-ref (vector-ref (class-beta-methods (object-ref obj))
2568                                                                          index)
2569                                                              depth))))
2570                                            rename-inner-names
2571                                            rename-inner-indices))])
2573                  ;; Have to update these before making the method-accessors, since this is a "static" piece
2574                  ;; of information (instead of being dynamic => method call time).
2575                  (unless no-method-changes?
2576                    (vector-copy! dynamic-idxs 0 (class-dynamic-idxs super))
2577                    (for-each (lambda (index)
2578                                (vector-set! dynamic-idxs index 0))
2579                              (append new-augonly-indices new-final-indices
2580                                      new-normal-indices new-abstract-indices)))
2582                  ;; -- Create method accessors --
2583                  (let ([method-accessors
2584                         (map (lambda (index)
2585                                (let ([dyn-idx (vector-ref dynamic-idxs index)])
2586                                  (lambda (obj)
2587                                    (vector-ref (vector-ref (class-int-methods (object-ref obj))
2588                                                            index)
2589                                                dyn-idx))))
2590                              (append new-normal-indices replace-normal-indices refine-normal-indices
2591                                      replace-augonly-indices refine-augonly-indices
2592                                      replace-final-indices refine-final-indices
2593                                      new-abstract-indices inherit-indices))])
2595                    ;; -- Get new methods and initializers --
2596                    (let-values ([(new-methods override-methods augride-methods init)
2597                                  (apply make-methods object-field-ref object-field-set!
2598                                         (append inh-accessors
2599                                                 inh-mutators
2600                                                 rename-supers
2601                                                 rename-inners
2602                                                 method-accessors))])
2603                      ;; -- Fill in method tables --
2604                      ;;  First copy old methods
2605                      (unless no-method-changes?
2606                        (vector-copy! methods 0 (class-methods super))
2607                        (vector-copy! super-methods 0 (class-super-methods super))
2608                        (vector-copy! int-methods 0 (class-int-methods super))
2609                        (vector-copy! beta-methods 0 (class-beta-methods super))
2610                        (vector-copy! meth-flags 0 (class-meth-flags super))
2611                        (vector-copy! inner-projs 0 (class-inner-projs super))
2612                        (vector-copy! dynamic-projs 0 (class-dynamic-projs super)))
2613                      ;; Add new methods:
2614                      (for-each (lambda (index method)
2615                                  (vector-set! methods index method)
2616                                  (vector-set! super-methods index method)
2617                                  (vector-set! int-methods index (vector method))
2618                                  (vector-set! beta-methods index (vector))
2619                                  (vector-set! inner-projs index values)
2620                                  (vector-set! dynamic-idxs index 0)
2621                                  (vector-set! dynamic-projs index (vector values)))
2622                                (append new-augonly-indices new-final-indices
2623                                        new-abstract-indices new-normal-indices)
2624                                new-methods)
2625                      ;; Add only abstracts, making sure the super method just calls (void)
2626                      (let ([dummy (lambda args (void))])
2627                        (for-each (lambda (index)
2628                                    (vector-set! super-methods index dummy))
2629                                  new-abstract-indices))
2630                      ;; Override old methods:
2631                      (for-each (lambda (index method id)
2632                                  (when (eq? 'final (vector-ref meth-flags index))
2633                                    (obj-error 'class*
2634                                               "cannot override or augment final method"
2635                                               "method name" (as-write id)
2636                                               #:class-name name))
2637                                  (let ([v (vector-ref beta-methods index)])
2638                                    (if (zero? (vector-length v))
2639                                        ;; Normal mode - set vtable entry
2640                                        (begin (vector-set! methods index method)
2641                                               (vector-set! super-methods index method)
2642                                               (let* ([dyn-idx (vector-ref dynamic-idxs index)]
2643                                                      [new-vec (make-vector (add1 dyn-idx))]
2644                                                      [proj-vec (vector-ref dynamic-projs index)])
2645                                                 (let loop ([n dyn-idx] [m method])
2646                                                   (if (< n 0)
2647                                                       (void)
2648                                                       (let* ([p (vector-ref proj-vec n)]
2649                                                              [new-m (make-method (p m) id)])
2650                                                         (vector-set! new-vec n new-m)
2651                                                         (loop (sub1 n) new-m)))
2652                                                 (vector-set! int-methods index new-vec))))
2653                                        ;; Under final mode - set extended vtable entry
2654                                        (let ([v (list->vector (vector->list v))])
2655                                          (vector-set! super-methods index method)
2656                                          (vector-set! v (sub1 (vector-length v))
2657                                                       ;; Apply current inner contract projection
2658                                                       (make-method ((vector-ref inner-projs index) method) id))
2659                                          (vector-set! beta-methods index v))))
2660                                  (unless (vector-ref meth-flags index)
2661                                    (vector-set! meth-flags index (not make-struct:prim)))
2663                                  ;; clear out external contracts for methods that are overridden
2664                                  (when wci-neg-extra-arg-vec
2665                                    (vector-set! wci-neg-extra-arg-vec index #f)
2666                                    (hash-remove! wci-neg-acceptors-ht method)))
2667                                (append replace-augonly-indices replace-final-indices replace-normal-indices
2668                                        refine-augonly-indices refine-final-indices refine-normal-indices)
2669                                (append override-methods augride-methods)
2670                                (append override-names augride-names))
2671                      ;; Update 'augmentable flags:
2672                      (unless no-method-changes?
2673                        (for-each (lambda (id)
2674                                    (vector-set! meth-flags (hash-ref method-ht id) 'augmentable))
2675                                  (append overment-names pubment-names))
2676                        (for-each (lambda (id)
2677                                    (vector-set! meth-flags (hash-ref method-ht id) #t))
2678                                  augride-normal-names))
2679                      ;; Expand `rename-inner' vector, adding a #f to indicate that
2680                      ;;  no rename-inner function is available, so far
2681                      (for-each (lambda (id)
2682                                  (let ([index (hash-ref method-ht id)])
2683                                    (let ([v (list->vector (append (vector->list (vector-ref beta-methods index))
2684                                                                   (list #f)))])
2685                                      ;; Since this starts a new part of the chain, reset the projection.
2686                                      (vector-set! inner-projs index values)
2687                                      (vector-set! beta-methods index v))))
2688                                augonly-names)
2689                      ;; Mark final methods:
2690                      (for-each (lambda (id)
2691                                  (let ([index (hash-ref method-ht id)])
2692                                    (vector-set! meth-flags index 'final)))
2693                                final-names)
2694                      ;; Handle interface contracted methods:
2695                      (for-each (lambda (id)
2696                                  (let ([index (hash-ref method-ht id)]
2697                                        [blame `(class ,name)])
2698                                    ;; Store blame information that will be instantiated later
2699                                    (define ictc-infos (get-interface-contract-info
2700                                                         (class-self-interface c) id))
2701                                    (define meth-entry (vector-ref methods index))
2702                                    (define meth (if (pair? meth-entry)
2703                                                     (car meth-entry)
2704                                                     meth-entry))
2705                                    (vector-set! methods index
2706                                                 (list meth
2707                                                       ;; Replace #f positive parties w/ this class
2708                                                       (replace-ictc-blame ictc-infos #t blame)))))
2709                                (class-method-ictcs c))
2711                      ;; --- Install serialize info into class --
2712                      (set-class-serializer!
2713                       c
2714                       (cond
2715                         [(interface-extension? i externalizable<%>)
2716                          (let ([index (car (get-indices method-ht "???" '(externalize)))])
2717                            (lambda (obj)
2718                              (vector ((vector-ref methods index) obj))))]
2719                         [(and (or deserialize-id
2720                                   (not inspector))
2721                               (class-serializer super))
2722                          => (lambda (ss)
2723                               (lambda (obj)
2724                                 (vector (cons (ss obj)
2725                                               (let loop ([i 0])
2726                                                 (if (= i num-fields)
2727                                                     null
2728                                                     (cons (object-field-ref obj i)
2729                                                           (loop (add1 i)))))))))]
2730                         [else #f]))
2732                      (set-class-fixup!
2733                       c
2734                       ;; Used only for non-externalizable:
2735                       (lambda (o args)
2736                         (if (pair? args)
2737                             (begin
2738                               ((class-fixup super) o (vector-ref (car args) 0))
2739                               (let loop ([i 0][args (cdr args)])
2740                                 (unless (= i num-fields)
2741                                   (object-field-set! o i (car args))
2742                                   (loop (add1 i) (cdr args)))))
2743                             (begin
2744                               ((class-fixup super) o args)
2745                               (let loop ([i 0])
2746                                 (unless (= i num-fields)
2747                                   (object-field-set! o i (object-field-ref args i))
2748                                   (loop (add1 i))))))))
2750                      ;; --- Install initializer into class ---
2751                      ;;     and create contract-wrapped subclass
2752                      (define c+ctc
2753                        (cond
2754                          [wci-neg-extra-arg-vec
2755                           (define neg-party (impersonator-prop:get-wrapped-class-neg-party super))
2756                           (define info (impersonator-prop:get-wrapped-class-info super))
2757                           (define blame (wrapped-class-info-blame info))
2758                           (define sub-init-proj-pairs
2759                             (let loop ([proj-pairs (wrapped-class-info-init-proj-pairs info)])
2760                               (cond
2761                                 [(null? proj-pairs) '()]
2762                                 [else
2763                                  (define pr (car proj-pairs))
2764                                  (if (member (list-ref pr 0) init-args)
2765                                      (loop (cdr proj-pairs))
2766                                      (cons pr (loop (cdr proj-pairs))))])))
2767                           (define super-init-proj-pairs (wrapped-class-info-init-proj-pairs info))
2769                           ;; use an init that checks the super contracts on a super call
2770                           (set-class-init!
2771                            c
2772                            (λ (o continue-make-super c inited? leftovers named-args)
2773                              (define (contract-checking-continue-make-super o c inited?
2774                                                                             leftovers
2775                                                                             by-pos-args
2776                                                                             new-named-args)
2777                                (check-arg-contracts blame neg-party c
2778                                                     super-init-proj-pairs
2779                                                     new-named-args)
2780                                (continue-make-super o c inited?
2781                                                     leftovers
2782                                                     by-pos-args
2783                                                     new-named-args))
2784                              (init o contract-checking-continue-make-super
2785                                    c inited? leftovers named-args)))
2787                           ;; add properties to the subclass that
2788                           ;; check the residual external contracts
2789                           (impersonate-struct
2790                            c
2792                            set-class-orig-cls! (λ (a b) b)
2794                            impersonator-prop:wrapped-class-neg-party
2795                            neg-party
2797                            impersonator-prop:wrapped-class-info
2798                            (wrapped-class-info
2799                             blame
2800                             wci-neg-extra-arg-vec
2801                             wci-neg-acceptors-ht
2802                             (wrapped-class-info-pos-field-projs info)
2803                             (wrapped-class-info-neg-field-projs info)
2804                             sub-init-proj-pairs))]
2805                          [else
2806                           (set-class-init! c init)
2807                           c]))
2809                      ;; -- result is the class, and maybe deserialize-info ---
2810                      (if deserialize-id
2811                          (values c+ctc
2812                                  (make-deserialize-info
2813                                   (if (interface-extension? i externalizable<%>)
2814                                       (lambda (args)
2815                                         (let ([o (make-object c)])
2816                                           (send o internalize args)
2817                                           o))
2818                                       (lambda (args)
2819                                         (let ([o (make-object-uninitialized c `(class ,name))])
2820                                           ((class-fixup c) o args)
2821                                           o)))
2822                                   (if (interface-extension? i externalizable<%>)
2823                                       (lambda ()
2824                                         (obj-error 'deserialize
2825                                                    "cannot deserialize instance with cycles"
2826                                                    #:class-name name))
2827                                       (lambda ()
2828                                         (let ([o (object-make)])
2829                                           (values o
2830                                                   (lambda (o2)
2831                                                     ((class-fixup c) o o2))))))))
2832                          (copy-seals super c+ctc)))))))))))))
2834;; (listof interface?) -> (listof symbol?)
2835;; traverse the interfaces and figure out contracted methods
2836(define (interfaces->contracted-methods loi)
2837  (define immediate-methods
2838    (map (λ (ifc) (hash-keys (interface-contracts ifc))) loi))
2839  (define super-methods
2840    (map (λ (ifc) (interfaces->contracted-methods (interface-supers ifc))) loi))
2841  (remove-duplicates (apply append (append immediate-methods super-methods)) eq?))
2844An example
2846(define (c1 x) #t)
2847(define (c2 x) #t)
2848(define (c3 x) #t)
2849(define (c4 x) #t)
2850(define (c5 x) #t)
2851(define (c6 x) #t)
2852(define (c7 x) #t)
2853(define (c8 x) #t)
2855(define i1
2856  (interface () [x c1]))
2857(define i2
2858  (interface (i1) [x c2]))
2859(define i3
2860  (interface (i1) [x c3]))
2861(define i4
2862  (interface (i2 i3) [x c4]))
2863(define i5
2864  (interface (i3) [x c5]))
2865(define i6
2866  (interface (i2) [x c6]))
2867(define i7
2868  (interface (i4 i5) [x c7]))
2869(define i8
2870  (interface (i6 i7) [x c8]))
2872(get-interface-contract-info i8 'x)
2874 '((#<procedure:c8> i8 #f i8) (#<procedure:c6> i6 i8 i6)
2875   (#<procedure:c2> i2 i6 i2) (#<procedure:c1> i1 i2 #f)
2877   (#<procedure:c7> i7 i8 i7) (#<procedure:c4> i4 i7 i4)
2879   (#<procedure:c3> i3 i4 i3)
2881   (#<procedure:c5> i5 i7 i5))
2883;; interface symbol -> (listof (list contract name (or blame #f) (or blame #f)))
2884;; traverse hierarchy to find ctc/blame info for a given method
2885(define (get-interface-contract-info ifc meth)
2886  ;; recur on hierarchy
2887  (define super-infos
2888    (apply append (map (λ (ifc) (get-interface-contract-info ifc meth))
2889                       (interface-supers ifc))))
2890  ;; deduplicate the infos we get
2891  (define dedup-infos
2892    (let loop ([infos super-infos])
2893     (if (null? infos)
2894         '()
2895         (cons (car infos)
2896               (loop (remove* (list (car infos))
2897                         (cdr infos)
2898                         (λ (i1 i2) (eq? (car i1) (car i2)))))))))
2899  (define our-ctc (hash-ref (interface-contracts ifc) meth #f))
2900  (define our-ctcs (hash-keys (interface-contracts ifc)))
2901  (define our-name `(interface ,(interface-name ifc)))
2902  (cond ;; if we don't have the contract, the parent's info is fine
2903        [(not our-ctc) dedup-infos]
2904        ;; if the parent's don't contract it, then it's just our ctc
2905        [(null? dedup-infos) (list (list our-ctc our-name #f #f))]
2906        ;; our ctc should have a negative party of ourself (for behav. subtyping)
2907        [else (cons (list our-ctc our-name #f our-name)
2908                    ;; replace occurrences of #f positive blame with this interface
2909                    (map (λ (info)
2910                            (if (not (caddr info))
2911                                (list (car info) (cadr info) our-name (cadddr info))
2912                                info))
2913                         dedup-infos))]))
2915;; infos bool blame -> infos
2916;; replace either positive or negative parties that are #f with blame
2917(define (replace-ictc-blame infos pos? blame)
2918  (if pos?
2919      (for/list ([info infos])
2920        (list (car info) (cadr info) (or (caddr info) blame) (cadddr info)))
2921      (for/list ([info infos])
2922        (list (car info) (cadr info) (caddr info) (or (cadddr info) blame)))))
2924(define (check-still-unique name syms what)
2925  (let ([ht (make-hasheq)])
2926    (for-each (lambda (s)
2927                (when (hash-ref ht s
2928                                (lambda ()
2929                                  (hash-set! ht s #t)
2930                                  #f))
2931                  (obj-error 'class* (format "external ~a mapped to overlapping keys"
2932                                             what)
2933                             #:class-name name)))
2934              syms)))
2936(define (get-properties intfs)
2937  (if (ormap (lambda (i)
2938               (pair? (interface-properties i)))
2939             intfs)
2940      (let ([ht (make-hash)])
2941        ;; Hash on gensym to avoid providing the same property multiple
2942        ;; times when it originated from a single interface.
2943        (for-each (lambda (i)
2944                    (for-each (lambda (p)
2945                                (hash-set! ht (vector-ref p 0) p))
2946                              (interface-properties i)))
2947                  intfs)
2948        (hash-map ht (lambda (k v) (cons (vector-ref v 1)
2949                                         (vector-ref v 2)))))
2950      ;; No properties to add:
2951      null))
2953(define (add-properties struct-type intfs)
2954  (let ([props (get-properties intfs)])
2955    (if (null? props)
2956        struct-type
2957        ;; Create a new structure type to house the properties, so
2958        ;; that they can't see any fields directly via guards:
2959        (let-values ([(struct: make- ? -ref -set!)
2960                      (make-struct-type 'props struct-type 0 0 #f props #f)])
2961          struct:))))
2963(define-values (prop:object _object? object-ref)
2964  (make-struct-type-property 'object 'can-impersonate))
2965(define (object? o)
2966  (or (_object? o)
2967      (wrapped-object? o)))
2968(define (object-ref/unwrap o)
2969  (cond
2970    [(_object? o) (object-ref o)]
2971    [(wrapped-object? o) (object-ref/unwrap (wrapped-object-object o))]
2972    [else
2973     ;; error case
2974     (object-ref o)]))
2979;;  sealing/unsealing
2982;; represents a seal on a class, only for internal use
2984;; sym            - the symbol used to identify the particular seal
2985;; inst-checker   - a function to run when a sealed class is instantiated
2986;; init-checker   - these three fields respectively are functions to run when
2987;; field-checker    a sealed class is subclassed and should error when a sealed
2988;; method-checker   member is added in the subclass
2989(struct seal (sym inst-checker init-checker field-checker method-checker)
2990        #:transparent)
2992(define-values (prop:seals has-seals? get-seals)
2993  (make-impersonator-property 'class-seals))
2995(define (class-seal cls seal-sym
2996                    inits fields methods
2997                    inst-proc
2998                    member-proc)
2999  (unless (class? cls)
3000    (raise-argument-error 'class-seal "class?" cls))
3001  (unless (symbol? seal-sym)
3002    (raise-argument-error 'class-seal "symbol?" seal-sym))
3003  (define (check-unsealed-names val)
3004    (unless (and (list? val)
3005                 (andmap symbol? val))
3006      (raise-argument-error 'class-seal "(listof symbol?)" val)))
3007  (check-unsealed-names inits)
3008  (check-unsealed-names fields)
3009  (check-unsealed-names methods)
3010  (unless (procedure-arity-includes? inst-proc 1)
3011    (raise-argument-error 'class-seal
3012                          "(procedure-arity-includes/c 1)" inst-proc))
3013  (unless (procedure-arity-includes? member-proc 2)
3014    (raise-argument-error 'class-seal
3015                          "(procedure-arity-includes/c 2)" member-proc))
3017  (define new-seal
3018    (seal seal-sym
3019          inst-proc
3020          (make-seal-checker member-proc cls inits)
3021          (make-seal-checker member-proc cls fields)
3022          (make-seal-checker member-proc cls methods)))
3023  (define seals (cons new-seal
3024                      (or (and (has-seals? cls) (get-seals cls)) null)))
3025  ;; impersonate to avoid the cost of creating a class wrapper
3026  (impersonate-struct cls
3027                      class-object? #f      ; just here as a witness
3028                      set-class-object?! #f ; also need this witness
3029                      prop:seals seals))
3031;; make-seal-checker : procedure? class? (listof symbol?)
3032;;                     -> (listof symbol?) -> void?
3033;; constructs a checker function parameterized over the user-provided
3034;; checker procedure and the list of unsealed names
3035(define ((make-seal-checker proc cls unsealed) actual)
3036  (define sealed-actuals (remove* unsealed actual))
3037  (unless (null? sealed-actuals)
3038    (proc cls sealed-actuals)))
3040(define (class-unseal cls sym wrong-key-proc)
3041  (unless (class? cls)
3042    (raise-argument-error 'class-seal "class?" cls))
3043  (unless (symbol? sym)
3044    (raise-argument-error 'class-seal "symbol?" seal-sym))
3046  (define old-seals (and (has-seals? cls) (get-seals cls)))
3047  (define has-seal-with-sym?
3048    (and old-seals
3049         (for/or ([old-seal (in-list old-seals)])
3050           (eq? sym (seal-sym old-seal)))))
3051  (unless has-seal-with-sym?
3052    (wrong-key-proc cls))
3053  (define new-seals
3054    (remove sym (get-seals cls)
3055            (λ (sym sl) (eq? sym (seal-sym sl)))))
3056  (impersonate-struct cls
3057                      class-object? #f
3058                      set-class-object?! #f
3059                      prop:seals new-seals))
3061;; copy-seals : class? class? -> class?
3062;; Copy the seal properties from one class to another
3063(define (copy-seals cls1 cls2)
3064  (if (has-seals? cls1)
3065      (impersonate-struct cls2
3066                          class-object? #f
3067                          set-class-object?! #f
3068                          prop:seals (get-seals cls1))
3069      cls2))
3072;;  interfaces
3075;; >> Simplistic implementation for now <<
3077(define-for-syntax do-interface
3078  (lambda (stx m-stx)
3079    (syntax-case m-stx ()
3080      [((interface-expr ...) ([prop prop-val] ...) var ...)
3081       (let ([name (syntax-local-infer-name stx)])
3082         (define-values (vars ctcs)
3083           (for/fold ([vars '()] [ctcs '()])
3084                     ([v (syntax->list #'(var ...))])
3085             (syntax-case v ()
3086               [id
3087                (identifier? #'id)
3088                (values (cons #'id vars) (cons #f ctcs))]
3089               [(id ctc)
3090                (identifier? #'id)
3091                (values (cons #'id vars) (cons #'ctc ctcs))]
3092               [_ (raise-syntax-error #f "not an identifier or identifier-contract pair"
3093                                      stx v)])))
3094         (let ([dup (check-duplicate-identifier vars)])
3095           (when dup
3096             (raise-syntax-error #f
3097                                 "duplicate name"
3098                                 stx
3099                                 dup)))
3100         (with-syntax ([name (datum->syntax #f name #f)]
3101                       [(var ...) (map localize vars)]
3102                       [((v c) ...) (filter (λ (p) (cadr p)) (map list vars ctcs))])
3103           (class-syntax-protect
3104            (syntax/loc stx
3105              (compose-interface
3106               'name
3107               (list interface-expr ...)
3108               `(var ...)
3109               (make-immutable-hash (list (cons 'v c) ...))
3110               (list prop ...)
3111               (list prop-val ...))))))])))
3113(define-syntax (_interface stx)
3114  (syntax-case stx ()
3115    [(_ (interface-expr ...) var ...)
3116     (do-interface stx #'((interface-expr ...) () var ...))]))
3118(define-syntax (interface* stx)
3119  (syntax-case stx ()
3120    [(_ (interface-expr ...) ([prop prop-val] ...) var ...)
3121     (do-interface stx #'((interface-expr ...) ([prop prop-val] ...) var ...))]
3122    [(_ (interface-expr ...) (prop+val ...) var ...)
3123     (for-each (lambda (p+v)
3124                 (syntax-case p+v ()
3125                   [(p v) (void)]
3126                   [_ (raise-syntax-error #f
3127                                          "expected `[<prop-expr> <val-expr>]'"
3128                                          stx
3129                                          p+v)]))
3130               (syntax->list #'(prop+val ...)))]
3131    [(_ (interface-expr ...) prop+vals . _)
3132     (raise-syntax-error #f
3133                         "expected `([<prop-expr> <val-expr>] ...)'"
3134                         stx
3135                         #'prop+vals)]))
3137(define-struct interface
3138  (name             ; symbol
3139   supers           ; (listof interface)
3140   [all-implemented ; hash-table: interface -> #t
3141    #:mutable]
3142   public-ids       ; (listof symbol) (in any order?!?)
3143   contracts        ; (hashof symbol? contract?)
3144   [class           ; (union #f class) -- means that anything implementing
3145       #:mutable]      ; this interface must be derived from this class
3146   properties)      ; (listof (vector gensym prop val))
3147  #:inspector insp)
3149(define (compose-interface name supers vars ctcs props vals)
3150  (for-each
3151   (lambda (intf)
3152     (unless (interface? intf)
3153       (obj-error 'interface
3154                  "superinterface expression result is not an interface"
3155                  "result" intf
3156                  #:intf-name name)))
3157   supers)
3158  (for-each
3159   (lambda (p)
3160     (unless (struct-type-property? p)
3161       (obj-error 'interface
3162                  "property expression result is not a property"
3163                  "result" p
3164                  #:intf-name name)))
3165   props)
3166  (let ([ht (make-hasheq)])
3167    (for-each
3168     (lambda (var)
3169       (hash-set! ht var #t))
3170     vars)
3171    ;; Check that vars don't already exist in supers:
3172    (for-each
3173     (lambda (super)
3174       (for-each
3175        (lambda (var)
3176          (when (and (hash-ref ht var #f)
3177                     (not (hash-ref ctcs var #f)))
3178            (obj-error 'interface "variable already in superinterface"
3179                       "variable name" (as-write var)
3180                       (and (interface-name super) "already in") (as-write (interface-name super))
3181                       #:intf-name name)))
3182        (interface-public-ids super)))
3183     supers)
3184    ;; merge properties:
3185    (let ([prop-ht (make-hash)])
3186      ;; Hash on gensym to avoid providing the same property multiple
3187      ;; times when it originated from a single interface.
3188      (for-each (lambda (i)
3189                  (for-each (lambda (p)
3190                              (hash-set! prop-ht (vector-ref p 0) p))
3191                            (interface-properties i)))
3192                supers)
3193      (for-each (lambda (p v)
3194                  (let ([g (gensym)])
3195                    (hash-set! prop-ht g (vector g p v))))
3196                props vals)
3197      ;; Check for [conflicting] implementation requirements
3198      (let ([class (get-implement-requirement supers 'interface #:intf-name name)]
3199            [interface-make (if name
3200                                (make-naming-constructor struct:interface
3201                                                         name
3202                                                         "interface")
3203                                make-interface)])
3204        ;; Add supervars to table:
3205        (for-each
3206         (lambda (super)
3207           (for-each
3208            (lambda (var) (hash-set! ht var #t))
3209            (interface-public-ids super)))
3210         supers)
3211        ;; Done
3212        (let* ([new-ctcs (for/hash ([(k v) (in-hash ctcs)])
3213                           (values k (coerce-contract 'interface v)))]
3214               [i (interface-make name supers #f (hash-map ht (lambda (k v) k))
3215                                  new-ctcs class (hash-map prop-ht (lambda (k v) v)))])
3216          (setup-all-implemented! i)
3217          i)))))
3219;; setup-all-implemented! : interface -> void
3220;;  Creates the hash table for all implemented interfaces
3221(define (setup-all-implemented! i)
3222  (let ([ht (make-hasheq)])
3223    (hash-set! ht i #t)
3224    (for-each (lambda (si)
3225                (hash-for-each
3226                 (interface-all-implemented si)
3227                 (lambda (k v)
3228                   (hash-set! ht k #t))))
3229              (interface-supers i))
3230    (set-interface-all-implemented! i ht)))
3232(define (get-implement-requirement interfaces where
3233                                   #:class-name [class-name #f]
3234                                   #:intf-name [intf-name #f])
3235  (let loop ([class #f]
3236             [supers interfaces])
3237    (if (null? supers)
3238        class
3239        (let ([c (interface-class (car supers))])
3240          (loop
3241           (cond
3242             [(not c) class]
3243             [(not class) c]
3244             [(subclass? c class) class]
3245             [(subclass? class c) c]
3246             [else
3247              (obj-error
3248               where
3249               "conflicting class implementation requirements in superinterfaces"
3250               #:class-name class-name
3251               #:intf-name intf-name)])
3252           (cdr supers))))))
3255;;  object%
3258(define (make-naming-constructor type name prefix)
3259  (define (writeer obj port mode)
3260    (write-string "#<" port)
3261    (when prefix
3262      (write-string prefix port)
3263      (write-string ":" port))
3264    (write-string (symbol->string name) port)
3265    (write-string ">" port))
3266  (define props (list (cons prop:custom-write writeer)))
3267  (define-values (struct: make- ? -accessor -mutator)
3268    (make-struct-type name type 0 0 #f props insp))
3269  make-)
3271(define not-all-visible (gensym 'not-all-visible))
3272(define (inspectable-struct->vector v)
3273  (define vec (struct->vector v not-all-visible))
3274  (and (for/and ([elem (in-vector vec)])
3275         (not (eq? elem not-all-visible)))
3276       vec))
3278; Even though equality on objects is morally just struct equality, we have to reimplement it here
3279; because of the way class contracts work. Every time a class contract is applied, it creates a new
3280; class, which in turn creates a new struct. This breaks equal? on objects, since two structs of
3281; different types are never equal? (without a custom prop:equal+hash), even if one is a subtype of the
3282; other. Therefore, we need to emulate what the behavior of equal? would have been if class contracts
3283; didn’t create new struct types. (This can go away if class/c is ever rewritten to use chaperones.)
3284(define (object-equal? obj-a obj-b recur)
3285  (and (equal? (object-ref obj-a) (object-ref obj-b))
3286       (let ([vec-a (inspectable-struct->vector obj-a)])
3287         (and vec-a (let ([vec-b (inspectable-struct->vector obj-b)])
3288                      (and vec-b (for/and ([elem-a (in-vector vec-a 1)]
3289                                           [elem-b (in-vector vec-b 1)])
3290                                   (recur elem-a elem-b))))))))
3291(define (object-hash-code obj recur)
3292  (let ([vec (inspectable-struct->vector obj)])
3293    (if vec
3294        (recur (vector (object-ref obj) vec))
3295        (eq-hash-code obj))))
3297(define object<%> ((make-naming-constructor struct:interface 'interface:object% #f)
3298                   'object% null #f null (make-immutable-hash) #f null))
3299(setup-all-implemented! object<%>)
3300(define object% ((make-naming-constructor struct:class 'object% "class")
3301                 'object%
3302                 0 (vector #f)
3303                 object<%>
3304                 void ; never inspectable
3305                 #f   ; this is for the inspector on the object
3307                 0 (make-hasheq) null null null
3308                 #f
3309                 (vector) (vector) (vector) (vector) (vector)
3311                 (vector) (vector) (vector)
3313                 0 0 (make-hasheq) null null
3315                 'struct:object object? 'make-object
3316                 'field-ref-not-needed 'field-set!-not-needed
3318                 null
3319                 'normal
3321                 (lambda (this super-init si_c si_inited? si_leftovers args)
3322                   (unless (null? args)
3323                     (unused-args-error this args))
3324                   (void))
3326                 #f
3327                 (lambda (obj) #(()))        ; serialize
3328                 (lambda (obj args) (void))  ; deserialize-fixup
3330                 #f   ; no chaperone to guard against unsafe-undefined
3332                 #t)) ; no super-init
3334(vector-set! (class-supers object%) 0 object%)
3335(set-class-orig-cls! object% object%)
3336(let*-values ([(struct:obj make-obj obj? -get -set!)
3337               (make-struct-type 'object #f 0 0 #f
3338                                 (list (cons prop:object object%)
3339                                       (cons prop:equal+hash
3340                                             (list object-equal?
3341                                                   object-hash-code
3342                                                   object-hash-code)))
3343                                 #f)])
3344  (set-class-struct:object! object% struct:obj)
3345  (set-class-make-object! object% make-obj))
3346(set-class-object?! object% object?) ; don't use struct pred; it wouldn't work with prim classes
3348(set-interface-class! object<%> object%)
3351;;  instantiation
3354(define-syntax (new stx)
3355  (syntax-case stx ()
3356    [(_ cls (id arg) ...)
3357     (andmap identifier? (syntax->list (syntax (id ...))))
3358     (class-syntax-protect
3359      (quasisyntax/loc stx
3360        (instantiate cls () (id arg) ...)))]
3361    [(_ cls (id arg) ...)
3362     (for-each (lambda (id)
3363                 (unless (identifier? id)
3364                   (raise-syntax-error 'new "expected identifier" stx id)))
3365               (syntax->list (syntax (id ...))))]
3366    [(_ cls pr ...)
3367     (for-each
3368      (lambda (pr)
3369        (syntax-case pr ()
3370          [(x y) (void)]
3371          [else (raise-syntax-error 'new "expected name and value binding" stx pr)]))
3372      (syntax->list (syntax (pr ...))))]))
3374(define ((make-object/proc blame) class . args)
3375  (do-make-object blame class args null))
3377(define-syntax make-object
3378  (make-set!-transformer
3379   (lambda (stx)
3380     (syntax-case stx ()
3381             [id
3382              (identifier? #'id)
3383              (class-syntax-protect
3384               (quasisyntax/loc stx
3385                 (make-object/proc (current-contract-region))))]
3386             [(_ class arg ...)
3387              (class-syntax-protect
3388               (quasisyntax/loc stx
3389                 (do-make-object
3390                  (current-contract-region)
3391                  class (list arg ...) (list))))]
3392             [(_) (raise-syntax-error 'make-object "expected class" stx)]))))
3394(define-syntax (instantiate stx)
3395  (syntax-case stx ()
3396    [(form class (arg ...) . x)
3397     (with-syntax ([orig-stx stx])
3398       (class-syntax-protect
3399        (quasisyntax/loc stx
3400          (-instantiate do-make-object orig-stx #t (class) (list arg ...) . x))))]))
3402;; Helper; used by instantiate and super-instantiate
3403(define-syntax -instantiate
3404  (lambda (stx)
3405    (syntax-case stx ()
3406      [(_ do-make-object orig-stx first? (maker-arg ...) args (kw arg) ...)
3407       (andmap identifier? (syntax->list (syntax (kw ...))))
3408       (with-syntax ([(kw ...) (map localize (syntax->list (syntax (kw ...))))]
3409                     [(blame ...) (if (syntax-e #'first?) #'((current-contract-region)) null)])
3410         (class-syntax-protect
3411          (syntax/loc stx
3412            (do-make-object blame ...
3413                            maker-arg ...
3414                            args
3415                            (list (cons `kw arg)
3416                                  ...)))))]
3417      [(_ super-make-object orig-stx first? (make-arg ...) args kwarg ...)
3418       ;; some kwarg must be bad:
3419       (for-each (lambda (kwarg)
3420                   (syntax-case kwarg ()
3421                     [(kw arg)
3422                      (identifier? (syntax kw))
3423                      'ok]
3424                     [(kw arg)
3425                      (raise-syntax-error
3426                       #f
3427                       "by-name argument does not start with an identifier"
3428                       (syntax orig-stx)
3429                       kwarg)]
3430                     [_else
3431                      (raise-syntax-error
3432                       #f
3433                       "ill-formed by-name argument"
3434                       (syntax orig-stx)
3435                       kwarg)]))
3436                 (syntax->list (syntax (kwarg ...))))])))
3438(define (alist->sexp alist)
3439  (map (lambda (pair) (list (car pair) (cdr pair))) alist))
3441;; class blame -> class
3442;; takes a class and concretize interface ctc methods
3443(define (fetch-concrete-class cls blame)
3444  (cond [(null? (class-method-ictcs cls)) cls]
3445        [(and (class-ictc-classes cls)
3446              (hash-ref (class-ictc-classes cls) blame #f))
3447         => values]
3448        [else
3449         ;; if there are contracted methods to concretize, do so
3450         (let* ([name (class-name cls)]
3451                [ictc-meths (class-method-ictcs cls)]
3452                [method-width (class-method-width cls)]
3453                [method-ht (class-method-ht cls)]
3454                [meths (if (null? ictc-meths)
3455                           (class-methods cls)
3456                           (make-vector method-width))]
3457                [field-pub-width (class-field-pub-width cls)]
3458                [field-ht (class-field-ht cls)]
3459                [class-make (if name
3460                                (make-naming-constructor struct:class name "class")
3461                                make-class)]
3462                [c (class-make name
3463                               (class-pos cls)
3464                               (list->vector (vector->list (class-supers cls)))
3465                               (class-self-interface cls)
3466                               void ;; No inspecting
3467                               (class-obj-inspector cls)
3469                               method-width
3470                               method-ht
3471                               (class-method-ids cls)
3472                               null
3473                               null
3475                               #f
3477                               meths
3478                               (class-super-methods cls)
3479                               (class-int-methods cls)
3480                               (class-beta-methods cls)
3481                               (class-meth-flags cls)
3483                               (class-inner-projs cls)
3484                               (class-dynamic-idxs cls)
3485                               (class-dynamic-projs cls)
3487                               (class-field-width cls)
3488                               field-pub-width
3489                               field-ht
3490                               (class-field-ids cls)
3491                               (class-all-field-ids cls)
3493                               'struct:object 'object? 'make-object
3494                               'field-ref 'field-set!
3496                               (class-init-args cls)
3497                               (class-init-mode cls)
3498                               (class-init cls)
3500                               (class-orig-cls cls)
3501                               #f #f    ; serializer is never set
3503                               (class-check-undef? cls)
3504                               #f)]
3505                [obj-name (if name
3506                              (string->symbol (format "wrapper-object:~a" name))
3507                              'object)])
3509           (vector-set! (class-supers c) (class-pos c) c)
3511           ;; --- Make the new object struct ---
3512           (let-values ([(struct:object object-make object? object-field-ref object-field-set!)
3513                         (make-struct-type obj-name
3514                                           (class-struct:object cls)
3515                                           0 ;; No init fields
3516                                           0 ;; No new fields in this class replacement
3517                                           unsafe-undefined
3518                                           ;; Map object property to class:
3519                                           (list (cons prop:object c))
3520                                           (class-obj-inspector cls))])
3521             (set-class-struct:object! c struct:object)
3522             (set-class-object?! c object?)
3523             (set-class-make-object! c object-make)
3524             (set-class-field-ref! c object-field-ref)
3525             (set-class-field-set!! c object-field-set!))
3527           ;; Don't concretize if all concrete
3528           (unless (null? ictc-meths)
3529             ;; First, fill up since we're empty
3530             (vector-copy! meths 0 (class-methods cls))
3531             ;; Then apply the projections to get the concrete methods
3532             (for ([m (in-list ictc-meths)])
3533               (define index (hash-ref method-ht m))
3534               (define entry (vector-ref meths index))
3535               (define meth (car entry))
3536               (define ictc-infos (replace-ictc-blame (cadr entry) #f blame))
3537               (define wrapped-meth (concretize-ictc-method m meth ictc-infos))
3538               (vector-set! meths index wrapped-meth)))
3540           ;; initialize if not yet initialized
3541           (unless (class-ictc-classes cls)
3542             (set-class-ictc-classes! cls (make-weak-hasheq)))
3544           ;; cache the concrete class
3545           (hash-set! (class-ictc-classes cls) blame c)
3546           (copy-seals cls c))]))
3548;; name method info -> method
3549;; appropriately wraps the method with interface contracts
3550(define (concretize-ictc-method m meth info)
3551  (for/fold ([meth meth])
3552            ([info (in-list info)])
3553    (define ctc (car info))
3554    (define pos-blame (caddr info))
3555    (define neg-blame (cadddr info))
3556    (contract ctc meth pos-blame neg-blame m #f)))
3558(define (make-object-uninitialized class blame)
3559  (do-make-object blame class 'uninit 'uninit))
3561(define (do-make-object blame class by-pos-args named-args)
3562  (cond
3563    [(impersonator-prop:has-wrapped-class-neg-party? class)
3564     (define the-info (impersonator-prop:get-wrapped-class-info class))
3565     (define neg-party (impersonator-prop:get-wrapped-class-neg-party class))
3566     (define unwrapped-o
3567       (do-make-object/real-class blame class by-pos-args named-args
3568                                  (wrapped-class-info-blame the-info)
3569                                  neg-party
3570                                  (wrapped-class-info-init-proj-pairs the-info)))
3571     (wrapped-object
3572      unwrapped-o
3573      (wrapped-class-info-neg-extra-arg-vec the-info)
3574      (wrapped-class-info-pos-field-projs the-info)
3575      (wrapped-class-info-neg-field-projs the-info)
3576      neg-party)]
3577    [(class? class)
3578     (do-make-object/real-class blame class by-pos-args named-args #f #f '())]
3579    [else
3580     (raise-argument-error 'instantiate "class?" class)]))
3582(define (do-make-object/real-class blame class by-pos-args named-args
3583                                   wrapped-blame wrapped-neg-party init-proj-pairs)
3584  ;; make sure the class isn't abstract
3585  (unless (null? (class-abstract-ids class))
3586    (obj-error 'instantiate
3587               "cannot instantiate class with abstract methods"
3588               "class" class
3589               "abstract methods" (as-write-list (class-abstract-ids class))))
3590  ;; if the class is sealed, run all sealing error procedures
3591  ;; usually, only running the first one is necessary since these are
3592  ;; expected to be error-reporting procedures.
3593  (when (has-seals? class)
3594    (for ([seal (in-list (get-seals class))])
3595      ((seal-inst-checker seal) class)))
3596  ;; Generate correct class by concretizing methods w/interface ctcs
3597  (define concrete-class (fetch-concrete-class class blame))
3598  (define o ((class-make-object concrete-class)))
3599  (unless (eq? by-pos-args 'uninit)
3600    (continue-make-object o concrete-class by-pos-args named-args #t
3601                          wrapped-blame wrapped-neg-party init-proj-pairs))
3602  o)
3604(define (get-field-alist obj)
3605  (map (lambda (id) (cons id (get-field/proc id obj)))
3606       (field-names obj)))
3608(define (continue-make-object o c by-pos-args named-args explict-named-args?
3609                              wrapped-blame wrapped-neg-party init-proj-pairs)
3610  (let ([by-pos-only? (not (class-init-args c))])
3611    ;; When a superclass has #f for init-args (meaning "by-pos args with no names"),
3612    ;; some propagated named args may have #f keys; move them to by-position args.
3613    (let-values ([(by-pos-args named-args)
3614                  (if by-pos-only?
3615                      (let ([l (filter (lambda (x) (not (car x))) named-args)])
3616                        (if (pair? l)
3617                            (values (append by-pos-args (map cdr l))
3618                                    (filter car named-args))
3619                            (values by-pos-args named-args)))
3620                      (values by-pos-args named-args))])
3621      ;; Primitive class with by-pos arguments?
3622      (when by-pos-only?
3623        (unless (null? named-args)
3624          (if explict-named-args?
3625              (obj-error
3626               'instantiate
3627               "class has only by-position initializers, but given by-name arguments"
3628               "arguments" (as-lines (make-named-arg-string named-args))
3629               #:class-name (class-name c))
3630              ;; If args were implicit from subclass, should report as unused:
3631              (unused-args-error o named-args))))
3632      ;; Merge by-pos into named args:
3633      (let* ([named-args (if (not by-pos-only?)
3634                             ;; Normal merge
3635                             (do-merge by-pos-args (class-init-args c) c named-args by-pos-args c)
3636                             ;; Non-merge for by-position initializers
3637                             by-pos-args)]
3638             [leftovers (if (not by-pos-only?)
3639                            (get-leftovers named-args (class-init-args c))
3640                            null)])
3641        ;; In 'list mode, make sure no by-name arguments are left over
3642        (when (eq? 'list (class-init-mode c))
3643          (unless (or (null? leftovers)
3644                      (not (ormap car leftovers)))
3645            (unused-args-error o (filter car leftovers))))
3646        (unless (and (eq? c object%)
3647                     (null? named-args))
3648          (let ([named-args (check-arg-contracts wrapped-blame wrapped-neg-party
3649                                                 c init-proj-pairs named-args)])
3650            (let ([inited? (box (class-no-super-init? c))])
3651              ;; ----- Execute the class body -----
3652              ((class-init c)
3653               o
3654               continue-make-super
3655               c inited? leftovers ; merely passed through to continue-make-super
3656               named-args)
3657              (unless (unbox inited?)
3658                (obj-error 'instantiate
3659                           "superclass initialization not invoked by initialization"
3660                           #:class-name (class-name c))))))))))
3662(define (continue-make-super o c inited? leftovers by-pos-args new-named-args)
3663  (when (unbox inited?)
3664    (obj-error 'instantiate
3665               "superclass already initialized by class initialization"
3666               #:class-name (class-name c)))
3667  (set-box! inited? #t)
3668  (let ([named-args (if (eq? 'list (class-init-mode c))
3669                        ;; all old args must have been used up
3670                        new-named-args
3671                        ;; Normal mode: merge leftover keyword-based args with new ones
3672                        (append
3673                         new-named-args
3674                         leftovers))])
3675    (continue-make-object o
3676                          (vector-ref (class-supers c) (sub1 (class-pos c)))
3677                          by-pos-args
3678                          named-args
3679                          (pair? new-named-args)
3680                          #f #f '())))
3682(define (do-merge al nl ic named-args by-pos-args c)
3683  (cond
3684    [(null? al) named-args]
3685    [(null? nl)
3686     ;; continue mapping with superclass init args, if allowed
3687     (let ([super (and (eq? 'normal (class-init-mode ic))
3688                       (positive? (class-pos ic))
3689                       (vector-ref (class-supers ic) (sub1 (class-pos ic))))])
3690       (cond
3691         [super
3692          (if (class-init-args super)
3693              (do-merge al (class-init-args super) super named-args by-pos-args c)
3694              ;; Like 'list mode:
3695              (append (map (lambda (x) (cons #f x)) al)
3696                      named-args))]
3697         [(eq? 'list (class-init-mode ic))
3698          ;; All unconsumed named-args must have #f
3699          ;;  "name"s, otherwise an error is raised in
3700          ;;  the leftovers checking.
3701          (if (null? al)
3702              named-args
3703              (append (map (lambda (x) (cons #f x)) al)
3704                      named-args))]
3705         [else
3706          (obj-error 'instantiate
3707                     "too many initialization arguments"
3708                     "arguments" (as-lines (make-pos-arg-string by-pos-args))
3709                     #:class-name (class-name c))]))]
3710    [else (cons (cons (car nl) (car al))
3711                (do-merge (cdr al) (cdr nl) ic named-args by-pos-args c))]))
3713(define (get-leftovers l names)
3714  (cond
3715    [(null? l) null]
3716    [(memq (caar l) names)
3717     (get-leftovers (cdr l) (remq (caar l) names))]
3718    [else (cons (car l) (get-leftovers (cdr l) names))]))
3720(define (extract-arg class-name name arguments default)
3721  (if (symbol? name)
3722      ;; Normal mode
3723      (let ([a (assq name arguments)])
3724        (cond
3725          [a (cdr a)]
3726          [default (default)]
3727          [else (missing-argument-error class-name name)]))
3728      ;; By-position mode
3729      (cond
3730        [(< name (length arguments))
3731         (cdr (list-ref arguments name))]
3732        [default (default)]
3733        [else (obj-error 'instantiate "too few initialization arguments")])))
3735(define (extract-rest-args skip arguments)
3736  (if (< skip (length arguments))
3737      (map cdr (list-tail arguments skip))
3738      null))
3740(define (make-pos-arg-string args)
3741  (let ([len (length args)])
3742    (apply string-append
3743           (map (lambda (a)
3744                  (format " ~e" a))
3745                args))))
3747(define (make-named-arg-string args)
3748  (apply
3749   string-append
3750   (let loop ([args args][count 0])
3751     (cond
3752      [(null? args) null]
3753      [(= count 3) '("\n   ...")]
3754      [else (let ([rest (loop (cdr args) (add1 count))])
3755              (cons (format "\n   [~a ~e]"
3756                            (caar args)
3757                            (cdar args))
3758                    rest))]))))
3760(define (unused-args-error this args)
3761  (let ([arg-string (make-named-arg-string args)])
3762    (obj-error 'instantiate "unused initialization arguments"
3763               "unused arguments" (as-lines arg-string)
3764               #:class-name (class-name (object-ref/unwrap this))
3765               #:which-class "instantiated ")))
3767(define (missing-argument-error class-name name)
3768  (obj-error 'instantiate
3769             "no argument for required init variable"
3770             "init variable name" (as-write name)
3771             #:class-name class-name
3772             #:which-class "instantiated "))
3775;;  methods and fields
3778(define-syntaxes (send send/apply send/keyword-apply)
3779  (let ()
3781    (define (do-method stx form obj name args rest-arg? kw-args)
3782      (with-syntax ([(sym method receiver)
3783                     (generate-temporaries (syntax (1 2 3)))]
3784                    [(kw-arg-tmp) (generate-temporaries '(kw-vals-x))])
3785        (define kw-args/var (and kw-args
3786                                 (list (car kw-args) #'kw-arg-tmp)))
3787        (define arg-list '())
3788        (define let-bindings '())
3789        (for ([x (in-list (if (list? args)
3790                              args
3791                              (syntax->list args)))])
3792          (cond
3793            [(keyword? (syntax-e x))
3794             (set! arg-list (cons x arg-list))]
3795            [else
3796             (define var (car (generate-temporaries '(send-arg))))
3797             (set! arg-list (cons var arg-list))
3798             (set! let-bindings (cons #`[#,var #,x] let-bindings))]))
3799        (set! arg-list (reverse arg-list))
3800        (set! let-bindings (reverse let-bindings))
3802        (class-syntax-protect
3803         (syntax-property
3804          (quasisyntax/loc stx
3805            (let*-values ([(sym) (quasiquote (unsyntax (localize name)))]
3806                          [(receiver) (unsyntax obj)]
3807                          [(method) (find-method/who '(unsyntax form) receiver sym)])
3808              (let (#,@(if kw-args
3809                           (list #`[kw-arg-tmp #,(cadr kw-args)])
3810                           (list))
3811                    #,@let-bindings)
3812                (unsyntax
3813                 (make-method-call-to-possibly-wrapped-object
3814                  stx kw-args/var arg-list rest-arg?
3815                  #'sym #'method #'receiver
3816                  (quasisyntax/loc stx (find-method/who '(unsyntax form) receiver sym)))))))
3817          'feature-profile:send-dispatch #t))))
3819    (define (core-send apply? kws?)
3820      (lambda (stx)
3821        (syntax-case stx ()
3822          [(form obj name . args)
3823           (identifier? (syntax name))
3824           (if (stx-list? (syntax args))
3825               ;; (send obj name arg ...) or (send/apply obj name arg ...)
3826               (do-method stx #'form #'obj #'name
3827                          (if kws? (cddr (syntax->list #'args)) #'args)
3828                          apply?
3829                          (and kws?
3830                               (let ([l (syntax->list #'args)])
3831                                 (list (car l) (cadr l)))))
3832               (if apply?
3833                   ;; (send/apply obj name arg ... . rest)
3834                   (raise-syntax-error
3835                    #f "bad syntax (illegal use of `.')" stx)
3836                   ;; (send obj name arg ... . rest)
3837                   (do-method stx #'form #'obj #'name
3838                              (flatten-args #'args) #t #f)))]
3839          [(form obj name . args)
3840           (raise-syntax-error
3841            #f "method name is not an identifier" stx #'name)]
3842          [(form obj)
3843           (raise-syntax-error
3844            #f "expected a method name" stx)])))
3846    (define (send/keyword-apply stx)
3847      (syntax-case stx ()
3848        [(form obj name)
3849         (identifier? (syntax name))
3850         (raise-syntax-error #f "missing expression for list of keywords" stx)]
3851        [(form obj name a)
3852         (identifier? (syntax name))
3853         (raise-syntax-error #f "missing expression for list of keyword arguments" stx)]
3854        [else ((core-send #t #t) stx)]))
3856    (values
3857     ;; send
3858     (core-send #f #f)
3859     ;; send/apply
3860     (core-send #t #f)
3861     ;; send/keyword-apply
3862     send/keyword-apply)))
3864(define dynamic-send
3865  (make-keyword-procedure
3866   (lambda (kws kw-vals obj method-name . args)
3867     (unless (object? obj) (raise-argument-error 'dynamic-send "object?" obj))
3868     (unless (symbol? method-name) (raise-argument-error 'dynamic-send "symbol?" method-name))
3869     (define mtd (find-method/who 'dynamic-send obj method-name))
3870     (cond
3871       [(wrapped-object? obj)
3872        (if mtd
3873            (keyword-apply mtd kws kw-vals
3874                           (wrapped-object-neg-party obj)
3875                           (wrapped-object-object obj)
3876                           args)
3877            (keyword-apply dynamic-send kws kw-vals
3878                           (wrapped-object-object obj)
3879                           method-name
3880                           args))]
3881       [else
3882        (keyword-apply mtd kws kw-vals obj args)]))))
3884;; imperative chained send
3885(define-syntax (send* stx)
3886  (syntax-case stx ()
3887    [(form obj clause ...)
3888     (class-syntax-protect
3889      (quasisyntax/loc stx
3890        (let* ([o obj])
3891          (unsyntax-splicing
3892           (map
3893            (lambda (clause-stx)
3894              (syntax-case clause-stx ()
3895                [(meth . args)
3896                 (quasisyntax/loc stx
3897                   (send o meth . args))]
3898                [_ (raise-syntax-error
3899                    #f "bad method call" stx clause-stx)]))
3900            (syntax->list (syntax (clause ...))))))))]))
3902;; functional chained send
3903(define-syntax (send+ stx)
3904  (define-syntax-class send-clause
3905    #:description "method clause"
3906    (pattern [name:id . args]))
3907  (syntax-parse stx
3908    [(_ obj:expr clause-0:send-clause clause:send-clause ...)
3909     (class-syntax-protect
3910      (quasisyntax/loc stx
3911        (let ([o (send obj clause-0.name . clause-0.args)])
3912          (send+ o clause ...))))]
3913    [(_ obj:expr) (class-syntax-protect
3914                   (syntax/loc stx obj))]))
3916;; find-method/who : symbol[top-level-form/proc-name]
3917;;                   any[object]
3918;;                   symbol[method-name]
3919;;               -> method-proc
3920;; returns the method's procedure
3922(define (find-method/who who in-object name)
3923  (cond
3924    [(object-ref in-object #f) ; non-#f result implies `_object?`
3925     => (lambda (cls)
3926          (define mth-idx (hash-ref (class-method-ht cls) name #f))
3927          (if mth-idx
3928              (vector-ref (class-methods cls) mth-idx)
3929              (no-such-method who name cls)))]
3930    [(wrapped-object? in-object)
3931     (define cls
3932       (let loop ([obj in-object])
3933         (cond
3934           [(wrapped-object? obj) (loop (wrapped-object-object obj))]
3935           [else
3936            (object-ref obj #f)])))
3937     (define mth-idx (hash-ref (class-method-ht cls) name #f))
3938     (unless mth-idx (no-such-method who name (object-ref in-object)))
3939     (vector-ref (wrapped-object-neg-extra-arg-vec in-object) mth-idx)]
3940    [else
3941     (obj-error who "target is not an object"
3942                "target" in-object
3943                "method name" (as-write name))]))
3945(define (no-such-method who name cls)
3946  (obj-error who
3947             "no such method"
3948             "method name" (as-write name)
3949             #:class-name (class-name cls)))
3951(define-values (make-class-field-accessor make-class-field-mutator)
3952  (let ()
3953    (define (check-and-get-proc who class name get?)
3954      (unless (class? class)
3955        (raise-argument-error who "class?" class))
3956      (unless (symbol? name)
3957        (raise-argument-error who "symbol?" name))
3958      (define field-info-external-X (if get? field-info-external-ref field-info-external-set!))
3959      (define wrapped-class-info-X-field-projs
3960        (if get?
3961            wrapped-class-info-pos-field-projs
3962            wrapped-class-info-neg-field-projs))
3963      (define (get-accessor)
3964        (field-info-external-X
3965         (hash-ref (class-field-ht class) name
3966                   (lambda ()
3967                     (obj-error who "no such field"
3968                                "field-name" (as-write name)
3969                                #:class-name (class-name class))))))
3970      (cond
3971        [(impersonator-prop:has-wrapped-class-neg-party? class)
3972         (define the-info (impersonator-prop:get-wrapped-class-info class))
3973         (define projs (hash-ref (wrapped-class-info-X-field-projs the-info) name #f))
3974         (define np (impersonator-prop:get-wrapped-class-neg-party class))
3975         (cond
3976           [projs
3977            (if get?
3978                (let loop ([projs projs])
3979                  (cond
3980                    [(pair? projs)
3981                     (define f-rest (loop (cdr projs)))
3982                     (define f-this (car projs))
3983                     (λ (val) ((f-this (f-rest val)) np))]
3984                    [else projs]))
3985                (let loop ([projs projs])
3986                  (cond
3987                    [(pair? projs)
3988                     (define f-rest (loop (cdr projs)))
3989                     (define f-this (car projs))
3990                     (λ (o val) ((f-this (f-rest o val)) np))]
3991                    [else projs])))]
3992           [else (get-accessor)])]
3993        [else
3994         (get-accessor)]))
3995    (values (λ (class name)
3996              (define ref (check-and-get-proc 'class-field-accessor class name #t))
3997              (λ (o)
3998                (cond
3999                  [(_object? o)
4000                   (ref o)]
4001                  [(wrapped-object? o)
4002                   (ref (wrapped-object-object o))]
4003                  [else
4004                   (raise-argument-error 'class-field-accessor "object?" o)])))
4005            (λ (class name)
4006              (define setter! (check-and-get-proc 'class-field-mutator class name #f))
4007              (λ (o v)
4008                (cond
4009                  [(_object? o)
4010                   (setter! o v)]
4011                  [(wrapped-object? o)
4012                   (setter! (unwrap-object o) v)]
4013                  [else
4014                   (raise-argument-error 'class-field-mutator "object?" o)]))))))
4016(define-struct generic (name applicable))
4018;; Internally, make-generic comes from the struct def.
4019;; Externally, make-generic is the following procedure.
4020;; The extra `let' gives it the right name.
4021(define make-generic/proc
4022  (let ([make-generic
4023         (lambda (class name)
4024           (unless (or (class? class) (interface? class))
4025             (raise-argument-error 'make-generic "(or/c class? interface?)" class))
4026           (unless (symbol? name)
4027             (raise-argument-error 'make-generic "symbol?" name))
4028           (make-generic
4029            name
4030            (if (interface? class)
4031                (let ([intf class])
4032                  (unless (method-in-interface? name intf)
4033                    (obj-error 'make-generic "no such method"
4034                               "method name" (as-write name)
4035                               #:intf-name (interface-name intf)))
4036                  (lambda (obj)
4037                    (unless (is-a? obj intf)
4038                      (obj-error
4039                       (string->symbol (format "generic:~a" name))
4040                       "target is not an instance of the generic's interface"
4041                       "target" obj
4042                       #:intf-name (interface-name intf)))
4043                    (find-method/who 'make-generic obj name)))
4044                (let* ([pos (hash-ref (class-method-ht class) name
4045                                      (lambda ()
4046                                        (obj-error 'make-generic "no such method"
4047                                                   "method name" (as-write name)
4048                                                   #:class-name (class-name class))))]
4049                       [instance? (class-object? (class-orig-cls class))]
4050                       [fail (λ (obj)
4051                               (obj-error
4052                                (string->symbol (format "generic:~a" name))
4053                                "target is not an instance of the generic's class"
4054                                "target" obj
4055                                #:class-name (class-name class)))]
4056                       [dynamic-generic
4057                        (lambda (obj)
4058                          (cond
4059                            [(wrapped-object? obj)
4060                             (vector-ref (wrapped-object-neg-extra-arg-vec obj) pos)]
4061                            [(instance? obj)
4062                             (vector-ref (class-methods (object-ref obj)) pos)]
4063                            [else (fail obj)]))])
4064                  (if (eq? 'final (vector-ref (class-meth-flags class) pos))
4065                      (let ([method (vector-ref (class-methods class) pos)])
4066                        (lambda (obj)
4067                          (unless (instance? obj) (fail obj))
4068                          method))
4069                      dynamic-generic)))))])
4070    make-generic))
4072(define-syntax (send-generic stx)
4073  (syntax-case stx ()
4074    [(_ object generic . args)
4075     (let* ([args-stx (syntax args)]
4076            [proper? (stx-list? args-stx)]
4077            [flat-stx (if proper? args-stx (flatten-args args-stx))])
4078       (with-syntax ([(gen obj)
4079                      (generate-temporaries (syntax (generic object)))])
4080         (class-syntax-protect
4081          (quasisyntax/loc stx
4082            (let* ([obj object]
4083                   [gen generic])
4084              ;(check-generic gen)
4085              (unsyntax
4086               (make-method-call-to-possibly-wrapped-object
4087                stx #f flat-stx (not proper?)
4088                #'(generic-name gen)
4089                #'((generic-applicable gen) obj)
4090                #'obj
4091                #'((generic-applicable gen) obj))))))))]))
4093(define (check-generic gen)
4094  (unless (generic? gen)
4095    (raise-argument-error 'send-generic "generic?" gen)))
4097(define-syntaxes (class-field-accessor class-field-mutator generic/form)
4098  (let ([mk
4099         (lambda (make targets)
4100           (lambda (stx)
4101             (syntax-case stx ()
4102               [(_ class-expr name)
4103                (let ([name (syntax name)])
4104                  (unless (identifier? name)
4105                    (raise-syntax-error
4106                     #f
4107                     "expected an indentifier"
4108                     stx
4109                     name))
4110                  (with-syntax ([name (localize name)]
4111                                [make make])
4112                    (class-syntax-protect
4113                     (syntax/loc stx (make class-expr `name)))))]
4114               [(_ class-expr)
4115                (raise-syntax-error
4116                 #f
4117                 (format "expected a field name after the ~a expression"
4118                         targets)
4119                 stx)])))])
4120    (values
4121     (mk (quote-syntax make-class-field-accessor) "class")
4122     (mk (quote-syntax make-class-field-mutator) "class")
4123     (mk (quote-syntax make-generic/proc) "class or interface"))))
4125(define-syntax (set-field! stx)
4126  (syntax-case stx ()
4127    [(_ name obj val)
4128     (identifier? #'name)
4129     (with-syntax ([localized (localize #'name)])
4130       (class-syntax-protect
4131        (syntax/loc stx (set-field!/proc `localized obj val))))]
4132    [(_ name obj val)
4133     (raise-syntax-error
4134      'set-field! "expected a field name as first argument"
4135      stx #'name)]))
4137(define (set-field!/proc id obj val)
4138  (do-set-field! 'set-field! id obj val))
4140(define (do-set-field! who id obj val)
4141  (cond
4142    [(_object? obj)
4143     (do-set-field!/raw-object who id obj val)]
4144    [(wrapped-object? obj)
4145     (define projs+set! (hash-ref (wrapped-object-neg-field-projs obj) id #f))
4146     (cond
4147       [projs+set!
4148        (define np (wrapped-object-neg-party obj))
4149        (let loop ([projs+set! projs+set!]
4150                   [val val])
4151          (cond
4152            [(pair? projs+set!)
4153             (define the-proj (car projs+set!))
4154             (loop (cdr projs+set!)
4155                   ((the-proj val) np))]
4156            [else
4157             (projs+set! (wrapped-object-object obj) val)]))]
4158       [else
4159        (do-field-get/raw-object who id (wrapped-object-object obj))])]
4160    [else
4161     (raise-argument-error who
4162                           "object?"
4163                           obj)]))
4165(define (do-set-field!/raw-object who id obj val)
4166  (define cls (object-ref obj))
4167  (define field-ht (class-field-ht cls))
4168  (define fi (hash-ref field-ht id #f))
4169  (if fi
4170      ((field-info-external-set! fi) obj val)
4171      (obj-error who
4172                 "given object does not have the requested field"
4173                 "field name" (as-write id)
4174                 "object" obj)))
4176(define (dynamic-set-field! id obj val)
4177  (unless (symbol? id) (raise-argument-error 'dynamic-set-field! "symbol?" id))
4178  (do-set-field! 'dynamic-set-field! id obj val))
4180(define-syntax (get-field stx)
4181  (syntax-case stx ()
4182    [(_ name obj)
4183     (identifier? (syntax name))
4184     (with-syntax ([localized (localize (syntax name))])
4185       (class-syntax-protect
4186        (syntax/loc stx (get-field/proc `localized obj))))]
4187    [(_ name obj)
4188     (raise-syntax-error
4189      'get-field "expected a field name as first argument"
4190      stx (syntax name))]))
4192(define (get-field/proc id obj)
4193  (do-get-field 'get-field id obj))
4195(define (do-get-field who id obj)
4196  (cond
4197    [(_object? obj)
4198     (do-field-get/raw-object who id obj)]
4199    [(wrapped-object? obj)
4200     (define projs+ref (hash-ref (wrapped-object-pos-field-projs obj) id #f))
4201     (cond
4202       [projs+ref
4203        (define np (wrapped-object-neg-party obj))
4204        (let loop ([projs+ref projs+ref])
4205          (cond
4206            [(pair? projs+ref)
4207             (define the-proj (car projs+ref))
4208             (define field-val-with-other-contracts (loop (cdr projs+ref)))
4209             ((the-proj field-val-with-other-contracts) np)]
4210            [else
4211             ;; projs+ref is the struct field accessor
4212             (projs+ref (wrapped-object-object obj))]))]
4213       [else
4214        (do-field-get/raw-object who id (wrapped-object-object obj))])]
4215    [else
4216     (raise-argument-error who
4217                           "object?"
4218                           obj)]))
4220(define (do-field-get/raw-object who id obj)
4221  (define cls (object-ref obj))
4222  (define field-ht (class-field-ht cls))
4223  (define fi (hash-ref field-ht id #f))
4224  (if fi
4225      ((field-info-external-ref fi) obj)
4226      (obj-error who
4227                 "given object does not have the requested field"
4228                 "field name" (as-write id)
4229                 "object" obj)))
4231(define (dynamic-get-field id obj)
4232  (unless (symbol? id) (raise-argument-error 'dynamic-get-field "symbol?" id))
4233  (do-get-field 'dynamic-get-field id obj))
4235(define-syntax (field-bound? stx)
4236  (syntax-case stx ()
4237    [(_ name obj)
4238     (identifier? (syntax name))
4239     (with-syntax ([localized (localize (syntax name))])
4240       (class-syntax-protect
4241        (syntax (field-bound?/proc `localized obj))))]
4242    [(_ name obj)
4243     (raise-syntax-error
4244      'field-bound? "expected a field name as first argument"
4245      stx (syntax name))]))
4247(define (field-bound?/proc id obj)
4248  (unless (object? obj)
4249    (raise-argument-error 'field-bound?
4250                          "object?"
4251                          obj))
4252  (let loop ([obj obj])
4253     (let* ([cls (object-ref/unwrap obj)]
4254            [field-ht (class-field-ht cls)])
4255       (and (hash-ref field-ht id #f)
4256            #t)))) ;; ensure that only #t and #f leak out, not bindings in ht
4258(define (field-names obj)
4259  (unless (object? obj)
4260    (raise-argument-error 'field-names
4261                          "object?"
4262                          obj))
4263  (let loop ([obj obj])
4264     (let* ([cls (object-ref/unwrap obj)]
4265            [field-ht (class-field-ht cls)]
4266            [flds (filter interned? (hash-map field-ht (lambda (x y) x)))])
4267       flds)))
4269(define-syntax (with-method stx)
4270  (syntax-case stx ()
4271    [(_ ([id (obj-expr name)] ...) body0 body1 ...)
4272     (let ([ids (syntax->list (syntax (id ...)))]
4273           [names (syntax->list (syntax (name ...)))])
4274       (for-each (lambda (id name)
4275                   (unless (identifier? id)
4276                     (raise-syntax-error #f
4277                                         "not an identifier for binding"
4278                                         stx
4279                                         id))
4280                   (unless (identifier? name)
4281                     (raise-syntax-error #f
4282                                         "not an identifier for method name"
4283                                         stx
4284                                         name)))
4285                 ids names)
4286       (with-syntax ([(method ...) (generate-temporaries ids)]
4287                     [(method-obj ...) (generate-temporaries ids)]
4288                     [(name ...) (map localize names)])
4289         (class-syntax-protect
4290          (syntax/loc stx (let-values ([(method method-obj)
4291                                        (let ([obj obj-expr])
4292                                          (values (find-method/who 'with-method obj `name)
4293                                                  obj))]
4294                                       ...)
4295                            (letrec-syntaxes+values ([(id) (make-with-method-map
4296                                                            (quote-syntax set!)
4297                                                            (quote-syntax id)
4298                                                            (quote-syntax method)
4299                                                            (quote-syntax method-obj))]
4300                                                     ...)
4301                                                    ()
4302                              body0 body1 ...))))))]
4303    ;; Error cases:
4304    [(_ (clause ...) . body)
4305     (begin
4306       (for-each (lambda (clause)
4307                   (syntax-case clause ()
4308                     [(id (obj-expr name))
4309                      (and (identifier? (syntax id))
4310                           (identifier? (syntax name)))
4311                      'ok]
4312                     [_else
4313                      (raise-syntax-error
4314                       #f
4315                       "binding clause is not of the form (identifier (object-expr method-identifier))"
4316                       stx
4317                       clause)]))
4318                 (syntax->list (syntax (clause ...))))
4319       ;; If we get here, the body must be bad
4320       (if (stx-null? (syntax body))
4321           (raise-syntax-error
4322            #f
4323            "empty body"
4324            stx)
4325           (raise-syntax-error
4326            #f
4327            "bad syntax (illegal use of `.')"
4328            stx)))]
4329    [(_ x . rest)
4330     (raise-syntax-error
4331      #f
4332      "not a binding sequence"
4333      stx
4334      (syntax x))]))
4338;;  class, interface, and object properties
4341(define (is-a? v c)
4342  (cond
4343    [(class? c)
4344     (and (object? v) ((class-object? (class-orig-cls c)) (unwrap-object v)))]
4345    [(interface? c) (and (object? v) (implementation? (object-ref/unwrap v) c))]
4346    [else (raise-argument-error 'is-a? "(or/c class? interface?)" 1 v c)]))
4348(define (subclass? v c)
4349  (unless (class? c)
4350    (raise-argument-error 'subclass? "class?" 1 v c))
4351  (and (class? v)
4352       (let* ([c (class-orig-cls c)]
4353              [v (class-orig-cls v)]
4354              [p (class-pos c)])
4355         (and (<= p (class-pos v))
4356              (eq? c (vector-ref (class-supers v) p))))))
4358(define (object-interface o)
4359  (unless (object? o)
4360    (raise-argument-error 'object-interface "object?" o))
4361  (class-self-interface (object-ref/unwrap o)))
4363(define (object-method-arity-includes? o name cnt)
4364  (unless (object? o)
4365    (raise-argument-error 'object-method-arity-includes? "object?" o))
4366  (unless (symbol? name)
4367    (raise-argument-error 'object-method-arity-includes? "symbol?" name))
4368  (unless (and (integer? cnt)
4369               (exact? cnt)
4370               (not (negative? cnt)))
4371    (raise-argument-error 'object-method-arity-includes? "exact-nonnegative-integer?" cnt))
4372  (define c (object-ref/unwrap o))
4373  (define pos (hash-ref (class-method-ht c) name #f))
4374  (cond
4375    [pos (procedure-arity-includes? (vector-ref (class-methods c) pos)
4376                                    (add1 cnt))]
4377    [else #f]))
4379(define (implementation? v i)
4380  (unless (interface? i)
4381    (raise-argument-error 'implementation? "interface?" 1 v i))
4382  (and (class? v)
4383       (interface-extension? (class-self-interface v) i)))
4385(define (interface-extension? v i)
4386  (unless (interface? i)
4387    (raise-argument-error 'interface-extension? "interface?" 1 v i))
4388  (and (interface? i)
4389       (hash-ref (interface-all-implemented v) i #f)))
4391(define (method-in-interface? s i)
4392  (unless (symbol? s)
4393    (raise-argument-error 'method-in-interface? "symbol?" 0 s i))
4394  (unless (interface? i)
4395    (raise-argument-error 'method-in-interface? "interface?" 1 s i))
4396  (and (memq s (interface-public-ids i)) #t))
4398(define (class->interface c)
4399  (unless (class? c)
4400    (raise-argument-error 'class->interface "class?" c))
4401  (class-self-interface c))
4403(define (interned? sym)
4404  (eq? sym (string->symbol (symbol->string sym))))
4406(define (interface->method-names i)
4407  (unless (interface? i)
4408    (raise-argument-error 'interface->method-names "interface?" i))
4409  (filter interned? (interface-public-ids i)))
4412(define (object-info o)
4413  (unless (object? o)
4414    (raise-argument-error 'object-info "object?" o))
4415  (let ([o* (if (has-original-object? o) (original-object o) o)])
4416    (let loop ([c (object-ref/unwrap o*)]
4417               [skipped? #f])
4418      (if (struct? ((class-insp-mk c)))
4419          ;; current objec can inspect this object
4420          (values c skipped?)
4421          (if (zero? (class-pos c))
4422              (values #f #t)
4423              (loop (vector-ref (class-supers c) (sub1 (class-pos c))) #t))))))
4425(define (to-sym s)
4426  (if (string? s)
4427      (string->symbol s)
4428      s))
4430(define (class-info c)
4431  (unless (class? c)
4432    (raise-argument-error 'class-info "class?" c))
4433  (if (struct? ((class-insp-mk c)))
4434      (let ([super (vector-ref (class-supers c) (sub1 (class-pos c)))])
4435        (let loop ([next super][skipped? #f])
4436          (if (or (not next)
4437                  (struct? ((class-insp-mk next))))
4438              (values (to-sym (class-name c))
4439                      (- (class-field-width c) (class-field-width super))
4440                      (filter interned? (class-field-ids c))
4441                      (class-field-ref c)
4442                      (class-field-set! c)
4443                      next
4444                      skipped?)
4445              (if (zero? (class-pos next))
4446                  (loop #f #t)
4447                  (loop (vector-ref (class-supers next) (sub1 (class-pos next))) #t)))))
4448      (raise-arguments-error 'class-info "current inspector cannot inspect class"
4449                             "class" c)))
4451(define object->vector
4452  (lambda (in-o [opaque-v '...])
4453    (unless (object? in-o)
4454      (raise-argument-error 'object->vector "object?" in-o))
4455    (let ([o in-o])
4456      (list->vector
4457       (cons
4458        (string->symbol (format "object:~a" (class-name (object-ref/unwrap o))))
4459        (reverse
4460         (let-values ([(c skipped?) (object-info o)])
4461           (let loop ([c c][skipped? skipped?])
4462             (cond
4463               [(not c) (if skipped? (list opaque-v) null)]
4464               [else (let-values ([(name num-fields field-ids field-ref
4465                                         field-set next next-skipped?)
4466                                   (class-info c)])
4467                       (let ([rest (loop next next-skipped?)]
4468                             [here (let loop ([n num-fields])
4469                                     (if (zero? n)
4470                                         null
4471                                         (cons (field-ref o (sub1 n))
4472                                               (loop (sub1 n)))))])
4473                         (append (if skipped? (list opaque-v) null)
4474                                 here
4475                                 rest)))])))))))))
4477(define (object=? o1 o2)
4478  (cond
4479   [(not (object? o1))
4480    (raise-argument-error 'object=? "object?" 0 o1 o2)]
4481   [(not (object? o2))
4482    (raise-argument-error 'object=? "object?" 1 o1 o2)]
4483   [else
4484    (or (eq? o1 o2) (-object=? o1 o2))]))
4486(define (object-or-false=? o1 o2)
4487  (cond
4488   [(and o1 (not (object? o1)))
4489    (raise-argument-error 'object-or-false=? "(or/c object? #f)" 0 o1 o2)]
4490   [(and o2 (not (object? o2)))
4491    (raise-argument-error 'object-or-false=? "(or/c object? #f)" 1 o1 o2)]
4492   [else
4493    (or (eq? o1 o2)
4494        (and o1 o2 (-object=? o1 o2)))]))
4496(define (-object=? o1 o2)
4497  (eq? (object=-original-object o1)
4498       (object=-original-object o2)))
4500(define (object=-original-object o)
4501  (define orig-o (if (has-original-object? o) (original-object o) o))
4502  (define orig-orig-o
4503    (if (wrapped-object? orig-o)
4504        (wrapped-object-object orig-o)
4505        orig-o))
4506  orig-orig-o)
4508(define (object=-hash-code o)
4509  (unless (object? o)
4510    (raise-argument-error 'object=-hash-code "object?" 0 o))
4511  (eq-hash-code (object=-original-object o)))
4514;;  primitive classes
4517(define (make-primitive-class
4518         make-struct:prim     ; see below
4519         prim-init            ; primitive initializer: takes obj and list of name-arg pairs
4520         name                 ; symbol
4521         super                ; superclass
4522         intfs                ; interfaces
4523         init-arg-names       ; #f or list of syms and sym--value lists
4524         override-names       ; overridden method names
4525         new-names            ; new (public) method names
4526         override-methods     ; list of methods
4527         new-methods)         ; list of methods
4529  ; The `make-struct:prim' function takes prop:object, a class,
4530  ;  a preparer, a dispatcher function, an unwrap property,
4531  ;  an unwrapper, and a property assoc list, and produces:
4532  ;    * a struct constructor (must have prop:object)
4533  ;    * a struct predicate
4534  ;    * a struct type for derived classes (mustn't have prop:object)
4535  ;
4536  ; The supplied preparer takes a symbol and returns a num.
4537  ;
4538  ; The supplied dispatcher takes an object and a num and returns a method.
4539  ;
4540  ; The supplied unwrap property is used for adding the unwrapper
4541  ;  as a property value on new objects.
4542  ;
4543  ; The supplied unwrapper takes an object and returns the unwrapped
4544  ;  version (or the original object).
4545  ;
4546  ; When a primitive class has a superclass, the struct:prim maker
4547  ;  is responsible for ensuring that the returned struct items match
4548  ;  the supertype predicate.
4550  (compose-class name
4551                 (or super object%)
4552                 intfs
4553                 #f
4554                 #f
4555                 #f
4557                 0 null null null ; no fields
4559                 null ; no rename-supers
4560                 null ; no rename-inners
4561                 null null new-names
4562                 null null override-names
4563                 null null null ; no augrides
4564                 null ; no inherits
4566                 ; #f => init args by position only
4567                 ; sym => required arg
4568                 ; sym--value list => optional arg
4569                 (and init-arg-names
4570                      (map (lambda (s)
4571                             (if (symbol? s) s (car s)))
4572                           init-arg-names))
4573                 'stop
4575                 (lambda ignored
4576                   (values
4577                    new-methods
4578                    override-methods
4579                    null ; no augride-methods
4580                    (lambda (this super-go/ignored si_c/ignored si_inited?/ignored si_leftovers/ignored init-args)
4581                      (apply prim-init this
4582                             (if init-arg-names
4583                                 (extract-primitive-args this name init-arg-names init-args)
4584                                 init-args)))))
4586                 #f
4588                 make-struct:prim))
4590(define (extract-primitive-args this class-name init-arg-names init-args)
4591  (let loop ([names init-arg-names][args init-args])
4592    (cond
4593      [(null? names)
4594       (unless (null? args)
4595         (unused-args-error this args))
4596       null]
4597      [else (let* ([name (car names)]
4598                   [id (if (symbol? name)
4599                           name
4600                           (car name))])
4601              (let ([arg (assq id args)])
4602                (cond
4603                  [arg
4604                   (cons (cdr arg) (loop (cdr names) (remq arg args)))]
4605                  [(symbol? name)
4606                   (missing-argument-error class-name name)]
4607                  [else
4608                   (cons (cadr name) (loop (cdr names) args))])))])))
4611;;  wrapper for contracts
4614(define-values (impersonator-prop:original-object has-original-object? original-object)
4615  (make-impersonator-property 'impersonator-prop:original-object))
4618(define (check-arg-contracts wrapped-blame wrapped-neg-party val init-proj-pairs orig-named-args)
4619  ;; blame will be #f only when init-ctc-pairs is '()
4620  (define arg-blame (and wrapped-blame (blame-swap wrapped-blame)))
4622  (define (missing-one init-ctc-pair)
4623    (raise-blame-error arg-blame #:missing-party wrapped-neg-party val
4624                       '(expected: "an init arg named ~a"
4625                                   given:
4626                                   "~a")
4627                       (car init-ctc-pair)
4628                       (case (length orig-named-args)
4629                         [(0) "no init args"]
4630                         [(1) "an init arg named ~a"
4631                              (car (car orig-named-args))]
4632                         [(2) "init args named~a"
4633                              (apply string-append
4634                                     (map (λ (x) (format " ~a" (car x)))
4635                                          orig-named-args))])))
4636  ;; this loop optimizes for the case where the init-ctc-pairs
4637  ;; and the named-args are in the same order, making extra
4638  ;; passes over the named-args when they aren't.
4639  (let loop ([init-proj-pairs init-proj-pairs]
4640             [named-args orig-named-args]
4641             [named-skipped-args '()]
4642             [progress? #f])
4643    (cond
4644      [(null? init-proj-pairs)
4645       (append named-args named-skipped-args)]
4646      [(and (null? named-args) (null? named-skipped-args))
4647       '()]
4648      [(null? named-args)
4649       (if progress?
4650           (loop init-proj-pairs named-skipped-args '() #f)
4651           (loop (cdr init-proj-pairs) named-skipped-args '() #f))]
4652      [else
4653       (define proj-pair (car init-proj-pairs))
4654       (define named-arg (car named-args))
4655       (cond
4656         [(equal? (list-ref proj-pair 0) (list-ref named-arg 0))
4657          (define value-with-contracts-added
4658            (for/fold ([val (cdr named-arg)]) ([proj (in-list (cdr proj-pair))])
4659              ((proj val) wrapped-neg-party)))
4660          (define new-ele (cons (car named-arg) value-with-contracts-added))
4661          (cons new-ele
4662                (loop (cdr init-proj-pairs) (cdr named-args) named-skipped-args #t))]
4663         [else
4664          (loop init-proj-pairs
4665                (cdr named-args)
4666                (cons (car named-args) named-skipped-args)
4667                progress?)])])))
4671;;  misc utils
4674(define-struct (exn:fail:object exn:fail) () #:inspector insp)
4676(struct as-write (content))
4677(struct as-write-list (content))
4678(struct as-value-list (content))
4679(struct as-lines (content))
4681(define (obj-error where
4682                   msg
4683                   #:class-name [class-name #f]
4684                   #:intf-name [intf-name #f]
4685                   #:which-class [which-class ""]
4686                   . fields)
4687  (define all-fields
4688    (append fields
4689            (if class-name
4690                (list (string-append which-class "class name")
4691                      (as-write class-name))
4692                null)
4693            (if intf-name
4694                (list "interface name"
4695                      (as-write intf-name))
4696                null)))
4697  (raise (make-exn:fail:object
4698          (format "~a: ~a~a" where msg
4699                  (apply
4700                   string-append
4701                   (let loop ([fields all-fields])
4702                     (cond
4703                      [(null? fields) null]
4704                      [else
4705                       (define field (car fields))
4706                       (define val (cadr fields))
4707                       (list*
4708                        "\n  "
4709                        field
4710                        (if (or (as-write-list? val)
4711                                (as-lines? val))
4712                            ":"
4713                            ": ")
4714                        (cond
4715                         [(or (as-write-list? val)
4716                              (as-value-list? val))
4717                          (apply string-append
4718                                 (for/list ([v (in-list (if (as-write-list? val)
4719                                                            (as-write-list-content val)
4720                                                            (as-value-list-content val)))])
4721                                   (format (if (as-write-list? val)
4722                                               "\n   ~s"
4723                                               "\n   ~e")
4724                                           v)))]
4725                         [(as-write? val)
4726                          (format "~s" (as-write-content val))]
4727                         [(as-lines? val)
4728                          (as-lines-content val)]
4729                         [else
4730                          (format "~e" val)])
4731                        (loop (cddr fields)))]))))
4732          (current-continuation-marks))))
4734(define (for-class name)
4735  (if name (format " for class: ~a" name) ""))
4736(define (for-class/which which name)
4737  (if name (format " for ~a class: ~a" which name) ""))
4738(define (for-intf name)
4739  (if name (format " for interface: ~a" name) ""))
4743;; mixin
4746(define (check-mixin-super mixin-name super% from-ids)
4747  (let ([mixin-name (or mixin-name 'mixin)])
4748    (unless (class? super%)
4749      (obj-error mixin-name
4750                 "argument is not a class"
4751                 "argument" super%))
4752    (for-each (lambda (from-id)
4753                (unless (implementation? super% from-id)
4754                  (obj-error mixin-name
4755                             "argument class does not implement interface"
4756                             "argument" super%
4757                             "interface name" (as-write from-id))))
4758              from-ids)))
4760(define (check-mixin-from-interfaces all-from)
4761  (for-each (lambda (from-id)
4762              (unless (interface? from-id)
4763                (obj-error 'mixin
4764                           "given value for from-interface is not an interface"
4765                           "given" from-id
4766                           "all given" (as-value-list all-from))))
4767            all-from))
4769(define (check-mixin-to-interfaces all-to)
4770  (for-each (lambda (to-id)
4771              (unless (interface? to-id)
4772                (obj-error 'mixin
4773                           "given values for from-interface is not an interface"
4774                           "given" to-id
4775                           "all given" (as-value-list all-to))))
4776            all-to))
4779(define (check-interface-includes xs from-ids)
4780  (for-each
4781   (lambda (x)
4782     (unless (ormap (lambda (i) (method-in-interface? x i)) from-ids)
4783       (obj-error 'mixin
4784              "method was referenced in definition, but is not in any of the from-interfaces"
4785              "method name" (as-write x)
4786              "from-interfaces" (as-write-list from-ids))))
4787   xs))
4789(define-syntax (mixin stx)
4790  (syntax-case stx ()
4791    [(_ (from ...) (to ...) clauses ...)
4792     (let ([extract-renamed-names
4793            (λ (x)
4794              (map (λ (x)
4795                     (localize
4796                      (syntax-case x ()
4797                        [(internal-name external-name) (syntax external-name)]
4798                        [else x])))
4799                   (syntax->list x)))])
4800       (define (get-super-names stx)
4801         (syntax-case stx (inherit rename
4802                                   override overment override-final
4803                                   define/override define/overment define/override-final
4804                                   augment augride augment-final
4805                                   define/augment define/augride define/augment-final)
4806           [(inherit names ...) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (names ...)))]
4807           [(rename [x names] ...) (syntax->list (syntax (names ...)))]
4808           [(override names ...) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (names ...)))]
4809           [(overment names ...) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (names ...)))]
4810           [(override-final names ...) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (names ...)))]
4811           [(augment names ...) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (names ...)))]
4812           [(augride names ...) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (names ...)))]
4813           [(augment-final names ...) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (names ...)))]
4815           [(define/augment (name . names) . rest) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (name)))]
4816           [(define/augment name . rest) (identifier? (syntax name)) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (name)))]
4817           [(define/augride (name . names) . rest) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (name)))]
4818           [(define/augride name . rest) (identifier? (syntax name)) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (name)))]
4819           [(define/augment-final (name . names) . rest) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (name)))]
4820           [(define/augment-final name . rest) (identifier? (syntax name)) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (name)))]
4821           [(define/override (name . names) . rest) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (name)))]
4822           [(define/override name . rest) (identifier? (syntax name)) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (name)))]
4823           [(define/overment (name . names) . rest) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (name)))]
4824           [(define/overment name . rest) (identifier? (syntax name)) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (name)))]
4825           [(define/override-final (name . names) . rest) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (name)))]
4826           [(define/override-final name . rest) (identifier? (syntax name)) (extract-renamed-names (syntax (name)))]
4827           [else null]))
4828       (with-syntax ([(from-ids ...) (generate-temporaries (syntax (from ...)))]
4829                     [(to-ids ...) (generate-temporaries (syntax (to ...)))]
4830                     [(super-vars ...)
4831                      (apply
4832                       append
4833                       (map get-super-names
4834                            (syntax->list (syntax (clauses ...)))))]
4835                     [mixin-name (or (with-syntax ([tmp (syntax-local-name)])
4836                                       (syntax (quote tmp)))
4837                                     (syntax (quote mixin)))])
4839         ;; Build the class expression first, to give it a good src location:
4840         (with-syntax ([class-expr
4841                        (with-syntax ([orig-stx stx])
4842                          (syntax/loc stx
4843                            (class/derived orig-stx [#f super% (to-ids ...) #f]
4844                                           clauses ...)))])
4846           ;; Now build mixin proc, again to give it a good src location:
4847           (with-syntax ([mixin-expr
4848                          (syntax/loc stx
4849                            (λ (super%)
4850                              (check-mixin-super mixin-name super% (list from-ids ...))
4851                              class-expr))])
4852             ;; Finally, build the complete mixin expression:
4853             (class-syntax-protect
4854              (syntax/loc stx
4855                (let ([from-ids from] ...)
4856                  (let ([to-ids to] ...)
4857                    (check-mixin-from-interfaces (list from-ids ...))
4858                    (check-mixin-to-interfaces (list to-ids ...))
4859                    (check-interface-includes (list (quasiquote super-vars) ...)
4860                                              (list from-ids ...))
4861                    mixin-expr))))))))]))
4863(define externalizable<%>
4864  (_interface () externalize internalize))
4866(define writable<%>
4867  (interface* ()
4868              ([prop:custom-write (lambda (obj port mode)
4869                                    (if mode
4870                                        (send obj custom-write port)
4871                                        (send obj custom-display port)))])
4872              custom-write custom-display))
4874(define printable<%>
4875  (interface* ()
4876              ([prop:custom-write (lambda (obj port mode)
4877                                    (case mode
4878                                      [(#t) (send obj custom-write port)]
4879                                      [(#f) (send obj custom-display port)]
4880                                      [else (send obj custom-print port mode)]))])
4881              custom-write custom-display custom-print))
4883(define equal<%>
4884  (interface* ()
4885              ([prop:equal+hash (list
4886                                 (lambda (obj obj2 base-equal?)
4887                                   (send obj equal-to? obj2 base-equal?))
4888                                 (lambda (obj base-hash-code)
4889                                   (send obj equal-hash-code-of base-hash-code))
4890                                 (lambda (obj base-hash2-code)
4891                                   (send obj equal-secondary-hash-code-of base-hash2-code)))])
4892              equal-to? equal-hash-code-of equal-secondary-hash-code-of))
4894;; Providing normal functionality:
4895(provide (protect-out get-field/proc)
4897         ;; for class-c-old.rkt:
4898         (protect-out
4899          make-naming-constructor prop:object _object? object-ref replace-ictc-blame
4900          concretize-ictc-method field-info-extend-external field-info-extend-internal this-param
4901          object-ref/unwrap impersonator-prop:original-object has-original-object? original-object)
4902         ;; end class-c-old.rkt requirements
4904         field-info-internal-ref
4905         field-info-internal-set!
4907         (rename-out [_class class]) class* class/derived
4908         define-serializable-class define-serializable-class*
4909         class?
4910         mixin
4911         (rename-out [_interface interface]) interface* interface?
4912         object% object? object=? object-or-false=? object=-hash-code
4913         externalizable<%> printable<%> writable<%> equal<%>
4914         new make-object instantiate
4915         get-field set-field! field-bound? field-names
4916         dynamic-get-field dynamic-set-field!
4917         send send/apply send/keyword-apply send* send+ dynamic-send
4918         class-field-accessor class-field-mutator with-method
4919         private* public*  pubment*
4920         override* overment*
4921         augride* augment*
4922         public-final* override-final* augment-final*
4923         define/private define/public define/pubment
4924         define/override define/overment
4925         define/augride define/augment
4926         define/public-final define/override-final define/augment-final
4927         define-local-member-name define-member-name
4928         member-name-key generate-member-key member-name-key? member-name-key=? member-name-key-hash-code
4929         (rename-out [generic/form generic]) (rename-out [make-generic/proc make-generic]) send-generic generic?
4930         is-a? subclass? implementation? interface-extension?
4931         object-interface object-info object->vector
4932         object-method-arity-includes?
4933         method-in-interface? interface->method-names class->interface class-info
4934         class-seal class-unseal copy-seals
4935         (struct-out exn:fail:object)
4936         make-primitive-class
4937         (for-syntax localize)
4938         (except-out (struct-out class) class class?)
4939         (rename-out [class? class-struct-predicate?])
4940         (struct-out wrapped-object))