1;;; format.ss
2;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
4;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
8;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14;;; limitations under the License.
16#| TODO:
17 * more tests
18    - tests of format with #f, #t, or port as first argument; test of printf
19      and fprintf, tests that exercise all paths of cp1in format handler
20    - verify complete coverage of code paths
21    - extract all tests from cltl2
22    - more # and v parameter tests
23    - ~^ tests:
24      - need tests for outside abort, abort in indirect, nested {super-,}abort
25        in conditionals, nested {super-,}abort in case-conversion, etc.
26      - need tests with one parameter and two parameters
27    - ~* and ~:p tests for moving around loop args
28    - test float printing with Bob's set of floats
29 * use something better than string-append for constructing ~f and ~e output
30 * use more efficient dispatch, e.g., have case use binary search for fixnum
31   keys; or modify compiler to use jump tables for well-behaved case's
32 * look into not hardcoding float-base = 10
33 * vparams adds substantial allocation overhead, probably because of the
34   compiler's handling of mvlet producers containing if expressions; fix
35   the compiler
36 * abstract out Chez Scheme specifics, like display-string, $list-length,
37   string ports, use of generic port
40;;; missing directives
41;;;  pretty-printer controls (^_, ~:>, ~i, ~:t ~/name/)
43;;; known incompatibilities with Common Lisp
44;;;  : [print nil as ()] modifier ignored for ~a
45;;;  : [print nil as ()] modifier treated as "print-gensym #f" for ~s
46;;;  common lisp doesn't complain when there are unused arguments,
47;;;    may not complain when there are too few arguments.  we always
48;;;    complain when there are too few and complain when we can determine
49;;;    statically that there are too many
50;;;  we insist on real argument for ~f, ~e, and ~g; common lisp is
51;;;    lax and sends off anything else to ~D.
53;;; other notees
54;;;  we always assume that format starts at the beginning of a line
55;;;    in support of ~&, ~t, and ~<...>
57(let ()
58  ;;; configuration
60  ;; check for too many args at parse time
61  (define static-too-many-args-check #t)
62  ;; check for too many args at parse time for indirects and loop bodies
63  (define indirect-too-many-args-check #f)
64  ;; check for too many args at run time.  the check is always suppressed
65  ;; when we terminate a format or indirect format as the result of ~^
66  (define dynamic-too-many-args-check #f)
68  ;;; predicates used to check format parameters
69  (define nnfixnum? (lambda (x) (and (fixnum? x) (fx>= x 0))))
70  (define true? (lambda (x) #t))
71  (define pfixnum? (lambda (x) (and (fixnum? x) (fx> x 0))))
72  (define radix? (lambda (x) (and (fixnum? x) (fx<= 2 x 36))))
74 ; we require nongenerative records because the compiler embeds parsed
75 ; format strings in object files.  force cp1in-parse-format to return #f
76 ; to bootstrap after making changes to any of these records
77  (define-datatype (#{fmt cgos0c9ufi1rq-fd} (immutable directive))
78    (#{newline cgos0c9ufi1rq-ez} n)
79    (#{fresh-line cgos0c9ufi1rq-fc} n)
80    (#{dup-char cgos0c9ufi1rq-fh} n c)
81    (#{display cgos0c9ufi1rq-fi} mincol colinc minpad pad-char left?)
82    (#{simple-display cgos0c9ufi1rq-et})
83    (#{simple-write cgos0c9ufi1rq-es})
84    (#{write cgos0c9ufi1rq-ei} mincol colinc minpad pad-char nogensym? left?)
85    (#{cwrite cgos0c9ufi1rq-fk} colon? at?)
86    (#{fwrite cgos0c9ufi1rq-fb} w d k oc pc sign?)
87    (#{ewrite cgos0c9ufi1rq-ff} w d ew k oc pc ec sign?)
88    (#{gwrite cgos0c9ufi1rq-e9} w d ew k oc pc ec sign?)
89    (#{$write cgos0c9ufi1rq-eg} d n w pc sign-before-pad? sign?)
90    (#{write-radix cgos0c9ufi1rq-eh} base w pc cc ci sign? commas?)
91    (#{plural cgos0c9ufi1rq-ey} back-up? y/ies?)
92    (#{fancy-radix cgos0c9ufi1rq-fe} colon? at?)
93    (#{indirect cgos0c9ufi1rq-e6} splice?)
94    (#{goto cgos0c9ufi1rq-fa} n reverse? absolute?)
95    (#{tabulate cgos0c9ufi1rq-ek} colnum colinc relative?)
96    (#{convert-case cgos0c9ufi1rq-fl} nested-cmd* colon? at?)
97    (#{conditional cgos0c9ufi1rq-fo} n cases default)
98    (#{conditional/at cgos0c9ufi1rq-fn} consequent)
99    (#{conditional/colon cgos0c9ufi1rq-fm} alternative consequent)
100    (#{justify cgos0c9ufi1rq-e1} mincol colinc minpad pad-char before? after? initial margin columns segments)
101    (#{abort cgos0c9ufi1rq-ft} n m super?)
102    (#{iteration cgos0c9ufi1rq-e2} body n sublists? use-remaining? at-least-once?)
103    (#{columntrack cgos0c9ufi1rq-fq} body)
104  )
106  ;;; parse string to list of strings, chars, and fmt records
107  (define parse
108    (lambda (who cntl)
109      (define column? #f)
110      (define-syntactic-monad state nargs cmd* stack)
111      (define-record-type frame
112        (fields (immutable directive) (immutable cmd*))
113        (nongenerative))
114      (define-record-type cvtcase-frame
115        (parent frame)
116        (fields (immutable colon?) (immutable at?))
117        (nongenerative)
118        (sealed #t))
119      (define-record-type conditional/at-frame
120        (parent frame)
121        (nongenerative)
122        (sealed #t))
123      (define-record-type conditional/colon-frame
124        (parent frame)
125        (fields (mutable altern))
126        (nongenerative)
127        (sealed #t)
128        (protocol
129          (lambda (make-new)
130            (lambda (directive cmd*)
131              ((make-new directive cmd*) #f)))))
132      (define-record-type conditional-frame
133        (parent frame)
134        (fields (immutable n) (mutable cases) (mutable default?))
135        (nongenerative)
136        (sealed #t)
137        (protocol
138          (lambda (make-new)
139            (lambda (directive cmd* n)
140              ((make-new directive cmd*) n '() #f)))))
141      (define-record-type justify-frame
142        (parent frame)
143        (fields
144          (immutable mincol)
145          (immutable colinc)
146          (immutable minpad)
147          (immutable pc)
148          (immutable before?)
149          (immutable after?)
150          (mutable segments)
151          (mutable initial)
152          (mutable margin)
153          (mutable columns))
154        (nongenerative)
155        (sealed #t)
156        (protocol
157          (lambda (make-new)
158            (lambda (directive cmd* mincol colinc minpad pc before? after?)
159              ((make-new directive cmd*) mincol colinc minpad pc before? after? '() #f #f #f)))))
160      (define-record-type iteration-frame
161        (parent frame)
162        (fields (immutable n) (immutable sublists?) (immutable use-remaining?))
163        (nongenerative)
164        (sealed #t))
165      (define incomplete-format-directive
166        (lambda (b i)
167          ($oops who "incomplete format directive ~s"
168            (substring cntl b i))))
169      (define (bump x n) (and x n (fx+ x n)))
170      (unless (string? cntl)
171        ($oops who "~s is not a string" cntl))
172      (let ([nmax (fx- (string-length cntl) 1)])
173        (define char
174          (lambda (i)
175            (if (fx> i nmax)
176                #!eof
177                (string-ref cntl i))))
178        (define sfinal
179          (state lambda ()
180            (unless (null? stack)
181              ($oops who "unclosed directive ~a" (frame-directive (car stack))))
182            (let ([cmd* (reverse cmd*)])
183              (values (if column? (list (fmt-columntrack "" cmd*)) cmd*) nargs))))
184        (define s0
185          (state lambda (i)
186            (let ([c (char i)])
187              (state-case c
188                [eof (state sfinal ())]
189                [(#\~) (state s3 () (fx+ i 1) i)]
190                [else (state s1 () (fx+ i 1) i c)]))))
191        (define s1
192          (state lambda (i b c0)
193            (let ([c (char i)])
194              (state-case c
195                [eof (state sfinal ([cmd* (cons c0 cmd*)]))]
196                [(#\~) (state s3 ([cmd* (cons c0 cmd*)]) (fx+ i 1) i)]
197                [else (state s2 () (fx+ i 1) b)]))))
198        (define s2
199          (state lambda (i b)
200            (let ([c (char i)])
201              (state-case c
202                [eof (state sfinal ([cmd* (cons (substring cntl b i) cmd*)]))]
203                [(#\~) (state s3 ([cmd* (cons (substring cntl b i) cmd*)]) (fx+ i 1) i)]
204                [else (state s2 () (fx+ i 1) b)]))))
205        (define s3
206          (state lambda (i b)
207            (let ([c (char i)])
208              (state-case c
209                [eof (incomplete-format-directive b i)]
210                [(#\~) (state s1 () (fx+ i 1) i #\~)]
211                [(#\- #\+) (state s4-sign () (fx+ i 1) b '() i)]
212                [((#\0 - #\9)) (state s4-digit () (fx+ i 1) b '() i)]
213                [(#\,) (state s4-comma () (fx+ i 1) b '(#f))]
214                [(#\') (state s4-quote () (fx+ i 1) b '())]
215                [(#\#) (state s4-after-param () (fx+ i 1) b '(hash))]
216                [(#\v) (state s4-after-param ([nargs (bump nargs 1)]) (fx+ i 1) b '(v))]
217                [else (state s5 () i b '())]))))
218        (define s4-sign
219          (state lambda (i b p* bp)
220            (let ([c (char i)])
221              (state-case c
222                [eof (incomplete-format-directive b i)]
223                [((#\0 - #\9)) (state s4-digit () (fx+ i 1) b p* bp)]
224                [else (incomplete-format-directive b i)]))))
225        (define s4-quote
226          (state lambda (i b p*)
227            (let ([c (char i)])
228              (state-case c
229                [eof (incomplete-format-directive b i)]
230                [else (state s4-after-param () (fx+ i 1) b (cons c p*))]))))
231        (define s4-after-param
232          (state lambda (i b p*)
233            (let ([c (char i)])
234              (state-case c
235                [eof (incomplete-format-directive b i)]
236                [(#\,) (state s4-comma () (fx+ i 1) b p*)]
237                [else (state s5 () i b (reverse p*))]))))
238        (define s4-digit
239          (state lambda (i b p* bp)
240            (let ([c (char i)])
241              (state-case c
242                [eof (incomplete-format-directive b i)]
243                [((#\0 - #\9)) (state s4-digit () (fx+ i 1) b p* bp)]
244                [(#\,) (state s4-comma () (fx+ i 1) b (cons (string->number (substring cntl bp i)) p*))]
245                [else (state s5 () i b (reverse (cons (string->number (substring cntl bp i)) p*)))]))))
246        (define s4-comma
247          (state lambda (i b p*)
248            (let ([c (char i)])
249              (state-case c
250                [eof (incomplete-format-directive b i)]
251                [(#\- #\+) (state s4-sign () (fx+ i 1) b p* i)]
252                [((#\0 - #\9)) (state s4-digit () (fx+ i 1) b p* i)]
253                [(#\,) (state s4-comma () (fx+ i 1) b (cons #f p*))]
254                [(#\') (state s4-quote () (fx+ i 1) b p*)]
255                [(#\#) (state s4-after-param () (fx+ i 1) b (cons 'hash p*))]
256                [(#\v) (state s4-after-param ([nargs (bump nargs 1)]) (fx+ i 1) b (cons 'v p*))]
257                [else (state s5 () i b (reverse (cons #f p*)))]))))
258        (define s5
259          (state lambda (i b p*)
260            (let ([c (char i)])
261              (state-case c
262                [eof (incomplete-format-directive b i)]
263                [(#\:) (state s5-colon () (fx+ i 1) b p*)]
264                [(#\@) (state s5-at () (fx+ i 1) b p*)]
265                [else (state s6 () i b p* #f #f)]))))
266        (define s5-colon
267          (state lambda (i b p*)
268            (let ([c (char i)])
269              (state-case c
270                [eof (incomplete-format-directive b i)]
271                [(#\@) (state s6 () (fx+ i 1) b p* #t #t)]
272                [else (state s6 () i b p* #t #f)]))))
273        (define s5-at
274          (state lambda (i b p*)
275            (let ([c (char i)])
276              (state-case c
277                [eof (incomplete-format-directive b i)]
278                [(#\:) (state s6 () (fx+ i 1) b p* #t #t)]
279                [else (state s6 () i b p* #f #t)]))))
280        (define s6
281          (state lambda (i b p* colon? at?)
282            (define skip-non-newline-white
283              (lambda (i)
284                (let ([c (char i)])
285                  (state-case c
286                    [eof i]
287                    [(#\space #\tab #\page #\return)
288                     (skip-non-newline-white (fx+ i 1))]
289                    [else i]))))
290            (let ([c (char i)])
291              (define no-colon
292                (lambda ()
293                  (when colon?
294                    ($oops who "~~~c directive has no : flag" c))))
295              (define no-at
296                (lambda ()
297                  (when at?
298                    ($oops who "~~~c directive has no @ flag" c))))
299              (define too-many-parameters
300                (lambda ()
301                  ($oops who
302                    "too many parameters in ~~~c directive ~s"
303                    c (substring cntl b (fx+ i 1)))))
304              (define missing-parameter
305                (lambda (what)
306                  ($oops who
307                    "missing required ~s parameter in ~~~c directive ~s"
308                    what c (substring cntl b (fx+ i 1)))))
309              (define invalid-parameter
310                (lambda (what arg)
311                  ($oops who
312                    "invalid ~s parameter ~a in ~~~c directive ~s"
313                    what arg c (substring cntl b (fx+ i 1)))))
314              (define misplaced-directive
315                (lambda ()
316                  ($oops who "misplaced directive ~s"
317                    (substring cntl b (fx+ i 1)))))
318              (define-syntax parameters
319                (lambda (x)
320                  (define process-param
321                    (lambda (t* param* body)
322                      (if (null? param*)
323                          body
324                          (with-syntax ([body (process-param (cdr t*) (cdr param*) body)]
325                                        [t (car t*)])
326                            (syntax-case (car param*) (implicit)
327                              [(implicit e) #'(let ([t e]) body)]
328                              [(type? p)
329                               #'(begin
330                                   (when (null? p*) (missing-parameter 'p))
331                                   (let ([t (car p*)] [p* (cdr p*)])
332                                     (when (not t) (missing-parameter 'p))
333                                     (unless (or (type? t) (memq t '(hash v))) (invalid-parameter 'p t))
334                                     body))]
335                              [(type? p default)
336                               #'(let ([proc (lambda (t p*) body)])
337                                   (if (null? p*)
338                                       (proc 'default p*)
339                                       (let ([t (car p*)] [p* (cdr p*)])
340                                         (if (not t)
341                                             (proc default p*)
342                                             (begin
343                                               (unless (or (type? t) (memq t '(hash v))) (invalid-parameter 'p t))
344                                               (proc t p*))))))])))))
345                  (syntax-case x ()
346                    [(_ ([t param] ...) e1 e2 ...)
347                     (process-param
348                       #'(t ...)
349                       #'(param ...)
350                       #'(begin
351                           (unless (null? p*) (too-many-parameters))
352                           (let () e1 e2 ...)))])))
353              (define-syntax directive
354                (lambda (x)
355                  (define construct-name
356                    (lambda (template-identifier . args)
357                      (datum->syntax
358                        template-identifier
359                        (string->symbol
360                          (apply string-append
361                                 (map (lambda (x)
362                                        (if (string? x)
363                                            x
364                                            (symbol->string (syntax->datum x))))
365                                      args))))))
366                  (syntax-case x ()
367                    [(k (d param ...) n)
368                     (with-syntax ([(t ...) (generate-temporaries #'(param ...))]
369                                   [fmt-d (construct-name #'d "fmt-" #'d)])
370                       (with-implicit (k state cmd* nargs)
371                         #'(parameters ([t param] ...)
372                             (state s0
373                               ([cmd* (cons (fmt-d (substring cntl b (fx+ i 1)) t ...) cmd*)]
374                                [nargs (bump nargs n)])
375                               (fx+ i 1)))))])))
376              (define-syntax parse-radix
377                (syntax-rules ()
378                  [(_ base)
379                   (directive
380                     (write-radix [implicit base]
381                                  [nnfixnum? w #f]
382                                  [char? pad-char #\space]
383                                  [char? comma-char #\,]
384                                  [pfixnum? comma-interval 3]
385                                  [implicit at?]
386                                  [implicit colon?])
387                     1)]))
388              (state-case c
389                [eof (incomplete-format-directive b i)]
390                [(#\% #\n #\N)
391                 (no-at)
392                 (no-colon)
393                 (if (or (null? p*) (equal? p* '(1)))
394                     (state s0 ([cmd* (cons #\newline cmd*)]) (fx+ i 1))
395                     (directive (dup-char [nnfixnum? n 1] [implicit #\newline]) 0))]
396                [(#\&)
397                 (no-at)
398                 (no-colon)
399                 (directive (fresh-line [nnfixnum? n 1]) 0)]
400                [(#\a #\A)
401                 (no-colon)
402                 (if (null? p*)
403                     (directive
404                       (simple-display)
405                       1)
406                     (directive
407                       (display [nnfixnum? mincol 0]
408                                [pfixnum? colinc 1]
409                                [nnfixnum? minpad 0]
410                                [char? pad-char #\space]
411                                [implicit at?])
412                       1))]
413                [(#\s #\S #\w #\W)
414                 (if (and (null? p*) (not colon?))
415                     (directive
416                       (simple-write)
417                       1)
418                     (directive
419                       (write [nnfixnum? mincol 0]
420                              [pfixnum? colinc 1]
421                              [nnfixnum? minpad 0]
422                              [char? pad-char #\space]
423                              [implicit colon?]
424                              [implicit at?])
425                       1))]
426                [(#\f #\F)
427                 (no-colon)
428                 (directive
429                   (fwrite [nnfixnum? w #f]
430                           [nnfixnum? d #f]
431                           [fixnum? k 0]
432                           [char? overflow-char #f]
433                           [char? pad-char #\space]
434                           [implicit at?])
435                   1)]
436                [(#\e #\E)
437                 (no-colon)
438                 (directive
439                   (ewrite [nnfixnum? w #f]
440                           [nnfixnum? d #f]
441                           [pfixnum? e #f]
442                           [fixnum? k 1]
443                           [char? overflow-char #f]
444                           [char? pad-char #\space]
445                           [char? exponent-char #\e]
446                           [implicit at?])
447                   1)]
448                [(#\g #\G)
449                 (no-colon)
450                 (directive
451                   (gwrite [nnfixnum? w #f]
452                           [nnfixnum? d #f]
453                           [pfixnum? e #f]
454                           [fixnum? k 1]            ; assumption
455                           [char? overflow-char #f]
456                           [char? pad-char #\space]
457                           [char? exponent-char #\e]
458                           [implicit at?])
459                   1)]
460                [(#\$)
461                 (directive
462                   ($write [nnfixnum? d 2]
463                           [nnfixnum? n 1]
464                           [nnfixnum? w 0]
465                           [char? pad-char #\space]
466                           [implicit colon?]
467                           [implicit at?])
468                   1)]
469                [(#\c #\C)
470                 (directive
471                   (cwrite [implicit colon?] [implicit at?])
472                   1)]
473                [(#\b #\B) (parse-radix 2)]
474                [(#\o #\O) (parse-radix 8)]
475                [(#\d #\D) (parse-radix 10)]
476                [(#\x #\X) (parse-radix 16)]
477                [(#\r #\R)
478                 (if (null? p*)
479                     (directive
480                       (fancy-radix [implicit colon?] [implicit at?])
481                       1)
482                     (directive
483                       (write-radix [radix? n 10]
484                                    [nnfixnum? w #f]
485                                    [char? pad-char #\space]
486                                    [char? comma-char #\,]
487                                    [pfixnum? comma-interval 3]
488                                    [implicit at?]
489                                    [implicit colon?])
490                       1))]
491                [(#\p #\P)
492                 (directive
493                   (plural [implicit colon?] [implicit at?])
494                   (if colon? 0 1))]
495                [(#\t #\T)
496                 (no-colon)
497                 (set! column? #t)
498                 (directive
499                   (tabulate [nnfixnum? colnum 1]
500                             [nnfixnum? colinc 1]
501                             [implicit at?])
502                   0)]
503                [(#\?)
504                 (no-colon)
505                 (set! column? #t)
506                 (directive
507                   (indirect [implicit at?])
508                   (if at? #f 2))]
509                [(#\*)
510                 (when (and colon? at?)
511                   ($oops who
512                     "@ and : modifiers are mutually exclusive for format directive ~~~c"
513                     c))
514                 (directive
515                   (goto [nnfixnum? n #f] [implicit colon?] [implicit at?])
516                   #f)]
517                [(#\( #|)|#)
518                 (parameters ()
519                   (state s0
520                     ([stack (cons (make-cvtcase-frame (substring cntl b (fx+ i 1)) cmd* colon? at?) stack)]
521                      [cmd* '()])
522                     (fx+ i 1)))]
523                [(#|(|# #\))
524                 (no-at)
525                 (no-colon)
526                 (let ([x (and (not (null? stack)) (car stack))])
527                   (unless (cvtcase-frame? x) (misplaced-directive))
528                   (let ([nested-cmd* (reverse cmd*)])
529                     (let ([stack (cdr stack)] [cmd* (frame-cmd* x)])
530                       (directive
531                         (convert-case [implicit nested-cmd*]
532                                       [implicit (cvtcase-frame-colon? x)]
533                                       [implicit (cvtcase-frame-at? x)])
534                         0))))]
535                [(#\;)
536                 (no-at)
537                 (let ([x (and (not (null? stack)) (car stack))])
538                   (cond
539                     [(and (conditional/colon-frame? x)
540                           (not colon?)
541                           (not (conditional/colon-frame-altern x)))
542                      (parameters ()
543                        (conditional/colon-frame-altern-set! x (reverse cmd*)))
544                      (state s0 ([cmd* '()]) (fx+ i 1))]
545                     [(and (conditional-frame? x) (not (conditional-frame-default? x)))
546                      (parameters ()
547                        (when colon? (conditional-frame-default?-set! x #t))
548                        (conditional-frame-cases-set! x
549                          (cons (reverse cmd*) (conditional-frame-cases x))))
550                      (state s0 ([cmd* '()]) (fx+ i 1))]
551                     [(and (justify-frame? x)
552                           (or (not colon?)
553                               (and (not (justify-frame-initial x))
554                                    (null? (justify-frame-segments x)))))
555                      (if colon?
556                          (parameters ([margin (nnfixnum? n 0)]
557                                       [cols (nnfixnum? lw 72)])
558                            (set! column? #t)
559                            (justify-frame-initial-set! x (reverse cmd*))
560                            (justify-frame-margin-set! x margin)
561                            (justify-frame-columns-set! x cols))
562                          (parameters ()
563                            (justify-frame-segments-set! x
564                              (cons (reverse cmd*) (justify-frame-segments x)))))
565                      (state s0 ([cmd* '()]) (fx+ i 1))]
566                     [else (misplaced-directive)]))]
567                [(#\^)
568                 (no-at)
569                 (directive
570                   (abort [true? n #f] [true? m #f] [implicit colon?])
571                   #f)]
572                [(#\{ #|}|#)
573                 (when (null? cmd*) (set! column? #t))
574                 (parameters ([n (nnfixnum? n #f)])
575                   (state s0
576                     ([stack (cons (make-iteration-frame (substring cntl b (fx+ i 1)) cmd* n colon? at?) stack)]
577                      [cmd* '()])
578                     (fx+ i 1)))]
579                [(#|{|# #\})
580                 (no-at)
581                 (let ([x (and (not (null? stack)) (car stack))])
582                   (unless (iteration-frame? x) (misplaced-directive))
583                   (let ([nested-cmd* (reverse cmd*)])
584                     (let ([stack (cdr stack)] [cmd* (frame-cmd* x)])
585                       (directive
586                         (iteration [implicit nested-cmd*]
587                                    [implicit (iteration-frame-n x)]
588                                    [implicit (iteration-frame-sublists? x)]
589                                    [implicit (iteration-frame-use-remaining? x)]
590                                    [implicit colon?])
591                         #f))))]
592                [(#\[ #|]|#)
593                 (if at?
594                     (if colon?
595                         ($oops who "@ and : modifiers are mutually exclusive for format directive ~~~c" c)
596                         (parameters ()
597                           (state s0
598                             ([stack (cons (make-conditional/at-frame (substring cntl b (fx+ i 1)) cmd*) stack)]
599                              [cmd* '()])
600                             (fx+ i 1))))
601                     (if colon?
602                         (parameters ()
603                           (state s0
604                             ([stack (cons (make-conditional/colon-frame (substring cntl b (fx+ i 1)) cmd*) stack)]
605                              [cmd* '()])
606                             (fx+ i 1)))
607                         (parameters ([n (nnfixnum? n #f)])
608                           (state s0
609                             ([stack (cons (make-conditional-frame (substring cntl b (fx+ i 1)) cmd* n) stack)]
610                              [cmd* '()])
611                             (fx+ i 1)))))]
612                [(#|[|# #\])
613                 (no-at)
614                 (no-colon)
615                 (let ([x (and (not (null? stack)) (car stack))])
616                   (let ([nested-cmd* (reverse cmd*)])
617                     (cond
618                       [(conditional/at-frame? x)
619                        (let ([stack (cdr stack)] [cmd* (frame-cmd* x)])
620                          (directive
621                            (conditional/at [implicit nested-cmd*])
622                            #f))]
623                       [(conditional/colon-frame? x)
624                        (let ([altern (conditional/colon-frame-altern x)])
625                          (unless altern
626                            ($oops who "no ~~; found within ~a...~~]" (frame-directive (car stack))))
627                          (let ([stack (cdr stack)] [cmd* (frame-cmd* x)])
628                            (directive
629                              (conditional/colon [implicit altern]
630                                                 [implicit nested-cmd*])
631                              #f)))]
632                       [(conditional-frame? x)
633                        (let ([stack (cdr stack)] [cmd* (frame-cmd* x)])
634                          (let ([n (conditional-frame-n x)])
635                            (if (conditional-frame-default? x)
636                                (directive
637                                  (conditional [implicit n]
638                                               [implicit (list->vector (reverse (conditional-frame-cases x)))]
639                                               [implicit nested-cmd*])
640                                  #f)
641                                (directive
642                                  (conditional [implicit n]
643                                               [implicit (list->vector (reverse (cons nested-cmd* (conditional-frame-cases x))))]
644                                               [implicit '()])
645                                  #f))))]
646                       [else (misplaced-directive)])))]
647                [(#\<)
648                 (parameters ([mincol (nnfixnum? mincol 0)]
649                              [colinc (nnfixnum? colinc 1)]
650                              [minpad (nnfixnum? minpad 0)]
651                              [pc (char? pad-char #\space)])
652                   (state s0
653                     ([stack (cons (make-justify-frame (substring cntl b (fx+ i 1)) cmd* mincol colinc minpad pc colon? at?) stack)]
654                      [cmd* '()])
655                     (fx+ i 1)))]
656                [(#\>)
657                 (no-at)
658                 (let ([x (and (not (null? stack)) (car stack))])
659                   (unless (justify-frame? x) (misplaced-directive))
660                   (let ([nested-cmd* (reverse cmd*)])
661                     (let ([stack (cdr stack)] [cmd* (frame-cmd* x)])
662                       (directive
663                         (justify [implicit (justify-frame-mincol x)]
664                                  [implicit (justify-frame-colinc x)]
665                                  [implicit (justify-frame-minpad x)]
666                                  [implicit (justify-frame-pc x)]
667                                  [implicit (justify-frame-before? x)]
668                                  [implicit (justify-frame-after? x)]
669                                  [implicit (justify-frame-initial x)]
670                                  [implicit (justify-frame-margin x)]
671                                  [implicit (justify-frame-columns x)]
672                                  [implicit (reverse (cons nested-cmd* (justify-frame-segments x)))])
673                         0))))]
674                [(#\~)
675                 (no-at)
676                 (no-colon)
677                 (if (or (null? p*) (equal? p* '(1)))
678                     (state s0 ([cmd* (cons #\~ cmd*)]) (fx+ i 1))
679                     (directive (dup-char [nnfixnum? n 1] [implicit #\~]) 0))]
680                [(#\|)
681                 (no-at)
682                 (no-colon)
683                 (if (or (null? p*) (equal? p* '(1)))
684                     (state s0 ([cmd* (cons #\page cmd*)]) (fx+ i 1))
685                     (directive (dup-char [nnfixnum? n 1] [implicit #\page]) 0))]
686                [(#\return) ; ~\r\n is treated like ~\n
687                 (if (eq? (char (fx+ i 1)) #\newline)
688                     (state s6 () (fx+ i 1) b p* colon? at?)
689                     ($oops who "unrecognized directive ~~~:c" c))]
690                [(#\newline)
691                 (parameters ()
692                   (when (and colon? at?)
693                     ($oops who
694                       "@ and : modifiers are mutually exclusive for format directive ~~~c"
695                       c))
696                   (cond
697                     [colon? (state s0 () (fx+ i 1))]
698                     [at? (state s0 ([cmd* (cons c cmd*)]) (skip-non-newline-white (fx+ i 1)))]
699                     [else (state s0 () (skip-non-newline-white (fx+ i 1)))]))]
700                [else ($oops who "unrecognized directive ~~~:c" c)]))))
701        (state s0 ([nargs 0] [cmd* '()] [stack '()]) 0))))
703  ;;; squash together adjacent strings and characters
704  (define squash
705    (lambda (ls)
706      (define insert-string!
707        (lambda (s1 i1 s2)
708          (let ([n2 (string-length s2)])
709            (do ([i1 i1 (fx+ i1 1)] [i2 0 (fx+ i2 1)])
710                ((fx= i2 n2))
711              (string-set! s1 i1 (string-ref s2 i2))))))
712      (define squash0
713        (lambda (ls)
714          (let ([a (car ls)] [d (cdr ls)])
715            (if (null? d)
716                ls
717                (if (string? a)
718                    (let-values ([(s d) (squash1 d (string-length a))])
719                      (if (string? s)
720                          (begin (insert-string! s 0 a) (cons s d))
721                          (cons a d)))
722                    (if (char? a)
723                        (let-values ([(s d) (squash1 d 1)])
724                          (if (string? s)
725                              (begin (string-set! s 0 a) (cons s d))
726                              (cons a d)))
727                        (cons a (squash0 d))))))))
728      (define squash1
729        (lambda (ls n)
730          (if (null? ls)
731              (values n ls)
732              (let ([a (car ls)] [d (cdr ls)])
733                (if (string? a)
734                    (let-values ([(s d) (squash1 d (fx+ n (string-length a)))])
735                      (let ([s (if (string? s) s (make-string s))])
736                        (insert-string! s n a)
737                        (values s d)))
738                    (if (char? a)
739                        (let-values ([(s d) (squash1 d (fx+ n 1))])
740                          (let ([s (if (string? s) s (make-string s))])
741                            (string-set! s n a)
742                            (values s d)))
743                        (values n (if (null? d) ls (cons a (squash0 d))))))))))
744      (if (null? ls) '() (squash0 ls))))
746  ;;; convert simple formats to expressions.  returns #f for other inputs.
747  (define (make-fmt->expr build-quote build-seq build-primcall)
748    (lambda (src sexpr cmd* op arg*)
749      (define-syntax make-seq
750        (syntax-rules ()
751          [(_ ?a ?d)
752           (let ([d ?d])
753             (and d
754                  (let ([a ?a])
755                    (if (null? d) a (build-seq a d)))))]))
756      (define-syntax make-call
757        (syntax-rules ()
758          [(_ src proc arg ...)
759           (build-primcall src sexpr 'proc (list arg ...))]))
760      (if (null? cmd*)
761          (build-quote (void))
762          (let f ([cmd* cmd*] [arg* arg*] [src src])
763            (if (null? cmd*)
764                '()
765                (let ([cmd (car cmd*)] [cmd* (cdr cmd*)])
766                  (cond
767                    [(string? cmd)
768                     (make-seq (make-call src display-string (build-quote cmd)  op)
769                       (f cmd* arg* #f))]
770                    [(char? cmd)
771                     (make-seq (make-call src write-char (build-quote cmd)  op)
772                       (f cmd* arg* #f))]
773                    [(fmt? cmd)
774                     (fmt-case cmd
775                       [simple-display ()
776                         (make-seq (make-call src display (car arg*) op)
777                           (f cmd* (cdr arg*) #f))]
778                       [simple-write ()
779                         (make-seq (make-call src write (car arg*) op)
780                           (f cmd* (cdr arg*) #f))]
781                       [cwrite (colon? at?)
782                         (and (not colon?)
783                              (not at?)
784                              (make-seq (make-call src write-char (car arg*) op)
785                                (f cmd* (cdr arg*) #f)))]
786                       [else #f])]
787                    [else ($oops 'fmt->expr "internal error: ~s" cmd)])))))))
789  ;;; perform formatting operation from parsed string (cmd*)
790  (define dofmt
791    (lambda (who fmt-op cntl cmd* arg*)
792      (define flonum->digits #%$flonum->digits)
793      (define flonum-sign #%$flonum-sign)
794      (define (exact-integer? x) (or (fixnum? x) (bignum? x)))
795      (define float-base 10) ; hardcoding base 10 for now
796      (define fd->string
797        (lambda (ls d n sign?)
798          (define flonum-digit->char
799            (lambda (n)
800              (string-ref
801                "#00123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
802                (fx+ n 2))))
803          (let ([s (car ls)] [e (cadr ls)] [ls (cddr ls)])
804            (let ([op (open-output-string)])
805              (if (eqv? s -1)
806                  (write-char #\- op)
807                  (when sign? (write-char #\+ op)))
808              (cond
809                [(fx< e 0)
810                 (when (fx> n 0) (display (make-string n #\0) op))
811                 (write-char #\. op)
812                 (if (and (not d) (fx= (car ls) -1)) ; some flavor of 0.0
813                     (write-char #\0 op)
814                     (do ([e e (fx+ e 1)] [d d (and d (fx- d 1))])
815                         ((or (fx>= e -1) (and d (fx= d 0)))
816                          (do ([ls ls (cdr ls)] [d d (and d (fx- d 1))])
817                              ((if d (fx= d 0) (fx< (car ls) 0)))
818                            (write-char (flonum-digit->char (car ls)) op)))
819                       (write-char #\0 op)))]
820                [(fx= (car ls) -1) ; some flavor of 0.0
821                 (display (make-string (if (and (fx= n 0) (eqv? d 0)) 1 n) #\0) op)
822                 (write-char #\. op)
823                 (display (make-string (or d 1) #\0) op)]
824                [else
825                 (let ([n (fx- n e 1)])
826                   (when (fx> n 0) (display (make-string n #\0) op)))
827                 (write-char (flonum-digit->char (car ls)) op)
828                 (do ([ls (cdr ls) (cdr ls)] [e e (fx- e 1)])
829                     ((fx= e 0)
830                      (write-char #\. op)
831                      (if (and (not d) (fx< (car ls) 0))
832                          (write-char (flonum-digit->char (car ls)) op)
833                          (do ([ls ls (cdr ls)] [d d (and d (fx- d 1))])
834                              ((if d (fx= d 0) (fx< (car ls) 0)))
835                            (write-char (flonum-digit->char (car ls)) op))))
836                   (write-char (flonum-digit->char (car ls)) op))])
837              (get-output-string op)))))
838      (define string-upcase!
839        (lambda (s)
840          (let ([n (string-length s)])
841            (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)])
842                ((fx= i n))
843              (string-set! s i (char-upcase (string-ref s i)))))))
844      (define string-downcase!
845        (lambda (s)
846          (let ([n (string-length s)])
847            (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)])
848                ((fx= i n))
849              (string-set! s i (char-downcase (string-ref s i)))))))
850      (define string-capitalize!
851        (lambda (s)
852          (let ([n (string-length s)])
853            (define interword
854              (lambda (i)
855                (unless (fx= i n)
856                  (let ([c (string-ref s i)])
857                    (if (or (char-alphabetic? c) (char-numeric? c))
858                        (begin
859                          (string-set! s i (char-upcase c))
860                          (intraword (fx+ i 1)))
861                        (interword (fx+ i 1)))))))
862            (define intraword
863              (lambda (i)
864                (unless (fx= i n)
865                  (let ([c (string-ref s i)])
866                    (if (or (char-alphabetic? c) (char-numeric? c))
867                        (begin
868                          (string-set! s i (char-downcase c))
869                          (intraword (fx+ i 1)))
870                        (interword (fx+ i 1)))))))
871            (interword 0))))
872      (define string-capitalize-first!
873        (lambda (s)
874          (let ([n (string-length s)])
875            (unless (fx= (string-length s) 0)
876              (string-set! s 0 (char-upcase (string-ref s 0)))
877              (do ([i 1 (fx+ i 1)])
878                  ((fx= i n))
879                (string-set! s i (char-downcase (string-ref s i))))))))
880      (define-syntax pad
881        (syntax-rules ()
882          [(_ mincol colinc minpad pad-char left? op expr)
883           (if (and (fx= mincol 0) (fx= minpad 0))
884               expr
885               (let ([s (let ([op (open-output-string)])
886                          expr
887                          (get-output-string op))])
888                 (unless left? (display s op))
889                 (let ([n (let ([n (fxmax 0 (fx- mincol minpad (string-length s)))])
890                            (fx+ minpad
891                                 (fx* (fxquotient
892                                        (fx+ n (fx- colinc 1))
893                                        colinc)
894                                      colinc)))])
895                     (unless (fx= n 0)
896                       (display (make-string n pad-char) op)))
897                 (when left? (display s op))))]))
898      (define (padnum w oc pc op s)
899        (if (not w)
900            (display s op)
901            (let ([n (string-length s)])
902              (cond
903                [(fx> n w)
904                 (if oc
905                     (display (make-string w oc) op)
906                     (display s op))]
907                [else
908                 (when (fx< n w) (display (make-string (fx- w n) pc) op))
909                 (display s op)]))))
910      (define (write-old-roman x op)
911        (if (<= 1 x 4999)
912            (let f ([x x] [a '(1000 . #\M)] [ls '((500 . #\D) (100 . #\C) (50 . #\L) (10 . #\X) (5 . #\V) (1 . #\I))])
913              (if (>= x (car a))
914                  (begin (write-char (cdr a) op) (f (- x (car a)) a ls))
915                  (unless (null? ls) (f x (car ls) (cdr ls)))))
916            (fprintf op "~d" x)))
917      (define (write-roman x op)
918        (if (<= 1 x 3999)
919            (let f ([x x] [a '(1000 . "M")] [ls '((900 . "CM") (500 . "D") (400 . "CD") (100 . "C") (90 . "XC") (50 . "L") (40 . "XL") (10 . "X") (9 . "IX") (5 . "V") (4 . "IV") (1 . "I"))])
920              (if (>= x (car a))
921                  (begin (display (cdr a) op) (f (- x (car a)) a ls))
922                  (unless (null? ls) (f x (car ls) (cdr ls)))))
923            (fprintf op "~d" x)))
924      (module (write-ordinal write-cardinal)
925        (define (f100 x op)
926          (cond
927            [(>= x 100)
928             (f10 (quotient x 100) op)
929             (display " hundred" op)
930             (let ([x (remainder x 100)])
931               (unless (= x 0)
932                 (display " " op)
933                 (f10 x op)))]
934            [else (f10 x op)]))
935        (define (f10 x op)
936          (cond
937            [(>= x 20)
938             (display (vector-ref v20 (quotient x 10)) op)
939             (let ([x (remainder x 10)])
940               (unless (= x 0)
941                 (display "-" op)
942                 (f10 x op)))]
943            [else (display (vector-ref v0 x) op)]))
944        (define (f1000000 x op)
945          (cond
946            [(>= x 1000000)
947             (f100 (quotient x 1000000) op)
948             (display " million" op)
949             (let ([x (remainder x 1000000)])
950               (unless (= x 0)
951                 (display " " op)
952                 (f1000 x op)))]
953            [else (f1000 x op)]))
954        (define (f1000 x op)
955          (cond
956            [(<= 1100 x 1999) (f100 x op)]
957            [(>= x 1000)
958             (f100 (quotient x 1000) op)
959             (display " thousand" op)
960             (let ([x (remainder x 1000)])
961               (unless (= x 0)
962                 (display " " op)
963                 (f100 x op)))]
964            [else (f100 x op)]))
965        (define (*f1000000 x op)
966          (cond
967            [(>= x 1000000)
968             (f100 (quotient x 1000000) op)
969             (let ([x (remainder x 1000000)])
970               (if (= x 0)
971                   (display " millionth" op)
972                   (begin
973                     (display " million " op)
974                     (*f1000 x op))))]
975            [else (*f1000 x op)]))
976        (define (*f1000 x op)
977          (cond
978            [(<= 1100 x 1999) (*f100 x op)]
979            [(>= x 1000)
980             (f100 (quotient x 1000) op)
981             (let ([x (remainder x 1000)])
982               (if (= x 0)
983                   (display " thousandth" op)
984                   (begin
985                     (display " thousand " op)
986                     (*f100 x op))))]
987            [else (*f100 x op)]))
988        (define (*f100 x op)
989          (cond
990            [(>= x 100)
991             (f10 (quotient x 100) op)
992             (let ([x (remainder x 100)])
993               (if (= x 0)
994                   (display " hundredth" op)
995                   (begin
996                     (display " hundred " op)
997                     (*f10 x op))))]
998            [else (*f10 x op)]))
999        (define (*f10 x op)
1000          (cond
1001            [(>= x 20)
1002             (let ([q (quotient x 10)] [x (remainder x 10)])
1003               (if (= x 0)
1004                   (display (vector-ref *v20 q) op)
1005                   (begin
1006                     (display (vector-ref v20 q) op)
1007                     (display "-" op)
1008                     (*f10 x op))))]
1009            [else (display (vector-ref *v0 x) op)]))
1010        (define v20 '#(#f #f twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety))
1011        (define v0 '#(zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen))
1012        (define *v20 '#(#f #f twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth))
1013        (define *v0 '#(zeroth first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth))
1014        (define (write-ordinal x op)
1015          (if (<= -999999999 x +999999999)
1016              (if (< x 0)
1017                  (begin (display "minus " op) (*f1000000 (- x) op))
1018                  (*f1000000 x op))
1019              (fprintf op "~:d~a" x
1020                (let ([n (remainder (abs x) 100)])
1021                  (if (<= 11 n 19)
1022                      "th"
1023                      (case (remainder n 10)
1024                        [(1) "st"]
1025                        [(2) "nd"]
1026                        [(3) "rd"]
1027                        [else "th"]))))))
1028        (define (write-cardinal x op)
1029          (if (<= -999999999 x +999999999)
1030              (if (< x 0)
1031                  (begin (display "minus " op) (f1000000 (- x) op))
1032                  (f1000000 x op))
1033              (fprintf op "~:d" x))))
1034      (define cheap-scale
1035        (lambda (ls k)
1036          `(,(car ls) ,(fx+ (cadr ls) k) ,@(cddr ls))))
1037      (define (do-fwrite-d op x w d k oc pc sign? ls)
1038        (let ([ls (cheap-scale ls k)])
1039          (padnum w oc pc op
1040            (fd->string ls d
1041              (if (and w (fx< (cadr ls) 0) (fx> (fx+ (if (or sign? (fx= (car ls) -1)) 3 2) d) w)) 0 1)
1042              sign?))))
1043      (define (do-fwrite op x w d k oc pc sign?)
1044        (cond
1045          [d (do-fwrite-d op x w d k oc pc sign?
1046               (flonum->digits x float-base 'absolute (fx- (fx+ k d))))]
1047          [w (padnum w oc pc op
1048               (let ([ls (cheap-scale (flonum->digits x float-base 'normal 0) k)])
1049                 (let ([s (car ls)] [e (cadr ls)])
1050                   (if (fx< e 0)
1051                       (let ([n (fx+ w e (if (or sign? (fx< s 0)) -1 0))])
1052                         (let f ([ds (cddr ls)] [i n])
1053                           (if (fx<= i 0)
1054                               (let ([ls (cheap-scale (flonum->digits x float-base 'absolute (fx- (fx+ k (fxmax (fx- n e 1) 1)))) k)])
1055                                 (if (fx= (caddr ls) -1) ; rounded to zero?
1056                                     (if (fx< s 0)
1057                                         (if (fx< w 4) "-.0" "-0.0")
1058                                         (if sign?
1059                                             (if (fx< w 4) "+.0" "+0.0")
1060                                             (if (fx< w 3) ".0" "0.0")))
1061                                     (fd->string ls #f 0 sign?)))
1062                               (if (fx= (cadr ds) -1) ; can't be -2 w/normal
1063                                   (fd->string ls #f (if (fx= i 1) 0 1) sign?)
1064                                   (f (cdr ds) (fx- i 1))))))
1065                       (let ([n (fx+ w (if (or sign? (fx< s 0)) -2 -1))])
1066                         (let g ([e e] [ds (cddr ls)] [i n])
1067                           (if (fx< i 0)
1068                               (if (fx< e -1)
1069                                   (fd->string (cheap-scale (flonum->digits x float-base 'absolute (fx- (fx+ e 2) k)) k) (and (fx= e -2) 0) 1 sign?)
1070                                   (fd->string (cheap-scale (flonum->digits x float-base 'absolute (fx- k)) k) 0 1 sign?))
1071                               (if (fx= (car ds) -1) ; can't be -2 w/normal
1072                                   (if (fx< e 0)
1073                                       (fd->string ls (and (fx= e -1) (fx= i 0) 0) 1 sign?)
1074                                       (if (fx< e (fx- i 1))
1075                                           (fd->string (cheap-scale (flonum->digits x float-base 'absolute (fx- k (fx- i e))) k) #f 1 sign?)
1076                                           (fd->string (cheap-scale (flonum->digits x float-base 'absolute (fx- k)) k) 0 1 sign?)))
1077                                   (g (fx- e 1) (cdr ds) (fx- i 1))))))))))]
1078          [else (padnum w oc pc op
1079                  (fd->string
1080                    (let ([ls (cheap-scale (flonum->digits x float-base 'normal 0) k)])
1081                      (let f ([e (cadr ls)] [ds (cddr ls)])
1082                        (if (fx= (car ds) -1) ; w/normal, can't be -2
1083                            (cheap-scale (flonum->digits x float-base 'absolute (fx- -1 k)) k)
1084                            (if (fx< e 0)
1085                                ls
1086                                (f (fx- e 1) (cdr ds))))))
1087                    d 1 sign?))]))
1088      (define (do-ewrite op x w d ew k oc pc ec sign?)
1089        (cond
1090          [(fl= x 0.0)
1091           (padnum w oc pc op
1092             (let ([ss (if (fx= (flonum-sign x) 1) "-" (if sign? "+" ""))]
1093                   [es (if ew (make-string ew #\0) "0")])
1094               (let ([d (and d (if (fx<= k 0) d (fx+ (fx- d k) 1)))])
1095                 (if (and w (fx> (fx+ (string-length ss) 4 (or d 1) (string-length es)) w))
1096                     (if (if d (fx= d 0) (fx> k 0))
1097                         (string-append ss "0." (string ec) "+" es)
1098                         (string-append ss "." (if d (make-string d #\0) "0") (string ec) "+" es))
1099                     (string-append ss "0." (if d (make-string d #\0) "0") (string ec) "+" es)))))]
1100          [d (let ([ls (flonum->digits x float-base 'relative (if (fx<= k 0) (fx- (fx+ d k)) (fx- -1 d)))])
1101               (let* ([e (fx- (cadr ls) (fx- k 1))]
1102                      [es (number->string (fxabs e))]
1103                      [esl (string-length es)])
1104                 (if (and w oc ew (fx> esl ew))
1105                     (display (make-string w oc) op)
1106                     (let ([ew (if ew (fxmax ew esl) esl)])
1107                       (padnum w oc pc op
1108                         (string-append
1109                           (fd->string
1110                             `(,(car ls) ,(fx- k 1) ,@(cddr ls))
1111                             (if (fx<= k 0) d (fx+ (fx- d k) 1))
1112                             (if (and w (fx> (fx+ (if (or sign? (fx= (car ls) -1)) 5 4) ew d) w)) 0 1)
1113                             sign?)
1114                           (if ec (string ec) "e")
1115                           (if (fx< e 0) "-" "+")
1116                           (make-string (fx- ew esl) #\0)
1117                           es))))))]
1118          [w (let ([sign? (or sign? (fx= (flonum-sign x) 1))])
1119               (let loop ([ew-guess (or ew 1)])
1120                 (let d ([d (fxmax (fx- w (if sign? 5 4) ew-guess)
1121                                 (if (fx= k 0) 0 (if (fx< k 0) (fx- 1 k) (fx- k 1))))])
1122                   (let ([ls (flonum->digits x float-base 'relative (if (fx<= k 0) (fx- (fx+ d k)) (fx- -1 d)))])
1123                     (let* ([e (fx- (cadr ls) (fx- k 1))]
1124                            [es (number->string (fxabs e))]
1125                            [esl (string-length es)])
1126                       (if (fx> esl ew-guess)
1127                           (if (and oc ew)
1128                               (display (make-string w oc) op)
1129                               (loop esl))
1130                           (let ([ew (if ew (fxmax ew esl) esl)])
1131                             (padnum w oc pc op
1132                               (string-append
1133                                 (fd->string
1134                                   `(,(car ls) ,(fx- k 1) ,@(cddr ls))
1135                                   (and (fx= (fx- k d) 1) (fx>= (fx+ (if sign? 5 4) ew d) w) 0)
1136                                   (if (fx> (fx+ (if sign? 5 4) ew d) w) 0 1)
1137                                   sign?)
1138                                 (if ec (string ec) "e")
1139                                 (if (fx< e 0) "-" "+")
1140                                 (make-string (fx- ew esl) #\0)
1141                                 es)))))))))]
1142          [else (display
1143                  (let ([ls (flonum->digits x float-base 'normal 0)])
1144                    (let ([e (fx- (cadr ls) (fx- k 1))])
1145                      (string-append
1146                        (fd->string `(,(car ls) ,(fx- k 1) ,@(cddr ls)) #f 1 sign?)
1147                        (if ec (string ec) "e")
1148                        (if (fx< e 0) "-" "+")
1149                        (let ([op (open-output-string)])
1150                          (padnum ew #f #\0 op (number->string (fxabs e)))
1151                          (get-output-string op)))))
1152                  op)]))
1153      (define invalid-parameter
1154        (lambda (who cmd what p)
1155          ($oops who
1156            "invalid ~s parameter ~a in directive ~s"
1157            what p (fmt-directive cmd))))
1158      (define (outer-loop cmd* arg* op cntl all-arg* super-arg* ct? succ fail)
1159        (define tostr
1160          (lambda (cmd* arg* super-arg* succ fail)
1161            (let ([op (open-output-string)])
1162              (let ([xop (if ct? (make-format-port op) op)])
1163                (outer-loop cmd* arg* xop cntl all-arg* super-arg* ct?
1164                  (lambda (arg*)
1165                    (when ct? (close-output-port xop))
1166                    (succ (get-output-string op) arg*))
1167                  (lambda (arg* super?)
1168                    (when ct? (close-output-port xop))
1169                    (fail (get-output-string op) arg* super?)))))))
1170        (define next
1171          (lambda (arg*)
1172            (when (null? arg*)
1173              ($oops who "too few arguments for control string ~s" cntl))
1174            (car arg*)))
1175        (let loop ([cmd* cmd*] [arg* arg*])
1176          (if (null? cmd*)
1177              (succ arg*)
1178              (let ([cmd (car cmd*)])
1179                (define-syntax vparams
1180                  (lambda (x)
1181                    (define process-param
1182                      (lambda (arg* t* param* body)
1183                        (if (null? param*)
1184                            body
1185                            (with-syntax ([body (process-param arg* (cdr t*) (cdr param*) body)] [arg* arg*] [t (car t*)])
1186                              (syntax-case (car param*) ()
1187                                [(type? p)
1188                                 #'(let-values ([(t arg*)
1189                                                 (cond
1190                                                   [(eq? t 'v) (let ([t (next arg*)])
1191                                                                 (unless (type? t) (invalid-parameter who cmd 'p t))
1192                                                                 (values t (cdr arg*)))]
1193                                                   [(eq? t 'hash) (let ([t (length arg*)])
1194                                                                    (unless (type? t) (invalid-parameter who cmd 'p t))
1195                                                                    (values t arg*))]
1196                                                   [else (values t arg*)])])
1197                                     body)])))))
1198                    (syntax-case x ()
1199                      [(_ arg* ([t param] ...) e1 e2 ...)
1200                       (process-param
1201                         #'arg*
1202                         #'(t ...)
1203                         #'(param ...)
1204                         #'(let () e1 e2 ...))])))
1205                (cond
1206                  [(string? cmd) (display-string cmd op) (loop (cdr cmd*) arg*)]
1207                  [(char? cmd) (write-char cmd op) (loop (cdr cmd*) arg*)]
1208                  [(fmt? cmd)
1209                   (fmt-case cmd
1210                     [simple-display ()
1211                      (display (next arg*) op)
1212                      (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*))]
1213                     [simple-write ()
1214                      (write (next arg*) op)
1215                      (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*))]
1216                     [fresh-line (n)
1217                      (vparams arg* ([n (nnfixnum? n)])
1218                        (when (fx> n 0)
1219                          (fresh-line op)
1220                          (when (fx> n 1)
1221                            (display (make-string (fx- n 1) #\newline) op)))
1222                        (loop (cdr cmd*) arg*))]
1223                     [display (mincol colinc minpad pad-char left?)
1224                      (vparams arg* ([mincol (nnfixnum? mincol)]
1225                                     [colinc (pfixnum? colinc)]
1226                                     [minpad (nnfixnum? minpad)]
1227                                     [pad-char (char? pad-char)])
1228                        (pad mincol colinc minpad pad-char left? op
1229                          (display (next arg*) op))
1230                        (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*)))]
1231                     [write (mincol colinc minpad pad-char nogensym? left?)
1232                      (vparams arg* ([mincol (nnfixnum? mincol)]
1233                                     [colinc (pfixnum? colinc)]
1234                                     [minpad (nnfixnum? minpad)]
1235                                     [pad-char (char? pad-char)])
1236                        (pad mincol colinc minpad pad-char left? op
1237                          (if nogensym?
1238                              (parameterize ([print-gensym #f])
1239                                (write (next arg*) op))
1240                              (write (next arg*) op)))
1241                        (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*)))]
1242                     [cwrite (colon? at?)
1243                      (let ([c (next arg*)])
1244                        (unless (char? c)
1245                          ($oops who "expected character for ~~c, received ~s" c))
1246                        (if colon?
1247                            (let ([x (char-name c)])
1248                              (if x
1249                                  (begin
1250                                    (write-char #\< op)
1251                                    (display x op)
1252                                    (write-char #\> op))
1253                                  (let ([n (char->integer c)])
1254                                    (if (fx< n #x20)
1255                                        (begin
1256                                          (write-char #\^ op)
1257                                          (write-char (integer->char (fx+ n #x40)) op))
1258                                        (write-char c op)))))
1259                            (if at?
1260                                (write c op)
1261                                (write-char c op))))
1262                      (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*))]
1263                     [fwrite (w d k oc pc sign?)
1264                      (vparams arg* ([w (nnfixnum? w)]
1265                                     [d (nnfixnum? d)]
1266                                     [k (fixnum? k)]
1267                                     [oc (char? overflow-char)]
1268                                     [pc (char? pad-char)])
1269                        (let ([x (next arg*)])
1270                          (unless (real? x)
1271                            ($oops who "expected real number for ~~f, received ~s" x))
1272                          (let ([x (inexact x)])
1273                            (if (exceptional-flonum? x)
1274                                (padnum w oc pc op (number->string x))
1275                                (do-fwrite op x w d k oc pc sign?))))
1276                        (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*)))]
1277                     [ewrite (w d ew k oc pc ec sign?)
1278                      (vparams arg* ([w (nnfixnum? w)]
1279                                     [d (nnfixnum? d)]
1280                                     [ew (nnfixnum? e)]
1281                                     [k (fixnum? k)]
1282                                     [oc (char? overflow-char)]
1283                                     [pc (char? pad-char)]
1284                                     [ec (char? exponent-char)])
1285                        (let ([x (next arg*)])
1286                          (unless (real? x)
1287                            ($oops who "expected real number for ~~e, received ~s" x))
1288                          (let ([x (inexact x)])
1289                            (if (exceptional-flonum? x)
1290                                (padnum w oc pc op (number->string x))
1291                                (if (or (not d) (fx< (fx- d) k (fx+ d 2)))
1292                                    (do-ewrite op x w d ew k oc pc ec sign?)
1293                                   ; signaling an error might be kind, but cltl2 says otherwise
1294                                    (if (and w oc)
1295                                        (display (make-string w oc) op)
1296                                        (let ([d (if (fx> k 0) (fx- k 1) (fx- 1 k))])
1297                                          (do-ewrite op x w d ew k oc pc ec sign?)))))))
1298                        (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*)))]
1299                     [gwrite (w d ew k oc pc ec sign?)
1300                      (vparams arg* ([w (nnfixnum? w)]
1301                                     [d (nnfixnum? d)]
1302                                     [ew (nnfixnum? e)]
1303                                     [k (fixnum? k)]
1304                                     [oc (char? overflow-char)]
1305                                     [pc (char? pad-char)]
1306                                     [ec (char? exponent-char)])
1307                        (let ([x (next arg*)])
1308                          #;(define (ilog x) (fx+ (cadr (flonum->digits x float-base 'normal 0)) 1))
1309                          (define (ilog x) ; 4x faster and good enough
1310                            (if (fl= x 0.0)
1311                                0
1312                                (fx+ (flonum->fixnum (floor (fl- (fl* (log (flabs x)) (fl/ (log 10))) 1e-10))) 1)))
1313                          (define significant-digits
1314                            (lambda (ls)
1315                              (if (fx< (car ls) 0)
1316                                  0
1317                                  (fx+ 1 (significant-digits (cdr ls))))))
1318                          (unless (real? x)
1319                            ($oops who "expected real number for ~~g, received ~s" x))
1320                          (let ([x (inexact x)])
1321                            (if (exceptional-flonum? x)
1322                                (padnum w oc pc op (number->string x))
1323                                (if d
1324                                    (let f ([n (ilog x)])  ; can x be negative here?
1325                                      (let ([dd (fx- d n)])
1326                                        (if (not (fx<= 0 dd d))
1327                                            (do-ewrite op x w d ew k oc pc ec sign?)
1328                                            (let ([ls (flonum->digits x float-base 'absolute (fx- dd))])
1329                                              (let ([actual-n (fx+ (cadr ls) 1)])
1330                                                (if (fx> actual-n n) ; e.g., .9999 came back as 1.000
1331                                                    (f actual-n)
1332                                                    (let* ([ee (if ew (fx+ ew 2) 4)]
1333                                                           [ww (and w (fx- w ee))])
1334                                                     ; scale k not used when treated as ~f
1335                                                      (do-fwrite-d op x ww dd 0 oc pc sign? ls)
1336                                                      (when w (display (make-string ee #\space) op)))))))))
1337                                    (let* ([ls (flonum->digits x float-base 'normal 0)]
1338                                           [n (fx+ (cadr ls) 1)]
1339                                           [est-d (max (significant-digits (cddr ls)) (min n 7))]
1340                                           [dd (fx- est-d n)])
1341                                      (if (fx<= 0 dd est-d)
1342                                          (let* ([ee (if ew (fx+ ew 2) 4)]
1343                                                 [ww (and w (fx- w ee))])
1344                                           ; scale k not used when treated as ~f
1345                                            (do-fwrite op x ww dd 0 oc pc sign?)
1346                                           ; suppressing trailing whitespace when (not w)
1347                                            (when w (display (make-string ee #\space) op)))
1348                                         ; cltl seems to want our estimated d here (est-d)
1349                                         ; but original d (#f) makes more sense
1350                                          (do-ewrite op x w d ew k oc pc ec sign?)))))))
1351                        (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*)))]
1352                     [$write (d n w pc sign-before-pad? sign?)
1353                      (vparams arg* ([d (nnfixnum? d)]
1354                                     [n (nnfixnum? n)]
1355                                     [w (nnfixnum? w)]
1356                                     [pc (char? pad-char)])
1357                        (let ([x (next arg*)])
1358                          (unless (real? x)
1359                            ($oops who "expected real number for ~~$, received ~s" x))
1360                          (let ([x (inexact x)])
1361                            (if (exceptional-flonum? x)
1362                                (padnum w #f pc op (number->string x))
1363                                (let ([ls (flonum->digits x float-base 'absolute (fx- d))])
1364                                  (if (and sign-before-pad? (or sign? (fx= (car ls) -1)))
1365                                      (begin
1366                                        (write-char (if (fx= (car ls) -1) #\- #\+) op)
1367                                        (padnum (fx- w 1) #f pc op
1368                                          (fd->string (cons 1 (cdr ls)) d n #f)))
1369                                      (padnum w #f pc op
1370                                        (fd->string ls d n sign?)))))))
1371                        (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*)))]
1372                     [write-radix (base w pc cc ci sign? commas?)
1373                      (vparams arg* ([base (radix? n)]
1374                                     [w (nnfixnum? w)]
1375                                     [pc (char? pad-char)]
1376                                     [cc (char? comma-char)]
1377                                     [ci (pfixnum? comma-interval)])
1378                        (let ([x (next arg*)])
1379                          (padnum w #f pc op
1380                            (cond
1381                              [(exact-integer? x)
1382                               (let* ([s (number->string x base)]
1383                                      [s (if (and sign? (>= x 0)) (string-append "+" s) s)])
1384                                 (if commas?
1385                                     (let* ([n (string-length s)]
1386                                            [sign (let ([c (string-ref s 0)])
1387                                                    (and (memv c '(#\+ #\-)) c))]
1388                                            [m (if sign (fx- n 1) n)]
1389                                            [nc (fxquotient (fx- m 1) ci)]
1390                                            [s2 (make-string (fx+ n nc))]
1391                                            [k (fxremainder m ci)]
1392                                            [k (if (fx= k 0) ci k)])
1393                                       (define (loop i j k)
1394                                         (cond
1395                                           [(fx= i n) s2]
1396                                           [(fx= k 0)
1397                                            (string-set! s2 j cc)
1398                                            (loop i (fx+ j 1) ci)]
1399                                           [else
1400                                            (string-set! s2 j (string-ref s i))
1401                                            (loop (fx+ i 1) (fx+ j 1) (fx- k 1))]))
1402                                       (cond
1403                                         [sign
1404                                          (string-set! s2 0 sign)
1405                                          (loop 1 1 k)]
1406                                         [else (loop 0 0 k)]))
1407                                     s))]
1408                              [else
1409                               (let ([op (open-output-string)])
1410                                 (parameterize ([print-radix base])
1411                                   (display x op))
1412                                 (get-output-string op))])))
1413                        (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*)))]
1414                     [plural (back-up? y/ies?)
1415                      (let ([arg* (if back-up?
1416                                      (let f ([prev #f] [ls all-arg*])
1417                                        (if (eq? ls arg*)
1418                                            (if prev
1419                                                prev
1420                                                ($oops who "no previous argument for ~a" (fmt-directive (car cmd*))))
1421                                            (f ls (cdr ls))))
1422                                      arg*)])
1423                        (if (eqv? (next arg*) 1)
1424                            (when y/ies? (write-char #\y op))
1425                            (if y/ies?
1426                                (display "ies" op)
1427                                (write-char #\s op)))
1428                        (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*)))]
1429                     [fancy-radix (colon? at?)
1430                      (let ([x (next arg*)])
1431                        (unless (exact-integer? x)
1432                          ($oops who "expected exact integer for ~~r, received ~s" x))
1433                        (if colon?
1434                            (if at?
1435                                (write-old-roman x op)
1436                                (write-ordinal x op))
1437                            (if at?
1438                                (write-roman x op)
1439                                (write-cardinal x op))))
1440                      (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*))]
1441                     [dup-char (n c)
1442                      (vparams arg* ([n (nnfixnum? n)])
1443                        (display (make-string n c) op)
1444                        (loop (cdr cmd*) arg*))]
1445                     [tabulate (colnum colinc relative?)
1446                      (vparams arg* ([colnum (nnfixnum? colnum)]
1447                                     [colinc (nnfixnum? colinc)])
1448                        (cond
1449                          [relative?
1450                           (display (make-string colnum #\space) op)
1451                           (unless (= colinc 0)
1452                             (let ([col (output-column op)])
1453                               (when col
1454                                 (let ([n (modulo col colinc)])
1455                                   (unless (= n 0)
1456                                     (display (make-string (- colinc n) #\space) op))))))]
1457                          [else
1458                           (let ([col (output-column op)])
1459                             (if col
1460                                 (if (>= col colnum)
1461                                     (unless (= colinc 0)
1462                                       (display (make-string (- colinc (modulo (- col colnum) colinc)) #\space) op))
1463                                     (display (make-string (- colnum col) #\space) op))
1464                                 (display "  " op)))])
1465                        (loop (cdr cmd*) arg*))]
1466                     [indirect (splice?)
1467                      (let ([xcntl (next arg*)])
1468                        (unless (string? xcntl)
1469                          ($oops who "first ~a argument ~s is not a string" (fmt-directive (car cmd*)) xcntl))
1470                        (let-values ([(xcmd* expected) (parse who xcntl)])
1471                          (if splice?
1472                              (outer-loop xcmd* (cdr arg*) op cntl all-arg* #f ct?
1473                                (lambda (arg*) (loop (cdr cmd*) arg*))
1474                                (lambda (arg* super?) (loop (cdr cmd*) arg*)))
1475                              (let* ([arg* (cdr arg*)]
1476                                     [xarg* (next arg*)])
1477                                (let ([len ($list-length xarg* who)])
1478                                  (when (and indirect-too-many-args-check expected)
1479                                    (check-nargs who expected len xcntl)))
1480                                (outer-loop xcmd* xarg* op xcntl xarg* #f ct?
1481                                  (lambda (xarg*)
1482                                    (when (and dynamic-too-many-args-check (not (null? xarg*)))
1483                                      ($oops who "too many arguments for control string ~s" xcntl))
1484                                    (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*)))
1485                                  (lambda (xarg* super?)
1486                                    (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*))))))))]
1487                     [conditional (n cases default)
1488                      (vparams arg* ([n (nnfixnum? n)])
1489                        (let-values ([(n arg*) (if n (values n arg*) (let ([n (next arg*)]) (values n (cdr arg*))))])
1490                          (loop
1491                            (append (if (and (fixnum? n) (fx<= 0 n) (fx< n (vector-length cases)))
1492                                        (vector-ref cases n)
1493                                        default)
1494                                    (cdr cmd*))
1495                            arg*)))]
1496                     [conditional/colon (alternative consequent)
1497                      (let ([arg (next arg*)])
1498                        (loop (append (if arg consequent alternative) (cdr cmd*))
1499                              (cdr arg*)))]
1500                     [conditional/at (consequent)
1501                      (if (next arg*)
1502                          (loop (append consequent (cdr cmd*)) arg*)
1503                          (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*)))]
1504                     [justify (mincol colinc minpad pc before? after? initial margin columns segments)
1505                      (vparams arg* ([mincol (nnfixnum? mincol)]
1506                                     [colinc (nnfixnum? colinc)]
1507                                     [minpad (nnfixnum? minpad)]
1508                                     [pc (char? pad-char)])
1509                        (let ()
1510                          (define (process-segments initial complete segments arg*)
1511                            (if (null? segments)
1512                                (finalize initial (reverse complete) arg*)
1513                                (tostr (car segments) arg* #f
1514                                  (lambda (s arg*) (process-segments initial (cons s complete) (cdr segments) arg*))
1515                                  (lambda (s arg* super?) (finalize initial (reverse complete) arg*)))))
1516                          (define (finalize initial segments arg*)
1517                            (let* ([chars (apply fx+ (map string-length segments))]
1518                                   [segments (if before?
1519                                                 (if after?
1520                                                     `("" ,@segments "")
1521                                                     `("" ,@segments))
1522                                                 (if after?
1523                                                     `(,@segments "")
1524                                                     (if (null? segments)
1525                                                         '("")
1526                                                         segments)))]
1527                                   [npads (fx- (length segments) 1)]
1528                                   [size (fx+ chars (fx* minpad npads))]
1529                                   [size (if (fx<= size mincol)
1530                                             mincol
1531                                             (fx+ size (fxmodulo (fx- mincol size) colinc)))])
1532                              (when initial
1533                                (let ([oc (output-column op)])
1534                                  (when (and oc (fx> (fx+ oc size margin) columns))
1535                                    (display initial op))))
1536                              (cond
1537                                [(fx= npads 0) ; right justify single item
1538                                 (display (make-string (fx- size chars) pc) op)
1539                                 (display (car segments) op)]
1540                                [else
1541                                 (let* ([pad-amt (fx- size chars)]
1542                                        [pad-q (fxquotient pad-amt npads)]
1543                                        [pad-r (fxremainder pad-amt npads)]
1544                                        [pad-i (if (fx= pad-r 0) 0 (fxquotient npads pad-r))])
1545                                   (let f ([s (car segments)] [s* (cdr segments)] [i 1] [pad-r pad-r])
1546                                     (display s op)
1547                                     (unless (null? s*)
1548                                       (cond
1549                                         [(and (fx> pad-r 0) (fx= i 1))
1550                                          (display (make-string (fx+ pad-q 1) pc) op)
1551                                          (f (car s*) (cdr s*) pad-i (fx- pad-r 1))]
1552                                         [else
1553                                          (display (make-string pad-q pc) op)
1554                                          (f (car s*) (cdr s*) (fx- i 1) pad-r)]))))]))
1555                            (loop (cdr cmd*) arg*))
1556                          (if initial
1557                              (tostr initial arg* #f
1558                                (lambda (initial arg*) (process-segments initial '() segments arg*))
1559                                (lambda (s arg* super?) (finalize #f '() arg*)))
1560                              (process-segments #f '() segments arg*))))]
1561                     [goto (n reverse? absolute?)
1562                      (vparams arg* ([n (nnfixnum? n)])
1563                        (loop (cdr cmd*)
1564                              (cond
1565                                [absolute?
1566                                 (let ([n (or n 0)])
1567                                   (unless (fx<= n (length all-arg*))
1568                                     ($oops who "~a would move beyond argument list" (fmt-directive (car cmd*))))
1569                                   (list-tail all-arg* n))]
1570                                [reverse?
1571                                 (let ([n (or n 1)])
1572                                   (let ([n (fx- (length all-arg*) (length arg*) n)])
1573                                     (unless (fx>= n 0)
1574                                       ($oops who "~a would move before first argument" (fmt-directive (car cmd*))))
1575                                     (list-tail all-arg* n)))]
1576                                [else
1577                                 (let ([n (or n 1)])
1578                                   (unless (fx<= n (length arg*))
1579                                     ($oops who "~a would move beyond argument list" (fmt-directive (car cmd*))))
1580                                   (list-tail arg* n))])))]
1581                     [convert-case (nested-cmd* colon? at?)
1582                      (let ()
1583                        (define convert-display
1584                          (lambda (s)
1585                            (if colon?
1586                                (if at?
1587                                    (string-upcase! s)
1588                                    (string-capitalize! s))
1589                                (if at?
1590                                    (string-capitalize-first! s)
1591                                    (string-downcase! s)))
1592                            (display s op)))
1593                        (tostr nested-cmd* arg* super-arg*
1594                          (lambda (s arg*) (convert-display s) (loop (cdr cmd*) arg*))
1595                          (lambda (s arg* super?) (convert-display s) (fail arg* super?))))]
1596                     [iteration (body n sublists? use-remaining? at-least-once?)
1597                      (vparams arg* ([n (nnfixnum? n)])
1598                        (let-values ([(body body-cntl body-expected arg*)
1599                                      (if (null? body)
1600                                          (let ([arg (next arg*)])
1601                                             (let-values ([(cmd* expected) (parse who arg)])
1602                                               (values cmd* arg expected (cdr arg*))))
1603                                          (values body cntl #f arg*))])
1604                          (if use-remaining?
1605                              (if sublists?
1606                                  (let f ([n n] [arg* arg*] [at-least-once? at-least-once?])
1607                                    (if (or (and n (fx= n 0)) (and (not at-least-once?) (null? arg*)))
1608                                        (loop (cdr cmd*) arg*)
1609                                        (let-values ([(xarg* arg*) (if (null? arg*) (values '() '()) (values (car arg*) (cdr arg*)))])
1610                                          (let ([len ($list-length xarg* who)])
1611                                            (when (and indirect-too-many-args-check body-expected)
1612                                              (check-nargs who body-expected len body-cntl)))
1613                                          (outer-loop body xarg* op body-cntl xarg* arg* ct?
1614                                            (lambda (xarg*)
1615                                              (when (and dynamic-too-many-args-check (not (null? xarg*)))
1616                                                ($oops who "too many arguments for control string ~s" body-cntl))
1617                                              (f (and n (fx- n 1)) arg* #f))
1618                                            (lambda (xarg* super?)
1619                                              (if super?
1620                                                  (loop (cdr cmd*) arg*)
1621                                                  (f (and n (fx- n 1)) arg* #f)))))))
1622                                  (let f ([n n] [arg* arg*] [at-least-once? at-least-once?])
1623                                    (if (or (and n (fx= n 0)) (and (not at-least-once?) (null? arg*)))
1624                                        (loop (cdr cmd*) arg*)
1625                                        (outer-loop body arg* op body-cntl all-arg* #f ct?
1626                                          (lambda (arg*) (f (and n (fx- n 1)) arg* #f))
1627                                          (lambda (arg* super?) (f (and n (fx- n 1)) arg* #f))))))
1628                              (let ([all-larg* (next arg*)])
1629                                (unless (list? all-larg*)
1630                                  ($oops who "~s is not a proper list" all-larg*))
1631                                (if sublists?
1632                                    (let f ([n n] [larg* all-larg*] [at-least-once? at-least-once?])
1633                                      (if (or (and n (fx= n 0)) (and (not at-least-once?) (null? larg*)))
1634                                          (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*))
1635                                          (let-values ([(xarg* larg*) (if (null? larg*) (values '() '()) (values (car larg*) (cdr larg*)))])
1636                                            (let ([len ($list-length xarg* who)])
1637                                              (when (and indirect-too-many-args-check body-expected)
1638                                                (check-nargs who body-expected len body-cntl)))
1639                                            (outer-loop body xarg* op body-cntl xarg* larg* ct?
1640                                              (lambda (xarg*)
1641                                                (when (and dynamic-too-many-args-check (not (null? xarg*)))
1642                                                  ($oops who "too many arguments for control string ~s" body-cntl))
1643                                                (f (and n (fx- n 1)) larg* #f))
1644                                              (lambda (xarg* super?)
1645                                                (if super?
1646                                                    (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*))
1647                                                    (f (and n (fx- n 1)) larg* #f)))))))
1648                                    (let f ([n n] [larg* all-larg*] [at-least-once? at-least-once?])
1649                                      (if (or (and n (fx= n 0)) (and (not at-least-once?) (null? larg*)))
1650                                          (loop (cdr cmd*) (cdr arg*))
1651                                          (outer-loop body larg* op body-cntl all-larg* #f ct?
1652                                            (lambda (larg*) (f (and n (fx- n 1)) larg* #f))
1653                                            (lambda (larg* super?) (f (and n (fx- n 1)) larg* #f))))))))))]
1654                     [abort (n m super?)
1655                      (vparams arg* ([n (true? n)] [m (true? m)])
1656                        (if (if n
1657                                (if m (eqv? n m) (eqv? n 0))
1658                                (null? (if super? super-arg*  arg*)))
1659                            (fail arg* super?)
1660                            (loop (cdr cmd*) arg*)))]
1661                     [columntrack (body)
1662                      (let ([xop (make-format-port op)])
1663                        (outer-loop body arg* xop cntl arg* super-arg* #t
1664                          (lambda (arg*)
1665                            (close-output-port xop)
1666                            (outer-loop (cdr cmd*) arg* op cntl arg* super-arg* ct? succ fail))
1667                          (lambda (arg* super?)
1668                            (close-output-port xop)
1669                            (fail arg* super?))))]
1670                     [else ($oops who "internal error: ~s" cmd)])]
1671                  [else ($oops who "internal error: ~s" cmd)])))))
1672      (let ([op (or fmt-op (open-output-string))])
1673        (outer-loop cmd* arg* op cntl arg* #f #f
1674          (lambda (arg*)
1675            (when (and dynamic-too-many-args-check (not (null? arg*)))
1676              ($oops who "too many arguments for control string ~s" cntl))
1677            (void))
1678          (lambda (arg* super?) (void)))
1679        (unless fmt-op (get-output-string op)))))
1681  (define check-nargs
1682    (lambda (who expected received cntl)
1683      (when (and expected received)
1684        (unless (fx= expected received)
1685          (if (fx< received expected)
1686              ($oops who "too few arguments for control string ~s" cntl)
1687              ($oops who "too many arguments for control string ~s" cntl))))))
1689  (define format-port-name "format port")
1690  (define (output-column p)
1691    (unless (eq? (port-name p) format-port-name)
1692      ($oops 'format "internal error: port is not a format port"))
1693    ((port-handler p) 'column p))
1695  (define make-format-port
1696    (lambda (subop)
1697      (define column 0)
1698      (define update-column!
1699        (lambda (p s n)
1700          (let f ([i 0] [col 0] [newline? #f])
1701            (if (fx= i n)
1702                (begin
1703                  (set! column (if newline? col (+ column col)))
1704                  (set-port-bol! p newline?))
1705                (if (char=? (string-ref s i) #\newline)
1706                    (f (fx+ i 1) 0 #t)
1707                    (f (fx+ i 1) (fx+ col 1) newline?))))))
1708      (define handler
1709        (message-lambda
1710          (lambda (msg . args) ($oops 'format-port "operation ~s not handled" msg))
1711          [(block-write p s n)
1712           (flush-output-port p)
1713           (update-column! p s n)
1714           (block-write subop s n)]
1715          [(clear-output-port p) (set-textual-port-output-index! p 0)]
1716          [(close-port p)
1717           (flush-output-port p)
1718           (set-textual-port-output-size! p 0)
1719           (mark-port-closed! p)]
1720;         [(file-length p) #f]
1721          [(file-position p) (most-negative-fixnum)]
1722          [(file-position p pos) ($oops 'format-port "cannot reposition")]
1723          [(flush-output-port p)
1724           (let ([b (textual-port-output-buffer p)]
1725                 [i (textual-port-output-index p)])
1726             (unless (fx= i 0)
1727               (update-column! p b i)
1728               (block-write subop b i)))
1729           (set-textual-port-output-index! p 0)]
1730          [(port-name p) format-port-name]
1731          [(write-char c p)
1732           (let ([b (textual-port-output-buffer p)]
1733                 [i (textual-port-output-index p)])
1734             (string-set! b i c)
1735             (block-write subop b (fx+ i 1)))
1736           (set-textual-port-output-index! p 0)]
1737          [(column p) (flush-output-port p) column]))
1738      (let ([len 1024])
1739        (let ([p (make-output-port handler (make-string len))])
1740          (set-textual-port-output-size! p (fx- len 1))
1741          (set-port-bol! p #t)
1742          p))))
1744  (define go
1745    (lambda (who op cntl args)
1746      (let-values ([(cmd* expected) (parse who cntl)])
1747        (when static-too-many-args-check
1748          (check-nargs who expected (length args) cntl))
1749        (dofmt who op cntl cmd* args))))
1751  (set! format
1752    (case-lambda
1753      [(port/cntl cntl/arg . args)
1754       (cond
1755         [(port? port/cntl)
1756          (unless (and (output-port? port/cntl) (textual-port? port/cntl))
1757            ($oops 'format "~s is not a textual output port" port/cntl))
1758          (go 'format port/cntl cntl/arg args)]
1759         [(eq? port/cntl #t) (go 'format (current-output-port) cntl/arg args)]
1760         [(eq? port/cntl #f) (go 'format #f cntl/arg args)]
1761         [else (go 'format #f port/cntl (cons cntl/arg args))])]
1762      [(cntl . args) (go 'format #f cntl args)]))
1764  (set! $dofmt dofmt)
1766  (set! $make-fmt->expr make-fmt->expr)
1768  (set! $parse-format-string
1769    (lambda (who cntl received)
1770      (let-values ([(cmd* expected) (parse who cntl)])
1771        (when static-too-many-args-check
1772          (check-nargs who expected received cntl))
1773        (squash cmd*))))
1775  (set! printf
1776    (lambda (cntl . args)
1777      (go 'printf (current-output-port) cntl args)))
1779  (set! fprintf
1780    (lambda (op cntl . args)
1781      (unless (and (output-port? op) (textual-port? op))
1782        ($oops 'fprintf "~s is not a textual output port" op))
1783      (go 'fprintf op cntl args))))