1(module distribute racket/base
2  (require racket/file
3           racket/path
4           setup/dirs
5           racket/list
6           setup/variant
7           setup/cross-system
8           pkg/path
9           setup/main-collects
10           "private/macfw.rkt"
11           "private/mach-o.rkt"
12           "private/windlldir.rkt"
13           "private/elf.rkt"
14           "private/collects-path.rkt"
15           "private/write-perm.rkt"
16	   "private/win-dll-list.rkt")
18  (provide assemble-distribution)
20  (define (assemble-distribution dest-dir
21                                 orig-binaries
22                                 #:executables? [executables? #t]
23                                 #:relative-base [relative-base #f]
24                                 #:collects-path [collects-path #f] ; relative to dest-dir
25                                 #:copy-collects [copy-collects null])
26    (let* ([types (if executables?
27                      (map get-binary-type orig-binaries)
28                      (map (lambda (v) #f) orig-binaries))]
29	   [_ (unless (directory-exists? dest-dir)
30		(make-directory dest-dir))]
31	   [sub-dirs (map (lambda (b type)
32                            (and type
33                                 (case (cross-system-type)
34                                   [(windows) #f]
35                                   [(unix) "bin"]
36                                   [(macosx) (if (memq type '(gracketcgc gracket3m gracketcs))
37                                                 #f
38                                                 "bin")])))
39                          orig-binaries
40			  types)]
41	   ;; Copy binaries into place:
42	   [binaries
43	    (map (lambda (b sub-dir type)
44                   (if type
45                       (let ([dest-dir (if sub-dir
46                                           (build-path dest-dir sub-dir)
47                                           dest-dir)])
48                         (unless (directory-exists? dest-dir)
49                           (make-directory dest-dir))
50                         (let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path b)])
51                           (let ([dest (build-path dest-dir name)])
52                             (if (and (memq type '(gracketcgc gracket3m gracketcs))
53                                      (eq? 'macosx (cross-system-type)))
54                                 (begin
55                                   (copy-app b dest)
56                                   (app-to-file dest))
57                                 (begin
58                                   (copy-file* b dest)
59                                   dest)))))
60                       b))
61		 orig-binaries
62		 sub-dirs
63		 types)]
64           [old-permss (and executables?
65                            (eq? (system-type) 'unix)
66                            (for/list ([b (in-list binaries)])
67                              (ensure-writable b)))]
68	   [single-mac-app? (and executables?
69                                 (eq? 'macosx (cross-system-type))
70				 (= 1 (length types))
71				 (memq (car types) '(gracketcgc gracket3m gracketcs)))])
72      ;; Create directories for libs, collects, and extensions:
73      (let-values ([(lib-dir collects-dir relative-collects-dir exts-dir relative-exts-dir)
74		    (if single-mac-app?
75			;; Special case: single Mac OS GRacket app:
76			(let-values ([(base name dir?)
77				      (split-path (car binaries))])
78			  (values
79			   (simplify-path (build-path base 'up "Frameworks"))
80			   (if collects-path
81			       (build-path dest-dir collects-path)
82			       (simplify-path (build-path base
83							  'up
84							  "Resources"
85							  "collects")))
86			   (if collects-path
87			       (build-path 'up 'up 'up collects-path)
88			       (build-path 'up "Resources" "collects"))
89                           (build-path base 'up "Resources" "exts")
90                           (build-path 'up "Resources" "exts")))
91			;; General case:
92			(let* ([specific-lib-dir
93                                (build-path "lib"
94                                            "plt"
95                                            (if (or (not executables?)
96                                                    (null? binaries))
97                                                "generic"
98                                                (let-values ([(base name dir?)
99                                                              (split-path (car binaries))])
100                                                  (path-replace-extension name #""))))]
101                               [relative-collects-dir
102                                (or collects-path
103                                    (build-path specific-lib-dir
104                                                "collects"))])
105			  (values (build-path dest-dir "lib")
106				  (build-path dest-dir relative-collects-dir)
107				  relative-collects-dir
108                                  (build-path dest-dir specific-lib-dir "exts")
109                                  (build-path specific-lib-dir "exts"))))])
110	;; Copy libs into place
111        (install-libs lib-dir types
112		      #:extras-only? (not executables?)
113		      #:no-dlls? (and executables?
114                                      (case (cross-system-type)
115                                        [(windows)
116                                         ;; If all executables have "<system>" the the
117                                         ;; DLL dir, then no base DLLS are needed
118                                         (for/and ([f (in-list orig-binaries)])
119                                           (current-no-dlls? f))]
120                                        [(macosx)
121                                         ;; If no executable refers to a "Racket"
122                                         ;; framework, then they must embed it
123                                         (for/and ([f (in-list orig-binaries)])
124                                           (not (get-current-framework-path (app-to-file f) "Racket")))]
125                                        [else
126                                         (not (ormap needs-original-executable? binaries))])))
127	;; Copy collections into place
128	(unless (null? copy-collects) (make-directory* collects-dir))
129	(for-each (lambda (dir)
130		    (for-each (lambda (f)
131				(copy-directory/files*
132				 (build-path dir f)
133				 (build-path collects-dir f)))
134			      (directory-list dir)))
135		  copy-collects)
136        ;; Remove signatures, if any
137        (when (and executables? (eq? 'macosx (cross-system-type)))
138          (for-each remove-signature binaries))
139	;; Patch binaries to find libs
140        (when executables?
141          (patch-binaries binaries types))
142        (let ([relative->binary-relative
143               (lambda (sub-dir type relative-dir)
144                 (cond
145                  [relative-base
146                   (build-path relative-base relative-dir)]
147                  [(not executables?)
148                   (build-path dest-dir relative-dir)]
149                  [sub-dir
150                   (build-path 'up relative-dir)]
151                  [(and (eq? 'macosx (cross-system-type))
152                        (memq type '(gracketcgc gracket3m gracketcs))
153                        (not single-mac-app?))
154                   (build-path 'up 'up 'up relative-dir)]
155                  [else
156                   relative-dir]))])
157          ;; Patch binaries to find collects
158          (for-each (lambda (b type sub-dir)
159                      (when type
160                        (set-collects-path
161                         b
162                         (collects-path->bytes
163                          (relative->binary-relative sub-dir type relative-collects-dir)))))
164                    binaries types sub-dirs)
165          (unless (null? binaries)
166            ;; Copy over extensions and adjust embedded paths:
167            (copy-extensions-and-patch-binaries orig-binaries binaries types sub-dirs
168                                                exts-dir
169                                                relative-exts-dir
170                                                relative->binary-relative)
171            ;; Copy over runtime files and adjust embedded paths:
172            (copy-runtime-files-and-patch-binaries orig-binaries binaries types sub-dirs
173                                                   exts-dir
174                                                   relative-exts-dir
175                                                   relative->binary-relative)
176            ;; Add signatures, if needed
177            (when (and executables? (eq? 'macosx (cross-system-type)))
178              (for-each add-ad-hoc-signature binaries))
179            ;; Restore executable permissions:
180            (when old-permss
181              (map done-writable binaries old-permss))
182            ;; Done!
183            (void))))))
185  (define (install-libs lib-dir types
186			#:extras-only? extras-only?
187			#:no-dlls? no-dlls?)
188    (case (cross-system-type)
189      [(windows)
190       (if no-dlls?
191	   '()
192	   (let ([copy-dll (lambda (name)
193			     (make-directory* lib-dir)
194			     (copy-file* (search-dll name)
195					 (build-path lib-dir name)))])
196	     (map copy-dll (get-racket-dlls types #:extras-only? extras-only?))))]
197      [(macosx)
198       (unless (or extras-only? no-dlls?)
199         (when (or (memq 'racketcgc types)
200                   (memq 'gracketcgc types))
201           (copy-framework "Racket" 'cgc lib-dir))
202         (when (or (memq 'racket3m types)
203                   (memq 'gracket3m types))
204           (copy-framework "Racket" '3m lib-dir))
205         (when (or (memq 'racketcs types)
206                   (memq 'gracketcs types))
207           (copy-framework "Racket" 'cs lib-dir)))]
208      [(unix)
209       (unless (or extras-only?
210                   (and no-dlls?
211                        (not (shared-libraries?))))
212         (let ([lib-plt-dir (build-path lib-dir "plt")])
213           (let ([copy-bin
214                  (lambda (name variant gr?)
215		    (make-directory* lib-plt-dir)
216                    (copy-file* (build-path (if gr?
217                                                (find-lib-dir)
218                                                (find-console-bin-dir))
219                                            (format "~a~a" name (variant-suffix variant #f)))
220                                (build-path lib-plt-dir
221                                            (format "~a~a-~a" name variant (version)))))])
222             (when (memq 'racketcgc types)
223               (copy-bin "racket" 'cgc #f))
224             (when (memq 'racket3m types)
225               (copy-bin "racket" '3m #f))
226             (when (memq 'racketcs types)
227               (copy-bin "racket" 'cs #f))
228             (when (memq 'gracketcgc types)
229               (copy-bin "gracket" 'cgc #t))
230             (when (memq 'gracket3m types)
231               (copy-bin "gracket" '3m #t))
232             (when (memq 'gracketcs types)
233               (copy-bin "gracket" 'cs #t)))
234           (when (shared-libraries?)
235             (when (or (memq 'racketcgc types)
236                       (memq 'gracketcgc types))
237               (copy-shared-lib "racket" lib-dir)
238               (copy-shared-lib "mzgc" lib-dir))
239             (when (or (memq 'racket3m types)
240                       (memq 'gracket3m types))
241               (copy-shared-lib "racket3m" lib-dir))
242             (when (or (memq 'racketcs types)
243                       (memq 'gracketcs types))
244               (copy-shared-lib "racketcs" lib-dir)))))]))
246  (define (copy-framework name variant lib-dir)
247    (let* ([fw-name (format "~a.framework" name)]
248	   [sub-dir (build-path fw-name "Versions"
249                                (case variant
250                                  [(3m) (format "~a_3m" (version))]
251                                  [(cs) (format "~a_CS" (version))]
252                                  [else (version)]))])
253      (make-directory* (build-path lib-dir sub-dir))
254      (let* ([fw-name (build-path sub-dir (format "~a" name))]
255	     [dll-dir (find-framework fw-name)])
256	(copy-file* (build-path dll-dir fw-name)
257		    (build-path lib-dir fw-name))
258	(let ([boot-src (build-path dll-dir sub-dir "boot")])
259	  (when (directory-exists? boot-src)
260	    (copy-directory/files*
261	     boot-src
262	     (build-path lib-dir sub-dir "boot"))))
263	(let ([rsrc-src (build-path dll-dir sub-dir "Resources")])
264	  (when (directory-exists? rsrc-src)
265	    (copy-directory/files*
266	     rsrc-src
267	     (build-path lib-dir sub-dir "Resources")))))))
269  (define (find-framework fw-name)
270    (let ([dll-dir (find-cross-dll-dir)])
271      (or dll-dir
272	  (ormap (lambda (p)
273		   (let ([f (build-path p fw-name)])
274		     (and (file-exists? f)
275			  p)))
276		 '("/System/Library/Frameworks"
277		   "/Library/Frameworks"
278		   "~/Library/Frameworks"))
279	  ;; Can't find it, so just use relative path:
280	  (build-path 'same))))
282  ;; cache:
283  (define avail-lib-files #f)
285  (define (copy-shared-lib name lib-dir)
286    (make-directory* lib-dir)
287    (unless avail-lib-files
288      (set! avail-lib-files (directory-list (find-cross-dll-dir))))
289    (let* ([rx (byte-regexp (string->bytes/latin-1
290			     (format "lib~a-~a.*[.](?:so|dylib)$" name (version))))]
291	   [files (filter (lambda (f)
292			    (regexp-match rx (path->bytes f)))
293			  avail-lib-files)])
294      (when (null? files)
295	(error 'copy-shared-lib "cannot find shared library for ~a"
296	       name))
297      (unless (null? (cdr files))
298	(error 'copy-shared-lib
299	       "found multiple shared-library candidates for ~a: ~e"
300	       name
301	       files))
302      (copy-file* (build-path (find-cross-dll-dir) (car files))
303		  (build-path lib-dir (car files)))))
305  (define (patch-binaries binaries types)
306    (case (cross-system-type)
307      [(windows)
308       (for-each (lambda (b)
309		   (unless (current-no-dlls? b)
310		     (update-dll-dir b "lib")))
311		 binaries)]
312      [(macosx)
313       (if (and (= 1 (length types))
314		(memq (car types) '(gracketcgc gracket3m gracketcs)))
315	   ;; Special case for single GRacket app:
316	   (update-framework-path "@executable_path/../Frameworks/"
317                                  (car binaries)
318                                  #t)
319	   ;; General case:
320	   (for-each (lambda (b type)
321		       (update-framework-path (if (memq type '(racketcgc racket3m racketcs))
322                                                  "@executable_path/../lib/"
323                                                  "@executable_path/../../../lib/" )
324                                              b
325                                              (memq type '(gracketcgc gracket3m gracketcs))))
326		     binaries types))]
327      [(unix)
328       (for-each (lambda (b type)
329                   (when (needs-original-executable? b)
330                     (patch-stub-exe-paths b
331                                           (build-path
332                                            "../lib/plt"
333                                            (format "~a-~a" type (version)))
334                                           (and (shared-libraries?)
335                                                "../lib"))))
336		 binaries
337		 types)]))
339  (define (patch-stub-exe-paths b exe shared-lib-dir)
340    ;; Adjust paths to executable and DLL that is embedded in the executable
341    (define rx:rackprog #rx#"^[.]rackprog\0")
342    (define section-offset+size (get-racket-section-offset+size b rx:rackprog))
343    (define section-offset (if section-offset+size
344			       (car section-offset+size)
345			       0))
346    (let-values ([(config-pos all-start start end prog-len dll-len rest)
347		  (with-input-from-file b
348		    (lambda ()
349		      (let* ([i (current-input-port)]
350			     [m (regexp-match-positions #rx#"cOnFiG:" i)])
351			(unless m
352			  (error 'patch-stub-exe-paths
353				 "cannot find config info"))
354			(read-byte i)
355			(define all-start (read-one-int i)) ; start of decls
356			(read-one-int i) ; start of program
357			(let ([start (read-one-int i)] ; start of data
358			      [end (read-one-int i)]) ; end of data
359			  (file-position i (+ start section-offset))
360			  (let ([prog-len (next-bytes-length i)]
361				[dll-len (next-bytes-length i)])
362			    (values (+ (cdar m) 1) ; position after "cOnFiG:[" tag
363				    all-start
364				    start
365				    end
366				    prog-len
367				    dll-len
368				    (read-bytes (- (- end start) prog-len dll-len))))))))])
369      (let ([exe-bytes (path->bytes (to-path exe))]
370	    [shared-lib-bytes (if shared-lib-dir
371				  (path->bytes (to-path shared-lib-dir))
372				  #"")])
373	(let ([delta (- (+ prog-len dll-len)
374			(add1 (bytes-length exe-bytes))
375			(add1 (bytes-length shared-lib-bytes)))])
376	  (with-output-to-file b
377            #:exists 'update
378            (lambda ()
379              (let ([o (current-output-port)])
380                (file-position o (+ config-pos 12)) ; update the end of the program data
381                (write-one-int (- end delta) o)
382                (flush-output o)
383                (file-position o (+ start section-offset))
384                (write-bytes exe-bytes o)
385                (write-bytes #"\0" o)
386                (write-bytes shared-lib-bytes o)
387                (write-bytes #"\0" o)
388                (write-bytes rest o)
389                (flush-output o))))
390          ;; May need to fix the size of the ELF section:
391          (adjust-racket-section-size
392           b
393           rx:rackprog
394           (- (- end all-start) delta))))))
396  (define (copy-and-patch-binaries copy? magic
397                                   extract-src construct-dest transform-entry
398                                   init-counter inc-counter
399                                   orig-binaries binaries types sub-dirs
400                                   exts-dir relative-exts-dir
401                                   relative->binary-relative)
402    (let loop ([orig-binaries orig-binaries]
403               [binaries binaries]
404               [types types]
405               [sub-dirs sub-dirs]
406               [counter init-counter])
407      (unless (null? binaries)
408        (let-values ([(exts start-pos end-pos)
409                      (with-input-from-file (car binaries)
410                        (lambda ()
411                          (let* ([i (current-input-port)]
412                                 [m (regexp-match-positions magic i)])
413                            (if m
414                                ;; Read table:
415                                (begin
416                                  (file-position i (cdar m))
417                                  (let ([l (read i)])
418                                    (values (cadr l) (cdar m) (file-position i))))
419                                ;; No table:
420                                (values null #f #f)))))])
421          (if (null? exts)
422              (loop (cdr orig-binaries) (cdr binaries) (cdr types) (cdr sub-dirs) counter)
423              (let-values ([(new-exts counter)
424                            ;; Copy over the extensions for this binary, generating a separate path
425                            ;; for each executable
426                            (let loop ([exts exts][counter counter])
427                              (cond
428                               [(null? exts) (values null counter)]
429                               [(and (pair? (car (car exts)))
430                                     (pair? (cdar (car exts)))
431                                     (eq? 'module (cadar (car exts))))
432                                (let-values ([(rest-exts counter)
433                                              (loop (cdr exts) counter)])
434                                  (values (cons (car exts) rest-exts) counter))]
435                               [else
436                                (let* ([src (extract-src (car exts) (car orig-binaries))]
437                                       [dest (construct-dest src)]
438                                       [sub (format "e~a" counter)])
439                                  (when (and src copy?)
440                                        ; Make dest and copy
441                                    (make-directory* (build-path exts-dir sub (or (path-only dest) 'same)))
442                                    (let ([f (build-path exts-dir sub dest)])
443                                      (when (or (file-exists? f)
444                                                (directory-exists? f)
445                                                (link-exists? f))
446                                        (delete-directory/files f))
447                                      (copy-directory/files src f)))
448                                  ;; Generate the new extension entry for the table, and combine with
449                                  ;; recur result for the rest:
450                                  (let-values ([(rest-exts counter)
451                                                (loop (cdr exts) (inc-counter counter))])
452                                    (values (if src
453                                                (cons (transform-entry
454                                                       (relative->binary-relative (car sub-dirs)
455                                                                                  (car types)
456                                                                                  (build-path relative-exts-dir sub dest))
457                                                       (car exts))
458                                                      rest-exts)
459                                                (cons (car exts)
460                                                      rest-exts))
461                                            counter)))]))])
462                (when copy?
463                  ;; Update the binary with the new paths
464                  (let* ([str (string->bytes/utf-8 (format "~s" new-exts))]
465                         [extra-space 7] ; = "(quote" plus ")"
466                         [delta (- (- end-pos start-pos) (bytes-length str) extra-space)])
467                    (when (negative? delta)
468                      (error 'copy-and-patch-binaries
469                             "not enough room in executable for revised ~s table"
470                             magic))
471                    (with-output-to-file (car binaries)
472                      #:exists 'update
473                      (lambda ()
474                        (let ([o (current-output-port)])
475                          (file-position o start-pos)
476                          (write-bytes #"(quote" o)
477                          (write-bytes str o)
478                          ;; Add space before final closing paren. This preserves space in case the
479                          ;; genereated binary is input for a future distribution build.
480                          (write-bytes (make-bytes delta (char->integer #\space)) o)
481                          (write-bytes #")" o))))))
482                (loop (cdr orig-binaries) (cdr binaries) (cdr types) (cdr sub-dirs) counter)))))))
484  (define (copy-extensions-and-patch-binaries orig-binaries binaries types sub-dirs
485                                              exts-dir relative-exts-dir
486                                              relative->binary-relative)
487    (copy-and-patch-binaries #t #rx#"eXtEnSiOn-modules[)]"
488                             ;; extract-src:
489                             (lambda (ext orig-binary)
490                               (path->complete-path
491                                (bytes->path (car ext))
492                                (let-values ([(base name dir?)
493                                              (split-path (path->complete-path orig-binary
494                                                                               (current-directory)))])
495                                  base)))
496                             ;; construct-dest:
497                             (lambda (src)
498                               (let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path src)])
499                                 name))
500                             ;; transform-entry
501                             (lambda (new-path ext)
502                               (list (path->cross-bytes new-path) (cadr ext)))
503                             0 add1 ; <- counter
504                             orig-binaries binaries types sub-dirs
505                             exts-dir relative-exts-dir
506                             relative->binary-relative))
508  (define (copy-runtime-files-and-patch-binaries orig-binaries binaries types sub-dirs
509                                                 exts-dir relative-exts-dir
510                                                 relative->binary-relative)
511    (define pkg-path-cache (make-hash))
512    (let ([paths null])
513      ;; Pass 1: collect all the paths
514      (copy-and-patch-binaries #f #rx#"rUnTiMe-paths[)]"
515                               ;; extract-src:
516                               (lambda (rt orig-binary)
517                                 (and (cadr rt)
518                                      (bytes? (cadr rt))
519                                      (bytes->path (cadr rt))))
520                               ;; construct-dest:
521                               (lambda (src)
522                                 (when src
523                                   (set! paths (cons (normal-case-path src) paths)))
524                                 "dummy")
525                               ;; transform-entry
526                               (lambda (new-path ext) ext)
527                               "rt" values ; <- counter
528                               orig-binaries binaries types sub-dirs
529                               exts-dir relative-exts-dir
530                               relative->binary-relative)
531      (unless (null? paths)
532        ;; Determine the shared path prefix among paths within a package,
533        ;; "collects" directory, or other root. That way, relative path references
534        ;; can work, but we don't keep excessive path information from the
535        ;; build machine.
536        (let* ([root-table (make-hash)]
537               [root->path-element (lambda (root)
538                                     (hash-ref root-table
539                                               root
540                                               (lambda ()
541                                                 (let ([v (format "r~a" (hash-count root-table))])
542                                                   (hash-set! root-table root v)
543                                                   v))))]
544               [alt-paths (map explode-path
545                               (map normal-case-path
546                                    (list* (find-system-path 'addon-dir)
547                                           (find-share-dir)
548                                           (append (get-cross-lib-search-dirs)
549                                                   (get-include-search-dirs)))))]
550               [explode (lambda (src)
551                          ;; Sort the path into a root, and keep the root plus
552                          ;; the part of the path relative to that root:
553                          (define-values (pkg subpath)
554                            (path->pkg+subpath src #:cache pkg-path-cache))
555                          (define main
556                            (and (not pkg)
557                                 (path->main-collects-relative src)))
558                          (define other (and (not pkg)
559                                             (not (pair? main))
560                                             (let ([e (explode-path src)])
561                                               (for/or ([d (in-list alt-paths)]
562                                                        [i (in-naturals)])
563                                                 (define len (length d))
564                                                 (and ((length e) . > . len)
565                                                      (equal? d (take e len))
566                                                      (cons i len))))))
567                          (reverse
568                           (let loop ([src (cond
569                                            [pkg subpath]
570                                            [(pair? main)
571                                             (apply build-path
572                                                    (map bytes->path-element (cdr main)))]
573                                            [other (apply build-path
574                                                          (list-tail (explode-path src) (cdr other)))]
575                                            [else src])])
576                             (let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path src)])
577                               (cond
578                                [(path? base)
579                                 (cons name (loop base))]
580                                [(or pkg
581                                     (and (pair? main)
582                                          'collects)
583                                     (and other (car other)))
584                                 => (lambda (r)
585                                      (list name (root->path-element r)))]
586                                [else
587                                 (list (root->path-element name))])))))]
588               ;; In reverse order, so we can pick off the paths
589               ;;  in the second pass:
590               [exploded (reverse (let ([exploded (map explode paths)])
591                                    ;; For paths that share the same root,
592                                    ;; drop any common "prefix" after the root.
593                                    (define roots-common
594                                      (for/fold ([ht (hash)]) ([e (in-list exploded)])
595                                        (define l (hash-ref ht (car e) #f))
596                                        (hash-set ht (car e)
597                                                  (if (not l)
598                                                      (cdr e)
599                                                      (let loop ([l l] [l2 (cdr e)])
600                                                        (cond
601                                                         [(or (null? l) (null? l2)) null]
602                                                         [(or (null? l) (null? l2)) null]
603                                                         [(equal? (car l) (car l2))
604                                                          (cons (car l) (loop (cdr l) (cdr l2)))]
605                                                         [else null]))))))
606                                    ;; Drop common parts out, but deefinitely keep the last
607                                    ;; element:
608                                    (for/list ([e (in-list exploded)])
609                                      (define l (hash-ref roots-common (car e) null))
610                                      (cons (car e) (list-tail (cdr e) (max 0 (sub1 (length l))))))))])
612          ;; Pass 2: change all the paths
613          (copy-and-patch-binaries #t #rx#"rUnTiMe-paths[)]"
614                                   ;; extract-src:
615                                   (lambda (rt orig-binary)
616                                     (and (cadr rt)
617                                          (bytes->path (cadr rt))))
618                                   ;; construct-dest:
619                                   (lambda (src)
620                                     (and src
621                                          (begin0
622                                           (apply build-path (car exploded))
623                                           (set! exploded (cdr exploded)))))
624                                   ;; transform-entry
625                                   (lambda (new-path ext)
626                                     (cons (car ext) (list (path->cross-bytes new-path))))
627                                   "rt" values ; <- counter
628                                   orig-binaries binaries types sub-dirs
629                                   exts-dir relative-exts-dir
630                                   relative->binary-relative)))))
632  ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
633  ;; Utilities
635  (define (shared-libraries?)
636    (eq? 'shared (cross-system-type 'link)))
638  (define (to-path s)
639    (if (string? s)
640	(string->path s)
641	s))
643  (define (path->cross-bytes p)
644    (define cross-convention
645      ;; it would be nice to have `cross-system-path-convention`:
646      (case (cross-system-type)
647        [(windows) 'windows]
648        [else 'unix]))
649    (cond
650      [(eq? cross-convention (system-path-convention-type)) (path->bytes p)]
651      [else
652       (let loop ([p p] [accum '()])
653         (define-values (base name dir?) (split-path p))
654         (define new-accum (cons (if (path? name)
655                                     (bytes->path-element (path-element->bytes name)
656                                                          cross-convention)
657                                     name)
658                                 accum))
659         (cond
660           [(eq? base 'relative) (path->bytes (apply build-path/convention-type
661                                                     cross-convention
662                                                     new-accum))]
663           [else (loop base new-accum)]))]))
665  (define (get-binary-type b)
666    ;; Since this is called first, we also check that the executable
667    ;; is a stub binary for Unix or doesn't depend on shared libraries.
668    (with-input-from-file (app-to-file b)
669      (lambda ()
670	(let ([m (regexp-match #rx#"bINARy tYPe:(e?)(.)(.)(.)" (current-input-port))])
671	  (if m
672              (begin
673                (when (eq? 'unix (cross-system-type))
674                  (unless (or (equal? (cadr m) #"e")
675                              (not (shared-libraries?)))
676                    (error 'assemble-distribution
677                           "file is an original PLT executable that relies on a shared library: ~e"
678                           b)))
679                (let ([variant (case (list-ref m 4)
680                                 [(#"3") '3m]
681                                 [(#"s") 'cs]
682                                 [else 'cgc])])
683                  (if (equal? (caddr m) #"r")
684                      (case variant
685                        [(3m) 'gracket3m]
686                        [(cs) 'gracketcs]
687                        [else 'gracketcgc])
688                      (case variant
689                        [(3m) 'racket3m]
690                        [(cs) 'racketcs]
691                        [else 'racketcgc]))))
692	      (error 'assemble-distribution
693		     "file is not a PLT executable: ~e"
694		     b))))))
696  (define (needs-original-executable? b)
697    (and (eq? 'unix (cross-system-type))
698         (with-input-from-file (app-to-file b)
699           (lambda ()
700             (let ([m (regexp-match #rx#"bINARy tYPe:(e?)" (current-input-port))])
701               (equal? (cadr m) #"e"))))))
703  (define (write-one-int n out)
704    (write-bytes (integer->integer-bytes n 4 #t #f) out))
706  (define (read-one-int in)
707    (integer-bytes->integer (read-bytes 4 in) #t #f))
709  (define (next-bytes-length in)
710    (let ([m (regexp-match-positions #rx#"\0" in)])
711      (cdar m)))
713  (define (copy-file* src dest)
714    (when (or (file-exists? dest)
715	      (link-exists? dest))
716      (delete-file dest))
717    (copy-file src dest)
718    (let ([t (file-or-directory-modify-seconds src)])
719      (file-or-directory-modify-seconds dest t)))
721  (define (copy-directory/files* src dest)
722    (cond
723     [(directory-exists? src)
724      (unless (directory-exists? dest)
725	(make-directory dest))
726      (for-each (lambda (f)
727		  (copy-directory/files* (build-path src f)
728					 (build-path dest f)))
729		(directory-list src))]
730     [else
731      (copy-file* src dest)]))
733  (define (copy-app src dest)
734    (when (or (file-exists? dest)
735	      (directory-exists? dest)
736	      (link-exists? dest))
737      (delete-directory/files dest))
738    (copy-directory/files src dest))
740  (define (app-to-file b)
741    (if (and (eq? 'macosx (cross-system-type))
742             (directory-exists? b)
743	     (regexp-match #rx#"[.][aA][pP][pP]$"
744			   (path->bytes (if (string? b)
745					    (string->path b)
746					    b))))
747	(let ([no-app
748	       (let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path b)])
749		 (path-replace-extension name #""))])
750	  (build-path b "Contents" "MacOS" no-app))
751	b)))