1#lang racket/base
2(require racket/path
3         racket/file
4         racket/port
5         racket/promise
6         racket/list
7	 racket/contract
8         syntax/moddep
9         syntax/modcollapse
10         xml/plist
11         setup/dirs
12         setup/variant
13         setup/collects
14         file/ico
15         racket/private/so-search
16         racket/private/share-search
17         racket/private/link-path
18         setup/cross-system
19         "private/cm-minimal.rkt"
20         "private/winsubsys.rkt"
21         "private/macfw.rkt"
22         "private/mach-o.rkt"
23         "private/elf.rkt"
24         "private/windlldir.rkt"
25         "private/pe-rsrc.rkt"
26         "private/collects-path.rkt"
27         "private/configdir.rkt"
28         "private/write-perm.rkt"
29	 "private/win-dll-list.rkt"
30         "find-exe.rkt")
32(provide/contract [make-embedding-executable
33                   (->* (path-string?
34                         any/c
35                         any/c
36                         (listof (or/c (list/c (or/c symbol? #f #t)
37                                               (or/c path? module-path?))
38                                       (list/c (or/c symbol? #f #t)
39                                               (or/c path? module-path?)
40                                               (listof symbol?))))
41                         (listof path-string?)
42                         any/c
43                         (listof string?))
44                        ((listof (cons/c symbol? any/c))
45                         any/c
46                         symbol?
47                         (or/c #f
48                               path-string?
49                               (listof path-string?)))
50                        void?)]
51                  [create-embedding-executable
52                   (->* (path-string?)
53                        (#:modules
54                         (listof (or/c (list/c (or/c symbol? #f #t)
55                                               (or/c path? module-path?))
56                                       (list/c (or/c symbol? #f #t)
57                                               (or/c path? module-path?)
58                                               (listof symbol?))))
59                         #:configure-via-first-module? any/c
60                         #:early-literal-expressions (listof any/c)
61                         #:literal-files (listof path-string?)
62                         #:literal-expression any/c
63                         #:literal-expressions (listof any/c)
64                         #:cmdline (listof string?)
65                         #:gracket? any/c
66                         #:mred? any/c
67                         #:variant (or/c '3m 'cgc 'cs)
68                         #:aux (listof (cons/c symbol? any/c))
69                         #:collects-path (or/c #f
70                                               path-string?
71                                               (listof path-string?))
72                         #:collects-dest (or/c #f path-string?)
73                         #:launcher? any/c
74                         #:verbose? any/c
75                         #:compiler (-> any/c compiled-expression?)
76                         #:expand-namespace namespace?
77                         #:src-filter (-> path? any)
78                         #:on-extension (or/c #f (-> path-string? boolean? any))
79                         #:get-extra-imports (-> path? compiled-module-expression? (listof module-path?)))
80                        void?)])
82(provide write-module-bundle
83         embedding-executable-is-directory?
84         embedding-executable-is-actually-directory?
85         embedding-executable-put-file-extension+style+filters
86         embedding-executable-add-suffix)
89(define (embedding-executable-is-directory? mred?)
90  #f)
92(define (embedding-executable-is-actually-directory? mred?)
93  (and mred? (eq? 'macosx (cross-system-type))))
95(define (embedding-executable-put-file-extension+style+filters mred?)
96  (case (cross-system-type)
97    [(windows) (values "exe" null '(("Executable" "*.exe")))]
98    [(macosx) (if mred?
99                  (values "app" '(enter-packages) '(("App" "*.app")))
100                  (values #f null null))]
101    [else (values #f null null)]))
103(define (embedding-executable-add-suffix path mred?)
104  (let* ([path (if (string? path)
105                   (string->path path)
106                   path)]
107         [fixup (lambda (re sfx)
108                  (if (regexp-match re (path->bytes path))
109                      path
110                      (path-add-extension path sfx #".")))])
111    (case (cross-system-type)
112      [(windows) (fixup #rx#".[.][eE][xX][eE]$" #".exe")]
113      [(macosx) (if mred?
114                    (fixup #rx#".[.][aA][pP][pP]$" #".app")
115                    path)]
116      [else path])))
118(define (mac-dest->executable dest mred?)
119  (if mred?
120      (let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path dest)])
121        (build-path dest
122                    "Contents" "MacOS"
123                    (path-replace-extension name #"")))
124      dest))
126(define exe-suffix?
127  (delay (equal? #"i386-cygwin" (path->bytes (cross-system-library-subpath)))))
129;; Find the magic point in the binary:
130(define (find-cmdline what rx)
131  (let ([m (regexp-match-positions rx (current-input-port))])
132    (if m
133        (caar m)
134        (error
135         'create-embedding-executable
136         (format
137          "can't find ~a position in executable"
138          what)))))
141(define (relativize exec-name dest adjust)
142  (let ([p (find-relative-path
143            (let-values ([(dir name dir?) (split-path
144                                           (normal-case-path
145                                            (normalize-path dest)))])
146              dir)
147            (normal-case-path (normalize-path exec-name)))])
148    (if (relative-path? p)
149        (adjust p)
150        p)))
152;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
154(define (find-relevant-lib-dir f #:default [default #f])
155  (or
156   (for/or ([lib-dir (in-list (get-cross-lib-search-dirs))])
157     (define p (build-path lib-dir f))
158     (and (or (file-exists? p)
159              (directory-exists? p))
160          lib-dir))
161   default
162   (error 'find-relevant-lib-dir
163          "could not find ~s"
164          f)))
166(define (find-in-lib f)
167  (build-path (find-relevant-lib-dir f #:default (find-lib-dir))
168              f))
170;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
172(define (prepare-macosx-mred exec-name dest aux variant)
173  (let* ([name (let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path dest)])
174                 (path-replace-extension name #""))]
175         [src (find-in-lib "Starter.app")]
176         [creator (let ([c (assq 'creator aux)])
177                    (or (and c
178                             (cdr c))
179                        "MrSt"))]
180         [file-types (let ([m (assq 'file-types aux)])
181                       (and m
182                            (pair? (cdr m))
183                            (cdr m)))]
184         [uti-exports (let ([m (assq 'uti-exports aux)])
185                        (and m
186                             (pair? (cdr m))
187                             (cdr m)))]
188         [resource-files (let ([m (assq 'resource-files aux)])
189                           (and m
190                                (cdr m)))])
191    (when creator
192      (unless (and (string? creator) (= 4 (string-length creator)))
193        (error 'make-executable "creator is not a 4-character string: ~e" creator)))
194    (when file-types
195      (unless (and (list? file-types)
196                   (andmap list? file-types)
197                   (andmap (lambda (spec)
198                             (andmap (lambda (p)
199                                       (and (list? p)
200                                            (= 2 (length p))
201                                            (string? (car p))))
202                                     spec))
203                           file-types))
204        (error 'make-executable "bad file-types spec: ~e" file-types)))
205    (when resource-files
206      (unless (and (list? resource-files)
207                   (andmap path-string?
208                           resource-files))
209        (error 'make-executable "resource-files is not a list of paths: ~e" resource-files)))
211    (when (or (directory-exists? dest)
212              (file-exists? dest)
213              (link-exists? dest))
214      (delete-directory/files dest))
215    (make-directory* (build-path dest "Contents" "Resources"))
216    (make-directory* (build-path dest "Contents" "MacOS"))
217    (copy-file exec-name (build-path dest "Contents" "MacOS" name))
218    (copy-file (build-path src "Contents" "PkgInfo")
219               (build-path dest "Contents" "PkgInfo"))
220    (let ([icon (or (let ([icon (assq 'icns aux)])
221                      (and icon
222                           (cdr icon)))
223                    (build-path src "Contents" "Resources" "Starter.icns"))])
224      (copy-file icon
225                 (build-path dest "Contents" "Resources" "Starter.icns")))
226    (let ([orig-plist (call-with-input-file (build-path src
227                                                        "Contents"
228                                                        "Info.plist")
229                        read-plist)]
230          [plist-replace (lambda (plist . l)
231                           (let loop ([plist plist][l l])
232                             (if (null? l)
233                                 plist
234                                 (let ([key (car l)]
235                                       [val (cadr l)])
236                                   (loop `(dict
237                                           ,@(let loop ([c (cdr plist)])
238                                               (cond
239                                                 [(null? c) (list (list 'assoc-pair key val))]
240                                                 [(string=? (cadar c) key)
241                                                  (cons (list 'assoc-pair key val)
242                                                        (cdr c))]
243                                                 [else
244                                                  (cons (car c)
245                                                        (loop (cdr c)))])))
246                                         (cddr l))))))])
247      (let* ([new-plist (plist-replace
248                         orig-plist
250                         "CFBundleExecutable"
251                         (path->string name)
253                         "CFBundleSignature"
254                         creator
256                         "CFBundleIdentifier"
257                         (format "org.racket-lang.~a" (path->string name)))]
258             [new-plist (if uti-exports
259                            (plist-replace
260                             new-plist
261                             "UTExportedTypeDeclarations"
262                             (cons 'array
263                                   (map (lambda (spec)
264                                          (cons
265                                           'dict
266                                           (map (lambda (p)
267                                                  (list
268                                                   'assoc-pair
269                                                   (car p)
270                                                   (cadr p)))
271                                                spec)))
272                                        uti-exports)))
273                            new-plist)]
274             [new-plist (if file-types
275                            (plist-replace
276                             new-plist
277                             "CFBundleDocumentTypes"
278                             (cons 'array
279                                   (map (lambda (spec)
280                                          (cons
281                                           'dict
282                                           (map (lambda (p)
283                                                  (list
284                                                   'assoc-pair
285                                                   (car p)
286                                                   (cadr p)))
287                                                spec)))
288                                        file-types)))
289                            new-plist)])
290        (call-with-output-file (build-path dest
291                                           "Contents"
292                                           "Info.plist")
293          #:exists 'truncate
294          (lambda (port)
295            (write-plist new-plist port)))))
296    (let* ([pkginfo-path (build-path dest "Contents" "PkgInfo")]
297           [old-perms (ensure-writable pkginfo-path)])
298      (call-with-output-file pkginfo-path
299        #:exists 'truncate
300        (lambda (port)
301          (fprintf port "APPL~a" creator)))
302      (done-writable pkginfo-path old-perms))
303    (when resource-files
304      (for-each (lambda (p)
305                  (let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path p)])
306                    (copy-file p (build-path dest
307                                             "Contents"
308                                             "Resources"
309                                             name))))
310                resource-files))
311    (build-path dest "Contents" "MacOS" name)))
313;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
315;; Represent modules with lists starting with the filename, so we
316;; can use assoc:
317(define (make-mod normal-file-path normal-module-path
318                  code name full-name relative-mappings-box
319                  runtime-paths runtime-module-syms
320                  actual-file-path
321                  use-source?)
322  (list normal-file-path normal-module-path code
323        name full-name relative-mappings-box
324        runtime-paths runtime-module-syms
325        actual-file-path
326        use-source?))
328(define (mod-file m) (strip-submod (car m)))
329(define (mod-mod-path m) (cadr m))
330(define (mod-code m) (caddr m))
331(define (mod-name m) (list-ref m 3))
332(define (mod-full-name m) (list-ref m 4))
333(define (mod-mappings m) (unbox (list-ref m 5)))
334(define (mod-runtime-paths m) (list-ref m 6))
335(define (mod-runtime-module-syms m) (list-ref m 7))
336(define (mod-actual-file m) (list-ref m 8))
337(define (mod-use-source? m) (list-ref m 9))
339(define (file-mod-name-base path)
340  (define-values (base name dir?) (split-path path))
341  (path->string (path-replace-extension name #"")))
343(struct file-mod-name-state (path->relative-cache used wrt-path))
344(define (make-generate-file-mod-name-state wrt-path)
345  (file-mod-name-state (make-hash) (make-hasheq) wrt-path))
347(define (generate-file-mod-name gen-state path)
348  (define mp (path->module-path path
349                                #:cache (file-mod-name-state-path->relative-cache gen-state)))
350  (define str
351    (cond
352      [(and mp (pair? mp) (eq? (car mp) 'lib) (null? (cddr mp)))
353       (cadr mp)]
354      [else
355       (define rel (find-relative-path (file-mod-name-state-wrt-path gen-state) path))
356       (path->string rel)]))
357  (define sym (string->symbol (regexp-replace #rx"[.](?:ss|rkt)$" str "")))
358  (define used (file-mod-name-state-used gen-state))
359  (let loop ([sym sym])
360    (cond
361      [(hash-ref used sym #f)
362       (loop (string->symbol (format "~a>" sym)))]
363      [else
364       (hash-set! used sym #t)
365       (format "#%embedded:~a:" sym)])))
367(define (normalize filename)
368  (if (pair? filename)
369      `(submod ,(normalize (cadr filename)) ,@(cddr filename))
370      (let ([f (simplify-path (cleanse-path filename))])
371        ;; Use normal-case-path on just the base part, to avoid
372        ;; changing the filename case (which should match the
373        ;; module-name case within the file):
374        (let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path f)])
375          (if (path? base)
376              (build-path (normal-case-path base) name)
377              f)))))
379(define (strip-submod a)
380  (if (and (pair? a)
381           (eq? 'submod (car a)))
382      (cadr a)
383      a))
385(define (is-lib-path? a)
386  (let ([a (strip-submod a)])
387    (or (and (pair? a)
388             (eq? 'lib (car a)))
389        (symbol? a))))
391(define (symbol-to-lib-form l)
392  (if (symbol? l)
393      `(lib ,(symbol->string l))
394      l))
396(define (unix-style-split p)
397  (let ([m (regexp-match #rx"^([^/]*)/(.*)$" p)])
398    (if m
399        (cons (cadr m) (unix-style-split (caddr m)))
400        (list p))))
402(define (extract-last l)
403  (let loop ([l l][dirs null])
404    (if (null? (cdr l))
405        (values (reverse dirs) (car l))
406        (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) dirs)))))
408(define (adjust-ss/rkt-extension path)
409  (cond
410   [(file-exists? path) path]
411   [(path-has-extension? path #".ss")
412    (define rkt-path (path-replace-extension path #".rkt"))
413    (if (file-exists? rkt-path)
414        rkt-path
415        path)]
416   [(path-has-extension? path #".rkt")
417    (define ss-path (path-replace-extension path #".ss"))
418    (if (file-exists? ss-path)
419        ss-path
420        path)]
421   [else path]))
423(define (lib-module-filename collects-dest module-path)
424  (let-values ([(dir file)
425                (let ([s (lib-path->string (strip-submod module-path))])
426                  (extract-last (unix-style-split s)))])
427    (let ([p (build-path collects-dest
428                         (apply build-path dir)
429                         (let ([l (use-compiled-file-paths)])
430                           (if (pair? l)
431                               (car l)
432                               "compiled"))
433                         (path-add-extension file #".zo"))])
434      (let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path p)])
435        (make-directory* base)
436        p))))
438(define (file-date f)
439  (with-handlers ([exn:fail:filesystem? (lambda (x) -inf.0)])
440    (file-or-directory-modify-seconds f)))
442(define-struct extension (path))
444;; Loads module code, using .zo if there, compiling from .scm if not
445(define (get-code filename module-path ready-code use-submods codes file-mod-names verbose? collects-dest on-extension
446                  compiler expand-namespace src-filter get-extra-imports working gen-state)
447  ;; filename can have the form `(submod ,filename ,sym ...)
448  (let* ([a (assoc filename (unbox codes))]
449         ;; If we didn't fine `filename` as-is, check now for
450         ;; using source, because in that case we'll only register the
451         ;; main module even if a submodule is include in `filename`.
452         [use-source?
453          (and (not a)
454               (src-filter (adjust-ss/rkt-extension (strip-submod filename))))]
455         ;; When using source or writing to collects, keep full modules:
456         [keep-full? (or use-source? collects-dest)]
457         ;; When keeping a full module, strip away submodule paths:
458         [filename (or (and (not a)
459                            keep-full?
460                            (pair? filename)
461                            (cadr filename))
462                       filename)]
463         ;; Maybe search again after deciding whether to strip submodules:
464         [a (or a
465                (and keep-full?
466                     ;; Try again:
467                     (assoc filename (unbox codes))))])
468    (cond
469     [a
470      ;; Already have this module. Make sure that library-referenced
471      ;;  modules are consistently referenced through library paths:
472      (let ([found-lib? (is-lib-path? (mod-mod-path a))]
473            [look-lib? (is-lib-path? module-path)])
474        (cond
475         [(and found-lib? look-lib?)
476          'ok]
477         [(or found-lib? look-lib?)
478          (error 'find-module
479                 "module referenced both as a library and through a path: ~a"
480                 filename)]
481         [else 'ok]))]
482     [(hash-ref working filename #f)
483      ;; in the process of loading the module; a cycle
484      ;; is possible through `define-runtime-path'
485      'ok]
486     [else
487      ;; First use of the module. Get code and then get code for imports.
488      (when verbose?
489        (eprintf "Getting ~s as ~s\n" module-path filename))
490      (let* ([submod-path (if (pair? filename)
491                              (cddr filename)
492                              null)]
493             [just-filename (strip-submod filename)]
494             [root-module-path (strip-submod module-path)]
495             [actual-filename just-filename] ; `set!'ed below to adjust file extension
496             [name (file-mod-name-base just-filename)]
497             [file-mod-name (let ([a
498                                   ;; Try path with a submodule, first, then fall back to
499                                   ;; just the path part if there was a `submod` wrapper:
500                                   (or (assoc filename file-mod-names)
501                                       (and (pair? filename)
502                                            (assoc just-filename file-mod-names)))])
503                              (if a
504                                  (cdr a)
505                                  (generate-file-mod-name gen-state just-filename)))]
506             [full-name (string->symbol
507                         (format "~a~a"
508                                 file-mod-name
509                                 (if (null? submod-path)
510                                     ""
511                                     submod-path)))])
512        (hash-set! working filename full-name)
513        (let* ([get-module-code*
514                ;; Re-used when swapping code during cross-compilation.
515                (lambda (#:roots [roots (current-compiled-file-roots)]
516                         #:host? [host? #f])
517                  (get-module-code just-filename
518                                   #:roots roots
519                                   #:submodule-path submod-path
520                                   (let ([l (use-compiled-file-paths)])
521                                     (if (pair? l)
522                                         (car l)
523                                         "compiled"))
524                                   (if (and host? (cross-compiling?))
525                                       (lambda (e)
526                                         (parameterize ([current-compile-target-machine (system-type 'target-machine)])
527                                           (compiler e)))
528                                       compiler)
529                                   (if on-extension
530                                       (lambda (f l?)
531                                         (on-extension f l?)
532                                         #f)
533                                       (lambda (file _loader?)
534                                         (if _loader?
535                                             (error 'create-embedding-executable
536                                                    "cannot use a _loader extension: ~e"
537                                                    file)
538                                             (make-extension file))))
539                                   #:choose
540                                   ;; Prefer extensions, if we're handling them:
541                                   (lambda (src zo so)
542                                     (set! actual-filename src) ; remember convert source name
543                                     (if on-extension
544                                         #f
545                                         (if (and (file-exists? so)
546                                                  ((file-date so) . >= . (file-date zo)))
547                                             'so
548                                             #f)))))]
549               [code (or ready-code (get-module-code* #:host? #t))])
550          (cond
551           [(extension? code)
552            (when verbose?
553              (eprintf " using extension: ~s\n" (extension-path code)))
554            (set-box! codes
555                      (cons (make-mod filename module-path code
556                                      name full-name
557                                      (box null) null null
558                                      actual-filename
559                                      #f)
560                            (unbox codes)))]
561           [code
562            (let ([importss (module-compiled-imports code)])
563              (let* ([all-file-imports (filter (keep-import-dependency? keep-full? actual-filename)
564                                               (apply append (map cdr importss)))]
565                     [extra-paths
566                      (map symbol-to-lib-form (append (if keep-full?
567                                                          (extract-full-imports module-path actual-filename code)
568                                                          null)
569                                                      (if use-source?
570                                                          (list 'compiler/private/read-bstr)
571                                                          null)
572                                                      (get-extra-imports actual-filename code)))]
573                     [extract-submods
574                      (lambda (submods)
575                        (if use-source?
576                            null
577                            (for/list ([m (in-list submods)]
578                                       #:when (or (member (last (module-compiled-name m)) use-submods)
579                                                  (declares-always-preserved? m)))
580                              m)))]
581                     [prepare-code&submods
582                      (lambda (code)
583                        (define name (module-compiled-name code))
584                        (define renamed-code
585                          (cond
586                            [(symbol? name) code]
587                            [else (module-compiled-name code (last name))]))
588                        (define pre-submods (extract-submods (module-compiled-submodules renamed-code #t)))
589                        (define post-submods (extract-submods (module-compiled-submodules renamed-code #f)))
590                        (define new-code
591                          (cond
592                            [keep-full? code]
593                            [else (module-compiled-submodules
594                                   (module-compiled-submodules renamed-code #f null) #t null)]))
595                        (values new-code pre-submods post-submods))])
596                (let*-values ([(runtime-paths)
597                               (if (module-compiled-cross-phase-persistent? code)
598                                   ;; avoid potentially trying to redeclare cross-phase persistent modules,
599                                   ;; since redeclaration isn't allowed:
600                                   null
601                                   ;; check for run-time paths by visiting the module in an
602                                   ;; expand-time namespace:
603                                   (parameterize ([current-namespace expand-namespace])
604                                     (let ([module-path
605                                            (if (path? module-path)
606                                                (path->complete-path module-path)
607                                                module-path)])
608                                       (unless (module-declared? module-path)
609                                         (parameterize ([current-module-declare-name
610                                                         (module-path-index-resolve (module-path-index-join
611                                                                                     module-path
612                                                                                     #f))])
613                                           (eval code)))
614                                       (define e (expand `(,#'module m racket/kernel
615                                                                     (#%require (only ,module-path)
616                                                                                racket/runtime-path)
617                                                                     (runtime-paths ,module-path))))
618                                       (syntax-case e (quote)
619                                         [(_ m mz (#%mb req (quote (spec ...))))
620                                          (for/list ([p (in-list (syntax->datum #'(spec ...)))])
621                                            ;; Strip variable reference from 'module specs, because
622                                            ;; we don't need them and they retain the namespace:
623                                            (if (and (pair? p) (eq? 'module (car p)))
624                                                (list 'module (cadr p))
625                                                p))]
626                                         [_else (error 'create-empbedding-executable
627                                                       "expansion mismatch when getting external paths: ~e"
628                                                       (syntax->datum e))]))))]
629                              [(extra-runtime-paths) (filter-map (lambda (p)
630                                                                   (and (pair? p)
631                                                                        (eq? (car p) 'module)
632                                                                        (cadr p)))
633                                                                 runtime-paths)]
634                              [(code pre-submods post-submods) (prepare-code&submods code)])
635                  (let ([sub-files (map (lambda (i)
636                                          ;; use `just-filename', because i has submod name embedded
637                                          (normalize (resolve-module-path-index i just-filename)))
638                                        all-file-imports)]
639                        [sub-paths (map (lambda (i)
640                                          ;; use `root-module-path', because i has submod name embedded
641                                          (collapse-module-path-index i root-module-path))
642                                        all-file-imports)]
643                        [normalized-extra-paths (map (lambda (i) (collapse-module-path i module-path))
644                                                     (append extra-runtime-paths extra-paths))]
645                        [extra-files (map (lambda (i) (normalize (resolve-module-path-index (module-path-index-join i #f)
646                                                                                            filename)))
647                                          ;; getting runtime-module-path symbols below
648                                          ;; relies on extra-runtime-paths being first:
649                                          (append extra-runtime-paths extra-paths))])
650                    (define (get-one-code sub-filename sub-path ready-code)
651                      (get-code sub-filename sub-path ready-code null
652                                codes
653                                file-mod-names
654                                verbose?
655                                collects-dest
656                                on-extension
657                                compiler
658                                expand-namespace
659                                src-filter get-extra-imports
660                                working
661                                gen-state))
662                    (define (get-one-submodule-code m)
663                      (define name (cadr (module-compiled-name m)))
664                      (define mp `(submod "." ,name))
665                      (define mpi (module-path-index-join mp #f))
666                      (get-one-code (resolve-module-path-index mpi filename)
667                                    (if (is-lib-path? module-path)
668                                        ;; Preserve `lib`-ness of module reference:
669                                        (collapse-module-path-index
670                                         (module-path-index-join
671                                          mp
672                                          (module-path-index-join module-path #f)))
673                                        ;; Ok to collapse based on filename:
674                                        (collapse-module-path-index mpi filename))
675                                    m))
676                    ;; Add code for pre submodules:
677                    (for-each get-one-submodule-code pre-submods)
678                    ;; Get code for imports:
679                    (for-each (lambda (sf sp) (get-one-code sf sp #f))
680                              (append sub-files extra-files)
681                              (append sub-paths normalized-extra-paths))
682                    (when verbose?
683                      (unless (null? runtime-paths)
684                        (eprintf "Runtime paths for ~s: ~s\n"
685                                 filename
686                                 runtime-paths)))
687                    (if (and collects-dest
688                             (is-lib-path? module-path))
689                        ;; Install code as .zo:
690                        (begin
691                          (with-output-to-file (lib-module-filename collects-dest module-path)
692                            #:exists 'truncate/replace
693                            (lambda ()
694                              (write code)))
695                          ;; Record module as copied
696                          (set-box! codes
697                                    (cons (make-mod filename module-path #f
698                                                    #f #f
699                                                    (box null) null null
700                                                    actual-filename
701                                                    use-source?)
702                                          (unbox codes))))
703                        ;; Build up relative module resolutions, relative to this one,
704                        ;; that will be requested at run-time.
705                        (let* ([lookup-full-name (lambda (sub-filename)
706                                                   (let ([m (assoc sub-filename (unbox codes))])
707                                                     (if m
708                                                         (mod-full-name m)
709                                                         ;; must have been a cycle...
710                                                         (hash-ref working sub-filename
711                                                                   (lambda ()
712                                                                     ;; If `sub-filename` was included from source,
713                                                                     ;; then we'll need to use a submodule path:
714                                                                     `(,(hash-ref working (strip-submod sub-filename))
715                                                                       ,@(cddr sub-filename)))))))]
716                               [get-submod-mapping
717                                (lambda (m)
718                                  (define name (cadr (module-compiled-name m)))
719                                  (cons `(submod "." ,name)
720                                        (lookup-full-name
721                                         (collapse-module-path-index
722                                          (module-path-index-join `(submod "." ,name) #f)
723                                          filename))))]
724                               [mappings-box
725                                (box (append
726                                      (filter (lambda (p) (and p (cdr p)))
727                                              (map (lambda (sub-i sub-filename sub-path)
728                                                     (and (not (and collects-dest
729                                                                    (is-lib-path? sub-path)))
730                                                          (if sub-i
731                                                              (let-values ([(path base) (module-path-index-split sub-i)])
732                                                                (and base ; can be #f if path isn't relative
733                                                                     (begin
734                                                                       ;; Assert: base should refer to this module:
735                                                                       (let-values ([(path2 base2) (module-path-index-split base)])
736                                                                         (when (or path2 base2)
737                                                                           (error 'embed "unexpected nested module path index ~s" base)))
738                                                                       (cons path (lookup-full-name sub-filename)))))
739                                                              ;; a run-time path:
740                                                              (cons (if (path? sub-path)
741                                                                        `(path ,(encode-link-path sub-path))
742                                                                        sub-path)
743                                                                    (lookup-full-name sub-filename)))))
744                                                   (append all-file-imports (map (lambda (p) #f) extra-runtime-paths))
745                                                   (append sub-files (take extra-files (length extra-runtime-paths)))
746                                                   (append sub-paths extra-runtime-paths)))
747                                      (map get-submod-mapping pre-submods)))])
748                          ;; Record the module
749                          ;; For cross-compilation, we need to be able to execute code using the host Racket (to find
750                          ;; dependencies and runtime paths), but then we have to swap in code for the target Racket
751                          ;; here, before writing it to the output.
752                          (let ([code (cond
753                                        [(cross-compiling?)
754                                         (when verbose?
755                                           (eprintf "Swapping host code of ~s for target platform~n" module-path))
756                                         (define target-code
757                                           (get-module-code* #:roots (cdr (current-compiled-file-roots))))
758                                         ;; Apply the same trasformations to the target code that were made to the host code.
759                                         (define-values (prepared-code _pre-submods _post-submods)
760                                           (prepare-code&submods target-code))
761                                         prepared-code]
762                                        [else
763                                         code])])
764                            (set-box! codes
765                                      (cons (make-mod filename module-path code
766                                                      name full-name
767                                                      mappings-box
768                                                      runtime-paths
769                                                      ;; extract runtime-path module symbols:
770                                                      (let loop ([runtime-paths runtime-paths]
771                                                                 [extra-files extra-files])
772                                                        (cond
773                                                          [(null? runtime-paths) null]
774                                                          [(let ([p (car runtime-paths)])
775                                                             (and (pair? p) (eq? (car p) 'module)))
776                                                           (cons (lookup-full-name (car extra-files))
777                                                                 (loop (cdr runtime-paths) (cdr extra-files)))]
778                                                          [else
779                                                           (cons #f (loop (cdr runtime-paths) extra-files))]))
780                                                      actual-filename
781                                                      use-source?)
782                                            (unbox codes))))
783                          ;; Add code for post submodules:
784                          (for-each get-one-submodule-code post-submods)
785                          ;; Add post-submodule mappings:
786                          (set-box! mappings-box
787                                    (append (unbox mappings-box)
788                                            (map get-submod-mapping post-submods)))))))))]
789           [else
790            (set-box! codes
791                      (cons (make-mod filename module-path code
792                                      name #f
793                                      null null null
794                                      actual-filename
795                                      use-source?)
796                            (unbox codes)))])))])))
798(define ((keep-import-dependency? keep-full? path) orig-x)
799  (define-values (x base) (module-path-index-split orig-x))
800  (not (or (and (pair? x)
801                (eq? 'quote (car x)))
802           (and keep-full?
803                ;; Don't try to include submodules specifically if the enclosing
804                ;; module is kept fully. Any needed dependencies will be
805                ;; extracted via `extract-full-imports`.
806                (pair? x)
807                (eq? (car x) 'submod)
808                (or (equal? (cadr x) ".")
809                    (equal? path
810                            (normalize (resolve-module-path-index (module-path-index-join (cadr x) #f)
811                                                                  path))))))))
813(define (extract-full-imports module-path path code)
814  ;; When embedding a module from source or otherwise keeping a full
815  ;; module, we need to collect all dependencies from submodules
816  ;; (recursively), because they'll be needed to start again from
817  ;; source.
818  (let accum-from-mod ([mod code])
819    (append
820     (map (lambda (i) (collapse-module-path-index i module-path))
821          (filter (keep-import-dependency? #t path)
822                  (apply append (map cdr (module-compiled-imports mod)))))
823     (apply append
824            (map accum-from-mod (module-compiled-submodules mod #t)))
825     (apply append
826            (map accum-from-mod (module-compiled-submodules mod #f))))))
828(define (declares-always-preserved? m)
829  (for/or ([s (in-list
830               (append (module-compiled-submodules m #t)
831                       (module-compiled-submodules m #f)))])
832    (eq? (last (module-compiled-name s)) 'declare-preserve-for-embedding)))
834;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
836(define (compile-using-kernel e)
837  (let ([ns (make-empty-namespace)])
838    (namespace-attach-module (current-namespace) ''#%kernel ns)
839    (parameterize ([current-namespace ns]
840                   [current-compile-target-machine (get-compile-target-machine)])
841      (namespace-require ''#%kernel)
842      (compile e))))
844;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
846(define (lib-path->string path)
847  (cond
848   [(null? (cddr path))
849    (if (regexp-match #rx"^[^/]*[.]" (cadr path))
850        ;; mzlib
851        (string-append "mzlib/" (cadr path))
852        ;; new-style
853        (if (regexp-match #rx"^[^/.]*$" (cadr path))
854            (string-append (cadr path) "/main.ss")
855            (if (regexp-match #rx"^[^.]*$" (cadr path))
856                ;; need an extension:
857                (string-append (cadr path) ".ss")
858                (cadr path))))]
859   [else
860    ;; old-style multi-string:
861    (string-append (apply string-append
862                          (map (lambda (s)
863                                 (string-append s "/"))
864                               (cddr path)))
865                   (cadr path))]))
867(define (make-module-name-resolver code-l)
868  (let ([extensions (filter (lambda (m) (extension? (mod-code m))) code-l)])
869    `(module #%resolver '#%kernel
870       (let-values ([(orig) (current-module-name-resolver)]
871                    [(regs) (make-hasheq)]
872                    [(mapping-table) (quote
873                                      ,(map
874                                        (lambda (m)
875                                          `(,(mod-full-name m)
876                                            ,(mod-mappings m)))
877                                        code-l))]
878                    [(library-table) (quote
879                                      ,(filter values
880                                               (map (lambda (m)
881                                                      (let loop ([path (mod-mod-path m)])
882                                                        (cond
883                                                         [(and (pair? path)
884                                                               (eq? 'lib (car path)))
885                                                          (cons (lib-path->string path)
886                                                                (mod-full-name m))]
887                                                         [(and (pair? path)
888                                                               (eq? 'planet (car path)))
889                                                          ;; Normalize planet path
890                                                          (cons (collapse-module-path path current-directory)
891                                                                (mod-full-name m))]
892                                                         [(and (pair? path)
893                                                               (eq? 'submod (car path)))
894                                                          (define m (loop (cadr path)))
895                                                          (and m
896                                                               (cons `(submod ,(car m) ,@(cddr path))
897                                                                     (cdr m)))]
898                                                         [else #f])))
899                                                    code-l)))])
900         (hash-set! regs
901                    (namespace-module-registry (current-namespace))
902                    (vector mapping-table library-table))
903         (letrec-values ([(lookup)
904                          (lambda (name rel-to stx load? for-submod? orig)
905                            (if (not (module-path? name))
906                                ;; Bad input
907                                (orig name rel-to stx load?)
908                                (let-values ([(table-vec) (hash-ref regs (namespace-module-registry (current-namespace)) #f)]
909                                             [(name) (if (pair? name)
910                                                         (if (eq? 'submod (car name))
911                                                             (if (null? (cddr name))
912                                                                 (if (equal? ".." (cadr name))
913                                                                     name
914                                                                     (if (equal? "." (cadr name))
915                                                                         name
916                                                                         (cadr name))) ; strip away `submod' without a submodule path
917                                                                 name)
918                                                             name)
919                                                         name)])
920                                  (if (not table-vec)
921                                      ;; No mappings in this registry
922                                      (orig name rel-to stx load?)
923                                      (let-values ([(mapping-table) (vector-ref table-vec 0)]
924                                                   [(library-table) (vector-ref table-vec 1)])
925                                        ;; Have a relative mapping?
926                                        (let-values ([(a) (if rel-to
927                                                              (let-values ([(v) (assq (resolved-module-path-name rel-to) mapping-table)])
928                                                                (if v
929                                                                    v
930                                                                    ;; It we're loading a module from source, then `rel-to` might not be
931                                                                    ;; our eventual name, but `(current-module-declare-name)` provides
932                                                                    ;; one, so try using that to resolve the module:
933                                                                    (if (current-module-declare-name)
934                                                                        (assq (resolved-module-path-name (current-module-declare-name)) mapping-table)
935                                                                        #f)))
936                                                              #f)]
937                                                     [(ss->rkt)
938                                                      (lambda (s)
939                                                        (regexp-replace #rx"[.]ss$" s ".rkt"))])
940                                          (if a
941                                              (let-values ([(a2) (assoc name (cadr a))])
942                                                (if a2
943                                                    (make-resolved-module-path (cdr a2))
944                                                    ;; No relative mapping found (presumably a lib)
945                                                    (orig name rel-to stx load?)))
946                                              (let-values ([(lname)
947                                                            ;; normalize `lib' to single string (same as lib-path->string):
948                                                            (let-values ([(name)
949                                                                          (let-values ([(name)
950                                                                                        ;; remove submod path; added back at end
951                                                                                        (if (pair? name)
952                                                                                            (if (eq? 'submod (car name))
953                                                                                                (cadr name)
954                                                                                                name)
955                                                                                            name)])
956                                                                            (if (symbol? name)
957                                                                                (list 'lib (symbol->string name))
958                                                                                name))])
959                                                              (if (pair? name)
960                                                                  (if (eq? 'lib (car name))
961                                                                      (if (null? (cddr name))
962                                                                          (if (regexp-match #rx"^[^/]*[.]" (cadr name))
963                                                                              ;; mzlib
964                                                                              (string-append "mzlib/" (ss->rkt (cadr name)))
965                                                                              ;; new-style
966                                                                              (if (regexp-match #rx"^[^/.]*$" (cadr name))
967                                                                                  (string-append (cadr name) "/main.rkt")
968                                                                                  (if (regexp-match #rx"^[^.]*$" (cadr name))
969                                                                                      ;; need an extension:
970                                                                                      (string-append (cadr name) ".rkt")
971                                                                                      (ss->rkt (cadr name)))))
972                                                                          ;; old-style multi-string
973                                                                          (string-append (apply string-append
974                                                                                                (map (lambda (s)
975                                                                                                       (string-append s "/"))
976                                                                                                     (cddr name)))
977                                                                                         (ss->rkt (cadr name))))
978                                                                      (if (eq? 'planet (car name))
979                                                                          (letrec-values ([(split)
980                                                                                           (lambda (s rx extension-after)
981                                                                                             (let-values ([(m) (regexp-match-positions
982                                                                                                                rx
983                                                                                                                s)])
984                                                                                               (if m
985                                                                                                   (cons (substring s 0 (caar m))
986                                                                                                         (split (substring s (cdar m))
987                                                                                                                rx
988                                                                                                                (- extension-after 1)))
989                                                                                                   (list
990                                                                                                    (if (extension-after . <= . 0)
991                                                                                                        (if (regexp-match? #rx"[.]" s)
992                                                                                                            s
993                                                                                                            (string-append s ".rkt"))
994                                                                                                        s)))))]
995                                                                                          [(last-of)
996                                                                                           (lambda (l)
997                                                                                             (if (null? (cdr l))
998                                                                                                 (car l)
999                                                                                                 (last-of (cdr l))))]
1000                                                                                          [(not-last)
1001                                                                                           (lambda (l)
1002                                                                                             (if (null? (cdr l))
1003                                                                                                 null
1004                                                                                                 (cons (car l) (not-last (cdr l)))))])
1005                                                                            (if (null? (cddr name))
1006                                                                                ;; need to normalize:
1007                                                                                (let-values ([(s) (if (symbol? (cadr name))
1008                                                                                                      (symbol->string (cadr name))
1009                                                                                                      (cadr name))])
1010                                                                                  (let-values ([(parts) (split s #rx"/" 2)])
1011                                                                                    (let-values ([(vparts) (split (cadr parts) #rx":" +inf.0)])
1012                                                                                      (cons 'planet
1013                                                                                            (cons (if (null? (cddr parts))
1014                                                                                                      "main.rkt"
1015                                                                                                      (ss->rkt (last-of parts)))
1016                                                                                                  (cons
1017                                                                                                   (cons
1018                                                                                                    (car parts)
1019                                                                                                    (cons (string-append (car vparts)
1020                                                                                                                         ".plt")
1021                                                                                                          (if (null? (cddr parts))
1022                                                                                                              null
1023                                                                                                              ;; FIXME: finish version parse:
1024                                                                                                              (cdddr parts))))
1025                                                                                                   (if (null? (cddr parts))
1026                                                                                                       null
1027                                                                                                       (not-last (cddr parts)))))))))
1028                                                                              ;; already in long form; move subcollects to end:
1029                                                                              (let-values ([(s) (cadr name)])
1030                                                                                (let-values ([(parts) (split s #rx"/" +inf.0)])
1031                                                                                  (if (= 1 (length parts))
1032                                                                                      (list* 'planet
1033                                                                                             (ss->rkt (cadr name))
1034                                                                                             (cddr name))
1035                                                                                      (list* 'planet
1036                                                                                             (ss->rkt (last-of parts))
1037                                                                                             (caddr name)
1038                                                                                             (append
1039                                                                                              (cdddr name)
1040                                                                                              (not-last parts))))))))
1041                                                                          #f))
1042                                                                  #f))]
1043                                                           [(planet-match?)
1044                                                            (lambda (a b)
1045                                                              (if (equal? (cons (car a) (cddr a))
1046                                                                          (cons (car b) (cddr b)))
1047                                                                  (let-values ([(a) (cadr a)]
1048                                                                               [(b) (cadr b)])
1049                                                                    (if (equal? (car a) (car b))
1050                                                                        (if (equal? (cadr a) (cadr b))
1051                                                                            ;; Everything matches up to the version...
1052                                                                            ;; FIXME: check version. (Since the version isn't checked,
1053                                                                            ;; this currently works only when a single version of the
1054                                                                            ;; package is used in the executable.)
1055                                                                            #t
1056                                                                            #f)
1057                                                                        #f))
1058                                                                  #f))]
1059                                                           [(restore-submod) (lambda (lname)
1060                                                                               (if (pair? name)
1061                                                                                   (if (eq? (car name) 'submod)
1062                                                                                       (list* 'submod lname (cddr name))
1063                                                                                       lname)
1064                                                                                   lname))])
1065                                                ;; A library mapping that we have?
1066                                                (let-values ([(a3) (if lname
1067                                                                       (if (string? lname)
1068                                                                           ;; lib
1069                                                                           (assoc (restore-submod lname) library-table)
1070                                                                           ;; planet
1071                                                                           (ormap (lambda (e)
1072                                                                                    (let-values ([(e)
1073                                                                                                  ;; handle submodule matching first:
1074                                                                                                  (if (pair? name)
1075                                                                                                      (if (eq? (car name) 'submod)
1076                                                                                                          (if (pair? (car e))
1077                                                                                                              (if (eq? (caar e) 'submod)
1078                                                                                                                  (if (equal? (cddar e) (cddr name))
1079                                                                                                                      (cons (cadar e) (cdr e))
1080                                                                                                                      #f)
1081                                                                                                                  #f)
1082                                                                                                              #f)
1083                                                                                                          e)
1084                                                                                                      e)])
1085                                                                                      (if e
1086                                                                                          (if (string? (car e))
1087                                                                                              #f
1088                                                                                              (if (planet-match? (cdar e) (cdr lname))
1089                                                                                                  e
1090                                                                                                  #f))
1091                                                                                          #f)))
1092                                                                                  library-table))
1093                                                                       #f)])
1094                                                  (if a3
1095                                                      ;; Have it:
1096                                                      (make-resolved-module-path (cdr a3))
1097                                                      (if (if for-submod?
1098                                                              (if (pair? name)
1099                                                                  (if (eq? (car name) 'quote)
1100                                                                      (assq (cadr name) mapping-table)
1101                                                                      #f)
1102                                                                  #f)
1103                                                              #f)
1104                                                          ;; Report that we have mappings relative to `name`:
1105                                                          (make-resolved-module-path (cadr name))
1106                                                          ;; Let default handler try:
1107                                                          (orig name rel-to stx load?))))))))))))]
1108                         [(embedded-resolver)
1109                          (case-lambda
1110                           [(name from-namespace)
1111                            ;; A notification
1112                            (if from-namespace
1113                              ;; If the source namespace has a mapping for `name',
1114                              ;; then copy it to the current namespace.
1115                              (let-values ([(name) (if name (resolved-module-path-name name) #f)])
1116                                (let-values ([(src-vec) (hash-ref regs (namespace-module-registry from-namespace) #f)])
1117                                  (let-values ([(a) (if src-vec
1118                                                        (assq name (vector-ref src-vec 0))
1119                                                        #f)])
1120                                    (if a
1121                                        (let-values ([(vec) (hash-ref regs (namespace-module-registry (current-namespace))
1122                                                                      (lambda ()
1123                                                                        (let-values ([(vec) (vector null null)])
1124                                                                          (hash-set! regs (namespace-module-registry (current-namespace)) vec)
1125                                                                          vec)))])
1126                                          ;; add mapping:
1127                                          (vector-set! vec 0 (cons a (vector-ref vec 0)))
1128                                          ;; add library mappings:
1129                                          (vector-set! vec 1 (append
1130                                                              (letrec-values ([(loop)
1131                                                                               (lambda (l)
1132                                                                                 (if (null? l)
1133                                                                                     null
1134                                                                                     (if (eq? (cdar l) name)
1135                                                                                         (cons (car l) (loop (cdr l)))
1136                                                                                         (loop (cdr l)))))])
1137                                                                (loop library-table))
1138                                                              (vector-ref vec 1))))
1139                                        (void)))))
1140                              (void))
1141                            (orig name from-namespace)]
1142                           [(name rel-to stx load?)
1143                            (lookup name rel-to stx load? #f
1144                                    (lambda (name rel-to stx load?)
1145                                      ;; For a submodule, if we have a mapping for the base name,
1146                                      ;; then don't try the original handler.
1147                                      (let-values ([(base)
1148                                                    (if (pair? name)
1149                                                        (if (eq? (car name) 'submod)
1150                                                            ;; Pass #t for `for-submod?`, which causes a
1151                                                            ;; resolved module name to be returned for a quoted
1152                                                            ;; module name if we have any relative mappings for it:
1153                                                            (lookup (cadr name) rel-to stx load? #t (lambda (n r s l?) #f))
1154                                                            #f)
1155                                                        #f)])
1156                                        (if base
1157                                            ;; don't chain to `orig'; try `lookup` again with `(submod "." ...)`,
1158                                            ;; and if that still fails, just construct a submodule path:
1159                                            (lookup (cons 'submod (cons "." (cddr name))) base stx load? #f
1160                                                    (lambda (name rel-to stx load?)
1161                                                      (make-resolved-module-path
1162                                                       (cons (resolved-module-path-name base) (cddr name)))))
1163                                            ;; chain to `orig':
1164                                            (orig name rel-to stx load?)))))])])
1165           (current-module-name-resolver embedded-resolver))))))
1167(define (ss<->rkt path mk-full)
1168  (cond
1169   [(path-has-extension? path #".ss")
1170    (ss<->rkt (path-replace-extension path #".rkt") mk-full)]
1171   [(path-has-extension? path #".rkt")
1172    (define full-path (mk-full path))
1173    (if (file-exists? full-path)
1174        full-path
1175        (let ([p2 (mk-full (path-replace-extension path #".ss"))])
1176          (if (file-exists? p2)
1177              p2
1178              full-path)))]
1179   [else (mk-full path)]))
1181;; Write a module bundle that can be loaded with 'load' (do not embed it
1182;; into an executable). The bundle is written to the current output port.
1183(define (do-write-module-bundle outp verbose? modules
1184                                early-literal-expressions config? literal-files literal-expressions
1185                                collects-dest
1186                                on-extension program-name compiler expand-namespace
1187                                src-filter get-extra-imports on-decls-done
1188				embedded-dlls-box)
1189  (let* ([program-name-bytes (if program-name
1190                                 (path->bytes program-name)
1191                                 #"?")]
1192         [module-paths (map cadr modules)]
1193         [use-submoduless (map (lambda (m) (if (pair? (cddr m)) (caddr m) '())) modules)]
1194         [resolve-one-path (lambda (mp)
1195                             (let ([f (resolve-module-path mp #f)])
1196                               (unless f
1197                                 (error 'write-module-bundle "bad module path: ~e" mp))
1198                               (normalize f)))]
1199         [files (map resolve-one-path module-paths)]
1200         [collapse-one (lambda (mp)
1201                         (collapse-module-path mp (build-path (current-directory) "dummy.rkt")))]
1202         [collapsed-mps (map collapse-one module-paths)]
1203         [gen-state (make-generate-file-mod-name-state (or (and (pair? files)
1204                                                                (let-values ([(base name dir) (split-path (car files))])
1205                                                                  base))
1206                                                           (current-directory)))]
1207         [file-mod-names (map (lambda (f m)
1208                                (cons f (let ([p (car m)]
1209                                              [f (strip-submod f)])
1210                                          (cond
1211                                            [(symbol? p) (format "~a~a" p (file-mod-name-base f))]
1212                                            [(eq? p #t) (generate-file-mod-name gen-state f)]
1213                                            [(not p) (file-mod-name-base f)]
1214                                            [else (error
1215                                                   'write-module-bundle
1216                                                   "bad prefix: ~e"
1217                                                   p)]))))
1218                              files modules)]
1219         ;; Each element is created with `make-mod'.
1220         ;; As we descend the module tree, we append to the front after
1221         ;; loading imports, so the list in the right order.
1222         [codes (box null)]
1223         [get-code-at (lambda (f mp submods)
1224                        (get-code f mp #f submods codes file-mod-names verbose? collects-dest
1225                                  on-extension compiler expand-namespace
1226                                  src-filter get-extra-imports
1227                                  (make-hash) gen-state))]
1228         [__
1229          ;; Load all code:
1230          (for-each get-code-at files collapsed-mps use-submoduless)]
1231         [config-infos (if config?
1232                           (let ([a (assoc (car files) (unbox codes))])
1233                             (let ([info (module-compiled-language-info (mod-code a))])
1234                               (and info
1235                                    (let ([get-info ((dynamic-require (vector-ref info 0) (vector-ref info 1))
1236                                                     (vector-ref info 2))])
1237                                      (get-info 'configure-runtime null)))))
1238                           null)])
1239    ;; Add module for runtime configuration:
1240    (when config-infos
1241      (for ([config-info (in-list config-infos)])
1242        (let ([mp (vector-ref config-info 0)])
1243          (get-code-at (resolve-one-path mp)
1244                       (collapse-one mp)
1245                       null))))
1246    ;; Drop elements of `codes' that just record copied libs:
1247    (set-box! codes (filter mod-code (unbox codes)))
1248    ;; Bind `module' to get started:
1249    (write (compile-using-kernel '(namespace-require '(only '#%kernel module))) outp)
1250    ;; Install a module name resolver that redirects
1251    ;; to the embedded modules
1252    (write (make-module-name-resolver (filter mod-code (unbox codes))) outp)
1253    (write (compile-using-kernel '(namespace-require ''#%resolver)) outp)
1254    ;; Write the extension table and copy module code:
1255    (let* ([l (reverse (unbox codes))]
1256           [extensions (filter (lambda (m) (extension? (mod-code m))) l)]
1257           [runtimes (filter (lambda (m) (pair? (mod-runtime-paths m))) l)]
1258           [table-mod
1259            (if (null? runtimes)
1260                #f
1261                (let* ([table-sym (module-path-index-resolve
1262                                   (module-path-index-join '(lib "runtime-path-table.rkt" "racket" "private")
1263                                                           #f))]
1264                       [table-path (resolved-module-path-name table-sym)])
1265                  (assoc (normalize table-path) l)))])
1266      (unless (null? extensions)
1267        ;; The extension table:`
1268        (write
1269         `(module #%extension-table '#%kernel
1270            (#%require '#%utils)
1271            (let-values ([(eXtEnSiOn-modules) ;; this name is magic for the exe->distribution process
1272                          (quote ,(map (lambda (m)
1273                                         (let ([p (extension-path (mod-code m))])
1274                                           (when verbose?
1275                                             (eprintf "Recording extension at ~s\n" p))
1276                                           (list (path->bytes p)
1277                                                 (mod-full-name m)
1278                                                 ;; The program name isn't used. It just helps ensures that
1279                                                 ;; there's plenty of room in the executable for patching
1280                                                 ;; the path later when making a distribution.
1281                                                 program-name-bytes)))
1282                                       extensions))])
1283              (for-each (lambda (pr)
1284                          (current-module-declare-name (make-resolved-module-path (cadr pr)))
1285                          (let-values ([(p) (bytes->path (car pr))])
1286                            (load-extension (if (relative-path? p)
1287                                                (let-values ([(d) (current-directory)])
1288                                                  (current-directory (find-system-path 'orig-dir))
1289                                                  (begin0
1290                                                   (let-values ([(p2) (find-executable-path (find-system-path 'exec-file) p #t)])
1291                                                     (if p2
1292                                                         p2
1293                                                         (path->complete-path p (current-directory))))
1294                                                   (current-directory d)))
1295                                                p))))
1296                        eXtEnSiOn-modules)))
1297         outp)
1298        (write (compile-using-kernel '(namespace-require ''#%extension-table)) outp))
1299      ;; Runtime-path table:
1300      (unless (null? runtimes)
1301        (unless table-mod
1302          (error 'create-embedding-executable "cannot find module for runtime-path table"))
1303        (write (compile-using-kernel
1304                `(current-module-declare-name (make-resolved-module-path
1305                                               ',(mod-full-name table-mod))))
1306               outp)
1307        (write `(module runtime-path-table '#%kernel
1308                  (#%provide table)
1309                  (define-values (table)
1310                    (make-immutable-hash
1311                     (let-values ([(rUnTiMe-paths) ; this is a magic name for exe->distribution process
1312                                   ',(apply append
1313                                            (map (lambda (nc)
1314                                                   (map (lambda (p sym)
1315                                                          (list
1316                                                           (cons (mod-full-name nc)
1317                                                                 (if (path? p)
1318                                                                     (path->bytes p)
1319                                                                     (if (and (pair? p)
1320                                                                              (eq? 'module (car p)))
1321                                                                         (list 'module (let ([p (cadr p)])
1322                                                                                         (if (path? p)
1323                                                                                             `(path ,(encode-link-path p))
1324                                                                                             p)))
1325                                                                         p)))
1326                                                           (let ([p (cond
1327                                                                     [(bytes? p) (bytes->path p)]
1328                                                                     [(so-spec? p)
1329								      (define path (so-find p
1330                                                                                            (cross-system-type 'so-suffix)
1331                                                                                            (get-cross-lib-search-dirs)))
1332								      (cond
1333									[(and path embedded-dlls-box)
1334									 (set-box! embedded-dlls-box (cons path (unbox embedded-dlls-box)))
1335									 ;; Don't record the path in the executable since we'll
1336									 ;; record the whole DLL in the executable
1337									 #f]
1338									[else path])]
1339                                                                     [(share-spec? p) (share-find p)]
1340                                                                     [(and (list? p)
1341                                                                           (eq? 'lib (car p)))
1342                                                                      (let ([p (if (null? (cddr p))
1343                                                                                   (if (regexp-match #rx"^[^/]*[.]" (cadr p))
1344                                                                                       p
1345                                                                                       (let ([s (regexp-split #rx"/" (cadr p))])
1346                                                                                         (if (null? (cdr s))
1347                                                                                             `(lib "main.rkt" ,(cadr p))
1348                                                                                             (let ([s (reverse s)])
1349                                                                                               `(lib ,(car s) ,@(reverse (cdr s)))))))
1350                                                                                   p)])
1351                                                                        (ss<->rkt
1352                                                                         (cadr p)
1353                                                                         (lambda (file)
1354                                                                           (apply collection-file-path
1355                                                                                  file
1356                                                                                  (if (null? (cddr p))
1357                                                                                      (list "mzlib")
1358                                                                                      (cddr p))
1359                                                                                  #:check-compiled? #f))))]
1360                                                                     [(and (list? p)
1361                                                                           (eq? 'module (car p)))
1362                                                                      sym]
1363                                                                     [else p])])
1364                                                             (and p
1365                                                                  (if (symbol? p)
1366                                                                      p
1367                                                                      (path->bytes
1368                                                                       (simplify-path
1369                                                                        (if (absolute-path? p)
1370                                                                            p
1371                                                                            (build-path (path-only (mod-file nc)) p)))))))
1372                                                           ;; As for the extension table, a placeholder to save
1373                                                           ;; room likely needed by the distribution-mangler.
1374                                                           ;; The extra "."s are meant to cover the relative
1375                                                           ;; path (even in Windows format) to runtime files,
1376                                                           ;; and the program name is also part of that path.
1377                                                           (bytes-append (make-bytes 32 (char->integer #\.)) program-name-bytes)))
1378                                                        (mod-runtime-paths nc)
1379                                                        (mod-runtime-module-syms nc)))
1380                                                 runtimes))])
1381                       rUnTiMe-paths))))
1382               outp))
1383      ;; Copy module code:
1384      (for-each
1385       (lambda (nc)
1386         (unless (or (extension? (mod-code nc))
1387                     (eq? nc table-mod))
1388           (when verbose?
1389             (eprintf "Writing module from ~s\n" (mod-file nc)))
1390           (write (compile-using-kernel
1391                   `(current-module-declare-name
1392                     (make-resolved-module-path
1393                      ',(mod-full-name nc))))
1394                  outp)
1395           (if (mod-use-source? nc)
1396               (call-with-input-file* (mod-actual-file nc)
1397                 (lambda (inp)
1398                   (define bstr (port->bytes inp))
1399                   ;; The indirection through `compiler/private/read-bstr` ensures
1400                   ;; that the source module is delimited by an EOF:
1401                   (fprintf outp "#reader compiler/private/read-bstr ~s" bstr)))
1402               (write (mod-code nc) outp))))
1403       l))
1404    (write (compile-using-kernel '(current-module-declare-name #f)) outp)
1405    ;; Remove `module' binding before we start running user code:
1406    (write (compile-using-kernel '(namespace-set-variable-value! 'module #f #t)) outp)
1407    (write (compile-using-kernel '(namespace-undefine-variable! 'module)) outp)
1408    (on-decls-done outp)
1409    (newline outp)
1410    (for-each (lambda (v) (write v outp)) early-literal-expressions)
1411    (when config-infos
1412      (for ([config-info (in-list config-infos)])
1413        (let ([a (assoc (resolve-one-path (vector-ref config-info 0)) (unbox codes))])
1414          (write (compile-using-kernel `((dynamic-require '',(mod-full-name a)
1415                                                          ',(vector-ref config-info 1))
1416                                         ',(vector-ref config-info 2)))
1417                 outp))))
1418    (for-each (lambda (f)
1419                (when verbose?
1420                  (eprintf "Copying from ~s\n" f))
1421                (call-with-input-file* f
1422                  (lambda (i)
1423                    (copy-port i outp))))
1424              literal-files)
1425    (for-each (lambda (v) (write v outp)) literal-expressions)))
1427(define (make-default-compiler expand-namespace)
1428  (lambda (expr)
1429    (parameterize ([current-namespace expand-namespace]
1430                   [current-compile-target-machine (get-compile-target-machine)])
1431      (compile expr))))
1433(define (write-module-bundle #:verbose? [verbose? #f]
1434                             #:modules [modules null]
1435                             #:configure-via-first-module? [config? #f]
1436                             #:literal-files [literal-files null]
1437                             #:early-literal-expressions [early-literal-expressions null]
1438                             #:literal-expressions [literal-expressions null]
1439                             #:on-extension [on-extension #f]
1440                             #:expand-namespace [expand-namespace (current-namespace)]
1441                             #:compiler [compiler (make-default-compiler expand-namespace)]
1442                             #:src-filter [src-filter (lambda (filename) #f)]
1443                             #:get-extra-imports [get-extra-imports (lambda (filename code) null)])
1444  (do-write-module-bundle (current-output-port) verbose? modules
1445                          early-literal-expressions config? literal-files literal-expressions
1446                          #f ; collects-dest
1447                          on-extension
1448                          #f ; program-name
1449                          compiler expand-namespace
1450                          src-filter get-extra-imports
1451                          void
1452			  #f)) ; don't accumulate embedded DLLs
1454(define (cross-compiling?)
1455  (cross-multi-compile? (current-compiled-file-roots)))
1457(define (get-compile-target-machine)
1458  (if (cross-compiling?)
1459      (cross-system-type 'target-machine)
1460      (system-type 'target-machine)))
1463;; The old interface:
1464(define make-embedding-executable
1465  (lambda (dest mred? verbose?
1466                modules
1467                literal-files literal-expression
1468                cmdline
1469                [aux null]
1470                [launcher? #f]
1471                [variant (cross-system-type 'gc)]
1472                [collects-path #f])
1473    (create-embedding-executable dest
1474                                 #:mred? mred?
1475                                 #:verbose? verbose?
1476                                 #:modules modules
1477                                 #:literal-files literal-files
1478                                 #:literal-expression literal-expression
1479                                 #:cmdline cmdline
1480                                 #:aux aux
1481                                 #:launcher? launcher?
1482                                 #:variant variant
1483                                 #:collects-path collects-path)))
1485;; Use `write-module-bundle', but figure out how to put it into an executable
1486(define (create-embedding-executable dest
1487                                     #:mred? [really-mred? #f]
1488                                     #:gracket? [gracket? #f]
1489                                     #:verbose? [verbose? #f]
1490                                     #:modules [modules null]
1491                                     #:configure-via-first-module? [config? #f]
1492                                     #:literal-files [literal-files null]
1493                                     #:early-literal-expressions [early-literal-expressions null]
1494                                     #:literal-expression [literal-expression #f]
1495                                     #:literal-expressions [literal-expressions
1496                                                            (if literal-expression
1497                                                                (list literal-expression)
1498                                                                null)]
1499                                     #:cmdline [cmdline null]
1500                                     #:aux [aux null]
1501                                     #:launcher? [launcher? #f]
1502                                     #:variant [variant (cross-system-type 'gc)]
1503                                     #:collects-path [collects-path #f]
1504                                     #:collects-dest [collects-dest #f]
1505                                     #:on-extension [on-extension #f]
1506                                     #:expand-namespace [expand-namespace (current-namespace)]
1507                                     #:compiler [compiler (make-default-compiler expand-namespace)]
1508                                     #:src-filter [src-filter (lambda (filename) #f)]
1509                                     #:get-extra-imports [get-extra-imports (lambda (filename code) null)])
1510  (define mred? (or really-mred? gracket?))
1511  (define keep-exe? (and launcher?
1512                         (let ([m (assq 'forget-exe? aux)])
1513                           (or (not m)
1514                               (not (cdr m))))))
1515  (define unix-starter? (and (eq? (cross-system-type) 'unix)
1516                             (let ([m (assq 'original-exe? aux)])
1517                               (or (not m)
1518                                   (not (cdr m))))))
1519  (define long-cmdline? #t)
1520  (define relative? (let ([m (assq 'relative? aux)])
1521                      (and m (cdr m))))
1522  (define collects-path-bytes (collects-path->bytes
1523                               ((if (and mred?
1524                                         (eq? 'macosx (cross-system-type)))
1525                                    mac-mred-collects-path-adjust
1526                                    values)
1527                                collects-path)))
1528  (define word-size (if (fixnum? (expt 2 32)) 8 4))
1529  (unless (or long-cmdline?
1530              ((apply +
1531                      (map (lambda (s)
1532                             (+ word-size (bytes-length (string->bytes/utf-8 s))))
1533                           cmdline)) . < . 80))
1534    (error 'create-embedding-executable "command line too long: ~e" cmdline))
1535  (check-collects-path 'create-embedding-executable collects-path collects-path-bytes)
1536  (let ([exe (find-exe #:cross? #t #:untethered? #t mred? variant)])
1537    (when verbose?
1538      (eprintf "Copying to ~s\n" dest))
1539    (let-values ([(dest-exe orig-exe osx?)
1540                  (cond
1541                    [(and mred? (eq? 'macosx (cross-system-type)))
1542                     (values (prepare-macosx-mred exe dest aux variant)
1543                             (mac-dest->executable (find-in-lib "Starter.app")
1544                                                   #t)
1545                             #t)]
1546                    [unix-starter?
1547                     (let ([starter (find-in-lib (if (force exe-suffix?)
1548                                                     "starter.exe"
1549                                                     "starter"))])
1550                       (when (or (file-exists? dest)
1551                                 (directory-exists? dest)
1552                                 (link-exists? dest))
1553                         (delete-file dest))
1554                       (copy-file starter dest)
1555                       (values dest starter #f))]
1556                    [else
1557                     (when (or (file-exists? dest)
1558                               (directory-exists? dest)
1559                               (link-exists? dest))
1560                       ;; Delete-file isn't enough if the target
1561                       ;;  is supposed to be a directory. But
1562                       ;;  currently, that happens only for GRacket
1563                       ;;  on Mac OS, which is handled above.
1564                       (delete-file dest))
1565                     (copy-file exe dest)
1566                     (values dest exe #f)])])
1567      (with-handlers ([void (lambda (x)
1568                              (if osx?
1569                                  (when (directory-exists? dest)
1570                                    (delete-directory/files dest))
1571                                  (when (file-exists? dest)
1572                                    (delete-file dest)))
1573                              (raise x))])
1574        (define old-perms (ensure-writable dest-exe))
1575        (when (and (eq? 'macosx (cross-system-type))
1576                   (not unix-starter?)
1577                   (get-current-framework-path (mac-dest->executable dest mred?) "Racket"))
1578          (remove-signature dest-exe) ;; best to do this before modifying the file in any other way
1579          (let ([m (or (assq 'framework-root aux)
1580                       (and relative? '(framework-root . #f)))])
1581            (if m
1582                (if (cdr m)
1583                    (update-framework-path (cdr m)
1584                                           (mac-dest->executable dest mred?)
1585                                           mred?)
1586                    (when mred?
1587                      ;; adjust relative path, since exe may change directory :
1588                      (define rel (find-relative-path* dest (find-relevant-lib-dir "Racket.framework")))
1589                      (update-framework-path (format "@executable_path/../../../~a"
1590                                                     (path->directory-path rel))
1591                                             (mac-dest->executable dest mred?)
1592                                             #t)))
1593                ;; Check whether we need an absolute path to frameworks:
1594                (let ([dest (mac-dest->executable dest mred?)])
1595                  (when (regexp-match #rx"^@executable_path"
1596                                      (get-current-framework-path dest "Racket"))
1597                    (update-framework-path (string-append
1598                                            (path->string (find-relevant-lib-dir "Racket.framework"))
1599                                            "/")
1600                                           dest
1601                                           mred?))))))
1602	(define embed-dlls? (and (eq? 'windows (cross-system-type))
1603				 (let ([m (assq 'embed-dlls? aux)])
1604				   (and m (cdr m)))))
1605	(define embedded-dlls-box (and embed-dlls? (box null)))
1606        (when (eq? 'windows (cross-system-type))
1607	  (cond
1608	    [embed-dlls?
1609	     (update-dll-dir dest #t)]
1610	    [else
1611	     (let ([m (or (assq 'dll-dir aux)
1612			  (and relative? '(dll-dir . #f)))])
1613	       (if m
1614		   (if (cdr m)
1615		       (update-dll-dir dest (cdr m))
1616		       ;; adjust relative path, since exe directory can change:
1617		       (update-dll-dir dest (find-relative-path* dest (find-cross-dll-dir))))
1618		   ;; Check whether we need an absolute path to DLLs:
1619		   (let ([dir (get-current-dll-dir dest)])
1620		     (when (relative-path? dir)
1621		       (let-values ([(orig-dir name dir?) (split-path
1622							   (path->complete-path orig-exe))])
1623			 (update-dll-dir dest (build-path orig-dir dir)))))))]))
1624        (define (adjust-config-dir)
1625          (let ([m (or (assq 'config-dir aux)
1626                       (and relative? '(config-dir . #f)))]
1627                [dest->executable (lambda (dest)
1628                                    (if osx?
1629                                        (mac-dest->executable dest mred?)
1630                                        dest))])
1631            (define (gui-bin->config rel)
1632              ;; Find the path to config-dir relative to the executable
1633              (define p (find-relative-path* (if keep-exe? orig-exe dest) (find-config-dir)))
1634              (simplify-path
1635               (if (eq? rel 'same)
1636                   p
1637                   (build-path rel p))
1638               #f))
1639            (if m
1640                (if (cdr m)
1641                    (update-config-dir (dest->executable dest) (cdr m))
1642                    (when (and mred? (not keep-exe?))
1643                      (cond
1644                        [osx?
1645                         ;; adjust relative path (since GRacket is likely off by one):
1646                         (update-config-dir (mac-dest->executable dest mred?)
1647                                            (gui-bin->config "../../.."))]
1648                        [(eq? 'windows (cross-system-type))
1649                         ;; adjust relative path (since GRacket is likely off by one):
1650                         (update-config-dir dest (gui-bin->config 'same))]
1651                        [else
1652                         (update-config-dir dest (gui-bin->config 'same))])))
1653                ;; Check whether we need an absolute path to config:
1654                (let ([dir (get-current-config-dir (dest->executable dest))])
1655                  (when (relative-path? dir)
1656                    (let-values ([(orig-dir name dir?) (split-path
1657                                                        (path->complete-path orig-exe))])
1658                      (update-config-dir (dest->executable dest)
1659                                         (build-path orig-dir dir))))))))
1660        (unless unix-starter? ; need to delay adjustment for Unix starter; see below
1661          (adjust-config-dir))
1662        (let ([write-module
1663               (lambda (s)
1664                 (define pos #f)
1665                 (do-write-module-bundle s
1666                                         verbose? modules
1667                                         early-literal-expressions config?
1668                                         literal-files literal-expressions collects-dest
1669                                         on-extension
1670                                         (file-name-from-path dest)
1671                                         compiler
1672                                         expand-namespace
1673                                         src-filter
1674                                         get-extra-imports
1675                                         (lambda (outp) (set! pos (file-position outp)))
1676					 embedded-dlls-box)
1677                 pos)]
1678		  [make-full-cmdline
1679		   (lambda (start decl-end end)
1680		     (let ([start-s (number->string start)]
1681			   [decl-end-s (number->string decl-end)]
1682                           [end-s (number->string end)])
1683		       (append (if launcher?
1684				   (if (and keep-exe?
1685                                            ;; a unix starter uses the same path as it execs
1686                                            (not unix-starter?))
1687				       ;; argv[0] replacement:
1688				       (list (path->string
1689					      (if relative?
1690						  (relativize exe dest-exe values)
1691						  exe)))
1692				       ;; No argv[0]:
1693				       null)
1694				   (list "-k" start-s decl-end-s end-s))
1695			       cmdline)))]
1696		  [make-starter-cmdline
1697		   (lambda (full-cmdline)
1698		     (apply bytes-append
1699			    (map (lambda (s)
1700				   (bytes-append
1701				    (cond
1702				     [(path? s) (path->bytes s)]
1703				     [else (string->bytes/locale s)])
1704				    #"\0"))
1705				 (append
1706				  (list (if relative?
1707					    (relativize exe dest-exe values)
1708					    exe)
1709					(let ([dir (find-cross-dll-dir)])
1710					  (if dir
1711					      (if relative?
1712						  (relativize dir dest-exe values)
1713						  dir)
1714					      "")))
1715				  full-cmdline))))]
1716              [write-cmdline
1717               (lambda (full-cmdline out)
1718                 (for-each
1719                  (lambda (s)
1720                    (fprintf out "~a~a~c"
1721                             (integer->integer-bytes
1722                              (add1 (bytes-length (string->bytes/utf-8 s)) )
1723                              4 #t #f)
1724                             s
1725                             #\000))
1726                  full-cmdline)
1727                 (display "\0\0\0\0" out))])
1728          (let-values ([(start decl-end end cmdline-end)
1729                        (cond
1730                         [(eq? (cross-system-type) 'windows)
1731                          ;; Add as a resource
1732                          (define o (open-output-bytes))
1733                          (define decl-len (write-module o))
1734                          (define init-len (bytes-length (get-output-bytes o)))
1735                          (write-cmdline (make-full-cmdline 0 decl-len init-len) o)
1736                          (define bstr (get-output-bytes o))
1737                          (define cmdline-len (- (bytes-length bstr) init-len))
1738                          (define-values (pe rsrcs) (call-with-input-file*
1739                                                     dest-exe
1740                                                     read-pe+resources))
1741                          (define new-rsrcs (resource-set rsrcs
1742                                                          ;; Racket's "user-defined" type for excutable
1743                                                          ;; plus command line:
1744                                                          257
1745                                                          1
1746                                                          1033 ; U.S. English
1747                                                          bstr))
1748                          (define new+dll-rsrcs
1749			    (if embed-dlls?
1750				(resource-set new-rsrcs
1751					      ;; Racket's "user-defined" type for embedded DLLs:
1752					      258
1753					      1
1754					      1033 ; U.S. English
1755					      (pack-embedded-dlls
1756					       (append
1757						(get-racket-dlls
1758						 (list
1759						  (case (cross-system-type 'gc)
1760						    [(3m) (if mred? 'gracket3m 'racket3m)]
1761						    [(cgc) (if mred? 'gracketcgc 'racketcgc)]
1762						    [(cs) (if mred? 'gracketcs 'racketcs)])))
1763						(unbox embedded-dlls-box))))
1764				new-rsrcs))
1765			  (update-resources dest-exe pe new+dll-rsrcs)
1766                          (values 0 decl-len init-len (+ init-len cmdline-len))]
1767                         [(memq (cross-system-type 'os*) '(macosx darwin))
1768                          ;; For Mach-O, we know how to add a proper segment
1769                          (remove-signature dest-exe) ; may be needed in 'darwin mode
1770                          (define s (open-output-bytes))
1771                          (define decl-len (write-module s))
1772                          (let* ([s (get-output-bytes s)]
1773                                 [cl (let ([o (open-output-bytes)])
1774                                       ;; position is relative to __PLTSCHEME:
1775                                       (let ([cmdline (make-full-cmdline 0 decl-len (bytes-length s))])
1776                                         (cond
1777                                           [unix-starter? (display (make-starter-cmdline cmdline) o)]
1778                                           [else (write-cmdline cmdline o)]))
1779                                       (get-output-bytes o))])
1780                            (let ([start (add-plt-segment
1781                                          dest-exe
1782                                          (bytes-append
1783                                           s
1784                                           cl))])
1785                              (let ([start 0]) ; i.e., relative to __PLTSCHEME
1786                                (values start
1787                                        (+ start decl-len)
1788                                        (+ start (bytes-length s))
1789                                        (+ start (bytes-length s) (bytes-length cl))))))]
1790                         [else
1791                          ;; Unix starter or direct embedding: Maybe ELF, in which case we
1792                          ;; can add a proper section
1793                          (define-values (s e dl p)
1794                            (add-racket-section
1795                             orig-exe
1796                             dest-exe
1797                             #".rackprog"
1798                             (lambda (start)
1799                               (let ([s (open-output-bytes)])
1800                                 (define decl-len (write-module s))
1801                                 (let ([p (file-position s)])
1802				   (let ([cmdline (make-full-cmdline 0 decl-len p)])
1803				     (cond
1804				      [unix-starter? (display (make-starter-cmdline cmdline) s)]
1805				      [else (write-cmdline cmdline s)]))
1806                                   (values (get-output-bytes s) decl-len p))))))
1807                          (if (and s e)
1808                             ;; ELF succeeded, so make values relative to start:
1809                             (values 0 dl p (- e s))
1810                             ;; Otherwise, just add to the end of the file:
1811                             (let ([start (file-size dest-exe)])
1812                               (define decl-end
1813                                 (call-with-output-file* dest-exe write-module
1814                                                         #:exists 'append))
1815                               (values start decl-end (file-size dest-exe) #f)))])])
1816            (when unix-starter?
1817              (adjust-config-dir))
1818            (when verbose?
1819              (eprintf "Setting command line\n"))
1820            (let ()
1821              (let ([full-cmdline (make-full-cmdline start decl-end end)])
1822                (cond
1823                 [collects-path-bytes
1824                  (when verbose?
1825                    (eprintf "Setting collection path\n"))
1826                  (set-collects-path dest-exe collects-path-bytes)]
1827                 [(and mred? (not keep-exe?))
1828                  (cond
1829                   [osx?
1830                    ;; default path in `gracket' is off by one:
1831                    (set-collects-path dest-exe (path->bytes
1832						 (build-path 'up 'up 'up
1833                                                             (find-relative-path* dest (find-collects-dir)))))]
1834                   [(eq? 'windows (cross-system-type))
1835                    ;; off by one in this case, too:
1836                    (set-collects-path dest-exe (path->bytes
1837                                                 (find-relative-path* dest (find-collects-dir))))])])
1838                (cond
1839                  [unix-starter?
1840                   (let ([numpos (with-input-from-file dest-exe
1841                                   (lambda () (find-cmdline
1842                                               "configuration"
1843                                               #"cOnFiG:")))]
1844                         [typepos (and (or mred? (or (eq? variant '3m)
1845                                                     (eq? variant 'cs)))
1846                                       (with-input-from-file dest-exe
1847                                         (lambda () (find-cmdline
1848                                                     "exeuctable type"
1849                                                     #"bINARy tYPe:"))))]
1850                         [cmdline (if cmdline-end
1851                                      #f
1852                                      (make-starter-cmdline full-cmdline))]
1853                         [out (open-output-file dest-exe #:exists 'update)])
1854                     (let ([old-cmdline-end cmdline-end]
1855                           [cmdline-end (or cmdline-end (+ end (bytes-length cmdline)))]
1856                           [write-num (lambda (n)
1857                                        (write-bytes (integer->integer-bytes n 4 #t #f) out))])
1858                       (dynamic-wind
1859                        void
1860                        (lambda ()
1861                          (when typepos
1862                            (when mred?
1863                              (file-position out (+ typepos 13))
1864                              (write-bytes #"r" out))
1865                            (when (eq? variant '3m)
1866                              (file-position out (+ typepos 15))
1867                              (write-bytes #"3" out))
1868                            (when (eq? variant 'cs)
1869                              (file-position out (+ typepos 15))
1870                              (write-bytes #"s" out))
1871                            (flush-output out))
1872                          (file-position out (+ numpos 7))
1873                          (write-bytes (if keep-exe? #"*" #"!") out)
1874                          (write-num start)
1875                          (write-num decl-end)
1876                          (write-num end)
1877                          (write-num cmdline-end)
1878                          (write-num (length full-cmdline))
1879                          (write-num (if mred? 1 0))
1880                          (flush-output out)
1881                          (unless old-cmdline-end
1882                            (file-position out end)
1883                            (write-bytes cmdline out)
1884                            (flush-output out)))
1885                        (lambda ()
1886                          (close-output-port out)))))]
1887                  [else
1888                   (let ([cmdpos (with-input-from-file dest-exe
1889                                   (lambda () (find-cmdline
1890                                               "cmdline"
1891                                               #"\\[Replace me for EXE hack")))]
1892                         [anotherpos (and mred?
1893                                          (eq? 'windows (cross-system-type))
1894                                          (let ([m (assq 'single-instance? aux)])
1895                                            (and m (not (cdr m))))
1896                                          (with-input-from-file dest-exe
1897                                            (lambda () (find-cmdline
1898                                                        "instance-check"
1899                                                        #"yes, please check for another"))))]
1900                         [out (open-output-file dest-exe #:exists 'update)]
1901                         [cmdline-done? cmdline-end])
1902                     (dynamic-wind
1903                      void
1904                      (lambda ()
1905                        (when anotherpos
1906                          (file-position out anotherpos)
1907                          (write-bytes #"no," out))
1908                        (if long-cmdline?
1909                            ;; write cmdline at end:
1910                            (unless cmdline-done?
1911                              (file-position out end))
1912                            (begin
1913                              ;; write (short) cmdline in the normal position:
1914                              (file-position out cmdpos)
1915                              (display "!" out)))
1916                        (unless cmdline-done?
1917                          (write-cmdline full-cmdline out))
1918                        (when long-cmdline?
1919                          ;; cmdline written at the end, in a resource, etc.;
1920                          ;; now put forwarding information at the normal cmdline pos
1921                          (let ([new-end (or cmdline-end
1922                                             (file-position out))])
1923                            (file-position out cmdpos)
1924                            (fprintf out "~a...~a~a"
1925                                     (if keep-exe? "*" "?")
1926                                     (integer->integer-bytes end 4 #t #f)
1927                                     (integer->integer-bytes (- new-end end) 4 #t #f)))))
1928                      (lambda ()
1929                        (close-output-port out)))
1930                     (let ([m (and (eq? 'windows (cross-system-type))
1931                                   (assq 'ico aux))])
1932                       (when m
1933                         (replace-all-icos (read-icos (cdr m)) dest-exe)))
1934                     (let ([m (and (eq? 'windows (cross-system-type))
1935                                   (assq 'subsystem aux))])
1936                       (when m
1937                         (set-subsystem dest-exe (cdr m)))))]))))
1938          (when (memq (cross-system-type 'os*) '(macosx darwin))
1939            (add-ad-hoc-signature dest-exe))
1940          (done-writable dest-exe old-perms))))))
1942;; For Mac OS GRacket, the actual executable is deep inside the
1943;;  nominal executable bundle
1944(define (mac-mred-collects-path-adjust p)
1945  (cond
1946    [(not p) #f]
1947    [(list? p) (map mac-mred-collects-path-adjust p)]
1948    [(relative-path? p) (build-path 'up 'up 'up p)]
1949    [else p]))
1951(define (find-relative-path* wrt-exe p)
1952  (define-values (wrt base name) (split-path (path->complete-path wrt-exe)))
1953  (find-relative-path (simplify-path wrt) (simplify-path p)))
1955;; To embed DLLs in the executable as resource ID 258:
1956(define (pack-embedded-dlls name-or-paths)
1957  (define bstrs (for/list ([p (in-list name-or-paths)])
1958		  (file->bytes (if (string? p)
1959				   (search-dll p)
1960				   p))))
1961  (define names (for/list ([p (in-list name-or-paths)])
1962		  (if (string? p)
1963		      p
1964		      (let-values ([(base name dir) (split-path p)])
1965			(path-element->string name)))))
1966  (define start-pos (+ 4 ; count
1967		       ;; name array:
1968		       (for/sum ([p (in-list names)])
1969			 (+ 2 (bytes-length (string->bytes/utf-8 p))))
1970		       ;; starting-position array:
1971		       (* 4 (add1 (length names)))))
1972  (define-values (rev-offsets total)
1973    (for/fold ([rev-offsets null] [total start-pos]) ([bstr (in-list bstrs)])
1974      (values (cons total rev-offsets)
1975	      (+ total (bytes-length bstr)))))
1976  (apply
1977   bytes-append
1978   (integer->integer-bytes (length names) 4 #t #f)
1979   (append
1980    (for/list ([p (in-list names)])
1981      (define bstr (string->bytes/utf-8 p))
1982      (bytes-append (integer->integer-bytes (bytes-length bstr) 2 #t #f) bstr))
1983    (for/list ([offset (in-list (reverse rev-offsets))])
1984      (integer->integer-bytes offset 4 #t #f))
1985    (list (integer->integer-bytes total 4 #t #f))
1986    bstrs)))