1#lang racket/base
2(require racket/fixnum)
4;; Unsafe mode can be worth a factor of 2 to 4
5;; on byte-string encoding/decoding:
6(#%declare #:unsafe)
8(provide base64-encode-stream
9         base64-decode-stream
10         base64-encode
11         base64-decode)
13(define ranges '([#"AZ" 0] [#"az" 26] [#"09" 52] [#"++" 62] [#"//" 63]))
15(define-values (base64-digit digit-base64)
16  (let ([bd (make-vector 256 #f)] [db (make-vector 64 #f)])
17    (for ([r ranges] #:when #t
18          [i (in-range (bytes-ref (car r) 0) (add1 (bytes-ref (car r) 1)))]
19          [n (in-naturals (cadr r))])
20      (vector-set! bd i n)
21      (vector-set! db n i))
22    (values (vector->immutable-vector bd) (vector->immutable-vector db))))
24(define (base64-decode-stream in out)
25  (unless (input-port? in) (raise-argument-error 'base64-decode-stream "input-port?" in))
26  (unless (output-port? out) (raise-argument-error 'base64-decode-stream "output-port?" out))
27  (let loop ([data 0] [bits 0])
28    (cond
29      [(bits . fx>= . 8)
30       (let ([bits (fx- bits 8)])
31         (write-byte (fxrshift data bits) out)
32         (loop (fxand data (fx- (fxlshift 1 bits) 1)) bits))]
33      [else
34       (define c (read-byte in))
35       (unless (or (eof-object? c) (fx= c (char->integer #\=)))
36         (let ([v (vector*-ref base64-digit c)])
37           (if v
38               (loop (fx+ (fxlshift data 6) v) (fx+ bits 6))
39               (loop data bits))))])))
41(define (base64-encode-stream in out [linesep #"\n"])
42  (unless (input-port? in) (raise-argument-error 'base64-encode-stream "input-port?" in))
43  (unless (output-port? out) (raise-argument-error 'base64-encode-stream "output-port?" out))
44  ;; Each set of three input bytes turns into four output bytes.
45  ;; It might be nice to actually write the bytes as a 4-byte string,
46  ;; but this way preserves fine-grained streaming.
47  (define (o! c) (write-byte (vector*-ref digit-base64 c) out))
48  (define (fill!) (write-byte (char->integer #\=) out))
49  (define (line!) (display linesep out))
50  (let loop ([width 0])
51    (define b1 (read-byte in))
52    (cond
53      [(eof-object? b1)
54       (unless (eqv? width 0)
55         (line!))]
56      [else
57       (o! (fxrshift b1 2))
58       (define b2 (read-byte in))
59       (cond
60         [(eof-object? b2)
61          (o! (fxlshift (fxand b1 #b11) 4))
62          (fill!)
63          (fill!)
64          (line!)]
65         [else
66          (o! (fxior (fxlshift (fxand b1 #b11) 4)
67                     (fxrshift b2 4)))
68          (define b3 (read-byte in))
69          (cond
70            [(eof-object? b3)
71             (o! (fxlshift (fxand b2 #b1111) 2))
72             (fill!)
73             (line!)]
74            [else
75             (o! (fxior (fxlshift (fxand b2 #b1111) 2)
76                              (fxrshift b3 6)))
77             (o! (fxand b3 #b111111))
78             (let ([width (if (eqv? width 68)
79                              (begin
80                                (display linesep out)
81                                0)
82                              (fx+ width 4))])
83               (loop width))])])])))
85;; ----------------------------------------
87(define (base64-decode src)
88  (unless (bytes? src) (raise-argument-error 'base64-decode "bytes?" src))
89  ;; Loop through bytes to handle non-encoding characters and stop at `=`
90  (define-values (src-len in-len)
91    (let loop ([i 0] [len 0])
92      (cond
93        [(fx= i (bytes-length src)) (values i len)]
94        [else
95         (define c (bytes-ref src i))
96         (cond
97           [(fx= c (char->integer #\=)) (values i len)]
98           [(vector*-ref base64-digit c) (loop (fx+ i 1) (fx+ len 1))]
99           [else (loop (fx+ i 1) len)])])))
100  (define out-len (fx+ (fx* (fxrshift in-len 2) 3)
101                       (fxmax 0 (fx- (fxand in-len 3) 1))))
102  (define out (make-bytes out-len))
103  (let loop1 ([i 0] [j 0])
104    (unless (fx= i src-len)
105      (define c1 (bytes-ref src i))
106      (let ([v1 (vector*-ref base64-digit c1)]
107            [i (fx+ i 1)])
108        (cond
109          [(not v1) (loop1 i j)]
110          [else
111           (let loop2 ([i i] [j j])
112             (unless (fx= i src-len)
113               (define c2 (bytes-ref src i))
114               (let ([v2 (vector*-ref base64-digit c2)]
115                     [i (fx+ i 1)])
116                 (cond
117                   [(not v2) (loop2 i j)]
118                   [else
119                    (bytes-set! out j (fxior (fxlshift v1 2)
120                                             (fxrshift v2 4)))
121                    (let loop3 ([i i] [j (fx+ j 1)])
122                      (unless (fx= i src-len)
123                        (define c3 (bytes-ref src i))
124                        (let ([v3 (vector*-ref base64-digit c3)]
125                              [i (fx+ i 1)])
126                          (cond
127                            [(not v3) (loop3 i j)]
128                            [else
129                             (bytes-set! out j (fxior (fxlshift (fxand v2 #b1111) 4)
130                                                      (fxrshift v3 2)))
131                             (let loop4 ([i i] [j (fx+ j 1)])
132                               (unless (fx= i src-len)
133                                 (define c4 (bytes-ref src i))
134                                 (let ([v4 (vector*-ref base64-digit c4)]
135                                       [i (fx+ i 1)])
136                                   (cond
137                                     [(not v4) (loop4 i j)]
138                                     [else
139                                      (bytes-set! out j (fxior (fxlshift (fxand v3 #b11) 6)
140                                                               v4))
141                                      (loop1 i (fx+ j 1))]))))]))))]))))]))))
142  out)
144(define (base64-encode src [linesep #"\r\n"])
145  (unless (bytes? src) (raise-argument-error 'base64-encode "bytes?" src))
146  (cond
147    [(and (bytes? src) (bytes? linesep))
148     (define in-len (bytes-length src))
149     (cond
150       [(eqv? 0 in-len) #""]
151       [else
152        (define out-payload-len (fx* (fxquotient (fx+ in-len 2) 3) 4))
153        (define out-len (fx+ out-payload-len
154                             (fx* (fxquotient (fx+ out-payload-len 71) 72)
155                                  (bytes-length linesep))))
156        (define out (make-bytes out-len (char->integer #\=)))
157        (define (out! j c) (bytes-set! out j (vector*-ref digit-base64 c)))
158        (let loop ([i 0] [j 0] [width 0])
159          (cond
160            [((fx+ i 3) . fx<= . in-len)
161             (define b1 (bytes-ref src i))
162             (define b2 (bytes-ref src (fx+ i 1)))
163             (define b3 (bytes-ref src (fx+ i 2)))
164             (out! j (fxrshift b1 2))
165             (out! (fx+ j 1) (fxior (fxlshift (fxand b1 #b11) 4)
166                                    (fxrshift b2 4)))
167             (out! (fx+ j 2) (fxior (fxlshift (fxand b2 #b1111) 2)
168                                    (fxrshift b3 6)))
169             (out! (fx+ j 3) (fxand b3 #b111111))
170             (let ([width (fx+ width 4)]
171                   [i (fx+ i 3)]
172                   [j (fx+ j 4)])
173               (cond
174                 [(and (eqv? width 72)
175                       (i . fx< . in-len))
176                  (bytes-copy! out j linesep)
177                  (loop i (fx+ j (bytes-length linesep)) 0)]
178                 [else
179                  (loop i j width)]))]
180            [((fx+ i 2) . fx<= . in-len)
181             (define b1 (bytes-ref src i))
182             (define b2 (bytes-ref src (fx+ i 1)))
183             (out! j (fxrshift b1 2))
184             (out! (fx+ j 1) (fxior (fxlshift (fxand b1 #b11) 4)
185                                  (fxrshift b2 4)))
186             (out! (fx+ j 2) (fxlshift (fxand b2 #b1111) 2))
187             (bytes-copy! out (fx+ j 4) linesep)]
188            [((fx+ i 1) . fx<= . in-len)
189             (define b1 (bytes-ref src i))
190             (out! j (fxrshift b1 2))
191             (out! (fx+ j 1) (fxlshift (fxand b1 #b11) 4))
192             (bytes-copy! out (fx+ j 4) linesep)]
193            [else
194             (bytes-copy! out j linesep)]))
195        out])]
196    [else
197     (let ([s (open-output-bytes)])
198       (base64-encode-stream (open-input-bytes src) s linesep)
199       (get-output-bytes s))]))