1#lang racket/base
3(module trace-et-al racket/base
4  (require racket/pretty
5           (for-syntax racket/base))
7  (provide trace untrace
8           current-trace-print-results
9           current-trace-print-args
10           trace-call
11           current-trace-notify
12           current-prefix-out current-prefix-in)
14  (define max-dash-space-depth 10)
15  (define number-nesting-depth 6)
16  (define current-prefix-out (make-parameter "<" #f 'current-prefix-out))
17  (define current-prefix-in (make-parameter ">" #f 'current-prefix-in))
19  (define (as-spaces s)
20    (make-string (string-length s) #\space))
22  (define-struct prefix-entry (for-first for-rest))
24  (define prefixes (make-hash))
26  (define (lookup-prefix n label)
27    (hash-ref prefixes (cons n label) (lambda () #f)))
29  (define (insert-prefix n label first rest)
30    (hash-set! prefixes (cons n label) (make-prefix-entry first rest)))
32  (define (construct-prefixes level label)
33    (let loop ([n level]
34              [first (list label)]
35              [rest '(" ")])
36      (if (>= n max-dash-space-depth)
37        (let-values ([(pre-first pre-rest)
38                      (build-prefixes number-nesting-depth label)])
39          (let ((s (number->string level)))
40            (values
41              (string-append pre-first "[" s "] ")
42              (string-append pre-rest " " (as-spaces s) " "))))
43        (cond
44          [(= n 0) (values (apply string-append (reverse first))
45                          (apply string-append (reverse rest)))]
46          [(= n 1) (loop (- n 1)
47                        (cons '" " first)
48                        (cons '" " rest))]
49          [else (loop (- n 2)
50                      (cons (format " ~a" label) first)
51                      (cons "  " rest))]))))
53  (define (build-prefixes level label)
54    (let ([p (lookup-prefix level label)])
55      (if p
56        (values (prefix-entry-for-first p)
57                (prefix-entry-for-rest p))
58        (let-values (((first rest)
59                      (construct-prefixes level label)))
60          (insert-prefix level label first rest)
61          (values first rest)))))
63  (define current-trace-notify
64    (make-parameter (lambda (s)
65                      (display s)
66                      (newline))
67                    (lambda (p)
68                      (unless (and (procedure? p)
69                                  (procedure-arity-includes? p 1))
70                        (raise-argument-error 'current-trace-notify
71                                              "(any/c . -> . any)"
72                                              p))
73                      p)
74                    'current-trace-notify))
76  (define (as-trace-notify thunk)
77    (let ([p (open-output-bytes)])
78      (parameterize ([current-output-port p])
79        (thunk))
80      (let ([b (get-output-bytes p #t 0
81                                ;; drop newline:
82                                (sub1 (file-position p)))])
83        ((current-trace-notify) (bytes->string/utf-8 b)))))
85  (define -:trace-print-args
86    (lambda (name args kws kw-vals level)
87      (as-trace-notify
88        (lambda ()
89          ((current-trace-print-args) name args kws kw-vals level)))))
91  (struct plain (val)
92          #:property prop:custom-write (lambda (p port mode)
93                                        (write (plain-val p) port)))
95  (define current-trace-print-args
96    (make-parameter
97      (lambda (name args kws kw-vals level)
98        (let-values (((first rest)
99                      (build-prefixes level (current-prefix-in))))
100          (parameterize ((pretty-print-print-line
101                          (lambda (n port offset width)
102                            (display
103                              (if n
104                                (if (zero? n) first (format "\n~a" rest))
105                                "\n")
106                              port)
107                            (if n
108                              (if (zero? n)
109                                (string-length first)
110                                (string-length rest))
111                              0))))
112            ;; Printing the function call in a way that adapts to
113            ;; different value printing --- currently a hack
114            (cond
115              [(print-as-expression)
116              ;; In expression mode, represent a function call as a
117              ;; transparent structure, so that it prints as a constructor
118              ;; application. Also, protect keywords for keyword arguments
119              ;; so that they print without quoting.
120              (let ([args (append args
121                                  (apply append (map (lambda (kw val)
122                                                        (list (plain kw) val))
123                                                      kws
124                                                      kw-vals)))])
125                (let-values ([(struct: make- ? -ref -set!)
126                              (make-struct-type name #f
127                                                (length args) 0 #f
128                                                null #f #f null #f
129                                                name)])
130                  (pretty-print (apply make- args))))]
131              [else
132                ;; In non-expression mode, just use `write':
133                (pretty-write (append (cons name args)
134                                      (apply append (map list kws kw-vals))))]))))
135      #f
136      'current-trace-print-args))
138  (define -:trace-print-results
139    (lambda (name results level)
140      (as-trace-notify
141        (lambda ()
142          ((current-trace-print-results) name results level)))))
144  (define current-trace-print-results
145    (make-parameter
146      (lambda (name results level)
147        (let-values (((first rest)
148                      (build-prefixes level (current-prefix-out))))
149          (parameterize ((pretty-print-print-line
150                          (lambda (n port offset width)
151                            (display
152                              (if n
153                                (if (zero? n) first (format "\n~a" rest))
154                                "\n")
155                              port)
156                            (if n
157                              (if (zero? n)
158                                (string-length first)
159                                (string-length rest))
160                              0))))
161            (cond
162              ((null? results)
163              (pretty-display "*** no values ***"))
164              ((null? (cdr results))
165              (pretty-print (car results)))
166              (else
167                (pretty-print (car results))
168                (parameterize ((pretty-print-print-line
169                                (lambda (n port offset width)
170                                  (display
171                                    (if n
172                                      (if (zero? n) rest (format "\n~a" rest))
173                                      "\n")
174                                    port)
175                                  (if n
176                                    (string-length rest)
177                                    0))))
178                  (for-each pretty-print (cdr results))))))))))
181  ;; A traced-proc struct instance acts like a procedure,
182  ;;  but preserves the original, too.
183  (define-values (struct:traced-proc make-traced-proc traced-proc? traced-proc-ref traced-proc-set!)
184    (make-struct-type 'traced-proc #f 2 0 #f
185                      (list (cons prop:procedure 0))
186                      (current-inspector) #f (list 0 1)))
188  ;; Install traced versions of a given set of procedures.  The traced
189  ;;  versions are also given, so that they can be constructed to have
190  ;;  a nice name.
191  (define (do-trace ids procs setters traced-procs)
192    (for-each (lambda (id proc)
193                (unless (procedure? proc)
194                  (error 'trace
195                        "the value of ~s is not a procedure: ~e" id proc)))
196              ids procs)
197    (for-each (lambda (proc setter traced-proc)
198                (unless (traced-proc? proc)
199                  (setter (make-traced-proc
200                            (let-values ([(a) (procedure-arity proc)]
201                                        [(req allowed) (procedure-keywords proc)])
202                              (procedure-reduce-keyword-arity traced-proc
203                                                              a
204                                                              req
205                                                              allowed))
206                            proc))))
207              procs setters traced-procs))
209  ;; Key used for a continuation mark to indicate
210  ;;  the nesting depth:
211  (define -:trace-level-key (gensym))
213  (define trace-call
214    (make-keyword-procedure
215      (lambda (id f kws vals . args)
216        (do-traced id args kws vals f))
217      (lambda (id f . args)
218        (do-traced id args '() '() f))))
220  ;; Apply a traced procedure to arguments, printing arguments
221  ;; and results. We set and inspect the -:trace-level-key continuation
222  ;; mark a few times to detect tail calls.
223  (define (do-traced id args kws kw-vals real-value)
224    (let* ([levels (continuation-mark-set->list
225                    (current-continuation-marks)
226                    -:trace-level-key)]
227          [level (if (null? levels) 0 (car levels))])
228      ;; Tentatively push the new depth level:
229      (with-continuation-mark -:trace-level-key (add1 level)
230                              ;; Check for tail-call => car of levels replaced,
231                              ;;  which means that the first two new marks are
232                              ;;  not consecutive:
233                              (let ([new-levels (continuation-mark-set->list
234                                                  (current-continuation-marks)
235                                                  -:trace-level-key)])
236                                (if (and (pair? (cdr new-levels))
237                                        (> (car new-levels) (add1 (cadr new-levels))))
238                                  ;; Tail call: reset level and just call real-value.
239                                  ;;  (This is in tail position to the call to `do-traced'.)
240                                  ;;  We don't print the results, because the original
241                                  ;;  call will.
242                                  (begin
243                                    (-:trace-print-args id args kws kw-vals (sub1 level))
244                                    (with-continuation-mark -:trace-level-key (car levels)
245                                                            (if (null? kws)
246                                                              (apply real-value args)
247                                                              (keyword-apply real-value kws kw-vals args))))
248                                  ;; Not a tail call; push the old level, again, to ensure
249                                  ;;  that when we push the new level, we have consecutive
250                                  ;;  levels associated with the mark (i.e., set up for
251                                  ;;  tail-call detection the next time around):
252                                  (begin
253                                    (-:trace-print-args id args kws kw-vals level)
254                                    (with-continuation-mark -:trace-level-key level
255                                                            (call-with-values
256                                                              (lambda ()
257                                                                (with-continuation-mark -:trace-level-key (add1 level)
258                                                                                        (if (null? kws)
259                                                                                          (apply real-value args)
260                                                                                          (keyword-apply real-value kws kw-vals args))))
261                                                              (lambda results
262                                                                (flush-output)
263                                                                ;; Print the results:
264                                                                (-:trace-print-results id results level)
265                                                                ;; Return the results:
266                                                                (apply values results))))))))))
268  (define-for-syntax (check-ids stx ids)
269                    (for ([id (in-list (syntax->list ids))])
270                      (unless (identifier? id)
271                        (raise-syntax-error #f "not an identifier" stx id)))
272                    #t)
274  (define-syntax (trace stx)
275    (syntax-case stx ()
276      [(_ id ...) (check-ids stx #'(id ...))
277                  (with-syntax ([(tid ...)
278                                (for/list ([id (in-list (syntax->list #'(id ...)))])
279                                  (let ([tid (format "traced-~a" (syntax-e id))])
280                                    (datum->syntax id (string->symbol tid) #f)))]
281                                [(kw-proc ...)
282                                 (for/list ([id (in-list (syntax->list #'(id ...)))])
283                                   (quasisyntax/loc id
284                                     (lambda (kws vals . args)
285                                       (do-traced '#,id args kws vals real-value))))]
286                                [(plain-proc ...)
287                                 (for/list ([id (in-list (syntax->list #'(id ...)))])
288                                   (quasisyntax/loc id
289                                     (lambda args
290                                       (do-traced '#,id args null null real-value))))])
291                    #`(do-trace
292                       '(id ...)
293                       (list id ...)
294                       (list (lambda (v) (set! id v)) ...)
295                       (list (let* ([real-value id]
296                                    [tid (make-keyword-procedure kw-proc plain-proc)])
297                               tid)
298                             ...)))]))
300  (define-syntax (untrace stx)
301    (syntax-case stx ()
302      [(_ id ...) (check-ids stx #'(id ...))
303                  #'(begin (when (traced-proc? id)
304                            (set! id (traced-proc-ref id 1)))
305                          ...)])))
307(module chez-like racket/base
308  (require
309    (only-in (submod ".." trace-et-al) trace)
310    (for-syntax
311      racket/base
312      syntax/define
313      syntax/name
314      syntax/parse
315      (only-in (submod ".." trace-et-al) trace)))
317  (provide trace-define trace-lambda trace-let trace-define-syntax)
319  (define-syntax (trace-define stx)
320    (syntax-case stx ()
321      [(_ e ...)
322      (let-values ([(name def) (normalize-definition stx #'lambda)])
323        #`(begin #,(quasisyntax/loc stx (define #,name #,def)) (trace #,name)))]))
325  (define-syntax trace-let
326    (syntax-rules ()
327      [(_ name ([x* e*] ...) body ...)
328      ((letrec ([name (lambda (x* ...) body ...)]) (trace name) name)
329        e* ...)]))
331  (define-syntax (trace-lambda stx)
332    (define (infer-name-or-error)
333      (or (syntax-local-infer-name stx)
334        (raise-syntax-error
335          'trace-lambda
336          "Could not infer name; give a name explicitly using #:name"
337          stx)))
338    (syntax-parse stx
339      [(_ (~optional (~seq #:name name:id) #:defaults ([name (datum->syntax stx (infer-name-or-error)
340                                                                            stx)]))
341          args body:expr ...)
342      #`(let ([name #,(quasisyntax/loc stx (lambda args body ...))]) (trace name) name)]))
344  (define-syntax (trace-define-syntax stx)
345    (syntax-case stx ()
346      [(_ e ...)
347      (let-values ([(name def) (normalize-definition stx #'lambda)])
348        (quasisyntax/loc stx
349          (define-syntax #,name
350            (let ([#,name #,def]) (trace #,name) #,name))))])))
352(require 'trace-et-al 'chez-like)
353(provide trace untrace
354         current-trace-print-results
355         current-trace-print-args
356         trace-call
357         current-trace-notify
358         current-prefix-out current-prefix-in
360         trace-define trace-let trace-lambda
361         trace-define-syntax)