1;;; foreign.ms
2;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
4;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
8;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14;;; limitations under the License.
16(define-syntax machine-case
17  (lambda (x)
18    (syntax-case x ()
19      [(_ [(a ...) e ...] m ...)
20       (if (memq (machine-type) (datum (a ...)))
21           #'(begin (void) e ...)
22           #'(machine-case m ...))]
23      [(_ [else e ...]) #'(begin (void) e ...)]
24      [(_) #'(void)])))
27 [(pb)]
28 [else
30#;(define-syntax foreign-struct-mat
31 (syntax-rules ()
32   [(_ name n)
33    (mat name
34       (set! fs-size
35          ((foreign-procedure (format "s~a_size" n) () unsigned-32)))
36       (set! fs-align
37          ((foreign-procedure (format "s~a_align" n) () unsigned-32)))
38       (set! fs-get-s
39          (eval `(foreign-procedure ,(format "get_s~a" n) (char)
40                    (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))))
41       (set! fs-get-sp
42          (foreign-procedure (format "get_s~ap" n) (char)
43             foreign-pointer))
44       (set! fs-s_f1_s
45          (eval `(foreign-procedure ,(format "s~a_f1_s~a" n n)
46                    ((foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align)
47                     (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))
48                    (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))))
49       (set! fs-sp_f1_s
50          (eval `(foreign-procedure ,(format "s~ap_f1_s~a" n n)
51                    (foreign-pointer
52                     (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))
53                    (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))))
54       (set! fs-s_f1_sp
55          (eval `(foreign-procedure ,(format "s~a_f1_s~ap" n n)
56                    ((foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align)
57                     foreign-pointer)
58                    (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))))
59       (set! fs-sp_f1_sp
60          (eval `(foreign-procedure ,(format "s~ap_f1_s~ap" n n)
61                    (foreign-pointer
62                     foreign-pointer)
63                    (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))))
64       (set! fs-s_f2_s
65          (eval `(foreign-procedure ,(format "s~a_f2_s~a" n n)
66                    (integer-32
67                     (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align)
68                     (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))
69                    (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))))
70       (set! fs-sp_f2_s
71          (eval `(foreign-procedure ,(format "s~ap_f2_s~a" n n)
72                    (integer-32
73                     foreign-pointer
74                     (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))
75                    (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))))
76       (set! fs-s_f2_sp
77          (eval `(foreign-procedure ,(format "s~a_f2_s~ap" n n)
78                    (integer-32
79                     (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align)
80                     foreign-pointer)
81                    (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))))
82       (set! fs-sp_f2_sp
83          (eval `(foreign-procedure ,(format "s~ap_f2_s~ap" n n)
84                    (integer-32
85                     foreign-pointer
86                     foreign-pointer)
87                    (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))))
88       (set! fs-s_f3_s
89          (eval `(foreign-procedure ,(format "s~a_f3_s~a" n n)
90                    ((foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align)
91                     (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))
92                    boolean)))
93       (set! fs-sp_f3_s
94          (eval `(foreign-procedure ,(format "s~ap_f3_s~a" n n)
95                    (foreign-pointer
96                     (foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align))
97                    boolean)))
98       (set! fs-s_f3_sp
99          (eval `(foreign-procedure ,(format "s~a_f3_s~ap" n n)
100                    ((foreign-object ,fs-size ,fs-align)
101                     foreign-pointer)
102                    boolean)))
103       (set! fs-sp_f3_sp
104          (eval `(foreign-procedure ,(format "s~ap_f3_s~ap" n n)
105                    (foreign-pointer
106                     foreign-pointer)
107                    boolean)))
109       (set! fs-a (fs-get-s #\a))
110       (string? fs-a)
111       (set! fs-ap (fs-get-sp #\a))
112       (integer? fs-ap)
113       (set! fs-b (fs-get-s #\b))
114       (string? fs-b)
115       (set! fs-bp (fs-get-sp #\b))
116       (integer? fs-bp)
119       (fs-s_f3_s fs-a fs-a)
120       (fs-s_f3_s fs-a fs-ap)
121       (fs-s_f3_s fs-ap fs-a)
122       (fs-s_f3_s fs-ap fs-ap)
123       (fs-sp_f3_s fs-a fs-a)
124       (fs-sp_f3_s fs-a fs-ap)
125       (fs-sp_f3_s fs-ap fs-a)
126       (fs-sp_f3_s fs-ap fs-ap)
127       (fs-s_f3_sp fs-a fs-a)
128       (fs-s_f3_sp fs-a fs-ap)
129       (fs-s_f3_sp fs-ap fs-a)
130       (fs-s_f3_sp fs-ap fs-ap)
131       (fs-sp_f3_sp fs-a fs-a)
132       (fs-sp_f3_sp fs-a fs-ap)
133       (fs-sp_f3_sp fs-ap fs-a)
134       (fs-sp_f3_sp fs-ap fs-ap)
136       (not (fs-s_f3_s fs-a fs-b))
137       (not (fs-s_f3_s fs-a fs-bp))
138       (not (fs-s_f3_s fs-ap fs-b))
139       (not (fs-s_f3_s fs-ap fs-bp))
140       (not (fs-sp_f3_s fs-a fs-b))
141       (not (fs-sp_f3_s fs-a fs-bp))
142       (not (fs-sp_f3_s fs-ap fs-b))
143       (not (fs-sp_f3_s fs-ap fs-bp))
144       (not (fs-s_f3_sp fs-a fs-b))
145       (not (fs-s_f3_sp fs-a fs-bp))
146       (not (fs-s_f3_sp fs-ap fs-b))
147       (not (fs-s_f3_sp fs-ap fs-bp))
148       (not (fs-sp_f3_sp fs-a fs-b))
149       (not (fs-sp_f3_sp fs-a fs-bp))
150       (not (fs-sp_f3_sp fs-ap fs-b))
151       (not (fs-sp_f3_sp fs-ap fs-bp))
153       (fs-sp_f3_sp (fs-s_f1_s fs-ap fs-bp) (fs-sp_f1_s fs-a fs-bp))
154       (fs-sp_f3_sp (fs-s_f1_sp fs-ap fs-b) (fs-sp_f1_sp fs-a fs-b))
156       (fs-sp_f3_sp (fs-s_f2_s 1 fs-ap fs-bp) (fs-sp_f2_s 1 fs-a fs-bp))
157       (fs-sp_f3_sp (fs-s_f2_sp 1 fs-ap fs-b) (fs-sp_f2_sp 1 fs-a fs-b))
158      )]))
160(define-syntax auto-mat-ick
161  (lambda (x)
162    (syntax-case x ()
163      ((_ name)
164       (let ((ls (let f ([ls (string->list (datum name))])
165                   (if (null? ls)
166                       '()
167                       (cons (car ls) (f (cddr ls)))))))
168         (with-syntax ([((p v) ...)
169                        (map (lambda (c)
170                               (case (syntax->datum c)
171                                 [(#\n) `(,(syntax integer-32)
172                                          ,(random 1000))]
173                                 [(#\s) `(,(syntax single-float)
174                                          ,(truncate (random 1000.0)))]
175                                 [(#\d) `(,(syntax double-float)
176                                          ,(truncate (random 1000.0)))]))
177                             ls)])
178           (syntax (= (let ([x (foreign-procedure name (p ...) double-float)])
179                        (x v ...))
180                      (+ v ...)))))))))
182(define foreign1.so (format "~a/foreign1.so" *mats-dir*))
185  [(i3ob ti3ob a6ob ta6ob a6s2 ta6s2 i3s2 ti3s2 i3qnx ti3qnx)
186   (mat load-shared-object
187      (file-exists? foreign1.so)
188      (begin (load-shared-object foreign1.so) #t)
189      (begin (load-shared-object "libc.so") #t)
190      (error? (load-shared-object 3))
191    )
192   ]
193  [(i3le ti3le a6le ta6le arm32le tarm32le arm64le tarm64le ppc32le tppc32le)
194   (mat load-shared-object
195      (file-exists? foreign1.so)
196      (begin (load-shared-object foreign1.so) #t)
197      (begin (load-shared-object "libc.so.6") #t)
198      (error? (load-shared-object 3))
199    )
200   ]
201  [(i3fb ti3fb a6fb ta6fb)
202   (mat load-shared-object
203      (file-exists? foreign1.so)
204      (begin (load-shared-object foreign1.so) #t)
205      (begin (load-shared-object "libc.so.7") #t)
206      (error? (load-shared-object 3))
207    )
208   ]
209  [(i3nb ti3nb a6nb ta6nb)
210   (mat load-shared-object
211      (file-exists? foreign1.so)
212      (begin (load-shared-object foreign1.so) #t)
213      (begin (load-shared-object "libc.so") #t)
214      (error? (load-shared-object 3))
215    )
216   ]
217  [(i3nt ti3nt a6nt ta6nt)
218   (mat load-shared-object
219      (file-exists? foreign1.so)
220      (begin (load-shared-object foreign1.so) #t)
221      (begin (load-shared-object "msvcrt.dll") #t)
222      (begin (load-shared-object "kernel32.dll") #t)
223      (error? (load-shared-object 3))
224    )
225   ]
226  [(i3osx ti3osx a6osx ta6osx ppc32osx tppc32osx arm64osx tarm64osx)
227   (mat load-shared-object
228      (file-exists? foreign1.so)
229      (begin (load-shared-object foreign1.so) #t)
230      (begin (load-shared-object "libc.dylib") #t)
231      #t
232      (error? (load-shared-object 3))
233    )
234   ]
235  [else
236   (mat foreign-procedure
237      (error? (foreign-procedure "foo" () scheme-object))
238      (begin (define (idint32 x)
239            (errorf 'idint32 "invalid foreign-procedure argument ~s" x))
240          (procedure? idint32))
241      (error? (idint32 #x80000000))
242      (error? (idint32 #x80000001))
243      (error? (idint32 #xffffffff))
244      (error? (idint32 #x8000000080000000))
245      (error? (idint32 #x-80000001))
246      (error? (idint32 #x-8000000080000000))
247      (error? (idint32 #f))
248      (error? (idint32 "hi"))
249      (begin (define (iduns32 x)
250            (errorf 'iduns32 "invalid foreign-procedure argument ~s" x))
251             (procedure? iduns32))
252         (error? (iduns32 #x100000000))
253      (error? (iduns32 #x8000000080000000))
254      (error? (iduns32 -1))
255      (error? (iduns32 #x-7fffffff))
256      (error? (iduns32 #x-80000000))
257      (error? (iduns32 #x-80000001))
258      (error? (iduns32 #x-8000000080000000))
259      (error? (iduns32 #f))
260      (error? (iduns32 "hi"))
261      (begin (define (idfix x)
262            (errorf 'idfix "invalid foreign-procedure argument ~s" x))
263             (procedure? idfix))
264      (error? (idfix (+ (most-positive-fixnum) 1)))
265      (error? (idfix (- (most-negative-fixnum) 1)))
266      (error? (errorf 'id "return value ~s is out of range" #x7fffffff))
267      (error? (errorf 'id "return value ~s is out of range" #x-80000000))
268      (error? (errorf 'id "invalid foreign-procedure argument ~s" 0))
269      (error? (errorf 'id "return value ~s is out of range" #x7fffffff))
270      (error? (errorf 'id "invalid foreign-procedure argument ~s" 'foo))
271      (error? (foreign-procedure 'abcde (integer-32) integer-32))
272      (error? (errorf 'float_id "invalid foreign-procedure argument ~s" 0))
273    )
274   ])
276(mat foreign-entry?
277   (foreign-entry? "id")
278   (foreign-entry? "idid")
279   (foreign-entry? "ididid")
280   (not (foreign-entry? "foo")))
282(mat foreign-procedure
283   (procedure? (foreign-procedure "idiptr" (scheme-object) scheme-object))
284   (error? (foreign-procedure "i do not exist" (scheme-object) scheme-object))
285   (error? (begin (foreign-procedure "i do not exist" () scheme-object) 'q))
286   (error? (if (foreign-procedure "i do not exist" () scheme-object) 'q 'q))
287   (error? (foreign-procedure 'foo () scheme-object))
288   (error? (begin (foreign-procedure 'foo () scheme-object) 'q))
289   (error? (if (foreign-procedure 'foo () scheme-object) 'q 'q))
291   (eq? 'foo ((foreign-procedure "idiptr" (scheme-object) scheme-object) 'foo))
293   (parameterize ([current-eval interpret])
294       (eq? 'foo ((foreign-procedure "idiptr" (scheme-object) scheme-object) 'foo)))
296   (not (eq? 'foo ((foreign-procedure "idiptr" (scheme-object) void) 'foo)))
298   (begin (define idint32 (foreign-procedure "id" (integer-32) integer-32))
299          (procedure? idint32))
300   (eqv? (idint32 0) 0)
301   (eqv? (idint32 #x7fffffff) #x7fffffff)
302   (eqv? (idint32 -1) -1)
303   (eqv? (idint32 #x-7fffffff) #x-7fffffff)
304   (eqv? (idint32 #x-80000000) #x-80000000)
305   (eqv? (idint32 #x80000000) (+ #x-100000000 #x80000000))
306   (eqv? (idint32 #x80000001) (+ #x-100000000 #x80000001))
307   (eqv? (idint32 #xffffffff) (+ #x-100000000 #xffffffff))
308   (error? (idint32 #x100000000))
309   (error? (idint32 #x100000001))
310   (error? (idint32 #xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff))
311   (error? (idint32 #x8000000080000000))
312   (error? (idint32 #x-80000001))
313   (error? (idint32 #x-8000000080000000))
314   (error? (idint32 #f))
315   (error? (idint32 "hi"))
317   (begin (define iduns32 (foreign-procedure "id" (unsigned-32) unsigned-32))
318          (procedure? iduns32))
319   (eqv? (iduns32 0) 0)
320   (eqv? (iduns32 #x7fffffff) #x7fffffff)
321   (eqv? (iduns32 #x80000000) #x80000000)
322   (eqv? (iduns32 #x80000001) #x80000001)
323   (eqv? (iduns32 #x88000000) #x88000000)
324   (eqv? (iduns32 #xffffffff) #xffffffff)
325   (error? (iduns32 #x100000000))
326   (error? (iduns32 #x8000000080000000))
327   (eqv? (iduns32 -1) (+ #x100000000 -1))
328   (eqv? (iduns32 #x-7fffffff) (+ #x100000000 #x-7fffffff))
329   (eqv? (iduns32 #x-80000000) (+ #x100000000 #x-80000000))
330   (error? (iduns32 #x-80000001))
331   (error? (iduns32 #x-ffffffff))
332   (error? (iduns32 #x-fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff))
333   (error? (iduns32 #x-80000001))
334   (error? (iduns32 #x-8000000080000000))
335   (error? (iduns32 #f))
336   (error? (iduns32 "hi"))
338   (eqv? #xffffffff ((foreign-procedure "id" (integer-32) unsigned-32) -1))
339   (eqv? -1 ((foreign-procedure "id" (unsigned-32) integer-32) #xffffffff))
341   (begin (define idfix (foreign-procedure "idiptr" (fixnum) fixnum))
342          (procedure? idfix))
343   (eqv? 0 (idfix 0))
344   (eqv? -1 (idfix -1))
345   (eqv? (quotient (most-positive-fixnum) 2)
346         (idfix (quotient (most-positive-fixnum) 2)))
347   (eqv? (quotient (most-negative-fixnum) 2)
348         (idfix (quotient (most-negative-fixnum) 2)))
349   (eqv? (most-positive-fixnum) (idfix (most-positive-fixnum)))
350   (eqv? (most-negative-fixnum) (idfix (most-negative-fixnum)))
351   (error? (idfix (+ (most-positive-fixnum) 1)))
352   (error? (idfix (- (most-negative-fixnum) 1)))
354; we've eliminated the return range checks---caveat emptor
355;   (error? ((foreign-procedure "id" (integer-32) fixnum) #x7fffffff))
356;   (error? ((foreign-procedure "id" (integer-32) fixnum) #x-80000000))
357;   (error? ((foreign-procedure "id" (integer-32) char) #x7fffffff))
359   (error? (foreign-procedure "id" (booleen) char))
360   (error? (foreign-procedure "id" (integer-32 integer-34) char))
361   (error? (foreign-procedure "id" () chare))
362   (error? (foreign-procedure "id" (void) char))
364   ((foreign-procedure "id" (boolean) boolean) #t)
365   (not ((foreign-procedure "id" (boolean) boolean) #f))
366   ((foreign-procedure "id" (boolean) boolean) 0)
367   (= 1 ((foreign-procedure "id" (boolean) integer-32) #t))
368   (= 1 ((foreign-procedure "id" (boolean) integer-32) 0))
369   (= 0 ((foreign-procedure "id" (boolean) integer-32) #f))
370   (not ((foreign-procedure "id" (integer-32) boolean) 0))
371   ((foreign-procedure "id" (integer-32) boolean) 1)
373   (char=? #\a ((foreign-procedure "id" (char) char) #\a))
374   (= 0 ((foreign-procedure "id" (char) integer-32) #\nul))
375   (char=? #\nul ((foreign-procedure "id" (integer-32) char) 0))
376   (eqv? ((foreign-procedure "id" (integer-32) char) -1) #\377)
377   (error? ((foreign-procedure "id" (char) void) 0))
379   (let ([s "now is the time for all good men"])
380      (string=? s ((foreign-procedure "idiptr" (string) string) s)))
381   (let ([s "now is the time for all good men"])
382      (not (eq? s ((foreign-procedure "idiptr" (string) string) s))))
383  ; assuming iptr is same size as char *:
384   (let ([id1 (foreign-procedure "idiptr" (string) string)]
385         [id2 (foreign-procedure "idiptr" (string) iptr)]
386         [id3 (foreign-procedure "idiptr" (iptr) string)])
387      (and (eq? (id1 #f) #f) (eq? (id2 #f) 0) (eq? (id3 0) #f)))
388   (let ()
389     (define $string->bytevector
390       (lambda (s)
391         (let ([n (string-length s)])
392           (let ([bv (make-bytevector (+ n 1))])
393             (do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)])
394                 ((fx= i n))
395               (bytevector-u8-set! bv i (char->integer (string-ref s i))))
396             (bytevector-u8-set! bv n 0)
397             bv))))
398     (let ([s "now is the time for all good men"]
399           [r "                                "])
400       (let ([bv ($string->bytevector r)])
401         ((foreign-procedure (if (windows?) "windows_strcpy" "strcpy") (u8* string) void) bv s)
402         (= 0 ((foreign-procedure (if (windows?) "windows_strcmp" "strcmp") (u8* string) integer-32) bv s)))))
403   (error? ((foreign-procedure "id" (string) void) 'foo))
405   (= ((foreign-procedure "idid" (integer-32) integer-32) #xc7c7c7) #xc7c7c7)
406   (= ((foreign-procedure "ididid" (integer-32) integer-32) #x7c7c7c7c)
407      #x7c7c7c7c)
409   (= ((foreign-procedure "id" (unsigned-32) unsigned-32) #x80000000)
410      #x80000000)
411   (= ((foreign-procedure "id" (unsigned-32) integer-32) #x80000000)
412      #x-80000000)
414   (error? (foreign-procedure 'abcde (integer-32) integer-32))
415   (let ([template
416          (lambda (x)
417             (foreign-procedure x (char) boolean))])
418      (let ([id (template "id")]
419            [idid (template "idid")]
420            [ididid (template "ididid")])
421         (and (eqv? (id #\nul) #f)
422              (eqv? (idid #\001) #t)
423              (eqv? (idid #\a) #t))))
425   (= 0.0 ((foreign-procedure "float_id" (double-float) double-float) 0.0))
426   (= 1.1 ((foreign-procedure "float_id" (double-float) double-float) 1.1))
427   (error? ((foreign-procedure "float_id" (double-float) void) 0))
429   (let ([fid (foreign-procedure "float_id" (double-float) double-float)])
430     (let f ((n 10000))
431       (or (= n 0)
432           (let ([x (random 1.0)])
433             (and (eqv? x (fid x))
434                  (f (- n 1)))))))
436   (= (+ (*  1 29) (*  2 31) (*  3 37) (*  5 41) (*  7 43)
437         (* 11 47) (* 13 49) (* 17 53) (* 19 59) (* 23 61))
438      ((foreign-procedure "testten"
439          (integer-32 integer-32 integer-32 integer-32 integer-32
440           integer-32 integer-32 integer-32 integer-32 integer-32)
441          integer-32)
442       29 31 37 41 43 47 49 53 59 61))
444   (= (+ 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8)
445      ((foreign-procedure "flsum8"
446          (double-float double-float double-float double-float
447           double-float double-float double-float double-float)
448          double-float)
449       1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8))
451   (= (+ 1 2 3 4 5 6.75 7 8.5)
452      ((foreign-procedure "sparcfltest"
453          (integer-32 integer-32 integer-32 integer-32
454           integer-32 double-float integer-32 double-float)
455          double-float)
456       1 2 3 4 5 6.75 7 8.5))
458   (= (+ 1 2 3.3)
459      ((foreign-procedure "mipsfltest1"
460          (integer-32 integer-32 double-float)
461          double-float)
462       1 2 3.3))
464   (= (+ 1 2.2 3.3)
465      ((foreign-procedure "mipsfltest2"
466          (integer-32 double-float double-float)
467          double-float)
468       1 2.2 3.3))
470   (= (+ 1 2.25 3 4.5 5 6.75 7 8.25 9.5 10.75 11.25 12.5 13.75 14.25 15.5
471       16.75 17.25 18.75 19.25)
472      ((foreign-procedure "ppcfltest"
473          (integer-32 double-float integer-32 double-float integer-32
474           double-float integer-32 double-float double-float double-float
475           double-float double-float double-float double-float double-float
476           double-float double-float double-float double-float)
477          double-float)
478       1 2.25 3 4.5 5 6.75 7 8.25 9.5 10.75 11.25 12.5 13.75 14.25 15.5
479       16.75 17.25 18.75 19.25))
481   (= (+ 1 2.25 3 4.5 5
482         (expt 2 36) 6.75 7 8.25
483         (expt 2 39) 75
484         9.5 10.75 11.25 12.5
485         13.75 14.25 15.5
486         20 16.75 21 (expt 2 37) 18.75 22
487         19.25)
488      ((foreign-procedure "ppcfltest2"
489         (integer-32 double-float integer-32 double-float integer-32
490          integer-64 double-float integer-32 double-float
491          ; next integer should be stack-allocated with the PPC ABI
492          integer-64 integer-32
493          ; but next four floats should still get registers
494          double-float double-float double-float double-float
495          ; and remaining floags and ints should go on the stack
496          double-float single-float double-float
497          integer-32 double-float integer-32 integer-64 double-float integer-32
498          double-float)
499         double-float)
500        1 2.25 3 4.5 5
501        (expt 2 36) 6.75 7 8.25
502        (expt 2 39) 75
503        9.5 10.75 11.25 12.5
504        13.75 14.25 15.5
505        20 16.75 21 (expt 2 37) 18.75 22
506        19.25))
508   ((foreign-procedure "chk_data" () boolean))
509   ((foreign-procedure "chk_bss" () boolean))
510   ((foreign-procedure "chk_malloc" () boolean))
512   (begin
513     (define $fp-tlv (foreign-procedure "(cs)s_tlv" (ptr) ptr))
514     (define $fp-stlv! (foreign-procedure "(cs)s_stlv" (ptr ptr) void))
515     #t)
517   (equal?
518     (let ()
519       (define-syntax list-in-order
520         (syntax-rules ()
521           [(_) '()]
522           [(_ e . rest) (let ([t e]) (cons t (list-in-order . rest)))]))
523       (list-in-order
524         ($fp-tlv 'cons)
525         ($fp-stlv! '$fp-spam 'yum)
526         ($fp-tlv '$fp-spam)
527         (top-level-value '$fp-spam)))
528     `(,cons ,(void) yum yum))
530   (equal?
531     (let ()
532       (define-syntax list-in-order
533         (syntax-rules ()
534           [(_) '()]
535           [(_ e . rest) (let ([t e]) (cons t (list-in-order . rest)))]))
536       (parameterize ([interaction-environment (copy-environment (scheme-environment))])
537         (list-in-order
538           (define-top-level-value 'foo 17)
539           ($fp-tlv 'foo)
540           ($fp-stlv! 'bar 55)
541           ($fp-tlv 'bar)
542           (top-level-value 'bar))))
543     `(,(void) 17 ,(void) 55 55))
545  (equal?
546    (parameterize ([interaction-environment (copy-environment (scheme-environment))])
547     ; should have no effect
548      ($fp-stlv! cons 3)
549      (list
550        (#%$tc-field 'disable-count (#%$tc))
551        cons
552        ($fp-tlv 'cons)))
553    `(0 ,cons ,cons))
555  (equal?
556    (parameterize ([interaction-environment (copy-environment (scheme-environment))])
557     ; should have no effect
558      ($fp-stlv! 'let 3)
559      (list
560        (#%$tc-field 'disable-count (#%$tc))
561        (eval '(let ((x 23)) x))))
562    '(0 23))
564  (equal?
565    (let ([x ($fp-tlv '$fp-i-am-not-bound)])
566      (list (#%$tc-field 'disable-count (#%$tc)) x))
567    `(0 ,(#%$unbound-object)))
569  (equal?
570    (let ([x ($fp-tlv 'let)])
571      (list (#%$tc-field 'disable-count (#%$tc)) x))
572    `(0 ,(#%$unbound-object)))
574  (equal? ((foreign-procedure "(cs)s_test_schlib" () void)) (void))
576  (begin
577    (define $siv (foreign-procedure "(cs)Sinteger_value" (ptr) void))
578    (define $si32v (foreign-procedure "(cs)Sinteger32_value" (ptr) void))
579    (define $si64v (foreign-procedure "(cs)Sinteger64_value" (ptr) void))
580    (define ($check p n)
581      (or (= (optimize-level) 3)
582          (guard (c [(and (assertion-violation? c)
583                          (irritants-condition? c)
584                          (equal? (condition-irritants c) (list n)))
585                     #t])
586            (p n)
587            #f)))
588    #t)
590 ; make sure no errors for in-range inputs
591  (begin
592    ($si32v (- (expt 2 32) 1))
593    ($si32v (- (expt 2 31)))
594    ($si64v (- (expt 2 64) 1))
595    ($si64v (- (expt 2 63)))
596    (if (< (fixnum-width) 32)
597        (begin ; assume 32-bit words
598          ($siv (- (expt 2 32) 1))
599          ($siv (- (expt 2 31))))
600        (begin ; assume 64-bit words
601          ($siv (- (expt 2 64) 1))
602          ($siv (- (expt 2 63)))))
603    #t)
605 ; check barely out-of-range inputs
606  ($check $si32v (expt 2 32))
607  ($check $si32v (- -1 (expt 2 31)))
608  ($check $si64v (expt 2 64))
609  ($check $si64v (- -1 (expt 2 63)))
610  ($check $siv (expt 2 (if (< (fixnum-width) 32) 32 64)))
611  ($check $siv (- -1 (expt 2 (if (< (fixnum-width) 32) 31 63))))
613 ; check further out-of-range inputs
614  ($check $si32v (expt 2 36))
615  ($check $si32v (- -1 (expt 2 35)))
616  ($check $si64v (expt 2 68))
617  ($check $si64v (- -1 (expt 2 67)))
618  ($check $siv (expt 2 (if (< (fixnum-width) 32) 36 68)))
619  ($check $siv (- -1 (expt 2 (if (< (fixnum-width) 32) 35 67))))
620  ($check $si32v (expt 2 100))
621  ($check $si32v (- -1 (expt 2 100)))
622  ($check $si64v (expt 2 100))
623  ($check $si64v (- -1 (expt 2 100)))
624  ($check $siv (expt 2 100))
625  ($check $siv (- -1 (expt 2 100)))
628(mat foreign-sizeof
629  (equal?
630    (list
631      (foreign-sizeof 'integer-8)
632      (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-8)
633      (foreign-sizeof 'integer-16)
634      (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-16)
635      (foreign-sizeof 'integer-24)
636      (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-24)
637      (foreign-sizeof 'integer-32)
638      (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-32)
639      (foreign-sizeof 'integer-40)
640      (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-40)
641      (foreign-sizeof 'integer-48)
642      (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-48)
643      (foreign-sizeof 'integer-56)
644      (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-56)
645      (foreign-sizeof 'integer-64)
646      (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-64)
647      (foreign-sizeof 'single-float)
648      (foreign-sizeof 'double-float))
649    '(1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 4 8))
650  ((foreign-procedure "check_types" (int int int int int int int int int) boolean)
651   (foreign-sizeof 'char)
652   (foreign-sizeof 'wchar)
653   (foreign-sizeof 'short)
654   (foreign-sizeof 'int)
655   (foreign-sizeof 'long)
656   (foreign-sizeof 'long-long)
657   (foreign-sizeof 'float)
658   (foreign-sizeof 'double)
659   (foreign-sizeof 'void*))
660  (equal? (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned) (foreign-sizeof 'int))
661  (equal? (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-int) (foreign-sizeof 'int))
662  (equal? (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-short) (foreign-sizeof 'short))
663  (equal? (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-long) (foreign-sizeof 'long))
664  (equal? (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-long-long) (foreign-sizeof 'long-long))
665  (equal? (foreign-sizeof 'boolean) (foreign-sizeof 'int))
666  (equal? (foreign-sizeof 'fixnum) (foreign-sizeof 'iptr))
667  (equal? (foreign-sizeof 'scheme-object) (foreign-sizeof 'void*))
668  (equal? (foreign-sizeof 'ptr) (foreign-sizeof 'void*))
669  (equal? (foreign-sizeof 'iptr) (foreign-sizeof 'void*))
670  (equal? (foreign-sizeof 'uptr) (foreign-sizeof 'void*))
671  (error? (foreign-sizeof))
672  (error? (foreign-sizeof 'int 'int))
673  (error? (foreign-sizeof 'i-am-not-a-type))
674  (error? (foreign-sizeof '1))
677(mat foreign-bytevectors
678 ; test u8*, u16*, u32*
679  (begin
680    (define u8*->u8* (foreign-procedure "u8_star_to_u8_star" (u8*) u8*))
681    (define u16*->u16* (foreign-procedure "u16_star_to_u16_star" (u16*) u16*))
682    (define u32*->u32* (foreign-procedure "u32_star_to_u32_star" (u32*) u32*))
683    #t)
684  (equal? (u8*->u8* #vu8(1 2 3 4 0)) #vu8(2 3 4))
685  (equal? (u16*->u16* #vu8(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0)) #vu8(3 4 5 6 7 8))
686  (equal? (u32*->u32* #vu8(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 0 0 0)) #vu8(5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12))
688  (eq? (u8*->u8* #vu8(1 0)) #vu8())
689  (eq? (u16*->u16* #vu8(1 2 0 0)) #vu8())
690  (eq? (u32*->u32* #vu8(1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0)) #vu8())
692  (eq? (u8*->u8* #f) #f)
693  (eq? (u16*->u16* #f) #f)
694  (eq? (u32*->u32* #f) #f)
696  (error? (u8*->u8* "hello"))
697  (error? (u16*->u16* "hello"))
698  (error? (u32*->u32* "hello"))
699  (error? (u8*->u8* 0))
700  (error? (u16*->u16* 0))
701  (error? (u32*->u32* 0))
703  (begin
704    (define call-u8* (foreign-procedure "call_u8_star" (ptr u8*) u8*))
705    (define call-u16* (foreign-procedure "call_u16_star" (ptr u16*) u16*))
706    (define call-u32* (foreign-procedure "call_u32_star" (ptr u32*) u32*))
707    (define $bytevector-map
708      (lambda (p bv)
709        (u8-list->bytevector (map p (bytevector->u8-list bv)))))
710    #t)
711  (equal?
712    (call-u8* (foreign-callable
713                (lambda (x) ($bytevector-map (lambda (x) (if (= x 255) 0 (+ x 100))) x))
714                (u8*) u8*)
715      #vu8(1 2 3 4 5 255 0 ))
716    '#vu8(103 104 105))
717  (equal?
718    (call-u16* (foreign-callable
719                 (lambda (x) ($bytevector-map (lambda (x) (if (= x 255) 0 (+ x 100))) x))
720                 (u16*) u16*)
721      #vu8(1 2 3 4 5 6 255 255 0 0))
722    '#vu8(105 106))
723  (equal?
724    (call-u32* (foreign-callable
725                 (lambda (x) ($bytevector-map (lambda (x) (if (= x 255) 0 (+ x 100))) x))
726                 (u32*) u32*)
727      #vu8(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 255 255 255 255 0 0 0 0))
728    '#vu8(109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120))
729  (error?
730    (let ([frotz (foreign-callable
731                   (lambda (x) (list x (bytevector-length x)))
732                   (u8*) u8*)])
733      (call-u8* frotz #vu8(1 2 3 4 5 0))))
734  (error?
735    (call-u16* (foreign-callable
736                 (lambda (x) (list x (bytevector-length x)))
737                 (u16*) u16*)
738      #vu8(1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0)))
739  (error?
740    (call-u32* (foreign-callable
741                 (lambda (x) (list x (bytevector-length x)))
742                 (u32*) u32*)
743      #vu8(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0)))
744  (error?
745    (call-u8* (foreign-callable
746                (lambda (x) (list x (bytevector-length x)))
747                (u8*) u8*)
748      '#(1 2 3 4 5 0)))
749  (error?
750    (call-u16* (foreign-callable
751                 (lambda (x) (list x (bytevector-length x)))
752                 (u16*) u16*)
753      '#(1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0)))
754  (error?
755    (call-u32* (foreign-callable
756                 (lambda (x) (list x (bytevector-length x)))
757                 (u32*) u32*)
758      '#(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0)))
761(mat foreign-strings
762 ; test utf-8, utf-16le, utf-16be, utf-32le, utf-32be, string, wstring
763  (begin
764    (define utf-8->utf-8 (foreign-procedure "u8_star_to_u8_star" (utf-8) utf-8))
765    (define utf-16le->utf-16le (foreign-procedure "u16_star_to_u16_star" (utf-16le) utf-16le))
766    (define utf-16be->utf-16be (foreign-procedure "u16_star_to_u16_star" (utf-16be) utf-16be))
767    (define utf-32le->utf-32le (foreign-procedure "u32_star_to_u32_star" (utf-32le) utf-32le))
768    (define utf-32be->utf-32be (foreign-procedure "u32_star_to_u32_star" (utf-32be) utf-32be))
769    (define string->string (foreign-procedure "char_star_to_char_star" (string) string))
770    (define wstring->wstring (foreign-procedure "wchar_star_to_wchar_star" (wstring) wstring))
771    #t)
772  (equal? (utf-8->utf-8 "hello") "ello")
773  (equal? (utf-16le->utf-16le "hello") "ello")
774  (equal? (utf-16be->utf-16be "hello") "ello")
775  (equal? (utf-32le->utf-32le "hello") "ello")
776  (equal? (utf-32be->utf-32be "hello") "ello")
777  (equal? (string->string "hello") "ello")
778  (equal? (wstring->wstring "hello") "ello")
780  (eq? (utf-8->utf-8 "h") "")
781  (eq? (utf-16le->utf-16le "h") "")
782  (eq? (utf-16be->utf-16be "h") "")
783  (eq? (utf-32le->utf-32le "h") "")
784  (eq? (utf-32be->utf-32be "h") "")
785  (eq? (string->string "h") "")
786  (eq? (wstring->wstring "h") "")
788  (eq? (utf-8->utf-8 #f) #f)
789  (eq? (utf-16le->utf-16le #f) #f)
790  (eq? (utf-16be->utf-16be #f) #f)
791  (eq? (utf-32le->utf-32le #f) #f)
792  (eq? (utf-32be->utf-32be #f) #f)
793  (eq? (string->string #f) #f)
794  (eq? (wstring->wstring #f) #f)
796  (error? (utf-8->utf-8 #vu8(1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0)))
797  (error? (utf-16le->utf-16le #vu8(1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0)))
798  (error? (utf-16be->utf-16be #vu8(1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0)))
799  (error? (utf-32le->utf-32le #vu8(1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0)))
800  (error? (utf-32be->utf-32be #vu8(1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0)))
801  (error? (string->string #vu8(1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0)))
802  (error? (wstring->wstring #vu8(1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0)))
804  (error? (utf-8->utf-8 0))
805  (error? (utf-16le->utf-16le 0))
806  (error? (utf-16be->utf-16be 0))
807  (error? (utf-32le->utf-32le 0))
808  (error? (utf-32be->utf-32be 0))
809  (error? (string->string 0))
810  (error? (wstring->wstring 0))
812  (begin
813    (define call-utf-8 (foreign-procedure "call_u8_star" (ptr utf-8) utf-8))
814    (define call-utf-16le (foreign-procedure "call_u16_star" (ptr utf-16le) utf-16le))
815    (define call-utf-16be (foreign-procedure "call_u16_star" (ptr utf-16be) utf-16be))
816    (define call-utf-32le (foreign-procedure "call_u32_star" (ptr utf-32le) utf-32le))
817    (define call-utf-32be (foreign-procedure "call_u32_star" (ptr utf-32be) utf-32be))
818    (define call-string (foreign-procedure "call_string" (ptr string) string))
819    (define call-wstring (foreign-procedure "call_wstring" (ptr wstring) wstring))
820    #t)
821  (equal?
822    (call-utf-8 (foreign-callable
823                  (lambda (x) (string-append x "$q"))
824                  (utf-8) utf-8)
825      "hello")
826    "llo$q")
827  (equal?
828    (call-utf-16le (foreign-callable
829                     (lambda (x) (string-append x "$q"))
830                     (utf-16le) utf-16le)
831      "hello")
832    "llo$q")
833  (equal?
834    (call-utf-16be (foreign-callable
835                     (lambda (x) (string-append x "$q"))
836                     (utf-16be) utf-16be)
837      "hello")
838    "llo$q")
839  (equal?
840    (call-utf-32le (foreign-callable
841                     (lambda (x) (string-append x "$q"))
842                     (utf-32le) utf-32le)
843      "hello")
844    "llo$q")
845  (equal?
846    (call-utf-32be (foreign-callable
847                     (lambda (x) (string-append x "$q"))
848                     (utf-32be) utf-32be)
849      "hello")
850    "llo$q")
851  (equal?
852    (call-string (foreign-callable
853                   (lambda (x) (string-append x "$q"))
854                   (string) string)
855      "hello")
856    "llo$q")
857  (equal?
858    (call-wstring (foreign-callable
859                    (lambda (x) (string-append x "$q"))
860                    (wstring) wstring)
861      "hello")
862    "llo$q")
863  (error?
864    (call-utf-8 (foreign-callable
865                  (lambda (x) (list x (string-length x)))
866                  (utf-8) utf-8)
867      "hello"))
868  (error?
869    (call-utf-16le (foreign-callable
870                     (lambda (x) (list x (string-length x)))
871                     (utf-16le) utf-16le)
872      "hello"))
873  (error?
874    (call-utf-16be (foreign-callable
875                     (lambda (x) (list x (string-length x)))
876                     (utf-16be) utf-16be)
877      "hello"))
878  (error?
879    (call-utf-32le (foreign-callable
880                     (lambda (x) (list x (string-length x)))
881                     (utf-32le) utf-32le)
882      "hello"))
883  (error?
884    (call-utf-32be (foreign-callable
885                     (lambda (x) (list x (string-length x)))
886                     (utf-32be) utf-32be)
887      "hello"))
888  (error?
889    (call-string (foreign-callable
890                   (lambda (x) (list x (string-length x)))
891                   (string) string)
892      "hello"))
893  (error?
894    (call-wstring (foreign-callable
895                    (lambda (x) (list x (string-length x)))
896                    (wstring) wstring)
897      "hello"))
900(mat foreign-fixed-types
901 ; test {integer,unsigned}-8, {single,double}-float
902  (begin
903    (define i8-to-i8 (foreign-procedure "i8_to_i8" (integer-8 int) integer-8))
904    (define u8-to-u8 (foreign-procedure "u8_to_u8" (unsigned-8 int) unsigned-8))
905    (define i16-to-i16 (foreign-procedure "i16_to_i16" (integer-16 int) integer-16))
906    (define u16-to-u16 (foreign-procedure "u16_to_u16" (unsigned-16 int) unsigned-16))
907    (define i24-to-i24 (foreign-procedure "i32_to_i32" (integer-24 int) integer-24))
908    (define u24-to-u24 (foreign-procedure "u32_to_u32" (unsigned-24 int) unsigned-24))
909    (define i32-to-i32 (foreign-procedure "i32_to_i32" (integer-32 int) integer-32))
910    (define u32-to-u32 (foreign-procedure "u32_to_u32" (unsigned-32 int) unsigned-32))
911    (define i40-to-i40 (foreign-procedure "i64_to_i64" (integer-40 int) integer-40))
912    (define u40-to-u40 (foreign-procedure "u64_to_u64" (unsigned-40 int) unsigned-40))
913    (define i48-to-i48 (foreign-procedure "i64_to_i64" (integer-48 int) integer-48))
914    (define u48-to-u48 (foreign-procedure "u64_to_u64" (unsigned-48 int) unsigned-48))
915    (define i56-to-i56 (foreign-procedure "i64_to_i64" (integer-56 int) integer-56))
916    (define u56-to-u56 (foreign-procedure "u64_to_u64" (unsigned-56 int) unsigned-56))
917    (define i64-to-i64 (foreign-procedure "i64_to_i64" (integer-64 int) integer-64))
918    (define u64-to-u64 (foreign-procedure "u64_to_u64" (unsigned-64 int) unsigned-64))
919    (define sf-to-sf (foreign-procedure "sf_to_sf" (single-float) single-float))
920    (define df-to-df (foreign-procedure "df_to_df" (double-float) double-float))
921    (define $test-int-to-int
922      (lambda (fp size signed?)
923        (define n10000 (expt 256 size))
924        (define nffff (- n10000 1))
925        (define nfffe (- nffff 1))
926        (define n8000 (ash n10000 -1))
927        (define n8001 (+ n8000 1))
928        (define n7fff (- n8000 1))
929        (define n7ffe (- n7fff 1))
930        (define n100 (expt 16 size))
931        (define n101 (+ n100 1))
932        (define nff (- n100 1))
933        (define nfe (- nff 1))
934        (define n80 (ash n100 -1))
935        (define n81 (+ n80 1))
936        (define n7f (- n80 1))
937        (define n7e (- n7f 1))
938        (define (expect x k)
939          (if signed?
940              (if (<= (- n8000) x nffff)
941                  (mod0 (+ x k) n10000)
942                  'err)
943              (if (<= (- n8000) x nffff)
944                  (mod (+ x k) n10000)
945                  'err)))
946        (define (check x)
947          (define (do-one x k)
948            (let ([a (expect x k)])
949              (if (eq? a 'err)
950                  (or (= (optimize-level) 3)
951                      (guard (c [#t (display-condition c) (newline) #t])
952                        (fp x k)
953                        (printf "no error for x = ~x, k = ~d\n" x k)
954                        #f))
955                  (or (eqv? (fp x k) a)
956                      (begin
957                        (printf "incorrect answer ~x should be ~x for x = ~x, k = ~d\n" (fp x k) a x k)
958                        #f)))))
959          (list
960            (do-one x 1)
961            (do-one x -1)
962            (do-one (- x) 1)
963            (do-one (- x) -1)))
964        (andmap
965          (lambda (x) (and (list? x) (= (length x) 4) (andmap (lambda (x) (eq? x #t)) x)))
966          (list
967            (check n10000)
968            (check nffff)
969            (check nfffe)
970            (check n8001)
971            (check n8000)
972            (check n7fff)
973            (check n7ffe)
974            (check n101)
975            (check n100)
976            (check nff)
977            (check nfe)
978            (check n81)
979            (check n80)
980            (check n7f)
981            (check n7e)
982            (check 73)
983            (check 5)
984            (check 1)
985            (check 0)))))
986    #t)
987  ($test-int-to-int i8-to-i8 1 #t)
988  ($test-int-to-int u8-to-u8 1 #f)
989  ($test-int-to-int i16-to-i16 2 #t)
990  ($test-int-to-int u16-to-u16 2 #f)
991  ($test-int-to-int i24-to-i24 3 #t)
992  ($test-int-to-int u24-to-u24 3 #f)
993  ($test-int-to-int i32-to-i32 4 #t)
994  ($test-int-to-int u32-to-u32 4 #f)
995  ($test-int-to-int i40-to-i40 5 #t)
996  ($test-int-to-int u40-to-u40 5 #f)
997  ($test-int-to-int i48-to-i48 6 #t)
998  ($test-int-to-int u48-to-u48 6 #f)
999  ($test-int-to-int i56-to-i56 7 #t)
1000  ($test-int-to-int u56-to-u56 7 #f)
1001  ($test-int-to-int i64-to-i64 8 #t)
1002  ($test-int-to-int u64-to-u64 8 #f)
1003  (eqv? (sf-to-sf 73.5) 74.5)
1004  (eqv? (df-to-df 73.5) 74.5)
1006  (error? (i8-to-i8 'qqq 0))
1007  (error? (u8-to-u8 'qqq 0))
1008  (error? (i16-to-i16 'qqq 0))
1009  (error? (u16-to-u16 'qqq 0))
1010  (error? (i24-to-i24 'qqq 0))
1011  (error? (u24-to-u24 'qqq 0))
1012  (error? (i32-to-i32 'qqq 0))
1013  (error? (u32-to-u32 'qqq 0))
1014  (error? (i64-to-i64 'qqq 0))
1015  (error? (u64-to-u64 'qqq 0))
1016  (error? (i8-to-i8 0 "oops"))
1017  (error? (u8-to-u8 0 "oops"))
1018  (error? (i16-to-i16 0 "oops"))
1019  (error? (u16-to-u16 0 "oops"))
1020  (error? (i32-to-i32 0 "oops"))
1021  (error? (u32-to-u32 0 "oops"))
1022  (error? (i64-to-i64 0 "oops"))
1023  (error? (u64-to-u64 0 "oops"))
1025  (error? (sf-to-sf 'qqq))
1026  (error? (df-to-df 'qqq))
1028  (begin
1029    (define call-i8 (foreign-procedure "call_i8" (ptr integer-8 int int) integer-8))
1030    (define call-u8 (foreign-procedure "call_u8" (ptr unsigned-8 int int) unsigned-8))
1031    (define call-i16 (foreign-procedure "call_i16" (ptr integer-16 int int) integer-16))
1032    (define call-u16 (foreign-procedure "call_u16" (ptr unsigned-16 int int) unsigned-16))
1033    (define call-i24 (foreign-procedure "call_i32" (ptr integer-24 int int) integer-24))
1034    (define call-u24 (foreign-procedure "call_u32" (ptr unsigned-24 int int) unsigned-24))
1035    (define call-i32 (foreign-procedure "call_i32" (ptr integer-32 int int) integer-32))
1036    (define call-u32 (foreign-procedure "call_u32" (ptr unsigned-32 int int) unsigned-32))
1037    (define call-i40 (foreign-procedure "call_i64" (ptr integer-40 int int) integer-40))
1038    (define call-u40 (foreign-procedure "call_u64" (ptr unsigned-40 int int) unsigned-40))
1039    (define call-i48 (foreign-procedure "call_i64" (ptr integer-48 int int) integer-48))
1040    (define call-u48 (foreign-procedure "call_u64" (ptr unsigned-48 int int) unsigned-48))
1041    (define call-i56 (foreign-procedure "call_i64" (ptr integer-56 int int) integer-56))
1042    (define call-u56 (foreign-procedure "call_u64" (ptr unsigned-56 int int) unsigned-56))
1043    (define call-i64 (foreign-procedure "call_i64" (ptr integer-64 int int) integer-64))
1044    (define call-u64 (foreign-procedure "call_u64" (ptr unsigned-64 int int) unsigned-64))
1045    (define call-sf (foreign-procedure "call_sf" (ptr single-float int int) single-float))
1046    (define call-df (foreign-procedure "call_df" (ptr double-float int int) double-float))
1047    (define call-varargs-df (foreign-procedure "call_varargs_df" (ptr double-float int int) double-float))
1048    (define call-varargs-i7df (foreign-procedure "call_varargs_i7df" (ptr int
1049                                                                                    double-float double-float double-float
1050                                                                                    double-float double-float double-float
1051                                                                                    double-float)
1052                                                 double-float))
1053    (define call-varargs-dfii (foreign-procedure "call_varargs_dfii" (ptr double-float int int) double-float))
1054    (define call-varargs-dfidf (foreign-procedure "call_varargs_dfidf" (ptr double-float int double-float) double-float))
1055    (define call-varargs-dfsfi (foreign-procedure "call_varargs_dfsfi" (ptr double-float single-float int) double-float))
1056    (define ($test-call-int signed? size call-int make-fc)
1057      (define n10000 (expt 256 size))
1058      (define nffff (- n10000 1))
1059      (define nfffe (- nffff 1))
1060      (define n8000 (ash n10000 -1))
1061      (define n8001 (+ n8000 1))
1062      (define n7fff (- n8000 1))
1063      (define n7ffe (- n7fff 1))
1064      (define n100 (expt 16 size))
1065      (define n101 (+ n100 1))
1066      (define nff (- n100 1))
1067      (define nfe (- nff 1))
1068      (define n80 (ash n100 -1))
1069      (define n81 (+ n80 1))
1070      (define n7f (- n80 1))
1071      (define n7e (- n7f 1))
1072      (define (expect x m k)
1073        (if signed?
1074            (if (<= (- n8000) x nffff)
1075                (mod0 (+ x m k) n10000)
1076                'err)
1077            (if (<= (- n8000) x nffff)
1078                (mod (+ x m k) n10000)
1079                'err)))
1080      (define fc (make-fc values))
1081      (define fp (lambda (x m k) (call-int fc x m k)))
1082      (define (check x)
1083        (define (do-one x m k)
1084          (let ([a (expect x m k)])
1085            (if (eq? a 'err)
1086                (or (= (optimize-level) 3)
1087                    (guard (c [#t (display-condition c) (newline) #t]) (fp x m k)))
1088                (eqv? (fp x m k) a))))
1089        (list
1090          (do-one x 0 0)
1091          (do-one x 5 7)
1092          (do-one x -5 7)
1093          (do-one x 5 -7)
1094          (do-one x -5 -7)
1095          (do-one (- x) 0 0)
1096          (do-one (- x) 5 7)
1097          (do-one (- x) -5 7)
1098          (do-one (- x) 5 -7)
1099          (do-one (- x) -5 -7)))
1100      (andmap
1101        (lambda (x) (and (list? x) (= (length x) 10) (andmap (lambda (x) (eq? x #t)) x)))
1102        (list
1103          (check n10000)
1104          (check nffff)
1105          (check nfffe)
1106          (check n8001)
1107          (check n8000)
1108          (check n7fff)
1109          (check n7ffe)
1110          (check n101)
1111          (check n100)
1112          (check nff)
1113          (check nfe)
1114          (check n81)
1115          (check n80)
1116          (check n7f)
1117          (check n7e)
1118          (check 73)
1119          (check 5)
1120          (check 1)
1121          (check 0))))
1122    #t)
1123  ($test-call-int #t (foreign-sizeof 'integer-8) call-i8
1124    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (integer-8) integer-8)))
1125  ($test-call-int #t (foreign-sizeof 'integer-16) call-i16
1126    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (integer-16) integer-16)))
1127  ($test-call-int #t (foreign-sizeof 'integer-24) call-i24
1128    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (integer-24) integer-24)))
1129  ($test-call-int #t (foreign-sizeof 'integer-32) call-i32
1130    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (integer-32) integer-32)))
1131  ($test-call-int #t (foreign-sizeof 'integer-40) call-i40
1132    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (integer-40) integer-40)))
1133  ($test-call-int #t (foreign-sizeof 'integer-48) call-i48
1134    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (integer-48) integer-48)))
1135  ($test-call-int #t (foreign-sizeof 'integer-56) call-i56
1136    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (integer-56) integer-56)))
1137  ($test-call-int #t (foreign-sizeof 'integer-64) call-i64
1138     (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (integer-64) integer-64)))
1139  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-8) call-u8
1140    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (unsigned-8) unsigned-8)))
1141  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-16) call-u16
1142    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (unsigned-16) unsigned-16)))
1143  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-24) call-u24
1144    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (unsigned-24) unsigned-24)))
1145  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-32) call-u32
1146    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (unsigned-32) unsigned-32)))
1147  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-40) call-u40
1148    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (unsigned-40) unsigned-40)))
1149  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-48) call-u48
1150    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (unsigned-48) unsigned-48)))
1151  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-56) call-u56
1152    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (unsigned-56) unsigned-56)))
1153  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-64) call-u64
1154    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (unsigned-64) unsigned-64)))
1155  (equal?
1156    (call-sf
1157      (foreign-callable
1158        (lambda (x) (+ x 5))
1159        (single-float) single-float)
1160      73.25 7 23)
1161    108.25)
1162  (equal?
1163    (call-df
1164      (foreign-callable
1165        (lambda (x) (+ x 5))
1166        (double-float) double-float)
1167      73.25 7 23)
1168    108.25)
1169  (equal?
1170    (call-varargs-df
1171      (foreign-callable
1172        __varargs
1173        (lambda (x y) (+ x y 5))
1174        (double-float double-float) double-float)
1175      10.25 20 300)
1176    325.5)
1177  (equal?
1178    (call-varargs-i7df
1179      (foreign-callable
1180        __varargs
1181        (lambda (i a b c d e f g) (+ i a b c d e f g 7))
1182        (int double-float double-float double-float double-float double-float double-float double-float) double-float)
1183      1 2.2 3.2 4.5 6.7 8.9 10.1 11.5)
1184    55.1)
1186  (equal?
1187   (call-varargs-dfii
1188    (foreign-callable
1189     (__varargs_after 2)
1190     (lambda (x y z) (+ x y z))
1191     (double-float int int) double-float)
1192    10.25 20 300)
1193   620.25)
1195  (equal?
1196   (call-varargs-dfidf
1197    (foreign-callable
1198     (__varargs_after 2)
1199     (lambda (x y z) (+ x y z))
1200     (double-float int double-float) double-float)
1201    10.25 20 300.25)
1202   330.75)
1204  (equal?
1205   (call-varargs-dfsfi
1206    (foreign-callable
1207     (__varargs_after 2)
1208     (lambda (x y z) (+ x y z))
1209     (double-float single-float int) double-float)
1210    10.25 20.0 300)
1211   620.5)
1213  ;(define call-varargs-dfsfi (foreign-procedure #;__varargs #;2 "call_varargs_dfsfi" (ptr double-float single-float int) double-float))
1215  (error?
1216    (call-i8
1217      (foreign-callable
1218        (lambda (x) '(- x 7))
1219        (integer-8) integer-8)
1220      73 0 0))
1221  (error?
1222    (call-u8
1223      (foreign-callable
1224        (lambda (x) '(- x 7))
1225        (unsigned-8) unsigned-8)
1226      73 0 0))
1227  (error?
1228    (call-i16
1229      (foreign-callable
1230        (lambda (x) '(- x 7))
1231        (integer-16) integer-16)
1232      73 0 0))
1233  (error?
1234    (call-u16
1235      (foreign-callable
1236        (lambda (x) '(- x 7))
1237        (unsigned-16) unsigned-16)
1238      73 0 0))
1239  (error?
1240    (call-i32
1241      (foreign-callable
1242        (lambda (x) '(- x 7))
1243        (integer-32) integer-32)
1244      73 0 0))
1245  (error?
1246    (call-u32
1247      (foreign-callable
1248        (lambda (x) '(- x 7))
1249        (unsigned-32) unsigned-32)
1250      73 0 0))
1251  (error?
1252    (call-i64
1253      (foreign-callable
1254        (lambda (x) '(- x 7))
1255        (integer-64) integer-64)
1256      73 0 0))
1257  (error?
1258    (call-u64
1259      (foreign-callable
1260        (lambda (x) '(- x 7))
1261        (unsigned-64) unsigned-64)
1262      73 0 0))
1263  (error?
1264    (call-sf
1265      (foreign-callable
1266        (lambda (x) '(- x 7))
1267        (single-float) single-float)
1268      73.25 0 0))
1269  (error?
1270    (call-df
1271      (foreign-callable
1272        (lambda (x) '(- x 7))
1273        (double-float) double-float)
1274      73.25 0 0))
1275  (error?
1276    (call-varargs-df
1277      (foreign-callable
1278        __varargs
1279        (lambda (x y) '(- x 7))
1280        (double-float double-float) double-float)
1281      73.25 0 0))
1283  (begin
1284    (define u32xu32->u64
1285      (foreign-procedure "u32xu32_to_u64" (unsigned-32 unsigned-32)
1286        unsigned-64))
1287    (define i32xu32->i64
1288      (foreign-procedure "i32xu32_to_i64" (integer-32 unsigned-32)
1289        integer-64))
1290    (define call-i32xu32->i64
1291      (foreign-procedure "call_i32xu32_to_i64"
1292        (ptr integer-32 unsigned-32 int)
1293        integer-64))
1294    (define fc-i32xu32->i64
1295      (foreign-callable i32xu32->i64
1296        (integer-32 unsigned-32)
1297        integer-64))
1298    #t)
1300  (eqv? (u32xu32->u64 #xFFFFFFFF #xFFFFFFFF) #xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
1301  (eqv? (u32xu32->u64 #xFF3FFFFF #xFFFFF0FF) #xFF3FFFFFFFFFF0FF)
1302  (eqv? (u32xu32->u64 #xFFFFFFFF #xF0000000) #xFFFFFFFFF0000000)
1304  (eqv? (i32xu32->i64 #x0 #x5) #x5)
1305  (eqv? (i32xu32->i64 #x7 #x5) #x700000005)
1306  (eqv? (i32xu32->i64 #xFFFFFFFF #xFFFFFFFF) #x-1)
1307  (eqv? (fixnum? (i32xu32->i64 #xFFFFFFFF #xFFFFFFFF)) #t)
1308  (eqv? (i32xu32->i64 #xFFFFFFFF #xFFFFFFFE) #x-2)
1309  (eqv? (i32xu32->i64 #xFFFFFFFF #x00000000) #x-100000000)
1310  (eqv? (i32xu32->i64 #xFFFFFFFE #x00000000) #x-200000000)
1311  (eqv? (i32xu32->i64 #xFFFFFFFF #x00000001) #x-FFFFFFFF)
1312  (eqv? (i32xu32->i64 #x0 #xFFFFFFFF) #xFFFFFFFF)
1313  (eqv? (i32xu32->i64 #x7FFFFFFF #xFFFFFFFF) #x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
1314  (eqv? (i32xu32->i64 #x80000000 #x00000000) #x-8000000000000000)
1316  (eqv? (call-i32xu32->i64 fc-i32xu32->i64 #x0 #x5 #x13) #x18)
1317  (eqv? (call-i32xu32->i64 fc-i32xu32->i64 #x7 #x5 7) #x70000000C)
1318  (eqv? (call-i32xu32->i64 fc-i32xu32->i64 #xFFFFFFFF #xFFFFFFFF -3) #x-4)
1319  (eqv? (fixnum? (call-i32xu32->i64 fc-i32xu32->i64 #xFFFFFFFF #xFFFFFFFF 0)) #t)
1320  (eqv? (call-i32xu32->i64 fc-i32xu32->i64 #xFFFFFFFF #xFFFFFFFE -1) #x-3)
1321  (eqv? (call-i32xu32->i64 fc-i32xu32->i64 #xFFFFFFFF #x00000000 0) #x-100000000)
1322  (eqv? (call-i32xu32->i64 fc-i32xu32->i64 #xFFFFFFFE #x00000000 0) #x-200000000)
1323  (eqv? (call-i32xu32->i64 fc-i32xu32->i64 #xFFFFFFFF #x00000001 0) #x-FFFFFFFF)
1324  (eqv? (call-i32xu32->i64 fc-i32xu32->i64 #x0 #xFFFFFFFF 0) #xFFFFFFFF)
1325  (eqv? (call-i32xu32->i64 fc-i32xu32->i64 #x7FFFFFFF #xFFFFFFFF 0) #x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
1326  (eqv? (call-i32xu32->i64 fc-i32xu32->i64 #x80000000 #x00000000 0) #x-8000000000000000)
1328 ; check for 64-bit alignment issues
1329  (begin
1330    (define ufoo64a
1331      (foreign-procedure "ufoo64a" (unsigned-64 unsigned-64 unsigned-64 unsigned-64 unsigned-64 unsigned-64 unsigned-64)
1332        unsigned-64))
1333    (define ufoo64b
1334      (foreign-procedure "ufoo64b" (integer-32 unsigned-64 unsigned-64 unsigned-64 unsigned-64 unsigned-64 unsigned-64 unsigned-64)
1335        unsigned-64))
1336    (define test-ufoo
1337      (lambda (foo x a b c d e f g)
1338        (eqv? (foo x a b c d e f g)
1339              (mod (+ x (- a b) (- c d) (- e f) g) (expt 2 64)))))
1340    #t)
1341  (test-ufoo (lambda (x a b c d e f g) (+ x (ufoo64a a b c d e f g)))
1342    #x0000000010000000
1343    #x0000000120000000
1344    #x0000002003000000
1345    #x0000030000400000
1346    #x0000400000050000
1347    #x0005000000006000
1348    #x0060000000000700
1349    #x0700000000000080)
1350  (test-ufoo ufoo64b
1351    #x0000000010000000
1352    #x0000000120000000
1353    #x0000002003000000
1354    #x0000030000400000
1355    #x0000400000050000
1356    #x0005000000006000
1357    #x0060000000000700
1358    #x0700000000000080)
1359  (test-ufoo (lambda (x a b c d e f g) (+ x (ufoo64a a b c d e f g)))
1360    #x0000000010000000
1361    #x0000000120000000
1362    #x0000002003000000
1363    #x0000030000400000
1364    #x0000400000050000
1365    #x0005000000006000
1366    #x0060000000000700
1367    #xC700000000000080)
1368  (test-ufoo ufoo64b
1369    #x0000000010000000
1370    #x0000000120000000
1371    #x0000002003000000
1372    #x0000030000400000
1373    #x0000400000050000
1374    #x0005000000006000
1375    #x0060000000000700
1376    #xC700000000000080)
1377  (do ([i 1000 (fx- i 1)])
1378      ((fx= i 0) #t)
1379    (let ([ls (cons (random (expt 2 32))
1380                    (map random (make-list 7 (expt 2 64))))])
1381      (unless (apply test-ufoo
1382                (lambda (x a b c d e f g)
1383                  (+ x (ufoo64a a b c d e f g)))
1384                ls)
1385        (pretty-print ls)
1386        (errorf #f "failed for ufoo64a on ~s" ls))
1387      (unless (apply test-ufoo ufoo64b ls)
1388        (pretty-print ls)
1389        (errorf #f "failed for ufoo64b on ~s" ls))))
1390  (begin
1391    (define ifoo64a
1392      (foreign-procedure "ifoo64a" (integer-64 integer-64 integer-64 integer-64 integer-64 integer-64 integer-64)
1393        integer-64))
1394    (define ifoo64b
1395      (foreign-procedure "ifoo64b" (integer-32 integer-64 integer-64 integer-64 integer-64 integer-64 integer-64 integer-64)
1396        integer-64))
1397    (define test-ifoo
1398      (lambda (foo x a b c d e f g)
1399        (eqv? (foo x a b c d e f g)
1400              (mod0 (+ x (- a b) (- c d) (- e f) g) (expt 2 64)))))
1401    #t)
1402  (test-ifoo (lambda (x a b c d e f g) (+ x (ifoo64a a b c d e f g)))
1403    #x0000000010000000
1404    #x0000000120000000
1405    #x0000002003000000
1406    #x0000030000400000
1407    #x0000400000050000
1408    #x0005000000006000
1409    #x0060000000000700
1410    #x0700000000000080)
1411  (test-ifoo ifoo64b
1412    #x0000000010000000
1413    #x0000000120000000
1414    #x0000002003000000
1415    #x0000030000400000
1416    #x0000400000050000
1417    #x0005000000006000
1418    #x0060000000000700
1419    #x0700000000000080)
1420  (test-ifoo (lambda (x a b c d e f g) (+ x (ifoo64a a b c d e f g)))
1421    #x0000000010000000
1422    #x0000000120000000
1423    #x0000002003000000
1424    #x0000030000400000
1425    #x0000400000050000
1426    #x0005000000006000
1427    #x0060000000000700
1428    #xC700000000000080)
1429  (test-ifoo ifoo64b
1430    #x0000000010000000
1431    #x0000000120000000
1432    #x0000002003000000
1433    #x0000030000400000
1434    #x0000400000050000
1435    #x0005000000006000
1436    #x0060000000000700
1437    #xC700000000000080)
1438  (do ([i 1000 (fx- i 1)])
1439      ((fx= i 0) #t)
1440    (let ([ls (cons (- (random (expt 2 32)) (expt 2 31))
1441                    (map (lambda (n) (- (random n) (expt 2 31))) (make-list 7 (expt 2 64))))])
1442      (unless (apply test-ifoo
1443                (lambda (x a b c d e f g)
1444                  (+ x (ifoo64a a b c d e f g)))
1445                ls)
1446        (pretty-print ls)
1447        (errorf #f "failed for ifoo64a on ~s" ls))
1448      (unless (apply test-ifoo ifoo64b ls)
1449        (pretty-print ls)
1450        (errorf #f "failed for ifoo64b on ~s" ls))))
1453(mat foreign-C-types
1454 ; test void*, int, unsigned, float, etc.
1455  (begin
1456    (define int-to-int (foreign-procedure "int_to_int" (int int) int))
1457    (define unsigned-to-unsigned (foreign-procedure "unsigned_to_unsigned" (unsigned int) unsigned))
1458    (define unsigned-int-to-unsigned-int (foreign-procedure "unsigned_to_unsigned" (unsigned-int int) unsigned-int))
1459    (define char-to-char (foreign-procedure "char_to_char" (char) char))
1460    (define wchar-to-wchar (foreign-procedure "wchar_to_wchar" (wchar) wchar))
1461    (define short-to-short (foreign-procedure "short_to_short" (short int) short))
1462    (define unsigned-short-to-unsigned-short (foreign-procedure "unsigned_short_to_unsigned_short" (unsigned-short int) unsigned-short))
1463    (define long-to-long (foreign-procedure "long_to_long" (long int) long))
1464    (define unsigned-long-to-unsigned-long (foreign-procedure "unsigned_long_to_unsigned_long" (unsigned-long int) unsigned-long))
1465    (define long-long-to-long-long (foreign-procedure "long_long_to_long_long" (long-long int) long-long))
1466    (define unsigned-long-long-to-unsigned-long-long (foreign-procedure "unsigned_long_long_to_unsigned_long_long" (unsigned-long-long int) unsigned-long-long))
1467    (define float-to-float (foreign-procedure "float_to_float" (float) float))
1468    (define double-to-double (foreign-procedure "double_to_double" (double) double))
1469    (define iptr-to-iptr (foreign-procedure "iptr_to_iptr" (iptr int) iptr))
1470    (define uptr-to-uptr (foreign-procedure "uptr_to_uptr" (uptr int) uptr))
1471    (define void*-to-void* (foreign-procedure "uptr_to_uptr" (void* int) void*))
1472    #t)
1473  ($test-int-to-int int-to-int (foreign-sizeof 'int) #t)
1474  ($test-int-to-int unsigned-to-unsigned (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned) #f)
1475  ($test-int-to-int unsigned-int-to-unsigned-int (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-int) #f)
1476  ($test-int-to-int short-to-short (foreign-sizeof 'short) #t)
1477  ($test-int-to-int unsigned-short-to-unsigned-short (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-short) #f)
1478  ($test-int-to-int long-to-long (foreign-sizeof 'long) #t)
1479  ($test-int-to-int unsigned-long-to-unsigned-long (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-long) #f)
1480  ($test-int-to-int long-long-to-long-long (foreign-sizeof 'long-long) #t)
1481  ($test-int-to-int unsigned-long-long-to-unsigned-long-long (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-long-long) #f)
1482  ($test-int-to-int iptr-to-iptr (foreign-sizeof 'iptr) #t)
1483  ($test-int-to-int uptr-to-uptr (foreign-sizeof 'uptr) #f)
1484  ($test-int-to-int void*-to-void* (foreign-sizeof 'void*) #f)
1486  (eqv? (char-to-char #\a) #\A)
1487  (eqv? (wchar-to-wchar #\x3bb) #\x39b)
1488  (eqv? (float-to-float 73.5) 74.5)
1489  (eqv? (double-to-double 73.5) 74.5)
1491  (error? (int-to-int 'qqq 0))
1492  (error? (unsigned-to-unsigned 'qqq 0))
1493  (error? (unsigned-int-to-unsigned-int 'qqq 0))
1494  (error? (unsigned-short-to-unsigned-short 'qqq 0))
1495  (error? (short-to-short 'qqq 0))
1496  (error? (long-to-long 'qqq 0))
1497  (error? (unsigned-long-to-unsigned-long 'qqq 0))
1498  (error? (long-long-to-long-long 'qqq 0))
1499  (error? (unsigned-long-long-to-unsigned-long-long 'qqq 0))
1500  (error? (iptr-to-iptr 'qqq 0))
1501  (error? (uptr-to-uptr 'qqq 0))
1502  (error? (void*-to-void* 'qqq 0))
1503  (error? (int-to-int 0 "oops"))
1504  (error? (unsigned-to-unsigned 0 "oops"))
1505  (error? (unsigned-int-to-unsigned-int 0 "oops"))
1506  (error? (unsigned-short-to-unsigned-short 0 "oops"))
1507  (error? (short-to-short 0 "oops"))
1508  (error? (long-to-long 0 "oops"))
1509  (error? (unsigned-long-to-unsigned-long 0 "oops"))
1510  (error? (long-long-to-long-long 0 "oops"))
1511  (error? (unsigned-long-long-to-unsigned-long-long 0 "oops"))
1512  (error? (iptr-to-iptr 0 "oops"))
1513  (error? (uptr-to-uptr 0 "oops"))
1514  (error? (void*-to-void* 0 "oops"))
1516  (error? (char-to-char 73))
1517  (error? (char-to-char #\x100))
1518  (error? (wchar-to-wchar 73))
1519  (or (= (optimize-level) 3)
1520      (if (eq? (foreign-sizeof 'wchar) 16)
1521          (guard? (c [#t]) (wchar-to-char #\x10000) #f)
1522          #t))
1523  (error? (float-to-float 'qqq.5))
1524  (error? (double-to-double 'qqq.5))
1526  (begin
1527    (define call-int (foreign-procedure "call_int" (ptr int int int) int))
1528    (define call-unsigned (foreign-procedure "call_unsigned" (ptr unsigned int int) unsigned))
1529    (define call-unsigned-int (foreign-procedure "call_unsigned" (ptr unsigned-int int int) unsigned-int))
1530    (define call-char (foreign-procedure "call_char" (ptr char int int) char))
1531    (define call-wchar (foreign-procedure "call_wchar" (ptr wchar int int) wchar))
1532    (define call-short (foreign-procedure "call_short" (ptr short int int) short))
1533    (define call-unsigned-short (foreign-procedure "call_unsigned_short" (ptr unsigned-short int int) unsigned-short))
1534    (define call-long (foreign-procedure "call_long" (ptr long int int) long))
1535    (define call-unsigned-long (foreign-procedure "call_unsigned_long" (ptr unsigned-long int int) unsigned-long))
1536    (define call-long-long (foreign-procedure "call_long_long" (ptr long-long int int) long-long))
1537    (define call-unsigned-long-long (foreign-procedure "call_unsigned_long_long" (ptr unsigned-long-long int int) unsigned-long-long))
1538    (define call-float (foreign-procedure "call_float" (ptr float int int) float))
1539    (define call-double (foreign-procedure "call_double" (ptr double int int) double))
1540    (define call-iptr (foreign-procedure "call_iptr" (ptr iptr int int) iptr))
1541    (define call-uptr (foreign-procedure "call_uptr" (ptr uptr int int) uptr))
1542    (define call-void* (foreign-procedure "call_uptr" (ptr void* int int) void*))
1543    #t)
1544  ($test-call-int #t (foreign-sizeof 'int) call-int
1545    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (int) int)))
1546  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned) call-unsigned
1547    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (unsigned) unsigned)))
1548  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-int) call-unsigned-int
1549    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (unsigned-int) unsigned-int)))
1550  ($test-call-int #t (foreign-sizeof 'short) call-short
1551    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (short) short)))
1552  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-short) call-unsigned-short
1553    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (unsigned-short) unsigned-short)))
1554  ($test-call-int #t (foreign-sizeof 'long) call-long
1555    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (long) long)))
1556  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-long) call-unsigned-long
1557    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (unsigned-long) unsigned-long)))
1558  ($test-call-int #t (foreign-sizeof 'long-long) call-long-long
1559    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (long-long) long-long)))
1560  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'unsigned-long-long) call-unsigned-long-long
1561    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (unsigned-long-long) unsigned-long-long)))
1562  ($test-call-int #t (foreign-sizeof 'iptr) call-iptr
1563    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (iptr) iptr)))
1564  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'uptr) call-uptr
1565    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (uptr) uptr)))
1566  ($test-call-int #f (foreign-sizeof 'void*) call-void*
1567    (lambda (p) (foreign-callable p (void*) void*)))
1568  (equal?
1569    (call-char
1570      (foreign-callable
1571        (lambda (x) (integer->char (+ (char->integer x) 5)))
1572        (char) char)
1573      #\a 7 11)
1574    #\x)
1575  (equal?
1576    (call-wchar
1577      (foreign-callable
1578        (lambda (x) (integer->char (+ (char->integer x) 5)))
1579        (wchar) wchar)
1580      #\x3bb 7 11)
1581    #\x3d2)
1582  (equal?
1583    (call-float
1584      (foreign-callable
1585        (lambda (x) (+ x 5))
1586        (float) single-float)
1587      73.25 7 23)
1588    108.25)
1589  (equal?
1590    (call-double
1591      (foreign-callable
1592        (lambda (x) (+ x 5))
1593        (double) double-float)
1594      73.25 7 23)
1595    108.25)
1597  (error?
1598    (call-int
1599      (foreign-callable
1600        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1601        (int) int)
1602      73 0 0))
1603  (error?
1604    (call-unsigned
1605      (foreign-callable
1606        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1607        (unsigned) unsigned)
1608      73 0 0))
1609  (error?
1610    (call-unsigned-int
1611      (foreign-callable
1612        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1613        (unsigned-int) unsigned-int)
1614      73 0 0))
1615  (error?
1616    (call-char
1617      (foreign-callable
1618        (lambda (x) (list x))
1619        (char) char)
1620      #\a 0 0))
1621  (error?
1622    (call-wchar
1623      (foreign-callable
1624        (lambda (x) (list x))
1625        (wchar) wchar)
1626      #\a 0 0))
1627  (error?
1628    (call-short
1629      (foreign-callable
1630        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1631        (short) short)
1632      73 0 0))
1633  (error?
1634    (call-unsigned-short
1635      (foreign-callable
1636        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1637        (unsigned-short) unsigned-short)
1638      73 0 0))
1639  (error?
1640    (call-long
1641      (foreign-callable
1642        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1643        (long) long)
1644      73 0 0))
1645  (error?
1646    (call-unsigned-long
1647      (foreign-callable
1648        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1649        (unsigned-long) unsigned-long)
1650      73 0 0))
1651  (error?
1652    (call-long-long
1653      (foreign-callable
1654        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1655        (long-long) long-long)
1656      73 0 0))
1657  (error?
1658    (call-unsigned-long-long
1659      (foreign-callable
1660        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1661        (unsigned-long-long) unsigned-long-long)
1662      73 0 0))
1663  (error?
1664    (call-float
1665      (foreign-callable
1666        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1667        (float) float)
1668      73.25 0 0))
1669  (error?
1670    (call-double
1671      (foreign-callable
1672        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1673        (double) double)
1674      73.25 0 0))
1675  (error?
1676    (call-iptr
1677      (foreign-callable
1678        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1679        (iptr) iptr)
1680      73 0 0))
1681  (error?
1682    (call-uptr
1683      (foreign-callable
1684        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1685        (uptr) uptr)
1686      73 0 0))
1687  (error?
1688    (call-void*
1689      (foreign-callable
1690        (lambda (x) (list x (+ x 1)))
1691        (void*) void*)
1692      73 0 0))
1695(mat foreign-ftype
1696  (begin
1697    (define-ftype A (struct [x double] [y wchar]))
1698    (define-ftype B (struct [x (array 10 A)] [y A]))
1699    (define B->*int (foreign-procedure "uptr_to_uptr" ((* B) int) (* int)))
1700    (define B->A (foreign-procedure "uptr_to_uptr" ((* B) int) (* A)))
1701    (define B->uptr (foreign-procedure "uptr_to_uptr" ((* B) int) uptr))
1702    (define uptr->A (foreign-procedure "uptr_to_uptr" (uptr int) (* A)))
1703    (define b ((foreign-procedure (if (windows?) "windows_malloc" "malloc") (ssize_t) (* B)) (ftype-sizeof B)))
1704    #t)
1705  (eqv?
1706    (ftype-pointer-address (uptr->A (ftype-pointer-address (ftype-&ref B (y) b)) 0))
1707    (ftype-pointer-address (ftype-&ref B (y) b)))
1708  (eqv?
1709    (ftype-pointer-address (uptr->A (ftype-pointer-address b) (* 10 (ftype-sizeof A))))
1710    (ftype-pointer-address (ftype-&ref B (y) b)))
1711  (eqv?
1712    (B->uptr b (* 10 (ftype-sizeof A)))
1713    (ftype-pointer-address (ftype-&ref B (y) b)))
1714  (eqv?
1715    (ftype-pointer-address (B->A b (* 10 (ftype-sizeof A))))
1716    (ftype-pointer-address (ftype-&ref B (y) b)))
1717  (begin
1718    (define uptr->uptr (foreign-callable values (uptr) uptr))
1719    (define uptr->A (foreign-callable (lambda (a) (make-ftype-pointer A a)) (uptr) (* A)))
1720    (define B->uptr (foreign-callable ftype-pointer-address ((* B)) uptr))
1721    (define B->A (foreign-callable (lambda (b) (ftype-&ref B (y) b)) ((* B)) (* A)))
1722    (define call-B->A (foreign-procedure "call_uptr" (ptr (* B) int int) (* A)))
1723    #t)
1724  (eqv?
1725    (ftype-pointer-address (call-B->A uptr->uptr b (* 5 (ftype-sizeof A)) (* 5 (ftype-sizeof A))))
1726    (ftype-pointer-address (ftype-&ref B (y) b)))
1727  (eqv?
1728    (ftype-pointer-address (call-B->A uptr->A b (* 5 (ftype-sizeof A)) (* 5 (ftype-sizeof A))))
1729    (ftype-pointer-address (ftype-&ref B (y) b)))
1730  (eqv?
1731    (ftype-pointer-address (call-B->A B->uptr b (* 5 (ftype-sizeof A)) (* 5 (ftype-sizeof A))))
1732    (ftype-pointer-address (ftype-&ref B (y) b)))
1733  (eqv?
1734    (ftype-pointer-address (call-B->A B->A b 0 0))
1735    (ftype-pointer-address (ftype-&ref B (y) b)))
1736  (begin
1737    ((foreign-procedure (if (windows?) "windows_free" "free") ((* B)) void) b)
1738    (set! b #f)
1739    #t)
1740  (error? ; unrecognized foreign-procedure argument ftype name
1741    (foreign-procedure "foo" ((* broken)) void))
1742  (error? ; invalid foreign-procedure argument type specifier
1743    (foreign-procedure "foo" ((+ * -)) void))
1744  (error? ; invalid foreign-procedure argument type specifier
1745    (foreign-procedure "foo" ((* * *)) void))
1746  (error? ; invalid foreign-procedure argument type specifier
1747    (foreign-procedure "foo" ((struct [a int])) void))
1748  (error? ; invalid foreign-procedure argument type specifier
1749    (foreign-procedure "foo" (hag) void))
1750  (error? ; unrecognized foreign-procedure return ftype name
1751    (foreign-procedure "foo" () (* broken)))
1752  (error? ; invalid foreign-procedure return type specifier
1753    (foreign-procedure "foo" () (+ * -)))
1754  (error? ; invalid foreign-procedure return type specifier
1755    (foreign-procedure "foo" () (* * *)))
1756  (error? ; invalid foreign-procedure argument type specifier
1757    (foreign-procedure "foo" () ((struct [a int]))))
1758  (error? ; invalid foreign-procedure return type specifier
1759    (foreign-procedure "foo" () hag))
1760  (error? ; invalid (non-base) ... ftype
1761    (foreign-procedure "foo" (A) void))
1762  (error? ; invalid (non-base) ... ftype
1763    (foreign-procedure "foo" () A))
1764  (begin
1765    (meta-cond
1766      [(eq? (native-endianness) 'little)
1767       (define-ftype swap-fixnum (endian big fixnum))]
1768      [(eq? (native-endianness) 'big)
1769       (define-ftype swap-fixnum (endian little fixnum))])
1770    #t)
1771  (error? ; invalid (swapped) ... ftype
1772    (foreign-procedure "foo" (swap-fixnum) void))
1773  (error? ; invalid (swapped) ... ftype
1774    (foreign-procedure "foo" () swap-fixnum))
1775  (error? ; invalid syntax
1776    (define-ftype foo (function "wtf" () void) +))
1777  (error? ; invalid convention
1778    (define-ftype foo (function "wtf" () void)))
1779  (error? ; invalid argument type void
1780    (define-ftype foo (function (void) int)))
1781  (equal?
1782    (let ()
1783      (define-ftype foo (function (int) void))
1784      (list (ftype-pointer? (make-ftype-pointer foo 0))
1785            (ftype-pointer? foo (make-ftype-pointer double 0))
1786            (ftype-pointer? foo (make-ftype-pointer foo 0))))
1787    '(#t #f #t))
1788  (error? ; non-function ftype with "memcpy" address
1789    (define $fp-bvcopy (make-ftype-pointer double "memcpy")))
1790  (error? ; unrecognized ftype
1791    (define $fp-bvcopy (make-ftype-pointer spam "memcpy")))
1792  (error? ; invalid syntax
1793    (define $fp-bvcopy (make-ftype-pointer (struct [x int]) "memcpy")))
1794  (error? ; invalid function-ftype result type specifier u8
1795    (let ()
1796      (define-ftype foo (function (u8* u8* size_t) u8))
1797      (define $fp-bvcopy (make-ftype-pointer foo "memcpy"))))
1798  (error? ; invalid function-ftype argument type specifier u8
1799    (let ()
1800      (define-ftype foo (function (u8* u8 size_t) u8*))
1801      (define $fp-bvcopy (make-ftype-pointer foo "memcpy"))))
1802  (begin
1803    (define-ftype memcpy_t (function (u8* u8* size_t) u8*))
1804    (define $fp-bvcopy (ftype-ref memcpy_t () (make-ftype-pointer memcpy_t "memcpy")))
1805    #t)
1806  (let ([bv1 (string->utf8 "hello")] [bv2 (make-bytevector 5)])
1807    ($fp-bvcopy bv2 bv1 5)
1808    (and (bytevector=? bv1 bv2) (bytevector=? bv1 (string->utf8 "hello"))))
1809  (begin
1810    (define-ftype bvcopy-t (function (u8* u8* size_t) u8*))
1811    (define $fp-bvcopy (ftype-ref bvcopy-t () (make-ftype-pointer bvcopy-t "memcpy")))
1812    #t)
1813  (let ([bv1 (string->utf8 "hello")] [bv2 (make-bytevector 5)])
1814    ($fp-bvcopy bv2 bv1 5)
1815    (and (bytevector=? bv1 bv2) (bytevector=? bv1 (string->utf8 "hello"))))
1816  ;; No longer an error since make-ftype-pointer also serves to make foriegn-pointers
1817  #;(error? ; "memcpy" is not a procedure
1818      (make-ftype-pointer memcpy_t "memcpy"))
1819  (error? ; unrecognized ftype
1820    (make-ftype-pointer spam +))
1821  (error? ; non-function ftype
1822    (make-ftype-pointer double +))
1823  (error? ; invalid syntax
1824    (make-ftype-pointer (struct [x int]) +))
1825  (eqv?
1826    (let ()
1827      (define-ftype foo (function (int int) double))
1828      (define code
1829        (make-ftype-pointer foo
1830          (lambda (x y) (inexact (+ x y)))))
1831      (let ([code-object (foreign-callable-code-object (ftype-pointer-address code))])
1832        (dynamic-wind
1833          (lambda () (lock-object code-object))
1834          (lambda ()
1835            (define f (ftype-ref foo () code))
1836            (f 3 4))
1837          (lambda () (unlock-object code-object)))))
1838    7.0)
1839  (eqv?
1840    (let ()
1841      (define-ftype foo (function (int int) double))
1842      (define code
1843        (make-ftype-pointer foo
1844          (lambda (x y) (inexact (+ x y)))))
1845      (define f (ftype-ref foo () code))
1846      (let ([x (f 8 4)])
1847        (unlock-object (foreign-callable-code-object (ftype-pointer-address code)))
1848        x))
1849    12.0)
1850  (eqv?
1851    (let ()
1852      (define-ftype foo (function (void* void*) ptrdiff_t))
1853      (define code (make-ftype-pointer foo -))
1854      (let ([code-object (foreign-callable-code-object (ftype-pointer-address code))])
1855        (dynamic-wind
1856          (lambda () (lock-object code-object))
1857          (lambda () ((ftype-ref foo () code) 17 (* (most-positive-fixnum) 2)))
1858          (lambda () (unlock-object code-object)))))
1859    (- 17 (* (most-positive-fixnum) 2)))
1860  (eqv?
1861    (let ()
1862      (define-ftype foo (function (void* void*) ptrdiff_t))
1863      (define code (make-ftype-pointer foo -))
1864      (let ([x ((ftype-ref foo () code) 19 (* (most-positive-fixnum) 2))])
1865        (unlock-object (foreign-callable-code-object (ftype-pointer-address code)))
1866        x))
1867    (- 19 (* (most-positive-fixnum) 2)))
1868  (eqv?
1869    (let ()
1870      (define-ftype foo (function (int int) size_t))
1871      (define code (make-ftype-pointer foo -))
1872      (let ([code-object (foreign-callable-code-object (ftype-pointer-address code))])
1873        (dynamic-wind
1874          (lambda () (lock-object code))
1875          (lambda () ((ftype-ref foo () code) 17 32))
1876          (lambda () (unlock-object code)))))
1877    (- (expt 2 (* (ftype-sizeof size_t) 8)) 15))
1878  (eqv?
1879    (let ()
1880      (define-ftype foo (function (int int) size_t))
1881      (define code (make-ftype-pointer foo -))
1882      (let ([x ((ftype-ref foo () code) 17 32)])
1883        (unlock-object (foreign-callable-code-object (ftype-pointer-address code)))
1884        x))
1885    (- (expt 2 (* (ftype-sizeof size_t) 8)) 15))
1887  (error? ; not a string
1888    (foreign-entry #e1e6))
1890  (error? ; no entry for "i am not defined"
1891    (foreign-entry "i am not defined"))
1893  (begin
1894    (define-ftype F (function (size_t) int))
1895    (define malloc-fptr1 (make-ftype-pointer F (if (windows?) "windows_malloc" "malloc")))
1896    (define malloc-fptr2 (make-ftype-pointer F (foreign-entry (if (windows?) "windows_malloc" "malloc"))))
1897    #t)
1899  (equal?
1900    (foreign-address-name (ftype-pointer-address malloc-fptr1))
1901    (if (windows?) "windows_malloc" "malloc"))
1903  (equal?
1904    (foreign-address-name (ftype-pointer-address malloc-fptr2))
1905    (if (windows?) "windows_malloc" "malloc"))
1907  (eqv?
1908    (ftype-pointer-address malloc-fptr1)
1909    (ftype-pointer-address malloc-fptr2))
1911  (procedure?
1912    (ftype-ref F () malloc-fptr1))
1914  (begin
1915    (define-ftype SF (struct [i int] [f (* F)]))
1916    (define sf (make-ftype-pointer SF (foreign-alloc (ftype-sizeof SF))))
1917    (ftype-set! SF (i) sf 10)
1918    (ftype-set! SF (f) sf malloc-fptr2)
1919    #t)
1921  (ftype-pointer? F (ftype-ref SF (f) sf))
1923  (procedure? (ftype-ref SF (f *) sf))
1925  (error?
1926    (begin
1927      (define-ftype A (struct [x double] [y wchar]))
1928      (define-ftype B (struct [x (array 10 A)] [y A]))
1929      ; see if defns above mess up defn below
1930      (define-ftype
1931        [A (function ((* B)) (* B))]
1932        [B (struct [x A])])))
1934  (begin
1935    (define-ftype A (struct [x double] [y wchar]))
1936    (define-ftype B (struct [x (array 10 A)] [y A]))
1937    ; see if defns above mess up defn below
1938    (define-ftype
1939      [A (function ((* B)) (* B))]
1940      [B (struct [x (* A)])])
1941    (define b (make-ftype-pointer B (foreign-alloc (ftype-sizeof B))))
1942    (define a (ftype-ref A () (make-ftype-pointer A "idiptr")))
1943    #t)
1944  (eqv? (ftype-pointer-address (a b)) (ftype-pointer-address b))
1946  (begin
1947    (define-ftype
1948      [A (function ((* B)) (* B))]
1949      [B (struct [x (* A)])])
1950    (define b (make-ftype-pointer B (foreign-alloc (ftype-sizeof B))))
1951    (define a (ftype-ref A () (make-ftype-pointer A "idiptr")))
1952    #t)
1953  (eqv? (ftype-pointer-address (a b)) (ftype-pointer-address b))
1955  (begin
1956    (define-ftype
1957      [B (struct [x (* A)])]
1958      [A (function ((* B)) (* B))])
1959    (define b (make-ftype-pointer B (foreign-alloc (ftype-sizeof B))))
1960    (define a (ftype-ref A () (make-ftype-pointer A "idiptr")))
1961    #t)
1962  (eqv? (ftype-pointer-address (a b)) (ftype-pointer-address b))
1964  (begin
1965    (define-ftype A (function ((* A)) (* A)))
1966    (define a (make-ftype-pointer A "idiptr"))
1967    #t)
1968  (eqv? (ftype-pointer-address ((ftype-ref A () a) a)) (ftype-pointer-address a))
1970  (begin
1971    (define-ftype A (struct [x uptr] [y uptr]))
1972    (define a (make-ftype-pointer A (foreign-alloc (ftype-sizeof A))))
1973    (define ff-init-lock (foreign-procedure "init_lock" ((* uptr)) void))
1974    (define ff-spinlock (foreign-procedure "spinlock" ((* uptr)) void))
1975    (define ff-unlock (foreign-procedure "unlock" ((* uptr)) void))
1976    (define ff-locked-incr (foreign-procedure "locked_incr" ((* uptr)) boolean))
1977    (define ff-locked-decr (foreign-procedure "locked_decr" ((* uptr)) boolean))
1978    #t)
1979  (eq? (ff-init-lock (ftype-&ref A (x) a)) (void))
1980  (ftype-lock! A (x) a)
1981  (not (ftype-lock! A (x) a))
1982  (eq? (ftype-unlock! A (x) a) (void))
1983  (eq? (ff-spinlock (ftype-&ref A (x) a)) (void))
1984  (not (ftype-lock! A (x) a))
1985  (eq? (ff-unlock (ftype-&ref A (x) a)) (void))
1986  (ftype-lock! A (x) a)
1987  (eq? (ff-unlock (ftype-&ref A (x) a)) (void))
1988  (eq? (ff-spinlock (ftype-&ref A (x) a)) (void))
1989  (not (ftype-lock! A (x) a))
1990  (eq? (ff-unlock (ftype-&ref A (x) a)) (void))
1991  (eq? (ftype-set! A (y) a 1) (void))
1992  (not (ff-locked-incr (ftype-&ref A (y) a)))
1993  (eqv? (ftype-ref A (y) a) 2)
1994  (not (ff-locked-decr (ftype-&ref A (y) a)))
1995  (ff-locked-decr (ftype-&ref A (y) a))
1996  (eqv? (ftype-ref A (y) a) 0)
1997  (not (ff-locked-decr (ftype-&ref A (y) a)))
1998  (ff-locked-incr (ftype-&ref A (y) a))
2001(mat foreign-anonymous
2002  (eqv?
2003    (let ([addr ((foreign-procedure "idiptr_addr" () iptr))])
2004      (define idiptr (foreign-procedure addr (scheme-object) scheme-object))
2005      (idiptr 'friggle))
2006    'friggle)
2010  [(i3nt ti3nt)
2011   (mat i3nt-stdcall
2012     (let ()
2013        (define (win32:number-32-ptr->number n32ptr)
2014          (+ (fx+ (char->integer (string-ref n32ptr 0))
2015               (fxsll (char->integer (string-ref n32ptr 1)) 8)
2016               (fxsll (char->integer (string-ref n32ptr 2)) 16))
2017            (* (char->integer (string-ref n32ptr 3)) #x1000000)))
2018        (define (win32:GetVolumeSerialNumber root)
2019          (define f-proc
2020            (foreign-procedure __stdcall "GetVolumeInformationA"
2021              (string string unsigned-32 string string string string unsigned-32)
2022              boolean))
2023          (let ([vol-sid (make-string 4)]
2024                [max-filename-len (make-string 4)]
2025                [sys-flags (make-string 4)])
2026            (and (f-proc root #f 0 vol-sid max-filename-len sys-flags #f 0)
2027                 (win32:number-32-ptr->number vol-sid))))
2028        (number? (win32:GetVolumeSerialNumber "C:\\"))))])
2030(mat single-float
2031  (= (let ((x (foreign-procedure "sxstos" (single-float single-float)
2032                single-float)))
2033       (x 3.0 5.0))
2034     15)
2035  (let ((args '(1.25 2.25 3.25 4.25 5.25 6.25 7.25 8.25 9.25 10.25 11.25 12.25)))
2036    (= (apply + args)
2037       (apply
2038         (foreign-procedure "singlesum12"
2039           (single-float single-float single-float single-float
2040            single-float single-float single-float single-float
2041            single-float single-float single-float single-float)
2042           single-float)
2043         args)))
2044 )
2046(mat auto-mat-icks
2047  (auto-mat-ick "d1d2")
2048  (auto-mat-ick "s1s2")
2049  (auto-mat-ick "s1d1")
2050  (auto-mat-ick "d1s1")
2051  (auto-mat-ick "n1n2n3n4")
2052  (auto-mat-ick "d1n1d2")
2053  (auto-mat-ick "d1n1n2")
2054  (auto-mat-ick "s1n1n2")
2055  (auto-mat-ick "n1n2n3d1")
2056  (auto-mat-ick "n1n2n3s1")
2057  (auto-mat-ick "n1n2d1")
2058  (auto-mat-ick "n1d1")
2059  (auto-mat-ick "s1s2s3s4")
2060  (auto-mat-ick "s1n1s2n2")
2061  (auto-mat-ick "d1s1s2")
2062  (auto-mat-ick "s1s2d1")
2063  (auto-mat-ick "n1s1n2s2")
2064  (auto-mat-ick "n1s1n2n3")
2065  (auto-mat-ick "n1n2s1n3")
2066  (auto-mat-ick "d1d2s1s2")
2067  (auto-mat-ick "d1d2n1n2")
2068  (auto-mat-ick "s1d1s2s3")
2069 )
2071(mat foreign-callable
2072  (begin
2073    ;; We don't have to use `lock-object` on the result of a `foreign-callable`,
2074    ;; because it is immobile. We have to keep it live, though.
2075    (define-syntax with-object-kept-live
2076      (lambda (x)
2077        (syntax-case x ()
2078          [(_ id expr)
2079           (identifier? #'id)
2080           #'(let ([v expr])
2081               (keep-live id)
2082               v)])))
2083    #t)
2085  (error? ; spam is not a procedure
2086    (foreign-callable 'spam () void))
2087  (error? ; spam is not a procedure
2088    (begin (foreign-callable 'spam () void) 'q))
2089  (error? ; spam is not a procedure
2090    (if (foreign-callable 'spam () void) 'q 'p))
2091  (equal?
2092    (let ()
2093      (define Sinvoke2
2094        (foreign-procedure "Sinvoke2"
2095          (scheme-object scheme-object iptr)
2096          scheme-object))
2097      (define Fcons
2098        (foreign-callable
2099          (lambda (x y)
2100            (collect)
2101            (let ([ls (map (lambda (x) (make-vector 200 x)) (make-list 100))])
2102              (collect)
2103              (collect)
2104              (collect)
2105              (collect)
2106              (collect)
2107              (cons (length ls) (cons x y))))
2108          (scheme-object iptr)
2109          scheme-object))
2110      (define (go) (Sinvoke2 Fcons 4 5))
2111      (define initial-result (go))
2112      (let loop ([i 100])
2113        (if (zero? i)
2114            initial-result
2115            (and (equal? initial-result (go))
2116                 (loop (sub1 i))))))
2117    '(100 4 . 5))
2118  (eqv?
2119    (let ()
2120      (define Sinvoke2
2121        (foreign-procedure "Sinvoke2"
2122          (scheme-object scheme-object iptr)
2123          scheme-object))
2124      (define fxFsum
2125        (foreign-callable
2126          (lambda (x y)
2127            (if (fx= x 0)
2128                y
2129                (fx+ x (Sinvoke2 fxFsum (fx- x 1) y))))
2130          (scheme-object iptr)
2131          scheme-object))
2132      (define (fxgosum n) (Sinvoke2 fxFsum n 0))
2133      (fxgosum 20))
2134    210)
2135  (eqv?
2136    (let ()
2137      (define Sinvoke2
2138        (foreign-procedure "Sinvoke2"
2139          (scheme-object scheme-object iptr)
2140          scheme-object))
2141      (define Fsum
2142        (foreign-callable
2143          (lambda (x y)
2144            (if (= x 0)
2145                y
2146                (+ x (Sinvoke2 Fsum (- x 1) y))))
2147          (scheme-object iptr)
2148          scheme-object))
2149      (define (gosum n) (Sinvoke2 Fsum n (most-positive-fixnum)))
2150      (gosum 20))
2151    (+ (most-positive-fixnum) 210))
2152  (let ()
2153    (define Fargtest
2154      (foreign-callable
2155        (lambda (bool char fixnum double single string)
2156          (list string single double fixnum char bool))
2157        (boolean char fixnum double-float single-float string)
2158        scheme-object))
2159    (define Sargtest
2160      (foreign-procedure "Sargtest"
2161        (iptr boolean char fixnum double-float single-float string)
2162        scheme-object))
2163    (define args1 (list #t #\Q 12345 3.1415 2.0 "hit me"))
2164    (define args2 (list #f #\newline -51293 3.1415 2.5 ""))
2165    (define args3 (list #f #\newline -51293 3.1415 2.5 #f))
2166    (let ()
2167      (define addr
2168        (foreign-callable-entry-point Fargtest))
2169      (let ()
2170          (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2171          (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2172          (with-object-kept-live
2173           Fargtest
2174           (and
2175            (equal? (apply Sargtest addr args1) (reverse args1))
2176            (equal? (apply Sargtest addr args2) (reverse args2))
2177            (equal? (apply Sargtest addr args3) (reverse args3)))))))
2178  (let ()
2179    (define Fargtest2
2180      (foreign-callable
2181        (lambda (x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)
2182          (list x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1))
2183        (short int char double short char)
2184        scheme-object))
2185    (define Sargtest2
2186      (foreign-procedure "Sargtest2"
2187        (iptr short int char double short char)
2188        scheme-object))
2189    (define args1 (list 32123 #xc7c7c7 #\% 3.1415 -32768 #\!))
2190    (define args2 (list 17 #x-987654 #\P -521.125 -1955 #\Q))
2191    (define args3 (list -7500 #x987654 #\? +inf.0 3210 #\7))
2192    (let ()
2193      (define addr
2194        (foreign-callable-entry-point Fargtest2))
2195      (let ()
2196          (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2197          (collect (collect-maximum-generation))
2198          (with-object-kept-live
2199           Fargtest2
2200           (and
2201            (equal? (apply Sargtest2 addr args1) (reverse args1))
2202            (equal? (apply Sargtest2 addr args2) (reverse args2))
2203            (equal? (apply Sargtest2 addr args3) (reverse args3)))))))
2204  (let ()
2205    (define Frvtest_int32
2206      (foreign-callable
2207        (lambda (x) (* x x))
2208        (scheme-object)
2209        integer-32))
2210    (define Srvtest_int32
2211      (foreign-procedure "Srvtest_int32"
2212        (scheme-object scheme-object)
2213        integer-32))
2214    (and
2215      (eqv? (Srvtest_int32 Frvtest_int32 16) 256)
2216      (eqv? (Srvtest_int32 Frvtest_int32 #x8000) #x40000000)))
2217  (let ()
2218    (define Frvtest_uns32
2219      (foreign-callable
2220        (lambda (x) (- (* x x) 1))
2221        (scheme-object)
2222        unsigned-32))
2223    (define Srvtest_uns32
2224      (foreign-procedure "Srvtest_uns32"
2225        (scheme-object scheme-object)
2226        unsigned-32))
2227    (and
2228      (eqv? (Srvtest_uns32 Frvtest_uns32 16) 255)
2229      (eqv? (Srvtest_uns32 Frvtest_uns32 #x10000) #xffffffff)))
2230  (let ()
2231    (define Frvtest_single
2232      (foreign-callable
2233        (lambda (x) (* x x))
2234        (scheme-object)
2235        single-float))
2236    (define Srvtest_single
2237      (foreign-procedure "Srvtest_single"
2238        (scheme-object scheme-object)
2239        single-float))
2240    (eqv? (Srvtest_single Frvtest_single 16.0) 256.0))
2241  (let ()
2242    (define Frvtest_double
2243      (foreign-callable
2244        (lambda (x) (* x x))
2245        (scheme-object)
2246        double-float))
2247    (define Srvtest_double
2248      (foreign-procedure "Srvtest_double"
2249        (scheme-object scheme-object)
2250        double-float))
2251    (eqv? (Srvtest_double Frvtest_double 16.0) 256.0))
2252  (let ()
2253    (define Frvtest_char
2254      (foreign-callable
2255        (lambda (x) (string-ref x 3))
2256        (scheme-object)
2257        char))
2258    (define Srvtest_char
2259      (foreign-procedure "Srvtest_char"
2260        (scheme-object scheme-object)
2261        char))
2262    (eqv? (Srvtest_char Frvtest_char "abcdefg") #\d))
2263  (let ()
2264    (define Frvtest_boolean
2265      (foreign-callable
2266        (lambda (x) (equal? x "abcdefg"))
2267        (scheme-object)
2268        boolean))
2269    (define Srvtest_boolean
2270      (foreign-procedure "Srvtest_int32"
2271        (scheme-object scheme-object)
2272        boolean))
2273    (and
2274      (eqv? (Srvtest_boolean Frvtest_boolean "abcdefg") #t)
2275      (eqv? (Srvtest_boolean Frvtest_boolean "gfedcba") #f)))
2276  (let ()
2277    (define Frvtest_fixnum
2278      (foreign-callable
2279        (lambda (x) (* x x))
2280        (scheme-object)
2281        fixnum))
2282    (define Srvtest_fixnum
2283      (foreign-procedure "Srvtest_int32"
2284        (scheme-object scheme-object)
2285        fixnum))
2286    (eqv? (Srvtest_fixnum Frvtest_fixnum 16) 256))
2287  (let ()
2288    (define Frvtest_fixnum
2289      (foreign-callable
2290        (lambda (x) (* x x))
2291        (scheme-object)
2292        void))
2293    (define Srvtest_fixnum
2294      (foreign-procedure "Srvtest_int32"
2295        (scheme-object scheme-object)
2296        void))
2297    (eqv? (Srvtest_fixnum Frvtest_fixnum 16) (void)))
2298  #;(error? (foreign-callable values (scheme-object) foreign-pointer))
2299  #;(error? (foreign-callable values (scheme-object) (foreign-object 16 4)))
2300  #;(error? (foreign-callable values (foreign-pointer) void))
2301  #;(error? (foreign-callable values ((foreign-object 16 4)) void))
2302  (equal?
2303    (let ([x 5])
2304      (define call-twice (foreign-procedure "call_twice" (void* int int) void))
2305      (let ([co (foreign-callable (lambda (y) (set! x (+ x y))) (int) void)])
2306        (with-object-kept-live
2307         co
2308         (call-twice (foreign-callable-entry-point co) 7 31)))
2309      x)
2310    43)
2311  (equal?
2312    (let ()
2313     ; foreign_callable example adapted from foreign.stex
2314      (define cb-init
2315        (foreign-procedure "cb_init" () void))
2316      (define register-callback
2317        (foreign-procedure "register_callback" (char iptr) void))
2318      (define event-loop
2319        (foreign-procedure "event_loop" (string) void))
2321      (define callback
2322        (lambda (p)
2323          (let ([code (foreign-callable p (char) void)])
2324            (foreign-callable-entry-point code))))
2325      (let ()
2326        (define ouch
2327          (callback
2328            (lambda (c)
2329              (printf "Ouch! Hit by '~c'~%" c))))
2330        (define rats
2331          (callback
2332            (lambda (c)
2333              (printf "Rats! Received '~c'~%" c))))
2335        (cb-init)
2336        (register-callback #\a ouch)
2337        (register-callback #\c rats)
2338        (register-callback #\e ouch)
2340        (parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-string)])
2341          (event-loop "abcde")
2342          (get-output-string (current-output-port)))))
2343    (format "Ouch! Hit by 'a'~%Rats! Received 'c'~%Ouch! Hit by 'e'~%"))
2344   ; make sure foreign-procedure's code-object is properly locked when
2345   ; calling back into Scheme
2346   (begin
2347     (define call-collect (lambda () (collect) (collect (collect-maximum-generation))))
2348     (define code (foreign-callable call-collect () void))
2349     (collect)
2350     #t)
2351   ; this form needs to be after the preceding form and not part of it, so that when
2352   ; we lock code we don't also lock the code object created by foreign-procedure
2353   (begin
2354     (with-object-kept-live
2355      code
2356      ((foreign-procedure (foreign-callable-entry-point code) () scheme-object)))
2357     #t)
2359  (not (locked-object?
2360         (let ()
2361           (define cb (foreign-callable (lambda (i) i) (int) int))
2362           (define unlock-callback (foreign-procedure "unlock_callback" (void*) void))
2363           (lock-object cb)
2364           (unlock-callback (foreign-callable-entry-point cb))
2365           cb)))
2366  (not (locked-object?
2367         (let ()
2368           (define cb (foreign-callable (lambda (i) i) (int) int))
2369           (define unlock-callback (foreign-procedure "unlock_callback" (void*) void))
2370           (lock-object cb)
2371           (collect)
2372           (unlock-callback (foreign-callable-entry-point cb))
2373           cb)))
2374  (equal?
2375    (let ()
2376      (define cb (foreign-callable (lambda (i) (+ i 10)) (int) int))
2377      (define call-and-unlock (foreign-procedure "call_and_unlock" (void* int) int))
2378      (lock-object cb)
2379      (let ([ans (call-and-unlock (foreign-callable-entry-point cb) 5)])
2380        (list (locked-object? cb) ans)))
2381    '(#f 15))
2382  (equal?
2383    (let ()
2384      (define cb (foreign-callable (lambda (i) (+ i 10)) (int) int))
2385      (define call-and-unlock (foreign-procedure "call_and_unlock" (void* int) int))
2386      (lock-object cb)
2387      (collect)
2388      (let ([ans (call-and-unlock (foreign-callable-entry-point cb) 3)])
2389        (list (locked-object? cb) ans)))
2390    '(#f 13))
2391  (begin
2392    (define $stack-depth 8000)
2393    (define $base-value 37)
2394    #t)
2395  (eqv? ; make sure foreign-callable does it's overflow checks
2396    (let ()
2397      (define-ftype foo (function (fixnum fixnum) fixnum))
2398      (define f (lambda (n m) (if (fx= n 0) m (g (fx- n 1) (fx+ m 1)))))
2399      (define fptr (make-ftype-pointer foo f))
2400      (define g (ftype-ref foo () fptr))
2401      (let ([v (f $stack-depth $base-value)])
2402        (unlock-object
2403          (foreign-callable-code-object
2404            (ftype-pointer-address fptr)))
2405        v))
2406    (+ $stack-depth $base-value))
2407  (begin
2408    (define $with-exit-proc
2409      ; if you change this, consider changing the definition of with-exit-proc
2410      ; in foreign.stex
2411      (lambda (p)
2412        (define th (lambda () (call/cc p)))
2413        (define-ftype ->ptr (function () ptr))
2414        (let ([fptr (make-ftype-pointer ->ptr th)])
2415          (let ([v ((ftype-ref ->ptr () fptr))])
2416            (unlock-object
2417              (foreign-callable-code-object
2418                (ftype-pointer-address fptr)))
2419            v))))
2420    #t)
2421  (eqv? ; make sure we can jump out of a deep nest of C/Scheme calls
2422    (let ()
2423      (define *k*)
2424      (define-ftype foo (function (fixnum fixnum) fixnum))
2425      (define f (lambda (n m) (if (fx= n 0) (*k* m) (g (fx- n 1) (fx+ m 1)))))
2426      (define fptr (make-ftype-pointer foo f))
2427      (define g (ftype-ref foo () fptr))
2428      (let ([v ($with-exit-proc
2429                 (lambda (k)
2430                   (set! *k* k)
2431                   (f $stack-depth $base-value)))])
2432        (unlock-object
2433          (foreign-callable-code-object
2434            (ftype-pointer-address fptr)))
2435        v))
2436    (+ $stack-depth $base-value))
2437  (eqv? ; make sure we can jump out a few frames at a time
2438    (let ()
2439      (define-ftype foo (function (fixnum fixnum ptr) fixnum))
2440      (define f
2441        (lambda (n m k)
2442          (if (fx= n 0)
2443              (k m)
2444              (if (fx= (fxmodulo n 10) 0)
2445                  (k (call/cc
2446                       (lambda (k)
2447                         (g (fx- n 1) (fx+ m 1) k))))
2448                  (g (fx- n 1) (fx+ m 1) k)))))
2449      (define fptr (make-ftype-pointer foo f))
2450      (define g (ftype-ref foo () fptr))
2451      (let ([v ($with-exit-proc
2452                 (lambda (k)
2453                   (f $stack-depth $base-value k)))])
2454        (unlock-object
2455          (foreign-callable-code-object
2456            (ftype-pointer-address fptr)))
2457        v))
2458    (+ $stack-depth $base-value))
2459  (or (= (optimize-level) 3)
2460      ; make sure we can jump out a few frames at a time, returning from
2461      ; each with an invalid number of values, just for fun
2462      (eqv?
2463        ($with-exit-proc
2464          (lambda (ignore)
2465            (define *m*)
2466            (define *k*)
2467            (define-ftype foo (function (fixnum fixnum) fixnum))
2468            (define f
2469              (lambda (n m)
2470                (if (fx= n 0)
2471                    (begin (set! *m* m) (values))
2472                    (if (fx= (fxmodulo n 10) 0)
2473                        (begin
2474                          (set! *m*
2475                            (call/cc
2476                              (lambda (k)
2477                                (fluid-let ([*k* k])
2478                                  (g (fx- n 1) (fx+ m 1))))))
2479                          (values))
2480                        (g (fx- n 1) (fx+ m 1))))))
2481            (define fptr (make-ftype-pointer foo f))
2482            (define g (ftype-ref foo () fptr))
2483            (with-exception-handler
2484             (lambda (c) (*k* *m*))
2485             (lambda ()
2486               (call/cc
2487                (lambda (k)
2488                  (fluid-let ([*k* k]) (f $stack-depth $base-value))))))
2489            (unlock-object
2490              (foreign-callable-code-object
2491                (ftype-pointer-address fptr)))
2492            *m*))
2493        (+ $stack-depth $base-value)))
2494  (or (= (optimize-level) 3)
2495      ; similarly, but with a ptr return value so the values error is signaled
2496      ; by S_call_help wrather than the foreign-procedure wrapper
2497      (eqv?
2498        ($with-exit-proc
2499          (lambda (ignore)
2500            (define *m*)
2501            (define *k*)
2502            (define-ftype foo (function (fixnum fixnum) ptr))
2503            (define f
2504              (lambda (n m)
2505                (if (fx= n 0)
2506                    (begin (set! *m* m) (values))
2507                    (if (fx= (fxmodulo n 10) 0)
2508                        (begin
2509                          (set! *m*
2510                            (call/cc
2511                              (lambda (k)
2512                                (fluid-let ([*k* k])
2513                                  (g (fx- n 1) (fx+ m 1))))))
2514                          (values))
2515                        (g (fx- n 1) (fx+ m 1))))))
2516            (define fptr (make-ftype-pointer foo f))
2517            (define g (ftype-ref foo () fptr))
2518            (with-exception-handler
2519              (lambda (c) (*k* *m*))
2520              (lambda ()
2521                (call/cc
2522                  (lambda (k)
2523                    (fluid-let ([*k* k]) (f $stack-depth $base-value))))))
2524            (unlock-object
2525              (foreign-callable-code-object
2526                (ftype-pointer-address fptr)))
2527            *m*))
2528        (+ $stack-depth $base-value)))
2529  (or (= (optimize-level) 3)
2530      ; make sure we can jump out a few frames at a time, returning from
2531      ; each with an fasl-reading error, just for fun
2532      (eqv?
2533        (let ()
2534          (define *m*)
2535          (define *k*)
2536          (define ip (open-file-input-port (format "~a/mat.ss" *mats-dir*)))
2537          (define-ftype foo (function (fixnum fixnum) fixnum))
2538          (define f
2539            (lambda (n m)
2540              (if (fx= n 0)
2541                  (begin (set! *m* m) (fasl-read ip))
2542                  (if (fx= (fxmodulo n 10) 0)
2543                      (begin
2544                        (set! *m*
2545                          (call/cc
2546                            (lambda (k)
2547                              (fluid-let ([*k* k])
2548                                (g (fx- n 1) (fx+ m 1))))))
2549                        (fasl-read ip))
2550                      (g (fx- n 1) (fx+ m 1))))))
2551          (define fptr (make-ftype-pointer foo f))
2552          (define g (ftype-ref foo () fptr))
2553          ; position "fasl" file at eof to make sure fasl-read isn't tripped up
2554          ; by something that appears almost valid
2555          (get-bytevector-all ip)
2556          (with-exception-handler
2557            (lambda (c) (*k* *m*))
2558            (lambda ()
2559              ($with-exit-proc
2560                (lambda (k)
2561                  (fluid-let ([*k* k]) (f $stack-depth $base-value))))))
2562          (unlock-object
2563            (foreign-callable-code-object
2564              (ftype-pointer-address fptr)))
2565          *m*)
2566        (+ $stack-depth $base-value)))
2567  ;; A callable isn't locked, but it's immobile
2568  (equal?
2569    (let ()
2570      (define Sinvoke2
2571        (foreign-procedure "Sinvoke2"
2572          (scheme-object scheme-object iptr)
2573          scheme-object))
2574      (define Fcons
2575        (foreign-callable
2576          (lambda (k y)
2577            (collect) ; might crash if `Fcons` were mobile
2578            (k (locked-object? Fcons)))
2579          (scheme-object iptr)
2580          scheme-object))
2581      (list
2582       ;; Call and normal callable return:
2583       (let ([v (Sinvoke2 Fcons (lambda (x) x) 5)])
2584         (list v (locked-object? Fcons)))
2585       ;; Escape from callable:
2586       (let ([v ($with-exit-proc (lambda (k) (Sinvoke2 Fcons k 5)))])
2587         (list v (locked-object? Fcons)))))
2588    '((#f #f) (#f #f)))
2590  ;; Make sure the code pointer for a call into a
2591  ;; foreign procedure is correctly saved for locking
2592  ;; when entering a callback as a callable:
2593  (equal?
2594   (let ()
2595     (define v 0)
2596     (define call_many_times (foreign-procedure "call_many_times" (void*) void))
2597     (define work
2598       (lambda (n)
2599         ;; This loop needs to be non-allocating, but
2600         ;; causes varying numbers of ticks
2601         ;; to be used up.
2602         (let loop ([n (bitwise-and n #xFFFF)])
2603           (unless (zero? n)
2604             (set! v (add1 v))
2605             (loop (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right n 1))))))
2606     (define handler (foreign-callable work (long) void))
2607     (with-object-kept-live
2608      handler
2609      (call_many_times (foreign-callable-entry-point handler)))
2610     (unlock-object handler)
2611     v)
2612   14995143)
2614  (equal?
2615   (let ()
2616     (define v 0)
2617     (define call_many_times_bv (foreign-procedure "call_many_times_bv" (void*) void))
2618     (define work
2619       (lambda (bv)
2620         (set! v (+ v (bytevector-u8-ref bv 0)))
2621         ;; Varying work, as above:
2622         (let loop ([n (bitwise-and (bytevector-u8-ref bv 1) #xFFFF)])
2623           (unless (zero? n)
2624             (set! v (add1 v))
2625             (loop (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right n 1))))))
2626     (define handlers (list (foreign-callable work (u8*) void)
2627                            (foreign-callable work (u16*) void)
2628                            (foreign-callable work (u32*) void)))
2629     (map lock-object handlers)
2630     (for-each (lambda (handler)
2631                 (call_many_times_bv (foreign-callable-entry-point handler)))
2632               handlers)
2633     (map unlock-object handlers)
2634     v)
2635   103500000)
2637  ;; regression test related to saving registers that hold allocated
2638  ;; callable argument
2639  (let* ([call-with-many-args (foreign-procedure "call_with_many_args" (void*) boolean)]
2640         [result #f]
2641         [cb (foreign-callable
2642              (lambda (i s1 s2 s3 s4 i2 s6 s7 i3)
2643                (set! result
2644                      (and (eqv? i 0)
2645                           (equal? (string->utf8 "this") s1)
2646                           (equal? (string->utf8 "is") s2)
2647                           (equal? (string->utf8 "working") s3)
2648                           (equal? (string->utf8 "just") s4)
2649                           (eqv? i2 1)
2650                           (equal? (string->utf8 "fine") s6)
2651                           (equal? (string->utf8 "or does it?") s7)
2652                           (eqv? i3 2))))
2653              (int u8* u8* u8* u8* int u8* u8* int)
2654              void)])
2655    (with-object-kept-live
2656     cb
2657     (call-with-many-args (foreign-callable-entry-point cb)))
2658    result)
2663  [(i3nt ti3nt)
2664   (mat i3nt-stdcall-foreign-callable
2665     (equal?
2666       (let ()
2667         (define Sinvoke2
2668           (foreign-procedure "Sinvoke2_stdcall"
2669             (scheme-object scheme-object iptr)
2670             scheme-object))
2671         (define Fcons
2672           (foreign-callable __stdcall
2673             (lambda (x y)
2674               (collect)
2675               (let ([ls (make-list 20000 #\z)])
2676                 (collect)
2677                 (collect)
2678                 (collect)
2679                 (collect)
2680                 (collect)
2681                 (cons (length ls) (cons x y))))
2682             (scheme-object iptr)
2683             scheme-object))
2684         (define (go) (Sinvoke2 Fcons 4 5))
2685         (go))
2686       '(20000 4 . 5))
2687     (eqv?
2688       (let ()
2689         (define Sinvoke2
2690           (foreign-procedure "Sinvoke2_stdcall"
2691             (scheme-object scheme-object iptr)
2692             scheme-object))
2693         (define fxFsum
2694           (foreign-callable __stdcall
2695             (lambda (x y)
2696               (if (fx= x 0)
2697                   y
2698                   (fx+ x (Sinvoke2 fxFsum (fx- x 1) y))))
2699             (scheme-object iptr)
2700             scheme-object))
2701         (define (fxgosum n) (Sinvoke2 fxFsum n 0))
2702         (fxgosum 20))
2703       210)
2704     (eqv?
2705       (let ()
2706         (define Sinvoke2
2707           (foreign-procedure "Sinvoke2_stdcall"
2708             (scheme-object scheme-object iptr)
2709             scheme-object))
2710         (define Fsum
2711           (foreign-callable __stdcall
2712             (lambda (x y)
2713               (if (= x 0)
2714                   y
2715                   (+ x (Sinvoke2 Fsum (- x 1) y))))
2716             (scheme-object iptr)
2717             scheme-object))
2718         (define (gosum n) (Sinvoke2 Fsum n (most-positive-fixnum)))
2719         (gosum 20))
2720       536871121))
2721   (mat i3nt-com
2722     (eqv?
2723       (let ()
2724         (define com-instance ((foreign-procedure "get_com_instance" () iptr)))
2725         ((foreign-procedure __com 0 (iptr int) int) com-instance 3)
2726         ((foreign-procedure __com 4 (iptr int) int) com-instance 17))
2727       37))])
2729(mat die-gracefully-without-stderr
2730  (let-values ([(to-stdin from-stdout from-stderr pid)
2731                (open-process-ports (format "~a -q" (patch-exec-path *scheme*))
2732                  (buffer-mode block)
2733                  (native-transcoder))])
2734    (fprintf to-stdin "(error #f \"oops 1\")\n")
2735    (flush-output-port to-stdin)
2736    (let ([s1 (get-line from-stderr)])
2737      (close-port from-stderr)
2738      (fprintf to-stdin "(error #f \"oops 2\")\n") ; this message should disappear
2739      (flush-output-port to-stdin)
2740      (fprintf to-stdin "(+ 17 44)\n")
2741      (flush-output-port to-stdin)
2742      (let ([s2 (get-line from-stdout)])
2743        (fprintf to-stdin "(reset-handler abort)\n")
2744        (fprintf to-stdin "(reset-handler)\n")
2745        (flush-output-port to-stdin)
2746        (let ([s3 (get-line from-stdout)])
2747          (close-port from-stdout)
2748          (fprintf to-stdin "'hello\n") ; should cause exception, then abort (via reset)
2749          (flush-output-port to-stdin)
2750          (let ([pid^ (machine-case
2751                        [(i3nt ti3nt a6nt ta6nt) pid]
2752                        [else ((foreign-procedure "waitpid" (int (* int) int) int) pid (make-ftype-pointer int 0) 0)])])
2753            (and
2754              (equal? s1 "Exception: oops 1")
2755              (equal? s2 "61")
2756              (equal? s3 "#<procedure abort>")
2757              (eqv? pid^ pid)))))))
2760(mat varargs
2761  (begin
2762    (define load-libc
2763      (machine-case
2764        [(i3ob ti3ob a6ob ta6ob a6s2 ta6s2 i3s2 ti3s2 i3qnx ti3qnx i3nb ti3nb a6nb ta6nb)
2765         '(load-shared-object "libc.so")]
2766        [(i3le ti3le a6le ta6le arm32le tarm32le arm64le tarm64le ppc32le tppc32le)
2767         '(load-shared-object "libc.so.6")]
2768        [(i3fb ti3fb a6fb ta6fb)
2769         '(load-shared-object "libc.so.7")]
2770        [(i3nt ti3nt a6nt ta6nt)
2771         '(load-shared-object "msvcrt.dll")]
2772        [(i3osx ti3osx a6osx ta6osx ppc32osx tppc32osx arm64osx tarm64osx)
2773         '(load-shared-object "libc.dylib")]
2774        [else (error 'load-libc "unrecognized machine type ~s" (machine-type))]))
2775    (define varargs_df (foreign-procedure (__varargs_after 1) "varargs_df" (double int int) double))
2776    (define varargs_dfii (foreign-procedure (__varargs_after 2) "varargs_dfii" (double int int) double))
2777    (define varargs_dfidf (foreign-procedure (__varargs_after 2) "varargs_dfidf" (double int double) double))
2778    (define varargs_sfdfi (foreign-procedure (__varargs_after 2) "varargs_sfdfi" (float double int) double))
2779    (define varargs_i7df (foreign-procedure (__varargs_after 1) "varargs_i7df" (int double double double double double double double)
2780                                            double))
2781    #t)
2782  (equal?
2783    (with-input-from-string
2784      (separate-eval
2785        `(begin
2786           ,load-libc
2787           (define f (foreign-procedure __varargs "printf" (string double) int))
2788           (f "(%g)" 3.5)
2789           (void)))
2790      read)
2791    '(3.5))
2792  (equal?
2793    (with-input-from-string
2794      (separate-eval
2795        `(begin
2796           ,load-libc
2797           (define f (foreign-procedure __varargs "printf" (string double double double double double double) int))
2798           (f "(%g %g %g %g %g %g)" 3.5 2.5 -1.5 6.75 8.25 -9.5)
2799           (void)))
2800      read)
2801    '(3.5 2.5 -1.5 6.75 8.25 -9.5))
2802  (equal?
2803    (with-input-from-string
2804      (separate-eval
2805        `(begin
2806           ,load-libc
2807           (define f (foreign-procedure __varargs "printf" (string double double double double double double double double) int))
2808           (f "(%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g)" 3.5 2.5 -1.5 6.75 8.25 -9.5 1e32 -4.5)
2809           (void)))
2810      read)
2811    '(3.5 2.5 -1.5 6.75 8.25 -9.5 1e32 -4.5))
2812  (equal?
2813    (with-input-from-string
2814      (separate-eval
2815        `(begin
2816           ,load-libc
2817           (define f (foreign-procedure __varargs "printf" (string double double double double double double double double double double) int))
2818           (f "(%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g)" 3.5 2.5 -1.5 6.75 8.25 -9.5 1e32 -4.5 7.25 -0.5)
2819           (void)))
2820      read)
2821    '(3.5 2.5 -1.5 6.75 8.25 -9.5 1e32 -4.5 7.25 -0.5))
2823  (equal? (let ([cb (foreign-callable __varargs
2824                                      (lambda (x y) (+ x y 5))
2825                                      (double-float double-float) double-float)])
2826            (with-object-kept-live
2827             cb
2828             ((foreign-procedure __varargs (foreign-callable-entry-point cb)
2829                                 (double-float double-float) double-float)
2830              3.4 5.5)))
2831          13.9)
2832  (equal? (let ([cb (foreign-callable __varargs
2833                                      (lambda (x y) (+ x y 5))
2834                                      (double-float double-float) single-float)])
2835            (with-object-kept-live
2836             cb
2837             ((foreign-procedure __varargs (foreign-callable-entry-point cb)
2838                                 (double-float double-float) single-float)
2839              3.5 -5.25)))
2840          3.25)
2842  (equal?
2843   (varargs_df 13.5 7 10)
2844   30.5)
2845  (equal?
2846   (varargs_dfii 13.5 -7 -10)
2847   -3.5)
2848  (equal?
2849   (varargs_dfidf 13.5 10 7.5)
2850   31.0)
2851  (equal?
2852   (varargs_sfdfi 10.5 3.25 8)
2853   21.75)
2854  (equal?
2855   (varargs_i7df 1 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0)
2856   36.0)
2859(mat structs
2860  (begin
2861    (define-ftype i8 integer-8)
2862    (define-ftype u8 unsigned-8)
2863    (define-ftype u16 unsigned-16)
2864    (define-ftype i64 integer-64)
2865    (define-syntax check*
2866      (syntax-rules ()
2867        [(_ (conv ...) T s [vi ...] [T-ref ...] [T-set! ...])
2868         (let ()
2869           (define-ftype callback (function conv ... ((& T)) double))
2870           (define-ftype callback-two (function conv ... ((& T) (& T)) double))
2871           (define-ftype pre-int-callback (function conv ... (int (& T)) double))
2872           (define-ftype pre-double-callback (function conv ... (double (& T)) double))
2873           (define-ftype callback-r (function conv ... () (& T)))
2874           (define get (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_get~a" s)
2875                                          () (& T)))
2876           (define sum (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_sum~a" s)
2877                                          ((& T)) double))
2878           (define sum_two (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_sum_two~a" s)
2879                                              ((& T) (& T)) double))
2880           (define sum_pre_int (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_sum_pre_int~a" s)
2881                                                  (int (& T)) double))
2882           (define sum_pre_int_int (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_sum_pre_int_int~a" s)
2883                                                      (int int (& T)) double))
2884           (define sum_pre_int_int_int_int (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_sum_pre_int_int_int_int~a" s)
2885                                                              (int int int int (& T)) double))
2886           (define sum_pre_int_int_int_int_int_int (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_sum_pre_int_int_int_int_int_int~a" s)
2887                                                                      (int int int int int int (& T)) double))
2888           (define sum_post_int (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_sum~a_post_int" s)
2889                                                   ((& T) int) double))
2890           (define sum_pre_double (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_sum_pre_double~a" s)
2891                                                     (double (& T)) double))
2892           (define sum_pre_double_double (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_sum_pre_double_double~a" s)
2893                                                            (double double (& T)) double))
2894           (define sum_pre_double_double_double_double (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_sum_pre_double_double_double_double~a" s)
2895                                                                          (double double double double (& T)) double))
2896           (define sum_pre_double_double_double_double_double_double_double_double
2897             (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_sum_pre_double_double_double_double_double_double_double_double~a" s)
2898                                (double double double double double double double double (& T)) double))
2899           (define sum_post_double (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_sum~a_post_double" s)
2900                                                      ((& T) double) double))
2901           (define cb_send (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_cb_send~a" s)
2902                                              ((* callback)) double))
2903           (define cb_send_two (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_cb_send_two~a" s)
2904                                                  ((* callback-two)) double))
2905           (define cb_send_pre_int (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_cb_send_pre_int~a" s)
2906                                                      ((* pre-int-callback)) double))
2907           (define cb_send_pre_double (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_cb_send_pre_double~a" s)
2908                                                         ((* pre-double-callback)) double))
2909           (define sum_cb (foreign-procedure conv ... (format "f4_sum_cb~a" s)
2910                                             ((* callback-r)) double))
2911           (define-syntax with-callback
2912             (syntax-rules ()
2913               [(_ ([id rhs])
2914                   body)
2915                (let ([id rhs])
2916                  (let ([v body])
2917                    (unlock-object
2918                     (foreign-callable-code-object
2919                      (ftype-pointer-address id)))
2920                    v))]))
2921           (and (let ([v (make-ftype-pointer T (malloc_at_boundary (ftype-sizeof T)))])
2922                  (get v)
2923                  (and (= (T-ref v) vi)
2924                       ...
2925                       (begin
2926                         (free_at_boundary (ftype-pointer-address v))
2927                         #t)))
2928                (let ([a (make-ftype-pointer T (malloc_at_boundary (ftype-sizeof T)))])
2929                  (T-set! a) ...
2930                  (and (= (+ vi ...) (sum a))
2931                       (= (+ vi ... vi ...) (sum_two a a))
2932                       (= (+ 8 vi ...) (sum_pre_int 8 a))
2933                       (= (+ 8 9 vi ...) (sum_pre_int_int 8 9 a))
2934                       (= (+ 8 9 10 11 vi ...) (sum_pre_int_int_int_int 8 9 10 11 a))
2935                       (= (+ 8 9 10 11 12 13 vi ...) (sum_pre_int_int_int_int_int_int 8 9 10 11 12 13 a))
2936                       (= (+ 8 vi ...) (sum_post_int a 8))
2937                       (= (+ 8.25 vi ...) (sum_pre_double 8.25 a))
2938                       (= (+ 8.25 9.25 vi ...) (sum_pre_double_double 8.25 9.25 a))
2939                       (= (+ 8.25 9.25 10.25 11.25 vi ...) (sum_pre_double_double_double_double 8.25 9.25 10.25 11.25 a))
2940                       (= (+ 8.25 9.25 10.25 11.25 12.25 13.25 14.25 15.25 vi ...)
2941                          (sum_pre_double_double_double_double_double_double_double_double
2942                           8.25 9.25 10.25 11.25 12.25 13.25 14.25 15.25 a))
2943                       (= (+ 8.25 vi ...) (sum_post_double a 8.25))
2944                       (= (+ 1.0 vi ...) (with-callback ([cb (make-ftype-pointer
2945                                                              callback
2946                                                              (lambda (r)
2947                                                                (exact->inexact (+ (T-ref r) ...))))])
2948                                           (cb_send cb)))
2949                       (= (+ 1.0 vi ... vi ...) (with-callback ([cb (make-ftype-pointer
2950                                                                     callback-two
2951                                                                     (lambda (r1 r2)
2952                                                                       (exact->inexact (+ (T-ref r1) ...
2953                                                                                          (T-ref r2) ...))))])
2954                                                  (cb_send_two cb)))
2955                       (= (+ 1.0 8 vi ...) (with-callback ([cb (make-ftype-pointer
2956                                                                pre-int-callback
2957                                                                (lambda (v r)
2958                                                                  (exact->inexact (+ v (T-ref r) ...))))])
2959                                             (cb_send_pre_int cb)))
2960                       (= (+ 1.0 8.25 vi ...) (with-callback ([cb (make-ftype-pointer
2961                                                                   pre-double-callback
2962                                                                   (lambda (v r)
2963                                                                     (exact->inexact (+ v (T-ref r) ...))))])
2964                                                (cb_send_pre_double cb)))
2965                       (= (+ vi ...) (with-callback ([cb (make-ftype-pointer
2966                                                          callback-r
2967                                                          (lambda (r)
2968                                                            (T-set! r) ...))])
2969                                       (sum_cb cb)))
2970                       (begin
2971                         (free_at_boundary (ftype-pointer-address a))
2972                         #t)))))]))
2973    (define-syntax check*t
2974      (syntax-rules ()
2975        [(_ arg ...)
2976         (and (check* () arg ...)
2977              (check* (__collect_safe) arg ...))]))
2978    (define-syntax check-n
2979      (syntax-rules ()
2980        [(_ [ni ti vi] ...)
2981         (let ()
2982           (define-ftype T (struct [ni ti] ...))
2983           (define s (apply string-append
2984                            "_struct"
2985                            (let loop ([l '(ti ...)])
2986                              (cond
2987                               [(null? l) '()]
2988                               [else (cons (format "_~a" (car l))
2989                                           (loop (cdr l)))]))))
2990           (check*t T s
2991                    [vi ...]
2992                    [(lambda (a) (ftype-ref T (ni) a)) ...]
2993                    [(lambda (a) (ftype-set! T (ni) a vi)) ...]))]))
2994    (define-syntax check
2995      (syntax-rules ()
2996        [(_ t1 v1)
2997         (check*t t1 (format "_~a" 't1)
2998                  [v1]
2999                  [(lambda (a) (ftype-ref t1 () a))]
3000                  [(lambda (a) (ftype-set! t1 () a v1))])]))
3001    (define-syntax check-union
3002      (syntax-rules ()
3003        [(_ [n0 t0 v0] [ni ti vi] ...)
3004         (let ()
3005           (define-ftype T (union [n0 t0] [ni ti] ...))
3006           (define s (apply string-append
3007                            "_union"
3008                            (let loop ([l '(t0 ti ...)])
3009                              (cond
3010                               [(null? l) '()]
3011                               [else (cons (format "_~a" (car l))
3012                                           (loop (cdr l)))]))))
3013           (check*t T s
3014                    [v0]
3015                    [(lambda (a) (ftype-ref T (n0) a))]
3016                    [(lambda (a) (ftype-set! T (n0) a v0))]))]))
3017    (define-syntax check-1
3018      (syntax-rules ()
3019        [(_ t1 v1)
3020         (check-n [x t1 v1])]))
3021    (define-syntax check-2
3022      (syntax-rules ()
3023        [(_ t1 t2 v1 v2)
3024         (check-n [x t1 v1] [y t2 v2])]))
3025    (define-syntax check-2-set
3026      (syntax-rules ()
3027        [(_ t x)
3028         (and
3029          (check-2 t i8 (+ 1 x) 10)
3030          (check-2 t short (+ 2 x) 20)
3031          (check-2 t long (+ 3 x) 30)
3032          (check-2 t i64 (+ 5 x) 50)
3033          (check-2 short t 6 (+ 60 x))
3034          (check-2 long t 7 (+ 70 x))
3035          (check-2 i64 t 9 (+ 90 x))
3036          (check-2 i8 t 10 (+ 100 x)))]))
3037    (define-syntax check-3
3038      (syntax-rules ()
3039        [(_ t1 t2 t3 v1 v2 v3)
3040         (check-n [x t1 v1] [y t2 v2] [z t3 v3])]))
3041    (define-syntax check-3-set
3042      (syntax-rules ()
3043        [(_ t x)
3044         (and
3045          (check-3 t i8 int (+ 1 x) 10 100)
3046          (check-3 t short int (+ 2 x) 20 200)
3047          (check-3 t long int (+ 3 x) 30 300)
3048          (check-3 t i64 int (+ 5 x) 50 500)
3049          (check-3 short t int 6 (+ 60 x) 600)
3050          (check-3 long t int 7 (+ 70 x) 700)
3051          (check-3 i64 t int 9 (+ 90 x) 900)
3052          (check-3 i8 t int 10 (+ 100 x) 1000))]))
3053    (define malloc_at_boundary (foreign-procedure "malloc_at_boundary"
3054                                                  (int) uptr))
3055    (define free_at_boundary (foreign-procedure "free_at_boundary"
3056                                                (uptr) void))
3057    #t)
3058  (check i8 -11)
3059  (check u8 129)
3060  (check short -22)
3061  (check u16 33022)
3062  (check long 33)
3063  (check int 44)
3064  (check i64 49)
3065  (check float 55.0)
3066  (check double 66.0)
3067  (check-1 i8 -12)
3068  (check-1 u8 212)
3069  (check-1 short -23)
3070  (check-1 u16 33023)
3071  (check-1 long 34)
3072  (check-1 int 45)
3073  (check-1 i64 48)
3074  (check-1 float 56.0)
3075  (check-1 double 67.0)
3076  (check-2-set int 0)
3077  (check-2-set float 0.5)
3078  (check-2-set double 0.25)
3079  (check-2 int int 4 40)
3080  (check-2 float float 4.5 40.5)
3081  (check-2 double double 4.25 40.25)
3082  (check-3-set int 0)
3083  (check-3-set float 0.5)
3084  (check-3-set double 0.25)
3085  (check-3 i8 i8 i8 4 38 127)
3086  (check-3 short short short 4 39 399)
3087  (check-3 int int int 4 40 400)
3088  (check-3 float float float 4.5 40.5 400.5)
3089  (check-3 double double double 4.25 40.25 400.25)
3090  (check-n [x i8 1] [y i8 2] [z i8 3] [w i8 4] [q i8 5])
3091  (check-n [x i8 1] [y i8 2] [z i8 3] [w i8 4] [q i8 5] [r i8 6] [s i8 7])
3092  (check-union [x i8 -17])
3093  (check-union [x u8 217])
3094  (check-union [x short -27])
3095  (check-union [x u16 33027])
3096  (check-union [x long 37])
3097  (check-union [x int 47])
3098  (check-union [x i64 49])
3099  (check-union [x float 57.0])
3100  (check-union [x double 77.0])
3101  (check-union [x i8 18] [y int 0])
3102  (check-union [x short 28] [y int 0])
3103  (check-union [x long 38] [y int 0])
3104  (check-union [x int 48] [y int 0])
3105  (check-union [x i64 43] [y int 0])
3106  (check-union [x float 58.0] [y int 0])
3107  (check-union [x double 68.0] [y int 0])
3109  ;; Check that `__collect_safe` saves argument and result floating-point registers
3110  ;; while activating and deactivating a thread
3111  (let ()
3112    (define-ftype T (struct [d double] [i integer-8] [n int]))
3113    (define sum_pre_double_double_double_double_double_double_double_double
3114      (foreign-procedure __collect_safe
3115                         "f4_sum_pre_double_double_double_double_double_double_double_double_struct_double_i8_int"
3116                         (double double double double double double double double (& T))
3117                         double))
3118    (let* ([p (foreign-alloc (ftype-sizeof T))]
3119           [a (make-ftype-pointer T p)])
3120      (ftype-set! T (d) a 1.25)
3121      (ftype-set! T (i) a 10)
3122      (ftype-set! T (n) a 100)
3123      (let loop ([i 1000000])
3124        (cond
3125         [(zero? i) (foreign-free p) #t]
3126         [else
3127          (let ([v (sum_pre_double_double_double_double_double_double_double_double 8.25 9.25 10.25 11.25 12.25 13.25 14.25 15.25 a)])
3128            (and (= 205.25 v)
3129                 (loop (sub1 i))))]))))
3130  (let ()
3131    (define-ftype T (struct [d double] [i integer-8] [n int]))
3132    (define-ftype callback (function __collect_safe ((& T)) double))
3133    (define cb_send (foreign-procedure __collect_safe
3134                                       "f4_cb_send_struct_double_i8_int"
3135                                       ((* callback)) double))
3136    (let ([cb (make-ftype-pointer
3137               callback
3138               (lambda (r)
3139                 (+ (ftype-ref T (d) r)
3140                    (ftype-ref T (i) r)
3141                    (ftype-ref T (n) r))))])
3142      (let loop ([i 1000000])
3143        (cond
3144         [(zero? i)
3145          (unlock-object
3146           (foreign-callable-code-object
3147            (ftype-pointer-address cb)))
3148          #t]
3149         [else
3150          (let ([v (cb_send cb)])
3151            (and (= v 112.25)
3152                 (loop (sub1 i))))]))))
3153  )
3155(mat collect-safe
3156  (error? (foreign-procedure __collect_safe "unknown" (utf-8) void))
3157  (error? (foreign-procedure __collect_safe "unknown" (utf-16be) void))
3158  (error? (foreign-procedure __collect_safe "unknown" (utf-16le) void))
3159  (error? (foreign-procedure __collect_safe "unknown" (utf-32be) void))
3160  (error? (foreign-procedure __collect_safe "unknown" (utf-32le) void))
3161  (error? (foreign-procedure __collect_safe "unknown" (string) void))
3162  (error? (foreign-procedure __collect_safe "unknown" (wstring) void))
3163  (error? (foreign-callable __collect_safe (lambda () #f) () utf-8))
3164  (error? (foreign-callable __collect_safe (lambda () #f) () utf-16le))
3165  (error? (foreign-callable __collect_safe (lambda () #f) () utf-16be))
3166  (error? (foreign-callable __collect_safe (lambda () #f) () utf-32le))
3167  (error? (foreign-callable __collect_safe (lambda () #f) () utf-32be))
3168  (error? (foreign-callable __collect_safe (lambda () #f) () string))
3169  (error? (foreign-callable __collect_safe (lambda () #f) () wstring))
3170  (begin
3171    (define-ftype thread-callback-T (function __collect_safe (double) double))
3172    (define (call-with-thread-callback cb-proc proc)
3173      (let ([callback (make-ftype-pointer thread-callback-T cb-proc)])
3174        (let ([r (proc callback)])
3175          (unlock-object
3176           (foreign-callable-code-object
3177            (ftype-pointer-address callback)))
3178          r)))
3179    (define (call-in-unknown-thread-1 proc arg n-times)
3180      ;; Baseline implementation that uses the current thread
3181      (let loop ([i 0] [arg arg])
3182        (cond
3183         [(= i n-times) arg]
3184         [else (loop (fx+ i 1) (proc arg))])))
3185    (define call-in-unknown-thread-2
3186      ;; Call in the current thread, but through the foreign procedure
3187      (if (and (threaded?)
3188               (foreign-entry? "call_in_unknown_thread"))
3189          (let ([call (foreign-procedure "call_in_unknown_thread"
3190                                         ((* thread-callback-T) double int boolean boolean)
3191                                         double)])
3192            (lambda (proc arg n-times)
3193              (call-with-thread-callback
3194               proc
3195               (lambda (callback) (call callback arg n-times #f #t)))))
3196          call-in-unknown-thread-1))
3197    (define call-in-unknown-thread-3
3198      ;; Call in a truly unknown thread:
3199      (if (and (threaded?)
3200               (foreign-entry? "call_in_unknown_thread"))
3201          (let ([call (foreign-procedure "call_in_unknown_thread"
3202                                         ((* thread-callback-T) double int boolean boolean)
3203                                         double)])
3204            (lambda (proc arg n-times)
3205              (call-with-thread-callback
3206               proc
3207               (lambda (callback) (call callback arg n-times #t #t)))))
3208          call-in-unknown-thread-1))
3209    (define call-in-unknown-thread-4
3210      ;; In an truly unknown thread, but also using `__collect_safe` to
3211      ;; deactivate the current thread instead of using `Sdeactivate_thread`
3212      ;; within the foreign function:
3213      (if (and (threaded?)
3214               (foreign-entry? "call_in_unknown_thread"))
3215          (let ([call (foreign-procedure __collect_safe "call_in_unknown_thread"
3216                                         ((* thread-callback-T) double int boolean boolean)
3217                                         double)])
3218            (lambda (proc arg n-times)
3219              (call-with-thread-callback
3220               proc
3221               (lambda (callback) (call callback arg n-times #t #f)))))
3222          call-in-unknown-thread-1))
3223    #t)
3224  ;; These tests will pass only if `collect` can run, where `collect`
3225  ;; can run only if a single thread is active
3226  (equal? (call-in-unknown-thread-1 (lambda (n) (collect 0) (+ n 1.0)) 3.5 1)
3227          4.5)
3228  (equal? (call-in-unknown-thread-2 (lambda (n) (collect 0) (+ n 1.0)) 3.5 2)
3229          5.5)
3230  (equal? (call-in-unknown-thread-3 (lambda (n) (collect 0) (+ n 1.0)) 3.5 3)
3231          6.5)
3232  (equal? (call-in-unknown-thread-4 (lambda (n) (collect 0) (+ n 1.0)) 3.5 4)
3233          7.5)
3234  (equal? (let loop ([n 10.0])
3235            (call-in-unknown-thread-4
3236             (lambda (n)
3237               (cond
3238                [(zero? n) (collect) 0.5]
3239                [else (+ 1.0 (loop (- n 1.0)))]))
3240             n
3241             1))
3242          10.5)
3243  ;; Try to crash a `__collect_safe` foreign-procedure call by moving the
3244  ;; return address out from under the foreign procedure. This attempt
3245  ;; should fail, because deactivating a thread first locks the
3246  ;; current code object.
3247  (or (not (threaded?))
3248      (let ([m (make-mutex)]
3249            [done? #f]
3250            [ok? #t])
3251        (fork-thread (lambda ()
3252                       (let loop ([i 10])
3253                         (unless (zero? i)
3254                           (let ([spin (eval '(foreign-procedure __collect_safe "spin_a_while" (int unsigned unsigned) unsigned))])
3255                             (spin 1000000 0 1))
3256                           (loop (sub1 i))))
3257                       (mutex-acquire m)
3258                       (set! done? #t)
3259                       (mutex-release m)))
3260        (let loop ()
3261          (mutex-acquire m)
3262          (let ([done? done?])
3263            (mutex-release m)
3264            (unless done?
3265              (let loop ([i 10])
3266                (unless (zero? i)
3267                  (eval '(foreign-procedure "spin_a_while" () void))
3268                  (loop (sub1 i))))
3269              (loop))))
3270        ok?))
3274  [(i3nt ti3nt)
3275   (mat i3nt-stdcall-collect-safe
3276     (equal?
3277       (let ()
3278         (define sum (foreign-procedure __collect_safe __stdcall "_sum_stdcall@8" (int int) int))
3279	 (sum 3 7))
3280        10)
3281     (equal?
3282      (let ()
3283        (define Sinvoke2
3284          (foreign-procedure __collect_safe "Sinvoke2_stdcall"
3285            (scheme-object scheme-object iptr)
3286            scheme-object))
3287        (define Fcons
3288          (foreign-callable __collect_safe __stdcall
3289            (lambda (x y) (cons x y))
3290            (scheme-object iptr)
3291            scheme-object))
3292        (Sinvoke2 Fcons 41 51))
3293      '(41 . 51)))
3294    (mat i3nt-com-thread
3295     (eqv?
3296       (let ()
3297         (define com-instance ((foreign-procedure "get_com_instance" () iptr)))
3298         ((foreign-procedure __collect_safe __com 0 (iptr int) int) com-instance 3)
3299         ((foreign-procedure __collect_safe __com 4 (iptr int) int) com-instance 17))
3300       37))])
3304(mat reference-bytevector
3305  (error? (make-reference-bytevector -1))
3306  (error? (bytevector-reference-ref #vu8(1 2 3) 0))
3307  (error? (bytevector-reference-ref (make-reference-bytevector 8) -8))
3308  (error? (bytevector-reference-ref (make-reference-bytevector 8) 'oops))
3309  (error? (bytevector-reference*-ref (make-reference-bytevector 8) -8))
3310  (error? (bytevector-reference*-ref (make-reference-bytevector 8) 'oops))
3311  (error? (reference-address->object #f))
3312  (error? (reference*-address->object #f))
3314  (not (reference-bytevector? #vu8(1 2 3)))
3315  (not (reference-bytevector? 7))
3316  (begin
3317    (define $reftest-bv (make-reference-bytevector (* 2 (foreign-sizeof 'ptr))))
3318    (reference-bytevector? $reftest-bv))
3319  (eqv? (* 2 (foreign-sizeof 'ptr)) (bytevector-length $reftest-bv))
3320  (eq? #f (bytevector-reference-ref $reftest-bv 0))
3321  (begin
3322    (define $reftest-bv2 (bytevector 1 2 3 4 5 6))
3323    (bytevector-reference-set! $reftest-bv 0 $reftest-bv2)
3324    (collect)
3325    (eq? $reftest-bv2 (bytevector-reference-ref $reftest-bv 0)))
3326  (with-interrupts-disabled
3327   (eqv? (if (= (foreign-sizeof 'ptr) 8)
3328             (bytevector-u64-native-ref $reftest-bv 0)
3329             (bytevector-u32-native-ref $reftest-bv 0))
3330         (object->reference-address $reftest-bv2)))
3331  (with-interrupts-disabled
3332   (and (eq? $reftest-bv2
3333             (reference-address->object (object->reference-address $reftest-bv2)))
3334        (eq? $reftest-bv2
3335             (reference*-address->object (object->reference-address $reftest-bv2)))))
3336  (begin
3337    (define $reftest-bv3 (bytevector 5 6 7 8))
3338    (bytevector-reference-set! $reftest-bv (foreign-sizeof 'ptr) $reftest-bv3)
3339    (collect)
3340    (eq? $reftest-bv2 (bytevector-reference-ref $reftest-bv 0)))
3341  (eq? $reftest-bv3 (bytevector-reference-ref $reftest-bv (foreign-sizeof 'ptr)))
3342  (eq? $reftest-bv3 (bytevector-reference*-ref $reftest-bv (foreign-sizeof 'ptr)))
3344  (let ()
3345    (lock-object $reftest-bv3)
3346    (let ([p (if (= (foreign-sizeof 'ptr) 8)
3347                 (bytevector-u64-native-ref $reftest-bv 8)
3348                 (bytevector-u32-native-ref $reftest-bv 4))])
3349      (foreign-set! 'unsigned-8 p 1 77)
3350      (equal? $reftest-bv3 #vu8(5 77 7 8))))
3352  (begin
3353    (unlock-object $reftest-bv3)
3354    (define $reftest-mem4 (foreign-alloc 20))
3355    (if (= (foreign-sizeof 'ptr) 8)
3356        (bytevector-u64-native-set! $reftest-bv 8 $reftest-mem4)
3357        (bytevector-u32-native-set! $reftest-bv 4 $reftest-mem4))
3358    (eqv? $reftest-mem4 (bytevector-reference*-ref $reftest-bv (foreign-sizeof 'ptr))))
3360  (begin
3361    (foreign-free $reftest-mem4)
3362    (define $reftest-flv (flvector 3.0 6.0 7.0))
3363    (bytevector-reference-set! $reftest-bv 0 $reftest-flv)
3364    (collect)
3365    (eq? $reftest-flv (bytevector-reference-ref $reftest-bv 0)))
3366  (with-interrupts-disabled
3367   (eqv? (if (= (foreign-sizeof 'ptr) 8)
3368             (bytevector-u64-native-ref $reftest-bv 0)
3369             (bytevector-u32-native-ref $reftest-bv 0))
3370         (object->reference-address $reftest-flv)))
3371  (with-interrupts-disabled
3372   (eq? $reftest-flv
3373        (reference-address->object (object->reference-address $reftest-flv))))
3375  (let ()
3376    (lock-object $reftest-flv)
3377    (let ([p (if (= (foreign-sizeof 'ptr) 8)
3378                 (bytevector-u64-native-ref $reftest-bv 0)
3379                 (bytevector-u32-native-ref $reftest-bv 0))])
3380      (foreign-set! 'double p 8 77.0)
3381      (equal? $reftest-flv #vfl(3.0 77.0 7.0))))
3383  (let ([b (box 45)])
3384    (bytevector-reference-set! $reftest-bv 0 b)
3385    (collect)
3386    (eq? b (bytevector-reference-ref $reftest-bv 0)))
3388  (reference-bytevector? (make-immobile-reference-bytevector 16))
3389  (let* ([i (make-immobile-reference-bytevector 16)]
3390         [p (#%$object-address i 0)]
3391         [cp (object->reference-address i)])
3392    (collect)
3393    (and (eqv? p (#%$object-address i 0))
3394         (eqv? cp (object->reference-address i))))
3395  (let ([i (make-immobile-reference-bytevector 16)])
3396    (bytevector-reference-set! i 0 '#(hello))
3397    (collect)
3398    (equal? '#(hello) (bytevector-reference-ref i 0)))
3400  (begin
3401    (bytevector-reference-set! $reftest-bv 0 #f)
3402    (eq? #f (bytevector-reference-ref $reftest-bv 0)))